Sol Quiz1
Sol Quiz1
Sol Quiz1
2. [5 points] If position information is available for all points in the planar linkage below
in Fig. 2, can all of the velocities be determined uniquely if value of ω is given? Explain
your answer.
ME 232 Solution 1, Page 2 of 4 Jan 23, 2024
3. [5 points] A wheel with center at O rolls without slipping on the ground at point P.
If point O is displaced 10 in to the right, determine the displacement vector of point P
during this interval.
O O1
Solution: From Fig. 3(b), the vector triangles OP P1 and OO1 P1 give rise to two
vector equations:
Therefore, we have
P P1 = OO1 + O1 P1 − OP .
And, we have OP = −6ĵ, OO1 = 10î. Also, if ∠P1 O1 Q = ∆θ, and φ = 3π/2 − ∆θ,
then, O1 P1 = 6(cos φî + sin φĵ). Moreover, we know that rolling without slipping is
ME 232 Solution 1, Page 3 of 4 Jan 23, 2024
Ṙ = Ṙo + ṙ r + ω × r,
R̈ = R̈o + ω̇ × r + ω × (ω × r) + r̈ r + 2ω × ṙ r
Solution: Assuming y-axis as the horizontal and z-axis for the vertical axis, for the
particle, we have Ṙo = R̈o = 0, r = l(sin αĵ + cos αk̂), ṙ r = v(sin αĵ + cos αk̂), r̈ r =
a(sin αĵ + cos αk̂).
ME 232 Solution 1, Page 4 of 4 Jan 23, 2024
+2 points
Also, ω = ω k̂, ω̇ = 0, therefore, ω × r = −ωl sin αî, ω × (ω × r) = −ω 2 l sin αĵ, and
ω × ṙ r = −ωv sin αî,
+2 points
R̈ = ω × (ω × r) + r̈ r + 2ω × ṙ r ,
= −ω 2 l sin αĵ + a(sin αĵ + cos αk̂) − 2ωv sin αî,
= −2ωv sin αî + (a − ω 2 l) sin αĵ + a cos αk̂.
+1 point
Even if we assume, x-axis as the horizontal and y-axis as vertical, only the unit
vectors will change, the final answer will be the same.