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Tendernotice 1

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Indian Oil Bhawan, A-1, Udyog Marg, Sector-1, Noida-201301, U.P.

Detailed Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)

1.0 Basic Tender Details
a. Name of Work Design, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
Instrumentation, PLC-based Control System, Fire and Gas
Alarm detection system at Meeramandali CUF and T-point
station under Meeramandali CUF Project and Annual
Maintenance Contract for a period of five years after defect
liability period
b. Tender No PLCC/Meeramandali Control Systems/T&I/24107
c. E-Tender –ID 2024_PLHO_180859_1
d. Type of tender Open (National) Tender
e. Tender Category Works contract
f. Reverse Auction No
g. Cost of tender No Tender fee is applicable for this tender, since the bidders are
document required to download the tender documents from IOCL e-tender
website (https://iocletenders.nic.in)/
2.0 Requirement/ Tender Details
a. Job completion Work in all respects including “Design, supply, installation, testing
time/Contract Period & commissioning of Instrumentation, PLC-based Control System,
Fire and Gas alarm detection system at Meeramandali CUF and T-
point station under Meeramandali CUF Project and Annual
Maintenance Contract for a period of five years after defect
liability period” under the Contract shall be completed within 9
(Nine) months which shall be inclu¬sive of monsoon period and
mobilisation period and trial runs. The time for completion shall
be reckoned from the date of specific notice issued by Engineer-
In-Charge, which shall be issued within 03 (three) months from
the date of issuance of LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE to the
successful bidder.

Details as per clause no. 3.9.0 & its sub-clauses of SCC

[Section-A (Technical)]
b. Type of BoQ Item Rate Tender
c. Site Location /State In the state of Odisha and West Bengal

Details as per clause no. 1.3.0 & its sub-clauses of SIT [Section-
A (Technical)]
d. Brief Scope of Work The scope of work is covered in the tender under “Scope of
Work” and Clause No.- 1.6.0 and 1.7.0 & its sub-clauses of
SIT-Section-A-Technical of Tender document.
E Defect Liability The defect liability period shall be 12 (twelve) months from the
Period date of completion and acceptance of the system (after trial run)
by the Owner or 24 (twenty four) months from date of receipt of
last supply item, whichever is earlier.

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Details as per clause no. 3.13.0 of SCC [Section-A (Technical)]
f Goods and Services Bidder to note that rate of GST has been selected as 18% in the
Tax BoQ. In case, if Bidder wants to modify the GST Rates, the same
can be done by selecting applicable GST rates from dropdown
menu of Cell No. O13 of the BoQ. It may be noted that the total
quoted price inclusive of GST shall be displayed in the BoQ at
designated cell after considering the selected GST rate.
g Limitation of liability As per Clause 7.0.0-Section-B of SCC Commercial of tender
h Currencies & payment As per Clause 26.0.0 Section-B of SIT Commercial of tender
i Place of Payment All payments shall be released from Office as mentioned below.
The office address shall be communicated later to the successful

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.,

IBM building,
2nd Floor, A 26,
Rani Ramgarh Road,
Block A, Industrial Area, Sector-62,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201309
a. Start date for 22.10.2024
download of Tender
b. Pre-Bid Meeting Online pre-bid meeting shall be held on 25.10.2024 at 15:00
Hrs through video conferencing.
Bidders interested to participate in the online pre-bid meeting
through video conferencing are requested to communicate the
same through their official e-mail IDs to IOCL e-mail IDs latest
by 25.10.2024, 1100 Hrs
In case, a bidder is not able to attend the pre-bid meeting due to any unavoidable reasons,
bidder may submit their queries through seek clarification facility on the e-tender portal.
Also queries/ clarifications sent through e-mail shall not be entertained. After the Seek
Clarification end date on the e-tender portal, no further queries shall be entertained.
c. Clarification Start 23.10.2024 from 11:00 Hrs
Date & Time
d. Clarification End Date 29.10.2024 up to 15:00 hrs
& Time
e. Online bid 30.10.2024 from 15:00 Hrs
Submission Start Date
& Time
f. Online bid 05.11.2024 up to 14:30 Hrs
Submission Closing
Date & Time
g. Bid Submission Time 14 days
(In no. of Days)
h. Tender Opening 06.11.2024 at 15:00 Hrs. or convenient date there after

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bid) Date & Time
i. Bid Validity 4 months from the date of Opening of Techno Commercial bid
4.0 Eligibility to Participate
a. Nature of Bidders a) Sole Bidder: Individual (Proprietorship) /Partnership/ Company
eligible/Bidding entity b) Consortium (including an Unincorporated Joint Venture)
b. Purchase Preference MSE Preference – Not Applicable
allowed in the tender PPP MII Preference – Applicable

Complete Details as per Clause 36.0.0 of SIT-Section-B-

c. Preferential bidding Bidder to visit documents section in e -tender portal for details.
d. Eligibility of bidders Complete Details as per Clause 7.4.0 and its sub clauses of SIT-
from countries that Section-B-Commercial
share a land border
with India
5.0 Qualification Criteria
a. Commercial For sole bidders:
Qualification Criteria  Annual turnover (on the basis of Standalone Financial
Statements) of the tenderer during any one of the preceding 3
(three) financial years shall be at least of the value mentioned
Amount in Rs. Lakh

 The Bidder should have successfully completed similar work,

as a main or as a sub-contractor, during last seven years ending
on last day of the month, immediately previous to the month in
which the last date of bid submission falls. Even in case the bid
submission is extended, the date originally consisted as
reference date for experience criteria shall remain unchanged.
In case bidder submits prior-experience as a sub-
contractor, the bidder has to submit a certificate from the
end User/ Owner/ Consultant to the owner engaged as EIC
(Engineer-in-charge) for the execution of said works. The
value of completed work for evaluation shall be considered as
(a) One similar completed work (including goods and
services tax) costing not less than the value mentioned
Amount in Rs. Lakh

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(b) Two similar completed works (including goods and
services tax) each costing not less than the value mentioned
Amount in Rs. Lakh
(c) Three similar completed works (including goods and
services tax) each costing not less than the value mentioned
Amount in Rs. Lakh

The similar work mentioned above is “Work involving

execution of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) based
Control System Automation works”

Complete Details as per Clause 30.1.2 of SIT-Section-B-

For consortium bids (including an unincorporated JV):
A. Leader/ Prime Member of Consortium (including an
unincorporated Joint venture) shall meet the Experience
Criteria (Technical) in full as set out in SIT-Section-A-
Technical and at least 60% of the Commercial
qualification criteria as mentioned under clause 30.1.1 &
30.1.2 of SIT-Section-B-Commercial.
B. The other member of Consortium (including an
unincorporated Joint venture) shall meet in full the
commercial criteria set out in Clause 30.1.1 & 30.1.2 of
SIT-Section-B-Commercial and shall meet 60% the
technical criteria set out in SIT- Section-A-Technical.
C. If Leader/ Prime Member of Consortium (including an
unincorporated Joint venture) meets in full, the
qualifying technical criteria set out in SIT-Section-A-
Technical and also meets in full, the commercial criteria
set out in Clause 30.1.1 & 30.1.2 of SIT-Section-B-
Commercial, then also the other member of the
Consortium (including an unincorporated Joint venture)
shall meet at least 60% of the qualifying Experience
criteria (Technical) set out in SIT-Section-A-Technical
and at least 60% of the qualifying Commercial criteria set
out in Clause 30.1.1 & 30.1.2 of SIT-Section-B-
D. The experience of respective parent companies of
members of Consortium (including an unincorporated
Joint venture) shall not be considered.

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Complete Details as per Clause 34.0.0 of SIT-Section-B-
Qualification Criteria
Technical Evaluation of the tenderer shall be primarily done based
on the following qualifying criteria.

In case of Sole bidder (INDIVIDUAL


Bidder on his own should have experience during the last 7

(seven) years ending on last day of the month, immediately
previous to the month in which the last date of bid submission
falls, of successful completion of work involving the following:

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of

work involving Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) based
Control System (having minimum 275 number of I/Os at single
location or minimum number of 220 I/Os each at two locations
or minimum 165 number of I/Os each at three locations) for
process control automation in hydrocarbon industry.

As valid proof of meeting the experience criteria, bidder shall

submit purchase/ work order copy with Schedule of rates/ scope of
works along with completion certificate issued by end client with
executed value, date of completion of the job and reference work
order number.

The performance of past/ ongoing works completed for IOCL, if

any, and performance in past/ ongoing works for other clients shall
have important bearing in evaluating the tenderers’ technical

Even in case the bid submission is extended, the date originally

consisted as reference date for experience criteria shall remain

In case of bid from Consortium (Including unincorporated

Joint venture company):
Leader/ Prime Member of Consortium (including unincorporated
Joint Venture) shall meet the 100% Experience (Technical) as
mentioned above

The other member of the Consortium (including unincorporated

Joint Venture) shall meet the 60% experience criteria (Technical),
which is defined hereunder.

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Other member on his own should have experience during the last 7
(seven) years ending on last day of the month, immediately
previous to the month in which the last date of bid submission
falls, of successful completion of work involving the following:

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of

work involving Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) based
Control System (having minimum 165 number of I/Os at single
location or minimum number of 132 I/Os each at two locations
or minimum 99 number of I/Os each at three locations) for
process control automation in hydrocarbon industry.

As valid proof of meeting the experience criteria, Other member

shall submit purchase/ work order copy with Schedule of rates/
scope of works along with completion certificate issued by end
client with executed value, date of completion of the job and
reference work order number.

The performance of past/ ongoing works completed for IOCL, if

any, and performance in past/ ongoing works for other clients shall
have important bearing in evaluating the tenderers’ technical

Even in case the bid submission is extended, the date originally

consisted as reference date for experience criteria shall remain

Complete Details as per Clause 1.9.0 of SIT-Section-A-

Technical and its sub clauses.
6.0 Others
a. EMD The tenderer shall furnish Earnest Money Deposit, at the time of
submission of the bid, as mentioned below:

Amount in Rs.
Complete Details as per Clause 29.0.0 and its sub clauses of SIT-
b. Performance ISD shall be 2.5 % of Nominal Contract Value which is required
Security/ISD/SD to be submitted at time of contract signing. Alternatively, full
SD@10% of nominal contract value may be submitted.

For AMC Part- As per Clause No.- 3.35.0 of SCC-Section-A-

Technical and its sub clauses.
c. Concurrent Not Applicable
d. Net worth Not Applicable

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f. Integrity Pact (In case Not Applicable
of Tenders>10 Crs)
g. Independent External Not Applicable
Monitor, Name (In
case of Tenders>10
h Advance Not Applicable
i Incentive Clause Not Applicable
j Additional BG Not Applicable
i. Helpdesk Contact IOCL E-tender portal
Indian Oil Help Desk: (updated details available at
j. Tender Inviting GM (Contracts)
Authority (TIA)/
Submission Office Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Pipelines Division) A-1, Udyog
Address Marg, Sector-1, NOIDA (UP) 201 301, INDIA
Phone: 91-120-2448 419/425
E-mail: harjeetsingh@indianoil.in; nemaniv@indianoil.in

Other Important Points

1. Physical Bids will not be accepted. Tender Document can be downloaded from
https://iocletenders.nic.in and online bids are required to be submitted with Digital signatures on the
2. The tender documents are non-transferable.
3. IOCL reserves the right of annulment of tender without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
4. The Tenderers shall upload scanned copy of necessary documents in support of required
qualification and experience along with their offer as per instruction given in the Special
Instructions to Tenderers.
5. Bidder to note that for evaluation purpose of price bid, the higher of following shall be considered


• 5% (for 1st year), 5.5% (for 2nd year), 6% (for 3rd year), 6.5% (for 4th year), 7% (for 5th
year) of total supply value of items covered under AMC, quoted by bidders shall be
considered and evaluation shall be done on gross landed cost (including GST) basis.

In case, if bidders quote for the year-wise AMC charges are lower than the minimum
percentages specified above, the total shortfall in quoted AMC charges with respect to
percentages specified for 1st to 5th year, AMC charges shall be compensated from the total
amount of supply value of items covered under AMC proportionately. Thus, the value of
year wise AMC charges shall be increased to minimum percentages specified and total
amount of supply value of items covered under AMC shall be decreased proportionately
during evaluation and award of work, so that gross quoted price including GST of the bidder
remains the same.’
Signature Not Verified
Bidder to refer Bill of Material for list of items covered under AMC.
Digitally signed by VAIBHAV NEMANI
Date: 2024.10.22 16:35:26 IST
Location: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd-IOCL

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