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Tendernotice - 1 - 2024-04-14T171933.557

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House of Four Frames 6/13, Wheat Croft Road Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600034

Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)


Indian Oil Corporation Limited invites online electronic bids through e-tender portal under two
bid system for the subject work from bonafide Indian contractors fulfilling the qualifying
requirements stated hereunder and in tender documents.

1.0 Basic Tender Details

a. Name of Work Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) inclusive of
1-Year Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of
1 MWp Solar Power Project at SRPL Chittoor and its further
Comprehensive O&M for 4 Years
b. Tender No SRPL23C095
c. E-Tender –ID 2024_SRCHN_175748_1
d. Type of tender Open (National)
e. Tender Category Composite
f. Reverse Auction Yes
g. Cost of tender No Tender fee is applicable for this tender, since the bidders are
document required to download the tender documents from IOCL e-tender
2.0 Requirement/ Tender Details
a. Job completion Complete Project Time Schedule Details as per clause 8 of SCC
time/Contract Period of tender documents.
b. Type of BoQ The Bidder shall quote in percentage above/at par/below on
the rates indicated in the BoQ. The Percentage quoted by the
Bidder shall be applicable uniformly to all the rates of the
items indicated in the BoQ.

Bidders shall note that Estimated Item rates specified in the

BoQ is excluding GST and rate of GST has been pre-selected in
the BoQ.

Complete Details as per clause 31.0.0 of SIT-Commercial of

tender documents.
c. Site Location /State Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh

Complete Details as per clause 4 of SCC of tender documents.

d. Brief Scope of Work Complete Details as per Scope of Work and Job Specifications
of tender documents.
e. Defect Liability Period Defect liability of 12 months is applicable as per clause 10.2 of
SCC of tender documents.
f. Goods and Services Bidder to note that rate of GST has been selected in the BoQ.
Complete Details as per clause 18.14 of SCC of tender

g. Limitation of liability As per clause of GCC of tender documents
h. Currencies & payment As per clause 26.0.0 of SIT-Commercial of tender documents.
Payment terms as per clause 12 of SCC of tender documents.
i Place of Payment All the payments in Indian Rupees shall be released from the
VIM Centre, IOCL, Noida
a. Start date for 13.03.2024
download of Tender
b. Pre-Bid Meeting 20.03.2024 at 14:30 Hrs through Online mode.

Interested bidders may forward their willingness to join this

meeting prior to this date to Tender Issuing Authority. Accordingly,
the meeting link shall be shared.
c. Online bid Submission 27.03.2024 from 14:30 Hrs
Start Date & Time
d. Online bid Submission 10.04.2024 up to 14:30 Hrs
Closing Date & Time
e. Bid Submission Time 28 days
(In no. of Days)
f. Tender Opening 11.04.2024 at 15:00 Hrs. or convenient date there after
bid) Date & Time
g. Bid Validity 4 months from the date of Opening of Techno Commercial bid

4.0 Eligibility to Participate

a. Nature of Bidders a) Sole Bidder: Individual (Proprietorship) /Partnership/ Limited

eligible/Bidding Company
entity Allowed b) Indian Wholly owned subsidiary of a company on the strength of
its parent company.
b. Purchase Preference PPP MII Preference –Applicable
allowed in the tender MSE Preference – Not Applicable
c. Preferential bidding Applicable
d. Eligibility of bidders Complete Details as per clause 7.4.0 of SIT-Commercial of tender
from countries that documents.
share a land border
with India
5.0 Qualification Criteria
a. Commercial  Annual turnover (Standalone Financial Statements) of the
Qualification Criteria tenderer during any one of the preceding 3 (three) financial
years shall be at least of the value mentioned below:
(in Rs. Lakh)

 The Bidder should have successfully completed similar work, as

a main or as a sub-contractor, during last seven years ending on
last day of the month, immediately previous to the month in
which the last date of bid submission falls. Even in case the bid
submission is extended, the date originally consisted as reference
date for experience criteria shall remain unchanged. The value of

completed work for evaluation shall be considered as under:
(a) One similar completed work (including service tax/
including goods and services tax) costing not less than the
value mentioned below,
Amount (in Rs. Lakh)

(b) Two similar completed works (including service
tax/including goods and services tax) each costing not less
than the value mentioned below
Amount (in Rs. Lakh)

(c) Three similar completed works (including service
tax/including goods and services tax) each costing not less
than the value mentioned below.
Amount (in Rs. Lakh)

The similar work mentioned above is works involving

“Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) of greater than
or equal to (>/=) 500 KWp On-Grid Solar Power Project with Net-
Metering /Gross Metering/ Net Billing or feed-in /open access
Facility in any industry”.

Details as per clause 30.0.0 of SIT-Commercial of tender

b. Technical Bidder should have successfully completed similar nature works in
Qualification Criteria last 07 years which is defined as “Engineering, Procurement &
Construction (EPC) of greater than or equal to (>/=) 500 KWp On-
Grid Solar Power Project with Net-Metering /Gross Metering/ Net
Billing or feed-in /open access Facility in any industry”.

Last 07 years are defined as last seven years ending on last day of
the month, immediately previous to the month in which the last
date of bid submission falls. Even in case the bid submission is
extended, the date originally considered as reference date for
experience criteria shall remain unchanged.

Complete details as per clause 1.7.0 of SIT-Technical of tender

6.0 Others
a. EMD The tenderer shall furnish Earnest Money Deposit, at the time of
submission of the bid, as mentioned below:

Amount (in Rs.)


Complete Details as per clause 29.0.0 of SIT-Commercial of tender
b. Performance Initial Security Deposit shall be 2.5 % of Nominal Contract Value which is
Security/ISD/SD required to be submitted at time of contract signing. Alternatively, full
Security Deposit@10% of nominal contract value may be submitted.
c. Concurrent Not Applicable
d. Net worth Not Applicable
e. Integrity Pact (In case Not Applicable
of Tenders>10 Crs)

f. Advance Not Applicable

g. Incentive Clause Not Applicable
h. Additional BG Not Applicable
i. Helpdesk Contact IOCL E-tender portal
Indian Oil Help Desk: (updated details available at
j. Tender Inviting Deputy General Manager (Materials & Contracts)
Authority (TIA)/
Submission Office Southern Region Pipelines, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., (Pipelines
Address Division), House of Four Frames, 6/13, Wheat Croft Road,
Nungambakkam, Chennai – 600034
Contact-Phone No.:+044 28243131/ 28243183/178/184
Email: cpvarghese@indianoil.in; preethib@indianoil.in;

Other Important Points

1. Physical Bids will not be accepted. Tender Document can be downloaded from
https://iocletenders.nic.in and on line bids are required to be submitted with Digital signatures on
the system.
2. The tender documents are non-transferable.
3. IOCL reserves the right of annulment of tender without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
4. The Tenderers shall upload scanned copy of necessary documents in support of required
qualification and experience along with their offer as per instruction given in the Special
Instructions to Tenderers.
Place: Chennai
Date: 13.03.2024

Tender Issuing Authority

Please visit our e-tendering website www.iocletenders.nic.in for more details.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by PREETHI B
Date: 2024.03.13 17:46:39 IST
Location: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd-IOCL

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