Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
→ Safety
• Wear bike helmets during activities/sports that
require it
• Seatbelts
• Safe driving
• Proper use of infant car seats
o <3 years old: rear-facing (for them to have
back support when there is a sudden break or
→ Right Atrium
o >3 years old: front-facing booster seat (the
→ Right Ventricle
spine is stable and can withstand sudden
→ Left Atrium
brakes or accidents)
→ Left Ventricle
→ Assess for cerebral functioning: GCS, PERRLA (Pupil
→ The flow of blood in the heart is 1 way (normal)
Equally Round and Reactive to Light and
• If 2 way = regurgitation
→ Unoxygenated blood→ superior vena cava and inferior
• The prognostic indicator for head trauma is the
vena cava→ right atrium→ tricuspid valve→ right
level of consciousness
ventricle→ pulmonary valve→ pulmonary trunk→
• Difficult recovery if coma
pulmonary artery→ lungs for oxygenation→
• Uneven pupils (anisocoria)- brain damage
oxygenated blood→ pulmonary vein→ left atrium→
→ Assess for cervical injury
mitral valve or bicuspid valve→ left ventricle→ aortic
• Do not allow the child to sleep d/t possibility to
valve→ aorta→ different parts of the body system
progress to coma
→ One-way- normal
• (+) CI- immobilize to prevent further damage and
→ Two-way- regurgitation/ valvular problems
rush to the hospital
o Do not move the client
o Apply the splint according to the position in Artery Vein
which the px is found (wag mo na galawin
yung px) Oxygenated blood Unoxygenated
o Move the patient as a unit
From the heart To the heart
• (-) CI- HOBE (head of bed elevated) to decrease
ICP by the use of gravity (to decrease ICP by the Pressurized Non-pressurized
use of principle of gravity)
• If the patient is seen on the road, immobilize first Spurting blood when injured Oozing blood when injured
then move to a safe place
→ Cephalocaudal (mouth to anus)
Tuwid magsalita
→ aka Ngongo
→ Has speech problems
→ If palate is open → tongue cannot articulate well
(walang tinatamaan yung tongue sa ibabaw na
portion ng bibig)
→ It can also manifest when cleft lip + cleft palate
Deformity/Alteration in appearance
Heredity: Transferred genetically; balanced translocation of genes
Maternal smoking → CO2 will go up with the hemoglobin receptor sites → normally hemoglobin carries O2
PROBLEM IN (O2 are nutrients for the fetus) → if CO2 binds to the receptors, it would yield carboxyhemoglobin → O2
PREGNANCY cannot bind anymore → lesser oxygen → lesser development of the baby → deformities in the lip and/or
→ Difficulty of Feeding
→ Risk for Aspiration
PROBLEM → Risk for Infection
• URTI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection) → risk for aspiration → food aspirated in the lung
structure → inflammatory response activated → infection sets in
Provide with large nipples (synthetic nipples) Training cup (made up of rubber) or medicine
→ The larger the nipple the easier/stronger they can dropper
suction → More precise and therefore delivers accurate
→ If small nipple, milk will spill from the mouth fluid flow
→ Cross cut nipples depends on the strength of → Less likely for the baby to be aspirated
suction of the infant, also matters with age → If cup and medicine dropper both appears in
the choices, look for the age:
• 3 months or <1 yr old → use medicine
• >1 year old - cup → because it is more
sufficient to the baby’s needs
Cheiloplasty Palatoplasty
→ Rule of 10 - should be accomplished to undergo Surgical repair of the cleft palate
Cheiloplasty → Rule:
• 10 weeks • Not too early → if early → surgical site might
• 10 lbs reopen d.t growth of the baby
• 10k WBC • Not too late → speech problems had already
• 10g/dL Hgb occurred
• 18-24 months → before 2 years old
because the child is starting to learn to
speak; hence, if the surgery is done within
this period, speech problems will be
→ Narrowing of the areas d/t viral inflammation; self-
→ Priority: airway
→ Blockage of the exocrine glands d/t mucus
→ Organs affected:
• Lungs, pancreas, intestines, and sweat glands
• When the organs are wrapped with mucus, it loses
their functions
→ Dyspnea/ DOB
→ Pancreatitis (which makes cystic fibrosis deadly;
Pancreas is covered with mucus → pancreatic
leakage → pancreatitis)
→ Meconium ileus- meconium is retained in the ileum • Common allergens:
and has not moved d/t decreased peristalsis d/t o Pollen
blocking o Molds
• Ileum is covered with mucus → no peristalsis → o Dust
feces accumulate in the ileum → meconium o Weeds (seaweeds - rich in iodine e.g., iodized
remains in the ileum salt)
→ Increase salty sweat d/t clogged sweat glands ▪ Iodine is a common allergen
• Cystic fibrosis is the only condition that can cause o Pet danders - pet fur
this o Eggs - has albumin
▪ Albumin is a common allergen
Diagnostics o Seafoods
→ Sweat chloride test- ↑chloride levels in the sweat → Factors that causes exacerbation of asthma:
• Sweat naturally has sodium and it comes out with • Air pollutants
sweat, with the addition and increase of chloride in • Cold heat weather changes
the sweat→ Na+Cl→ salty sweat • Strong odors (perfume, smoke)
• White crystals in sweat: normal sodium • Extreme emotions
• Sweat glands → semi porous membranes → → Signs and Symptoms
selectively permeable → clogged → excretes, • Wheezes: expiratory
which it doesn’t normally do o During an asthmatic attack → if there’s
absence/decrease of wheezing (A DANGER
Management SIGN!) → represents complete obstruction of
→ CPT (chest physiotherapy) to address dyspnea the airway → Status Asthmaticus
• Percussion, vibration, postural drainage ▪ During emergency: Administer
• Done to loosen the retained secretions in the bronchodilators, corticosteroids,
lungs epinephrine, opening of airway
• Postural drainage uses gravity to expectorate (tracheostomy)
mucus (head is lower than the extremities) → Management:
• Done before meals, on an empty stomach to • Bronchodilators
prevent vomiting or 2 hours after meals (food is • Corticosteroids
already in the intestines) o For inflammatory responses
o Combi Drugs are now used (Bronchodilators
Medical Management + Corticosteroids)
→ Pancreatic enzymes • O2 therapy
• For digestion, because the pancreas is blocked → Avoid Allergens (best way to prevent asthma)
• Given with meals, never give it without meals as it
may cause autodigestion of the pancreas and
• Never double the dosage as it can also lead to
• Pancreatic Enzymes:
o Amylase - digests CHO
o Lipase - digests fats
o Trypsin - digests proteins (CHON)
Infant (0-18 Trust vs. mistrust Oral stage, the center Sensorimotor
months/ 0-12 So long as you give of gratification is the
months) the needs: food, mouth Learning through the sense
warmth, care trust
will be developed Breastfeeding, Toys given should be toys that would
teethers, pacifiers stimulate the senses (mobile toys,
lighting toys)
(+) risk for aspiration
because everything is
put in the mouth
Fear: stranger anxiety, those who are unfamiliar to them will stimulate fear
Play: solitary play (plays alone) since they are still in the sensorimotor stage, they learn still through the senses
Toddler (18 Autonomy vs. shame Anal stage, the center Preoperational Preconventional
months- 3 and doubt of gratification is the
years old) anus Egocentric, inability to understand the Punishment and
Offer the child point of view of others obedience
choices Most important is the
toilet training Best punishment and
obedience: timeout
Criteria for (remove all stimuli from
readiness for toilet the child)
1. Can sit and squat Place the child in a non-
2. Ability to remain stimulating environment
dry for about 2 hours (face the wall)
3. Ability to verbalize
the need to defecate Rule: should be timed (1
and urinate minute per year of age)
4. Show willingness e.g., The child is 3 y.o.,
to please parents face the wall for 3
5. They want to minutes
immediately change
their soiled diapers
Fear: separation anxiety, they do not want to be separated from their guardians or parents
Play: parallel play (side-by-side play), two kids play side by side but does not play with one another, no sharing or interaction this will
cause fights because both of them are autonomous
Preschooler Initiative vs. guilt Phallic stage→ Preoperational (Highest imagination, Preconventional
(3-6 years complexes can understand symbols/
old): symbolizations) Still egocentric
1. Oedipal- the baby E.g., leaves are imagined as money
boy is close to the
2. Elektra- the baby
first is close to the
Play: associative/ cooperative play (plays of children are related with one another) E.g., role-playing, make-believe plays
School-age Industry vs. inferiority Latent stage (same- Concrete operational Conventional (believes
(6-12 years sex orientation- in authority)
old) boys vs girls, no Understand the theory of conservation
mixing of sexes) and reversibility
Adolescent Identity vs. role Genital stage (sexual Formal operational Post conventional
(12-18 years confusion curiosity)
old) Already hypothetical, can rationalize Already knows morals,
Body image is Unwanted, laws, and is already
important at this unexpected responsible
stage pregnancies usually
occur here Knows what is good and
what is bad
Fear: rejection, that is why body image is the focus, peer pressure usually occurs here (nakikisama)