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Alglib Man

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1 Introduction 1.1 ALGLIB license 1.2 Documentation license 1.3 Reference Manual and User Guide 1.4 Acknowledgements 2 Getting started with ALGLIB 2.1 ALGLIB structure 2.1.1 Packages 2.1.2 Subpackages 2.2 Compatibility 2.2.1 CPU 2.2.2 Compiler 2.2.3 Optimization settings 2.3 Compiling ALGLIB 2.3.1 Adding to your project 2.3.2 Configuring for your compiler 2.3.3 Improving performance (CPU-specific and OS-specific optimizations) 2.4 Using ALGLIB 2.4.1 Global definitions 2.4.2 Datatypes 2.4.3 Constants 2.4.4 Functions 2.4.5 Working with vectors and matrices 2.4.6 Using functions: 'expert' and 'friendly' interfaces 2.4.7 Handling errors 2.4.8 Working with Level 1 BLAS functions 2.5 Advanced topics 2.5.1 Testing ALGLIB 3 ALGLIB reference manual

1 Introduction
1.1 ALGLIB license
ALGLIB is a free software whic h uses dual lic ensing. You c an either use it under GPL lic ense (version 2 or at your option any later version) or buy c ommerc ial lic ense without c opyleft requirement. A c opy of the GNU General Public License is available at http://www.fsf.org/lic ensing/lic enses A c opy of the c ommerc ial lic ense c an be found at http://www.alglib.net /commercial.php

1.2 Documentation license


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1.3 Reference Manual and User Guide

ALGLIB Project provides two sourc es of information: ALGLIB Referenc e Manual (this doc ument) and ALGLIB User Guide. ALGLIB Referenc e Manual c ontains full desc ription of all public ly ac c essible ALGLIB units ac c ompanied with examples. Reference Manual is foc used on the sourc e c ode: it doc uments units, func tions, struc tures and so on. If you want to know what unit YYY can do or what subroutines unit ZZZ c ontains Referenc e Manual is a plac e to go. Free software needs free documentation - that's why ALGLIB Referenc e Manual is lic ensed under BSD-like doc umentation lic ense. Additionally to the Referenc e Manual we provide you User Guide. User Guide is foc used on more general questions: how fast ALGLIB is? how reliable it is? what are the strong and weak sides of the algorithms used? We aim to make ALGLIB User Guide an important sourc e of information both about ALGLIB and numeric al analysis algorithms in general. We want it to be a book about algorithms, not just software doc umentation. And we want it to be unique - that's why ALGLIB User Guide is distributed under less-permissive personal-use-only lic ense.

1.4 Acknowledgements
ALGLIB was not possible without c ontribution of the next open sourc e projec ts: LAPACK Cephes GNU MP MPFR

2 Getting started with ALGLIB

2.1 ALGLIB structure
2.1.1 Packages
ALGLIB is a C++ interfac e to the c omputational c ore written in C. Both C library and C++ wrapper are automatically generated by code generation tools developed within ALGLIB projec t. Pre-3.0 versions of ALGLIB inc luded more than 100 units, but it was diffic ult to work with suc h large number of files. Sinc e ALGLIB 3.0 all units are merged into 11 packages and two support units: alglibmisc.cpp - c ontains different algorithms whic h are hard to c lassify dataanalysis.cpp - c ontains data mining algorithms diffequations.cpp - c ontains differential equation solvers fasttransforms.cpp - c ontains FFT and other related algorithms integration.cpp - c ontains numeric al integration algorithms interpolation.cpp - c ontains interpolation algorithms linalg.cpp - c ontains linear algebra algorithms optimization.cpp - c ontains optimization algorithms solv ers.cpp - c ontains linear and nonlinear solvers specialfunctions.cpp - c ontains spec ial func tions statistics.cpp - statistic s alglibinternal.cpp - c ontains internal func tions whic h are used by other pac kages, but not exposed to the external world ap.cpp - contains public ly ac c essible vec tor/matrix c lasses, most important and general func tions and other "basic" functionality One package may rely on other ones, but we have tried to reduc e number of dependenc ies. Every pac kage relies on ap.cpp and many pac kages rely on alglibinternal.cpp. But many pac kages require only these two to work, and many other packages need signific antly less than 13 pac kages. For example, statistics.cpp requires two packages mentioned above and only one additional pac kage - specialfunctions.cpp.

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2.1.2 Subpackages
There is one more c onc ept to learn - subpackages. Every pac kage was c reated from several sourc e files. For example (as of ALGLIB 3.0.0), linalg.cpp was c reated by merging together 14 .c pp files (C++ interfac e) and 14 .c files (computational c ore). These files provide different func tionality: one of them c alc ulates triangular fac torizations, another generates random matric es, and so on. We've merged sourc e c ode, but what to do with their doc umentation? Of course, we can merge their doc umentation (as we've merged units) in one big list of func tions and data structures, but such list will be hard to read. Instead, we have dec ided to merge source code, but leave documentation separate. If you look at the list of ALGLIB pac kages, you will see that eac h pac kage inc ludes several subpac kages. For example, linalg.cpp inc ludes trfac, svd, evd and other subpac kages. These subpac kages do no exist as separate files, namespaces or other entities. They are just subsets of one large unit whic h provide signific antly different functionality. They have separate doc umentation sec tions, but if you want to use svd subpac kage, you have to inc lude linalg.h, not svd.h.

2.2 Compatibility
2.2.1 CPU
ALGLIB is compatible with any CPU whic h: supports double prec ision arithmetic s complies with IEEE 754 floating point standard (espec ially in its handling of IEEE spec ial values) either big-endian or little-endian (but not mixed-endian) Most mainstream CPU's (in partic ular, x86, x86_64 and SPARC) satisfy these requirements.
As for Intel architecture, ALGLIB works with both FPU-based and SSE-based implementations of floating point math. 80-bit internal representation used by Intel FPU is not a problem for ALGLIB.

2.2.2 Compiler
ALGLIB is compatible with any C++ c ompiler whic h: supports 32-bit and 64-bit signed integer datatypes emits code whic h handles comparisons with IEEE spec ial values without raising exc eption. We don't require that x/0 will return INF. But at least we must be able to compare double prec ision value with infinity or NAN without raising exception. All modern compilers (in partic ular, reasonably new versions of MSVC, GCC and Sun Studio) satisfy these requirements. However, some very old c ompilers (ten years old version of Borland C++ Builder, for example) may emit c ode which does not correctly works with IEEE spec ial values. If you use one of these old c ompilers, we rec ommend you to run ALGLIB test suite to ensure that library works.

2.2.3 Optimization settings

ALGLIB is compatible with any kind of optimizing c ompiler as long as: v olatile modifier is c orrec tly handled (i.e. c ompiler does not optimize volatile reads/writes) optimized c ode c orrec tly handles IEEE spec ial values Generally, all kinds of optimization that were marked by c ompiler vendor as "safe" are possible. For example, ALGLIB can be compiled: under MSVC: with /O1, /O2, /Og, /Os, /Ox, /Ot, /Oy, /fp:prec ise, /fp:exc ept, /fp:stric t under GCC: with -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os From the other side, following "unsafe" optimizations will break ALGLIB:

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under MSVC: /fp:fast under GCC: -Ofast, -ffast-math

2.3 Compiling ALGLIB

2.3.1 Adding to your project
Adding ALGLIB to your projec t is easy - just pic k pac kages you need and... add them to your projec t! Under most used compilers (GCC, MSVC, Sun Studio) it will work without any additional settings. In other c ases you will need to define several preprocessor definitions (this topic will be detailed below), but everything will still be simple. As you see, ALGLIB has no projec t files or makefiles. Why? There are several reasons: first, because many ALGLIB users don't need separate static library (whic h will be c reated by invoking makefile) they prefer to integrate sourc e c ode in their projec ts. We have provided sc ript-based build system before, but majority of our users prefer to build ALGLIB themselves. second, bec ause we want ALGLIB to be usable in any programming environment, whether it is Visual Studio, GNU build system or something else. The best solution is to write pac kage whic h doesn't depend on any particular programming environment. In any case, compiling ALGLIB is so simple that even without projec t file you c an do it in several minutes.

2.3.2 Configuring for your compiler

If you use modern versions of MSVC, GCC or Sun Studio, you don't need to c onfigure ALGLIB at all. But if you use outdated versions of these c ompilers (or something else), then you may need to tune definitions of several data types: alglib_impl::ae_int32_t - signed integer whic h is 32 bits wide alglib_impl::ae_int64_t - signed integer whic h is 64 bits wide alglib_impl::ae_int_t - signed integer whic h has same width as pointer ALGLIB tries to autodetec t your c ompiler and to define these types in c ompiler-spec ific manner: ae_int32_t is defined as int, bec ause this type is 32 bits wide in all modern c ompilers. ae_int64_t is defined as _int64 (MSVC) or as signed long long (GCC, Sun Studio). ae_int_t is defined as ptrdiff_t. In most cases, it is enough. But if anything goes wrong, you have several options: if your compiler provides stdint.h, you c an define AE_HAVE_STDINT c onditional symbol alternatively, you c an manually define AE_INT32_T and/or AE_INT64_T and/or AE_INT_T symbols. Just assign datatype name to them, and ALGLIB will automatic ally use your definition. You c an define only one or two types (those whic h are not defined automatic ally).

2.3.3 Improving performance (CPU-specific and OS-specific optimizations)

You can improve performanc e of ALGLIB in a several ways: by compiling with advanc ed optimization turned on by telling ALGLIB about CPU it will run on ALGLIB has two-layered struc ture: some set of basic performanc e-c ritic al primitives is implemented using optimized code, and the rest of the library is built on top of these primitives. By default, ALGLIB uses generic C c ode to implement these primitives (matrix multiplic ation, dec ompositions, etc .). This c ode works everywhere from Intel to SPARC. However, you can tell ALGLIB that it will work under partic ular arc hitec ture by defining appropriate mac ro at the global level: defining AE_CPU=AE_INTEL - to tell ALGLIB that it will work under Intel When AE_CPU mac ro is defined and equals to the AE_INTEL, it enables SSE2 support. ALGLIB will use cpuid instruction to determine SSE2 presenc e at run-time and - in c ase we have SSE2 - to use SSE2-c apable c ode. ALGLIB uses SSE2 intrinsics which are portable ac ross different c ompilers and effic ient enough for most prac tic al purposes. As of ALGLIB 3.4,

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SSE2 support is available for MSVC, GCC and Sun Studio users only.

2.4 Using ALGLIB

2.4.1 Global definitions
ALGLIB defines several c onditional symbols (all start with "AE_" whic h means "ALGLIB environment") and two namespaces: alglib_impl (c ontains c omputational c ore) and alglib (c ontains C++ interfac e). Although this manual mentions both alglib_impl and alglib namespac es, only alglib namespac e should be used by you. It contains user-friendly C++ interfac e with automatic memory management, exc eption handling and all other nice features. alglib_impl is less user-friendly, is less doc umented, and it is too easy to c rash your system or c ause memory leak if you use it direc tly.

2.4.2 Datatypes
ALGLIB (ap.h header) defines several "basic " datatypes (types whic h are used by all pac kages) and many packagespecific datatypes. "Basic " datatypes are: alglib::ae_int_t - signed integer type used by library alglib::complex - double prec ision c omplex datatype, safer replac ement for std::complex alglib::ap_error - exc eption whic h is thrown by library boolean_1d_array - 1-dimensional boolean array integer_1d_array - 1-dimensional integer array real_1d_array - 1-dimensional real (double prec ision) array complex_1d_array - 1-dimensional c omplex array boolean_2d_array - 2-dimensional boolean array integer_2d_array - 2-dimensional integer array real_2d_array - 2-dimensional real (double prec ision) array complex_2d_array - 2-dimensional c omplex array Package-specific datatypes are c lasses whic h c an be divided into two distinc t groups: "struct-like" c lasses with public fields whic h you c an ac c ess direc tly. "object-like" c lasses whic h have no public fields. You should use ALGLIB func tions to work with them.

2.4.3 Constants
The most important c onstants (defined in the ap.h header) from ALGLIB namespac e are: alglib::machineepsilon - small number whic h is close to the double prec ision &eps;, but is slightly larger alglib::maxrealnumber - very large number whic h is close to the maximum real number, but is slightly smaller alglib::minrealnumber - very small number whic h is close to the minimum nonzero real number, but is slightly larger alglib::fp_nan - NAN (non-signalling under most platforms exc ept for PA-RISC, where it is signalling; but when PA-RISC CPU is in its default state, it is silently c onverted to the quiet NAN) alglib::fp_posinf - positive infinity alglib::fp_neginf - negative infinity

2.4.4 Functions
The most important "basic " func tions from ALGLIB namespac e (ap.h header) are: alglib::randomreal() - returns random real number from [0,1) alglib::randominteger(mx) - returns random integer number from [0,nx); mx must be less than RAND_MAX alglib::fp_eq(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers. If numbers are represented with greater prec ision than spec ified by IEEE 754 (as with Intel 80-bit FPU), this func tions c onverts them to 64 bits before c omparing. alglib::fp_neq(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers.

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alglib::fp_less(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers. alglib::fp_less_eq(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers. alglib::fp_greater(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers. alglib::fp_greater_eq(v1,v2) - makes IEEE-c ompliant c omparison of two double prec ision numbers. alglib::fp_isnan - c hec ks whether number is NAN alglib::fp_isposinf - c hec ks whether number is +INF alglib::fp_isneginf - c hec ks whether number is -INF alglib::fp_isinf - c hec ks whether number is +INF or -INF alglib::fp_isfinite - c hec ks whether number is finite value (possibly subnormalized)

2.4.5 Working with vectors and matrices

ALGLIB (ap.h header) supports matrixes and vec tors (one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays) of variable size, with numeration starting from zero. Everything starts from array c reation. You should distinguish the c reation of array c lass instanc e and the memory allocation for the array. When c reating the c lass instanc e, you c an use c onstruc tor without any parameters, that c reates an empty array without any elements. An attempt to address them may c ause the program failure. You can use copy and assignment c onstruc tors that c opy one array into another. If, during the c opy operation, the source array has no memory alloc ated for the array elements, destination array will c ontain no elements either. If the source array has memory alloc ated for its elements, destination array will alloc ate the same amount of memory and c opy the elements there. That is, the c opy operation yields into two independent arrays with indentic al c ontents. You can also create array from formatted string like "[]", "[true,FALSE,tRUe]", "[[]]]" or "[[1,2],[3.2,4], [5.2]]" (note: '.' is used as dec imal point independently from loc ale settings). alglib::boolean_1d_array b1; b1 = "[true]"; alglib::real_2d_array r2("[[2,3],[3,4]]"); alglib::real_2d_array r2_1("[[]]"); alglib::real_2d_array r2_2(r2); r2_1 = r2; alglib::complex_1d_array c2; c2 = "[]"; c2 = "[0]"; c2 = "[1,2i]"; c2 = "[+1-2i,-1+5i]"; c2 = "[ 4i-2, 8i+2]"; c2 = "[+4i-2, +8i+2]"; c2 = "[-4i-2, -8i+2]"; After an empty array has been c reated, you c an alloc ate memory for its elements, using the setlength() method. The content of the created array elements is not defined. If the setlength method is c alled for the array with already allocated memory, then, after c hanging its parameters, the newly alloc ated elements also bec ome undefined and the old content is destroyed. alglib::boolean_1d_array b1; b1.setlength(2); alglib::integer_2d_array r2; r2.setlength(4,3); Another way to initialize array is to c all setcontent() method. This method ac c epts pointer to data whic h are copied into newly allocated array. Vec tors are stored in c ontiguous order, matric es are stored row by row. alglib::real_1d_array r1; double _r1[] = {2, 3}; r1.setcontent(2,_r1);

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alglib::real_2d_array r2; double _r2[] = {11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23}; r2.setcontent(2,3,_r2); To access the array elements, an overloaded operator() or operator[] c an used. That is, the c ode addressing the element of array a with indexes [i,j] c an look like a(i,j) or a[i][j]. alglib::integer_1d_array a("[1,2,3]"); alglib::integer_1d_array b("[3,9,27]"); a[0] = b(0); alglib::integer_2d_array c("[[1,2,3],[9,9,9]]"); alglib::integer_2d_array d("[[3,9,27],[8,8,8]]"); d[1][1] = c(0,0); You can access c ontents of 1-dimensional array by c alling getcontent() method whic h returns pointer to the array memory. For historic al reasons 2-dimensional arrays do not provide getcontent() method, but you c an use create reference to any element of array. 2-dimensional arrays store data in row-major order with aligned rows (i.e. generally distance between rows is not equal to number of c olumns). You c an get stride (distanc e between c onsequtive elements in different rows) with getstride() c all. alglib::integer_1d_array a("[1,2]"); alglib::real_2d_array b("[[0,1],[10,11]]"); alglib::ae_int_t *a_row = a.getcontent();

// all double double double

three pointers point to the same location *b_row0 = &b[0][0]; *b_row0_2 = &b(0,0); *b_row0_3 = b[0];

// advancing to the next row of 2-dimensional array double *b_row1 = b_row0 + b.getstride();
Finally, you can get array size with length(), rows() or cols() methods: alglib::integer_1d_array a("[1,2]"); alglib::real_2d_array b("[[0,1],[10,11]]"); printf("%ld\n", (long)a.length()); printf("%ld\n", (long)b.rows()); printf("%ld\n", (long)b.cols());

2.4.6 Using functions: 'expert' and 'friendly' interfaces

Most ALGLIB func tions provide two interfac es: 'expert' and 'friendly'. What is the differenc e between two? When you use 'friendly' interface, ALGLIB: tries to automatic ally determine size of input arguments throws an exc eption when arguments have inc onsistent size (for example, square matrix is expec ted, but non-square is passed; another example - two parameters must have same size, but have different size) if semantic s of input parameter assumes that it is symmetric /Hermitian matrix, c hec ks that lower triangle is equal to upper triangle (c onjugate of upper triangle) and throws an exc eption otherwise if semantic s of output parameter assumes that it is symmetric /Hermitian matrix, returns full matrix (both upper and lower triangles) When you use 'expert' interfac e, ALGLIB: requires caller to explic itly spec ify size of input arguments. If vec tor/matrix is larger than size being spec ified (say, N), only N leading elements are used

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if semantic s of input parameter assumes that it is symmetric /Hermitian matrix, uses only upper or lower triangle of input matrix and requires c aller to specify what triangle to use if semantic s of output parameter assumes that it is symmetric /Hermitian matrix, returns only upper or lower triangle (when you look at spec ific func tion, it is c lear what triangle is returned) Here are several examples of 'friendly' and 'expert' interfac es: #include "interpolation.h" ... alglib::real_1d_array x("[0,1,2,3]"); alglib::real_1d_array y("[1,5,3,9]"); alglib::real_1d_array y2("[1,5,3,9,0]"); alglib::spline1dinterpolant s; alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, 4, s); alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, s);

// 'expert' interface is used // 'friendly' interface - input size is // automatically determined

alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y2, 4, s); // y2.length() is 5, but it will work alglib::spline1dbuildlinear(x, y2, s); 'Friendly' interface - matrix semantic s: #include "linalg.h" ... alglib::real_2d_array a; alglib::matinvreport rep; alglib::ae_int_t info;

// it won't work because sizes of x and y2 // are inconsistent

// // 'Friendly' interface: spdmatrixinverse() accepts and returns symmetric matrix // // symmetric positive definite matrix a = "[[2,1],[1,2]]"; // after this line A will contain [[0.66,-0.33],[-0.33,0.66]] // which is symmetric too alglib::spdmatrixinverse(a, info, rep); // you may try to pass nonsymmetric matrix a = "[[2,1],[0,2]]"; // but exception will be thrown in such case alglib::spdmatrixinverse(a, info, rep);
Same function but with 'expert' interfac e: #include "linalg.h" ... alglib::real_2d_array a; alglib::matinvreport rep; alglib::ae_int_t info;

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// // 'Expert' interface, spdmatrixinverse() // // only upper triangle is used; a[1][0] is initialized by NAN, // but it can be arbitrary number a = "[[2,1],[NAN,2]]"; // after this line A will contain [[0.66,-0.33],[NAN,0.66]] // only upper triangle is modified alglib::spdmatrixinverse(a, 2 /* N */, true /* upper triangle is used */, info, rep);

2.4.7 Handling errors

ALGLIB uses two error handling strategies: returning error c ode throwing exc eption What is actually done depends on func tion being used and error being reported: 1. if function returns some error c ode and has c orresponding value for this kind of error, ALLGIB returns error c ode 2. if function does not return error c ode (or returns error c ode, but there is no c ode for error being reported), ALGLIB throws alglib::ap_error exc eption. Exc eption objec t has msg parameter whic h c ontains short desc ription of error. To make things clear we c onsider several examples of error handling. Example 1. minc greate func tion c reates nonlinear CG optimizer. It ac c epts problem size N and initial point X. Several things can go wrong - you may pass array whic h is too short, filled by NAN's, or otherwise pass inc orrec t data. However, this function returns no error c ode - so it throws an exc eption in c ase something goes wrong. There is no other way to tell caller that something went wrong. Example 2. rmatrixinverse func tion c alc ulates inverse matrix. It returns error c ode, whic h is set to +1 when problem is solved and is set to -3 if singular matrix was passed to the func tion. However, there is no error c ode for matrix which is non-square or contains infinities. Well, we c ould have c reated c orresponding error c odes - but we didn't. So if you pass singular matrix to rmatrixinverse, you will get c ompletion c ode -3. But if you pass matrix whic h c ontains INF in one of its elements, alglib::ap_error will be thrown. First error handling strategy (error c odes) is used to report "frequent" errors, whic h c an oc c ur during normal execution of user program. Sec ond error handling strategy (exc eptions) is used to report "rare" errors whic h are result of serious flaws in your program (or ALGLIB) - infinities/NAN's in the inputs, inc onsistent inputs, etc .

2.4.8 Working with Level 1 BLAS functions

ALGLIB (ap.h header) inc ludes following Level 1 BLAS func tions: alglib::vdotproduct() family, whic h allows to c alc ulate dot produc t of two real or c omplex vec tors alglib::vmove() family, whic h allows to c opy real/c omplex vec tor to another loc ation with optimal multiplication by real/complex value alglib::vmoveneg() family, whic h allows to c opy real/c omplex vec tor to another loc ation with multiplication by -1 alglib::vadd() and alglib::vsub() families, whic h allows to add or subtrac t two real/c omplex vectors with optimal multiplic ation by real/c omplex value alglib::vmul() family, whic h implements in-plac e multiplic ation of real/c omplex vec tor by real/c omplex value Each Level 1 BLAS func tion ac c epts input stride and output stride, whic h are expec ted to be positive. Input and output vectors should not overlap. Func tions operating with c omplex vec tors ac c ept additional parameter conj_src, which specifies whether input vec tor is c onjugated or not.

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For each real/complex func tion there exists "simple" c ompanion whic h ac c epts no stride or c onjugation modifier. "Simple" function assumes that input/output stride is +1, and no input c onjugation is required. alglib::real_1d_array alglib::real_2d_array alglib::complex_1d_array alglib::complex_2d_array alglib::vmove(&rvec[0], alglib::vmove(&cvec[0], alglib::vmove(&cvec[2], rvec("[0,1,2,3]"); rmat("[[1,2],[3,4]]"); cvec("[0+1i,1+2i,2-1i,3-2i]"); cmat("[[3i,1],[9,2i]]"); 1, &rmat[0][0], rmat.getstride(), 2); // now rvec is [1,3,2,3]

1, &cmat[0][0], rmat.getstride(), "No conj", 2); // now cvec is [3i, 9, 2-1i, 1, &cmat[0][0], 1, "Conj", 2); // now cvec is [3i, 9, -3i,

Here is full list of Level 1 BLAS func tions implemented in ALGLIB: double vdotproduct( const double *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const double *v1, ae_int_t stride1, ae_int_t n); double vdotproduct( const double *v1, const double *v2, ae_int_t N); alglib::complex vdotproduct( const alglib::complex *v0, ae_int_t stride0, const char *conj0, const alglib::complex *v1, ae_int_t stride1, const char *conj1, ae_int_t n); alglib::complex vdotproduct( const alglib::complex *v1, const alglib::complex *v2, ae_int_t N); void vmove( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n); void vmove( double *vdst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n); void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex* vsrc,

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ae_int_t N); void vmoveneg( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n); void vmoveneg( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vmoveneg( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n); void vmoveneg( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vmove( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vmove( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex* vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha);

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void vmove( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha); void vadd( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n); void vadd( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vadd( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vadd( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc,

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ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha); void vadd( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha); void vsub( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n); void vsub( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n); void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N); void vsub( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vsub( double *vdst, const double *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, double alpha);

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void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t stride_src, const char *conj_src, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha); void vsub( alglib::complex *vdst, const alglib::complex *vsrc, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha); void vmul( double *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vmul( double *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vmul( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, double alpha); void vmul( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, double alpha); void vmul( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t stride_dst, ae_int_t n, alglib::complex alpha); void vmul( alglib::complex *vdst, ae_int_t N, alglib::complex alpha);

2.5 Advanced topics

2.5.1 Testing ALGLIB
There are two test suites in ALGLIB: c omputational tests and interfac e tests. Computational tests are loc ated in /tests /test_c.cpp. They are foc used on numeric al properties of algorithms, stress testing and "deep" tests (large automatically generated problems). They require signific ant amount of time to finish (tens of minutes). Interface tests are loc ated in /tests/test_i.cpp. These tests are foc used on ability to c orrec tly pass data between computational core and c aller, ability to detec t simple problems in inputs, and on ability to at least c ompile ALGLIB with your compiler. They are very fast (about a minute to finish inc luding c ompilation time). Running test suite is easy - just 1. define AE_USE_ALLOC_COUNTER (preproc essor definition) at the projec t level; it will turn on some malloc/free-

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related chec ks 2. compile one of these files (test_c.cpp or test_i.cpp) along with the rest of the library 3. launch exec utable you will get. It may take from several sec onds (interfac e tests) to several minutes (c omputational tests) to get final results If you want to be sure that ALGLIB will work with some sophistic ated optimization settings, set c orresponding flags during compile time. If your c ompiler/system are not in the list of supported ones, we rec ommend you to run both test suites. But if you are running out of time, run at least test_i.cpp.

3 ALGLIB reference manual

Packages and subpackages
package hqrnd High quality random numbers generator nearestneighbor Nearest neighbor search: approximate and exact
AlglibMisc DataAnalysis

bdss dforest kmeans lda linreg logit mcpd mlpbase mlpe mlptrain pca

package Basic dataset functions Decision forest classifier (regression model) K-means++ clustering Linear discriminant analysis Linear models Logit models Markov Chains for Population/proportional Data Basic neural network operations Neural network ensemble models Neural network training Principal component analysis package Ordinary differential equation solver package Fast real/complex convolution Fast real/complex cross-correlation Real/complex FFT Real Fast Hartley Transform




conv corr fft fht


autogk gkq gq

package Adaptive 1-dimensional integration Gauss-Kronrod quadrature generator Gaussian quadrature generator package Inverse distance weighting: interpolation/fitting Linear and nonlinear least-squares solvers Polynomial interpolation/fitting Parametric spline interpolation
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idwint lsfit polint pspline

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ratint spline1d spline2d package ablas bdsvd evd inverseupdate matdet matgen matinv ortfac rcond schur spdgevd svd trfac
LinAlg Optimization

Rational interpolation/fitting 1D spline interpolation/fitting 2D spline interpolation

Level 2 and Level 3 BLAS operations Bidiagonal SVD Eigensolvers Sherman-Morrison update of the inverse matrix Determinant calculation Random matrix generation Matrix inverse Real/complex QR/LQ, bi(tri)diagonal, Hessenberg decompositions Condition number estimate Schur decomposition Generalized symmetric eigensolver Singular value decomposition LU and Cholesky decompositions

minbleic mincg mincomp minlbfgs minlm minqp


package Bound constrained optimizer with additional linear equality/inequality constraints Conjugate gradient optimizer Backward compatibility functions Limited memory BFGS optimizer Improved Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer Quadratic programming with bound and linear equality/inequality constraints

package densesolver nleq


Dense linear system solver Solvers for nonlinear equations package Airy functions Bessel functions Beta function Binomial distribution Chebyshev polynomials Chi-Square distribution Dawson integral Elliptic integrals Exponential integrals F-distribution Fresnel integrals Gamma function Hermite polynomials Incomplete beta function Incomplete gamma function Jacobian elliptic functions Laguerre polynomials Legendre polynomials
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airyf bessel betaf binomialdistr chebyshev chisquaredistr dawson elliptic expintegrals fdistr fresnel gammafunc hermite ibetaf igammaf jacobianelliptic laguerre legendre
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normaldistr poissondistr psif studenttdistr trigintegrals


Normal distribution Poisson distribution Psi function Student's t-distribution Trigonometric integrals

package basestat Mean, variance, covariance, correlation, etc. correlationtests Hypothesis testing: correlation tests jarquebera Hypothesis testing: Jarque-Bera test mannwhitneyu Hypothesis testing: Mann-Whitney-U test stest Hypothesis testing: sign test studentttests Hypothesis testing: Student's t-test variancetests Hypothesis testing: F-test and one-sample variance test wsr Hypothesis testing: Wilcoxon signed rank test



cmatrixcopy cmatrixgemm cmatrixlefttrsm cmatrixmv cmatrixrank1 cmatrixrighttrsm cmatrixsyrk cmatrixtranspose rmatrixcopy rmatrixgemm rmatrixlefttrsm rmatrixmv rmatrixrank1 rmatrixrighttrsm rmatrixsyrk rmatrixtranspose




/************************************************************************* Copy Input parameters: M number of rows N number of columns A source matrix, MxN submatrix is copied and transposed IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) B destination matrix IB submatrix offset (row index)

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JB submatrix offset (column index) *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixcopy( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, complex_2d_array& b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates C = alpha*op1(A)*op2(B) +beta*C where: * C is MxN general matrix * op1(A) is MxK matrix * op2(B) is KxN matrix * "op" may be identity transformation, transposition, conjugate transposition Additional info: * cache-oblivious algorithm is used. * multiplication result replaces C. If Beta=0, C elements are not used in calculations (not multiplied by zero - just not referenced) * if Alpha=0, A is not used (not multiplied by zero - just not referenced) * if both Beta and Alpha are zero, C is filled by zeros. INPUT PARAMETERS N matrix size, N>0 M matrix size, N>0 K matrix size, K>0 Alpha coefficient A matrix IA submatrix offset JA submatrix offset OpTypeA transformation type: * 0 - no transformation * 1 - transposition * 2 - conjugate transposition B matrix IB submatrix offset JB submatrix offset OpTypeB transformation type: * 0 - no transformation * 1 - transposition * 2 - conjugate transposition Beta coefficient C matrix IC submatrix offset JC submatrix offset -- ALGLIB routine -16.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixgemm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, alglib::complex alpha, complex_2d_array a,

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ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, alglib::complex beta, complex_2d_array& c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates op(A^-1)*X where: * X is MxN general matrix * A is MxM upper/lower triangular/unitriangular matrix * "op" may be identity transformation, transposition, conjugate transposition Multiplication result replaces X. Cache-oblivious algorithm is used. INPUT PARAMETERS N matrix size, N>=0 M matrix size, N>=0 A matrix, actial matrix is stored in A[I1:I1+M-1,J1:J1+M-1] I1 submatrix offset J1 submatrix offset IsUpper whether matrix is upper triangular IsUnit whether matrix is unitriangular OpType transformation type: * 0 - no transformation * 1 - transposition * 2 - conjugate transposition C matrix, actial matrix is stored in C[I2:I2+M-1,J2:J2+N-1] I2 submatrix offset J2 submatrix offset -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlefttrsm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, complex_2d_array& x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2);



/************************************************************************* Matrix-vector product: y := op(A)*x

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INPUT PARAMETERS: M number of rows of op(A) M>=0 N number of columns of op(A) N>=0 A target matrix IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) OpA operation type: * OpA=0 => op(A) = A * OpA=1 => op(A) = A^T * OpA=2 => op(A) = A^H X input vector IX subvector offset IY subvector offset OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y vector which stores result if M=0, then subroutine does nothing. if N=0, Y is filled by zeros. -- ALGLIB routine -28.01.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixmv( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, complex_1d_array x, ae_int_t ix, complex_1d_array& y, ae_int_t iy);



/************************************************************************* Rank-1 correction: A := A + u*v' INPUT PARAMETERS: M number of rows N number of columns A target matrix, MxN submatrix is updated IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) U vector #1 IU subvector offset V vector #2 IV subvector offset *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrank1( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t ia,

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ae_int_t ja, complex_1d_array& u, ae_int_t iu, complex_1d_array& v, ae_int_t iv);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates X*op(A^-1) where: * X is MxN general matrix * A is NxN upper/lower triangular/unitriangular matrix * "op" may be identity transformation, transposition, conjugate transposition Multiplication result replaces X. Cache-oblivious algorithm is used. INPUT PARAMETERS N matrix size, N>=0 M matrix size, N>=0 A matrix, actial matrix is stored in A[I1:I1+N-1,J1:J1+N-1] I1 submatrix offset J1 submatrix offset IsUpper whether matrix is upper triangular IsUnit whether matrix is unitriangular OpType transformation type: * 0 - no transformation * 1 - transposition * 2 - conjugate transposition C matrix, actial matrix is stored in C[I2:I2+M-1,J2:J2+N-1] I2 submatrix offset J2 submatrix offset -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrighttrsm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, complex_2d_array& x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates C=alpha*A*A^H+beta*C or C=alpha*A^H*A+beta*C where: * C is NxN Hermitian matrix given by its upper/lower triangle * A is NxK matrix when A*A^H is calculated, KxN matrix otherwise Additional info: * cache-oblivious algorithm is used.

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* multiplication result replaces C. If Beta=0, C elements are not used in calculations (not multiplied by zero - just not referenced) * if Alpha=0, A is not used (not multiplied by zero - just not referenced) * if both Beta and Alpha are zero, C is filled by zeros. INPUT PARAMETERS N matrix size, N>=0 K matrix size, K>=0 Alpha coefficient A matrix IA submatrix offset JA submatrix offset OpTypeA multiplication type: * 0 - A*A^H is calculated * 2 - A^H*A is calculated Beta coefficient C matrix IC submatrix offset JC submatrix offset IsUpper whether C is upper triangular or lower triangular -- ALGLIB routine -16.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixsyrk( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, complex_2d_array& c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Cache-oblivous complex "copy-and-transpose" Input parameters: M number of rows N number of columns A source matrix, MxN submatrix is copied and transposed IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) A destination matrix IB submatrix offset (row index) JB submatrix offset (column index) *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixtranspose( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, complex_2d_array& b, ae_int_t ib,

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ae_int_t jb);



/************************************************************************* Copy Input parameters: M number of rows N number of columns A source matrix, MxN submatrix is copied and transposed IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) B destination matrix IB submatrix offset (row index) JB submatrix offset (column index) *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixcopy( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb);



/************************************************************************* Same as CMatrixGEMM, but for real numbers. OpType may be only 0 or 1. -- ALGLIB routine -16.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixgemm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb, ae_int_t optypeb, double beta, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc);




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Same as CMatrixLeftTRSM, but for real matrices OpType may be only 0 or 1. -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlefttrsm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, real_2d_array& x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2);



/************************************************************************* Matrix-vector product: y := op(A)*x INPUT PARAMETERS: M number of rows of op(A) N number of columns of op(A) A target matrix IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) OpA operation type: * OpA=0 => op(A) = A * OpA=1 => op(A) = A^T X input vector IX subvector offset IY subvector offset OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y vector which stores result if M=0, then subroutine does nothing. if N=0, Y is filled by zeros. -- ALGLIB routine -28.01.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixmv( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t opa, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t ix, real_1d_array& y, ae_int_t iy);

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/************************************************************************* Rank-1 correction: A := A + u*v' INPUT PARAMETERS: M number of rows N number of columns A target matrix, MxN submatrix is updated IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) U vector #1 IU subvector offset V vector #2 IV subvector offset *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrank1( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, real_1d_array& u, ae_int_t iu, real_1d_array& v, ae_int_t iv);



/************************************************************************* Same as CMatrixRightTRSM, but for real matrices OpType may be only 0 or 1. -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrighttrsm( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t j1, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t optype, real_2d_array& x, ae_int_t i2, ae_int_t j2);



/************************************************************************* Same as CMatrixSYRK, but for real matrices OpType may be only 0 or 1.

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-- ALGLIB routine -16.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixsyrk( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t k, double alpha, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, ae_int_t optypea, double beta, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t ic, ae_int_t jc, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Cache-oblivous real "copy-and-transpose" Input parameters: M number of rows N number of columns A source matrix, MxN submatrix is copied and transposed IA submatrix offset (row index) JA submatrix offset (column index) A destination matrix IB submatrix offset (row index) JB submatrix offset (column index) *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixtranspose( ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array a, ae_int_t ia, ae_int_t ja, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t ib, ae_int_t jb);







/************************************************************************* Airy function

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Solution of the differential equation y"(x) = xy. The function returns the two independent solutions Ai, Bi and their first derivatives Ai'(x), Bi'(x). Evaluation is by power series summation for small x, by rational minimax approximations for large x.

ACCURACY: Error criterion is when function > 1, For large negative For large positive Arithmetic IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE domain -10, 0 0, 10 -10, 0 0, 10 -10, 10 -10, 10

absolute when function <= 1, relative except * denotes relative error criterion. x, the absolute error increases as x^1.5. x, the relative error increases as x^1.5. function Ai Ai Ai' Ai' Bi Bi' # trials 10000 10000 10000 10000 30000 30000 peak 1.6e-15 2.3e-14* 4.6e-15 1.8e-14* 4.2e-15 4.9e-15 rms 2.7e-16 1.8e-15* 7.6e-16 1.5e-15* 5.3e-16 7.3e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ void alglib::airy( double x, double& ai, double& aip, double& bi, double& bip);

autogkreport autogkstate


autogkintegrate autogkresults autogksingular autogksmooth autogksmoothw

autogk_d1 Integrating f=exp(x) by adaptive integrator



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/************************************************************************* Integration report: * TerminationType = completetion code: * -5 non-convergence of Gauss-Kronrod nodes calculation subroutine. * -1 incorrect parameters were specified * 1 OK * Rep.NFEV countains number of function calculations * Rep.NIntervals contains number of intervals [a,b] was partitioned into. *************************************************************************/ class autogkreport { ae_int_t terminationtype; ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t nintervals; };



/************************************************************************* This structure stores state of the integration algorithm. Although this class has public fields, they are not intended for external use. You should use ALGLIB functions to work with this class: * autogksmooth()/AutoGKSmoothW()/... to create objects * autogkintegrate() to begin integration * autogkresults() to get results *************************************************************************/ class autogkstate { };



/************************************************************************* This function is used to launcn iterations of ODE solver It accepts following parameters: diff callback which calculates dy/dx for given y and x obj optional object which is passed to diff; can be NULL -- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void autogkintegrate(autogkstate &state, void (*func)(double x, double xminusa, double bminusx, double &y, void *ptr), void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Adaptive integration results Called after AutoGKIteration returned False.

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Input parameters: State algorithm state (used by AutoGKIteration). Output parameters: V integral(f(x)dx,a,b) Rep optimization report (see AutoGKReport description) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::autogkresults( autogkstate state, double& v, autogkreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Integration on a finite interval [A,B]. Integrand have integrable singularities at A/B. F(X) must diverge as "(x-A)^alpha" at A, as "(B-x)^beta" at B, with known alpha/beta (alpha>-1, beta>-1). If alpha/beta are not known, estimates from below can be used (but these estimates should be greater than -1 too). One of alpha/beta variables (or even both alpha/beta) may be equal to 0, which means than function F(x) is non-singular at A/B. Anyway (singular at bounds or not), function F(x) is supposed to be continuous on (A,B). Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision. INPUT PARAMETERS: A, B interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B) Alpha power-law coefficient of the F(x) at A, Alpha>-1 Beta power-law coefficient of the F(x) at B, Beta>-1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS State structure which stores algorithm state SEE ALSO AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKResults. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::autogksingular( double a, double b, double alpha, double beta, autogkstate& state);



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/************************************************************************* Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b]. Fast-convergent algorithm based on a Gauss-Kronrod formula is used. Result is calculated with accuracy close to the machine precision. Algorithm works well only with smooth integrands. It may be continuous non-smooth integrands, but with less performance. used with

It should never be used with integrands which have integrable singularities at lower or upper limits - algorithm may crash. Use AutoGKSingular in such cases. INPUT PARAMETERS: A, B interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B) OUTPUT PARAMETERS State structure which stores algorithm state SEE ALSO AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKResults. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::autogksmooth(double a, double b, autogkstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Integration of a smooth function F(x) on a finite interval [a,b]. This subroutine is same as AutoGKSmooth(), but it guarantees that interval [a,b] is partitioned into subintervals which have width at most XWidth. Subroutine can be used when integrating nearly-constant function with narrow "bumps" (about XWidth wide). If "bumps" are too narrow, AutoGKSmooth subroutine can overlook them. INPUT PARAMETERS: A, B interval boundaries (A<B, A=B or A>B) OUTPUT PARAMETERS State structure which stores algorithm state SEE ALSO AutoGKSmooth, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKResults. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::autogksmoothw( double a, double b, double xwidth, autogkstate& state);

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autogk_d1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "integration.h"

using namespace alglib; void int_function_1_func(double x, double xminusa, double bminusx, double &y, void *ptr) { // this callback calculates f(x)=exp(x) y = exp(x); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates integration of f=exp(x) on [0,1]: // * first, autogkstate is initialized // * then we call integration function // * and finally we obtain results with autogkresults() call // double a = 0; double b = 1; autogkstate s; double v; autogkreport rep; autogksmooth(a, b, s); alglib::autogkintegrate(s, int_function_1_func); autogkresults(s, v, rep); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 1.7182 return 0; }



cov2 covm covm2 pearsoncorr2 pearsoncorrelation pearsoncorrm pearsoncorrm2 sampleadev samplemedian samplemoments samplepercentile spearmancorr2 spearmancorrm spearmancorrm2 spearmanrankcorrelation

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basestat_d_base basestat_d_c2 basestat_d_cm basestat_d_cm2 Basic func tionality (moments, adev, median, perc entile) Correlation (c ovarianc e) between two random variables Correlation (c ovarianc e) between c omponents of random vec tor Correlation (c ovarianc e) between two random vec tors



/************************************************************************* 2-sample covariance Input parameters: X sample 1 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) Y sample 2 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) N N>=0, sample size: * if given, only N leading elements of X/Y are processed * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes Result: covariance (zero for N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cov2(real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y); double alglib::cov2(real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Covariance matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M M>0, number of variables: * if given, only leading M columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M,M], covariance matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::covm(real_2d_array x, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::covm( real_2d_array x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_2d_array& c);

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Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Cross-covariance matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M1], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation Y array[N,M2], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X/Y are used * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes M1 M1>0, number of variables in X: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M2 M2>0, number of variables in Y: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M1,M2], cross-covariance matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::covm2(real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::covm2( real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array& c); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient Input parameters: X sample 1 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) Y sample 2 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) N N>=0, sample size: * if given, only N leading elements of X/Y are processed * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes Result: Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (zero for N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::pearsoncorr2(real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y);

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double alglib::pearsoncorr2(real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Obsolete function, we recommend to use PearsonCorr2(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::pearsoncorrelation( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Pearson product-moment correlation matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M M>0, number of variables: * if given, only leading M columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M,M], correlation matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pearsoncorrm(real_2d_array x, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::pearsoncorrm( real_2d_array x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_2d_array& c); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Pearson product-moment cross-correlation matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M1], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation Y array[N,M2], sample matrix:

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* J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X/Y are used * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes M1>0, number of variables in X: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M2>0, number of variables in Y: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size

N M1 M2

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M1,M2], cross-correlation matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pearsoncorrm2( real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::pearsoncorrm2( real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array& c); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* ADev Input parameters: X sample N N>=0, sample size: * if given, only leading N elements of X are processed * if not given, automatically determined from size of X Output parameters: ADevADev -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::sampleadev(real_1d_array x, double& adev); void alglib::sampleadev(real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double& adev); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Median calculation. Input parameters:

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X N sample (array indexes: [0..N-1]) N>=0, sample size: * if given, only leading N elements of X are processed * if not given, automatically determined from size of X

Output parameters: Median -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::samplemedian(real_1d_array x, double& median); void alglib::samplemedian(real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double& median); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Calculation of the distribution moments: mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis. INPUT PARAMETERS: X sample N N>=0, sample size: * if given, only leading N elements of X are processed * if not given, automatically determined from size of X OUTPUT PARAMETERS Mean mean. Variancevariance. Skewnessskewness (if variance<>0; zero otherwise). Kurtosiskurtosis (if variance<>0; zero otherwise). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::samplemoments( real_1d_array x, double& mean, double& variance, double& skewness, double& kurtosis); void alglib::samplemoments( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double& mean, double& variance, double& skewness, double& kurtosis); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Percentile calculation. Input parameters: X sample (array indexes: [0..N-1])

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N P N>=0, sample size: * if given, only leading N elements of X are processed * if not given, automatically determined from size of X percentile (0<=P<=1)

Output parameters: V percentile -- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::samplepercentile(real_1d_array x, double p, double& v); void alglib::samplepercentile( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double p, double& v); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Spearman's rank correlation coefficient Input parameters: X sample 1 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) Y sample 2 (array indexes: [0..N-1]) N N>=0, sample size: * if given, only N leading elements of X/Y are processed * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes Result: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (zero for N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spearmancorr2(real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y); double alglib::spearmancorr2( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Spearman's rank correlation matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M M>0, number of variables:

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* if given, only leading M columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M,M], correlation matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spearmancorrm(real_2d_array x, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::spearmancorrm( real_2d_array x, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_2d_array& c); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Spearman's rank cross-correlation matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[N,M1], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation Y array[N,M2], sample matrix: * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation N N>=0, number of observations: * if given, only leading N rows of X/Y are used * if not given, automatically determined from input sizes M1 M1>0, number of variables in X: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size M2 M2>0, number of variables in Y: * if given, only leading M1 columns of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from input size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C array[M1,M2], cross-correlation matrix (zero if N=0 or N=1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spearmancorrm2( real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, real_2d_array& c); void alglib::spearmancorrm2( real_2d_array x, real_2d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m1, ae_int_t m2, real_2d_array& c); Examples: [1]


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/************************************************************************* Obsolete function, we recommend to use SpearmanCorr2(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spearmanrankcorrelation( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n);

basestat_d_base example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "statistics.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_1d_array x = "[0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81]"; double mean; double variance; double skewness; double kurtosis; double adev; double p; double v; // // Here we demonstrate calculation of sample moments // (mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis) // samplemoments(x, mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis); printf("%.1f\n", double(mean)); // EXPECTED: 28.5 printf("%.1f\n", double(variance)); // EXPECTED: 801.1667 printf("%.1f\n", double(skewness)); // EXPECTED: 0.5751 printf("%.1f\n", double(kurtosis)); // EXPECTED: -1.2666 // // Average deviation // sampleadev(x, adev); printf("%.1f\n", double(adev)); // EXPECTED: 23.2 // // Median and percentile // samplemedian(x, v); printf("%.1f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 20.5 p = 0.5; samplepercentile(x, p, v); printf("%.1f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 20.5 return 0; }

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basestat_d_c2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "statistics.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // We have two samples - x and y, and want to measure dependency between them // real_1d_array x = "[0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81]"; real_1d_array y = "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]"; double v; // // Three dependency measures are calculated: // * covariation // * Pearson correlation // * Spearman rank correlation // v = cov2(x, y); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 82.5 v = pearsoncorr2(x, y); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.9627 v = spearmancorr2(x, y); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 1.000 return 0; }

basestat_d_cm example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "statistics.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // X is a sample matrix: // * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation // * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable // real_2d_array x = "[[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]]"; real_2d_array c; // // Three dependency measures are calculated: // * covariation // * Pearson correlation

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// * Spearman rank correlation // // Result is stored into C, with C[i,j] equal to correlation // (covariance) between I-th and J-th variables of X. // covm(x, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[1.80,0.60,-1.40],[0.60,0.70,-0.80],[-1.40,-0.80,14. pearsoncorrm(x, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[1.000,0.535,-0.272],[0.535,1.000,-0.249],[-0.272,-0 spearmancorrm(x, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[1.000,0.556,-0.306],[0.556,1.000,-0.750],[-0.306,-0 return 0; }

basestat_d_cm2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "statistics.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // X and Y are sample matrices: // * I-th row corresponds to I-th observation // * J-th column corresponds to J-th variable // real_2d_array x = "[[1,0,1],[1,1,0],[-1,1,0],[-2,-1,1],[-1,0,9]]"; real_2d_array y = "[[2,3],[2,1],[-1,6],[-9,9],[7,1]]"; real_2d_array c; // // Three dependency measures are calculated: // * covariation // * Pearson correlation // * Spearman rank correlation // // Result is stored into C, with C[i,j] equal to correlation // (covariance) between I-th variable of X and J-th variable of Y. // covm2(x, y, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[4.100,-3.250],[2.450,-1.500],[13.450,-5.750]] pearsoncorrm2(x, y, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.519,-0.699],[0.497,-0.518],[0.596,-0.433]] spearmancorrm2(x, y, c); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.541,-0.649],[0.216,-0.433],[0.433,-0.135]] return 0; }



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dsoptimalsplit2 dsoptimalsplit2fast




/************************************************************************* Optimal binary classification Algorithms finds optimal (=with minimal cross-entropy) binary partition. Internal subroutine. INPUT PARAMETERS: A array[0..N-1], variable C array[0..N-1], class numbers (0 or 1). N array size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info completetion code: * -3, all values of A[] are same (partition is impossible) * -2, one of C[] is incorrect (<0, >1) * -1, incorrect pararemets were passed (N<=0). * 1, OK Threshold- partiton boundary. Left part contains values which are strictly less than Threshold. Right part contains values which are greater than or equal to Threshold. PAL, PBLprobabilities P(0|v<Threshold) and P(1|v<Threshold) PAR, PBRprobabilities P(0|v>=Threshold) and P(1|v>=Threshold) CVE cross-validation estimate of cross-entropy -- ALGLIB -Copyright 22.05.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dsoptimalsplit2( real_1d_array a, integer_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, double& threshold, double& pal, double& pbl, double& par, double& pbr, double& cve);



/************************************************************************* Optimal partition, internal subroutine. Fast version. Accepts: A C TiesBuf CntBuf Alpha array[0..N-1] array[0..N-1] array[0..N] array[0..2*NC-1] array of attributes array[0..N-1] array of class labels temporaries (ties) temporaries (counts) centering factor (0<=alpha<=1, recommended value - 0.05)

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BufR BufI Output: Info RMS CVRMS array[0..N-1] array[0..N-1] temporaries temporaries

error code (">0"=OK, "<0"=bad) training set RMS error leave-one-out RMS error

Note: content of all arrays is changed by subroutine; it doesn't allocate temporaries. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.12.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dsoptimalsplit2fast( real_1d_array& a, integer_1d_array& c, integer_1d_array& tiesbuf, integer_1d_array& cntbuf, real_1d_array& bufr, integer_1d_array& bufi, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nc, double alpha, ae_int_t& info, double& threshold, double& rms, double& cvrms);







/************************************************************************* Singular value decomposition of a bidiagonal matrix (extended algorithm) The algorithm performs the singular value decomposition of a bidiagonal matrix B (upper or lower) representing it as B = Q*S*P^T, where Q and P orthogonal matrices, S - diagonal matrix with non-negative elements on the main diagonal, in descending order. The algorithm finds singular values. In addition, the algorithm can calculate matrices Q and P (more precisely, not the matrices, but their product with given matrices U and VT - U*Q and (P^T)*VT)). Of course, matrices U and VT can be of any type, including identity. Furthermore, the algorithm can calculate Q'*C (this product is calculated more effectively than U*Q, because this calculation operates with rows instead of matrix columns). The feature of the algorithm is its ability to find all singular values including those which are arbitrarily close to 0 with relative accuracy

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close to machine precision. If the parameter IsFractionalAccuracyRequired is set to True, all singular values will have high relative accuracy close to machine precision. If the parameter is set to False, only the biggest singular value will have relative accuracy close to machine precision. The absolute error of other singular values is equal to the absolute error of the biggest singular value. Input parameters: D main diagonal of matrix B. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. E superdiagonal (or subdiagonal) of matrix B. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-2]. N size of matrix B. IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper bidiagonal. IsFractionalAccuracyRequired accuracy to search singular values with. U matrix to be multiplied by Q. Array whose indexes range within [0..NRU-1, 0..N-1]. The matrix can be bigger, in that case only the submatrix [0..NRU-1, 0..N-1] will be multiplied by Q. NRU number of rows in matrix U. C matrix to be multiplied by Q'. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..NCC-1]. The matrix can be bigger, in that case only the submatrix [0..N-1, 0..NCC-1] will be multiplied by Q'. NCC number of columns in matrix C. VT matrix to be multiplied by P^T. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..NCVT-1]. The matrix can be bigger, in that case only the submatrix [0..N-1, 0..NCVT-1] will be multiplied by P^T. NCVT number of columns in matrix VT. Output parameters: D singular values of matrix B in descending order. U if NRU>0, contains matrix U*Q. VT if NCVT>0, contains matrix (P^T)*VT. C if NCC>0, contains matrix Q'*C. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged. False, if the algorithm hasn't converged (rare case). Additional information: The type of convergence is controlled by the internal parameter TOL. If the parameter is greater than 0, the singular values will have relative accuracy TOL. If TOL<0, the singular values will have absolute accuracy ABS(TOL)*norm(B). By default, |TOL| falls within the range of 10*Epsilon and 100*Epsilon, where Epsilon is the machine precision. It is not recommended to use TOL less than 10*Epsilon since this will considerably slow down the algorithm and may not lead to error decreasing. History: * 31 March, 2007. changed MAXITR from 6 to 12. -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University October 31, 1999. *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::rmatrixbdsvd( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array e, ae_int_t n, bool isupper,

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bool isfractionalaccuracyrequired, real_2d_array& u, ae_int_t nru, real_2d_array& c, ae_int_t ncc, real_2d_array& vt, ae_int_t ncvt);

besseli0 besseli1 besselj0 besselj1 besseljn besselk0 besselk1 besselkn bessely0 bessely1 besselyn





/************************************************************************* Modified Bessel function of order zero Returns modified Bessel function of order zero of the argument. The function is defined as i0(x) = j0( ix ). The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0,8] and (8, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed in each interval. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,30 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 5.8e-16 rms 1.4e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besseli0(double x);



/************************************************************************* Modified Bessel function of order one

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Returns modified Bessel function of order one of the argument. The function is defined as i1(x) = -i j1( ix ). The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0,8] and (8, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed in each interval. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 1.9e-15 rms 2.1e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1985, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besseli1(double x);



/************************************************************************* Bessel function of order zero Returns Bessel function of order zero of the argument. The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and (5, infinity). In the first interval the following rational approximation is used: 2 2 (w - r ) (w - r ) P (w) / Q (w) 1 2 3 8 2 where w = x and the two r's are zeros of the function. In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6 and 7/7. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Absolute error: # trials peak 60000 4.2e-16 rms 1.1e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselj0(double x);



/************************************************************************* Bessel function of order one

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Returns Bessel function of order one of the argument. The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). In the first interval a 24 term Chebyshev expansion is used. In the second, the asymptotic trigonometric representation is employed using two rational functions of degree 5/5. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Absolute error: # trials peak 30000 2.6e-16 rms 1.1e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselj1(double x);



/************************************************************************* Bessel function of integer order Returns Bessel function of order n, where n is a (possibly negative) integer. The ratio of jn(x) to j0(x) is computed by backward recurrence. First the ratio jn/jn-1 is found by a continued fraction expansion. Then the recurrence relating successive orders is applied until j0 or j1 is reached. If n = 0 or 1 the routine for j0 or j1 is called directly. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE range 0, 30 Absolute error: # trials peak 5000 4.4e-16 rms 7.9e-17

Not suitable for large n or x. Use jv() (fractional order) instead. Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besseljn(ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Modified Bessel function, second kind, order zero Returns modified Bessel function of the second kind of order zero of the argument. The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0,8] and (8, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed

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in each interval. ACCURACY: Tested at 2000 random points between 0 and 8. Peak absolute error (relative when K0 > 1) was 1.46e-14; rms, 4.26e-15. Relative error: arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE 0, 30 30000 1.2e-15 1.6e-16 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselk0(double x);



/************************************************************************* Modified Bessel function, second kind, order one Computes the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order one of the argument. The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0,2] and (2, infinity). Chebyshev polynomial expansions are employed in each interval. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 1.2e-15 rms 1.6e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselk1(double x);



/************************************************************************* Modified Bessel function, second kind, integer order Returns modified Bessel function of the second kind of order n of the argument. The range is partitioned into the two intervals [0,9.55] and (9.55, infinity). An ascending power series is used in the low range, and an asymptotic expansion in the high range. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,30 Relative error: # trials peak 90000 1.8e-8 rms 3.0e-10

Error is high only near the crossover point x = 9.55 between the two expansions used. Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000

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Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselkn(ae_int_t nn, double x);



/************************************************************************* Bessel function of the second kind, order zero Returns Bessel function of the second kind, of order zero, of the argument. The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 5] and (5, infinity). In the first interval a rational approximation R(x) is employed to compute y0(x) = R(x) + 2 * log(x) * j0(x) / PI. Thus a call to j0() is required. In the second interval, the Hankel asymptotic expansion is employed with two rational functions of degree 6/6 and 7/7.

ACCURACY: Absolute error, when y0(x) < 1; else relative error: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 # trials 30000 peak 1.3e-15 rms 1.6e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::bessely0(double x);



/************************************************************************* Bessel function of second kind of order one Returns Bessel function of the second kind of order one of the argument. The domain is divided into the intervals [0, 8] and (8, infinity). In the first interval a 25 term Chebyshev expansion is used, and a call to j1() is required. In the second, the asymptotic trigonometric representation is employed using two rational functions of degree 5/5. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Absolute error: # trials peak 30000 1.0e-15 rms 1.3e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::bessely1(double x);

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/************************************************************************* Bessel function of second kind of integer order Returns Bessel function of order n, where n is a (possibly negative) integer. The function is evaluated by forward recurrence on n, starting with values computed by the routines y0() and y1(). If n = 0 or 1 the routine for y0 or y1 is called directly. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Absolute error, except relative when y > 1: # trials peak rms 30000 3.4e-15 4.3e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::besselyn(ae_int_t n, double x);







/************************************************************************* Beta function | (a) | (b) -----------. | (a+b)

beta( a, b )

For large arguments the logarithm of the function is evaluated using lgam(), then exponentiated. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,30 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 8.1e-14 rms 1.1e-14

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Cephes Math Library Release 2.0: April, 1987 Copyright 1984, 1987 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::beta(double a, double b);

binomialcdistribution binomialdistribution invbinomialdistribution





/************************************************************************* Complemented binomial distribution Returns the sum of the terms k+1 through n of the Binomial probability density: n -- ( n ) > ( ) -- ( j ) j=k+1 j p (1-p) n-j

The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete beta integral is employed, according to the formula y = bdtrc( k, n, p ) = incbet( k+1, n-k, p ). The arguments must be positive, with p ranging from 0 to 1. ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,p). a,b arithmetic domain # trials For p between 0.001 and 1: IEEE 0,100 100000 For p between 0 and .001: IEEE 0,100 100000 Relative error: peak rms 6.7e-15 1.5e-13 8.2e-16 2.7e-15

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::binomialcdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p);



/************************************************************************* Binomial distribution

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Returns the sum of the terms 0 through k of the Binomial probability density: k -> -j=0 ( n ) ( ) ( j ) j p (1-p) n-j

The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete beta integral is employed, according to the formula y = bdtr( k, n, p ) = incbet( n-k, k+1, 1-p ). The arguments must be positive, with p ranging from 0 to 1. ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,p), with p between 0 and 1. a,b arithmetic domain # trials For p between 0.001 and 1: IEEE 0,100 100000 Relative error: peak rms 4.3e-15 2.6e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::binomialdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double p);



/************************************************************************* Inverse binomial distribution Finds the event probability p such that the sum of the terms 0 through k of the Binomial probability density is equal to the given cumulative probability y. This is accomplished using the inverse beta integral function and the relation 1 - p = incbi( n-k, k+1, y ). ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,p). a,b arithmetic domain # trials For p between 0.001 and 1: IEEE 0,100 100000 IEEE 0,10000 100000 For p between 10^-6 and 0.001: IEEE 0,100 100000 IEEE 0,10000 100000 Relative error: peak rms 2.3e-14 6.6e-12 2.0e-12 1.5e-12 6.4e-16 1.2e-13 1.3e-14 3.2e-14

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invbinomialdistribution(ae_int_t k, ae_int_t n, double y);

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chebyshevcalculate chebyshevcoeffic ients chebyshevsum fromchebyshev




/************************************************************************* Calculation of the value of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kinds. Parameters: r polynomial kind, either 1 or 2. n degree, n>=0 x argument, -1 <= x <= 1 Result: the value of the Chebyshev polynomial at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::chebyshevcalculate(ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Representation of Tn as C[0] + C[1]*X + ... + C[N]*X^N Input parameters: N polynomial degree, n>=0 Output parameters: C coefficients *************************************************************************/ void alglib::chebyshevcoefficients(ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* Summation of Chebyshev polynomials using Clenshaws recurrence formula. This routine calculates c[0]*T0(x) + c[1]*T1(x) + ... + c[N]*TN(x) or c[0]*U0(x) + c[1]*U1(x) + ... + c[N]*UN(x) depending on the R. Parameters: r polynomial kind, either 1 or 2.

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n x degree, n>=0 argument

Result: the value of the Chebyshev polynomial at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::chebyshevsum( real_1d_array c, ae_int_t r, ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Conversion of a series of Chebyshev polynomials to a power series. Represents A[0]*T0(x) + A[1]*T1(x) + ... + A[N]*Tn(x) as B[0] + B[1]*X + ... + B[N]*X^N. Input parameters: A Chebyshev series coefficients N degree, N>=0 Output parameters B power series coefficients *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fromchebyshev(real_1d_array a, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& b);

chisquarecdistribution chisquaredistribution invchisquaredistribution





/************************************************************************* Complemented Chi-square distribution Returns the area under the right hand tail (from x to infinity) of the Chi square probability density function with v degrees of freedom: inf. | | v/2-1 -t/2 | t e dt | | x

P( x | v )

1 ----------v/2 2 | (v/2)

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where x is the Chi-square variable. The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the formula y = chdtr( v, x ) = igamc( v/2.0, x/2.0 ). The arguments must both be positive. ACCURACY: See incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::chisquarecdistribution(double v, double x);



/************************************************************************* Chi-square distribution Returns the area under the left hand tail (from 0 to x) of the Chi square probability density function with v degrees of freedom. x P( x | v ) = 1 ----------v/2 2 | (v/2) | | v/2-1 -t/2 | t e dt | | 0

where x is the Chi-square variable. The incomplete gamma integral is used, according to the formula y = chdtr( v, x ) = igam( v/2.0, x/2.0 ). The arguments must both be positive. ACCURACY: See incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::chisquaredistribution(double v, double x);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of complemented Chi-square distribution

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Finds the Chi-square argument x such that the integral from x to infinity of the Chi-square density is equal to the given cumulative probability y. This is accomplished using the inverse gamma integral function and the relation x/2 = igami( df/2, y ); ACCURACY: See inverse incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invchisquaredistribution(double v, double y);



convc1d convc1dcircular convc1dcircularinv convc1dinv convr1d convr1dcircular convr1dcircularinv convr1dinv




/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex convolution. For given A/B returns conv(A,B) (non-circular). Subroutine can automatically choose between three implementations: straightforward O(M*N) formula for very small N (or M), overlap-add algorithm for cases where max(M,N) is significantly larger than min(M,N), but O(M*N) algorithm is too slow, and general FFT-based formula for cases where two previois algorithms are too slow. Algorithm has max(M,N)*log(max(M,N)) complexity for any M/N. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - complex function to be transformed M problem size B array[0..N-1] - complex function to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..N+M-2]. NOTE:

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It is assumed that A is zero at T<0, B is zero too. If one or functions have non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. both this

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convc1d( complex_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional circular complex convolution. For given S/R returns conv(S,R) (circular). Algorithm has linearithmic complexity for any M/N. IMPORTANT: normal convolution is commutative, i.e. it is symmetric conv(A,B)=conv(B,A). Cyclic convolution IS NOT. One function - S - is a signal, periodic function, and another - R - is a response, non-periodic function with limited length. INPUT PARAMETERS S array[0..M-1] - complex periodic signal M problem size B array[0..N-1] - complex non-periodic response N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..M-1]. NOTE: It is assumed that B is zero at T<0. If it has non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use this subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convc1dcircular( complex_1d_array s, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array r, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional circular complex deconvolution (inverse of ConvC1DCircular()). Algorithm has M*log(M)) complexity for any M (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - convolved periodic signal, A = conv(R, B)

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M B N convolved signal length array[0..N-1] - non-periodic response response length

OUTPUT PARAMETERS R deconvolved signal. array[0..M-1]. NOTE: deconvolution is unstable process and may result in division by zero (if your response function is degenerate, i.e. has zero Fourier coefficient). NOTE: It is assumed that B is zero at T<0. If it has non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use this subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convc1dcircularinv( complex_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex non-circular deconvolution (inverse of ConvC1D()). Algorithm has M*log(M)) complexity for any M (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - convolved signal, A = conv(R, B) M convolved signal length B array[0..N-1] - response N response length, N<=M OUTPUT PARAMETERS R deconvolved signal. array[0..M-N]. NOTE: deconvolution is unstable process and may result in division by zero (if your response function is degenerate, i.e. has zero Fourier coefficient). NOTE: It is assumed that A is zero at T<0, B is zero too. If one or functions have non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. both this

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convc1dinv( complex_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& r);

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/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional real convolution. Analogous to ConvC1D(), see ConvC1D() comments for more details. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - real function to be transformed M problem size B array[0..N-1] - real function to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..N+M-2]. NOTE: It is assumed that A is zero at T<0, B is zero too. If one or functions have non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. both this

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convr1d( real_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional circular real convolution. Analogous to ConvC1DCircular(), see ConvC1DCircular() comments for more details. INPUT PARAMETERS S array[0..M-1] - real signal M problem size B array[0..N-1] - real response N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..M-1]. NOTE: It is assumed that B is zero at T<0. If it has non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use this subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convr1dcircular( real_1d_array s, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array r, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);

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/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex deconvolution (inverse of ConvC1D()). Algorithm has M*log(M)) complexity for any M (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - convolved signal, A = conv(R, B) M convolved signal length B array[0..N-1] - response N response length OUTPUT PARAMETERS R deconvolved signal. array[0..M-N]. NOTE: deconvolution is unstable process and may result in division by zero (if your response function is degenerate, i.e. has zero Fourier coefficient). NOTE: It is assumed that B is zero at T<0. If it has non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use this subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convr1dcircularinv( real_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional real deconvolution (inverse of ConvC1D()). Algorithm has M*log(M)) complexity for any M (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..M-1] - convolved signal, A = conv(R, B) M convolved signal length B array[0..N-1] - response N response length, N<=M OUTPUT PARAMETERS R deconvolved signal. array[0..M-N]. NOTE: deconvolution is unstable process and may result in division by zero (if your response function is degenerate, i.e. has zero Fourier coefficient). NOTE: It is assumed that A is zero at T<0, B is zero too. If one or functions have non-zero values at negative T's, you can still use subroutine - just shift its result correspondingly. both this

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::convr1dinv( real_1d_array a, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& r);



corrc1d corrc1dcircular corrr1d corrr1dcircular




/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex cross-correlation. For given Pattern/Signal returns corr(Pattern,Signal) (non-circular). Correlation is calculated using reduction to convolution. Algorithm with max(N,N)*log(max(N,N)) complexity is used (see ConvC1D() for more info about performance). IMPORTANT: for historical reasons subroutine accepts its parameters in reversed order: CorrC1D(Signal, Pattern) = Pattern x Signal (using traditional definition of cross-correlation, denoting cross-correlation as "x"). INPUT PARAMETERS Signal array[0..N-1] - complex function to be transformed, signal containing pattern N problem size Pattern array[0..M-1] - complex function to be transformed, pattern to search withing signal M problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R cross-correlation, array[0..N+M-2]: * positive lags are stored in R[0..N-1], R[i] = sum(conj(pattern[j])*signal[i+j] * negative lags are stored in R[N..N+M-2], R[N+M-1-i] = sum(conj(pattern[j])*signal[-i+j] NOTE: It is assumed that pattern domain is [0..M-1]. If Pattern is non-zero on [-K..M-1], you can still use this subroutine, just shift result by K. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::corrc1d( complex_1d_array signal, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array pattern, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional circular complex cross-correlation. For given Pattern/Signal returns corr(Pattern,Signal) (circular). Algorithm has linearithmic complexity for any M/N. IMPORTANT: for historical reasons subroutine accepts its parameters in reversed order: CorrC1DCircular(Signal, Pattern) = Pattern x Signal (using traditional definition of cross-correlation, denoting cross-correlation as "x"). INPUT PARAMETERS Signal array[0..N-1] - complex function to be transformed, periodic signal containing pattern N problem size Pattern array[0..M-1] - complex function to be transformed, non-periodic pattern to search withing signal M problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..M-1]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::corrc1dcircular( complex_1d_array signal, ae_int_t m, complex_1d_array pattern, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional real cross-correlation. For given Pattern/Signal returns corr(Pattern,Signal) (non-circular). Correlation is calculated using reduction to convolution. Algorithm with max(N,N)*log(max(N,N)) complexity is used (see ConvC1D() for more info about performance). IMPORTANT: for historical reasons subroutine accepts its parameters in reversed order: CorrR1D(Signal, Pattern) = Pattern x Signal (using traditional definition of cross-correlation, denoting cross-correlation as "x").

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INPUT PARAMETERS Signal array[0..N-1] - real function to be transformed, signal containing pattern N problem size Pattern array[0..M-1] - real function to be transformed, pattern to search withing signal M problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R cross-correlation, array[0..N+M-2]: * positive lags are stored in R[0..N-1], R[i] = sum(pattern[j]*signal[i+j] * negative lags are stored in R[N..N+M-2], R[N+M-1-i] = sum(pattern[j]*signal[-i+j] NOTE: It is assumed that pattern domain is [0..M-1]. If Pattern is non-zero on [-K..M-1], you can still use this subroutine, just shift result by K. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::corrr1d( real_1d_array signal, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array pattern, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional circular real cross-correlation. For given Pattern/Signal returns corr(Pattern,Signal) (circular). Algorithm has linearithmic complexity for any M/N. IMPORTANT: for historical reasons subroutine accepts its parameters in reversed order: CorrR1DCircular(Signal, Pattern) = Pattern x Signal (using traditional definition of cross-correlation, denoting cross-correlation as "x"). INPUT PARAMETERS Signal array[0..N-1] - real function to be transformed, periodic signal containing pattern N problem size Pattern array[0..M-1] - real function to be transformed, non-periodic pattern to search withing signal M problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS R convolution: A*B. array[0..M-1]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.07.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::corrr1dcircular( real_1d_array signal, ae_int_t m,

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real_1d_array pattern, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);



pearsoncorrelationsignific anc e spearmanrankcorrelationsignific anc e




/************************************************************************* Pearson's correlation coefficient significance test This test checks hypotheses about whether X and Y are continuous distributions having zero correlation or correlation is non-zero. samples of two whether their

The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - X and Y have zero correlation) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the correlation coefficient is greater than or equal to 0) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the correlation coefficient is less than or equal to 0). Requirements: * the number of elements in each sample is not less than 5 * normality of distributions of X and Y. Input parameters: R Pearson's correlation coefficient for X and Y N number of elements in samples, N>=5. Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pearsoncorrelationsignificance( double r, ae_int_t n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);

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/************************************************************************* Spearman's rank correlation coefficient significance test This test checks hypotheses about whether X and Y are continuous distributions having zero correlation or correlation is non-zero. samples of two whether their

The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - X and Y have zero correlation) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the correlation coefficient is greater than or equal to 0) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the correlation coefficient is less than or equal to 0). Requirements: * the number of elements in each sample is not less than 5. The test is non-parametric and doesn't require distributions X and Y to be normal. Input parameters: R Spearman's rank correlation coefficient for X and Y N number of elements in samples, N>=5. Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spearmanrankcorrelationsignificance( double r, ae_int_t n, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);







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/************************************************************************* Dawson's Integral Approximates the integral x 2 dawsn(x) = exp( -x ) | | | | | 0 2 exp( t ) dt

Three different rational approximations are employed, for the intervals 0 to 3.25; 3.25 to 6.25; and 6.25 up. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,10 Relative error: # trials peak 10000 6.9e-16 rms 1.0e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dawsonintegral(double x);

densesolverlsreport densesolverreport


cmatrixlusolve cmatrixlusolvem cmatrixmixedsolve cmatrixmixedsolvem cmatrixsolve cmatrixsolvem hpdmatrixcholeskysolve hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem hpdmatrixsolve hpdmatrixsolvem rmatrixlusolve rmatrixlusolvem rmatrixmixedsolve rmatrixmixedsolvem rmatrixsolve rmatrixsolvels rmatrixsolvem spdmatrixcholeskysolve spdmatrixcholeskysolvem spdmatrixsolve spdmatrixsolvem

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/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class densesolverlsreport { double r2; real_2d_array cx; ae_int_t n; ae_int_t k; };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class densesolverreport { double r1; double rinf; };



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolve(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(N^2) complexity * condition number estimation No iterative refinement is provided because exact form of original matrix is not known to subroutine. Use CMatrixSolve or CMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, CMatrixLU result N size of A B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlusolve( complex_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n,

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complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(M*N^2) complexity * condition number estimation No iterative refinement is provided because exact form of original matrix is not known to subroutine. Use CMatrixSolve or CMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlusolvem( complex_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixMixedSolve(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, CMatrixLU result N size of A

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B array[0..N-1], right part

OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolveM Rep same as in RMatrixSolveM X same as in RMatrixSolveM -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixmixedsolve( complex_2d_array a, complex_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixMixedSolveM(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(M*N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], P array[0..N-1], pivots N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], M right part size system matrix LU decomposition, CMatrixLU result array, CMatrixLU result right part

OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolveM Rep same as in RMatrixSolveM X same as in RMatrixSolveM -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixmixedsolvem( complex_2d_array a, complex_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x);



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/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolve(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(N^3) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixsolve( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for complex matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size RFS iterative refinement switch: * True - refinement is used. Less performance, more precision. * False - refinement is not used. More performance, less precision. OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixsolvem( complex_2d_array a,

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ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, bool rfs, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolve(), but for HPD matrices represented by their Cholesky decomposition. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(N^2) complexity * condition number estimation * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS CHA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition, SPDMatrixCholesky result N size of A IsUpper what half of CHA is provided B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskysolve( complex_2d_array cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for HPD matrices represented by their Cholesky decomposition. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(M*N^2) complexity * condition number estimation * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle

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No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS CHA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition, HPDMatrixCholesky result N size of CHA IsUpper what half of CHA is provided B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskysolvem( complex_2d_array cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolve(), but for Hermitian positive definite matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * O(N^3) complexity * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A IsUpper what half of A is provided B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as Returns Rep same as X same as -- ALGLIB -in -3 in in RMatrixSolve for non-HPD matrices. RMatrixSolve RMatrixSolve

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Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixsolve( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for Hermitian positive definite matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A IsUpper what half of A is provided B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as Returns Rep same as X same as in -3 in in RMatrixSolve. for non-HPD matrices. RMatrixSolve RMatrixSolve

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixsolvem( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, complex_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. This subroutine solves a system A*X=B, where A is NxN non-denegerate

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real matrix given by its LU decomposition, X and B are NxM real matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(N^2) complexity * condition number estimation No iterative refinement is provided because exact form of original matrix is not known to subroutine. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result N size of A B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlusolve( real_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Similar to RMatrixLUSolve() but solves task with multiple right parts (where b and x are NxM matrices). Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(M*N^2) complexity * condition number estimation No iterative refinement is provided because exact form of original matrix is not known to subroutine. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlusolvem( real_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. This subroutine solves a system A*x=b, where BOTH ORIGINAL A AND ITS LU DECOMPOSITION ARE KNOWN. You can use it if for some reasons you have both A and its LU decomposition. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result P array[0..N-1], pivots array, RMatrixLU result N size of A B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolveM Rep same as in RMatrixSolveM X same as in RMatrixSolveM -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixmixedsolve( real_2d_array a, real_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Similar to RMatrixMixedSolve() but solves task with multiple right parts

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(where b and x are NxM matrices). Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(M*N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], LUA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], P array[0..N-1], pivots N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], M right part size system matrix LU decomposition, RMatrixLU result array, RMatrixLU result right part

OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolveM Rep same as in RMatrixSolveM X same as in RMatrixSolveM -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixmixedsolvem( real_2d_array a, real_2d_array lua, integer_1d_array p, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. This subroutine solves a system real matrix, x and b are vectors. A*x=b, where A is NxN non-denegerate

Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * iterative refinement * O(N^3) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info return code: * -3 A is singular, or VERY close to singular. X is filled by zeros in such cases. * -1 N<=0 was passed * 1 task is solved (but matrix A may be ill-conditioned, check R1/RInf parameters for condition numbers). Rep solver report, see below for more info

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X array[0..N-1], it contains: * solution of A*x=b if A is non-singular (well-conditioned or ill-conditioned, but not very close to singular) * zeros, if A is singular or VERY close to singular (in this case Info=-3).

SOLVER REPORT Subroutine sets following fields of the Rep structure: * R1 reciprocal of condition number: 1/cond(A), 1-norm. * RInf reciprocal of condition number: 1/cond(A), inf-norm. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixsolve( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. This subroutine finds solution of the linear system A*X=B with non-square, possibly degenerate A. System is solved in the least squares sense, and general least squares solution X = X0 + CX*y which minimizes |A*X-B| is returned. If A is non-degenerate, solution in the usual sense is returned Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * iterative refinement * O(N^3) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..NRows-1,0..NCols-1], system matrix NRows vertical size of A NCols horizontal size of A B array[0..NCols-1], right part Threshold- a number in [0,1]. Singular values beyond Threshold are considered zero. Set it to 0.0, if you don't understand what it means, so the solver will choose good value on its own. OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info return code: * -4 SVD subroutine failed * -1 if NRows<=0 or NCols<=0 or Threshold<0 was passed * 1 if task is solved Rep solver report, see below for more info X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], it contains: * solution of A*X=B if A is non-singular (well-conditioned or ill-conditioned, but not very close to singular) * zeros, if A is singular or VERY close to singular (in this case Info=-3). SOLVER REPORT

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Subroutine sets following fields of the Rep structure: * R2 reciprocal of condition number: 1/cond(A), 2-norm. * N = NCols * K dim(Null(A)) * CX array[0..N-1,0..K-1], kernel of A. Columns of CX store such vectors that A*CX[i]=0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 24.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixsolvels( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t nrows, ae_int_t ncols, real_1d_array b, double threshold, ae_int_t& info, densesolverlsreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Similar to RMatrixSolve() but solves task with multiple right parts (where b and x are NxM matrices). Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * optional iterative refinement * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size RFS iterative refinement switch: * True - refinement is used. Less performance, more precision. * False - refinement is not used. More performance, less precision. OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixsolvem( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, bool rfs, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x);

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/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolve(), but for SPD matrices represented by their Cholesky decomposition. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(N^2) complexity * condition number estimation * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS CHA array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition, SPDMatrixCholesky result N size of A IsUpper what half of CHA is provided B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskysolve( real_2d_array cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixLUSolveM(), but for SPD matrices represented by their Cholesky decomposition. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * O(M*N^2) complexity * condition number estimation * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS

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CHA N IsUpper B M array[0..N-1,0..N-1], Cholesky decomposition, SPDMatrixCholesky result size of CHA what half of CHA is provided array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part right part size

OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as in RMatrixSolve Rep same as in RMatrixSolve X same as in RMatrixSolve -- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskysolvem( real_2d_array cha, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolve(), but for SPD matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * O(N^3) complexity * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A IsUpper what half of A is provided B array[0..N-1], right part OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as Returns Rep same as X same as in -3 in in RMatrixSolve for non-SPD matrices. RMatrixSolve RMatrixSolve

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixsolve( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_1d_array b, ae_int_t& info,

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densesolverreport& rep, real_1d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* Dense solver. Same as RMatrixSolveM(), but for symmetric positive definite matrices. Algorithm features: * automatic detection of degenerate cases * condition number estimation * O(N^3+M*N^2) complexity * matrix is represented by its upper or lower triangle No iterative refinement is provided because such partial representation of matrix does not allow efficient calculation of extra-precise matrix-vector products for large matrices. Use RMatrixSolve or RMatrixMixedSolve if you need iterative refinement. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1,0..N-1], system matrix N size of A IsUpper what half of A is provided B array[0..N-1,0..M-1], right part M right part size OUTPUT PARAMETERS Info same as Returns Rep same as X same as in -3 in in RMatrixSolve. for non-SPD matrices. RMatrixSolve RMatrixSolve

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 27.01.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixsolvem( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, densesolverreport& rep, real_2d_array& x);

decisionforest dfreport


dfavgce dfavgerror dfavgrelerror

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dfbuildrandomdec isionforest dfbuildrandomdec isionforestx1 dfprocess dfprocessi dfrelclserror dfrmserror dfserialize dfunserialize




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class decisionforest { };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class dfreport { double relclserror; double avgce; double rmserror; double avgerror; double avgrelerror; double oobrelclserror; double oobavgce; double oobrmserror; double oobavgerror; double oobavgrelerror; };



/************************************************************************* Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: CrossEntropy/(NPoints*LN(2)). Zero if model solves regression task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dfavgce(

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decisionforest df, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dfavgerror( decisionforest df, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average relative error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average relative error when estimating posterior probability of belonging to the correct class. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dfavgrelerror( decisionforest df, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds random decision forest. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY NPoints training set training set size, NPoints>=1

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NVars NClasses number of independent variables, NVars>=1 task type: * NClasses=1 - regression task with one dependent variable * NClasses>1 - classification task with NClasses classes. number of trees in a forest, NTrees>=1. recommended values: 50-100. percent of a training set used to build individual trees. 0<R<=1. recommended values: 0.1 <= R <= 0.66. return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<1, NVars<1, NClasses<1, NTrees<1, R<=0 or R>1). * 1, if task has been solved model built training report, contains error on a training set and out-of-bag estimates of generalization error.

NTrees R


DF Rep

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 19.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dfbuildrandomdecisionforest( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, double r, ae_int_t& info, decisionforest& df, dfreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds random decision forest. This function gives ability to tune number of variables used when choosing best split. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY NPoints NVars NClasses training set training set size, NPoints>=1 number of independent variables, NVars>=1 task type: * NClasses=1 - regression task with one dependent variable * NClasses>1 - classification task with NClasses classes. number of trees in a forest, NTrees>=1. recommended values: 50-100. number of variables used when choosing best split percent of a training set used to build individual trees. 0<R<=1. recommended values: 0.1 <= R <= 0.66.

NTrees NRndVars R


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Info return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<1, NVars<1, NClasses<1, NTrees<1, R<=0 or R>1). * 1, if task has been solved model built training report, contains error on a training set and out-of-bag estimates of generalization error.

DF Rep

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 19.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dfbuildrandomdecisionforestx1( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t ntrees, ae_int_t nrndvars, double r, ae_int_t& info, decisionforest& df, dfreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model X input vector, array[0..NVars-1]. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y result. Regression estimate when solving regression task, vector of posterior probabilities for classification task. See also DFProcessI. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dfprocess( decisionforest df, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* 'interactive' variant of DFProcess for languages like Python which support constructs like "Y = DFProcessI(DF,X)" and interactive mode of interpreter This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::dfprocessi( decisionforest df, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* Relative classification error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: percent of incorrectly classified cases. Zero if model solves regression task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dfrelclserror( decisionforest df, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: DF decision forest model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: root mean square error. Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, RMS error means error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::dfrmserror( decisionforest df, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* This function serializes data structure to string.

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Important properties of s_out: * it contains alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, minus signs * these symbols are grouped into words, which are separated by spaces and Windows-style (CR+LF) newlines * although serializer uses spaces and CR+LF as separators, you can replace any separator character by arbitrary combination of spaces, tabs, Windows or Unix newlines. It allows flexible reformatting of the string in case you want to include it into text or XML file. But you should not insert separators into the middle of the "words" nor you should change case of letters. * s_out can be freely moved between 32-bit and 64-bit systems, little and big endian machines, and so on. You can serialize structure on 32-bit machine and unserialize it on 64-bit one (or vice versa), or serialize it on SPARC and unserialize on x86. You can also serialize it in C++ version of ALGLIB and unserialize in C# one, and vice versa. *************************************************************************/ void dfserialize(decisionforest &obj, std::string &s_out);



/************************************************************************* This function unserializes data structure from string. *************************************************************************/ void dfunserialize(std::string &s_in, decisionforest &obj);



ellipticintegrale ellipticintegralk ellipticintegralkhighprec ision incompleteelliptic integrale incompleteelliptic integralk




/************************************************************************* Complete elliptic integral of the second kind Approximates the integral pi/2 | | 2 | sqrt( 1 - m sin t ) dt | | 0


using the approximation P(x) x log x Q(x).

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ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 1 Relative error: # trials peak 10000 2.1e-16 rms 7.3e-17

Cephes Math Library, Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::ellipticintegrale(double m);



/************************************************************************* Complete elliptic integral of the first kind Approximates the integral


pi/2 | | | dt | -----------------| 2 | | sqrt( 1 - m sin t ) 0

using the approximation P(x) ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,1 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 2.5e-16 rms 6.8e-17 log x Q(x).

Cephes Math Library, Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::ellipticintegralk(double m);



/************************************************************************* Complete elliptic integral of the first kind Approximates the integral


pi/2 | | | dt | -----------------| 2

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| | 0 sqrt( 1 - m sin t )

where m = 1 - m1, using the approximation P(x) log x Q(x).

The argument m1 is used rather than m so that the logarithmic singularity at m = 1 will be shifted to the origin; this preserves maximum accuracy. K(0) = pi/2. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,1 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 2.5e-16 rms 6.8e-17

Cephes *************************************************************************/ double alglib::ellipticintegralkhighprecision(double m1);



/************************************************************************* Incomplete elliptic integral of the second kind Approximates the integral phi | | | = | | | | 0


2 sqrt( 1 - m sin t ) dt

of amplitude phi and modulus m, using the arithmetic geometric mean algorithm. ACCURACY: Tested at random arguments with phi in [-10, 10] and m in [0, 1]. Relative error: arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE -10,10 150000 3.3e-15 1.4e-16 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1993, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::incompleteellipticintegrale(double phi, double m);



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/************************************************************************* Incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind F(phi|m) Approximates the integral


phi | | | = | | | | 0

dt -----------------2 sqrt( 1 - m sin t )

of amplitude phi and modulus m, using the arithmetic geometric mean algorithm.

ACCURACY: Tested at random points with m in [0, 1] and phi as indicated. arithmetic IEEE domain -10,10 Relative error: # trials peak 200000 7.4e-16 rms 1.0e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::incompleteellipticintegralk(double phi, double m);



hmatrixevd hmatrixevdi hmatrixevdr rmatrixevd smatrixevd smatrixevdi smatrixevdr smatrixtdevd smatrixtdevdi smatrixtdevdr




/************************************************************************* Finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix

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The algorithm finds eigen pairs of a Hermitian matrix by real tridiagonal form and using the QL/QR algorithm. reducing it to

Input parameters: A Hermitian matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. Output parameters: D eigenvalues in ascending order. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains the eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. The eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged. False, if the algorithm hasn't converged (rare case). Note: eigenvectors of Hermitian matrix are defined up to a complex number L, such that |L|=1. multiplication by

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005, 23 March 2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::hmatrixevd( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, real_1d_array& d, complex_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix with given indexes by using bisection and inverse iteration methods Input parameters: A Hermitian matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. IsUpperA - storage format of matrix A. I1, I2 index interval for searching (from I1 to I2). 0 <= I1 <= I2 <= N-1. Output parameters:

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W Z array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..I2-I1]. if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..I2-I1]. In that case, the eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns.

Result: True, if successful. W contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors. In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned. Note: eigen vectors of Hermitian matrix are defined up to multiplication a complex number L, such as |L|=1. by

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.01.2006, 24.03.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey. *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::hmatrixevdi( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, real_1d_array& w, complex_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) of a Hermitian matrix in a given half-interval (A, B] by using a bisection and inverse iteration Input parameters: A Hermitian matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. IsUpperA - storage format of matrix A. B1, B2 half-interval (B1, B2] to search eigenvalues in. Output parameters: M number of eigenvalues found in a given half-interval, M>=0 W array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..M-1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..M-1].

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The eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. Result: True, if successful. M contains the number of eigenvalues in the given half-interval (could be equal to 0), W contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors. In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned, M is equal to 0. Note: eigen vectors of Hermitian matrix are defined up to multiplication a complex number L, such as |L|=1. by

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.01.2006, 24.03.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey. *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::hmatrixevdr( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, double b1, double b2, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& w, complex_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general matrix The algorithm finds eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general matrix by using the QR algorithm with multiple shifts. The algorithm can find eigenvalues and both left and right eigenvectors. The right eigenvector is a vector x such that A*x = w*x, and the left eigenvector is a vector y such that y'*A = w*y' (here y' implies a complex conjugate transposition of vector y). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. VNeeded flag controlling whether eigenvectors are needed or not. If VNeeded is equal to: * 0, eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, right eigenvectors are returned; * 2, left eigenvectors are returned; * 3, both left and right eigenvectors are returned. Output parameters: WR real parts of eigenvalues. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. WR imaginary parts of eigenvalues. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. VL, VR arrays of left and right eigenvectors (if they are needed). If WI[i]=0, the respective eigenvalue is a real number, and it corresponds to the column number I of matrices VL/VR.

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If WI[i]>0, we have a pair of complex conjugate numbers with positive and negative imaginary parts: the first eigenvalue WR[i] + sqrt(-1)*WI[i]; the second eigenvalue WR[i+1] + sqrt(-1)*WI[i+1]; WI[i]>0 WI[i+1] = -WI[i] < 0 In that case, the eigenvector corresponding to the first eigenvalue is located in i and i+1 columns of matrices VL/VR (the column number i contains the real part, and the column number i+1 contains the imaginary part), and the vector corresponding to the second eigenvalue is a complex conjugate to the first vector. Arrays whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged. False, if the algorithm has not converged. Note 1: Some users may ask the following question: what if WI[N-1]>0? WI[N] must contain an eigenvalue which is complex conjugate to the N-th eigenvalue, but the array has only size N? The answer is as follows: such a situation cannot occur because the algorithm finds a pairs of eigenvalues, therefore, if WI[i]>0, I is strictly less than N-1. Note 2: The algorithm performance depends on the value of the internal parameter NS of the InternalSchurDecomposition subroutine which defines the number of shifts in the QR algorithm (similarly to the block width in block-matrix algorithms of linear algebra). If you require maximum performance on your machine, it is recommended to adjust this parameter manually. See also the InternalTREVC subroutine. The algorithm is based on the LAPACK 3.0 library. *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::rmatrixevd( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t vneeded, real_1d_array& wr, real_1d_array& wi, real_2d_array& vl, real_2d_array& vr);



/************************************************************************* Finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix The algorithm finds eigen pairs of a symmetric matrix by reducing it to tridiagonal form and using the QL/QR algorithm. Input parameters: A symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to:

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* 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. storage format.

IsUpper -

Output parameters: D eigenvalues in ascending order. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains the eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. The eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged. False, if the algorithm hasn't converged (rare case). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixevd( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, real_1d_array& d, real_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix with given indexes by using bisection and inverse iteration methods. Input parameters: A symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. IsUpperA - storage format of matrix A. I1, I2 index interval for searching (from I1 to I2). 0 <= I1 <= I2 <= N-1. Output parameters: W array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..I2-I1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..I2-I1]. In that case, the eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. Result: True, if successful. W contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors.

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In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.01.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixevdi( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper, ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding the eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) of a symmetric matrix in a given half open interval (A, B] by using a bisection and inverse iteration Input parameters: A symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. IsUpperA - storage format of matrix A. B1, B2 half open interval (B1, B2] to search eigenvalues in. Output parameters: M number of eigenvalues found in a given half-interval (M>=0). W array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..M-1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..M-1]. The eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. Result: True, if successful. M contains the number of eigenvalues in the given half-interval (could be equal to 0), W contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors. In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned, M is equal to 0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.01.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixevdr( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, bool isupper,

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double b1, double b2, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a tridiagonal symmetric matrix The algorithm finds the eigen pairs of a tridiagonal symmetric matrix by using an QL/QR algorithm with implicit shifts. Input parameters: D the main diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. E the secondary diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-2]. N size of matrix A. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not needed; * 1, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix are multiplied by the square matrix Z. It is used if the tridiagonal matrix is obtained by the similarity transformation of a symmetric matrix; * 2, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix replace the square matrix Z; * 3, matrix Z contains the first row of the eigenvectors matrix. Z if ZNeeded=1, Z contains the square matrix by which the eigenvectors are multiplied. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. Output parameters: D eigenvalues in ascending order. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains the product of a given matrix (from the left) and the eigenvectors matrix (from the right); * 2, Z contains the eigenvectors. * 3, Z contains the first row of the eigenvectors matrix. If ZNeeded<3, Z is the array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. In that case, the eigenvectors are stored in the matrix columns. If ZNeeded=3, Z is the array whose indexes range within [0..0, 0..N-1]. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged. False, if the algorithm hasn't converged. -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University September 30, 1994 *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixtdevd( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded,

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real_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding tridiagonal matrix eigenvalues/vectors with given indexes (in ascending order) by using the bisection and inverse iteraion. Input parameters: D the main diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. E the secondary diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-2]. N size of matrix. N>=0. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not needed; * 1, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix are multiplied by the square matrix Z. It is used if the tridiagonal matrix is obtained by the similarity transformation of a symmetric matrix. * 2, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix replace matrix Z. I1, I2 index interval for searching (from I1 to I2). 0 <= I1 <= I2 <= N-1. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z isn't used and remains unchanged; * 1, Z contains the square matrix (array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]) which reduces the given symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form; * 2, Z isn't used (but changed on the exit). Output parameters: D array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..I2-I1]. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, doesn't contain any information; * 1, contains the product of a given NxN matrix Z (from the left) and Nx(I2-I1) matrix of the eigenvectors found (from the right). Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..I2-I1]. * 2, contains the matrix of the eigenvalues found. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..I2-I1]. Result: True, if successful. In that case, D contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). It should be noted that the subroutine changes the size of arrays D and Z. False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors. In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.12.2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixtdevdi( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array e, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded,

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ae_int_t i1, ae_int_t i2, real_2d_array& z);



/************************************************************************* Subroutine for finding the tridiagonal matrix eigenvalues/vectors in a given half-interval (A, B] by using bisection and inverse iteration. Input parameters: D the main diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. E the secondary diagonal of a tridiagonal matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-2]. N size of matrix, N>=0. ZNeeded flag controlling whether the eigenvectors are needed or not. If ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not needed; * 1, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix are multiplied by the square matrix Z. It is used if the tridiagonal matrix is obtained by the similarity transformation of a symmetric matrix. * 2, the eigenvectors of a tridiagonal matrix replace matrix Z. A, B half-interval (A, B] to search eigenvalues in. Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z isn't used and remains unchanged; * 1, Z contains the square matrix (array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]) which reduces the given symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form; * 2, Z isn't used (but changed on the exit). Output parameters: D array of the eigenvalues found. Array whose index ranges within [0..M-1]. M number of eigenvalues found in the given half-interval (M>=0). Z if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, doesn't contain any information; * 1, contains the product of a given NxN matrix Z (from the left) and NxM matrix of the eigenvectors found (from the right). Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..M-1]. * 2, contains the matrix of the eigenvectors found. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..M-1]. Result: True, if successful. In that case, M contains the number of eigenvalues in the given half-interval (could be equal to 0), D contains the eigenvalues, Z contains the eigenvectors (if needed). It should be noted that the subroutine changes the size of arrays D and Z. False, if the bisection method subroutine wasn't able to find the eigenvalues in the given interval or if the inverse iteration subroutine wasn't able to find all the corresponding eigenvectors. In that case, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not returned, M is equal to 0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 31.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixtdevdr( real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array e,

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ae_int_t n, ae_int_t zneeded, double a, double b, ae_int_t& m, real_2d_array& z);

exponentialintegralei exponentialintegralen





/************************************************************************* Exponential integral Ei(x) x Ei(x) = | | -|| | -inf t e --t dt .

Not defined for x <= 0. See also expn.c.

ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,100 Relative error: # trials peak 50000 8.6e-16 rms 1.3e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: May, 1999 Copyright 1999 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::exponentialintegralei(double x);



/************************************************************************* Exponential integral En(x) Evaluates the exponential integral inf. | | |

-xt e

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E (x) n = | | | | 1 ---n t dt.

Both n and x must be nonnegative. The routine employs either a power series, a continued fraction, or an asymptotic formula depending on the relative values of n and x. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0, 30 Relative error: # trials peak 10000 1.7e-15 rms 3.6e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1985, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::exponentialintegralen(double x, ae_int_t n);



fcdistribution fdistribution invfdistribution




/************************************************************************* Complemented F distribution Returns the area from x to infinity under the F density function (also known as Snedcor's density or the variance ratio density). inf. | | a-1 b-1 | t (1-t) dt | | x


1 -----B(a,b)

The incomplete beta integral is used, according to the formula P(x) = incbet( df2/2, df1/2, (df2/(df2 + df1*x) ).

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ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,x) in the indicated intervals. x a,b Relative error: arithmetic domain domain # trials peak rms IEEE 0,1 1,100 100000 3.7e-14 5.9e-16 IEEE 1,5 1,100 100000 8.0e-15 1.6e-15 IEEE 0,1 1,10000 100000 1.8e-11 3.5e-13 IEEE 1,5 1,10000 100000 2.0e-11 3.0e-12 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::fcdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x);



/************************************************************************* F distribution Returns the area from zero to x under the F density function (also known as Snedcor's density or the variance ratio density). This is the density of x = (u1/df1)/(u2/df2), where u1 and u2 are random variables having Chi square distributions with df1 and df2 degrees of freedom, respectively. The incomplete beta integral is used, according to the formula P(x) = incbet( df1/2, df2/2, (df1*x/(df2 + df1*x) ). The arguments a and b are greater than zero, and x is nonnegative. ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,x). arithmetic IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE x domain 0,1 1,5 0,1 1,5 a,b domain 0,100 0,100 1,10000 1,10000 # trials 100000 100000 100000 100000 Relative error: peak rms 9.8e-15 1.7e-15 6.5e-15 3.5e-16 2.2e-11 3.3e-12 1.1e-11 1.7e-13

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::fdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double x);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of complemented F distribution Finds the F density argument x such that the integral from x to infinity of the F density is equal to the given probability p.

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This is accomplished using the inverse beta integral function and the relations z = incbi( df2/2, df1/2, p ) x = df2 (1-z) / (df1 z). Note: the following relations hold for the inverse of the uncomplemented F distribution: z = incbi( df1/2, df2/2, p ) x = df2 z / (df1 (1-z)). ACCURACY: Tested at random points (a,b,p). a,b arithmetic domain # trials For p between .001 and 1: IEEE 1,100 100000 IEEE 1,10000 100000 For p between 10^-6 and 10^-3: IEEE 1,100 50000 IEEE 1,10000 50000 Relative error: peak rms 8.3e-15 2.1e-11 1.3e-12 3.0e-12 4.7e-16 1.4e-13 8.4e-15 4.8e-14

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invfdistribution(ae_int_t a, ae_int_t b, double y);



fftc1d fftc1dinv fftr1d fftr1dinv

fft_complex_d1 fft_complex_d2 fft_real_d1 fft_real_d2 Complex FFT: simple example Complex FFT: advanc ed example Real FFT: simple example Real FFT: advanc ed example



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex FFT. Array size N may be arbitrary number (composite or prime). Composite N's are handled with cache-oblivious variation of a Cooley-Tukey algorithm. Small prime-factors are transformed using hard coded codelets (similar to FFTW codelets, but without low-level optimization), large prime-factors are handled with Bluestein's algorithm.

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Fastests transforms are for smooth N's (prime factors are 2, 3, 5 only), most fast for powers of 2. When N have prime factors larger than these, but orders of magnitude smaller than N, computations will be about 4 times slower than for nearby highly composite N's. When N itself is prime, speed will be 6 times lower. Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1] - complex function to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS A DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1] A_out[j] = SUM(A_in[k]*exp(-2*pi*sqrt(-1)*j*k/N), k = 0..N-1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 29.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fftc1d(complex_1d_array& a); void alglib::fftc1d(complex_1d_array& a, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional complex inverse FFT. Array size N may be arbitrary number (composite or prime). O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). Algorithm has

See FFTC1D() description for more information about algorithm performance. INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1] - complex array to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS A inverse DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1] A_out[j] = SUM(A_in[k]/N*exp(+2*pi*sqrt(-1)*j*k/N), k = 0..N-1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 29.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fftc1dinv(complex_1d_array& a); void alglib::fftc1dinv(complex_1d_array& a, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional real FFT. Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS

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A N array[0..N-1] - real function to be transformed problem size

OUTPUT PARAMETERS F DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1] F[j] = SUM(A[k]*exp(-2*pi*sqrt(-1)*j*k/N), k = 0..N-1) NOTE: F[] satisfies symmetry property F[k] = conj(F[N-k]), so just one half of array is usually needed. But for convinience subroutine returns full complex array (with frequencies above N/2), so its result may be used by other FFT-related subroutines. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.06.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fftr1d(real_1d_array a, complex_1d_array& f); void alglib::fftr1d(real_1d_array a, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& f); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional real inverse FFT. Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS F array[0..floor(N/2)] - frequencies from forward real FFT N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS A inverse DFT of a input array, array[0..N-1] NOTE: F[] should satisfy symmetry property F[k] = conj(F[N-k]), so just one half of frequencies array is needed - elements from 0 to floor(N/2). F[0] is ALWAYS real. If N is even F[floor(N/2)] is real too. If N is odd, then F[floor(N/2)] has no special properties. Relying on properties noted above, FFTR1DInv subroutine uses only elements from 0th to floor(N/2)-th. It ignores imaginary part of F[0], and in case N is even it ignores imaginary part of F[floor(N/2)] too. When you call this function using full arguments list - "FFTR1DInv(F,N,A)" - you can pass either either frequencies array with N elements or reduced array with roughly N/2 elements - subroutine will successfully transform both. If you call this function using reduced arguments list - "FFTR1DInv(F,A)" - you must pass FULL array with N elements (although higher N/2 are still not used) because array size is used to automatically determine FFT length -- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.06.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fftr1dinv(complex_1d_array f, real_1d_array& a); void alglib::fftr1dinv(complex_1d_array f, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& a);

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Examples: [1] [2]

fft_complex_d1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "fasttransforms.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // first we demonstrate forward FFT: // [1i,1i,1i,1i] is converted to [4i, 0, 0, 0] // complex_1d_array z = "[1i,1i,1i,1i]"; fftc1d(z); printf("%s\n", z.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [4i,0,0,0] // // now we convert [4i, 0, 0, 0] back to [1i,1i,1i,1i] // with backward FFT // fftc1dinv(z); printf("%s\n", z.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1i,1i,1i,1i] return 0; }

fft_complex_d2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "fasttransforms.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // first we demonstrate forward FFT: // [0,1,0,1i] is converted to [1+1i, -1-1i, -1-1i, 1+1i] // complex_1d_array z = "[0,1,0,1i]"; fftc1d(z); printf("%s\n", z.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1+1i, -1-1i, -1-1i, 1+1i] // // now we convert result back with backward FFT // fftc1dinv(z); printf("%s\n", z.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,1,0,1i] return 0; }

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fft_real_d1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "fasttransforms.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // first we demonstrate forward FFT: // [1,1,1,1] is converted to [4, 0, 0, 0] // real_1d_array x = "[1,1,1,1]"; complex_1d_array f; real_1d_array x2; fftr1d(x, f); printf("%s\n", f.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [4,0,0,0] // // now we convert [4, 0, 0, 0] back to [1,1,1,1] // with backward FFT // fftr1dinv(f, x2); printf("%s\n", x2.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1,1,1,1] return 0; }

fft_real_d2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "fasttransforms.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // first we demonstrate forward FFT: // [1,2,3,4] is converted to [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] // // note that output array is self-adjoint: // * f[0] = conj(f[0]) // * f[1] = conj(f[3]) // * f[2] = conj(f[2]) // real_1d_array x = "[1,2,3,4]"; complex_1d_array f; real_1d_array x2;

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fftr1d(x, f); printf("%s\n", f.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] // // now we convert [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] back to [1,2,3,4] // fftr1dinv(f, x2); printf("%s\n", x2.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1,2,3,4] // // remember that F is self-adjoint? It means that we can pass just half // (slightly larger than half) of F to inverse real FFT and still get our result. // // I.e. instead [10, -2+2i, -2, -2-2i] we pass just [10, -2+2i, -2] and everything works! // // NOTE: in this case we should explicitly pass array length (which is 4) to ALGLIB; // if not, it will automatically use array length to determine FFT size and // will erroneously make half-length FFT. // f = "[10, -2+2i, -2]"; fftr1dinv(f, 4, x2); printf("%s\n", x2.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1,2,3,4] return 0; }



fhtr1d fhtr1dinv




/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional Fast Hartley Transform. Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1] - real function to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS A FHT of a input array, array[0..N-1], A_out[k] = sum(A_in[j]*(cos(2*pi*j*k/N)+sin(2*pi*j*k/N)), j=0..N-1) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.06.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fhtr1d(real_1d_array& a, ae_int_t n);

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/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional inverse FHT. Algorithm has O(N*logN) complexity for any N (composite or prime). INPUT PARAMETERS A array[0..N-1] - complex array to be transformed N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS A inverse FHT of a input array, array[0..N-1] -- ALGLIB -Copyright 29.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fhtr1dinv(real_1d_array& a, ae_int_t n);






/************************************************************************* Fresnel integral Evaluates the Fresnel integrals x | | C(x) = | cos(pi/2 t**2) dt, | | 0 x | | S(x) = | sin(pi/2 t**2) dt. | | 0 The integrals are evaluated by a power series for x < 1. For x >= 1 auxiliary functions f(x) and g(x) are employed such that C(x) = 0.5 + f(x) sin( pi/2 x**2 ) - g(x) cos( pi/2 x**2 )

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S(x) = 0.5 - f(x) cos( pi/2 x**2 ) - g(x) sin( pi/2 x**2 )

ACCURACY: Relative error. Arithmetic IEEE IEEE function S(x) C(x) domain 0, 10 0, 10 # trials 10000 10000 peak 2.0e-15 1.8e-15 rms 3.2e-16 3.3e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fresnelintegral(double x, double& c, double& s);

gammafunction lngamma





/************************************************************************* Gamma function Input parameters: X argument Domain: 0 < X < 171.6 -170 < X < 0, X is not an integer. Relative error: arithmetic domain IEEE -170,-33 IEEE -33, 33 IEEE 33, 171.6 # trials 20000 20000 20000 peak 2.3e-15 9.4e-16 2.3e-15 rms 3.3e-16 2.2e-16 3.2e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Original copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier Translated to AlgoPascal by Bochkanov Sergey (2005, 2006, 2007). *************************************************************************/ double alglib::gammafunction(double x);



/************************************************************************* Natural logarithm of gamma function Input parameters:

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X argument

Result: logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma(X). Output parameters: SgnGam sign(Gamma(X)) Domain: 0 < X < 2.55e305 -2.55e305 < X < 0, X is not an integer. ACCURACY: arithmetic domain # trials IEEE 0, 3 28000 IEEE 2.718, 2.556e305 40000 The error criterion was relative when the was greater than one but absolute when it peak rms 5.4e-16 1.1e-16 3.5e-16 8.3e-17 function magnitude was less than one.

The following test used the relative error criterion, though at certain points the relative error could be much higher than indicated. IEEE -200, -4 10000 4.8e-16 1.3e-16 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier Translated to AlgoPascal by Bochkanov Sergey (2005, 2006, 2007). *************************************************************************/ double alglib::lngamma(double x, double& sgngam);



gkqgenerategaussjac obi gkqgenerategausslegendre gkqgeneraterec gkqlegendrecalc gkqlegendretbl




/************************************************************************* Returns Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod nodes/weights for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature on [-1,1] with weight function W(x)=Power(1-x,Alpha)*Power(1+x,Beta). INPUT PARAMETERS: N Alpha Beta OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of Kronrod nodes, must be odd number, >=3. power-law coefficient, Alpha>-1 power-law coefficient, Beta>-1 error code: * -5 no real and positive Gauss-Kronrod formula can

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be created for such a weight function with a given number of nodes. * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. Alpha or Beta are too close to -1 to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy, or, may be, N is too large. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N was passed * +1 OK * +2 OK, but quadrature rule have exterior nodes, x[0]<-1 or x[n-1]>+1 array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, ordered in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - Kronrod weights array[0..N-1] - Gauss weights (interleaved with zeros corresponding to extended Kronrod nodes).

X WKronrod WGauss

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gkqgenerategaussjacobi( ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss);



/************************************************************************* Returns Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod nodes/weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature with N points. GKQLegendreCalc (calculation) or GKQLegendreTbl (precomputed used depending on machine precision and number of nodes. INPUT PARAMETERS: N OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info table) is

number of Kronrod nodes, must be odd number, >=3. error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. N is too large to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, ordered in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - Kronrod weights array[0..N-1] - Gauss weights (interleaved with zeros corresponding to extended Kronrod nodes).

X WKronrod WGauss

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/

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void alglib::gkqgenerategausslegendre( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss);



/************************************************************************* Computation of nodes and weights of a Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formula The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formula with weight function given by coefficients alpha and beta of a recurrence relation which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials: P-1(x) P0(x) Pn+1(x) = = = 0 1 (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)


and zero moment Mu0 Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b) INPUT PARAMETERS: Alpha Beta Mu0 N

alpha coefficients, array[0..floor(3*K/2)]. beta coefficients, array[0..ceil(3*K/2)]. Beta[0] is not used and may be arbitrary. Beta[I]>0. zeroth moment of the weight function. number of nodes of the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature formula, N >= 3, N = 2*K+1. error code: * -5 no real and positive Gauss-Kronrod formula can be created for such a weight function with a given number of nodes. * -4 N is too large, task may be ill conditioned x[i]=x[i+1] found. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -2 Beta[i]<=0 * -1 incorrect N was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - Kronrod weights array[0..N-1] - Gauss weights (interleaved with zeros corresponding to extended Kronrod nodes).


X WKronrod WGauss

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 08.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gkqgeneraterec( real_1d_array alpha, real_1d_array beta, double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x,

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real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss);



/************************************************************************* Returns Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod nodes for quadrature with N points. Reduction to tridiagonal eigenproblem is used. INPUT PARAMETERS: N OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of Kronrod nodes, must be odd number, >=3. error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. N is too large to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, ordered in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - Kronrod weights array[0..N-1] - Gauss weights (interleaved with zeros corresponding to extended Kronrod nodes).

X WKronrod WGauss

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gkqlegendrecalc( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss);



/************************************************************************* Returns Gauss and Gauss-Kronrod nodes for quadrature with N points using pre-calculated table. Nodes/weights were computed with accuracy up to 1.0E-32 (if MPFR version of ALGLIB is used). In standard double precision accuracy reduces to something about 2.0E-16 (depending on your compiler's handling of long floating point constants). INPUT PARAMETERS: N OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X WKronrod WGauss number of Kronrod nodes. N can be 15, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, ordered in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - Kronrod weights array[0..N-1] - Gauss weights (interleaved with zeros corresponding to extended Kronrod nodes).

-- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gkqlegendretbl( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& wkronrod, real_1d_array& wgauss, double& eps);



gqgenerategausshermite gqgenerategaussjac obi gqgenerategausslaguerre gqgenerategausslegendre gqgenerategausslobattorec gqgenerategaussradaurec gqgeneraterec




/************************************************************************* Returns nodes/weights for Gauss-Hermite quadrature on (-inf,+inf) with weight function W(x)=Exp(-x*x) INPUT PARAMETERS: N OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of nodes, >=1 error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. May be, N is too large. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N/Alpha was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategausshermite( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



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/************************************************************************* Returns nodes/weights for Gauss-Jacobi quadrature on [-1,1] with weight function W(x)=Power(1-x,Alpha)*Power(1+x,Beta). INPUT PARAMETERS: N Alpha Beta OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of nodes, >=1 power-law coefficient, Alpha>-1 power-law coefficient, Beta>-1 error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. Alpha or Beta are too close to -1 to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy, or, may be, N is too large. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N/Alpha/Beta was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategaussjacobi( ae_int_t n, double alpha, double beta, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* Returns nodes/weights for Gauss-Laguerre quadrature on [0,+inf) with weight function W(x)=Power(x,Alpha)*Exp(-x) INPUT PARAMETERS: N Alpha OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of nodes, >=1 power-law coefficient, Alpha>-1 error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. Alpha is too close to -1 to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy or, may be, N is too large. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N/Alpha was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey

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*************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategausslaguerre( ae_int_t n, double alpha, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* Returns nodes/weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature on [-1,1] with N nodes. INPUT PARAMETERS: N OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info number of nodes, >=1 error code: * -4 an error was detected when calculating weights/nodes. N is too large to obtain weights/nodes with high enough accuracy. Try to use multiple precision version. * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -1 incorrect N was passed * +1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 12.05.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategausslegendre( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula with weight function given by coefficients alpha and beta of a recurrence which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials. P-1(x) P0(x) Pn+1(x) = = = 0 1 (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)


and zeroth moment Mu0 Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b) INPUT PARAMETERS: Alpha array[0..N-2], alpha coefficients Beta array[0..N-2], beta coefficients.

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Zero-indexed element is not used, may be arbitrary. Beta[I]>0 zeroth moment of the weighting function. left boundary of the integration interval. right boundary of the integration interval. number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=3 (including the left and right boundary nodes).

Mu0 A B N

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -2 Beta[i]<=0 * -1 incorrect N was passed * 1 OK X array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. W array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategausslobattorec( real_1d_array alpha, real_1d_array beta, double mu0, double a, double b, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss-Radau quadrature formula The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss-Radau quadrature formula with weight function given by the coefficients alpha and beta of a recurrence which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials. P-1(x) P0(x) Pn+1(x) = = = 0 1 (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)


and zeroth moment Mu0 Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b) INPUT PARAMETERS: Alpha array[0..N-2], alpha coefficients. Beta array[0..N-1], beta coefficients Zero-indexed element is not used. Beta[I]>0 Mu0 zeroth moment of the weighting function. A left boundary of the integration interval. N number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=2 (including the left boundary node). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged

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* -2 Beta[i]<=0 * -1 incorrect N was passed * 1 OK array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgenerategaussradaurec( real_1d_array alpha, real_1d_array beta, double mu0, double a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* Computation of nodes and weights for a Gauss quadrature formula The algorithm generates the N-point Gauss quadrature formula with weight function given by coefficients alpha and beta of a recurrence relation which generates a system of orthogonal polynomials: P-1(x) P0(x) Pn+1(x) = = = 0 1 (x-alpha(n))*Pn(x)


and zeroth moment Mu0 Mu0 = integral(W(x)dx,a,b) INPUT PARAMETERS: Alpha array[0..N-1], alpha coefficients Beta array[0..N-1], beta coefficients Zero-indexed element is not used and may be arbitrary. Beta[I]>0. Mu0 zeroth moment of the weight function. N number of nodes of the quadrature formula, N>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -3 internal eigenproblem solver hasn't converged * -2 Beta[i]<=0 * -1 incorrect N was passed * 1 OK X array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature nodes, in ascending order. W array[0..N-1] - array of quadrature weights. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::gqgeneraterec( real_1d_array alpha, real_1d_array beta,

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double mu0, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& w);



hermitecalculate hermitecoefficients hermitesum




/************************************************************************* Calculation of the value of the Hermite polynomial. Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument Result: the value of the Hermite polynomial Hn at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hermitecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Representation of Hn as C[0] + C[1]*X + ... + C[N]*X^N Input parameters: N polynomial degree, n>=0 Output parameters: C coefficients *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hermitecoefficients(ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* Summation of Hermite polynomials using Clenshaws recurrence formula. This routine calculates c[0]*H0(x) + c[1]*H1(x) + ... + c[N]*HN(x) Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument

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Result: the value of the Hermite polynomial at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hermitesum(real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, double x);



hqrndexponential hqrndnormal hqrndnormal2 hqrndrandomize hqrndseed hqrnduniformi hqrnduniformr hqrndunit2




/************************************************************************* Portable high quality random number generator state. Initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). Fields: S1, S2 V MagicV seed values precomputed value 'magic' value used to determine whether State structure was correctly initialized. *************************************************************************/ class hqrndstate { }; -



/************************************************************************* Random number generator: exponential distribution State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.08.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hqrndexponential(hqrndstate state, double lambdav);

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/************************************************************************* Random number generator: normal numbers This function generates one random number from normal distribution. Its performance is equal to that of HQRNDNormal2() State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hqrndnormal(hqrndstate state);



/************************************************************************* Random number generator: normal numbers This function generates two independent random numbers from normal distribution. Its performance is equal to that of HQRNDNormal() State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hqrndnormal2(hqrndstate state, double& x1, double& x2);



/************************************************************************* HQRNDState initialization with random values which come from standard RNG. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hqrndrandomize(hqrndstate& state);



/************************************************************************* HQRNDState initialization with seed values -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hqrndseed(ae_int_t s1, ae_int_t s2, hqrndstate& state);



/************************************************************************* This function generates random integer number in [0, N)

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1. N must be less than HQRNDMax-1. 2. State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed() -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::hqrnduniformi(hqrndstate state, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* This function generates random real number in (0,1), not including interval boundaries State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hqrnduniformr(hqrndstate state);



/************************************************************************* Random number generator: random X and Y such that X^2+Y^2=1 State structure must be initialized with HQRNDRandomize() or HQRNDSeed(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hqrndunit2(hqrndstate state, double& x, double& y);



incompletebeta invincompletebeta




/************************************************************************* Incomplete beta integral Returns incomplete beta integral of the arguments, evaluated from zero to x. The function is defined as | (a+b) x | | a-1 b-1

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----------| (a) | (b) | | | 0 t (1-t) dt.

The domain of definition is 0 <= x <= 1. In this implementation a and b are restricted to positive values. The integral from x to 1 may be obtained by the symmetry relation 1 - incbet( a, b, x ) = incbet( b, a, 1-x ).

The integral is evaluated by a continued fraction expansion or, when b*x is small, by a power series. ACCURACY: Tested at uniformly distributed random points (a,b,x) with a and b in "domain" and x between 0 and 1. Relative error arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE 0,5 10000 6.9e-15 4.5e-16 IEEE 0,85 250000 2.2e-13 1.7e-14 IEEE 0,1000 30000 5.3e-12 6.3e-13 IEEE 0,10000 250000 9.3e-11 7.1e-12 IEEE 0,100000 10000 8.7e-10 4.8e-11 Outputs smaller than the IEEE gradual underflow threshold were excluded from these statistics. Cephes Math Library, Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::incompletebeta(double a, double b, double x);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of imcomplete beta integral Given y, the function finds x such that incbet( a, b, x ) = y . The routine performs interval halving or Newton iterations to find the root of incbet(a,b,x) - y = 0. ACCURACY: Relative error: x a,b arithmetic domain domain # trials peak rms IEEE 0,1 .5,10000 50000 5.8e-12 1.3e-13 IEEE 0,1 .25,100 100000 1.8e-13 3.9e-15 IEEE 0,1 0,5 50000 1.1e-12 5.5e-15 With a and b constrained to half-integer or integer values: IEEE 0,1 .5,10000 50000 5.8e-12 1.1e-13 IEEE 0,1 .5,100 100000 1.7e-14 7.9e-16 With a = .5, b constrained to half-integer or integer values: IEEE 0,1 .5,10000 10000 8.3e-11 1.0e-11 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000

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Copyright 1984, 1996, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invincompletebeta(double a, double b, double y);




idwbuildmodifiedshepard idwbuildmodifiedshepardr idwbuildnoisy idwcalc




/************************************************************************* IDW interpolant. *************************************************************************/ class idwinterpolant { };



/************************************************************************* IDW interpolant using modified Shepard method for uniform point distributions. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY X and Y values, array[0..N-1,0..NX]. First NX columns contain X-values, last column contain Y-values. N number of nodes, N>0. NX space dimension, NX>=1. D nodal function type, either: * 0 constant model. Just for demonstration only, worst model ever. * 1 linear model, least squares fitting. Simpe model for datasets too small for quadratic models * 2 quadratic model, least squares fitting. Best model available (if your dataset is large enough). * -1 "fast" linear model, use with caution!!! It is significantly faster than linear/quadratic and better than constant model. But it is less robust (especially in the presence of noise). NQ number of points used to calculate nodal functions (ignored for constant models). NQ should be LARGER than: * max(1.5*(1+NX),2^NX+1) for linear model, * max(3/4*(NX+2)*(NX+1),2^NX+1) for quadratic model.

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Values less than this threshold will be silently increased. number of points used to calculate weights and to interpolate. Required: >=2^NX+1, values less than this threshold will be silently increased. Recommended value: about 2*NQ


OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Z IDW interpolant. NOTES: * best results are obtained with quadratic models, worst - with constant models * when N is large, NQ and NW must be significantly smaller than N both to obtain optimal performance and to obtain optimal accuracy. In 2 or 3-dimensional tasks NQ=15 and NW=25 are good values to start with. * NQ and NW may be greater than N. In such cases they will be automatically decreased. * this subroutine is always succeeds (as long as correct parameters are passed). * see 'Multivariate Interpolation of Large Sets of Scattered Data' by Robert J. Renka for more information on this algorithm. * this subroutine assumes that point distribution is uniform at the small scales. If it isn't - for example, points are concentrated along "lines", but "lines" distribution is uniform at the larger scale - then you should use IDWBuildModifiedShepardR() -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 02.03.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::idwbuildmodifiedshepard( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant& z);



/************************************************************************* IDW interpolant using modified Shepard method for non-uniform datasets. This type of model uses constant nodal functions and interpolates using all nodes which are closer than user-specified radius R. It may be used when points distribution is non-uniform at the small scale, but it is at the distances as large as R. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY X and Y values, array[0..N-1,0..NX]. First NX columns contain X-values, last column contain Y-values. N number of nodes, N>0. NX space dimension, NX>=1. R radius, R>0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Z IDW interpolant. NOTES: * if there is less than IDWKMin points within R-ball, algorithm selects

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IDWKMin closest ones, so that continuity properties of preserved even far from points. interpolant are

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 11.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::idwbuildmodifiedshepardr( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, double r, idwinterpolant& z);



/************************************************************************* IDW model for noisy data. This subroutine may be used to handle noisy data, i.e. data with noise in OUTPUT values. It differs from IDWBuildModifiedShepard() in the following aspects: * nodal functions are not constrained to pass through nodes: Qi(xi)<>yi, i.e. we have fitting instead of interpolation. * weights which are used during least squares fitting stage are all equal to 1.0 (independently of distance) * "fast"-linear or constant nodal functions are not supported (either not robust enough or too rigid) This problem require far more complex tuning than interpolation problems. Below you can find some recommendations regarding this problem: * focus on tuning NQ; it controls noise reduction. As for NW, you can just make it equal to 2*NQ. * you can use cross-validation to determine optimal NQ. * optimal NQ is a result of complex tradeoff between noise level (more noise = larger NQ required) and underlying function complexity (given fixed N, larger NQ means smoothing of compex features in the data). For example, NQ=N will reduce noise to the minimum level possible, but you will end up with just constant/linear/quadratic (depending on D) least squares model for the whole dataset. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY X and Y values, array[0..N-1,0..NX]. First NX columns contain X-values, last column contain Y-values. N number of nodes, N>0. NX space dimension, NX>=1. D nodal function degree, either: * 1 linear model, least squares fitting. Simpe model for datasets too small for quadratic models (or for very noisy problems). * 2 quadratic model, least squares fitting. Best model available (if your dataset is large enough). NQ number of points used to calculate nodal functions. NQ should be significantly larger than 1.5 times the number of coefficients in a nodal function to overcome effects of noise: * larger than 1.5*(1+NX) for linear model, * larger than 3/4*(NX+2)*(NX+1) for quadratic model. Values less than this threshold will be silently increased. NW number of points used to calculate weights and to interpolate. Required: >=2^NX+1, values less than this threshold will be silently increased. Recommended value: about 2*NQ or larger

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OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Z IDW interpolant. NOTES: * best results are obtained with quadratic models, linear models are not recommended to use unless you are pretty sure that it is what you want * this subroutine is always succeeds (as long as correct parameters are passed). * see 'Multivariate Interpolation of Large Sets of Scattered Data' by Robert J. Renka for more information on this algorithm. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 02.03.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::idwbuildnoisy( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t d, ae_int_t nq, ae_int_t nw, idwinterpolant& z);



/************************************************************************* IDW interpolation INPUT PARAMETERS: Z IDW interpolant built with one of model building subroutines. X array[0..NX-1], interpolation point Result: IDW interpolant Z(X) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.03.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::idwcalc(idwinterpolant z, real_1d_array x);



incompletegamma incompletegammac invincompletegammac





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Incomplete gamma integral The function is defined by x igam(a,x) = 1 ----| (a) | | -t a-1 | e t dt. | | 0

In this implementation both arguments must be positive. The integral is evaluated by either a power series or continued fraction expansion, depending on the relative values of a and x. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE IEEE domain 0,30 0,100 Relative error: # trials peak 200000 3.6e-14 300000 9.9e-14 rms 2.9e-15 1.5e-14

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1985, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::incompletegamma(double a, double x);



/************************************************************************* Complemented incomplete gamma integral The function is defined by igamc(a,x) = 1 - igam(a,x) inf. | | -t a-1 | e t dt. | | x

1 ----| (a)

In this implementation both arguments must be positive. The integral is evaluated by either a power series or continued fraction expansion, depending on the relative values of a and x. ACCURACY: Tested at random a, x. a x arithmetic domain domain IEEE 0.5,100 0,100 IEEE 0.01,0.5 0,100 Relative error: peak rms 1.9e-14 1.7e-15 1.4e-13 1.6e-15

# trials 200000 200000

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Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1985, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::incompletegammac(double a, double x);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of complemented imcomplete gamma integral Given p, the function finds x such that igamc( a, x ) = p. Starting with the approximate value 3 x = a t where t = 1 - d - ndtri(p) sqrt(d) and d = 1/9a, the routine performs up to 10 Newton iterations to find the root of igamc(a,x) - p = 0. ACCURACY: Tested at random a, p in the intervals indicated. a arithmetic domain IEEE 0.5,100 IEEE 0.01,0.5 IEEE 0.5,10000 p domain 0,0.5 0,0.5 0,0.5 # trials 100000 100000 20000 Relative error: peak rms 1.0e-14 1.7e-15 9.0e-14 3.4e-15 2.3e-13 3.8e-14

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invincompletegammac(double a, double y0);

rmatrixinvupdatec olumn rmatrixinvupdaterow rmatrixinvupdatesimple rmatrixinvupdateuv



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/************************************************************************* Inverse matrix update by the Sherman-Morrison formula The algorithm updates matrix A^-1 when adding a vector to a column of matrix A. Input parameters: InvA N UpdColumn U inverse of matrix A. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. size of matrix A. the column of A whose vector U was added. 0 <= UpdColumn <= N-1 the vector to be added to a column. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. inverse of modified matrix A.

Output parameters: InvA -

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixinvupdatecolumn( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updcolumn, real_1d_array u);



/************************************************************************* Inverse matrix update by the Sherman-Morrison formula The algorithm updates matrix A^-1 when adding a vector to a row of matrix A. Input parameters: InvA inverse of matrix A. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. UpdRow the row of A whose vector V was added. 0 <= Row <= N-1 V the vector to be added to a row. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. Output parameters: InvA inverse of modified matrix A. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixinvupdaterow( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, real_1d_array v);


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/************************************************************************* Inverse matrix update by the Sherman-Morrison formula The algorithm updates matrix A^-1 when adding a number to an element of matrix A. Input parameters: InvA inverse of matrix A. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. UpdRow row where the element to be updated is stored. UpdColumn - column where the element to be updated is stored. UpdVal a number to be added to the element. Output parameters: InvA inverse of modified matrix A. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixinvupdatesimple( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t updrow, ae_int_t updcolumn, double updval);



/************************************************************************* Inverse matrix update by the Sherman-Morrison formula The algorithm computes the inverse of matrix A+u*v by using the given matrix A^-1 and the vectors u and v. Input parameters: InvA inverse of matrix A. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. U the vector modifying the matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. V the vector modifying the matrix. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. Output parameters: InvA - inverse of matrix A + u*v'. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixinvupdateuv( real_2d_array& inva, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array u, real_1d_array v);



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jacobianellipticfunc tions




/************************************************************************* Jacobian Elliptic Functions Evaluates the Jacobian elliptic functions sn(u|m), cn(u|m), and dn(u|m) of parameter m between 0 and 1, and real argument u. These functions are periodic, with quarter-period on the real axis equal to the complete elliptic integral ellpk(1.0-m). Relation to incomplete elliptic integral: If u = ellik(phi,m), then sn(u|m) = sin(phi), and cn(u|m) = cos(phi). Phi is called the amplitude of u. Computation is by means of the arithmetic-geometric mean algorithm, except when m is within 1e-9 of 0 or 1. In the latter case with m close to 1, the approximation applies only for phi < pi/2. ACCURACY: Tested at random points with u between 0 and 10, m between 0 and 1. arithmetic IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE Absolute error (* = relative error): function # trials peak phi 10000 9.2e-16* sn 50000 4.1e-15 cn 40000 3.6e-15 dn 10000 1.3e-12 rms 1.4e-16* 4.6e-16 4.4e-16 1.8e-14

Peak error observed in consistency check using addition theorem for sn(u+v) was 4e-16 (absolute). Also tested by the above relation to the incomplete elliptic integral. Accuracy deteriorates when u is large. Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ void alglib::jacobianellipticfunctions( double u, double m, double& sn, double& cn, double& dn, double& ph);



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/************************************************************************* Jarque-Bera test This test checks hypotheses about the fact that a sample of normal random variable. given sample X is a

Requirements: * the number of elements in the sample is not less than 5. Input parameters: X sample. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of the sample. N>=5 Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

Accuracy of the approximation used (5<=N<=1951): p-value [1, 0.1] [0.1, 0.01] [0.01, 0.001] [0.001, 0] relative error (5<=N<=1951) < 1% < 2% < 6% wasn't measured different

For N>1951 accuracy wasn't measured but it shouldn't be sharply from table values.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::jarqueberatest(real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double& p);





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/************************************************************************* k-means++ clusterization INPUT PARAMETERS: XY NPoints NVars K Restarts OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info dataset, array [0..NPoints-1,0..NVars-1]. dataset size, NPoints>=K number of variables, NVars>=1 desired number of clusters, K>=1 number of restarts, Restarts>=1 return code: * -3, if task is degenerate (number of distinct points is less than K) * -1, if incorrect NPoints/NFeatures/K/Restarts was passed * 1, if subroutine finished successfully array[0..NVars-1,0..K-1].matrix whose columns store cluster's centers array[NPoints], which contains cluster indexes


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kmeansgenerate( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t& info, real_2d_array& c, integer_1d_array& xyc);



laguerrecalculate laguerrecoefficients laguerresum




/************************************************************************* Calculation of the value of the Laguerre polynomial. Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument Result: the value of the Laguerre polynomial Ln at x *************************************************************************/

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double alglib::laguerrecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Representation of Ln as C[0] + C[1]*X + ... + C[N]*X^N Input parameters: N polynomial degree, n>=0 Output parameters: C coefficients *************************************************************************/ void alglib::laguerrecoefficients(ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* Summation of Laguerre polynomials using Clenshaws recurrence formula. This routine calculates c[0]*L0(x) + c[1]*L1(x) + ... + c[N]*LN(x) Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument Result: the value of the Laguerre polynomial at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::laguerresum(real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, double x);



fisherlda fisherldan




/************************************************************************* Multiclass Fisher LDA Subroutine finds coefficients of linear combination which optimally separates training set on classes. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY training set, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars]. First NVars columns store values of independent variables, next column stores number of class (from 0 to NClasses-1) which dataset element belongs to. Fractional values are rounded to nearest integer.

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NPoints NVars NClasses training set size, NPoints>=0 number of independent variables, NVars>=1 number of classes, NClasses>=2


return code: * -4, if internal EVD subroutine hasn't converged * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0, NVars<1, NClasses<2) * 1, if task has been solved * 2, if there was a multicollinearity in training set, but task has been solved. linear combination coefficients, array[0..NVars-1]

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 31.05.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fisherlda( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& w);



/************************************************************************* N-dimensional multiclass Fisher LDA Subroutine finds coefficients of linear combinations which optimally separates training set on classes. It returns N-dimensional basis whose vector are sorted by quality of training set separation (in descending order). INPUT PARAMETERS: XY training set, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars]. First NVars columns store values of independent variables, next column stores number of class (from 0 to NClasses-1) which dataset element belongs to. Fractional values are rounded to nearest integer. training set size, NPoints>=0 number of independent variables, NVars>=1 number of classes, NClasses>=2

NPoints NVars NClasses


return code: * -4, if internal EVD subroutine hasn't converged * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0, NVars<1, NClasses<2) * 1, if task has been solved * 2, if there was a multicollinearity in training set, but task has been solved. basis, array[0..NVars-1,0..NVars-1] columns of matrix stores basis vectors, sorted by quality of training set separation (in descending order)

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 31.05.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::fisherldan( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t& info, real_2d_array& w);



legendrecalculate legendrecoefficients legendresum




/************************************************************************* Calculation of the value of the Legendre polynomial Pn. Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument Result: the value of the Legendre polynomial Pn at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::legendrecalculate(ae_int_t n, double x);



/************************************************************************* Representation of Pn as C[0] + C[1]*X + ... + C[N]*X^N Input parameters: N polynomial degree, n>=0 Output parameters: C coefficients *************************************************************************/ void alglib::legendrecoefficients(ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& c);



/************************************************************************* Summation of Legendre polynomials using Clenshaws recurrence formula. This routine calculates

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c[0]*P0(x) + c[1]*P1(x) + ... + c[N]*PN(x) Parameters: n degree, n>=0 x argument Result: the value of the Legendre polynomial at x *************************************************************************/ double alglib::legendresum(real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, double x);

linearmodel lrreport


lravgerror lravgrelerror lrbuild lrbuilds lrbuildz lrbuildzs lrpack lrprocess lrrmserror lrunpack




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class linearmodel { };



/************************************************************************* LRReport structure contains additional information about linear model: * C covariation matrix, array[0..NVars,0..NVars]. C[i,j] = Cov(A[i],A[j]) * RMSError root mean square error on a training set * AvgError average error on a training set * AvgRelError average relative error on a training set (excluding observations with zero function value). * CVRMSError leave-one-out cross-validation estimate of generalization error. Calculated using fast algorithm with O(NVars*NPoints) complexity.

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* CVAvgError * CVAvgRelError cross-validation estimate of average error cross-validation estimate of average relative error

All other fields of the structure are intended for internal use and should not be used outside ALGLIB. *************************************************************************/ class lrreport { real_2d_array c; double rmserror; double avgerror; double avgrelerror; double cvrmserror; double cvavgerror; double cvavgrelerror; ae_int_t ncvdefects; integer_1d_array cvdefects; };



/************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM linear model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: average error. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::lravgerror( linearmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM linear model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: average relative error. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::lravgrelerror( linearmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);

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/************************************************************************* Linear regression Subroutine builds model: Y = A(0)*X[0] + ... + A(N-1)*X[N-1] + A(N) and model found in ALGLIB format, covariation matrix, training set errors (rms, average, average relative) and leave-one-out cross-validation estimate of the generalization error. CV estimate calculated using fast algorithm with O(NPoints*NVars) complexity. When covariation matrix is calculated standard deviations of function values are assumed to be equal to RMS error on the training set. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY NPoints NVars training set, array [0..NPoints-1,0..NVars]: * NVars columns - independent variables * last column - dependent variable training set size, NPoints>NVars+1 number of independent variables return code: * -255, in case of unknown internal error * -4, if internal SVD subroutine haven't converged * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<NVars+2, NVars<1). * 1, if subroutine successfully finished linear model in the ALGLIB format. Use subroutines of this unit to work with the model. additional results



-- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lrbuild( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar);



/************************************************************************* Linear regression Variant of LRBuild which uses vector of standatd deviations (errors in function values). INPUT PARAMETERS: XY S training set, array [0..NPoints-1,0..NVars]: * NVars columns - independent variables * last column - dependent variable standard deviations (errors in function values)

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array[0..NPoints-1], S[i]>0. training set size, NPoints>NVars+1 number of independent variables return code: * -255, in case of unknown internal error * -4, if internal SVD subroutine haven't converged * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<NVars+2, NVars<1). * -2, if S[I]<=0 * 1, if subroutine successfully finished linear model in the ALGLIB format. Use subroutines of this unit to work with the model. additional results

NPoints NVars



-- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lrbuilds( real_2d_array xy, real_1d_array s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar);



/************************************************************************* Like LRBuild but builds model Y = A(0)*X[0] + ... + A(N-1)*X[N-1] i.e. with zero constant term. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.10.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lrbuildz( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar);



/************************************************************************* Like LRBuildS, but builds model Y = A(0)*X[0] + ... + A(N-1)*X[N-1] i.e. with zero constant term. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.10.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/

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void alglib::lrbuildzs( real_2d_array xy, real_1d_array s, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t& info, linearmodel& lm, lrreport& ar);



/************************************************************************* "Packs" coefficients and creates linear model in ALGLIB format (LRUnpack reversed). INPUT PARAMETERS: V NVars OUTPUT PAREMETERS: LM coefficients, array[0..NVars] number of independent variables linear model.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lrpack(real_1d_array v, ae_int_t nvars, linearmodel& lm);



/************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: LM linear model X input vector,


Result: value of linear model regression estimate -- ALGLIB -Copyright 03.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::lrprocess(linearmodel lm, real_1d_array x);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM linear model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: root mean square error. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::lrrmserror( linearmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Unpacks coefficients of linear model. INPUT PARAMETERS: LM OUTPUT PARAMETERS: V NVars linear model in ALGLIB format coefficients, array[0..NVars] constant term (intercept) is stored in the V[NVars]. number of independent variables (one less than number of coefficients)

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lrunpack(linearmodel lm, real_1d_array& v, ae_int_t& nvars);

logitmodel mnlreport


mnlavgce mnlavgerror mnlavgrelerror mnlclserror mnlpack mnlprocess mnlprocessi mnlrelclserror mnlrmserror mnltrainh mnlunpack




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class logitmodel

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{ };



/************************************************************************* MNLReport structure contains information about training process: * NGrad number of gradient calculations * NHess number of Hessian calculations *************************************************************************/ class mnlreport { ae_int_t ngrad; ae_int_t nhess; };



/************************************************************************* Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: CrossEntropy/(NPoints*ln(2)). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mnlavgce( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: average error (error when estimating posterior probabilities). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mnlavgerror( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);

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/************************************************************************* Average relative error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: average relative error (error when estimating posterior probabilities). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mnlavgrelerror( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize);



/************************************************************************* Classification error on test set = MNLRelClsError*NPoints -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::mnlclserror( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* "Packs" coefficients and creates logit model in ALGLIB format (MNLUnpack reversed). INPUT PARAMETERS: A NVars NClasses OUTPUT PARAMETERS: LM model (see MNLUnpack) number of independent variables number of classes logit model.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mnlpack( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, logitmodel& lm);

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/************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model, passed by non-constant reference (some fields of structure are used as temporaries when calculating model output). X input vector, array[0..NVars-1]. Y (possibly) preallocated buffer; if size of Y is less than NClasses, it will be reallocated.If it is large enough, it is NOT reallocated, so we can save some time on reallocation. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y result, array[0..NClasses-1] Vector of posterior probabilities for classification task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mnlprocess(logitmodel lm, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* 'interactive' variant of MNLProcess for languages like Python which support constructs like "Y = MNLProcess(LM,X)" and interactive mode of the interpreter This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mnlprocessi( logitmodel lm, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* Relative classification error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: percent of incorrectly classified cases. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mnlrelclserror(

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logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: LM logit model XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: root mean square error (error when estimating posterior probabilities). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mnlrmserror( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine trains logit model. INPUT PARAMETERS: XY training set, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars] First NVars columns store values of independent variables, next column stores number of class (from 0 to NClasses-1) which dataset element belongs to. Fractional values are rounded to nearest integer. training set size, NPoints>=1 number of independent variables, NVars>=1 number of classes, NClasses>=2 return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<NVars+2, NVars<1, NClasses<2). * 1, if task has been solved model built training report

NPoints NVars NClasses


LM Rep

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mnltrainh( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t nclasses, ae_int_t& info, logitmodel& lm,

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mnlreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Unpacks coefficients of logit model. Logit model have form: P(class=i) = S(i) / (S(0) + S(1) + ... +S(M-1)) S(i) = Exp(A[i,0]*X[0] + ... + A[i,N-1]*X[N-1] + A[i,N]), when i<M-1 S(M-1) = 1 INPUT PARAMETERS: LM OUTPUT PARAMETERS: V NVars NClasses logit model in ALGLIB format coefficients, array[0..NClasses-2,0..NVars] number of independent variables number of classes

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.09.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mnlunpack( logitmodel lm, real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& nvars, ae_int_t& nclasses);



barycentricfitreport lsfitreport lsfitstate polynomialfitreport spline1dfitreport

barycentricfitfloaterhormann barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc lsfitcreatef lsfitcreatefg lsfitcreatefgh lsfitcreatewf lsfitcreatewfg lsfitcreatewfgh lsfitfit lsfitlinear lsfitlinearc lsfitlinearw lsfitlinearwc lsfitresults lsfitsetbc lsfitsetcond lsfitsetscale

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lsfitsetstpmax lsfitsetxrep polynomialfit polynomialfitwc spline1dfitcubic spline1dfitcubicwc spline1dfithermite spline1dfithermitewc spline1dfitpenalized spline1dfitpenalizedw

lsfit_d_lin lsfit_d_linc lsfit_d_nlf lsfit_d_nlfb lsfit_d_nlfg lsfit_d_nlfgh lsfit_d_nlscale lsfit_d_pol lsfit_d_polc lsfit_d_spline Unc onstrained (general) linear least squares fitting with and without weights Constrained (general) linear least squares fitting with and without weights Nonlinear fitting using func tion value only Bound c ontstrained nonlinear fitting using func tion value only Nonlinear fitting using gradient Nonlinear fitting using gradient and Hessian Nonlinear fitting with c ustom sc aling and bound c onstraints Unc onstrained polynomial fitting Constrained polynomial fitting Unc onstrained fitting by penalized regression spline



/************************************************************************* Barycentric fitting report: RMSError RMS error AvgError average error AvgRelError average relative error (for non-zero Y[I]) MaxError maximum error TaskRCond reciprocal of task's condition number *************************************************************************/ class barycentricfitreport { double taskrcond; ae_int_t dbest; double rmserror; double avgerror; double avgrelerror; double maxerror; };



/************************************************************************* Least squares fitting report: TaskRCond reciprocal of task's condition number IterationsCount number of internal iterations RMSError AvgError AvgRelError MaxError RMS error average error average relative error (for non-zero Y[I]) maximum error

WRMSError weighted RMS error *************************************************************************/

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class lsfitreport { double ae_int_t double double double double double };

taskrcond; iterationscount; rmserror; avgerror; avgrelerror; maxerror; wrmserror;



/************************************************************************* Nonlinear fitter. You should use ALGLIB functions to work with fitter. Never try to access its fields directly! *************************************************************************/ class lsfitstate { };



/************************************************************************* Polynomial fitting report: TaskRCond reciprocal of task's condition number RMSError RMS error AvgError average error AvgRelError average relative error (for non-zero Y[I]) MaxError maximum error *************************************************************************/ class polynomialfitreport { double taskrcond; double rmserror; double avgerror; double avgrelerror; double maxerror; };



/************************************************************************* Spline fitting report: RMSError RMS error AvgError average error AvgRelError average relative error (for non-zero Y[I]) MaxError maximum error Fields below are filled by obsolete functions (Spline1DFitCubic, Spline1DFitHermite). Modern fitting functions do NOT fill these fields: TaskRCond reciprocal of task's condition number *************************************************************************/ class spline1dfitreport { double taskrcond;

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double double double double }; rmserror; avgerror; avgrelerror; maxerror;



/************************************************************************* Rational least squares fitting using Floater-Hormann rational functions with optimal D chosen from [0,9]. Equidistant grid with M node functions. Different values of square error) is chosen. Task is used. Complexity of this dominated by the least squares on [min(x),max(x)] is used to build basis D are tried, optimal D (least root mean is linear, so linear least squares solver computational scheme is O(N*M^2) (mostly solver).

INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. N number of points, N>0. M number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes), M>=2. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints B barycentric interpolant. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. Following fields are set: * DBest best value of the D parameter * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricfitfloaterhormann( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& b, barycentricfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Weghted rational least squares fitting using Floater-Hormann rational functions with optimal D chosen from [0,9], with constraints and individual weights. Equidistant grid with M node on [min(x),max(x)] is used to build basis

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functions. Different values of mean square error) is chosen. solver is used. Complexity (mostly dominated by the least D are tried, optimal D (least WEIGHTED root Task is linear, so linear least squares of this computational scheme is O(N*M^2) squares solver).

SEE ALSO * BarycentricFitFloaterHormann(), "lightweight" fitting without invididual weights and constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. W weights, array[0..N-1] Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't want to solve weighted task. N number of points, N>0. XC points where function values/derivatives are constrained, array[0..K-1]. YC values of constraints, array[0..K-1] DC array[0..K-1], types of constraints: * DC[i]=0 means that S(XC[i])=YC[i] * DC[i]=1 means that S'(XC[i])=YC[i] SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CONSTRAINTS K number of constraints, 0<=K<M. K=0 means no constraints (XC/YC/DC are not used in such cases) M number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes), M>=2. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints -1 means another errors in parameters passed (N<=0, for example) B barycentric interpolant. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. Following fields are set: * DBest best value of the D parameter * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroutine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. SETTING CONSTRAINTS - DANGERS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Setting constraints can lead to undesired results, like ill-conditioned behavior, or inconsistency being detected. From the other side, it allows us to improve quality of the fit. Here we summarize our experience with constrained barycentric interpolants: * excessive constraints can be inconsistent. Floater-Hormann basis functions aren't as flexible as splines (although they are very smooth). * the more evenly constraints are spread across [min(x),max(x)], the more chances that they will be consistent * the greater is M (given fixed constraints), the more chances that constraints will be consistent * in the general case, consistency of constraints IS NOT GUARANTEED. * in the several special cases, however, we CAN guarantee consistency. * one of this cases is constraints on the function VALUES at the interval

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boundaries. Note that consustency of the constraints on the function DERIVATIVES is NOT guaranteed (you can use in such cases cubic splines which are more flexible). * another special case is ONE constraint on the function value (OR, but not AND, derivative) anywhere in the interval Our final recommendation is to use constraints WHEN AND ONLY WHEN you can't solve your task without them. Anything beyond special cases given above is not guaranteed and may result in inconsistency. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricfitfloaterhormannwc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& b, barycentricfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Nonlinear least squares fitting using function values only. Combination of numerical differentiation and secant updates is used to obtain function Jacobian. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = (f(c,x[0])-y[0])^2 + ... + (f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1])^2, * * * * * * N M K w x c is is is is is is a number of points, a dimension of a space points belong to, a dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, an N-dimensional vector of weight coefficients, a set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, a K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses only f(c,x[i]). INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted DiffStepnumerical differentiation step; should not be very small or large; large = loss of accuracy small = growth of round-off errors OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.10.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitcreatef( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, double diffstep, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatef( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate& state); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* Nonlinear least squares fitting using gradient only, without individual weights. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = ((f(c,x[0])-y[0]))^2 + ... + ((f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1]))^2, * * * * * N M K x c is is is is is a a a a a number of points, dimension of a space points belong to, dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses only f(c,x[i]) and its gradient. INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted CheapFG boolean flag, which is: * True if both function and gradient calculation complexity are less than O(M^2). An improved algorithm can be used which corresponds to FGJ scheme from MINLM unit. * False otherwise. Standard Jacibian-bases Levenberg-Marquardt algo will be used (FJ scheme). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/

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void alglib::lsfitcreatefg( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, bool cheapfg, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatefg( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, bool cheapfg, lsfitstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Nonlinear least squares fitting using gradient/Hessian, without individial weights. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = ((f(c,x[0])-y[0]))^2 + ... + ((f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1]))^2, * * * * * N M K x c is is is is is a a a a a number of points, dimension of a space points belong to, dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses f(c,x[i]), its gradient and its Hessian. INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitcreatefgh( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatefgh( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m,

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ae_int_t k, lsfitstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Weighted nonlinear least squares fitting using function values only. Combination of numerical differentiation and secant updates is used to obtain function Jacobian. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = (w[0]*(f(c,x[0])-y[0]))^2 + ... + (w[n-1]*(f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1]))^2, * * * * * * N M K w x c is is is is is is a number of points, a dimension of a space points belong to, a dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, an N-dimensional vector of weight coefficients, a set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, a K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses only f(c,x[i]). INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. W weights, array[0..N-1] C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted DiffStepnumerical differentiation step; should not be very small or large; large = loss of accuracy small = growth of round-off errors OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.10.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitcreatewf( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c, double diffstep, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatewf( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, double diffstep, lsfitstate& state);

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Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* Weighted nonlinear least squares fitting using gradient only. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = (w[0]*(f(c,x[0])-y[0]))^2 + ... + (w[n-1]*(f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1]))^2, * * * * * * N M K w x c is is is is is is a number of points, a dimension of a space points belong to, a dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, an N-dimensional vector of weight coefficients, a set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, a K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses only f(c,x[i]) and its gradient. INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. W weights, array[0..N-1] C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted CheapFG boolean flag, which is: * True if both function and gradient calculation complexity are less than O(M^2). An improved algorithm can be used which corresponds to FGJ scheme from MINLM unit. * False otherwise. Standard Jacibian-bases Levenberg-Marquardt algo will be used (FJ scheme). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state See also: LSFitResults LSFitCreateFG (fitting without weights) LSFitCreateWFGH (fitting using Hessian) LSFitCreateFGH (fitting using Hessian, without weights) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitcreatewfg( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c, bool cheapfg, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatewfg( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c,

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ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, bool cheapfg, lsfitstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Weighted nonlinear least squares fitting using gradient/Hessian. Nonlinear task min(F(c)) is solved, where F(c) = (w[0]*(f(c,x[0])-y[0]))^2 + ... + (w[n-1]*(f(c,x[n-1])-y[n-1]))^2, * * * * * * N M K w x c is is is is is is a number of points, a dimension of a space points belong to, a dimension of a space of parameters being fitted, an N-dimensional vector of weight coefficients, a set of N points, each of them is an M-dimensional vector, a K-dimensional vector of parameters being fitted

This subroutine uses f(c,x[i]), its gradient and its Hessian. INPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1,0..M-1], points (one row = one point) Y array[0..N-1], function values. W weights, array[0..N-1] C array[0..K-1], initial approximation to the solution, N number of points, N>1 M dimension of space K number of parameters being fitted OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitcreatewfgh( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c, lsfitstate& state); void alglib::lsfitcreatewfgh( real_2d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array c, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, lsfitstate& state); Examples: [1]


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/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear fitter These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x hess callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func, gradient grad and Hessian hess at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL NOTES: 1. this algorithm is somewhat unusual because it works with parameterized function f(C,X), where X is a function argument (we have many points which are characterized by different argument values), and C is a parameter to fit. For example, if we want to do linear fit by f(c0,c1,x) = c0*x+c1, x will be argument, and {c0,c1} will be parameters. then

It is important to understand that this algorithm finds minimum in the space of function PARAMETERS (not arguments), so it needs derivatives of f() with respect to C, not X. In the example above it will need f=c0*x+c1 and {df/dc0,df/dc1} = {x,1} instead of {df/dx} = {c0}. 2. Callback functions accept C as the first parameter, and X as the second 3. If state was created with LSFitCreateFG(), algorithm needs just function and its gradient, but if state was created with LSFitCreateFGH(), algorithm will need function, gradient and Hessian. According to the said above, there ase several function, which accept different sets of callbacks. versions of this

This flexibility opens way to subtle errors - you may create state with LSFitCreateFGH() (optimization using Hessian), but call function which does not accept Hessian. So when algorithm will request Hessian, there will be no callback to call. In this case exception will be thrown. Be careful to avoid such errors because there is no way to find them at compile time - you can see them at runtime only. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void lsfitfit(lsfitstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void lsfitfit(lsfitstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void lsfitfit(lsfitstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func,

void *ptr),

void *ptr), real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr

void *ptr), real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr

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void (*hess)(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_a void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &c, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



/************************************************************************* Linear least squares fitting. QR decomposition is used to reduce task to MxM, then triangular solver SVD-based solver is used depending on condition number of the system. allows to maximize speed and retain decent accuracy. or It

INPUT PARAMETERS: Y array[0..N-1] Function values in N points. FMatrix a table of basis functions values, array[0..N-1, 0..M-1]. FMatrix[I, J] - value of J-th basis function in I-th point. N number of points used. N>=1. M number of basis functions, M>=1. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -4 internal SVD decomposition subroutine failed (very rare and for degenerate systems only) * 1 task is solved C decomposition coefficients, array[0..M-1] Rep fitting report. Following fields are set: * Rep.TaskRCond reciprocal of condition number * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitlinear( real_1d_array y, real_2d_array fmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); void alglib::lsfitlinear( real_1d_array y, real_2d_array fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Constained linear least squares fitting.

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This is variation of LSFitLinear(), which searchs for min|A*x=b| given that K additional constaints C*x=bc are satisfied. It reduces original task to modified one: min|B*y-d| WITHOUT constraints, then LSFitLinear() is called. INPUT PARAMETERS: Y array[0..N-1] Function values in N points. FMatrix a table of basis functions values, array[0..N-1, 0..M-1]. FMatrix[I,J] - value of J-th basis function in I-th point. CMatrix a table of constaints, array[0..K-1,0..M]. I-th row of CMatrix corresponds to I-th linear constraint: CMatrix[I,0]*C[0] + ... + CMatrix[I,M-1]*C[M-1] = CMatrix[I,M] N number of points used. N>=1. M number of basis functions, M>=1. K number of constraints, 0 <= K < M K=0 corresponds to absence of constraints. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -4 internal SVD decomposition subroutine failed (very rare and for degenerate systems only) * -3 either too many constraints (M or more), degenerate constraints (some constraints are repetead twice) or inconsistent constraints were specified. * 1 task is solved C decomposition coefficients, array[0..M-1] Rep fitting report. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitlinearc( real_1d_array y, real_2d_array fmatrix, real_2d_array cmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); void alglib::lsfitlinearc( real_1d_array y, real_2d_array fmatrix, real_2d_array cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



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/************************************************************************* Weighted linear least squares fitting. QR decomposition is used to reduce task to MxM, then triangular solver SVD-based solver is used depending on condition number of the system. allows to maximize speed and retain decent accuracy. or It

INPUT PARAMETERS: Y array[0..N-1] Function values in N points. W array[0..N-1] Weights corresponding to function values. Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. FMatrix a table of basis functions values, array[0..N-1, 0..M-1]. FMatrix[I, J] - value of J-th basis function in I-th point. N number of points used. N>=1. M number of basis functions, M>=1. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -4 internal SVD decomposition subroutine failed (very rare and for degenerate systems only) * -1 incorrect N/M were specified * 1 task is solved C decomposition coefficients, array[0..M-1] Rep fitting report. Following fields are set: * Rep.TaskRCond reciprocal of condition number * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitlinearw( real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_2d_array fmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); void alglib::lsfitlinearw( real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_2d_array fmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Weighted constained linear least squares fitting. This that is variation K additional of LSFitLinearW(), which searchs for min|A*x=b| given constaints C*x=bc are satisfied. It reduces original

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task to modified one: min|B*y-d| WITHOUT constraints, is called. then LSFitLinearW()

INPUT PARAMETERS: Y array[0..N-1] Function values in N points. W array[0..N-1] Weights corresponding to function values. Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. FMatrix a table of basis functions values, array[0..N-1, 0..M-1]. FMatrix[I,J] - value of J-th basis function in I-th point. CMatrix a table of constaints, array[0..K-1,0..M]. I-th row of CMatrix corresponds to I-th linear constraint: CMatrix[I,0]*C[0] + ... + CMatrix[I,M-1]*C[M-1] = CMatrix[I,M] N number of points used. N>=1. M number of basis functions, M>=1. K number of constraints, 0 <= K < M K=0 corresponds to absence of constraints. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info error code: * -4 internal SVD decomposition subroutine failed (very rare and for degenerate systems only) * -3 either too many constraints (M or more), degenerate constraints (some constraints are repetead twice) or inconsistent constraints were specified. * 1 task is solved C decomposition coefficients, array[0..M-1] Rep fitting report. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 07.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitlinearwc( real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_2d_array fmatrix, real_2d_array cmatrix, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); void alglib::lsfitlinearwc( real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_2d_array fmatrix, real_2d_array cmatrix, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]

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/************************************************************************* Nonlinear least squares fitting results. Called after return from LSFitFit(). INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info completetion code: * 1 relative function improvement is no more than EpsF. * 2 relative step is no more than EpsX. * 4 gradient norm is no more than EpsG * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible C array[0..K-1], solution Rep optimization report. Following fields are set: * Rep.TerminationType completetion code: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED * WRMSError weighted rms error on the (X,Y). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitresults( lsfitstate state, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& c, lsfitreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



/************************************************************************* This function sets boundary constraints for underlying optimizer Boundary constraints are inactive by default (after initial creation). They are preserved until explicitly turned off with another SetBC() call. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state BndL lower bounds, array[K]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very small number or -INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). BndU upper bounds, array[K]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very large number or +INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). NOTE 1: it is possible to specify BndL[i]=BndU[i]. In this case I-th

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variable will be "frozen" at X[i]=BndL[i]=BndU[i]. NOTE 2: unlike other constrained optimization algorithms, this solver has following useful properties: * bound constraints are always satisfied exactly * function is evaluated only INSIDE area specified by bound constraints -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitsetbc( lsfitstate state, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu);



/************************************************************************* Stopping conditions for nonlinear least squares fitting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsF stopping criterion. Algorithm stops if |F(k+1)-F(k)| <= EpsF*max{|F(k)|, |F(k+1)|, 1} EpsX >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |v|<=EpsX is fulfilled, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled step vector, v[i]=dx[i]/s[i] * dx - ste pvector, dx=X(k+1)-X(k) * s - scaling coefficients set by LSFitSetScale() MaxIts maximum number of iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited. Only Levenberg-Marquardt iterations are counted (L-BFGS/CG iterations are NOT counted because their cost is very low compared to that of LM). NOTE Passing EpsF=0, EpsX=0 and MaxIts=0 (simultaneously) will lead to automatic stopping criterion selection (according to the scheme used by MINLM unit). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitsetcond( lsfitstate state, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



/************************************************************************* This function sets scaling coefficients for underlying optimizer. ALGLIB optimizers use scaling matrices to test stopping conditions (step

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size and gradient are scaled before comparison with tolerances). Scale of the I-th variable is a translation invariant measure of: a) "how large" the variable is b) how large the step should be to make significant changes in the function Generally, scale is NOT considered to be a form of preconditioner. But LM optimizer is unique in that it uses scaling matrix both in the stopping condition tests and as Marquardt damping factor. Proper scaling is very important for the algorithm performance. It is less important for the quality of results, but still has some influence (it is easier to converge when variables are properly scaled, so premature stopping is possible when very badly scalled variables are combined with relaxed stopping conditions). INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state S array[N], non-zero scaling coefficients S[i] may be negative, sign doesn't matter. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitsetscale(lsfitstate state, real_1d_array s); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0, want to limit step length.

if you don't

Use this subroutine when you optimize target function which contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. NOTE: non-zero StpMax leads to moderate performance degradation because intermediate step of preconditioned L-BFGS optimization is incompatible with limits on step size. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitsetstpmax(lsfitstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not

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When reports are needed, State.C (current parameters) and State.F (current value of fitting function) are reported. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 15.08.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::lsfitsetxrep(lsfitstate state, bool needxrep);



/************************************************************************* Fitting by polynomials in barycentric form. This function provides simple unterface for unconstrained unweighted fitting. See PolynomialFitWC() if you need constrained fitting. Task is linear, so linear least squares solver is used. Complexity of this computational scheme is O(N*M^2), mostly dominated by least squares solver SEE ALSO: PolynomialFitWC() INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. N number of points, N>0 * if given, only leading N elements of X/Y are used * if not given, automatically determined from sizes of X/Y M number of basis functions (= polynomial_degree + 1), M>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine: * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD P interpolant in barycentric form. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED NOTES: you can convert P from barycentric form to the power or Chebyshev basis with PolynomialBar2Pow() or PolynomialBar2Cheb() functions from POLINT subpackage. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 10.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialfit( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep); void alglib::polynomialfit( real_1d_array x,

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real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Weighted fitting by polynomials in barycentric form, with constraints on function values or first derivatives. Small regularizing term is used when solving constrained tasks (to improve stability). Task is linear, so linear least squares solver is used. Complexity of this computational scheme is O(N*M^2), mostly dominated by least squares solver SEE ALSO: PolynomialFit() INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. W weights, array[0..N-1] Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't want to solve weighted task. N number of points, N>0. * if given, only leading N elements of X/Y/W are used * if not given, automatically determined from sizes of X/Y/W XC points where polynomial values/derivatives are constrained, array[0..K-1]. YC values of constraints, array[0..K-1] DC array[0..K-1], types of constraints: * DC[i]=0 means that P(XC[i])=YC[i] * DC[i]=1 means that P'(XC[i])=YC[i] SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CONSTRAINTS K number of constraints, 0<=K<M. K=0 means no constraints (XC/YC/DC are not used in such cases) M number of basis functions (= polynomial_degree + 1), M>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine: * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints P interpolant in barycentric form. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT:

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this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. NOTES: you can convert P from barycentric form to the power or Chebyshev basis with PolynomialBar2Pow() or PolynomialBar2Cheb() functions from POLINT subpackage. SETTING CONSTRAINTS - DANGERS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Setting constraints can lead to undesired results, like ill-conditioned behavior, or inconsistency being detected. From the other side, it allows us to improve quality of the fit. Here we summarize our experience with constrained regression splines: * even simple constraints can be inconsistent, see Wikipedia article on this subject: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birkhoff_interpolation * the greater is M (given fixed constraints), the more chances that constraints will be consistent * in the general case, consistency of constraints is NOT GUARANTEED. * in the one special cases, however, we can guarantee consistency. This case is: M>1 and constraints on the function values (NOT DERIVATIVES) Our final recommendation is to use constraints WHEN AND ONLY when you can't solve your task without them. Anything beyond special cases given above is not guaranteed and may result in inconsistency. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 10.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialfitwc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep); void alglib::polynomialfitwc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, barycentricinterpolant& p, polynomialfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Least squares fitting by cubic spline. This subroutine is "lightweight" alternative for more complex and featurerich Spline1DFitCubicWC(). See Spline1DFitCubicWC() for more information

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about subroutine parameters (we don't duplicate it here because of length) -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfitcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); void alglib::spline1dfitcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Weighted fitting by cubic spline, with constraints on function values or derivatives. Equidistant grid with M-2 nodes on [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)] is used to build basis functions. Basis functions are cubic splines with continuous second derivatives and non-fixed first derivatives at interval ends. Small regularizing term is used when solving constrained tasks (to improve stability). Task is linear, so linear least squares solver is used. Complexity of this computational scheme is O(N*M^2), mostly dominated by least squares solver SEE ALSO Spline1DFitHermiteWC() Spline1DFitCubic() fitting by Hermite splines (more flexible, less smooth) "lightweight" fitting by cubic splines, without invididual weights and constraints

INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. W weights, array[0..N-1] Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't want to solve weighted task. N number of points (optional): * N>0 * if given, only first N elements of X/Y/W are processed * if not given, automatically determined from X/Y/W sizes XC points where spline values/derivatives are constrained, array[0..K-1]. YC values of constraints, array[0..K-1] DC array[0..K-1], types of constraints: * DC[i]=0 means that S(XC[i])=YC[i] * DC[i]=1 means that S'(XC[i])=YC[i] SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CONSTRAINTS K number of constraints (optional):

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* 0<=K<M. * K=0 means no constraints (XC/YC/DC are not used) * if given, only first K elements of XC/YC/DC are used * if not given, automatically determined from XC/YC/DC number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes+2), M>=4.

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints S spline interpolant. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. SETTING CONSTRAINTS - DANGERS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Setting constraints can lead to undesired results, like ill-conditioned behavior, or inconsistency being detected. From the other side, it allows us to improve quality of the fit. Here we summarize our experience with constrained regression splines: * excessive constraints can be inconsistent. Splines are piecewise cubic functions, and it is easy to create an example, where large number of constraints concentrated in small area will result in inconsistency. Just because spline is not flexible enough to satisfy all of them. And same constraints spread across the [min(x),max(x)] will be perfectly consistent. * the more evenly constraints are spread across [min(x),max(x)], the more chances that they will be consistent * the greater is M (given fixed constraints), the more chances that constraints will be consistent * in the general case, consistency of constraints IS NOT GUARANTEED. * in the several special cases, however, we CAN guarantee consistency. * one of this cases is constraints on the function values AND/OR its derivatives at the interval boundaries. * another special case is ONE constraint on the function value (OR, but not AND, derivative) anywhere in the interval Our final recommendation is to use constraints WHEN AND ONLY WHEN you can't solve your task without them. Anything beyond special cases given above is not guaranteed and may result in inconsistency. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfitcubicwc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array xc,

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real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); void alglib::spline1dfitcubicwc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Least squares fitting by Hermite spline. This subroutine is "lightweight" alternative for more complex and featurerich Spline1DFitHermiteWC(). See Spline1DFitHermiteWC() description for more information about subroutine parameters (we don't duplicate it here because of length). -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfithermite( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); void alglib::spline1dfithermite( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Weighted fitting by Hermite spline, with constraints on function values or first derivatives. Equidistant grid with M nodes on [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)] is used to build basis functions. Basis functions are Hermite splines. Small regularizing term is used when solving constrained tasks (to improve stability). Task is linear, so linear least squares solver is used. Complexity of this

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computational scheme is O(N*M^2), mostly dominated by least squares solver SEE ALSO Spline1DFitCubicWC() Spline1DFitHermite() fitting by Cubic splines (less flexible, more smooth) "lightweight" Hermite fitting, without invididual weights and constraints

INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. W weights, array[0..N-1] Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't want to solve weighted task. N number of points (optional): * N>0 * if given, only first N elements of X/Y/W are processed * if not given, automatically determined from X/Y/W sizes XC points where spline values/derivatives are constrained, array[0..K-1]. YC values of constraints, array[0..K-1] DC array[0..K-1], types of constraints: * DC[i]=0 means that S(XC[i])=YC[i] * DC[i]=1 means that S'(XC[i])=YC[i] SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CONSTRAINTS K number of constraints (optional): * 0<=K<M. * K=0 means no constraints (XC/YC/DC are not used) * if given, only first K elements of XC/YC/DC are used * if not given, automatically determined from XC/YC/DC M number of basis functions (= 2 * number of nodes), M>=4, M IS EVEN! OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine: * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints -2 means odd M was passed (which is not supported) -1 means another errors in parameters passed (N<=0, for example) S spline interpolant. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearW() subroutine. Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. IMPORTANT: this subroitine supports only even M's ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array.

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SETTING CONSTRAINTS - DANGERS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Setting constraints can lead to undesired results, like ill-conditioned behavior, or inconsistency being detected. From the other side, it allows us to improve quality of the fit. Here we summarize our experience with constrained regression splines: * excessive constraints can be inconsistent. Splines are piecewise cubic functions, and it is easy to create an example, where large number of constraints concentrated in small area will result in inconsistency. Just because spline is not flexible enough to satisfy all of them. And same constraints spread across the [min(x),max(x)] will be perfectly consistent. * the more evenly constraints are spread across [min(x),max(x)], the more chances that they will be consistent * the greater is M (given fixed constraints), the more chances that constraints will be consistent * in the general case, consistency of constraints is NOT GUARANTEED. * in the several special cases, however, we can guarantee consistency. * one of this cases is M>=4 and constraints on the function value (AND/OR its derivative) at the interval boundaries. * another special case is M>=4 and ONE constraint on the function value (OR, BUT NOT AND, derivative) anywhere in [min(x),max(x)] Our final recommendation is to use constraints WHEN AND ONLY when you can't solve your task without them. Anything beyond special cases given above is not guaranteed and may result in inconsistency. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfithermitewc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); void alglib::spline1dfithermitewc( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array xc, real_1d_array yc, integer_1d_array dc, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Rational least squares fitting using Floater-Hormann rational functions with optimal D chosen from [0,9]. Equidistant grid with M node on [min(x),max(x)] is used to build basis

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functions. Different values of D are tried, optimal D (least root mean square error) is chosen. Task is linear, so linear least squares solver is used. Complexity of this computational scheme is O(N*M^2) (mostly dominated by the least squares solver). INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. N number of points, N>0. M number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes), M>=2. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD -3 means inconsistent constraints B barycentric interpolant. Rep report, same format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. Following fields are set: * DBest best value of the D parameter * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 18.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfitpenalized( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); void alglib::spline1dfitpenalized( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Weighted fitting by penalized cubic spline. Equidistant grid with M nodes on [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)] is used to build basis functions. Basis functions are cubic splines with natural boundary conditions. Problem is regularized by adding non-linearity penalty to the usual least squares penalty function: S(x) = arg min { LS + P }, where LS = SUM { w[i]^2*(y[i] - S(x[i]))^2 } - least squares penalty

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P rho C = C*10^rho*integral{ S''(x)^2*dx } - non-linearity penalty - tunable constant given by user - automatically determined scale parameter, makes penalty invariant with respect to scaling of X, Y, W.

INPUT PARAMETERS: X points, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. W weights, array[0..N-1] Each summand in square sum of approximation deviations from given values is multiplied by the square of corresponding weight. Fill it by 1's if you don't want to solve weighted problem. N number of points (optional): * N>0 * if given, only first N elements of X/Y/W are processed * if not given, automatically determined from X/Y/W sizes M number of basis functions ( = number_of_nodes), M>=4. Rho regularization constant passed by user. It penalizes nonlinearity in the regression spline. It is logarithmically scaled, i.e. actual value of regularization constant is calculated as 10^Rho. It is automatically scaled so that: * Rho=2.0 corresponds to moderate amount of nonlinearity * generally, it should be somewhere in the [-8.0,+8.0] If you do not want to penalize nonlineary, pass small Rho. Values as low as -15 should work. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Infosame format as in LSFitLinearWC() subroutine. * Info>0 task is solved * Info<=0 an error occured: -4 means inconvergence of internal SVD or Cholesky decomposition; problem may be too ill-conditioned (very rare) S spline interpolant. Rep Following fields are set: * RMSError rms error on the (X,Y). * AvgError average error on the (X,Y). * AvgRelError average relative error on the non-zero Y * MaxError maximum error NON-WEIGHTED ERRORS ARE CALCULATED IMPORTANT: this subroitine doesn't calculate task's condition number for K<>0. NOTE 1: additional nodes are added to the spline outside of the fitting interval to force linearity when x<min(x,xc) or x>max(x,xc). It is done for consistency - we penalize non-linearity at [min(x,xc),max(x,xc)], so it is natural to force linearity outside of this interval. NOTE 2: function automatically sorts points, array. so caller may pass unsorted

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 19.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dfitpenalizedw( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep);

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void alglib::spline1dfitpenalizedw( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, double rho, ae_int_t& info, spline1dinterpolant& s, spline1dfitreport& rep); Examples: [1]

lsfit_d_lin example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib;

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate linear fitting by f(x|a) = a*exp(0.5*x). // // We have: // * y - vector of experimental data // * fmatrix - matrix of basis functions calculated at sample points // Actually, we have only one basis function F0 = exp(0.5*x). // real_2d_array fmatrix = "[[0.606531],[0.670320],[0.740818],[0.818731],[0.904837],[1.000000],[1.105171],[1 real_1d_array y = "[1.133719, 1.306522, 1.504604, 1.554663, 1.884638, 2.072436, 2.257285, 2.534068, 2.622 ae_int_t info; real_1d_array c; lsfitreport rep; // // Linear fitting without weights // lsfitlinear(y, fmatrix, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.98650] // // Linear fitting with individual weights. // Slightly different result is returned. // real_1d_array w = "[1.414213, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]"; lsfitlinearw(y, w, fmatrix, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.983354] return 0; }

lsfit_d_linc example
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#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate linear fitting by f(x|a,b) = a*x+b // with simple constraint f(0)=0. // // We have: // * y - vector of experimental data // * fmatrix - matrix of basis functions sampled at [0,1] with step 0.2: // [ 1.0 0.0 ] // [ 1.0 0.2 ] // [ 1.0 0.4 ] // [ 1.0 0.6 ] // [ 1.0 0.8 ] // [ 1.0 1.0 ] // first column contains value of first basis function (constant term) // second column contains second basis function (linear term) // * cmatrix - matrix of linear constraints: // [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 ] // first two columns contain coefficients before basis functions, // last column contains desired value of their sum. // So [1,0,0] means "1*constant_term + 0*linear_term = 0" // real_1d_array y = "[0.072436,0.246944,0.491263,0.522300,0.714064,0.921929]"; real_2d_array fmatrix = "[[1,0.0],[1,0.2],[1,0.4],[1,0.6],[1,0.8],[1,1.0]]"; real_2d_array cmatrix = "[[1,0,0]]"; ae_int_t info; real_1d_array c; lsfitreport rep; // // Constrained fitting without weights // lsfitlinearc(y, fmatrix, cmatrix, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,0.932933] // // Constrained fitting with individual weights // real_1d_array w = "[1, 1.414213, 1, 1, 1, 1]"; lsfitlinearwc(y, w, fmatrix, cmatrix, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,0.938322] return 0; }

lsfit_d_nlf example
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h>

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#include <math.h> #include "interpolation.h" using namespace alglib; void function_cx_1_func(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting // by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) // using function value only. // // Gradient is estimated using combination of numerical differences // and secant updates. diffstep variable stores differentiation step // (we have to tell algorithm what step to use). // real_2d_array x = "[[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582 real_1d_array c = "[0.3]"; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0.000001; ae_int_t maxits = 0; ae_int_t info; lsfitstate state; lsfitreport rep; double diffstep = 0.0001; // // Fitting without weights // lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] // // Fitting with weights // (you can change weights and see how it changes result) // real_1d_array w = "[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"; lsfitcreatewf(x, y, w, c, diffstep, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] return 0; }

lsfit_d_nlfb example
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h>

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#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "interpolation.h" using namespace alglib; void function_cx_1_func(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting by // f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) // subject to bound constraints // 0.0 <= c <= 1.0 // using function value only. // // Gradient is estimated using combination of numerical differences // and secant updates. diffstep variable stores differentiation step // (we have to tell algorithm what step to use). // // Unconstrained solution is c=1.5, but because of constraints we should // get c=1.0 (at the boundary). // real_2d_array x = "[[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582 real_1d_array c = "[0.3]"; real_1d_array bndl = "[0.0]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[1.0]"; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0.000001; ae_int_t maxits = 0; ae_int_t info; lsfitstate state; lsfitreport rep; double diffstep = 0.0001; lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep, state); lsfitsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.0] return 0; }

lsfit_d_nlfg example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; void function_cx_1_func(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) {

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// this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2));

} void function_cx_1_grad(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, vo { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) and gradient G={df/dc[i]} // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter. // IMPORTANT: gradient is calculated with respect to C, not to X func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); grad[0] = -pow(x[0],2)*func; }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting // by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) // using function value and gradient (with respect to c). // real_2d_array x = "[[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582 real_1d_array c = "[0.3]"; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0.000001; ae_int_t maxits = 0; ae_int_t info; lsfitstate state; lsfitreport rep; // // Fitting without weights // lsfitcreatefg(x, y, c, true, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] // // Fitting with weights // (you can change weights and see how it changes result) // real_1d_array w = "[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"; lsfitcreatewfg(x, y, w, c, true, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] return 0; }

lsfit_d_nlfgh example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

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using namespace alglib; void function_cx_1_func(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); } void function_cx_1_grad(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, vo { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)) and gradient G={df/dc[i]} // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter. // IMPORTANT: gradient is calculated with respect to C, not to X func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); grad[0] = -pow(x[0],2)*func; } void function_cx_1_hess(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, re { // this callback calculates f(c,x)=exp(-c0*sqr(x0)), gradient G={df/dc[i]} and Hessian H={d2f/(dc[i]*dc[j // where x is a position on X-axis and c is adjustable parameter. // IMPORTANT: gradient/Hessian are calculated with respect to C, not to X func = exp(-c[0]*pow(x[0],2)); grad[0] = -pow(x[0],2)*func; hess[0][0] = pow(x[0],4)*func; }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate exponential fitting // by f(x) = exp(-c*x^2) // using function value, gradient and Hessian (with respect to c) // real_2d_array x = "[[-1],[-0.8],[-0.6],[-0.4],[-0.2],[0],[0.2],[0.4],[0.6],[0.8],[1.0]]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.223130, 0.382893, 0.582748, 0.786628, 0.941765, 1.000000, 0.941765, 0.786628, 0.582 real_1d_array c = "[0.3]"; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0.000001; ae_int_t maxits = 0; ae_int_t info; lsfitstate state; lsfitreport rep; // // Fitting without weights // lsfitcreatefgh(x, y, c, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, function_cx_1_hess); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] // // Fitting with weights // (you can change weights and see how it changes result) // real_1d_array w = "[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"; lsfitcreatewfgh(x, y, w, c, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_cx_1_func, function_cx_1_grad, function_cx_1_hess); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.5] return 0;

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lsfit_d_nlscale example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; void function_debt_func(const real_1d_array &c, const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(c,x)=c[0]*(1+c[1]*(pow(x[0]-1999,c[2])-1)) // func = c[0]*(1+c[1]*(pow(x[0]-1999,c[2])-1)); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate fitting by // f(x) = c[0]*(1+c[1]*((x-1999)^c[2]-1)) // subject to bound constraints // -INF < c[0] < +INF // -10 <= c[1] <= +10 // 0.1 <= c[2] <= 2.0 // Data we want to fit are time series of Japan national debt // collected from 2000 to 2008 measured in USD (dollars, not // millions of dollars). // // Our variables are: // c[0] - debt value at initial moment (2000), // c[1] - direction coefficient (growth or decrease), // c[2] - curvature coefficient. // You may see that our variables are badly scaled - first one // is order of 10^12, and next two are somewhere about 1 in // magnitude. Such problem is difficult to solve without some // kind of scaling. // That is exactly where lsfitsetscale() function can be used. // We set scale of our variables to [1.0E12, 1, 1], which allows // us to easily solve this problem. // // You can try commenting out lsfitsetscale() call - and you will // see that algorithm will fail to converge. // real_2d_array x = "[[2000],[2001],[2002],[2003],[2004],[2005],[2006],[2007],[2008]]"; real_1d_array y = "[4323239600000.0, 4560913100000.0, 5564091500000.0, 6743189300000.0, 7284064600000.0, real_1d_array c = "[1.0e+13, 1, 1]"; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 1.0e-5; real_1d_array bndl = "[-inf, -10, 0.1]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[+inf, +10, 2.0]"; real_1d_array s = "[1.0e+12, 1, 1]"; ae_int_t maxits = 0; ae_int_t info; lsfitstate state; lsfitreport rep; double diffstep = 1.0e-5;

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lsfitcreatef(x, y, c, diffstep, state); lsfitsetcond(state, epsf, epsx, maxits); lsfitsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); lsfitsetscale(state, s); alglib::lsfitfit(state, function_debt_func); lsfitresults(state, info, c, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 2 printf("%s\n", c.tostring(-2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [4.142560E+12, 0.434240, 0.565376] return 0; }

lsfit_d_pol example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates polynomial fitting. // // Fitting is done by two (M=2) functions from polynomial basis: // f0 = 1 // f1 = x // Basically, it just a linear fit; more complex polynomials may be used // (e.g. parabolas with M=3, cubic with M=4), but even such simple fit allows // us to demonstrate polynomialfit() function in action. // // We have: // * x set of abscissas // * y experimental data // // Additionally we demonstrate weighted fitting, where second point has // more weight than other ones. // real_1d_array x = "[0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.00,0.05,0.26,0.32,0.33,0.43,0.60,0.60,0.77,0.98,1.02]"; ae_int_t m = 2; double t = 2; ae_int_t info; barycentricinterpolant p; polynomialfitreport rep; double v; // // Fitting without individual weights // // NOTE: result is returned as barycentricinterpolant structure. // if you want to get representation in the power basis, // you can use barycentricbar2pow() function to convert // from barycentric to power representation (see docs for // POLINT subpackage for more info). // polynomialfit(x, y, m, info, p, rep); v = barycentriccalc(p, t);

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printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.011 // // Fitting with individual weights // // NOTE: slightly different result is returned // real_1d_array w = "[1,1.414213562,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]"; real_1d_array xc = "[]"; real_1d_array yc = "[]"; integer_1d_array dc = "[]"; polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, xc, yc, dc, m, info, p, rep); v = barycentriccalc(p, t); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.023 return 0; }

lsfit_d_polc example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates polynomial fitting. // // Fitting is done by two (M=2) functions from polynomial basis: // f0 = 1 // f1 = x // with simple constraint on function value // f(0) = 0 // Basically, it just a linear fit; more complex polynomials may be used // (e.g. parabolas with M=3, cubic with M=4), but even such simple fit allows // us to demonstrate polynomialfit() function in action. // // We have: // * x set of abscissas // * y experimental data // * xc points where constraints are placed // * yc constraints on derivatives // * dc derivative indices // (0 means function itself, 1 means first derivative) // real_1d_array x = "[1.0,1.0]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.9,1.1]"; real_1d_array w = "[1,1]"; real_1d_array xc = "[0]"; real_1d_array yc = "[0]"; integer_1d_array dc = "[0]"; double t = 2; ae_int_t m = 2; ae_int_t info; barycentricinterpolant p; polynomialfitreport rep;

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double v; polynomialfitwc(x, y, w, xc, yc, dc, m, info, p, rep); v = barycentriccalc(p, t); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.000 return 0; }

lsfit_d_spline example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // In this example we demonstrate penalized spline fitting of noisy data // // We have: // * x - abscissas // * y - vector of experimental data, straight line with small noise // real_1d_array x = "[0.00,0.10,0.20,0.30,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90]"; real_1d_array y = "[0.10,0.00,0.30,0.40,0.30,0.40,0.62,0.68,0.75,0.95]"; ae_int_t info; double v; spline1dinterpolant s; spline1dfitreport rep; double rho; // // Fit with VERY small amount of smoothing (rho = -5.0) // and large number of basis functions (M=50). // // With such small regularization penalized spline almost fully reproduces function values // rho = -5.0; spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho, info, s, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 v = spline1dcalc(s, 0.0); printf("%.1f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.10 // // Fit with VERY large amount of smoothing (rho = 10.0) // and large number of basis functions (M=50). // // With such regularization our spline should become close to the straight line fit. // We will compare its value in x=1.0 with results obtained from such fit. // rho = +10.0; spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho, info, s, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 v = spline1dcalc(s, 1.0); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.969

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// // In real life applications you may need some moderate degree of fitting, // so we try to fit once more with rho=3.0. // rho = +3.0; spline1dfitpenalized(x, y, 50, rho, info, s, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 return 0; }






/************************************************************************* Mann-Whitney U-test This test checks hypotheses about whether X and Y are samples continuous distributions of the same shape and same median or their medians are different. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the medians are equal) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median of the first is greater than or equal to the median of the second sample) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median of the first is less than or equal to the median of the second sample). of two whether

sample sample

Requirements: * the samples are independent * X and Y are continuous distributions (or discrete distributions wellapproximating continuous distributions) * distributions of X and Y have the same shape. The only possible difference is their position (i.e. the value of the median) * the number of elements in each sample is not less than 5 * the scale of measurement should be ordinal, interval or ratio (i.e. the test could not be applied to nominal variables). The test is non-parametric and doesn't require distributions to be normal. Input parameters: X sample 1. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of the sample. N>=5 Y sample 2. Array whose index goes from 0 to M-1. M size of the sample. M>=5 Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test.

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If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.


To calculate p-values, special approximation is used. This method lets us calculate p-values with satisfactory accuracy in interval [0.0001, 1]. There is no approximation outside the [0.0001, 1] interval. Therefore, if the significance level outlies this interval, the test returns 0.0001. Relative precision of approximation of p-value: N 5..10 5..10 10..15 10..15 15..100 M N..10 N..100 N..15 N..100 N..100 Max.err. 1.4e-02 2.2e-02 1.0e-02 1.0e-02 6.1e-03 Rms.err. 6.0e-04 5.3e-06 3.2e-04 2.2e-05 2.7e-06

For N,M>100 accuracy checks weren't put into practice, but taking into account characteristics of asymptotic approximation used, precision should not be sharply different from the values for interval [5, 100]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.04.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mannwhitneyutest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);



cmatrixdet cmatrixludet rmatrixdet rmatrixludet spdmatrixcholeskydet spdmatrixdet

matdet_d_1 matdet_d_2 matdet_d_3 matdet_d_4 matdet_d_5 Determinant Determinant Determinant Determinant Determinant c alc ulation, c alc ulation, c alc ulation, c alc ulation, c alc ulation, real matrix, short form real matrix, full form c omplex matrix, short form c omplex matrix, full form c omplex matrix with zero imaginary part, short form




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Calculation of the determinant of a general matrix Input parameters: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1] N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) Result: determinant of matrix A. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixdet(complex_2d_array a); alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixdet(complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* Determinant calculation of the matrix given by its LU decomposition. Input parameters: A LU decomposition of the matrix (output of RMatrixLU subroutine). Pivots table of permutations which were made during the LU decomposition. Output of RMatrixLU subroutine. N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) Result: matrix determinant. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixludet( complex_2d_array a, integer_1d_array pivots); alglib::complex alglib::cmatrixludet( complex_2d_array a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Calculation of the determinant of a general matrix Input parameters: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1] N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged.

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* if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) Result: determinant of matrix A. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixdet(real_2d_array a); double alglib::rmatrixdet(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* Determinant calculation of the matrix given by its LU decomposition. Input parameters: A LU decomposition of the matrix (output of RMatrixLU subroutine). Pivots table of permutations which were made during the LU decomposition. Output of RMatrixLU subroutine. N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) Result: matrix determinant. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixludet(real_2d_array a, integer_1d_array pivots); double alglib::rmatrixludet( real_2d_array a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Determinant calculation of the matrix given by the Cholesky decomposition. Input parameters: A Cholesky decomposition, output of SMatrixCholesky subroutine. N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) As the determinant is equal to the product of squares of diagonal elements, its not necessary to specify which triangle - lower or upper - the matrix is stored in. Result:

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matrix determinant. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskydet(real_2d_array a); double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskydet(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Determinant calculation of the symmetric positive definite matrix. Input parameters: A matrix. Array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N (optional) size of matrix A: * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper (optional) storage type: * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used/changed by function * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used/changed by function * if not given, both lower and upper triangles must be filled. Result: determinant of matrix A. If matrix A is not positive definite, exception is thrown. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spdmatrixdet(real_2d_array a); double alglib::spdmatrixdet(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);

matdet_d_1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array b = "[[1,2],[2,1]]"; double a; a = rmatrixdet(b); printf("%.3f\n", double(a)); // EXPECTED: -3 return 0; }

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matdet_d_2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array b = "[[5,4],[4,5]]"; double a; a = rmatrixdet(b, 2); printf("%.3f\n", double(a)); // EXPECTED: 9 return 0; }

matdet_d_3 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { complex_2d_array b = "[[1+1i,2],[2,1-1i]]"; alglib::complex a; a = cmatrixdet(b); printf("%s\n", a.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: -2 return 0; }

matdet_d_4 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { alglib::complex a; complex_2d_array b = "[[5i,4],[4i,5]]";

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a = cmatrixdet(b, 2); printf("%s\n", a.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: 9i return 0; }

matdet_d_5 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { alglib::complex a; complex_2d_array b = "[[9,1],[2,1]]"; a = cmatrixdet(b); printf("%s\n", a.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: 7 return 0; }



cmatrixrndcond cmatrixrndorthogonal cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright hmatrixrndcond hmatrixrndmultiply hpdmatrixrndcond rmatrixrndcond rmatrixrndorthogonal rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright smatrixrndcond smatrixrndmultiply spdmatrixrndcond




/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN complex matrix with given condition number C and norm2(A)=1 INPUT PARAMETERS:

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N C matrix size condition number (in 2-norm)

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, complex_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Generation of a random Haar distributed orthogonal complex matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size, N>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A orthogonal NxN matrix, array[0..N-1,0..N-1] -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonal(ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication of MxN complex matrix by MxM random Haar distributed complex orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: A matrix, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1] M, Nmatrix size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A Q*A, where Q is random MxM orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication of MxN complex matrix by NxN random Haar distributed complex orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS:

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A M, Nmatrix, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1] matrix size

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A A*Q, where Q is random NxN orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN Hermitian matrix with given condition number and norm2(A)=1 INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size C condition number (in 2-norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, complex_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Hermitian multiplication of NxN matrix by random Haar distributed complex orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1] N matrix size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A Q^H*A*Q, where Q is random NxN orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hmatrixrndmultiply(complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN Hermitian positive definite matrix with given condition number and norm2(A)=1

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INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size C condition number (in 2-norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random HPD matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, complex_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN matrix with given condition number and norm2(A)=1 INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size C condition number (in 2-norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, real_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Generation of a random uniformly distributed (Haar) orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size, N>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A orthogonal NxN matrix, array[0..N-1,0..N-1] -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonal(ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication of MxN matrix by MxM random Haar distributed orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: A matrix, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1] M, Nmatrix size

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OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A Q*A, where Q is random MxM orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheleft( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication of MxN matrix by NxN random Haar distributed orthogonal matrix INPUT PARAMETERS: A matrix, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1] M, Nmatrix size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A A*Q, where Q is random NxN orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixrndorthogonalfromtheright( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN symmetric matrix with given condition number and norm2(A)=1 INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size C condition number (in 2-norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::smatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, real_2d_array& a);



/************************************************************************* Symmetric multiplication of NxN matrix by random Haar distributed orthogonal matrix

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INPUT PARAMETERS: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1] N matrix size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A Q'*A*Q, where Q is random NxN orthogonal matrix -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::smatrixrndmultiply(real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Generation of random NxN symmetric positive definite matrix with given condition number and norm2(A)=1 INPUT PARAMETERS: N matrix size C condition number (in 2-norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A random SPD matrix with norm2(A)=1 and cond(A)=C -- ALGLIB routine -04.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixrndcond(ae_int_t n, double c, real_2d_array& a);



cmatrixinverse cmatrixluinverse cmatrixtrinverse hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse hpdmatrixinverse rmatrixinverse rmatrixluinverse rmatrixtrinverse spdmatrixcholeskyinverse spdmatrixinverse

matinv_d_c1 matinv_d_hpd1 matinv_d_r1 Complex matrix inverse HPD matrix inverse Real matrix inverse

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matinv_d_spd1 SPD matrix inverse



/************************************************************************* Matrix inverse report: * R1 reciprocal of condition number in 1-norm * RInf reciprocal of condition number in inf-norm *************************************************************************/ class matinvreport { double r1; double rinf; };



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a general matrix. Input parameters: A matrix N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::cmatrixinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a matrix given by its LU decomposition. INPUT PARAMETERS: A LU decomposition of the matrix (output of CMatrixLU subroutine). Pivots table of permutations (the output of CMatrixLU subroutine). N size of matrix A (optional) :

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* if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB routine -05.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixluinverse( complex_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::cmatrixluinverse( complex_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix inverse (complex) The subroutine inverts the following types of matrices: * upper triangular * upper triangular with unit diagonal * lower triangular * lower triangular with unit diagonal In case of an upper (lower) triangular matrix, the inverse matrix will also be upper (lower) triangular, and after the end of the algorithm, the inverse matrix replaces the source matrix. The elements below (above) the main diagonal are not changed by the algorithm. If the matrix has a unit diagonal, the inverse matrix also has a diagonal, and the diagonal elements are not passed to the algorithm. unit

Input parameters: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit diagonal type (optional): * if True, matrix has unit diagonal (a[i,i] are NOT used) * if False, matrix diagonal is arbitrary * if not given, False is assumed Output parameters: Info same as for RMatrixLUInverse Rep same as for RMatrixLUInverse A same as for RMatrixLUInverse.

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 05.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixtrinverse( complex_2d_array& a, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::cmatrixtrinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a Hermitian positive definite matrix which is given by Cholesky decomposition. Input parameters: A Cholesky decomposition of the matrix to be inverted: A=U*U or A = L*L'. Output of HPDMatrixCholesky subroutine. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper storage type (optional): * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used/changed by function * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used/changed by function * if not given, lower half is used. Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB routine -10.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep);

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/************************************************************************* Inversion of a Hermitian positive definite matrix. Given an upper or lower triangle of a Hermitian positive definite matrix, the algorithm generates matrix A^-1 and saves the upper or lower triangle depending on the input. Input parameters: A matrix to be inverted (upper or lower triangle). Array with elements [0..N-1,0..N-1]. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper storage type (optional): * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used/changed by function * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used/changed by function * if not given, both lower and upper triangles must be filled. Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB routine -10.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hpdmatrixinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::hpdmatrixinverse( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a general matrix. Input parameters: A matrix. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix)

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Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Result: True, if the matrix is not singular. False, if the matrix is singular. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::rmatrixinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a matrix given by its LU decomposition. INPUT PARAMETERS: A LU decomposition of the matrix (output of RMatrixLU subroutine). Pivots table of permutations (the output of RMatrixLU subroutine). N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Info return code: * -3 A is singular, or VERY close to singular. it is filled by zeros in such cases. * 1 task is solved (but matrix A may be ill-conditioned, check R1/RInf parameters for condition numbers). Rep solver report, see below for more info A inverse of matrix A. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. SOLVER REPORT Subroutine sets following fields of the Rep structure: * R1 reciprocal of condition number: 1/cond(A), 1-norm. * RInf reciprocal of condition number: 1/cond(A), inf-norm. -- ALGLIB routine -05.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixluinverse(

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real_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::rmatrixluinverse( real_2d_array& a, integer_1d_array pivots, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix inverse (real) The subroutine inverts the following types of matrices: * upper triangular * upper triangular with unit diagonal * lower triangular * lower triangular with unit diagonal In case of an upper (lower) triangular matrix, the inverse matrix will also be upper (lower) triangular, and after the end of the algorithm, the inverse matrix replaces the source matrix. The elements below (above) the main diagonal are not changed by the algorithm. If the matrix has a unit diagonal, the inverse matrix also has a diagonal, and the diagonal elements are not passed to the algorithm. unit

Input parameters: A matrix, array[0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit diagonal type (optional): * if True, matrix has unit diagonal (a[i,i] are NOT used) * if False, matrix diagonal is arbitrary * if not given, False is assumed Output parameters: Info same as for RMatrixLUInverse Rep same as for RMatrixLUInverse A same as for RMatrixLUInverse. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 05.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixtrinverse( real_2d_array& a, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::rmatrixtrinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit, ae_int_t& info,

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matinvreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a symmetric positive definite matrix which is given by Cholesky decomposition. Input parameters: A Cholesky decomposition of the matrix to be inverted: A=U*U or A = L*L'. Output of SPDMatrixCholesky subroutine. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed and overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) IsUpper storage type (optional): * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used/changed by function * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used/changed by function * if not given, lower half is used. Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB routine -10.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Inversion of a symmetric positive definite matrix. Given an upper or lower triangle of a symmetric positive definite matrix, the algorithm generates matrix A^-1 and saves the upper or lower triangle depending on the input. Input parameters: A matrix to be inverted (upper or lower triangle). Array with elements [0..N-1,0..N-1]. N size of matrix A (optional) : * if given, only principal NxN submatrix is processed


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overwritten. other elements are unchanged. * if not given, size is automatically determined from matrix size (A must be square matrix) storage type (optional): * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used/changed by function * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used/changed by function * if not given, both lower and upper triangles must be filled.

IsUpper -

Output parameters: Info return code, same as in RMatrixLUInverse Rep solver report, same as in RMatrixLUInverse A inverse of matrix A, same as in RMatrixLUInverse -- ALGLIB routine -10.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spdmatrixinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); void alglib::spdmatrixinverse( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, ae_int_t& info, matinvreport& rep); Examples: [1]

matinv_d_c1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { complex_2d_array a = "[[1i,-1],[1i,1]]"; ae_int_t info; matinvreport rep; cmatrixinverse(a, info, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", a.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[-0.5i,-0.5i],[-0.5,0.5]] printf("%.4f\n", double(rep.r1)); // EXPECTED: 0.5 printf("%.4f\n", double(rep.rinf)); // EXPECTED: 0.5 return 0; }

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matinv_d_hpd1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { complex_2d_array a = "[[2,1],[1,2]]"; ae_int_t info; matinvreport rep; hpdmatrixinverse(a, info, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", a.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.666666,-0.333333],[-0.333333,0.666666]] return 0; }

matinv_d_r1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array a = "[[1,-1],[1,1]]"; ae_int_t info; matinvreport rep; rmatrixinverse(a, info, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", a.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.5,0.5],[-0.5,0.5]] printf("%.4f\n", double(rep.r1)); // EXPECTED: 0.5 printf("%.4f\n", double(rep.rinf)); // EXPECTED: 0.5 return 0; }

matinv_d_spd1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "linalg.h"

using namespace alglib;

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int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array a = "[[2,1],[1,2]]"; ae_int_t info; matinvreport rep; spdmatrixinverse(a, info, rep); printf("%d\n", int(info)); // EXPECTED: 1 printf("%s\n", a.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.666666,-0.333333],[-0.333333,0.666666]] return 0; }



mcpdreport mcpdstate

mcpdaddbc mcpdaddec mcpdaddtrack mcpdcreate mcpdcreateentry mcpdcreateentryexit mcpdcreateexit mcpdresults mcpdsetbc mcpdsetec mcpdsetlc mcpdsetpredictionweights mcpdsetprior mcpdsettikhonovregularizer mcpdsolve

mcpd_simple1 mcpd_simple2 Simple unc onstrained MCPD model (no entry/exit states) Simple MCPD model (no entry/exit states) with equality c onstraints



/************************************************************************* This structure is a MCPD training report: InnerIterationsCount number of inner iterations of the underlying optimization algorithm OuterIterationsCount number of outer iterations of the underlying optimization algorithm NFEV number of merit function evaluations TerminationType termination type (same as for MinBLEIC optimizer, positive values denote success, negative ones failure) -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ class mcpdreport { ae_int_t inneriterationscount; ae_int_t outeriterationscount; ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t terminationtype; };



/************************************************************************* This structure is a MCPD (Markov Chains for Population Data) solver. You should use ALGLIB functions in order to work with this object. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ class mcpdstate { };



/************************************************************************* This function is used to add bound constraints on the elements of the transition matrix P. MCPD solver has four types of constraints which can be placed on P: * user-specified equality constraints (optional) * user-specified bound constraints (optional) * user-specified general linear constraints (optional) * basic constraints (always present): * non-negativity: P[i,j]>=0 * consistency: every column of P sums to 1.0 Final constraints which are passed to the underlying optimizer are calculated as intersection of all present constraints. For example, you may specify boundary constraint on P[0,0] and equality one: 0.1<=P[0,0]<=0.9 P[0,0]=0.5 Such combination of constraints will be silently reduced to their intersection, which is P[0,0]=0.5. This function can be used to ADD bound constraint for one element of P without changing constraints for other elements. You can also use MCPDSetBC() function which allows to place bound constraints on arbitrary subset of elements of P. Set of constraints is specified by BndL/BndU matrices, which may contain arbitrary combination of finite numbers or infinities (like -INF<x<=0.5 or 0.1<=x<+INF). These functions (MCPDSetBC and MCPDAddBC) interact as follows: * there is internal matrix of bound constraints which is stored in the MCPD solver * MCPDSetBC() replaces this matrix by another one (SET) * MCPDAddBC() modifies one element of this matrix and leaves other ones unchanged (ADD)

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* thus MCPDAddBC() call preserves all modifications done by previous calls, while MCPDSetBC() completely discards all changes done to the equality constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver I row index of element being constrained J column index of element being constrained BndL lower bound BndU upper bound -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdaddbc( mcpdstate s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double bndl, double bndu);



/************************************************************************* This function is used to add equality constraints on the elements of the transition matrix P. MCPD solver has four types of constraints which can be placed on P: * user-specified equality constraints (optional) * user-specified bound constraints (optional) * user-specified general linear constraints (optional) * basic constraints (always present): * non-negativity: P[i,j]>=0 * consistency: every column of P sums to 1.0 Final constraints which are passed to the underlying optimizer are calculated as intersection of all present constraints. For example, you may specify boundary constraint on P[0,0] and equality one: 0.1<=P[0,0]<=0.9 P[0,0]=0.5 Such combination of constraints will be silently reduced to their intersection, which is P[0,0]=0.5. This function can be used to ADD equality constraint for one element of without changing constraints for other elements. You can also use MCPDSetEC() function which allows arbitrary set of equality constraints in one call. you P

to specify

These functions (MCPDSetEC and MCPDAddEC) interact as follows: * there is internal matrix of equality constraints which is stored in the MCPD solver * MCPDSetEC() replaces this matrix by another one (SET) * MCPDAddEC() modifies one element of this matrix and leaves other ones unchanged (ADD) * thus MCPDAddEC() call preserves all modifications done by previous calls, while MCPDSetEC() completely discards all changes done to the equality constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver I row index of element being constrained

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J C NOTES: 1. infinite values of C will lead to exception being thrown. Values less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0 will lead to error code being returned after call to MCPDSolve(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdaddec(mcpdstate s, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t j, double c); Examples: [1] column index of element being constrained value (constraint for P[I,J]). Can be either constraint) or finite value from [0,1].





/************************************************************************* This function is used to add a track - sequence of system states at the different moments of its evolution. You may add one or several tracks to the MCPD solver. In case you have several tracks, they won't overwrite each other. For example, if you pass two tracks, A1-A2-A3 (system at t=A+1, t=A+2 and t=A+3) and B1-B2-B3, then solver will try to model transitions from t=A+1 to t=A+2, t=A+2 to t=A+3, t=B+1 to t=B+2, t=B+2 to t=B+3. But it WONT mix these two tracks - i.e. it wont try to model transition from t=A+3 to t=B+1. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver XY track, array[K,N]: * I-th row is a state at t=I * elements of XY must be non-negative (exception will be thrown on negative elements) K number of points in a track * if given, only leading K rows of XY are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of XY NOTES: 1. Track may contain either proportional or population data: * with proportional data all rows of XY must sum to 1.0, i.e. we have proportions instead of absolute population values * with population data rows of XY contain population counts and generally do not sum to 1.0 (although they still must be non-negative) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdaddtrack(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array xy); void alglib::mcpdaddtrack(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t k); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION:

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This function creates MCPD (Markov Chains for Population Data) solver. This solver can be used to find transition matrix P for N-dimensional prediction problem where transition from X[i] to X[i+1] is modelled as X[i+1] = P*X[i] where X[i] and X[i+1] are N-dimensional population vectors (components of each X are non-negative), and P is a N*N transition matrix (elements of P are non-negative, each column sums to 1.0). Such models arise when when: * there is some population of individuals * individuals can have different states * individuals can transit from one state to another * population size is constant, i.e. there is no new individuals and no one leaves population * you want to model transitions of individuals from one state into another USAGE: Here we give very brief outline of the MCPD. We strongly recommend you to read examples in the ALGLIB Reference Manual and to read ALGLIB User Guide on data analysis which is available at http://www.alglib.net/dataanalysis/ 1. User initializes algorithm state with MCPDCreate() call 2. User adds one or more tracks - sequences of states which describe evolution of a system being modelled from different starting conditions 3. User may add optional boundary, equality and/or linear constraints on the coefficients of P by calling one of the following functions: * MCPDSetEC() to set equality constraints * MCPDSetBC() to set bound constraints * MCPDSetLC() to set linear constraints 4. Optionally, user may set custom weights for prediction errors (by default, algorithm assigns non-equal, automatically chosen weights for errors in the prediction of different components of X). It can be done with a call of MCPDSetPredictionWeights() function. 5. User calls MCPDSolve() function which takes algorithm state and pointer (delegate, etc.) to callback function which calculates F/G. 6. User calls MCPDResults() to get solution INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdcreate(ae_int_t n, mcpdstate& s); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION:

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This function is a specialized version of MCPDCreate() function, and we recommend you to read comments for this function for general information about MCPD solver. This function creates MCPD (Markov Chains for Population Data) solver for "Entry-state" model, i.e. model where transition from X[i] to X[i+1] is modelled as X[i+1] = P*X[i] where X[i] and X[i+1] are N-dimensional state vectors P is a N*N transition matrix and one selected component of X[] is called "entry" state and is treated in a special way: system state always transits from "entry" state to some another state system state can not transit from any state into "entry" state Such conditions basically mean that row of P which corresponds to "entry" state is zero. Such models arise when: * there is some population of individuals * individuals can have different states * individuals can transit from one state to another * population size is NOT constant - at every moment of time there is some (unpredictable) amount of "new" individuals, which can transit into one of the states at the next turn, but still no one leaves population * you want to model transitions of individuals from one state into another * but you do NOT want to predict amount of "new" individuals because it does not depends on individuals already present (hence system can not transit INTO entry state - it can only transit FROM it). This model is discussed in more details in the ALGLIB User Guide (see http://www.alglib.net/dataanalysis/ for more data). INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>=2 EntryState- index of entry state, in 0..N-1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdcreateentry( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t entrystate, mcpdstate& s);



/************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION: This function is a specialized version of MCPDCreate() function, and we recommend you to read comments for this function for general information about MCPD solver. This function creates MCPD (Markov Chains for Population for "Entry-Exit-states" model, i.e. model where transition X[i+1] is modelled as X[i+1] = P*X[i] Data) solver from X[i] to

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where X[i] and X[i+1] are N-dimensional state vectors P is a N*N transition matrix one selected component of X[] is called "entry" state and is treated in a special way: system state always transits from "entry" state to some another state system state can not transit from any state into "entry" state and another one component of X[] is called "exit" state and is treated in a special way too: system state can transit from any state into "exit" state system state can not transit from "exit" state into any other state transition operator discards "exit" state (makes it zero at each turn) Such conditions basically mean that: row of P which corresponds to "entry" state is zero column of P which corresponds to "exit" state is zero Multiplication by such P may decrease sum of vector components. Such models arise when: * there is some population of individuals * individuals can have different states * individuals can transit from one state to another * population size is NOT constant * at every moment of time there is some (unpredictable) amount of "new" individuals, which can transit into one of the states at the next turn * some individuals can move (predictably) into "exit" state and leave population at the next turn * you want to model transitions of individuals from one state into another, including transitions from the "entry" state and into the "exit" state. * but you do NOT want to predict amount of "new" individuals because it does not depends on individuals already present (hence system can not transit INTO entry state - it can only transit FROM it). This model is discussed in more details in the ALGLIB User Guide (see http://www.alglib.net/dataanalysis/ for more data). INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>=2 EntryState- index of entry state, in 0..N-1 ExitState- index of exit state, in 0..N-1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdcreateentryexit( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t entrystate, ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate& s);



/************************************************************************* DESCRIPTION: This function is a specialized version of MCPDCreate() function, and we recommend you to read comments for this function for general information about MCPD solver. This function creates MCPD (Markov Chains for Population Data) solver

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for "Exit-state" model, i.e. model where transition from X[i] to X[i+1] is modelled as X[i+1] = P*X[i] where X[i] and X[i+1] are N-dimensional state vectors P is a N*N transition matrix and one selected component of X[] is called "exit" state and is treated in a special way: system state can transit from any state into "exit" state system state can not transit from "exit" state into any other state transition operator discards "exit" state (makes it zero at each turn) Such conditions basically mean that column of P which corresponds to "exit" state is zero. Multiplication by such P may decrease sum of vector components. Such models arise when: * there is some population of individuals * individuals can have different states * individuals can transit from one state to another * population size is NOT constant - individuals can move into "exit" state and leave population at the next turn, but there are no new individuals * amount of individuals which leave population can be predicted * you want to model transitions of individuals from one state into another (including transitions into the "exit" state) This model is discussed in more details in the ALGLIB User Guide (see http://www.alglib.net/dataanalysis/ for more data). INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>=2 ExitState- index of exit state, in 0..N-1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdcreateexit(ae_int_t n, ae_int_t exitstate, mcpdstate& s);



/************************************************************************* MCPD results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS: P array[N,N], transition matrix Rep optimization report. You should check Rep.TerminationType in order to distinguish successful termination from unsuccessful one. Speaking short, positive values denote success, negative ones are failures. More information about fields of this structure can be found in the comments on MCPDReport datatype. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdresults(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array& p, mcpdreport& rep);

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Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function is used to add bound constraints on the elements of the transition matrix P. MCPD solver has four types of constraints which can be placed on P: * user-specified equality constraints (optional) * user-specified bound constraints (optional) * user-specified general linear constraints (optional) * basic constraints (always present): * non-negativity: P[i,j]>=0 * consistency: every column of P sums to 1.0 Final constraints which are passed to the underlying optimizer are calculated as intersection of all present constraints. For example, you may specify boundary constraint on P[0,0] and equality one: 0.1<=P[0,0]<=0.9 P[0,0]=0.5 Such combination of constraints will be silently reduced to their intersection, which is P[0,0]=0.5. This function can be used to place bound constraints on arbitrary subset of elements of P. Set of constraints is specified by BndL/BndU matrices, which may contain arbitrary combination of finite numbers or infinities (like -INF<x<=0.5 or 0.1<=x<+INF). You can also use MCPDAddBC() function which allows to ADD bound constraint for one element of P without changing constraints for other elements. These functions (MCPDSetBC and MCPDAddBC) interact as follows: * there is internal matrix of bound constraints which is stored in the MCPD solver * MCPDSetBC() replaces this matrix by another one (SET) * MCPDAddBC() modifies one element of this matrix and leaves other ones unchanged (ADD) * thus MCPDAddBC() call preserves all modifications done by previous calls, while MCPDSetBC() completely discards all changes done to the equality constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver BndL lower bounds constraints, array[N,N]. Elements of BndL can be finite numbers or -INF. BndU upper bounds constraints, array[N,N]. Elements of BndU can be finite numbers or +INF. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsetbc( mcpdstate s, real_2d_array bndl, real_2d_array bndu);



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/************************************************************************* This function is used to add equality constraints on the elements of the transition matrix P. MCPD solver has four types of constraints which can be placed on P: * user-specified equality constraints (optional) * user-specified bound constraints (optional) * user-specified general linear constraints (optional) * basic constraints (always present): * non-negativity: P[i,j]>=0 * consistency: every column of P sums to 1.0 Final constraints which are passed to the underlying optimizer are calculated as intersection of all present constraints. For example, you may specify boundary constraint on P[0,0] and equality one: 0.1<=P[0,0]<=0.9 P[0,0]=0.5 Such combination of constraints will be silently reduced to their intersection, which is P[0,0]=0.5. This function can be used to place equality constraints on arbitrary subset of elements of P. Set of constraints is specified by EC, which may contain either NAN's or finite numbers from [0,1]. NAN denotes absence of constraint, finite number denotes equality constraint on specific element of P. You can also use MCPDAddEC() function which allows to ADD equality constraint for one element of P without changing constraints for other elements. These functions (MCPDSetEC and MCPDAddEC) interact as follows: * there is internal matrix of equality constraints which is stored in the MCPD solver * MCPDSetEC() replaces this matrix by another one (SET) * MCPDAddEC() modifies one element of this matrix and leaves other ones unchanged (ADD) * thus MCPDAddEC() call preserves all modifications done by previous calls, while MCPDSetEC() completely discards all changes done to the equality constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver EC equality constraints, array[N,N]. Elements of EC can be either NAN's or finite numbers from [0,1]. NAN denotes absence of constraints, while finite value denotes equality constraint on the corresponding element of P. NOTES: 1. infinite values of EC will lead to exception being thrown. Values less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0 will lead to error code being returned after call to MCPDSolve(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsetec(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array ec);



/************************************************************************* This function is used to set linear equality/inequality constraints on the

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elements of the transition matrix P. This function can be used to set one or several general linear constraints on the elements of P. Two types of constraints are supported: * equality constraints * inequality constraints (both less-or-equal and greater-or-equal) Coefficients of constraints are specified by matrix C (one of the parameters). One row of C corresponds to one constraint. Because transition matrix P has N*N elements, we need N*N columns to store all coefficients (they are stored row by row), and one more column to store right part - hence C has N*N+1 columns. Constraint kind is stored in the CT array. Thus, I-th linear constraint is P[0,0]*C[I,0] + P[0,1]*C[I,1] + .. + P[0,N-1]*C[I,N-1] + + P[1,0]*C[I,N] + P[1,1]*C[I,N+1] + ... + + P[N-1,N-1]*C[I,N*N-1] ?=? C[I,N*N] where ?=? can be either "=" (CT[i]=0), "<=" (CT[i]<0) or ">=" (CT[i]>0). Your constraint may involve only some subset of P (less than N*N elements). For example it can be something like P[0,0] + P[0,1] = 0.5 In this case you still should pass matrix with N*N+1 columns, but all its elements (except for C[0,0], C[0,1] and C[0,N*N-1]) will be zero. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver C array[K,N*N+1] - coefficients of constraints (see above for complete description) CT array[K] - constraint types (see above for complete description) K number of equality/inequality constraints, K>=0: * if given, only leading K elements of C/CT are used * if not given, automatically determined from sizes of C/CT -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsetlc(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array c, integer_1d_array ct); void alglib::mcpdsetlc( mcpdstate s, real_2d_array c, integer_1d_array ct, ae_int_t k);



/************************************************************************* This function is used to change prediction weights MCPD solver scales prediction errors as follows Error(P) = ||W*(y-P*x)||^2 where x is a system state at time t y is a system state at time t+1 P is a transition matrix W is a diagonal scaling matrix By default, weights are chosen in order to minimize relative prediction error instead of absolute one. For example, if one component of state is about 0.5 in magnitude and another one is about 0.05, then algorithm will

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make corresponding weights equal to 2.0 and 20.0. INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver PW array[N], weights: * must be non-negative values (exception will be thrown otherwise) * zero values will be replaced by automatically chosen values -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsetpredictionweights(mcpdstate s, real_1d_array pw);



/************************************************************************* This function allows to set prior values used for regularization of your problem. By default, regularizing term is equal to r*||P-prior_P||^2, where r is a small non-zero value, P is transition matrix, prior_P is identity matrix, ||X||^2 is a sum of squared elements of X. This function allows you to change prior values prior_P. You change r with MCPDSetTikhonovRegularizer() function. can also

INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver PP array[N,N], matrix of prior values: 1. elements must be real numbers from [0,1] 2. columns must sum to 1.0. First property is checked (exception is thrown otherwise), while second one is not checked/enforced. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsetprior(mcpdstate s, real_2d_array pp);



/************************************************************************* This function allows to tune amount of Tikhonov regularization being applied to your problem. By default, regularizing term is equal to r*||P-prior_P||^2, where r is a small non-zero value, P is transition matrix, prior_P is identity matrix, ||X||^2 is a sum of squared elements of X. This function allows you to change coefficient r. You can prior values with MCPDSetPrior() function. also change

INPUT PARAMETERS: S solver V regularization coefficient, finite non-negative value. It is not recommended to specify zero value unless you are pretty sure that you want it. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey

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*************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsettikhonovregularizer(mcpdstate s, double v);



/************************************************************************* This function is used to start solution of the MCPD problem. After return from this function, you can use MCPDResults() to get solution and completion code. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 23.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mcpdsolve(mcpdstate s); Examples: [1] [2]

mcpd_simple1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "dataanalysis.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // The very simple MCPD example // // We have a loan portfolio. Our loans can be in one of two states: // * normal loans ("good" ones) // * past due loans ("bad" ones) // // We assume that: // * loans can transition from any state to any other state. In // particular, past due loan can become "good" one at any moment // with same (fixed) probability. Not realistic, but it is toy example :) // * portfolio size does not change over time // // Thus, we have following model // state_new = P*state_old // where // ( p00 p01 ) // P = ( ) // ( p10 p11 ) // // We want to model transitions between these two states using MCPD // approach (Markov Chains for Proportional/Population Data), i.e. // to restore hidden transition matrix P using actual portfolio data. // We have: // * poportional data, i.e. proportion of loans in the normal and past // due states (not portfolio size measured in some currency, although // it is possible to work with population data too) // * two tracks, i.e. two sequences which describe portfolio // evolution from two different starting states: [1,0] (all loans

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// are "good") and [0.8,0.2] (only 80% of portfolio is in the "good" // state) // mcpdstate s; mcpdreport rep; real_2d_array p; real_2d_array track0 = "[[1.00000,0.00000],[0.95000,0.05000],[0.92750,0.07250],[0.91738,0.08263],[0.91282 real_2d_array track1 = "[[0.80000,0.20000],[0.86000,0.14000],[0.88700,0.11300],[0.89915,0.10085]]"; mcpdcreate(2, s); mcpdaddtrack(s, track0); mcpdaddtrack(s, track1); mcpdsolve(s); mcpdresults(s, p, rep); // // Hidden matrix P is equal to // ( 0.95 0.50 ) // ( ) // ( 0.05 0.50 ) // which means that "good" loans can become "bad" with 5% probability, // while "bad" loans will return to good state with 50% probability. // printf("%s\n", p.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.95,0.50],[0.05,0.50]] return 0; }

mcpd_simple2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "dataanalysis.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // Simple MCPD example // // We have a loan portfolio. Our loans can be in one of three states: // * normal loans // * past due loans // * charged off loans // // We assume that: // * normal loan can stay normal or become past due (but not charged off) // * past due loan can stay past due, become normal or charged off // * charged off loan will stay charged off for the rest of eternity // * portfolio size does not change over time // Not realistic, but it is toy example :) // // Thus, we have following model // state_new = P*state_old // where // ( p00 p01 ) // P = ( p10 p11 ) // ( p21 1 )

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// i.e. four elements of P are known a priori. // // Although it is possible (given enough data) to In order to enforce // this property we set equality constraints on these elements. // // We want to model transitions between these two states using MCPD // approach (Markov Chains for Proportional/Population Data), i.e. // to restore hidden transition matrix P using actual portfolio data. // We have: // * poportional data, i.e. proportion of loans in the current and past // due states (not portfolio size measured in some currency, although // it is possible to work with population data too) // * two tracks, i.e. two sequences which describe portfolio // evolution from two different starting states: [1,0,0] (all loans // are "good") and [0.8,0.2,0.0] (only 80% of portfolio is in the "good" // state) // mcpdstate s; mcpdreport rep; real_2d_array p; real_2d_array track0 = "[[1.000000,0.000000,0.000000],[0.950000,0.050000,0.000000],[0.927500,0.060000,0.0 real_2d_array track1 = "[[0.800000,0.200000,0.000000],[0.860000,0.090000,0.050000],[0.862000,0.065500,0.0 mcpdcreate(3, s); mcpdaddtrack(s, track0); mcpdaddtrack(s, track1); mcpdaddec(s, 0, 2, 0.0); mcpdaddec(s, 1, 2, 0.0); mcpdaddec(s, 2, 2, 1.0); mcpdaddec(s, 2, 0, 0.0); mcpdsolve(s); mcpdresults(s, p, rep); // // Hidden matrix P is equal to // ( 0.95 0.50 ) // ( 0.05 0.25 ) // ( 0.25 1.00 ) // which means that "good" loans can become past due with 5% probability, // while past due loans will become charged off with 25% probability or // return back to normal state with 50% probability. // printf("%s\n", p.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0.95,0.50,0.00],[0.05,0.25,0.00],[0.00,0.25,1.00]] return 0; }

minbleicreport minbleicstate


minbleiccreate minbleiccreatef minbleicoptimize minbleicrestartfrom

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minbleicresults minbleicresultsbuf minbleicsetbc minbleicsetinnerc ond minbleicsetlc minbleicsetmaxits minbleicsetouterc ond minbleicsetprecdefault minbleicsetprecdiag minbleicsetprecsc ale minbleicsetscale minbleicsetstpmax minbleicsetxrep

minbleic_d_1 minbleic_d_2 minbleic_ftrim minbleic_numdiff Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization with bound c onstraints with linear inequality c onstraints by BLEIC, func tion with singularities with bound c onstraints and numeric al differentiation



/************************************************************************* This structure stores optimization report: * InnerIterationsCount number of inner iterations * OuterIterationsCount number of outer iterations * NFEV number of gradient evaluations * TerminationType termination type (see below) TERMINATION CODES TerminationType field contains completion code, which can be: -10 unsupported combination of algorithm settings: 1) StpMax is set to non-zero value, AND 2) non-default preconditioner is used. You can't use both features at the same moment, so you have to choose one of them (and to turn off another one). -3 inconsistent constraints. Feasible point is either nonexistent or too hard to find. Try to restart optimizer with better initial approximation 4 conditions on constraints are fulfilled with error less than or equal to EpsC 5 MaxIts steps was taken 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible, X contains best point found so far. ADDITIONAL FIELDS There are additional fields which can be used for debugging: * DebugEqErr error in the equality constraints (2-norm) * DebugFS f, calculated at projection of initial point to the feasible set * DebugFF f, calculated at the final point * DebugDX |X_start-X_final| *************************************************************************/ class minbleicreport {

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ae_int_t ae_int_t ae_int_t ae_int_t double double double double }; inneriterationscount; outeriterationscount; nfev; terminationtype; debugeqerr; debugfs; debugff; debugdx;



/************************************************************************* This object stores nonlinear optimizer state. You should use functions provided by MinBLEIC subpackage to work with this object *************************************************************************/ class minbleicstate { };



/************************************************************************* BOUND CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION WITH ADDITIONAL LINEAR EQUALITY AND INEQUALITY CONSTRAINTS DESCRIPTION: The subroutine minimizes function combination of: * bound constraints * linear inequality constraints * linear equality constraints F(x) of N arguments subject to any

REQUIREMENTS: * user must provide function value and gradient * starting point X0 must be feasible or not too far away from the feasible set * grad(f) must be Lipschitz continuous on a level set: L = { x : f(x)<=f(x0) } * function must be defined everywhere on the feasible set F USAGE: Constrained optimization if far more complex than the unconstrained one. Here we give very brief outline of the BLEIC optimizer. We strongly recommend you to read examples in the ALGLIB Reference Manual and to read ALGLIB User Guide on optimization, which is available at http://www.alglib.net/optimization/ 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinBLEICCreate() call 2. USer adds boundary and/or linear constraints by calling MinBLEICSetBC() and MinBLEICSetLC() functions. 3. User sets stopping conditions for underlying unconstrained solver with MinBLEICSetInnerCond() call. This function controls accuracy of underlying optimization algorithm. 4. User sets stopping conditions for outer iteration by calling MinBLEICSetOuterCond() function.

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This function controls handling of boundary and inequality constraints. 5. Additionally, user may set limit on number of internal iterations by MinBLEICSetMaxIts() call. This function allows to prevent algorithm from looping forever. 6. User calls MinBLEICOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and pointer (delegate, etc.) to callback function which calculates F/G. 7. User calls MinBLEICResults() to get solution 8. Optionally user may call MinBLEICRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N but another starting point. MinBLEICRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>0: * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size ofX X starting point, array[N]: * it is better to set X to a feasible point * but X can be infeasible, in which case algorithm will try to find feasible point first, using X as initial approximation. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleiccreate(real_1d_array x, minbleicstate& state); void alglib::minbleiccreate( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, minbleicstate& state); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* The subroutine is finite difference variant of MinBLEICCreate(). It uses finite differences in order to differentiate target function. Description below contains information which is specific to this function only. We recommend to read comments on MinBLEICCreate() in order to get more information about creation of BLEIC optimizer. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>0: * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X X starting point, array[0..N-1]. DiffStepdifferentiation step, >0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. algorithm uses 4-point central formula for differentiation.

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2. differentiation step along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I] where S[] is scaling vector which can be set by MinBLEICSetScale() call. 3. we recommend you to use moderate values of differentiation step. Too large step will result in too large truncation errors, while too small step will result in too large numerical errors. 1.0E-6 can be good value to start with. 4. Numerical differentiation is very inefficient one gradient calculation needs 4*N function evaluations. This function will work for any N - either small (1...10), moderate (10...100) or large (100...). However, performance penalty will be too severe for any N's except for small ones. We should also say that code which relies on numerical differentiation is less robust and precise. CG needs exact gradient values. Imprecise gradient may slow down convergence, especially on highly nonlinear problems. Thus we recommend to use this function for fast prototyping on smalldimensional problems only, and to implement analytical gradient as soon as possible. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.05.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleiccreatef( real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minbleicstate& state); void alglib::minbleiccreatef( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minbleicstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear optimizer These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL NOTES: 1. This function has two different implementations: one which uses exact (analytical) user-supplied gradient, and one which uses function value only and numerically differentiates function in order to obtain gradient. Depending on the specific function used to create optimizer object (either MinBLEICCreate() for analytical gradient or MinBLEICCreateF() for numerical differentiation) you should choose appropriate variant of MinBLEICOptimize() - one which accepts function AND gradient or one which accepts function ONLY.

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Be careful to choose variant of MinBLEICOptimize() which corresponds to your optimization scheme! Table below lists different combinations of callback (function/gradient) passed to MinBLEICOptimize() and specific function used to create optimizer. | USER PASSED TO MinBLEICOptimize() CREATED WITH | function only | function and gradient -----------------------------------------------------------MinBLEICCreateF() | work FAIL MinBLEICCreate() | FAIL work Here "FAIL" denotes inappropriate combinations of optimizer creation function and MinBLEICOptimize() version. Attemps to use such combination (for example, to create optimizer with MinBLEICCreateF() and to pass gradient information to MinCGOptimize()) will lead to exception being thrown. Either you did not pass gradient when it WAS needed or you passed gradient when it was NOT needed. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void minbleicoptimize(minbleicstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void minbleicoptimize(minbleicstate &state, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]



/************************************************************************* This subroutine restarts algorithm from new point. All optimization parameters (including constraints) are left unchanged. This function allows to solve multiple optimization problems (which must have same number of dimensions) without object reallocation penalty. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure previously allocated with MinBLEICCreate call. X new starting point. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicrestartfrom(minbleicstate state, real_1d_array x);



/************************************************************************* BLEIC results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS:

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X Rep array[0..N-1], solution optimization report. You should check Rep.TerminationType in order to distinguish successful termination from unsuccessful one. More information about fields of this structure can be found in the comments on MinBLEICReport datatype.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicresults( minbleicstate state, real_1d_array& x, minbleicreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]



/************************************************************************* BLEIC results Buffered implementation of MinBLEICResults() which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicresultsbuf( minbleicstate state, real_1d_array& x, minbleicreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function sets boundary constraints for BLEIC optimizer. Boundary constraints are inactive by default (after initial creation). They are preserved after algorithm restart with MinBLEICRestartFrom(). INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state BndL lower bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very small number or -INF. BndU upper bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very large number or +INF. NOTE 1: it is possible to specify BndL[i]=BndU[i]. In this case I-th variable will be "frozen" at X[i]=BndL[i]=BndU[i]. NOTE 2: this solver has * bound constraints are * function is evaluated even when numerical according to boundary following useful always satisfied only INSIDE area differentiation constraints) properties: exactly specified by bound constraints, is used (algorithm adjusts nodes

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetbc( minbleicstate state, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for the underlying nonlinear CG optimizer. It controls overall accuracy of solution. These conditions should be strict enough in order for algorithm to converge. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsG >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if the condition |v|<EpsG is satisfied, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled gradient vector, v[i]=g[i]*s[i] * g - gradient * s - scaling coefficients set by MinBLEICSetScale() EpsF >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |F(k+1)-F(k)|<=EpsF*max{|F(k)|,|F(k+1)|,1} is satisfied. EpsX >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |v|<=EpsX is fulfilled, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled step vector, v[i]=dx[i]/s[i] * dx - ste pvector, dx=X(k+1)-X(k) * s - scaling coefficients set by MinBLEICSetScale() Passing EpsG=0, EpsF=0 and EpsX=0 (simultaneously) will lead to automatic stopping criterion selection. These conditions are used to terminate inner iterations. However, you need to tune termination conditions for outer iterations too. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetinnercond( minbleicstate state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* This function sets linear constraints for BLEIC optimizer.

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Linear constraints are inactive by default (after initial creation). They are preserved after algorithm restart with MinBLEICRestartFrom(). INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure previously allocated with MinBLEICCreate call. C linear constraints, array[K,N+1]. Each row of C represents one constraint, either equality or inequality (see below): * first N elements correspond to coefficients, * last element corresponds to the right part. All elements of C (including right part) must be finite. CT type of constraints, array[K]: * if CT[i]>0, then I-th constraint is C[i,*]*x >= C[i,n+1] * if CT[i]=0, then I-th constraint is C[i,*]*x = C[i,n+1] * if CT[i]<0, then I-th constraint is C[i,*]*x <= C[i,n+1] K number of equality/inequality constraints, K>=0: * if given, only leading K elements of C/CT are used * if not given, automatically determined from sizes of C/CT NOTE 1: linear (non-bound) constraints are satisfied only approximately: * there always exists some minor violation (about Epsilon in magnitude) due to rounding errors * numerical differentiation, if used, may lead to function evaluations outside of the feasible area, because algorithm does NOT change numerical differentiation formula according to linear constraints. If you want constraints to be satisfied exactly, try to reformulate your problem in such manner that all constraints will become boundary ones (this kind of constraints is always satisfied exactly, both in the final solution and in all intermediate points). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetlc( minbleicstate state, real_2d_array c, integer_1d_array ct); void alglib::minbleicsetlc( minbleicstate state, real_2d_array c, integer_1d_array ct, ae_int_t k); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function allows to stop algorithm after specified number of inner iterations. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state MaxIts maximum number of inner iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetmaxits(minbleicstate state, ae_int_t maxits);

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/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for outer iteration of BLEIC algo. These conditions control accuracy of constraint handling and amount of infeasibility allowed in the solution. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsX >0, stopping condition on outer iteration step length EpsI >0, stopping condition on infeasibility Both EpsX and EpsI must be non-zero. MEANING OF EpsX EpsX is a stopping condition for outer iterations. Algorithm will stop when solution of the current modified subproblem will be within EpsX (using 2-norm) of the previous solution. MEANING OF EpsI EpsI controls feasibility properties - algorithm won't stop until all inequality constraints will be satisfied with error (distance from current point to the feasible area) at most EpsI. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetoutercond( minbleicstate state, double epsx, double epsi); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: preconditioning is turned off. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetprecdefault(minbleicstate state);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: diagonal of approximate Hessian is used. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state D diagonal of the approximate Hessian, array[0..N-1],

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(if larger, only leading N elements are used). NOTE 1: D[i] should be positive. Exception will be thrown otherwise. NOTE 2: you should pass diagonal of approximate Hessian - NOT ITS INVERSE. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetprecdiag(minbleicstate state, real_1d_array d);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: scale-based diagonal preconditioning. This preconditioning diagonal of Hessian, (for example, one and most part of the mode can be useful when you don't have approximate but you know that your variables are badly scaled variable is in [1,10], and another in [1000,100000]), ill-conditioning comes from different scales of vars. preconditioner, with H[i] = 1/(s[i]^2),

In this case simple scale-based can greatly improve convergence.

IMPRTANT: you should set scale of your variables with MinBLEICSetScale() call (before or after MinBLEICSetPrecScale() call). Without knowledge of the scale of your variables scale-based preconditioner will be just unit matrix. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetprecscale(minbleicstate state);



/************************************************************************* This function sets scaling coefficients for BLEIC optimizer. ALGLIB optimizers use scaling matrices to test stopping conditions (step size and gradient are scaled before comparison with tolerances). Scale of the I-th variable is a translation invariant measure of: a) "how large" the variable is b) how large the step should be to make significant changes in the function Scaling is also used by finite difference variant of the optimizer along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I]. - step

In most optimizers (and in the BLEIC too) scaling is NOT a form of preconditioning. It just affects stopping conditions. You should set preconditioner by separate call to one of the MinBLEICSetPrec...() functions. There is a special preconditioning mode, however, which uses scaling coefficients to form diagonal preconditioning matrix. You can turn this mode on, if you want. But you should understand that scaling is not the same thing as preconditioning - these are two different, although related

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forms of tuning solver. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state S array[N], non-zero scaling coefficients S[i] may be negative, sign doesn't matter. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetscale(minbleicstate state, real_1d_array s);



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length IMPORTANT: this feature is hard to combine with preconditioning. You can't set upper limit on step length, when you solve optimization problem with linear (non-boundary) constraints AND preconditioner turned on. When non-boundary constraints are present, you have to either a) use preconditioner, or b) use upper limit on step length. YOU CAN'T USE BOTH! In this case algorithm will terminate with appropriate error code. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0, want to limit step length.

if you don't

Use this subroutine when you optimize target function which contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which lead to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetstpmax(minbleicstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not If NeedXRep is True, algorithm will call rep() callback function if provided to MinBLEICOptimize(). it is

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetxrep(minbleicstate state, bool needxrep);

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minbleic_d_1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using BLEIC optimizer. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; real_1d_array bndl = "[-1,-1]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[+1,+1]"; minbleicstate state; minbleicreport rep; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the underlying CG algorithm. // They should be stringent enough in order to guarantee overall stability // of the outer iterations. // // We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg // double epsg = 0.000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the outer iterations: // * epso controls convergence of outer iterations; algorithm will stop // when difference between solutions of subsequent unconstrained problems // will be less than 0.0001 // * epsi controls amount of infeasibility allowed in the final solution // double epso = 0.00001; double epsi = 0.00001; // // Now we are ready to actually optimize something: // * first we create optimizer // * we add boundary constraints // * we tune stopping conditions // * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... // minbleiccreate(x, state); minbleicsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); minbleicsetinnercond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx); minbleicsetoutercond(state, epso, epsi);

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alglib::minbleicoptimize(state, function1_grad); minbleicresults(state, x, rep); // // ...and evaluate these results // printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-1,1] return 0; }

minbleic_d_2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // subject to inequality constraints: // * x>=2 (posed as general linear constraint), // * x+y>=6 // using BLEIC optimizer. // real_1d_array x = "[5,5]"; real_2d_array c = "[[1,0,2],[1,1,6]]"; integer_1d_array ct = "[1,1]"; minbleicstate state; minbleicreport rep; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the underlying CG algorithm. // They should be stringent enough in order to guarantee overall stability // of the outer iterations. // // We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg // double epsg = 0.000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the outer iterations: // * epso controls convergence of outer iterations; algorithm will stop // when difference between solutions of subsequent unconstrained problems

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// will be less than 0.0001 // * epsi controls amount of infeasibility allowed in the final solution // double epso = 0.00001; double epsi = 0.00001; // // Now we are ready to actually optimize something: // * first we create optimizer // * we add linear constraints // * we tune stopping conditions // * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... // minbleiccreate(x, state); minbleicsetlc(state, c, ct); minbleicsetinnercond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx); minbleicsetoutercond(state, epso, epsi); alglib::minbleicoptimize(state, function1_grad); minbleicresults(state, x, rep); // // ...and evaluate these results // printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [2,4] return 0; }

minbleic_ftrim example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void s1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x and its gradient. // // function is trimmed when we calculate it near the singular points or outside of the [-1,+1]. // Note that we do NOT calculate gradient in this case. // if( (x[0]<=-0.999999999999) || (x[0]>=+0.999999999999) ) { func = 1.0E+300; return; } func = pow(1+x[0],-0.2) + pow(1-x[0],-0.3) + 1000*x[0]; grad[0] = -0.2*pow(1+x[0],-1.2) +0.3*pow(1-x[0],-1.3) + 1000; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. // // This function is undefined outside of (-1,+1) and has singularities at x=-1 and x=+1. // Special technique called "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem

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// - without using boundary constraints! // // See http://www.alglib.net/optimization/tipsandtricks.php#ftrimming for more information // on this subject. // real_1d_array x = "[0]"; double epsg = 1.0e-6; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; double epso = 1.0e-6; double epsi = 1.0e-6; minbleicstate state; minbleicreport rep; minbleiccreate(x, state); minbleicsetinnercond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx); minbleicsetoutercond(state, epso, epsi); alglib::minbleicoptimize(state, s1_grad); minbleicresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(5).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-0.99917305] return 0; }

minbleic_numdiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_func(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // subject to bound constraints -1<=x<=+1, -1<=y<=+1, using BLEIC optimizer. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; real_1d_array bndl = "[-1,-1]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[+1,+1]"; minbleicstate state; minbleicreport rep; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the underlying CG algorithm. // They should be stringent enough in order to guarantee overall stability // of the outer iterations. // // We use very simple condition - |g|<=epsg // double epsg = 0.000001;

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double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; // // These variables define stopping conditions for the outer iterations: // * epso controls convergence of outer iterations; algorithm will stop // when difference between solutions of subsequent unconstrained problems // will be less than 0.0001 // * epsi controls amount of infeasibility allowed in the final solution // double epso = 0.00001; double epsi = 0.00001; // // This variable contains differentiation step // double diffstep = 1.0e-6; // // Now we are ready to actually optimize something: // * first we create optimizer // * we add boundary constraints // * we tune stopping conditions // * and, finally, optimize and obtain results... // minbleiccreatef(x, diffstep, state); minbleicsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); minbleicsetinnercond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx); minbleicsetoutercond(state, epso, epsi); alglib::minbleicoptimize(state, function1_func); minbleicresults(state, x, rep); // // ...and evaluate these results // printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-1,1] return 0; }



mincgreport mincgstate

mincgcreate mincgcreatef mincgoptimize mincgrestartfrom mincgresults mincgresultsbuf mincgsetcgtype mincgsetcond mincgsetprecdefault mincgsetprecdiag

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mincgsetprecscale mincgsetscale mincgsetstpmax mincgsetxrep mincgsuggeststep

mincg_d_1 mincg_d_2 mincg_ftrim mincg_numdiff Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization by CG with additional settings and restarts by CG, func tion with singularities by CG with numeric al differentiation



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class mincgreport { ae_int_t iterationscount; ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t terminationtype; };



/************************************************************************* This object stores state of the nonlinear CG optimizer. You should use ALGLIB functions to work with this object. *************************************************************************/ class mincgstate { };



/************************************************************************* NONLINEAR CONJUGATE GRADIENT METHOD DESCRIPTION: The subroutine minimizes function F(x) of N arguments by using one of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods. the

These CG methods are globally convergent (even on non-convex functions) as long as grad(f) is Lipschitz continuous in a some neighborhood of the L = { x : f(x)<=f(x0) }. REQUIREMENTS: Algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function value F and its gradient G (simultaneously) at given point X USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinCGCreate() call

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2. User tunes solver parameters with MinCGSetCond(), MinCGSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls MinCGOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and pointer (delegate, etc.) to callback function which calculates F/G. 4. User calls MinCGResults() to get solution 5. Optionally, user may call MinCGRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N but another starting point and/or another function. MinCGRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>0: * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X X starting point, array[0..N-1]. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgcreate(real_1d_array x, mincgstate& state); void alglib::mincgcreate(ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, mincgstate& state); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* The subroutine is finite difference variant of MinCGCreate(). It uses finite differences in order to differentiate target function. Description below contains information which is specific to this function only. We recommend to read comments on MinCGCreate() in order to get more information about creation of CG optimizer. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>0: * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X X starting point, array[0..N-1]. DiffStepdifferentiation step, >0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. algorithm uses 4-point central formula for differentiation. 2. differentiation step along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I] where S[] is scaling vector which can be set by MinCGSetScale() call. 3. we recommend you to use moderate values of differentiation step. Too large step will result in too large truncation errors, while too small step will result in too large numerical errors. 1.0E-6 can be good value to start with. 4. Numerical differentiation is very inefficient one gradient calculation needs 4*N function evaluations. This function will work for any N - either small (1...10), moderate (10...100) or large (100...). However, performance penalty will be too severe for any N's except for small ones. We should also say that code which relies on numerical differentiation is less robust and precise. L-BFGS needs exact gradient values.

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Imprecise gradient may slow down convergence, especially on highly nonlinear problems. Thus we recommend to use this function for fast prototyping on smalldimensional problems only, and to implement analytical gradient as soon as possible. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.05.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgcreatef( real_1d_array x, double diffstep, mincgstate& state); void alglib::mincgcreatef( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, mincgstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear optimizer These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL NOTES: 1. This function has two different implementations: one which uses exact (analytical) user-supplied gradient, and one which uses function value only and numerically differentiates function in order to obtain gradient. Depending on the specific function used to create optimizer object (either MinCGCreate() for analytical gradient or MinCGCreateF() for numerical differentiation) you should choose appropriate variant of MinCGOptimize() - one which accepts function AND gradient or one which accepts function ONLY. Be careful to choose variant of MinCGOptimize() which corresponds to your optimization scheme! Table below lists different combinations of callback (function/gradient) passed to MinCGOptimize() and specific function used to create optimizer. | USER PASSED TO MinCGOptimize() CREATED WITH | function only | function and gradient -----------------------------------------------------------MinCGCreateF() | work FAIL MinCGCreate() | FAIL work

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Here "FAIL" denotes inappropriate combinations of optimizer creation function and MinCGOptimize() version. Attemps to use such combination (for example, to create optimizer with MinCGCreateF() and to pass gradient information to MinCGOptimize()) will lead to exception being thrown. Either you did not pass gradient when it WAS needed or you passed gradient when it was NOT needed. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.04.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void mincgoptimize(mincgstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void mincgoptimize(mincgstate &state, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]



/************************************************************************* This subroutine restarts CG algorithm from new point. All optimization parameters are left unchanged. This function allows to solve multiple optimization problems (which must have same number of dimensions) without object reallocation penalty. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure used to store algorithm state. X new starting point. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgrestartfrom(mincgstate state, real_1d_array x); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Conjugate gradient results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1], solution Rep optimization report: * Rep.TerminationType completetion code: * 1 relative function improvement is no more than EpsF. * 2 relative step is no more than EpsX. * 4 gradient norm is no more than EpsG * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible, we return best X found so far

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* 8 terminated by user * Rep.IterationsCount contains iterations count * NFEV countains number of function calculations -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.04.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgresults( mincgstate state, real_1d_array& x, mincgreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]



/************************************************************************* Conjugate gradient results Buffered implementation of MinCGResults(), which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.04.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgresultsbuf( mincgstate state, real_1d_array& x, mincgreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function sets CG algorithm. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state CGType algorithm type: * -1 automatic selection of the best algorithm * 0 DY (Dai and Yuan) algorithm * 1 Hybrid DY-HS algorithm -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetcgtype(mincgstate state, ae_int_t cgtype);



/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for CG optimization algorithm. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsG >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if



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|v|<EpsG is satisfied, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled gradient vector, v[i]=g[i]*s[i] * g - gradient * s - scaling coefficients set by MinCGSetScale() >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |F(k+1)-F(k)|<=EpsF*max{|F(k)|,|F(k+1)|,1} is satisfied. >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |v|<=EpsX is fulfilled, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled step vector, v[i]=dx[i]/s[i] * dx - ste pvector, dx=X(k+1)-X(k) * s - scaling coefficients set by MinCGSetScale() maximum number of iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited.




Passing EpsG=0, EpsF=0, EpsX=0 and MaxIts=0 (simultaneously) will lead to automatic stopping criterion selection (small EpsX). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetcond( mincgstate state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: preconditioning is turned off. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTE: you can iterations. change preconditioner "on the fly", during algorithm

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetprecdefault(mincgstate state);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: diagonal of approximate Hessian is used. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state D diagonal of the approximate Hessian, array[0..N-1], (if larger, only leading N elements are used).

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NOTE: you can iterations.






during algorithm

NOTE 2: D[i] should be positive. Exception will be thrown otherwise. NOTE 3: you should pass diagonal of approximate Hessian - NOT ITS INVERSE. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetprecdiag(mincgstate state, real_1d_array d);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: scale-based diagonal preconditioning. This preconditioning diagonal of Hessian, (for example, one and most part of the mode can be useful when you don't have approximate but you know that your variables are badly scaled variable is in [1,10], and another in [1000,100000]), ill-conditioning comes from different scales of vars. preconditioner, with H[i] = 1/(s[i]^2),

In this case simple scale-based can greatly improve convergence.

IMPRTANT: you should set scale of your variables with MinCGSetScale() call (before or after MinCGSetPrecScale() call). Without knowledge of the scale of your variables scale-based preconditioner will be just unit matrix. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTE: you can iterations. change preconditioner "on the fly", during algorithm

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetprecscale(mincgstate state);



/************************************************************************* This function sets scaling coefficients for CG optimizer. ALGLIB optimizers use scaling matrices to test stopping conditions (step size and gradient are scaled before comparison with tolerances). Scale of the I-th variable is a translation invariant measure of: a) "how large" the variable is b) how large the step should be to make significant changes in the function Scaling is also used by finite difference variant of CG optimizer along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I]. step

In most optimizers (and in the CG too) scaling is NOT a form of preconditioning. It just affects stopping conditions. You should set preconditioner by separate call to one of the MinCGSetPrec...() functions. There is special preconditioning mode, however, which uses scaling

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coefficients to form diagonal preconditioning matrix. You can turn this mode on, if you want. But you should understand that scaling is not the same thing as preconditioning - these are two different, although related forms of tuning solver. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state S array[N], non-zero scaling coefficients S[i] may be negative, sign doesn't matter. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetscale(mincgstate state, real_1d_array s);



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0, want to limit step length.

if you don't

Use this subroutine when you optimize target function which contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetstpmax(mincgstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not If NeedXRep is True, algorithm will call rep() callback function if provided to MinCGOptimize(). it is

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsetxrep(mincgstate state, bool needxrep);



/************************************************************************* This function allows to suggest initial step length to the CG algorithm.

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Suggested step length is used as starting point for the line search. It can be useful when you have badly scaled problem, i.e. when ||grad|| (which is used as initial estimate for the first step) is many orders of magnitude different from the desired step. Line search may fail on such problems without good estimate of initial step length. Imagine, for example, problem with ||grad||=10^50 and desired step equal to 0.1 Line search function will use 10^50 as initial step, then it will decrease step length by 2 (up to 20 attempts) and will get 10^44, which is still too large. This function allows us to tell than line search should be started from some moderate step length, like 1.0, so algorithm will be able to detect desired step length in a several searches. Default behavior (when no step is suggested) is to use preconditioner, it is available, to generate initial estimate of step length. if

This function influences only first iteration of algorithm. It should be called between MinCGCreate/MinCGRestartFrom() call and MinCGOptimize call. Suggested step is ignored if you have preconditioner. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure used to store algorithm state. Stp initial estimate of the step length. Can be zero (no estimate). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mincgsuggeststep(mincgstate state, double stp);

mincg_d_1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // with nonlinear conjugate gradient method. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0;

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ae_int_t maxits = 0; mincgstate state; mincgreport rep; mincgcreate(x, state); mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::mincgoptimize(state, function1_grad); mincgresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

mincg_d_2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // with nonlinear conjugate gradient method. // // Several advanced techniques are demonstrated: // * upper limit on step size // * restart from new point // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; double stpmax = 0.1; ae_int_t maxits = 0; mincgstate state; mincgreport rep; // first run mincgcreate(x, state); mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); mincgsetstpmax(state, stpmax); alglib::mincgoptimize(state, function1_grad); mincgresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3]

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// second run - algorithm is restarted with mincgrestartfrom() x = "[10,10]"; mincgrestartfrom(state, x); alglib::mincgoptimize(state, function1_grad); mincgresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

mincg_ftrim example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void s1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x and its gradient. // // function is trimmed when we calculate it near the singular points or outside of the [-1,+1]. // Note that we do NOT calculate gradient in this case. // if( (x[0]<=-0.999999999999) || (x[0]>=+0.999999999999) ) { func = 1.0E+300; return; } func = pow(1+x[0],-0.2) + pow(1-x[0],-0.3) + 1000*x[0]; grad[0] = -0.2*pow(1+x[0],-1.2) +0.3*pow(1-x[0],-1.3) + 1000; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. // This function has singularities at the boundary of the [-1,+1], but technique called // "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem. // // See http://www.alglib.net/optimization/tipsandtricks.php#ftrimming for more information // on this subject. // real_1d_array x = "[0]"; double epsg = 1.0e-6; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; mincgstate state; mincgreport rep; mincgcreate(x, state); mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::mincgoptimize(state, s1_grad); mincgresults(state, x, rep);

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printf("%s\n", x.tostring(5).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-0.99917305] return 0; }

mincg_numdiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_func(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // using numerical differentiation to calculate gradient. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; double diffstep = 1.0e-6; ae_int_t maxits = 0; mincgstate state; mincgreport rep; mincgcreatef(x, diffstep, state); mincgsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::mincgoptimize(state, function1_func); mincgresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

minasareport minasastate



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minasaoptimize minasarestartfrom minasaresults minasaresultsbuf minasasetalgorithm minasasetcond minasasetstpmax minasasetxrep minbleicsetbarrierdec ay minbleicsetbarrierwidth minlbfgssetcholeskyprec onditioner minlbfgssetdefaultprec onditioner




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class minasareport { ae_int_t iterationscount; ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t terminationtype; ae_int_t activeconstraints; };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class minasastate { };



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasacreate( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu, minasastate& state); void alglib::minasacreate( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu, minasastate& state);

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/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear optimizer These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void minasaoptimize(minasastate &state, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasarestartfrom( minasastate state, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasaresults( minasastate state, real_1d_array& x, minasareport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm.

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Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasaresultsbuf( minasastate state, real_1d_array& x, minasareport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasasetalgorithm(minasastate state, ae_int_t algotype);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasasetcond( minasastate state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasasetstpmax(minasastate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete optimization algorithm. Was replaced by MinBLEIC subpackage. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey

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*************************************************************************/ void alglib::minasasetxrep(minasastate state, bool needxrep);



/************************************************************************* This is obsolete function which was used by previous version of the BLEIC optimizer. It does nothing in the current version of BLEIC. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetbarrierdecay(minbleicstate state, double mudecay);



/************************************************************************* This is obsolete function which was used by previous version of the BLEIC optimizer. It does nothing in the current version of BLEIC. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.11.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minbleicsetbarrierwidth(minbleicstate state, double mu);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete function, use MinLBFGSSetCholeskyPreconditioner() instead. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetcholeskypreconditioner( minlbfgsstate state, real_2d_array p, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Obsolete function, use MinLBFGSSetPrecDefault() instead. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetdefaultpreconditioner(minlbfgsstate state);



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minlbfgsreport minlbfgsstate

minlbfgscreate minlbfgscreatef minlbfgsoptimize minlbfgsrestartfrom minlbfgsresults minlbfgsresultsbuf minlbfgssetcond minlbfgssetpreccholesky minlbfgssetprecdefault minlbfgssetprecdiag minlbfgssetprecsc ale minlbfgssetscale minlbfgssetstpmax minlbfgssetxrep

minlbfgs_d_1 minlbfgs_d_2 minlbfgs_ftrim minlbfgs_numdiff Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization Nonlinear optimization by L-BFGS with additional settings and restarts by LBFGS, func tion with singularities by L-BFGS with numeric al differentiation



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class minlbfgsreport { ae_int_t iterationscount; ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t terminationtype; };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class minlbfgsstate { };



/************************************************************************* LIMITED MEMORY BFGS METHOD FOR LARGE SCALE OPTIMIZATION DESCRIPTION: The subroutine minimizes function F(x) of N arguments by using a Newton method (LBFGS scheme) which is optimized to use a minimum quasiamount

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of memory. The subroutine generates the approximation of an inverse Hessian matrix by using information about the last M steps of the algorithm (instead of N). It lessens a required amount of memory from a value of order N^2 to a value of order 2*N*M. REQUIREMENTS: Algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function value F and its gradient G (simultaneously) at given point X USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinLBFGSCreate() call 2. User tunes solver parameters with MinLBFGSSetCond() MinLBFGSSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls MinLBFGSOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and pointer (delegate, etc.) to callback function which calculates F/G. 4. User calls MinLBFGSResults() to get solution 5. Optionally user may call MinLBFGSRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N/M but another starting point and/or another function. MinLBFGSRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension. N>0 M number of corrections in the BFGS scheme of Hessian approximation update. Recommended value: 3<=M<=7. The smaller value causes worse convergence, the bigger will not cause a considerably better convergence, but will cause a fall in the performance. M<=N. X initial solution approximation, array[0..N-1]. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. you may tune stopping conditions with MinLBFGSSetCond() function 2. if target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow, use MinLBFGSSetStpMax() function to bound algorithm's steps. However, L-BFGS rarely needs such a tuning. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgscreate( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlbfgsstate& state); void alglib::minlbfgscreate( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlbfgsstate& state); Examples: [1] [2] [3]


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/************************************************************************* The subroutine is finite difference variant of MinLBFGSCreate(). It uses finite differences in order to differentiate target function. Description below contains information which is specific to this function only. We recommend to read comments on MinLBFGSCreate() in order to get more information about creation of LBFGS optimizer. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem dimension, N>0: * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X M number of corrections in the BFGS scheme of Hessian approximation update. Recommended value: 3<=M<=7. The smaller value causes worse convergence, the bigger will not cause a considerably better convergence, but will cause a fall in the performance. M<=N. X starting point, array[0..N-1]. DiffStepdifferentiation step, >0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. algorithm uses 4-point central formula for differentiation. 2. differentiation step along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I] where S[] is scaling vector which can be set by MinLBFGSSetScale() call. 3. we recommend you to use moderate values of differentiation step. Too large step will result in too large truncation errors, while too small step will result in too large numerical errors. 1.0E-6 can be good value to start with. 4. Numerical differentiation is very inefficient one gradient calculation needs 4*N function evaluations. This function will work for any N - either small (1...10), moderate (10...100) or large (100...). However, performance penalty will be too severe for any N's except for small ones. We should also say that code which relies on numerical differentiation is less robust and precise. LBFGS needs exact gradient values. Imprecise gradient may slow down convergence, especially on highly nonlinear problems. Thus we recommend to use this function for fast prototyping on smalldimensional problems only, and to implement analytical gradient as soon as possible. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 16.05.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgscreatef( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minlbfgsstate& state); void alglib::minlbfgscreatef( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minlbfgsstate& state); Examples: [1]


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/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear optimizer These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL NOTES: 1. This function has two different implementations: one which uses exact (analytical) user-supplied gradient, and one which uses function value only and numerically differentiates function in order to obtain gradient. Depending on the specific function used to create optimizer object (either MinLBFGSCreate() for analytical gradient or MinLBFGSCreateF() for numerical differentiation) you should choose appropriate variant of MinLBFGSOptimize() - one which accepts function AND gradient or one which accepts function ONLY. Be careful to choose variant of MinLBFGSOptimize() which corresponds to your optimization scheme! Table below lists different combinations of callback (function/gradient) passed to MinLBFGSOptimize() and specific function used to create optimizer. | USER PASSED TO MinLBFGSOptimize() CREATED WITH | function only | function and gradient -----------------------------------------------------------MinLBFGSCreateF() | work FAIL MinLBFGSCreate() | FAIL work Here "FAIL" denotes inappropriate combinations of optimizer creation function and MinLBFGSOptimize() version. Attemps to use such combination (for example, to create optimizer with MinLBFGSCreateF() and to pass gradient information to MinCGOptimize()) will lead to exception being thrown. Either you did not pass gradient when it WAS needed or you passed gradient when it was NOT needed. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void minlbfgsoptimize(minlbfgsstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void minlbfgsoptimize(minlbfgsstate &state, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]




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This subroutine restarts LBFGS algorithm from new point. All optimization parameters are left unchanged. This function allows to solve multiple optimization problems (which must have same number of dimensions) without object reallocation penalty. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure used to store algorithm state X new starting point. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgsrestartfrom(minlbfgsstate state, real_1d_array x); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* L-BFGS algorithm results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1], solution Rep optimization report: * Rep.TerminationType completetion code: * -2 rounding errors prevent further improvement. X contains best point found. * -1 incorrect parameters were specified * 1 relative function improvement is no more than EpsF. * 2 relative step is no more than EpsX. * 4 gradient norm is no more than EpsG * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible * Rep.IterationsCount contains iterations count * NFEV countains number of function calculations -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgsresults( minlbfgsstate state, real_1d_array& x, minlbfgsreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4]



/************************************************************************* L-BFGS algorithm results Buffered implementation of MinLBFGSResults which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms

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where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgsresultsbuf( minlbfgsstate state, real_1d_array& x, minlbfgsreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for L-BFGS optimization algorithm. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsG >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if the condition |v|<EpsG is satisfied, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled gradient vector, v[i]=g[i]*s[i] * g - gradient * s - scaling coefficients set by MinLBFGSSetScale() EpsF >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |F(k+1)-F(k)|<=EpsF*max{|F(k)|,|F(k+1)|,1} is satisfied. EpsX >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |v|<=EpsX is fulfilled, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled step vector, v[i]=dx[i]/s[i] * dx - ste pvector, dx=X(k+1)-X(k) * s - scaling coefficients set by MinLBFGSSetScale() MaxIts maximum number of iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited. Passing EpsG=0, EpsF=0, EpsX=0 and MaxIts=0 (simultaneously) will lead to automatic stopping criterion selection (small EpsX). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetcond( minlbfgsstate state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: Cholesky factorization of approximate Hessian is used. INPUT PARAMETERS:

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State P structure which stores algorithm state triangular preconditioner, Cholesky factorization of the approximate Hessian. array[0..N-1,0..N-1], (if larger, only leading N elements are used). whether upper or lower triangle of P is given (other triangle is not referenced) (P is copied

IsUpper -

After call to this function preconditioner is changed to P into the internal buffer). NOTE: you can iterations. NOTE 2: P change preconditioner "on the fly",

during algorithm


be nonsingular. Exception will be thrown otherwise.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetpreccholesky( minlbfgsstate state, real_2d_array p, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: default preconditioner (simple scaling, same for all elements of X) is used. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTE: you can iterations. change preconditioner "on the fly", during algorithm

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetprecdefault(minlbfgsstate state);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: diagonal of approximate Hessian is used. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state D diagonal of the approximate Hessian, array[0..N-1], (if larger, only leading N elements are used). NOTE: you can iterations. change preconditioner "on the fly", during algorithm

NOTE 2: D[i] should be positive. Exception will be thrown otherwise. NOTE 3: you should pass diagonal of approximate Hessian - NOT ITS INVERSE. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey

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*************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetprecdiag(minlbfgsstate state, real_1d_array d);



/************************************************************************* Modification of the preconditioner: scale-based diagonal preconditioning. This preconditioning diagonal of Hessian, (for example, one and most part of the mode can be useful when you don't have approximate but you know that your variables are badly scaled variable is in [1,10], and another in [1000,100000]), ill-conditioning comes from different scales of vars. preconditioner, with H[i] = 1/(s[i]^2),

In this case simple scale-based can greatly improve convergence.

IMPRTANT: you should set scale of your variables with MinLBFGSSetScale() call (before or after MinLBFGSSetPrecScale() call). Without knowledge of the scale of your variables scale-based preconditioner will be just unit matrix. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 13.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetprecscale(minlbfgsstate state);



/************************************************************************* This function sets scaling coefficients for LBFGS optimizer. ALGLIB optimizers use scaling matrices to test stopping conditions (step size and gradient are scaled before comparison with tolerances). Scale of the I-th variable is a translation invariant measure of: a) "how large" the variable is b) how large the step should be to make significant changes in the function Scaling is also used by finite difference variant of the optimizer along I-th axis is equal to DiffStep*S[I]. - step

In most optimizers (and in the LBFGS too) scaling is NOT a form of preconditioning. It just affects stopping conditions. You should set preconditioner by separate call to one of the MinLBFGSSetPrec...() functions. There is special preconditioning mode, however, which uses scaling coefficients to form diagonal preconditioning matrix. You can turn this mode on, if you want. But you should understand that scaling is not the same thing as preconditioning - these are two different, although related forms of tuning solver. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state S array[N], non-zero scaling coefficients S[i] may be negative, sign doesn't matter. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetscale(minlbfgsstate state, real_1d_array s);



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0 (default), you don't want to limit step length.


Use this subroutine when you optimize target function which contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetstpmax(minlbfgsstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not If NeedXRep is True, algorithm will call rep() callback function if provided to MinLBFGSOptimize(). it is

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlbfgssetxrep(minlbfgsstate state, bool needxrep);

minlbfgs_d_1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 //

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func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // using LBFGS method. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlbfgsstate state; minlbfgsreport rep; minlbfgscreate(1, x, state); minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, function1_grad); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

minlbfgs_d_2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // using LBFGS method. // // Several advanced techniques are demonstrated: // * upper limit on step size // * restart from new point // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001;

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double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; double stpmax = 0.1; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlbfgsstate state; minlbfgsreport rep; // first run minlbfgscreate(1, x, state); minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); minlbfgssetstpmax(state, stpmax); alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, function1_grad); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] // second run - algorithm is restarted x = "[10,10]"; minlbfgsrestartfrom(state, x); alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, function1_grad); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

minlbfgs_ftrim example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void s1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x and its gradient. // // function is trimmed when we calculate it near the singular points or outside of the [-1,+1]. // Note that we do NOT calculate gradient in this case. // if( (x[0]<=-0.999999999999) || (x[0]>=+0.999999999999) ) { func = 1.0E+300; return; } func = pow(1+x[0],-0.2) + pow(1-x[0],-0.3) + 1000*x[0]; grad[0] = -0.2*pow(1+x[0],-1.2) +0.3*pow(1-x[0],-1.3) + 1000; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x) = (1+x)^(-0.2) + (1-x)^(-0.3) + 1000*x. // This function has singularities at the boundary of the [-1,+1], but technique called // "function trimming" allows us to solve this optimization problem. // // See http://www.alglib.net/optimization/tipsandtricks.php#ftrimming for more information

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// on this subject. // real_1d_array x = "[0]"; double epsg = 1.0e-6; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlbfgsstate state; minlbfgsreport rep; minlbfgscreate(1, x, state); minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, s1_grad); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(5).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-0.99917305] return 0; }

minlbfgs_numdiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_func(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of f(x,y) = 100*(x+3)^4+(y-3)^4 // using numerical differentiation to calculate gradient. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; double diffstep = 1.0e-6; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlbfgsstate state; minlbfgsreport rep; minlbfgscreatef(1, x, diffstep, state); minlbfgssetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlbfgsoptimize(state, function1_func); minlbfgsresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,3] return 0; }

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minlmreport minlmstate

minlmcreatefgh minlmcreatefgj minlmcreatefj minlmcreatev minlmcreatevgj minlmcreatevj minlmoptimize minlmrestartfrom minlmresults minlmresultsbuf minlmsetacctype minlmsetbc minlmsetcond minlmsetscale minlmsetstpmax minlmsetxrep

minlm_d_fgh minlm_d_restarts minlm_d_v minlm_d_vb minlm_d_vj Nonlinear Hessian-based optimization for general func tions Effic ient restarts of LM optimizer Nonlinear least squares optimization using func tion vec tor only Bound c onstrained nonlinear least squares optimization Nonlinear least squares optimization using func tion vec tor and Jac obian



/************************************************************************* Optimization report, filled by MinLMResults() function FIELDS: * TerminationType, completetion code: * -9 derivative correctness check failed; see Rep.WrongNum, Rep.WrongI, Rep.WrongJ for more information. * 1 relative function improvement is no more than EpsF. * 2 relative step is no more than EpsX. * 4 gradient is no more than EpsG. * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible * IterationsCount, contains iterations count * NFunc, number of function calculations * NJac, number of Jacobi matrix calculations * NGrad, number of gradient calculations

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* NHess, number of Hessian calculations * NCholesky, number of Cholesky decomposition calculations *************************************************************************/ class minlmreport { ae_int_t iterationscount; ae_int_t terminationtype; ae_int_t nfunc; ae_int_t njac; ae_int_t ngrad; ae_int_t nhess; ae_int_t ncholesky; };



/************************************************************************* Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. This structure should be created using one of the MinLMCreate???() functions. You should not access its fields directly; use ALGLIB functions to work with it. *************************************************************************/ class minlmstate { };



/************************************************************************* LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT-LIKE METHOD FOR NON-LINEAR OPTIMIZATION DESCRIPTION: This function is used to find minimum of general form (not "sum-of-squares") function F = F(x[0], ..., x[n-1]) using its gradient and Hessian. Levenberg-Marquardt modification with L-BFGS pre-optimization and internal pre-conditioned L-BFGS optimization after each Levenberg-Marquardt step is used. REQUIREMENTS: This algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function value F at given point X * F and gradient G (simultaneously) at given point X * F, G and Hessian H (simultaneously) at given point X There are several overloaded versions of MinLMOptimize() function which correspond to different LM-like optimization algorithms provided by this unit. You should choose version which accepts func(), grad() and hess() function pointers. First pointer is used to calculate F at given point, second one calculates F(x) and grad F(x), third one calculates F(x), grad F(x), hess F(x). You can try to initialize MinLMState structure with FGH-function and then use incorrect version of MinLMOptimize() (for example, version which does not provide Hessian matrix), but it will lead to exception being thrown after first attempt to calculate Hessian.

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USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinLMCreateFGH() call 2. User tunes solver parameters with MinLMSetCond(), MinLMSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls MinLMOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and pointers (delegates, etc.) to callback functions. 4. User calls MinLMResults() to get solution 5. Optionally, user may call MinLMRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N but another starting point and/or another function. MinLMRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N dimension, N>1 * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X X initial solution, array[0..N-1] OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. you may tune stopping conditions with MinLMSetCond() function 2. if target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow, use MinLMSetStpMax() function to bound algorithm's steps. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatefgh(real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatefgh( ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This is obsolete function. Since ALGLIB 3.3 it is equivalent to MinLMCreateFJ(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatefgj( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatefgj( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state);


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/************************************************************************* This function is considered obsolete since ALGLIB 3.1.0 and is present for backward compatibility only. We recommend to use MinLMCreateVJ, which provides similar, but more consistent and feature-rich interface. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatefj( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatefj( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state);



/************************************************************************* IMPROVED LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT METHOD FOR NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES OPTIMIZATION DESCRIPTION: This function is used to find minimum of function which is represented sum of squares: F(x) = f[0]^2(x[0],...,x[n-1]) + ... + f[m-1]^2(x[0],...,x[n-1]) using value of function vector f[] only. Finite differences are used calculate Jacobian. REQUIREMENTS: This algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function vector f[] at given point X There are several overloaded versions of MinLMOptimize() function which correspond to different LM-like optimization algorithms provided by this unit. You should choose version which accepts fvec() callback. You can try to initialize MinLMState structure with VJ function and then use incorrect version of MinLMOptimize() (for example, version which works with general form function and does not accept function vector), but it will lead to exception being thrown after first attempt to calculate Jacobian. USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinLMCreateV() call 2. User tunes solver parameters with MinLMSetCond(), MinLMSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls MinLMOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and callback functions. 4. User calls MinLMResults() to get solution 5. Optionally, user may call MinLMRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N/M but another starting point and/or another function. MinLMRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N dimension, N>1 * if given, only leading N elements of X are used as to

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* if not given, automatically determined from size of X number of functions f[i] initial solution, array[0..N-1] differentiation step, >0

M X DiffStep-

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state See also MinLMIteration, MinLMResults. NOTES: 1. you may tune stopping conditions with MinLMSetCond() function 2. if target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow, use MinLMSetStpMax() function to bound algorithm's steps. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatev( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatev( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, double diffstep, minlmstate& state); Examples: [1] [2] [3]



/************************************************************************* This is obsolete function. Since ALGLIB 3.3 it is equivalent to MinLMCreateVJ(). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatevgj( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatevgj( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state);



/************************************************************************* IMPROVED LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT METHOD FOR NON-LINEAR LEAST SQUARES OPTIMIZATION DESCRIPTION:

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This function is used to find minimum of function which is represented sum of squares: F(x) = f[0]^2(x[0],...,x[n-1]) + ... + f[m-1]^2(x[0],...,x[n-1]) using value of function vector f[] and Jacobian of f[]. REQUIREMENTS: This algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function vector f[] at given point X * function vector f[] and Jacobian of f[] (simultaneously) at given point There are several overloaded versions of MinLMOptimize() function which correspond to different LM-like optimization algorithms provided by this unit. You should choose version which accepts fvec() and jac() callbacks. First one is used to calculate f[] at given point, second one calculates f[] and Jacobian df[i]/dx[j]. You can try to initialize MinLMState structure with VJ function and then use incorrect version of MinLMOptimize() (for example, version which works with general form function and does not provide Jacobian), but it will lead to exception being thrown after first attempt to calculate Jacobian. USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with MinLMCreateVJ() call 2. User tunes solver parameters with MinLMSetCond(), MinLMSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls MinLMOptimize() function which takes algorithm state and callback functions. 4. User calls MinLMResults() to get solution 5. Optionally, user may call MinLMRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same N/M but another starting point and/or another function. MinLMRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N dimension, N>1 * if given, only leading N elements of X are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of X M number of functions f[i] X initial solution, array[0..N-1] OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. you may tune stopping conditions with MinLMSetCond() function 2. if target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow, use MinLMSetStpMax() function to bound algorithm's steps. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmcreatevj( ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); void alglib::minlmcreatevj( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, minlmstate& state); as

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Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear optimizer These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x grad callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func and gradient grad at given point x hess callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func, gradient grad and Hessian hess at given point x fvec callback which calculates function vector fi[] at given point x jac callback which calculates function vector fi[] and Jacobian jac at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL NOTES: 1. Depending on function used to create state structure, this algorithm may accept Jacobian and/or Hessian and/or gradient. According to the said above, there ase several versions of this function, which accept different sets of callbacks. This flexibility opens way to subtle errors - you may create state with MinLMCreateFGH() (optimization using Hessian), but call function which does not accept Hessian. So when algorithm will request Hessian, there will be no callback to call. In this case exception will be thrown. Be careful to avoid such errors because there is no way to find them at compile time - you can see them at runtime only. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void minlmoptimize(minlmstate &state, void (*fvec)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void minlmoptimize(minlmstate &state, void (*fvec)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr), void (*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void minlmoptimize(minlmstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), void (*hess)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL); void minlmoptimize(minlmstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL,

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void *ptr = NULL); void minlmoptimize(minlmstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, void (*grad)(const real_1d_array &x, void (*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

double &func, void *ptr), double &func, real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr), real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), double func, void *ptr) = NULL,



/************************************************************************* This subroutine restarts LM algorithm from new point. All optimization parameters are left unchanged. This function allows to solve multiple optimization problems (which must have same number of dimensions) without object reallocation penalty. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure used for reverse communication previously allocated with MinLMCreateXXX call. X new starting point. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmrestartfrom(minlmstate state, real_1d_array x); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1], solution Rep optimization report; see comments for this structure for more info. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmresults( minlmstate state, real_1d_array& x, minlmreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



/************************************************************************* Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm results

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Buffered implementation of MinLMResults(), which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmresultsbuf( minlmstate state, real_1d_array& x, minlmreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function is used to change acceleration settings You can choose between three acceleration strategies: * AccType=0, no acceleration. * AccType=1, secant updates are used to update quadratic model after each iteration. After fixed number of iterations (or after model breakdown) we recalculate quadratic model using analytic Jacobian or finite differences. Number of secant-based iterations depends on optimization settings: about 3 iterations - when we have analytic Jacobian, up to 2*N iterations - when we use finite differences to calculate Jacobian. AccType=1 is recommended when Jacobian calculation cost is prohibitive high (several Mx1 function vector calculations followed by several NxN Cholesky factorizations are faster than calculation of one M*N Jacobian). It should also be used when we have no Jacobian, because finite difference approximation takes too much time to compute. Table below list optimization protocols (XYZ protocol corresponds to MinLMCreateXYZ) and acceleration types they support (and use by default). ACCELERATION TYPES SUPPORTED BY OPTIMIZATION PROTOCOLS: protocol V VJ FGH 0 + + + 1 + + comment

DAFAULT VALUES: protocol V VJ FGH 0 x x 1 x comment without acceleration it is so slooooooooow

NOTE: this function should be called before optimization. Attempt to call it during algorithm iterations may result in unexpected behavior. NOTE: attempt to call this function with unsupported protocol/acceleration combination will result in exception being thrown. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.10.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetacctype(minlmstate state, ae_int_t acctype);

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/************************************************************************* This function sets boundary constraints for LM optimizer Boundary constraints are inactive by default (after initial creation). They are preserved until explicitly turned off with another SetBC() call. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state BndL lower bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very small number or -INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). BndU upper bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very large number or +INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). NOTE 1: it is possible to specify BndL[i]=BndU[i]. In this case I-th variable will be "frozen" at X[i]=BndL[i]=BndU[i]. NOTE 2: this solver has following useful properties: * bound constraints are always satisfied exactly * function is evaluated only INSIDE area specified by bound constraints or at its boundary -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetbc( minlmstate state, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu);



/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsG >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if the condition |v|<EpsG is satisfied, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled gradient vector, v[i]=g[i]*s[i] * g - gradient * s - scaling coefficients set by MinLMSetScale() EpsF >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |F(k+1)-F(k)|<=EpsF*max{|F(k)|,|F(k+1)|,1} is satisfied. EpsX >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition |v|<=EpsX is fulfilled, where: * |.| means Euclidian norm * v - scaled step vector, v[i]=dx[i]/s[i] * dx - ste pvector, dx=X(k+1)-X(k) * s - scaling coefficients set by MinLMSetScale()

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MaxIts maximum number of iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited. Only Levenberg-Marquardt iterations are counted (L-BFGS/CG iterations are NOT counted because their cost is very low compared to that of LM).

Passing EpsG=0, EpsF=0, EpsX=0 and MaxIts=0 (simultaneously) will lead to automatic stopping criterion selection (small EpsX). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetcond( minlmstate state, double epsg, double epsf, double epsx, ae_int_t maxits); Examples: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]



/************************************************************************* This function sets scaling coefficients for LM optimizer. ALGLIB optimizers use scaling matrices to test stopping conditions (step size and gradient are scaled before comparison with tolerances). Scale of the I-th variable is a translation invariant measure of: a) "how large" the variable is b) how large the step should be to make significant changes in the function Generally, scale is NOT considered to be a form of preconditioner. But LM optimizer is unique in that it uses scaling matrix both in the stopping condition tests and as Marquardt damping factor. Proper scaling is very important for the algorithm performance. It is less important for the quality of results, but still has some influence (it is easier to converge when variables are properly scaled, so premature stopping is possible when very badly scalled variables are combined with relaxed stopping conditions). INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state S array[N], non-zero scaling coefficients S[i] may be negative, sign doesn't matter. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 14.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetscale(minlmstate state, real_1d_array s);



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0,

if you don't

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want to limit step length. Use this subroutine when you optimize target function which contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. NOTE: non-zero StpMax leads to moderate performance degradation because intermediate step of preconditioned L-BFGS optimization is incompatible with limits on step size. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetstpmax(minlmstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not If NeedXRep is True, algorithm will call rep() callback function if it is provided to MinLMOptimize(). Both Levenberg-Marquardt and internal L-BFGS iterations are reported. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.04.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minlmsetxrep(minlmstate state, bool needxrep);

minlm_d_fgh example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h" void *ptr) (x1-3)^4

using namespace alglib; void function1_func(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); } void function1_grad(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + // and its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3);

real_1d_array &grad, void *ptr) (x1-3)^4

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} void function1_hess(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, real_1d_array &grad, real_2d_array &hess, void *ptr { // // this callback calculates f(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4 + (x1-3)^4 // its derivatives df/d0 and df/dx1 // and its Hessian. // func = 100*pow(x[0]+3,4) + pow(x[1]-3,4); grad[0] = 400*pow(x[0]+3,3); grad[1] = 4*pow(x[1]-3,3); hess[0][0] = 1200*pow(x[0]+3,2); hess[0][1] = 0; hess[1][0] = 0; hess[1][1] = 12*pow(x[1]-3,2); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4+(x1-3)^4 // using "FGH" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. // // F is treated like a monolitic function without internal structure, // i.e. we do NOT represent it as a sum of squares. // // Optimization algorithm uses: // * function value F(x0,x1) // * gradient G={dF/dxi} // * Hessian H={d2F/(dxi*dxj)} // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlmstate state; minlmreport rep; minlmcreatefgh(x, state); minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function1_func, function1_grad, function1_hess); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,+3] return 0; }

minlm_d_restarts example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_fvec(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr) { //

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// this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 // fi[0] = 10*pow(x[0]+3,2); fi[1] = pow(x[1]-3,2); } void { function2_fvec(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr) // // this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = x0^2+1 // f1(x0,x1) = x1-1 // fi[0] = x[0]*x[0]+1; fi[1] = x[1]-1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where // // f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 // // using several starting points and efficient restarts. // real_1d_array x; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlmstate state; minlmreport rep; // // create optimizer using minlmcreatev() // x = "[10,10]"; minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001, state); minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function1_fvec); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,+3] // // restart optimizer using minlmrestartfrom() // // we can use different starting point, different function, // different stopping conditions, but problem size // must remain unchanged. // x = "[4,4]"; minlmrestartfrom(state, x); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function2_fvec); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,1] return 0; }

minlm_d_v example
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#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_fvec(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr) { // // this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 // fi[0] = 10*pow(x[0]+3,2); fi[1] = pow(x[1]-3,2); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where // // f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 // // using "V" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. // // Optimization algorithm uses: // * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} // // No other information (Jacobian, gradient, etc.) is needed. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlmstate state; minlmreport rep; minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001, state); minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function1_fvec); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,+3] return 0; }

minlm_d_vb example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_fvec(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr)

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{ // // this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 // fi[0] = 10*pow(x[0]+3,2); fi[1] = pow(x[1]-3,2); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where // // f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 // // with boundary constraints // // -1 <= x0 <= +1 // -1 <= x1 <= +1 // // using "V" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. // // Optimization algorithm uses: // * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} // // No other information (Jacobian, gradient, etc.) is needed. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; real_1d_array bndl = "[-1,-1]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[+1,+1]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlmstate state; minlmreport rep; minlmcreatev(2, x, 0.0001, state); minlmsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function1_fvec); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-1,+1] return 0; }

minlm_d_vj example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; void function1_fvec(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, void *ptr)

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{ // // this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 // fi[0] = 10*pow(x[0]+3,2); fi[1] = pow(x[1]-3,2); } void { function1_jac(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr) // // this callback calculates // f0(x0,x1) = 100*(x0+3)^4, // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^4 // and Jacobian matrix J = [dfi/dxj] // fi[0] = 10*pow(x[0]+3,2); fi[1] = pow(x[1]-3,2); jac[0][0] = 20*(x[0]+3); jac[0][1] = 0; jac[1][0] = 0; jac[1][1] = 2*(x[1]-3); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = f0^2+f1^2, where // // f0(x0,x1) = 10*(x0+3)^2 // f1(x0,x1) = (x1-3)^2 // // using "VJ" mode of the Levenberg-Marquardt optimizer. // // Optimization algorithm uses: // * function vector f[] = {f1,f2} // * Jacobian matrix J = {dfi/dxj}. // real_1d_array x = "[0,0]"; double epsg = 0.0000000001; double epsf = 0; double epsx = 0; ae_int_t maxits = 0; minlmstate state; minlmreport rep; minlmcreatevj(2, x, state); minlmsetcond(state, epsg, epsf, epsx, maxits); alglib::minlmoptimize(state, function1_fvec, function1_jac); minlmresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-3,+3] return 0; }



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minqpreport minqpstate

minqpcreate minqpoptimize minqpresults minqpresultsbuf minqpsetalgocholesky minqpsetbc minqpsetlinearterm minqpsetorigin minqpsetquadratic term minqpsetstartingpoint

minqp_d_bc1 minqp_d_u1 Constrained dense quadratic programming Unc onstrained dense quadratic programming



/************************************************************************* This structure stores optimization report: * InnerIterationsCount number of inner iterations * OuterIterationsCount number of outer iterations * NCholesky number of Cholesky decomposition * NMV number of matrix-vector products (only products calculated as part of iterative process are counted) * TerminationType completion code (see below) Completion codes: * -5 inappropriate solver was used: * Cholesky solver for semidefinite or indefinite problems * Cholesky solver for problems with non-boundary constraints * -3 inconsistent constraints (or, maybe, feasible point is too hard to find). If you are sure that constraints are feasible, try to restart optimizer with better initial approximation. * 4 successful completion * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible, X contains best point found so far. *************************************************************************/ class minqpreport { ae_int_t inneriterationscount; ae_int_t outeriterationscount; ae_int_t nmv; ae_int_t ncholesky; ae_int_t terminationtype; };


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/************************************************************************* This object stores nonlinear optimizer state. You should use functions provided by MinQP subpackage to work with this object *************************************************************************/ class minqpstate { };



/************************************************************************* CONSTRAINED QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING The subroutine creates QP optimizer. After initial creation, it contains default optimization problem with zero quadratic and linear terms and no constraints. You should set quadratic/linear terms with calls to functions provided by MinQP subpackage. INPUT PARAMETERS: N problem size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State optimizer with zero quadratic/linear terms and no constraints -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpcreate(ae_int_t n, minqpstate& state); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function solves quadratic programming problem. You should call it after setting solver options with MinQPSet...() calls. INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state You should use MinQPResults() function to access results after calls to this function. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpoptimize(minqpstate state); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* QP solver results INPUT PARAMETERS:

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State algorithm state

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1], solution Rep optimization report. You should check Rep.TerminationType, which contains completion code, and you may check another fields which contain another information about algorithm functioning. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpresults( minqpstate state, real_1d_array& x, minqpreport& rep); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* QP results Buffered implementation of MinQPResults() which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpresultsbuf( minqpstate state, real_1d_array& x, minqpreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function tells solver to use Cholesky-based algorithm. Cholesky-based algorithm can be used when: * problem is convex * there is no constraints or only boundary constraints are present This algorithm has O(N^3) complexity for unconstrained problem and is up to several times slower on bound constrained problems (these additional iterations are needed to identify active constraints). INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetalgocholesky(minqpstate state);

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/************************************************************************* This function sets boundary constraints for QP solver Boundary constraints are inactive by default (after initial creation). After being set, they are preserved until explicitly turned off with another SetBC() call. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure stores algorithm state BndL lower bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very small number or -INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). BndU upper bounds, array[N]. If some (all) variables are unbounded, you may specify very large number or +INF (latter is recommended because it will allow solver to use better algorithm). NOTE: it is possible to specify BndL[i]=BndU[i]. In this case I-th variable will be "frozen" at X[i]=BndL[i]=BndU[i]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetbc( minqpstate state, real_1d_array bndl, real_1d_array bndu);



/************************************************************************* This function sets linear term for QP solver. By default, linear term is zero. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state B linear term, array[N]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetlinearterm(minqpstate state, real_1d_array b); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function sets origin for QP solver. By default, following QP program is solved: min(0.5*x'*A*x+b'*x) This function allows to solve different problem:

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min(0.5*(x-x_origin)'*A*(x-x_origin)+b'*(x-x_origin)) INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state XOrigin origin, array[N]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetorigin(minqpstate state, real_1d_array xorigin);



/************************************************************************* This function sets quadratic term for QP solver. By default quadratic term is zero. IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want f(x) = x^2 + x you should rewrite your problem as follows: f(x) = 0.5*(2*x^2) + x and your matrix A will be equal to [[2.0]], not to [[1.0]]



INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state A matrix, array[N,N] IsUpper (optional) storage type: * if True, symmetric matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle isnt used * if False, symmetric matrix A is given by its lower triangle, and the upper triangle isnt used * if not given, both lower and upper triangles must be filled. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetquadraticterm(minqpstate state, real_2d_array a); void alglib::minqpsetquadraticterm( minqpstate state, real_2d_array a, bool isupper); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function sets starting point for QP solver. It is useful to have good initial approximation to the solution, because it will increase speed of convergence and identification of active constraints. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state X starting point, array[N]. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 11.01.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::minqpsetstartingpoint(minqpstate state, real_1d_array x); Examples: [1] [2]

minqp_d_bc1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1 // subject to bound constraints 0<=x0<=2.5, 0<=x1<=2.5 // // Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [2.5,2] // // We provide algorithm with starting point. With such small problem good starting // point is not really necessary, but with high-dimensional problem it can save us // a lot of time. // // IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: // f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. // Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize // quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term // is multiplied by 0.5 too. // For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as // f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... // and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! // real_2d_array a = "[[2,0],[0,2]]"; real_1d_array b = "[-6,-4]"; real_1d_array x0 = "[0,1]"; real_1d_array bndl = "[0.0,0.0]"; real_1d_array bndu = "[2.5,2.5]"; real_1d_array x; minqpstate state; minqpreport rep; minqpcreate(2, state); minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a); minqpsetlinearterm(state, b); minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0); minqpsetbc(state, bndl, bndu); minqpoptimize(state); minqpresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [2.5,2] return 0; }

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minqp_d_u1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "optimization.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // This example demonstrates minimization of F(x0,x1) = x0^2 + x1^2 -6*x0 - 4*x1 // // Exact solution is [x0,x1] = [3,2] // // We provide algorithm with starting point, although in this case // (dense matrix, no constraints) it can work without such information. // // IMPORTANT: this solver minimizes following function: // f(x) = 0.5*x'*A*x + b'*x. // Note that quadratic term has 0.5 before it. So if you want to minimize // quadratic function, you should rewrite it in such way that quadratic term // is multiplied by 0.5 too. // For example, our function is f(x)=x0^2+x1^2+..., but we rewrite it as // f(x) = 0.5*(2*x0^2+2*x1^2) + .... // and pass diag(2,2) as quadratic term - NOT diag(1,1)! // real_2d_array a = "[[2,0],[0,2]]"; real_1d_array b = "[-6,-4]"; real_1d_array x0 = "[0,1]"; real_1d_array x; minqpstate state; minqpreport rep; minqpcreate(2, state); minqpsetquadraticterm(state, a); minqpsetlinearterm(state, b); minqpsetstartingpoint(state, x0); minqpoptimize(state); minqpresults(state, x, rep); printf("%d\n", int(rep.terminationtype)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", x.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [3,2] return 0; }




mlpactivationfunc tion

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mlpavgce mlpavgerror mlpavgrelerror mlpclserror mlpcreate0 mlpcreate1 mlpcreate2 mlpcreateb0 mlpcreateb1 mlpcreateb2 mlpcreatec0 mlpcreatec1 mlpcreatec2 mlpcreater0 mlpcreater1 mlpcreater2 mlperror mlperrorn mlpgetinputscaling mlpgetlayerscount mlpgetlayersize mlpgetneuroninfo mlpgetoutputscaling mlpgetweight mlpgrad mlpgradbatch mlpgradn mlpgradnbatch mlphessianbatch mlphessiannbatch mlpissoftmax mlpprocess mlpprocessi mlpproperties mlprandomize mlprandomizefull mlprelclserror mlprmserror mlpserialize mlpsetinputscaling mlpsetneuroninfo mlpsetoutputscaling mlpsetweight mlpunserialize




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class multilayerperceptron { };

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/************************************************************************* Neural network activation function INPUT PARAMETERS: NET K OUTPUT PARAMETERS: F DF D2F neuron input function index (zero for linear function) function its derivative its second derivative

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpactivationfunction( double net, ae_int_t k, double& f, double& df, double& d2f);



/************************************************************************* Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network neural network XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: CrossEntropy/(NPoints*LN(2)). Zero if network solves regression task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 08.01.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpavgce( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network neural network XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average error when estimating posterior

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probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpavgerror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average relative error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network neural network XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, it means average relative error when estimating posterior probability of belonging to the correct class. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 11.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpavgrelerror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Classification error -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::mlpclserror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize);



/************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers, with linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreate0( ae_int_t nin,

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ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreate0, but with one hidden layer (NHid neurons) with non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreate1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreate0, but with two hidden layers (NHid1 and NHid2 neurons) with non-linear activation function. Output layer is linear. $ALL -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreate2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers with non-linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. Activation function of the output layer takes values: (B, +INF), if D>=0 or (-INF, B), if D<0. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreateb0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b,

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double d, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateB0 but with non-linear hidden layer. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreateb1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateB0 but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreateb2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Creates classifier network with NIn inputs and NOut possible classes. Network contains no hidden layers and linear output layer with SOFTMAXnormalization (so outputs sums up to 1.0 and converge to posterior probabilities). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreatec0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateC0, but with one non-linear hidden layer.

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreatec1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateC0, but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreatec2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Creates neural network with NIn inputs, NOut outputs, without hidden layers with non-linear output layer. Network weights are filled with small random values. Activation function of the output layer takes values [A,B]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreater0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateR0, but with non-linear hidden layer. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreater1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron& network);

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/************************************************************************* Same as MLPCreateR0, but with two non-linear hidden layers. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpcreater2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, multilayerperceptron& network);



/************************************************************************* Error function for neural network, internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlperror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize);



/************************************************************************* Natural error function for neural network, internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlperrorn( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize);



/************************************************************************* This function returns offset/scaling coefficients for I-th input of the network. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network I OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Mean Sigma network input index mean term sigma term, guaranteed to be nonzero.

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I-th input is passed through linear transformation IN[i] = (IN[i]-Mean)/Sigma before feeding to the network -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgetinputscaling( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t i, double& mean, double& sigma);



/************************************************************************* This function returns total number of layers (including input, hidden and output layers). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetlayerscount(multilayerperceptron network);



/************************************************************************* This function returns size of K-th layer. K=0 corresponds to input layer, K=CNT-1 corresponds to output layer. Size of the output layer is always equal to the number of outputs, although when we have softmax-normalized network, last neuron doesn't have any connections - it is just zero. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::mlpgetlayersize( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t k);



/************************************************************************* This function returns information about Ith neuron of Kth layer INPUT PARAMETERS: Network K I OUTPUT PARAMETERS: FKind Threshold network layer index neuron index (within layer) activation function type (used by MLPActivationFunction()) this value is zero for input or linear neurons also called offset, bias zero for input neurons

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NOTE: this function throws exception if layer or neuron with do not exists. given index

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgetneuroninfo( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t& fkind, double& threshold);



/************************************************************************* This function returns offset/scaling coefficients for I-th output of the network. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network I OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Mean Sigma network input index mean term sigma term, guaranteed to be nonzero.

I-th output is passed through linear transformation OUT[i] = OUT[i]*Sigma+Mean before returning it to user. In case we have SOFTMAX-normalized network, we return (Mean,Sigma)=(0.0,1.0). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgetoutputscaling( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t i, double& mean, double& sigma);



/************************************************************************* This function returns information about connection from I0-th neuron of K0-th layer to I1-th neuron of K1-th layer. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network K0 I0 K1 I1 network layer index neuron index (within layer) layer index neuron index (within layer)

RESULT: connection weight (zero for non-existent connections) This function: 1. throws exception if layer or neuron with given index do not exists. 2. returns zero if neurons exist, but there is no connection between them

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpgetweight( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t k0, ae_int_t i0, ae_int_t k1, ae_int_t i1);



/************************************************************************* Gradient calculation INPUT PARAMETERS: Network network initialized with one of the network creation funcs X input vector, length of array must be at least NIn DesiredYdesired outputs, length of array must be at least NOut Grad possibly preallocated array. If size of array is smaller than WCount, it will be reallocated. It is recommended to reuse previously allocated array to reduce allocation overhead. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: E error function, SUM(sqr(y[i]-desiredy[i])/2,i) Grad gradient of E with respect to weights of network, array[WCount] -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgrad( multilayerperceptron network, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array desiredy, double& e, real_1d_array& grad);



/************************************************************************* Batch gradient calculation for a set of inputs/outputs INPUT PARAMETERS: Network network initialized with one of the network creation funcs XY set of inputs/outputs; one sample = one row; first NIn columns contain inputs, next NOut columns - desired outputs. SSize number of elements in XY Grad possibly preallocated array. If size of array is smaller than WCount, it will be reallocated. It is recommended to reuse previously allocated array to reduce allocation overhead. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: E error function, SUM(sqr(y[i]-desiredy[i])/2,i) Grad gradient of E with respect to weights of network, array[WCount] -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgradbatch( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad);



/************************************************************************* Gradient calculation (natural error function is used) INPUT PARAMETERS: Network network initialized with one of the network creation funcs X input vector, length of array must be at least NIn DesiredYdesired outputs, length of array must be at least NOut Grad possibly preallocated array. If size of array is smaller than WCount, it will be reallocated. It is recommended to reuse previously allocated array to reduce allocation overhead. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: E error function, sum-of-squares for regression networks, cross-entropy for classification networks. Grad gradient of E with respect to weights of network, array[WCount] -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgradn( multilayerperceptron network, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array desiredy, double& e, real_1d_array& grad);



/************************************************************************* Batch gradient calculation for a set of inputs/outputs (natural error function is used) INPUT PARAMETERS: Network network initialized with one of the network creation funcs XY set of inputs/outputs; one sample = one row; first NIn columns contain inputs, next NOut columns - desired outputs. SSize number of elements in XY Grad possibly preallocated array. If size of array is smaller than WCount, it will be reallocated. It is recommended to reuse previously allocated array to reduce allocation overhead. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: E error function, sum-of-squares for regression networks, cross-entropy for classification networks. Grad gradient of E with respect to weights of network, array[WCount]

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpgradnbatch( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad);



/************************************************************************* Batch Hessian calculation using R-algorithm. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 26.01.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey. Hessian calculation based on R-algorithm described in "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian", B. A. Pearlmutter, Neural Computation, 1994. *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlphessianbatch( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad, real_2d_array& h);



/************************************************************************* Batch Hessian calculation (natural error function) using R-algorithm. Internal subroutine. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 26.01.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey. Hessian calculation based on R-algorithm described in "Fast Exact Multiplication by the Hessian", B. A. Pearlmutter, Neural Computation, 1994. *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlphessiannbatch( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t ssize, double& e, real_1d_array& grad, real_2d_array& h);



/************************************************************************* Tells whether network is SOFTMAX-normalized (i.e. classifier) or not.

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::mlpissoftmax(multilayerperceptron network);



/************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: Network neural network X input vector, array[0..NIn-1]. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y result. Regression estimate when solving regression task, vector of posterior probabilities for classification task. See also MLPProcessI -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpprocess( multilayerperceptron network, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* 'interactive' variant of MLPProcess for languages like Python which support constructs like "Y = MLPProcess(NN,X)" and interactive mode of the interpreter This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 21.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpprocessi( multilayerperceptron network, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* Returns information about initialized network: number of inputs, outputs, weights. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpproperties(

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multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t& nin, ae_int_t& nout, ae_int_t& wcount);



/************************************************************************* Randomization of neural network weights -- ALGLIB -Copyright 06.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlprandomize(multilayerperceptron network);



/************************************************************************* Randomization of neural network weights and standartisator -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlprandomizefull(multilayerperceptron network);



/************************************************************************* Relative classification error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network network XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: percent of incorrectly classified cases. Works both for classifier networks and general purpose networks used as classifiers. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.12.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlprelclserror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Network neural network XY test set

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NPoints test set size

RESULT: root mean square error. Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task, RMS error means error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 04.11.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlprmserror( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* This function serializes data structure to string. Important properties of s_out: * it contains alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, minus signs * these symbols are grouped into words, which are separated by spaces and Windows-style (CR+LF) newlines * although serializer uses spaces and CR+LF as separators, you can replace any separator character by arbitrary combination of spaces, tabs, Windows or Unix newlines. It allows flexible reformatting of the string in case you want to include it into text or XML file. But you should not insert separators into the middle of the "words" nor you should change case of letters. * s_out can be freely moved between 32-bit and 64-bit systems, little and big endian machines, and so on. You can serialize structure on 32-bit machine and unserialize it on 64-bit one (or vice versa), or serialize it on SPARC and unserialize on x86. You can also serialize it in C++ version of ALGLIB and unserialize in C# one, and vice versa. *************************************************************************/ void mlpserialize(multilayerperceptron &obj, std::string &s_out);



/************************************************************************* This function sets offset/scaling coefficients for I-th input of the network. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network I Mean Sigma network input index mean term sigma term (if zero, will be replaced by 1.0)

NTE: I-th input is passed through linear transformation IN[i] = (IN[i]-Mean)/Sigma before feeding to the network. This function sets Mean and Sigma. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpsetinputscaling( multilayerperceptron network,

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ae_int_t i, double mean, double sigma);



/************************************************************************* This function modifies information about Ith neuron of Kth layer INPUT PARAMETERS: Network K I FKind Threshold network layer index neuron index (within layer) activation function type (used by MLPActivationFunction()) this value must be zero for input neurons (you can not set activation function for input neurons) also called offset, bias this value must be zero for input neurons (you can not set threshold for input neurons)

NOTES: 1. this function throws exception if layer or neuron with given index do not exists. 2. this function also throws exception when you try to set non-linear activation function for input neurons (any kind of network) or for output neurons of classifier network. 3. this function throws exception when you try to set non-zero threshold for input neurons (any kind of network). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpsetneuroninfo( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t k, ae_int_t i, ae_int_t fkind, double threshold);



/************************************************************************* This function sets offset/scaling coefficients for I-th output of the network. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network I Mean Sigma OUTPUT PARAMETERS: NOTE: I-th output is passed through linear transformation OUT[i] = OUT[i]*Sigma+Mean before returning it to user. This function sets Sigma/Mean. In case we have SOFTMAX-normalized network, you can not set (Sigma,Mean) to anything other than(0.0,1.0) - this function will throw exception. -- ALGLIB -network input index mean term sigma term (if zero, will be replaced by 1.0)

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Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpsetoutputscaling( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t i, double mean, double sigma);



/************************************************************************* This function modifies information about connection from I0-th neuron of K0-th layer to I1-th neuron of K1-th layer. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network K0 I0 K1 I1 W network layer index neuron index (within layer) layer index neuron index (within layer) connection weight (must be zero for non-existent connections)

This function: 1. throws exception if layer or neuron with given index do not exists. 2. throws exception if you try to set non-zero weight for non-existent connection -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.03.2011 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpsetweight( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t k0, ae_int_t i0, ae_int_t k1, ae_int_t i1, double w);



/************************************************************************* This function unserializes data structure from string. *************************************************************************/ void mlpunserialize(std::string &s_in, multilayerperceptron &obj);




mlpeavgce mlpeavgerror mlpeavgrelerror

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mlpebagginglbfgs mlpebagginglm mlpecreate0 mlpecreate1 mlpecreate2 mlpecreateb0 mlpecreateb1 mlpecreateb2 mlpecreatec0 mlpecreatec1 mlpecreatec2 mlpecreatefromnetwork mlpecreater0 mlpecreater1 mlpecreater2 mlpeissoftmax mlpeprocess mlpeprocessi mlpeproperties mlperandomize mlperelclserror mlpermserror mlpetraines




/************************************************************************* Neural networks ensemble *************************************************************************/ class mlpensemble { };



/************************************************************************* Average cross-entropy (in bits per element) on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleensemble XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: CrossEntropy/(NPoints*LN(2)). Zero if ensemble solves regression task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpeavgce( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);

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/************************************************************************* Average error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleensemble XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task it means average error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpeavgerror( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Average relative error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleensemble XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task it means average relative error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpeavgrelerror( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Training neural networks ensemble using bootstrap aggregating (bagging). L-BFGS algorithm is used as base training method. INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensemble XY NPoints Decay Restarts WStep MaxIts model with initialized geometry training set training set size weight decay coefficient, >=0.001 restarts, >0. stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS

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Rep OOBErrors

trained model return code: * -8, if both WStep=0 and MaxIts=0 * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0, Restarts<1). * 2, if task has been solved. training report. out-of-bag generalization error estimate

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpebagginglbfgs( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& ooberrors);



/************************************************************************* Training neural networks ensemble using bootstrap aggregating (bagging). Modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is used as base training method. INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensemble XY NPoints Decay Restarts OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Ensemble Info model with initialized geometry training set training set size weight decay coefficient, >=0.001 restarts, >0. trained model return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0, Restarts<1). * 2, if task has been solved. training report. out-of-bag generalization error estimate

Rep OOBErrors

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpebagginglm( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep,

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mlpcvreport& ooberrors);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreate0, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreate0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreate1, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreate1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreate2, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreate2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateB0, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreateb0(

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ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateB1, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreateb1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateB2, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreateb2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double b, double d, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateC0, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreatec0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);

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/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateC1, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreatec1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateC2, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreatec2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Creates ensemble from network. Only network geometry is copied. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreatefromnetwork( multilayerperceptron network, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateR0, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreater0( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b,

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ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateR1, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreater1( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Like MLPCreateR2, but for ensembles. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpecreater2( ae_int_t nin, ae_int_t nhid1, ae_int_t nhid2, ae_int_t nout, double a, double b, ae_int_t ensemblesize, mlpensemble& ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Return normalization type (whether ensemble is SOFTMAX-normalized or not). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::mlpeissoftmax(mlpensemble ensemble);



/************************************************************************* Procesing INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleneural networks ensemble X input vector, array[0..NIn-1].

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Y (possibly) preallocated buffer; if size of Y is less than NOut, it will be reallocated. If it is large enough, it is NOT reallocated, so we can save some time on reallocation.

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Y result. Regression estimate when solving regression task, vector of posterior probabilities for classification task. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpeprocess( mlpensemble ensemble, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* 'interactive' variant of MLPEProcess for languages like Python which support constructs like "Y = MLPEProcess(LM,X)" and interactive mode of the interpreter This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpeprocessi( mlpensemble ensemble, real_1d_array x, real_1d_array& y);



/************************************************************************* Return ensemble properties (number of inputs and outputs). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpeproperties( mlpensemble ensemble, ae_int_t& nin, ae_int_t& nout);



/************************************************************************* Randomization of MLP ensemble -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlperandomize(mlpensemble ensemble);

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/************************************************************************* Relative classification error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleensemble XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: percent of incorrectly classified cases. Works both for classifier betwork and for regression networks which are used as classifiers. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlperelclserror( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* RMS error on the test set INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensembleensemble XY test set NPoints test set size RESULT: root mean square error. Its meaning for regression task is obvious. As for classification task RMS error means error when estimating posterior probabilities. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.02.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::mlpermserror( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints);



/************************************************************************* Training neural networks ensemble using early stopping. INPUT PARAMETERS: Ensemble XY NPoints Decay Restarts model with initialized geometry training set training set size weight decay coefficient, >=0.001 restarts, >0.

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Rep OOBErrors

trained model return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NClasses-1]. * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0, Restarts<1). * 6, if task has been solved. training report. out-of-bag generalization error estimate

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpetraines( mlpensemble ensemble, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep);

mlpcvreport mlpreport


mlpkfoldcvlbfgs mlpkfoldcvlm mlptraines mlptrainlbfgs mlptrainlm




/************************************************************************* Cross-validation estimates of generalization error *************************************************************************/ class mlpcvreport { double relclserror; double avgce; double rmserror; double avgerror; double avgrelerror; };

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/************************************************************************* Training report: * NGrad - number of gradient calculations * NHess - number of Hessian calculations * NCholesky - number of Cholesky decompositions *************************************************************************/ class mlpreport { ae_int_t ngrad; ae_int_t nhess; ae_int_t ncholesky; };



/************************************************************************* Cross-validation estimate of generalization error. Base algorithm - L-BFGS. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network XY SSize Decay Restarts WStep MaxIts FoldsCount neural network with initialized geometry. Network is not changed during cross-validation - it is used only as a representative of its architecture. training set. training set size weight decay, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS number of restarts, >0. restarts are counted for each partition separately, so total number of restarts will be Restarts*FoldsCount. stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS stopping criterion, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS number of folds in k-fold cross-validation, 2<=FoldsCount<=SSize. recommended value: 10. return code, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS report, same as in MLPTrainLM/MLPTrainLBFGS generalization error estimates


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.12.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpkfoldcvlbfgs( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& cvrep);

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/************************************************************************* Cross-validation estimate of generalization error. Base algorithm - Levenberg-Marquardt. INPUT PARAMETERS: Network XY SSize Decay Restarts FoldsCount neural network with initialized geometry. Network is not changed during cross-validation - it is used only as a representative of its architecture. training set. training set size weight decay, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS number of restarts, >0. restarts are counted for each partition separately, so total number of restarts will be Restarts*FoldsCount. number of folds in k-fold cross-validation, 2<=FoldsCount<=SSize. recommended value: 10. return code, same as in MLPTrainLBFGS report, same as in MLPTrainLM/MLPTrainLBFGS generalization error estimates


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.12.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlpkfoldcvlm( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t foldscount, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep, mlpcvreport& cvrep);



/************************************************************************* Neural network training using early stopping (base algorithm - L-BFGS with regularization). INPUT PARAMETERS: Network TrnXY TrnSize ValXY ValSize Decay neural network with initialized geometry training set training set size validation set validation set size weight decay constant, >=0.001 Decay term 'Decay*||Weights||^2' is added to error function. If you don't know what Decay to choose, use 0.001. number of restarts from random position, >0. If you don't know what Restarts to choose, use 2. trained neural network.



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Info return code: * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NOut-1]. * -1, if wrong parameters specified (NPoints<0, Restarts<1, ...). * 2, task has been solved, stopping criterion met sufficiently small step size. Not expected (we use EARLY stopping) but possible and not an error. * 6, task has been solved, stopping criterion met increasing of validation set error. training report


Algorithm stops if validation set error increases for a long enough or step size is small enought (there are task where validation set may decrease for eternity). In any case solution returned corresponds to the minimum of validation set error. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlptraines( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array trnxy, ae_int_t trnsize, real_2d_array valxy, ae_int_t valsize, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Neural network training using L-BFGS algorithm with regularization. Subroutine trains neural network with restarts from random positions. Algorithm is well suited for problems of any dimensionality (memory requirements and step complexity are linear by weights number). INPUT PARAMETERS: Network XY NPoints Decay neural network with initialized geometry training set training set size weight decay constant, >=0.001 Decay term 'Decay*||Weights||^2' is added to error function. If you don't know what Decay to choose, use 0.001. number of restarts from random position, >0. If you don't know what Restarts to choose, use 2. stopping criterion. Algorithm stops if step size is less than WStep. Recommended value - 0.01. Zero step size means stopping after MaxIts iterations. stopping criterion. Algorithm stops after MaxIts iterations (NOT gradient calculations). Zero MaxIts means stopping when step is sufficiently small. trained neural network. return code:

Restarts WStep MaxIts


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* -8, if both WStep=0 and MaxIts=0 * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NOut-1]. * -1, if wrong parameters specified (NPoints<0, Restarts<1). * 2, if task has been solved. training report


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 09.12.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlptrainlbfgs( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, double wstep, ae_int_t maxits, ae_int_t& info, mlpreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* Neural network training using modified Levenberg-Marquardt with exact Hessian calculation and regularization. Subroutine trains neural network with restarts from random positions. Algorithm is well suited for small and medium scale problems (hundreds of weights). INPUT PARAMETERS: Network XY NPoints Decay neural network with initialized geometry training set training set size weight decay constant, >=0.001 Decay term 'Decay*||Weights||^2' is added to error function. If you don't know what Decay to choose, use 0.001. number of restarts from random position, >0. If you don't know what Restarts to choose, use 2. trained neural network. return code: * -9, if internal matrix inverse subroutine failed * -2, if there is a point with class number outside of [0..NOut-1]. * -1, if wrong parameters specified (NPoints<0, Restarts<1). * 2, if task has been solved. training report




-- ALGLIB -Copyright 10.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::mlptrainlm( multilayerperceptron network, real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t npoints, double decay, ae_int_t restarts, ae_int_t& info,

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mlpreport& rep);



kdtreebuild kdtreebuildtagged kdtreequeryaknn kdtreequeryknn kdtreequeryresultsdistanc es kdtreequeryresultsdistanc esi kdtreequeryresultstags kdtreequeryresultstagsi kdtreequeryresultsx kdtreequeryresultsxi kdtreequeryresultsxy kdtreequeryresultsxyi kdtreequeryrnn kdtreeserialize kdtreeunserialize

nneighbor_d_1 nneighbor_d_2 Nearest neighbor searc h, KNN queries Serialization of KD-trees



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class kdtree { };



/************************************************************************* KD-tree creation This subroutine creates KD-tree from set of X-values and optional Y-values INPUT PARAMETERS XY dataset, array[0..N-1,0..NX+NY-1]. one row corresponds to one point. first NX columns contain X-values, next NY (NY may be zero) columns may contain associated Y-values N number of points, N>=1 NX space dimension, NX>=1. NY number of optional Y-values, NY>=0.

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NormTypenorm type: * 0 denotes infinity-norm * 1 denotes 1-norm * 2 denotes 2-norm (Euclidean norm)

OUTPUT PARAMETERS KDT KD-tree NOTES 1. KD-tree creation have O(N*logN) complexity and O(N*(2*NX+NY)) memory requirements. 2. Although KD-trees may be used with any combination of N and NX, they are more efficient than brute-force search only when N >> 4^NX. So they are most useful in low-dimensional tasks (NX=2, NX=3). NX=1 is another inefficient case, because simple binary search (without additional structures) is much more efficient in such tasks than KD-trees. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreebuild( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree& kdt); void alglib::kdtreebuild( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree& kdt); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* KD-tree creation This subroutine creates optional Y-values KD-tree from set of X-values, integer tags and

INPUT PARAMETERS XY dataset, array[0..N-1,0..NX+NY-1]. one row corresponds to one point. first NX columns contain X-values, next NY (NY may be zero) columns may contain associated Y-values Tags tags, array[0..N-1], contains integer tags associated with points. N number of points, N>=1 NX space dimension, NX>=1. NY number of optional Y-values, NY>=0. NormTypenorm type: * 0 denotes infinity-norm * 1 denotes 1-norm * 2 denotes 2-norm (Euclidean norm) OUTPUT PARAMETERS

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KDT NOTES 1. KD-tree creation have O(N*logN) complexity and O(N*(2*NX+NY)) memory requirements. 2. Although KD-trees may be used with any combination of N and NX, they are more efficient than brute-force search only when N >> 4^NX. So they are most useful in low-dimensional tasks (NX=2, NX=3). NX=1 is another inefficient case, because simple binary search (without additional structures) is much more efficient in such tasks than KD-trees. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged( real_2d_array xy, integer_1d_array tags, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree& kdt); void alglib::kdtreebuildtagged( real_2d_array xy, integer_1d_array tags, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t nx, ae_int_t ny, ae_int_t normtype, kdtree& kdt); Examples: [1] KD-tree



/************************************************************************* K-NN query: approximate K nearest neighbors INPUT PARAMETERS KDT X K SelfMatch KD-tree point, array[0..NX-1]. number of neighbors to return, K>=1 whether self-matches are allowed: * if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself (if it exists in original dataset) * if False, then only points with non-zero distance are returned * if not given, considered True approximation factor, Eps>=0. eps-approximate nearest neighbor is a neighbor whose distance from X is at most (1+eps) times distance of true nearest neighbor.


RESULT number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N). NOTES significant performance gain may be achieved only when Eps the order of magnitude of 1 or larger. This subroutine performs query and structures of the KD-tree. You can use these results: is is on

stores its result in the internal following subroutines to obtain

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* * * * KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn( kdtree kdt, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t k, double eps); ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryaknn( kdtree kdt, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t k, bool selfmatch, double eps); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* K-NN query: K nearest neighbors INPUT PARAMETERS KDT X K SelfMatch KD-tree point, array[0..NX-1]. number of neighbors to return, K>=1 whether self-matches are allowed: * if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself (if it exists in original dataset) * if False, then only points with non-zero distance are returned * if not given, considered True

RESULT number of actual neighbors found (either K or N, if K>N). This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain these results: * KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values * KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values * KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values * KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn(kdtree kdt, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t k); ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryknn( kdtree kdt, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t k, bool selfmatch); Examples: [1]

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/************************************************************************* Distances from last query INPUT PARAMETERS KDT KD-tree R possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store result, it is left unchanged. OUTPUT PARAMETERS R filled with distances (in corresponding norm) NOTES 1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest) 2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if you want function to resize array according to result size, use function with same name and suffix 'I'. SEE ALSO * KDTreeQueryResultsX() * KDTreeQueryResultsXY() * KDTreeQueryResultsTags() X-values X- and Y-values tag values

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistances(kdtree kdt, real_1d_array& r); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Distances from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python which support constructs like "R = KDTreeQueryResultsDistancesI(KDT)" and interactive mode of interpreter. This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsdistancesi(kdtree kdt, real_1d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* Tags from last query INPUT PARAMETERS KDT KD-tree Tags possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store

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result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store result, it is left unchanged. OUTPUT PARAMETERS Tags filled with tags associated with points, or, when no tags were supplied, with zeros NOTES 1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest) 2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if you want function to resize array according to result size, use function with same name and suffix 'I'. SEE ALSO * KDTreeQueryResultsX() * KDTreeQueryResultsXY() * KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() X-values X- and Y-values distances

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstags(kdtree kdt, integer_1d_array& tags); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Tags from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python which support constructs like "Tags = KDTreeQueryResultsTagsI(KDT)" and interactive mode of interpreter. This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultstagsi(kdtree kdt, integer_1d_array& tags);



/************************************************************************* X-values from last query INPUT PARAMETERS KDT KD-tree X possibly pre-allocated buffer. If X is too small to store result, it is resized. If size(X) is enough to store result, it is left unchanged. OUTPUT PARAMETERS X rows are filled with X-values NOTES 1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest)

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2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if you want function to resize array according to result size, use function with same name and suffix 'I'. SEE ALSO * KDTreeQueryResultsXY() * KDTreeQueryResultsTags() * KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() X- and Y-values tag values distances

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsx(kdtree kdt, real_2d_array& x); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* X-values from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python which support constructs like "X = KDTreeQueryResultsXI(KDT)" and interactive mode of interpreter. This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxi(kdtree kdt, real_2d_array& x);



/************************************************************************* X- and Y-values from last query INPUT PARAMETERS KDT KD-tree XY possibly pre-allocated buffer. If XY is too small to store result, it is resized. If size(XY) is enough to store result, it is left unchanged. OUTPUT PARAMETERS XY rows are filled with points: first NX columns with X-values, next NY columns - with Y-values. NOTES 1. points are ordered by distance from the query point (first = closest) 2. if XY is larger than required to store result, only leading part will be overwritten; trailing part will be left unchanged. So if on input XY = [[A,B],[C,D]], and result is [1,2], then on exit we will get XY = [[1,2],[C,D]]. This is done purposely to increase performance; if you want function to resize array according to result size, use function with same name and suffix 'I'. SEE ALSO

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* KDTreeQueryResultsX() * KDTreeQueryResultsTags() * KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() X-values tag values distances

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxy(kdtree kdt, real_2d_array& xy); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* XY-values from last query; 'interactive' variant for languages like Python which support constructs like "XY = KDTreeQueryResultsXYI(KDT)" and interactive mode of interpreter. This function allocates new array on each call, so it is significantly slower than its 'non-interactive' counterpart, but it is more convenient when you call it from command line. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::kdtreequeryresultsxyi(kdtree kdt, real_2d_array& xy);



/************************************************************************* R-NN query: all points within R-sphere centered at X INPUT PARAMETERS KDT X R SelfMatch KD-tree point, array[0..NX-1]. radius of sphere (in corresponding norm), R>0 whether self-matches are allowed: * if True, nearest neighbor may be the point itself (if it exists in original dataset) * if False, then only points with non-zero distance are returned * if not given, considered True

RESULT number of neighbors found, >=0 This subroutine performs query and stores its result in the internal structures of the KD-tree. You can use following subroutines to obtain actual results: * KDTreeQueryResultsX() to get X-values * KDTreeQueryResultsXY() to get X- and Y-values * KDTreeQueryResultsTags() to get tag values * KDTreeQueryResultsDistances() to get distances -- ALGLIB -Copyright 28.02.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn(kdtree kdt, real_1d_array x, double r); ae_int_t alglib::kdtreequeryrnn( kdtree kdt,

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real_1d_array x, double r, bool selfmatch); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function serializes data structure to string. Important properties of s_out: * it contains alphanumeric characters, dots, underscores, minus signs * these symbols are grouped into words, which are separated by spaces and Windows-style (CR+LF) newlines * although serializer uses spaces and CR+LF as separators, you can replace any separator character by arbitrary combination of spaces, tabs, Windows or Unix newlines. It allows flexible reformatting of the string in case you want to include it into text or XML file. But you should not insert separators into the middle of the "words" nor you should change case of letters. * s_out can be freely moved between 32-bit and 64-bit systems, little and big endian machines, and so on. You can serialize structure on 32-bit machine and unserialize it on 64-bit one (or vice versa), or serialize it on SPARC and unserialize on x86. You can also serialize it in C++ version of ALGLIB and unserialize in C# one, and vice versa. *************************************************************************/ void kdtreeserialize(kdtree &obj, std::string &s_out);



/************************************************************************* This function unserializes data structure from string. *************************************************************************/ void kdtreeunserialize(std::string &s_in, kdtree &obj);

nneighbor_d_1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "alglibmisc.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array a = "[[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]"; ae_int_t nx = 2; ae_int_t ny = 0; ae_int_t normtype = 2; kdtree kdt; real_1d_array x; real_2d_array r = "[[]]"; ae_int_t k; kdtreebuild(a, nx, ny, normtype, kdt); x = "[-1,0]";

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k = kdtreequeryknn(kdt, x, 1); printf("%d\n", int(k)); // EXPECTED: 1 kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt, r); printf("%s\n", r.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0,0]] return 0; }

nneighbor_d_2 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "alglibmisc.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { real_2d_array a = "[[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]"; ae_int_t nx = 2; ae_int_t ny = 0; ae_int_t normtype = 2; kdtree kdt0; kdtree kdt1; std::string s; real_1d_array x; real_2d_array r0 = "[[]]"; real_2d_array r1 = "[[]]"; // // Build tree and serialize it // kdtreebuild(a, nx, ny, normtype, kdt0); alglib::kdtreeserialize(kdt0, s); alglib::kdtreeunserialize(s, kdt1); // // Compare results from KNN queries // x = "[-1,0]"; kdtreequeryknn(kdt0, x, 1); kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt0, r0); kdtreequeryknn(kdt1, x, 1); kdtreequeryresultsx(kdt1, r1); printf("%s\n", r0.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0,0]] printf("%s\n", r1.tostring(1).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[0,0]] return 0; }



nleqreport nleqstate

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nleqcreatelm nleqrestartfrom nleqresults nleqresultsbuf nleqsetcond nleqsetstpmax nleqsetxrep nleqsolve




/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class nleqreport { ae_int_t iterationscount; ae_int_t nfunc; ae_int_t njac; ae_int_t terminationtype; };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class nleqstate { };



/************************************************************************* LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT-LIKE NONLINEAR SOLVER DESCRIPTION: This algorithm solves system of nonlinear equations F[0](x[0], ..., x[n-1]) = 0 F[1](x[0], ..., x[n-1]) = 0 ... F[M-1](x[0], ..., x[n-1]) = 0 with M/N do not necessarily coincide. Algorithm converges quadratically under following conditions: * the solution set XS is nonempty * for some xs in XS there exist such neighbourhood N(xs) that: * vector function F(x) and its Jacobian J(x) are continuously differentiable on N * ||F(x)|| provides local error bound on N, i.e. there exists such c1, that ||F(x)||>c1*distance(x,XS) Note that these conditions are much more weaker than usual non-singularity conditions. For example, algorithm will converge for any affine function

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F (whether its Jacobian singular or not). REQUIREMENTS: Algorithm will request following information during its operation: * function vector F[] and Jacobian matrix at given point X * value of merit function f(x)=F[0]^2(x)+...+F[M-1]^2(x) at given point X USAGE: 1. User initializes algorithm state with NLEQCreateLM() call 2. User tunes solver parameters with NLEQSetCond(), NLEQSetStpMax() and other functions 3. User calls NLEQSolve() function which takes algorithm state and pointers (delegates, etc.) to callback functions which calculate merit function value and Jacobian. 4. User calls NLEQResults() to get solution 5. Optionally, user may call NLEQRestartFrom() to solve another problem with same parameters (N/M) but another starting point and/or another function vector. NLEQRestartFrom() allows to reuse already initialized structure. INPUT PARAMETERS: N space dimension, N>1: * if provided, only leading N elements of X are used * if not provided, determined automatically from size of X M system size X starting point OUTPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state NOTES: 1. you may tune stopping conditions with NLEQSetCond() function 2. if target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and optimization algorithm makes too large steps which leads to overflow, use NLEQSetStpMax() function to bound algorithm's steps. 3. this algorithm is a slightly modified implementation of the method described in 'Levenberg-Marquardt method for constrained nonlinear equations with strong local convergence properties' by Christian Kanzow Nobuo Yamashita and Masao Fukushima and further developed in 'On the convergence of a New Levenberg-Marquardt Method' by Jin-yan Fan and Ya-Xiang Yuan. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqcreatelm(ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, nleqstate& state); void alglib::nleqcreatelm( ae_int_t n, ae_int_t m, real_1d_array x, nleqstate& state);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine restarts CG algorithm from new point. All optimization

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parameters are left unchanged. This function allows to solve multiple optimization problems (which must have same number of dimensions) without object reallocation penalty. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure used for reverse communication previously allocated with MinCGCreate call. X new starting point. BndL new lower bounds BndU new upper bounds -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.07.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqrestartfrom(nleqstate state, real_1d_array x);



/************************************************************************* NLEQ solver results INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X array[0..N-1], solution Rep optimization report: * Rep.TerminationType completetion code: * -4 ERROR: algorithm has converged to the stationary point Xf which is local minimum of f=F[0]^2+...+F[m-1]^2, but is not solution of nonlinear system. * 1 sqrt(f)<=EpsF. * 5 MaxIts steps was taken * 7 stopping conditions are too stringent, further improvement is impossible * Rep.IterationsCount contains iterations count * NFEV countains number of function calculations * ActiveConstraints contains number of active constraints -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqresults( nleqstate state, real_1d_array& x, nleqreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* NLEQ solver results Buffered implementation of NLEQResults(), which uses pre-allocated buffer to store X[]. If buffer size is too small, it resizes buffer. It is intended to be used in the inner cycles of performance critical algorithms where array reallocation penalty is too large to be ignored. -- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 20.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqresultsbuf( nleqstate state, real_1d_array& x, nleqreport& rep);



/************************************************************************* This function sets stopping conditions for the nonlinear solver INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state EpsF >=0 The subroutine finishes its work if on k+1-th iteration the condition ||F||<=EpsF is satisfied MaxIts maximum number of iterations. If MaxIts=0, the number of iterations is unlimited. Passing EpsF=0 and MaxIts=0 simultaneously will lead to stopping criterion selection (small EpsF). NOTES: -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqsetcond(nleqstate state, double epsf, ae_int_t maxits); automatic



/************************************************************************* This function sets maximum step length INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state StpMax maximum step length, >=0. Set StpMax to 0.0, want to limit step length.

if you don't

Use this subroutine when target function contains exp() or other fast growing functions, and algorithm makes too large steps which lead to overflow. This function allows us to reject steps that are too large (and therefore expose us to the possible overflow) without actually calculating function value at the x+stp*d. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqsetstpmax(nleqstate state, double stpmax);



/************************************************************************* This function turns on/off reporting. INPUT PARAMETERS: State structure which stores algorithm state

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NeedXRepwhether iteration reports are needed or not it is

If NeedXRep is True, algorithm will call rep() callback function if provided to NLEQSolve().

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.08.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::nleqsetxrep(nleqstate state, bool needxrep);



/************************************************************************* This family of functions is used to launcn iterations of nonlinear solver These functions accept following parameters: state algorithm state func callback which calculates function (or merit function) value func at given point x jac callback which calculates function vector fi[] and Jacobian jac at given point x rep optional callback which is called after each iteration can be NULL ptr optional pointer which is passed to func/grad/hess/jac/rep can be NULL -- ALGLIB -Copyright 20.03.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void nleqsolve(nleqstate &state, void (*func)(const real_1d_array &x, double &func, void *ptr), void (*jac)(const real_1d_array &x, real_1d_array &fi, real_2d_array &jac, void *ptr), void (*rep)(const real_1d_array &x, double func, void *ptr) = NULL, void *ptr = NULL);

errorfunction errorfunctionc inverf invnormaldistribution normaldistribution





/************************************************************************* Error function The integral is x -

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2 -------sqrt(pi) | | | | | 0 2 exp( - t ) dt.


For 0 <= |x| < 1, erf(x) = x * P4(x**2)/Q5(x**2); otherwise erf(x) = 1 - erfc(x). ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain 0,1 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 3.7e-16 rms 1.0e-16

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::errorfunction(double x);



/************************************************************************* Complementary error function 1 - erf(x) = inf. | | | | | x


2 -------sqrt(pi)

2 exp( - t ) dt

For small x, erfc(x) = 1 - erf(x); otherwise rational approximations are computed. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE Relative error: domain # trials peak 0,26.6417 30000 5.7e-14 rms 1.5e-14

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::errorfunctionc(double x);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of the error function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/

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double alglib::inverf(double e);



/************************************************************************* Inverse of Normal distribution function Returns the argument, x, for which the area under the Gaussian probability density function (integrated from minus infinity to x) is equal to y. For small arguments 0 < y < exp(-2), the program computes z = sqrt( -2.0 * log(y) ); then the approximation is x = z - log(z)/z - (1/z) P(1/z) / Q(1/z). There are two rational functions P/Q, one for 0 < y < exp(-32) and the other for y up to exp(-2). For larger arguments, w = y - 0.5, and x/sqrt(2pi) = w + w**3 R(w**2)/S(w**2)). ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE IEEE Relative error: domain # trials 0.125, 1 20000 3e-308, 0.135 50000 peak 7.2e-16 4.6e-16 rms 1.3e-16 9.8e-17

Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invnormaldistribution(double y0);



/************************************************************************* Normal distribution function Returns the area under the Gaussian probability density function, integrated from minus infinity to x: x | | | | | -inf.


1 = --------sqrt(2pi)

2 exp( - t /2 ) dt

= =

( 1 + erf(z) ) / 2 erfc(z) / 2

where z = x/sqrt(2). Computation is via the functions erf and erfc. ACCURACY: arithmetic IEEE domain -13,0 Relative error: # trials peak 30000 3.4e-14 rms 6.7e-15

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Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1988, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::normaldistribution(double x);

odesolverreport odesolverstate


odesolverresults odesolverrkck odesolversolve

odesolver_d1 Solving y'=-y with ODE solver



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class odesolverreport { ae_int_t nfev; ae_int_t terminationtype; };



/************************************************************************* *************************************************************************/ class odesolverstate { };



/************************************************************************* ODE solver results Called after OdeSolverIteration returned False. INPUT PARAMETERS: State algorithm state (used by OdeSolverIteration). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: M number of tabulated values, M>=1

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XTbl YTbl Rep array[0..M-1], values of X array[0..M-1,0..N-1], values of Y in X[i] solver report: * Rep.TerminationType completetion code: * -2 X is not ordered by ascending/descending or there are non-distinct X[], i.e. X[i]=X[i+1] * -1 incorrect parameters were specified * 1 task has been solved * Rep.NFEV contains number of function calculations

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::odesolverresults( odesolverstate state, ae_int_t& m, real_1d_array& xtbl, real_2d_array& ytbl, odesolverreport& rep); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Cash-Karp adaptive ODE solver. This subroutine solves ODE Y'=f(Y,x) with initial conditions (here Y may be single variable or vector of N variables). Y(xs)=Ys

INPUT PARAMETERS: Y initial conditions, array[0..N-1]. contains values of Y[] at X[0] N system size X points at which Y should be tabulated, array[0..M-1] integrations starts at X[0], ends at X[M-1], intermediate values at X[i] are returned too. SHOULD BE ORDERED BY ASCENDING OR BY DESCENDING!!!! M number of intermediate points + first point + last point: * M>2 means that you need both Y(X[M-1]) and M-2 values at intermediate points * M=2 means that you want just to integrate from X[0] to X[1] and don't interested in intermediate values. * M=1 means that you don't want to integrate :) it is degenerate case, but it will be handled correctly. * M<1 means error Eps tolerance (absolute/relative error on each step will be less than Eps). When passing: * Eps>0, it means desired ABSOLUTE error * Eps<0, it means desired RELATIVE error. Relative errors are calculated with respect to maximum values of Y seen so far. Be careful to use this criterion when starting from Y[] that are close to zero. H initial step lenth, it will be adjusted automatically after the first step. If H=0, step will be selected automatically (usualy it will be equal to 0.001 of min(x[i]-x[j])). OUTPUT PARAMETERS State structure which stores algorithm state between subsequent calls of OdeSolverIteration. Used for reverse communication. This structure should be passed to the OdeSolverIteration

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subroutine. SEE ALSO AutoGKSmoothW, AutoGKSingular, AutoGKIteration, AutoGKResults. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::odesolverrkck( real_1d_array y, real_1d_array x, double eps, double h, odesolverstate& state); void alglib::odesolverrkck( real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array x, ae_int_t m, double eps, double h, odesolverstate& state); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function is used to launcn iterations of ODE solver It accepts following parameters: diff callback which calculates dy/dx for given y and x ptr optional pointer which is passed to diff; can be NULL -- ALGLIB -Copyright 01.09.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void odesolversolve(odesolverstate &state, void (*diff)(const real_1d_array &y, double x, real_1d_array &dy, void *ptr), void *ptr = NULL); Examples: [1]

odesolver_d1 example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "diffequations.h"

using namespace alglib; void ode_function_1_diff(const real_1d_array &y, double x, real_1d_array &dy, void *ptr) { // this callback calculates f(y[],x)=-y[0] dy[0] = -y[0]; } int main(int argc, char **argv)

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{ real_1d_array y = "[1]"; real_1d_array x = "[0, 1, 2, 3]"; double eps = 0.00001; double h = 0; odesolverstate s; ae_int_t m; real_1d_array xtbl; real_2d_array ytbl; odesolverreport rep; odesolverrkck(y, x, eps, h, s); alglib::odesolversolve(s, ode_function_1_diff); odesolverresults(s, m, xtbl, ytbl, rep); printf("%d\n", int(m)); // EXPECTED: 4 printf("%s\n", xtbl.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0, 1, 2, 3] printf("%s\n", ytbl.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [[1], [0.367], [0.135], [0.050]] return 0; }



cmatrixlq cmatrixlqunpackl cmatrixlqunpackq cmatrixqr cmatrixqrunpackq cmatrixqrunpackr hmatrixtd hmatrixtdunpackq rmatrixbd rmatrixbdmultiplybyp rmatrixbdmultiplybyq rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals rmatrixbdunpackpt rmatrixbdunpackq rmatrixhessenberg rmatrixhessenbergunpac kh rmatrixhessenbergunpac kq rmatrixlq rmatrixlqunpackl rmatrixlqunpackq rmatrixqr rmatrixqrunpackq rmatrixqrunpackr smatrixtd smatrixtdunpackq




/************************************************************************* LQ decomposition of a rectangular complex matrix of size MxN

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Input parameters: A matrix A whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..N-1] M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices Q and L in compact form Tau array of scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. Array whose indexes range within [0.. Min(M,N)-1] Matrix A is represented as A = LQ, where Q is an orthogonal matrix of size MxM, L - lower triangular (or lower trapezoid) matrix of size MxN. -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University September 30, 1994 *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlq( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& tau);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking of matrix L from the LQ decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices Q and L in compact form. Output of CMatrixLQ subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0. N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0. Output parameters: L matrix L, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlqunpackl( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array& l);



/************************************************************************* Partial unpacking of matrix Q from LQ decomposition of a complex matrix A. Input parameters: A M N Tau matrices Q and R in compact form. Output of CMatrixLQ subroutine . number of rows in matrix A. M>=0. number of columns in matrix A. N>=0. scalar factors which are used to form Q.

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Output of CMatrixLQ subroutine . required number of rows in matrix Q. N>=QColumns>=0. first QRows rows of matrix Q. Array whose index ranges within [0..QRows-1, 0..N-1]. If QRows=0, array isn't changed.


Output parameters: Q -

-- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlqunpackq( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array tau, ae_int_t qrows, complex_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* QR decomposition of a rectangular complex matrix of size MxN Input parameters: A matrix A whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..N-1] M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices Q and R in compact form Tau array of scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. Array whose indexes range within [0.. Min(M,N)-1] Matrix A is represented as A = QR, where Q is an orthogonal matrix of size MxM, R - upper triangular (or upper trapezoid) matrix of size MxN. -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University September 30, 1994 *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixqr( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array& tau);



/************************************************************************* Partial unpacking of matrix Q from QR decomposition of a complex matrix A. Input parameters: A M N Tau matrices Q and R in compact form. Output of CMatrixQR subroutine . number of rows in matrix A. M>=0. number of columns in matrix A. N>=0. scalar factors which are used to form Q.

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Output of CMatrixQR subroutine . required number of columns in matrix Q. M>=QColumns>=0. first QColumns columns of matrix Q. Array whose index ranges within [0..M-1, 0..QColumns-1]. If QColumns=0, array isn't changed.


Output parameters: Q -

-- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixqrunpackq( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_1d_array tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, complex_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking of matrix R from the QR decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices Q and R in compact form. Output of CMatrixQR subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0. N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0. Output parameters: R matrix R, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixqrunpackr( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, complex_2d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* Reduction of a Hermitian matrix which is given by its higher or lower triangular part to a real tridiagonal matrix using unitary similarity transformation: Q'*A*Q = T. Input parameters: A matrix to be transformed array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format. If IsUpper = True, then matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle is not used and not modified by the algorithm, and vice versa if IsUpper = False.

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Output parameters: A matrices T and Q in compact form (see lower) Tau array of factors which are forming matrices H(i) array with elements [0..N-2]. D main diagonal of real symmetric matrix T. array with elements [0..N-1]. E secondary diagonal of real symmetric matrix T. array with elements [0..N-2]. If IsUpper=True, the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors Q = H(n-2) . . . H(2) H(0). Each H(i) has the form H(i) = I - tau * v * v' where tau is a complex scalar, and v is a complex vector with v(i+1:n-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, v(0:i-1) is stored on exit in A(0:i-1,i+1), and tau in TAU(i). If IsUpper=False, the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors Q = H(0) H(2) . . . H(n-2). Each H(i) has the form H(i) = I - tau * v * v' where tau is a complex scalar, and v is a complex vector with v(0:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, v(i+2:n-1) is stored on exit in A(i+2:n-1,i), and tau in TAU(i). The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples with n = 5: if UPLO = 'U': ( ( ( ( ( d e d v1 e d v2 v2 e d v3 v3 v3 e d ) ) ) ) ) if UPLO = 'L': ( ( ( ( ( d e v0 v0 v0 d e v1 v1 ) ) ) ) )

d e v2

d e

where d and e denote diagonal and off-diagonal elements of T, and vi denotes an element of the vector defining H(i). -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University October 31, 1992 *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hmatrixtd( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_1d_array& tau, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e);

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/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix Q which reduces a Hermitian matrix to a real tridiagonal form. Input parameters: A the result of a HMatrixTD subroutine N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format (a parameter of HMatrixTD subroutine) Tau the result of a HMatrixTD subroutine Output parameters: Q transformation matrix. array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hmatrixtdunpackq( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, complex_1d_array tau, complex_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* Reduction of a rectangular matrix to bidiagonal form The algorithm reduces the rectangular matrix A to orthogonal transformations P and Q: A = Q*B*P. bidiagonal form by

Input parameters: A source matrix. array[0..M-1, 0..N-1] M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices Q, B, P in compact form (see below). TauQ scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. TauP scalar factors which are used to form matrix P. The main diagonal and one of the secondary diagonals of matrix A are replaced with bidiagonal matrix B. Other elements contain elementary reflections which form MxM matrix Q and NxN matrix P, respectively. If M>=N, B is the upper bidiagonal MxN matrix and is stored in the corresponding elements of matrix A. Matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflections Q = H(0)*H(1)*...*H(n-1), where H(i) = 1-tau*v*v'. Here tau is a scalar which is stored in TauQ[i], and vector v has the following structure: v(0:i-1)=0, v(i)=1, v(i+1:m-1) is stored in elements A(i+1:m-1,i). Matrix P is as follows: P = G(0)*G(1)*...*G(n-2), where G(i) = 1 - tau*u*u'. Tau is stored in TauP[i], u(0:i)=0, u(i+1)=1, u(i+2:n-1) is stored in elements A(i,i+2:n-1). If M<N, B is the lower bidiagonal MxN matrix and is stored in the corresponding elements of matrix A. Q = H(0)*H(1)*...*H(m-2), where H(i) = 1 - tau*v*v', tau is stored in TauQ, v(0:i)=0, v(i+1)=1, v(i+2:m-1) is stored in elements A(i+2:m-1,i). P = G(0)*G(1)*...*G(m-1),

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G(i) = 1-tau*u*u', tau is stored in is stored in A(i,i+1:n-1). EXAMPLE: m=6, n=5 (m > n): ( ( ( ( ( ( d v1 v1 v1 v1 v1 e d v2 v2 v2 v2 u1 e d v3 v3 v3 u1 u2 e d v4 v4 u1 u2 u3 e d v5 ) ) ) ) ) ) m=5, n=6 (m < n): ( ( ( ( ( d e v1 v1 v1 u1 d e v2 v2 u1 u2 d e v3 u1 u2 u3 d e u1 u2 u3 u4 d u1 u2 u3 u4 u5 ) ) ) ) ) TauP, u(0:i-1)=0, u(i)=1, u(i+1:n-1)

Here vi and ui are vectors which form H(i) and G(i), and d and e are the diagonal and off-diagonal elements of matrix B. -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University September 30, 1994. Sergey Bochkanov, ALGLIB project, translation from FORTRAN to pseudocode, 2007-2010. *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbd( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& tauq, real_1d_array& taup);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication by matrix P which reduces matrix A to bidiagonal form. The algorithm allows pre- or post-multiply by P or P'. Input parameters: QP M N TAUP Z ZRows ZColumns matrices Q and P in compact form. Output of RMatrixBD subroutine. number of rows in matrix A. number of columns in matrix A. scalar factors which are used to form P. Output of RMatrixBD subroutine. multiplied matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..ZRows-1,0..ZColumns-1]. number of rows in matrix Z. If FromTheRight=False, ZRows=N, otherwise ZRows can be arbitrary. number of columns in matrix Z. If FromTheRight=True, ZColumns=N, otherwise ZColumns can be arbitrary. pre- or post-multiply. multiply by P or P'.

FromTheRight DoTranspose -

Output parameters: Z - product of Z and P. Array whose indexes range within [0..ZRows-1,0..ZColumns-1]. If ZRows=0 or ZColumns=0, the array is not modified. -- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey

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*************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbdmultiplybyp( real_2d_array qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array taup, real_2d_array& z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, bool fromtheright, bool dotranspose);



/************************************************************************* Multiplication by matrix Q which reduces matrix A to bidiagonal form. The algorithm allows pre- or post-multiply by Q or Q'. Input parameters: QP M N TAUQ Z ZRows ZColumns matrices Q and P in compact form. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. number of rows in matrix A. number of columns in matrix A. scalar factors which are used to form Q. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. multiplied matrix. array[0..ZRows-1,0..ZColumns-1] number of rows in matrix Z. If FromTheRight=False, ZRows=M, otherwise ZRows can be arbitrary. number of columns in matrix Z. If FromTheRight=True, ZColumns=M, otherwise ZColumns can be arbitrary. pre- or post-multiply. multiply by Q or Q'. product of Z and Q. Array[0..ZRows-1,0..ZColumns-1] If ZRows=0 or ZColumns=0, the array is not modified.

FromTheRight DoTranspose Output parameters: Z -

-- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbdmultiplybyq( real_2d_array qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array tauq, real_2d_array& z, ae_int_t zrows, ae_int_t zcolumns, bool fromtheright, bool dotranspose);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking of the main and secondary diagonals of bidiagonal decomposition of matrix A.

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Input parameters: B output of RMatrixBD subroutine. M number of rows in matrix B. N number of columns in matrix B. Output parameters: IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper bidiagonal. otherwise IsUpper is False. D the main diagonal. Array whose index ranges within [0..Min(M,N)-1]. E the secondary diagonal (upper or lower, depending on the value of IsUpper). Array index ranges within [0..Min(M,N)-1], the last element is not used. -- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackdiagonals( real_2d_array b, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, bool& isupper, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix P which reduces matrix A to bidiagonal form. The subroutine returns transposed matrix P. Input parameters: QP matrices Q and P in compact form. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. TAUP scalar factors which are used to form P. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. PTRows required number of rows of matrix P^T. N >= PTRows >= 0. Output parameters: PT first PTRows columns of matrix P^T Array[0..PTRows-1, 0..N-1] If PTRows=0, the array is not modified. -- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackpt( real_2d_array qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array taup, ae_int_t ptrows, real_2d_array& pt);

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/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix Q which reduces a matrix to bidiagonal form. Input parameters: QP M N TAUQ QColumns matrices Q and P in compact form. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. number of rows in matrix A. number of columns in matrix A. scalar factors which are used to form Q. Output of ToBidiagonal subroutine. required number of columns in matrix Q. M>=QColumns>=0. first QColumns columns of matrix Q. Array[0..M-1, 0..QColumns-1] If QColumns=0, the array is not modified.

Output parameters: Q -

-- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixbdunpackq( real_2d_array qp, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array tauq, ae_int_t qcolumns, real_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* Reduction of a square matrix to upper Hessenberg form: Q'*A*Q = H, where Q is an orthogonal matrix, H - Hessenberg matrix. Input parameters: A matrix A with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1] N size of matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices Q and P in compact form (see below). Tau array of scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-2] Matrix H is located on the main diagonal, on the lower secondary diagonal and above the main diagonal of matrix A. The elements which are used to form matrix Q are situated in array Tau and below the lower secondary diagonal of matrix A as follows: Matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflections Q = H(0)*H(2)*...*H(n-2), where each H(i) is given by H(i) = 1 - tau * v * (v^T) where tau is a scalar stored in Tau[I]; v - is a real vector,

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so that v(0:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, v(i+2:n-1) stored in A(i+2:n-1,i). -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University October 31, 1992 *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixhessenberg( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& tau);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix H (the result of matrix A reduction to upper Hessenberg form) Input parameters: A output of RMatrixHessenberg subroutine. N size of matrix A. Output parameters: H matrix H. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixhessenbergunpackh( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& h);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix Q which reduces matrix A to upper Hessenberg form Input parameters: A output of RMatrixHessenberg subroutine. N size of matrix A. Tau scalar factors which are used to form Q. Output of RMatrixHessenberg subroutine. Output parameters: Q matrix Q. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB -2005-2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixhessenbergunpackq( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array tau, real_2d_array& q);

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/************************************************************************* LQ decomposition of a rectangular matrix of size MxN Input parameters: A matrix A whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..N-1]. M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices L and Q in compact form (see below) Tau array of scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. Array whose index ranges within [0..Min(M,N)-1]. Matrix A is represented as A = LQ, where Q is an orthogonal matrix of size MxM, L - lower triangular (or lower trapezoid) matrix of size M x N. The elements of matrix L are located on and below the main diagonal of matrix A. The elements which are located in Tau array and above the main diagonal of matrix A are used to form matrix Q as follows: Matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflections Q = H(k-1)*H(k-2)*...*H(1)*H(0), where k = min(m,n), and each H(i) is of the form H(i) = 1 - tau * v * (v^T) where tau is a scalar stored in Tau[I]; v - real vector, so that v(0:i-1)=0, v(i) = 1, v(i+1:n-1) stored in A(i,i+1:n-1). -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlq( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& tau);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking of matrix L from the LQ decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices Q and L in compact form. Output of RMatrixLQ subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0. N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0. Output parameters: L matrix L, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/

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void alglib::rmatrixlqunpackl( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& l);



/************************************************************************* Partial unpacking of matrix Q from the LQ decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices L and Q in compact form. Output of RMatrixLQ subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0. N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0. Tau scalar factors which are used to form Q. Output of the RMatrixLQ subroutine. QRows required number of rows in matrix Q. N>=QRows>=0. Output parameters: Q first QRows rows of matrix Q. Array whose indexes range within [0..QRows-1, 0..N-1]. If QRows=0, the array remains unchanged. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlqunpackq( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array tau, ae_int_t qrows, real_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix of size MxN Input parameters: A matrix A whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..N-1]. M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. Output parameters: A matrices Q and R in compact form (see below). Tau array of scalar factors which are used to form matrix Q. Array whose index ranges within [0.. Min(M-1,N-1)]. Matrix A is represented as A = QR, where Q is an orthogonal matrix of size MxM, R - upper triangular (or upper trapezoid) matrix of size M x N. The elements of matrix R are located on and above the main diagonal of matrix A. The elements which are located in Tau array and below the main diagonal of matrix A are used to form matrix Q as follows: Matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflections

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Q = H(0)*H(2)*...*H(k-1), where k = min(m,n), and each H(i) is in the form H(i) = 1 - tau * v * (v^T) where tau is a scalar stored in Tau[I]; v - real vector, so that v(0:i-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, v(i+1:m-1) stored in A(i+1:m-1,i). -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixqr( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array& tau);



/************************************************************************* Partial unpacking of matrix Q from the QR decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices Q and R in compact form. Output of RMatrixQR subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0. N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0. Tau scalar factors which are used to form Q. Output of the RMatrixQR subroutine. QColumns - required number of columns of matrix Q. M>=QColumns>=0. Output parameters: Q first QColumns columns of matrix Q. Array whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..QColumns-1]. If QColumns=0, the array remains unchanged. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixqrunpackq( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array tau, ae_int_t qcolumns, real_2d_array& q);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking of matrix R from the QR decomposition of a matrix A Input parameters: A matrices Q and R in compact form. Output of RMatrixQR subroutine. M number of rows in given matrix A. M>=0.

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N number of columns in given matrix A. N>=0.

Output parameters: R matrix R, array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB routine -17.02.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixqrunpackr( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& r);



/************************************************************************* Reduction of a symmetric matrix which is given by its higher or lower triangular part to a tridiagonal matrix using orthogonal similarity transformation: Q'*A*Q=T. Input parameters: A matrix to be transformed array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format. If IsUpper = True, then matrix A is given by its upper triangle, and the lower triangle is not used and not modified by the algorithm, and vice versa if IsUpper = False. Output parameters: A matrices T and Q in compact form (see lower) Tau array of factors which are forming matrices H(i) array with elements [0..N-2]. D main diagonal of symmetric matrix T. array with elements [0..N-1]. E secondary diagonal of symmetric matrix T. array with elements [0..N-2]. If IsUpper=True, the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors Q = H(n-2) . . . H(2) H(0). Each H(i) has the form H(i) = I - tau * v * v' where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with v(i+1:n-1) = 0, v(i) = 1, v(0:i-1) is stored on exit in A(0:i-1,i+1), and tau in TAU(i). If IsUpper=False, the matrix Q is represented as a product of elementary reflectors Q = H(0) H(2) . . . H(n-2). Each H(i) has the form H(i) = I - tau * v * v'

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where tau is a real scalar, and v is a real vector with v(0:i) = 0, v(i+1) = 1, v(i+2:n-1) is stored on exit in A(i+2:n-1,i), and tau in TAU(i). The contents of A on exit are illustrated by the following examples with n = 5: if UPLO = 'U': ( ( ( ( ( d e d v1 e d v2 v2 e d v3 v3 v3 e d ) ) ) ) ) if UPLO = 'L': ( ( ( ( ( d e v0 v0 v0 d e v1 v1 ) ) ) ) )

d e v2

d e

where d and e denote diagonal and off-diagonal elements of T, and vi denotes an element of the vector defining H(i). -- LAPACK routine (version 3.0) -Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University October 31, 1992 *************************************************************************/ void alglib::smatrixtd( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_1d_array& tau, real_1d_array& d, real_1d_array& e);



/************************************************************************* Unpacking matrix Q which reduces symmetric matrix to a tridiagonal form. Input parameters: A the result of a SMatrixTD subroutine N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format (a parameter of SMatrixTD subroutine) Tau the result of a SMatrixTD subroutine Output parameters: Q transformation matrix. array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 2005-2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::smatrixtdunpackq( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, real_1d_array tau, real_2d_array& q);


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/************************************************************************* Principal components analysis Subroutine builds orthogonal basis where first axis corresponds to direction with maximum variance, second axis maximizes variance in subspace orthogonal to first axis and so on. It should be noted that, unlike LDA, PCA does not use class labels. INPUT PARAMETERS: X NPoints NVars dataset, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars-1]. matrix contains ONLY INDEPENDENT VARIABLES. dataset size, NPoints>=0 number of independent variables, NVars>=1

: Info return code: * -4, if SVD subroutine haven't converged * -1, if wrong parameters has been passed (NPoints<0, NVars<1) * 1, if task is solved S2 array[0..NVars-1]. variance values corresponding to basis vectors. V array[0..NVars-1,0..NVars-1] matrix, whose columns store basis vectors. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 25.08.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pcabuildbasis( real_2d_array x, ae_int_t npoints, ae_int_t nvars, ae_int_t& info, real_1d_array& s2, real_2d_array& v);

invpoissondistribution poissoncdistribution poissondistribution



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/************************************************************************* Inverse Poisson distribution Finds the Poisson variable x such that the integral from 0 to x of the Poisson density is equal to the given probability y. This is accomplished using the inverse gamma integral function and the relation m = igami( k+1, y ). ACCURACY: See inverse incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invpoissondistribution(ae_int_t k, double y);



/************************************************************************* Complemented Poisson distribution Returns the sum of the terms k+1 to infinity of the Poisson distribution: inf. --m > e -j=k+1 j m -j!

The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete gamma integral is employed, according to the formula y = pdtrc( k, m ) = igam( k+1, m ). The arguments must both be positive. ACCURACY: See incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::poissoncdistribution(ae_int_t k, double m);



/************************************************************************* Poisson distribution Returns the sum of the first k+1 terms of the Poisson

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distribution: k -> -j=0 -m e j m -j!

The terms are not summed directly; instead the incomplete gamma integral is employed, according to the relation y = pdtr( k, m ) = igamc( k+1, m ). The arguments must both be positive. ACCURACY: See incomplete gamma function Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::poissondistribution(ae_int_t k, double m);



polynomialbar2cheb polynomialbar2pow polynomialbuild polynomialbuildc heb1 polynomialbuildc heb2 polynomialbuildeqdist polynomialcalccheb1 polynomialcalccheb2 polynomialcalceqdist polynomialcheb2bar polynomialpow2bar

polint_d_calcdiff polint_d_conv polint_d_spec Interpolation and differentiation using baryc entric representation Conversion between power basis and baryc entric representation Polynomial interpolation on spec ial grids (equidistant, Chebyshev I/II)



/************************************************************************* Conversion from barycentric representation to Chebyshev basis. This function has O(N^2) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: P polynomial in barycentric form A,B base interval for Chebyshev polynomials (see below) A<>B OUTPUT PARAMETERS T coefficients of Chebyshev representation;

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P(x) = sum { T[i]*Ti(2*(x-A)/(B-A)-1), i=0..N-1 }, where Ti - I-th Chebyshev polynomial. NOTES: barycentric interpolant passed as P may be either polynomial obtained from polynomial interpolation/ fitting or rational function which is NOT polynomial. We can't distinguish between these two cases, and this algorithm just tries to work assuming that P IS a polynomial. If not, algorithm will return results, but they won't have any meaning. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbar2cheb( barycentricinterpolant p, double a, double b, real_1d_array& t);



/************************************************************************* Conversion from barycentric representation to power basis. This function has O(N^2) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: P polynomial in barycentric form C offset (see below); 0.0 is used as default value. S scale (see below); 1.0 is used as default value. S<>0. OUTPUT PARAMETERS A coefficients, P(x) = sum { A[i]*((X-C)/S)^i, i=0..N-1 } N number of coefficients (polynomial degree plus 1) NOTES: 1. this function accepts offset and scale, which can be set to improve numerical properties of polynomial. For example, if P was obtained as result of interpolation on [-1,+1], you can set C=0 and S=1 and represent P as sum of 1, x, x^2, x^3 and so on. In most cases you it is exactly what you need. However, if your interpolation model was built on [999,1001], you will see significant growth of numerical errors when using {1, x, x^2, x^3} as basis. Representing P as sum of 1, (x-1000), (x-1000)^2, (x-1000)^3 will be better option. Such representation can be obtained by using 1000.0 as offset C and 1.0 as scale S. 2. power basis is ill-conditioned and tricks described above can't solve this problem completely. This function will return coefficients in any case, but for N>8 they will become unreliable. However, N's less than 5 are pretty safe. barycentric interpolant passed as P may be either polynomial obtained from polynomial interpolation/ fitting or rational function which is NOT polynomial. We can't distinguish between these two cases, and this algorithm just tries to work assuming that P IS a polynomial. If not, algorithm will return results, but they won't have any meaning.


-- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbar2pow(

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barycentricinterpolant p, real_1d_array& a); void alglib::polynomialbar2pow( barycentricinterpolant p, double c, double s, real_1d_array& a); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Lagrange intepolant: generation of the model on the general grid. This function has O(N^2) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: X abscissas, array[0..N-1] Y function values, array[0..N-1] N number of points, N>=1 OUTPUT PARAMETERS P barycentric model which represents Lagrange interpolant (see ratint unit info and BarycentricCalc() description for more information). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbuild( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialbuild( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant& p); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Lagrange intepolant on Chebyshev grid (first kind). This function has O(N) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: A left boundary of [A,B] B right boundary of [A,B] Y function values at the nodes, array[0..N-1], Y[I] = Y(0.5*(B+A) + 0.5*(B-A)*Cos(PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n))) N number of points, N>=1 for N=1 a constant model is constructed. OUTPUT PARAMETERS P barycentric model which represents Lagrange interpolant (see ratint unit info and BarycentricCalc() description for more information).

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-- ALGLIB -Copyright 03.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb1( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb1( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant& p); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Lagrange intepolant on Chebyshev grid (second kind). This function has O(N) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: A left boundary of [A,B] B right boundary of [A,B] Y function values at the nodes, array[0..N-1], Y[I] = Y(0.5*(B+A) + 0.5*(B-A)*Cos(PI*i/(n-1))) N number of points, N>=1 for N=1 a constant model is constructed. OUTPUT PARAMETERS P barycentric model which represents Lagrange interpolant (see ratint unit info and BarycentricCalc() description for more information). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 03.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb2( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialbuildcheb2( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant& p); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Lagrange intepolant: generation of the model on equidistant grid. This function has O(N) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS:

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A B Y N left boundary of [A,B] right boundary of [A,B] function values at the nodes, array[0..N-1] number of points, N>=1 for N=1 a constant model is constructed.

OUTPUT PARAMETERS P barycentric model which represents Lagrange interpolant (see ratint unit info and BarycentricCalc() description for more information). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 03.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialbuildeqdist( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialbuildeqdist( double a, double b, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant& p); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Fast polynomial interpolation function on Chebyshev points (first kind) with O(N) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: A left boundary of [A,B] B right boundary of [A,B] F function values, array[0..N-1] N number of points on Chebyshev grid (first kind), X[i] = 0.5*(B+A) + 0.5*(B-A)*Cos(PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n)) for N=1 a constant model is constructed. T position where P(x) is calculated RESULT value of the Lagrange interpolant at T IMPORTANT this function provides fast interface which is not overflow-safe nor it is very precise. the best option is to use PolIntBuildCheb1()/BarycentricCalc() subroutines unless you are pretty sure that your data will not result in overflow. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::polynomialcalccheb1( double a, double b, real_1d_array f, double t); double alglib::polynomialcalccheb1(

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double a, double b, real_1d_array f, ae_int_t n, double t); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Fast polynomial interpolation function on Chebyshev points (second kind) with O(N) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: A left boundary of [A,B] B right boundary of [A,B] F function values, array[0..N-1] N number of points on Chebyshev grid (second kind), X[i] = 0.5*(B+A) + 0.5*(B-A)*Cos(PI*i/(n-1)) for N=1 a constant model is constructed. T position where P(x) is calculated RESULT value of the Lagrange interpolant at T IMPORTANT this function provides fast interface which is not overflow-safe nor it is very precise. the best option is to use PolIntBuildCheb2()/BarycentricCalc() subroutines unless you are pretty sure that your data will not result in overflow. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::polynomialcalccheb2( double a, double b, real_1d_array f, double t); double alglib::polynomialcalccheb2( double a, double b, real_1d_array f, ae_int_t n, double t); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Fast equidistant polynomial interpolation function with O(N) complexity INPUT PARAMETERS: A left boundary of [A,B] B right boundary of [A,B] F function values, array[0..N-1] N number of points on equidistant grid, N>=1

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for N=1 a constant model is constructed. position where P(x) is calculated

RESULT value of the Lagrange interpolant at T IMPORTANT this function provides fast interface which is not overflow-safe nor it is very precise. the best option is to use PolynomialBuildEqDist()/BarycentricCalc() subroutines unless you are pretty sure that your data will not result in overflow. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 02.12.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::polynomialcalceqdist( double a, double b, real_1d_array f, double t); double alglib::polynomialcalceqdist( double a, double b, real_1d_array f, ae_int_t n, double t); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* Conversion from Chebyshev basis to barycentric representation. This function has O(N^2) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: T coefficients of Chebyshev representation; P(x) = sum { T[i]*Ti(2*(x-A)/(B-A)-1), i=0..N }, where Ti - I-th Chebyshev polynomial. N number of coefficients: * if given, only leading N elements of T are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of T A,B base interval for Chebyshev polynomials (see above) A<B OUTPUT PARAMETERS P polynomial in barycentric form -- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialcheb2bar( real_1d_array t, double a, double b, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialcheb2bar( real_1d_array t, ae_int_t n, double a, double b,

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barycentricinterpolant& p);



/************************************************************************* Conversion from power basis to barycentric representation. This function has O(N^2) complexity. INPUT PARAMETERS: A coefficients, P(x) = sum { A[i]*((X-C)/S)^i, i=0..N-1 } N number of coefficients (polynomial degree plus 1) * if given, only leading N elements of A are used * if not given, automatically determined from size of A C offset (see below); 0.0 is used as default value. S scale (see below); 1.0 is used as default value. S<>0. OUTPUT PARAMETERS P polynomial in barycentric form NOTES: 1. this function accepts offset and scale, which can be set to improve numerical properties of polynomial. For example, if you interpolate on [-1,+1], you can set C=0 and S=1 and convert from sum of 1, x, x^2, x^3 and so on. In most cases you it is exactly what you need. However, if your interpolation model was built on [999,1001], you will see significant growth of numerical errors when using {1, x, x^2, x^3} as input basis. Converting from sum of 1, (x-1000), (x-1000)^2, (x-1000)^3 will be better option (you have to specify 1000.0 as offset C and 1.0 as scale S). 2. power basis is ill-conditioned and tricks described above can't solve this problem completely. This function will return barycentric model in any case, but for N>8 accuracy well degrade. However, N's less than 5 are pretty safe.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 30.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::polynomialpow2bar( real_1d_array a, barycentricinterpolant& p); void alglib::polynomialpow2bar( real_1d_array a, ae_int_t n, double c, double s, barycentricinterpolant& p); Examples: [1]

polint_d_calcdiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

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using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // Here we demonstrate polynomial interpolation and differentiation // of y=x^2-x sampled at [0,1,2]. Barycentric representation of polynomial is used. // real_1d_array x = "[0,1,2]"; real_1d_array y = "[0,0,2]"; double t = -1; double v; double dv; double d2v; barycentricinterpolant p; // barycentric model is created polynomialbuild(x, y, p); // barycentric interpolation is demonstrated v = barycentriccalc(p, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 // barycentric differentation is demonstrated barycentricdiff1(p, t, v, dv); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 printf("%.4f\n", double(dv)); // EXPECTED: -3.0 // second derivatives with barycentric representation barycentricdiff1(p, t, v, dv); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 printf("%.4f\n", double(dv)); // EXPECTED: -3.0 barycentricdiff2(p, t, v, dv, d2v); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 printf("%.4f\n", double(dv)); // EXPECTED: -3.0 printf("%.4f\n", double(d2v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 return 0; }

polint_d_conv example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // Here we demonstrate conversion of y=x^2-x // between power basis and barycentric representation. // real_1d_array a = "[0,-1,+1]"; double t = 2; real_1d_array a2; double v;

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barycentricinterpolant p; // // a=[0,-1,+1] is decomposition of y=x^2-x in the power basis: // // y = 0 - 1*x + 1*x^2 // // We convert it to the barycentric form. // polynomialpow2bar(a, p); // now we have barycentric interpolation; we can use it for interpolation v = barycentriccalc(p, t); printf("%.2f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 2.0 // we can also convert back from barycentric representation to power basis polynomialbar2pow(p, a2); printf("%s\n", a2.tostring(2).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,-1,+1] return 0; }

polint_d_spec example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // Temporaries: // * values of y=x^2-x sampled at three special grids: // * equdistant grid spanning [0,2], x[i] = 2*i/(N-1), i=0..N-1 // * Chebyshev-I grid spanning [-1,+1], x[i] = 1 + Cos(PI*(2*i+1)/(2*n)), i=0..N-1 // * Chebyshev-II grid spanning [-1,+1], x[i] = 1 + Cos(PI*i/(n-1)), i=0..N-1 // * barycentric interpolants for these three grids // * vectors to store coefficients of quadratic representation // real_1d_array y_eqdist = "[0,0,2]"; real_1d_array y_cheb1 = "[-0.116025,0.000000,1.616025]"; real_1d_array y_cheb2 = "[0,0,2]"; barycentricinterpolant p_eqdist; barycentricinterpolant p_cheb1; barycentricinterpolant p_cheb2; real_1d_array a_eqdist; real_1d_array a_cheb1; real_1d_array a_cheb2; // // First, we demonstrate construction of barycentric interpolants on // special grids. We unpack power representation to ensure that // interpolant was built correctly. // // In all three cases we should get same quadratic function. // polynomialbuildeqdist(0.0, 2.0, y_eqdist, p_eqdist);

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polynomialbar2pow(p_eqdist, a_eqdist); printf("%s\n", a_eqdist.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,-1,+1] polynomialbuildcheb1(-1, +1, y_cheb1, p_cheb1); polynomialbar2pow(p_cheb1, a_cheb1); printf("%s\n", a_cheb1.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,-1,+1] polynomialbuildcheb2(-1, +1, y_cheb2, p_cheb2); polynomialbar2pow(p_cheb2, a_cheb2); printf("%s\n", a_cheb2.tostring(4).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [0,-1,+1] // // Now we demonstrate polynomial interpolation without construction // of the barycentricinterpolant structure. // // We calculate interpolant value at x=-2. // In all three cases we should get same f=6 // double t = -2; double v; v = polynomialcalceqdist(0.0, 2.0, y_eqdist, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 6.0 v = polynomialcalccheb1(-1, +1, y_cheb1, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 6.0 v = polynomialcalccheb2(-1, +1, y_cheb2, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 6.0 return 0; }







/************************************************************************* Psi (digamma) function psi(x) = d -- ln | (x) dx

is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function. For integer x, n-1 psi(n) = -EUL + > 1/k. k=1 This formula is used for 0 < n <= 10. If x is negative, it

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is transformed to a positive argument by the reflection formula psi(1-x) = psi(x) + pi cot(pi x). For general positive x, the argument is made greater than 10 using the recurrence psi(x+1) = psi(x) + 1/x. Then the following asymptotic expansion is applied: inf. B 2k > ------2k k=1 2k x

psi(x) = log(x) - 1/2x -

where the B2k are Bernoulli numbers. ACCURACY: Relative error (except absolute when |psi| < 1): arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE 0,30 30000 1.3e-15 1.4e-16 IEEE -30,0 40000 1.5e-15 2.2e-16 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1992, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::psi(double x);



pspline2interpolant pspline3interpolant

pspline2arclength pspline2build pspline2buildperiodic pspline2calc pspline2diff pspline2diff2 pspline2parametervalues pspline2tangent pspline3arclength pspline3build pspline3buildperiodic pspline3calc pspline3diff pspline3diff2 pspline3parametervalues pspline3tangent





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Parametric spline inteprolant: 2-dimensional curve. You should not try to access its members directly - use PSpline2XXXXXXXX() functions instead. *************************************************************************/ class pspline2interpolant { };



/************************************************************************* Parametric spline inteprolant: 3-dimensional curve. You should not try to access its members directly - use PSpline3XXXXXXXX() functions instead. *************************************************************************/ class pspline3interpolant { };



/************************************************************************* This function calculates arc length, i.e. length of curve between t=a and t=b. INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant A,B parameter values corresponding to arc ends: * B>A will result in positive length returned * B<A will result in negative length returned RESULT: length of arc starting at T=A and ending at T=B. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::pspline2arclength( pspline2interpolant p, double a, double b);



/************************************************************************* This function builds non-periodic 2-dimensional parametric spline which starts at (X[0],Y[0]) and ends at (X[N-1],Y[N-1]). INPUT PARAMETERS: XY points, array[0..N-1,0..1]. XY[I,0:1] corresponds to the Ith point. Order of points is important! N points count, N>=5 for Akima splines, N>=2 for other types splines. ST spline type:


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* 0 Akima spline * 1 parabolically terminated Catmull-Rom spline (Tension=0) * 2 parabolically terminated cubic spline parameterization type: * 0 uniform * 1 chord length * 2 centripetal


OUTPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant NOTES: * this function assumes that there all consequent points are distinct. I.e. (x0,y0)<>(x1,y1), (x1,y1)<>(x2,y2), (x2,y2)<>(x3,y3) and so on. However, non-consequent points may coincide, i.e. we can have (x0,y0)= =(x2,y2). -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2build( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant& p);



/************************************************************************* This function builds periodic 2-dimensional parametric spline which starts at (X[0],Y[0]), goes through all points to (X[N-1],Y[N-1]) and then back to (X[0],Y[0]). INPUT PARAMETERS: XY points, array[0..N-1,0..1]. XY[I,0:1] corresponds to the Ith point. XY[N-1,0:1] must be different from XY[0,0:1]. Order of points is important! N points count, N>=3 for other types of splines. ST spline type: * 1 Catmull-Rom spline (Tension=0) with cyclic boundary conditions * 2 cubic spline with cyclic boundary conditions PT parameterization type: * 0 uniform * 1 chord length * 2 centripetal OUTPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant NOTES: * this function assumes that there all consequent points are distinct. I.e. (x0,y0)<>(x1,y1), (x1,y1)<>(x2,y2), (x2,y2)<>(x3,y3) and so on. However, non-consequent points may coincide, i.e. we can have (x0,y0)= =(x2,y2). * last point of sequence is NOT equal to the first point. You shouldn't make curve "explicitly periodic" by making them equal. -- ALGLIB PROJECT --

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Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2buildperiodic( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline2interpolant& p);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates the value of the parametric spline for a given value of parameter T INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-position Y Y-position -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2calc( pspline2interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& y);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates derivative, i.e. it returns (dX/dT,dY/dT). INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-value DX X-derivative Y Y-value DY Y-derivative -- ALGLIB PROJECT --

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Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2diff( pspline2interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates first and second derivative with respect to T. INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-value DX derivative D2X second derivative Y Y-value DY derivative D2Y second derivative -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2diff2( pspline2interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y);



/************************************************************************* This function returns vector of parameter values correspoding to points. I.e. for P created from (X[0],Y[0])...(X[N-1],Y[N-1]) and U=TValues(P) have (X[0],Y[0]) = PSpline2Calc(P,U[0]), (X[1],Y[1]) = PSpline2Calc(P,U[1]), (X[2],Y[2]) = PSpline2Calc(P,U[2]), ... INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant we

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OUTPUT PARAMETERS: N array size T array[0..N-1] NOTES: * for non-periodic splines U[0]=0, U[0]<U[1]<...<U[N-1], U[N-1]=1 * for periodic splines U[0]=0, U[0]<U[1]<...<U[N-1], U[N-1]<1 -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2parametervalues( pspline2interpolant p, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& t);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates tangent vector for a given value of parameter T INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-component of tangent vector (normalized) Y Y-component of tangent vector (normalized) NOTE: X^2+Y^2 is either 1 (for non-zero tangent vector) or 0. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline2tangent( pspline2interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& y);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates arc length, i.e. length of curve between t=a and t=b. INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant A,B parameter values corresponding to arc ends: * B>A will result in positive length returned * B<A will result in negative length returned

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RESULT: length of arc starting at T=A and ending at T=B. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::pspline3arclength( pspline3interpolant p, double a, double b);



/************************************************************************* This function builds non-periodic 3-dimensional parametric spline which starts at (X[0],Y[0],Z[0]) and ends at (X[N-1],Y[N-1],Z[N-1]). Same as PSpline2Build() function, but for 3D, so we description here. won't duplicate its

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3build( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant& p);



/************************************************************************* This function builds periodic 3-dimensional parametric spline which starts at (X[0],Y[0],Z[0]), goes through all points to (X[N-1],Y[N-1],Z[N-1]) and then back to (X[0],Y[0],Z[0]). Same as PSpline2Build() function, but for 3D, so we description here. won't duplicate its

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3buildperiodic( real_2d_array xy, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t st, ae_int_t pt, pspline3interpolant& p);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates the value of the parametric spline for a given value of parameter T.

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INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-position Y Y-position Z Z-position -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3calc( pspline3interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& y, double& z);



/************************************************************************* This function calculates derivative, i.e. it returns (dX/dT,dY/dT,dZ/dT). INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-value DX X-derivative Y Y-value DY Y-derivative Z Z-value DZ Z-derivative -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3diff( pspline3interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& y, double& dy, double& z, double& dz);

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/************************************************************************* This function calculates first and second derivative with respect to T. INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-value DX derivative D2X second derivative Y Y-value DY derivative D2Y second derivative Z Z-value DZ derivative D2Z second derivative -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3diff2( pspline3interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& dx, double& d2x, double& y, double& dy, double& d2y, double& z, double& dz, double& d2z);



/************************************************************************* This function returns vector of parameter values correspoding to points. Same as PSpline2ParameterValues(), but for 3D. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3parametervalues( pspline3interpolant p, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& t);



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/************************************************************************* This function calculates tangent vector for a given value of parameter T INPUT PARAMETERS: P parametric spline interpolant T point: * T in [0,1] corresponds to interval spanned by points * for non-periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) correspond to parts of the curve before the first (after the last) point * for periodic splines T<0 (or T>1) are projected into [0,1] by making T=T-floor(T). OUTPUT PARAMETERS: X X-component of tangent vector (normalized) Y Y-component of tangent vector (normalized) Z Z-component of tangent vector (normalized) NOTE: X^2+Y^2+Z^2 is either 1 (for non-zero tangent vector) or 0. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 28.05.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::pspline3tangent( pspline3interpolant p, double t, double& x, double& y, double& z);




barycentricbuildfloaterhormann barycentricbuildxyw barycentriccalc barycentricdiff1 barycentricdiff2 barycentriclintransx barycentriclintransy barycentricunpac k




/************************************************************************* Barycentric interpolant. *************************************************************************/ class barycentricinterpolant {

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/************************************************************************* Rational interpolant without poles The subroutine constructs the rational interpolating function without real poles (see 'Barycentric rational interpolation with no poles and high rates of approximation', Michael S. Floater. and Kai Hormann, for more information on this subject). Input parameters: X interpolation nodes, array[0..N-1]. Y function values, array[0..N-1]. N number of nodes, N>0. D order of the interpolation scheme, 0 <= D <= N-1. D<0 will cause an error. D>=N it will be replaced with D=N-1. if you don't know what D to choose, use small value about 3-5. Output parameters: B barycentric interpolant. Note: this algorithm always succeeds and calculates the weights to machine precision. with close

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 17.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricbuildfloaterhormann( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t d, barycentricinterpolant& b);



/************************************************************************* Rational interpolant from X/Y/W arrays F(t) = SUM(i=0,n-1,w[i]*f[i]/(t-x[i])) / SUM(i=0,n-1,w[i]/(t-x[i])) INPUT PARAMETERS: X interpolation nodes, array[0..N-1] F function values, array[0..N-1] W barycentric weights, array[0..N-1] N nodes count, N>0 OUTPUT PARAMETERS: B barycentric interpolant built from (X, Y, W) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricbuildxyw( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y,

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real_1d_array w, ae_int_t n, barycentricinterpolant& b);



/************************************************************************* Rational interpolation using barycentric formula F(t) = SUM(i=0,n-1,w[i]*f[i]/(t-x[i])) / SUM(i=0,n-1,w[i]/(t-x[i])) Input parameters: B barycentric interpolant built with one of model building subroutines. T interpolation point Result: barycentric interpolant F(t) -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::barycentriccalc(barycentricinterpolant b, double t);



/************************************************************************* Differentiation of barycentric interpolant: first derivative. Algorithm used in this subroutine is very robust and should not fail until provided with values too close to MaxRealNumber (usually MaxRealNumber/N or greater will overflow). INPUT PARAMETERS: B barycentric interpolant built with one of model building subroutines. T interpolation point OUTPUT PARAMETERS: F barycentric interpolant at T DF first derivative NOTE -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricdiff1( barycentricinterpolant b, double t, double& f, double& df);



/************************************************************************* Differentiation of barycentric interpolant: first/second derivatives.

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INPUT PARAMETERS: B barycentric interpolant built with one of model building subroutines. T interpolation point OUTPUT PARAMETERS: F barycentric interpolant at T DF first derivative D2F second derivative NOTE: this algorithm may fail due to overflow/underflor if used on data whose values are close to MaxRealNumber or MinRealNumber. Use more robust BarycentricDiff1() subroutine in such cases. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricdiff2( barycentricinterpolant b, double t, double& f, double& df, double& d2f);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine performs linear transformation of the argument. INPUT PARAMETERS: B rational interpolant in barycentric form CA, CB transformation coefficients: x = CA*t + CB OUTPUT PARAMETERS: B transformed interpolant with X replaced by T -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 19.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentriclintransx( barycentricinterpolant b, double ca, double cb);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine performs linear transformation of the barycentric interpolant. INPUT PARAMETERS: B rational interpolant in barycentric form CA, CB transformation coefficients: B2(x) = CA*B(x) + CB OUTPUT PARAMETERS: B transformed interpolant -- ALGLIB PROJECT --

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Copyright 19.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentriclintransy( barycentricinterpolant b, double ca, double cb);



/************************************************************************* Extracts X/Y/W arrays from rational interpolant INPUT PARAMETERS: B barycentric interpolant OUTPUT PARAMETERS: N nodes count, N>0 X interpolation nodes, array[0..N-1] F function values, array[0..N-1] W barycentric weights, array[0..N-1] -- ALGLIB -Copyright 17.08.2009 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::barycentricunpack( barycentricinterpolant b, ae_int_t& n, real_1d_array& x, real_1d_array& y, real_1d_array& w);



cmatrixlurcond1 cmatrixlurcondinf cmatrixrcond1 cmatrixrcondinf cmatrixtrrcond1 cmatrixtrrcondinf hpdmatrixcholeskyrc ond hpdmatrixrcond rmatrixlurcond1 rmatrixlurcondinf rmatrixrcond1 rmatrixrcondinf rmatrixtrrcond1 rmatrixtrrcondinf spdmatrixcholeskyrc ond spdmatrixrcond



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/************************************************************************* Estimate of the condition number of a matrix given by its LU decomposition (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: LUA N LU decomposition of a matrix in compact form. Output of the CMatrixLU subroutine. size of matrix A.

Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixlurcond1(complex_2d_array lua, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of the condition number of a matrix given by its LU decomposition (infinity norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: LUA LU decomposition of a matrix in compact form. Output of the CMatrixLU subroutine. N size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixlurcondinf(complex_2d_array lua, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of a matrix condition number (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF,

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0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixrcond1(complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of a matrix condition number (infinity-norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixrcondinf(complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix: estimate of a condition number (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array[0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of A. IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit True, if the matrix has a unit diagonal. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixtrrcond1( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix: estimate of a matrix condition number (infinity-norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case,

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the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit True, if the matrix has a unit diagonal. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::cmatrixtrrcondinf( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit);



/************************************************************************* Condition number estimate of a Hermitian positive definite matrix given by Cholesky decomposition. The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). It should be noted that 1-norm and inf-norm condition numbers of symmetric matrices are equal, so the algorithm doesn't take into account the differences between these types of norms. Input parameters: CD - Cholesky decomposition of matrix A, output of SMatrixCholesky subroutine. N - size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hpdmatrixcholeskyrcond( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Condition number estimate of a Hermitian positive definite matrix. The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix).

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It should be noted that 1-norm and inf-norm of condition numbers of symmetric matrices are equal, so the algorithm doesn't take into account the differences between these types of norms. Input parameters: A Hermitian positive definite matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangle depending on the value of IsUpper. Array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)), if matrix A is positive definite, -1, if matrix A is not positive definite, and its condition number could not be found by this algorithm. NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::hpdmatrixrcond( complex_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of the condition number of a matrix given by its LU decomposition (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: LUA N LU decomposition of a matrix in compact form. Output of the RMatrixLU subroutine. size of matrix A.

Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixlurcond1(real_2d_array lua, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of the condition number of a matrix given by its LU decomposition (infinity norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: LUA LU decomposition of a matrix in compact form. Output of the RMatrixLU subroutine.

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N size of matrix A.

Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixlurcondinf(real_2d_array lua, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of a matrix condition number (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixrcond1(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Estimate of a matrix condition number (infinity-norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixrcondinf(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix: estimate of a condition number (1-norm) The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case,

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the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array[0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of A. IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit True, if the matrix has a unit diagonal. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixtrrcond1( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit);



/************************************************************************* Triangular matrix: estimate of a matrix condition number (infinity-norm). The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). Input parameters: A matrix. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper True, if the matrix is upper triangular. IsUnit True, if the matrix has a unit diagonal. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::rmatrixtrrcondinf( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper, bool isunit);



/************************************************************************* Condition number estimate of a symmetric positive definite matrix given by Cholesky decomposition. The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). It should be noted that 1-norm and inf-norm condition numbers of symmetric matrices are equal, so the algorithm doesn't take into account the

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differences between these types of norms. Input parameters: CD - Cholesky decomposition of matrix A, output of SMatrixCholesky subroutine. N - size of matrix A. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)) NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spdmatrixcholeskyrcond( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* Condition number estimate of a symmetric positive definite matrix. The algorithm calculates a lower bound of the condition number. In this case, the algorithm does not return a lower bound of the condition number, but an inverse number (to avoid an overflow in case of a singular matrix). It should be noted that 1-norm and inf-norm of condition numbers of symmetric matrices are equal, so the algorithm doesn't take into account the differences between these types of norms. Input parameters: A symmetric positive definite matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangle depending on the value of IsUpper. Array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper storage format. Result: 1/LowerBound(cond(A)), if matrix A is positive definite, -1, if matrix A is not positive definite, and its condition number could not be found by this algorithm. NOTE: if k(A) is very large, then matrix is assumed degenerate, k(A)=INF, 0.0 is returned in such cases. *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spdmatrixrcond(real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);





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/************************************************************************* Subroutine performing the Schur decomposition of a general matrix by using the QR algorithm with multiple shifts. The source matrix A is represented as S'*A*S = T, where S is an orthogonal matrix (Schur vectors), T - upper quasi-triangular matrix (with blocks of sizes 1x1 and 2x2 on the main diagonal). Input parameters: A matrix to be decomposed. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of A, N>=0. Output parameters: A contains matrix T. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. S contains Schur vectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. Note 1: The block structure of matrix T can be easily recognized: since all the elements below the blocks are zeros, the elements a[i+1,i] which are equal to 0 show the block border. Note 2: The algorithm performance depends on the value of the internal parameter NS of the InternalSchurDecomposition subroutine which defines the number of shifts in the QR algorithm (similarly to the block width in block-matrix algorithms in linear algebra). If you require maximum performance on your machine, it is recommended to adjust this parameter manually. Result: True, if the algorithm has converged and parameters A and S contain the result. False, if the algorithm has not converged. Algorithm implemented on the basis of the DHSEQR subroutine (LAPACK 3.0 library). *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::rmatrixschur(real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, real_2d_array& s);



smatrixgevd smatrixgevdreduc e




/************************************************************************* Algorithm for solving the following generalized symmetric positive-definite

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eigenproblem: A*x = lambda*B*x (1) or A*B*x = lambda*x (2) or B*A*x = lambda*x (3). where A is a symmetric matrix, B - symmetric positive-definite matrix. The problem is solved by reducing it to an ordinary symmetric eigenvalue problem. Input parameters: A N IsUpperA B IsUpperB ZNeeded symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. size of matrices A and B. storage format of matrix A. symmetric positive-definite matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. storage format of matrix B. if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned; * 1, the eigenvectors are returned. if ProblemType is equal to: * 1, the following problem is solved: A*x = lambda*B*x; * 2, the following problem is solved: A*B*x = lambda*x; * 3, the following problem is solved: B*A*x = lambda*x. eigenvalues in ascending order. Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1]. if ZNeeded is equal to: * 0, Z hasnt changed; * 1, Z contains eigenvectors. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. The eigenvectors are stored in matrix columns. It should be noted that the eigenvectors in such problems do not form an orthogonal system.

ProblemType -

Output parameters: D Z -

Result: True, if the problem was solved successfully. False, if the error occurred during the Cholesky decomposition of matrix B (the matrix isnt positive-definite) or during the work of the iterative algorithm for solving the symmetric eigenproblem. See also the GeneralizedSymmetricDefiniteEVDReduce subroutine. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 1.28.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixgevd( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t n, bool isuppera, real_2d_array b, bool isupperb, ae_int_t zneeded, ae_int_t problemtype, real_1d_array& d, real_2d_array& z);




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Algorithm for reduction of the following generalized symmetric positivedefinite eigenvalue problem: A*x = lambda*B*x (1) or A*B*x = lambda*x (2) or B*A*x = lambda*x (3) to the symmetric eigenvalues problem C*y = lambda*y (eigenvalues of this and the given problems are the same, and the eigenvectors of the given problem could be obtained by multiplying the obtained eigenvectors by the transformation matrix x = R*y). Here A is a symmetric matrix, B - symmetric positive-definite matrix. Input parameters: A N IsUpperA B symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. size of matrices A and B. storage format of matrix A. symmetric positive-definite matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangular part. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. storage format of matrix B. if ProblemType is equal to: * 1, the following problem is solved: A*x = lambda*B*x; * 2, the following problem is solved: A*B*x = lambda*x; * 3, the following problem is solved: B*A*x = lambda*x. symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower triangle depending on IsUpperA. Contains matrix C. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. upper triangular or low triangular transformation matrix which is used to obtain the eigenvectors of a given problem as the product of eigenvectors of C (from the right) and matrix R (from the left). If the matrix is upper triangular, the elements below the main diagonal are equal to 0 (and vice versa). Thus, we can perform the multiplication without taking into account the internal structure (which is an easier though less effective way). Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. type of matrix R (upper or lower triangular).

IsUpperB ProblemType -

Output parameters: A R -


Result: True, if the problem was reduced successfully. False, if the error occurred during the Cholesky decomposition of matrix B (the matrix is not positive-definite). -- ALGLIB -Copyright 1.28.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::smatrixgevdreduce( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isuppera, real_2d_array b, bool isupperb, ae_int_t problemtype, real_2d_array& r, bool& isupperr);

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spline1dbuildakima spline1dbuildcatmullrom spline1dbuildcubic spline1dbuildhermite spline1dbuildlinear spline1dcalc spline1dconvcubic spline1dconvdiff2c ubic spline1dconvdiffc ubic spline1ddiff spline1dgriddiff2c ubic spline1dgriddiffcubic spline1dintegrate spline1dlintransx spline1dlintransy spline1dunpack

spline1d_d_convdiff spline1d_d_cubic spline1d_d_griddiff spline1d_d_linear Resampling using c ubic splines Cubic spline interpolation Differentiation on the grid using c ubic splines Piec ewise linear spline interpolation



/************************************************************************* 1-dimensional spline inteprolant *************************************************************************/ class spline1dinterpolant { };



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds Akima spline interpolant INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y N spline nodes, array[0..N-1] function values, array[0..N-1] points count (optional): * N>=5 * if given, only first N points are used to build spline * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) spline interpolant


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ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 24.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dbuildakima( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, spline1dinterpolant& c); void alglib::spline1dbuildakima( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds Catmull-Rom spline interpolant. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y spline nodes, array[0..N-1]. function values, array[0..N-1].

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used to build spline * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundType boundary condition type: * -1 for periodic boundary condition * 0 for parabolically terminated spline (default) Tension tension parameter: * tension=0 corresponds to classic Catmull-Rom spline (default) * 0<tension<1 corresponds to more general form - cardinal spline OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 23.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dbuildcatmullrom( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, spline interpolant

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spline1dinterpolant& c); void alglib::spline1dbuildcatmullrom( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundtype, double tension, spline1dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds cubic spline interpolant. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y spline nodes, array[0..N-1]. function values, array[0..N-1].

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used to build spline * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundLType boundary condition type for the left boundary BoundL left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) BoundRType boundary condition type for the right boundary BoundR right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: * both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). * 0, which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). * 1, which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition * 2, which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition * by default, BoundType=0 is used PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -spline interpolant

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Copyright 23.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dbuildcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, spline1dinterpolant& c); void alglib::spline1dbuildcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, spline1dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds Hermite spline interpolant. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y D N spline nodes, array[0..N-1] function values, array[0..N-1] derivatives, array[0..N-1] points count (optional): * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used to build spline * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) spline interpolant.


Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 23.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dbuildhermite( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array d, spline1dinterpolant& c); void alglib::spline1dbuildhermite( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array d, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds linear spline interpolant INPUT PARAMETERS:

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X Y N spline nodes, array[0..N-1] function values, array[0..N-1] points count (optional): * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used to build spline * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y))

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 24.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dbuildlinear( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, spline1dinterpolant& c); void alglib::spline1dbuildlinear( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, spline1dinterpolant& c); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates the value of the spline at the given point X. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant X point Result: S(x) -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 23.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spline1dcalc(spline1dinterpolant c, double x); Examples: [1] [2]



/************************************************************************* This function solves following problem: given table y[] of function values at old nodes x[] and new nodes x2[], it calculates and returns table of function values y2[] (calculated at x2[]). This function yields same result as Spline1DBuildCubic() call followed by sequence of Spline1DDiff() calls, but it can be several times faster when called for ordered X[] and X2[].

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old spline nodes function values new spline nodes

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points from X/Y are used * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundLType boundary condition type for the left boundary BoundL left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) BoundRType boundary condition type for the right boundary BoundR right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) N2 new points count: * N2>=2 * if given, only first N2 points from X2 are used * if not given, automatically detected from X2 size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: F2 ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. Function values are correctly reordered on return, so F2[I] is always equal to S(X2[I]) independently of points order. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: * both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). * 0, which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). * 1, which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition * 2, which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition * by default, BoundType=0 is used PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 03.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dconvcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array x2, real_1d_array& y2); void alglib::spline1dconvcubic( real_1d_array x, function values at X2[]

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real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, real_1d_array x2, ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array& y2); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function solves following problem: given table y[] of function values at old nodes x[] and new nodes x2[], it calculates and returns table of function values y2[], first and second derivatives d2[] and dd2[] (calculated at x2[]). This function yields same result as Spline1DBuildCubic() call followed by sequence of Spline1DDiff() calls, but it can be several times faster when called for ordered X[] and X2[]. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y X2 old spline nodes function values new spline nodes

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points from X/Y are used * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundLType boundary condition type for the left boundary BoundL left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) BoundRType boundary condition type for the right boundary BoundR right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) N2 new points count: * N2>=2 * if given, only first N2 points from X2 are used * if not given, automatically detected from X2 size OUTPUT PARAMETERS: F2 D2 DD2 ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. Function values are correctly reordered on return, so F2[I] is always equal to S(X2[I]) independently of points order. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: function values at X2[] first derivatives at X2[] second derivatives at X2[]

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* both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition default, BoundType=0 is used

* * * *

0, 1, 2, by

PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 03.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dconvdiff2cubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array x2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2, real_1d_array& dd2); void alglib::spline1dconvdiff2cubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, real_1d_array x2, ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2, real_1d_array& dd2); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This function solves following problem: given table y[] of function values at old nodes x[] and new nodes x2[], it calculates and returns table of function values y2[] and derivatives d2[] (calculated at x2[]). This function yields same result as Spline1DBuildCubic() call followed by sequence of Spline1DDiff() calls, but it can be several times faster when called for ordered X[] and X2[]. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y X2 old spline nodes function values new spline nodes


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* N>=2 * if given, only first N points from X/Y are used * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) boundary condition type for the left boundary left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) boundary condition type for the right boundary right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) new points count: * N2>=2 * if given, only first N2 points from X2 are used * if not given, automatically detected from X2 size function values at X2[] first derivatives at X2[]

BoundLType BoundL BoundRType BoundR N2


Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. Function values are correctly reordered on return, so F2[I] is always equal to S(X2[I]) independently of points order. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: * both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). * 0, which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). * 1, which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition * 2, which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition * by default, BoundType=0 is used PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 03.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dconvdiffcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array x2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2); void alglib::spline1dconvdiffcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr,

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real_1d_array x2, ae_int_t n2, real_1d_array& y2, real_1d_array& d2); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This subroutine differentiates the spline. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant. X point Result: S DS D2S S(x) S'(x) S''(x)

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 24.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1ddiff( spline1dinterpolant c, double x, double& s, double& ds, double& d2s);



/************************************************************************* This function solves following problem: given table y[] of function values at nodes x[], it calculates and returns tables of first and second function derivatives d1[] and d2[] (calculated at the same nodes x[]). This function yields same result as Spline1DBuildCubic() call followed by sequence of Spline1DDiff() calls, but it can be several times faster when called for ordered X[] and X2[]. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y spline nodes function values

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundLType boundary condition type for the left boundary BoundL left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) BoundRType boundary condition type for the right boundary BoundR right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) OUTPUT PARAMETERS:

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D1 D2 ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. Derivative values are correctly reordered on return, so D[I] is always equal to S'(X[I]) independently of points order. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: * both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). * 0, which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). * 1, which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition * 2, which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition * by default, BoundType=0 is used PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 03.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dgriddiff2cubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array& d1, real_1d_array& d2); void alglib::spline1dgriddiff2cubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, double boundr, real_1d_array& d1, real_1d_array& d2); Examples: [1] S' values at X[] S'' values at X[]



/************************************************************************* This function solves following problem: given table y[] of function values at nodes x[], it calculates and returns table of function derivatives d[] (calculated at the same nodes x[]). This function yields same result as Spline1DBuildCubic() call followed by sequence of Spline1DDiff() calls, but it can be several times faster when

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called for ordered X[] and X2[]. INPUT PARAMETERS: X Y spline nodes function values

OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: N points count: * N>=2 * if given, only first N points are used * if not given, automatically detected from X/Y sizes (len(X) must be equal to len(Y)) BoundLType boundary condition type for the left boundary BoundL left boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundLType) BoundRType boundary condition type for the right boundary BoundR right boundary condition (first or second derivative, depending on the BoundRType) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: D ORDER OF POINTS Subroutine automatically sorts points, so caller may pass unsorted array. Derivative values are correctly reordered on return, so D[I] is always equal to S'(X[I]) independently of points order. SETTING BOUNDARY VALUES: The BoundLType/BoundRType parameters can have the following values: * -1, which corresonds to the periodic (cyclic) boundary conditions. In this case: * both BoundLType and BoundRType must be equal to -1. * BoundL/BoundR are ignored * Y[last] is ignored (it is assumed to be equal to Y[first]). * 0, which corresponds to the parabolically terminated spline (BoundL and/or BoundR are ignored). * 1, which corresponds to the first derivative boundary condition * 2, which corresponds to the second derivative boundary condition * by default, BoundType=0 is used PROBLEMS WITH PERIODIC BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: Problems with periodic boundary conditions have Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. However, this subroutine doesn't require you to specify equal values for the first and last points - it automatically forces them to be equal by copying Y[first_point] (corresponds to the leftmost, minimal X[]) to Y[last_point]. However it is recommended to pass consistent values of Y[], i.e. to make Y[first_point]=Y[last_point]. -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 03.09.2010 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dgriddiffcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_1d_array& d); void alglib::spline1dgriddiffcubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t boundltype, double boundl, ae_int_t boundrtype, derivative values at X[]

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double boundr, real_1d_array& d); Examples: [1]



/************************************************************************* This subroutine integrates the spline. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant. X right bound of the integration interval [a, x], here 'a' denotes min(x[]) Result: integral(S(t)dt,a,x) -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 23.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spline1dintegrate(spline1dinterpolant c, double x);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline argument. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant. A, Btransformation coefficients: x = A*t + B Result: C transformed spline -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dlintransx(spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant. A, Btransformation coefficients: S2(x) = A*S(x) + B Result: C transformed spline -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dlintransy(spline1dinterpolant c, double a, double b);



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/************************************************************************* This subroutine unpacks the spline into the coefficients table. INPUT PARAMETERS: C spline interpolant. X point Result: Tbl coefficients table, unpacked format, array[0..N-2, 0..5]. For I = 0...N-2: Tbl[I,0] = X[i] Tbl[I,1] = X[i+1] Tbl[I,2] = C0 Tbl[I,3] = C1 Tbl[I,4] = C2 Tbl[I,5] = C3 On [x[i], x[i+1]] spline is equals to: S(x) = C0 + C1*t + C2*t^2 + C3*t^3 t = x-x[i]

-- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 29.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline1dunpack( spline1dinterpolant c, ae_int_t& n, real_2d_array& tbl);

spline1d_d_convdiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // We use cubic spline to do resampling, i.e. having // values of f(x)=x^2 sampled at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1] // we calculate values/derivatives of cubic spline on // another grid (equidistant with 9 nodes on [-1,+1]) // WITHOUT CONSTRUCTION OF SPLINE OBJECT. // // There are efficient functions spline1dconvcubic(), // spline1dconvdiffcubic() and spline1dconvdiff2cubic() // for such calculations. // // We use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated // spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions // will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). // // Actually, we could use natural conditions, but we feel that // spline which exactly reproduces f() will show us more // understandable results. // real_1d_array x_old = "[-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0]"; real_1d_array y_old = "[+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0]";

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real_1d_array real_1d_array real_1d_array real_1d_array x_new = "[-1.00,-0.75,-0.50,-0.25,0.00,+0.25,+0.50,+0.75,+1.00]"; y_new; d1_new; d2_new;

// // First, conversion without differentiation. // // spline1dconvcubic(x_old, y_old, x_new, y_new); printf("%s\n", y_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625,

// // Then, conversion with differentiation (first derivatives only) // // spline1dconvdiffcubic(x_old, y_old, x_new, y_new, d1_new); printf("%s\n", y_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625, printf("%s\n", d1_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0

// // Finally, conversion with first and second derivatives // // spline1dconvdiff2cubic(x_old, y_old, x_new, y_new, d1_new, d2_new); printf("%s\n", y_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [1.0000, 0.5625, 0.2500, 0.0625, 0.0000, 0.0625, printf("%s\n", d1_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 printf("%s\n", d2_new.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] return 0; }

spline1d_d_cubic example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // We use cubic spline to interpolate f(x)=x^2 sampled // at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1]. // // First, we use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated // spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions // will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). // // Then we try to use natural boundary conditions // d2S(-1)/dx^2 = 0.0 // d2S(+1)/dx^2 = 0.0 // and see that such spline interpolated f(x) with small error. // real_1d_array x = "[-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0]"; real_1d_array y = "[+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0]"; double t = 0.25; double v;

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spline1dinterpolant s; ae_int_t natural_bound_type = 2; // // Test exact boundary conditions: build S(x), calculare S(0.25) // (almost same as original function) // spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, s); v = spline1dcalc(s, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.0625 // // Test natural boundary conditions: build S(x), calculare S(0.25) // (small interpolation error) // spline1dbuildcubic(x, y, 5, natural_bound_type, 0.0, natural_bound_type, 0.0, s); v = spline1dcalc(s, t); printf("%.3f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.0580 return 0; }

spline1d_d_griddiff example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // We use cubic spline to do grid differentiation, i.e. having // values of f(x)=x^2 sampled at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1] // we calculate derivatives of cubic spline at nodes WITHOUT // CONSTRUCTION OF SPLINE OBJECT. // // There are efficient functions spline1dgriddiffcubic() and // spline1dgriddiff2cubic() for such calculations. // // We use default boundary conditions ("parabolically terminated // spline") because cubic spline built with such boundary conditions // will exactly reproduce any quadratic f(x). // // Actually, we could use natural conditions, but we feel that // spline which exactly reproduces f() will show us more // understandable results. // real_1d_array x = "[-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0]"; real_1d_array y = "[+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0]"; real_1d_array d1; real_1d_array d2; // // We calculate first derivatives: they must be equal to 2*x // spline1dgriddiffcubic(x, y, d1); printf("%s\n", d1.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, +1.0, +2.0]

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// // Now test griddiff2, which returns first AND second derivatives. // First derivative is 2*x, second is equal to 2.0 // spline1dgriddiff2cubic(x, y, d1, d2); printf("%s\n", d1.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, +1.0, +2.0] printf("%s\n", d2.tostring(3).c_str()); // EXPECTED: [ 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0] return 0; }

spline1d_d_linear example
#include #include #include #include #include "stdafx.h" <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> <math.h> "interpolation.h"

using namespace alglib; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // We use piecewise linear spline to interpolate f(x)=x^2 sampled // at 5 equidistant nodes on [-1,+1]. // real_1d_array x = "[-1.0,-0.5,0.0,+0.5,+1.0]"; real_1d_array y = "[+1.0,0.25,0.0,0.25,+1.0]"; double t = 0.25; double v; spline1dinterpolant s; // build spline spline1dbuildlinear(x, y, s); // calculate S(0.25) - it is quite different from 0.25^2=0.0625 v = spline1dcalc(s, t); printf("%.4f\n", double(v)); // EXPECTED: 0.125 return 0; }




spline2dbuildbicubic spline2dbuildbilinear spline2dcalc spline2ddiff spline2dlintransf spline2dlintransxy

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spline2dresamplebic ubic spline2dresamplebilinear spline2dunpack




/************************************************************************* 2-dimensional spline inteprolant *************************************************************************/ class spline2dinterpolant { };



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds bicubic spline coefficients table. Input parameters: X spline abscissas, array[0..N-1] Y spline ordinates, array[0..M-1] F function values, array[0..M-1,0..N-1] M,N grid size, M>=2, N>=2 Output parameters: C spline interpolant -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 05.07.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dbuildbicubic( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_2d_array f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine builds bilinear spline coefficients table. Input parameters: X spline abscissas, array[0..N-1] Y spline ordinates, array[0..M-1] F function values, array[0..M-1,0..N-1] M,N grid size, M>=2, N>=2 Output parameters: C spline interpolant -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 05.07.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/

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void alglib::spline2dbuildbilinear( real_1d_array x, real_1d_array y, real_2d_array f, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, spline2dinterpolant& c);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates the value of the bilinear or bicubic spline at the given point X. Input parameters: C coefficients table. Built by BuildBilinearSpline or BuildBicubicSpline. X, Ypoint Result: S(x,y) -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 05.07.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ double alglib::spline2dcalc(spline2dinterpolant c, double x, double y);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine calculates the value of the bilinear or bicubic spline at the given point X and its derivatives. Input parameters: C spline interpolant. X, Ypoint Output parameters: F S(x,y) FX dS(x,y)/dX FY dS(x,y)/dY FXY d2S(x,y)/dXdY -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 05.07.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2ddiff( spline2dinterpolant c, double x, double y, double& f, double& fx, double& fy, double& fxy);




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This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline. Input parameters: C spline interpolant. A, Btransformation coefficients: S2(x,y) = A*S(x,y) + B Output parameters: C transformed spline -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dlintransf(spline2dinterpolant c, double a, double b);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine performs linear transformation of the spline argument. Input parameters: C spline interpolant AX, BX transformation coefficients: x = A*t + B AY, BY transformation coefficients: y = A*u + B Result: C transformed spline -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 30.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dlintransxy( spline2dinterpolant c, double ax, double bx, double ay, double by);



/************************************************************************* Bicubic spline resampling Input parameters: A OldHeight OldWidth NewHeight NewWidth function values at the old grid, array[0..OldHeight-1, 0..OldWidth-1] old grid height, OldHeight>1 old grid width, OldWidth>1 new grid height, NewHeight>1 new grid width, NewWidth>1 function values at the new grid, array[0..NewHeight-1, 0..NewWidth-1]

Output parameters: B -

-- ALGLIB routine -15 May, 2007 Copyright by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dresamplebicubic( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t oldheight,

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ae_int_t oldwidth, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth);



/************************************************************************* Bilinear spline resampling Input parameters: A OldHeight OldWidth NewHeight NewWidth function values at the old grid, array[0..OldHeight-1, 0..OldWidth-1] old grid height, OldHeight>1 old grid width, OldWidth>1 new grid height, NewHeight>1 new grid width, NewWidth>1 function values at the new grid, array[0..NewHeight-1, 0..NewWidth-1]

Output parameters: B -

-- ALGLIB routine -09.07.2007 Copyright by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dresamplebilinear( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t oldheight, ae_int_t oldwidth, real_2d_array& b, ae_int_t newheight, ae_int_t newwidth);



/************************************************************************* This subroutine unpacks two-dimensional spline into the coefficients table Input parameters: C spline interpolant. Result: M, NTbl grid size (x-axis and y-axis) coefficients table, unpacked format, [0..(N-1)*(M-1)-1, 0..19]. For I = 0...M-2, J=0..N-2: K = I*(N-1)+J Tbl[K,0] = X[j] Tbl[K,1] = X[j+1] Tbl[K,2] = Y[i] Tbl[K,3] = Y[i+1] Tbl[K,4] = C00 Tbl[K,5] = C01 Tbl[K,6] = C02 Tbl[K,7] = C03 Tbl[K,8] = C10 Tbl[K,9] = C11 ... Tbl[K,19] = C33

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On each grid square spline is equals to: S(x) = SUM(c[i,j]*(x^i)*(y^j), i=0..3, j=0..3) t = x-x[j] u = y-y[i] -- ALGLIB PROJECT -Copyright 29.06.2007 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::spline2dunpack( spline2dinterpolant c, ae_int_t& m, ae_int_t& n, real_2d_array& tbl);







/************************************************************************* Sign test This test checks three hypotheses about the median of the given sample. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is equal to the given value) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is greater than or equal to the given value) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is less than or equal to the given value) Requirements: * the scale of measurement should be ordinal, interval or ratio the test could not be applied to nominal variables). (i.e.

The test is non-parametric and doesn't require distribution X to be normal Input parameters: X sample. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of the sample. Median assumed median value. Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

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While calculating p-values high-precision binomial distribution approximation is used, so significance levels have about 15 exact digits. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 08.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::onesamplesigntest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double median, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);

invstudenttdistribution studenttdistribution





/************************************************************************* Functional inverse of Student's t distribution Given probability p, finds the argument t such that stdtr(k,t) is equal to p. ACCURACY: Tested at random 1 <= k <= 100. The "domain" refers to p: Relative error: arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE .001,.999 25000 5.7e-15 8.0e-16 IEEE 10^-6,.001 25000 2.0e-12 2.9e-14 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::invstudenttdistribution(ae_int_t k, double p);



/************************************************************************* Student's t distribution Computes the integral from minus infinity to t of the Student t distribution with integer k > 0 degrees of freedom: t | | | 2 -(k+1)/2

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| ( (k+1)/2 ) ---------------------sqrt( k pi ) | ( k/2 ) | ( x ) | ( 1 + --- ) | ( k ) | | | -inf.


Relation to incomplete beta integral: 1 - stdtr(k,t) = 0.5 * incbet( k/2, 1/2, z ) where z = k/(k + t**2). For t < -2, this is the method of computation. For higher t, a direct method is derived from integration by parts. Since the function is symmetric about t=0, the area under the right tail of the density is found by calling the function with -t instead of t. ACCURACY: Tested at random 1 <= k <= 25. The "domain" refers to t. Relative error: arithmetic domain # trials peak rms IEEE -100,-2 50000 5.9e-15 1.4e-15 IEEE -2,100 500000 2.7e-15 4.9e-17 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1995, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ double alglib::studenttdistribution(ae_int_t k, double t);

studentttest1 studentttest2 unequalvariancettest





/************************************************************************* One-sample t-test This test checks three hypotheses about the mean of the given sample. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean is equal to the given value) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean is greater than or equal to the given value) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean is less than or equal to the given value). The test is based on the assumption that a given sample has a normal

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distribution and an unknown dispersion. If the distribution differs from normal, the test will work incorrectly. Input parameters: X sample. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of sample. Mean assumed value of the mean. Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. sharply

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 08.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::studentttest1( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double mean, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);



/************************************************************************* Two-sample pooled test This test checks three hypotheses about the mean of the given samples. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the means are equal) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean of the first sample is greater than or equal to the mean of the second sample) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean of the first sample is less than or equal to the mean of the second sample). Test is based on the following assumptions: * given samples have normal distributions * dispersions are equal * samples are independent. Input parameters: X sample 1. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of sample. Y sample 2. Array whose index goes from 0 to M-1. M size of sample. Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test.

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If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. -- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::studentttest2( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);



/************************************************************************* Two-sample unpooled test This test checks three hypotheses about the mean of the given samples. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the means are equal) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean of the first sample is greater than or equal to the mean of the second sample) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the mean of the first sample is less than or equal to the mean of the second sample). Test is based on the following assumptions: * given samples have normal distributions * samples are independent. Dispersion equality is not required Input X N Y M parameters: - sample 1. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. - size of the sample. - sample 2. Array whose index goes from 0 to M-1. - size of the sample. p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail -

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 18.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::unequalvariancettest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);

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/************************************************************************* Singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix. The algorithm calculates the singular value decomposition of a matrix of size MxN: A = U * S * V^T The algorithm finds the singular values and, optionally, matrices U and V^T. The algorithm can find both first min(M,N) columns of matrix U and rows of matrix V^T (singular vectors), and matrices U and V^T wholly (of sizes MxM and NxN respectively). Take into account that the subroutine does not return matrix V but V^T. Input parameters: A matrix to be decomposed. Array whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..N-1]. M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. UNeeded 0, 1 or 2. See the description of the parameter U. VTNeeded 0, 1 or 2. See the description of the parameter VT. AdditionalMemory If the parameter: * equals 0, the algorithm doesnt use additional memory (lower requirements, lower performance). * equals 1, the algorithm uses additional memory of size min(M,N)*min(M,N) of real numbers. It often speeds up the algorithm. * equals 2, the algorithm uses additional memory of size M*min(M,N) of real numbers. It allows to get a maximum performance. The recommended value of the parameter is 2. contains singular values in descending order. if UNeeded=0, U isn't changed, the left singular vectors are not calculated. if Uneeded=1, U contains left singular vectors (first min(M,N) columns of matrix U). Array whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..Min(M,N)-1]. if UNeeded=2, U contains matrix U wholly. Array whose indexes range within [0..M-1, 0..M-1]. if VTNeeded=0, VT isnt changed, the right singular vectors are not calculated. if VTNeeded=1, VT contains right singular vectors (first min(M,N) rows of matrix V^T). Array whose indexes range within [0..min(M,N)-1, 0..N-1]. if VTNeeded=2, VT contains matrix V^T wholly. Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1].

Output parameters: W U -


-- ALGLIB --

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Copyright 2005 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::rmatrixsvd( real_2d_array a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, ae_int_t uneeded, ae_int_t vtneeded, ae_int_t additionalmemory, real_1d_array& w, real_2d_array& u, real_2d_array& vt);



cmatrixlu hpdmatrixcholesky rmatrixlu spdmatrixcholesky




/************************************************************************* LU decomposition of a general complex matrix with row pivoting A * * * is represented as A = P*L*U, where: L is lower unitriangular matrix U is upper triangular matrix P = P0*P1*...*PK, K=min(M,N)-1, Pi - permutation matrix for I and Pivots[I]

This is cache-oblivous implementation of LU decomposition. It is optimized for square matrices. As for rectangular matrices: * best case - M>>N * worst case - N>>M, small M, large N, matrix does not fit in CPU cache INPUT PARAMETERS: A array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. M number of rows in matrix A. N number of columns in matrix A. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A matrices L and U in compact form: * L is stored under main diagonal * U is stored on and above main diagonal Pivots permutation matrix in compact form. array[0..Min(M-1,N-1)]. -- ALGLIB routine -10.01.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::cmatrixlu(

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complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array& pivots);



/************************************************************************* Cache-oblivious Cholesky decomposition The algorithm computes Cholesky decomposition of a Hermitian definite matrix. The result of an algorithm is a representation A=U'*U or A=L*L' (here X' detones conj(X^T)). positiveof A as

INPUT PARAMETERS: A upper or lower triangle of a factorized matrix. array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper if IsUpper=True, then A contains an upper triangle of a symmetric matrix, otherwise A contains a lower one. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A the result of factorization. If IsUpper=True, then the upper triangle contains matrix U, so that A = U'*U, and the elements below the main diagonal are not modified. Similarly, if IsUpper = False. RESULT: If the matrix is positive-definite, the function returns True. Otherwise, the function returns False. Contents of A is not determined in such case. -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::hpdmatrixcholesky( complex_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);



/************************************************************************* LU decomposition of a general real matrix with row pivoting A * * * is represented as A = P*L*U, where: L is lower unitriangular matrix U is upper triangular matrix P = P0*P1*...*PK, K=min(M,N)-1, Pi - permutation matrix for I and Pivots[I]

This is cache-oblivous implementation of LU decomposition. It is optimized for square matrices. As for rectangular matrices: * best case - M>>N * worst case - N>>M, small M, large N, matrix does not fit in CPU cache INPUT PARAMETERS: A array[0..M-1, 0..N-1]. M number of rows in matrix A.

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N number of columns in matrix A.

OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A matrices L and U in compact form: * L is stored under main diagonal * U is stored on and above main diagonal Pivots permutation matrix in compact form. array[0..Min(M-1,N-1)]. -- ALGLIB routine -10.01.2010 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::rmatrixlu( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t m, ae_int_t n, integer_1d_array& pivots);



/************************************************************************* Cache-oblivious Cholesky decomposition The algorithm computes Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric definite matrix. The result of an algorithm is a representation A=U^T*U or A=L*L^T positiveof A as

INPUT PARAMETERS: A upper or lower triangle of a factorized matrix. array with elements [0..N-1, 0..N-1]. N size of matrix A. IsUpper if IsUpper=True, then A contains an upper triangle of a symmetric matrix, otherwise A contains a lower one. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: A the result of factorization. If IsUpper=True, then the upper triangle contains matrix U, so that A = U^T*U, and the elements below the main diagonal are not modified. Similarly, if IsUpper = False. RESULT: If the matrix is positive-definite, the function returns True. Otherwise, the function returns False. Contents of A is not determined in such case. -- ALGLIB routine -15.12.2009 Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ bool alglib::spdmatrixcholesky( real_2d_array& a, ae_int_t n, bool isupper);



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hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals sinecosineintegrals




/************************************************************************* Hyperbolic sine and cosine integrals Approximates the integrals x | | Chi(x) = eul + ln x + | | | 0 x Shi(x) = | | | | | 0 sinh t -----t dt

cosh t - 1 ----------t


where eul = 0.57721566490153286061 is Euler's constant. The integrals are evaluated by power series for x < 8 and by Chebyshev expansions for x between 8 and 88. For large x, both functions approach exp(x)/2x. Arguments greater than 88 in magnitude return MAXNUM. ACCURACY: Test interval 0 to 88. Relative error: arithmetic function # trials peak rms IEEE Shi 30000 6.9e-16 1.6e-16 Absolute error, except relative when |Chi| > 1: IEEE Chi 30000 8.4e-16 1.4e-16 Cephes Math Library Release 2.8: June, 2000 Copyright 1984, 1987, 2000 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ void alglib::hyperbolicsinecosineintegrals( double x, double& shi, double& chi);



/************************************************************************* Sine and cosine integrals

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Evaluates the integrals x Ci(x) = eul + ln x + | | | 0 cos t - 1 --------- dt, t

x Si(x) = | | | 0 sin t ----- dt t

where eul = 0.57721566490153286061 is Euler's constant. The integrals are approximated by rational functions. For x > 8 auxiliary functions f(x) and g(x) are employed such that Ci(x) = f(x) sin(x) - g(x) cos(x) Si(x) = pi/2 - f(x) cos(x) - g(x) sin(x) ACCURACY: Test interval = [0,50]. Absolute error, except relative when > 1: arithmetic function # trials peak IEEE Si 30000 4.4e-16 IEEE Ci 30000 6.9e-16

rms 7.3e-17 5.1e-17

Cephes Math Library Release 2.1: January, 1989 Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989 by Stephen L. Moshier *************************************************************************/ void alglib::sinecosineintegrals(double x, double& si, double& ci);

ftest onesamplevarianc etest





/************************************************************************* Two-sample F-test This test checks three hypotheses about dispersions of the given samples. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the dispersions are equal) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the dispersion of the first sample is greater than or equal to the dispersion of the second sample).

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* right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the dispersion of the first sample is less than or equal to the dispersion of the second sample) The test is based on the following assumptions: * the given samples have normal distributions * the samples are independent. Input parameters: X sample N sample Y sample M sample Output parameters: BothTails LeftTail RightTail 1. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. size. 2. Array whose index goes from 0 to M-1. size. p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 19.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::ftest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, real_1d_array y, ae_int_t m, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);



/************************************************************************* One-sample chi-square test This test checks three hypotheses about the dispersion of the given sample The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the dispersion equals the given number) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the dispersion is greater than or equal to the given number) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - dispersion is less than or equal to the given number). Test is based on the following assumptions: * the given sample has a normal distribution. Input parameters: X N Variance Output parameters: BothTails sample 1. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. size of the sample. dispersion value to compare with. p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

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LeftTail RightTail p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 19.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::onesamplevariancetest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double variance, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);







/************************************************************************* Wilcoxon signed-rank test This test checks three hypotheses about the median of the given sample. The following tests are performed: * two-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is equal to the given value) * left-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is greater than or equal to the given value) * right-tailed test (null hypothesis - the median is less than or equal to the given value) Requirements: * the scale of measurement should be ordinal, interval or ratio (i.e. the test could not be applied to nominal variables). * the distribution should be continuous and symmetric relative to its median. * number of distinct values in the X array should be greater than 4 The test is non-parametric and doesn't require distribution X to be normal Input parameters: X sample. Array whose index goes from 0 to N-1. N size of the sample. Median assumed median value. Output parameters: BothTails p-value for two-tailed test. If BothTails is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected.

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LeftTail RightTail p-value for left-tailed test. If LeftTail is less than the given significance level, the null hypothesis is rejected. p-value for right-tailed test. If RightTail is less than the given significance level the null hypothesis is rejected. us the if

To calculate p-values, special approximation is used. This method lets calculate p-values with two decimal places in interval [0.0001, 1]. "Two decimal places" does not sound very impressive, but in practice relative error of less than 1% is enough to make a decision. There is no approximation outside the [0.0001, 1] interval. Therefore, the significance level outlies this interval, the test returns 0.0001.

-- ALGLIB -Copyright 08.09.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey *************************************************************************/ void alglib::wilcoxonsignedranktest( real_1d_array x, ae_int_t n, double e, double& bothtails, double& lefttail, double& righttail);

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