SLG Chem 3 LG 5.12 Industrial Application of Polymers
SLG Chem 3 LG 5.12 Industrial Application of Polymers
SLG Chem 3 LG 5.12 Industrial Application of Polymers
Components Tasks a
Target The target of this learning guide is to: 0.5
1) Describe how polymers are designed for specific purposes such as min
adhesives and conducting polymers.
Hook Thousands of businesses operate in the synthetic polymer industry today. min
Manufacturers, processors, fabricators, and finishers are some of the functions
of these companies that involve polymers (Carraher, 2013). A wide range of
polymers are used in the industrial manufacture of plastics, elastomers,
fabrics, adhesives, and surface coatings. These compounds can be classified
in a variety of ways. Polymers can be classified according to mode of
assembly (i.e. chain-growth or step-growth) (Solomons et al., 2016).
Polymers can be classified based on the intermolecular forces present (e.g.
elastomers, fibers, thermoplastics, thermosets, etc.). Polymers may seem to be
a very industry-specific topic, and they are to some extent, but they are a
significant part of a number of industries that you may be familiar with. In
this learning guide, we will describe how polymers are designed for specific
purposes such as adhesives and conducting polymers.
Ignite Adhesives min
The word "adhesive" refers to a wide range of substances that are used to
adhere one material to another via surface attachment. An "adhesive joint" or
"adhesively bonded assembly" is formed when two "adherends" are connected
by an "adhesive." Adhesive technology also is a "joining technology" just like
screws, nuts and bolts, rivets, brazing, and welding. Most adhesives are made
up of organic components that are either polymers or react to form polymers
(Mark, 2007). The Egyptians used resinous adhesives to bind ceramic vessels
at least 6,000 years ago. Other adhesives (e.g. starch, milk, and glues from
animals and fish) were first used at least 3,500 years ago (Carraher, 2013).
Hot-melt adhesives: They are thermoplastics that melt and then cool to
produce efficient adhesives once the plastic has filled surface gaps. Nylons
are widely utilized in this way as well as electric glue guns.
Contact adhesives: Before pressing the surfaces together, they are normally
applied to all of them. Contact adhesives in the automotive industry are liquid
copolymers of butadiene and acrylonitrile containing carboxyl end groups.
Go to
Download the e-book entitled “Polymers for personal care products and
cosmetics”. Describe how polyacrylates are used for personal care.
a – suggested time allocation set by the teacher
b – actual time spent by the student (for information purposes only)
Carraher, C. E. (2013). Introduction to polymer chemistry (3rd ed.). CRC Press.
Mark, J. E. (2007). Physical properties of polymers handbook (2nd ed.). Springer Science &
Business Media.
Solomons, T. W., Fryhle, C. B., & Snyder, S. A. (2016). Organic chemistry (12th ed.). John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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