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Annual fossil organic carbon delivery due to

mechanical and chemical weathering of marly

badlands areas
Yann Graz,
Christian Di-Giovanni,
Yoann Copard,
Nicolle Mathys,
Alexandre Cras
and Vincent Marc
Universit dOrlans, Universit Franois Rabelais - Tours, CNRS/INSU Institut des Sciences de la Terre dOrlans - UMR 7327,
Campus Gosciences 1A rue de la Frollerie 45071 Orlans cedex 2
UMR CNRS 6143 M2C, University of Rouen, department of Earth Sciences, place E. Blondel, Bat. Irese A Mont Saint Aignan
Cedex, France
Cemagref Grenoble, Research Unit Erosion Torrentielle, Neige et Avalanches, BP 76 38402 Saint Martin dHres, France
Laboratoire dHydrogologie, Universit dAvignon, Facult des Sciences, 33 rue Louis Pasteur 84000 Avignon, France
Received 8 February 2011; Revised 20 February 2012; Accepted 23 February 2012
*Correspondence to: C. Di-Giovanni, Institut des Sciences de la terre dOrlans, Universit dOrlans/Universit Franois Rabelais de Tours, CNRS/INSU UMR 6113, 1A
rue de la Frollerie, 45072 Orlans, France. E-mail: Christian.Di-Giovanni@univ-orleans.fr
ABSTRACT: A key issue in the study of the carbon cycle is constraining the stocks and fluxes in and between C-reservoirs.
Among these, the role and importance of fossil organic carbon (FOC) release by weathering of outcropping sedimentary rocks
on continental surfaces is still debated and remains poorly constrained. Our work focuses on FOC fluxes due to chemical and
mechanical weathering of marls in two experimental watersheds with typical badlands geomorphology (Draix watersheds,
Laval and Moulin, Alpes de Haute Provence, France). Organic matter from bedrock, soil litter and riverine particles are char-
acterized by Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis. FOC fluxes due to mechanical weathering are then estimated by monitoring the annual
particulate solid exports at the outlets of the watersheds (19852005 period). FOC fluxes from chemical weathering were
calculated using Ca
concentrations in dissolved loads (year 2002) to assess the amount of FOC released by the dissolution
of the carbonate matrix. Results show that FOC delivery is mainly driven by mechanical weathering, with a yield ranging from 30
to 59 t km
in the Moulin (0.08 km
) and Laval (0.86 km
) catchments, respectively, (19852005 average). The release of FOC
attributed to chemical weathering was 2.2 to 4.2 t km
for the year 2002. These high FOC fluxes from badlands are similar to
those observed in tectonically active mountain catchments. At a regional scale, badland outcropping within the Durance watershed
does not exceed 0.25% in area of the Rhne catchment, but could annually deliver 12 000 t yr
of FOC. This flux could
correspond to 27% of the total particulate organic carbon (POC) load exported by the Rhne River to the Mediterranean Sea.
At a global scale, our findings suggest that erosion of badlands may contribute significantly to the transfer of FOC from continental
surfaces to depositional environments. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: fossil organic matter; experimental watersheds; organic carbon fluxes; mechanical weathering; chemical weathering
Continental surfaces are composed of a combination of various
sedimentary, metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Sedimentary
rocks as shales, carbonates and sandstones represent 65% of
the total continental surface (Amiotte-Suchet et al., 2003). All
of these rocks contain a variable fossil organic carbon (FOC)
content, generally comprised of between 0.01 to near 50.00
wt% with an average of 0.25 to 0.97 wt% for carbonates
and shales (Ronov and Yaroshevsky, 1976). At outcrop, FOC
is generally considered fully mineralized and acts as a CO
source for the atmosphere (Berner, 1989; Berner and Canfield,
1989; Berner and Maasch, 1996). However, this assumption is
in disagreement with numerous observations which suggest a
natural resistance and FOC occurrence in various modern
carbon reservoirs, including soils (Lichtfouse et al., 1997a,
1997b; Di-Giovanni et al., 1998a, 1999a, 1999b, 2000; Copard
et al., 2006; Graz et al., 2010, 2011), rivers (Kao and Liu, 1996;
Di-Giovanni et al., 2000; Masiello and Druffel, 2001; Blair
et al., 2003, 2004; Raymond and Bauer, 2001, 2004; Copard
et al., 2006; Graz et al., 2010, 2011; Hilton et al., 2011) and
recent sediments (Combaz, 1980; Tyson, 1995; Di-Giovanni
et al., 1997, 1998b, 1999b, 1999c, 2000; Eglinton et al., 1997;
Leithold and Blair, 2001; Blair et al., 2003; Dickens et al.,
2004a, 2004b; Wakeham et al., 2004; Galy et al., 2008a,
2008b), which indicates that the FOCis not completely oxidized.
However, while the occurrence of FOC in various C-reservoirs
is undisputable, the global flux of weathered FOC to the
hydrosphere still remains unknown.
At a global scale, it is assumed that rivers carry between 0.04
and 0.08 Gt yr
of particulate FOC to the worlds oceans
(Meybeck, 1993, 2005; Blair et al., 2003). This input mainly
Earth Surf. Process. Landforms (2012)
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Published online in Wiley Online Library
(wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/esp.3232
originates from mechanical weathering of outcropping rocks or
soils. Nevertheless, FOC release from the continents cannot be di-
rectly related to the estimated FOC input to worlds oceans, as an
unknown fraction of FOC can be partially (Fredericks et al.,
1983; Lo and Cardott, 1995; Petsch et al., 2000; Copard et al.,
2002) or fully mineralised (Berner, 1989; Petsch et al., 2000) during
its storage and/or transfer within continental surfaces. Until now,
we know that the modelled FOC delivery due to chemical
weathering (chemFOC) of shales and carbonates can reach
between 0.04 and 0.09 Gt yr
(Di-Giovanni et al., 2002; Copard
et al., 2007). FOC flux originating from chemical weathering of
sandstones is assumed to be negligible (Amiotte-Suchet et al.,
2003). For these latter fluxes, the lack of a global estimate is related
to the complex dependence on climatic and geological conditions.
These chemFOC and FOC loads to oceans are estimated to be the
same order of magnitude as the particulate organic carbon (OC)
load delivered to the worlds oceans (between 0.09 and 0.43 Gt
, Ittekot, 1988; Degens et al., 1991; Berner, 1992; Meybeck,
1993; Ludwig et al., 1996; Stallard, 1998; Schlunz and Schneider,
2000). Yet, the impact of FOC fluxes remains uncertain.
Here we quantify the flux of FOC due to mechanical and
chemical weathering in two small experimental watersheds over
annual to decadal timescales. The FOC is attributable to
the weathering of Jurassic marls that contributes to 80% of the
suspended load of the moyenne Durance; one of the main
tributaries of the Rhne River (Fournier, 2004). A classical
geochemical analysis (Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis) was used to
characterize organic matter in the studied samples (bedrocks,
soil litters and riverine particles). FOC fluxes were estimated by
monitoring the particulate (19852005 period) and dissolved
(year 2002) exports at the outlet of the watersheds.
Material and Methods
Study area
The study area corresponds to two experimental watersheds, Laval
(0.86 km
) and Moulin (0.08 km
), located near Digne (44

N, 06

22 05
E; Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France; Figure 1)
and overlying Callovo-Oxfordian marly limestones (Mathys et al.,
2003; Mathys, 2006). Such rocks are very sensitive to weathering
and develop typical badlands morphology with V-shapes gullies,
producing very high sediment loads (>10 g L
) during floods
(Mathys et al., 2003). These two experimental watersheds deliver
a sediment yield of 5700 t km
in the Moulin and 11 200 t
in the Laval (Mathys et al., 2003) comparable with other
badlands located around the Mediterranean Sea (Nadal Romero
et al., 2011). These watersheds present different vegetal cover
densities: Laval (32%), and Moulin (46%) (Mathys et al., 2003).
Previous results
72 watershed samples (bedrock: 5 samples; soils: 15 samples;
regolith profiles (bedrocks to soils): 44 samples; riverine
particles: 8 samples) were previously examined in order to
distinguish fossil and recent organic matter (Copard et al.,
2006; Graz et al., 2011). We used complementary techniques:
optical (palynofacies methods), geochemical (Rock-Eval 6
pyrolysis, C/N ratio), molecular (gas chromatography/mass
spectrometry) and isotopic (stable C isotopic composition)
analyses. These investigations were completed by quantitative
palynofacies analysis performed on 82 samples from the Laval
watershed (bedrock, regolith profiles, soils: 72 samples; river-
ine particles: 10 samples, Graz et al., 2010). Fossil and recent
organic markers were identified and tracked through the differ-
ent organic carbon reservoirs. The results permit us to (i) quan-
tify bedrock organic content varying between 0.10 (limestones)
and 0.500.70 wt% (marls) such values are of the same order
as the average value (0.50 wt%) obtained by Artru (1972) on
6000 callovo-oxfordian marls samples; (ii) distinguish recent
and fossil organic matter and highlight the contribution of fossil
organic matter (FOM containing FOC), which can be found in
all the studied organic carbon reservoirs. The FOM contribu-
tion to total organic matter varies from 5.5 to 70.0% in soils,
20.0 to 95.0% in regolith profiles and 47.0 to 91.0% in riverine
particles (Graz et al., 2010, 2011).
Figure 1. Geographical location of the Draix experimental watersheds (according to Lopez Saez et al., 2011). This figure is available in colour online at
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)
Strategy, organic matter characterization and
samples design
Compilation of the data (Copard et al., 2006; Graz et al., 2010,
2011, see previous section) indicates that FOM contribution
was only quantified for 18 published riverine samples between
years 2002 and 2008. However, this small number of samples
is not sufficient to estimate annual FOM (and thus FOC) fluxes
at the watersheds outlets. In order to address this issue, a cali-
bration of Rock-Eval 6 parameters using previous quantitative
palynofacies results was performed (bedrock, regolith profiles,
soils and riverine particles, Graz et al., 2010). The obtained
HI / FOM relation was applied to 60 other riverine samples in
order to directly distinguish fossil and recent organic carbon.
These samples were collected by using automatic sampling
between 1999 and 2008 at the Laval (30 suspended load/6
bedload) and Moulin (24 suspended load) outlets.
Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis (RE6, Vinci Technologies
), a method
previously developed for petroleum purposes and the analysis
of sedimentary rocks, is now successfully applied for recent
material (soils and recent sediments, Di-Giovanni et al., 1997,
1998b; Nol et al., 2001; Disnar et al., 2003; Copard et al.,
2006; Sebag et al., 2006). The protocol consists of two succes-
sive stages performed under a temperature program of 30

. The former consists of pyrolysis of 100 mg of crushed
sample in an oven. Hydrocarbon and oxygenated products
released during a temperature increase from 200 to 650

C are
removed via a N
flow and quantified with flame ionization
and infrared detectors, respectively. The second stage consists
of oxidation in an oven of the carbonaceous residue subjected
to a temperature increase from 400 to 750

C (Lafargue et al.,
1998). Analysis of the pyrolysis signals provides some classical
parameters such as Hydrogen Index (HI, in mg HC g
which can be defined as an indicator of the hydrogen richness
of the organic matter. The organic carbon content (OC) is given
by the total organic carbon (TOC, expressed in wt%), equal to
the sum of pyrolysed OC and residual OC provided by the
oxidation stage.
A first study dealing with the development of quantitative
palynofacies was already published (Graz et al., 2010). This
method allowed us to determine organic particles mass
concentrations and to discriminate recent organic matter
(ROM) from fossil organic matter (FOM containing FOC) in
82 samples from the Laval watershed (bedrock, regolith
profiles, soils: 72 samples; riverine particles: 10 samples).
Rock-Eval pyrolysis was also performed for all these samples.
HI values (11 to 180 mg HC g
TOC) and the relative
proportion of ROM (0.0 to 88.0%) were used to calibrate Rock
Eval parameters in order to obtain fossil and recent carbon
proportions in all studied samples. Results are listed online in
supplementary material.
Calculation of FOC fluxes released by bedrocks
mechanical (mecFOC) and chemical weathering
Draix riverine particles are the product of mechanical weather-
ing of the bedrock (Di-Giovanni et al., 2000; Copard et al.,
2006). The mecFOC can be calculated by considering FOC
content of bedrocks and their annual fluxes. Such calculations
were possible since the studied watersheds were previously
equipped by Cemagref in order to estimate both the water
discharge and fine and coarse solid transports (see Richard
and Mathys, 1999; Mathys et al., 2003; Klotz et al., 2005;
Mathys, 2006; for further details). At the outlet of the Laval
and Moulin catchments, a gauging station, with a calibrated
flume is equipped with a series of recorders (e.g. floating
device, ultrasonic sensor, radar sensor). Upstream of this flume
a sediment trap retains the coarse material. This method gives a
total amount of bed load conveyed by the streams. In the
gauging flume, an automatic sampler takes samples during
floods with a program referring to both the level of water and
the time lag between two samples, giving a discontinuous
estimation of fine solid transport during a flood. Since 1995,
prototypes of optical fiber sensors were installed and provide
measures of sediment concentration of the flow using back
scattering properties of the mixture. As a result, combined
sediment concentration and discharge measurements allow
one to calculate the suspended sediment yield for flood events
and on annual timescales.
The dissolution of rocks that contain carbonates produces
dissolved carbonates and an insoluble residue that can contain
organic carbon if the parent rocks contained organic matter. If
the yield of dissolved carbonates and the initial carbonates
content of the parent rocks are known, then the yield of the
insoluble residue can be calculated (Di-Giovanni et al.,
2002). Furthermore, if the initial FOC content in the parent rock
is known, then the yield of FOC from the dissolution of the
carbonate matrix can be estimated. Calculations were only
possible for the year 2002. Indeed, Cras (2005) carried out a
multi-scale hydrochemical investigation over one year in the
Laval and Moulin catchments, including both high flow and
low flow periods. Automatic water samplers were used to col-
lect water during the high flows periods whereas low flow
waters were hand sampled. According to the nature of the flood
events, the sampling frequency could be as high as 5 min. Dur-
ing low flow periods, weekly sampling was carried out. Mean
concentration estimates were calculated from 163 and 208
samples in the Laval (including six flood events) and in the
Moulin (including six flood events), respectively. Cras et al.
(2007) showed that rainfall did not contain significant amount
of Ca
. Accordingly, we can consider that Ca
measured at
the outlet of the watersheds originated mainly from bedrock
chemical weathering.
Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis parameters calibration
There is a significant correlation between previously deter-
mined proportions of ROM (recent organic matter as opposed
to FOM Graz et al., 2010) and HI values from Rock-Eval py-
rolysis (R
=0.93, Figure 2) for 82 samples fromthe Laval water-
shed (bedrock, regolith, soil and riverine particles, see online
supplementary material for more details). Accordingly, a rela-
tionship between HI values and ROM% can be defined and
lead to the quantification of FOM% (FOM%=100 ROM%)
in riverine suspended sediments following the equation:
HI mg HC:g

1:7927 ROM % 10:292 (1)
Uncertainties in HI values (5%) are much lower than those in
palynofacies results (15%, Graz et al., 2010). Uncertainties in
calculated FOM% values are then close to 15%.
FOC content of riverine particles
Riverine particles present low TOC and HI values (0.46 to
0.65% and 19 to 72 mg HC g
TOC, respectively, Tables I
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)
and II) that are similar, but slightly higher than those observed
in bedrocks samples (Graz et al., 2010).
The observed relationship between HI values and ROM%
(Figure 2) permits one to estimate FOC and ROC contents (wt
%) (FOC=TOC FOM%; and ROC=TOC ROM%) in all
riverine samples studied (Laval, Table I and Moulin, Table II).
FOC content appears constant in all samples studied and close
to 0.5 wt% (

0.07, 60 samples). This is in agreement with

previous results (18 samples) showing that the riverine particles
of these watersheds are the direct product of mechanical
weathering of bedrock (Di-Giovanni et al., 2000; Copard
et al., 2006; Graz et al., 2010).
The higher ROCvalues (from0.1 to 0.2 wt%) are obtained for the
Moulin suspended load samples, which also exhibit a large area of
vegetation cover (46%, Mathys et al., 2003). The lower values
(<0.1%) are obtained for the Laval suspended load samples, where
the vegetal cover area is lower (32%, Mathys et al., 2003).
FOC fluxes released by bedrocks mechanical
Measurements of solid export values at the outlets (Klotz et al.,
2005; Mathys, 2006) are highly variable from one year to
another but also from one watershed to another (Table III).
The export loads at the Laval outlet range from 4352 to 21
y = 1,7927x + 10,292
= 0,93
0 20 40 60 80 100



Figure 2. HI (mg HC g
TOC ) vs. recent organic matter proportions
(ROM%) for 82 samples (Laval watershed). Uncertainties on HI values:
5%; uncertainties on ROM proportions: 15%.
Table I. Rock-Eval 6 parameters (TOC and HI), ROM/FOM proportions, and ROC / FOC contents for 36 Laval riverine particles (suspended load (SL)
and bed load (BL)).
Samples TOC wt. % HI ROM % FOM % FOC wt. % ROC wt. %
(mg HC g
TOC) (

15%) (

15%) (

15%) (

Laval SL 03/05/2002a 0.55 25 8.2 91.8 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 03/05/2003b 0.51 33 12.7 87.3 0.4 0.1
Laval SL 13/05/2002 0.55 36 14.3 85.7 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 24/05/2002 0.51 27 9.3 90.7 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 26/08/2002 0.53 34 13.2 86.8 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 02/09/2002 0.52 27 9.3 90.7 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 05/09/2002 0.50 30 11.0 89.0 0.4 0.1
Laval SL 23/10/2002 0.55 24 7.6 92.4 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 06/07/2006 0.47 21 6.0 94.0 0.4 <0.1
Laval SL 07/07/2006 0.56 25 8.2 91.8 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 12/07/2006b 0.65 23 7.1 92.9 0.6 <0.1
Laval SL 12/07/2006a 0.56 20 5.4 94.6 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 18/07/2006b 0.46 19 4.9 95.1 0.4 <0.1
Laval SL 18/07/2006a 0.51 20 5.4 94.6 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 08/09/2006 0.62 19 4.9 95.1 0.6 <0.1
Laval SL 15/09/2006 0.52 25 8.2 91.8 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 25/09/2006 0.58 19 4.9 95.1 0.6 <0.1
Laval SL 20/10/2006a 0.54 26 8.8 91.2 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 20/10/2006b 0.53 28 9.9 90.1 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 20/10/2006c 0.52 29 10.4 89.6 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 07/12/2006a 0.52 25 8.2 91.8 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 07/12/2006b 0.52 23 7.1 92.9 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 04/06/2007 0.54 33 12.7 87.3 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 05/06/2007b 0.60 32 12.1 87.9 0.5 0.1
Laval SL 05/06/2007a 0.62 24 7.6 92.4 0.6 <0.1
Laval SL 16/09/2007 0.53 21 6.0 94.0 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 22/11/2007 0.48 19 4.9 95.1 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 11/01/2008a 0.61 23 7.1 92.9 0.6 <0.1
Laval SL 11/01/2008b 0.55 24 7.6 92.4 0.5 <0.1
Laval SL 11/01/2008c 0.53 28 9.9 90.1 0.5 0.1
Laval BL 24/09/1999a 0.49 14 2.1 97.9 0.5 <0.1
Laval BL 24/09/1999b 0.46 11 0.4 99.6 0.5 <0.1
Laval BL 24/09/1999c 0.59 29 10.4 89.6 0.5 0.1
Laval BL 20/11/2006a 0.42 14 2.1 97.9 0.4 <0.1
Laval BL 20/11/2006b 0.45 18 4.3 95.7 0.4 <0.1
Laval BL 20/11/2006c 0.60 22 6.5 93.5 0.6 <0.1
Average 0.53 24 7.7 92.3 0.5 <0.1
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)
148 t km
compared with 1350 to 9990 t km
at the
Moulin outlet. With respect to the spatial scale (area) and
badlands context, these magnitudes are comparable with those
observed for numerous badlands area, located around the
Mediterranean Sea (Nadal-Romeo et al., 2011).
Considering that the FOC content of these loads is close to 0.5
wt% (Tables I and II, see also FOC content of riverine particles
section 3.2.), mecFOC can be calculated. Values obtained range
between 22 and 106 t km
for the Laval, and between 7 and
50 t km
for the Moulin (Table III). The inter-annual FOC
fluxes average 59 and 30 t km
, respectively.
FOC fluxes release by chemical weathering of
Exported total dissolved loads were 340 and 570 t km
for the
Laval and Moulin watersheds, respectively, in 2002 (Table IV;
Cras, 2005). Total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations reached
an average of 13.4 and 11.7 mmol L
, respectively, in water-
shed waters and Ca
concentrations reached 2.5 and 2.4
mmol L
(Table IV).
concentrations measured at the outlets of watersheds
originate from the carbonate dissolution of bedrocks as rainwa-
ter does not contain Ca
(Cras et al., 2007). This dissolution is
illustrated by the following equation:
O ,Ca

On this basis, the estimation of the chemical weathered
bedrock mass (t km
) can be obtained following three
Annual Ca
fluxes t km

% (3)
where M is dissolved load exported from the watersheds in
2002 (Table IV) and Ca% is the Ca
content in TDS from
riverine waters (18.7 and 20.5 for the Laval and Moulin,
Annual mass of dissolved CaCO
t km

annual Ca
fluxes 2:5 (4)
where 2.5 corresponds to the ratio molar mass of Ca to molar
mass of CaCO
Mass of altered bedrock t km

Annual mass of dissolved CaCO
100=Tc (5)
where Tc is the CaCO
content of watershed bedrock (i.e. 35%,
Simmonet et al., 1995).
Considering the bedrock average TOC (0.50 wt%, Artru,
1972; Graz et al., 2010) and the annual mass of altered
bedrock, chemFOC (t km
) can be calculated as follows:
chemFOC t km

Mass of altered bedrock t km

bedrock TOC 0:50 wt%
FOC fluxes inherited from chemical weathering of bedrock
(chemFOC) can be further mineralized, dissolved or stored as
an insoluble residue. They reach 2.2 and 4.2 t km
the Laval and Moulin watersheds respectively.
FOC fluxes
For these watersheds, FOC input in continental surfaces is
mainly controlled by mechanical weathering (average mec-
FOC from 30 to 59 t km
, Table III) while chemFOC fluxes,
inherited from chemical weathering of bedrock and considered
as an insoluble residue, are much lower (from 2 to 4 t km
year 2002). This strong difference between mechanical and
Table II. Rock-Eval 6 parameters (TOC and HI), ROM/FOM proportions, and ROC / FOC contents for 24 Moulin riverine particles (suspended load
(SL) and bed load (BL)).
Samples TOC wt. % HI ROM % FOC % FOC wt. % ROC wt. %
(mg HC g
TOC) (

15 %) (

15 %) (

15 %) (

15 %)
Moulin SL 13/05/2002 0.60 72 34.4 65.6 0.4 0.2
Moulin SL 03/05/2002 0.56 30 11.0 89.0 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 05/08/2002 0.53 28 9.9 90.1 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 27/08/2002a 0.54 43 18.2 81.8 0.4 0.1
Moulin SL 27/08/2002b 0.51 29 10.4 89.6 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 02/09/2002 0.56 45 19.4 80.6 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 05/09/2002 0.55 38 15.5 84.5 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 12/09/2002 0.54 35 13.8 86.2 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 06/07/2006a 0.53 21 6.0 94.0 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 06/07/2006b 0.62 45 19.4 80.6 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 12/07/2006 0.54 19 4.9 95.1 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 08/09/2006a 0.54 24 7.6 92.4 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 08/09/2006b 0.54 20 5.4 94.6 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 15/09/2006a 0.53 23 7.1 92.9 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 15/09/2006b 0.53 21 6.0 94.0 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 24/09/2006 0.52 19 4.9 95.1 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 20/10/2006a 0.53 45 19.4 80.6 0.4 0.1
Moulin SL 20/10/2006b 0.58 52 23.3 76.7 0.4 0.1
Moulin SL 07/12/2006 0.51 22 6.5 93.5 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 05/06/2007a 0.58 17 3.7 96.3 0.6 <0.1
Moulin SL 05/06/2007b 0.52 40 16.6 83.4 0.4 0.1
Moulin SL 23/11/2007 0.53 21 6.0 94.0 0.5 <0.1
Moulin SL 12/01/2008a 0.58 33 12.7 87.3 0.5 0.1
Moulin SL 12/01/2008b 0.50 26 8.8 91.2 0.5 <0.1
Average 0.54 32 12.1 87.9 0.5 0.1
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)
chemical FOC estimates is not a surprise with respect to the
geomorphological context (badlands) of these watersheds,
associated with predominantly gully erosion.
However in our study, the estimated chemFOC fluxes in the
Moulin catchment (4.2 t km
) are twice that of the Laval
catchment (2.2 t km
). This suggests that chemical weath-
ering is more efficient within the former catchment. One of the
possible causes to explain this variation would be the higher
extent of the forest area in the Moulin (46%) as compared with
the Laval (32%, Mathys et al., 2003). Indeed, it is well known
that a large area of forest cover leads to a decrease in the runoff
intensity (Campy and Macaire, 2003). Such context would
favor the storage of FOC as an insoluble residue; which can
be stored and subsequently mineralized in regoliths or soils or
even exported if a future mechanical weathering occurs prior
to its mineralization. mecFOC fluxes are globally twice as high
for the Laval (59 t km
) as for the Moulin (30 t km
catchments. Again, a possible cause for this variation is the
lower forest cover in the Laval catchment (32%). This could
also exacerbated by the higher mean slope values observed
for the Laval (58%, Mathys et al., 2003), which should inhibit
the development of forest cover and promote the mechanical
weathering via an efficient runoff and erosion processes
(Dietrich et al., 2003).
mecFOC yields from the studied catchments are of the same
order of magnitude as FOC yields previously reported in
suspended sediments from tectonically active mountain catch-
ments in USA/California (9 t km
Eel river, Blair et al.,
2003; Leithold et al., 2006; 11 t km
Santa Clara river, Blair
et al., 2003; Komada et al., 2004), New Zealand (14 t km
Southern Alpines rivers, Hilton et al., 2008; 29 t km
Waipaoa river, Gomez et al., 2003; Leithold et al., 2006) and
Taiwan (19 t km
, Lanyang Hsi, Kao and Liu, 1996, from
12 to 246 t km
, Hilton et al., 2011). Our results suggest
that high mecFOC transfers in particulate load are not restricted
to tectonically active mountains belts. Steep terrain and weak
sedimentary rocks give rise to the high calculated yields herein.
As such, the delivery of FOC to depositional settings may be
more widespread than previously thought (Blair et al., 2003;
Hilton et al., 2011).
Fate of FOC in continental surfaces
The riverine particles at outlets of these watersheds reach the
Rhne delta in less than 5 days (IRS, 2001). This suggests a very
short transit time and little storage of FOC within the Durance
and the Rhone catchments, which can be considered as a
conduit for transporting FOC to the Mediterranean Sea. Conse-
quently FOC delivered by mechanical weathering could signif-
icantly contribute to Rhne rivers organic content. Considering
that, (i) at a regional scale (the Durance catchment), watershed
badland outcrop areas, where erosion of FOC is likely, total
233 km
(Brochot, 1999; Rey et al., 2007), (ii) all of these
badlands present a similar erosion rate (Saignon and Savournon
watersheds, Olivry and Hoorelbeck, 1990; Rey, 2002; Rey
et al., 2002) which are also comparable to other badlands
located around the Mediterranean sea (Nadal Romero et al.,
2011) and (iii) the average mecFOC we obtained is 52 t km
, such formations covering at best 0.25% of the Rhne
watershed (97 800 km
), could likely deliver 12 000 t yr
FOC to the Mediterranean Sea. This flux could correspond to
27% of the total particulate organic carbon annually
delivered by the Rhne river (44 080 t yr
, Ludwig et al.,
1996). This C-kerogen (FOC) has been recorded in marine
sediments of the Gulf of Lion (Gadel and Ragot, 1973) that
are likely fed by Rhone sediments (Cauwet et al., 1990). Such
Table IV. Dissolved load yield for the Laval and Moulin catchments,
and total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations in watershed
waters (year 2002; according to Cras, 2005).
Watershed Dissolved load yield [Ca
] average TDS
(Cras, 2005) (Cras, 2005) (Cras, 2005)
(t km
) (mmol L
) (mmol L
Laval 340 2.5 13.4
Moulin 570 2.4 11.7
Table III. Sediment and FOC (mecFOC) yields for the Laval and Moulin watersheds.
Year Laval Moulin
Sediment yield FOC yield Sediment yield FOC yield
(t km
) (t km
) (t km
) (t km
1985 6188 31
1986 10812 54
1987 11288 56
1988 7004 35 3564 18
1989 4352 22 1350 7
1990 12308 62 6534 33
1991 9180 46 5346 27
1992 21148 106 9990 50
1993 11968 60 6156 31
1994 18360 92 9396 47
1995 9452 47 4374 22
1996 17884 89 8424 42
1997 8704 44 4536 23
1998 7140 36 4590 23
1999 9996 50 4590 23
2000 13668 68 5562 28
2001 8772 44 6588 33
2002 12716 64 6642 33
2003 15300 77 5130 26
2004 17952 90 9180 46
2005 13328 67 5670 28
Average 11787 59 5979 30
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)
FOC reburial in marine sediments suggests the balance
between OC burial and FOC oxidation maintaining atmospheric
constant (Berner, 1989; Berner and Canfield, 1989) is not
completed (Hilton et al., 2011). This also means that O and C
cycles should be revisited in the light of this FOC route for which
a significant part, strongly controlled by the chemical and
physical properties of kerogen (Copard et al., 2007; Galy et al.,
2008b), may be reburied (Hilton et al., 2011).
FOC delivered by chemical dissolution of bedrocks within a
carbonate matrix (e.g. marls) can be mineralized, dissolved or
stored in regoliths and soils. Its resident time in soils could be
close to 10
years (Keller and Bacon, 1998; Petsch et al.,
2000). However this duration is purely theoretic and should
be considered with care as the mineralization rate first depends
on chemical and physical properties of FOC. On the whole, the
recalcitrant character of FOC increases with the richness of C
content associated with H-depleted content of kerogen (Joseph
and Oberlin, 1983). This implies that higher burial temperature
of kerogen produces material more recalcitrant to chemical
weathering as oxidation, hydrolysis or biodegradation. In other
terms, a mature kerogen reaching the gas window (close to the
methagenesis, Durand, 1980) as metha-anthracites or the
ultimate C-member, graphite, could be persistent over a long
period in continental surfaces and can be exported to oceans
(Galy et al., 2008b; Bouchez et al., 2010). For some lower
degree of thermal evolution, kerogen resistance toward
weathering is governed by its chemical composition inherited
from the biological precursors and previous processes
experienced before burial. Accordingly, a kerogen showing a
ligno-cellulosic origin (type III in a Van Krevelen diagram) with
a high proportion of aromatic sheets, exhibits a higher
resistance toward weathering than a kerogen consisting in
bacterial and/or algal origin (type I and II in a Van Krevelen
diagram) with rather a higher proportion of aliphatic
compounds likely to be preferentially attacked by oxidation
(Copard et al., 2002 and references therein). However analysis
of soil OM modulates this simplistic postulate where some rich-
aliphatic compounds appear to be highly resistant towards soil
processes (Lichtfouse et al., 1998). For some field examples,
mineralization rates of FOC of outcropping humic coals ranged
from different ranks (from low to high volatile bituminous coals)
are comprised between 20 and 45% (Fredericks et al., 1983; Lo
and Cardott, 1995; Copard et al., 2002) while C-kerogen of
outcropping black shales (phytoplanctonic-derived origin)
present a complete mineralization (Petsch et al., 2000). For
the FOM disseminated in outcropping marls of the Draix exper-
imental catchments, FOM is dominantly a type III kerogen
(Graz et al., 2010, 2011). During the Jurassic, these marls were
deposited in marine environments where a mixture between
marine and continental organic matter classically occurs (Artru,
1972). Without any further alteration, and given the maturity
level reached by the kerogen disseminated in these rocks
during burial (attested by a low Tmax values, <410

C, from
the RE6 pyrolysis, Copard et al., 2006; Graz et al., 2011), this
kerogen would have exhibited some HI values higher than
400 mg HC g
TOC (Espitali et al., 1985). However, for the
rocks examined, HI values never exceed 180 mg HC g
and highlight that this kerogen is already weathered. This
means that the kerogen has already lost a significant (but
unknown) amount of labile FOC prior analyses, during a
chemical weathering as the weathering front can dip several
meters from the soil surface (Petsch et al., 2000). This kerogen,
or more precisely this recalcitrant residual kerogen, is thus
resistant to further weathering. This could explain why the
observed mineralization rates of FOC along some previously
studied regolith profiles in these catchments never exceed
30% (Graz et al., 2011). As a consequence, a significant part
of FOC released by chemical weathering of bedrocks can be
stored in regoliths.
Unfortunately, constraints on the chemical composition of
kerogen are not sufficient to predict its persistence in continen-
tal surfaces. External factors of climate, geological context and
more recently of human disturbance (e.g. land-use changes
such as forest cover) in continental surfaces advance or
mitigate the mineralization rate. As an example the aggressive-
ness of climate, both temperature and precipitation amounts as
seen with tropical climates, would improve the mineralization
rate of any OM including kerogen with a higher biodegradation
or oxidation processes. If this FOC escapes from such
processes, soil can be further eroded and deliver its FOC to
rivers as part of the particulate load.
This study proposes a first assessment of FOC fluxes release due
to mechanical and chemical weathering of marls in badlands.
With values ranging from 30 to 59 t km
, fluxes due to
mechanical weathering are predominant and are the same
order of magnitude as those previously estimated from tectoni-
cally active mountain catchments (9 to 246 t km
). These
significant values are not surprising in badlands due to weak
substrate and high local slope in gully valleys, which drive high
physical erosion rates. At the scale of the lower course of the
Rhone river, we assume that such geological formations could
annually export 12 000 t of FOC into the Mediterranean Sea.
At the global scale, rivers draining such badlands, whose lithol-
ogy is mainly composed of marls and clayed rocks (Nadal
Romero et al., 2011) rich in organic carbon, could also be a
significant source of FOC in continental surfaces. This FOC
can be conveyed downstream of the river with the clastic load
to ocean sediments with implications for the global C and O
biogeochemical cycles (Berner 1989; Blair et al., 2003).
FOC fluxes caused by the chemical dissolution of the
bedrock during weathering are lower and reach respectively
2.2 and 4.2 t km
for the Laval and the Moulin watersheds.
Despite the high resistance of this FOC against weathering, this
could promote storage as insoluble residues (soils, regoliths),
and a part of this carbon can either be mineralized or dissolved.
At global scale, the fate of FOC depends on several
parameters such as the physical and chemical properties of
FOC (origin, temperature recorded during OM burial), the
duration of exposure to weathering, but also on the
nature and hence the aggressiveness of the weathering
processes (e.g. hydrolysis, bacterial activity).
Our results confirm that the release of FOC by mechanical
and chemical weathering of sedimentary rocks does not simply
act as a source of C to the atmosphere, but can also supply
other carbon reservoirs (soils, riverine particles, sediments).
Fossil contribution should be taken into account by other
studies based on organic matter data and the role of FOC in
the carbon cycle has to be revisited.
AcknowledgementsThis work is a contribution of the GIS Bassins de
Draix, tude de lrosion en montagne piloted by the CEMAGREF and
was financially supported by the CNRS program INSU PNSE-ACI 2001:
Influence de lrosion sur les flux de matire organique fossile dans les
gosystmes continentaux actuels (sols, cours deau) : bassins expri-
mentaux de Draix, Alpes de Haute Provence, France. The authors
thank Marielle Hatton, Emily Moore and Jean-Emmanuel Olivier for
their technical / analytical supports and corrections. They also warmly
thank Professor Lane and Robert Hilton for their constructive
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Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, (2012)

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