Draft Nit
Draft Nit
Draft Nit
DEE (G) acting for and on behalf of The President of India invites E-Tenders against Tender No
OTP-24-25-18-SOLAR2MW Closing Date/Time 13/11/2024 15:00 Hrs. Bidders will be able to
submit their original/revised bids upto closing date and time only. Manual offers are not allowed
against this tender, and any such manual offer received shall be ignored.
S.No. Item Item Qty Unit Basic Value Escl. Amount Bidding Unit
Code Qty Unit Rate (%)
Schedule 01-Implementation of 2MW capacity Rooftop
Solar PV Project for Bilaspur Division on CAPEX mode (in 86632060.00 Above/Below/Par
lieu of PPP mode).
1 700.00 KWp 45118.48 31582936.00 31582936.00
Description:- Provision of Rooftop Solar Plants of capacity >10KW upto 100KW .
(Inclusive of GST:18%)
2 1300.00 KWp 42345.48 55049124.00 55049124.00
Description:- Provision of Rooftop Solar Plants of capacity >100KW upto 500KW .
(Inclusive of GST:18%)
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Special Financial Criteria
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Definition of Similar nature of works -The tenderer
should have satisfactorily executed and completed
any work as mentioned below: "1.Electrification of
service building or staff quarters or Offices or Road
and Colony Lighting or Circulating Area Lighting or
Washing Pits or Sheds or Workshops or UTS/PRS or
UPS OR Battery charging facilities or Pre-cooling
facilities on platforms and yard etc.2. Erection and
commissioning of LT,HT upto 33 kv overhead lines
or Electrical Sub-station or LT/HT UG power
cables.3.Annual Electrical Maintenance contract of
Service building or Staff quarters or Electrical sub
stations or DG set or Train lighting and/or Air
conditioning coaches excluding RMPU units of AC
coaches.4.Erection and Commissioning of any type
1.1 and capacity of Electrical Pumping No No Not Allowed
set.5.Electrification of ON Grid connected or Off-
Grid connected solar power plant.6.Electrification of
Advanced Energy metering system or Smart Energy
metering system or Prepaid Energy
meters.7.Erection and Commissioning or AMC /CMC
of Window/split ACs/Water
Coolers/Refrigerators/ductable package system of
air-conditioning/Centralized Air Cooling
unit/centralized air conditioning unit or hiring of
desert coolers/air coolers.8.Any above work or
combination of (1)to (7) above. The above work
must have been carried out in any of the following
organization:(a) Central Government Department or
State Government Department. (b) Central
Government PSUs or State Government PSUs."
Work experience certificate from private individual
shall not be considered. However, inaddition to
work experience certificates issued by any Govt.
Organisation, workexperience certificate issued by
Public listed company having average annual
turnoverof Rs 500 crore and above in last 3
financial years excluding the current financial
year,listed on National Stock Exchange or Bombay
Stock Exchange, incorporated/registeredat least 5
years prior to the date of closing of tender, shall
also be considered providedthe work experience
1.2 No No Not Allowed
certificate has been issued by a person authorized
by the Publiclisted company to issue such
certificates. In case tenderer submits work
experiencecertificate issued by public listed
company, the tenderer shall also submit along
withwork experience certificate, the relevant copy
of work order, bill of quantities, bill wisedetails of
payment received duly certified by Chartered
Accountant, TDS certificates forall payments
received and copy of final/last bill paid by company
in support of abovework experience certificate.
The tenderer shall submit Experience Certificate as
per format prescribed in Annexure W. The copy of
respective letter of acceptance/agreement for Allowed
1.3 No No
which experiencecertificate has been produced (Optional)
must be enclosed in support of "Similar Nature of
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Bidders shall confirm and certify on the behalf of the tenderer including its
constituents as under:
S.No. Description
1 I/we the tenderer (s) am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
I/We the tenderer(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the
pages in confirmation thereof.
I/we hereby declare that I/we have downloaded the tender documents from Indian Railway
website www.ireps.gov.in . I/we have verified the content of the document from the
website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender
document. In case of any discrepancy noticed at any stage i.e. evaluation of tenders,
execution of work or final payment of the contract, the master copy available with the
railway Administration shall be final and binding upon me/us.
I/we declare and certify that I/we have not made any misleading or false representation in
the forms, statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the
5 documents/credentials submitted along with the offer and same shall be binding upon
I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the tender by
6 me/us are correct and I/we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and
documents, submitted by us.
I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any
other Ministry / Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the date of
submission of bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the partnership
I/we understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be
forged/false at any time during process for evaluation of tenders, it shall lead to forfeiture
8 of the Bid Security and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including
banning of business for a period of upto two year. Further, I/we and all my/our constituents
understand that my/our offer shall be summarily rejected.
I/we also understand that if the contents of the certificate submitted by us are found to be
false/forged at any time after the award of the contract, it will lead to termination of the
9 contract, along with forfeiture of Bid Security/Security Deposit and Performance guarantee
and may also lead to any other action provided in the contract including banning of
business for a period of upto two year.
I/We have read the clause regarding restriction on procurement from a bidder of a country
which shares a land border with India and certify that I am/We are not from such a country
10 or, if from such a country, have been registered with the competent Authority. I/We hereby
certify that I/we fulfil all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be
considered (evidence of valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed)
S.No. Description
Partnership firm/Joint Venture (JV) / Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) / Limited
LiabilityPartnership (LLP) etc. Please submit a certificate in the prescribed format
(please download the format from the link given below). Non submission of the certificate,
or submission of certificate either not properly filled in, or in a format other than the
prescribed format shall lead to summary rejection of your offer.
( Click here to download the Format of Self Certification)
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S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents
Required Allowed Uploading
The following documents should be
1 No No Not Allowed
submitted along with the Tender:
List of Personnel Organization available on
hand and proposed to be engaged for the Allowed
1.1 No No
subject work as per format given in (Optional)
List of works completed in
Government/Semi-Government (fully owned
by Govt.) departments in the last three
financial years giving description of work.
Organization for whom executed, Allowed
1.2 No No
approximate value of contract at the time of (Optional)
award, date of award and date of schedule
completion and final value of contract
should also be given as per format given in
List of work on hand indicating description of
work, contract value, approximate value of Allowed
1.3 No No
balance work yet to be done and date of (Optional)
award as per format given in Annexure-C
Tenderers personnel information in the Allowed
1.4 No No
format enclosed as annexure -D (Optional)
Valid Class A ECL (Electrical Contractor
License) issued in favour of Firms/tenderers
only. Tenders submitted with Class A ECL
issued in the name of other firms/tenderers Allowed
1.5 Yes No
will be summarily rejected. In case the Class (Mandatory)
A'ECL is not valid on the date of opening of
tender, details of renewal should be
Certificate of information regarding
employment/partnership etc. Of retired Allowed
1.6 Yes No
railway employees with the tenderer as per (Mandatory)
format given in Annexure-E.
Annexure -V(A) shall also be submitted by
the each member of a PartnershipFirm / Joint
Venture (JV) /Hindu Undivided Family (HUH /
Limited LiabilityPartnership (LLP) etc, as the
case may be. Non submission of
abovecertificate(s) by the bidder shall result Allowed
1.7 No No
in summarily rejection of his/their bid. Itshall (Mandatory)
be mandatorily incumbent upon the tenderer
to identify, state and submitthe supporting
documents duly self attested/digitally signed
by which they/he isqualifying the Qualifying
Criteria mentioned in the Tender Document.
Please enter the percentage of local content
in the material being offered. Please enter 0
for fully imported items, and 100 for fully
2 indigenous items. The definition and No Yes
calculation of local content shall be in
accordance with the Make in India policy as
incorporated in the tender conditions.
General Instructions
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S.No. Description Confirmation Remarks Documents
Required Allowed Uploading
SECURITY MONEY:- The successful tenderer
shall have to deposit security money @ 5.0%
of total value of the contract awarded for
proper execution of the contract. The
security deposit shall be recovered @ 6.0%
from the bill amount till the full SD is
released. The amount of earnest money /
1 security deposit if any refundable to the No No Not Allowed
tenderer for any other work accepted and
completed by him /them, they can not be
set off towards the earnest money /security
deposit due against this Tender. The earnest
money/security deposit receipts of Banks
should be placed and hypothecated in
favour of the PFA/ S. E. C. Rly /BSP.
Security Deposit: The Security Deposit shall
be 5% of the contract value. The Bid
Securitysubmitted by the Contractor with his
tender will be retained/encashed by the
Railways as part ofsecurity for the due and
faithful fulfillment of the contract by the
Contractor. Provided further that,
ifContractor submits the Cash or Term
Deposit Receipt issued from a Scheduled
commercial bank ofIndia or irrevocable Bank
Guarantee Bond from a Scheduled
commercial bank of India, eithertowards the
Full Security Depositor the Part Security
Deposit equal to or more than Bid Security,
theRailway shall return the Bid Security, to
the Contractor.Balance of Security Deposit
may be deposited by the Contractor in cash
or Term Deposit Receiptissued from
Scheduled commercial bank of India or
1.1 irrevocable Bank Guarantee bond issued No No Not Allowed
fromScheduled commercial bank of India, or
may be recovered at the rate of 6% of the
bill amount till thefull Security Deposit is
recovered. Provided also that in case of
defaulting Contractor, the Railwaymay
retain any amount due for payment to the
Contractor on the pending "on account bills"
so thatthe amounts so retained (including
amount guaranteed through Performance
Guarantee) may notexceed 10% of the total
value of the contract.The Irrevocable Bank
Guarantee submitted towards Security
deposit shall be initially valid up to
thestipulated date of Maintenance period
plus 60 days and shall be extended from
time to time,depending upon extension of
contract granted in terms of Clause 17A and
17B of the StandardGeneral Conditions of
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The Tender Committee shall not be bound to
accept the lowest BID and reserves the right
to accept or reject any tender without
2 assigning any reason to the tenderer. No No Not Allowed
However negotiation may be made with the
lowest valid and eligible tenderer as regards
the rates or any other issue.
The successful Tenderer shall have to
UNDERTAKE THEWORK at the rate quoted
and subject to acceptance of histender by
the Sr.DEE (RS&G)/ S.E.C. Railway, Bilaspur
whichwould constitute the contract binding
between the parties,subject to execution of
written agreement as stipulated, withthe
President Of India acting through the Sr.DEE
(RS&G)/ S.E. C. Railway, Bilaspur for
carrying out the work according tothe
3 conditions of the contract. In the event of No No Not Allowed
any tendererwhose tender is accepted shall
refuse to execute the contractdocuments as
herein before provided, the Railway
maydetermine that such tenderer has
abandoned the contractand there upon his
tender and acceptance thereof shall
betreated as cancelled and the Railways
shall be entitled toforfeit the full amount of
security deposit and to recover
theliquidated damages for such default.
Bid Security: (1) (a) The tenderer shall be
required to submit the Bid Security with the
tender for the due performance with the
stipulation to keep the offer open till such
date as specified in the tender, under the
conditions of tender. The Bid Security shall
3.1 be as under:(1) For works estimated to cost No No Not Allowed
up to 1 crore: 2% of the estimated cost of
the work. (2)For works estimated to cost
more than 1 crore: 2 lakh plus ½% (half
percent) of the excess of the estimated cost
of work beyond 1 crore subject to a
maximum of 1 crore.
Note: (i) The Bid Security shall be rounded
off to the nearest 100. This Bid Security
shall be applicable for all modes of
tendering. (ii) Any firm recognized by
Department of Industrial Policy and
3.2 No No Not Allowed
Promotion (DIPP) as 'Startups' shall be
exempted from payment of Bid Security
detailed above. (iii) Labour Cooperative
Societies shall submit only 50% of above Bid
Security detailed above.
Page 7/35
(b) It shall be understood that the tender
documents have been issued to the tenderer
and the tenderer is permitted to tender in
consideration of stipulation on his part, that
after submitting his tender he will not resile
from his offer or modify the terms and
conditions thereof in a manner not
acceptable to the Engineer. Should the
tenderer fail to observe or comply with the
said stipulation, the aforesaid amount shall
be liable to be forfeited to the Railway. (c) If
3.3 his tender is accepted, this Bid Security No No Not Allowed
mentioned in sub para (a) above will be
retained as part security for the due and
faithful fulfillment of the contract in terms of
Clause 16 of the Standard General
Conditions of Contract. The Bid Security of
other Tenderers shall, save as herein before
provided, be returned to them, but the
Railway shall not be responsible for any loss
or depreciation that may happen thereto
while in their possession, nor be liable to
pay interest thereon.
(2) The Bid Security shall be deposited
either in cash through e-payment gateway
or submitted as Bank Guarantee bond from
a scheduled commercial bank of India or as
3.4 No No Not Allowed
mentioned in tender documents. The Bank
Guarantee bond shall be as per Annexure-
VIA and shall be valid for a period of 90days
beyond the bid validity period.
Page 8/35
(3) In case, submission of Bid Security in the
form of Bank Guarantee, following shall be
ensured: i. A scanned copy of the Bank
Guarantee shall be uploaded on e-
Procurement Portal (IREPS) while applying to
the tender. ii. The original Bank Guarantee
should be delivered in person to the official
nominated as indicated in the tender
document within 5 working days before
closing date for submission of bids. iii. Non
submission of scanned copy of Bank
Guarantee with the bid on e-tendering portal
(IREPS) and/or non submission of original
Bank Guarantee within the specified period
shall lead to summary rejection of bid. iv.
The Tender Security shall remain valid for a
period of 90 days beyond the validity period
for the Tender. v. The details of the BG,
physically submitted should match with the
3.5 No No Not Allowed
details available in the scanned copy and
the data entered during bid submission
time, failing which the bid will be rejected vi.
The Bank Guarantee shall be placed in an
envelope, which shall be sealed. The
envelope shall clearly bear the identification
"Bid for the ***** Project" and shall clearly
indicate the name and address of the
Bidder. In addition, the Bid Due Date should
be indicated on the right hand top corner of
the envelope. vii. The envelope shall be
addressed to the officer and address as
mentioned in the tender document. viii. If
the envelope is not sealed and marked as
instructed above, the Railway assumes no
responsibility for the misplacement or
premature opening of the contents of the
Bid submitted and consequent losses, if any,
suffered by the Bidder.
Page 9/35
Force Majeure Clause: If at any time, during
the continuance of this contract,
theperformance in whole or in part by either
party of any obligation under this contract
shall beprevented or delayed by reason of
any war, hostility, acts of public enemy, civil
commotion,sabotage, serious loss or
damage by fire, explosions,
epidemics/pandemics, strikes, lockouts or
actsof God (hereinafter, referred to events)
provided, notice of the happening of any
such event is givenby either party to the
other within 30 days from the date of
occurrence thereof, neither party shall
byreason of such event, be entitled to
4 terminate this contract nor shall either party No No Not Allowed
have any claim fordamages against the
other in respect of such non-performance or
delay in performance, and worksunder the
contract shall be resumed as soon as
practicable after such event has come to an
end orceased to exist, and the decision of
the Engineer as to whether the works have
been so resumed or not shall be final and
conclusive, PROVIDED FURTHER that if the
performance in whole or in part ofany
obligation under this contract is prevented
or delayed by reason of any such event for a
periodexceeding 120 days, either party may
at its option terminate the contract by
giving notice to the otherparty.
2% Income Tax will be deducted from the
monthly bills. All other taxes including
Service tax as applicable from time to time
shall be borne by the contractor. In the
5 EVENT OF FAILURE of the contractor to No No Not Allowed
execute the agreement and/ or to take up
the work on the date and time specified in
the letter of acceptance, the security
deposit is liable to be forfeited.
The Railway Administration reserves the
right either not to award any of all the works
to the contractor to increase or decrease the
value of works without assigning any
6 reasons. Contractor will not be entitled to No No Not Allowed
any compensation whatsoever in such
case.No INTEREST shall be payable either on
the earnest money or on security deposit or
EMPLOYMENT OF STAFFS: - The contractor
shall employ such persons who have been
working with good record in the same field
7 No No Not Allowed
on the existing terms and conditions or on
such other terms and conditions which are
more beneficial.
Page 10/35
Should a tenderer or a contractor being an
individual on the list of approved
contractors, have a relative employed in
Gazetted capacity in the Electrical
Engineering department of South East
Central Railway or in the case of partnership
firm or company incorporated under the
Indian Company Law should a partner or a
relative of the partner or a share holder of a
relative of the share holder be employed in
8 No No Not Allowed
Gazetted capacity in the Electrical
Engineering Department of South East
Central Railway ; the authority inviting
tenders shall be informed of the fact at the
time of submission of tenders , failing which
the tender may be rejected or if such fact
subsequently comes to light then the
contract may be in accordance with the
provision in the General conditions of
It shall be understood that every endeavor
has been made to avoid any error which can
Materially affect the basis of the tender and
the successful tender shall take open
9 No No Not Allowed
himself and provide for the risk of any error
which may subsequently may be discovered
and shall not make subsequently claim on
account thereof.
In case of any problem with the portal is
faced while filling the e-tender, Tenderers
are advised to contact with the Helpdesk of
IREPS portal who will render all help and
assistance related with the website and
10 portal except that related with the details of No No Not Allowed
the tender. Railway will not take any
responsibility for non-participation in the e-
tender online for the reasons related to the
website and portal or server etc beyond the
control of railways.
The Schedules of Works is also available
seperately in the website online and Rates
11 No No Not Allowed
are to be quoted online and submitted
online duly signed digitally.
Opening of e-tender online:- The e-tenders
will be opened online using the IREPS portal.
No representative is required to be present
for opening of tender and taking notes of
12 No No Not Allowed
rates quoted and ranking as the complete
details of rates etc. of all the bidders shall
be available to the bidders in the website
after the opening of the tender.
Page 11/35
In case the date of closing mentioned in the
Notice Inviting Tender is declared a
holiday/bandh/strike etc. on any account,
the date of closing tender online will not be
changed as the application in the website of
13 No No Not Allowed
IREPS does not permit submission of any
offer after closing date and time of the
tender. However, opening of tenders online
will be on any convenient day after the
closing date/time of tenders.
support of fulfilment of the eligibility criteria
with respect to completion of Similar nature
of work for Technical Eligibility Criteria and
14 Total gross contractual receipt value for No No Not Allowed
Financial Eligibility Criteria should be
uploaded online in the website with scanned
copy in pdf format at the time of tender
bidding with details showing in the
I/We have read the various conditions to
tender attached hereto and agree to abide
by the said conditions. I/We also agree to
keep this tender opened for acceptance for
a period of 45 (forty five) days from the date
fixed for opening the same and in default
thereof, I/we will be liable for forfeiture of
15 No No Not Allowed
my/our Earnest Money. I/We offer to do the
work for South East Central Railway, at the
rates quoted in the attached schedule and
hereby bind myself/ourselves to complete
the work in all respects within as mentioned
in NIT from the date of issue of letter of
acceptance of the tender.
Instructions to tenderers and conditions of
16 tender: -The following documents form part No No Not Allowed
of Tender/Contract:
16.1 Tender forms- First sheet and second sheet. No No Not Allowed
16.2 Special conditions/specifications No No Not Allowed
Standard General Conditions of Contract-
April-2022 and standard specification for
materials and works (IRUSS-2019) as
amended/corrected upto latest correction
16.3 No No Not Allowed
slips, copies of which can be seen in the
office of Sr. Divisional Electrical
Engineer(RS&G), South East Central Railway
on payment of prescribed charges .
Page 12/35
(b) The Tenderer(s) shall keep the offer open
for a minimum period of Forty Five days
from the date of opening of the tender. It is
understood that the tender documents has
been sold / issued to the Tenderer(s) and the
Tenderer(s), is/are permitted to tender in
consideration of the stipulation on his/their
part that after submitting his/their tender
subject to the period being extended
17 further, if required by mutual agreement No No Not Allowed
from time to time, he will not resile from his
offer or modify the terms and conditions
thereof in a manner not acceptable to the
South East Central Railway, Should the
Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the
foregoing stipulation, the amount deposited,
as Earnest money for the due performance
of the above stipulation shall be forfeited to
the Railway.
Performance Guarantee: The procedure for
obtaining Performance Guarantee is
outlined below:(a) The successful bidder
shall have to submit a Performance
Guarantee (PG) within 21 (Twentyone) days
from the date of issue of Letter of
Acceptance (LOA). Extension of time for
submission ofPG beyond 21 (Twenty one)
days and upto 60 days from the date of
issue of LOA may be given bythe Authority
who is competent to sign the contract
agreement. However, a penal interest of
12% perannum shall be charged for the
delay beyond 21(Twenty one) days, i.e. from
18 No No Not Allowed
22ndday after the date ofissue of LOA.
Further, if the 60thday happens to be a
declared holiday in the concerned office of
theRailway, submission of PG can be
accepted on the next working day.In all
other cases, if the Contractor fails to submit
the requisite PG even after 60 days from the
date of issue of LOA, In case contract is
terminated railway shall be entitled to forfeit
EMD and other dues payable to the
contractor against that particular contract,
subject to maximum of PG amount. The
failed Contractor shall be debarred from
participating in re-tender for that work.
(b) The successful bidder shall submit the
Performance Guarantee (PG) in any of the
followingforms, amounting to 5% of the
original contract value:-(i) A deposit of Cash;
(ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee;(iii)
Government Securities including State Loan
Bonds at 5% below the market value;(iv)
Pay Orders and Demand Drafts tendered by
any Scheduled Commercial Bank of India;(v)
Guarantee Bonds executed or Deposits
Receipts tendered by any Scheduled
CommercialBank of India;(vi) Deposit in the
Page 13/35
Post Office Saving Bank;(vii) Deposit in the
National Savings Certificates;(viii) Twelve
years National Defence Certificates;(ix) Ten
years Defence Deposits;(x) National
Defence Bonds and(xi) Unit Trust
Certificates at 5% below market value or at
the face value whichever is less. Also,FDR in
favour of FA&CAO (free from any
encumbrance) may be accepted.(c) The
Performance Guarantee shall be submitted
by the successful bidder after the Letter
ofAcceptance (LOA) has been issued, but
before signing of the contract agreement.
This P.G. shall beinitially valid upto the
stipulated date of completion plus 60 days
beyond that. In case, the time forcompletion
of work gets extended, the Contractor shall
get the validity of P.G. extended to
coversuch extended time for completion of
18.1 work plus 60 days.(d) The value of PG to be No No Not Allowed
submitted by the Contractor is based on
original contract value andshall not change
due to subsequent variation(s) in the original
contract value.(e) The Performance
Guarantee (PG) shall be released after
physical completion of the workbased on
'Completion Certificate' issued by the
competent authority stating that the
Contractor hascompleted the work in all
respects satisfactorily.(f) Whenever the
contract is rescinded, the Performance
Guarantee already submitted for thecontract
shall be encashed.(g) The Engineer shall not
make a claim under the Performance
Guarantee except for amounts towhich the
President of India is entitled under the
contract (not withstanding and/or without
prejudiceto any other provisions in the
contract agreement) in the event of:(i)
Failure by the Contractor to extend the
validity of the Performance Guarantee as
describedherein above, in which event the
Engineer may claim the full amount of the
PerformanceGuarantee.(ii) Failure by the
Contractor to pay President of India any
amount due, either as agreed by
theContractor or determined under any of
the Clauses/Conditions of the Agreement,
within 30 daysof the service of notice to this
effect by Engineer.(iii) The Contract being
determined or rescinded under clause 62 of
these conditions.
Certificates duly attested and testimonials
regarding contracting experience for the
19 No No Not Allowed
type of job for which tender is invited with
list of works carried out in the past.
Obligation of the contractors :- The
20 contractor shall fully comply with the No No Not Allowed
following enactments:
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(a)Contract labour (R & A) Act, 1970 and
rules formed there in under the Central
labour Department.(b)Wage Rates not less
than that notified by Central/State labour
Department from time to time.(c)Payment of
wages Act.(d)ESI Act, 1948 and contribution
of Employer/Contractor @ 4.75% of wages.
20.1 No No Not Allowed
(e)EPF Act, 1952 and contribution of
Employer/Contractor @ 13.61% of wages.
(f)workman's compensation Act, 1923.(with
latest amendments.)(g)SECR instructions as
issued from time to time in regard to
working hours, holidays, or any other
statutory provision.
The contractor shall obtain license from the
assistant labour commissioner (Central), or
appropriate government if he engages
21 No No Not Allowed
twenty or more workmen only.The
contractor shall observe weekly rest day
according to normal norms
Contractor shall obtain complete bio-data of
the labour employment certificate and
antecedent verification in the prescribed
form for each labour and supervisor
22 No No Not Allowed
engaged by him and shall submit the same
to the personnel department/IR section
through the contract executing officers
before commencement of the work.
The contractor shall make himself or his
representative available at the work spot
23 No No Not Allowed
everyday during execution of work, for
effective supervision
Non-compliance of any provision under the
act/rule/instructions/guidelines shall make
24 No No Not Allowed
the contractor liable for penal action
including termination of contract
Contractor shall in his absence keep
competent agent constantly on the works
and any directions or explanations given by
25 No No Not Allowed
the Contract Signing Officer or his
representative to such agent shall be held to
have been given to the contractor himself.
The contractor shall give all notices required
by the acts, regulation, By laws, legal acts
and pay all fees in connection therewith
unless and other wise arranged and decided
in writing with SECR. In all such cases,
26 contractor shall protect and indemnify SECR No No Not Allowed
against any claim or liability arising from or
based on the violation of any such laws,
ordinance, regulations, orders, decrees or
attachment either by himself or by his
Page 15/35
It shall be contractors sole responsibility to
protect the public and his employees against
accident from any cause and provide
required safety equipments and shall
indemnify SECR against any claims for
27 damages for injury to the person or property No No Not Allowed
resulting from any such accidents and losses
shall, where the provisions of the workmen's
compensation Act apply, take steps to
properly insure against any claims there
The contractor shall keep his work place
28 clean and safe to avoid injuries to men and No No Not Allowed
damage to finished products/equipments.
On the occurrence of an accident, which
result in the death of any of the workmen
employed by the contractor or which is so
serious as to be likely to result in the death
29 No No Not Allowed
of any such workmen, the contractor shall
within 24 hours of the happening of such an
accident intimate in writing to the Principal
Employer or official in charge of the work.
The contractor shall ensure abidance by all
the labour laws especially including contract
labour (R&A) Act, payment of wages Act
30 workmen's compensation Act, minimum No No Not Allowed
wages Act, ESI Act and provident fund act as
amended from time to time, and contributes
@ 4.75% of wages in favour of Labours.
The contractor shall comply with provident
fund Act as amended from time to time
either through PF code allotted to him or by
31 the code provided by PF Department where No No Not Allowed
20 or more labours are engaged and
contributes @ 13.61% of wages in favour of
The contractor should engage only those
32 labourers who shall be more than No No Not Allowed
18(eighteen) years of age.
The contractor shall provide the required
33 safety equipment to the labours engaged by No No Not Allowed
Contractor shall issue Employment Card as
34 per status to all labour and supervisors No No Not Allowed
covered under the job work contract.
Contractor must ensure that payment of
wages to workmen should be made in
35 presence of representative of Principal No No Not Allowed
Employer or in presence of Staff welfare
Page 16/35
The tenderer(s) shall quote his/their rates as
a percentage above or below the schedule
of rates of the South East Central Railway as
applicable to Bilaspur Division except
wherehe/they are required to quote item
rates and must tender for all the items
36 shown in theschedule of approximate No No Not Allowed
quantities attached. The quantities shown in
the attached scheduleare given as guide
and are approximate only and are subject to
variation according to theneeds of the
Railway. The Railway does not guarantee
work under each item of theschedule.
Tenders containing erasures and/or
alterations of the tender documents are
37 liable to be rejected. Any corrections made No No Not Allowed
by the Tenderer (S) in his/their entries must
be attested by him/them.
Rights of the Railway to deal with tender:
The authority for the acceptance of the
tender will rest with the Railway. It shall not
be obligatory on the said authority to accept
the lowest tender or any other tender and
38 No No Not Allowed
no tender(s) shall demand any explanation
for the cause of rejection of his/their tender
nor the Railway undertake to assign reasons
for declining to consider or reject any
particular tender or tenders.
If the tenderer(s) deliberately gives / give
wrong information in his/their tender or
creates/create circumstances for the
39 No No Not Allowed
acceptance of his/their tender, the Railway
reserves the right to reject such tender at
any stage.
If the tenderer(s) expires after the
submission of his/their tender or after
theacceptance of his/their tender, the
Railway shall deem such tender cancelled. If
40 a partner of a firm expires after the No No Not Allowed
submission of their tender or after
acceptance of their tender, the Railway shall
deem such tender as cancelled, unless the
firm retains its character.
Execution of contract documents:- The
successful tenderer(s) shall be required to
execute an agreement with the president of
India acting through the South East Central
Railway for carrying out the work according
41 to Standard General condition of contract, No No Not Allowed
Special conditions/specifications.annexed to
the tender and specifications for work and
materials of Railway asamended/corrected
upto latest correction slips, mentioned in
tender form (firstsheet).
Page 17/35
Price Variation Clause (PVC): 46A.1
Applicability: Price Variation Clause (PVC)
shall be applicable only in tender having
advertised value above Rs. 2 Crores.
Provided further that, in a contract where
PVC is applicable, following shall be outside
the purview of price adjustments (i.e. shall
be excluded from the gross value of the
work for the purpose of price variation) : a)
42 No No Not Allowed
Materials supplied by Railway to the
Contractors, either free or at fixed rate; b)
Any extra item(s) included in subsequent
variation falling outside the purview of the
Bill(s) of Quantities of tender, under clause
39. (1)(b) of these Standard General
Conditions, unless applicability of PVC and
'Base Month' has been specially agreed,
while fixing the rates of such extra item(s).
46A.2 Base Month: The Base Month for
'Price Variation Clause' shall be taken as the
one monthprior to closing of tender, unless
otherwise stated elsewhere. The quarter for
applicability of PVCshall commence from the
month following the Base month. The Price
Variation shall be based onthe average Price
Index of the quarter under
consideration.46A.3 Validity:Rates accepted
by Railway Administration shall hold good
till completion of work and no
additionalindividual claim shall be
admissible except:(a) Payment/recovery for
increase/decrease in GST on works contract
or imposition/removal ofany tax/cess on
Works Contract as per Clause 37,(b)
Payment/recovery for overall market
42.1 No No Not Allowed
situation as per Price Variation Clause given
hereunder.46A.4 Components of various
items in a contract on which variation in
prices be admissible, shall besteel, cement,
ferrous material, non-ferrous material,
insulators, zinc and other materials,
labour,plant & machinery, fuel, explosives,
detonators etc. Adjustment for variation in
prices of these itemsshall be determined in
the manner prescribed.46A.5No price
variation shall be admissible for fixed
components.46A.6 The percentages of
various components in various type of works
shall be as specified for allitem (s)/ Bill(s) of
Quantities in tender document and the
same shall be fixed as per table
&classifications given in GCC-2022.
Law Governing the Contract: The contract
43 shall be governed by the law for the time No No Not Allowed
being in force in the Republic of India.
Page 18/35
Communications to be in writing: All notices,
communications, reference and complaints
made by the Railway or the Contractor inter-
44 No No Not Allowed
se concerning the works shall be in writing
and no notice, communication, reference or
complaint not in writing shall be recognized
Assignment Or Subletting of Contract: The
contractor shall not assign or sublet the
contract or any part thereof or allow any
person to become interested therein any
manner whatsoever without the special
permission in writing of the Railway. Any
45 No No Not Allowed
breach of this condition shall entitle the
Railway to rescind the contract under clause
62 of GCC and also render the contractor
liable for payment to the Railway in respect
of any loss or damage arising or ensuing
form such cancellation.
Railway Passes: No free Railway passes shall
46 be issued by the Railway to the Contractor No No Not Allowed
or any of his employee/worker
Representation on Works: The contractor
shall, when he is not personally present on
the site of the works place, keep a
responsible agent at the works during
working hours who shall on receiving
reasonable notice, present himself to the
Sr.DEE(RS&G)/BSP and orders given by the
officer or the nominated representative for
said work to the agent shall be deemed to
47 No No Not Allowed
have the same force as if they had been
given to the contractor. Before absenting
himself, the contractor shall furnish the
name and address of his representative for
the purpose of this clause and failure on the
part of the Contractor to comply with this
provision at any time will entitle the Railway
to rescind the contract under Clause 62 of
Page 19/35
Security Deposit: The Security Deposit shall
be 5% of the contract value. Security
deposit shall be initially valid up to
thestipulated date of Maintenance period
plus 60 days and shall be extended from
time to time,depending upon extension of
contract granted in terms of Clause 17A and
17B of the StandardGeneral Conditions of
Contract.Note: Security Deposit deposited in
cash by the Contractor or recovered from
the running bills of a Contractor or
submitted by contractor as Term Deposit
Receipt(s) can be refunded/returned to the
48 No No Not Allowed
contractor, in lieu of irrevocable Bank
Guarantee bond issued from scheduled
commercial bank of India, to be submitted
by him, for an amount equal to or more than
the already available Security Deposit,
provided however that, in a contract of
value less than Rs. 50 Crore, such refund/
return of the already available Security
Deposit is permitted up to two times and in
a contract of value equal to or more than
Rs. 50 Crore, such refund / return of the
already available Security Deposit is
permitted up to three times.
16.(2) (i) Refund of Security Deposit:
Security Deposit mentioned in sub clause (1)
above shall bereturned to the Contractor
along with or after, the following:(a) Final
Payment of the Contract as per clause 51.
(1) and(b) Execution of Final Supplementary
Agreement or Certification by Engineer that
Railway has NoClaim on Contractor and(c)
Maintenance Certificate issued, on expiry of
the maintenance period as per clause 50.
(1), in caseapplicable.16. (2) (ii) Forfeiture of
Security Deposit: Whenever the contract is
rescinded as a whole under clause62 (1) of
49 No No Not Allowed
these conditions, the Security Deposit
already with railways under the contract
shall beforfeited. However, in case the
contract is rescinded in part or parts under
clause 62 (1) of theseconditions, the
Security Deposit shall not be forfeited.16.(3)
No interest shall be payable upon the Bid
Security and Security Deposit or amounts
payableto the Contractor under the
Contract, but Government Securities
deposited in terms of Sub-Clause16.(4)(b) of
this clause will be payable with interest
accrued thereon.
Page 20/35
EXECUTION OF WORKS (9) Contractor's
Understanding: It is understood and agreed
that the Contractor has, by careful
examination, satisfied himself as to the
nature and location of work, the
conformation of the ground, the character,
quality of the materials to be encountered,
the character of equipment and facilities
50 No No Not Allowed
needed preliminary to and during the
progress of the works, the general and local
conditions, the labour conditions prevailing
therein and all other matters which can in
any way affect the works under the
contract, clarified all the points and doubts
and interpretations by the proper authorities
of the Railway.
Powers of Modification to Contract: The
competent authority on behalf of the
Railway shall be entitled by order in writing
to enlarge or extend, diminish or reduce the
works or make any alterations in their
design, character, position, site, quantities,
dimensions or in the method of their
execution or in the combination and use of
51 No No Not Allowed
materials for the execution thereof or to
order any additional work to be done and
the contractor will not be entitled to any
compensation for any increase /reduction in
the quantities of work but will be paid only
for the actual amount or work done and for
approved materials supplied a specific
On Account Payments: Payment to the
contractor will be done on submission of CC
on A/c Bills verification of records, preferably
on monthly basis by Electronic Fund
Transfer (EFT) at the sole discretion of the
Railway Administration in current account of
52 No No Not Allowed
contractor through any of the nationalized
/schedule bank. For this proforma collect
from this office before made first bill and is
to be essentially filled up by the tenderer
and submit the same to accounts
department for releasing the payment.
It shall be understood that every endeavor
has been made to avoid any error which can
Materially affect the basis of the tender and
the successful tender shall take open
53 No No Not Allowed
himself and provide for the risk of any error
which may subsequently may be discovered
and shall not make subsequently claim on
account thereof.
54 No No Not Allowed
Page 21/35
E-tender have been invited for and on behalf
of the President of India through website
www.ireps.gov.in for the work mentioned
against the tender notice number available
in the website. Tenderers are to bid online
only in the above mentioned website. All
Mandatory fields marked with (*) have to be
54.1 filled in by the tenderer. No Manual offer is No No Not Allowed
acceptable against this tender. No Tender
document in hard copy will be sold against
this tender Please read the Instructions to
Tenderers for e-tendering, General
Conditions of Contract, Special Condition of
Contract before filling the e-tender through
E-Tender forms are not transferable and the
same is to be submitted with digital
54.2 No No Not Allowed
signature by the Tenderer already
registered with the site.
The submitted e-tender forms will be
considered as digitally signed by the
tenderer as a confirmation from the
tenderer that the tenderer has read, agreed
54.3 No No Not Allowed
and accepted all the conditions and laid
down documents referred in para 2 above as
well as Schedule of Tender, General and
Special Conditions.
The tender offer complete in all respect and
with all documents is to be submitted online
by e-tendering process through the website
www.ireps.gov.in before the closing
54.4 time/date of this tender as mentioned in the No No Not Allowed
NIT (Notice Inviting Tender). Tenderer can
revise the bids any number of times till the
closing time/date of the tender. No manual
offers shall be accepted.
The administration will not own any
responsibility, if website is not opened for
54.4.1 downloading / uploading the tender No No Not Allowed
documents due to any technical snag or
The Railway may, of its own or in response
to any clarification requested/suggested by
any person including that from the tenderer,
54.5 may modify this tender document at its sole No No Not Allowed
discretion at least 10 days before the due
date of closing of the tender as
Page 22/35
Corrigendum as required may be issued
atleast 15 days prior to the closing of the
tender. These corrigenda of this tender, if
any, as issued time to time will be available
on website at least 15 days in advance of
closing of tender. The tenderers are
54.6 requested to check the website before No No Not Allowed
submitting their offer whether any such
corrigendum to the tender has been issued
or not and revise the offer if required
accordingly. Failure on the part of tenderer
on this aspect will be solely tenderers
This document is the Standard Tender
Document which consists of the Instruction
to the Tenderers, NIT (Notice Inviting
Tender), General Conditions of the Tender,
Special conditions of the tender, Tender
schedules, Specifications of the works &
various Annexures etc. All the above
54.7 No No Not Allowed
mentioned documents taken together if not
scored off, shall constitute the complete
tender document hereafter referred to as
Tender Document & have to be read
together & acted upon accordingly. No part
of the tender document can be relied upon
or acted upon in isolation.
The Railway and the website will have no
responsibility for incorrect evaluation of cost
and thereby incorrect cost of work and
ranking of tenderers, if the schedule is not
filled in correctly and unambiguously for
each item. No claim or clarification of a
tenderer regarding applicability, inclusion or
54.8 exclusion of any element of tax or duty or No No Not Allowed
any other change in the offer subsequently
(after opening of the tender) will be
entertained. For this the tenderers are
advised to read the Instructions, General
Conditions, Special Conditions and other
Instructions carefully before submission of
In case of any problem with the portal is
faced while filling the e-tender, Tenderers
are advised to contact with the Helpdesk of
IREPS portal who will render all help and
assistance related with the website and
54.9 portal except that related with the details of No No Not Allowed
the tender. Railway will not take any
responsibility for non-participation in the e-
tender online for the reasons related to the
website and portal or server etc beyond the
control of railways.
Page 23/35
Railway and the IREPS website will not take
the responsibility for any online payment
made by the tenderer and debited from
his/their account towards the tender cost or
Earnest Money due to wrong or
54.10 No No Not Allowed
mismanipulation or any reasons related with
the IT or found unsuitable for the tender etc.
In this regard Railway and IREPS website will
not entertain any claim or refund the paid
All documents uploaded or information
54.11 furnished in the website are digitally signed No No Not Allowed
by the competent authority.
If any certificates or details enclosed by
tenderer are found to be fake / bogus /
tampered, such of those agencies shall not
be awarded any work in South East Central
Railway for a period of five years from the
54.12 No No Not Allowed
date of opening of the tender. Joint ventures
or partnership firms or any other nature of
firm in which such agencies are a party shall
also not be awarded any work for this period
of five years.
If the tenderer(s) deliberately gives / give
wrong information in his/their tender or
creates/create circumstances for the
54.13 No No Not Allowed
acceptance of his/their tender, the Railway
reserves the right to reject such tender at
any stage.
Advertisement period- Time during which all
information pertaining to tender shall be
55 No No Not Allowed
SUBMITTED .Offer Submission Period - 15
(Fifteen) days prior to opening of tender
The Indian railway standard General
Condition of Contract shall be read with all
correction slips and amendments issued
thereto from time to time upto the date of
56 tender notice and shall form integral part of No No Not Allowed
this tender document. However, in case of
any inconsistency and contradictions
between the same and the special
conditions & specifications laid in this tender
document, the later shall prevail.
Page 24/35
of tenderer: The address, email - Id and
Mobile phone, other phone nos. and other
details given in the portal while registering
will be considered as official address and all
correspondences to the tenderer will be
made in these registered modes. All
57 communication sent in time to the tenderer No No Not Allowed
by post at the said address shall be deemed
to have reached the tenderer duly and in
time. Important documents shall be sent by
Registered Post. However, an undertaking
has to be given in the enclosed annexure by
uploading a scanned copy of duly filled in
form in the portal.
Works is also available separately in the
58 website online and Rates are to be quoted No No Not Allowed
online and submitted online duly signed
INSPECTION OF DATA Drawings for the work
can be seen in the office inviting this tender
on any working day during working hours.
The drawings are only for the guidance of
59 No No Not Allowed
tenderers. Detailed working drawings, if
required based on the drawings mentioned
above, will be given by the Engineer or his
representative from time to time.
Purchase voucher/ test certificate /
guarantee certificate etc., from the
manufacturer or their authorized dealer
60 No No Not Allowed
shall be produced in original on demand to
the Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP for all or part of the
supplied materials.
For all the tenders having advertised cost of
Rs 10 lakh or above, thecontractor shall
61 have the option to take payment from No No Not Allowed
Railways through aletter of credit (LC)
This option of taking payment through LC
arrangement has to be exercised in IREPS
(Indian Railway Electronic Procurement
System - the e-application o n which tenders
61.1 No No Not Allowed
ar e called b y Railways) b y the tenderer a t
the t ime of bidding itself, and the tenderer
shall affirm having read over and agreed to
the terms and conditions of the LC option.
The option so exercised, shall be an integral
part of the bidder's offerT h e above option o
f taking payment through L C arrangement,
61.2 once exercised by tenderer at the time of No No Not Allowed
bidding, shall be final and no change shall
be permitted, thereafter, during execution
of contract.
Page 25/35
In case tenderer opts for payment through
LC, following shall be the procedure to deal
release of payment through LC:The LC shall
be a sight LCThe contractor shall select his
61.3 No No Not Allowed
Advising/Negotiating bank for LC . The
incidental cost towards issue of LC and its
operation thereof shall be borne by the
SBI, New Delhi, Main Branch will be the
nodal branch for issue of LCs based on
online requests received from Railway
Accounts Units for tenders opened in current
financial year. SBI branches where the
respective Railway Accounts Office has its
Account (local SBI branch)will be the
61.4 issuance/reimbursing branch for LC issued No No Not Allowed
under this arrangement. The Bank shall
remain same for this tender till completion
of contract. The incidental cost @ 0.15% per
annum of LC value, towards issue of LC and
operation thereof shall be borne by the
contractor and shall be recovered from his
must beaccompanied with Earnest Money
ofrequisite amount asmentioned in NIT in
62 A/c of F.A.& C.A.O., S.E.C.Railway,Bilaspur No No Not Allowed
deposited through Internet Banking, or
paymentgateway only before the closing
date .
Special Conditions
Page 26/35
These "Additional Special Conditions", the
clauses of the instructions to tenderers and
the stipulations made in the schedule of
items of work if any shall govern the works
done the contract in addition to and/or part
supersession of GCC-2022 corrected up to
1.1 date of tender opening.When there is any No No Not Allowed
conflict between the instructions to
Tenderers with additional special conditions
and with stipulations contained in the
schedule of items on one hand, the
S.E.C.Railway Schedule of Rates (2010) Vol. I
and II corrected upto date on the other hand
the former shall prevail.
Tenderers will examine the various
provisions of The Central Goods andServices
Tax Act, 2017(CGST)/ Integrated Goods and
Services Tax Act,2017(IGST)/ Union Territory
Goods and Services Tax Act,
2017(UTGST)/respective state's State Goods
and Services Tax Act (SGST) also, as notified
byCentral/State Govt. & as amended from
time to time and applicable taxesbefore
bidding. Tenderers will ensure that full
benefit of Input Tax Credit (ITC) likely to be
availed by them is duly considered while
quoting rates.The successful tenderer who is
liable to be registered
submit GSTIN along with other
detailsrequired under
2 immediately afterthe award of contract, No No Not Allowed
without which no payment shall be released
to theContractor. The Contractor shall be
responsible for deposition of applicableGST
to the concerned authority.In case the
successful tenderer is not liable to be
registered underCGST/IGST/UTGST/ SGST
Act, the railway shall deduct the applicable
GSTfrom his/their bills under reverse charge
mechanism (RCM) and deposit thesame to
the concerned authority.The Railway will not
be bound by any power of attorney granted
by thetenderer or by changes in the
composition of the firm made subsequent to
theexecution of the contract. It may,
however, recognize such power of
attorneyand changes after obtaining proper
legal advice, the cost of which will
bechargeable to the Contractor.
2.1 All the rates are inclusive of GST. No No Not Allowed
Page 27/35
All the expenses in drawing up the
agreement and the cost of stamp duty if any
shall be done by the Railway
administration.No passes of any kind for self,
agent and labourers for any purpose in
connection with this tender/contract will be
3 No No Not Allowed
issued to the contractor.Any change in the
address of the contractor shall be forth with
intimated in writing to the Railway. The
Railway will not be responsible for any loss
or inconvenience suffered by the contractor
on account of his failure to comply with this.
The cancellation of any document such as
power of attorney, partnership deed, etc.
Shall forthwith be communicated by the
contractor to the Railway in writing failing
which the Railways shall have no
responsibility of liability for any action on the
strength of the said documents.If the
contractor's Firm is dissolved due to death
or retirement of any partner or any reasons
whatsoever before fully completing the
4 whole work for any part of it, undertaken by No No Not Allowed
the principal agreement the partners jointly,
separately and personally liable to complete
the whole work to the satisfaction of the
Railway and to pay compensation for loss
sustained if any by the Rly. Due to such
dissolution. The amount of such
compensation shall be decided by the
General Manager of the Rly. and his decision
in the matter shall be final and binding on
the contractor(s).
PAYMENT CLAUSE :- [a] On account bill will
be paid up to maximum of 90% of the
contract value and balance amount will be
paid with final bill in one lot after completion
of the same work and after doing all
adjustments of Railway materials issued to
the contractor if any in case of contract
value above Rs. 50 lakhs.[b]. On account bill
will be paid upto maximum of 90% up to Rs.
50 lakhs of contract value and above Rs. 50
lakhs up to 95% of the balance contract
5 No No Not Allowed
value and balance amount will be paid with
final bill in one lot after completion of the
same work and after doing all adjustments of
Railway materials issued to the contractor if
any in case of contract value above Rs. 50
Lakhs. The Performance Guarantee (PG)
shall be released after physical completion
of the work based on 'Completion Certificate'
issued by the competent authority stating
that the Contractor has completed the work
in all respects satisfactorily.
Page 28/35
The deployment of all plant and machinery
including moving machines should be such
as not to infringe or cause damage to Rly.
Track or any other Govt. or Private
properties. Operation of such equipment
involving infringement to moving dimensions
prescribed in hand book the schedule of
dimension for the Rly. shall not be under
6 No No Not Allowed
taken without the prior permission of
Divisional Engineer. From any loss or
damage resulting from violation of this
clause, the contractor(s) shall be wholly
responsible. Any damage/loss caused to
Railway property during execution of the
work by the contractors, firm is liable to be
recovered from their bills.
In the case of tenderer/contractor depositing
security deposit in the shape of Fixed
Deposit Receipt, it shall be the responsibility
of the tenderer/contractor to advise the Sr.
D.F.M/S.E.C.Rly./Bilaspur for renewal and
revalidation of the currency period of the
fixed deposit, as required. Such advise by
the contractor should be made well in
advance so as to reach the Sr.
DFM/S.E.C.Rly./Bilaspur not latter than one
month before the expiry of the currency
7 period, the Tenderer/ Contractor fail to do No No Not Allowed
so, the loss of interests on the fixed deposit,
if any, shall be solely on the
Tenderer's/Contractor's account and the Rly.
shall not in any way liable and responsible
for the loss of interest suffered by the
tenderer/ contractor.In respect of work, the
contract value of which is more than
Rs.5,000/- each a deduction of 2% on the
gross payment from each of the contractor's
bill will be made in terms of section 194(C)
of Income Tax Act of 1961.
The tenderer may be required to engage
surplus/retrenched casual labourers of the
S.E.C.Railway, if found suitable upto the
extent of 20(twenty) persons for each lakh
or part of the value of the contract during
the urgency of the contract. The terms of
employment between such labour and the
8 tenderer may be on mutually agreed terms No No Not Allowed
subject to the statutory provision contained
in the Labour Regulations and Enactments.
The contractor shall indemnify the Rly.
against the claim arising out of employment
of such labour and the Rly. shall not be a
party to any disputes etc. arising out of the
employment of such labour by the tenderer.
For all the tenders having advertised cost of
Rs 10 lakh or above, the contractor shall
have the option to take payment from
Railways through a letter of credit (LC)
arrangement.This option of taking payment
Page 29/35
through LC arrangement has to be exercised
in IREPS (Indian Railway Electronic
Procurement System - the e-application o n
which tenders ar e called b y Railways) b y
the tenderer a t the t ime of bidding itself,
and the tenderer shall affirm having read
over and agreed to the terms and conditions
of the LC option.The option so exercised,
shall be an integral part of the bidder's offerT
h e above option o f taking payment through
L C arrangement, once exercised by
tenderer at the time of bidding, shall be final
and no change shall be permitted,
thereafter, during execution of contract.In
case tenderer opts for payment through LC,
following shall be the procedure to deal
release of payment through LC:The LC shall
be a sight LCThe contractor shall select his
Advising/Negotiating bank for L C . The
incidental cost towards issue of LC and its
operation thereof shall be borne by the
contractor.SBI, New Delhi, Main Branch will
be the nodal branch for issue of LCs based
on online requests received from Railway
Accounts Units for tenders opened in
9 financial ye a r 2022-23. S B I branches No No Not Allowed
where the respective Railway Accounts
Office has its Account ( local SBI branch) will
be the issuance/reimbursing branch for L C
issued under this arrangement. The Bank
shall remain same for this tender till
completion of contract. The incidental cost @
0.15% per annum of L C value, towards issue
o f L C and operation thereof shall be borne
by the contractor and shall be recovered
from his bills.The LC shall be opened initially
f o r duration o f 1 8 0 to 365 d a y s in
consultation with contractor. The LC shall be
extended time to time as per the progress of
the contract, on the request of the
contractor. The value of LC to be opened
initially as well as extended thereafter shall
be finalised by the engineer in consultation
wit h the contractor on the basis of expected
progress of work.The L C terms and
conditions shall inter-alia indemnify and save
harmless the Railway from and against all
losses, claims and demands of every nature
and description brought or recovered against
the Railways by reason of any act or
omission of the contractor, his .agents or
employees, in relation to the Letter of Credit
(LC). All sums payable/borne b y Railways o
n this account shall be considered as
reasonable compensation and paid by
(i) Unless otherwise specified in the special
conditions of the contract, the
acceptedvariation in quantity of each
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individual item of the contract would be upto
25% of the quantityoriginally contracted,
except in case of foundation work (in which
no variation limit shall apply).However, the
rates for the increased quantities shall be as
per sub- para (iii) below.(ii) The Contractor
shall be bound to carry out the work at the
agreed rates and shall not be entitled toany
claim or any compensation whatsoever upto
the limit of 25% variation in quantity of
individualitem of works.(iii) In case an
increase in quantity of an individual item by
more than 25% of the agreement quantityis
considered unavoidable, then same shall be
executed at following ratesa. Quantities
operated in excess of 125% but upto 140%
of the agreement quantity of theconcerned
item, shall be paid at 98% of the rate
awarded for that item in that
particulartender;b. Quantities operated in
excess of 140% but upto 150% of the
agreement quantity of theconcerned item
shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for
that item in that particulartender;c. Variation
in quantities of individual items beyond
150% will be avoided and would bepermitted
only in exceptional unavoidable
circumstances and shall be paid at 96% of
therate awarded for that item in that
particular tender.d. Variation to quantities of
10 Minor Value Item:The limit for varying No No Not Allowed
quantities for minor value items shall be
100% (as against 25%prescribed for other
items). A minor value item for this purpose is
defined as an itemwhose original agreement
value is less than 1 % of the total original
contract value.d.(i) Quantities operated upto
and including 100% of the agreement
quantity of theconcerned minor value item,
shall be paid at the rate awarded for that
item in thatparticular tender;d.(ii) Quantities
operated in excess of 100% but upto 200%
of the agreement quantityof the concerned
minor value item, shall be paid at 98% of the
rate awarded for that itemin that particular
tender;d.(iii) Variation in quantities of
individual minor value item beyond 200%
will beavoided and would be permitted only
in exceptional unavoidable circumstances
and shallbe paid at 96% of the rate awarded
for that item in that particular tender.(iv) In
case of earthwork items, the variation limit
of 25% shall apply to the gross quantity
ofearthwork items and variation in the
quantities of individual classifications of soil
shall not be subjectto this limit.(v) As far as
Standard Schedule of Rates (SSOR) items
are concerned, the variation limit of
25%would apply to the value of SSOR
schedule(s) as a whole and not on individual
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SSOR items.However, in case of Non
Standard Schedule of Rates (SSOR) items,
the limit of 25% would apply on the
individual items irrespective of the manner
of quoting the rate (single percentage rate
orindividual item rate).
Before submitting a tender, the tenderer will
be deemed to have satisfied himself by
actual inspection of the site and locality of
the works,that all conditions liable to be
encountered during the execution of the
works are taken into account and that the
11 No No Not Allowed
rates he enters in the tender forms are
adequate and all inclusive to accord with the
provisions in Clause-37 of the General
Conditions of Contract for the completion of
works to the entire satisfaction of the
(c) The contractor once registered on the
ported, shall provide details of his Letter of
Acceptances (LoA)/Contract Agreements on
shramikkalyan portal within 15 days of issue
of any LoA for approval of concerned
engineer. Engineer shall update (if required)
and approve the details of LoA filled by
contractor within 7 days of receipt of such
request.(d) After approval of LoA by
12 No No Not Allowed
Engineer, contractor shall fill the salient
details of contract labours engaged in the
contract and ensure updating of each wage
payment to them on shramikkalyan portal on
monthly basis.(e) It shall be mandatory upon
the contractor to ensure correct and prompt
uploading of all salient details of engaged
contractual labour & payments made thereof
after each wage period.
Income Tax- 2% (Two percent ) as applicable
are recoverable for the work executed under
the contract.Contractor should quote the
rate including GST as applicable.All materials
shall conform to the relevant Indian Standard
13 No No Not Allowed
Specification.Guidelines are given on the
drawings shall be strictly followed.If any
deviation from the specifications is felt
necessary, it shall be got approved by the
competent authority only, before proceeding
with the work.
INSPECTION: wherever considered necessary
by Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP , the materials will be
inspected at the factory before dispatch, by
RITES/ Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP or Authorized
14 No No Not Allowed
Representative of Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP SEC
Railway. All the cost related to inspection of
material (either consignee or RITES etc) to
be born by the tenderer.
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ACCOMMODATION: Contractors will be
required to make his/their own arrangements
15 for the accommodation of his/their staff, No No Not Allowed
materials and tools etc. at his/their own risk
and cost.
Supervision of work shall be conducted by
Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP or his authorized
representative.Purchase voucher/ test
certificate / guarantee certificate etc., from
the manufacturer or their authorized dealer
shall be produced in original on demand to
the Sr.DEE/RS&G/BSP for all or part of the
supplied materials.Any released material
should be returned properly to the area
depot incharge/consignee through return
challan.The Sr.Divl Elect. Engineer (RS&G)
16 No No Not Allowed
SEC Railway /Bilaspur reserves the right to
increase, decrease or delete totally any
quantity of the tender schedule depending
upon the conditions prevailing at the time of
execution of the work.All the cost related to
inspection of material (either consignee or
RITES etc) to be born by the tenderer. During
supply of materials any deviation/Non
availability of materials may occurs, Sr.
DEE(RS&G)/BSP will be the final authority to
change the materials.
As per policy vide office's letter no.
EL/W/BSP/Policy/2022/02 dated
10.09.2022:1. There is no need to approve
the sample from Sr.DEE(RS&G) office.
Contractor will supply the materials of any
make specified in LOA. It is the responsibility
of consignee to match the specification of
16.1 item with the LOA before accepting the No No Not Allowed
materials. Similar procedure will apply for
execution items also.2. If there is deviation
in specification given in LOA & the material
offered to supply by the contractor, then only
concerned field incharge will approach to
Sr.DEE(RS&G) office for clarification &
For those items in supply/execution (labour)
schedules for which no any make/brand is
mentioned in LOA, Approval of such items
16.2 No No Not Allowed
shall be obtained by contractor from
Sr.DEE(RS&G) office before
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42.(1) Powers of Modification to Contract:
The Engineer on behalf of the Railway shall
beentitled by order in writing to enlarge or
extend, diminish or reduce the works or
make anyalterations in their design,
character position, site, quantities,
dimensions or in the method of
theirexecution or in the combination and use
17 No No Not Allowed
of materials for the execution thereof or to
order anyadditional work to be done or any
works not to be done and the Contractor will
not be entitled, to anycompensation for any
increase/reduction in the quantities of work
but will be paid only for the actualamount of
work done and for approved materials
supplied against a specific order.
1% building & welfare cess to be deducted
18 No No Not Allowed
fromcontractor's bill.
The contractor in addition to the indemnity
provided by law shall indemnify the Railway
Administration against all liability
whatsoever to pay compensation under
Workmen compensation Act 1923 as
19 No No Not Allowed
amended from time to time in respect of any
accident/injury to any labour employed by
him under this contract or compensation in
respect of any claim arising out of or in the
course of employment under this contract.
Taxes and penalty if levied shall be borne by
20 No No Not Allowed
the tenderer.
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S.No. Document Name Document Description
1 AnnexureE.pdf Annexure E
2 2MWRooftopongridSolarplant.pdf Scope of Work Tech Specifications
3 GCC_April-2022.pdf GCC 2022
4 revisedGCC2022Amendments.pdf GCC2022 Amendment
5 ABCD.pdf Annexure ABCD
6 H.pdf Annexure H
7 NewVA.pdf Annexure VA NEW
8 VIB.pdf Annexure VI B
9 W.pdf Annexure W
10 letterofcredit.pdf Letter of credit
11 VIA.pdf Annexure VI A
12 GCCCSmerged.pdf GCC Advance Correction Slips
Designation : Sr.DEE
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