CM 2 Ed
CM 2 Ed
CM 2 Ed
First of all I want to thank you for taking the time using this little utility.
The program is a data (pre-game) editor for Championship Manager 2, a brilliant
soccer management game. The editor is compatible with most leagues and
versions of cm2, including CM2 97-98 (enhanced).
I will strongly advice you to read this file, as it covers all aspects of
the editor. It is my belief that most problems are covered in this file.
However, if it don't help you, then mail me, and I'll do my best to help
you (please include a brief description of your problem along with any
error messages you got).
PART 5: Closings
5.1 The author
5.2 Credits
PART 1: For starters
1.2 What this editor is & what you can do with it.
This is a data editor for CM2, editing the *.db1 (database)
files and the plhist.bin (player histories) file.
Please note that this editor now includes all attributes, skills, etc
possible to edit in the data files + history file.
PART 2: General information
2.2 Copyrights
This editor is completely written by and copyrighted by
Svein Einar Kvernoey, 1997. All rights reserved. You may not
change any part of this package in any way.
2.4 Requirements
- This editor is programmed in the Windows 95 environment, and requires
Windows 95 (unkown if Win3.1x + Win32s works - if you do not know
what I'm talking about do not ask me about it, I will not offer help
on this subject).
- Memory usage should not be a problem, CM2 demands more than
this editor, but approx. 4-5Mb of free memory is used during
- One or more of the '*.db1' files and/or the 'plhist.bin' file
in the directory you want to edit. You are allowed to choose
which data files to load.
- The 'pldata?.db1' (?: 1-3) files in a directory all need to be
of the of the same version (you will be warned if not). Neither
this editor or CM2 handles a mix of data files from various
2.5 History
- 31.01.1996 : Version 1.00 released (DOS).
- 17.12.1996 : Version 2.41 released (DOS).
This is the last DOS version of this editor ever.
Known to be incompatible with the following:
- Team Editor: Norwegian League
- Manager Editor: Dutch League
- Manager Editor: Spanish League
- Untested: Portugese & Italian 96-97 league and newer.
- 06.06.1997 : Version 3.00 released (WIN95).
Completely rewritten for Windows95 with a complete new user
interface, load all data at startup, player history editor,
bug fixes and other stuff (quite a few).
- 06.09.1997 : Version 3.10 released (WIN95)
Additions, bug fixes, etc, see next section (2.6) for details.
- xx.01.1998 : Version 3.20 released (WIN95)
A few addition, bug fixes, added compatibility with cm2e, ++.
- Incompatible with
- Spanish league, manager editor
PART 3: The editor
Choose a path from the list, if the one included is wrong, then
choose 'Add' and browse until you find your directory, and press
'Add path'. Now choose this directory from the list, and then
press 'Open'.
3.2 Editing
The user interface should be pretty much self-explanatory and
easy to use. I will focus on the main parts here. When viewing
the data, choosing either of the types Players, Teams, Managers
or Histories moves to that particular editor part. You may now
browse all available attributes within that part, and edit them.
3.2.1 Preferences
This is the part where you 'set up' the editor. There are some
things you can do here:
Firstly you can type the correct names for each "continent"
used in cm2. From version 3.10 of the editor, it features an
extended club and national team recognition "system". This means
that when you, at a national team, choose to get the list of
teams, you will get a list of continents (soccer term continents).
However, as there are many leagues of cm2 out there, each in
their own language, these continents are written in several
languages. There you must cm2ed the name of each continent in
the correct language of cm2 you are currently editing.
This means that if you have the Portugese version, English
language, you don't have to change anything, but if you have the
portugese version, portugese language, you must write the correct
names for each continent in portugese.
Second, you can alter the path list in the preferences. You can
add, delete, set as default and clear the entire list.
Adding is done by browsing yourself to the directory where one
of the data files (*.db1) or the 'plhist.bin' file is found.
You do not need all files in each directory, as from v3.10 you
can choose which files to load as well as save.
'Clear list' uhm... does just that; clears the entire list.
If you choose 'Cancel' any changes you have done are discarded,
and the initial setup is used. Pressing 'Defaults' sets the
continent namings to the default, which is english.
When you press 'Apply', the editor will check if you have
typed correct nation(s), club(s), favoured, etc. If not,
you will be given an error message, and the changes will not
be applied to the data.
'Add' adds new records to the bottom of the list. Use 'Reset'
(see below, 3.2.6 Resetting and resorting) to sort the list.
If you have deleted a record, 'Add' undeletes previously
deleted record (see below, 3.2.4 Undeleting a previously
deleted record).
When in the Histories Editor, you can press either 'Insert
before' or 'Insert after' in the list of the player's history
to insert a new season. Seasons are interpreted like this: If
the season says '95', then the season referred to is the 95-96
season, likewise '89' refers to the 89-90 season.
In the season history list, when you see an asterix (*) in front
of a team name, it means the player was on loan to that club
in that season.
3.2.8 Searching
There are two search functions in the editor.
Entering '0' as value in any skills makes CM2 randomize the value
when generating a new game.
I'm not sure if this is all, but it's roughly how it works.
CM2 Enhanced (97-98) has some of these files in one and has some of them
renamed: Players.db1 is the player database, tmdata.db1 the teams,
mgdata.db1 the managers and plhist97.bin the player history database.
PART 4: Troubleshooting (errors)
4.5 The values are not exactly the same when starting CM2
CM2 does randomize the values somewhat (not much), so your
changes may not *exactly* be the way you typed them. It is NOT
a bug in the editor.
If you have problems, then ensure all data is correct, that there
are no mis-spellings etc etc, and keep on trying.
PART 5: Closings
You may also contact me on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) if you want.
Do a /WHOIS BOAH and see if I'm online. My nick is, as you might
have guessed, Boah. :) I am mostly on EfNet, often on IRCNet and
sometimes on Undernet. Not at any other nets (well.. very rarely
5.2 Credits
Special thanks goes to William Chi-Chung Lam and Tapani Olkku for
taking the time to beta test and come with pre-release ideas and
bug reports. Appreciated.
Svein (Boah@IRC)