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Origin and Preservation Conditions of Organic Matter in The Mozambique Channel: Evidence For Widespread Oxidation Processes in The Deep-Water Domains

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Origin and preservation conditions of organic matter in

the Mozambique Channel: Evidence for widespread

oxidation processes in the deep-water domains
Martina Torelli, Anne Battani, Daniel Pillot, Eric Kohler, Joel Lopes de
Azevedo, Isabelle Kowalewski, Lucie Pastor, Christophe Brandily, Sabine
Schmidt, Gwenael Jouet, et al.

To cite this version:

Martina Torelli, Anne Battani, Daniel Pillot, Eric Kohler, Joel Lopes de Azevedo, et al.. Ori-
gin and preservation conditions of organic matter in the Mozambique Channel: Evidence for
widespread oxidation processes in the deep-water domains. Marine Geology, 2021, 440, pp.106589.
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Marine Geology
October 2021, Volume 440, Pages 106589 (16p.)
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106589 https://archimer.ifremer.fr

Origin and Preservation Conditions of Organic Matter in the

Mozambique Channel: Evidence for Widespread Oxidation
Processes in the Deep-Water Domains

Torelli Martina 1, *, Battani Anne 1, Pillot Daniel 1, Kohler Eric 1, De Azevedo Joel Lopes 1,
Kowalewski Isabelle 1, Pastor Lucie 2, Brandily Christophe 2, Schmidt Sabine 3, Jouet Gwenael 4,
Deville Eric 1

1 IFP Energies Nouvelles, 1-4 Av. de Bois-Préau, 92852, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
2 IFREMER, Centre, de Bretagne, REM/EEP, Laboratoire Environnement Profond, F-29280 Plouzané,
3 UMR5805 EPOC, CNRS, OASU, Université de Bordeaux, 33615 Pessac, France
4 IFREMER, Centre, de Bretagne, REM/GM, Laboratoire Cycles Géochimiques et ressources, F-29280

Plouzané, France

* Corresponding author : Martina Torelli, email address : torellimartina.90@gmail.com

Abstract :

The Mozambique and Madagascar margins present major rivers that are responsible for the discharge of
large amounts of terrestrial organic matter (OM) which can influence carbon cycling in marine
environments. Therefore, the Mozambique channel represents a unique case to study the fate of the
organic carbon in deep-water domains. Using a new and extensive data set of sedimentary OM collected
from sediment traps, seafloor sediments and core sediments, we address the origin of the OM that is
transported and deposited in the Mozambique Channel, its degradation state and preservation conditions.
A Rock-Eval 6 survey allowed us to characterize the origin and amount of OM from shallow to deep-water
turbidite systems, between 500 and 4400 m water depth. Rock-Eval 6 performed on suspended sediments
within particle traps at 47 m above the seabed show that the OM is transported into the deep-water domain
with relatively high TOC (between 1.5 and 2.5%). However, the OM is largely oxidized close to the water-
sediment interface (Oxygen Index >300 mg CO2/g TOC). Seafloor sediments sampled to a maximum
depth of 40 cm show lower TOC values compared to those collected from particle traps suggesting that
the degradation of the OM is mainly active at the water-sediment interface. Small concentrations of OM
are preserved within the recent sediments of the distal area of the Zambezi turbidite system below 2500 m
water depth (TOC < 0.5%). Rock-Eval results show that core sediments from the Majunga slope (NW
margin of Madagascar) and the Zambezi slope (Mozambique margin) contain the highest concentration
of terrestrial OM (TOC between 1 and 2%). However, the OM within core sediments from the deep-water
domain is largely oxidized and degraded, probably due to the conjugate effect of low sediment
accumulation rates (SAR) and high permeabilities of the coarse-grained sediments. Consequently, the
deep-water domain of the Mozambique Channel does not seem to be an important sink of terrestrial OM.
This process is reinforced by important bottom water currents which induce the remobilization and
transport of seafloor sediments that lead to higher oxygen exposure time in the uppermost centimeters of

Please note that this is an author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication following peer review. The definitive
publisher-authenticated version is available on the publisher Web site.


► Origin and deposition of the Organic Matter in the main physiographic provinces of the Mozambique
Channel ► Rock-Eval 6 data and δ13C isotopic signature to determine the variability of OM composition
within suspended, seafloor and core sediments ► EDS-SEM analysis, Sediment Accumulation Rates and
Oxygen Exposure Times to assess the preservation condition of the OM in the Mozambique Channel ►
Important bottom currents are prone to maintain higher OET by the remobilization of the uppermost
sediments and its OM ► Small concentration of terrestrial OC (TOC < 0.5%) are preserved in seafloor
sediments of deep-water domain

Keywords : organic matter, transport, preservation, oxidation, Mozambique Channel, Rock- Eval,
Scanning Electron Microscopy

Please note that this is an author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication following peer review. The definitive
publisher-authenticated version is available on the publisher Web site.
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1. Introduction

More than 80% of the particulate Organic Matter (OM) is buried on continental and insular
margins (Hedges and Keil, 1995). The burial rate of OM in marine settings affects the
sediment Organic Carbon (OC) budget (Burdige 2007) which is still not well understood and
remains questionable (Gordon and Goñi 2003). It is well known that the burial of OC in
marine sediments is a sink for CO2, possibly greater than that resulting from the alteration of
silicates (Gailladert et al. 1999; Galy et al., 2015). Therefore, quantifications of lateral fluxes
of OC from land to oceans are key controlling factor for CO2 exchange with the atmosphere

and the natural carbon cycle (Regnier et al. 2013). In addition, transport conditions of OC to
oceans on the geological time scale determine whether it may be a source or sink to the active

carbon cycle (Bröder et al. 2018).
OC is transported mainly by rivers to the ocean, with a flux estimated between 410 TgC.y-1
and 580 TgC.y-1 (Schlesinger and Melack, 1981; Romankevich et al. 2009; Mignard et al.
2017). Most of the OM entering continental shelf areas is rapidly re-mineralized (Hedges

1997; Burdige 2005) but a fraction of it can be preserved and eventually reaches deep-water
domains (Baudin et al. 2020; Mignard et al. 2017). The efficiency of such a process is
controlled by the type of OM (e.g. terrestrial or ―type III‖ vs marine or ―type II‖) which can

lead to selective degradation and preservation conditions (Hedges et al. 1988; Stow 2001,
Burdige 2007). It is well known that terrestrial OM which is composed mainly of higher plant

residues, is more resistant to degradation than marine OM which derives from marine

phytoplankton (Cowie et al. 1992; Burdige 2007). Therefore, higher amounts of terrestrial
OM are more likely to migrate from the shelf to the deep-water domains, mainly transported
by lateral movement of the sediments (e.g. turbidites). In contrast, marine OM is generally
dominated by vertical movement of particles (e.g. Mollenhauer et al. 2007). In addition to the
lability of the OM, there are several factors that control its preservation before and after
sedimentation along the continental shelf such as (a) primary productivity and rate of OM
supply (Pedersen and Calvert 1990; Jahnke 1990), (b) oxygen conditions of the water column
and in the uppermost centimeters of sediments (Hartnett et al. 1998), (c) sedimentation rate
(Muller and Suess 1979, Burdige 2007) and, (d) grain size (Keil et al. 1994).

Conventional hypotheses concerning OM preservation did not consider scenarios with large
accumulations of OM in deep-water areas (Suess 1980). However, deep-water depositional

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environments can be characterized by important OM accumulations, as observed by Stow et

al. (2001) in the Makkassar Strait (Indonesia). The terrestrial OM found in Quaternary
sediments is transported through the Mahakam Delta Province by turbidity currents, and
deposited at more than 2000 m of water depth with relatively high Total Organic Carbon
(TOC) content (between 1% and 2%) (Stow et al. 2001). Another example of such
depositional environment is the Congo system in which the terrestrial OM is transported 760
km offshore through the canyon to the distal fan (Vangriesheim et al., 2009; Baudin et al.,
2010; Baudin et al., 2017). Within the distal lobes, TOC values range from 3.5% to 4%
(Baudin et al. 2017) due to an efficient OM preservation process. Also there is a direct
connection between canyon and river. Therefore, the deep-water domain of the Congo system

is a great sink of continental OC (Baudin et al. 2017). Maier et al. (2019) discussed the fate of
the OC reaching the deep-water domain along the Monterey Canyon (offshore California) at

water depths between 278 and 1849 m, based on the analysis of OM collected in sediment
traps and sediment cores. According to the isotopic signature of OC from sediment traps, the
water column is more enriched in marine OM than sediments at the sea floor that show a
higher terrestrial contribution. The marine OM is better preserved in the water column, as the
effect of sediment transport in the canyon induces deposition and reworking of seafloor

sediments which results in a higher consumption and degradation of the marine OM compared
to the terrestrial ones (Maier et al. 2019).

Knowing that, we propose to study the origin, fate and preservation state of OM in the

turbiditic system of the Mozambique Channel to assess whether this area acts as a sink of
carbon as the other systems cited above. This system provides a unique opportunity to study

the OC in the deep-water domains where major rivers (Fig. 1) are responsible for the
discharge of large amounts of terrestrial OM. We propose a new approach that studies the
distribution of the OM along the entire channel from within the water column to the very
early deposition, using sediment traps, interface cores and piston sediment cores. We combine
Rock-Eval data, elemental analyses of carbon and δ13C values to assess the origin and
degradation-preservation processes during deposition, from shallow to deep-water turbidite
systems (between 500 and 4400 m of water depth). Using additional data of sediment
accumulation rates and oxygen micro-profiles, the evolution of the recently deposited OM is
compared between the main physiographic provinces of the Mozambique Channel. Finally, a
sample from each margin was analyzed using Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy –
Scanning Electron Microscopy (EDS-SEM) to identify the nature of the mineralogical

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composition and the lithofacies of the sediments which has an important impact on OM


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2. Geological framework

The Mozambique channel corresponds to a wide straight between Africa and Madagascar
(Fig. 1). It was formed progressively, during more than 140 Ma, since the breakup of
Gondwana (Rabinowitz et al., 1983) and the formation of the oceanic lithosphere of the
Mozambique Basin during Jurassic-Cretaceous times (Mueller and Jokat, 2019; Thompson et
al., 2019). The central part of the Mozambique Channel is still tectonically active today as the
southern prolongation of the eastern branch of East African Rift System, and this tectonic
activity has controlled the development of volcanic systems and related seamounts emerging
locally in Europa and Bassas da India (Deville et al., 2018). This active tectonic setting is also

associated with a zone of uplift which has influenced the sedimentary pattern, notably the

Zambezi turbidite system (Fierens et al., 2019). The continental margins of the Mozambique
Channel are mostly steep transform or transtensive margins.
The Mozambique Basin is largely filled by a turbidite system from the Zambezi River, the
main river along the east African coast. It is also partly filled by turbidite currents from
Madagascar, mainly focused in the Tsiribihina submarine valley which is sourced mainly by

the Tsiribihina and Mangoki Rivers (Fierens et al., 2019; Fig. 1). The Betsiboka and
Mahavavy Rivers, in the north-western part of Madagascar, are responsible for large

sedimentary accumulations on the continental shelf (Berthois and Crosnier, 1966; Wiles et al.,
2009; Pastor et al., 2020; Fig. 1). These rivers coming either from Africa or Madagascar

provide large detrital OM input to the Mozambique Channel.


In the Mozambique Basin, strong bottom currents have been described even in the very deep-
water areas (between 2000 and 4000 m water depth) (Miramontes et al., 2019). These bottom
currents are responsible for the development of eddies which partly block the Mozambique
undercurrents, enhancing southward flow along the Zambezi Channel. Measured bottom
currents in the Zambezi and Tsiribihina submarine valleys reach more than 50 cm.s−1, and
these strong bottom currents are responsible for strong erosion processes along the Zambezi
deep sea valley (Miramontes et al., 2019).

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3. Material and methods

This study was conducted in the framework of the PAMELA (PAssive Margin Exploration
LAboratory) research project (Bourillet et al., 2013) which included several oceanographic
exploration surveys in the Mozambique Channel, Pamela-Moz01 (Olu, 2014), Pamela-Moz04
(Jouet and Deville, 2015) and Pamela-Moz08 (Khripounoff, 2016). Samples were collected
along the Zambezi system (slope, valley and distal part) and Tsiribihina turbidite systems, as
well as along the continental slope off the Betsiboka and South-Mahavavy Rivers (the largest
rivers of NW Madagascar) (Fig. 1). The main objective of this sampling campaign was to gain
an understanding of the evolution of the OM in Quaternary sediments along the eastern

margin of Africa.

Sediment traps in moorings located 47 m above the seabed are described in Miramontes et al.
(2019) and Pastor et al (2020). We will refer to such samples as ―suspended sediments‖.
Recovered suspended sediments were kept at 4°C for treatment in the laboratory. Interface
cores were collected with an interface multicorer (MTB, 30-40 cm maximum penetration),
referred as ―seafloor sediments‖. These cores were sliced vertically on-board and samples

were kept frozen (-20°C) to be analyzed in the laboratory. Piston sediment cores were
collected with the Küllenberg corer (KS or KSF, recovered core length up to 12 m) of the R/V

Atalante (Pamela-Moz01 survey) and the Calypso corer (CS or CSF, recovered core length up
to 33 m) of the R/V Pourquoi Pas? (Pamela-Moz04 survey). We will refer to such samples as

―core sediments‖. Samples were taken on-board and kept at 4°C to be analyzed in the
laboratory. Sampling systems with sediment traps, interface cores and gravity/piston cores are

described in Supplementary Material (Fig. S1, Appendix A).

3.1 Rock-Eval
Rock-Eval pyrolysis is a standard method for the study of organic-rich rocks. The method was
originally developed for petroleum applications as it provides a rapid determination of the
content, type and maturity of organic matter (Espitalié et al., 1977, 1984; Lafargue et al.,
1998; Behar et al., 2001). In addition, Rock-Eval also yields information about type and
amount of carbonates within sedimentary rocks (Pillot et al., 2014). Rock-Eval analysis can
be performed either on the bulk rock (Espitalie et al., 1977) or on concentrated organic matter
samples (Behar et al., 2001). Rock-Eval 6 analysis (Lafargue et al., 1998) consists of
pyrolysis during which samples are heated first in a pyrolysis furnace under inert gas, and

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then in a combustion furnace using air which allows to determine the petroleum potential of a
sedimentary rock. The hydrocarbons liberated during the progressive heating are measured
with an FID (Flame Ionization Detector) and form the peak S1 that represents the free thermo-
vaporized hydrocarbons. The peak S2 corresponds to the liquid effluents released during
cracking of organic matter. The residual sediments are then subjected to a progressive
combustion (oxidation under air). CO and CO2 are released during pyrolysis and combustion
and are measured continuously using Infra-Red cells. The peak S3 corresponds to the CO2
content released during pyrolysis of the insoluble organic matter (kerogen). These
measurements quantify the inorganic carbon (MINC) and the TOC of the analyzed samples.
The amount of bulk rock required for Rock-Eval analysis ranges from 50 to 70 mg. In this

study, we applied a method used at IFP Énergies Nouvelles (IFPEN) adapted for recent
sediments (Deroo et al., 1983; Deville et al., 2015) which applies a lower heating program

than used normally for the study of consolidated sediments, with an initial plateau of 200°C
(procedure adapted for immature sediments) instead of 300°C. In addition, samples were first
rinsed with fresh water because they were poorly compacted and rich in seawater. Samples
were then centrifuged and dried prior to the analysis. These preparation steps were carried out
to overcome problems related to the presence of sodium chloride which can generate HCl and

induce an early destabilization of carbonates during pyrolysis and subsequent damage to the
analyzing device. A similar method has also been used by Baudin et al. (2017). Rock-Eval

Total Carbon (TC%) values of all core samples have been cross-checked with TC (%) values
obtained by elemental analyses (Fig. 2A). Also, calcite content (%) obtained with Rock-Eval

(Pillot et al., 2015) has been compared with XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) data using the XRF
Avaatech scanner (Fig. 2B).

3.2 OC content and δ13C of sedimentary organic carbon

For specific seafloor sediments (MOZ4-MTB4 and MTB5, and MOZ1-MTB10, MTB12 and
MTB15), Total Carbon (TC %) content was determined using a Leco CNS-2000 auto-
analyzer using acetanilide for calibration. The relative standard deviation (RSD) was typically
< 3% on samples duplicates. Carbonates were removed with HNO3 (30%) at a constant
temperature of 60°C overnight. Subsequently, OC (%) content was determined using the Leco
CS-125 elemental analyzer using steel chips from LECO for the calibration. The RSD of the
measurement was <1% based on 17 standards replicates and typically < 5% on samples
duplicates. Differences between TC (%) and OC (%) allowed to determine the Inorganic
Carbon (MINC) content (%) (Pastor et al. 2020).

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Isotopic signature of the sedimentary organic carbon (δ13C) for 52 samples from specific
sediment traps (i.e. MLP 3, MLP5, MLP7, MLP8) was assessed through the Combustion
Module-Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CM-CRDS - Picarro) (Balslev-Clausen et al.,
2013). Samples were acidified with HCl 1 N at 40 °C until carbonates were completely
dissolved. Samples were rinsed again using milli-Q water to remove acid residues. After a
freeze-drying process, around 10 mg were then analyzed in a small capsule of 5 × 9 mm.
Calibration was performed according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
reference material (Pastor et al. 2020). Precision was typically within 0.03‰ for a triplicate.

3.3 EDS-SEM analysis

EDS-SEM techniques are used to determine the microscopic structure of minerals and organic

matter assemblages producing a surface map of the chemical composition of the sample. The
sample is then converted into a mineralogical map of the total matrix. We present here EDS-
SEM results from two samples that are not consolidated and characterized by very low
permeability. The first sample was collected along the Zambezi continental slope at 78 cm bsf
from the top of core MOZ04-CS17 (602 m of water depth). The second sample is from the

Majunga continental slope at 54 cm bsf from the top of the core MOZ01-KSF12 (735 m of
water depth). Samples were first dried 1 week at 60°C and subsequently frozen at -80°C and
then lyophilized. Lyophilization is a process that removes the water from low permeability

material with limited damage to the micro-structure of the sample. Because of their low
permeability, samples have been impregnated with a depressurization cup at – 0.8 bar to

enable injection of the resin in the small sample pores. The impregnated samples were then
sawed and polished for the SEM analysis. Microscopy was performed with a ―high vacuum‖

conventional SEM (EVO MA10, Zeiss SMT) in IFPEN laboratories. A motorized five axis
stage provided a first visualization of the samples. The electron microscope is equipped with a
tungsten filament at 15 kV and 100 mA and uses a probe current at 700 to 750 pA for EDS
analysis (mineral identification). It is also used with a probe current at 150 pA for secondary
electron (SE) imaging at high spatial resolution to observe the surface topography, and with a
back scattered electron detector (BSE) to obtain images with atomic number contrast. The
calibration of the silicon drift detector of EDS is done on pure cobalt for quantitative analysis
during 10 s at 10 to 15 kcps (kilo-counts per second), with a dead time of about 15%. In some
cases, XRD is not sufficient to identify minerals. In this case, SEM micrography coupled with
EDS analysis can be used to identify and define mineral phases through their chemical
composition. Chemical micro-analysis is standardized on various minerals with a well-known
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chemical composition and controlled by electron microprobe (Reference standards for X-ray
microanalysis n° 7610 from Micro-Analysis Consultant Limited, UK).

3.4 Sediment accumulation rates

Sediment accumulation rates (SARs) are determined with different methods depending on the
available samples. SARs were calculated from depth profiles of excess Pb (210Pbxs; T1/2 =
22.3 years) of interface cores from the Madagascar and Mozambique Margins: MOZ1-MTB6
(Fontanier et al., 2018), MOZ1-MTB3, MOZ4-MTB2 and MOZ4-MTB3 (Pastor et al., 2020)
210 226
and MOZ4-MTB4 and MOZ4-MTB5 (this work). Activities of Pb and Ra were
determined on sediment samples by gamma spectrometry using a well-type, high-efficiency

gamma detector ―Canberra‖ (Schmidt and De Deckker, 2015). The detector was calibrated
using IAEA reference material. Activities are expressed in mBq g-1 and errors are based on

one standard deviation counting statistics. Excess -p Pb was calculated by subtracting the
226 210
activity supported by its parent isotope, Ra from the total Pb activity in the sediment.
Sediment layers were measured downcore until reaching negligible excess values. Mean
SARs were calculated from the Pbxs profiles assuming constant flux and constant
sedimentation (referred to as the CF:CS model). SAR along the Zambezi deep sea valley has

been deduced from a single radiocarbon dating performed on foraminifera on the interface
core MOZ1-MTB10 at 35 cm below seafloor. As seafloor sediments were not available in the

Tsiribihina valley, a minimum SAR was estimated by converting the mean annual mass flux
measured by a moored sediment trap placed 47 m above the sea floor over a period of 13

months (Miramontes et al., 2019) and assuming a density of 1.5 g cm-3 (average gamma
density measured on piston cores).

3.5 O2 microprofiling
The O2 profiles were measured on interface cores kept in a refrigerated box to reproduce a
temperature close to the in-situ conditions. For each station, the oxygen concentration in the
bottom water was determined by the Winkler titration technique adapted by Aminot and
Kérouel (2004). The surface water was gently bubbled to avoid any stratification during the
profiling. A microsensor multimeter (Unisense S/A, Denmark) with one to two Clark type
oxygen probes Ox-50 (Revsbech, 1989) with a motor controller were used to record depth
microprofiles inside the sediment with a 50 to 500 μm resolution depending on the oxygen
penetration depth. A linear calibration was performed between the oxygen concentration
measured in the overlying water and an oxygen free solution. Between 1 and 12 profiles were

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performed on each core. For each profile, the oxygen penetration depth (OPD) was estimated.
In situ oxygen exposure times (OET) were calculated as the ratio between OPD and SAR
(Hedges and Keil, 1995, Pastor et al. 2011). OET provide an estimate of the time during
which accumulating uppermost sediments are exposed to molecular oxygen. However,
sediments are likely impacted by lateral OET as function of the sediment transport time which
represent a controlling parameter on OM degradation across continental shelfs (Keil et al.
2004; Bröder et al. 2018). A few estimates of lateral OET give a broad range of impact on
overall OET: Bröder et al (2018) concluded that the lateral OET is order of magnitude higher
than the in-situ in Siberian-Artic land ocean while Keil et al., (2004) concluded that lateral
OET could double the overall OET along the Washington margin. Hence, lateral OET are

intimately dependent on regional settings. In this study, transport of OM is mainly driven by
turbidity currents, which can transport a particle several hundreds of km away in few years as

showed in the Congo system (Rabouille et al. 2009). Given that and the high calculated in situ
OET in the distal area, we assume that lateral OET contribution is negligible compared to in
situ OET.

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4. Results

The characterization of the OM degradation-preservation processes from shallow to deep-

water turbidite systems of the Mozambique Channel is mainly based on Rock-Eval 6 (RE6)
analyses of core sediments, seafloor sediments and suspended sediments. Full results are
attached in Supplementary Material (Table S1, Appendix B). Here, RE6 results are presented
as average values by piston core, interface core and sediment trap (Table 1). The location of
the sampling sites is presented in Figure 1 and detailed locations are indicated in Table 1.

The TC (%) content obtained by RE6 and Leco shows a good correlation (R2= 0.9; Fig. 2A).

Also, CaCO3 content determined from RE6 and Ca content determined from XRF show the

same vertical trend (Fig. 2B). Note that samples presented in Figure 2 were selected from the
same levels, but the analysed material is not exactly the same which explains the small
differences. Therefore, the comparison of (1) TC measured by Rock-Eval method with Leco,
and (2) Inorganic Carbon (MINC) measured with XRF demonstrates that the TOC determined
from Rock-Eval is reliable and can be considered calibrated for this study.

For suspended sediments, δ13C analysis of OC, in addition to other proxies like RE6
measurements, could help to better assess OM origin. δ13C values in the range between -17 ‰

and -23 ‰ are typical for marine phytoplankton, -24 ‰ to – 30 ‰ for C3 plants (typically
mangroves) (Bouillon et al., 2008), and -8 and -15 ‰ for C4 plants (Yeh and Wang 2001).

Therefore, the measured δ13C in this study, which are slightly lighter than -21 ‰, can be
considered either as a marine contribution or a mix between sources.

4.1 Analyses of suspended sediments

Particles collected by moored sediment traps located at 47 m above the seabed show TOC
values between 1.5% and 3.5%, S2 peaks between 2.3 and 10 mg HC/g of rock (Fig. 3a), HI
values between 180 and 300 mg HC/g TOC, and OI values between 150 and 300 mg CO2/g
TOC (Fig. 3b). Considering a reference HI value of 400 mg HC/g TOC and 100 mg HC/g
TOC for marine and terrestrial OM respectively (Espitalie et al., 1985), we can assume that
the OM analyzed from particle traps is mainly terrestrial (Table 1). Rock-Eval results seem to
be confirmed by the δ13C values of OC from suspended sediments which vary between -21.5
and -22.1 ‰ (Table 2; Fig. 4). These results suggest that continental-derived OM is transiting
along continental slopes, and is transported down to the distal area of the Zambezi turbidite

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system, thereby preserving high TOC and HI values (Fig. 3). However, the isotopic signature
can also indicate a mixture of marine and terrestrial OM, with a higher input of terrestrial
material. Note that suspended sediments from the distal valley show S2, TOC, HI and OI
values similar to the suspended sediments collected in the Tsiribihina submarine valley or
even in the Majunga margin, rather than the Zambezi valley (Fig. 3b; Table S1).

4.2 Analyses of seafloor sediments

Results obtained from seafloor sediment samples at a maximum depth of 30 – 40 cm (MTB)
show lower values in TOC (0.6 to 1.43%), S2 (2.5 to 10 mg HC/g rock), and HI (180 to 320
mg HC/ g TOC) as compared to suspended sediments (Table 1). OI values are lower than 300

mg CO2/g TOC in the Majunga area, in the Tsiribihina channel area and in the distal channel
of the Zambezi turbidite system and up to 600 mg CO2/g TOC along the Zambezi slope

(Table 1 and Supplementary material, Table S1, Appendix B). Tmax values are relatively high
for this completely immature OM which can be interpreted as an advanced state of OM
degradation of humic substances (Hare et al., 2014). Rock-Eval analysis on seafloor
sediments were performed on two samples collected at a specific depth interval for each MTB
(0.5 cm and 6.5 cm) (Table S1). TOC value strongly decreases in seafloor sediments located

in the distal depositional areas (Fig. 1, Table S1). Therefore, additional analyses through Leco
were performed on 65 samples from specific MTBs (MOZ1-MTB10, MOZ1-MTB12, MOZ1-

MTB15) (Fig. 1) to better determine their OC (%) content (Fig. 5). They yield very low OC
(%) content between 0.2 to 0.6 %. Suspended sediments in the same distal regions show

higher TOC values (between 1.5% to 2.6%) (Table 1; Fig. 3) suggesting that the OM is
transiting to the deep-water domains while minimally affected by degradation. However, the

OM is rapidly degraded once it is deposited (Fig. 5).

4.3 Analysis of core sediments

Core sediments in the Mozambique Channel have been collected at a maximum depth from
12 to 33 m. They show moderate TOC (TOC < 1.8%), S2 (< 2 mg HC/g of rock) and Tmax
values characteristic of immature sediments (< 420°C) (Table 1). A higher OM content is
observed in the northwestern part of Madagascar (Majunga margin), where the slope is fed by
major rivers such as Betsiboka and South-Mahavavy. Higher OM content is also observed in
the Davie Ridge area and along the Zambezi continental slope (Fig. 6). All samples show a
low HI of around 300 mg HC/g TOC and a higher OI, with a mean value of 300 mg CO2/g
TOC (Table 1). Note that HI and OI values are not given for TOC values < 0.5% because they
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are considered not reliable. These results are characteristic of a terrestrial OM composed
mainly of higher plants (type III) (van Krevelen, 1950). However, we do observe differences
in terms of HI for samples from the Majunga and the Davie Ridge sectors compared to the
Zambezi slope (Fig. 6). Samples show a first trend of HI values between 50 and 100 mg HC/g
TOC, with a mean value of 75 mg HC/g TOC. A second trend is characterized by a mean HI
value of 150 mg HC/g TOC. Therefore, differences in terms of HI may be related to different
oxidation conditions of the initial terrestrial OM, or to a mixture of marine and terrestrial OM.
Sediments from the Zambezi continental slope contain type III OM, with S2 values around 1
mg HC/g rock and a TOC content of up to 1.8%. Sediments collected from the Zambezi
turbidite system, both from the valley and from the distal depositional area, are characterized

by low S2 values < 0.5 mg HC/g rock and TOC < 0.8% (Fig. 6). Sediments from the
Tsiribihina turbidite system (sourced from Madagascar) show even lower TOC values

between 0.13 and 0.61%. Finally, samples collected in the distal area of the Mozambique
basin show the lowest S2 (< 0.3 mg HC/g rock) and TOC values (< 0.2%; Fig.6). As such, a
strong OM decrease is observed with increasing water depth, from the Zambezi continental
slope to the distal valley of the Zambezi turbidite system (Fig. 7).

According to RE6, following the method of Pillot et al. (2014) which allows us to characterize
and quantify carbonates in solid samples, mineral carbon is present in all samples, mainly in

the form of calcium carbonate. Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show the content of organic carbon (TOC %)
and inorganic carbon (MINC %) in the analyzed core samples as a function of depth.

Depending on the core location, the OM content is either correlated (CS17, CS21, CS25,
CS26) or anti-correlated (CS22; Fig. 9) with the mineral carbon content. In the latter case, the

dilution of the OM is related to an increase of carbonate-rich turbidites that are sourced from
Bassas da India Island (Fig. 1).

4.4 EDS-SEM analyses on core sediments

EDS-SEM analyses have shown that core sediments from the Zambezi continental slope and
in the Majunga margin (respectively samples MOZ04-CS17-S1-78 and MOZ01-KSF12-S1-
54) are mainly characterized by a matrix composed of very fine sediments and shell debris
principally made of calcite, with a mean size of 100 μm dispersed in the matrix (Fig. 10;
Table 3). All samples show quartz, calcite and feldspar, and minerals are usually well
preserved and not altered. However, a drastic textural difference appears between the
sediments collected from the Zambezi slope and those from the Majunga slope. The samples

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from the Majunga slope show a better preservation compared to those from the Zambezi slope
which appears largely damaged (Fig. 10). The composition and quantities of chemical
elements are very different between these two areas (Table 3). EDS-SEM shows that CS17-
S1-78 is composed mainly of K-feldspar and phyllosilicates such as mica (biotite and
muscovite; Fig. 11). Aggregates of iron oxides are found inside marine bioclasts and inside
OM which is also partly calcified, with accumulation of silica (Fig. 12). The MOZ01-KSF12-
S1-54 sample (offshore Majunga) is composed mainly of calcite and aragonite, with small
amounts of K-feldspar and mica. These sediments are very rich in bioclasts but they do not
show accumulation of iron oxides (Fig. 13) which is in contrast with measurements presented
by Pastor et al. (2020) showing that iron oxides are abundant.

4.5 Sediment accumulation rates

Pb-derived SARs range from 0.4 to 2.49 cm yr-1 in the Madagascar margin (Fontanier et al.,
2018; Pastor et al., 2020) and from 0.064 to 1.43 cm yr-1 in the Mozambique margin (this
study; Table 4; Fig. S2, Appendix A). In the Zambezi channel, radiocarbon dating gave a
calibrated age of 7090 ± 150 Cal yrs BP (calibrated years before the present) (6580 ± 30 C
yrs BP) and thus a minimum SAR of approximately 0.005 cm yr-1 (Table 4). In the Tsiribihina

valley, mass accumulation rates in a sediment trap gave a value of 8 mg cm-2 yr-1. This is
equivalent to a sediment accumulation rate of 0.012 cm yr-1 (assuming a density of 1.5 g cm-3

for the sediments; Table 4). Note that this SAR value is a minimum estimate because it does
not integrate the sediment supply which occurs laterally between the sediment traps (47 m

above seabed) and the seabed, notably coarse clastic material transported by

turbidite/contourite currents.

4.6 Oxygen penetration depths

At most sites of the study area, oxygen concentration disappears within the upper 3 cm of
sediment, except in the Tsiribihina (MOZ1-MTB12) and Zambezi valleys (MOZ1-MTB10
and MOZ1-MTB15; Fig. 14) of the deep-water area of the Mozambique Channel. The lowest
measured oxygen penetration depth (OPD) gave a value of 5 mm (Table 4). They were found
in the Madagascar margin in reduced sediments that were affected by methane diffusion
(MOZ4-MTB1 and MOZ4-MTB3; Pastor et al., 2020). The highest OPD were found in the
Tsiribihina (> 9 cm at MOZ1-MTB12) and Zambezi valleys (8.3 cm at MOZ1-MTB10; > 9
cm at MOZ1-MTB15). At the greatest depth which is in the distal part of Zambezi valley
(4070 m at MOZ1-MTB15), concentrations were still above 25 µM at 8 cm (Fig. 14).

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Assuming a continual decrease in oxygen concentration with depth, the OPD in the
Tsiribihina valley and the Zambezi distal channel can be estimated to 11 and 12 cm
respectively (Table 4). OET values are low in the margins (less than 200 years) whereas they
reach several thousands of years in the deep-water area of the Mozambique basin (Table 4).


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5. Discussion

5.1 Origin of the sedimentary OM

It is generally assumed that carbon flux decreases with water depth due to degradation of OM
within the water column (Suess, 1980). Yet this process holds more for the marine OM flux
(type II) compared to the continental OM flux (type III). Several studies have shown that
terrestrial OM can be transported by down-slope movements and preserved in deep-water
domains (Stow et al., 2001; Mollenhauer et al. 2007; Baudin et al., 2017). In this study we
tried to understand the origin and the fate of the OM transported from the shallow to the deep-

water domain of the Mozambique Channel.

RE6 data indicate that suspended sediments from the Zambezi slope are characterized by
higher OI values (300 to 700 mg CO2/g TOC), i.e. more oxidized samples, compared to
suspended sediments from the deep-water Zambezi distal valley (150 to 300 mg CO2/g TOC)
(Fig. 3b). The Zambezi distal valley presents suspended sediments which are less oxidized
compared to the Zambezi slope (Fig. 3b), and that show more affinity in terms of S2, TOC, HI

and OI values with suspended sediments collected in the Tsiribihina submarine valley or even
in the Majunga margin (Fig. 3b). According to these observations, the Zambezi distal valley

would be preferentially fed by the Madagascar river system rather than from the Mozambique
margin. This interpretation is consistent with the recent uplift caused by active tectonics

across the Mozambique Channel (Deville et al., 2018) and that resulted in the partial closure
of the main Zambezi turbidite channel near the western Bassas da India-Europa area (Fierens

et al., 2019) (Fig. 1).

According to HI and OI values by Rock-Eval analysis, all the suspended sediments collected
in the main physiographic provinces of the Mozambique Channel seem to be characterized by
terrestrial OM. Based on average values of δ13C between -21.5 and -22.1 ‰, a mixture of
different sources (marine and terrestrial; Fig. 4) cannot be excluded. However, in the
Betsiboka estuary (Fig. 1), values in this range were interpreted as a mixture of C3 and C4
derived OM, with negligible algal inputs (Ralison et al., 2008). Similar values were then
found at the top of interface cores on the continental shelf (Pastor et al., 2020). The OM at
seafloor and in core sediments shows characteristic Rock-Eval 6 values (i.e. HI and OI
values) typical of terrestrial-derived OM (Fig. 6; 15). For comparison, the Monterey Canyon

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in offshore central California shows an increase of marine OM influence in suspended

sediments compared to core sediments (Mayer et al. 2019). The authors propose a scenario in
which sediment density flows in the Monterey Canyon induce reworking and deposition of
seafloor sediments, resulting in preferential consumption of marine OM in cores than in
sediment trap compare to terrestrial OM. In the Mozambique Channel, the presence of
turbidity currents in deep-water domains (Miramontes et al. 2019) can be regarded as
responsible of low organic carbon burial efficiency (Mayer et al. 2019) which would explain a
better preservation of marine OM in sediment traps and δ13C values of mixed OM sources.

5.3 Preservation condition of the sedimentary OM

Sediment cores show that the OM is characterized by two HI groups: a first group with

average HI values around 150 mg HC/g TOC (NW of Madagascar and in the Davie Ridge
area), and a second HI group with average values around 75 mg HC/g TOC (Zambezi system)
(Fig. 6). Considering that the suspended sediments collected in the Zambezi slope are already
largely oxidized before deposition (Fig. 3b), we can assume that the different HI groups
observed in the sediment cores (Fig. 6) are likely due to different oxidation conditions of an

initial terrestrial OM, as an increase of OM oxidation can lead to higher OI and lower HI
values (Baudin et al. 2017). Additional studies on palynofacies, carbon stable isotopes (δ13C)
of seafloor samples or organic petrography (e.g. optical analysis) could help to confirm this

interpretation. We also compare RE6 results of suspended sediments, seafloor sediments and
sediment cores to better assess preservation and transport conditions (Fig. 15). Suspended

sediments contain the highest OM content (TOC values between 1.5 and 3.5%) both in the

shallow water and in the deep-water domains (Fig. 3a; 15a). The OM seems to be transported
over large distances and minimally affected by degradation processes. Along the Zambezi
turbidite system, OM collected in sediment traps shows that it is preserved with higher TOC
and HI and lower OI values (HI > 200 mg HC/g TOC, OI < 300 mg CO2/g TOC) and
transported by turbidite and/or bottom currents towards the deep-water domains (Fig. 15).
However, below 2500 m of water depth, the OM content in seafloor sediments strongly
decreases, especially in the distal depositional areas (Fig. 16). The decrease of TOC in
seafloor sediments of the deep-water domain of the Mozambique Channel (Fig. 5) is
particularly notable when compared with other turbidite systems such as the Orinoco river
(Deville et al., 2015). The OM signature observed in the Orinoco abyssal plain (2000 to 4000
m of water depth) is similar to the Mozambique Channel (Fig. 3). However, the OM is better
preserved in the recent sediments of the Orinoco abyssal plain which show TOC values
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between 0.5% and 1.5%. We can also compare our findings with the Congo deep-sea fan
where the OM is transported by turbidity currents to 5000 m of water-depth while preserving
high values of TOC (~ 3.5 to 4%) (Baudin et al., 2017) (Fig. 3). Although the OM is well
transported to the distal lobe of the Mozambique Channel as shown by suspended sediments
(TOC between 1.5 and 2.6 %), it is strongly degraded at the water-sediment interface (Fig. 5).
Therefore, we observe that the terrestrial OM sourced by the major rivers along the
Mozambique and Madagascar margins reaches the deep-water domain of the Mozambique
Channel but it is not preserved in the recent sediments. In contrast to the Orinoco or Congo
turbidite systems, the Mozambique Channel does not seem to be an important sink for recent
terrestrial OM. This is probably due to the activity of bottom water currents. Miramontes et al.

(2019) have shown that the Mozambique Channel can be defined as a mixed turbidite-
contourite system dominated by erosional processes at the seafloor induced by intense bottom

currents. Therefore, the complexity of water circulation in the basin may be responsible for
the remobilization of the OM which is then diluted and degraded (Fig. 5). This is also
confirmed by the higher OPD in the distal depositional area of the Mozambique Channel (e.g.
> 9 cm at MOZ1-MTB12) (Fig. 14) compared to the Congo turbidite system where measured
OPD are ˂ 1 cm (Pozzato et al. 2017).

5.2 Evolution of the OM deposition in the physiographic provinces of the Mozambique



The mineralogical differences in samples from the Zambezi and Majunga slopes could

indicate two different depositional environments which may affect preservation conditions

(Table 2). The samples from the uppermost sediments of the Mozambique slope present
mainly K-feldspar and mica but no aragonite and only small amounts of calcite (Fig. 9; Table
2). This is also characteristic of an oxidizing depositional environment which is consistent
with the presence of iron oxides in both the mineral matrix and the calcified OM (Fig. 10).
Pore-water profiles measured in the same sediment core show ferruginous conditions (excess
in Fe2+) and labile iron oxides are still present at depth at around 1% (Zindorf et al., 2021).
This suggest that geochemical processes within the sedimentary column in this area are
controlled by iron, even in the sulfate reduction and methane migration zones, and could
explain the precipitation of iron oxide inside marine bioclasts. In contrast, the samples from
the uppermost sediments of NW Madagascar are rich in aragonite, calcite and shell residues,
with no or limited iron oxide (Fig. 11, Table 2). This is representative of reducing
depositional environments in the uppermost cm of sediments. As presented in Pastor et al.
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(2020), the Majunga slope is reached by flows of detrital iron oxides carried by the Betsiboka
river. Therefore, the absence of iron oxides in the MOZ01-KSF12 sample, as revealed by
EDS-SEM analysis, may be related to the consumption of iron oxides in reducing conditions
to form pyrite in relation to upward methane-rich fluid migration (Pastor et al., 2020).

The comparison of analytical results obtained from suspended, seafloor and core samples
suggests that OM is largely diluted and degraded in the first few centimeters of the water-
sediment interface in areas of water depth higher than 2500 m (Fig. 15; 16). In these areas,
oxygen was measured at least down to 8 cm in the sediments and OET reaches several
thousand years (Table 3, Fig. 14). Indeed, in the deep-water area of the Mozambique Channel,

important oxidation processes occurred in the uppermost sediments as confirmed by the
decrease of the S2 peak (< 0.5 mg HC/g rock) and the TOC content (< 0.5%), coupled with an

increase of OI (> 300 mg CO2/g TOC) (Fig. 15). This is also confirmed by the thicker O2-
bearing zone in the uppermost sediments of the deep-water area of the Mozambique Basin
along the distal Zambezi and Tsirihibina valleys (Fig. 14). These oxidizing conditions are
interpreted by the conjugate effects of lower sedimentation rates (Table 3) and higher
porosities of the sand-rich material of the Zambezi distal system (Fierens et al., 2019). This

process is probably the result of the activity of important bottom currents (Miramontes et al.,
2019) which are prone to maintain oxidizing conditions by the remobilization of the

uppermost sediments and its OM (Fig. 15). Indeed, current velocities reach up to 50 cm.s-1 in
the Zambezi valley at MPL2 (Fig. 1), 38 cm.s-1 in the Tsiribihina valley at MPL3 (Fig. 1) and

36 cm.s-1 in the Zambezi distal valley at MPL5 (Miramontes et al., 2019). Overall, these
processes are responsible for higher oxygen exposure times ranging from a few years (7 to

172 yrs in the Mozambique and Madagascar margins) to thousands of years (up to 16,600 yrs
in the Zambezi distal valley; Table 4).

Bottom currents have a major impact on the evolution of TOC (%) in the main physiographic
provinces of the Mozambique Channel (Fig. 17). The OM is transported to the distal valley as
indicated by higher TOC values in suspended sediments (Fig. 17). However, the OM content
rapidly decreases in the first few centimeters of sediments due to deep and cold water currents
(Miramontes et al. 2019) that induce erosion, reworking and deposition of sediments (Stow et
al. 2018). This process is also confirmed by deeper OPD (Fig. 17). In contrast, OM
transported and deposited along the Majunga and Zambezi valleys is better preserved both in
sediment traps and in core samples (Fig. 3a; Fig. 15). The presence of anticyclonic rings along
the western Mozambique margin (Miramontes et al. 2019) can affect deep-water circulation
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with alternating periods of strong bottom currents that result in seafloor erosion, sediment
resuspension and higher oxidation of its OM. This process is observed in suspended
sediments collected along the Zambezi slope (Fig. 3 b) which contains terrestrial OM already
largely oxidized before deposition. In contrast, the Majunga slope is characterized mainly by
surface water circulation resulting in a less disturbed depositional environment, higher OM
content at the seafloor and lower oxygen penetration depth (Fig. 17).

In the Mozambique Channel, important amount of mixed OM (TOC > 2%) is efficiently
transported until the distal depositional areas (> 4000 m water depth). However, the OM is
not well preserved in areas of water depth higher than 2500 m due to the presence of sediment

flows and bottom currents (Miramontes et al. 2019) which induce higher OET and low OC
burial efficiency. Therefore, the distal lobes of the Mozambique Channel are not regarded as a

sink of terrestrial OC in the active carbon cycle.

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6. Conclusion

In this work, we present the analysis of the organic matter evolution over a wide scale from
shallow areas to deep-water domains of the Mozambique Channel. Analyses of OM collected
from suspended sediments, seafloor sediments and cores (core length < 33 m of depth)
allowed us to assess transport and degradation-preservation conditions. The Mozambique
Channel accommodates large amounts of terrestrial OM issued from the Madagascar and
Mozambique margins. The highest OM content in core sediments has been found in the
Majunga area (TOC ⁓ 1.4%), offshore Madagascar, and on the Zambezi slope (TOC ⁓ 1.1%),
offshore Mozambique. Suspended sediments from the deep-water domain of the Zambezi

turbidite system show a relatively high content of OM (TOC ⁓ 2%) which is less oxidized

compared to the Zambezi slope. Rock-Eval 6 results suggest that the deep-water domains of
the Mozambique Channel are preferentially fed with terrestrial OM issued from the
Madagascar river system rather than from Mozambique. We therefore can assume that in the
deeper parts of the Mozambique Channel, the OM is efficiently transported by turbidity
and/or contour currents and deposited in the turbidite system of the deep-water area of the

Mozambique Basin while preserving higher amounts of poorly oxidized OM. However, the
deposited OM in seafloor sediments is largely oxidized. This process is probably related to the
conjugate effects of lower sedimentation rates and higher porosity of the sand-rich material

present in the Zambezi distal system. Consequently, the Mozambique Channel does not seem
to be an important sink of terrestrial organic matter in contrast to other turbidite systems. The

activity of important marine currents is responsible for erosion, reworking and remobilization

of sediments and OM within at the sea bottom, leading to higher oxygen exposure time in the
uppermost centimeters of the sediments.


This work has been conducted within the framework of the PAMELA (PAssive Margin
Exploration LAboratories) project sponsored by IFREMER and TOTAL in collaboration with
IFP Energies Nouvelles, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Université de Rennes 1,
Sorbonne Université and CNRS (Bourillet al., 2013). Data acquisition was performed in 2014
during the PAMELA-MOZ01 campaign (Olu, 2014) onboard the R/V L’Atalante, in 2015
during the PAMELA-MOZ04 campaign (Jouet and Deville, 2015) onboard the R/V Pourquoi
Pas?, and during the PAMELA-MOZ08 campaign (Khripounoff, 2017) onboard the R/V

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Antea. We thank captains, officers, crew members and the scientific teams of these cruises for
their technical support. We also thank Sophie Hage and an anonymous reviewer for providing
constructive and useful comments.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary Fig. S1. The three different types of sampling devices

Supplementary Fig. S2. 210Pbxs profiles measured on cores MOZ4-MTB4 and MOZ4-MTB5


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Fig. 1. Location map of the samples collected in the Mozambique Channel. The geological
context is from Fierens et al. (2019). BDI: Bassas da India Island. EUR: Europa Island. JN:
Juan de Nova. White dots and black letters indicate core sediments (CS, CSF, KSF and KS).
White dots and green letters represent seafloor sediments (MTB). Red stars and red letters
indicate the location of particle traps (MLP).

Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 2. (A) Cross-plot of Total Carbon determined from Rock-Eval and from LECO elemental

analysis. (B) Comparison of calcite content (%) obtained by Rock-Eval method (Pillot et al.,
2015) and Ca content from XRF analyses for a selected core sample (Pamela-MOZ04-CS17).

Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 3. Rock-Eval 6 results: (a) peak S2 vs Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content and (b)
Hydrogen Index (HI) vs Oxygen Index (OI) values, obtained from sedimentary organic matter
of suspended sediments collected from the different physiographic provinces of the
Mozambique Channel (Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 4. Isotopic signature (δ13C) of the organic carbon collected in particle traps (Fig. 1).
Values are given as average for each sediment trap (Table 2). Horizontal lines represent the
standard deviation.

Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 5. Evolution of OC (%) vs depth from Leco analyzer for seafloor sediments (MTB)
collected in the distal depositional areas.

Journal Pre-proof

Fig 6. Rock-Eval 6 results (S2 vs TOC) of sedimentary organic matter from cores collected in
the Mozambique channel, in comparison with Orinoco data range (from Deville et al., 2015)
and Congo data range (from Baudin et al., 2017). Core locations are given in Figure 1.

Journal Pre-proof

Fig 7. TOC (%) from RE6 analyses vs depth (m) in sediment cores sampled in the Zambezi
turbidite system (Zambezi slope: MOZ4-CS17, MOZ4-CSF18, MOZ4-CSF19; Zambezi
valley: MOZ1-KSF23, MOZ4-CSF20; Bassas da India: MOZ4-CS22; Tsiribihina valley:
MOZ1-KSF24, MOZ4-CS24; Distal depositional area: MOZ1-KSF30, MOZ4-CS25, MOZ4-
CS26) (for location map see Fig. 1). Note the strong TOC decrease towards the terminal distal


Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 8. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Inorganic Carbon (MINC) profiles vs depth from core

samples in the Majunga margin (for sample locations see Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 9. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Inorganic Carbon (MINC) profiles vs depth along the
Zambezi turbidite system (Mozambique continental slope and deep basin) (for sample
locations see Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 10. SEM images illustrating the textural differences in the modern sediments from the

Majunga slope, NW Madagascar (A) and from the Zambezi slope (B) (location is given in

Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 11. EDS-SEM mineralogical mapping obtained by a statistical calculation (k-means

clustering) on a sample of core Pamela-MOZ04-CS17 (depth 78 cm bsf), Zambezi slope (for

sample location see Fig. 1).


Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 12. SEM images illustrating (A) the presence of neo-formed iron oxides inside
foraminifera test, (B) the presence of silica in OM, and (C) calcified OM. Samples from core

Pamela-MOZ04-CS17, Zambezi valley (for sample location see Fig.1).


Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 13. Mineralogical mapping of a sample of core Pamela-MOZ01-KSF12 (depth 54 cm
bsf), Majunga slope, NW Madagascar (for sample location see Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 14. Oxygen profiles measured on interface cores collected in the Mozambique Channel
(for sample locations see Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 15. Rock-Eval 6 results obtained on sedimentary organic matter from core sediments,
seafloor sediments and suspended sediments collected in the Mozambique Channel. a) S2 vs
TOC; b) HI vs OI.

Journal Pre-proof

Fig. 16. TOC (%) as a function of water depth (m) along the Zambezi turbidite system. TOC
is presented as average value in each core, with minimum and maximum values (Table 1).


Journal Pre-proof


Fig. 17. Average TOC (%) for representative suspended sediments (orange bar), seafloor
sediments (yellow bar) and core sediments (black bar) in the main physiographic provinces of
the Mozambique Channel: (A) Majunga slope (735 – 789 m water depth); (B) Tsiribihina

valley (3089 – 3415 m water depth); (C) Distal depositional area (4054 – 4130 m water
depth). The bathymetric map of the South East Indian Ocean shows the main circulation

patterns observed the Mozambique Channel (modified after Miramontes et al. 2019) (for

sample locations see Fig. 1).

Journal Pre-proof


Table 1. Rock Eval results for the core samples collected in the Mozambique channel.

Journal Pre-proof

Table 2. Average OC (%) measured with Leco analyzer and isotopic signature of the
sedimentary organic carbon for specific suspended sediments. MLP = trap location number,
OC = organic carbon, δ13C = isotopic signature with standard deviation, nb = number of



Journal Pre-proof


Table 3. Qualitative study of the mineralogical composition of samples MOZ01-KSF12-S1-

54 Madagascar NW slope and MOZ04-CS17-S1-78 Zambezi slope (in normalized %).

Journal Pre-proof


Table 4. OPD: Oxygen penetration depths measured on interface cores; SAR: sediment
accumulation rates based mainly on Pbxs profiles in interface cores (NW Madagascar slope
and Mozambique slope), on C dating (Zambezi valley) and from an estimation based on
mass accumulation rates in a moored sediment trap (Tsihiribihina valley; see explanation in
the text); OET: oxygen exposure times calculated in interface cores;

a. From Fontanier et al., 2016; b. From Pastor et al., 2020; c. This study (210Pbxs profiles are
plotted in the supplementary Fig. S2, Appendix A).

Journal Pre-proof


Journal Pre-proof

Declaration of interests

☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be
considered as potential competing interests:


Journal Pre-proof

ater Mean Mean Mean Mean

pth S2 Mean S3 TOC TOCmin TOCmax Tmax HI Mean OI nb. Meas.
mg HC/g mg CO2/g mg HC/ mg CO2/g
m rock rock %Wt %Wt %Wt °C g TOC TOC
28 0.88 4.72 1.06 0.8 1.37 410 79.9 441.2 12
60 0.69 4.6 0.98 0.87 1.09 391 70.8 472.8 10
73 1 3.99 1.29 0.83 1.47 409 80.9 348 10
06 2.46 3.56 1.44 0.3 2.08 404 156 272 3
35 0.75 4.73 1.06 0.87 1.62 399 71.6 464 96
618 1.02 5.58 0.79 0.29 1.94 402 120.3 771.7 8
552 0.53 3.94 0.36 0.15 0.77 395 151 709 7
730 0.69 3.39 0.66 0.3 1.2 417 102.2 437 9
206 0.2 3.43 0.21 0.11 0.28 357 12
084 0.22 2.78 0.31 0.13 0.61 381 64 554 9

076 0.12 2.28 0.13 0.11 0.19 364 9
57 0.77 4.87 0.98 0.58 0.87 392 78 501 11
98 0.76 4.83 0.78 0.24 1.11 378 122 752 11

909 0.43 3.17 0.2 0.1 0.44 398 26
02 0.5 3.46 1.13 0.49 1.72 -p 344 45 314 28
10 0.76 3.43 0.76 0.7 0.99 379 100 451 18
15 0.28 2.48 0.62 0.5 0.79 369 42 375 10
501 0.31 4.36 0.37 0.19 0.47 367 10
036 0.17 1.49 0.34 0.2 0.76 366 46 424 21
099 0.2 2.87 0.31 0.04 0.99 344 42 364 20

089 0.16 2.6 0.25 0.05 0.56 364 42 361 30

388 0.03 1.39 0.06 0.01 0.18 259 10
130 0.05 1.42 0.06 0.01 0.15 339 14

81 4.72 5.22 2.25 1.94 3.3 400 207 232 20

415 5.73 6.03 2.49 2.2 2.73 414 229 243 22

054 4.31 4.63 2.1 1.52 2.67 409 224 245 18

833 5.74 8.83 2.43 1.63 3.36 414 233 373 23
450 4.69 8.01 1.88 1.22 2.83 415 248 451 18

89 1.78 4.03 1.24 1.05 1.43 386 141 311 2

40 1.99 5.27 0.9 409 1
205 0.455 3.56 0.28 0.25 0.31 371 2
082 0.31 3.03 0.21 0.17 0.24 369 2
074 0.25 1.22 0.15 0.1 0.2 345 4
Table 1. Rock Eval results for the core samples collected in the Mozambique channel.

Journal Pre-proof

Table 2. Average OC (%) measured with Leco analyzer and isotopic signature of the
sedimentary organic carbon for specific suspended sediments. MLP = trap location number,
OC = organic carbon, δ13C = isotopic signature with standard deviation, nb = number of

MLP OC δ13C Meas.
(%) (‰)
3 2.32 -21.75 ± 0.21 2
5 2.36 -21.93 ± 0.37 3

7 1.84 -21.79 ± 0.31 23
8 2.28 -21.69 ± 0.21 22


Journal Pre-proof

Table 3. Qualitative study of the mineralogical composition of samples MOZ01-KSF12-S1-

54 Madagascar NW slope and MOZ04-CS17-S1-78 Zambezi slope (in normalized %).

Quartz Calcite Halite Feldspars Kaolinite Dolomite Mica

9.2 28.4 2.1 3.5 22.6 tr 8.7
19.9 2.1 1.1 16.7 39.2 tr 20.1


Journal Pre-proof

Table 4. OPD: Oxygen penetration depths measured on interface cores; SAR: sediment
accumulation rates based mainly on Pbxs profiles in interface cores (NW Madagascar slope
and Mozambique slope), on C dating (Zambezi valley) and from an estimation based on
mass accumulation rates in a moored sediment trap (Tsihiribihina valley; see explanation in
the text); OET: oxygen exposure times calculated in interface cores;

a. From Fontanier et al., 2016; b. From Pastor et al., 2020; c. This study ( 210Pbxs profiles are

Area Interface core Lat Long Water depth OPD

(°S) (°E) (m) (mm)
NW Madagascar margin MOZ1-MTB3 15°21.695 45°57.3886 757 34c
MOZ1-MTB8 740 10c

15°21.815 45°57.6485
MOZ1-MTB6 15°31.148 45°42.9309 789 17.5a
5 ± 2c

MOZ4-MTB1 15°21.812 45°57.628 735
MOZ4-MTB2 15°21.685 45°57.378 754 28 ± 4c
MOZ4-MTB3 762 5 ± 1c
15°22.230 45°57.110
Mozambique margin MOZ4-MTB4 19°50.650 36°30.765 412 24 ± 4c
MOZ4-MTB5 19°23.330 36°52.390 316 11 ± 2c
Zambezi channel MOZ1-MTB10 21°31.835 41°20.7374 3205 83a
Tsiribihina channel MOZ1-MTB12 21°31.105 41°51.6780 3082 110a

Zambezi distal channel MOZ1-MTB15 25°25.612 41°35.7334 4074 120c

plotted in the supplementary Fig. S2, Appendix A).


Journal Pre-proof


 Origin and deposition of the Organic Matter in the main physiographic provinces of
the Mozambique Channel
 Rock-Eval 6 data and δ13C isotopic signature to determine the variability of OM
composition within suspended, seafloor and core sediments
 EDS-SEM analysis, Sediment Accumulation Rates and Oxygen Exposure Times to
assess the preservation condition of the OM in the Mozambique Channel
 Important bottom currents are prone to maintain higher OET by the remobilization of
the uppermost sediments and its OM

 Small concentration of terrestrial OC (TOC < 0.5%) are preserved in seafloor
sediments of deep-water domain



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