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Unit 04 - You Put Up With A Lot

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You put up with a lot.

. Commenting on suggestions
awkward: embarrassed or nervous Keep: to continue doing something without stopping it/ do thing
repeatedly (Keep + V-ing)
Confront: to deal/face/meet a difficult situation or a person = Face up to
Hang out with: spending time with some one Pushy: behaving in un unpleasant way to make someone do something
you want, especially in a way that seems rude/impolite
r I Voeabulary Constantly: repeatedly/often, all the time
Put up with someone/something: to accept someone/something in an unpleasant or desirable way ( = tolerate = undergo)
A Read the sentences about common friendship problems. Check (/) ttre ones you have experienced.

1. Your friend seems to feel awkward around your other friends.

- You confront your friend about a problem, and he or she gets angry and stops speaking to you.

-2. 3. Your friend wants to hang out with you all the time, but you have things to do.
- 4. Your friend keeps asking you to lend him or her money.

- 5. Your friend is pushy around your other friends and constantly interrupts them when they talk.

- 6. Your friend expects you to put up with his or her lateness, but gets upset when you are late.

- 7 . Your friend lied to you, and you are beginning to resent him or her because of it.

- resent: to feel angry because you are forced to accept someone’s behavior that you don’t like.

fi e p&l& W*sK Describe a problem you have had with a friend. Are you still friends with the person?

2 | Conversatiera
cor @ R Listen. Why isn't Pablo with lngrid and Robert? What is Robert going to do?

He is going text Robert about the problem

!ngrid: Hi, Robert. Where's Robert: Yeah, he keeps doing Ingrid: lf you don't feel
Pablo? I thought he was it. l'm starting to resent him comfortable talking to
. hanging out with us tonight. for it. him, you might want to
Robert: Hi, lngrid. He canceled lngrid: Have you tried consider texting him
at the last minute. confronting him about it? about it.
lngrid: Again? You put up with
a lot from him. Robert: Do you really think Robert: That's not a bad idea.
He did this last time. that's a good idea? I don't l'll give it a try.
You should talk to time
want to be pushy and have lngrid: Great! Let me know
And you can think about what you’re going
to write an awkward conversation. how it turns out.

$ e PAlm VP&RK Practice the conversation.


cor @ C Listen. Write the three extra sentences you hear in the conversation. Practice the new conversation.


3 | Languase Em*mffmw
,ns A Notice the ways we make and comment on suggestions.

Have you thought about Do you really think thatt a good idea?
confronting him?
Have you tried That might work.
That's worth thinking about.
You might want to consider
texting him. l'm not really sure that would work.
You might want to think about
Thatt not a bad idea.

f, e BAIffiWSRK Share and give advice about the friendship problems below.

My friend is ignoring me. My friend told my secret. My friend lied about me.

+ | Pronuneiatimm. Reductio n of have you

:or @ R Listen. Notice the way haveyou is reduced in these sentences to sound like hovyo.

1. Haveya thought about asking her?

2. Haveya tried confronting him about it?

3. Haveya considered texting him?

! S PAIR WORK Share and give advice about the friendship problems in the Language Booster section,
part B. This time, pay attention to your pronunciation of have you.


f n pAlmw&mx Lookatthefriendshipproblemsinthe
Vocabulary section. Think of a possible
solution for each problem.

! e 6msUpm{smx Describeafriendshipproblem
to your group and respond to each
persont advice. Then vote on the
best piece of advice.
ffimaryKKmk Km ffimffKmwm * ii{ 3,* li :l;i 3:,?, H.A {-i Y i {: tr

r I Preview
pngm WSffiK Look at the photos. Maria needs a new roommate. She is talking to Kate to see if she
would be a good roommate. What do you think they are talking about? What questions
would you ask Kate?

A Watch the video. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).

1. Kate likes Marias apartmenr.

- 2. Kate is the first person that Maria has interviewed.

- Kate is upset because she lost her job.

-3. 4. Maria has a new job.

- 5. Kate didnt get along well with one of her old roommates.

- 5. At the end, Maria thinks Kate is a wonderful roommate.

B Watch the video again. Rewrite the false statements so they are true.

xo*B [er*&K Answer the questions.
'ffi e

1. Do you think Kate lied to Maria? \Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with Toms advice? Iil/hat do you think Maria should do?

3. Have you ever had problems with people you live with? \What kinds of problems?

nF-**, flr BJr\;. Etr.lTlq'1"4,?J Student A: Turn to page 82.

t":'";- " o 46,fr tu'4' !P Lv sr d rnal
Student B: Turn to page 90.


F1 r learned a lot frorrr..n
Student A and Student B: lmagine that you recently experienced one of
the big changes listed below. Describe the change to your partner.

You lost your job.

You moved to a new country.

I can ask about significant experiences. I can talk about important events.
I Very well E I need more practice. I Very well E I need more practice.
5r* Lr:,'rgr*r';6r #**sier pc,?g 3.

E i\ Pid you hear about...?

Student A and Student B: Take turns inftoducing and asking for details on
the stories below. Use your imagination to make up details of the story.

A man found a box full of gold coins hidden in his basement.

A six-year-old girl wrote a novel.

A dog learned how to tell the time.

I can introduce interesting stories. I can ask for details.

E Verywell I I need more practice. tr Very well E I need more practice.
5*e i"*niS;.;*rse #**sfrrp*gr 5.

r3 I ean't stand it wherl...

Student A and Student B: Choose one ofthe pet peeves below.
Take turns describing why it bothers you and sympathizing.

People who eat with their mouths open.

People who finish your sentences.

People who are always late to appointments.

I can describe pet peeves. I can sympathize.

n Very well E I need more practice. E Verywell tr I need more practlce.
5*c l*nE**ge #r:osfrr;,'*ge I

il e You put up with a lot.

Student A and Student B: Choose one of the friendship problems
below. Take turns describing a problem and making suggestions.

Your friend is gossiping about you.

Your friend borrowed money from you and won't pay you back.

Your friend said he was busy, but he lied.

I can make suggestions. I can comment on suggestions.

E Very well E I need more practice. E Very well E I need more practice.
-ter l*r:gu*g* #c*sf*rpagt* 9"


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