Tender Notification 008
Tender Notification 008
Tender Notification 008
NIT NO CMC/BY/19-20/RB/SV/008
1.01 BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “BYPL”) invites sealed tenders in 2
qualify the requirements as specified in clause 2.0 stated below. All envelopes shall be
ON 23.05.2019, 14:30 HRS”
Cost of Delivery &
Sl. Estimated
Description EMD Qty. Installation
No. Cost (₹)
(₹) at
Survey, design, engineering,
manufacture, shop testing,
inspection, packing, dispatch,
loading, unloading and storage
at site, transit/storage and
construction insurance,
assembly, erection, civil,
structural, architectural
work, complete pre- MOTIA
(Bidder is
commissioning checks, KHAN
testing & commissioning at GRID, NEW
11.44 11.44 to verify
1 site, obtaining statutory DELHI FOR
Crore Lakh the same
clearance & certification from BYPL,
State Electrical Inspector, and DELHI
bidding by
handing over to the Owner (INDIA)
after satisfactory
the site)
commissioning of new
33/11kv gis & power
transformer along with allied
equipments and works of
system upgradation on
Turnkey basis conforming to
Technical Specification & SOW
1.02 The schedule of specifications with detail terms & conditions can be obtained from
address given below against submission of non-refundable demand draft of Rs.1,180/-
drawn in favour of BSES Yamuna Power Ltd, payable at Delhi. The tender papers will be
issued on all working days upto 23.05.2019, 17:00 P.M. The tender documents &
detail terms and conditions can also be downloaded from the website
www.bsesdelhi.com --> BSES YAMUNA POWER LTD --> Tender --> Open
In case tender papers are downloaded from the above website, then the bidder has to
enclose a demand draft covering the cost of bid documents.
Head of Department
Contracts & Materials Deptt.
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
3rd Floor, A Block
Shaktikiran Building, Karkardooma
Delhi 110032
The prospective bidder must qualify all of the following requirements and shall be eligible
to participate in the bidding who meets following requirements and management has a
right to disqualify those bidders who do not meet these requirements.
a) The bidder should be a manufacture of any two major equipments out of three –
33/11KV 20/25 MVA Power Transformer, 33KV GIS and 11KV AIS.
b) The bidder should have infrastructure in India for providing service & spare
support to BYPL. The relevant documents including details of manufacturing
units, locations and works from where supply & spares against this tender shall
be proposed to be furnished.
c) The bidder should have established project management, field quality assurance
system & safety organization designed to achieve high level of reliability at
various stages of field services required for successful erection, testing &
commissioning. The bidder should have successfully designed, supplied, installed
& commissioned minimum two 33KV GIS Grid substations or higher rating
projects in last 5 years. Details of these projects including customer name, PO
number (with date), date of completion and rating (Capacity/Voltage etc) shall
be provided.
d) Performance certificate for 1 (One) year satisfactory performance from at least 2
executed projects of 33KV GIS or higher voltage rating should be submitted.
e) Bidder shall procure equipment’s from the approved vendor list of BYPL for
individual items (attached in Scope of work - SP-SWGIS-124-R1). The bidder is
supposed to have agreement with manufacturer/service provider to provide
support to BYPL for any service & spares related issues for time stipulated in the
specification or service life of the equipments. The bidder must submit the
undertaking for the same.
f) The bidder must have adequate Financial Stability and status to meet the
financial obligation pursuant to the scope of work and shall have average annual
turnover of minimum Rs 200 Crores during last three (3) Financial Years
preceding the date of opening of bid, duly certified CA certificate to be
Notwithstanding anything stated above, BYPL reserves the right to assess bidder’s
capability to perform the contract, assess the capability and installed capacity of the
Bidder for carrying out the supplies, should the circumstances warrant such assessment
in the overall interest of the purchaser. In this regard the decision of the purchaser is
Head of Department
Contracts & Material Deptt.
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
3rd Floor, A Block
Shaktikiran Building, Karkardooma
Delhi 110032
This is a two part bid process. Bidders are to submit the bids in 2(Two) parts
Both these parts should be furnished in separate sealed covers super scribing NIT no.
sealed envelopes should again be placed in another sealed cover which shall be
submitted before the due date & time specified.
Part – A:: Technical Bid should not contain any cost information whatsoever and shall
be submitted within the due date.
PART B:: This envelope will be opened internally after techno-commercial evaluation
and only of the qualified bidders.
REVERSE AUCTION CLAUSE :: Purchaser reserves the right to use reverse auction as
optional tool through SAP – SRM as an integral part of the entire tendering process. All
the bidders who are techno-commercially qualified on the basis of tender requirements
shall participate in reverse auction.
Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Purchaser reserves the right to assess
bidder’s capability to perform the contract, should the circumstances warrant such
assessment in the overall interest of the purchaser. In this regard the decision of the
purchaser is final.
Technical Commercial
Contact Mr Ashwani Aggarwal Mr Rakesh Bansal & Rajesh
Person Copy to : Mr. Rakesh Bansal Srivastava
C&M Deptt. 3rd Floor , A-Block,
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd , 3rd floor, B
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
Address Block, Shaktikiran Building,
Shaktikiran Building,
Karkardooma, Delhi 110032
Karkardooma, Delhi 110032
ashwani.aggarwal@relianceada.com rajesh.r.srivastava@relianceada.c
1.00 BSES Yamuna Power Ltd, hereinafter referred to as “The Purchaser“ are desirous of
implementing the various Systems Improvement/Repair & Maintenance works at their
respective licensed area in Delhi. The Purchaser has now floated this tender for
procurement of material notified earlier in this bid document.
3.01 This Document includes statements, which reflect various assumptions, which may or
may not be correct. Each Bidder/Bidding Consortium should conduct its own estimation
and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the
information in this Document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources in
their own interest.
3.02 Neither Purchaser nor its employees will have any liability whatsoever to any Bidder or
any other person under the law or contract, the principles of restitution or unjust
enrichment or otherwise for any loss, expense or damage whatsoever which may arise
from or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this Document,
any matter deemed to form part of this Document, provision of Services and any other
information supplied by or on behalf of Purchaser or its employees, or otherwise a rising
in anyway from the selection process for the Supply.
3.03 Though adequate care has been taken while issuing the Bid document, the Bidder should
satisfy itself that Documents are complete in all respects. Intimation of any discrepancy
shall be given to this office immediately.
3.04 This Document and the information contained herein are Strictly Confidential and are for
the use of only the person(s) to whom it is issued. It may not be copied or distributed by
the recipient to third parties (other than in confidence to the recipient‘s professional
The Bidder shall bear all cost associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid
and Purchaser will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs.
5.01 The Scope of Work, Bidding Procedures and Contract Terms are described in the Bidding
Documents. In addition to the covering letter accompanying Bidding Documents, the
Bidding Documents include:
5.02 The Bidder is expected to examine the Bidding Documents, including all Instructions,
Forms, Terms and Specifications. Failure to furnish all information required by the
Bidding Documents or submission of a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding
Documents in every respect will may result in the rejection of the Bid.
6.01 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the Purchaser may for any
reasons, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a
prospective Bidder, modify the Bidding Documents by Amendment.
6.02 The Amendment shall be part of the Bidding Documents, pursuant to Clause 5.01, and it
will be notified in web site www.bsesdelhi.com and the same will be binding on them.
6.03 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the Amendment
into account in preparing their Bids, the Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of Bids. The same shall be published as a corrigendum in
website www.bsesdelhi.com
The Bid prepared by the Bidder, and all correspondence and documents relating to the
Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Purchaser, shall be written in the English Language.
Any printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be written in another Language,
provided that this literature is accompanied by an English translation, in which case, for
purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the English translation shall govern.
(a) Bid Form, Price & other Schedules (STRICTLY AS PER FORMAT) and Technical Data
Sheets completed in accordance with Technical Specification.
(b) All the Bids must be accompanied with the required EMD as mentioned in the Section-I
against each tender.
(c ) Tender documents duly stamped and signed on each page by authorized signatory.
(a) the Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of specified bid validity
10.01 Bidders shall quote for the entire Scope of Supply/Work with a break-up of prices for
individual items and Taxes & Duties. The total Bid Price shall also cover all the Supplier's
obligations mentioned in or reasonably to be inferred from the Bidding Documents in
respect of Design, Supply, Transportation to site, all in accordance with the requirement
of Bidding Documents. The Bidder shall complete the appropriate Price Schedules
included herein, stating the Unit Price for each item & total Price with taxes, duties &
freight upto destination.
10.02 The prices offered shall be inclusive of all costs as well as Duties, Taxes and Levies paid
or payable during execution of the supply work, breakup of price constituents, should be
10.03 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be “Firm” and not subject to any price adjustment
during the performance of the Contract. A Bid submitted with an adjustable price/
10.04 The qty break-up shown else-where in Price Schedule is tentative. The bidder shall
ascertain himself regarding material required for completeness of the entire work. Any
item not indicated but is required to complete the job, shall be deemed to be included in
the prices quoted.
12.01 Bids shall remain valid for 150 days from the due date of submission of the Bid.
12.02 Notwithstanding Clause12.01 above, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an
extension of the Period of Bid Validity. The request and the responses thereto shall be
made in writing and sent by post/courier/e-mail.
Bidders shall submit Bids, which comply with the Bidding Documents. Alternative Bids will
not be considered. The attention of Bidders is drawn to the provisions regarding the
rejection of Bids in the terms and conditions, which are not substantially responsive to
the requirements of the Bidding Documents.
14.01 The original Bid Form and accompanying documents, clearly marked "Original Bid" plus
copy1, m u s t be received by the Purchaser at the date, time and place specified
pursuant to Clauses 15.0 and 16.0. In the event of any discrepancy between the original
and the copies, the original shall govern.
14.02 The original and copies of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be
signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Bidder. Such authorization shall be indicated by written Power-of-Attorney accompanying
the Bid.
14.03 The Bid shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except as necessary to
correct errors made by the Bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the
person or persons signing the Bid.
15.01 Bid submission: One original, & copy1 (hard copies) of all the Bid Documents shall be
sealed and submitted to the Purchaser before the closing time for submission of the bid.
15.02 The Technical Documents and the EMD shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope and the
said envelope shall be superscribed with —“Technical & EMD”. The price bid shall be
inside another sealed envelope with superscribed “Financial Bid”. Both these envelopes
shall be sealed inside another big envelope. All the envelopes should bear the Name and
Address of the Bidder and marking for the Original, & copy1. The envelopes should be
superscribed with —“Tender Notice No. & Due date of opening”.
16.01 The original Bid, together with the required copies, must be received by the Purchaser at
the address specified earlier.
16.02 The Purchaser may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of Bids by
amending the Bidding Documents, in which case all rights and obligations of the
Purchaser and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will there after be subject to the
deadline as extended.
Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid by itself. No Joint venture is acceptable. A Bidder
who submits or participates in more than one Bid will cause all those Bids to be rejected.
Any Bid received by the Purchaser after the deadline for submission of Bids prescribed by
the Purchaser, pursuant to Clause 16.0, will be declared "Late" and may be rejected and
returned unopened to the Bidder.
19.01 The Bidder is not allowed to modify or withdraw its Bid after the Bid’s submission.
To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids, the Purchaser may, at
its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its Bid. All responses to requests for
clarification shall be in writing and no change in the price or substance of the Bid shall be
sought, offered or permitted.
22.01 Purchaser will examine the Bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any
computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished,
whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the Bids are generally in
order. Purchaser may ask for submission of original documents in order to verify the
documents submitted in support of qualification criteria.
22.03 Prior to the detailed evaluation, Purchaser will determine the substantial responsiveness
of each Bid to the Bidding Documents including production capability and acceptable
quality of the Goods offered. A substantially responsive Bid is one, which conforms to all
the terms and conditions of the Bidding Documents without material deviation.
22.04 Bid determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by the Purchaser and/or
the Purchaser and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction
of the non -conformity.
23.01 The evaluation of Bids shall be done based on the delivered cost competitiveness basis.
23.02 The evaluation of the Bids shall be a stage-wise procedure. The following stages are
identified for evaluation purposes: In the first stage, the Bids would be subjected to a
responsiveness check. The Technical & qualifying Proposals and the Conditional ties of
the Bidders would be evaluated.
23.03 The Purchaser's evaluation of a Bid will take into account, in addition to the Bid price, the
following factors, in the manner and to the extent indicated in this Clause:
(a ) Delivery Schedule
Bidders shall base their Bid price on the terms and conditions specified in the Bidding
The cost of all quantifiable deviations and omissions from the specification, terms and
conditions specified in Bidding Documents shall be evaluated. The Purchaser will make
its own assessment of the cost of any deviation for the purpose of ensuring fair
comparison of Bids.
23.04 Any adjustments in price, which result from the above procedures, shall be added for the
purposes of comparative evaluation only to arrive at an "Evaluated Bid Price". Bid Prices
quoted by Bidders shall remain unaltered.
24.01 If any Bidder wishes to contact the Purchaser on any matter related to the Bid, from the
24.02 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Purchaser and/or in the Purchaser‘s decisions in
respect of Bid evaluation, Bid comparison or Contract Award, will result in the rejection of
the Bidder‘s Bid.
The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Bidding
process and reject all Bids at anytime prior to award of Contract, without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the
affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Purchaser‘s action.
The Purchaser will award the Contract to the successful Bidder whose Bid has been
Determined to be the lowest-evaluated responsive Bid, provided further that the Bidder
has been determined to be qualified to satisfactorily perform the Contract. Purchaser
reserves the right to award order to other bidders in the tender, provided it is required for
timely execution of project & provided he agrees to come to the lowest rate.
Though the contract is for Turnkey in nature, the Purchaser intends to issue 2 (two)
separate Purchase/Works Orders viz.
a) Purchase Order for Supply Portion.
b) Work Order for Installation, Testing & Commissioning.
c) Work Order for Civil Works.
All individual contracts will contain cross fall breach clause (i.e., a breach of one will
constitute breach of the others)
The Purchaser reserves the right to vary the quantity i.e. increase or decrease the
numbers/quantities without any change in terms and conditions during the execution of
the Order.
The letter of intent/ Notification of Award shall be issued to the successful Bidder whose
bids have been considered responsive, techno-commercially acceptable and evaluated to
be the lowest (L1). The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a letter of
acceptance with in 7 days of issue of the letter of intent /Notification of Award by
Purchaser. The date of LOI/LOA shall be treated as Start date of Project.
Within 15 days of the receipt of Notification of Award/ Letter of Intent/PO from the
Purchaser, the successful Bidder shall furnish Contract Performance Bank Guarantee
towards faithful performance of Contract for an amount of 10% (Ten percent) of the
Contract Price. The Performance Bond shall be valid upto completion period/handing
over, whichever is earlier plus 3 months claim period. Upon submission of the
performance security, the EMD shall be released. 03 (three) nos. separate CPBG’s shall
be submitted against Supply, ETC & Civil Contract.
30.01 The Purchaser requires that the Bidders observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of the Project. In pursuance of this policy, the Purchaser:
(a ) Defines, for the purposes of this provision , the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) "Corrupt practice" means behavior on the part of officials in the public or private
sectors by which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves and/or those
close to them ,or induce others to do so, by misusing the position in which they are
placed, and it includes the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of
value to influence the action of any such official in the procurement process or in
contract execution; and
(ii) "Fraudulent practice" means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a
procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the
Purchaser, and includes collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after Bid
submission ) designed to establish Bid prices at artificial non -competitive levels and
to deprive the Purchaser of the benefits of free and open competition .
(b) Will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder recommended for award
has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question ;
(c) Will declare a firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be
awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the firm has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.
30.02 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provision stated in the Terms and Conditions
of Contract.
1.01 Bidders are requested to visit the site to understand the scope of work, site conditions
and requirements prior to Bidding. Hence, no price/time escalation shall be admissible on
these accounts.
1.02 As this is the Turnkey Project, so additional cost will not be paid to successful bidders
even if the size and quantity of cables or other minor material mentioned in BOM
changed as per the site requirements.
1.03 Statutory variation will be allowed for direct supplies only wherever breakup of Taxes & Duties are
available in Price Bid.
1.04 Bidder has to submit the technical parameters with details of Spares for each rating with
catalogue, reference codes etc.
1.05 Bidder has to submit the item wise price bifurcation in bid. Unprice copy must be
attached with the Part A. Reverse Auction will be carried out on Lump sum Basis/Total Landed
Cost i.e. Supply + ETC + Civil Works.
1.06 Successful bidder has to compliance the statutory compliance.
1.07 In case of any major deviation, deletion or addition which bidder may feel is relevant to
this project & for its safe operation and completion of works; Bidder may clearly highlight
and communicate the same to the purchaser with his bid.
1.08 Necessary Statutory Clearances & any other authority for energizing the substation shall
be in the scope of this tender. However, any statutory fees shall be borne by BYPL on
production of documentary evidence.
1.09 Problem Troubleshooting & Restoration In Warranty Period For A Particular Equipment:
a) Service Engineer Availability to Attend, Identify & Restore Defects (Minor) Of Grid
Equipments under Guarantee Period within 48 Working Hours (Exclusion of Material
Support Cases)
b) Spare Material Delivery For Restoration Of Grid Equipment (Major Defect) Under
Guarantee Period Within Two Weeks. Seller must keep Requisite Inventory of Critical
Switchgear Spares & Other Equipment’s Covered in Guarantee Period to Restore
Equipment within Two Weeks.
c) In Case Of Complete Replacement of Equipment, Complete Equipment to Be Replaced
Within a Period Of 4 Weeks.
The contractor shall be fully responsible to complete the project in time. It is desired that
the total project should complete in 180 days from the date of LOI or purchase order
whichever is earlier. The detail completion schedule shall be prepared by vendor and
shall be submitted at the time of detailed engineering for approval. Vendor has to submit
the progress report fortnightly in the format attached with this tender/as asked by the
The bidders are requested to submit the following along with the bid, about the project
implementation & execution methodology.
a) Write up/overview of project Plan
b) Implementation Methodology
The successful Bidder shall be required to prepare detailed Network(s) and project
implementation plans & programmes and finalize the same with the Employer as per
requirement specified in Technical Specifications, which shall form a part of the Contract.
1.01 All the Bids shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with these instructions.
1.02 Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and delivery of its Bid, and the
Purchaser will in no case shall be responsible or liable for these costs.
1.03 The Bid should be submitted by the Bidder in whose name the bid document has been
issued and under no circumstances it shall be transferred /sold to the other party.
1.04 The Purchaser reserves the right to request for any additional information and also
reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Bidder, if in the opinion of the Purchaser,
the data in support of RFQ requirement is incomplete.
1.05 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & conditions and
specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to furnish all information required in the Bid
Documents or submission of a Bid not substantially responsive to the Bid Documents in
every respect may result in rejection of the Bid. However, the Purchaser’s decision in
regard to the responsiveness and rejection of bids shall be final and binding without any
obligation, financial or otherwise, on the Purchaser.
2.01 “Purchaser” shall mean BSES Yamuna Power Limited, on whose behalf this bid enquiry is
issued by its authorized representative / officers.
2.02 “Bidder” shall mean the firm who quotes against this bid enquiry issued by the
Purchaser. “Supplier” or “Supplier” shall mean the successful Bidder and/or Bidders
whose bid has been accepted by the Purchaser and on whom the “Letter of Acceptance”
is placed by the Purchaser and shall include his heirs, legal representatives, successors
and permitted assigns wherever the context so admits.
2.04 “Specification” shall mean collectively all the terms and stipulations contained in those
portions of this bid document known as RFQ, Commercial Terms & Condition,
Instructions to Bidders, Technical Specifications and the Amendments, Revisions,
Deletions or Additions, as may be made by the Purchaser from time to time.
2.05 “Letter of Acceptance” shall mean the official notice issued by the Purchaser notifying the
Supplier that his proposal has been accepted and it shall include amendments thereto, if
any, issued by the Purchaser. The “Letter of Acceptance” issued by the Purchaser shall
be binding on the “Supplier” The date of Letter of Acceptance shall be taken as the
effective date of the commencement of contract.
2.06 “Month” shall mean the calendar month and “Day” shall mean the calendar day.
2.08 “Offer Sheet” shall mean Bidder's firm offer submitted to BYPL in accordance with
the specification.
2.09 “Contract” shall mean the “Letter of Acceptance/Purchase Order” issued by the
2.10 “Contract Price” shall mean the price referred to in the “Letter of Acceptance/Purchase
2.11 “Contract Period” shall mean the period during which the “Contract” shall be executed
as agreed between the Supplier and the Purchaser in the Contract inclusive of extended
contract period for reason beyond the control of the Supplier and/or Purchaser due to
force majeure.
2.12 “Acceptance” shall mean and deemed to include one or more of the following as will
be stipulated in the specification:
a) The written acceptance of material by the inspector at suppliers works to ship
the materials.
b) Acceptance of material at Purchaser site stores after its receipt and due
inspection/ testing and release of material acceptance voucher.
c) Where the scope of the contract includes supply, acceptance shall mean issue of
necessary equipment / material takeover receipt after installation & commissioning
and final acceptance.
3.01 Contract Documents: The terms and conditions of the contract shall consist solely of
these RFQ conditions and the offer sheet.
4.01 The “Scope of Supply” shall be on the basis of Bidder’s responsibility, completely covering
the obligations, responsibility and supplies provided in this Bid enquiry whether implicit or
4.02 Bidder shall have to quote for the Bill of quantities as listed elsewhere.
5.01 Immediately on award of contract, the bidder shall prepare detailed quality assurance
plan/test procedure identifying the various stages of manufacture, quality checks
performed at each stage, raw material inspection and the Customer hold points. The
document shall also furnish details of method of checking, inspection and acceptance
standards / values and get the approval of Purchaser before proceeding with
manufacturing. However, Purchaser shall have right to review the inspection reports,
quality checks and results of suppliers in house inspection department which are not
Customer hold points and the supplier shall comply with the remarks made by purchaser
or his representative on such reviews with regards to further testing, rectification or
rejection, etc.
6.01 Packing: Supplier shall pack or shall cause to be packed all Commodities
in crates/boxes/drums/containers/cartons and otherwise in such a manner as shall be
reasonably suitable for shipment by road or rail to BYPL, Delhi/New Delhi stores/site
without undue risk of damage in transit.
6.02 Packing List: The contents of each package shall be itemized on a detailed list
showing the exact weight, extreme outside dimensions (length, width & weight) of each
container/box/drum/carton, Item SAP Code, PO No & date. One copy of the packing list
shall be enclosed in each package delivered.
a) 5% of the total supply contract price shall be paid as initial interest free advance
on fulfillment against 1) acceptance of LOI/PO, 2) submission of BG of equivalent
amount valid upto completion period/handing over, whichever is earlier plus 3
months claim period and 3) Submission of Contract Performance Bank Guarantee
of 10% of the contract price valid upto completion period/handing over, whichever
is earlier plus 3 months claim period. In case of delay, the BG shall be extended
suitably. The advance shall be adjusted against R/Bills.
8.02 Purchaser has the right to recover tax loss, interest and penalty suffered due to any non-
compliance of tax laws by the Vendor. In the event, Purchaser is not able to avail any tax
credit due to any short coming on the part of the Vendor (which otherwise should have
been available to Purchaser in the normal course), then the Vendor at his own cost and
effort will get the short coming rectified. If for any reason the same is not possible, then
the Vendor will make ‘good’ the loss suffered by Purchaser due to the tax credit it lost .
In such event, any amount paid to the Vendors shall be first attributable to the tax (GST)
charged in the invoice and the balance shall be considered towards the ‘value’ of supply
of goods/ services.
8.03 Purchaser shall deduct “Tax Deducted at Source” wherever applicable and at the rate
prescribed under the GST Laws or any other Indian law and remit the same to the
Government. Necessary TDS certificates as per law shall be issued by the purchase to the
8.05 Where the supply of Goods are liable to GST under reverse charge mechanism, then the
supplier should clearly mention the category under which it has been registered and also
that “the liability of payment of GST is on the Recipient of Supply”.
9.01 All bids submitted shall remain valid, firm and subject to unconditional
acceptance by BYPL Delhi for 150 days from the due date of submission. For
awarded suppliers/contractors, the prices shall remain valid and firm till contract
10.01 Bank guarantee shall be drawn in favour of BSES Yamuna Power Ltd as
applicable. The performance Bank guarantee shall be in the format as specified by
11.0 Forfeiture
11.01 Each Performance Bond established under Clause 10.0 shall contain a statement
that it shall be automatically and unconditionally forfeited without recourse and
payable against the presentation by BYPL of this Performance Bond, to the relevant
bank referred to above, together with a simple statement that supplier has failed
to comply with any term or condition set forth in the Contract.
12.0 Release
12.01 All Performance Bonds will be released without interest within seven (7) days
from the last date up to which the Performance Bond has to be kept valid (as
defined in Clause10.0) except for the case set forth in Clause 21.0.
13.01 The bidder to guarantee the materials/items supplied against any defect of failure, which
arise due to faulty materials, workmanship or design for the entire defects liability period.
The Defect liability period shall be 36 months from the date of handing over of entire
Installation. If during the defects liability period any materials/items are found to be
defective, these shall be replaced or rectified by the bidder at his own cost within 30 days
from the date of receipt of intimation.
14.01 BYPL shall give Supplier notice of any defective Commodity promptly after becoming
aware thereof. BYPL may in its discretion elect to return defective Commodities to
Supplier for replacement, free of charge to BYPL, or may reject such Commodities and
15.01 The date of the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance/Purchase Order shall be treated as
the effective date of the commencement of Contract.
16.01 The time and the date of completion of the “Supply” as stipulated in the Letter of
Acceptance / Purchase order issued to the Supplier shall be deemed to be the essence of
the “Contract”. The Supply has to be completed not later than the aforesaid Schedule
and date of completion of supply.
17.01 The laws applicable to this Contract shall be the Laws in force in India.
17.02 All disputes arising in connection with the present Contract shall be settled amicably by
mutual consultation failing which shall be finally settled as per the rules of Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 at the discretion of Purchaser. The venue of arbitration shall be at
Delhi in India.
18.01 Events of Default. Each of the following events or occurrences shall constitute an event
of default ("Event of Default") under the Contract:
(a) Supplier fails or refuses to pay any amounts due under the Contract;
(c) Supplier becomes insolvent or unable to pay its debts when due, or commits any act
of bankruptcy, such as filing any petition in any bankruptcy, winding-up or
reorganization proceeding, or acknowledges in writing its insolvency or inability to
pay its debts; or the Supplier's creditors file any petition relating to bankruptcy of
(d) Supplier otherwise fails or refuses to perform or observe any term or condition of the
Contract and such failure is not remediable or, if remediable, continues for a period
of 30 days after receipt by the Supplier of notice of such failure from BYPL.
(a) If an Event of Default shall occur and be continuing, BYPL may forthwith terminate
the Contract by written notice.
(b) In the event of an Event of Default, BYPL may, without prejudice to any other right
granted to it by law, or the Contract, take any or all of the following actions;
(i) present for payment to the relevant bank the Performance Bond;
(ii) Purchase the same or similar Commodities from any third party; and/or
(iii) Recover any losses and/or additional expenses BYPL may incur as a result of
Supplier's default.
20.01 If supply of items / equipments is delayed beyond the supply schedule as stipulated in
purchase order then the Supplier shall be liable to pay to the Purchaser as penalty for
delay, a sum of 1% (one percent) of the basic (ex-works) price of the contract for every
week delay or part thereof delay until the actual date of completion.
20.02 The total amount for delay under the contract will be subject to a maximum of Ten
percent (10%) of the basic (ex-works) price.
20.03 The Purchaser may, without prejudice to any method of recovery, deduct the amount for
such damages from any amount due or which may become due to the Supplier or from
the Performance Bond or file a claim against the supplier.
21.1 The total order value shall be adjusted on account of any variations in Statutory Levies
imposed by Competent Authorities by way of fresh notification(s) within the stipulated
delivery period only. However, in case of reduction in taxes, duties and levies, the
benefits of the same shall be passed on to BUYER.
21.2 No other Taxes, Duties & Levies other than those specified above will be payable by
BUYER except in case of new Levies, Taxes & Duties imposed by the Competent
Authorities by way of fresh notification(s) subsequent to the issue of PURCHASE ORDER
but within the stipulated delivery period.
21.3 Notwithstanding what is stated above, changes in Taxes, Duties & Levies shall apply only
to that portion of PURCHASE ORDER not executed on the date of notification by
Competent Authority. Further, changes in Taxes, Duties & Levies after due date of
Delivery shall not affect PURCHASE ORDER Terms and Value.
21.4 PURCHASE ORDER value shall not be subject to any variation on account of variation in
Exchange rate(s).
21.5 Taxes & Duties on raw materials & bought out components are included in Order Value
and are not subject to any escalation or variation for any reason whatsoever.
22.01 General
An ”Event of Force Majeure" shall mean any event or circumstance not within
the reasonable control directly or indirectly, of the Party affected, but only if and to the
extent that:
(i) Such event or circumstance materially and adversely affects the ability of the
affected Party to perform its obligations under this Contract, and the affected Party
has taken all reasonable precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures
in order to prevent or avoid the effect of such event on the affected party's ability to
perform its
obligations under this Contract and to mitigate the consequences thereof.
(ii) For the avoidance of doubt, if such event or circumstance would not have materially
and adversely affected the performance of the affected party had such affected party
followed good industry practice, such event or circumstance shall not constitute force
(iii) Such event is not the direct or indirect result of the failure of such Party to perform
any of its obligations under this Contract.
(iv) Such Party has given the other Party prompt notice describing such events, the effect
thereof and the actions being taken in order to comply with above clause.
22.02 Specific Events of Force Majeure subject to the provisions of above clause, Events of
Force Majeure shall include only the following to the extent that they or their
consequences satisfy the above requirements :
(i) The following events and circumstances:
a) Effect of any natural element or other acts of God, including but not limited to storm,
flood, earthquake, lightning, cyclone, landslides or other natural disasters.
b) Explosions or fires
(ii) War declared by the Government of India, provided that the ports at Mumbai are
declared as a war zone.
(iii) Dangers of navigation, perils of the sea.
22.03 Notice of Events of Force Majeure If a force majeure event prevents a party from
performing any obligations under the Contract in part or in full, that party shall:
i) Immediately notify the other party in writing of the force majeure events
within 7(seven) working days of the occurrence of the force majeure event
ii) Be entitled to suspend performance of the obligation under the Contract which is
affected by force majeure event for the duration of the force majeure event.
iii) Use all reasonable efforts to resume full performance of the obligation as soon as
iv) Keep the other party informed of all such efforts to resume full performance of the
obligation on a regular basis.
v) Provide prompt notice of the resumption of full performance or obligation to the
other party.
22.05 Burden of Proof In the event that the Parties are unable in good faith to agree that
a Force Majeure event has occurred to an affected party, the parties shall resolve their
dispute in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The burden of proof as to
whether or not a force majeure event has occurred shall be upon the party claiming
that the force majeure event has occurred and that it is the affected party.
22.06 Termination for Certain Events of Force Majeure. If any obligation of any Party under the
Contract is or is reasonably expected to be delayed or prevented by a Force Majeure
event for a continuous period of more than 3 months, the Parties shall promptly
discuss in good faith how to proceed with a view to reaching a solution on mutually
agreed basis. If a solution on mutually agreed basis cannot be arrived at within a
period of 30 days after the expiry of the period of three months, the Contract shall
be terminated after the said period of 30 days and neither Party shall be liable to the
other for any consequences arising on account of such termination.
22.07 The Purchaser may terminate the contract after giving 15 (Fifteen) days notice if any
of following occurs:
a) Contractor fails to complete execution of works within the approved schedule of
works, terms and conditions.
b) In case the contractor commits any Act of Insolvency, or adjudged insolvent.
c) Has abandoned the contract.
d) Has failed to commence work or has suspended the progress of works.
e) Has failed to proceed the works with due diligence and failed to make such due
22.08 Limitation of Force Majeure event. The Supplier shall not be relieved of any obligation
under the Contract solely because cost of performance is increased, whether as a
consequence of adverse economic consequences or otherwise.
22.09 Extension of Contract Period due to Force Majeure event The Contract period may be
extended by mutual agreement of Parties by way of an adjustment on account of
any period during which an obligation of either Party is suspended due to a Force
Majeure event.
22.10 Effect of Events of Force Majeure. Except as otherwise provided herein or may further be
agreed between the Parties, either Party shall be excused from performance and
neither Party shall be construed to be in default in respect of any obligations
hereunder, for so long as failure to perform such obligations shall be due to and
event of Force Majeure."
24.0 Recoveries
24.01 When ever under this contract any money is recoverable from and payable by the bidder,
the purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating in part or in whole
by detecting any sum due to which any time thereafter may become due from the
supplier in this or any other contract. Should the sum be not sufficient to cover the full
amount recoverable the bidder shall pay to the purchaser on demand the remaining
25.0 Waiver
25.01 Failure to enforce any condition herein contained shall not operate as a waiver of the
condition itself or any subsequent breach thereof.
26.0 Indemnification
26.01 Notwithstanding contrary to anything contained in this RFQ, Supplier shall at his costs
and risks make good any loss or damage to the property of the Purchaser and/or the
other Supplier engaged by the Purchaser and/or the employees of the Purchaser and/or
employees of the other Supplier engaged by the Purchaser whatsoever arising out of the
negligence of the Supplier while performing the obligations under this contract.
The Bidder shall procure all equipment from BYPL approved sources as per attached
specifications. The Bidder’s shall submit 5 copies of Material/Type Test Certificates, O&M
Manuals, and Approved & As-built drawings, related to various equipment. The Bidder’s
shall ensure for the strict compliance to the specifications and Field Quality Procedures
issued by BYPL Engineer in-charge.
Except as provided otherwise in the Contract and except for willful misconduct or gross
negligence, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for loss of use of any Works,
loss of profit, loss of any contract or any other indirect or consequential loss or damage
which may be suffered by the other Party in connection with the Contract. The total
liability of the Contractor to the Purchaser under the Contract shall not exceed the
Contract Value. Except that this Clause shall not limit the liability of the Contractor:
(a) Under any other provisions of the Contract which expressly impose a greater
(b) In cases of fraud, willful misconduct or illegal or unlawful acts, or
(c) In cases of acts or omissions of the Contractor which are contrary to the most
elementary rules of diligence which a conscientious Contractor would have followed in
similar circumstances.
28.1 Subject to the due discharge of its obligations under the Contract and except in case of
gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Contractor or on the part of any
28.2 This limitation of liability shall not affect the Contractor’s liability, if any, for damage to any
third party, caused by the Contractor or any Person or firm acting on behalf of the
Contractor in executing the Works.
28.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, the Contractor shall not be liable for
any gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Purchaser or any of its
affiliates, any vendor, or any party, other than Contractor and/or, its directors, officers,
agents or representatives or its affiliates, or Subcontractor, or the vendor or any third party
engaged by it.
28.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, including but not limited to approval
by the Purchaser of any drawings, documents, vendor list, supply of information or data or
the participation of the Purchaser in any meeting and/or discussion or otherwise, shall not
absolve the Contractor from any of its liabilities or responsibilities arising in relation to or
under the Contract.
29.1 The Contractor shall indemnify the Purchaser and the Purchaser’s Representative from and
against all claims and proceedings on account of infringement (or alleged infringement) of
any patent rights, registered designs, copyright, design, trademark, trade name, know-how
or other intellectual property rights (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Intellectual
Property Rights") in respect of the Works, Contractor's Equipment, machines, Works
method, Plant, Materials, or anything whatsoever required for the execution of the Works
and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and
expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto. In the event of infringement
of any Intellectual Property Rights of any third party as a result of the execution of the
Works (or any part thereof) by the Contractor, the Contractor shall rectify, modify or
replace, at its own cost, the Works, Plant or Materials or anything whatsoever required for
the Works so that infringement ceases to exist or, in the alternative, the Contractor shall
procure necessary rights/ licenses from the affected third party so that there is no
infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.
29.2 The Contractor shall be promptly notified of any claim made against the Purchaser. The
Contractor shall, at its cost, conduct negotiations for the settlement of such claim, and any
litigation or arbitration that may arise from it. The Purchaser or the Purchaser’s
Representative shall not make any admission which might be prejudicial to the Contractor,
unless the Contractor has failed to take over the conduct of the negotiations, litigation or
arbitration within a reasonable time after having been so requested. In the event of
Contractor failing to act at the Purchaser’s Representative’s notice, the Purchaser shall be
at full liberty to deduct any such amount of pending claim from any amount due to the
Contractor under the Contract or any other contract and the balance portion of claim shall
be treated as debt due from the Contractor.
32.2 DAMAGE / LOSS OF CARGO IN TRANSIT: Vendor shall be solely responsible for
coordinating with the concerned insurance company for procuring insurance for material
and/or Goods, processing claim lodgment and settlement. Notwithstanding the insurance
33.0 Acceptance:
33.1 Vendor confirms to have gone through the Policy of BYPL on legal and ethical code
required to be followed by vendors encapsulated in the “Vendor Code of Conduct”
displayed on the official website of BYPL (www.bsesdelhi.com) also, which shall be
treated as a part of the contract/PO/WO.
Vendor undertakes that he shall adhere to the Vendor code of Conduct and also agrees
that any violation of the Vendor Code of Conduct shall be treated as breach of the
In event of any such breach, irrespective of whether it causes any loss/damage,
Purchaser (BYPL) shall have the right to recover loss/damage from Vendor.
The Contractor/Vendor herby indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified the Purchaser
(BYPL) against any claim/litigation arising out of any violation of Vendor Code of Conduct
by the Contractor/Vendor or its officers, agents & representatives etc.
33.2 Acceptance of the CONTRACT implies and includes acceptance of all terms and
conditions enumerated in the CONTRACT in the technical specification and drawings
made available to Contractor consisting of general conditions, detailed scope of work,
detailed technical specification, detailed equipment drawing and complete scope of work.
33.3 Contractor and Company contractual obligation are strictly limited to the terms set out in
the CONTRACT. No amendments to the concluded CONTRACT shall be binding unless
agreed to in writing for such amendment by both the parties
PRICE FORMAT – SUPPLY (A) (Items shown are indicative, Kindly refer BOQ, attached
as Annexure)
10% (Ten percent) of the Contract Price valid
7 Performance
upto completion period/handing over
Bank Guarantee
General Information
Full Name of the Company:
Postal Address:
Head of Department
Contracts & Material Deptt.
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd
Shaktikiran Building, Karkardooma,
Delhi 110032
BSES Yamuna Power Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “BYPL”) intends to use the reverse auction
through SAP-SRM tool as an integral part of the entire tendering process. All the bidders who are
found as techno commercial qualified based on the tender requirements shall be eligible to
participate in the reverse auction event.
The following terms and conditions are deemed as accepted by the bidder on participation in the
bid event:
1. BYPL shall provide the user id and password to the authorized representative of the
bidder. (Authorization letter in lieu of the same be submitted along with the signed and
stamped acceptance form)
2. BYPL will make every effort to make the bid process transparent. However, the award
decision by BYPL would be final and binding on the bidder.
3. The bidder agrees to non-disclosure of trade information regarding the purchase, identity
of BYPL, bid process, bid technology, bid documentation, bid details, and etc.
4. The bidder is advised to understand the auto bid process to safeguard themselves
against any possibility of non-participation in the auction event.
5. In case of bidding through internet medium, bidders are further advised to ensure
availability of the entire infrastructure as required at their end to participate in the
auction event. Inability to bid due to telephone line glitch, internet response issues,
software or hardware hangs; power failure or any other reason shall not be the
responsibility of BYPL.
6. In case of intranet medium, BYPL shall provide the infrastructure to bidders, further,
BYPL has sole discretion to extend or restart the auction event in case of any glitches in
infrastructure observed which has restricted the bidders to submit the bids to ensure fair
& transparent competitive bidding. In case of an auction event is restarted, the best bid
as already available in the system shall become the start price for the new auction.
7. In case the bidder fails to participate in the auction event due any reason whatsoever, it
shall be presumed that the bidder has no further discounts to offer and the initial bid as
submitted by the bidder as a part of the tender shall be considered as the bidder’s final
no regret offer. Any offline price bids received from a bidder in lieu of non-participation in
the auction event shall be out rightly rejected by BYPL.
8. The bidder shall be prepared with competitive price quotes on the day of the reverse
auction event.
9. The prices as quoted by the bidder during the auction event shall be inclusive of all the
applicable taxes, duties and levies and shall be FOR Landed Cost basis at BYPL site.
10. The prices submitted by a bidder during the auction event shall be binding on the bidder.
11. No requests for time extension of the auction event shall be considered by BYPL.
12. The original price bids of the bidders shall be reduced on pro-rata basis against each line
item based on the final all inclusive prices offered during conclusion of the auction event
for arriving at contract amount.
(To be issued in a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.50/-purchased in the name of the bank)
Whereas [name of the Bidder] (herein after called the “Bidder“) has submitted its bid dated[date
of submission of bid] for the supply of [name and/or description of the goods] (here after called
the “Bid”).
KNOW ALL PEOPLE by these presents that WE [name of bank] at [Branch Name and
address],having our registered office at[address of the registered office of the bank](herein after
called the “Bank“),are bound unto BSES Yamuna Power Ltd., with it‘s Corporate Office at
Shaktikiran Building, Karkardooma, Delhi -110032, (herein after called —the “Purchaser“)in the
sum of Rs……………………… (Rupees………………………………………………………. only) for which
payment well and truly to be made to the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors,
and assigns by these presents.
Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this_____ day of________ 20____.
1 If the Bidder withdraws its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on
the Bid Form ; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Purchaser during the
period of bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form ,if required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, In accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders/ Terms and Conditions;
We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written
demand, without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that is its demand
the purchaser will note that amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or
both of the two condition(s), specifying the occurred condition or condition(s).
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including One Fifty (150) days after the due date of
submission bid, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the
above date.
Details of Cause of
Name of Disputed
Year contract & Litigation/arbitration
client amount
date and dispute
Total assets
Current assets
Total Liability
Current Liability
Sr No Description Compliance
1.2 “Contractor”: shall mean the successful Tenderer / vendor to whom the contract
has been awarded
1.3 “Rate”: The unit rates for the work to be carried out at site shall be as per finalized unit
rates through tender. The finalized rates shall be firm for the entire duration of work to be
carried out by the Contractor under the work order and are not subject to escalation for any
reason whatsoever.
1.4. CONTRACT SPECIFICATION: The terms "CONTRACT Specification" shall mean the Technical
specification of the work as agreed by you and description of work as detailed in Annexure-I
enclosed herewith and all such particulars mentioned directly/referred to or implied as such in the
1.5 SITE: The terms "Site" shall mean the working location in BYPL area. Under this tender,
working location shall be as mentioned elsewhere.
The contractor is deemed to have visited the site of the work and ascertained therefore all site
conditions and information pertaining to his work. The company shall not accept any claim
whatsoever arising out of the difficult site/terrain/local conditions, if any.
The scope of work shall be as per SOW a t Site, New Delhi”. Schedule of work shall be as
mentioned in the Bill of quantity attached herewith.
Free Issue Material as required for the completion of work under the scope of the Contract shall
be issued free of cost by the Employer / Owner from its stores. Transportation from store to the
work area shall be in scope of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall requisition the free issue materials in the prescribed format(s) to the
Employer and Employer shall arrange to issue the same on Free of Cost basis.
The Contractor shall take proper care of the materials supplied to the Contractor and protect the
same from weathering and any other damages. Any material rendered unserviceable or damaged
while in Contractor's custody shall be replaced by the Contractor at his cost as determined by the
The Contractor shall have to furnish an Indemnity Bond (Annexure attached) for the materials
supplied free of cost by the Employer / Owner. Further, he shall be responsible for the safe
custody of materials till the materials are utilized, fabricated, erected and accounted for in all
respect in the Project.
After completion of work of above grid, contractor has to obtain the Electrical
Inspectorate's Clearance from the Electrical Inspector of Delhi Govt. However the Electrical
Inspectors clearance fees shall be paid by the company.
Engineer In-Charge shall arrange any permission like Road cutting clearance etc. from the Delhi
Civic authorities like MCD,DDA, PWD and DJB. However, the contractor shall make follow up with
local authorities and other connected persons that may be required to carry out the job under
this work order.
All the labour, plant appliance, ladder, scaffoldings, materials, cranes, tool and tackles, and
technical supervision etc. are including in your scope of work. Adequate number of engineers,
supervisors and labours (skilled & unskilled) shall be posted at site and the list of the same along
with certificate of Qualification of technical staff should be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer In Charge for checking the adequacy immediately (with in seven days) after award of
The Contractor shall also make his own arrangement for the accommodation/conveyance
requirements for its staff at site. Company will provided at site the adequate open space for
contractor's site store for storing the materials, tools, tackles etc. The entire Contractor's storage
will be within the site premises. All the incoming and outgoing materials, equipment, tools,
tackles and any other items related to said work shall be entered into the register kept for this
purpose and shall be in the custody of Contractor, however company does not hold any
responsibility for any loss or damage of Contractor's material etc.
The Contractor will make his own arrangement for electricity and water requirement from Local
sources for construction requirements.
The Contractor will be required to make his own arrangement for distribution of water/power on
the site by erecting temporary lines. All such work shall be carried out according to local
regulation. The temporary lines will be removed forthwith after the completion of work. If there is
hindrance caused to the other work done to the alignment of these lines, the contractor will re-
route and remove the temporary lines at his own cost
The rates finalized for this order shall be firm for the entire duration of work carried out by the
Contractor under the order and are not subject to any variation and escalation for any reason
Rate for all the extra items shall be mutually negotiated and fixed on the basis of cost of
materials, consumables, labour and T&P expenses plus overhead expenses and profit upto
maximum 10%.
The cost of insurance during loading/unloading of materials/ equipments during its storage and
handling/erection at site for installation is included in the contractor's scope and value is included
in the unit rates finalized.
The unit rates finalized are also inclusive of barricading and watch & ward during execution and
no separate charges shall be paid for the same.
Prices are inclusive of all taxes and duties including labour cess and GST as applicable. However,
IT as per applicable rate will be deducted from your bills as Tax Deduction at Source (TDS).
The total order value shall remain FIRM and shall only be adjusted on account of any
variations in Statutory Taxes, duties and Levies imposed by Competent Authorities by way of
fresh notification(s) within the stipulated delivery period.
All bills shall be submitted to the Engineer In charge / Package Engineer for certification. Bills
shall be complete in all respect including ESI / HR compliance, Quality compliance, HSE
compliance, Store compliance, Finance compliance etc. An established procedure is followed at
site. Incomplete bills / invoices will not be considered for processing payments.
(i) 5% of the total services contract price shall be paid as initial interest free advance on
fulfillment against 1) acceptance of LOI/PO, 2) submission of BG of equivalent amount
valid upto completion period/handing over, whichever is earlier plus 3 months claim
period and 3) Submission of Contract Performance Bank Guarantee of 10% of the
contract price valid upto completion period/handing over, whichever is earlier plus 3
months claim period. In case of delay, the BG shall be extended suitably. The advance
shall be adjusted against R/Bills.
(ii) 80% prorata of total services value shall be payable against R/A bills payable withi n
30 days after completion duly certified by Engineer in charge.
(iii) Balance 15% on account of total services value of the actual executed value shall be paid
in 30 days after completion of successful acceptance testing, commissioning and handing
All the Bank guarantees shall be submitted as per Company’s format (Appendix I) and from any
scheduled Bank approved by Company.
Company shall make payments of the bills either; By crossed cheque or by electronic transfer
directly to Contractor's designated bank account.
Work executed shall be guaranteed against any defect or failure which may arise due to faulty
materials, design or workmanship for a period of 36 months from the date of handing over of the
entire installation.
If during the Defect Liability Period any materials/ items are found to be defective, these shall be
replaced or rectified by the bidder at his own cost within 30 days from the date of receipt of
You are required to mobilize your manpower and Tools & Tackles and furnish a list of equipments
to be used for erection and commence the execution activity as per instructions of Engineer In-
charge. The entire erection work should be completed within project completion of 05
months from the date of issue of LOI/WO. The detailed schedule and milestone completion
dates would be as per the contract schedules given from time to time by Engineer In-charge at
site. You shall submit a weekly progress report to Engineer In charge.
All debris shall be removed and disposed of at assigned areas on daily basis. Surplus excavated
earth shall be disposed of in an approved manner. In short, you shall be fully responsible for
keeping the work site clean at all times. In case of non- compliance, company shall get the same
done at Contractor's risk and costs.
After completion of the work, the Contractor shall conduct trial run/ operation in the presence of
Engineer In charge. During such trial run the system shall be operated under the supervision of
the Contractor. If any rectification/modification required during this period the Contractor shall do
all necessary measures.
On satisfactory completion of above, the system shall be deemed to have energized and placed
in commercial operation. The Engineer In Charge will issue an acceptance certificate.
The work carried out by the Contractor under this order has to be certified by Engineer In-charge
for satisfactory completion of work allotted to the contractor with respect to specifications / Field
Quality Procedures as per applicable standards. In case of modification/correction to be carried
out, contractor shall carry out the said modifications/correction without additional cost. The
Reconciliation of free issue material, BOQ items shall be done on monthly basis and same shall
form part of the running bills. The contractor shall maintain an accurate and exhaustive record
detailing out the list of all items received by him for the purpose of erection and keep such record
open for the inspection of the company. All measurement of works shall be done in The Joint
Measurement Book, jointly signed by Engineer In Charge / Package Owner and contractor’s
representative. Copy of measurement sheet shall form part of both running bill and final bill.
The contractor shall be solely responsible for any shortage or damage of materials issued to them
handling of and / or in storage and erection at site and cost of the same will be recovered from
the contractor as certified by Engineer In-Charge.
16.1 Prior to Handing over, the contractor shall remove all the belonging from the site.
16.2 Debris, Rubbish etc. so as to take all practical measures to prevent damage to the site or
any other property on or near the site or work area. As soon as reasonably practicable, but in any
event prior to handing over, the contractor shall remove or dispose of in accordance with
applicable laws all such rubbish, debris, etc. and all contractor’s Equipment, supplies, materials
and wastes brought or produced by the contractor on the site or the work area.
16.3 Labour and Hutments: Labour and work men engaged by the contractor for the works along
with their hutments, sheds and dwellings, notwithstanding the foregoing, the contractor shall be
responsible for the removal of all its temporary structures built at site.
20.1 Penalty: A penalty of 2.5% of bill amount shall be levied in each case of non-compliance of
safety practices and site cleanliness.
20.2 Liquidated Damages: In the event of any delay in completion of the work beyond the
stipulated time given by in order due to reasons solely attributable to the Contractor, the
Contractor shall pay to the Company liquidated damages.
If the Contractor failed perform the services within the time period specified in the order, the
Company shall, without prejudice to its other remedies under the contract, deduct liquidated
damages a sum equivalent to 1 % of the work value (basic) for each week or part there of delay
until the actual date of completion up to a maximum deduction of 10% of order value (basic).
Once the maximum is reached to Company may consider termination of contract without any
liabilities to Company.
20.3 The Liquidated Damages shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from any of its
obligations to complete the Work or from any other obligations and liabilities of the Contractor
under the Contract.
20.4 Notwithstanding the above, in the event the Contractor fails to complete the package as per
the schedule; and delays the Employer ‘Handing Over’ of the plant / Structure / unit(s) up to a
period for which the Liquidated Damages for time delay becomes more than 5% of the Contract
Price, then the Employer at his sole discretion, shall be entitled to treat the failure as an act of
default by the Contractor and same shall entitle the Employer to terminate the Contract and get
the work done by some other agency, at the Risk & Cost of Contractor.
20.5 Employer shall issue notice to Contractor in writing before recommending any risk & cost to
contractor. The Contractor shall immediately provide an action plan to make good of any balance
Work/deficient Work within seven (07) days of receiving such notice. Any non response by the
Contractor to the Risk and Cost proposal of the Employer or failure to provide an action plan shall
be deemed as acceptance of the Risk and Cost proposal by the Contractor.
20.6 The Liquidated Damages for delay will be recovered at the sole discretion of the Employer
from the Contract Price or from other securities/ BG’s available with the Employer or jointly.
20.7 Time is essence of the Contract. After issuance of the Work order, the Contractual network /
L2 network will be finalized and approved by the Employer.
Engineer In charge should specifically mention the amount of LD levied on the bill of contractor.
The Contractor shall ensure adequate safety precautions at site as required under the law of the
land and shall be entirely responsible for the complete safety of their workman as well as other
workers at site and premises. The contractor shall not deploy any worker below the age of 18
The contractor shall observe the safety requirements as laid down in the contract and in case of
sub-contract (only after written approval of company), it shall be the responsibility of main
contractor that all safety requirements are followed by the employees and staff of the sub-
The contractor employing two hundred employees or more, including contract workers, shall have
a safety co-ordinator in order to ensure the implementation of safety requirements of the contract
and a contractor with lesser number of employees, including contract workers, shall nominate one
of his employees to act as safety co-ordinator who shall liaise with the safety officer on matters
relating to safety and his name shall be displayed on the notice board at a prominent place at the
work site.
The contractor shall be responsible for non-compliance of the safety measures, implications,
injuries, fatalities and compensation arising out of such situations or incidents.
In case of any accident, the contractor shall immediately submit a statement of the same to the
owner and the safety officer, containing the details of the accident, any injury or casualities,
extent of properly damage and remedial action taken to prevent recurrence and in addition, the
contractor shall submit a monthly statement of the accidents to the owner at the end of each
The Contractor shall take all steps as may be necessary to comply with various Acts, Rules,
including but not limited to The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986, The Contract
Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970. The Employees Pension scheme , The Employees
Provident Funds and miscellaneous provisions Act, 1952 ,The Employees state Insurance
Act,1948,The Equal Remuneration Act, The Industrial Dispute Act,1947, The Maternity Benefit Act
, 1961, The Minimum Wages Act, 1948, The payment of Bonus Act ,1965, The Payment of
Gratuity Act,1972, The Payment of wages Act, 1936, The Shops & Establishment Act, The
Workmen’s Compensation Act , 1923, Building and Other Construction Workers (Employment and
Regulations) Act 1996, Building and Other Construction Workers (Cess) Act 1996, The Employers
Liability Act,1938, Indian Electricity Act, 2003 and Indian Electricity Rules, VAT and GST etc., and
all other applicable laws as amended and rules framed there under including any statutory
approval required from the Central/State Govt. Ministry of Labour. Broadly, the compliance shall
be as detailed below, but not limited to:
a) An Electrical license.
b) PF Code No. and all employees to have PF A/c No. under PF every Act, 1952.
c) All employees to have a temporary or permanent ESI Card as per ESI Act.
d) ESI Registration No.
e) Sales Tax registration number, if applicable.
f) PAN No.
g) Work Contract Tax Registration Number/ VAT Registration.
h) Labour License under Contract Labour Act (R & A) Act 1970.
i) Delhi Building and other Construction Worker (Regulation of Employment and Conditions
of Services) Rules, 2002(B.O.C.W.)
(Bidder responsible for execution of the job should obtain a copy of Labour License before start
of the work by the contractor.)
Before commencing the work it would be mandatory for the Contractor to furnish the Company
the permanent PF code no and ESI of the employees.
The Contactor shall take insurance policy under the Workman Compensation Act to cover such
workers who are not covered under ESI and PF by the Contractor however engaged to undertake
the jobs covered under this order and a copy of this insurance policy will be given to Company
for reference and records. This insurance policy shall be kept valid at all times. In case there are
no worker involve other than those who are covered under ESI and PF by the Contractor, the
Contractor shall certify for the same.
The contractor shall keep the company indemnified at all times, against all claims of
compensation under the provision of Workmen Compensation Act 1923 and as amended from
time to time or any compensation payable under any other law for the time being workman
engaged by the contractor/sub-contractor/sub-agent in carrying out the job involved under this
work order and against costs and expenses, if any, incurred by the company in connection
therewith and without prejudice to make any recovery.
The company shall be entitled to deduct from any money due to or to become due to the
Contractor, moneys paid or payable by way of compensation as aforesaid or cost or expenses in
connection with any claims thereto and the Contractor shall abide by the decision of the
Company as to the sum payable by the Contractor under the provisions of this clause.
(a) To obtain Contract Labour License from the concerned authorities and maintain proper
liaison with them. Necessary Forms for obtaining Labour License would be issued by the
company. However you will bear all expenses for obtaining Labour license and
registration in PF Department for your scope of work. You will deposit PF of your
staff/laborer each month and all related documents should be furnished to us.
(b) To obtain workman insurance cover against deployment of workers etc.
(II) To maintain, proper records relating to workmen employed, in the form of various Registers,
(III) To disburse monthly wages to your workers/ supervisors in time and in the
presence of Company representatives or as directed by the Labour authorities.
(IV) To maintain proper liaison with the Project authorities, local police and all other government
and local bodies.
(V) To pay your workmen at least not less than the minimum prescribed wages as per
state/Central Labour laws as may be, applicable. The contractor shall, be responsible for
compliance of all the provisions of minimum Wages Act, PF, ESIC Act workmen Compensation Act
and Contract Labour Regulation & Abolition Act the rules made there under. In case of non-
Compliance of the statutory requirements. The company would take necessary action at the risk
and cost of the Contractor.
(VI) To employ required number of skilled/semi-skilled and unskilled workmen as per site
requirement to complete the entire project as per schedule. To provide safety shoes, safety
helmets, safety belts, gloves etc. to your worker/staff as per requirement during erection work.
(VII) To employ necessary engineering and supervisory staff for completion of the Project in
time. While day-to-day management of the site and supervision of the works shall be the
responsibility of your Engineer - In charge, he will report to the our Engineer in charge to assist
him to discharge the overall responsibility of the execution of the project.
Before commencing the execution of the work the Contractor shall take at his own cost Transit
Insurance policy, Third party insurance and suitable insurance policy for his own men and
material. Please note that these insurance policies shall be taken in consultation with the
Employer, where Employer is to be named as Co-insured and a copy of the insurance policy shall
have to be furnished to Employer within 30 days of the date of order. For all the insurance
policies (whether taken by the Employer or Contractor), the Contractor shall be responsible for
settlement of claims with the underwriters without any liability on the Employer / Employer and
will arrange replacements / rectification expeditiously without waiting for settlement of insurance
claim, at contractor’s own cost and this shall arrange the comprehensive Insurance policy for
workmen’s compensation, General liability Insurance, Automobile insurance, Third party insurance
for damage of any movable and immovable properties and lives. This shall not entitle the
Contractor for any extension of time.
Limits for property damage up to and including Rs. 500000/- for each accident.
For Public Liability up to and including Rs. 200000/- for one person and Rs. 500000/- for each
For property damage up to and including Rs. 200000/- for each accident.
All security rules and safety rules enforced at site by company shall be strictly observed.
Contractor will make ensure that the Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) requirements are
clearly understood and faithfully implemented at all levels at site as per instruction of Company.
Contractors must comply with these requirements:
a) Comply with all of the elements of the EHS Plan and any regulations applicable to the
b) Comply with the procedures provided in the interests of Environment, Health and Safety.
c) Ensure that all of their employees designated to work are properly trained and
d) Ensure that all plant and equipment they bring on to site has been inspected and serviced
in accordance with legal requirement and manufacturer’s or suppliers’ instructions.
e) Make arrangements to ensure that all employees designated to work on or visit the site
present themselves for site induction prior to commencement of work.
f) Provide details of any hazardous substances to be brought onsite.
g) Ensure that a responsible person accompanies any of their visitors to site.
1. Use the correct tools and equipment for the job and use safety equipment and protective
clothing supplied, e.g. helmets, goggles, ear protection, etc. as instructed.
2. Keep tools in good condition.
3. Report to the Supervisor any unsafe or unhealthy condition or any defects in plant or
4. Develop a concern for safety for themselves and for others.
5. Prohibit horseplay.
6. Not to operate any item of plant unless they have been specifically trained and are
authorized to do so.
CONTRACTOR shall not assign or transfer the whole or any part of this Work Order or any other
benefits accruing there from nor shall it subcontract / sublet the whole or any part of the Works
without the prior written consent of COMPANY.
In the event the contractor assigns this work order, contractor's assignees shall be bound by the
terms and conditions of this work order and shall , if deemed necessary by COMPANY at the time
of such assignment, undertake in writing to be so bound by this Work Order.
Notwithstanding the subletting / subcontracting of any portion of the works, contractor shall
remain wholly responsible for the carrying out, completion and satisfactory execution of Works in
all respects in accordance with this Work Order, specification, approved drawings and data
Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless COMPANY against and from any and all liabilities,
claims, damages, losses or expenses arising due to or resulting from:
Contractor shall at all times indemnify COMPANY against all liabilities to other persons, including
he employees or agents of COMPANY or contractor for bodily injury, damage to property or other
loss which may arise out of or in consequence of the execution or completion of Works and
against all costs charges and expenses that may be occasioned to COMPANY by the claims of
such person.
COMPANY may, without prejudice to any of its other rights or remedies under the Work Order or
in law, terminate the whole or any part of this Work Order by giving written notice to the
Contractor, if in the opinion of COMPANY, contractor has neglected to proceed with the works
with due diligence or commits a breach of any of the provisions of this work order including but
not limited to any of the following cases.
a) Failing to complete execution of work within the terms specified in this work order.
b) Failing to complete works in accordance with the approved schedule of works.
c) Failing to meet requirements of specifications, drawings, and designs as
approved by COMPANY.
d) Failing to comply with any reasonable instructions or orders issued by COMPANY in
connection with the works.
e) Failing to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this work order.
If the Contractor fails to execute the work as per specification / as per the direction of Engineer's
In-charge within the scheduled period and even after the extended period, the contract
shall got cancel and company reserves the right to get the work executed from any other
source at the Risk & Cost of the Contractor. The Extra Expenditure so incurred shall be debited to
the Contractor.
To the best of their ability, the parties hereto shall endeavor to resolve amicably between
themselves all disputes arising in connection with this LOA. If the same remain unresolved within
thirty (30) days of the matter being raised by either party, either party may refer the dispute for
settlement by arbitration. The arbitration to be undertaken by two arbitrators, one each to be
appointed by either party. The arbitrators appointed by both the parties shall mutually nominate
a person to act as presiding arbitrator before entering upon the reference in the event of a
difference between the two arbitrators and the award of the said presiding arbitrator in such a
contingency shall be conducted in accordance with this provisions of the Indian Arbitration &
Conciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of such arbitration shall be in the city of New Delhi only.
27.1 General:
An “Event of Force Majeure” shall mean any event or circumstance not within the reasonable
control, of the Party affected, but only if and to the extent that:
(i) Such event or circumstance, despite the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been
prevented, avoided or reasonably foreseen by such Party;
(ii) Such event or circumstance materially and adversely affects the ability of the affected Party to
perform its obligations under this Contract, and the affected Party has taken all reasonable
precautions, due care and reasonable alternative measures in order to prevent or avoid the effect
of such event on the affected parties ability to perform its obligations under this Contract and to
mitigate the consequences thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, if such event or circumstance
would not have materially and adversely affected the performance of the affected party had such
affected party followed good industry practice, such event or circumstance shall not constitute
force majeure.
(iii) Such event is not the direct or indirect result of the failure of such Party to perform any of its
obligations under this Contract; and
(iv) Such Party has given the other Party prompt notice describing such events, the effect thereof
and the actions being taken in order to comply with above clause
(i) Effect of any natural element or other acts of God, including but not limited to storm, flood,
earthquake, lightning, cyclone, landslides or other natural disasters, and
Any order, regulation, directive, requirement from any Governmental, legislative, executive or
judicial authority.
If a force majeure event prevents a party from performing any obligations under the Contract in
part or in full, that party shall:
(i) Immediately notify the other party in writing of the force majeure events within 2 working days
of the occurrence of the force majeure event
(ii) Be entitled to suspend performance of the obligation under the Contract which is affected by
force majeure event for the duration of the force majeure event
(iii) Use all reasonable efforts to resume full performance of the obligation as soon as practicable
(iv) Keep the other party informed of all such efforts to resume full performance of the obligation
on a regular basis.
(v) Provide prompt notice of the resumption of full performance or obligation to the other party.
(i) Make all reasonable efforts to prevent and reduce to a minimum and mitigate the effect
of any delay occasioned by an Event of Force Majeure, including applying other ways in which to
perform the Contract;
(ii) Use its best efforts to ensure resumption of normal performance after the termination of
any Event of Force Majeure and shall perform its obligations to the maximum extent practicable
as agreed between the Parties; and
(iii) Keep the Company informed at regular intervals of the circumstances concerning the
event of Force Majeure, with best estimates as to its likely continuation and what measures or
contingency planning it is taking to mitigate and or terminate the Event of Force Majeure.
The technical information, drawing and other related documents forming part of work order and
the information obtained during the course of investigation under this work order shall be the
Company's executive property and shall not be used for any other purpose except for the
execution of the work order. The technical information drawing, records and other document shall
not be copied, transferred, or divulged and/ or disclosed to third party in full/part, not misused in
any form whatsoever except to the extent for the execution of this work order.
This technical information, drawing and other related documents shall be returned to the
Company with all approved copies and duplicates including drawing/plans as are prepared by the
Bidder during the executions of this work order, if any, immediately after they have been used for
agreed purpose.
In the event of any breach of this provision, the Bidder shall indemnify the Company against any
loss, cost or damage or claim by any party in respect of such breach.
During the course of the execution, if at any time BSES observe and form an opinion that the
work under the order is not being performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,
BSES reserves its right to cancel this Agreement giving 15 days notice mentioning the reason for
the termination of the agreement and BSES will recover all damages including losses occurred due
to loss of time from Contractor.
Contractor shall ensure that strict quality is maintained and execution of works under this Work
Order and Works are executed in conformity with the Specification.
All tools, tackles, instruments and other equipments used in the execution of the Works shall be
duly calibrated as required and Contractor shall maintain proper records of such tools, tackles,
instruments and / or equipment.
39.1 During the various stages of erection and commissioning of the critical equipments in the
pursuance of the Contract, the Contractor shall at its own cost submit periodic progress reports as
may be reasonably required by the Employer (Format Attached as per Annexure- ) with such
materials as charts, networks, photographs, test certificates, etc. Such progress reports shall be in
the form and size as may be required by the Employer and shall be submitted in adequate
number of copies to be notified by the Employer
39.2 The quantitative progress report of the works by reference to the project schedule in
sufficient detail should permit the Employer to assess performance, plan witness dates and
evaluate forecasts, including reports on key Sub-contracts (as applicable). Within 10 days of the
submission of each such report and at such other times as the Employer may reasonably request,
the Contractor and the Employer shall meet to discuss progress. Contractor has to submit daily
manpower, T&P, & work done report. Weekly MIS is required to be submitted by Contractor, at
the end of each weekday (On Every Monday). Each monthly progress report shall be submitted
not later than the 3rd day of the month following that in respect of which it is made, but may
report on actual progress only up to the 25th day of the month and anticipated progress
thereafter. Monthly progress reports shall include the following section
39.2.1 Executive summary
Acceptance of this work order implies and includes acceptance of all terms and conditions
enumerated in this work order in the technical specification and drawings made available to you
consisting of general conditions, detailed scope of work, detailed technical specification &
detailed equipment, drawing. Complete scope of work and the Bidder’s and Company's
contractual obligation are strictly limited to the terms set out in the work order. No amendments
to the concluded work order shall be binding unless agreed to in writing for such amendment by
both the parties.
However, during the course of the execution of the work order, if at any time the Company's
representative observe and form an opinion that the work under the work order is not being
performed in accordance with the terms of this work order, the company reserves its right to
cancel this work order forthwith without assigning any reason and the Company will recover all
damages including losses occurred due to loss of time from the Bidder.
We request you to please sign the duplicate copy of this work order as a token of your
acceptance and return to us.
1. Kindly refer the relevant layout drawing of existing foundations in Annexure of tender
document. Site visit is advisable prior to submission of quotation.
In words …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
We declare that the following are our quoted prices in INR for the entire project.
Signature: ………………………………………………………………
Designation: …………………………………………………………..
Purchaser is committed to conducting its business in an ethical, legal and socially responsible
manner. To encourage compliance with all legal requirements and ethical business practices,
Purchaser has established this Vendor Code of Conduct (the "Code") for Purchaser’s Vendors. For
the purposes of this document, "Vendor" means any company, corporation or other entity that
sells, or seeks to sell goods or services, to Purchaser, including the Vendor's employees, agents and
other representatives.
Fundamental to adopting the Code is the understanding that a business, in all of its activities, must
operate in full compliance with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it operates.
This Code encourages Vendors to go beyond legal compliance, drawing upon internationally
recognized standards, in order to advance social and environmental responsibility.
Vendors must uphold the human rights of workers, and treat them with dignity and respect as
understood by the international community.
. Fair Treatment - Vendors must be committed to a workplace free of harassment. Vendors shall
not threaten workers with or subject them to harsh or inhumane treatment, including sexual
harassment, sexual abuse, corporal punishment, mental coercion, physical coercion, verbal abuse
or unreasonable restrictions on entering or exiting company provided facilities.
. Antidiscrimination - Vendors shall not discriminate against any worker based on race, colour,
age,gender,sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, union membership,
national origin, or marital status in hiring and employment practices such as applications for
employment, promotions, rewards, access to training, job assignments, wages, benefits, discipline,
and termination. Vendors shall not require a pregnancy test or discriminate against pregnant
workers except where required by applicable laws or regulations or prudent for workplace safety.
In addition, Vendors shall not require workers or potential workers to undergo medical tests that
could be used in a discriminatory way except where required by applicable law or regulation or
prudent for workplace safety.
. Freely Chosen Employment - Forced, bonded or indentured labour or involuntary prison labour is
not to be used. All work will be voluntary, and workers should be free to leave upon reasonable
notice. Workers shall not be required to hand over government-issued identification, passports or
work permits as a condition of employment.
. Prevention of Under Age Labor - Child labor is strictly prohibited. Vendors shall not employ
children. The minimum age for employment or work shall be 15 years of age, the minimum age for
employment in that country, or the age for completing compulsory education in that country,
whichever is higher. This Code does not prohibit participation in legitimate workplace
apprenticeship programs that are consistent with Article 6 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138
or light work consistent with Article 7 of ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138.
.Juvenile Labor - Vendors may employ juveniles who are older than the applicable legal minimum
age for employment but are younger than 18 years of age, provided they do not perform work
likely to jeopardize their health, safety, or morals, consistent with ILO Minimum Age Convention
No. 138.
. Minimum Wages - Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage laws,
including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours and legally mandated benefits. Any
Disciplinary wage deductions are to conform to local law. The basis on which workers are being
paid is to be clearly conveyed to them in a timely manner.
. Working Hours - Studies of good manufacturing practices clearly link worker strain to reduced
productivity, increased turnover and increased injury and illness. Work weeks are not to exceed
Vendors must recognize that in addition to minimizing the incidence of work-related injury and
illness, a safe and healthy work environment enhances the quality of products and services,
consistency of production and worker retention and morale. Vendors must also recognize that
ongoing worker input and education is essential to identifying and solving health and safety issues
in the workplace.
. Occupational Injury and Illness - Procedures and systems are to be in place to prevent, manage,
track and report occupational injury and illness, including provisions to: a) encourage worker
reporting; b) classify and record injury and illness cases; c) provide necessary medical treatment;
d) investigate cases and implement corrective actions to eliminate their causes; and e) facilitate
return of workers to work.
. Emergency Preparedness - Emergency situations and events are to be identified and assessed,
and their impact minimized by implementing emergency plans and response procedures, including:
emergency reporting, employee notification and evacuation procedures, worker training and drills,
appropriate fire detection and suppression equipment, adequate exit facilities and recovery plans.
. Occupational Safety - Worker exposure to potential safety hazards (e.g., electrical and other
energy sources, fire, vehicles, and fall hazards) are to be controlled through proper design
engineering and administrative controls, preventative maintenance and safe work procedures
(including lockout/ragout), and ongoing safety training. Where hazards cannot be adequately
controlled by these means, workers are to be provided with appropriate, well-maintained, personal
protective equipment. Workers shall not be disciplined for raising safety concerns.
. Machine Safeguarding - Production and other machinery is to be evaluated for safety hazards.
Physical guards, interlocks and barriers are to be provided and properly maintained where
machinery presents an injury hazard to workers.
.Industrial Hygiene - Worker exposure to chemical, biological and physical agents is to be
identified, evaluated, and controlled. Engineering or administrative controls must be used to control
overexposures. When hazards cannot be adequately controlled by such means, worker health is to
be protected by appropriate personal protective equipment programs.
.Sanitation, Food, and Housing - Workers are to be provided with ready access to clean toilet,
facilities potable water and sanitary food preparation, storage, and eating facilities. Worker
dormitories provided by the Participant or a labour agent are to be maintained clean and safe, and
provided by the Participant or a labour egress, hot water for bathing and showering, and
adequate heat and ventilation and reasonable personal space along with reasonable entry and exit
. Physically Demanding Work - Worker exposure to the hazards of physically demanding tasks,
including manual material handling and heavy or repetitive lifting, prolonged standing and highly
repetitive or forceful assembly tasks is to be identified, evaluated and controlled.
III. Environmental
. Product Content Restrictions - Vendors are to adhere to applicable laws and regulations regarding
prohibition or restriction of specific substances including labeling laws and regulations for recycling
and disposal. In addition, Vendors are to adhere to all environmental requirements specified by
. Chemical and Hazardous Materials -Chemical and other materials posing a hazard if released to
the environment are to be identified and managed to ensure their safe handling, movement
storage, recycling or reuse and disposal.
. Air Emissions - Air emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosives, particulates, ozone
depleting chemicals and combustion by-products generated from operations are to be
characterized, monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to discharge.
. Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction -Waste of all types, including water and energy, are
to reduced or eliminated at the source or by practices such as modifying production, maintenance
and facility processes, materials substitution, conservation, recycling and re-using materials.
. Wastewater and Solid Waste - Wastewater and solid waste generated from operations industrial
processes and sanitation facilities are to be monitored, controlled and treated as required prior to
discharge or disposal.
. Environmental Permits and Reporting - All required environmental permits (e.g. discharge
monitoring) and registrations are to be obtained, maintained and kept current and their operational
and reporting requirements are to be followed.
IV. Ethics
Vendors must be committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct when dealing with workers,
Vendors, and customers.
. Corruption, Extortion, or Embezzlement - Corruption, extortion, and embezzlement, in any form,
are strictly prohibited. Vendors shall not engage in corruption, extortion or embezzlement in any
form and violations of this prohibition may result in immediate termination as an Vendor and in
legal action.
. Disclosure of Information - Vendors must disclose information regarding its business activities,
structure financial situation, and performance in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
and prevailing industry practices.
. No Improper Advantage - Vendors shall not offer or accept bribes or other means of obtaining
undue or improper advantage.
. Fair Business, Advertising, and Competition - Vendors must uphold fair business standards in
advertising, sales, and competition.
. Business Integrity - The highest standards of integrity are to be expected in all business
interactions. Participants shall prohibit any and all forms of corruption, extortion and
embezzlement. Monitoring and enforcement procedures shall be implemented to ensure
. Community Engagement - Vendors are encouraged to engage the community to help foster social
and economic development and to contribute to the sustainability of the communities in which they
. Protection of Intellectual Property - Vendors must respect intellectual property rights; safeguard
customer information; and transfer of technology and know-how must be done in a manner that
protects intellectual property rights.
Vendors shall adopt or establish a management system whose scope is related to the content of
this Code. The management system shall be designed to ensure (a) compliance with applicable
laws, regulations and customer requirements related to the Vendors’ operations and products; (b)
conformance with this Code; and (c) identification and mitigation of operational risks related to this
Code. It should also facilitate continual improvement.
The Code is modeled on and contains language from the Recognized standards such as
International Labour Organization Standards (ILO), Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),
United Nations Convention against Corruption, and the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) were used as
references in preparing this Code and may be useful sources of additional information
After completion of works, as per scope and specification of contract, process for contract
closure will be initiated.
Following are major activities to be carried out for contract closure.
i. Completion of Works and issuance of Work Certificate by Employer.
ii. Closure Of Punch Points.
iii. Finalization of Measurements with certification from Engineer In Charge / Engineering.
iv. Joint Final Material reconciliation of Free Issue material (FIM) between contractor and
v. Joint finalization of delay analysis & LD value if applicable between contractor and Employer.
vi. No Demand Certificate from Contractor
vii. Indemnity Bond from Contractor
viii. Contract Payment Register with accounts duly reconciled between Contractor and Employer.
A Construction
B Payment
Hinderence / Issues
C if any like front,
drawing etc
D Amendment
Delay if any (&
attributable to )
1. WHEREAS M/s. ______________(Pl specify the name of the Company)_,, a Company within
the meaning of the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at __________________
hereinafter referred to as the “ Purchaser”, (which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns).
2. AND WHEREAS the Purchaser has entered into a contract for ____________(Please specify
the nature of contract here ) vide Contract No. __________dated __________(hereinafter
referred to as the “Contract”) with M/s.________________, (hereinafter referred to as “the
Supplier”, which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed
to mean and include its successors and assigns) for providing of the Goods and/or services on
the terms and conditions as more particularly detailed therein.
3. AND WHEREAS in conformity with the provisions of clause _____ of Special conditions of
Contract/GTC, the Supplier has agreed to furnish a Bank Guarantee for an amount equivalent to
the Advance Payment of Rs…………… extended by the Purchaser to the Supplier for the faithful
execution of the Contract.
4. AND WHEREAS the Supplier has agreed to provide the Purchaser and the Purchaser has
agreed to accept the Advance Bank Guarantee for ____ percent (____%) of the total Contract
Value from [_____________] (pl. specify the name of Bank) having its head/registered office at
[____________] through its branch in ______(pl. specify the name of Branch through which B.G
is issued) hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to
the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and permitted assigns).
5. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration inter alia of the Purchaser granting the Suppliers the
Contract, the Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees and undertakes, on a
written demand, to immediately pay to the Purchaser any amount so demanded (by way of one or
more claims) not exceeding in the aggregate [Rs. ].……………)in words) without any demur,
reservation, contest or protest and/or without reference to the Supplier and without the Purchaser
needing to provide or show to the Bank ,grounds or reasons or give any justification for such
demand for the sum/s demanded.
6. The decision of the Purchaser as to whether the Supplier has fulfilled its obligation or not
towards set-off of Advance Payment extended by the Purchaser to the Supplier shall be final and
binding on the Bank and the Supplier. The Bank acknowledges that any such demand by the
Purchaser of the amounts payable by the Bank to the Purchaser shall be final, binding and
conclusive evidence in respect of the amounts payable by the Supplier to the Purchaser. Any
such demand made by the Purchaser on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding,
notwithstanding any difference between the Purchaser and the Supplier or any dispute raised,
invoked, threatened or pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or any other authority.
7. The Bank also agrees that the Purchaser at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor without proceeding against the Supplier
notwithstanding any other security or other guarantee that the Purchaser may have in relation to
the Supplier’s liabilities.
9. The Bank’s obligations under this Guarantee shall not be reduced by reason of any partial
performance of the Contract. The Bank’s obligations shall not be reduced by any failure by the
Purchaser to timely pay or perform any of its obligations under the Contract.
10. The Bank further unconditionally and unequivocally agrees with the Purchaser that the
Purchaser shall be at liberty, without the Bank’s consent and without affecting in any manner its
rights and the Bank’s obligation under this Guarantee, from time to time, to:
i. vary and/or modify any of the terms and conditions of the Contract;
ii. forebear or enforce any of the rights exercisable by the Purchaser against the Supplier under
the terms and conditions of the Contract; or and the Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by
reason of any such act or omission on the part of the Purchaser or any indulgence shown by the
Purchaser to the Supplier or any other reason whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would, but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the Bank of its obligations under this
11. This Guarantee shall not be discharged by any change in the constitution or composition of
the Supplier, and this Guarantee shall not be affected or discharged by the liquidation, winding-
up, bankruptcy, reorganisation, dissolution or insolvency of the Supplier or any of them or any
other circumstances whatsoever.
12. This Guarantee shall be in addition to and not in substitution or in derogation of any other
security held by the Purchaser to secure the obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.
13. NOTWITHSTANDING anything herein above contained, the liability of the BANK under this
Guarantee shall be restricted to _________________(insert an amount equal to ___ percent
(__%) of the Contract Value) and this Guarantee shall be valid and enforceable and expire on
_____________(pl. specify date) or unless a suit or action to enforce a claim under this
Guarantee is filed against the Bank on or before the date of expiry.
14. On termination of this Guarantee, all rights under the said Guarantee shall be forfeited and
the Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities hereunder.
15. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its validity except with the prior
written consent of the Purchaser and agrees that any change in the constitution of the Bank or
the Supplier shall not discharge our liability hereunder.
16. Purchaser may assign this Guarantee to any Person or body whether natural, incorporated or
otherwise under intimation to the Bank. The Bank shall be discharged of its obligations hereunder
by performance in accordance with the terms hereof to such assignee without verifying the
validity / legality / enforceability of the assignment.
17. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India. Any suit, action, or other proceeding
arising out of, connected with, or related to this Guarantee or the subject matter hereof shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of ________ (pl. specify the city ) , India.
1. WHEREAS M/s. ______________(Pl specify the name of the Company)_, a Company within
the meaning of the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at
________________________ hereinafter referred to as the “ Purchaser ”, (which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators,
executors and assigns).
2. AND WHEREAS the Purchaser has entered into a contract for ____________(Please specify
the nature of contract here ) vide Contract No. __________dated __________(hereinafter
referred to as the “Contract”) with M/s.________________, (hereinafter referred to as “the
Supplier”, which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed
to mean and include their successors and assigns) for providing Goods and/or services on the
terms and conditions as more particularly detailed therein.
3. AND WHEREAS as per clause ____ of Special conditions of Contract/GTC, the Supplier is
obliged to provide to the Purchaser an unconditional bank guarantee for an amount equivalent to
_______ percent (__%) of the total Contract Value for the timely completion and faithful and
successful execution of the Contract from [____________] pl. specify the name of Bank) having
its head/registered office at [____________] through its branch in ______(pl. specify the name of
Branch through which B.G is issued) hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”, (which expression
shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its
successors and permitted assigns).
4. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration inter alia of the Purchaser granting the Suppliers the
Contract, the Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees and undertakes, on a
written demand, to immediately pay to the Purchaser any amount so demanded (by way of one or
more claims) not exceeding in the aggregate [Rs. ].…………………(in words) without any demur,
reservation, contest or protest and/or without reference to the Supplier and without the Purchaser
needing to provide or show to the Bank ,grounds or reasons or give any justification for such
demand for the sum/s demanded.
5. The decision of the Purchaser to invoke this Guarantee and as to whether the Supplier has not
performed its obligations under the Contract shall be binding on the Bank. The Bank
acknowledges that any such demand by the Purchaser of the amounts payable by the Bank to
the Purchaser shall be final, binding and conclusive evidence in respect of the amounts payable
by the Supplier to the Purchaser. Any such demand made by the Purchaser on the Bank shall be
conclusive and binding, notwithstanding any difference between the Purchaser and the Supplier
or any dispute raised, invoked, threatened or pending before any court, tribunal, arbitrator or any
other authority.
6. The Bank also agrees that the Purchaser at its option shall be entitled to enforce this
Guarantee against the Bank as a principal debtor without proceeding against the Supplier
notwithstanding any other security or other guarantee that the Purchaser may have in relation to
the Supplier’s liabilities.
7. The Bank hereby waives the necessity for the Purchaser first demanding the aforesaid
amounts or any part thereof from the Supplier before making payment to the Purchaser and
9. The Bank further unconditionally and unequivocally agrees with the Purchaser that the
Purchaser shall be at liberty, without the Bank’s consent and without affecting in any manner its
rights and the Bank’s obligation under this Guarantee, from time to time, to:
(i) vary and/or modify any of the terms and conditions of the Contract;
(ii) Forebear or enforce any of the rights exercisable by the Purchaser against the Supplier under
the terms and conditions of the Contract; or
(iii) Extend and/or postpone the time for performance of the obligations of the Supplier under the
and the Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by reason of any such act or omission on the
part of the Purchaser or any indulgence shown by the Purchaser to the Supplier or any other
reason whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have the
effect of relieving the Bank of its obligations under this Guarantee.
10. This Guarantee shall be a continuing bank guarantee and shall not be discharged by any
change in the constitution or composition of the Supplier, and this Guarantee shall not be affected
or discharged by the liquidation, winding-up, bankruptcy, reorganisation, dissolution or insolvency
of the Supplier or any of them or any other circumstances whatsoever.
11. This Guarantee shall be in addition to and not in substitution or in derogation of any other
security held by the Purchaser to secure the performance of the obligations of the Supplier under
the Contract.
12. NOTWITHSTANDING anything herein above contained, the liability of the BANK under this
Guarantee shall be restricted to ___________________(insert an amount equal to ___ percent
(__%) of the Contract Value) and this Guarantee shall be valid and enforceable and expire on
_____________(pl. specify date) or unless a suit or action to enforce a claim under this
Guarantee is filed against the Bank on or before the date of expiry.
13. On termination of this Guarantee, all rights under the said Guarantee shall be forfeited and
the Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities hereunder.
14. The Bank undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its validity except with the prior
written consent of the Purchaser and agrees that any change in the constitution of the Bank or
the Supplier shall not discharge its liability hereunder.
15. Purchaser may assign this Guarantee to any Person or body whether natural, incorporated or
otherwise under intimation to the Bank. The Bank shall be discharged of its obligations hereunder
by performance in accordance with the terms hereof to such assignee without verifying the
validity / legality / enforceability of the assignment.
16. This Guarantee shall be governed by the laws of India. Any suit, action, or other proceeding
arising out of, connected with, or related to this Guarantee or the subject matter hereof shall be
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of ________ (pl. specify the city ) , India.
2. Branch Name & Full Address: C-58, Basement & Ground Floor, Preet Vihar, Main
Vikas Marg, New Delhi 110092
Dear Sir,
invoice no.......... DT..........is exactly of the same nature and description as per above
Performance requirements of the works completed is as per detailed specifications and standards
specified and to be adhered to strictly. In-case of deficiency, the same is to be rectified / redone
to meet the specifications by the contractor within stipulated schedule or any extension thereof.
The Contractor shall be liable to rectify all defects except those arising out of normal wear and
tear, in the works done by the Contractor under this contract, or from any act or omission of the
contractors for a period of 36 months will depend on individual contract period package to
package from the date of Handing over the works to the Employer / Owner.
We have paid in full all applicable duties, levies, taxes and statutory and other amounts
payable by us in connection with the above-mentioned Contract and amounts payable to or in
relation to third parties engaged by us including our contractors, suppliers, employees and
labour. No payment in this regard is pending or unpaid and we have no (and shall have no)
claim against BSES Yamuna Power Limited in this regard.
No refund has been received/ is envisaged to be received or reasonably believed to be
receivable on account of taxes, duties or any other payment made by us in respect of the
Contract. In case any refund corresponding to any amount paid or reimbursed by BSES
Yamuna Power Limited is received in the future, the same will be passed on to BSES Yamuna
Power Limited promptly and without any demand from them in this regard.
We are issuing this "NO DEMAND CERTIFICATE" in favor of BSES Yamuna Power Limited
with full knowledge of its contents and with our free consent without any influence,
misrepresentation, coercion etc.
Date: Signature:
Place: Name:
(Company Seal)
Date: ________________
Dear Sirs,
For __________________________________________________________
Settlement of Dues
In consideration of your awarding the subject Work Order/Purchase Order/Contract to us and
in further consideration of your having agreed to pay our final bill towards settlement of the
dues in respect of the subject Work Order/Purchase Order/Contract, inter alia, on our
assurances and representations that :
(a) We have paid in full all amounts payable by us including but not limited to duties, levies,
taxes, cess, octroi, royalties, statutory payments, amounts payable to or in relation to third
parties engaged by us including our contractors, suppliers, employees and labour, and
(b) we have fully complied with all requirements under applicable laws in connection with the
subject Purchase Order/Work Order/Contract,
unconditionally and irrevocably agree and undertake, to pay and/or settle entirely at our own
cost and indemnify, defend and hold harmless you, your affiliates and your/your affiliates'
personnel, directors and representatives, (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Indemnified
Parties") from and against any and all liabilities, judgments, damages, losses, claims, costs
and expenses, claimed, suffered or incurred or, likely to be claimed, suffered or incurred at
any time by or against the Indemnified Parties or any of them as a result of, or arising out of,
or in any way related to any failure or delay in payment of any of the amounts or compliances
by us as aforesaid for any reason whatsoever.
Any notice(s) or communication(s) by you shall be sufficient proof that the Indemnified Parties
have suffered or incurred loss, damages, liabilities etc. as aforesaid and we shall upon receipt
of such notice(s) or communication(s) immediately, without any delay or demur or contest,
make payment to you of the entire amount demanded under the said notice(s) or
This letter of indemnity shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other indemnity/
guarantee and/or security which we may have executed in your favor or your rights and
entitlements under the contract.
This letter shall be governed by and construed and interpreted to accordance with the laws of
India, and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of law at Mumbai.
Yours faithfully,
For M/s______________________
Authorized Signatory
Vendor shall refrain from taking any deviations on this TENDER. Still in case of any deviations, all
such deviations from this tender shall be set out by the Bidder, Clause by Clause in this schedule
and submit the same as a part of the Technical Bid.
Unless specifically mentioned in this schedule, the tender shall be deemed to confirm the
BYPL’s specifications:
1.0 INTENT.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Page 2 of 14
• This document defines the scope for turnkey execution of system upgradation project at
33/11kV Motia Khan Grid Substation. This document shall be read in conjunction with all
technical documents enclosed in the tender.
• In event of any contradiction between the tender documents, the most stringent one shall
• Detailed design and engineering of complete project as per tender requirements shall be in
bidder’s scope. General guidelines for design are given below
• The bidder shall comply with latest Indian/International standard and CEA regulations. Refer
respective equipment specification for applicable standards.
Page 3 of 14
S No. Items Remarks UOM Qty
Page 4 of 14
S No. Items Remarks UOM Qty
Straight Through Joint For joining power cable and
3.2.5 for 33kV 3c x 400sqmm extending power cable from Nos 8
cable Yard to GIS Panel Room
GIS termination kit for
3.2.6 33kV, 3c x 400sqmm For termination at 33kV GIS Nos 16
End Termination kit for For connecting cable to the
3.2.7 33kV, 3CX400 sqmm bushing of power Nos 8
Cable Transformers
a) For Terminating 11 kV
Cables at all 11 kv incomer
end(1 New and 3 Existing
End termination kit for b) For Terminating 11 kV
3.2.8 11kV, 1c x 1000sqmm Cables at all Transformer Set 72
cable end(1 New and 3 Existing
Power Transformers)
c) For coupling bus of
new 11 kV Switchboard and
existing 11 kV Switchboard
For Terminating 11 kV
End Termination kit for
Cables at 11 kV Capacitor
3.2.9 11kV, 3c x 300sqmm Nos 4
Bank end and 11 kV
Capacitor Panel end
400 KVA Station SP-TRDU-01-
3.2.10 Nos 1
Transformer R6
a) On all cable specified
in “Scope of Supply” and
3.2.11 Fire Resistant Coating LOT 1
“Free issue Items”
b) Fire rating-4 hours
For all cables entering and
3.2.12 Cable Sealing System exiting the Proposed LOT 1
Susbtation Building
Mounting Cable for four
3.2.13 Cable Support Structure Power Transformers, LOT 1
Switchgear etc
For All four Power
Clamps, Connectors &
3.2.14 Transformers (One new and LOT 1
three Existing)
For 33 kV and 11 kV side
3.2.15 Insulating Sleeves LOT 1
Transformer bus bars
3.2.16 AC Distribution Board Nos 1
3.2.17 DC Distribution Board Nos 1
3.2.18 SMPS Battery Charger Nos 1
Page 5 of 14
S No. Items Remarks UOM Qty
Battery bank shall be
3.2.19 50 V Li Ion Battery Bank installed at existing Battery Nos 1
Bank Room
a) For items specified in
“Scope of Supply” including
interlocks with existing
Control Cables with system
proper ferruling and b) From Marshalling Box SP-EWLP-01-
3.2.20 LOT 1
tagging along with of Existing Power R1
glands and lugs Transformers to 33 KV &
11KV Switchgear Panel
c) For Equipment to be
a) For items specified in
“Scope of Supply”
b) For Equipment to be SP-LTPC-63-
3.2.21 LT Power Cable LOT 1
shifted R0
c) Battery charger to Li
Ion Battery Bank
Complete Switchgear SP- INSFLR-
3.2.22 Insulated Floor Coating LOT 1
Room(Newly Built) 103-R0
a) For routing Power, LT
and Control Cables
Cable Tray including b) For items specified in
3.2.23 bends etc with 50% “Scope of Supply” and “Free LOT 1
spare capacity in each Issue Items”
c) 50% spare capacity in
each is tray is required
a) Earthing of all Grid
Substation(Including earthing
of existing equipment and
Newly installed Equipment)
b) Complete earthing of
outdoor yard SP-GES-107-
3.2.24 Complete Grid Earthing LOT 1
c) Joining of new R0
earthing with old one shall
also be in vendor’s scope
d) Soil resistivity test
shall also be in vendor’s
For items specified in “Scope SP-TSFPMK-
3.2.25 Fire protection system LOT 1
of Supply” 134-R0
a) For items specified in
“Scope of Supply”
Illumination and lighting b) For Proposed SP-TSILS-
3.2.26 LOT 1
system Substation Building 135-R0
c) For Outdoor Yard
Page 6 of 14
S No. Items Remarks UOM Qty
Exhaust and Ventilation SP-EVS-130-
3.2.27 For Proposed Building LOT 1
system R0
For Outdoor Yard and
3.2.28 Lightning Protection LOT 1
Proposed Substation Building
For Lighting, Ceiling Fans,
3.2.29 Conduits Power Sockets, Exhaust LOT 1
Fans, etc.
As specified in Scope of SP-TSCWMK-
3.2.30 Material for Civil Works LOT 1
Work 132-R1
Motorized De watering
3.2.31 For water seepage LOT 1
Associated SCADA SP-TSSNI-
3.2.32 LOT 1
Works 136-R0
Painting of Feeder
As per Engineer Incharge
3.2.33 names (SCADA code, LOT 1
Asset Code, etc)
Licensed programming
software and
3.2.34 No 1
communication cord for
offered numerical relays
a) One for Tools
Special Tools with
b) One for
3.2.35 almirah (For Storing No 2
3.2.36 SLD of Grid Covered In Acrylic Sheet No 1
Emergency Exit Floor For Proposed Substation
3.2.37 LOT 1
Marking Building
A-Type ladder (3 feet
height) to be supplied.(
3.2.38 No 1
For viewing and
operating Relays)
3.2.39 ry Spares as per LOT 1
• Broad scope of work is specified below. Refer respective equipment/work specifications for
detailed scope of work.
Page 7 of 14
Page 8 of 14
Page 9 of 14
S. No Head BYPL Remarks
3.4.1 Testing Equipments
3.4.2 Lighting Arrangement
Construction Power and
Construction Water
Safety and Security of
3.4.4 Manpower( Labor, Engineers,
Supervisors etc)
Various Tools and Tackles
related to Job
It includes transportation of
Loading, Unloading and dismantled equipment to BYPL
Transportation of Material store in stacked manner. It also
includes Free Issue Items
Cleanliness around work
3.4.8 Document/Drawing Submission
3.4.9 Document/Drawing Approval
Security and Safety of material
until handover
Various Machines e.g. Crane,
3.4.11 Hydra, JCB etc to complete the
Maintenance of Equipments
3.4.12 Until Handover to Engineer
Incharge and EHV O&M
Only statutory fees will be borne
3.4.13 Electrical Inspector Clearance by BYPL
Permit issuing agency for
Works inside BYPL Premises
Permit Should be applied to
Engineer In charge prior to start
of work. Isolation & permit of only
3.4.15 Permit requesting Agency one Feeder at a time, shall be
given at a time, during final hook
up. All necessary preparation
Page 10 of 14
S. No Head BYPL Remarks
works to be made, in order to
minimize the Shutdown Time.
• Following drawing/document are required for all equipment specified in “Scope of Supply”
(Refer equipment specification for details)
• Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission shall be liable for rejection.
• Document check sheet compliance shall be provided at respective stage i.e. Technical bid,
Drawing Approval, Pre Dispatch, Pre closure.
• No submission is acceptable without check list compliance.
• Order of documents shall be stricty as per the technical bid check list.
• Note- Any drawing not included in the above table but necessary for detailed engineering
shall be deemed to be included in bidder’s scope.
Page 11 of 14
Page 12 of 14
S. No Equipment MAKE
ABB/Schneider/Siemens/Transformer & Rectifiers/
5.1 Power Transformer
EMCO/ Bharat Bijlee/ BHEL/Toshiba/Voltamp/CGL
5.2 33 kV GIS ABB/Siemens/Schneider
5.3 11 kV AIS ABB/Siemens/Schneider/CGL
11 kV Auto Switched Capacitor
5.4 ABB/ EPCOS/Shreem
5.5 Control cable Universal/KEI/GEMSCAB/Polycab/Torrent/Sterlite
ABB (R series), Siemens (Siprotec series) and
5.6 Numerical relays
Schneider / Alstom (Micom Series)
5.7 Cable sealing system Roxtec, MCT Brattberg
5.8 Fire retardant coating for cables 3M/Demech/Stanvac
5.9 Floor coating 3M/Demech/Stanvac
Page 13 of 14
Page 14 of 14
Scanned by CamScanner
Page 2 of 44
a. This specification covers the design, manufacture, testing, supply, erection &
commissioning of 33kV, Gas Insulated (GIS), metal-enclosed and factory
assembled switchgear.
b. This specification shall be used in conjunction with all specifications, switchgear
data sheets, 33kV switchgear single line diagrams, and other drawings attached to
the specification / purchase requisition.
Page 3 of 44
Page 4 of 44
Page 5 of 44
6.6 Safety from Internal faults The structure, including doors and panels, shall be
capable of withstanding the internal pressures created
by faults within the structure (equal to the maximum
fault-current rating) without danger to the operating
personnel. Type test reports regarding internal arc
withstand performance shall be available with bids.
6.6.1 Passive Protection from A passive safety section shall ensure that hot gases
shall be guided via pressure relief disks from each
internal faults
compartment. The pressure relief duct ends shall be
guided to open air or fitted with absorbers to cool the
hot gases. Relief into a cable basement or cavity
below a false floor is not acceptable. Hazards to
persons or risk of fire shall be reliably prevented. An
arcing fault in one compartment should not cause
major damage to other compartments. Structure shall
be provided with barriers to prevent the transfer of
ionized gases between two adjacent compartments
except bus chamber. Separate pressure relief vents
shall be provided in bus bar, cable and circuit breaker
compartments to release arc fault pressure quickly
and safely. The orientation of pressure relief vents and
gas exhaust ducts as necessary shall be coordinated
with BUYER at the bid stage.
6.6.2 Internal arc classification As per Annexure-B (Technical Particulars)
6.7 Workability Switchgear shall be designed and constructed to
facilitate inspection, cleaning, repair and maintenance
and to ensure absolute safety during such work.
Interlocks, busbar shutters and covers shall be
provided to prevent incorrect or unsafe operation and
to prevent access to live parts. It shall be possible to
work safely within individual panels, such as equipping
and commissioning of spare panels as well as
connecting main, control and auxiliary cabling, while
the remainder of the switchgear is energized.
6.8 Interchange-ability Similar parts and components shall be
interchangeable wherever practical. An interlock
system shall be provided to prevent the interchange of
modules with higher current rating with modules of
lower current rating. Replacement of circuit breaker
module shall be without interfering busbar operation
and without gas work.
Page 6 of 44
6.9 Doors and Covers a. All doors, hinged covers, and hinged panels larger
than 0.36 m2 in area shall open at least 95
degrees and be equipped with doorstops to hold
them in the open position. Door swing must allow
withdrawable equipment to be withdrawn. All such
doors and hinged covers shall be equipped with
handles and secured by captive bolts, lockable
with a key or pad-lockable.
b. Breaker compartment door shall open and close
without obstruction with and without rubber mats
laid in front of the switchgear. Door of one panel
should not cause hindrance for opening of
adjacent panel.
6.10 Cover Plates All cover plates that exceed 0.7 m2 that require
removal for installation or maintenance of the
equipment shall be equipped with lifting handles and
self-supporting lips. With the exception of the backs of
panels cover plates shall not exceed 1.1 m2 in area or
27 kg in weight, unless they are hinged and bolted or
locked. Cover plates shall be secured using captive
bolt fixings.
6.11 Test Facilities Each panel shall be provided with test facilities to
allow for:
a. Voltage testing of the primary circuit at rated
voltage with all parts connected to the facility
b. Current testing of primary circuit (primary injection
c. Protection testing suitable for continuous operation
at maximum current
d. Access for test devices shall be clearly identified
and covers shall be secured using captive fixings
that require the use of a tool for access. Provision
shall be included to secure the test devices in the
test position.
6.12 Panel Dimension Maximum 2700mm, Operating height maximum
1600mm, Width-600 mm, Depth- 1800 mm
6.13 Extensibility Switchgear shall be arranged to permit future
extension at both ends. Bidder shall confirm the
minimum safe operational clearances around the
6.14 Panel Base Frame Steel Base frame as per manufacturer’s standard.
Bidder shall provide facilities for bolting the switchgear
to its foundation. Such facilities shall be suitable for
the specified seismic service.
6.15 Non- tiered construction Incoming and bus-section units shall be located in
non-tiered separate panels.
Page 7 of 44
Page 8 of 44
9.1 Material Hard drawn electrolytic copper
9.2 Cross section Uniform throughout length of switchgear
9.3 Phase busbars The phase busbars shall be enclosed in individual or a
combined gas filled compartment. Busbars shall be
silver or tin-plated at joints. Provision shall be made at
the bolted connections to enable accessibility for
maintenance and extension where appropriate.
9.4 Marking All busbars and cable connections shall be marked to
indicate the phase colouring, which shall be red,
yellow and blue unless otherwise specified or explicitly
precluded by relevant national standards.
Page 9 of 44
9.5 Earth busbar An earth busbar, sized for the earth fault rating of the
electrical system and switchgear, shall be provided
along the full length of the switchgear structure. The
earth busbar shall have provision for earth cable
connections at each end.
9.6 Supports All phase and earth busbars and connections shall be
sized, braced and supported to withstand the
dynamic, dielectric stresses and thermal affects
resulting from the switchgear rated short circuit current
over the full length of the switchgear and carry
certification from a recognized testing authority.
9.7 Rating As per Annexure – B (Technical particulars) and
Annexure-F (Single line diagram).
10.1 Earthing of enclosure & All metallic non-current carrying parts of the
non -current carrying parts switchgear shall be bonded together and connected to
the switchgear earth busbar. The frame of each
functional unit and each device requiring earthing shall
be connected directly to the earth busbar. For direct
connection to the station earthing grid, earthing bolts
of at least 10mm shall be provided at both ends of the
main earth bar.
10.2 Busbar and Feeder Through three position switch
10.3 Circuit breaker frame Integral earthing shall be provided on feeder/incoming
earthing circuit breakers for cable earthing, and on incoming or
bus coupler circuit breakers for busbar earthing.
10.4 Earthing of withdrawable Withdrawable parts shall be effectively earthed until
parts they are completely withdrawn with all power and
control connections disconnected.
10.5 Cable armour Earthing Provision shall be made, adjacent to the cable
termination, for connecting earthing cable armouring
to the earth busbar.
10.6 Hinged doors Earthed through flexible copper braid
10.7 Metallic cases of relays, Connected to the earth bus by independent copper
instruments and other LT wires of size not less than 2.5 sq. mm with green
panel mounted equipment colour insulation. For this purpose LT compartment
should have a clear designated earth bus to which
earth connections from all components are to be
10.8 CT and PT neutral Earthed at one place at the terminal blocks through
10.9 Instructions Clear instructions, preferably pictorial, shall be
provided showing methods of earthing wherever
Page 10 of 44
14.1.1 Cable entry Front / rear entry only. Socket and plug assembly
shall be provided for the field power cables. Facilities
shall be provided for cable testing including current
and voltage injection.
14.1.2 Adaptor Plug Plug has to be provided for connecting rear cable
directly on panel bushing in absence of front cable.
This will enable easy energization of panel with rear
cable in event the front cable is faulty. needs to be
removed for energizing the panelto bushing ncomer
panel in absence of front cable.
14.1.3 Cable size and nos. of runs 2 runs x 3C x 400sqmm XLPE insulated stranded
aluminium cable
14.1.4 Cable supports Cable supports shall be provided (where practicable)
by bidder to avoid undue strain on the cable
14.1.5 Gland plates Termination of single core cables shall be through a
non-magnetic metal panel or gland plate. Minimum air
clearances shall be maintained over and above cable
lugs and fixing bolts.
Page 11 of 44
14.1.6 Armour Earthing Provision should be made for bonding and earthing
any armour and/or concentric earth conductors.
14.2 Control Cable termination
14.2.1 Cable entry Bottom and front entry
14.2.2 Gland plate Undrilled 3mm CRCA
15.1 Mounting Flush mounted
15.2 Voltmeter Digital type with programmable ratio
15.3 Size 96x96 mm
15.4 Panels where to be Incomer and bus PT panel
15.5 Voltmeter switch Inbuilt in meter
15.6 Accuracy Class 1.0
15.7 Auxiliary supply Universal type suitable for 230VAC and 50/220VDC
15.8 Energy meter provision Energy meter is not in supplier’s scope. Only space
and CT/PT wiring is to be provided in all panels
except bus coupler and bus PT. Dimension shall be
350(H)x200(W) mm2.
Page 12 of 44
Page 13 of 44
19.7 Spare contacts Spare contacts of relays and contactors etc. should be
wired upto the terminal block.
19.8 Panel wiring Panel wiring shall be on one side of the terminal block
only. No more than two wires shall be connected to a
19.9 Interpanel wiring Interpanel wiring for AC and DC supplies, voltage
transformer circuits, annunciation circuits and other
common services shall be provided on the same set
of terminals in all the panels with proper segregation.
Wires with ferrule to be terminated in the adjacent
shipping section should be supplied with one end
terminated and the other end bunched and coiled.
19.10 Wiring enclosure Plastic channels for panel wiring, PVC sleeves for
Inter panel wiring. Where wiring enters or passes
through compartments containing high voltage
apparatus, it shall be run in earthed continuous
metallic conduit/trunking without gaps, holes or joints.
20.1 Rating and Type 1100 V grade, moulded piece, stud type screw driver
operated terminals complete with insulated barriers,
washers, nuts and lock nuts.
20.2 Suitability For termination of minimum 6sqmm flexible copper
20.3 Marking and covers White fibre markings strip with clear plastic, slip-on /
clip-on terminal covers to be provided.
20.4 Disconnecting Facility To be provided in CT and PT terminals
20.5 Shorting & Earthing Facility To be provided in CT Terminals
20.6 Spare Terminals 20% in each TB row
20.7 TB shrouds & separators Moulded non- inflammable plastic material
20.8 Clearance between 2 sets 100 mm min
of TB
20.9 Clearance with cable gland 250 mm min
20.10 Clearance between AC / 100 mm min
DC set of TB
20.11 Test terminal blocks Screw driver operated stud type for metering circuit
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Page 18 of 44
24.1 Finish The colour and finish may be in accordance with the
Manufacturer standards for the service conditions
specified, subject to BUYER’s approval. The
switchgear shall be fully tropicalized.
26.1 Type Tests The product must be of type tested quality as per
applicable Indian standards / IEC
26.2 Type test report validity Last five years from date of bid submission. Bidder
period with type test report more than 5 years old needs to
re-conduct the tests without any commercial
implication to BSES
26.3 Pressure relief device Test certificate for panel to be submitted
Page 21 of 44
26.4 Acceptance & Routine tests To be done as per this specification and relevant
standards. Charges for all these tests shall be
deemed to be included in the equipment price. In
addition to these tests, following tests have to be
carried out as acceptance tests -
26.5 Primary injection test To be carried out on panels selected for testing
26.6 Temperature rise test One panel per Purchase order (PO with minimum 10
panels) without any commercial implication to BSES.
In-house testing is acceptable.
26.7 Paint Thickness/ Peel off To be carried out on panels selected for testing
26.8 Inspection The purchaser/owner reserves the right to witness all
the acceptance/routine tests during inspection.
26.9 Notice to purchaser for At least three weeks in advance
conducting type tests
26.10 Test reports before dispatch Six (6) copies of acceptance and routine test reports
for approval
26.11 Vendor quality plan To be submitted for purchaser approval
Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A3/A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. PDF shall also be provided
of all documents via USB. Language of the documents shall be English only. Deficient/ improper
document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection.
Page 22 of 44
Page 23 of 44
28.3 Packing Identification Label to be provided on each packing case with the following
28.3.1 Individual serial number
28.3.2 Purchaser's name
28.3.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
28.3.4 Equipment Tag no. (if any)
28.3.5 Destination
28.3.6 Project Details
28.3.7 Manufacturer / Supplier's name
28.3.8 Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
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Page 26 of 44
Page 27 of 44
1.1 Type Metal clad, SF6 gas insulated with VCB type circuit
1.2 Service Indoor
1.3 Mounting Free standing, floor mounted
1.4 System Voltage 33kV
1.5 Voltage variation +/- 10%
1.6 Frequency 50 Hz +/- 5%
1.7 Phase 3
1.8 Rated voltage 36 kV
1.9 Rated current As per Single line diagram
1.10 Short time rating for 3 25kA
1.11 Internal arc classification
and rating
1.11.1 Classification IAC – A – FLR
1.11.2 Rating 25kA for 1 second.
1.12 Insulation level 70 kV/ 170 kV
(PF rms / Impulse peak)
1.13 System ground Effectively earthed Effectively earthed
1.14 Enclosure degree of IP – 65 for gas filled compartments
protection IP – 4X for Cable and LV compartment
1.15 Bus bar – Main Rating as per SLD, Short time rating as per clause
1.15.1 Material Copper
1.15.2 Bus bar joint plating As per manufacturer’s standard. Tape on joints is not
1.15.3 Bus identification Colour coded
1.15.4 Temperature rise 40 deg. C for conventional joints.
55 deg. C for silver plated joints
1.16 Auxiliary bus bar Electrolytic grade tinned copper
1.17 Auxiliary DC Supply 220 V DC / 50 V DC
1.18 Auxiliary AC supply 240 V AC 50 Hz
1.19 Hardware Stainless steel.
1.20 Earth bus Aluminium
1.21 Power cable entry From bottom and rear
1.22 Control cable entry From bottom and front (i.e breaker compartment)
1.23 Gas leakage rate Less than 0.5% per annum
Page 29 of 44
Page 30 of 44
Unit price for all the spares should be indicated in price bid.
Page 31 of 44
3.01 Rear Doors -
3.02 Indoor / Outdoor - Indoor
3.03 Arc Resistant - YES
3.04 Tamperproof Category YES
3.05 Dust resistant (gasketed) - YES
Gas pressure – busbar
4.01 Bar / MPa
a Normal gas pressure Bar / MPa
Permitted range of Gas
b Bar / MPa
pressure for safe operation
c Alarm level Bar / MPa
Gas pressure for operation of
d Bar / MPa
Withstand gas pressure of
e Bar / MPa
Number of aux.contacts
f /stages provided
for the gas density meter
Gas pressure – breaker
4.02 Bar / MPa
a Normal gas pressure Bar / MPa
Permitted range of Gas
b Bar / MPa
pressure for safe operation
c Alarm level Bar / MPa
Gas pressure for operation of
d Bar / MPa
Withstand gas pressure of
e Bar / MPa
Number of aux. contacts
f /stages provided
for the gas density meter
Material and thickness of gas
Total no. of Gas
4.04 No.
compartments per panel
Number of Gas Density
4.05 No.
meters provided per panel
4.06 Rating of Isolator (A) Same as CB rating
4.07 Rating of earthing switch (A) Same as CB rating
Guaranteed Gas leakage
4.07 < 0.5 %
4.08 Rodent damage protection YES
4.09 Ground and test device YES
Page 32 of 44
4.10 Equipment Labeling
4.11 Lift truck If required
4.12 Testing facility
a For Cable Required
b For CT Required
c For PT Required
5.01 Material Copper
5.02 Bus Joint Plating
5.03 Rated Continuous Current A rms 1250A
31.5kA/ 26.3kA
5.04 Short time Withstand Current A rms
for 3 Sec
Manufacturer's Standard & Manufacturers
Type Standard
6.02 Material
7.01 Power Cable entry Bottom
Socket & Plug for
7.02 Terminal lug type
As per
Qty of power cables per
7.03 qty specification and
phase per compartment
7.04 Make of termination
8.01 Manufacturer / Model No.
8.02 Type (SF6/Vacuum)
8.03 Rated Short-Circuit Current kA 31.5 kA / 26.3kA
Short circuit-Current
8.04 sec 3
Withstand Time
8.05 Rated Maximum Voltage kV rms 36
Rated Voltage Range Factor,
8.06 1.1
Power Frequency Withstand
8.07 kV rms 70
Lightning Impulse Withstand
8.08 kV crest 170
Page 33 of 44
As per single line
8.09 Rated Continuous Current A rms
Rated Transient Recovery Manufacturers
8.10 microsec
Voltage Time to Peak (T2) Standard
8.11 Switching duty/capability
a Power Transformers (oil filled) Capacity
b Cables Length
c Over head lines Length
8.12 Rated Interrupting Time ms 60
8.13 Time for Opening Operation cycles 3
8.14 Time for Closing Operation cycles 4
Closing and latching Manufacturers
8.15 kA
capability (peak) Standard
Control Power Voltage
8.16 V dc 220/50
Range, Trip Coil
Control Power Voltage
8.17 V dc 220/50
Range, Closing Coil
8.18 Auxiliary Contacts Total qty 12
Min. Auxiliary Contacts for
8.19 qty 6
Customer use
Auxiliary Contact voltage
8.20 V dc 220 / 50
Auxiliary Contact current
8.21 Amps 10
Stored Energy System
8.22 V dc 187
Minimum Voltage
Stored Energy Spring
8.23 Amps MS
Charging Motor Current
Stored Energy Spring
8.24 Amps MS
Charging Motor Inrush
Stored Energy Time to Fully
8.25 seconds MS
Recharge Spring:
O – 0.3Sec – CO
8.26 Rated Operating duty cycle
-3min -CO
Rated out of phase switching
capability to IEC 56
Operating Power
a Trip Coil Watt
b Closing Coil Watt
c Operating Motor Watt
8.29 Number of trip coils Nos. 2
8.30 Quantity of Gas in CB
a Mass
b Volume at Normal Pressure CuM
Page 34 of 44
Interrupting Gas Pressure Bar
Maximum / Normal / Minimum (Absolute)
Number of Close / Open
8.32 Operation No.
possible without re-charging
Number of operations
possible before
interrupter maintenance
a At rated S.C. current Nos.
b At full load current Nos.
c At no load Nos.
Method used to relieve
internal overpressure due
to short circuit (Bursting disc /
relief valve / none. Etc.)
Operating pressure of
pressure relief device
9.01 Manufacturer By Seller
9.02 Model no. of each relay
As per
9.03 Relay functions
IEC 103 & IEC
9.04 Relay Communication
10.01 Model Rish Delta Energy
10.02 Make Rishabh
RS485 rear port
suitable for
10.03 SCADA Interfacing
integration on
Modbus Protocol
10.04 Size mm2 96x96
10.05 Panels where to be provided All panels
10.06 Accuracy Class 1
48 – 240VDC and
10.07 Auxiliary Supply AC i.e universal
11.00 CONTROL WIRING See Specification
11.01 Type XLPE or PVC
11.02 Control wire Size minimum: 1.5 mm
11.03 Voltage Rating: Vac 600/1000V
11.04 FRLS type Yes
Page 35 of 44
12.00 As per SLD
(Details to be furnished for
each type of CT)
12.01 Manufacturer/Model Number:
12.02 Accuracy Class As per SLD
12.03 Ratio As per SLD
12.04 Burden As per SLD
12.05 Knee point voltage As per SLD
12.06 Rct
12.07 Excitation current As per SLD
13.01 Manufacturer
13.02 Model Number
13.03 Accuracy As per SLD
13.04 Primary Fuse Required
13.05 Secondary Fuse/min-breaker: Required
13.06 Burden As per SLD
13.07 Disconnecting switch for VT Required
14.01 Indications LED type
14.02 Control switches
a Make
b Type
c Rating
14.03 L/R switch
a Make
b Type
c Rating
14.04 CT & PT Terminal blocks
a Make
b Type Disconnecting
c Size
d Rating
14.05 Terminal blocks
a Make
b Type
c Size
d Rating
15.01 Bus Losses Watts
Heat loss at rated breaker
15.02 W/bkr
current –1250A
Page 36 of 44
Heat loss of space heater per
15.03 W/vrtl
vertical section
Mass of heaviest piece to be
16.01 kg
shipped as a unit
Largest section to be shipped
16.02 mm
a unit -Length:
Largest section to be shipped
16.03 mm
a unit -Width:
Largest section to be shipped
16.04 mm
a unit -Height:
Total Mass of assembly to be
16.05 kg
Total assembly (breaker line-
16.06 mm
up only) -Length
Total assembly (breaker line-
16.07 mm
up only) -Width
Total assembly (breaker line-
16.08 mm
up only) -Height
Transition section (breaker
16.09 kg
line-up only) -Mass
Transition section (breaker
16.10 mm
line-up only) -Length
Transition section (breaker
16.11 mm
line-up only) -Width
Transition section (breaker
16.12 mm
line-up only) -Height
Total Number of shipping
16.13 qty
sections per line up:
Incomer (Width x Depth x
17.01 mm
Bus-coupler (Width x Depth x
17.02 mm
Outgoing (Width x Depth x
17.03 mm
Overall length of Complete
17.04 mm
220 V / 50V ,
Buyer Control power supply
18.01 +15% & -15%V
18.02 Buyer Control power current 15 A
Page 37 of 44
rating (A)
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Page 2 of 54
CBIP manual
In the event of direct conflict between various order documents, the precedence of authority of
documents shall be as follows:
a. Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)
b. This Specification
c. Referenced Standards
d. Approved Vendor Drawings
e. Other documents
Page 5 of 54
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Page 7 of 54
4.2.4 Radiators Material Pressed Steel Thickness Minimum 1.2 mm Features Detachable type with lifting lugs, air release
plug, drain plug, isolating valve top and bottom
in each radiator, Radiator support from ground
if required Essential provision if radiators Expansion bellow to be provided in the pipes
mounted separately between main tank and radiator headers Essential provision for all type Radiator header pipes shall not originate from
of radiators provided tank top cover to make the tank top cover
removable at site with minimum manpower.
4.2.5 Core Material High grade, non ageing, low loss, high
permeability, grain oriented, cold rolled silicon
steel lamination Grade As per GTP Lamination thickness As per GTP Design flux density at rated As per manufacturers design.
conditions at principal tap Maximum flux density at 10% As per GTP
over excitation / overfluxing Core design features 1) Magnetic circuit designed to avoid
short circuit paths within core or to the
earthed clamping structure
2) Magnetic circuit shall not produce flux
components at right angles to the plane of
lamination to avoid local heating
3) Least possible air gap and rigid clamping for
minimum core loss and noise generation
4) Adequately braced to withstand bolted faults
on secondary terminals without mechanical
damage and damage / dis-placement during
transportation and positioning
5) Percentage harmonic potential with the
maximum flux density under any condition
limited to avoid capacitor overloading in the
6) All steel sections used for supporting the
core shall be thoroughly sand blasted after
cutting, drilling, welding
7) Provision of lifting lugs for core coil
8) Supporting framework designed not to
obstruct complete drainage of oil from
Page 8 of 54
Page 15 of 54
7.0 OLTC
.7.1 Requirement Required CTR make or equivalent subject to
purchasers approval for 33 kv. For 66 kv the
type and rating shall be finalized based on
discussion with the vendor.
No in-tank OLTC acceptable.
“For selected locations where space is a
constraint, BSES may accept in tank OLTC”.
7.2 OLTC gear location Side mounted on conservator side not in front
of HV bushing
7.3 Type of OLTC gear The tapings shall be controlled by a high speed
resistor transition type gear in which tap
change is carried out virtually under ‘no volt’ ‘no
ampere’ condition and the selector switches do
not make and break any current, main current
is never interrupted and a resistor is provided
to limit the arching at diverter contacts to a
minimum suitable for outdoor mounting and
continuously rated for operating at all position
including positions in the middle of tap change.
In particulars, the tap change gear shall be
suitable when delivering the full output plus
permissible overload and operating the lowest
voltage tap on the HV side.
The value of the transition resistor shall be
indicated on the rating plate of the OLTC with
continuous current rating with reference to
design ambient temperature specified.
7.4 Tappings As per GTP
7.5 Operation of OLTC gear Selection of local / remote operation by selector
switch on OLTC drive mechanism
7.5.1 local operation From OLTC drive mechanism through pistol
grip rotary switch as well as emergency
mechanical hand operation.
7.5.2 Remote operation From digital RTCC provided by customer
/SCADA depending on the selection of control
on digital RTCC panel.
7.6 Safety interlocks in OLTC Following safety interlock to be provided in
OLTC as minimum
1) Positive completion of tap changing
step once initiated
2) Blocking of reverse tap change command
during a forward tap change already in
progress until the mechanism resets and vice
- versa
3) Cutting of electrical circuits during
Page 19 of 54
mechanical operation
4) Mechanical stops to prevent overrunning of
the mechanism at the end taps
5) Interlock to avoid continuous tap
change which will cut off motor supply in
such events
6) Raise / lower command in OLTC and
Digital relay shall be positively interlocked
7.7 Feature of OLTC 1) OLTC mechanism and associated controls
shall be housed in an outdoor, IP 55,
weatherproof, vermin proof and dust proof
2) It shall be ensured that oil in compartments
containing contacts making and breaking
current compartments containing contacts not
making and breaking current and main
transformer tank does not mix
3) The hand cranking arrangement shall be
such that it can be operated at standing height
from ground level
4) Mechanical indicator to indicate completion
of tap change operation shall be provided with
suitable (Green & Red) colour code to confirm
correct method of completion of tap change
5) Contractors shall be placed in the OLTC
driving mechanism in such a way that the
name-plate shall be visible on opening of door.
6) Protective cover shall be provided for raise
and lower push buttons, external ON-OFF
switch, which are mounted on OLTC driving
mechanism door. This is required to prevent
unauthorized person operating these buttons.
7) It shall be possible to remove the top cover
of the OLTC tank without difficulty. The OLTC
piping & oil surge relay shall be placed
8) The tap change equipment shall be so
designed that if the mechanism is struck in an
intermediate position, the transformer shall be
capable of delivering full load without any
9) Limit switches may be connected in the
control circuit of the operating motor provided
that a mechanical de-clutching mechanism is
incorporated. Otherwise it shall be directly
connected to the operating motor circuit and
mechanical stop.
10) Thermal devices or other means shall be
provided to protect the motor and control
11) The tap changer shall be capable of
Page 20 of 54
Page 23 of 54
11.1 Submittals required 1) Completed technical data schedule.
with bid. 2) Descriptive literature giving full technical details of
equipment offered :
3) Outine dimension drawing for each major component,
general arrangement drawing showing component layout
an general schematic diagrams.
4) Type test certificates ,where available, and sample
routine test reports
5) Detailed reference list of customers already using
equipment offered during the last 5 years with particular
emphasis on units of similar design and rating
6) Details of manufacturers quality assurance standard
and programme and ISO 9000 series or equivalent
national certification.
7) Deviations from this specification. Only deviations
approved in writing before award of contract shall be
8)Recommended spare parts and consumable items for
the five years of operation with prices and spare parts
catalogue with price list for future requirements.
9) Transport / shipping dimension and weights, space
required for handling parts for mai11.3ntenance
10) write up on oil preservation system.
11) Write up on OLTC.
12) Quality assurance program.
11.2 Submittals required 1)Programme for production and testing (A)
after award for 2) Guaranteed technical particulars (A)
approval (A), ( R ) 3) General description of the equipment and all
Reference and components ,including brochures(R )
subsequent 4)Calculations to substantiate choice of electrical
Page 24 of 54
electrical conductivity
2) Visual and dimensional check on
conductor for scratches, dept. mark etc.
3) Sample check on insulating paper for
PE value, bursting strength, electric
4) Check for the reaction of hot oil on insulating paper
5) Check for the binding of the insulating paper on
6) Check and ensure that physical condition of all
materials taken for winding is satisfactory and free of
7) Check for absence of short circuit between parallel
8) Check for Brazed joints wherever applicable
9) Measurement of voltage ratio to be carried out when
core / yoke is completely restocked and all connections
are ready
10) Certification of all test results Checks before drying 1) Check conditions of insulation on the conductor and
process between the windings
2) Check insulation distance between high voltage
connection cables and earthed and other live parts
3) Check insulation distance between low voltage
connection cables and earthed and other parts
4) Insulation test of core earthing
5) Check for proper cleanliness
6) Check tightness of coils i.e. no free movements
7) Certification of all test results
Page 27 of 54
13.2 Shipping The bidder shall ascertain at an early date and definitely
Page 29 of 54
15.1 Deviation Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in
writing with the tender by reference to the Specification
clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the alternative
offer. In absence of such a statement, it will be assumed
that the bidder complies fully with this specification. No
deviation will be acceptable post order.
Page 30 of 54
Page 31 of 54
1 C X1000sq 1C X1000sq
mm per mm A2XY
phase unarmored
unarmored per phase
A2XY ,11 kv ,11kv (E)
(E) grade grade cable
15.3 LV neutral By G .S. By G.S. strip
strip mim min 2x75x10
2x75x10 mm mm size
16.0 Highest system 36 72.5
voltage HV side, kV
17.0 Highest system 12 12
voltage LV side, kV
18.0 Lightning impulse
withstand voltage, kV
18.1 For nominal system 75
voltage of 11 kV
18.2 For nominal system 170
voltage of 33 kV
18.3 For nominal system 325
voltage of 66 kV
19.0 Power frequency
withstand voltage kV
19.1 For nominal system 28
voltage of 11 kV
19.2 For nominal system 50
voltage of 22 kV
19.3 For nominal system 70
voltage of 33 kV
19.4 For nominal system 140
voltage of 66 kV
20.0 Clearances phase to
phase, mm
20.1 For nominal system 280
voltage of 11 kV
20.2 For nominal system 330
voltage of 22 kV
For nominal system 350
voltage of 33 kV
For nominal system 700
voltage of 66 kV
21.0 Clearances phase to
earth, mm
For nominal system 140
voltage of 11 kV
For nominal system 230
voltage of 22 kV
For nominal system 320
Page 33 of 54
voltage of 33 kV
For nominal system 660
voltage of 66 kV
22.0 System fault level, HV 1000 MVA for 22kV
side 1500 MVA for 33 kV
3600 MVA for 66 kV
23.0 System fault level, LV 500 MVA for 11 kV
24.0 Short circuit withstand
capacity of the
24.1 Three phases dead For 3 secs.
short circuit at
secondary terminal
with rated voltage
maintained on the
other side
24.2 Single phase short For 3 secs.
circuit at secondary
terminal with rated
voltage maintained on
the other side
25.0 System earthing
25.1 HV Solidly earthed
25.2 LV Solidly earthed
26.0 Overload capability As per IS 6600
27.0 Noise level Shall not exceed limit as per NEMA TR- 1 with all
accessories running measured as per IEC 551 / NEMA
28.0 Radio influence Maximum 250 microvolt
29.0 Harmonic suppression Transformer to be designed for suppression of 3rd, 5th, 7th
harmonic voltage and high frequency disturbances
30.0 Partial discharge 10 Pico C
31.0 Loss capitalization As per CBIP manual (see note2)
31.1 No load loss Rs. 4,09,979 per KW
capitalization figure
31.2 Load loss Rs. 2,26,718 per KW
capitalization figure
32.0 Temperature rise of 40 deg C
top oil by thermometer
33.0 Temperature rise of 45 deg C
winding by resistance
34.0 Note for the bidders (left blank)
35.0 Tapping to be For 33/11 kv & 66/11kvTransformer
provided on HV +5% to -15% @step of 1.25 % 16 taps, 17 tap positions,
winding for OLTC Tap no. 5 is principal tap.
36.0 Maximum flux density 1.9 Tesla
allowed in the core
extreme over
excitation /over fluxing,
Page 34 of 54
37.0 Maximum current 3.0 Amperes per sqmm @ lowest tap.
density allowed
38.0 AVR input voltage/ Not applicable
Auxiliary supply
39.0 Bushing parameters
Rated Current for 1250 A for 33 kv bushing
20/25 MVA Xmer 2000 A for 11kv bushing
39.1 Creepage factor for all 31 mm / kV minimum
bushing mm /KV
39.2 Rated thermal short 25 times rated current for 2 secs
time current for all
39.2.1 Angle of mounting 0 to 90 degree
39.2.2 Cantilever withstand for 33 kv bushing- as per std. vendor
load 2000N for 11kv bushing
Overall Length for 33 kv bushing- as per std. vendor
(Approx) 503 mm for 11 kv bushing
Diameter of base 100 mm
Note 1: For ONAN and ONAF rating the temperature rise of the transformer shall be within
the values specified at sl .no. 31.0 and 32.0 above. Under ONAF cooling 20 % spare cooling
fans shall be provided .Design of cooling equipment and control shall comply to CBIP clause
no. 2.1.3 of Section A (general)
Note 2: The transformers will be evaluated against no load and load losses guaranteed by the
bidders with capitalization of losses as per figures indicated under sl no. 30.1, 30.2 and 30.6
above. However the maximum loss figure acceptable are as per cl 13.0 14.0 of Annexure C.
In case of deviation in loss figure on higher side, the technical offer won’t be considered for
evaluation. In the event of measured loss figures during testing exceeding the guaranteed loss
figures of the successful bidder penalty shall be levied at a rate of 1.25 times the figures
mentioned above for both no load and load losses.
Page 35 of 54
2.0 Properties
1.1 General
Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System (NIFPS) shall use nitrogen as fire quenching
medium. The protective system shall prevent transformer/Reactor oil tank explosion and
possible fire in case of internal faults. In the event of fire by external causes such as bushing
fire. OLTC fires, fire from surrounding equipment etc, it shall act as a fast and effective fire
fighter. It shall accomplish its role as fire preventer and extinguisher without employing water
and / or carbon dioxide. Fire shall be extinguished within 3 minutes (Maximum) of system
activation and within 30 seconds (maximum) of commencement of nitrogen injection.
The design and installation of the complete fire protection system shall comply with the
latest applicable Indian standards. Wherever Indian standards are not available relevant British
/ I.E.C. Codes shall be followed. The following standards / codes shall be followed in particular.
The entire fire protection system shall be designed, erected and commissioned in accordance
with the regulation of Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC). In the absence of TAC regulations
NFPA regulation shall be adhered to.
Page 37 of 54
Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV &LV/IV side) associated with transformer / reactor is the
pre-requisite for activation of system.
Tripping of all circuit breakers (on HV &LV/IV side) associated with transformer / reactor is the
pre-requisite for activation of system.
The system shall be designed to be operated manually in case of failure of power supply to fire
protection system.
Nitrogen injection fire protection system should be a dedicated system for each oil filled
transformer / reactor. It should have a Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC) placed on a plinth at
suitable distance away from transformer / reactor. The FEC shall be connected to the top of
transformer / reactor oil tank for depressurization of tank and to the oil pit (capacity
approximately equal to 10% of total volume of oil in transformer/reactor tank) from its bottom
through oil pipes. The fire extinguishing cubicle should house a pressurized nitrogen cylinder(s)
which is connected to the oil tank of transformer/reactor oil tank at bottom. The Transformer
conservator Isolation Valve (TCIV) is fitted between the conservator tank and Buchholz relay.
Cable connections are to be provided from signal box to the control box in the control
room, from control box to fire extinguishing cubicle and from TCIV to signal box. Fire detectors
placed on the top of transformer/reactor tank are to be connected in parallel to the signal box by
Fire survival cables. Control box is also to be connected to relay panel in control room for
receiving system activation signals.
1.5 Operation
On receipt of all activating signals, the system shall drain pre-determined volume of hot oil
from the top of tank (i.e top oil layer), through outlet valve, to reduce tank pressure by removing
top oil and simultaneously injecting nitrogen gas at high pressure for stirring the oil at pre-fixed
rate and thus bringing the temperature of top oil layer down. Transformer conservator isolation
valve blocks the flow of oil from conservator tank in case of tank rupture / explosion or bushing
bursting. Nitrogen occupies the space created by oil drained out and acts as an insulating layer
over oil in the tank and thus preventing aggravation of fire.
Nitrogen injection fire protection system shall broadly consist of the following
components. However, all other components which are necessary for fast reliable and effective
working of the fire protective system shall deemed to be included in the scope of supply.
The FEC shall be made of CRCA sheet of 3 mm (minimum) thick complete with the base frame,
Page 38 of 54
painted inside and outside with post office red colour (shade 538 of IS-5). It shall have hinged
split doors fitted with high quality tamper proof lock. The degree of protection shall be IP55. The
following items shall be provided in the FEC.
a. Nitrogen gas cylinder with regulator and falling pressure electrical contact
b. manometer.
c. Oil drain pipe with mechanical quick drain valve.
d. Control equipment for draining of oil of pre-determined volume and injecting
regulated volume of nitrogen gas
e. Pressure monitoring switch for back-up protection for nitrogen release
f. Limit switches for monitoring of the system
g. Butterfly valve with flanges on the top of panel for connecting oil drain pipe and
nitrogen injection pipes for transformer/reactors
h. Panel lighting (CFL Type)
i. Oil drain pipe extension of suitable sizes for connecting pipes to oil pit.
Control box is to be placed in the control room for monitoring system operation, automatic control
and remote operation. The following alarms, indications, switches, push buttons, audio signal etc.
shall be provided.
a. System on
b. TCIV open
c. Oil drain valve closed
d. Gas inlet valve closed
e. TCIV closed*
f. Fire detector trip *
g. Buchholz relay trip
h. Oil drain valve open*
i. Extinction in progress *
j. Cylinder pressure low *
k. Differential relay trip
l. PRV / SPR trip
m. Transformer/reactor trip
n. System out of service *
o. Fault in cable connecting fault fire detector
p. Fault in cable connecting differential relay
q. Fault in cable connecting Buchholz relay
r. Fault in cable connecting PRV / SPR
s. Fault in cable connecting transformer /reactor trip
t. Fault in cable connecting TCIV
u. Auto/ Manual / Off
v. Extinction release on / off
w. Lamp test
x. Visual/ Audio alarm*
y. Visual/ Audio alarm for DC supply fail *
* Suitable provision shall be made in the control box, for monitoring of the system from
remote substation using the substation automation system.
Transformer conservator isolation valve (TCIV) to be fitted in the conservator pipe line, between
conservator and buchholz relay which shall operate for isolating the conservator during abnormal
Page 39 of 54
flow of oil due to rupture / explosion of tank or bursting of bushing. The valve shall not isolate
conservator during normal flow of oil during filtration or filling or refilling, locking plates to be
provided with handle for pad locking. It shall have proximity switch for remote alarm, indication
with visual position indicator.
The TCIV should be of the best quality as malfunctioning of TCIV could lead to
serious consequence. The closing of TCIV means stoppage of breathing of transformer/reactor.
The system shall be complete with adequate number of fire detectors (quartz bulb) fitted
on the top cover of the transformer / reactor oil tank.
It shall be mounted away from transformer / reactor main tank, preferably near the
transformer marshalling box, for terminating cable connections from TCIV & fire detectors
and for further connection to the control box. The degree of protection shall be IP55.
1.6.6 Cables
Fire survival cables (capable to withstand 750° C.) of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size for
connection of fire detectors in parallel shall be used. The fire survival cable shall conform to
BS 7629-1,BS 8434-1, BS 7629-1 and BS 5839-1,BS EN 50267-2-1 or relevant Indian standards.
Fire Retardant Low Smoke (FRLS) cable of 12 core x 1.5 sq. mm size shall be used for
connection of signal box / marshalling box near transformer/reactor and FEC mounted near
transformer/reactor with control box mounted in control room.
Fire Retardant Low Smoke (FRLS) cable of 4 core x 1.5 sq. mm size shall be used for
connection between control box to DC and AC supply source, fire extinguishing cubicle to AC
supply source, signal box/ marshalling box to transformer conservator isolation valve
connection on transformer/reactor.
1.6.7 Pipes
Pipes, complete with connections, flanges, bends and tees etc. shall be supplied along with the
a. Oil drain and nitrogen injection openings with gate valves on transformer / reactor tank at
suitable locations.
b. Flanges with dummy piece in conservator pipe between Buchholz relay and
conservator Tank for fixing TCIV.
c. Fire detector brackets on transformer / reactor tank top cover.Spare potential free
contacts for activating the system i.e. in differential relay, Buchholz
d. relay, Pressure Relief Device / RPRR, Circuit Breaker of transformer/reactorPipe
connections between transformer / reactor and FEC and between FEC and oil pit
required for collecting top oil.
e. Cabling for fire detectors mounted on transformer /reactor top cover
f. Inter cabling between signal box, control box and Fire Extinguishing Cubicle (FEC).
g. All external cables from / to the system i.e. signal box to control box and control box to
FEC shall be provided by the purchaser. All internal cables within the system i.e.
Page 40 of 54
between detectors / signal box / marshalling box / FEC / TCIV shall be in the
scope of NIFPS supplier.
h. Butterfly valves /Gate valves on oil drain pipe and nitrogen injection pipe which should
be able to withstand full vacuum.
i. Supports, signal box etc. which are to be painted with enameled paint.
The doors, removable covers and panels shall be gasketted all round with neoprene gaskets.
1.10 Tests
Reports of all type test conducted as per relevant IS/IEC standards in respect of various bought
out items including test reports for degree of protection for FEC / control box / signal box shall be
submitted by the supplier. The supplier shall demonstrate the functional test associated with the
a. Fire Extinguishing Cubicle, Control Box.
b. Fire Detector.
c. Transformer Conservator Isolation Valve
The performance test of the complete system shall be carried out after erection of the system with
transformer at site.
1.11 Documentation
Detailed dimensional layout drawing of the system with complete bill of materials, clearances
from ground and other live points, details of detectors, equipment layout drawings, detailed
drawings pertaining to signal box, control box, FEC equipment, wiring and schemes, 4 sets
of testing, commissioning, Operation and Maintenance manual along with soft copies (in
CDs) shall be submitted by the supplier.
3.2 The indicating grade of Silica Gel, which shall be filled in the breather, is hard Blue Round
Ball with considerable absorption power of moisture & hence signaling the saturation degree
by changing colour ( from Blue to Pink).
3.3 The breather shall have clear visibility of Gel colour & of oil level with dust particles in the
oil cup from distance.
3.4 Breather should breathe only from the inlet holes provided for breathing. Air should not
enter anywhere from the body of breather.
3.5 Silica Seal shall be applied on gasket for better air tightening.
3.6 Gel removing & refilling method is specially designed to avoid skilled labour requirement at
site & consequent air leakages.
Page 42 of 54
3.8 Application
4.0 Marking
A Sticker label Indicating manufacturer’s Name, Sr. No. Gel capacity etc. shall be provided at
suitable place. Container may also marked with the Standard mark.
5.0 Testing
Breather container shall be suitably blanked & pressure tested with air at 0.35 Kg/cm for 30
minutes. There shall not be any leakages from gasketted joints. Test certificates from
accredited laboratory shall be submitted.
6.0 Prototype
Before starting manufacture of the quantity ordered, the successful bidder shall submit a
prototype for approval. Unless the prototype is inspected and approved, manufacturing shall
not be started. The necessity of submitting prototype shall be ascertained before starting of
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Indicating the material to be supplied, a brief description of the goods, their quantity and prices.
In absence of these documents, the offer shall be considered incomplete & may be rejected.
Page 44 of 54
1.0 General
1.1 Make
1.2 Type As per Annexure C of specification
2.0 Nominal continuous rating, KVA
2.1 ONAN As per Cl 11.1 of Annexure C
2.2 ONAF As per Cl 11.2 of Annexure C
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Page 48 of 54
22.8 Weight Kg
22.8.1 HV bushing
22.8.2 LV line and neutral bushing
22.9 Free space required for bushing
removal, mm
22.9.1 HV bushing
22.9.2 LV line and neutral bushing
23.0 Terminal connections
Page 49 of 54
Page 50 of 54
28.6 Burden ,VA - 20 - 20
28.7 Class of Accuracy PS 5P20 PS 5P20
28.8 KPV , volts , minimum 40(Rct+8 - 40(Rct+ -
) 8)
28.9 Resistance, ohm @ 75 deg C, 1 - 1 -
28.10 Magnetizing current @ Vk/4 , 30 - 100 -
mA , maximum
28.11 Short time withstand current 26.3 kA for 3 sec.
29.0 Winding current transformer
29.1 Type
29.2 Make
29.3 Reference standard
29.4 CT ratio
Page 51 of 54
35.2 Breadth , mm
35.3 Height , mm
36.0 Marshalling box dimensions
36.1 Length , mm
36.2 Breadth , mm
36.3 Height , mm
37.0 Weight data
37.1 Core, kG
37.2 Frame parts, kG
37.3 Core and frame, kG
Page 52 of 54
40.0 Tests
40.1 All in process tests confirmed as
per Cl. (Yes /No)
40.2 All types tests confirmed as per
Cl. (Yes /No)
40.3 All in routine tests confirmed as
per Cl. (Yes /No)
40.4 All in special tests confirmed as
per Cl. (Yes /No)
Guaranteed Technical Particulars of Transformer Oil
Bidder to submit hard copy duly filled & signed along with techno commercial offer. Bidder to
submit separate GTP for each type of insulating oil
2.11 Oxidatioon stability
1)Neutralization value after 0.15mg KOH/g
2)Total sludge ,after oxidation ,Max 0.03%by weight
3) Max Tan Delta at 70 deg C 0.1
2.12 Ageing characterstics after accelerated (open breaker
ageing method with copper
1) Specific resistance (resistivity)
a) at 27 DEG C Min 27x 10^12 ohm-cm
b) at 90 deg C Min 2 x 10^12 ohm-cm
2) Dielectric dissipation factor (tan 0.1
delta)at 90 deg C Max
3) total acidity,Max 0.05mg KOH /g
4) Total sludge ,Max 0.05% by weight
2.13 Presence of oxidation inhibitor No antioxidant
2.14 Water content ,Max 40 ppm
2.15 Max PCA (Poly cyclic aromatics) 3%
2.16 PCB(Poly chlorinated biphenyl content Not detectable
2.17 Tests As per IS335
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Scanned by CamScanner
Page 2 of 72
S. Item/
Change/ Addition Reason of Change/Addition
No Clause No
APFC shall be supplied by Auto Switched
Capacitor Bank Supplier but cutout for the
1.1 4.17 Space for APFC Relay
same has to be provided by 11kV
Switchgear Panel Vendor
Ammeter has been removed and
1.2 12.2 Multifunction Meter Multifunction Meter has been included for
SCADA integration of all parameters
Spare Terminal Block in Capacitor
1.3 16.8 For APFC Control cables
Bank Panel
SCADA interface port requirement For integration with SCADA on IEC 61850
1.4 17.1.5
revised based on site requirement
As Auto Switched Capacitor banks are
Neutral Unbalance protection by
1.5 17.6.1 used, Only one RVT is enough in
comparison with three NCTs
Panel Rating plate requirement All CT, PT and breaker details included in
1.6 20.1.3
revised Panel Rating plate for ready reference.
To streamline drawing/document
1.7 24.0 Drawing and Data Submission
3.3 Switchgear and control gear : 60529, IS: 3427, IS: 12729, IS: 12063, IS:
13947, IS: 9046
Page 3 of 72
4.3.3 Gland plate single core cables. All gland plates should be
detachable type with gasket
Maximum 2700mm, Operating height maximum
1600mm. In case of Extension of Existing make
4.4 Dimension of Panel
panels, vendor shall match the dimension of existing
Page 4 of 72
4.8 Bus end cable box For direct cable feeder from bus
Separate, with lockable handle (Design with breaker
trolley as the front cover is not acceptable). Door of
4.9 Breaker compartment door
one panel should not cause hindrance for opening of
adjacent panel.
4.15 Panel Base Frame Steel Base frame as per manufacturer’s standard.
Removable bolted covers with handle for cable
chamber and busbar chamber. Panel
4.16 Handle
no./identification to be provided on cable box cover
Page 5 of 72
4.17 APFC bidder’s scope, Space for cut out shall be provided in
the Capacitor panel. Space requirement-150X150
5.3 Switching duty with starting current 6 to 8 times the full load
current & with a maximum of 3 starts per hour)
c. Underground cable with length up to 10 km
Page 6 of 72
6.1 Interlocks
Breaker compartment door Opening of door and rack out to test/isolated position
opening should be possible with breaker in OFF position only.
Breaker compartment door Should be possible even when breaker is in isolated
closing position
Racking mechanism safety
6.1.3 Mechanical type
Racking in or out of breaker
6.1.4 When the breaker is closed
Racking in the circuit breaker
6.1.5 Unless the control plug is fully engaged
Disconnection of the control plug
6.1.6 As long as the breaker is in service position
Opening of cable compartment
Page 7 of 72
6.2.1 Exposure to live parts not be exposed to any live part. Suitable
shrouds/barriers/insulating sleeves should be
In case the breaker is mounted on a carriage which
6.2.2 Breaker handing does not naturally roll out on the floor, a trolley for
handling the breaker is to be provided.
6.4.2 Label for identification For Bus side and cable side shutters
Warning label on shutters of Clearly visible label "Isolate elsewhere before
incoming and other connections earthing" be provided
6.5.1 Trip circuit supervision To be given for breaker close & open condition
Trip circuit supervision relay
6.5.2 For indication, alarm & to inhibit closing of breaker
Page 8 of 72
Emergency trip push button Wired directly to trip coil (wired to Master trip relay if
contact second trip coil provided)
Emergency trip push button
6.5.4 Wired to inhibit closing of breaker
Master trip relay contact (if
6.5.5 Wired to inhibit closing of breaker
DC control supply bus in all Fed by two DC incoming sources in Bus coupler
panels panel with auto changeover facility
Fed normally by bus PT with automatic changeover
6.7 PT supply bus in all panels
facility to incomer line PT
Page 9 of 72
10.1 Earthing arrangement Through separate earthing truck for bus & feeder
Short time withstand capacity of Equal to rating of breaker. Refer technical
earthing truck parameters.
11.3 Rating Sized for rated short circuit current for 3 seconds
Enclosure & non -current
11.4 carrying part of the switchboard / Effectively bonded to the earth bus.
11.6 Circuit breaker frame /carriage control circuit contacts are plugged in the associated
stationary contacts
Page 10 of 72
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Page 12 of 72
Visual Audible
S No. Alarm Condition Fault Contact
Annunciation Annunciation
a. Normal Open Off Off
b. Abnormal Close Flashing On
c. Accept Close Steady on Off
d. Return to normal Open Steady On Off
e. Reset Open Off Off
Reset before return to
f. Close Flashing On
14.1.1 TNC switch with pistol grip Lockable, spring return to normal position
Local / SCADA selector 2 pole
14.1.3 Rotary ON/OFF switches For heater / illumination circuit
14.1.4 Rating 16 A
Flush mounted on LV compartment door, with
14.2 Push Button
shrouded terminals
14.2.1 Emergency trip push button Red color with stay put
14.2.2 Accept push buttons Black color – Trip alarm / DC fail alarm
14.2.3 Reset push buttons Yellow color – Trip alarm / DC fail alarm
14.2.4 Rating 10 A
Page 13 of 72
15.9 Interpanel wiring shipping section should be supplied with one end
terminated and the other end bunched and coiled.
Auxiliary bus wiring for AC and DC supplies, voltage
transformer circuits, annunciation circuits and other
15.10 Auxiliary supply
common services shall be provided on the same set
of terminals in all the panels with proper segregation.
16.1 Rating and Type operated terminals complete with insulated barriers,
washers, nuts and lock nuts.
Page 14 of 72
16.13 Test terminal blocks Screw driver operated stud type for metering circuit
Page 15 of 72
17.1.6 Processing Indications (Double Point Input). DPI shall only be used in case
of Isolator and Circuit breaker “close” and “open”
Functionality of command processing offered for
SCADA interface shall include the processing of
single and double commands i.e SCO (Single
Page 16 of 72
17.1.10 Relay Characteristics Relay shall provide wide setting ranges and choice
of all IEC, IEEE and other tripping curves through a
minimum of two setting groups.
Relay shall have the facility of recording of various
parameters during event/fault with option to set the
duration of record through settable pre fault and post
17.1.11 Event and Fault records fault time. Relay shall store records for last 10 events
and 10 faults (minimum). It should be possible to
download records locally to PC and remotely to
Relay shall be able to detect internal failures. A
17.1.13 Time synchronization with the system clock using SCADA interface and
17.1.14 Operation Indicators LEDs with push button for resetting.
17.1.15 Test Facility Inbuilt with necessary test plugs.
17.2 Protection Relays for 11kV Incomer panel
3-phase Directional Overcurrent and Earthfault
protection with IDMT, Definite time and
instantaneous characteristics
17.2.1 Relay 1
Undervoltage and overvoltage protection
Sync Check function
PT supervision (fuse failure monitoring)
Page 17 of 72
Page 18 of 72
protection) PT supervision
Power swing blocking
Line differential protection
Relay 1 (If Line differential Software based CT ratio correction
protection is considered as Dedicated port for communication with remote end
primary protection) relay through optical fibre. This port should be in
addition to PC interface and SCADA interface ports.
Selection of Relay-1 (primary protection) will depend
on site requirements. Hence bid shall contain prices
of Incomer panel -
Selection of Relay 1 a. With Distance protection as primary
b. With Line differential protection as primary
3-phase Directional Overcurrent and Earthfault
protection with IDMT, Definite time and
instantaneous characteristics.
17.7.2 Relay 2
Sync check function, if not provided in relay 1.
Circuit Breaker failure protection
PT supervision, if not provided in relay 1
Relay-1 & 2 should have a total of 16 DIs and 12
User Configurable DIs and
17.7.3 DOs (minimum). Each relay should have atleast 2
DIs and 6 DOs
Combining functions of Relay-1 and Relay-2 in single
17.7.4 Note
relay is not acceptable.
Page 19 of 72
Page 20 of 72
Page 21 of 72
17.13 Protection Relays for 33kV Buscoupler for Switchboard of 66/33kV Autotransformer
3-phase Overcurrent and earthfault protection with
IDMT, Definite time and instantaneous
Page 22 of 72
17.14.4 Spare DIs and DOs Should be wired upto terminal block for future use.
Reset mechanism for lockout Electrical reset type for 11kV outgoing panels only.
relays Hand reset type for all other panels.
Page 23 of 72
Page 24 of 72
20.2 Markings Each switch shall bear clear inscription identifying its function.
Page 25 of 72
21.2 Paint type Powder coated. Pure polyester base grade-A structure finish.
21.3 Paint shade RAL 7032 for external & internal surface
Page 26 of 72
Primary injection
23.2.1 To be carried out on panels selected for testing
Page 27 of 72
Pre Pre
S. No Head Bid Drawing Approval
Dispatch Closure
Contact Person
Name, Email ID
24.1 Required
and Mobile
24.2 Required Required
Deviation Sheet
24.3 GTP Required Required
Relevant Type Test
24.4 Required
as per IS/IEC
Power Cable and
control cable
24.5 Required
Philosophy and
quality assurance
24.6 plan and Required
certification for
quality standards
Sizing Calculation
24.7 of Associated Required
Spares Apart from
24.8 spares stated in Required
Spec(for five years
of operation)
11 kV / 33 kV
24.9 Switchgear
24.9.1 Required Required
24.9.2 Sectional Layout Required
24.9.3 Door Layout Required
LV Box Internal
24.9.4 Required
Page 28 of 72
Page 29 of 72
Against corrosion, dampness, heavy rains,
breakage and vibration. During transportation/
25.2 Packing for accessories and spares with all the above protection & identification
Packing Identification Label to be provided on each packing case with the following
25.3.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
25.3.5 Destination
Page 30 of 72
The bidder shall ascertain at an early date and
definitely before the commencement of manufacture,
any transport limitations such as weights,
dimensions, road culverts, Overhead lines, free
access etc. from the Manufacturing plant to the
project site. Bidder shall furnish the confirmation that
27.1 Handling and Storage handling & storage instruction sheet / manual needs
to be furnished before commencement of supply.
Page 31 of 72
Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in
writing with the tender by reference to the
Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a description
29.1 Deviation
of the alternative offer. In absence of such a
statement, it will be assumed that the bidder
complies fully with this specification.
Page 32 of 72
1.1 Design, manufacture, assembly, testing at manufacturer’s works, properly packed for
transport, supply and FOR delivery at site of following 11kV / 33kV Switchgears as per
enclosed specification and single line diagram.
1.2 Base channel frame of the switchgears with hardware.
1.3 Two trolleys for breaker of each size are to be provided per switchboard.
1.4 Programming software and communication cord for numerical relays.
1.5 Unit price of 33kV Incomer with Distance relay as primary protection and 33kV
Incomer with Line differential relay as primary protection should be mentioned
separately in the bid. Primary protection to be used in Incomer panel will be finalized
based on site requirement.
1.6 Unit price of Bus PT should be indicated separately in the bid to enable
addition/deletion based on site requirement.
1.7 Bidder should indicate price of one set of special tools and tackles (if any) required for
maintenance of switchgear and its components.
1.8 Bidder should indicate price of each spare as per Annexure E.
1.9 All relevant drawings, data and instruction manuals
1 General features
Technology and Microprocessor based with provision for multifunction
Functionality control and monitoring.
1.2 Mounting Flush Mounting
Hardware and software architecture shall be modular
1.3 Architecture and disconnectable to adapt the control unit to the
required level of complexity as per the application.
AVR shall utilize a user friendly setting and operating
Programming and
1.4 multilingual software in windows environment with
menus and icons for fast access to the data required.
1.5 User Machine Interface UMI with an alphanumeric key pad and graphical LCD
Page 33 of 72
Page 34 of 72
Page 35 of 72
1.1 Type Metal clad, air insulated with VCB type circuit
1.2 Service Indoor
1.7 Phase 3
Page 36 of 72
1.15.2 Bus bar sleeve Sleeved with shrouds on joints. Tape on joints is not
1.15.3 Bus identification Colour coded
1.23 Control cable entry From bottom and front (i.e breaker compartment)
Page 37 of 72
3.7 Burden (VA) Adequate for the protection & instruments offered
3.8 Excitation current of PS 30 mA at Vk/4
Class CTs
3.8 Knee Point Voltage of PS >= 40 (Rct + 4)
Class CTs (Vk)
Page 38 of 72
4.1 Type Cast resin, draw out type, single phase units
4.8.1 Protection 3P
4.9 Primary and secondary HRC current limiting type, Primary fuse
fuses replacement shall be possible with VT in withdrawn
Note - The auxiliary DC voltage shall be checked on a case to case basis by Purchaser
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Station Trafo
1.1 Make
1.2 Type
1.3 Reference Standard
1.4 Voltage (Normal/Max.) kV
1.6 Frequency (Hz)
1.7 Short Circuit Rating
1.7.1 Short time current and duration.
1.8 Internal Arc Classification and rating
( Refer Annexure –C )
1.8.1 Classification
1.8.2 Rating with gas ducts/deflectors
1.8.3 Rating without gas ducts/deflectors
1.9 Insulation Level
1.9.1 Impulse Withstand ( kV peak )
1.9.2 1 minute 50 Hz. Voltage Withstand (
kV rms )
2.1 Metal Clad Construction Yes/No
2.2 Degree of protection :
2.3 Minimum thickness of sheet metal
used ( mm )
2.4 Draw out feature provide for
2.4.1 Breaker with Service, Test &
Isolated position -Yes/No
Page 40 of 72
Station Trafo
2.4.1 Voltage Transformer :
Yes/ No
2.4.3 Protective relays : Yes/ No
2.5 Breaker Cubicle
2.5.1 Cubicle door can be closed with
breaker in Test and isolated
position : Yes/ No
2.5.1 Working zone units from floor level
(mm )
2.6 All meters, switches & relays flush
mounted type: Yes/No
2.7 Minimum clear space required
2.7.1 Front for breaker withdrawal (mm)
2.7.2 Rear ( mm )
2.8 Typical Vertical Section
2.8.1 Overall Dimensions
a. Length ( mm )
b. Breadth ( mm )
c. Height ( mm )
2.8.2 Weight ( kg )
3.1 Make
3.2 Material & Grade
3.3 Reference Standard
3.4 Cross Sectional area (mm2)
3.5 Bus connection (Joints)
3.5.1 Silver Plated Yes/No
Page 41 of 72
Station Trafo
3.5.2 Conventional made with anti oxide
grease Yes/No
3.6 Rated Continuous Current Amps
3.7 Maximum temperature rise at rated
continuous current °C
3.8 Short time current and duration (KA
and secs)
3.9 D.C. Resistance at 85°C (Ω/m/∅ )
3.10 Minimum clearance of bus bar and
3.10.1 Phase to phase ( mm )
3.10.2 Phase to earth ( mm )
3.11 Bus Bar provided with
3.11.1 Insulation Sleeve
3.11.2 Phase barriers
3.11.3 Cast Resin shrouds for joints
3.12 Bus bar support spacing (mm)
3.13 Bus support insulators
3.13.1 Make
3.13.2 Type
3.13.3 Reference Standard
3.13.4 Voltage Class ( kV )
3.13.5 Min. creepage distance (mm)
3.13.6 Cantilever strength Kg/mm2
3.13.7 Net Weight ( kg )
4.1 Make
Page 42 of 72
Station Trafo
4.2 Type
4.3 Reference Standard
4.4 Rated Voltage
4.5 Rated Frequency
4.6 Rated Current
4.6.1 Rated Current and its reference
ambient temperature.
4.6.2 Continuous current to limit the
maximum temperature rise to 55
Deg C for silver plated connections
and 40 Deg C for conventional
4.7 Rated operating Duty
4.8 Symmetrical Breaking capacity at
rated voltage & operating duty KA
4.9 Rated making Current (KAp)
4.10 Short time current and duration ( KA
and secs)
4.11 Insulation Level
4.11.1 Impulse voltage withstand on
1/50 full wave
4.11.2 1 minute 50 Hz. Voltage withstand
4.12 Maximum over voltage factor when
switching off
4.12.1 Un loaded transformer
4.12.2 Loaded transformer
Page 43 of 72
Station Trafo
4.12.3 Un loaded cables
4.12.4 Capacitors
4.12.5 Motors
4.13 Opening time maximum No load
condition ( ms )
4.14 Number of permissible breaker
operations under vacuum loss
4.15 At 100% Breaking capacity
4.15.1 Opening time-Max. ( ms)
4.15.2 Arcing time-Max ( ms)
4.15.3 Total break time ( ms)
a. Make time (Max) ( ms)
b. Total closing time ( ms)
4.17 Total length of contact travel ( mm)
4.18 No. of breaker operations
permissible without requiring
inspection, replacement of contacts
and other main parts.
4.18.1 At 100% rated current
4.18.2 At 100% rated breaking current
4.19 Type of contacts
4.20 Material of contact
4.21 Minimum clearance in air (mm) from
live part
4.21.1 Between phases
4.21.2 Between live parts and ground
4.22 Type of arc control device provided
Page 44 of 72
Station Trafo
4.23 Operating mechanism-closing
4.23.1 Type
4.23.2 No. of breaker operations stored
4.23.3 Trip free or fixed trip
4.23.4 Anti pumping features provided
4.24 Operating mechanism-tripping
4.24.1 Type
4.24.2 No. of breaker operations stored
4.24.3 Trip free or fixed trip ( V )
4.24.4 Anti pumping features provided ( %
4.25 Spring Charging motor
4.25.1 Rating ( kW )
4.25.2 Make
4.25.3 Voltage and permissible variation (
4.26 Closing coil
4.26.1 Voltage ( V )
4.26.2 Permissible voltage variation ( % )
4.26.3 Closing current at rated voltage ( A
4.26.4 Power at rated voltage ( W )
4.27 Tripping Coil
4.27.1 Voltage
4.27.2 Permissible voltage variation ( % )
4.27.3 Tripping Current at rated Voltage (
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Station Trafo
4.27.4 Power at rated voltage ( W )
4.28 Breaker/Accessories Accessories
such as control switch indication
lamps etc. furnished as specified:
(Please attach separate sheet
giving details of all accessories,
inter locks and safety shutters)
4.28.1 Mechanical Safety Interlock
4.28.2 Automatic Safety Interlock
4.28.3 Operational Interlock
4.28.4 Emergency manual trip
4.28.5 Operation counter
4.28.6 Change/discharge indicator
4.28.7 Manual spring charging facility
4.28.8 Auxiliary switch with 6NO+ 6 NC for
Owner’s use.
4.28.9 Contacts wear indicator
4.29 Auxiliary Switch
4.29.1 Switch contacts type
4.29.2 Contacts rating at
a. Make & Continuous ( Amps )
b. Break (Inductive) ( Amps )
4.30 Net weight of the breaker (Kg)
4.31 Impact load foundation design (to
include dead load plus impact value
on opening at maximum interrupting
rating) ( kG )
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Station Trafo
4.32 On Vacuum loss ( Amps )
4.32.1 Possible load current breaking (
Amps )
4.32.2 Possible fault current breaking (
Amps )
4.33 Overall Dimensions
4.33.1 Length ( mm )
4.33.2 Breadth ( mm )
4.33.3 Height ( mm )
4.34 Type test report on identical breaker
5.1 Push Buttons
5.1.1 Type & Catalog No.
5.1.2 Contact rating at 110V / 220V D,C,
Page 47 of 72
Station Trafo
5.3.2 Contact rating.
5.3.3 Make & continuous (Amps)
5.3.4 Break (inductive) (Amps)
6.1 Make
6.2 Type & voltage level
6.3 Reference standard
6.4 C.T. ratio as specified
6.5 Short circuit withstand
Short time current for 1 Sec. - kA
Dynamic current - kA peak
6.6 Class of insulation
6.7 Temperature rise
6.8 Basic insulation level
6.9 For metering & protection
6.9.1 CT Ratio
6.9.2 Class of accuracy
6.9.3 Rated burden VA
6.9.4 Knee point voltage V
6.9.5 Excitation current at Vk/4
6.10.1 CT Ratio
6.10.2 Class of accuracy
6.10.3 Rated burden VA
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Station Trafo
6.10.4 Knee point voltage V
6.10.5 Excitation current at Vk/4 Amps
6.10.6 Rated saturating current Amp
6.10.7 Secondary resistance ( Ω )
6.11 For restricted earth fault protection
6.11.1 CT Ratio
6.11.2 Class of accuracy
6.11.3 Rated burden VA
6.11.4 Knee point voltage V
6.11.5 Excitation current at Vk/4
6.11.6 Amps
6.11.7 Rated saturating current Amp
6.12.1 CT Ratio
6.12.2 Class of accuracy
6.12.3 Rated burden VA
6.12.4 Knee point voltage V
6.12.5 Excitation current at Vk/4 Amps
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Station Trafo
6.13 For sensitive earth fault protection
(CBCT) CT Ratio
6.13.1 Class of accuracy
6.13.2 Rated burden VA
6.13.3 Knee point voltage V
6.13.4 Excitation current at Vk/4 Amps
7.1 Make
7.2 Type and voltage level
7.3 Reference Standard
7.4 Voltage Ratio
7.5 Accuracy
7.5.1 Winding-1
7.5.2 Winding-2
7.6 Rated Burden ( VA )
7.6.1 Winding-1
7.6.2 Winding-2
7.7 Over voltage factor
7.7.1 Continuous
7.7.2 30 seconds
7.8 Class of Insulation
Page 50 of 72
Station Trafo
7.9 Temperature rise over ambient ( °C
7.10 Basic Impulse level ( kV peak )
Page 51 of 72
Station Trafo
7.14.2 90% to 106 of rated voltage and
10% to 50% of rated secondary
burden at 0.2 p.f.
7.15 Weight ( kg )
8.1 Manufacturer
8.2 Model Type
8.3 Draw out type with built in test
facilities. Yes/No
8.4 Built in test facility . Yes/No
8.5 Type of mounting
8.6 Reference standard
8.7 All relays furnished as per drawing
and specification
8.8 All relevant relay leaflets and
catalogue furnished
8.9 Communication port type
8.10 Auxiliary supply
8.11 Measurement and data acquisition
8.12 Control and supervision
a IEC protocol
b Open protocol feature
c Programming facility
d Separate output for individual
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Station Trafo
e Event recording facility
Number of events
f Required softwares offered
Page 53 of 72
Station Trafo
d Range of settings
a) Current
e Rated burden
8.16.4 Over current (Directional) if
a Make
b Type
c Characteristics available
d Range of settings
a) Current
b) Time
e Rated burden
8.16.5 Earth fault (Directional) If applicable
a Make
b Type
c Characteristics available
d Range of settings
a) Current
e Rated burden
8.16.6 Neutral unbalance relay
a Make
b Type
c Characteristics available
Page 54 of 72
Station Trafo
d Range of settings
e Rated burden
8.16.7 Under Voltage Relay
a Make
b Type
c Range of setting
d Rated burden
8.16.8 Over Voltage Relay
A Make
b Type
c Range of setting
d Rated burden
8.16.9 Busbar Differential Relay
a Make
b Type
c High impedance /Low impedance
d Facility for CT ratio adjustment
possible through software.
e CT supervision facility available.
8.16.10 Transformer Differential Relay
a Make
b Type
c High impedance /Low impedance
Page 55 of 72
Station Trafo
d Facility for CT ratio adjustment
possible through software.
e Facility of transformer vector group
adjustment through software.
f Setting range.
g Rated burden.
8.16.11 Restricted earth fault relay
a Make
b Type
c Combined with differential relay.
d Setting range
e Rated burden.
8.16.12 Standby earth fault relay
a Make
b Type
c Characteristics
d Setting range
e Rated burden
8.17 Terminal block for relay testing
provided ( Yes / No )
9.1 Multifunction Meter
a Model
b Make
Page 56 of 72
Station Trafo
c SCADA Interfacing
d Size
e Panels where to be provided
f Accuracy Class
g Auxiliary Supply
9.2 Voltmeter
a Make
b Type
c Reference standard
d Size
e Accuracy class
10.1 Type and insulation
10.2 Voltage grade
10.3 Conductor material
10.4 Conductor size (minimum) and
insulation wiring
10.4.1 Potential circuit
10.4.2 Control & current circuit
11.1 Make
11.2 Type
11.3 Catalog No.
11.4 20% Spare terminals furnished
12.1 Clearance for power cable
Page 57 of 72
Station Trafo
12.2 Removable gland plate
12.2.1 Material for multi core cable
12.2.2 Material for single core cable
12.2.3 Thickness of the plate
13.1 Material
13.2 Thickness
13.3 Size for
13.3.1 Breaker cubicle
13.3.2 Instruments/devices
14.0 Space Heater/Plug Socket
14.1 Cubicle Heater
14.1.1 Thermostat controlled
14.1.2 Wattage
14.1.3 Voltage
14.1.4 Resistance ( ohms )
14.1.5 Thermostat range
14.2 Plug Socket
14.2.1 Type
14.2.2 Rating
14.3. Cubicle heater & plug socket circuit
provided with MCBs
15.0 A.C/D.C Supply
15.1 Isolating Switches for incoming
15.1.1 A. C. Type & rating
Page 58 of 72
Station Trafo
15.1.2 D.C. Type & rating
15.2 Isolating Switch at each cubicle
15.2.1 A. C. Supply-type & rating
15.2.2 D.C. Supply-type & rating
16.0 Tropical Protection
16.1 Any special treatment for tropical
17.0 Painting
17.1 Finish of Switchgear
17.1.1 Inside
17.1.2 Outside
18.0 No. of Accessories Furnished
18.1 Breaker lifting & handling trolley
18.2 Any other
19.0 TESTS
19.1 Reference Standard
19.2 Routine tests to be performed on
19.3 Type Tests certificates submitted
20.0 Drawing/Data
20.1 General arrangement for Panel
20.2 Foundation plan
20.3 Bill of material
20.4 Cross Sectional drawing for every
type of switchgear (Add sheets if
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Station Trafo
Place : Signature :
Printed Name : Designation :
Business Address : (Including Telex, Telephone & Telefax No.)
Name & Address of the Principal Officer :
Unit rate of all below mentioned spares have to be provided in the bid.
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Page 2 of 21
Communication Protocol
8 10.4 For Communication with SCADA
as Modbus
Page 3 of 21
Page 4 of 21
In the event of direct conflict between various order documents, the precedence of authority
of documents shall be as follows -
i. Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)
ii. Specification including applicable codes, standards
iii. Approved Vendor Drawings
iv. Other documents
Bus bar material Tinned copper, sized for 150% of rated current
and rated fault duty
Bus bar arrangement Suitable for outdoor termination of HT cable size
up to 2 x 3C x 300sqmm for each phase
Suitable for outdoor termination of HT cable size
Cutout space for Power up to 2 x 3C x 300sqmm for each phase.
Cable Entry
(Preferebly-400x400 mm2)
External hardware for HT
5.22 capacitor bank enclosure Stainless steel
Manufacturer shall submit the G.A. Drawings for
5.23 GA drawing Capacitor Bank with mounting of series reactor
inside the bank.
Power Frequency
5.24 28kVrms
Withstand Voltage
Page 6 of 21
Page 7 of 21
8.6 Series reactor type Dry type with air natural cooling
Series reactor power 28 KV
frequency withstand voltage
Series reactor lightening 75 KV
impulse withstand voltage
Series reactor short time
16 times capacitor rated current at 130% rated
8.9 withstand current rating for 3
8.10 Class of Insulation F
9.0 RVT
10.0 APFC
Page 9 of 21
13.1 Over voltage operation as per IS 13925 part1
13.2 Over current operation as per IS 13925 part1
Operating temperature
13.3 +5/C as per IS 13925 part1
13.4 Discharge characteristic as a. Each capacitor single phase unit residual
per IS 13925 part1 voltage after disconnection from mains supply
Page 10 of 21
Page 11 of 21
Page 12 of 21
Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A3/A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. PDF shall also be
provided of all documents via USB. Language of the documents shall be English only.
Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection.
Drawing Pre
S. No Head Bid Pre Closure
Approval Dispatch
Contact Person Name,
19.1 Email ID and Mobile Required
Consolidated Deviation
19.2 Required Required
19.3 GTP Required Required
Page 13 of 21
Page 14 of 21
Drawing of Outdoor
19.9.17 yard providing Position Required
of Capacitor Bank
Installation, erection
19.10 and commissioning Required
manual for Bank
19.11 Inspection Reports Required
As manufacturing
19.12 Required
Operation and
19.13 Required Required
Maintenance Manual
Trouble shooting
19.14 Required Required
19.15 As built Drawings Required
Page 16 of 21
shall be for
Residual/ Unbalance voltage
Page 19 of 21
each stage
20.7.1 Make
20.7.2 Reference Standard
20.7.3 Installation Outdoor
20.7.4 Rated Voltage 11 KV
Single throw double break off, off load
type ,triple pole horizontal gang
operated with earth switch.
20.7.5 Type
Mechanical Interlock should be
provided between isolator and Earth
20.7.6 Operation Type Manual
20.8 Lightning Arrestor
20.8.1 Reference Standard IS 3070-1993(Part-3)
20.8.2 Voltage Rating 9 kV
20.8.3 Type Gapless ZnO type
20.8.4 Discharge Class III
Nominal Discharge
20.8.5 10 kA
Power frequency 28 kVrms(As per IS 13925 Part 1
withstand voltage Table 3A)
Lightning impulse 75 kV Peak(As per IS 13925 Part 1
withstand voltage Table 3A)
20.9 Labels and Finish
Rating plate for HT
Capacitor bank
20.9.2 Material Anodized aluminum 16SWG
20.9.3 Background Satin silver
20.9.4 Letters, diagram & border Black
20.9.5 Process etching
Mfg name, Mfg Sr. No., Month & year
of Mfg, equipment type, total output
rating, Bank Capacitance in µF, Bank
20.9.6 Bank Name plate details watt losses, Owner name & order
number, Temp. category, connection
diagram, Warranty period, Customer
care Number
Anodized aluminum with white
Rating plate for each
character on black background and
20.9.7 single phase capacitor
details as per clause no 10.1 of IS
Mfg name, Mfg Sr. No., Month & year
of Mfg, equipment type, total output
20.9.8 Unit Name plate details rating, unit Capacitance in µF, unit
watt losses, Temp. category,
Discharge device rating, connection
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Record of Revision .................................................................................................................. 3
1.0.0 Scope of work ............................................................................................................... 4
2.0.0 Codes & standards ....................................................................................................... 4
3.0.0 Cable Construction ....................................................................................................... 5
4.0.0 Straight-Through Joints (STJ) ...................................................................................... 6
5.0.0 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ................................................................................... 11
6.0.0 Deviations ................................................................................................................... 11
7.0.0 Delivery ....................................................................................................................... 12
Annexure - A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)....................................................... 13
Annexure - B: Kit Content Table (KCT) ................................................................................. 15
Annexure - C: Routine and Acceptance Test ......................................................................... 16
Annexure - D: Deviation Sheet.............................................................................................. 17
Annexure - E: Service Conditions........................................................................................... 17
Annexure - E: Aluminium crimping-type Ferrule for compacted circular conductor
only for Heat Shrink joints ...................................................................................................... 18
Annexure – F: Strip type GI canister (V.B. Can) for joint protection only for Heat Shrink
Joint….................................................................................................................................... 19
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Record of Revision
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
B. During post-installation period, if a joint fails at site, the vendor shall depute a technical team to
site for a root-cause analysis of the failure of the joint, in the presence of BSES officials. An
Analysis Report shall then be submitted for BSES’s review and approval. If this report
concludes the cause of failure as due to a design/manufacturing defect in a component,
then vendor shall replace all such components in the entire stock available with BSES.
2.2.3 IEC - 885 Part 1 to 3 Electric test methods for electric cables
Power Cable Accessories for XLPE Cables above 3kV & up to
2.2.4 IEC - 60502 - 4
30 kV Test methods
Power cable with extruded insulation and their accessories for
2.2.5 IEC - 60840 rated voltage above 30 kV (Um=36 KV) up to 150 KV (Um=170
KV) - test methods and requirements.
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Scope: Design, manufacture, testing and supply of Straight-Through Joint Kits for 11 KV, 33
KV & 66KV Power Cables.
Functional requirements for Heat Shrinkable / Cold Shrinkable STJ joints are given
4.1.0 Heat Shrinkable / Cold Shrinkable STJ joints
Cable preparation shall be as per installation instruction sheet.
4.1.1 Cable preparation Manufacturer shall be provide Installation instruction sheet in
every kit
For 11kV
a) Conductors to be jointed by crimping connectors
b) Annular CSA (cross-sectional area) of the ferrule shall not be
less than CSA of the conductor of the cable. Length of the ferrule
shall be sufficient to allow adequate number of crimps, to limit
temperature rise at the joint. (Vendor to furnish dimensional
drawing for ferrule, indicating crimp marks.)
c) For aluminium cable, the crimped ferrule shall be of aluminium
d) Refer annexure F for GA drawing of crimping ferrule
4.1.2 Conductor Screen
For 33kV and 66KV
a) Shear bolt type mechanical connector
b) Approved make:
• Tyco Electronics ( BSM-185/400-U)
• Pfisterer ( 332617010)
• Or equivalent make (Manufacturer shall take prior approval
from CES)
d) Maintain smooth surface over connector after cut the shear
head bolt
e) Vendor to furnish drawing for the mechanical connector
Void filling and stress
relief over
4.1.3 connector and cut By means of High permittivity mastic tapes / Lubricant.
of the insulation
By means of Tinned copper wire mesh, wrap individual core from
cu screen with 50 % overlap and continue on other side cu
Metal screen
4.1.4 screen.
Bind the copper wire mesh on copper screen with copper binding
Armour / Earthing Continuity
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
The term cold shrink applies to materials, which are capable of shrinking without raising the
material above the ambient temperature of its immediate surroundings. The material of the rubber
insulator used in the Cold Shrink assembly shall be silicone which is factory expanded and placed
on a removable core. The removing of the core causes the cold shrink assembly to shrink. The
cold shrink assembly shall maintain a compressive force on the cable continuously throughout the
life of the product. This pressure will ensure a complete moisture seal.
By means of one piece body (splice assembly) providing stress
4.3.1 Stress Control System
control, insulation and screen continuity.
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
I) All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as per
EA TS 09-13 guidelines, refer Annexure C.
Routine & II) H.V. Test shall be carried out on a randomly selected and
acceptance Tests installed Straight-Through Joint, in the presence of Purchaser’s
representative, at manufacturer’s works.
III) The joint shall withstand a test of 4Uo voltage for 4 hours.
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
6.0.0 Deviations
a) Deviations from this specification can be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements he
cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which deviations
6.1.0 Deviations the Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any order is placed.
b) In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it will
be assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with the
Specification fully.
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
7.0.0 Delivery
Dispatch of Material:
Vendor shall dispatch the material, only after the Routine Tests
7.1.0 Delivery /Final Acceptance Tests (FAT) of the material witnessed/waived
by the Purchaser, and after receiving written Material Dispatch
Clearance Certificate (MDCC) from the Purchaser.
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
The Vendor is deemed to have examined all parts of the Specification documents and to have been
fully informed, as to the nature of work and the conditions related to its performance.
1 Manufacturer’s name
2 Purchase Order no. & date
60 Months (from date of
commissioning) / 66 Months
3 Guarantee Period (minimum) (from date of receipt at
Purchaser’s store),whichever
is earlier
Applicable IS / IEC Standard
4 followed by Vendor (incl. type
test standard)
5 Voltage Grade (kV)
Lightning Impulse Voltage
Withstand Test
4Uo AC voltage withstand test
5.2 Test report submitted
for 4 hours
Continuous operating
6 90 deg. C
7 Functional Requirements
Method of Stress Control and
Discharge Suppression
Method of Insulation build-up
and screening
Method of earth bond
a) Size and no. of braids
b) Size of armour support
c) No. of hose clips
Method of mechanical protection
7.4 a) for 3-core Cable
b) for 1-core Cable
Method of protection against
corrosion (type & coating
thickness of protective layer on
steel mat)
Method of conductor continuity
7.6 a) For crimping connector
b) For mechanical connector
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Packing (Qty) 1 no
13 i) Packing of every Kit -- No. of Kits per Box
h) Group Packing -- No. of Boxes
Yes / No
14 Installation Procedure enclosed? (If yes, mention the
document reference)
Page 14 of 19
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Vendor shall submit KCT as a consolidated table, consisting of all data, such as:
A. Heading
1. Voltage grade, size, description of the Kit
(Including the voltage grade, size, type of the cables, for which it is to be used)
2. Type designation (as per manufacturer’s standard)
Markings, printings and other details for individual/group of components is to be mentioned on KCT. For
a) Printing of item code, size, batch no., etc.
b) Printing on components
c) Other embossing or engraving, it any.
(Note: Vendor may attach an Annexure, for any additional information, if required.)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
A. Visual Examination
Condition of selected items / components, as per sampling method, shall be recorded. Some of the
normal check-points can be as follows:
1. Every component shall be verified in quantity and description as per KCT.
2. All items shall be free from any defects, pin holes, cracks, etc.
3. Metallic components to be free from sharp edges.
B. Measurements of Dimensions
(Required / observed dimension — length, diameter, etc.)
1. Supplied dimensions
2. Recovered dimensions
C. Destructive Testing
On various heat-shrinkable / moulded components of ready Kits (items 3 and 4 are applicable only for
heat-shrinkable components)
1. Tensile Strength
2. Wall Thickness Ratio
3. Heat Shock
4. Longitudinal Change, after full recovery
5. Ultimate Elongation
6. Low Temperature Flexibility
7. Dielectric Strength
8. Volume Resistivity
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Page 17 of 19
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Annexure - E: Aluminium crimping-type Ferrule for compacted circular conductor only for
Heat Shrink joints
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And Cold Shrinkable Straight Through
Jointing Kit (11 KV, 33 KV, 66 KV XLPE Insulated Cables)
Annexure – F: Strip type GI canister (V.B. Can) for joint protection only for Heat Shrink
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Record of Revision .................................................................................................................. 3
1.0.0 Scope of work ............................................................................................................... 4
2.0.0 Codes & standards ....................................................................................................... 4
3.0.0 Cable Construction ....................................................................................................... 4
4.0.0 Cable Termination Kits ................................................................................................. 6
5.0.0 Quality Assurance (QA).............................................................................................. 10
6.0.0 Deviations ................................................................................................................... 10
7.0.0 Delivery ....................................................................................................................... 11
Annexure – A: Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) ...................................................... 11
Annexure – B: Kit Content Table (KCT) ................................................................................. 13
Annexure – C: Routine and Acceptance Test ........................................................................ 14
Annexure – D: Technical Deviation Sheet ............................................................................ 15
Annexure – E: Service Conditions ......................................................................................... 15
Annexure – F: Bimetallic Aluminium I Copper Lug ............................................................... 16
Annexure – G: Aluminum Lug For XLPE Cable .................................................................... 17
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Record of Revision
Page 3 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
2.2.4 IEC - 885 Part 1-3 Electric test methods for electric cables
XLPE type Cables: 3-core x 150, 300 & 400 sq. mm. AI
1-core x 630 or 1000 sq. mm. AI
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
For XLPE :
a) Electrolytic Grade stranded Aluminium
b) Grade: H2/ H4 as per IS: 8130/84 (For AI)
c) Shape: Compacted Circular
3.1.0 Conductor
d) Class 2
For PILC :
a) 11 kV : sector-shaped
b) 33kV: oval-shaped
For XLPE :
Extruded Semi Conducting material
3.2.0 Conductor Screen
For PILC :
11 kV : no conductor screen 33 kV : carbon paper
For XLPE: Extruded XLPE Insulation
3.3.0 Insulation
For PILC: Layers of impregnated papers
For XLPE :
a) Freely strippable Semi Conducting ( without application of heat)
for 66KV firmly bonded
3.4.0 Insulation Screen b) Copper Tape
For PILC :
a) 11 kV : absent (Belted)
b) 33kV: metallised paper tape
For XLPE: Semi-conducting Water Swellable Tape shall be
Water Swellable
3.5.0 provided under the copper tape on each core.
For PILC : not applicable
For XLPE: All interstices, including centre interstices filled by PP
3.6.0 Filler For PILC :
a) 11 kV : Crushed paper filler
b) 33kV: Jute twine
XLPE : Binder tape
3.7.0 Over all three cores
11 kV : belt paper
33kV: Copper Woven Fabric tape
For XLPE: Extruded Inner Sheath of Black PVC type ST-2.
3.8.0 Inner Sheath
For PILC : Lead alloy sheath
For XLPE: not applicable
3.9.0 Bedding Tape For PILC: two layers of paper, followed by compounded
(bituminized) cotton tape.
For XLPE : not applicable
Copper Woven
For PILC :
3.10.0 Fabric Tape (CWF
a) 11 kV : absent (Belted cable)
b) 33 kV : applicable for screened cable
Page 5 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
For XLPE :
a) Galvanised steel flat strip armour (For 3 core cables)
b) Hard drawn Aluminium Wire (For 1 core cables)
3.11.0 Armour
c) Aluminium or lead sheathed for 66KV cable
For PILC :
a) 11 kV double steel tape armour
a) For 240 sq. mm. PILC cable and 300 sq. mm. XLPE cable, the
lug suitable for 300 sq. mm. XLPE cable shall be used.
b) For GIS cable termination kits: Conductor connection assembly
shall be done by standard method of split, silver-plated copper
cone and pressure-fit contact assembly or as per manufacturer's
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
a) Red Sealant Mastic Tape: This tape, used for sealing at ends,
shall be synthetic rubber-based and resistant to tracking and
weathering. Sufficient quantity of this tape shall be provided.
b) Lug-sealing Sleeve: It shall have the same material composition
as outer anti-tracking tube. The sleeve shall be fully coated
internally with red sealant mastic tape. Length of the sleeve shall
be so as to cover half length of the lug barrel and an equal length
4.2.4 of track-resistant tube.
Sealing System
c) Conductive Break-out: It shall be provided over the crotch for 3-
core cables. The break-out base shall overlap PVC outer sheath
by a 50 mm. minimum.
d) For GIS termination kits : Environmental sealing of cores below
the switchgear shall be by means of a trifurcation kit, consisting of
heat shrinkable conductive break-out and heat-shrinkable
conductive tube of total length of 6 metres supplied in one roll.
a) Earth Bond Assembly shall comprise of copper braided
conductors as earthing conductors, GI armour support ring (split
type) and two stainless steel hose clips.
b) For GIS termination kit The earthing arrangement for 3-core
cables shall be the same as stated under 'a' above.
c) Two nos. copper braided conductors shall be of size: 25 sq. mm.
4.2.5 Earth Bond System
for 11 kV cables, 35 sq. mm. for 33 kV cables and 50 sq mm for
d) Length of the copper braided conductor shall be 750 mm.
e) Each copper braided conductor shall be supplied with copper
lug, crimped at one end. Size of lug : 70 sq. mm. for 11 kV and 120
sq. mm. for 33 kV.
Following materials are required for use during cable termination :
a) Silicone-based compound Required for filling-in minute services/
Suppression of surface cracks over XLPE insulation.
4.2.6 electrical b) Polymeric mastic Required for application over semiconducting
discharges screen, for, eliminating any air-entrapment at any cut point on the
surface. It should have sufficient elongation and electrical
properties compatible with stress control tube.
Installation. It shall be in English and Hindi language and shall be provided
Instruction Sheet inside every kit.
a) An aluminum pouch with paper tag & sealing arrangement at
one end shall be provided.
b) This tag is required to be tied over the cable at one side of the
c) The paper tag shall give following information
Identification Tag 1) Vendor kit designation
(for traceability) 2) Division
3) Breakdown ID/Shutdown ID/Scheme No.
4) Cable section
5) Type of joint
6) Size of Joint
7) Make of joint
Page 8 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
8) Voltage class
9) Serial no. of kit
10) Vendor lot & batch no
11) Month & year of manufacturing
12) Date of installation
13) Name of jointer
14) Name of vendor supervisor
15) Name of BSES supervisor
16) Remarks
Paper Measuring
4.2.9 Required for use during cable preparation / terminations.
Technical Vendor shall submit Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) as
Particulars per Annexure A.
4.4.0 Type Tests Termination Kit shall be of type-tested quality.
4.5.0 Testing & Inspection
All the routine and acceptance tests shall be carried out as per ESI
a) Tests
guidelines. (Also refer Annexure -C)
1) Buyer reserves the right to witness all tests specified on
individual H. S. components, Moulded components or completed
Cable Termination Kit.
2)Buyer reserves the right to inspect Cable Termination Kit at the
b) Inspection
Seller's works at any time, prior to dispatch, to verify compliance
with the specification.
3) In-process and final inspection call intimation shall be given in
advance to purchaser.
Three sets of complete Test Certificates (Routine & Acceptance
c) Test Certificates tests) shall be submitted along with the delivery of Cable
Termination Kits.
a) End termination kit shall be of type-tested quality.
b) In addition to this, vendor will be required to conduct type-testing
on heat shrinkable and moulded components, stress grading
d) Type Test
mastic, etc., in line with EA TS 09-13 standard, at third party test
laboratory once in every six months on randomly selected sample
of each voltage rating without any commercial implication.
"Documents" refer to Documents, Data, Manuals, etc. (Scanned
4.6.0 Documents copy of signed documents also shall be part of entire soft file (e-
file) or CD.)
Vendor shall submit signed 3 sets (plus 1 set of soft copy) of
following documents:
a) GTP (duly filled-in) (as per Annexure - A).
4.6.1 Along with the Bid b) Cross-sectional drawings for components Assembly
c) Type Test Certificates
d) Complete Catalogue and Instructions.
e) Any other document.
After Award of Vendor shall submit signed 2 sets (plus 1 set of soft copy) of above
Contract mentioned documents within 15 days, for Purchaser's approval.
Page 9 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
6.0.0 Deviations
A) Deviations from this specification can· be acceptable, only
where the Seller has listed in his quotation the requirements he
cannot, or does not, wish to comply with and which deviations the
6.1.0. Deviations Buyer has agreed to in writing, before any order is placed.
B) In the absence of any list of deviations from the Seller, it will be
assumed by the Buyer that the Seller complies with the
Specification fully.
Page 10 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
7.0.0 Delivery
The Seller is deemed to have examined all parts of the Specification documents and to have been
fully informed, as to the nature of work and the conditions related to its performance.
1 Manufacturer’s name
2 Purchase Order no. & date
60 Months (from date of
commissioning) / 66 Months (from
3 Guarantee Period (minimum)
date of receipt at Purchaser’s
store), whichever is earlier
Applicable IS / IEC Standard
4 followed by Vendor (incl. type
test standard)
5 Voltage Grade (kV)
Lightning Impulse Voltage
Withstand Test
4Uo AC voltage withstand test
5.2 Test report submitted
for 4 hours
Continuous operating
6 90 deg. C
7 Functional Requirements
Method of Stress Control and
Discharge Suppression
Method of Insulation build-up
and screening
Method of earth bond
a) Size and no. of braids
b) Size of armour support
c) No. of hose clips
Method of mechanical protection
7.4 a) for 3-core Cable
b) for 1-core Cable
Method of protection against
7.5 corrosion (type & coating
thickness of protective layer on
Page 11 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
steel mat)
Packing (Qty) 1 no
13 i) Packing of every Kit -- No. of Kits per Box
h) Group Packing -- No. of Boxes
Yes / No
14 Installation Procedure enclosed? (If yes, mention the document
Quality Assurance Plan
(QAP for raw materials, in-
15 Yes / No
process inspection, factory
testing) is enclosed?
Whether all heat-shrinkable and
moulded components of the kit Yes / No
meet the requirements of and (If yes, details of test report no.
have been tested in accordance /Date /name of test laboratory to be
with EA TS -09-1 3.(for heat- mentioned.)
shrinkable joints)
Page 12 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Vendor shall submit KCT as a consolidated table, consisting of all data, such as:
A. Heading
1. Voltage grade, size, description of the Kit
(Including the voltage grade, size, type of the cables, for which it is to be used)
B. Details / Parameters
(For each component/item of the KCT)
1. Lot no. /Batch no., etc.
2. Item number (manufacturer’s standard)
3. Description
a) Material, type, make and grade
b) Dimensions cross sectional area
c) Colour,
d) Other description, if any
4. Function of the item
5. Quantity
6. Make/Name/Location of manufacturer/sub-vendor
7. a) Minimum supplied (or in expanded form ) diameter
b) Maximum freely recovered diameter
8. a) Minimum supplied (or in expanded form ) thickness
b) Maximum freely recovered thickness
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Markings, printings, other details for individual/group of components are to be mentioned on KCT. For
a) Printing of item code, size, batch no., etc.
b) Printing on components
c) Other embossing or engraving, it any.
(Note: Vendor may attach an Annexure, for any additional information, if required.)
A. Visual Examination
Condition of selected items / components, as per sampling method, shall be recorded. Some of the
normal check-points can be as follows:
1. Every component shall be verified in quantity and description as per KCT.
2. All items shall be free from any defects, pin holes, cracks, etc.
3. Metallic components to be free from sharp edges.
B. Measurements of Dimensions
(Required / observed dimension — length, diameter, etc.)
1. Supplied dimensions
2. Recovered dimensions
C. Destructive Testing
On various heat-shrinkable / moulded components of ready Kits
(Items 3 and 4 are applicable only for heat-shrinkable components)
1. Tensile Strength
2. Wall Thickness Ratio
3. Heat Shock
4. Longitudinal Change, after full recovery
5. Ultimate Elongation
6. Low Temperature Flexibility
7. Dielectric Strength
8. Volume Resistivity
Page 14 of 17
Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Each RTR shall clearly indicate P.O. no. & date and also BSES’s SAP code no. RTR shall record the
serial numbers of the kits selected, as per vendor’s sampling method. Following details, besides
vendor’s/manufacturers standard check-points, shall appear in every RTR.
1 Delhi
Average grade Atmospheric
a) Heavily Polluted, Dry
b) Maximum altitude above sea level 1000 M
c) Ambient Air temperature Highest 50 deg C, Average 40 deg C
Minimum ambient air
d) 0 deg C
e) Relative Humidity 90 % Max
f) Thermal Resistivity of Soil 150 Deg. C cmm
g) Seismic Zone 4
h) Rainfall 750 mm concentrated in four months
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
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Technical Specification For Heat Shrinkable And GIS Cable Termination Kit (11 KV, 33 KV,
66 KV Cables)
Page 17 of 17
Record of Revision………………………………………………………………………………3
1.0 Scope of supply........................................................................................................ 5
Page 2 of 53
Record of Revision
Page 3 of 53
Page 4 of 53
IEC Standards
IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machines. (e.g. For Cooler Fan Motors.)
IEC 60071 Co-ordination of Insulation.
IEC 60076 Power transformers.
IEC 60156 Method for Determination of the Electric Strength for Insulating Oils.
IEC 60044 Current Transformers.
IEC 60214 On Load Tap Changers
IEC 60296 Specification for Unused Mineral Insulating Oils for Transformers and
IEC 60354 Loading Guide for Oil-Immersed Power Transformers.
IEC 60445 Basic& Safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification,
Identification of Equipment Terminals and conductor terminals
British Standard
BS 148 Determination of Transformer and Reactor Sound Levels.
BS 223 Application Guide for Power Transformers.
BS 2562 Terminal and Tapping Markings for Power Transformers.
Page 5 of 53
Indian Standards
IS:335 Insulating oil
IS:1271 Thermal evaluation and classification of electrical insulation
IS:2099 Bushing for Alternating voltage above 1000V
IS:2705 Current Transformers
IS:3347 Dimensions for Porcelain Transformer bushing
IS:3637 Gas operated relays
IS:3639 Fitting & Accessories for power transformers
IS:4201 Application guide for CT’s
IS:6600 Guide for loading of oil immersed transformers
IS:8478 Application guide for On-load tap changer
IS:8468 On-load tap changer
IS:10028 Code of practice for selection, installation & maintenance of transformers
IS:13947 LV switchgear and Controlgear-Part1
IS 2026 Power Transformers
IS 1180 Outdoor type oil immersed distribution transformer upto and including
IS 5561 Electrical Power Connectors
IS 5 Colors for ready mix paints
IS 6272 Industrial cooling fans
IS 325 Three phase induction motors
Indian Electricity Rules
Indian Electricity Act
CBIP manual
In the event of direct conflict between various order documents, the precedence of authority
of documents shall be as follows -
i. Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)
ii. This Specification
iii Indian Standards / IEC standards
iv Approved Vendor Drawings
iv. Other documents
Page 6 of 53
Page 7 of 53
Percentage Impedance at 75 deg C
3.24.1 400/630 kVA 4.5 % with IS tolerance
3.24.2 1000 kVA 5.0 % with IS tolerance
3.24.3 1600/2000 kVA 6.25% with IS tolerance
3.25 Max Total losses(No Load+ Load
Losses at 75⁰C) at 50% of the rated
load , kW
3.25.2 400 kVA 1.225
3.25.3 630 kVA 1.86
3.25.4 1000 kVA 2.79
3.25.5 1600 kVA 4.2
3.25.6 2000 kVA 5.05
3.26 Max Total losses(No Load+ Load
Losses at 75⁰C) at 100% of the rated
load , kW
3.26.1 400 kVA 3.45
3.26.2 630 kVA 5.3
3.26.3 1000 kVA 7.7
3.26.4 1600 kVA 11.8
3.26.5 2000 kVA 15
3.27 Phase CT Ratio , Amp
3.27.1 400 kVA 600/5
3.27.2 630 kVA 1000/5
3.27.3 1000 kVA 1500/5
3.27.4 1600 kVA 2500/5
3.27.5 2000 kVA 3000/5
Page 8 of 53
3.28 HV cable size for all sizes / Conductor 11 kV (E) grade , A2XCEWY 3C x 150
size sqmm
3.29 Tinned Copper Busbar size on HV 50x6
side for cable termination, mm x mm
3.30 LV cable size, 650 /1100 V grade , Cable
A2XY cable single core 630 sqmm
unarmoured (approx cable dia 40 mm)
3.30.1 400 kVA 2 runs per phase + 2 runs in Neutral
3.30.2 630 kVA 3 runs per phase + 2 runs in Neutral
3.30.3 1000 kVA 4 runs per phase + 3 runs in Neutral
3.30.4 1600 KVA 6 runs per phase + 3 runs in Neutral
3.30.5 2000 kVA 7 runs per phase + 4 runs in Neutral
3.31 Tinned Copper Busbar size on LV side
for cable termination, mm x mm
3.31.1 400/630/1000kVA Phase 100 x 12 Neutral 100 x 12
3.31.2 1600kVA Phase 160 x 12 Neutral 160 x 12
3.31.3 2000kVA Phase 2 runs 100 x 12 Neutral 2 runs 100 x 12
3.32 Maximum Overall Dimension
Acceptable ( length x width x height),
mm x mm x mm
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Page 16 of 53
SP-TRDU-01-R6 Cable lug for HV, LV, LV Neutral Double hole Aluminium lugs
cables Essential parts i) Flange type removable front cover
with handles min two nos.
ii) Tinned Copper Busbar of adequate
size for Purchaser’s cable
termination with busbar supports
iii) Earthing boss for the cable box
iv) Earthing link for the gasketted joints
at two point for each joint
v) Earthing provision for cable Armour/
vi) Flanged type inspection cover on
top for bushing inspection and
maintenance with handle
vii) Drain plug
viii) Rainhood on gasketted vertical
ix) Danger / caution plate Terminal Clearances 700mm, Minimum
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Page 21 of 53
4.9.1 For power cables Long barrel medium duty Aluminium lug
with knurling on inside surface.
4.9.2 For Control Cable Tinned copper pre insulated Pin, Ring,
Fork type as applicable
4.10 Painting of transformer, Radiator,
marshalling box for CT, cable boxes
4.10.1 Surface preparation By 7 tank pretreatment process or shot
blasting method
4.10.2 Finish on internal surfaces of the Bright Yellow heat resistant and oil
transformer resistant paint two coats. Paint shall
neither react nor dissolve in hot
transformer insulating oil.
4.10.3 Finish on inner surface of the CT White Polyurethane paint anti
terminal box, HV/LV/LVN cable box condensation type two coats ,
minimum dry film thickness 80 microns
4.10.4 Finish on outer surface of the Battle ship Grey shade 632
transformer, radiator, CT terminal box, Polyurethane paint two coats ,
HV/LV/LVN cable box minimum dry film thickness 80 microns
4.10.5 Frame parts Battle ship grey shade 632 IS 5, 80
micron minimum insulating oil resistant
paint. Paint shall neither react nor
dissolve in hot transformer insulating
Page 22 of 53
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Page 26 of 53
Page 28 of 53
9.0 Submittals
Page 29 of 53
iii) General description of the
equipment and all components,
including brochures (R)
iv) Calculations to substantiate choice
of electrical, structural, mechanical
component size/ratings (A)
v) Detailed loading drawing to enable
the Purchaser to design and
construct foundations for the
transformer (R)
vi) Transport / shipping dimensions
with weights, wheel base details,
untanking height etc (R)
vii) Terminal arrangements and cable
box details (A)
viii) Flow diagram of cooling system
showing no of cooling banks (A)
ix) Drawings of major components like
Bushing , CT etc (A)
x) PT fixing arrangement
xi) List of makes of all fittings and
accessories (A)
xii) Statement drawing attention to all
exposed points in the equipment at
which contact with or in close
proximity to other metals and
stating clearly what protection is
employed to prevent corrosion at
each point (A)
xiii) Detailed installation and
commissioning instructions
xiv) Quality Plan.
9.3 Submittals required at the final hold i) Inspection and test reports carried
point prior to despatch out in manufacturer’s works (A)
ii) Test certificates of all bought out
iii) Operation and maintenance
Insrtrction as well as trouble
shooting charts/ manual
9.4 Drawing and document sizes Standard size paper A1, A2, A3, A4
Page 30 of 53
10.1 Inspection and Testing during Only type tested equipment shall be
manufacture acceptable
10.1.1 Tank and Conservator i) Check correct dimensions between
wheels demonstrate turning of wheels
through 90 deg and further
dimensional check.
ii) Check for physical properties of
materials for lifting lugs, jacking pads
etc. All load bearing welds, including
lifting lug welds shall be subjected to
required load tests.
iii) Leakage test of the conservator.
iv) Certification of all test results.
v) Oil leakage test .
vi) Vacuum and Pressure test on tank as
type test as per IS
10.1.2 Core i) Sample testing of core material for
checking specific loss, bend
properties, magnetization
characteristics and thickness.
ii) Check on the quality of varnish if used
on the stampings.
a) Measurement of thickness and
hardness of varnish on stampings.
b) Solvent resistance test to check
that varnish does not react in hot
c) Check over all quality of varnish by
sampling to ensure uniform hipping
colour, no bare spots. No ever
burnt varnish layer and no bubbles
on varnished surface.
iii) Check on the amount of burns.
iv) Bow check on stampings.
v) Check for the overlapping of
stampings. Corners of the sheet
are to be apart.
vi) Visual and dimensional check during
assembly stage.
Page 31 of 53
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Page 34 of 53
10.4.1 Note for special test In case the product offered is never tested
for short circuit (Dynamic & Thermal) ,
same to be conducted by bidder at his
own cost at CPRI/ERDA.
The test report shall not be more 5 years
10.5 Customer Hold Point i) GTP & Drawings approval
ii) Core Inspection(See Cl No 10.1.2)
Sample to be tested at CPRI/ERDA
for each lot.
iii) Tank Pressure & vacuum Test
iv) Core & Coil Stage inspection of each
Page 35 of 53
11.1 Packing
11.1.1 Packing protection Against corrosion, dampness, heavy
rains, breakage and vibration
11.1.2 Packing for accessories and spares Robust wooden non returnable packing
case with all the above protection
11.1.3 Packing details On each packing case details required
as follows
i) Individual serial number;
ii) Purchaser's name;
iii) PO number;
iv) Destination;
v) Supplier's name;
vi) Name and address of supplier's
vii) Description and quantity
viii) Manufacturer’s name
ix) Country of origin
x) Case measurements
xi) Gross and net weights in
xii) All necessary slinging and
stacking instructions.
11.2 Shipping The bidder shall ascertain at an early
date and definitely before the
of manufacture, any transport limitations
such as weights, dimensions, road
overhead lines, free access etc. from the
manufacturing plant to the project site;
furnish to the Purchaser confirmation
that the proposed packages can be
transported, as normal or oversize
packages, upto the plant site. Any
modifications required in the
infrastructure and cost thereof in this
connection shall be brought to the notice
Page 36 of 53
of the Purchaser
11.3 Handling and Storage As per manufacturer’s instruction
12.0 Deviations
Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to the
Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the alternative offer. In absence of
such a statement, requirements of the Specification shall be met without exception.
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Page 39 of 53
Page 40 of 53
Standard no Title
1.1 IS 335 New insulating oils
1.2 IS 1783 Drums for oils
2.0 Properties
Page 41 of 53
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Page 43 of 53
Page 44 of 53
Page 46 of 53
set to rupture
26.1.1 For Main Tank
27.0 Fittings Accessories Each
Transformer furnished as per
Clause No 5. (Bidder shall attach
separate sheet giving details,
make and bill of materials)
28.0 Painting: as per clause for the
transformer, cable boxes, radiator,
Marshalling box (Yes/No)
29.0 Max over all transformer As per Clause 3.32
29.1 Length, mm
29.2 Breadth, mm
29.3 Height, mm
30.0 Transformer Tank Dimensions
30.1 Length, mm
30.2 Breadth, mm
30.3 Height, mm
31.0 Weight data
31.1 Core, kG
31.2 Frame parts, kG
31.3 Core and frame, kG
31.4 Total Winding, kG
31.5 Core , Frame, Winding, kG
31.6 Tank, kG
31.7 Tank lid, kG
31.8 Empty conservator tank, kG
31.9 Each radiator empty, kG
31.10 Total weight of all radiators empty,
31.11 Weight of oil in Tank, kG
31.12 Weight of oil in Conservator, kG
41.13 Weight of oil in each Radiators,
Page 50 of 53
31.14 Total weight of oil in Radiators, kG
31.16 Total Transport weight of the
transformer, kG
32.0 Volume Data
32.1 Volume of oil in main tank, litres
32.2 Volume of oil between highest
and lowest levels of main
conservator, litres
32.4 Volume of oil in each radiator,
32.5 Total volume of oil in radiators,
32.7 Transformer total oil volume, litres
33.0 Shipping Data
33.1 Weight of heaviest package, kG
33.2 Dimensions of the largest
package (L x B x H) mm
34.3 Tests
34.1 All in process tests confirmed as
per Cl. (Yes/ No)
34.2 All Type Tests confirmed as per
Cl. (Yes / No)
34.3 All Routine Tests confirmed as
per Cl. (Yes/ No)
34.4 All Special Tests confirmed as per
Cl. (Yes/ No)
Page 51 of 53
Bidder to submit hard copy duly filled & signed along with techno commercial offer.
Bidder to submit separate GTP for each type of insulating oil –
Page 52 of 53
1 No
2 No
3 No
4 No
5 No
6 No
Page 53 of 53
1.0 SCOPE…..…………………………………………………………………….…………….................3
2.0 CODES & STANDARD………………………………………………………………….……………..3
3.0 SERVICE CONDITION………………………………………………………………………………...3
4.0 CONFIGURATION…………………………..…..……………………………………………………..3
5.0 CONSTRUCTION………………………………..………………………………………...................5
6.0 BUSBAR………………………………….……………………………………………………………..5
7.0 CURRENT TRANSFORMER…………………………………………………………………...….…6
8.0 TERMINALS AND WIRING………….………………………………………………....……………..6
9.0 METERS, INDICATIONS AND PUSH BUTTONS…………………………………….………...….6
10.0 NAME PLATES & MARKINGS…………………………………………………………………..……7
11.0 FINISHING…………………………………………………………………………………………..…..7
12.0 APPROVED MAKE OF COMPONENTS………………………………………………………….....8
13.0 INSPECTION & TESTING………………………………………………………………………….....8
14.0 PACKING, SHIPPING, HANDLING, & SITE SUPPORT…………………………………….....….8
15.0 DEVIATIONS………………………………………………………………………………..…………..9
16.0 DOCUMENTS SUBMISSION…………………………………………………………………………9
17.0 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS………………………………………………...…..10
Page 2 of 13
This specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture, assembly and testing at
manufacturer's works and supply of 415V AC Distribution board (ACDB) along with all
hardware and accessories required for installation and operation.
2.1 IS:8623 Specification for factory built assemblies of switchgear & control
gear for voltages up to and including 1000V AC/1200 V DC.
2.2 IS 60947-1 Specification for Low-voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - Part 2 :
Circuit Breakers
2.3 IS:10118 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance
switchgear and controlgear
2.4 IS:2705 Current transformers
2.5 IS:3231 Electrical relays for power system protection
2.6 IS:1248 Electrical Indicating instruments
2.7 IS:4794 Switches and push buttons
2.8 IS:6005 Code of practice of phosphating iron and steel
2.9 IS:5082 Wrought Aluminium and aluminium alloys for electrical purposes
2.10 IS 3043 Code of practice for Earthing
Page 3 of 13
BMK MCB 4 32 8
AC Supply MCB 4 32 2
UPS MCB 2 16 1
CRP MCB 2 16 2
EPAX MCB 2 16 1
Page 4 of 13
5.1 General construction Board shall be of modular construction with provision for complete
compartmentalization of all feeders. It shall be free-standing type
comprising dust-tight and vermin-proof sheet steel cabinets
suitable for indoor installation with IP-54 degree of protection.
Necessary busbar support insulators, cable glands, cable supports
and terminal blocks etc. The board shall preferably be of single
front type.
5.2 Material The Board shall be made out of at least 2.0 mm thick cold rolled
steel sheet, suitably reinforced to provide flat level surfaces. No
welds, rivets, hinges or bolts shall be visible from outside.
5.3 Equipment Mounting All switches provided on the distribution board shall be on front
side of the cabinets, operable from outside. All instruments and
control devices shall be mounted on the front of cabinets and fully
wired to the terminal blocks.
5.4 Busbar housing The busbars shall be housed in totally enclosed busbar chambers.
Incoming connections from the busbar to various feeders shall be
designed so as not to disturb cable connections. Busbar
arrangement should ensure safety of the operation/maintenance
personnel and facilitate working on any outgoing module without
the need for switching off in-feed to the adjacent modules, as far
as possible
5.5 Cable alleys A cable alley preferably 230 mm wide shall be provided in each
vertical section for taking cables into the compartments. Cable
alleys shall be provided on sides of busbar chamber
5.6 Cable glands Compression type cable glands shall be provided to hold the
cables to avoid any pressure or tension on the terminal block
5.7 Gland Plate Gland plate shall be 3.0mm thick.
5.8 Doors The doors of cabinets shall be lockable and shall be fitted with
double lipped gaskets.
Page 5 of 13
7.1 Type Cast-resin type, Class-E insulation, rated for 120% current
7.2 Provision Shall be provided in incomer for metering.
Separate Neutral CT hall be connected in the neutral for
detecting earth fault for both the incomer.
7.3 Secondary current 5A
7.4 Metering CT Class 1.0
7.5 Burden Based on requirement
8.2.3 Control terminals type Stud type, screw driver operated suitable for minimum 6sqmm
8.2.4 Spare terminals 20% spare terminals should be provided in each terminal block.
8.2.5 Accessibility Placement of terminals shall enable proper cable termination.
Terminals shall be readily accessible for inspection and
8.2.6 Marking The terminals shall be serially numbered to facilitate installation
and maintenance.
Page 6 of 13
9.2 Indicating lamps Indicating lamps shall be of low wattage cluster LED type.
9.2.1 Incomer/ Outgoing On Red
9.2.2 Incomer/ Outgoing Off Green
9.2.3 Incomer/ Outgoing Amber
9.3 Push buttons For manual operation of incomer
11.1 Primer Two coats
11.2 Finish Powder Coating
11.3 Colour shade RAL 7032 (Siemens Grey)
Page 7 of 13
Packing for Robust non-returnable packing case with all the above protection
14.2 accessories and & identification Label. The bidder should get the packing list
spares approved before dispatching the material.
14.3 Packing
On each packing case, following details are required:
Identification Label
14.3.1 Individual serial number
14.3.2 Purchaser's name
14.3.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
14.3.4 Equipment Tag no. (if any)
Page 8 of 13
14.3.5 Destination
14.3.6 Manufacturer / Supplier's name
14.3.7 Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
14.3.8 Description
14.3.9 Country of origin
14.3.10 Month & year of Manufacturing
14.3.11 Case measurements
14.3.12 Gross and net weight
14.3.13 All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
14.4 The seller shall be responsible for all transit damage due to
improper packing.
15.1 Deviation Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with
the tender by reference to the Specification clause/GTP/Drawing
and a description of the alternative offer. In absence of such a
statement, it will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with
this specification. No deviation will be acceptable post order.
16.1 List of major customers using the offered product from last 5 years specifying details like
customer name, PO no. and PO date, year of supply and supply quantity
16.2 Completely filled compliance GTP sheet as per clause 16.0 of this specification
16.3 Complete product catalogue, Manual and calibration certificate of the equipment
16.4 Type test reports
16.5 Deviation Sheet (if any)
Page 9 of 13
2.1 Make & Model of MCCB Required
2.2 Catalogue of MCCB Required
Page 10 of 13
Page 11 of 13
as per IS 60947
Confirmation of Acceptance Yes/No
9.4 tests to be performed during
inspection as per IS 60947
Temperature rise test to be Yes/No
9.5 carried out at NABL accredited
Deviation sheet against each To be submitted
clause of the specification
Page 13 of 13
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1 SCOPE .............................................................................................................. 3
2 STANDARDS AND CODES.............................................................................. 3
3 SERVICE CONDITION ...................................................................................... 3
4 CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 4
5 CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 5
6 BUSBARS ......................................................................................................... 6
7 TERMINALS AND WIRING............................................................................... 6
8 METERS, INDICATIONS, PUSH BUTTONS & HEATERS ............................... 7
9 NAME PLATES & MARKINGS ......................................................................... 7
10 FINISH ............................................................................................................... 8
11 APPROVED MAKES OF COMPONENTS ........................................................ 8
12 INSPECTION AND TESTING ........................................................................... 9
13 PACKING, SHIPPING, HANDLING AND SITE SUPPORT .............................. 9
14 DEVIATIONS................................................................................................... 10
15 DOCUMENT SUBMISSION ............................................................................ 10
16 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS ............................................... 11
Page 2 of 16
This specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture, assembly and testing at
Manufacturer’s works and supply of 220 VDC/50 VDC Distribution board (DCDB) along with
all hardware and accessories required for installation and operation.
2.9 IS:5082 Wrought Aluminium and aluminium alloys for electrical purposes
Page 3 of 16
Emergency Lighting DB 2 32 1
SCADA 2 32 2
CRP 2 32 4
11 kV Switchgear 2 32 4
Testing Purpose 2 32 1
NIFPS 2 32 4
Spare 1 2 100 1
Spare 2 2 32 8
Page 5 of 16
Grade and type 1100 V grade, PVC insulated, FRLS type stranded
7.1.1 flexible copper wire.
Ferruling Each wire shall bear an identifying ferrule or tag at each
7.1.2 end or connecting point.
Spare 20% Spare Wiring
Terminals Terminals of appropriate size shall be provided inside
7.2 each cabinet for incoming and outgoing cables.
Grade 1100 V grade, moulded piece terminals complete with
7.2.1 insulated barriers, washers, nuts and lock nuts.
Power Terminals type Stud type, nut driver operated
Control terminals type Stud type, screw driver operated
20% spare terminals should be provided in each
7.2.4 Spare terminals
terminal block.
Placement of terminals shall enable proper cable
7.2.5 Accessibility termination. Terminals shall be readily accessible for
inspection and maintenance.
The terminals shall be serially numbered to facilitate
7.2.6 Marking
installation and maintenance.
Page 6 of 16
8.1 Meters
DC Moving coil ammeter of size 96 sq.mm. with
Ammeter external shunt. Rating of Ammeter shall be 0-100A
DC Moving coil voltmeter of size 96.sq.mm to read the
Voltmeter DC Bus voltage. Rating of Voltmeter shall be 0-
Type Digital type, connected through instruments transformers
8.1.3 of suitable rating.
Indicating lamps shall be of low wattage cluster LED
8.2 Indicating lamps
Page 8 of 16
13.3.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
13.3.5 Destination
13.3.8 Description
Page 9 of 16
Drawing submission shall be as per the matrix given below. All documents/ drawing shall be
provided on A3/A4 sheet in box file with separators for each section. Also provide USB
containing pdf with bid for soft copy. Language of the documents shall be English only.
Deficient/ improper document/ drawing submission may liable for rejection
Any Technological
15.4 Required
Advancement in DCDB
Manufacturer's quality
assurance plan and
certification for quality
15.6 General Arrangement Required
15.7 Door Layout Required
15.8 Internal Layout Required
Page 10 of 16
S. No. Description Specification requirement
16.1.1 Make
16.1.2 Type
Page 11 of 16
16.1.19 Outgoings
16.2 MCB
16.3.1 Make
Page 13 of 16
16.3.17 Make
16.3.18 Type
16.3.19 Reference standard
16.4.1 Wiring
1100 V grade, PVC insulated, FRLS type
a Grade and type
stranded flexible copper wire.
Each wire shall bear an identifying ferrule or
b Ferruling
tag at each end or connecting point.
c Spare 20% Spare Wiring
16.4.2 Terminals
1100 V grade, moulded piece terminals
a Grade complete with insulated barriers, washers,
nuts and lock nuts.
b Power Terminals type Stud type, nut driver operated
c Control terminals type Stud type, screw driver operated
d Spare terminals 20% spare
Placement of terminals shall enable proper
e Accessibility cable termination. Terminals shall be readily
accessible for inspection and maintenance.
The terminals shall be serially numbered to
f Marking
facilitate installation and maintenance.
Page 14 of 16
a Model No Ammeter
b Make of Ammeter
a Model No Voltmeter
b Make of Voltmeter Rishabh/Schneider/AE
c Type Digital type
Page 15 of 16
Page 16 of 16
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1 SCOPE OF SUPPLY......................................................................................... 3
2 CODES & STANDARDS ................................................................................... 3
3 SERVICE CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 3
4 CHARGER DESIGN FEATURES ..................................................................... 4
5 METERING, ANNUNCIATION & INDICATION................................................. 5
6 APPROVED MAKE OF COMPONENTS .......................................................... 7
7 MIMIC DIAGRAM, LABEL & FINISH................................................................ 7
8 QUALITY ASSURANCE, INSPECTION & TESTING ....................................... 8
9 DEVIATIONS..................................................................................................... 8
10 GTP ................................................................................................................... 8
11 DRAWING AND DATA SUBMISSION MATRIX ............................................... 9
12 PACKING ........................................................................................................ 10
13 SHIPPING ....................................................................................................... 11
14 HANDLING AND STORAGE .......................................................................... 11
Page 2 of 11
This specification covers the design, manufacturing, testing, supply, erection & commissioning of
220 VDC/ 50 VDC SMPS based 2X100% Float Cum Boost Charger at site for indoor installation
with all necessary accessories associated with it.
Indian Electricity
Indian electricity act
CBIP manual
IS 3895 Specification for rectifier equipment in general
IS 5921 Printed circuit boards
IS 6619 Safety code for semiconductor devices
IS 4540 Semiconductor rectifier assemblies and equipment
IS 694 PVC Insulated Cables for Working Voltage up to and including 1100V
IS 1248 Direct Acting Electrical indicating instruments
IS 2705 Current transformer
IS 3156 Voltage transformer
IS 3231 Electric relay for power system protection
IS 5578 Guide for making of insulated conductors
IS 8623 Low voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies
IS 13703 Low voltage fuses for voltages not exceeding 1000AC
IS 12063 Degree of enclosure protection
IS5 Color of mixed paints
IS 6297 Transformer & inductors for electronic equipment
IS 6553 Environment requirements for semiconductor device
IS 4007 Terminals for electronic equipment
7.8 Labels for all components in Anodized aluminum with white character on black
panel background, fixed by rivets only
7.9 SLD SLD of charges shall be provided at backside of the
main door of Charger on Aluminium plate
Deviation from this specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to the
specification clause/ GTP/ Drawing and description of alternative offer. In absence of such a
statement, it shall be assumed by the buyer that the seller complies fully with this specification.
10 GTP
Vendor must submit clause wise compliance against specification at the time of drawing approval
clearly highlighting the deviations from specification against each clause.
Page 8 of 11
12.6.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
12.6.4 Equipment Tag no. (if any)
12.6.5 Destination
12.6.6 Project Details
12.6.7 Manufacturer / Supplier's name
12.6.8 Address of Manufacturer / Supplier / it’s agent
12.6.9 Description and Quantity
12.6.10 Country of origin
12.6.11 Month & year of Manufacturing
12.6.12 Case measurements
12.6.13 Gross and net weights in kilograms
12.6.14 All necessary slinging and stacking instructions
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Page 2 of 10
This specification covers the design, manufacture, testing, supply, erection &
commissioning of 50 V & 220 V Li Ion Battery Bank.
Material, equipment and methods used in the manufacturing of Li Ion battery shall confirm
to the latest edition of following standard
Standard Name / No Standard’s Description
Indian Electricity Act Latest Edition
CBIP manual Latest Edition
IEC 62281 Safety of primary and secondary lithium cells and
batteries during transport
UL 1642 Individual cell compliance
UL 1973 Battery module complies
Page 3 of 10
Page 4 of 10
6.1 Communication
6.1.1 Protocol For SCADA Interface Modbus
6.1.2 Port RS-485
6.1.3 Design Capacity (DC)
6.1.4 Full Charge Capacity (FCC)
6.1.5 Remaining Capacity (RC)
6.1.6 State of Charge (SOC)
6.1.7 State of Health (SOH)
6.1.8 Cycle Count
6.1.9 Total Voltage
Key Battery Parameters to be
6.1.10 Current
Integrated With SCADA
6.1.11 Life Cycle
6.1.12 Charging Current
6.1.13 Max. Cell Voltage
6.1.14 Min. Cell Voltage
6.1.15 Max. Cell Temperature
6.1.16 Min. Cell Temperature
6.1.17 Max. FET Temperature
6.1.18 Status LED Dual color type
6.1.19 SOC LED Dual color type
6.1.20 In-built data logging Upto 6 months
6.1.21 Protection feedback to SCADA From S.No 6.2.7 to 6.2.13
6.2 Safety Feature
6.2.1 Module reverse polarity protection
6.2.2 Internal fuse
6.2.3 Controllable internal fuse
6.2.4 Protective terminal covering to avoid unintentional contact
6.2.5 Secondary level hardware protection for overvoltage
6.2.6 Heat propagation resistant cell holding structure
6.2.7 Overvoltage protection
6.2.8 Under voltage protection
Page 5 of 10
Page 6 of 10
10.0 GTP
Vendor Must Submit clause wise compliance against specification at the time of drawing
Deviation from this specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to
the specification clause/ GTP/ Drawing and description of alternative offer. In absence of
such a statement, it shall be assumed by the buyer that the seller complies fully with this
Page 7 of 10
Manufacturer's quality
assurance plan and
12.5 Required
certification for quality
Sizing Calculation of
12.6 Required
Associated Equipment
Recommended Spares
12.7 for five years of Required
12.8 Li Ion drawing
12.8.1 General Arrangement Required Required
12.8.2 Sectional Layout Required
12.8.3 Cabinet Layout Required
12.8.4 Battery Layout Required
12.8.5 SLD Required Required
Schematic Circuit
12.8.6 diagram and Scheme of Required
Each type of Panel
12.8.7 Required
12.8.8 QAP Required
12.8.9 BOQ Required
12.8.10 Plan Required
12.8.11 Foundation Diagram Required
Make of all Component
12.8.12 Required
as per specification
Drawing of Substation
12.8.13 Required
Installation, erection and
12.9 Required
commissioning manual
12.10 Inspection Reports Required
As manufacturing
12.11 Required
Operation and
12.12 Required
Maintenance Manual
12.13 Trouble shooting manual Required
Page 8 of 10
13.2 Packing for accessories and spares with all the above protection & identification
Packing Identification Label to be provided on each packing case with the following
13.3.3 PO number (along with SAP item code, if any) & date
13.3.5 Destination
Page 9 of 10
Page 10 of 10
Page 2 of 10
General Specification
1.0.0 Codes & Standards : The cables shall be designed, manufactured and tested in
Accordance with the following Indian & IEC standards.
National Standards
Indian Standards
IS- 1554 Part-1 PVC insulated Cables
IS- 5831 : 1984 PVC insulation & sheath of electric cables.
IS- 10810 : 1984 Methods of test for cables.
IS- 8130 : 1984 Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords.
IS- 3975 : 1999 Mild steel wires, formed wires and tapes for armouring of
International Standards
IEC 60332-3-21 Ed.1.0 b Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Part 3-21. Tests
on bunched wires or cables.
IEC 60502-1 Ed. 2.1 b Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for
rated voltage from 1kV upto 30kV –Part 1: cables for rated
voltages of 1kV and 3kV
IEC 60811 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of
electric cables.
IEC 60885 Ed.1.0 b Electric test methods for electric cables.
IEC 60227 PVC insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
450/750 V.
IEC 60028 Ed. 2.0 b International Standard of Resistance for Copper
Page 3 of 10
2.0.0 Cable construction Features Size & dimensions of each item mentioned under
this clause shall be followed as detailed out in
GTP, refer Annexure B
2.1.1 Conductor
Stranded, plain copper, circular Shall be made from high conductivity copper rods
2.1.4 Inner Sheath Extruded Inner Sheath of Black PVC type ST-2
as per IS 5831
2.1.6 Outer Sheath a) Extruded outer sheath of PVC type ST-2 as per
IS 5831
b) Colour : Black
d) The Outer Sheath shall be embossed with:
Page 4 of 10
2.1.7 Sealing of Cable end Both ends of the cable shall be sealed with PVC
4.0.0 Testing & Inspection Tests shall be carried out in accordance with IEC /
IS standards.
b) Type Test
b-1: Cables must be of type tested quality . Type
test reports shall be submitted for the type, size &
rating of cable offered along with bid.
b-2 : If the manufacturer’s lab is accredited by
govt. /authorised body then it shall be acceptable
for type testing.
b-3 : Type test on one cable drum of each rating
and type , from first lot, shall be conducted at Govt.
approved / Internationally accredited labs.
Page 5 of 10
5.0.2 After award of contract Within 15 days, the seller has to submit four sets
of above-mentioned drawings for buyer’s approval.
5.0.3 Final As Built 6 sets hardcopy + One Soft copy of all documents
including type test certificates
Page 6 of 10
Page 7 of 10
Annexure – A
1.0.0 Scope
Page 8 of 10
Annexure- B
(Standard Cable sizes are 4c x2.5, 8c x 2.5, 12c x2.5, 16c x 2.5, 19 c x 2.5, 27c x 2.5
Sqmm & 4c x 4, 8c x 4, 10c x 4 Sqmm)
1.0 Make ….
2.0 Type ( AS PER IS 1554 part -1 ) YWY
5.0 Conductor
Page 9 of 10
Page 10 of 10
1. SCOPE OF SUPPLY............................................................................................... 3
3. CABLE DESIGN...................................................................................................... 4
4. CABLE DRUM......................................................................................................... 6
8. PROGRESS REPORTING...................................................................................... 10
9. DEVIATION............................................................................................................. 10
Page 2 of 35
2.1 IS- 7098 (Part-1) Cross linked polyethylene insulated PVC sheathed cables for
working voltages upto and including 1100V.
2.5 IS : 8130 Conductors for insulated electrical cables and flexible cords.
2.6 IS : 3975 Low carbon galvanized steel wires, formed wires and tapes
for armouring of cables.
2.7 IS- 4026 Aluminum ingots, billets and wire bars (EC grade)
2.11 IS:1255 Installation and Maintenance of power cables upto and including
33 kV rating.
2.14 IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables. Guide to the dimensional limits of
circular conductors.
2.16 IEC 60332 - 3 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Part 3: Tests on
bunched wires or cables.
Page 3 of 35
2.17 IEC 60502 Extruded solid dielectric insulated power cables for rated voltages
from 1kV to 30 kV.
2.18 IEC 60754 - 1 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from
cables. Part 1: Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas
evolved during combustion of polymeric material taken from
2.19 IEC 60811 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of
electric cables.
2.21 IEC 60304 Standard colours for insulation for low frequency cables and
2.22 IEC 60227 PVC insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including
450/750 V.
2.23 IEC 1034 Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning under
defined conditions.
c) Class 2
e) Shape :
i) Compacted Circular for sizes up to 16
sqmm and for Single core cables.
ii) Sector shaped for sizes above 25Sqmm
Page 4 of 35
3.4 Inner Sheath Extruded Inner Sheath of Black PVC type ST-2 (IS:5831-
Page 5 of 35
3.8 Sealing of Cable end Both ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of non-
hygroscopic heat shrinkable HDPE caps.
Page 6 of 35
4.4 Overall Tolerance +/-2 % for the total cable length for the entire order.
4.6 Preventive Measure for Cable a) The surface of the drum and the outer most cable
Drum layer shall be covered with water proof layer.
Page 7 of 35
5.1 Shipping Information The seller shall give complete shipping information
concerning the weight, size of each package.
5.2 Transit Damage The seller shall be held responsible for all transit damage
due to improper packing.
5.3 Cable Drum Handling The drums shall be with M.S spindle plate (with nut-bolts) of
adequate size to suit the spindle rods, normally required for
handling the drums, according to expected weight of the
cable drums as per IS:10418
6.1 Quality Assurance Plan As per Annexure – E. In event of order Manufacturer has to
submit the signed copy of QAP.
6.2 Inspection hold points AS per QAP
6.3 Routine Test a) Measurement of Electrical Resistance
b) HV test with power frequency AC voltage
6.4 Type Test a) Cables must be of type tested quality. Type test
reports shall be submitted for the type, size and
rating of cable offered along with bid. Type test
shall not be more than 5 years old. In event of type
test being older than 5 years, bidder has to conduct
the same at CPRI/ERDA, NABL approved Lab
without commercial implication to BSES.
b) Bidder supplying cable to BSES for the first time
shall have to conduct type test on sample randomly
selected from lot in event of order from
c) UV resistance test to be carried out on one sample
from CPRI/ERDA as per ASTM standard (sample
shall meet minimum 80% retention after exposure
of 21 days as per ASTM standard).
Page 8 of 35
6.5 Acceptance Test a) For cable sizes upto 50sqmm – one sample for
chemical composition and purity test of aluminium
(Shall be conducted as per shall be conducted per 100km of ordered quantity
Cl.15.2 of IS 7098 Part-1 for and multiple thereof.
each lot of cable)
b) For cable sizes above 50sqmm – one sample for
chemical composition and purity test of aluminium
shall be conducted per 50km of ordered quantity
and multiple thereof.
6.6 Inspection a) The buyer reserves the right to witness all tests
specified on completed cables.
6.7 Test Certificates Complete test certificates (routine & acceptance tests) need
to be submitted along with the delivery of cables.
7.2 After award of contract Within 7 days, the seller has to submit four sets of above
mentioned drawings for buyer’s approval along with the
signed copy of QAP (Annexure – E).
Page 9 of 35
7.3 Final As Built 6 sets hardcopy + One Soft copy of all documents including
type test certificates
9.0 Deviation
Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to the
Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the alternative offer. In absence of such a
statement, it will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with this specification. No deviation will be
acceptable post order.
Page 10 of 35
Annexure – A
1.0.0 Scope
Page 11 of 35
(Standard Cable sizes are 2cx10, 2c x25, 4cx25, 4cx95 4c x50, 4c x150, 4c x 300)
A Continuous 90°C
B Short time 250°C
5 Conductor
Page 12 of 35
C Size (mm2) …… sq mm
As per Manufacturer
D Min no. of wires in each conductor (Nos.)
6 Insulation
As per Table 3 of IS
B Nominal thickness (mm)
7098 Part-1
7 Inner Sheath
As per Table 5 of IS
B Minimum thickness
7098 Part-1
As per manufacturer's
standard and as per
8 Galvanized Steel Armour
purchaser's site -
specific condition
A Material
Page 13 of 35
As per Manufacturer
(ii) No. of wires
As per Manufacturer
(ii) No. of Strips
9 Outer Sheath
As per Table 8 of IS
B Minimum Thickness
7098 Part-1
C Colour Yellow
12 Cable Drum
Page 14 of 35
14 Weights ………
A AC Resistance Ohm/Km
C Impedance Ohm/Km
a) At 30° C
b) At 35° C
c) At 40° C
Page 15 of 35
d) At 45° C
e) At 50° C
a) 3 Nos.
b) 4 Nos.
c) 5 Nos.
d) 6 Nos.
Page 16 of 35
Annexure- C
A Continuous 90°C
B Short time
5 Conductor
As per Manufacturer
C Min no. of wires in each conductor (Nos.)
Page 17 of 35
As per Table 3 of IS
6 Insulation
7098 Part-1
B Nominal thickness
9 Outer Sheath
As per Table 8 of IS
B Minimum Thickness
7098 Part-1
C Colour Yellow
Page 18 of 35
12 Cable Drum
14 Weights ….
A AC Resistance Ohm/Km
Page 19 of 35
C Impedance Ohm/Km
a) At 30° C
b) At 35° C
c) At 40° C
d) At 45° C
e) At 50° C
a) 3 Nos.
b) 4 Nos.
c) 5 Nos.
d) 6 Nos.
Page 20 of 35
Annexure – D
C = Lay
Min 90% armour coverage shall be provided both in case of wires and strips.
The gap between armour wires / formed wires shall not exceed one armour wire /
formed wire space and there shall be no cross over / over-riding of armour wire /
formed wire. So, the minimum area of coverage of armouring shall be 90%.
Page 21 of 35
Annexure – E
Quality Assurance Plan
A) Raw Material
1 Int. Test
b) Tensile strength Cri. Physical IS:5484 IS:5484 P V
Sample/lot Records
Aluminum c) Elongation Cri. Physical ----do--- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
Rod d)Resistivity/Conductivity Cri. Elec. ----do--- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V On drawn Wire
e) Diameter Cri. Physical 100% -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
1 Manufacturer's
f) Purity Cri. Chemical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- V V
Sample/lot test certificate
g) Surface Finish Cri. Vis. 100% Smooth Surface Smooth Surface T.C P V
Page 22 of 35
Page 23 of 35
1sample /
b) T.S & Elongation Maj. Physical IS:5831/84 IS:5831/84 -- do -- P V
1sample /
5) Wooden Drum a ) Dimension Maj. Physical IS:10418 IS:10418 Reg./Sheet P V
b ) Anti-termite treatment Maj. Chemical Plant standard Plant standard -- do -- P V
Page 24 of 35
At the time
2) Stranding a ) No. / dia of wires Maj. Count of m/c IS:8130/84 IS:8130/84 Reg./Sheet P V
At the time
of m/c
b ) Diameter of conductor Maj. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
setting and
once in
each shift
During m/c
c ) Lay Length Maj. Physical setting -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
d ) Direction of Lay Maj. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
ting of each
e ) Weight Maj. Physical unloaded -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
Page 25 of 35
1 sample
starting &
g ) Resistance Cri. Physical IS:8130/84 IS:8130/84 -- do -- P V
end of
each length
During m/c
3) Insulation a ) Material Maj. Physical IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88 Reg./Sheet P V
During m/c
setting and
b ) Thickness Cri. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
at standard
c ) Surface Finish Maj. Vis. 100% Surface shall be smooth and free T.C P V
from defects
Page 26 of 35
f ) Thermal Stability Cri. Chemical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P V
ting of each
Page 27 of 35
During m/c
5) Innersheath a ) Material & type Maj. Vis. specifications/ specifications/ Reg./Sheet P V
IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88
During m/c
c ) Dia. Over sheath Maj. Physical specifications/ specifications/ -- do -- P V
IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88
At the time BSES
a ) Dimension of armour specifications/
6) Armouring Maj. Physical of m/c specifications/ Reg./Sheet P V
wires/strips IS:7098-1/88
setting IS:7098-1/88
Page 28 of 35
c ) Direction of lay Maj. Vis. IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88 -- do -- P V
ting of each
At the time
e) Lay Length Minor Vis. of m/c IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88 Reg./Sheet P V
During m/c
7) Outer Sheath a ) Material & type Maj. Vis. specifications/ specifications/ Reg./Sheet P V
IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88
During m/s
c ) Overall diameter Maj. Physical setting & at Measurement Measurement -- do -- P V
std. length
Page 29 of 35
e ) Embossing/Marking
Maj. Vis. 100% specifications/ specifications/ Reg./Sheet P V
IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88
During m/c
f ) Colour of sheath Maj. Vis. specifications/ specifications/ -- do -- P V
IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88
g ) Sequential marking Maj. Vis. Full Length specifications/ specifications -- do -- P V
IS:7098-1/88 /IS:7098-1/88
C) Final Inspection
1) Routine Tests a ) Conductor Resistance Maj. Elec. 100% IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88 Test Report P V
b ) High Voltage Test Maj. Elec. 100% IS:7098-1/88 IS:7098-1/88 Test Report P V
Page 30 of 35
Acceptance test shall be carried out for each type and size of the cables on the cable drums randomly selected as per sampling plan mentioned in IS:7098
a ) Tensile Test As per As per IS:7098- As per IS:7098- Test
i) For Conductor Cri. Elec. P W
(for Aluminium) IS:7098-1/88 1/88 1/88 Certificate
b ) Wrapping Test
Cri. Elec. -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
(for Aluminium)
c ) Resistance Test Cri. Elec. -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
One sample
For armour
of each As per IS:7098- As per IS:7098-
wire/formed a ) Measurement of Measurem Test
ii) Cri. offered lot of 1/88 and 1/88 and P W
wire (as Dimensions ent Certificate
all offered IS:3975 IS:3975
b ) Tensile Test Cri. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
c ) Elongation Test Cri. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
d ) Torsion Test (for
Cri. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
round wires only)
e ) Wrapping Test Cri. Physical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
f ) Resistance Test Cri. Electrical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
g ) Mass of zinc
Cri. Chemical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
h ) Uniformity of zinc
Cri. Chemical -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- -- do -- P W
Page 31 of 35
Page 33 of 35
1. BSES may witness raw material and in process inspection in addition to routine / acceptance / type test at any time or stage of manufacturing.
2. Checks specified above for Raw material, In process and Final inspection shall be as relevant to the specific cable construction.
M Manufacturer P Perform
B BSES V Verification
Vis. Visual W Witness
Maj. Major T.C Test Certificates
Cri. Critical Reg. Register
Elec. Electrical
Page 34 of 35
Annexure - F
List of Sub‐Vendors
Page 35 of 35
1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. STANDARDS & CODES .............................................................................................. 3
3. SERVICE CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 3
5. TESTING AND INSPECTION ....................................................................................... 4
6. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................ 4
7. DEVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ 4
8. DOCUMENTS SUBMISSION ....................................................................................... 4
Page 2 of 6
This specification covers the basic requirement, the testing and inspection, supply and
installation/fixing of insulating paints on floors in front of the switchgear panels at BYPL grid
The insulating floor against this specification shall be suitable for satisfactory continuous
operation under the following tropical conditions.
Average Grade
3.1. Heavily polluted, Dry
Maximum altitude
3.2. 1000 meters
above sea level
Highest 50 deg C
Ambient air
3.3. Average 40 deg C
Minimum 0 deg C
General a. The Insulating coating shall be self leveling, solvent free, and
4.1. Properties have high breakdown voltage,loaded with special insulating
b. The material of the insulating floor shall be epoxy resin.
c. It shall be resistant to chemicals and oils.
d. It shall be tough, wear & weather resistant.
e. It shall exhibit high build, high adhesion with smooth and glossy
finish and slip resistant.
f. It shall be easy to apply/install, clean and repair on floors.
Colour of the The insulating floors shall be light Grey in colour
4.2. finished item
Class of the For 11kV voltage : Class B
4.3. insulating floor to For 33kV voltage : Class C
be used
Thickness of the For 33kV voltage : 3 mm +/- 10%
4.4. paint on floor For 11kV : 2.5 mm +/- 10%
Page 3 of 6
Routine and All the routine and acceptance tests shall be performed as per IS
5.1. Acceptance tests 15652. The purchaser reserves the right to witness the tests at the
in the factory time of inspection.
Inspection at site The purchaser reserves the right to verify the material at the time of
5.2. applying the insulating floors at site. Following tests shall also be
verified at site:
1. Dielectric strength
2. Ac proof voltage
3. Thickness
Type Test Reports All the Type test reports of the material to be used as the insulating
5.3. floors as per IS 15652 from CPRI/ERDA shall be submitted.
Deviations Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the
7.1. tender by reference to the Specification clause and a description of
the alternative offer. In absence of such a statement, it will be
assumed that the bidder complies fully with this specification. No
deviation will be acceptable post order.
The bidder has to submit the following documents along with bid:-
Page 4 of 6
Particulars BYPL Requirements Bidder’s Data
1 Make To be Specified
2 Application 11kV Indoor 33kV Indoor
Ambient temperature
3 range 0 to 50 deg C
4 Standard reference IS 15652:2006
5 Material to be used Epoxy Resin
Free from harmful physical
6 Surface finish irregularities
7 Solids 100% solvent free
8 Colour & Appearance Light grey , viscous liquid
9 Class of Coating B C
10 Mix Ratio
11 Specific Gravity
12 Pot life (in hrs)
13 Touch dry (in hrs)
14 Tack free (in hrs)
15 Hard dry (in hrs)
16 Full cure (in days)
17 Dimensions
17.1 Length According to the site requirements
17.2 Width 1000mm ± 20mm
Page 5 of 6
20 Temperature resistance
21 Gloss(ASTM D523)
22 Ageing Properties
Tensile strength &
elongation at break after not less than 75% of the
22.1 subjection mat to ageing corresponding values
Durability of coating (in
22.2 years)
23 Thermal Properties
23.1 Flame Retardance Self extinguishing
Lot no.,
Roll no.,
Manufacturer's name,
BYPL as a customer name,
Marking : Each coating BYPL PO no. and date,
23.2 shall be marked with BIS marking
24 Tests
Type test reports to be Type test reports not older than 5
24.1 submitted years from CPRI/ERDA lab
QAP for Acceptance and
24.2 Routine tests To be submitted
24.3 Acceptance test To be carried out during inspection
Page 6 of 6
1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. STANDARDS & CODES .............................................................................................. 3
3. REQUIREMENT OF EARTHING .................................................................................. 4
4. SPECIFICATION OF EARTHING MATERIALS .......................................................... 5
6. TESTING AND INSPECTION ....................................................................................... 8
7. DEVIATIONS ................................................................................................................ 8
8. DOCUMENTS SUBMISSION ....................................................................................... 9
9. GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS ............................................................ 9
ANNEXURE A1 : REFERENCE FAULT LEVEL .................................................................. 10
ANNEXURE A2: REFERENCE DRAWINGS........................................................................ 11
This specification covers the guidelines of earthing at 66/11, 33/11, 66/33/11 kV Grid substation and the
technical requirements of material required for earthing.
CBIP :2006 –
2.4. Manual on substation layout
publication no. 229
2.6. IS 2629 (1985) Recommended practice for hot dip galvanizing of Iron & Steel
2.7. IS 2633 (1986) Method for testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated article
2.8. IS 5358 (1969) Specification for hot dip galvanized coating on fasteners
2.10. IS 1239 (2004) Steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings- specification
Primary guidelines Following are primary guidelines for a good earthing system in a Grid
3.1. substation:
a. The impedance to ground should be as low as possible. In
general it should not exceed 0.5 ohm.
b. The step and touch potentials shall be within safe limits.
c. The contractor shall do the calculation for number of earthing
rods being used in a substation for achieving the desired earth
Earthing lead size a. The actual size of earthing lead will depend on the maximum
3.2. fault current which the earthing lead will be required to carry
b. Please refer Annexure A1 for HT fault level.
Earthing type a. Rod earthing shall be provided for the Grid substation.
3.3. b. The size of the rod depends upon the current to be carried and
the type of the soil. Soil resistivity testing will be carried out by
c. The Earth Electrode should be embedded vertically. Wherever
hard rock is encountered, the rod can be inclined at an angle of
about 30deg to the horizontal as per clause 9.2.2 of IS 3043.
d. The vertically driven rods shall be interconnected with each
other using horizontal grid conductors.
Earth Pit a. As per clause 20.5.2 of IS 3043, the minimum distance between
3.4. the vertical earth electrodes shall not be less than the length of
b. Minimum of 1m distance of earth pit from electrical equipment
and structures shall be maintained.
c. The earth pits shall be backfilled with earth enhancing material
as per Drawing .
d. Treated Earth pits shall be used where earth resistance value is
getting over the prescribed value in specification i.e. 0.5 ohms.
Horizontal Conductor a. The entire earth rod driven in ground vertically shall be
3.5. interconnected with earth grid conductors horizontally under the
b. The Horizontal conductors shall be laid 600 mm below FGL.
c. Minimum earth coverage of 300 mm shall be provided between
the Horizontal conductor and the bottom of
trench/foundation/underground pipe at the crossing.
d. Horizontal conductors around a building /switchyard fence shall
be buried outside the boundary at a minimum distance of 2000
e. Risers shall be provided 300mm above the ground level for
equipment earthing. Two number earth pits shall be provided
with riser for connection of transformer neutral.
f. All the joints between rods flats shall be exothermic type for
creating better electrical contact between two. Welding between
rods to flat, flat to flat should be arc welding type.
g. Wherever bolted connection is done, it shall be done through
two bolts at each joint to ensure tightness and avoid loosening
with passage of time.
Equipment earthing a. GI strips shall be used for the equipment earthing.
3.6. b. Two separate and distinct earth connections shall be provided
for earthing of electrical frameworks.
Sizes of the No of
S.No. Title Material Type UOM
earthing Lead
Main Earthing
5.1 Vertical Rods Bonded 25 Rod mm (dia)
Above Ground
5.2 GI 50x10 Flat sqmm 2
5.3 Horizontal Rods Bonded 25 Rod mm (dia)
5.4 Treated Earth Pit Bonded 25 Rod mm (dia)
11 KV System
11 KV
5.10 GI 50X6 Flat sqmm 2
415 V System
Station Trafo
5.14 GI 50X6 Flat sqmm 2
DC System
Other Electrical
Three phase
5.17 receptacles, GI 25x3 Flat sqmm 1
welding outlet
5.18 C&R Panel GI 50X6 Flat sqmm 2
Earthing materials a. The purchaser reserves the right to inspect the material at the time
6.1. of tests. All tests shall be performed in the presence of BYPL
representative. The bidder shall give intimation in advance to
witness the test.
b. Acceptance test for GI earthing strips – Tests for Visual
examination, dimensional verification and galvanization shall be
witnessed at the time of inspection.
c. Acceptance test of Earth enhancement compound – Tests for
leaching, sulphur determination, corrosion and resistivity shall be
done as per IEC 62561-7
d. Type test reports of the earthing materials from
CPRI/ERDA/Equivalent lab shall be submitted. The bidder shall
submit UL-467/CPRI/ERDA test reports for copper clad steel rod.
Measurement of a. After the completion of work ground resistance of each installation
6.2. Earth resistance shall be measured by BYPL/Contractor.
b. The measurement of resistance shall be witnessed and signed by
representative of BYPL as well as the contractor. The test
certificates shall be generated for each installation clearly indicating
the details of the transformer, name of the substation, location,
district, serial no. of testing equipment and name of testing engineer.
c. The desire ground resistance shall be measured after
interconnection of earth pits is completed. The value of earth
resistance shall not be more than 0.5 ohm.
d. In case where this value exceeds 0.5 ohms, the earthing design
shall be redesigned. The pit location, earth electrode, soil treatment,
earth conductor, GI strip used shall be checked whether properly
used at site. If not, these shall be changed as per the redesigned
Deviation Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the
7.1. tender by reference to the Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a
description of the alternative offer. In absence of such a statement, it
will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with this specification.
No deviation will be acceptable post order.
The bidder has to submit the following documents along with bid:-
8.2. Complete product catalogue, Manual and calibration certificate of the equipment
66/11 31.5 KA
33/11 25 KA
10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
Page 1 of 3
The Existing grid already has the fully addressable automatic fire detection
system and smoke aspiration system installed in the existing panel rooms. The new
panel room to be installed with the fully addressable smoke detectors compactable to
the existing panel and the smoke aspiration system.
2-32 zone digitally addressable zones with each
Digital addressable fire
zone support 20 addressable devices, Network
1 alarm panel (PX- ASES
able, PC based graphic software for easy
monitoring, support ASES addressable MCP.
Keypad with feather touch switch for zone
selection, gooseneck mike attached for
2 PA console announcement, main, Ac fail, fuse blown LED ASES
indication, inbuilt battery charger and battery upto
Aspirating smoke
3 detector system (ASD Alarm sensitivity range of 0.02%/m to 10%/m. SECURITON
Photoelectric smoke Tested and approved to EN54-7:2000, Bi-color SYSTEM
detector LED detector status indicator SENSOR
Rate of rise and fixed
5 temperature thermal Tested and approved to EN54-5:2000 class A1R
Digital addressable
Digital addressable communications, DIP switch
6 monitor module (PX-DA- ASES
for addressing of module,
Digital addressable
manual call point
8 Conventional Sounder ASES
Compatibility with any make conventional two
9 Talk Back unit way communication system, integrated alarm test ASES
key features.
10 Sinages Reputed
Page 2 of 3
The first aid fire extinguishers are already place in the conspicuous places in the
existing installations. The vendor has to provide the following quantity of first aid fire
extinguishers of make CeaseFire or Minimax only.
Fire bucket stand having provision to hang 4 fire buckets with dry sand filled and a
suitable top cover to avoid the ingression of water during rain. The fire bucket must
comply with the IS 2546.
The vendor has to provide two stand, 8 buckets with dry sand filled.
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The specification covers the design, engineering, manufacture, assembly and testing
at manufacturer’s work, supply and installation of Illumination system for substation
including normal distribution pillars, normal lighting board, emergency distribution
pillar, emergency lighting board, Junction boxes, Illumination lamps with required lux
Page 3 of 12
IEC 62612 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services for
voltage above 50 V — Performance requirements
IEC : 60598-2-3 Particular requirements - Luminaries for road and street lighting
IEC 62471 Photo biological safety of lamps and lamp systems
IEC 62778 Application of IEC 62471 for the assessment of blue light
hazard to light sources and luminaries
IEC 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and
measurement techniques - Surge immunity test
IEC 60439 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear assemblies - Type
tested and partially type tested assemblies
IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60947-1 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - General Rules
IEC 60947-2 Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear - Circuit breakers
IEC 61643 Low-voltage surge protective devices
3.1. Lux level 3.1.1. The design of the illumination system shall ensure
requirement availability of the average illumination levels as specified
below with the maximum possible uniformity in the entire
substation. The illumination system shall consist of the
normal lighting system and emergency lighting system.
The minimum illumination levels shall be as specified
below(Reference IS3646(Part II)). Outdoor Substation : 20 lux Roads within substation : 20 lux Boundary wall of the substation : 10 lux Control room : 300 lux Switchgear Room : 200 lux Battery room : 100 lux Stair case : 100 lux Transformers : 100 lux
3.1.2. The illumination level of specific spots such as operating
mechanisms of Capacitor bank isolator, oil level and
temperature gauges of transformer etc. shall be minimum
50 Lux. Contractor shall design the lighting system with
the help of desired software. Owner shall verify the same
post commissioning with lux meter to check the levels. In
case desired lux levels are not met contractor has to install
addition fitting in outdoor and indoor location as per
3.1.3. Complete design calculation sheets for arriving at the
number of luminaires required for the normal and
emergency requirements shall be furnished by the bidder.
Design calculation sheets for the selection of cables,
MCB, HRC fuses, bus bars, etc. are also required to be
furnished for Owner's approval.
Page 4 of 12
3.2. Illumination 3.2.1. The illumination system load and welding load in the
circuit substation area shall be supplied from 415/230 volt
ACDBs to be provided in the substation control room.
Requisite numbers of 3-phase, 4-wire, cable circuits for
illumination system and welding socket outlets shall be
extended from the above board. The laying of cables from
the Board to the illumination system/welding socket outlets
and their installation are included in the Bidder’s scope.
3.2.2. Each outgoing cable circuit for illumination loads from the
415 volt switchboard shall terminate in the respective
outdoor pillar boxes located in the substation. Outgoing
feeders from the illumination shall be taken to the various
illumination points in the substation. Necessary fuses shall
be provided near light fixtures in the substation.
3.2.3. The emergency illumination load shall be supplied from
the main emergency illumination board located in the
control room. Necessary cable circuits with appropriate
fuses shall be provided by the Contractor for the supply
system for emergency illumination load of the substation.
3.2.4. Emergency DC lighting system shall be provided in the
substation wherever required. The emergency lighting
shall be adequate for safe movement by the operating
personnel in the substation in the event of failure of normal
lighting system. Number of lights shall be decided at the
time of detailed engineering. A total of minimum 12 no’s
individually controllable 60 watt lamps shall be provided in
the substation.
3.3. Wiring 3.3.1. All lighting fixtures and 5A convenience outlets shall be
wired with 1.1 KV grade PVC insulated extra flexible,
multistranded, copper conductor cables of size not less
than 2.5 sq.mm.
3.3.2. For 15A heavy-duty outlets copper conductor cables of
size not less than 6 sq. mm shall be used.
3.3.3. The wiring shall consist of phase, neutral and ground. For
grounding the lighting fixtures/convenience outlets etc., GI
wire of size not less than 14 SWG shall be used. The
phase and neutral conductor shall be suitably colour
3.3.4. Supply shall be looped between the lighting fixtures of the
same circuit by using junction boxes. For this purpose
one (1) 100 mm x 100 mm square junction box shall be
provided for each lighting fixture. For recessed lighting
fixtures, supply shall be extended from the junction boxes
to the fixtures by means of flexible conduits. While for
stem-mounted/wall-mounted lighting fixtures the junction
box shall be mounted below one of the mounting stems.
3.3.5. For lighting branch circuits the nos. of lighting switches
shall be decided keeping in mind the ease of control, as
well as to limit the current to 2.5A per circuit.
3.3.6. For convenience outlets, the bidder shall design the wiring
scheme so as to limit 6 nos. of 5A outlets per branch
Page 5 of 12
Page 6 of 12
5.3. Busbar 5.3.1. The busbars shall be suitable for short-time current rating
of 40KA for 1 Sec.
5.3.2. The busbar temperature rise shall not exceed 35 Deg C
over an ambient of 50 Deg C.
5.3.3. The LDBs shall be provided with a continuous busbar of
25 x 6 sq.mm (electrolytic copper) with suitable hardware
for connection to the main grounding grid
Page 7 of 12
6.3. Changeover The main emergency lighting board shall have an automatic
facility changeover switch to energise the dc lighting system in the event of
AC power failure. It shall have voltage-sensing relays to perform the
changeover automatically when AC voltage of any one phase falls
below 60 percent of 240 volts and continues at that low level for
more than 10 seconds. These shall changeover from DC to AC
again when 70 percent of 240 volt is restored and this continues for
10 seconds.
6.4. Emergency Local Emergency Lighting Pillar shall be identical in details to
Lighting Pillar Lighting Distribution Pillar specified in clause 4 except that it shall
have two pole isolating switch fuse unit on the incoming side and
only two busbars and shall be without neutral links.
7.1. Luminaires type Luminaires for use in normal and emergency illumination systems
in the substation shall be suitable for LED lamps. All the
luminaires shall be supplied complete with all accessories and
lamps. The LED lamps ratings shall be adequate to achieve the
required Lux level and calculation for number of luminaires shall
be in the bidder’s scope. Minimum rating shall be a follows -
Page 8 of 12
7.2. Flood lights The flood light luminaires in the substation shall be fixed at suitable
height on the substation structures/ building, so as to provide the
specified average illumination in the substation area without
causing any glare to the operational/ maintenance staff working in
the substation. While fixing the luminaires it shall be ensured that
the stipulated electrical clearances are not violated. The Contractor
shall supply and install suitable type of non-mettalic street light
poles or octagonal galvanished poles required for installing the
fittings for illuminating the roads, fence boundary wall etc.
7.3. Reliability Substation lighting circuits shall be divided into two or three
sections and provided with time switches of suitable ratings.
7.4. Design features for Outdoor Luminaires
7.8. General 7.8.1. The connecting wires used inside the Luminaire, shall be
Requirements low smoke halogen free, fire retardant e-beam cable and
fuse protection shall be provided in input side.
7.8.2. The lumen maintenance of a l l the LED fixtures shall
not be less than 70% after 50,000 hours.
7.8.3. Built in protection features for Short circuit, Surges (at
least upto 5kV), and overvoltage shall be provided.
Page 9 of 12
8.1. Size 100 mm x 100 mm junction boxes and wall boxes of standard
size shall be provided.
8.2. Construction Wall boxes and junction boxes shall be made of FRP with a
thickness of 2.0mm. Necessary conduit termination fittings such
as bushings, locknuts etc. also be provided.
10.1. Indoor All sockets and switches shall be modular and universal type
suitable for 5/15A
10.2. Outdoor Two nos transformer oil filtration sockets shall be provided, one
at each transformer bay. These sockets shall be three phase
industrial type and rated for 100A.
Page 10 of 12
11.1. Name plate Followings shall be clearly engraved / embossed on the die cast
details of LED housing of LED:
housing Rated voltage or voltage range (marked ‘V’ or ‘Volt’);
Panel nameplate and marking details
11.2.1. Panel Panel shall have a nameplate clearly indicating the following:
nameplate Panel Serial No.- Customer Name - BSES Yamuna Power Ltd PO No. & date - Panel Name - Current rating - Guarantee period -
11.2.2. Feeder Large and bold name plate carrying the feeder identification shall
nameplate be provided on the top of each module.
11.2.3. Danger plate Panel shall have a danger plate of anodized Aluminium clearly
indicating the danger logo and voltage details.
11.2.4. Material Anodized Aluminium 16SWG. Nameplates shall be satin silver in
colour with black letters engraved on them. Stickers are not
11.2.5. Fixing All nameplates shall be riveted to the panels at all four corners.
Bolting/screwing is not acceptable.
Page 11 of 12
13.1. Type test All Equipment should be of type tested quality only, type test
certificate to be submitted along with offer. If the manufacturer’s
lab is accredited by govt. / authorized body then it shall be
acceptable for type testing.
13.2. Acceptance & As per relevant Indian standard
Routine tests
14.1. Deviation Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with
the tender by reference to the Specification clause/GTP/Drawing
and a description of the alternative offer. In absence of such a
statement, it will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with
this specification. No deviation will be acceptable post order.
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In the event of any discrepancy with the listed documents, the stipulation of this
specification shall govern.
3.1. All equipment and material shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance
with the latest applicable Indian Standards except where modified and/or
supplemented by this specification.
3.2. Equipment and materials conforming to any other standard, which ensures equal or
greater quality, may be accepted. In such case copies of the English version of the
standard adopted shall be submitted along with the bid.
Industrial type Axial Exhaust fan of propeller type / axial type shall be provided for
rooms with suitable drive motor, DOL starter, rain protection cowl with screen,
grouting bolts etc. Fan for battery room shall be bifurcated type spark proof
construction. The quantity shall be based on calculation. Minimum requirement is
given in the subsequent sections.
Page 3 of 4
5 star Split air conditioners shall be provided in control room building of to maintain
the temperature at 25 degrees Celsius. N-1 redundancy shall be provided for air-
conditioning system. Make of air conditioners shall be Daikin / Hitachi/ O-General
4.5. All equipment, accessories and wiring shall have fungus protection, involving special
treatment of insulation and metal against fungus, insects and corrosion.
Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to the
Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the alternative offer. In absence of such
a statement, it will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with this specification. No
deviation will be acceptable post order.
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1 INTENT ............................................................................................................................... 3
2 CODES & STANDARDS .................................................................................................... 3
3 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................. 5
4 GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN .............................................................................................. 5
5 CONSTRUCTION/EXECUTION WORK ............................................................................ 6
6 INTERFACING .................................................................................................................. 12
7 MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL REQUIREMENT ............................................................. 12
8 INSPECTION & TESTING ................................................................................................ 12
9 DRAWINGS & DATA SUBMISSION ................................................................................ 13
10 QUALITY CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 13
11 STATUTORY RULES ....................................................................................................... 13
12 DEVIATIONS .................................................................................................................... 14
Page 2 of 14
a. Design, engineering, and construction of civil works at 33/11KV Motia Khan Grid-
Delhi. All civil works shall also satisfy the general technical requirements specified in
other Sections of this Specification and as detailed below.
c. All civil works shall be carried out as per applicable Indian Laws, Standards and
Codes. All materials shall be of best quality conforming to this specification, relevant
Indian Standards and Codes.
d. The Contractor shall furnish all design, drawings, labour, tools, equipment, materials,
temporary works, constructional plant and machinery, fuel supply, transportation and
all other incidental items not shown or specified but as may be required for complete
performance of the Works in accordance with approved drawings, specifications and
direction of Owner.
f. The Owner shall hand over the substation land on as is basis; the bidder shall visit
the substation site to ascertain the quantum of work, present condition of the land
before submitting the offer. No request for commercial changes will be entertained
post award of work due to any claim related to site condition / plot condition. The
layout and levels of all structure etc shall be made by the bidder at his own cost from
the general grids of the plot and benchmarks set by the bidder and approved by the
Owner in presence of engineer in charge.
g. The bidder shall give all help in instruments, materials and personnel to the Owner
for checking the detailed layout and shall be solely responsible for the correctness of
the layout and levels. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for water and
The following Indian Codes and Standards shall generally be used for design of civil and
structural works. In all cases, the latest revisions with amendments, if any, shall be followed.
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e. IS: 806 Code of practice for use of steel tubes in general building construction
h. IS: 816 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild
i. IS: 1080 Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundations in soils
(other than raft, ring and shell).
j. IS: 875 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and
n. IS: 2074 Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide chrome, priming
p. IS: 2911 Code of practice for design & construction of pile foundation
q. IS: 2950 Code of Practice for design and construction of raft foundations
r. IS: 2974 Code of Practice for design and construction of machine foundations
s. IS: 4326 Code of Practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of
t. IS: 8009 Code of Practice for calculation of settlement of foundations: (parts 1& 2)
u. IS: 1829 Code practice for protection of iron and steel (Part I to III) structures for
atmosphere corrosion
v. IS: 13920 Code practice for ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structure
subjected to seismic force
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All the above work is only a guideline, bidder shall include any other work which is
anticipated based on site condition or required for safe operation of the substation. Bidder
has to assess the existing civil structure and prepare civil design/drawings accordingly.
Bidder shall submit Design (as applicable for specific works) and drawings for all the works
prior to start of construction. Drawing and design needs to be approved by BYPL.
Design criteria shall comprise the codes and standards used. Applicable climatic data
including wind loads, earthquake factors maximum and minimum temperatures applicable to
the building locations, assumptions of dead and live loads, including equipment loads,
impact factors, Safety factors and other relevant information.
b. The foundation shall be designed considering the net allowable bearing pressure of
200KN/m2 at the depth of 2.0m from ground level.
c. Foundations shall be analyzed for all possible load combinations as per the relevant
IS codes.
a. The minimum grade of concrete shall be M-25 & Grade of Steel FY-415
b. Limit state method of design shall be adopted unless specified otherwise in the
c. For detailing of reinforcement IS: 2502 and SP: 16 shall be followed. Cold twisted
deformed bars conforming to IS: 1786 shall be used as reinforcement. However, in
specific areas mild steel (Grade I) conforming to IS:432 can also be used. Two layers
of reinforcement (on inner and outer face) shall be provided for wall & slab sections
having thickness of 150 mm and above. Clear cover to reinforcement towards the
earth face shall be minimum 40 mm.
d. The procedure used for the design of the foundations shall be the most critical
loading combination of the steel structure and or equipment and/or superstructure
and other conditions, which produces the maximum stresses in the foundation or the
foundation component and as per the relevant IS Codes of foundation design.
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e. Design shall consider any sub-soil water pressure that may be encountered following
relevant standard strictly.
The Contractor shall develop the site area to meet the requirement of the intended purpose.
The site preparation shall conform to the requirements of relevant sections of this
specification or as per stipulations of standard specifications. The Contractor shall give all
help in instruments, materials and personnel to the Owner for checking the detailed layout
and shall be solely responsible for the correctness of the layout and levels.
5.1.1 Cement
a. Unless otherwise specified or called for by Engineer, the fresh ordinary Portland
cement conforming to IS-8112 of 1976 (latest revision) i.e. 43 grade shall be used for
the works.
c. The record of cement shall be maintained in M.A.S register by the contractor and
verified by engineer of the BYPL.
d. Cement shall be stored in a perfectly water-tight and well ventilated site store
capable of accommodating cement to ensure continuity of the work and having a
raised and perfect dry floor. Each parcel or consignment of cement shall be stacked
separately therein to permit easy access for inspection and a record shall be kept so
that each parcel or consignment may be identified. Cement which has become stale
or otherwise unsuitable and any bags or the like containing hardened lumps or cakes
of cement, consequent to storage at Contractor’s site stores will be rejected and shall
be removed from the site and disposed of as directed by the Engineer. The cost of
such rejected quantities shall be borne by the Contractor.
5.1.2 Concrete
a. Design Mix of M-25 grades of concrete as per provisions of IS: 456 and other
applicable codes shall generally be used for civil work.
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5.1.3 Steel
a. The reinforcing bars shall be Fe-415 generally conform to various requirements of IS:
1786 (for High Strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement).
5.1.4 Aggregates
a. Aggregates shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone and gravel and shall be
chemically inert, strong, hard, clean, durable against weathering of limited porosity,
free from deleterious materials and shall conform to the applicable standards. If so
desired by the Engineer, they shall be washed and screened.
b. Sampling and testing shall be as per the applicable standards and shall be carried
out under the supervision of Engineer. The cost of all test, sampling, etc. shall be
borne by the Contractor.
c. All coarse and fine aggregates shall be stacked separately and shall avoid
contamination with foreign materials. Segregates aggregates shall be rejected.
d. The necessary arrangements for field test shall be done at site. The material testing
register and weighing material register shall be maintained for field and lab
mandatory test by the contractor’s authorized site engineer, having degree in Civil
Engineering or minimum three year experience with diploma in civil engg. The copy
of all the certificates shall be submitted to BSES officials.
5.1.5 Water
a. Water used for both mixing and curing shall be as per applicable standards.
b. Potable waters are generally satisfactory. Where water can be shown to contain an
excess acid, alkali, sugar or salt, Engineer may refuse to permit its use.
5.1.6 Bricks
a. Ensure that the bricks are free from cracks, war page and of uniform colour.
b. Manufacturer’s test report & Material Test reports for all the materials shall be
submitted for approval prior to the utilization for work.
c. Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the storage of adequate quantity of
a. The Capacitor bank area shall be properly levelled before construction. If fill material
is required, the fill material shall be suitable as per the requirement & level. The fill
shall be such a material and the site so designed as to prevent the erosion by wind
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and water of material from its final compacted position or the in-situ position of
undisturbed soil. Backfill material around foundations or other works shall be suitable
for the purpose for which it is used and compacted to the density described under
Compaction. If rocky strata available at site then bidder have to do all the necessary
arrangements for rock cutting & its disposal.
b. The thickness of fill material under the foundations shall be such that the maximum
pressure from the footing, transferred through the fill material and distributed onto the
original undisturbed soil will not exceed the allowable soil bearing pressure of the
original undisturbed soil. For expansive soils the fill materials and other protections
etc. to be used under the foundation is to be got approved by the Owner. All the area
excavated in due course of construction must be filled by vendor. The area of future
bay must be filled by vendor up to the proper level of yard.
c. Whenever water table is met during the excavation, it shall be dewatered and water
table shall be maintained below the bottom of the excavation level during excavation,
concreting and backfilling.
e. The density to which fill materials shall be compacted shall be as per, relevant IS and
as per direction of Owner. All compacted sand filling shall be confined as far as
practicable. Backfilled earth shall be compacted to minimum 95% of the Standard
Proctor's density at OMC. The sub grade for the roads and embankment filling shall
be compacted to minimum 95% of the Standard Proctor's density at OMC. Cohesion
less material sub grade shall be compacted to 70% relative density (minimum).
The material required for site surfacing/stone filling shall be free from all types of organic
materials and shall be of standard quality, and as approved by the Owner. The material to be
used for stone filling/site surfacing shall be uncrushed/crushed/broken stone of 20 mm
nominal size (ungraded single size) conforming to Table 2 of IS:383 - 1970. Hardness,
Flakiness shall be as required for wearing courses are given below:
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b. Hardness
c. Flakiness Index
One test shall be conducted per 500 cum of aggregate as per IS:2386 Part-I and
maximum value is 25%
a. Only approved admixtures shall be used in the concrete for the Works. When more
than one admixture is to be used, each admixture shall be batched in its own batch
and added to the mixing water separately before discharging into the mixer.
Admixtures shall be delivered in suitably labeled containers to enable identification.
c. The contractor may propose and the Owner may improve the use of a water-reducing
set-retarding admixture in some of the concrete. The use of such an admixture will
not be approved to overcome problems associated with inadequate concrete plant
capacity or improperly planned placing operations and shall only be approved as an
aid to overcoming unusual circumstances and placing conditions.
a. The Contractor shall furnish all labour, equipment and materials required for
complete performance of the work in accordance with the drawings specification and
direction of the Owner.
b. The contractor shall prepare the specified area before stone spreading . PCC must
be carried out in capacitor bank area in two layers. First layer of 75 mm thickness
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c. Along with PCC Stone spreading of 100cm thickness shall be done in the Capacitor
Bank area under present scope of work.
d. Before taking up stone filling, anti weed treatment shall be applied in the specified
area wherever gravel filling is to be done, and the area shall be thoroughly de-
weeded including removal of roots. The recommendation of local agriculture or
horticulture department shall be sought wherever feasible while choosing the type of
chemical to be used. Nevertheless the effectiveness of the chemical shall be
demonstrated by the contractor in a test area in capacitor bank and monitored over a
period of two to three weeks by the Engineer-in-Charge. The final approval shall be
given. by Engineer-in-Charge and final approval given based in the results.
e. The anti weed chemical shall be procured from reputed manufacturers. The dosage
and application of chemical shall be strictly followed as per manufacturer's
recommendation. The contractor shall be required to maintain the area free of weeds
for a period of 1 year from the date of application of 1st dose of anti weed chemicals.
5.7 Trench
a. All the material wherever required for trenches shall be supplied by bidder.
c. The precast removable RCC covers (with lifting arrangement) as per the layout
drawing shall be provided. The precast covers shall be constructed using RCC of
M35 grade. Trench cover must be of pre-cast concrete of grade not less than M-35 of
appropriate load bearing capacity.
d. Cable trench RCC covers shall be designed for self weight of top slab + UDL of 2000
Kg/m2 + concentrated load of 200 kg at centre of span on each panel.
f. The top of trenches shall be kept at least 100 mm above the finished ground level.
The top of cable trench shall be such that the surface rain water do not enter the
g. All metal parts inside the trench shall be connected to the earthing system at regular
h. Wherever required, all the construction joints of cable trenches i.e. between base
slab to base slab and the junction of vertical wall to base slab as well as from vertical
wall to wall and all the expansion, joints shall be provided with approved quality PVC
water stops of approx. 230 x 5 mm size for those sections where the ground water
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table is expected to rise above the junction of base slab and vertical wall of cable
i. The repaired Cable trenches shall be blocked at the ends if required with brick
masonry in cement sand mortar 1:6 and plaster with 15mm thick 1:6 cement and
j. Angles 50x50x6 mm (minimum) with lugs shall be provided for edge protection all
round edges of repaired RCC cable/pipe trenches supporting covers.
k. Sealing of repaired cable trench must be made in such a manner that no rain water
can accumulate in it.
l. If trench passes through road/load bearing path then Box Culvert of Appropriate load bearing
shall be used.
m. All the floor openings in building shall be covered with 6mm thick Checkered plates
n. Trench in existing control room may be used for control cable/LT Power Cable laying
but repairing and modification of the same shall be in vendor’s scope. If new trench is
required in control room then the same shall also be in vendor’s scope.
b. First floor of the building shall be made for 11kV and 33kV Switchgear.
e. There shall be two entries and two exits of cable cellar and switchgear room.
g. Doors and windows shall be provided in Building. Doors and windows shall be fire rated with
fire rating of 2 hour.
h. Two staircase shall be provided in substation building with granite finish and SS Railing of
304 grade.
i. Kota stone shall be provided in cable cellar and switchgear room for flooring purpose.
j. Finishing of walls shall be with three coats of Plastic Paint i.e. two coats during installation
and one coat at the time of handover.
k. Plaster work, putty and painting all around the building and common area with plastic paint
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l. Epoxy flooring after installation of kota stone shall be provided in Switchgear room.
n. Provision for Cable Entry and Exit in Switchgear room and Cable Cellar Room.
o. Provision of Lighting, Exhaust Fan, Ceiling Fan, Power Points For Cable Cellar and
Switchgear Room shall be provided.
p. Water proofing in three layers shall be done in roof slab and ground floor. Proofing
shall be done by using Dr Fixit chemical
The proper coordination & execution of all interfacing civil works activities shall plan in
advance and execute in such a manner that interfacing activities do not become bottlenecks
and dismantling, breakage etc. is reduced to minimum.
a. Bricks having minimum 75kg/cm2 compressive strength can only be used for
masonry work. Contractor shall ascertain himself at site regarding the availability of
bricks of minimum 75 kg/cm2 compressive strength before submitting his offer.
b. Anti termite chemical treatment shall be given to foundations of Enclosure, filling
below the Enclosure floor etc. as per IS: 6313 and other relevant Indian Standards.
c. The details given in tender drawings shall be considered along with details available
in this section of the specification while deciding various components of the Site.
d. Items/components of site not explicitly covered in the specification but required for
completion of the project shall be deemed to be included in the scope.
e. Suitable pigment shall be added to render the surface aesthetically pleasing as per
directions of Engineer-in-charge
f. The curing period shall commence immediately after the concrete is finally screened
and continued a period of 21 days all civil works. The top and side surfaces of
concrete shall be kept moist and be protected from the direct rays of the sun during
the period. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer’s proposals for ensuring
continuous protection of the concrete during the curing period.
Necessary arrangements for field tests shall be done at site. Bidder has to do the following
tests from NABL accredited labs:
a. Raw material test : For Cement, sand , aggregates, water, brick, Steel
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The following information shall be submitted for review and approval to the Owner
e. Bidders have to submit all the test reports mentioned in this specification.
Approval of the above information shall be obtained before ordering materials or starting
fabrication or construction as applicable.
a. Construction Quality shall be properly controlled by the bidder. Bidder shall work as
per the Field Quality Plan provided by the owner. All the Tests specified in the Field
Quality Plan shall be done by bidder.
b. Weekly construction status will be updated by the bidder to Owner to assure the work
progress & the construction quality.
c. A Civil Engineer shall be deployed by the bidder for construction quality control. Civil
Engineer has to review ongoing construction work, check materials and
a. Contractor shall comply with all the applicable statutory rules pertaining to factories
act (as applicable far the State). Fire Safety Rules of Tariff Advisory Committee.
Water Act for pollution control and coordinate with forest department for necessary
approval prior to tree cutting.
b. Plastering on structural members (in fire prone areas) etc. shall be made according
to the recommendations of Tariff Advisory Committee.
c. Statutory clearance and norms of State Pollution Control Board shall be followed as
per Water Act for effluent quality from plant.
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Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in writing with the tender by reference to
the Specification clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the alternative offer. In absence
of such a statement, it will be assumed that the bidder complies fully with this specification.
No deviation will be acceptable post order.
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REV 01
DATE 02 August 2018
1.0 SCOPE............................................................................................................ 3
2.0 SCADA NETWORK ........................................................................................ 3
3.0 SCADA INTEGRATION .................................................................................. 5
4.0 SPARES ......................................................................................................... 6
5.0 DOCUMENTATION ........................................................................................ 7
6.0 DRAWING APPROVAL .................................................................................. 7
7.0 COMPLETENESS OF SUPPLY ..................................................................... 7
8.0 TRAINING ....................................................................................................... 8
9.0 DEVIATIONS .................................................................................................. 8
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A. This specification is intended to cover the supply, erection, testing and
commissioning of SCADA Network and Integration associated hardware/software
(like protocol converters), cables, accessories and other material required for
interfacing of all electrical equipments with existing ABB RTU 560A for efficient
and trouble free operation.
A.1. ABB RTU panel is multi processor CMU05/CMR02 based having required
nos. of co processor and main processor and having redundant power
supply. Main processor is having ethernet ports and serial ports. Ethernet
port of main processor is connected to LAN Switch (to be provided by BSES)
for communication with Master Control Centre on IEC 104.
A.2. The co processors are having ethernet ports which are responsible to
communicate to all numerical relays and Digital RTCC on IEC 61850
A.3. The co processors are having serial ports which are responsible to
communicate to all multifunction meters (MFMs) and battery charger on
Modbus protocol through RS485 network.
A.4. The main processors and co processors are having the licenses of
IEC61850, MODBUS RTU MASTER & PLC, Archive, HMI, IEC 103 and IEC
B. The devices ie Numerical relays, digital RTCC,MFMs, battery charger etc. on
serial and LAN should have redundant media and redundant co processor
C. This specification shall be used in conjunction with all specifications, data sheets,
single line diagrams, and other drawings attached to the specification / purchase
2.3 SCOPE OF SUPPLY i. All the hardware required to extend the relay
signals to the RTU shall be supplied along with
the switchboards.
ii. Aux supply of these hardware devices shall be
same as grid control voltage having wide range
(-20% to +20%).
iii. All communication hardware or protocol
converters required for compatibility with
SCADA shall be in bidder’s scope.
2.3.1 Ethernet switches at i. Shall be layer 3 ,managed type & PRP compatible
SWITCHGEAR end ii. Shall have KEMA certification for IEC 61850
iii. The switches shall be industrial grade with dual
power supply arrangement
iv. Shall be suitably mounted in an auxiliary
compartment in switchgear panel.
v. Ethernet Switch shall have required nos. of ports
(having RJ45 Ports / FO Ports).20% spare ports
shall be provided.
vi. Com speed of all ports shall be at least 10
Mbps/100 Mbps
vii. LED indicators on each RJ45 ports shall be
blinking with data transfer.
viii. It should support remote user setting
ix. Warranty for the switch must be 5 years
x. It should own separate maintenance/console port.
xi. Latency shall be not more than 10ms.
3.1 INFRASTRUCTURE Numerical relays should be only IEC 61850 & PRP
compatible having dual fibre optic ports. Through these
ports relays shall be connected to switches.
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5.1 Documents for approval i. The bidder shall ensure that all necessary
drawings, write-up, information, etc required to
fully describe the equipment and network
architecture are to be submitted for approval.
ii. The manual shall clearly indicate in English the
installation and connection method. Check up,
maintenance and calibration method shall also
be provided in the manuals.
7.1 It is not the intent to specify completely herein all details of the equipment and
network. Nevertheless, the equipment and network shall be complete and operative
in all aspects and shall conform to highest standard of engineering, design and
workmanship and be capable of performing in continuous commercial operation up
to the guarantees in a manner acceptable to the SCADA BYPL team, who will
interpret the meaning of drawings and specifications and shall be entitled to reject
any work or material which in his judgment is not in full accordance therewith
7.2 Any material or accessory which may not have been specifically mentioned but
which is necessary or usual for satisfactory and trouble-free operation and
maintenance of the equipment shall be furnished without any extra charge.
7.3 The bidder shall supply all brand new equipment and accessories as specified herein
with such modification and alteration as agreed upon in writing after mutual
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8.1 Training at site Training to SCADA BYPL team’s engineers at site (two
day training included on basic price).
9.1 Deviation Deviations from this Specification shall be stated in
writing with the tender by reference to the Specification
clause/GTP/Drawing and a description of the
alternative offer. In absence of such a statement, it will
be assumed that the bidder complies fully with this
specification. No deviation will be acceptable post
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(This is the indicative IO list, however the signal list may vary during the engineering
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