Veer Seminar
Veer Seminar
Veer Seminar
the topic the current state and future of knowledge management which also
helped me in doing a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new
Punjabi University
Talwandi Sabo
During the past decade a paradigm shi in the domain of knowledge management (KM) has
emerged out of learning occurred from unfulfilled KM ini a ves. This emerging KM
endeavour. The no on that knowledge can readily be captured and embedded in machines
to be easily shared has lost its potency. Rather, knowledge crea on and sharing is being
advocated through socialisa on processes like building communi es of prac ce, either real
evident as KM research is advancing into the realms of social construc vism. These
constraints in KM are being recognised, and KM strategies are being devised that consider
these limita ons. Issues like leadership, vision and culture have become central to the
successful KM ini a ves. This paper presents the changing face of KM through a literature
review. It argues that KM is not just another management fad or recycled concept. Rather,
various trends and poten als of KM research are iden fied within the context of expanding
tremendous pace since its incep on in the last decade. This is evident in enormous
amount of literature exis ng and further growing in the area of KM. A thorough
review of the literature, however, reveals the transforma on that KM has been
being regarded as a management fad like TQM (Total Quality Management), BPR
This paper compliments the no on that KM is far from being a management fad
(Malhotra, 2004; Kidd, 2001). It is a paradigm in its own right and occupies a separate
more comprehensive framework of theory and iden fica on and discovery of various
components of this domain. This paper discusses the current state of KM research
and iden fies further trends and poten al in it for the benefit of the construc on
The quest for obtaining knowledge and effec vely u lising it is not new. This struggle
is as old as the history of human thought (Spiegler, 2000). Plato, Descartes and Kant
have all made a empts to define and understand the nature of knowledge and to
unearth the forces underpinning various phenomena in life. The methodologies used
today as the fundamental guidelines for basic and applied research. The discovery,
management theories in the twen eth century supported the industrial revolu on,
which turned later into the informa on revolu on. In turn, this has made it possible
to a ain business goals in a more profound and realis c way. But it was not un l mid
1980’s that individuals and organisa ons began to appreciate the increasingly
there was the realisa on that informa on systems and technology were con nually
growing, and technology was regarded as a panacea for all the complex business
problems. This acted as an impetus for experts in the field of informa on system and
technology to undertake various ini a ves in the domain of ar ficial intelligence, and
human experts. The basic assump on was that knowledge could be readily obtained
from an expert, easily codified and promptly put into use by others. To the
researchers dismay, such ini a ves did not meet with a lot of perceived success in
actual prac ce. They met with failures and non-use primarily because of the
complexity and user-non-friendliness of such technologies rendered them ineffec ve
(O’Brien, 1997).
capture, codify, transfer and share knowledge. Unfortunately these ini a ves have
also significant failed to realise expected benefits (Aouad et al., 1999; Davenport and
Pursak, 2000; Fernie et al., 2002). Various causes behind the failures may include
(Davenport and Pursak, 2000; Fernie et al., 2002, Walker, 2003; Liebowitz and
• A lack of recogni on of the need for appropriate leadership, vision, strategy and
• An insufficient reward system and a lack of mo va on. Storey and Barne (2000)
conducted a study of what can be learnt from the failure of KM ini a ves and
confirmed above men oned factors. Egbu (2000) observes that the lesson learnt
from these failures is that KM is 90% human ac vity and 10% technology. Similarly,
Tiwana (2003) notes that KM is not about building smart intranets, digital networks,
made available from humans and made part of the machines is being ques oned.
Fernie et al. (2003) have argued against the assump on, on which orthodox KM is
based; that knowledge freely exists and can be easily captured and shared through
lend itself easily to codifica on. This applies especially to tacit knowledge capture
shaped and enacted. For this reason KM supports and requires the building of
through which tacit knowledge transfers and sharing may be made possible (Bresne
et al., 2003; Augier and VendelØ, 1999; Swan et al., 1999; Hearn et al., 2002). These
of online forums or web-discussion boards, where experts can interchange ideas and
leave their exper se and knowledge in the forum for others to u lise and share
It can be argued that the current KM research and theory has generally restricted
organisa on. The emphasis is to capture, codify, transfer and share such knowledge
that is embedded in the organisa on’s rou nes and processes. Knowledge resides in
employees’ heads in a tacit form, and KM seeks it to make it explicit through the
balanced use of technology and so human related factors like leadership, vision,
strategy, reward systems and culture. This offers an efficient yet rather restricted and
narrow scope of KM, and compares poorly with what KM is actually perceived to
offer. There is a need to further expand its boundaries and provide benefits to
AI and machine learning (ML) can automate and streamline processes. For
Knowledge integration
Companies will shift their business processes to platforms that enable smooth
Digital workspaces
This sec on outlines the various poten als and trends that form part of the current
KM research including revisi ng the underlying concept of KM. For this reason
Tiwana (2003) observes that KM is progressively developing since the 1950s. Collins
(2002) who felt a sense of “Déjà vu” expressed the same sen ment while analysing
knowledge work. KM may act as an umbrella term encompassing all similar concepts
that are apparently having a flow of their own into one single stream. The resul ng
synergy would help strengthen KM concepts and would make it easy for researchers
Organisa ons have always looked for improved ways of business to keep
con nually create knowledge with a view to differen ate and gain advantage
over their compe tors. KM may well provide a means of producing
(Nonaka and Taguchei, 1995; von Krogh et al., 2000). A number of research
innova on in the construc on industry (Miozzo and Dewick, 2002; Salter and
Gann, 2003; Husin and Rafi, 2003). The lessons learnt from such ini a ves
avoids ‘reinven ng the wheel’ and ‘making the same mistakes again’. Argyris
(1978) and Senge (1990) introduced the idea of single loop learning and
double loop learning, organisa onal learning and the learning organisa on. In
highly desirable that lessons learnt are captured from one project and put
learning organisa on. Bringing organisa onal learning and the learning
merge together and remove the confusions and conten on influencing the
research community
All organisa ons at some point are confronted with the decision to adopt a
with the challenge of how to diffuse it throughout the organisa on. This is a
behalf of the organisa on, and it may determine the success of the
organisa on. Researchers like Roger (1995) have discussed this issue of
adop on and diffusion of innova on at great length, however the rela onship
revolu onising the business world. This revolu on is evident in changing the
trust among the trading partners. This sort of commitment and trust
emanates from sharing the knowledge with other trading partners in the
supply chain as well as joint problem solving within the concept of a ‘super-
team’. Conven onally informa on flow from one end of the supply chain to
not informa on alone would flow from one extreme end of supply chain to
related costs savings. KM principals are for everyone in the supply chain. Only,
the way through which they may want to reap benefits may vary and depend
on the organisa on’s posi on in the supply chain. The type of knowledge
required by organisa ons significantly varies depending upon its role in the
supply chain. Asser ons that KM is principally an issue for large organisa ons
is misleading, all organisa ons regardless of their size may benefit from KM.
benefits goes unno ced. Similarly, other innova ve organisa ons involved in
sort of innova on provided they can foresee, through cost benefit analysis,
benefits arising out of it. Construc on organisa ons, especially, are so busy
coping with the swi pace of construc on that hardly any me is le for them
to look for the ways to improve their work prac ces. Their main objec ve is
always to get the work done as soon as possible and save themselves from
the sword of liquidated damages that always looms over their heads. A strong
innova ons and cu ng edge research, choose and sample those based on
the needs of the organisa on and disseminate them to concerned personnel and
organisa ons in various sectors operate their own R&D departments fairly
well but construc on organisa ons find it very hard to jus fy investment in
R&D. As described earlier, most of the me, they are happy with the tools and
techniques they already have and consider those enough to finish the on-
going project. Se ling R&D under the theme of KM would give a new vigour
and vitality to the concept of R&D, where the objec ve would not only be the
its link with KM has reinforced KM’s role (Peansupap et al 2003). Further
advantage. Further, the link between R&D and building what Cohen and
appreciated now that wider principles of KM are linked to the R&D process
As we learn, under the new and emerging paradigm, its people not machines
that ma ers most to the organisa on. Human resource management (HRM)
management prac ces and provide with some framework where it may be
the benefit of the organisa on. Poten al research in this realm also includes
The paper has discussed the current state of KM research and has iden fied
various research direc ons that may be possible under the theme of KM. The
list of ini a ves examined is not exhaus ve and may enlarge as the research
area progresses. KM research has seen a paradigm shi in focus from more
more human oriented ac vity. This has made o en ignored issues like
leadership, vision, culture, mo va ons and rewards even more crucial to the
enhanced benefits to the organisa ons. Some may argue that KM is not new
own right and occupies its own intellectual domain. At present researchers
in innova on, organisa onal learning and learning organisa ons, adop on of
innova on and its diffusion can suitably be merged with KM theory. This
would simplify the research process and would reduce complexi es and
prac oners to understand it and hence employ it. The iden fica on of
various poten al and trend makes ground fer le for our future work, where