EE Handbook 2023
EE Handbook 2023
EE Handbook 2023
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Acknowledgments and dedications: 24
Illustrations 25
Tables 25
Headers 25
Footnotes and endnotes 25
Appendices 26
Reliance on external resources 27
Academic honesty 27
Bibliography 27
Citations 28
Referencing 28
Proofreading 28
6. Assessment of the extended essay 26
Inclusive assessment arrangements 29
Overview 30
Grade descriptors (Effective May 2018) 30
7. References 34
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important transferable skills such as research, critical thinking, and self-
management, which are communicated in the form of an academic piece of
writing. Emphasis is placed on engagement and reflection on the research
process, highlighting the journey the student has made on an intellectual and
personal level and how it has changed them as a learner and affected the final
Whichever subject is chosen, the extended essay is concerned with exploring a
specific research question through interpreting and evaluating evidence, and
constructing reasoned arguments. In undertaking the extended essay students
are guided through this process by a supervisor and encouraged to reflect on
insights gained, evaluate decisions, and respond to challenges encountered
during the research.
The aims of the extended essay are for students to:
● engage in independent research with intellectual initiative and rigour
● develop research, thinking, self-management and communication skills
● reflect on what has been learned throughout the research and writing process.
Assessment objectives
In working on the extended essay, students are expected to achieve the following
assessment objectives.
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Assessment objectives
Synthesis and ● To be able to discuss the research in terms of a clear and coherent
evaluation reasoned argument in relation to the research question.
● To be able to critically evaluate the arguments presented in the
● To be able to reflect on and evaluate the research process.
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Grade chart
Student responsibility
● Choose a subject from the available extended essay list. See Diploma Programme
coordinator or extended essay coordinator for details.
● Ensure that the starting point for your essay is a subject that is available.
● Observe the regulations with regard to the extended essay, including the
IB’s ethical guidelines.
● Read and understand the subject-specific requirements for the subject in which
you intend to complete your extended essay, including the interpretation of the
assessment criteria.
● Meet all internal deadlines set by the school in relation to the extended essay.
● Understand concepts related to academic honesty, including plagiarism and
collusion, for consistent manner. This also includes understanding the
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implications of the General regulations: Diploma Programme should there be a
breach of these.
● Attend three mandatory reflection sessions with your supervisor, the last of
which is the viva voce.
● Record your reflections on the Reflections on planning and progress form for
submission as part of the assessment of criterion E (engagement).
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The role of the RRS
Insights and information recorded in the RRS are expected to form the basis for
and find direct expression in the essay, reflection sessions and Reflections on
planning and progress form. Students are expected to share excerpts from the
RRS in discussions with their supervisor. Using these reflections as a point of
reference in their supervision sessions, students will be able to:
● demonstrate their planning
● discuss what they are learning
● evaluate their progress.
There are three mandatory reflection sessions that are a formal part of the
extended essay and should be recorded on the RPPF Following each session,
students are required to complete the relevant comment section on the form and
submit it to their supervisor.
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First formal This initial reflection session is a dialogue between the student and
reflection the supervisor based on the student’s initial explorations. The
session student sends their supervisor an outline of their research proposal
ahead of the meeting in order to give the supervisor the
opportunity to review their work.
Following this first session, the student is required to complete the
first student comment section of the PRPPF and submit it to their
The interim During this session the student must demonstrate the progress they
reflection have made in their research. The student needs to submit a
session completed piece of sustained writing in order to ensure the
supervisor that they understand the academic writing
requirements, including referencing formats.
Final The viva voce is conducted once the student has submitted the final
reflection version of their extended essay.
session (viva The viva voce is a short interview between the student and the
voce) supervisor, and is the mandatory conclusion to the extended essay
process. At this point in the process no further changes can be
made to the essay. The viva voce is a celebration of the completion
of the essay and a reflection on what the student has learned from
the process. The student is required to complete the last student
comment section of the RPPF and submit it to his or her supervisor.
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Submission requirements
After commenting on one full draft, the next version of the essay that the
supervisor sees must be the final one submitted to them before the viva voce. This
version of the extended essay must be clean; in other words, it must not contain
any comments from the supervisor or any other person. Once this version has
been submitted to the supervisor and discussed, students are not permitted to
make any further changes to it, unless deemed appropriate by the supervisor
because of an administrative error.
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3. Set up RRS and use this as the key planning and reflection tool for the
extended essay process
6. Draw up an outline plan for the research and writing process. This
should include timeline.
10. Plan a structure for the essay to get a sense of direction. This may change
as the research develops.
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Subject Choice:
Students may choose to complete an essay in any ONE of the subject areas
allowed. Since the objective of this essay does not include an integration of
subject areas, the information presented in the essay should be confined to only
one category.
● English Literature (Group 1)
● Hindi (Group 2)
● Business Management
● Psychology
● Economics
● Digital Societies
● Mathematics
● Computer Science
Subjects that require an experiment
● Biology
● Chemistry
● Physics
● Environmental System and Societies
● Computer Science
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Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature (English)
**A Group 2 Extended Essay must be written in the language in which it is registered
and focused on matters related to the target culture. You do not have to be fully fluent in
the language to be successful.
Category 1: Language: A specific analysis of the language (its use, structure and
so on) normally related to its cultural context or a specific text.
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Group 3: Individuals and Societies
● critically analysing their use and application in the business world and
their resultant impact on business activity.
Students are strongly advised to choose a topic that enables them to carry out
research and apply business management theories and techniques in a real-
world setting. This setting may be an organization, industry or market in a
particular region or country, or globally.
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EE in economics could include both primary and secondary data, obtained from
economics textbooks, general economics books, newspapers and magazines,
government publications, databases, interviews, or surveys.
Digital Societies: Digital Societies focuses on the systematic and critical study of
the relationship between information and communication technologies (IT
systems) and individuals and society.
The issues are often ethical—for example arising from the development,
implementation, use or disposal of IT systems—and require informed
Group 4: Sciences
Chemistry: A chemistry extended essay has a clear chemical emphasis. The essay
may be based on literature, theoretical models or experimental data, but students
are strongly encouraged to undertake experimental work as part of their
Physics: An extended essay in physics should have a basis in physical theory and
emphasize the essential nature of the subject. The student must be personally
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involved with the subject matter and not be simply an informant. Essays in
physics may be based on data collected by the student or information obtained
from literature, ideally from primary sources, and manipulated or analyzed in an
original way by the student.
Group 5: Mathematics
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Essays in this group are divided into six categories:
● the applicability of mathematics to solve both real and abstract problems
● the beauty of mathematics—eg geometry or fractal theory
● the elegance of mathematics in the proving of theorems—eg number
● the history of mathematics: the origin and subsequent development of a
branch of mathematics over a period of time, measured in tens, hundreds
or thousands of years
● the effect of technology on mathematics:
● in forging links between different branches of mathematics,
● or in bringing about a new branch of mathematics, or causing a particular
branch to flourish.
Research Question
Difference between topic, title and research question
● The topic of the extended essay is the subject, issue or theme that you are
investigating within a specific DP subject or world studies area of study. The
topic, which develops during the initial thinking about the EE, should later be
reflected in the wording of the title.
● The title of the EE is a clear, summative statement that specifically focuses the
topic being researched. It appears on the title page. A title should:
o be short, descriptive and succinct
o not be phrased as a question
o use key words that connect with the topic and the DP subject or world studies
area of study
o attract the interest of the reader.
● The research question derives from the title and is expressed as a question that is
intended to be answered through researching and writing the EE. It appears on
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the title page and could also be visible as a header throughout the essay. It
o be clear and focused
o provide a path through which you can undertake achievable research
o use key words that connect with the topic, the title, and the DP subject or world
studies area of study
o support the development of an argument.
What was the impact of To what extent was nationalism the guiding factor
Ho Chi Minh’s allegiance in Ho Chi Minh’s adoption of Leninism in 1920?
to Lenin?
What is the history of How does the legacy of Mei Lan Fang contribute to
Chinese theatre? modern Jingju?
How can the US To what extent did the rising COE prices affect the
government’s spending demand for new and used cars by the consumer
policy be reformed? population and hence affect the revenue generated
by the Singaporean economy for the period 2012–
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Title page
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Please note that the name of the student or the school should not appear on the title page
or on any page headers. This is because the work is assessed anonymously.
The title
The title of your essay should be a clear, focused summative statement of your
research, which gives the reader an indication of your research topic. It
should not be phrased as a research question.
Commodification and the To what extent can we interpret the negative attitude
body—an ethnographic from laymen towards organ donation as an act of
study of social resistance towards the demands of the hegemonic
representations about the medical model? The case of organ donation in
human body with relation to Argentina.
organ donation
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Contents page
A contents page must be provided at the beginning of the extended essay and all
pages should be numbered. Please note that an index page is not required and if
included will be treated as if it is not present.
The introduction should tell the reader what to expect in the essay. The
introduction should make clear to the reader the focus of the essay, the scope of
the research, in particular an indication of the sources to be used, and an insight
into the line of argument to be taken. While students should have a sense of the
direction and key focus of their essay, it is sometimes advisable to finalize the
introduction once the body of the essay is complete.
The main task is writing the body of the essay, which should be presented in the
form of a reasoned argument. The form of this varies with the subject of the
essay but as the argument develops it should be clear to the reader what relevant
evidence has been discovered, where/how it has been discovered and how it
supports the argument. In some subjects, for example, the sciences, sub-headings
within the main body of the essay will help the reader to understand the
Once the main body of the essay is complete, it is possible to finalize the
introduction (which tells the reader what to expect) and the conclusion (which
says what has been achieved, including notes of any limitations and any
questions that have not been resolved).
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Any information that is important to the argument must not be included in
appendices or footnotes/endnotes. The examiner will not read notes or
appendices, so an essay that is not complete in itself will be compromised across
the assessment criteria.
The conclusion says what has been achieved, including notes of any limitations
and any questions that have not been resolved. While students might draw
conclusions throughout the essay based on their findings, it is important that
there is a final, summative conclusion at the end. This conclusion(s) must relate
to the research question posed.
Students should use MLA style of academic referencing as soon as they start
writing following the guidelines of the IB document Effective citing and
The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic
style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. Given that the
extended essay is a formally written research paper, it should strive to maintain a
professional, academic look.
To help achieve this, the following formatting is required.
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● Readable font, font size 12-point, double spacing (conducive to on-screen
● page numbering
● no candidate, supervisor, or school name on the title page, page headers,
appendices or acknowledgment pages
● the file size must not be more than 10 MB. (Note that the RPPF is uploaded
separately and is not part of the overall file size of the essay.)
Word Count
The upper limit of word count is 4,000 words for all extended essays.
Please note: Examiners are instructed not to read or assess any material in excess
of the word limit.
Please refer to the following guidance on what content should be included in the
word count.
The bibliography
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Acknowledgments and dedications:
An acknowledgment/dedications page may be included in the EE if this is
important to the student, but it must contain no “identifiers”, for example,
people should not be detailed in any way that makes the student’s school
identifiable. An acknowledgment/dedications page is not a formal requirement
of the EE, so it does not contribute to either the word count or assessment.
Presentation and overall neatness are important. Graphs, diagrams, tables and
maps are effective only if they are clearly labelled and can be interpreted with
All such material that is incorporated into the extended essay must be directly
related to the text and acknowledged where appropriate. The use of photographs
and other images is acceptable only if they are captioned and/or annotated and
are used to illustrate a specific point made in the extended essay. Students are
advised to use illustrations with caution as excessive use may detract from the
discussion in the essay.
The use of tables should be considered carefully and are only really appropriate
in certain subjects. Tables must not be used in an attempt to circumvent the word
Students may wish to use the header function for their research question, so that
it appears on each page. This may help retain focus.
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Footnotes and endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes may be used for referencing purposes and if this is the
case will not be included in the word count of the essay. If information is
contained in a footnote or endnote and is not a reference, this must be included
in the word count. As footnotes and endnotes are not an essential part of the
extended essay students must take care to ensure that all information with direct
relevance to the analysis, discussion and evaluation of their essay is contained in
the main body of it.
Appendices are not an essential part of the extended essay and examiners will
not read them, or use any information contained within them, in the assessment
of the essay. Students must take care to ensure that all information with direct
relevance to the analysis, discussion and evaluation of their essay is contained in
the main body of it. Appendices may contain:
● an exemplar of a questionnaire or interview questions
● an exemplar of permission letters
● group 1, category 1 essays: copies of poems or short stories (of less than three
● group 1, category 3 essays: excerpts from newspapers, advertisements and
transcripts of speeches
● language acquisition, category 1 and 2: excerpts from newspapers,
advertisements, transcripts of speeches, etc
● language acquisition, category 3: excerpts or copies of poems or short stories (less
than 3 pages)
● an external mentor letter, where one has been used
● raw data or statistical tables for experimental sciences (this should not include
any analysis or conclusions).
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Students should not continually refer to material presented in an appendix as
this may disrupt the continuity of the essay and examiners are not required to
refer to them.
Academic honesty
Research practices when working on an extended essay must reflect the
principles of academic honesty. The essay must provide the reader with
the precise sources of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate
citations, which may be in-text or footnotes, and full references listed in the
Failure to comply with this requirement will be viewed as academic misconduct and will,
therefore, be treated as a potential breach of IB regulations.
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The whole essay needs to be proofread carefully by the student (computer
spelling and grammar checkers are useful but will not do everything). They must
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not ask someone else to proofread their work as this is an important part of the
learning experience.
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Grade descriptors (Effective May 2018)
Grade A
Engagement with the process is conceptual and personal, key decision-making during the
research process is documented, and personal reflections are evidenced, including those
that are forward-thinking.
Grade B
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times evidences critical evaluation; and a clear presentation of all structural and
layout elements, which further supports the reading of the essay.
Engagement with the process is generally evidenced by the reflections and key decision-
making during the research process is documented.
Grade C
Engagement with the process is evidenced but shows mostly factual information, with
personal reflection mostly limited to procedural issues.
Grade D
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in those processes that occasionally interfere with the planning and approach;
some relevant knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of
the discipline, which are at times irrelevant; the attempted application of source
material, but with inaccuracies in the use of, or underuse of, terminology and/or
concepts; irrelevant analysis and inconsistent conclusions as a result of a
descriptive discussion; a lack of evaluation; presentation of the essay that at
times is illogical and hinders the reading; and structural and layout elements that
are missing.
Engagement with the process is evidenced but is superficial, with personal reflections
that are solely narrative and concerned with procedural elements.
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