Determination of The Crack Resistance Parameters
Determination of The Crack Resistance Parameters
Determination of The Crack Resistance Parameters
DOI: 10.2478/jtam-2018-0006
Nowadays, the problem of the evaluation of residual resource of pressure vessels
with defects is not fully solved. This procedure is performed in order to know, how
much time the equipment can be exploited, without repairing or changing the parts.
For qualitative estimation in common situation, it is important to know the geometry
of the part with real or postulate defect locations, the material and its properties,
the history and parameters of loads, postulate loads, which characterize abnormal
situations during exploitation.
The present paper is devoted to postulate crack behaviour under the seismic loads
in heatexchanger, the part of nuclear power plant (NPP). In common situations, ac-
cording to [1], this procedure is not mandatory in project. But in practice, as men-
tioned in [2] and [3], fatigue and corrosion can initiate macro cracks in pipelines and
equipment, most of all in welded joints zones. Exploit organization must know, if
these objects are safe, or if it is necessary to change regimes, repair defects, make
diagnostic more often, etc. Some consideration of this problem can be noticed in
standard for pipelines [4]. Absence of material constants and necessity of experi-
mental research are the disadvantages of this methodology.
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70 Vladyslav Kyrychok, Vasyl Torop
Guideline “VERLIFE” [5] was created by international society for NPP with re-
actor WWER-1000. It includes recommendations for strength estimation of tubes,
equipment and support elements. The recent version of the guideline suggests using
specific conservative constants of some material for defect growth rate evaluation. It
also allows us partially to take into consideration temperature regime, thermal and ra-
diation embrittlement. This feature is especially important for assessment of vessels,
which work over the project period. Taking into account the optional character of
guideline “VERLIFE”, Ukrainian engineers have some problems with the estimation
of fatigue and corrosion crack growth. When such cracks arise, every organization
solves this problem individually and uses its own analytical methods to forecast the
residual system resource. In our opinion, the most qualitative methodology is pro-
posed by American standard [6], which gives conservative crack resistance properties
for most of steels, used at NPP, depending on operation temperature, environment and
other parameters.
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Determination of the Crack Resistance Parameters at Equipment Nozzle Zones ...71
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72 Vladyslav Kyrychok, Vasyl Torop
TheComputational model
object of the investigation was to determine the probability of a leak appear-
anceThein the defected zone of
object of the investigationthe heatexchanger after the
was to determine the earthquake. Fora this
probability of leakaim,
appearance in the defected
it was created the modelzone of the
of the heatexchanger
equipment aftertubes
and joining the earthquake.
between theFor this and
it was
fullycreated the model ofTothesimplify
fixed supporters. equipment and joining tubes
the sophisticated between
pipelines the vessel
modelling, it was
and written
the fullythe fixed
Python code for import the objects from DPIPE into Abaqus/ The
supporters. To simplify the sophisticated pipelines modelling,
was main
written the
algorithmPython codeon
is based fortranslating
import thetheobjects from DPIPE
information into Abaqus/CAE.
from solving DPIPE file (node
The coordinates
main algorithm is based on translating the information from solving
of tubes, boundary conditions, load parameter, material properties, DPIPE file sec-
(nodetion characteristics) to the Python script, readable in Abaqus. To decreasematerial
coordinates of tubes, boundary conditions, load parameter, the solving
properties, section characteristics) to the Python script, readable in Abaqus. To
time, the straight piping cells are modelled as Beam elements (the mesh consists from
decrease the solving time, the straight piping cells are modelled as Beam elements
(the linear
mesh line elements
consists fromoflinear
type PIPE31). To consider
line elements of typethePIPE31).
ovalization stiffness reduction of elbows, they are created as Solid parts (thehexahedral
of elbows, they are created as Solid parts (the mesh consists from linear mesh
consists from oflinear
type hexahedral
C3D8R). The fragment
elements of of theC3D8R).
type geometryThe model is represented
fragment of the on
Fig. 1.model is represented on Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Fig.
Fragment of modelled
1. Fragment heatexchanger
of modelled andand
heatexchanger joining pipelines
joining pipelines.
The body of the vessel is made from tube 325x12 mm, the nozzles from
The body of the vessel is made from tube 325 × 12 mm, the nozzles from pipe
pipe 168x9 mm. The operation pressure is 2.4 MPa. The temperature of the
168 × 9 mm.
environment The operation
is ◦150˚C. pressure
The material is 2.4heatexchanger
of the MPa. The temperature
and joining of the
ment is 150 C. The material of the heatexchanger and joining
08H18N10T. Young’s modulus is 194 GPa. Density is 7900 kg/m . One of the parts
3 is 08H18N10T.
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Determination of the Crack Resistance Parameters at Equipment Nozzle Zones ...73
If the container is made from stainless steel, the most widespread crack
initiation cause is intergranular corrosion at the interior side of the wall near the
If the container is made from stainless steel, the most widespread crack initiation
welded cause At the same
intergranular time, atwe
corrosion postulated
the interior side ofthe defect
the wall nearin
thedomain, where the
welded joint.
maximum seismic
At the stress
same time, arises (see
we postulated the Fig.
defect2). The crack
in domain, wherewas semielliptical
the maximum seismic with 12
mm lengthstressand 9 (see
arises mmFig.depth.
2). TheTocrack
was the optimalwith
semielliptical finite element
12 mm length mesh,
and 9 mm the defect
depth. To create the optimal finite element mesh, the defect
zone is modelled as a detached cell, meshed via quadratic tetrahedral elements zone is modelled as a of
detached cell, meshed via quadratic tetrahedral elements of
type C3D10 and linear wedge element of type C3D6, bonded with the shell of the type C3D10 and linear
wedge element of type C3D6, bonded with the shell of the main vessel part via tee
main vessel part via tee constraint (the mesh of main part consists from linear
constraint (the mesh of main part consists from linear quadrilateral element of type
S4R). Theelement of type
fully created S4R).
object The
consists fully
from created
49138 elements. object consists from
The determination of 49138
elements.the The solution
all needed modelof the model
parameters is on
is based at Linear
domain, based
Fracture on Linear Elastic
Fracture Mechanics.
Fig. 2.
2. Location and shape
and shape of crack.
of the the crack
The proposed approach allows to estimate static and dynamic loads of each ele-
The proposed approach allows to estimate static and dynamic loads of each
ment with minimal operational memory and Central Processing Unit requirements.
elementThewith minimal operational memory and Central Processing Unit
solution time of such and similar models is about several minutes.
requirements. The solution time of such and similar models is about several
In Fig. 3, the normal stresses across the crack front in cut section of defects domain
4. are represented.
Results The maximum normal stresses and SIF KI were determined as the
and analysis
algebraic sum of static
In Fig. 3, the normal (the stresses
own weight + pressure
across + temperature)
the crack front inand
defects obtained
cut from
section of
response spectrum analysis dynamic component.
domain are represented. The maximum normal stresses and SIF KI were determined
as the algebraic sum of static (the own weight + pressure + temperature) and
obtained from response spectrum analysis dynamic component.
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74 Vladyslav Kyrychok, Vasyl Torop
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Determination of the Crack Resistance Parameters at Equipment Nozzle Zones ...75
The review of standard methods for estimation of fatigue crack growth parameter is
represented. The approaches to seismic assessment of important equipment with de-
fects, using conservative material constants, are analysed. The principles of pressure
vessels with joining pipelines modelling are proposed. Basing on the example of
NPP heatexchanger, the opportunity of macro defect condition assessment in domain
of stress localization at the equipment after the earthquake is shown. The present ap-
proach can be suitable for damage estimation of equipment with large wall thickness,
containers manufactured from material with low fracture toughness, and vessels at
objects situated in seismic active regions.
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