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Ramaiah Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore

Submitted By Anirban Kar Chowdhury (PA1050)

As I come to the completion of my final dissertation, I would like to thank all those who have guided and mentored me through this study. For me success is just not my effort, but all those who have helped me walk through this phase. Firstly, I express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. M.R. Pattabhiram, Director of RIMS for giving me this opportunity to experience such a good work atmosphere. I would also like to extend a word of appreciation to Dr. Y. Rajaram, Dean, RIMS, for encouraging and supporting me in all my endeavours I thank CAA, RIMS Dr. B.V. Krishnamurthy for encouraging and supporting me in all my endeavours. I thank Prof. Y. Poornima for, ever extending helping hand. I express my special thanks to MANAGEMENT of the hotel ASHOK, BANGALORE for letting me, to carry out my dissertation in this prestigious organization. Lastly, I would also thank my Parents and Almighty for showering their blessings over me and leading me in all my endeavours.

The modern world has seen a major market shift from agricultural to service markets. All the industry related to services is trying their best to improve their service quality for making their customers satisfied with their offerings. Hotel industry being a service industry also has given great importance towards this aspect. This study will go to deal with customer satisfaction towards service quality of front office staff at the hotel Ashok, Bangalore. In this study SERVQUAL model has been used for measuring service quality of the hotel, in terms of the difference between customers expectation regarding service offered and the perception of the service received. In this study both theoretical and empirical aspects are being discussed.

1. Objectives of the study 2. Importance of the study 3. Scope of the study 4. Related definitions 5. Review of Literature 6. Method of Study 7. Analysis of results 8. Limitations of the study 9. Recommendations 10. Conclusions 11. References 12. Questionnaire

Page No 5 5 5 6 7 12 14 22 22 23 24 26

Objectives of the study:1) Assessing expectations of customers, level of perception towards service quality
offered by the front office staffs of the hotel Ashok, Bangalore on the basis of five dimensions like Tangibility, Responsiveness, Reliability, Empathy and Assurance.

2) To understand the gap between expectations of customers and service quality

perception of the hotels front office staff.

Importance of the Study:The study can be used as a guideline for the hotels management to offer services to its customer. The findings of this work will going to help the front office staffs in order to meet the customers needs and also help them to provide satisfaction towards its customers. The result of the study will help the management to measure their service offering to the customers. If the result of the study scores high then management of hotel Ashok can understand that services provided by their front office staff is very good otherwise management have to improve the service.

Scope:- It is based upon expectations of the customers and perceptions of customers

towards those 5 service qualities written above served by the front office staffs of the hotel Ashok. In this study 70 customers who stayed in hotel Ashok between January 12-24 in the year 2012 are taken as sampling group.

Related definitions:Service quality:- It is the difference between the customers expectation of service and their perceived service. During the course of this study Zeithaml and Parasuraman & Berry assessment standards (five dimensions) will be applied.

SERVQUAL: - It is a tool for measuring service quality which is based upon the difference between customers expectation of service and perception of the service received. For the proper utilisation of this tool it is important that respondent answers from the both aspects of their expectations and perception.

Customer expectation: - It consists of personal needs, external communication, word of mouth, past experience about the hotel Ashok service.

Customer perception: - It means feelings of customers whether they feels pleasure or displeasure with the services provided by hotel staffs and are they satisfactory or not.

Review of Literature
This part of the study will review the literature in five areas. (1) Hotel information,(2) Service quality , SERVQUAL model (3) Customer expectation (4) Customer satisfactions (6) Previous studies. Hotel Information:- Hotel Ashok is one of the finest five star luxury hotels in Bangalore. It was built in 1971. The hotel is strategically located in the heart of the city. Categories of rooms:- (1) Deluxe Room (2) Pool View Room (3) Premier Pool View Room (4) Executive Suite (5) Luxury Suite (6) Presidential Suite Restaurants:- (1) 24/7 (2) Baluchi (3) Sutra-The Lounge (4) OKO Spa:- (1) Ayurveda Therapies (2) The Rejuve Signature Therapies (3) The Rejuve Body Treatments. Facilities:- (1) Business centre (2) Concierge services (3) Leisure activities (4) Shopping facilities (5) 24hrs in room dining (6) 24hrs car parking.

Service Quality, SERVQUAL model:Service Quality:- (Gronroos, 1984 ; Parasurman,1985) Service quality is the result of the comparison that customers make between their expectations about a service and their perception of the way the service has been performed. According to it if the customer expectation is greater than service performance then customer dissatisfaction occurs due to perception about the quality of service is less than the level of satisfaction.

(Lewis and Mitchell,1990 ; Dotchin and Oakland ,1994 ; Asubonteng,1996) Defined service quality as the extent to which a service meets customers need and expectation.

Approach of the SERVQUAL model:- The model has been utilized in various service and retail organizations. Original SERVQUAL model included 22 attributes in it

(Parasuraman,1988). Those 22 items were being grouped into 5 dimensions (Tangibles,


Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy). The model has practical approach and generic service application. This tool also can be used for measuring service qualities of Hospitals (Babakus & Glynn 1992) , Travel & Tourism (Fick & Ritchie 1991). Here in this study the SERVQUAL model is being used to know expectations of customers and the level of their perception regarding service quality provided by the front office staffs at the hotel Ashok, Bangalore.

Dimensions of SERVQUAL model:Those five dimensions are discussed below. Tangibility:- It is all about physical evidence, like personality, appearance of personnel , equipment, tools used by front office staff. (Nankervis,1995) All the hotel chains (e.g. Sheraton, Hyatt) consistently ensure that they maintain global standard at every where they are located.

Reliability:- It is all about performing promised service dependently and accurately. Maintaining error free record of services is also an important part of reliability. Reliability includes Doing it right the first time. For exp:- Suppose staff has promised something to the customers and the surety in the mind of customer that the promise will be fulfilled by the staff.

Assurance:- It is all about staff having knowledge & showing courtesy. Conveying trust and confidence in the mind of customers. It includes following Competence:- Control over the required skill and knowledge, to perform the services assigned to the staffs.

Courtesy:- Includes respect, politeness, friendliness of staffs and consideration.

Credibility:- It includes honesty, believability and trust worthiness.

Security:- It is all about helping to do away with any doubt, risk, danger. Physical safety and confidentiality also a part of it.

For Exp:- How effectively staffs can work upon the problems or complaints raised by the customers.

Responsiveness:- Will and ability to help customer and offering of prompt and quick service is called responsiveness. Taking less recovery time by the staffs for any mistake is also an important part of it. It has been said that Today luxury is time.

For Exp:- Suppose customers has wanted some particular accommodation but at this moment that accommodation is not there with the hotel , then offering a different accommodation almost having same facilities to the customers by the staffs. Empathy:- It is all about putting staffs in the customers shoes. It includes following. Accessibility:- It is all about how easily one staff can be contacted and approached to. It means waiting time for getting any services is less , hours of operation are less. Communication:- It refers passing of continuous information in a familiar language to the customers. It also includes listening of the customer voice. It also includes the simple way of passing required information. Understanding the customer:- It is all about those effort which are made for understanding the needs of the customers.

For Exp:- Suppose any customer comes to the front desk for asking any information about something , showing respect and greeting them warmly.

So from the above five dimension it is very clear that each and every customers wants somewhat individual attention, in this area SERVQUAL model can be very effective and important tool for the management of the hotel Ashok, Bangalore. This model will help them immensely to understand various important factors like value of their customers and they also can measure that how the hotel is performing towards the needs and customer expectations. That is why this model has been used .

Customers Expectation:- Customers expectation is the result of many unmanageable factors like customers psychology, customers background , values past experience with the other companies during the service delivery time ( Davidow , Uttal ;1989). According to (Zeithaml ; 1990) customers service expectations are the results of some complex considerations like other people word of mouth and their own pre-purchase beliefs. Miller also stated the same thing that customers expectations are related to past experience, from advertising and word of mouth. According to Santos customers expectation can be as a preconsumption attitude before next purchase, involvement of past experience is there.

Customers Satisfaction:- (Oliver,1980) According to this theory satisfaction is an attitude or evaluation which is being framed by the customer after doing comparison of pre-purchase expectation and their subjective perception of services received. According to (Kotler ; 2000) defined that satisfaction is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products perceived performance (out come) in relation to his or her expectation. According to (Yi daam hung sam; 1990) customer satisfaction is a collective outcome of perception, evaluation and psychological reaction to the consumption experience with a product/ service. So customer satisfaction can be defined as a outcome of the experience encountered by the customers during the consumption of services. Although customer satisfaction have different levels.


Disconfirmation Theory:- This theory has emerged as primary foundation of satisfaction model. This theory states satisfaction is determined by the discrepancy between perceived performance and cognitive standards such as expectation and desires (Khalifa and Liu, 2003). (Mckinney, Yoon, Zahedi ; 2002) Customers expectation can be defined as customers partial beliefs about a product. (Zeithmal, Berry; 1988) Expectations are

predictions made by customers about what is likely to happen during the transaction or exchange. Perceived quality is the customers judgement about an entitys overall excellence or superiority (Zeithmal;1988). Disconfirmation is defined as consumer subjective judgements resulting from comparing their expectations and their perceptions of performance received (Mckinney; 2002, Sperng; 1996). This theory proposed that satisfaction is affected by the two things 1) Intensity (size), 2) Direction (Positive/ Negative) of the gap between expectation of the customers and the performance perceived by them.

From the above model it is clear that disconfirmation occurs in three forms those are discussed below.


Positive disconfirmation:- When perceived performance > expectations. It results in customer satisfaction Confirmation:- when perceived performance = expectations. It results in neutral view of customers . Negative disconfirmation:- when perceived performance < expectations. It results in customers dissatisfaction. According to the theory of (Khalifa & Liu; 2003) they have taken expectation disconfirmation as the only one determinant factor of satisfaction , it doesnt consider that if high expectations are confirmed. For overcoming the short fall perceived performance is added as another determinant factor.

Method of Study:- This portion of the study will going to tell about the Respondents ,
Study Procedure , Study Instrument and analysis of data .

Respondents:- 100 customers who stayed in between January 12-24 in the year 2012 were given the questionnaire. 70 customers returned the questionnaire after filling it.

Study Procedure:- First of all Questionnaires were given to the 100 Customers who stayed in the hotel Ashok, Bangalore, Out of that 70 customers returned those questionnaire after filling completely. Questionnaire was distributed among those 100 customers who were ready to take up this. Customers were explained about the need of the survey before they fill it up. Customers were told that all the details provided by them will keep confidentially.

Study Instrument: - A set of questionnaire having four parts has been used as an instrument of study. First part:- Consists of back ground questions like age, nationality, gender, purpose of staying, occupation, number of visits to the hotel.


Second part:- Consists of the service quality model of SERVQUAL from the both customers expectation and customers perception perspective.

The satisfaction degree towards the quality of services provided by the front office staffs has been kept in rank of 1-5.

1 indicates lowest expectation and perception. 5 indicates highest expectation and perception
The level of ranking of customer satisfaction between 1-5 has been analyzed on the basis of Best design (1977). Which is given below

Score 1.00-1.80 --------------- Lowest Expectation/Perception Score 1.81-2.61-------------- Low Expectation/Perception Score 2.62-3.41---------------- Average Expectation/Perception Score 3.42-4.21---------------- High Expectation/Perception Score 4.22-5.00----------------- Highest Expectation/Perception

Third part:- It consists of whether customers are planning to return to the hotel Ashok , Bangalore for any future purpose .

Fourth part:- Suggestions of the customers about the service quality given by the front desk staff of the hotel Ashok, Bangalore.

Analysis of data: - This part commenced after the collection of the questionnaires from the customers. In this part customers expectations and perception towards service qualities on the basis of 5dimensions of SERVQUAL model. Percentage also has been used for analyzing the personal data of the questionnaires 1st part. Statistical analysis and gap analysis also has been done for the purpose of analyzing collected data by the questionnaire.


Analysis of result: - Whatever data collected through the questionnaire and what results
are coming out of those data regarding personal data, level of customers expectation and their perception and their suggestions addressing the service quality of the front staff are being discussed in this part of the study.

Table- A respondents personal data (70 customers) Particulars GENDER Male Female AGE Less than 25 years 25-35 years 36-45 years 46-55 years Greater than 55 years ORIGIN Asian American European Scandinavian Other OCCUPATION Government Employee Private Employee Student Business man Other PURPOSE Seminar 7 10

Personal data

Number of persons


37 33

52.85 47.14

7 15 14 18 16

10 21.42 20 25.71 22.85

29 11 12 10 8

41.42 15.71 17.14 14.28 11.42


19 4 25 15

27.14 5.71 35.71 21.42

Business Vacation Honeymoon Other Previous visits Once Twice Thrice 4 times More than 4 times

31 17 5 10

44.28 24.28 7.14 14.28

23 25 12 6 4

32.85 35.71 17.14 8.57 5.71

From the table-A which contains personal data of 70 customers of the hotel Ashok, Bangalore, who responded to the study with in that period. From the above results it is clear that male customers were more (52.85%) compare to female customers (47.14%). People belongs to 46-55 years of age were the highest in percentage (25.71). People aging more than 55 years were second highest in terms of percentage (22.85%). Asian origin people were highest in percentage (41.42%). Among those 70 people highest percentage of business man stayed in that period in the hotel (35.71%). Most of the respondents told that purpose of staying in the hotel were business (44.28%). The above results shows that people who has visited the hotel were highest in number (35.71%).

Expectations and Perceptions level of (70) customers for the quality of


provided by front staffs of the hotel:- This part of the study states customers expectations and perception for the service qualities of the front office staffs of the hotel. Service quality has five dimensions tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy. 70 participants were requested to rate each and every statement given in the questionnaire (attached to Appendix 1) depending upon their expectation and perception about the service quality with in that period of study.


Table B customer satisfaction relating to Tangibility:- Here in this table customers feedback regarding tangibility of services are given on the basis of Best design(1977). CUSTOMERS EXPECTATION CUSTOMERS STATEMENT Staff uniforms are clean Staff dresses appropriately Smiling approach of staffs Attractive appearance of staff Total mean score 3.92 High 3.98 High 3.92 High 4.00 High 3.97 High 3.75 High MEAN 3.85 3.97 LEVEL High High MEAN 4.00 4.20 PERCEPTION LEVEL High High

From the table-B it is clear that Customers expectation and perception towards satisfaction of service quality tangibility is high as the total mean scores are (3.92) and (3.98). From the above data it is clear that customers expectation towards staff dress and smiling approach has got higher rank (3.97) than the other two statements. Customers perception towards staff dress was greater (4.20) than other three statements. As tangibility dimension is very important if it is high then certainly it will going to give more confidence to the customers. Staff with clean uniforms and with smiling approach is certainly important aspect of tangibility dimension.


Table-C customer satisfaction relating to Reliability:-

CUSTOMERS STATEMENT Accurate information Provided services First time correct service 3.98 MEAN 4.00



Promised 4.00

High High

4.00 4.20

High High

Exactly when the service 4.10 provided Total mean score 4.02




From the Table-c it is clear that customer expectation (4.02) and perception (4.12) towards satisfaction of service quality reliability is high. It shows that all the aspect of reliability is having both customer expectation and customer perception (as all of them are in high level). It also tells that when the service will exactly going to be provided got the higher customer expectation (4.10) in compare to other three. Providing promised services got the higher customers perception (4.21). It is all about providing the services dependently and accurately. It also means that services are always should be provided on time without any flaws. And from the above data it is clear that hotel Ashok, Bangalore has got a impressive result in it.


Table-D customer satisfaction relating to Responsiveness:-

CUSTOMERS STATEMENT Prompt service Quick response Willing to help Total mean score MEAN 4.22 4.20 4.00 4.14

EXPECTATION CUSTOMERS LEVEL Highest High High High MEAN 4.21 4.13 4.15 4.16


It very important that front office staffs response in a prompt way. It is all about offering service promptly and willing to provide good services to the customers. Customers always want and they feel great satisfaction after receiving quick services from the staffs. From the table-D it is clear that customer expectation in case of prompt service has got highest ranks (4.22) followed by quick response (4.20). The table also shows that customers perception towards prompt services offered by the front staffs was higher than (4.21) any other aspect. Customers always feels happy whenever they get prompt and quick response of services.

Table E customer satisfaction relating to Assurance:CUSTOMER STATEMENT

Staffs product knowledge Appropriate staffs speaking

EXPECTATION CUSTOMER LEVEL Highest Highest High High High Highest MEAN 4.70 4.30 4.17 4.20 4.13 4.3

PERCEPTION LEVEL Highest Highest High High High Highest

MEAN 4.75

of 4.23

Required skills of staffs Trustworthiness Safe feeling Total mean score

4.20 3.98 4.00 4.23

From the Table-E it is clear that customer expects highest level of product knowledge (4.75) from the side of the staffs. Appropriate form of the speaking also has got highest customer

expectation ranking (4.23). Customers perception towards the product knowledge shown by the front office staffs is also great (4.70). It is all about convey trust, showing courtesy, credibility and creating an environment of confidence, security, and trust. Table-F customer satisfaction relating to Empathy:CUSTOMER STATEMENT English communication Personal Attention Effective communication
Knows specific requirement

EXPECTATION CUSTOMER LEVEL High High High High High MEAN 4.21 4.17 4.19 3.98 4.13

PERCEPTION LEVEL High High High High High

MEAN 4.20 4.19 4.21 4.00 4.15

Total mean score

From the table-F it is clear that effective communication got the highest (4.21) customer expectation, followed by English communication (4.20). According to customers perception English communication got the highest rank (4.21), Followed by effective communication (4.19). It is all about taking care of customers properly giving individual attention and knows the specific requirement of individual customers. Table-G customer satisfaction over all:CUSTOMER DIMENSIONS Tangibility Reliability Responsiveness Assurance Empathy Total mean score MEAN 3.92 4.02 4.14 4.23 4.15 4.09 EXPECTATION CUSTOMER LEVEL High High High Highest Higher High MEAN 3.98 4.12 4.16 4.30 4.13 4.13 PERCEPTION LEVEL High High High Highest Higher High

From the table G it is clear that satisfaction level relating to customer expectation is on the higher side (4.09). From the customers expectation point of view Assurance dimension got


the highest rank scored (4.23), followed by Empathy, Responsiveness, Reliability, Tangibility. Satisfaction level relating to customers perception is also high (4.13). From the customers perception point of view Assurance got the highest rank (4.30), followed by Responsiveness, Empathy, Reliability, Tangibility.

Table-H SERVQUAL gap between customer expectation and perception of service quality:DIMENSIONS CUSTOMERS EXPECTATION TANGIBILITY RELIABILITY RESPONSIVENESS EMPATHY ASSURANCE TOTAL MEAN SCORE 3.92 4.02 4.14 4.15 4.23 4.09 CUSTOMERS PERCEPTION 3.98 4.12 4.16 4.13 4.30 4.13 0.06 0.10 0.02 (0.02) 0.07 0.04 GAP (SERVQUAL)

From the table-H it is clear that customers perception towards service quality were higher than customers expectations almost in all dimensions; apart from Empathy where customers perception towards service quality was little bit lower than customers expectations. But all the other dimensions resulted in positive GAP. That is why the overall customers perception towards service quality is higher than customers expectation. It shows that customer was satisfied by the service quality of the front office staffs of hotel Ashok, Bangalore. It shows that among the five dimensions, Reliability dimension gave the most positive GAP. It shows that front office staffs have done wonderful work and was able to provide good quality services to its customers. Over all as the reliability got the highest GAP it shows that front office staffs were able to act accurately they were reliable and almost flawless.


Table-I Percentage that respondent (70 customers) will revisit the hotel in future :Feed Back Yes Not sure No Total Result Number of Persons 58 12 0 70 Percentage 82.57 17.14 0 100

From the table-I it is clear that 58 customers out of 70 customers which is more than 82.57% has told that they are going to revisit the hotel in the future. Which is a very good result for the Management of hotel Ashok, Bangalore? Only 12 customers out 70 which is 17.14% told that they are not sure whether they are going to revisit or not. This is the area where management has to look at that what are those things from the side of front office staffs that are creating confusions in the mind of 17.14% customers or is this any other things beyond the scope of this study or any other personal reason of the customers.

Table-J Suggestions from customers (praise, complaints):-

CUSTOMER SUGGESTION Praised Complaints Total Suggestions


PERCENTAGE 92.85 7.14 100

Result from the table-J shows that 65 customers out of 70 customers, which is above 92% wrote in complimenting manner. And only 5 persons out of 70, which is only 7% has lodged some complains. It indicates over all good show from the side of the front office staffs of hotel Ashok, Bangalore.


Limitations:- In this part the limitations of the study has been discussed. 1) The study was done on the basis of 70 customers feedback only 2) The scope of the study was only the customers satisfaction towards the service quality of the front office staffs. No, other department was there in the scope of the study. 3) Giving away questionnaires to the customers was very difficult that is why it was only circulated among 100 people only and among that 100 only 70 customers responded properly. If the data collection through the questionnaire could have been smoother and the if the number of feedbacks were more than the result would have been more effective. 4) All the feedbacks given by the customers in a hurry. 5) Time constraints made the study some -what unorganised.

Recommendations:1) Hotel management can arrange their own training programs for the further improvement of the front office staffs. 2) From the study it is clear that Assurance has got the highest score among the all other five dimensions. So management has to maintain the good work to remain competitive without getting complacent. 3) On the other hand tangibility scored among the all five dimensions so, management has to give serious focus towards this aspect. 4) Before any new recruitment of front office staffs the hotel management should

check it properly that whether that person would be able to deliver the services properly ,as expected from a hotel like Ashok, Bangalore.


Conclusions This the era of service sector industry. Hotel industry is such a service sector industry where demand of the customers for high quality of service is growing day by day. In this study SERVQUAL model developed by Parashuraman (1985) has been used for measuring the customers satisfaction with the service quality related to customers expectation and customers perceptions. It was done on the basis of five dimensions like Tangibility, Reliability, Assurance, Responsiveness, and Empathy. Here results shows that apart from Empathy all the other direction has got positive SERVQUAL gap. But over all SERVQUAL gap between customers expectation and customers perception was positive. Which shows that services provided by the front office staffs of hotel Ashok, Bangalore was good? This study shows that customers have highest expectation from the assurance dimension among the all other dimensions. Study also shows that the in this dimension customers perceptions were also highest. But among all these dimensions customers perceptions relating to Empathy is lagging minutely in compare to customers expectations. Although the other 4 dimensions has covered this and overall result was very satisfactory but management should focus on this aspect and should figure out what to do to eliminate that minute negative GAP. In this study most of the respondent told that they are going to revisit the hotel in future and customers complaints were negligible in compare to customers praises. Which further strengthen the fact that services provided by the front office staffs were quite satisfactory and impressive, but as it is known to all of us that there is no end of perfection so staffs should keep continue their good works for achieving more excellent feedback from the customers.


Books, Journals, Articles: A Bakers Dozen of strategies for hotel font office written by Hogan, J in 2006. Understanding customer satisfaction delivering satisfaction and service quality written by Hernon P & Whitwan , J.E in 2001. Strategic Management and Marketing in the service sector written by Gronroos,c. in 1982. SERVQUAL revisited: a critical review of service quality, journal of service marketing by Asubonteng , P. Mccleary , KJ , & Swan, J.E in 1996. "Delivering Quality Service; Balancing Customer Perceptions and Expectations" written by Zeithaml, Parasuraman & Berry, (1990) Research in Education 3rd edition by Best , J.W in 1977. An investigation into the determinant of customer satisfaction By Churchill, G.A , Supernant in 1992. SERVQUAL and model of service quality gaps : A Framework for Determining and Prioritizing Critical factors in delivering Quality Services Written by Shahin , Arash in 2004 .



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SERVQUAL http://www.12manage.com/methods_zeithaml_servqual.html www.qmconf.com/Docs/0077.pdf http://www.marketresearchworld.net/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid =84&func=view&id=5270&catid=6 http://eprints.utm.my/9514/ http://www.essays.se/about/servqual+thesis/ http://eprints.binus.ac.id/10095/ http://www.essaytown.com/paper/servqual-hotel-industry-measurementcustomers-expectations-52307 http://eprints.qut.edu.au/28608/ http://www.docstoc.com/docs/53120295/Is-the-SERVQUAL-Questionnaire-aCapable-and-Reliable-Instrument




First part:-

1)Gender i) Male [ ] ii) Female [ ]

2) Age i) Less than 25 years [ ] iv) Between 46-55 [ ] ii) Between 25-35 [ ] v) Older than 55 years [ ] iii) Between 36-45 [ ]

3)Nationality i) Asian [ ] ii) European [ ] iii) American [ ] iv) UK [ ] v) Scandinavian [ ]

vi) Other place [ ]

4) Occupation i) Government Employee [ ] ii) Private Employee [ ] iii) Business Man [ ] iv) Student [ ] v) others [ ].

5) Number of Previous staying i) 1 time [ ] ii) 2 times [ ] iii) 3 times [ ] iv) 4 times [ ] v) above 4 times [ ]

6) Purpose of staying in the hotel i) Vacation [ ] ii) Seminar [ ] iii) Business [ ] iv) Honeymoon [ ] v) Others [ ]


Second Part:- Customers feedback about expectations and perceptions towards the quality of services provided by the front office staffs of the hotel Ashok, Bangalore. Please put a tick Level of Perception Score levels are as (5 is for highest, 4 is for high, 3 is for moderate, 2 is for low, 1 is for lowest). in each dimensions for both, Level of Expectations and for

Dimensions Tangibility i. Staff uniform cleanliness ii. Staffs dressed properly iii. Smiling face service by

Expectation Level 5 4 3 2 1 5 4

Perception Level 3 2 1

iv. Attractive appearance of


Reliability v. Staffs providing accurate






services at first attempt

vii. Staffs providing promised


viii. Exact timing of the


Responsiveness ix. Prompt services by the staffs x. Staffs willing to help xi. Quick response of staffs Assurance xii. Product knowledge of

xiii. Trust worthiness of staffs xiv. Required skills of the



xv. Proper addressing by the


xvi. Feeling of safety Empathy xvii. English communication of


xviii. Effective communication

by the staffs

xiv. Staffs aware of specific


xx. personal attention given by

the staffs

Third part:Are you considering to return to the hotel Ashok for future purpose ?

i) Yes [ ] , ii)Not sure [ ] , iii)No [ ]

Fourth part:Yours suggestions for the quality of services provided by the front office staffs of hotel Ashok, Bangalore (i.e Praise, Complaint).


*******Thanks for your valuable support*******


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