1.attachment 1 LETTER INVITING BID
1.attachment 1 LETTER INVITING BID
1.attachment 1 LETTER INVITING BID
Date: 24.10.2017
The invitation of bid is open only to Contractors to whom this Bidding Document is issued.
Company, M/s H-Energy Gateway Private Ltd (HGPL), plans to develop a Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG) import terminal at Jaigarh with an overall capacity of 8 Million Metric Tons
per Annum (MMTPA). Due to market dynamics COMPANY has decided to develop the
Project in phased manner as follows:
Phase 1: Early Production Facilities (EPF) using leased LNG Floating Storage and Re-
gasification Unit (FSRU) and Tie-in gas pipeline from Jaigarh to Dabhol in connection to the
GAIL (India) Limited pipelines and shall without limitation include all apparatus, appliances,
machinery, equipment, components and related buildings as an integrated whole, all
systems and sub-systems thereof and related facilities, any and all appliances, parts,
instruments, appurtenances, accessories and other property that may be incorporated or
installed in, or attached to, or otherwise becoming a part thereof and located on the Project
Site (“Project”).
Phase 2: Land based LNG terminal including LNG storage tanks and regasification facilities
and gas pipeline from Jaigarh to Mangalore.
The Company has entered into a construction and port services agreement (“CPSA”) with
JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd (“JSW Port”) for construction and maintenance of certain port
infrastructure and port components at the Jaigarh port located at Dhamankhol Bay, District
Ratnagiri, Maharashtra (“Port”) and grant exclusive right to use thereof to the COMPANY, in
accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the CPSA.
EIL has been appointed by HGPL as the EPCM Consultant for the subject Project. Company
invites you to submit physical bids for “COMPOSITE TENDER FOR TERMINAL WORKS”
under single stage two part system (Part-I: Techno-commercial Part & Part-II: Price Part).
LNG Re-gasification terminal with a base capacity of 8 MMTPA located at approximately 330
Km South of Mumbai on the West coast of Maharashtra, India
2.1 The Scope of Work for CONTRACTOR shall be Composite Works of Jetty TOP facilities
(including Fire Water ), Jetty To Jaigarh DT connectivity, Jaigarh Dispatch Terminal &
Dabhol receipt Terminal . The CONTRACTOR‟S scope and obligations comprise of Project
Management, Residual engineering, procurement & supply, fabrication, installation,
testing, transportation, construction / erection works, insulation, painting, tie-ins, pre-
commissioning and commissioning assistance within the given project schedule.
2.2 The Jaigarh to Dabhol Tie-in Pipeline (approx 55 km) shall be done by other contractor
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appointed by the Owner. Jaigarh lies in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. Jaigarh terminal &
jetty facilities lie within property of JSW Jaigarh Port Ltd. The Pipeline route would be cross
country including Onshore Terminal at Jaigarh, SV Stations and Receipt Terminal station at
Dabhol. The Dabhol Terminal station would be located within a radius of 2-3 Km from the
boundary of existing Natural gas dispatch/receiving facilities of GAIL.
Mechanical completion within 04 Months from the date of issue of Notice of Award.
i) Earnest Money Deposit : INR 25 Lakhs (Indian Rupees Twenty Five Lakh
(EMD) only).
ii) Pre – Bid -Queries : Bidder shall submit their queries, if any, latest by
07.11.2017. The same shall be replied through
e-mail. However, if required by bidder telephonic
discussion or across the table interaction shall be
held at HGPL, Mumbai office post submission of
pre bid queries.
iii) Last Date and time of : 1600 Hrs. (IST) on 21.11.2017, as per
submission of Techno- details given in Instruction to Bidders.
Commercial (Un-priced
bids) and Commercial
Priced Bids
4.1 Bid document shall be issued through e-mail. All amendments, time extension, clarifications
etc. shall be sent thru e-mails. No extension in the bid due date / time shall be considered on
account of delay in receipt of any document by mail.
4.2 Bidders are required to submit their bids complete in all respects in accordance with
Instructions to Bidders (ITB) only on or before the bid-submission date & time as
specified above.
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(i) One Contract of minimum value of INR 2500 Lakh.
(ii) Two Contracts each of minimum value of INR 1500 Lakh.
(b) Bidder should have completed at least one or two Contracts of Mechanical work
involving Piping and Equipment erection in Hydrocarbon Sector („Refineries‟ or
„Petrochemical‟ or „Gas Processing-Onshore‟ or „Fertilizers‟ or „Oil and Gas Terminal‟ or
„Compressor / Pumping stations / Terminals of a Pipeline project‟) or Power Plant, each
of minimum value(s) as indicated below, during the last 7 years reckoned from the due
date for submission of Bid.
(i) One Contract of minimum value of INR 1400 Lakh.
(ii) Two Contracts each of minimum value of INR 800 Lakh.
(c) In case Bidder has executed composite works contract which includes the qualifying
works as stated in (a) and (b) above, then value of such qualifying work(s) out of the
total value of composite works shall be considered for the purpose of qualification.
(d) In case Bidder does not possess experience of execution of Electrical/ Instrumentation
works [as applicable as per scope of works] on their own, the successful Bidder shall
engage a sub-contractor for execution of such work(s) after obtaining prior approval
from the Owner/Engineer-in-charge within 15 days of award of contract and other
details of their proposed Sub-contractor/ Agency as per the format provided elsewhere
in the Bidding Document. Bidder shall submit an undertaking w.r.t. “Engagement of
Sub-contractor for such work(s) after obtaining prior approval from Engineer-in-charge”,
along with their Bid.
(e) General
(i) A job executed by a bidder for its own plant/projects cannot be considered as
experience for the purpose of meeting requirement of BQC of the tender.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary/ Fellow subsidiary/ Holding company will
be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BQC subject to
submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory auditor of the bidder
towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary/
Fellow subsidiary/ Holding company. Such bidders shall submit these
documents in addition to the documents specified in the bidding documents to
meet BQC.
(ii) A job completed by a bidder as a sub-contractor shall be considered for the
purpose of meeting the experience criteria of BQC subject to submission of
following documents in support of meeting the “Bidder Qualification Criteria”:
Copy of work order along with SOR issued by main contractor.
Copies of Completion Certificates from the end User/ Owner and also from
the main Contractor. The Completion Certificates shall have details like
work order no. /date, brief scope of work, ordered & executed value of the
job, completion date etc.
The minimum Annual Turnover of the Bidder as per the audited annual financial results shall
be Rs. 7500 Lakh (Indian Rupees Seventy Five Crores only), in at least one of the
immediate preceding three financial years from the date of issue of enquiry.
7.0 General
7.1 Scope of work is divided in two parts.
Both the parts shall be awarded to a single bidder and shall not be split ordered.
7.2 The Bidding Document is non-transferable.
7.3 Bidders falling under Holiday / Negative list / Suspension / Banning of Owner / Consultant
shall not be considered for bid opening / further evaluation.
7.4 Bidders under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings shall not be considered
7.5 Unincorporated Joint Venture (JV) / Consortium bids shall be acceptable during tendering
stage however incorporated Joint Venture (JV) / Consortium shall be furnished by the
successful bidder.
7.6 Bidder shall furnish copy of complete audited annual financial year statements including
auditor‟s report, balance sheets, profit & loss accounts statement and all other schedules
etc. for the immediate preceding three financial years, in support of meeting the financial
criteria as mentioned above.
Bidder shall furnish the required documents in support of qualification criteria, self
certification of being not under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings, in the
first instance itself.
7.7 Submission of authentic documents is the prime responsibility of the bidder. Wherever
HGPL has concern or apprehension regarding the authenticity/ correctness of any
document, HGPL reserves a right of getting the document cross verified from the document
issuing authority.
7.8 In case the last financial year closing date is within 9 months of date of issue of enquiry and
audited annual report of immediate preceding financial year is not available, bidder has the
option to submit the financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the last
financial year. Otherwise, it is compulsory to submit the financial details of the immediate
three preceding financial years.
Example, In case, audited annual report of immediate preceding financial year (year ending
31st March) is not available and where enquiry issue date is up to 31 st December, the
financial details of the three previous years immediately prior to the last financial year may
be submitted. However, in case the enquiry issue date is after 31st December, it is
compulsory to submit the financial details of the immediate three preceding financial years
7.9 Owner/Consultant reserve the right to assess bidder‟s capability and capacity to execute the
work using in-house information.
7.10 Owner/Consultant shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by bidders in
connection with the preparation & delivery of their bids, site visit, participating in the
discussion and other expenses incurred during the bidding process.
7.11 HGPL reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received and to annul the bidding
process at its discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever.
7.12 Canvassing in any form by the bidder or by any other agency on their behalf may lead to
disqualification of their bid.
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7.13 In case any bidder is found to be involved in cartel formation, his bid will not be considered
for further evaluation / placement of order. Such bidder‟s EMD will be encashed & such
Bidder shall also be put on Holiday / blacklisted / debarred from bidding in future by
7.14 For detailed specifications, terms and conditions and other details, refer Bidding Document.
7.15 HGPL's contact details are Mr. Vivek Mehrotra, Vice President – Procurement & Contracts
Email: vmehrotra@in.henergy.com Tel No: +91 22 25715118
AND CC to:
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