Abena Final
Abena Final
Abena Final
standard in the service delivery of customers’ service. The specific objectives of this
study are; to assess customers’ expectation and perception level towards service
customers and expectation and perception towards service quality of the front office
customers service. The study employed a descriptive survey design. For the purpose
of this study, managers and staffs of front officers from selected hotel in Accra
metropolis were the study population. The entire permanent employee (both
management and staff) of selected hotel in Accra metropolis, were set as the target
population. Thirty (30) representative staff from top management and front desks
officers of the hotels of the Accra Metropolis of the Greater Accra region were
interviewed. Purposive sample technique was used to select the Managers and front
desks officers of the various selected hotels. The findings showed that most
recommended that, further study should be undertaken to apply the results of this
study. First, research could be broadened to include other hotels in tourists’ locations
problem statement, the initiative to conduct this study, research questions, and its
The debate on the relationship between service quality and satisfaction has been
spurred by academicians including; Spreng and Singh (1993) who established that the
higher the level of service quality the higher the level of customer satisfaction,
Stafford et al., (1998) deduced that service quality and customer satisfaction are
distinct but related, while Shekarchizadeh et al. (2011) posit that customer
one particular transaction at a particular time and has been described by Spreng et al.,
the other hand is more congruent with a long term attitude. Overall, satisfaction is
effective methods for being more responsive to peoples’ needs and retaining more
loyal participants since attracting new participants will cost more which involves
more advertising and promoting. Like other fields, tourism involves both goods and
Development Outlook, the trend of world markets has changed noticeably from
agricultural to service markets. All of the service businesses are trying their best to
improve their service quality in order to make customers satisfied with their services,
especially the hotel industry. Hotel operators now focus more on the quality standards
in order to meet the basic needs and expectations of the customers. Once customers
and requirements are clearly identified and understood, hotel operators are more
likely to anticipate and fulfill their customers & needs and wants. The more satisfied
the customers are, the more likely they are to return or prolong their hotel stay. At
present, hotel visitors in Ghana seem to have high standards and demands for
excellent service. The hotels have increased their standards and now instead of having
only a nice room to draw customers in, they offer - high quality staff as an amenity as
well. Guest satisfaction is the highest priority for owners and managers competing
with hundreds of others, and personal service is at the top of the travelers and list of
the most important things when considering a hotel to stay in .In the hotel industry,
hotel staff is ranging from top management staff to front line staff (i.e. house keepers,
receptionists, front cashiers). Front office staffs are considered as a supporting factor
front office staff are the nerve center of all hotels, and the front office is essential to
Hotel Visitors in Ghana seems to have high standards and demands for excellent
world. Hotel operators are paying more attention than ever to the needs and
One of the main problems of Ghana hotel industry is challenges that hotels face in
developing standard service quality and sustaining the service level. Consistency is
one of the important matters in delivery service and can directly influence the level of
perceived service and thus customer satisfaction. In the context of five star hotels;
front office is the first point of contact that is supposed to set a tune for entire hotel
and its operation. Developing adequate image of hotel through a standard service
level is one of the main challenges of hotel operation. Meanwhile, understanding the
customers’ needs and wants and tailoring a service delivery system that recognizes
these individual needs and wants is also challenging. Hotel service quality enjoys
various dimensions each of which holds tangible and intangible indicators shaping the
The general objective of this research is to analyse determination of front office
standard in the service delivery of customers’ service. The specific objectives of this
ii. To analyze the discrepancy gap between customers and expectation and
customers service.
To enable arrival at sound findings to achieve the objectives set out above, the
ii. What is the discrepancy gap between customers & expectation and
customers’ service?
This study will be as a practical guideline for the hotel management, especially the
front office department. The outcome of this study will develop the service quality of
the front office staff in order to meet their customers ‘needs and wants. If the gap
score is low, it results into customer satisfaction and in contrast, if the gap score is
high, then the hotel owner requires arranging training program for their staff to
The Ghana hospitality sector is well-known for poor service quality and service
clientele. The only matter that keeps the sector surviving is the absence of
Sooner or later this situation will change and the competition will arise forcing
Ghanaian hotel organizations to adjust their operations to cope with the situation.
quality management and thus raise performance and customer satisfaction. In this
manner, standard operation procedure for each hotel individual activity provides a
blue print and a road map for each individual who is involved in carrying out this
activity and thus guarantee standard service level. In addition to providing a standard
action platform that guides and directs each hotel employees, standard operation
procedure provides a measurement tool that allows Accra five stars hotels to measure
their performance and explore their weaknesses and service inconsistency and thus
contribute to standardize service level and guest satisfaction in the industry. Therefore
Scope of the Study
Geographical scope: The area of the study will be conducted at among selected
Content scope: The study will be interested in trying to study determination of front
office standard in the service delivery of customers’ service in the Greater Accra
The work is organized into five different chapters. The first chapter will provide the
primary introduction of this study. It will propose the extensive construction inherent
in this study, it thus will provide adequate background of information to allow the
reader understand the reason behind the study and what we intend to accomplish by
undertaking the study. The chapter will give an overview of the whole study. Chapter
two of the work will review earlier research related to the research topic with specific
reference to the research objectives. It will present extracts from books, journals and
collected works that are helpful in carrying out this work and justifying key
conclusions and recommendations. Chapter three will provide details of how data was
collected, organized and analyzed. It will suggest the varied techniques and tools used
to collect and analyze data to gain valid results. Chapter four will provide research
results and discussion obtained through the methodology outlined in chapter three.
The final chapter, chapter five will provide a summary of findings, conclusions from
This chapter is about literature review, where it presents ideas that have been
information from different sources such as journals, articles, newspapers, internet and
The front staff play an important role in the hotel. They are the first group who greet
and welcome the guests on arrival. They have to contact with the guests more than
staff in other departments and provide the service in meeting the needs and
According to Long (2007), front staff are the center of hotel operations, and their
He/she observes the policy of the management department and is responsible for the
training of newly-employed staff. Also, he/she plays a role in the staff development in
booking through telephone, facsimile as well as the personal information of the hotel
3. Front desk representative welcome the guests upon their arrival. They are also
responsible for the rooms that are not reserved in advance, the registrations, the room
number, the room key, and the guests, luggage by coordinating with the bellboy or
other staff. Besides, they provide information, mail the letters, take message, take
notes, and report the check-in and check-out statistics of the guests.
They also receive money from the guests and take care of the money from all sections
of the hotel.
6. Night auditor examines the record of guests, payment and offers services to
7. Guest relation officers always stand by at the desk near the lobby to offer help
and advice and solve the guests, problems. They need to have good knowledge of the
hotel and the major tourist sites in the city where the hotel is located. They also need
8. Bellboys are mainly responsible for the guests, luggage. They take the hotel
guests to their room after they are informed about the room number and are given the
room key. Sometimes, they need to answer or inform the guests about other hotel
In addition, front staff also are a base of operations during an emergency situation
professional front office staff can make each guest stay a pleasant experience and
As mentioned above, the front office is the most visible department in the hotel.
Front staff must be able to get along with many different types of people, even in
Firstly, the front office staff should have a good personality, well dressed and neat.
Individuals who well dress suggest power and status; therefore, the first impression is
only part of creating a positive relationship between the hotel and the customers.
According to Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons (1998 & 1994) presented that the front
Secondly, the staff should be competent. They should know basic product knowledge,
type of rooms and hotel facilities in the hotel. As Binham; Lampola; & Murray (1982:
17) suggested that front office staff should know many types of rooms and explain
each type of rooms which are single rooms, double rooms, twin rooms, suites,
Thirdly, the guests may have different accents in English and some words are difficult
for front office staff to understand due to the different countries, particularly, for the
reservations or the operators who deal with customers by phone. White and Beckley
(1988) mentioned that front office staff should use alphabetic system which is similar
to the system that used by travel agents and airlines. Tanpipat (1994) suggested an
alphabet to be used, for example, M for Mike, N for Nancy, P for Peter. Moreover,
White and Beckley (1988: 51) pointed out that when telephone operators answer the
telephone, they should identify themselves, announce the name of the hotel, with the
addition of
.Good morning1 or .Good evening1 with the appropriate intonation. The additional
words, .May I help you?1 will give the impression of willingness to serve, which is
Moreover, front office staff should be able to handle some problems, deal with
complaints or certain difficulties in the hotel, when the guests confront the problems
in the hotel. As Harrington, and Akehurst, (1996) stated that good communication
skills are required in dealing with customers, and strive to resolve the problems when
they arise.
In conclusion, front office staff should make their guests happy and satisfied. As keys
to the guest satisfaction driver, the front office staff are critical to the continued
success of the hotel. They offer constant guest interaction, with the most diverse
operating exposure in the hotel. The important thing, the front office staff will also
reflect the image of the hotel to the customers and they have a keen sense to
Service Quality
Service quality is the result of the comparison that customers make between
their expectations about a service and their perception of the way the service has been
define service quality differently. Parasuraman et al. (1985) define it as the
the expectation is greater than the service performance, perceived quality is less than
satisfactory and hence, customer dissatisfaction occurs. Lewis and Mitchell (1990),
Dotchin and Oakland (1994), and Asubonteng et al. (1996) define service quality as
The SERVQUAL approach has been applied in service and retailing organizations
quality. Parasuraman et al. (1988) define service quality as the gap between
because it has a generic service application and is a practical approach to the area.
This instrument has been made to measure service quality in a variety of services
such as hospitals
(Babakus & Glynn 1992), hotels (Saleh & Rylan 1991), travel and tourism (Fick &
Ritchie 1991), a telephone company, two insurance companies and two banks
(Parasuraman et al. 1991). In this study, the researcher uses SERVQUAL approach as
an instrument to explore customers expectations and perceptions levels of service
SERVQUAL dimensions
Previously, Parasuraman et al. (1985) identify ten determinants for measuring service
Later these ten dimensions were further purified and developed into five dimensions
(1) Tangibility
appearance of personnel, tools, and equipment used to provide the service. For
example, some hotel chains (e.g. Hilton, Mandarin, Sheraton, and Hyatt) consciously
ensure that their properties are conformed to global standards of facilities wherever
they are located (Nankervis, 1995). However, the researcher, in this study, is focusing
(2) Reliability
The ability involves to perform the promised service dependably and accurately. It
includes .Doing it right the first time1, which is one of the most important service
reliability factor.
Example 1: The staff perform tasks that have been promised to guests and resolve
Example 2: The customers are sensitive to issue such as the telephone being picked
(3) Responsiveness
The front office staff are willing to help customers and provide prompt service to
mistakes. It has been said that .Today luxury is time1. Consequently, service
service quality for many guests. The examples of responsiveness are as follows:
Example 1: The staff is asking for customers, name, address, post code and telephone
Example 2: The customers are asked to guarantee their booking, the different rates
Example 3: The customers are offered alternative accommodation at a sister hotel and
how efficiently that is arranged and reservation cards being ready to sign upon arrival.
(4) Assurance
Assurance refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to
convey trust and confidence including competence, courtesy, credibility and security.
the services. It involves knowledge and skill of the contact personnel, knowledge and
contact personnel.
personal characteristics of the contact personnel. The degree of hard sell involved in
D. Security refers to the freedom from danger, risk or doubt. It involves physical
Example 1: The guests expect to feel safe during their stay at hotel from the
staff. Example 2: The staff can handle effectively complaints and problems from the
(5) Empathy
A. Access involves approach, ability and ease of contact. It means the service is
easily accessible by telephone, waiting time to receive service is not extensive, hours
It means listening to customers, adjusting its language for different consumers and
speaking simply and plainly with a novice. It also involves explaining the service
itself, explaining how much the service will cost, and assuring the customer that a
Example 1: The staff acknowledge the presence of customers at the reception and
Example 2: The staff are keeping eye contact, using customers, names and asking
It is clear from the above results that customers like to be given enough
individualized attention and treated with care. It thus allows the customers to easily
approach and spell out their needs regarding the service being provided. The
importance of empathy may be the root of the statement, .If one looks at who is
winning, it tends to be companies that see the guest as an individual1. Due to guests,
desires that staff see things from their point of view, the hotel staff are piloting an
empathy training program intended to help employees relate to their guests in a more
empathic manner.
better understand what customers value and how well their current organizations are
believe customers feel. The SERVQUAL instrument can also be applied to the front
office staff of a hotel, and in this case, other major gaps could be closed in the service
Customers. Satisfaction
For this part, to understand satisfaction, the researcher needs to have a clear
the customer comparing their pre-purchase expectations of what they would receive
from the product to their subjective perceptions of the performance they actually did
receive (Oliver, 1980). As Kotler (2000, p.36) defined that satisfaction is a person’s
However, the customers have different levels of satisfaction as they have different
Customers. Expectation
In this part, the definition of customers’ expectation and Disconfirmation theory are
Davidow and Uttal (1989) proposed that customers, expectation is formed by many
uncontrollable factors which include previous experience with other companies, and
customer background and values and the images of the purchased product.
In addition, Zeithaml et al. (1990) stated that customer service expectation is built on
complex considerations, including their own pre-purchase beliefs and other people’s
opinions. Similarly, Miller also stated that customers, expectation related to different
can be seen as a pre-consumption attitude before the next purchase, it may involve
Customers, expectation, is what the customers wish to receive from the services. The
Disconfirmation Theory
recent information system studies (McKinney et al., 2002), the disconfirmation theory
emerges as the primary foundation for satisfaction models. According to this theory,
satisfaction is determined by the discrepancy between perceived performance and
cognitive standards such as expectation and desires (Khalifa and Liu, 2003).
(McKinney, Yoon and Zahedi, 2002). Expectations are viewed as predictions made
perception of how product performance fulfills their needs, wants and desire (Cadotte
et al., 1987). Perceived quality is the consumer’s judgment about an entity’s overall
Disconfirmation theory was declared that satisfaction is mainly defined by the gap
approach to explain satisfaction. This theory was proposed that satisfaction is affected
by the intensity (or size) and direction (positive or negative) of the gap
Negative disconfirmation: occurs when perceived performance does not meet and is
less than what they expected (negative disconfirmation). Khalifa & Liu (2003)
satisfaction; this theory does not cause the fact that if high expectations are
Empirical Studies
Many previous researchers have studied customer satisfaction towards service quality
Kitisuda (2006) studied a survey of customer satisfaction with spa services at Sivalai
Spa. Both first-time and repeated customers were satisfied with the spa services on a
high level. They were satisfied with the following service dimensions:
at Sivalai Spa. Most customers agreed that the location of the spa was the most
important factor for the spa. They suggested that the food and beverage facilities
should be improved. Moreover, the study showed that there were four demographic
factors that influenced the service quality at Sivalai Spa which were gender, age,
Industry. She showed that a SERVQUAL instrument is a useful and reliable method
terms of expectations and perceptions. This method will lead to a better allocation of
communications mix and pricing components, to ensure a proper level of service
quality in hotels.
Phenphun (2003) studied International tourist, satisfaction with the quality of service
international tourists towards quality of service was at a high level. However, the
most common problems were lack of employee’s knowledge and English skill,
Therefore, Government Policy suggests that the TAT and related organizations
should create and develop a curriculum and training. Accordingly, they also have to
In the 2001 study tour of Taiwan, Yu (2001) indicated that it might be possible to
create service quality evaluations that are more accurate instruments for measuring
suggested. For the best indicators of service quality in the tourism sector, the tourist’s
experience might be the key indicator for evaluating tourism quality because the
tourism industry is essential people serving people. Therefore, Otto and Ritchie
(1996) stated that future studies of tourism quality should evaluate the tourist’s
All of these previous studies used the .SERVQUAL1 approach to measure service
quality in hotel and other service industries. This study will explore customers,
expectation and perception levels towards service quality which is focusing on the
This section of the research discusses the research methodology employed to collect
relevant data for the study. The research design, target population, sample size and
sampling procedure, research instruments, data collection procedure and data analysis
are presented.
Research Design
The study employed a descriptive survey design. Descriptive research design is a
scientific method which involves observing and describing the behaviour of a subject
without influencing it in any way (Neuman, 2000). In the view of Key (1997)
descriptive design is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the
situation. The design is used to observe natural behaviours without affecting them in
any way. In a descriptive sample survey, the objective is to obtain estimates of basic
particular subpopulations of interest. The methods involved range from the survey
which describes the status quo, the correlation study which investigates the
order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest
in a situation. This is done through the use of strategies and procedures s to describe,
A major demerit of the descriptive survey is the difficulty of ensuring that the
questions to be answered in descriptive survey are clear and not misleading. This is so
because survey reports can vary significantly because of the exact wording of
questions (Setert & Hofnung (1997). Neuman (2003) also claims that the method may
produce unreliable results because questions asked may eat into private matters that
Even then, the descriptive survey was found to be most appropriate for this study.
This is mainly due to the fact that the design is considered to be relatively easy to
conduct because data are fairly easy to obtain and interpret by the use of simple
descriptive statistics (Blaike 2000; Sarantakos, 2006). The present study adopted the
descriptive design because it was relatively easy to apply and also had the advantage
institutions that defines the objects of the investigation (Patton, 2002). For the
purpose of this study, managers and staffs of front officers from selected hotel in
Accra metropolis are the study population. The entire permanent employee (both
management and staff) of selected hotel in Accra metropolis, were set as the target
population. Contract staff were excluded, due to their short and unstable period of
engagement. A sample was drawn from the above population as the constraints of
time and resources did not permit the inclusion of the entire population in the study.
Thirty (30) representative staff from top management and front desks officers of the
hotels of the Accra Metropolis of the Greater Accra region were interviewed.
Purposive sample technique was used to select the Managers and front desks officers
of the various selected hotels. One questionnaire was served to each of the selected
hotels. According to Saunders et al. (2007) purposive sampling permits one to use his
or her judgment to select cases that will best enable him answer his research
questions. For the purposes of this study, purposive sampling technique was used to
Research Instruments
The questionnaire was used to collect data for the study. Prior to designing the
concepts and variables used in similar past studies. These were then be modified to
The instruments comprised a mix of open-ended, close ended and Likert scale
questions. For questions that require a yes’ or no’ response, the instrument provided
an opportunity for respondents to explain the response they chose. The questionnaire
The data collection procedure was actually based on a primary source of information,
where all data gathered was attributed to be raw data (non-documented) within the
school through the use of survey. Questionnaires were given to the students in the
the distribution of the questionnaires, the researchers were present so as to avoid any
form of bias distribution, and also to help in explaining or clearing any form of
As descriptive study, the researchers made use of both primary and secondary sources
of data including published and unpublished materials. This was done to combine the
advantages of utilizing both sources of data in order to minimize the disadvantages of
using only one source. In the light of this, the study gathered data from primary and
Primary data was collected with the aid of questionnaires. Various interrogation
techniques were used to elicit primary data from respondents. Questions include close
the latitude of freedom to express their views in an unconstrained manner. The close
institutions, usually for different purposes (Blumberg, 2008). Secondary data enable
the researchers to place the study in the context of existing knowledge as well as
broadens the researchers’ understanding to the research topic. Secondary data sources
were sourced from newspapers and manuals on the subject matter which gave us
customers service. The internet as well as other relevant publications was also
Data analysis
Data collected from the field were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20.0) was employed to process and
were used to present the results and draw relations and trends between the variables
This chapter presents the results of this study consisting of the personal data of the
Personal data of Respondents
This section presents the personal data of 60 customers who stayed at the hotel
between June 10 and 15, 2018. The profile covers the gender, age, nationality,
occupation, purpose of trip and duration of stay the hotel (see Table 1). The findings
showed that there were more females customers (57%) than male (43%). The largest
age group was between 25 and 35 years of age (26%). The majority (44%) of the
respondents were Asians and 54% were employees. The main purpose of their visits
(3%). 36% of the respondents had stayed at the hotel on two occasions while only 3%
Honeymoon 5 8%
Seminar / Conference 2 3%
Business 12 20%
Other 0 0%
Number of previous visits: 27%
1 time 16
2 times 22 36%
3 times 10 17%
4 times 2 3%
More than 4 times 10 17%
office staff
This section presents the customers expectation and perception towards service
quality of front office staff at the Mövenpick Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel,
responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The 60 respondents were asked to rate each
office staff at the Mövenpick Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel, and Airport
View Hotel. The findings of the service quality of each dimension were as follows:
The tangibility dimension includes physical aspects such as the physical appearance
of hotel services including the neatness of front office staff and professionalism of
* *
3. The staff provide you service 3.92 0.82 High 4.45 0.56 Highest
with a smile.
4. The staff have attractive 3.97 0.78 High 4.40 0.64 Highest
appearance e.g. elegant, smart. *
level (3.92). Cleanliness of uniform and appearance of staff both received high
ranking at 3.97. When front office staff are well dressed and wear smart uniforms,
their appearance impresses customers who feel more confident with hotel services. In
addition, the front office staff of Mövenpick Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel
and Airport View Hotel are well trained in terms of the hotel slogan @The best
Customer perception of tangibility dimension was also ranked at the highest level
(4.45). The findings are supported by Wong et al. (1999), who studied SERVQUAL
dimensions in the hospitality industry in Malaysia. They found that service quality
was related to the tangible behaviour and appearance of employees. The best
The reliability dimension refers to the ability of the front office hotel staff to provide
5. The staff provide service as 3.95 0.685 High 4.38 0.533 Highest
promised. *
6. The staff provide you 3.88 0.688 High 4.33 0.566 Highest
accurate information.
7. The staff perform service for 3.88 0.829 High 4.25 0.565 Highest
you correctly the first time.
8. The staff tell you exactly 4.02 0.780 High 4.25 0.643 Highest
when service will be *
Overall mean score 3.93 0.554 High 4.30 0.451 Highest
the hotel who wrote “The room is ready on time upon check in and I get the late
level (4.30), with “The staff provide service as promised” receiving the highest score
(4.38). This may be because the front office staff provide service correctly the first
time and keep their promises to customers. Consequently, customers feel satisfied
with the reliability of service. This result is consistent with Juwaheer and Ross
(2003), who studied service quality in Mauritian hotels. They found that reliability
was the most important factor for ensuring customer satisfaction on service. For
example, the hotel staff performed tasks as promised and resolved problems
prompt services (Zeithaml et al., 1988). It is essential that front office hotel staff are
willing and able to help customers provide prompt service and meet customers
9. The staff respond to your 4.12* 0.761 High 4.38* 0.533 Highest
requests quickly.
10. The staff give you prompt 3.83 0.827 High 4.23 0.566 Highest
11. The staff are willing to help 4.02 0.770 High 4.38* 0.565 Highest
Table 4 shows that overall expectation towards <responsiveness dimension was at the
high level (3.98). “The staff respond to your request quickly” received the highest
ranking of expectation at 4.12. It is highly possible that customers are satisfied when
they receive a quick response from the hotel staff. This is supported by a first time
customer at the hotel who commented that, “The front office staff are willing to help
me when I am looking for the hotel direction. It makes me feel that she is full of
This shows that this customer received good help when needed. The ability to
dimension was at a high level (3.98). The two highest ranking points concerned quick
response and willingness to help. These findings are consistent with Parasuraman et
(1998), who measured consumer perceptions of service quality. They found that
with service.
The assurance dimension refers to the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their
ability to inspire trust and confidence including competence, courtesy, credibility and
12. The staff have product 4.10 0.706 High *4.62 0.640 Highest
Knowledge of the hotel.
13. The staff have the skills 3.95 0.746 High 4.37 0.610 Highest
required to perform service.
14. The staff speak with you 3.95 0.832 High 4.35 0.606 Highest
by using appropriate
15. The staff are trustworthy. *4.17 0.806 High 4.30 0.671 Highest
16. The staff make you feel 4.10 0.752 High 4.22 0.640 Highest
safe when staying at the
Overall mean score 4.05 0.561 High 4.37 0.440 Highest
Table 5 shows that overall expectation towards assurance dimension was at a high
level (4.05), with trustworthiness ranking most important (4.17). Most customers
expect front office staff to make them feel safe when staying at the hotels. In addition,
cashiers should be credible and responsible when handling expenses or money from
Perception of assurance dimension ranked at the highest level (4.37), with product
knowledge being the most important factor (4.62). Front office staff must have broad
and deep knowledge, skills, capacity and experience. They must also be well versed
Table 6 Customer satisfaction concerning empathy
19. The staff show personal 4.05 0.790 High 4.37* 0.663 Highest
attention to you.
20. The staff know your 3.88 0.825 High 4.28 0.783 Highest
specific needs.
high level (4.02). Effective communication was considered the most important (4.17)
expectation. The front office staff represent the hotel and communication is vitally
1977). The front office deals with reservations, serves as the information centre and
as the cashier. They must notify the housekeeping and kitchen divisions of guest
information, and also receive feedback. For example, more rooms can be sold by the
front office division as long as housekeeping notifies them of any damage in rooms
among divisions in the hotel is one of the main factors that contribute to customer
Table 6 also shows that overall perception of the assurance dimension was at the
highest level (4.28). Perception of the personal attention of the staff was ranked
highest at 4.37. The results indicated that the front office staff were enthusiastic to
help hotel guests. One first time customer commented, “The bell boy brought my
baggage immediately to the shuttle bus upon my check out”. According to Crompton
et al. (1991), staff should make customers feel like they belong. This statement is
high level (4.02). Effective communication was considered the most important (4.17)
expectation. The front office staff represent the hotel and communication is vitally
important. The success of hotel work is based on effective communication (Paige,
1977). The front office deals with reservations, serves as the information centre and
as the cashier. They must notify the housekeeping and kitchen divisions of guest
information, and also receive feedback. For example, more rooms can be sold by the
front office division as long as housekeeping notifies them of any damage in rooms
among divisions in the hotel is one of the main factors that contribute to customer
Table 6 also shows that overall perception of the assurance dimension was at the
highest level (4.28). Perception of the personal attention of the staff was ranked
highest at 4.37. The results indicated that the front office staff were enthusiastic to
help hotel guests. One first time customer commented, “The bell boy brought my
baggage immediately to the shuttle bus upon my check out”. According to Crompton
et al. (1991), staff should make customers feel like they belong. This statement is
Tangibility 3.92 0.52 High 4.45* 0.415 Highest
Reliability 3.93 0.55 High 4.30 0.451 Highest
Responsiveness 3.98 0.60 High 4.33 0.545 Highest
Assurance 4.05 0.56 High 4.37 0.440 Highest
Empathy 4.02 0.56 High 4.28 0.530 Highest
Overall mean score 3.98 0.38 High 4.35 0.355 Highest
Table 7 shows that overall satisfaction of expectation towards the five dimensions
was at a high level (3.98). The result of customers expectation showed that assurance
dimension was at the high level (4.05), followed by empathy (4.02), responsiveness
(3.98), reliability (3.93), and tangibility (3.92). Most customers expected the front
office staff (especially the cashier) to be trustworthy because they are responsible for
Overall satisfaction of perception towards the five dimensions was at the highest level
empathy (4.28). In this study, tangibility dimension was the most vital factor. Most
customers identified the importance of the appearance and cleanliness of the front
office staff.
The SERVQUAL gap is calculated between the mean score of expectation and
perception. The findings of the study showed the difference between expectation and
Table 8 demonstrates the gap between customers expectation and perception. The
study shows that the overall level of perception of all dimensions was higher than
level of expectation. This positive gap indicates that customers are satisfied with the
services. Tangibility was the most important dimension with the highest positive gap
(0.53). The study revealed that physical evidence such as uniforms, appearance and
because services are intangible. Hence, customers place great importance on the
In summary, the results showed a positive gap between perception and expectation.
Tangibility was determined to be the most important dimension. The front office staff
Potential for repeat customers to the hotels
Table 9 shows most customers (80%) would return to the hotels. This finding may
result from their appreciation of service of front office staff who paid individual
attention to them. Part IV of the questionnaire showed that the front office manager
offer compensation by providing a free dinner voucher or a free additional night at the
hotel. This affirmed that the front office manager was professional in solving
problems immediately. The result of this study conforms with Juwaheer and Ross
(2003), who found that when customers’ requirements are clearly identified and
understood, hotel managers are more likely to be able to anticipate and fulfil their
customers’ needs and wants, rather than merely reacting to their dissatisfaction.
Customers suggestions Number of respondents Percentage
Compliments 57 95%
Complaints 3 5%
Total 60 100%
Table 10 shows that the majority of customers (95%) complimented the hotels
services. Customers reported that the front office staff were very nice and provided a
quick and smooth check in. Thereafter, they felt very comfortable during their stay.
attractions. On the other hand, only 5% of respondents made complaints that the staff
should improve their English skill and should have more knowledge about the types
In conclusion, the result showed a positive gap between customers’ expectation and
perception towards service quality of front office staff. Customers’ perception level
was higher than their expectation. It is obvious that most customers felt satisfied with
the service quality of the front office staff at Mövenpick Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden
This chapter presents the summary, conclusion, implications of the study, limitations
Service businesses have been growing rapidly in recent decades, while customer
demand for high quality service is increasing. This is certainly the case at Mövenpick
Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel and Airport View Hotel. To remain
Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel and Airport View Hotel. The questionnaire
aimed to determine the level of customers’ expectation and perception towards the
service quality of front office staff. The results revealed that the assurance dimension
raised the highest level of expectation, whereas the tangibility dimension fulfilled the
This study focused further on the gap between customers’ expectation and their
perception of front office service quality. The results showed that the overall mean
score of perception was higher than expectation in all dimensions, yielding a positive
SERVQUAL gap. Hence, customers were satisfied with all dimensions of service
In this study, the findings showed that most respondents identified tangibility as the
service exceeded their expectation. The findings of this study were in contrast with
previous study of Juwaheer and Ross (2003) who studied service quality in Mauritian
hotels. They found that by focusing on assurance and reliability, a hotel could achieve
effective communication.
to improve the main work of front office staff and to promote them in their
Mövenpick Hotel, Alisa Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel and Airport View
Hotel. If the subjects were drawn more than 60 respondents from other
ii. This study only focused on measuring customer satisfaction with front
in this survey. Moreover, some did not return the questionnaires to the
front desk in time. If the respondents were more willing to offer feedback,
the results would have been useful for improving hotel service.
Further study should be undertaken to apply the results of this study. First, research
towards the quality of other service businesses such as restaurants, travel agencies
and airlines. Further research in these areas would contribute to overall improvement
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This questionnaire is a part of a study for a HND certificate at Accra Technical
University. The objective of the research is to evaluate front office standard in the
service delivery of customers service: a case study of selected hotels in Accra
Part I: Personal Data
1. Gender
1) Male [ ] 2) Female [ ]
2. Age
1) Below 25 years old [ ] 2) 25-35 years old [ ] 3) 36-45 years old [ ] 4) 46-55 years
old [ ] 5) Over 55 years old [ ]
3. Nationality
1) Asian 2) European 3) UK
4) American 5) African 6) Others (please specify…………………
4. Occupation
1) Government official 2) Employee 3) Owner / Private business
4) Student 5) Others (please specify ……………………………….
5. Purpose of trip
1) Vacation 2) Honeymoon 3) Seminar
4) Business 5) Others (please specify……………….
6. How many times have you previously stayed at the hotel ?
1) 1 time 2) 2 times 3) 3 times
4) 4 times more than 4 times
Part II: Survey of your expectations and perceptions towards service quality of front
office staff
Based on your experiences as a customer of the hotel please put a tick ( / ) in a box
which mostly explains your attitudes.
level of EXPECTATION towards service quality of front office staff
level of PERCEPTION towards service quality of front office staff
The score level are described as 5 = highest, 4 = high, 3 = moderate, 2 = low and 1 =
recreational facilities and tourists'
attraction places.
7. The staff perform the service right at
the first time (for example, the
receptionist has your correct record of
your booking details).
8. The staff offer you some help (for
example, once you arrive at the front
desk of hotel, the receptionists ask you if
she can help you).
Level of Level of Perception
Responsiveness 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
9. The staff tell you exactly when
services will be provided (for example,
the receptionist informs you about
breakfast time during your check in).
10. The staff give you prompt service
(for example, the receptionists serve you
a welcome drink immediately during
your arrival).
11. The staff are willing to help you e.g.
guiding you a hotel direction.
Level of Level of Perception
Assurance 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
12. The staff have product knowledge of
hotel information e.g. describing all
room types and the restaurants.
13. The staff have required skill to
perform service (for example, the
receptionist can explain clearly about the
hotel direction).
14. The staff speak with you by using an
appropriately address forms (for
example, hello, may I help you,
15. The staff are trustworthy.
16. The staff make you feel safe when
staying at the hotel (for example, the
doorman observes the persons who come
in the hotel).
Level of Level of Perception
Empathy 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
17. The staff are able to communicate
with you in English.
18. The staff are able to communicate
effectively with you.
19. The staff show personal attention to
you (for example, the bell boy help you
to carry your luggage during your check
20. The staff know your specific needs
(for example, the doorman opens the
door while you are entering the hotel).