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Assessment of Induction Machine Efficiency With Comments On New Standard IEC 60034-2-1

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Assessment of induction machine efficiency with comments on new standard

IEC 60034-2-1

Conference Paper · October 2008

DOI: 10.1109/ICELMACH.2008.4800180 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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Wenping Cao
Aston University


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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines Paper ID 1423

Assessment of Induction Machine Efficiency with

Comments on New Standard IEC 60034-2-1
Wenping Cao
School of Science and Technology
University of Teesside, United Kingdom

Abstract-The paper assesses the efficiency of induction to make meaningful improvements by machine design.
machines and measurement uncertainties arising from various Furthermore, marketplace competition would not operate
input-output testing methods used in industry. Existing testing
standards vary in methodology, procedure and required effectively to favor those manufacturers who make more
instrumentation accuracy, thus leading to significant differences efficient machines.
in the experimentally determined efficiency for the same Previously, the International Electrotechnical Commission
induction machine tested to the different standards as well as by (IEC) standard 34-2 [3] was widely used in Europe for
different testing personnel. This paper focuses on the recently determining induction machine efficiency but was criticised for
published IEC standard 60034-2-1, with comparisons of its
previous version (IEC 34-2), and IEEE 112-B. Five induction several decades due to its inaccuracy and inconsistency in
machines with ratings between 7.5 and 150 kW are carefully determining the machine efficiency, especially the way it
tested using these methods and power loss results are validated by predicted the stray load loss (SLL). The new standard IEC
a separate calorimeter. Through theoretical analysis of 60034-2-1 [4] was published in September 2007 and thought to
measurement uncertainty using realistic perturbation-based be a refinement of IEC 34-2. However, its effectiveness has not
estimation (RPBE) on these results, IEC 60034-2-1 is assessed in
terms of its effectiveness and improvements over its previous yet been reported in the literature.
version. Attention is paid particularly to these factors significantly This paper investigates the key modifications made in the
impacting the machine efficiency such as determinations of stray new IEC standard and then outlines the analytical methods to
load losses (SLL), stator winding resistance, stator winding assess the machine efficiency experimentally determined by
temperature, and detailed specifications of testing procedures. both IEC standards. By investigating the measurement
uncertainties and their relative influence on the losses and
efficiency, a realistic perturbation-based estimation (RPBE)
I. INTRODUCTION method is proposed which incorporates all the significant error
Induction machines are perhaps the dominant form of sources and which can be used to evaluate the overall accuracy
industrial drive both in terms of fixed speed and of variable of efficiency calculations.
speed applications. For a long time the market and thus design A test rig is set up to directly measure the machine power
effort have been focused mainly on the capital costs of these loss by the standard methods and a high-precision calorimeter
machines. However, with the continual rise of energy prices is employed to justify these power loss measurements. Five
and an increasing awareness of environmental conservation general purpose three-phase induction machines rated at 7.5,
issues, machine efficiency is inevitably becoming a key factor 30, 75, 110, and 150 kW are carefully tested using the IEC 34-
when an induction machine is designed, manufactured and 2, IEC 60034-2-1 and IEEE 112-B [5] methods for
sold. comparison.
To produce a highly efficient machine is one thing but to put The aim of this paper is to assist in interpretations of
a correct efficiency figure on its nameplate is quite another. measured efficiency data and particularly to check the
This is because the measured nominal efficiency can be effectiveness of the IEC 60034-2-1.
significantly influenced by the testing method used, and this of
course is subject to uncertainty in both the application of the II. TESTING STANDARDS
method and in the experimental measurements obtained.
It is widely accepted that IEEE 112 represents a milestone in
Indeed, there can sometimes be a difference of over 3%
machine testing standards and has gained in popularity. In this
between different testing methods [1], which represents an
standard, relatively high instrumentation accuracy is specified,
enormous gap if it is considered in the context of the
as is shown in Table I. Moreover, SLL is determined directly
population and duty of induction machines on a global scale.
in method B when using the dynamometer method by loss
Consequently, it is important to fully appreciate these
segregation and by smoothing the residual loss to fit in a linear
uncertainties involved in determining machine efficiency when
curve when plotting residual loss versus the load torque
assessing potential energy savings and when trying to fix target
squared. As a consequence, this standard serves as a
efficiencies by legislation [2]. Without a correct (or at least
benchmark in this paper for comparison purpose.
consistent) determination of machine efficiency, it is difficult

978-1-4244-1736-0/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 1

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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines

stray loss in input po wer (%)

Variable IEEE 112-B IEC 34-2 IEC 60034-2-1 2.0
Voltage 0.2 1 0.2
Current 0.2 1 0.2 1.5
Power 0.2 1 0.2
Torque 0.2 1 0.2 1.0
Speed 1 rpm 2 rpm 1 rpm
Frequency 0.1 1 0.1
Resistance 0.2 0.5 0.2
Temperature 1ºC 2ºC 1ºC
WCE 0.31 1.3 0.34
RPBE 0.17 0.72 0.19 0 50 100 150 200 250
powe r r a ting ( kW)
A. IEC 34-2
Fig. 1. The spread of the ratios of SSL to the input power
IEC 34-2 defines a set of loose instrumentation accuracy in
the measurement, also shown in Table I. Contrary to IEEE
112-B in determining the SLL, it allocates a nominal 0.5% of

stray loss in input power (%)

input power to the SLL by recognizing the experimental 2.5
difficulty in measuring this loss component. Because this level
of SLL is atypically low for most small motors below 150 kW,
it has been questioned by many authors [6]-[10]. 1.5
In the authors’ previous study [1] on 23 new induction
machines rated between 5.5 and 225 kW, the ratios of the SLL 1
to the input power were found to be within the range of 0.1- 0.5
1.8%. As shown in Fig. 1, the SLL varies significantly from
one machine to another even though some are similarly rated 0
machines. 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Obviously, for this group of 23 new products, the IEC 34-2 rated output power (kW )
standard underestimates the magnitude of the SLL. In effect, Fig. 2. Assigned allowance for SLL in IEC 60034-2-1
IEC 34-2 is thought of being relatively easy with repeatable
methods, which are not critically dependent on high precision Additionally, in the IEC 34-2, the stator winding resistance
measuring instruments, for comparing the efficiency of is required to be corrected to the specified temperatures
different machines. These downsides have been improved in according to the machine’s thermal class. But in the 60034-2-1
the new standard. standard, this is corrected to an ambient temperature of 25ºC
according to its rated temperature rise, which is similar to the
B. IEC 60034-2-1 requirement of the IEEE 112-B.
Also shown in Table I, IEC 60034-2-1 specifies the same Based on these improvements made in the new IEC
instrumentation accuracy as the IEEE 112 for measuring the standard, one might expect to have more accurate efficiency
key electrical and mechanical parameters. Furthermore, it also results than the old IEC standard, and similar results to the
specifies an accurate determination of iron loss where the IEEE 112-B.
stator resistance voltage drop is taken into account.
In determining SLL, the IEC 60034-2-1 provides two
methods: one is direct determination and the other, indirect EFFICIENCY
determination. In the direct method, it uses the exactly same
techniques as the IEEE counterpart to segregate the residual In a scientific measurement, the associated error is generally
loss and to smooth it by linear regression analysis. The indirect composed of three components.
method allocates varying ratios to SLL, which are a function of ξ = ξm + ξh + ξi (1)
machine ratings, as plotted in Fig. 2 for illustration. This is
clearly an improvement compared to that fixed allowance where ξ is the overall measurement error, ξm , ξh and ξi are the
made in the previous version. Nonetheless, the SLL is indeed methodological, human and instrumental errors, respectively.
machine specific [11], and any arbitrary allocation for this loss In machine testing, the first two uncertainty sources arise
is unjustifiable when measurements can be made. In this paper, from the methodologies, testing procedures and instrumental
the focus is then placed on the direct method of IEC 60034-2-1 accuracy defined by the standards. The human error is
for comparison. generally associated to the ways the personnel interpreting the
standards, conducting the test and processing the test results.

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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines
Although the IEC 60034-2-1 has incorporated some of the each measured parameter, and summarizes all the major
IEEE 112 standard into its specifications, it is not detailed in uncertainty contributors in a quadrature addition, with
the testing procedures as IEEE 112 is. For instance, there is no reference to the instrumental accuracy of these parameters
definition about the position the temperature sensors should defined in the standards.
attach to. In fact, inserting the temperature probes into different When a number of instruments are involved in a
machine position would give quite different temperature measurement, a multi-variable equation can be used to
readings, especially when the machine is experiencing a high represent this complex system.
rate of temperature change. For induction machine with rating y = f ( xi , z j ) (2)
below 150 kW, stator conductor loss is probably the single
greatest loss component. In conjunction with the uncertainty in where y is the output variable (e.g. efficiency), xi (i=1,…,n) are
resistance measurement, the accurate determination of stator the input variables and zj (j=1,…,m) are additive noise that is
conductor loss poses a particular challenge since how to not purely comprised of bias levels.
measure the two in IEC 60034-2-1 is open to interpretation. A perturbation Δx in the independent variable x will lead to a
Another source of uncertainty in IEC 60034-2-1 may be deviation Δy in y. The influence coefficient of the parameter x
from the definitions of the testing points. Taking the load test is defined as [14]:
for example, the load torque values in the standard are set at Δy y ∂f xi (3)
I = x =
least 6 approximately equally spaced points between 25% and Δ x xi ∂xi y
150%. However, when deriving the SLL the test results are
Provided all uncertainties are independent and random, the
plotted against torque squared. It is obvious that, by
absolute error of the measurement at the output y may be
extrapolating a linear line to zero torque, the higher load points
written as:
would carry a greater weighting factor over lower ones. This is
shown in Fig. 3 for illustration. The similar scenario occurs for n
Δxi m
∂f (4)
Δ y = y ∑ I xi + ∑ ∂z zj
no load tests in specifying the voltage points to derive windage i =1 xi j =1 j

and friction losses, and core loss. Indeed these problems can be
Thus, the WCE for y can be expressed as:
easily overcome by specifying the testing points with
approximately equal spacings of voltage squared (for no-load Δy n
Δ xi 1 m
∂f (5)
tests) or torque squared (for load tests). y
= ∑
i =1
I xi
∑ j =1 ∂z j
z j

The overall RPBE can be defined as:

Δ xi 2 1 m
∂f (6)
In the literature, the worst case estimation (WCE) [12]-[13] y
= ∑i =1
(I xi
) +
∑ j =1
∂z j
z j)2

has been previously reported for the evaluation of

measurement uncertainty. This technique is to summarize all
the possible and maximum uncertainties present in a
measurement with reference to the instrumental accuracy. In
reality this method represents an over-exaggeration of Fig. 4 shows a schematic of the test rig for standard machine
measurement uncertainty. In order to improve this technique, a testing used in this study.
RPBE recognizes the differing influence and significance of The test equipment consists of a dc load machine coupled to
the test machine by a torque transducer mounted in a Carden
1000 shaft. There are no additional bearings between the torque
transducer and the test machine. Armature current control
800 using a Ward Leonard system ensures smooth torque from the
normalised torque squared dc machine even at light load. The ac supply to the test
Stray load loss (W)

600 machine is provided by an ac generator, which is driven by an

inverter-fed, synchronous motor. This configuration gives
400 precise and constant supply frequency. The automated voltage
regulator of the generator gives voltage control from 0 right
200 through to 130% of nominal rated value. Supply imbalance and
distortion are negligible with a balanced load. Coupled to the
same shaft as the generator and synchronous motor is a dc
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
machine which forms part of the Ward Leonard system and
Load torque (Nm) which reclaims energy from the test machine.
Apart from this test rig, a separate calorimeter is also
Fig. 3. Curve fitting for SLL in IEC 60034-2-1 employed for validation of the power loss measurement.

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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines

Voltage sense DC test current supply Test DC load

motor machine
Field controller
load machine

Resistance meter
and supply Torque Speed signal
disconnection Norma D6000 Speed Armature
interlock power analyzer
Alternator Synchronous
motor DC machine

Torque and
signal speed controller
load machine


voltage AC
regulator inverter

Fig. 4. Schematic of test rig used for standard machine testing

This calorimeter measures power loss directly but is limited output methods in detecting small loss change. Loss
to machines of approximately 30 kW. Its overall accuracy is segregation complies with IEEE 112 method B. Test results are
better than 0.2% of the power loss. However, the calorimetric plotted in Fig. 5 for comparison.
tests are all long duration and costly. More details of this As shown in this figure, a range of load values including
calorimeter are given in [15]. 25%, 50%, 75%, 90% and 100% are obtained by the
calorimeter along with one set of IEEE 112-B test results
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION which extend load points further to 125%. Fig. 5 clearly shows
a good agreement between the residual loss values obtained by
Machine details are listed in Appendix. All induction calorimetric and IEEE 112-B methods. From the both curves it
machines are tested on the test rig following the standard can be observed that the calorimetric results present a linear
methods defined in IEC 34-2, 60034-2-1 and IEEE 112-B, curve shape going through the zero load points whilst IEEE
respectively. Among these five machines, a 30 kW machine 112-B results give a small degree of curvature and zero offset.
(labeled as machine 2) is also tested within a 30 kW Again, this distortion might be caused by inappropriate
calorimeter. tracings of stator winding temperatures by IEEE 1112-B when
The standard test procedures are based on no load tests, full the machine is undertaking a rapid temperature drop from
load and part load tests. Part-load tests are required to be taken reducing loads.
as quickly as possible, from the highest load to the lowest,
following a steady-state rated load test. i.e., part-load tests are 700
essentially conducted at the temperature of the machine related
to the full load condition and winding temperatures are inferred IEEE 112-B
by thermocouple in virtually all cases. But in the calorimetric 500 Calorimeter
Stray load loss (W)

tests, the part load tests are all at the steady state machine 400
temperature associated with the part load condition of
operation. This might bring about some differences between 300

the two approaches, especially under those light loads. 200

A. Calorimetric tests
The calorimeter in this study provides an alternative means 0
and high-precision power loss measurement. Because the SLL 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
in the induction machine is a sensitive component derived from T orque2 (10 -3 N2 m 2 )
subtracting the identifiable losses from the total loss, it is used
Fig. 5. Calorimeter tests for validation
in this study for comparison between calorimetric and input-

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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines
Yet, the slope of IEEE 112-B curves fitted by regression
analysis is very close to that of calorimetric results. According COMPARISON OF EFFICIENCIES IN % BETWEEN THE STANDARDS
to the IEEE standard, SLL is then corrected to fit to a specific
machine model by removing the constant offset and applying Machine 1 2 3 4 5
linearization for SLL. The correction factor exceeds 0.95 and IEC old 88.9 92.4 94.2 95.3 95.5
constant zero offset is within the accuracy the instrumentation IEC new 88.7 92.5 93.1 94.7 95.4
could achieve.
IEEE 88.7 92.5 93 94.8 95.4
SSL/Pin 0.79 0.51 1.58 0.94 0.58
B. Power losses
For standard tests on the five machines, their loss
components present different types of discrepancy. Between provides a higher efficiency value than other standards.
the old and new IEC standards, the determinations of core loss, Secondly, when the ratios of SSL to input power are
friction and windage losses are essentially the same. Although investigated, these are all in excess of 0.5% for these five
the new standard specifies an accurate determination of iron machines. Again, this is the main reason for the IEC
loss to take account of the stator resistance voltage drop, this efficiencies to be higher than others. Thirdly, the new IEC
only affects part-load results, not the rated load values which standard provides nearly the same efficiency figures as the
are the interest of this paper. IEEE counterpart. The differences in efficiency values between
As a result, comparisons are focused on stator conductor IEC 60034-2-1 and IEEE standards are all within the
loss, rotor conductor loss and SSL. As shown in Fig. 6, the two measurement accuracy. It may be said that from these results a
IEC methods present similar rotor conductor loss and slightly high degree of harmonization has been achieved between the
different stator conductor loss. However, the biggest difference IEC 60034-2-1 and IEEE 112 standards.
lies in SLL except machine 2. For this particular machine, the
actual SLL happens to be approximately 0.5% of input power D. Uncertainty levels
so that the two methods give the same SLL. For all other four Using WCE and RPBE methods described previously, the
machines, the differences in the SLL are significant although measurement uncertainties in machine efficiency are studied in
this loss component is generally small relative to other loss a MatLab program, including those measurement uncertainties
components. In the extreme case of machine 3, the difference of voltage, current, power, torque, speed, frequency, resistance,
in SLLs is 876 W, remarkably higher than that in stator and temperature. This is done by assessing the impact of each
conductor loss (127 W) and that in rotor conductor loss (2 W). measurement uncertainty on the machine efficiency results and
Therefore, how to determine the SLL would make the key by adding their significances (in efficiency values) in a
difference between one standard and another. quadrature manner.
The results are also given in Table I. It can be seen from it,
C. Machine efficiencies as long as these standard methods are strictly followed, IEC
Machine efficiency results are given in Table II for these 60034-2-1 is capable of determining the machine efficiency to
five machines under test. an accuracy of 0.19% with the worst-case error of 0.34% while
There are three observations that can be made from this IEC 34 can also provide an accuracy of 0.72% with the worst-
table. Firstly, all the efficiency figures from IEC 34-2 are case error of 1.3%. It is worth noting out that these results
greater than those of the IEEE 112-B and IEC 60034-2-1. This include instrumentation errors only. In practice, the overall
confirms a long-standing view that the former IEC standard measurement errors are generally greater, mainly due to human
errors [16].
It is obvious that these test results justify the IEC new
stator I2R new std standard in terms of detecting a very small loss in electrical
stator I2R old std
2500 rotor I2R new std machine and providing accurate efficiency results.
rotor I2R old std
SLL new std
2000 SLL old std
Power loss (W)

1500 This paper have investigated the induction machine
efficiency and measurement uncertainty resulting from IEC
and IEEE testing standards, with a focus placed on the recently
500 published IEC standard 60034-2-1. The improvements of the
IEC 60034-2-1 over its previous version are found in defining
0 higher instrumentation accuracy, and particularly, more
1 2 3 4 5 accurate method to determine the stray load loss.
Machine The IEC 60034-2-1 is significant in providing methods of
Fig. 6. Comparisons of three loss components direct quantifying machine efficiency and power losses, in

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Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines
particular stray load loss. Test results from five induction
[2] US Act, The energy policy act of 1992 (EPAct)
machines with ratings between 7.5 and 150 kW have [3] IEC 34-2: 1972 (IEC 34-2A 1974) (BS EN 60034-2), amendments 1:
confirmed the effectiveness of this new standard. In effect, this 1995 and amendments 2: 1996, General Requirements for Rotating
standard has highly aligned itself with IEEE 112. The accuracy Electrical Machines- Part 102: Methods for determining losses and
efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
of power loss measurements by these standard methods has [4] IEC 60034-2-1: 2007 (BS EN 60034-2-1) Rotating Electrical Machines-
been validated by the calorimetric approach. The measurement Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from
uncertainty of machine efficiency has been investigated using tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
the realistic perturbation-based estimation. [5] IEEE Std 112-2004 (IEEE 112-1991, 1996), IEEE Standard Test
Procedure for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators (ANSI)
Test results also suggest that instrumentation errors alone [6] E. Levi, “Polyphase motors: a direct approach to their design”, John
would not be greater than 0.2% for IEC 60034-2-1 standard. Wiley and Sons, New York, 1984
The greatest discrepancy may still lie in the human error. From [7] C.N. Glew, “Stray load losses in induction motors: a challenge to
academia”, Power Engineering Journal [see also Power Engineer],
the viewpoint of standard-making body, the test procedure Volume: 12 Issue: 1, Feb 1998 pp. 27-32
should be defined as clear and rigid as possible. From the [8] H. Auinger, “Determination and designation of the efficiency of
industry and end-users’ viewpoints, education and discussion electrical machines”, Power Engineering Journal [see also Power
Engineer], Volume: 13 Issue: 1, Feb 1999 pp. 15-23
may help to minimize these sources of error. [9] A.I. de Almeida, F.J.T.E. Ferreira, J.F. Busch, P. Angers, “Comparative
analysis of IEEE 112-B and IEC 34-2 efficiency testing standards using
stray load losses in low-voltage three-phase, cage induction motors”,
ACKNOWLEDGMENT IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 38, Issue 2, March-
April. 2002, pp: 608-614
The author would like to acknowledge the helpful [10] K.J. Bradley, W. Cao, and J. Arellano-Padilla, “Evaluation of stray load
discussions with Dr K. J. Bradley on the preparation of this loss in induction motors with a comparison of input-output and
paper. calorimetric methods”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion,
Volume 21, Issue 3, Sept. 2006, pp: 682-689
[11] W. Cao, K. J. Bradley and J. Allen, “Evaluation of additional loss in
APPENDIX induction motors consequent upon repair and rewinding”, IEE
Proceedings on Electric Power Applications, January 2006, Volume 153,
LIST OF TEST MACHINES Issue 1, pp. 1-6
[12] R.S. Colby and D.L. Flora, “Measured efficiency of high efficiency and
standard induction motors”, Industry Applications Society Annual
Machine 1 2 3 4 5
Meeting, 1990, Conference Record of the 1990 IEEE, 7-12 Oct. 1990, pp.
kW 7.5 30 75 110 150 18 -23 vol.1
Pole No. 4 4 4 4 4 [13] D.R. Turner, K.J. Binns, B.N. Shamsadeen, and D.F. Warne, “Accurate
measurement of induction motor losses using balance calorimeter”, IEE
Hz 50 50 50 50 50 Proceedings, Electrical Power Applications, Vol. 138, No 5, September
V 400 400 400 400 400 1991, pp. 233-242
[14] S.G. Rabinovich, “Measurement Errors and Uncertainties: Theory and
A 14.5 54 142 198 255 Practice”, 3rd ed. New York, NY: Springer, 2005
RPM 1455 1465 1478 1487 1488 [15] Wenping Cao, K.J. Bradley and A. Ferrah, “Development of a high
precision calorimeter for measuring power loss in electrical machines”,
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, in press
REFERENCES [16] Wenping Cao, K.J. Bradley, “Assessing the impacts of rewind and
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[1] W. Cao, “Accurate measurement and evaluation of losses and efficiency the machine being wasted?”, IEEE Transactions on Industry
of new and rewound induction motors”, PhD Dissertation, the University Applications, Volume 42, Issue 4, July-Aug. 2006, pp: 958-964
of Nottingham, September 2004

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