Lu 2007
Lu 2007
Lu 2007
Abstract — In-service testing poses particular difficulties for the testing is, the more accurately the machine’s electrical
experimentally determining induction machine efficiency. This parameters can be measured. However, to reduce disruption to
paper focuses on non-intrusive methods for testing in-service normal machine operation to an acceptable level, several
machines and proposes a hybrid method based on the air-gap empirical factors have been introduced. For instance, stray-load
torque method and genetic algorithms. The proposed method loss (SSL) is predicted using a fixed ratio of the rated output
has been verified from the experimental results from three power depending on the machine’s ratings [2]. Also, the rotor
induction motors rated at 7.5 hp, 100 hp and 225 kW. The leakage reactance can be calculated by a fixed ratio of stator
overall efficiency estimation accuracy is approximately within 4- leakage reactance depending on the NEMA code and the type
5% errors. of rotor, according to the NEMA MG-1 and IEEE 112
standards [2, 5].
Keywords — efficiency estimation; equivalent circuit; induction
motors; in-service testing; genetic algorithms; air-gap torque This paper presents some preliminary findings in the
method; parameter estimation development of one such non-intrusive method for testing in-
service induction machines. The method is based on a non-
I. INTRODUCTION intrusive air-gap torque method and uses genetic algorithm to
estimate machine parameters. Experimental results are
The increase in energy awareness is accelerating the provided from three induction motors rated at 7.5 hp, 100 hp
requirement for improvements in electrical machine efficiency. and 225 kW, labeled as machines A, B and C, respectively.
Among the common machine types, induction motors are the The key nameplate information of these motors is listed in the
most important consumers of electrical energy. Thus, if Appendix.
accurate and non-intrusive methods of estimating the
efficiencies of these machines can be established, the door to a
relatively straightforward means of cost-effective energy
In the literature, numerous methods have been proposed to MOTORS
evaluate the efficiencies of induction motors [1]. However, the In [4], 30 different existing methods for determining motor
need to determine efficiency under normal operating conditions efficiency are compared. A more comprehensive and recent
poses particular difficulties when experimentally determining literature survey on motor efficiency estimation is presented in
efficiency by conventional methods. For example, in-service [1], with special focus on in-service induction motors,
machines cannot be readily decoupled to perform a no-load considering the recent advances in online rotor speed and stator
test, as is defined in the standards [2, 3]. As a result, the resistance estimations. Some existing methods can be
existing efficiency evaluation methods vary significantly in considered to be low intrusion methods. However, few are
complexity, intrusion level, and accuracy, when used in non-intrusive. Generally, these methods can be categorized
“normal” plant conditions [1, 4]. In general, the more intrusive into three groups.
B. Online rotor speed estimation Stray-load loss under rated load is assumed in accordance with
Commonly, direct measurement of the rotor speed requires the IEEE standard [2] (i.e., k = 1.8% of the rated output power
a shaft-mounted speed encoder or an optical tachometer to be for machines A and B, and 1.5% for machine C), depending on
installed. However, in many circumstances, installing their power ratings. For any loads other than the rated, SSL is
additional sensors is not possible under field conditions. In this calculated by
study, an online sensorless rotor speed estimation method,
developed in [14], is used for determining the rotor speed. This Prated − ssl
Pssl = 2
×I2. (3)
method is based on the motor magnetic saliency harmonics, I rated
which arise from rotor slotting and eccentricity. The major
procedure of this method is given in Fig. 2. As a result, the SSL resistance is given by
sw,dc +
a' a
Rsource Rs
n Rsource s Rs
Rsource Rs
c' b' b c
Rs Xs Xr Rr
Vs (1 − s )Rr
Is Rm Xm Ir
A series of tests have been conducted to assess the
capabilities of the GA approach in determining the required 120
Real component
fitness functions are constructed based of the sum of the 100
The reason for this is that the fitness function, based on -40
equation (6), uses only magnitude information of Is, Im and Ir.
Imaginary component
Consequently, for the magnetizing branch (where no apriori
information is available and where both parameters need to be -60
To overcome this problem, a modified fitness function is
proposed, in which the measured line voltage and input power -90
are used to resolve the stator current into its real and imaginary -100
Based on the above results, efficiency can be predicted over TABLE III. MEASURED AND PREDICTED ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS
a wide range of load conditions, this is shown graphically in FOR THE THREE MACHINES
Fig. 6 to 8, where the GA estimated efficiencies under various Parameter A B C Method used
load conditions are compared with those obtained by the air- Rr 0.167 0.039 0.431 GA
gap torque method. Xm 15.33 12.93 139.79 GA
Xs 0.79 0.36 4.39 GA
From these figures, it can be seen that the overall error in Rs 0.103 0.047 0.345 Measurement
efficiency determination is approximately 4-5%. This level of Rm 4841 440 5538 Gauss-Seidel
estimation may be effective when the actual machine efficiency Xr 1.18 0.54 6.55 Empirical
is not very high. However, for highly efficient machine, the
GA prediction is rather limited over a wide range of loads.
efficiency (%)
air-gap t orque
80 GA met hod
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
load (%)
efficiency (%)
88 air-gap t orque
GA met hod
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
load (%)
efficiency (%)
88 air-gap t orque
GA met hod
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
load (%)
This paper has outlined a preliminary investigation on a [1] B. Lu, T. G. Habetler, and R. G. Harley, “A survey of
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This research was supported, in part, by a U.S. Department [10] J. S. Hsu and P. L. Sorenson, “Field assessment of induction
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Mr. Pinjia Zhang for his assistance in experimental setup and [11] J. S. Hsu and B. P. Scoggins, “Field test of motor efficiency and
data collection. load changes through air-gap torque,” IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 477-483, Sept. 1995.
[12] B. Lu, T. G. Habetler, and R. G. Harley, “A nonintrusive and in-
service motor efficiency estimation method using air-gap torque
APPENDIX with considerations of condition monitoring,” in Proc. 41st IEEE
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, vol. 3, Oct.
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THE LIST OF INDUCTION MOTORS UNDER TEST [13] S. B. Lee and T. G. Habetler, “An online stator winding
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A Emerson 7.5 hp 60 460 10 1765
[14] K. D. Hurst and T. G. Habetler, “Sensorless speed measurement
B US Electric 100 hp 60 460 114 1760 using current harmonic spectral estimation in induction machine
C GEC Alsthom 225 kW 50 3300 47 1483 drives,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 1,
pp. 66-73, Jan. 1996.