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Selecting A Slip Ring...............................................................................3-5 Moog Inc. is a worldwide designer, manufacturer, and integrator
of precision control components and systems. Moog’s high-
How To Specify A Slip Ring................................................................... 3 performance systems control military and commercial aircraft,
satellites and space vehicles, launch vehicles, missiles, automated
Components Of A Slip Ring.................................................................. 4 industrial machinery, marine and medical equipment.
Slip Ring Application Specification Sheet...................................... 5
Moog’s Power and Data Sector, headquartered in Blacksburg,
Aerospace / Military Slip Ring Products......................................6-13 Virginia, is an innovative provider of power and data transfer
solutions, motion control, and electronic products that are
Slip Ring Program Matrix...................................................................... 6 designed and manufactured to meet the demanding technical and
environmental requirements of the defense and space markets.
Electro-Optic Systems......................................................................... 7
Moog products can be found on mission critical applications:
Vehicular Slip Rings................................................................................ 9

Helicopter Slip Rings........................................................................... 15 • Armored vehicle turrets, IR and EO systems

• Missile seeker gimbals and inertial systems
Propeller Slip Rings.............................................................................. 17
• Helicopter de-ice systems, EO / IR trackers and target systems
Miniature Slip Ring Capsules..................................................... 19-30 • Fixed-wing aircraft - EO / IR trackers, fire control systems,
surveillance systems and targeting systems
Integrated Mechanisms.......................................................................... 31
• Missile counter measures
Technical Information....................................................................... 33-36 • Space - solar array mechanisms
• Shipboard / submersible - navigation systems and fire
Digital Technology................................................................................ 33
control radar
Fiber Brush Technology..................................................................... 35 • Surveillance systems
Product Summary..................................................................................... 37
More information about Moog is available at www.moog.com.

Note: Products listed herein are subject to U.S. Export Regulations and may require export licensing. Contact Moog to obtain specific export control requirements.

Many of the more than 10,000 slip 2. The platter approach where the rings
ring designs are available for use in are concentric with one another like the
their existing configuration or they grooves on a flat surface. The pancake
may be modified to meet your specific approach is used when length is at a
requirements. New designs can also be premium but diameter is less restrictive.
created to meet the most demanding

Our engineers are experienced in a wide

range of slip ring applications. A very
active in-house quality program solicits
the best inputs from all of our many Defining Electrical Requirements
concurrent engineering groups, from
start to finish. The specified current enables the slip
ring engineer to propose a unit with the
This section is designed to guide you Defining the Mechanical Envelope appropriate cross-sectional area of the
through the process of specifying a slip rings, brushes and lead wires. The specified
ring. We’ve outlined below the major The envelope is, of course, largely dictated
voltage dictates the spacing between
considerations that a slip ring engineer by the space available in the system. The slip
adjacent rings and brushes. It is helpful
will need to know about your application. ring engineer should be given the maximum
in achieving the most cost effective and
space available in the system so all existing
smallest practical envelope not to rate all
candidate designs can be considered. It is
circuits at the maximum level. For example,
Basic Slip Ring Design imperative that the space required for the
if you need 20 circuits total, three of which
slip ring be specified in the early stages of
must carry ten amps, designate three for
Throughout these pages, you will see the system design and that it be consistent
high current. Don’t insist on 100% functional
three basic terms used for slip rings: with the structural and electrical demands.
interchangeability by specifying that all 20
circuits carry ten amps. And, if ten amps is
1. Slip Ring Capsule - A fully integrated
a surge current with a continuous current
unit with a housing and bearings. Defining System Interface
of only two amps, tell us that, too. There
2. Slip Ring Separates - Separate slip Requirements
is no reason for you to pay for ten amps
ring rotor and brush blocks for continuous capacity when you only need
The slip ring engineer will need to know
mounting in your system. two amps.
these system interface considerations:
3. Twist Capsule - A limited rotation
device used typically in scanning Be aware that voltage surges and spikes are
1. Can the slip ring mount directly on the
applications where continuous the major cause of system slip ring failures.
center line or is a through-bore required
rotation is not required. Moog uses a conservative approach to
in the slip ring? A through-bore can be
circuit design, however, it is not uncommon
used to mount the slip ring on a shaft or
in some power supply systems to see
used for routing hydraulic lines,
voltage spikes ten or more times the normal
pneumatic lines, fiber optic rotary joint,
operating voltage. We strongly recommend
wave guide. etc.
surge protection on all power supplies.
2. How will the slip ring attach to the
system? A slip ring must be mounted Most smaller slip rings will satisfactorily
with a flexible coupling on one side of conduct signals to 50 megabits / sec. Special
the unit. Hard mounting on both the slip rings can be used to pass broadband
rotor and stator will cause the slip ring signals from DC to 1 gigahertz and data rates
to fail prematurely by translating of 500 megabits or even higher. Cross-talk,
system load into the slip ring bearing insertion loss and bit error rate information
structure. can be projected, if tested for actual values,
3. How should the electrical connections when data rates, formats and impedances
to the slip ring be made? Is it desirable are defined. The appropriate shielding
There are two basic slip ring configurations to have connectors integral with the techniques will be incorporated to meet the
to consider based on space allocation in slip ring on both the rotor and stator, system requirements.
your system: or would flying leads on one or the other
ends be desirable? And if flying leads
1. The more common drum approach are preferred, should they exit the rotor
Defining Mechanical Requirements
where each ring is adjacent to the / stator in a radial or axial direction, and 1. Operating speed (rpm) is an important
next along the centerline, somewhat what length should the leads be? design parameter. Almost any slip ring
like the threads on a bolt and can operate successfully at speeds to

100 rpm although many applications specifying the proper lubricant. And if
only require operation at a few rpm. the slip ring will operate exposed to the
Slip rings are routinely used to elements or to a hostile environment,
instrument test jet turbine engines integral seals must be included in the design.
operating at speeds in excess of Any unusual shock or vibration should also
20,000 rpm. The operating speed, be specified.
in conjunction with the diameter,
dictates the surface speed of the ring
relative to the brush and hence the Your Slip Ring Requirements
internal design approach and material
For assistance on your slip ring requirements,
please complete the Slip Ring Application
2. What rotational life is necessary for Specification Sheet located on page 6, you
your application? Will the unit can either fax or call and speak with one of
oscillate or rotate at a continuous our engineers about your optimum slip ring
speed? solution.

Defining the Environment

Many of the slip ring designs and manufacturing processes
The environment in which the slip ring described are proprietary and are covered under one or more
U.S., European or Japanese patents. The information provided is
must survive is a key factor. Operating intended to assist the system engineer in initial discussions and is
temperature range is important in not intended as a specification.


Note: Outer housing is removed for clarity. Stator Leads

Brush Block

Stator End Cap

Stator End Cap


Derotation Tab

Rotor Leads Ring

(Insulation Between Rings)

Rotor Leads
Fiber Brush

Please provide as much information as possible, enter NA for those questions that are not critical or important to you. Do not be concerned if you do
not have all of the specifications that are requested, we are happy to work with as little or as much information as you can provide. However, the more
complete your response, the more thorough our analysis.


Company Name Contact

Division  Buyer

Address  Engineer

 Other

City State/Country Zip/Post Code

Phone FAX E-mail

1) Description of Application:  Commercial

 Industrial
 Military
 Other

2) Type of Slip Ring  Capsule  Separate Brush Block  Other
 Separate Slip Ring  Poly-Twist (for ± °)

3) This Application is:  New  Retrofit / Replacement Type of Application:

Current Supplier: Part Number:

4) Estimated Annual Quantity: Price Target: Production Start Date:

Estimated Life of Program: Tooling $ Available:

5) Size Constraints - Mechanical and additional requirements (i.e. resolver, motor, hydraulics, pneumatics, optical channel, etc):

6) Specifications: Circuit No. Current (amps) Working Data Digital Risetime* Crosstalk
Function Ring Volts Protocol or Freq. (Hz) Isolation (dB)
Number of Rings: Normal Max
Size: Length
Wear (Life): Hours (or Yrs)
at Duty Cycle
Operating Temp Range (°C):
Min Max Norm
Pressure: Norm Min
Vibration: g’s @ Hz Shock g’s
Sealing:  None  Dust & Splash
 Water Spray  Submersion
Rotational Speed: Norm
Oscillatory Motion: Yes No
Torque: Max Starting gm-cm
Weight (Max):
Lead Length: Rotor Stator
Connectors: Rotor Stator
Lead Exits: Rotor Axial Radial
*If unknown please specify protocol or data rate.
Stator Axial Radial

Contact information: 800-336-2112 • +1-540-552-3011 • email: poweranddata@moog.com

Program Description

Bradley Fighting Vehicle Commander’s Independent Viewer AZ Slip Ring

A3 Turret Slip Ring, EL Poly-Twist

A2 Turret Slip Ring

Advanced Targeting Pod Pitch Axis Slip Ring

Roll Axis Slip Ring

AH-64A / D Apache Slip Ring RF Rotary Joint Assembly

Longbow Attack Helicopter

AH64 Apache Tail Rotor De-ice

Avenger Air Defense System Turret Slip Ring Capsule

Blackhawk and Seahawk Main Rotor

Tail Rotor

F-14 / 15 / 16 LANTIRN Main De-roll Slip Ring

Sentinel Radar Pedestal Slip Ring Capsule

V-22 Osprey Main Prop Rotor Slip Ring

De-ice and Flight Controls

Stryker IAV Mobile Gun System Turret Slip Ring Assembly

F35 Joint Strike Fighter EOTS Roll Slip Ring

S92 Helicopter Main Rotor De-ice Slip Ring

Tail Rotor De-ice Slip Ring

AWACS Main Power and Signal Transfer

Slip Ring / RF Rotary Joint

Main Power and Signal Transfer

Slip Ring / RF Rotary Joint

SIG CKTS = Signal Circuits (Rings)

PWR CKTS = Power Circuits (Rings)


The dramatic increase of sophisticated gimbaled electro-optic sensor systems that provide
battlefield information has led to major developments in supporting hardware. These
EO systems require an enormous amount of data to be transmitted across the rotating
axes as well as power and other signals. Moog has always been one step ahead of these
requirements with the development of high bandwidth slip rings, twist capsules, fiber optic
rotary joints and multiplexing technologies.

Moog has participated in the development of many of the major airborne and ground-based
EO systems The Abrams Tank Commander’s Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) has used
our slip ring assembly to allow continuous rotation on the azimuth axes since the program’s
inception. The Bradley armored vehicle also uses Moog’s slip ring on the azimuth axis of its
Commander’s Independent Viewer (CIV); in addition the CIV uses a Moog’s twist capsule on
the elevation axis.

Moog slip rings and twist capsules are used extensively in airborne EO systems. The latest upgrade to the F-18 Hornet’s EO sensor
suite, Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR), utilizes a Moog slip ring to allow continuous rotation in the roll axis and
a twist capsule for scanning, or limited rotation, in the elevation and yaw axes. The Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for
Night (LANTIRN), and its successor Sniper, pods used for EO targeting and navigation on the F-16 uses Moog slip rings and twist
capsules exclusively. The Predator UAV, LAMPS helicopter, and Apache helicopter all “see in the dark” because Moog hardware transmit
data and power reliably.


• Multiple contact technologies suited for the application • Blade de-ice
- Monofilament wire brush • Blade position
- Multiple precious metal fiber brush • Tip lights
- Composite brush • Flight controls
• Environmental sealing • FLIR systems
• EMI Shielding • Target acquisition systems
• FEA structure analysis • Weapon stations
• High shock and vibration capabilities
• Wide operating temperature envelope
• Vertical integration of position sensors and ancillary products
• High frequency bandwidth
• High reliability and life
• Redundant bearing designs

Low Profile Azimuth Slip Rings designs contain both copper lines for Poly-Twists — How They Work
System height is often the primary power and signals, as well as fiber lines for
Poly-Twists resemble slip ring assemblies
concern of the EO gimbal designer. fiber optic signals.
in size and appearance and provide multiple
Moog has the solution with its patented turns of rational freedom. They operate
broadband platter slip ring design. This Design and manufacturing techniques have
by winding and unwinding flexible circuit
broadband technology allows the slip been developed and patented that increase
tapes wrapped around a central shaft in a
ring designer to package multiple high signal bandwidth while controlling crosstalk
configuration resembling a clock spring.
speed data lines on slip ring platters, and EMI/EMC. A arrange of solutions is
The central shaft is generally supported by
and then “stack” these platters with available to handle data channels such as
ball bearings, but bearing-less assemblies
their accompanying brush blocks into a GigE, Fibre Channel, and IEEE1394 to name
are available. One end of the shaft is
very low profile design. Power rings as just a few. These high speed data solutions
fastened to the shaft, with lead wires
well as discrete signals and video can are being used in existing EO system as
extending from the shaft either axially
also be placed on these slip ring platters. well as turret, radar, and other advanced
or radially. The other end of the tape is
This has led to a dramatic decrease in technology applications.
fastened to the Poly-Twist frame, which is
typical slip ring usually considered stationary. Stator lead
height or length Poly-Twist or Twist Capsules
wire terminations may also be either axial or
over traditional In most cases gimbaled EO systems require radial. The flexing element is the key to the
slip ring “drum- continuous, unlimited rotation on just one low torque and long life of the Poly-Twist.
style” designs. axis, typically the azimuth or roll axis. In The stress on the
this case slip rings are the ideal solution flexible circuit
for transmitting signals across the rotating is well below
High Speed Data interface. Normally the other axes (pitch, its endurance
The dramatic improvement in image elevation, or yaw), require only limited stress limit
quality, the use of multi-sensors, and rotation, i.e., less than 360 degrees. This producing very
increased communication requirements allows the use of a Poly-Twist to transmit low torque levels
have driven the need for EO Systems electrical power and signals. By the use of and very long
to significantly increase transmission wrapping flexible circuits , the Poly-Twist operational life.
speeds of data channels with every designer is able to increase circuit density,
generation of upgrade. We have EO slip decrease weight, and improve system
rings that handle as many as two dozen reliability over traditional cable wraps. The
data channels at over 400 Mbps each, long life, low and consistent torque, and
for an aggregate bandwidth of 12 Gpbs. the small size make Poly-Twists the best
Slip ring/fiber optic rotary joint hybrid solution for scanning, or limited rotation
axes in EO systems.




The increasing complexity of modern military vehicles demands slip rings that provide reliable
electrical interfaces between the stationary and rotating parts of these vehicles. Moog slip
rings have been chosen to operate on numerous vehicular programs to meet these challenges.
M1 / A2 and M60 tanks, A2 / A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, Stryker, Light Armored Vehicles
(LAVs), and V150 Commando Vehicles are just a small sample of these vehicular programs.

Technological developments have yielded stabilized gun systems, laser target acquisition
and fire control systems, and high bandwidth data communications that create unique
demands for vehicular slip rings. We meet all of these challenges effectively and
economically. A sampling of our many active vehicular slip ring designs are shown on the
following pages, or our engineering department can tailor a slip ring for your vehicular
application, often within the existing envelope. Contact us with your requirements.


• Supports modern data communication technologies • Tanks
• Full environmental sealing capabilities • Light armored vehicles
• EMI shielding available • Armored personnel carriers
• Range of operating voltages compatible with any vehicular system • Retrievers
• Hydraulic rotary joint options • Armored field artillery vehicles
• Gold-on-gold contacts for signal and data integrity • Brigade command vehicles
• Meets military shock and vibration requirements • Reconnaissance vehicles
• Speed, torque and frequency characteristics designed • Mobile missile launchers
for specific vehicular applications • Independently rotating commander stations
• High power capability to support present and future • Forward-Looking-Infra-Red systems (FLIRs) or viewers
vehicular system needs
• High frequency coax channels available
• Through-bore designs
• Cam-operated microswitches
• Vertical integration with resolvers, fiber optics, fluidic
interfaces, hydraulics, pneumatics and motors
• Filtered air transfer for chemical, biological and radiological
(NBC) requirements and / or electronics cooling and pneumatic
rotary joint options for crew station breathing and electronic cooling
• High speed data capabilities
Electrical slip rings are used in vehicles • clear through-bore to allow another device ring capsule. A typical vehicular slip ring
such as tanks, retrievers, light armored to occupy the centerline will include circuits for powering electronic
vehicles, mobile missile launchers, and • connectors – case mounted or attached equipment, video circuits, and analog and
armored personnel carriers. A typical to cables digital control circuits.
vehicle might contain slip rings in the • mechanical support – on either side of
turret, the commander station and the the rotating interface Sometimes it is important that sensitive
infrared sight. In each of these systems, circuits have additional isolation from other
slip rings have provided reliable signal and Power Circuits circuits to meet heightened sensitivity
power coupling under the most rugged Theoretically, there is no limit to the amount requirements. Circuit isolation requirements
battlefield conditions. of power that can be transferred by the are more easily addressed early in the design
slip ring capsule. Most hull-to-turret slip stages.
In addition to producing compact slip rings ring capsules are capable of transferring
where minimal space is available, we have 150 amps continuously. It is important Slip Ring Expertise
provided units that combine conventional that the power duty cycles (including surge Vehicles such as tanks, retrievers, mobile
electrical slip rings with resolvers, currents) be accurately defined as early as missile launchers, light armored vehicles
encoders, fiber optics, pneumatics and possible in the design stage. (Requiring the and armored personnel carriers pose a
hydraulics rotary joints. slip ring capsule to operate at continuous variety of challenges. Hydraulically-actuated
current levels that will not be encountered equipment in the turret may require the
Design in the field takes space that could be more combination of conventional electrical
Moog can offer the most valuable design effectively used for signal requirements.) If slip ring with a hydraulic joint to form an
assistance by being involved early in the the space available for the slip ring capsule is electro-hydraulic slip ring, thereby providing
development of the vehicle. The internal limited, it may be advantageous to transfer reliable fluidic interfacing. The threat of a
design of the slip ring capsule will be the power at higher voltages and lower NBC environment may require pneumatic
driven by the circuit requirements and the currents. The power ground can be made channels through the slip ring to provide
space available for mounting the slip ring through the case of the slip ring capsule or filtered air to crew members’ face masks.
capsule. From our vast product line, we insulated from case ground. The introduction of an independently
can pull from the following design criteria: rotating commander station or cupola
Signal Circuits may require a slip ring large enough in
• use of existing designs Signal requirements for vehicular slip diameter to encompass the station,
• single drum ring capsules continue to be increasingly yet very thin in cross section to minimize
• concentric drums demanding. The circuit functions and space requirements. These advances in
• single pancake electrical isolation requirements have a military technology, plus many others,
• stacked pancakes significant impact on the design of the slip have challenged the capabilities of the slip
• combination of designs


Weapon Station Cupola
• Slip ring
FLIRs and Target • Resolver
Acquisition Systems • Motor
• Slip ring • Actuator
• Resolver
• Cube motor
• Torque motor
• Actuator

Motors, Resolvers
and Actuators Optical Data Bus
• Electric turret drive • Fiber optic rotary joint
• Gun elevation Turret Slip RIngs - On and off axis
Turret Stabilization
• Travel lock • Electromechanical or - Single and multi channel
• Moog Systems Group
• Electro-optical - Single and multi mode
• Hydraulic • FDDI bypass switches
• Pneumatic • Trunk coupling units

ring industry, demanding equally • Studied the effect of environmentally- easy to understand why our slip rings have
sophisticated solutions for reliable induced contaminants on slip ring been chosen to be used on numerous
vehicle operation. contacts and made substantial progress vehicular programs, including:
in making slip rings more tolerant of
Moog consistently meets these hostile environments. • APC
challenges successfully and economically. • 8x8
For more than 50 years we have been • Consolidated all of the functions of • M60 A1 and A2
involved in the design, development, and product design, tool design,
• M728 CEV
production of quality slip rings for many manufacturing, and product testing into
diverse applications. Recognized as a well-integrated in-house operation
leaders in slip ring research and testing, certified to AS9100 Rev. C ISO 9001- • Centurion
our team of engineers, scientists, and 2008. • M2 and M3 Bradley
manufacturing personnel have focused • Commando V150
their total resources toward one goal— • Combined field-proven slip ring designs • Leopard
providing you with the best possible with high-volume tooling techniques • Stryker
product. resulting in high quality hull-to-turret • M48
slip rings at attractive unit prices. • AAV
To that end, we have:
• Established a complete Research • Presented technical papers dealing with
• Bionix
& Development team, conducting the field of electrical contacts and the
numerous on-going studies in such applications of our technology to a
areas as tribology — the science diverse marketplace.
of friction, wear and high bandwidth
communication. In view of our many years of applications
experience and proven performance, it is

The following table presents a cross-section of our vehicular designs. These products are for reference purposes only. Please
contact the factory concerning your requirements. Tooling charges may apply.


No. of Cont. Current Voltage No. of Intended Comments
Vehicular Gauge or Type
Slip Ring Circuits Rating Rating Circuits Signal
2 cam design for dual fire control
AC3497 1 150 amps Ground 12 Control 5 amps, 150 V
Variations available

Dual cam NBC air channel Variations avai able

AC6033 1 150 amps Ground 18 Control 5 28 VDC

VSR-3733 NBC air channel

2 200 amps 24 VDC 42 20 AWG 3 amps, 28 VDC Size similar to VSR4994

VSR-4906 NBC air channel

2 200 amps 24 VDC 61 20 AWG 3 28 VDC, 28 VDC
Size similar to VSR4994

VSR-4994 NBC air channel

4 200 amps 24 VDC 86 24 AWG 2 - 4 amps, 28 VDC (2) 1553 Data-bus
(8) RS-170 Video

VSR-6057 2 250 amps 18 - 37 VDC 238 24 AWG 2 - 4 28 VDC, 28 VDC EMI features concentric rings and high isolation

VSR-6772 450 amps 28 VDC 28 AWG 100 Mbit Ethernet Contains resolver, R to D network, power distribution
2 75 amps 150
network and pneumatic and hydraulic rotary joint

VSR-2000 2 50 amps 250 VDC 10 amps, 250 VDC High current and alternate signal configurations available
12 or 24

VSR-7001 150 amps 20 - 33 VDC 32 22 AWG 5 amps, 20 - 33 VDC Gigabit ethernet channels
120 amps 18 24 AWG 3 amps, 20 - 33 VDC Immersible to 1 meter
4 80 amps 28 AWG Twinax Serial Data
4 13 amps MIL-C-17 / 94 RG-179 (2) RS-170 video
11 28 AWG Twinax Gigabit Ethernet Air channel














Today’s rotorcraft applications place unique demands on slip ring technology because of
equipment requirements and environmental conditions. From de-ice applications (with
their need for high rotational speed, exposure to weather conditions and high vibration) to
weapon stations and electro-optic sensor systems (with high bandwidth signal transmission),
helicopter slip rings must perform in a highly reliable mode with the latest product

Our many years of experience in this arena has allowed Moog to be a leader in slip ring
technology for rotorcraft applications. Employing a combination of precious metal fiber and
composite brush technology for signal and power transfer, we are qualified to meet the most
demanding applications effectively and economically. Contact us with your requirements so
we can help you find a solution.


• Multiple contact technologies suited for the application • Blade de-ice
- Monofilament wire brush • Blade position
- Multiple precious metal fiber brush • Tip lights
- Composite brush • Flight controls
• Environmental sealing • FLIR systems
• EMI Shielding • Target acquisition systems
• FEA structure analysis • Weapon stations
• High shock and vibration capabilities
• Wide operating temperature envelope
• Vertical integration of position sensors and ancillary products
• High frequency bandwidth
• High reliability and life
• Redundant bearing designs

Electrical slip rings are used in helicopter, requirements, need for ancillary products Signal Circuits
tilt-rotor and rotorcraft applications for and the space available for mounting the Signal requirements for a rotorcraft slip
a variety of applications. Historically, slip ring capsule. We can offer the following ring capsule continues to be increasingly
slip rings were initially intended for use design criteria: demanding, particularly with the advent of
in blade de-ice and tip-light applications tiltrotor aircraft, electro-optics and target
where electrical power was required for • Use of existing designs acquisition systems. The circuit functions
the main and tail rotor blades. Today, • Single drum and electrical isolation requirements have a
with the advent of tilt-rotor aircraft, slip • Concentric drums significant impact on the design of the slip
rings are transmitting flight control and • Single pancake ring. While a de-ice system has few signal
blade position data. Reliability and data • Stacked pancakes requirements, tiltrotor aircraft require flight
integrity has never been more important. • Combination of designs control circuitry and electro-optic sensors
• Clear through-bore to allow for another often requiring high-bandwidth video, analog
Advanced aircraft now carry infrared and device or bearing structure and digital control circuitry.
electro-optic sensors, target acquisition • Connectors – case mounted or attached
systems and weapon stations requiring to cables It is often important that sensitive circuits
unrestrained rotation. As a result, slip • Mechanical support – on either side of have additional isolation from other circuits
rings (and our related motion technology the rotating interface including and impedance matching for high bandwidth.
components) play a much broader and the stand pipe Such requirements can be much better
important role. addressed early in the design stages.
Power Circuits
In addition to producing compact, light Theoretically, there is no limit to the amount Slip Ring Experience
weight and highly reliable slip rings, of power that can be transferred by the Rotorcraft applications pose a variety of
we have provided units that combine slip ring assembly. Most rotorcraft de-ice design challenges. High vibration, harsh
conventional electrical slip rings with slip rings carry less than 100 amperes of environments and high reliability demands
resolvers, encoders, fiber optic rotary current. It is important that the power duty products from a proven supplier. Moog
joints and other commodities. cycle be defined as early as possible in the has a long history of supplying slip ring
design stage. Thermal design requirements and motion technology (motors, resolvers,
Design can affect other design parameters. If the fiber optic and subsystem) products to
Moog can offer the most valuable design space available for the slip ring capsule is the rotorcraft industry. Current fielded
assistance by being involved early in the limited, it may be advantageous to transfer systems include Apache, Blackhawk,
development of the aircraft and related the power at higher voltages. Power can be Seahawk, EH-101, S-92, V-22, CV-22 and
subsystems. The internal design of the slip grounded either through the case of the slip BA-609 to name a few. Let us put our
ring capsule will be driven by the circuit ring or insulated from the case. experience to work for your next rotorcraft


Main rotor Collative pitch and

de-ice slip ring yaw actuators
and resolver

Tail rotor de-ice

slip ring
FLIR and target
acquisition slip ring,
motor, resolver,
integrated assembly
and actuators

Utility electromechanical Primary flight control actuators:

Chin gun stabilization: actuators for wheels and doors Moog Aircraft Group
Moog Space and
Cockpit instruments
Defense Group
and displays



Fixed wing propeller aircraft use special de-icing slip rings to pass electrical power from the
airframe generators to the rotating propellers. These propellers are heated to avoid the build
up of ice either in flight or on the ground in difficult weather conditions.

The correct choice of materials for the rings and brushes, together with a very fine surface
finish on the rings themselves, ensure the optimum life of the unit in operation. The life time
is generally in excess of 1500 hours at 1200 rpm – equivalent to >100 million revolutions,
with only a simple maintenance operation to change the brushes and brush block.

Units are designed for each application in conjunction with the customers’ requirements.

Typically these slip rings are supplied to the Propeller system manufacturer.

Moog pedigree extends over many years and the following programmes are examples of where our products are used :

- Jetstream
- Fokker 50
- SAAB 340
- Grumman
- SAAB 2000
- De Havilland Dash 8
- Lockheed Martin C130J
- ATR42
- Airbus A400M


• Low brush wear • Blade de-ice
• Integrated rings and housings
• Beryllium free design
• Low maintenance solution, replaceable brushes
• Diamond turned finish on the slip ring





A slip ring capsule can be used in any electromechanical system that requires unrestrained,
intermittent or continuous rotation while transferring power and / or data.

Miniature slip ring capsule assemblies economically address both critical space and weight
limitations. Each assembly includes the rotor, brush blocks, frame, ball bearings and dust
cover. Existing designs are available or we can custom design slip rings to meet your specific

Although originally designed for commercial uses, the miniature slip ring capsule is well
suited for many military applications.


This slip ring provides high speed performance and is successfully
• Rugged stainless steel housing serving in various applications such as:
• Up to 60 rings can be packaged in a self-contained
envelope 1.957 inch long and .50 inch barrel diameter • Gimballed pitch, roll and yaw axes of inertial navigation systems
• Gold-on-gold sliding contact technology • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
• Up to 100 rpm operation
• Low noise; as low as 25 milliohms
• Long life. Several million total revolutions at speeds up
to 60 rpm have been obtained.

• Precise, tight packaging capabilities for meeting stringent design criteria
• Proprietary plating techniques provide improved reliability, longer life and increased efficiency
• Unique signal handling performance to minimize noise and increase speed
• Configuration flexibility allows for packaging from 16 to 60 circuits

Modular “A” Inches No. of Circuits “A” Dimension “B” Dimension

Current Rating .8 amp per circuit 20 1.04 (26.3) 0.757 (19.2)

Lead Size 30 AWG 30 1.34 (33.9) 1.057 (26.8)

Dielectric Strength 500 VAC (test) 40 1.64 (41.5) 1.357 (34.5)

Insulation Resistance 1000 mohms @ 500 VDC 50 1.94 (49.1) 1.657 (42.1)

Circuit Resistance 265 mohms with 12 in. leads both ends 60 2.24 (56.8) 1.957 (49.7)a

Starting Torque 2 grams-centimeters max. per circuit

Noise 50 mohms tested @ 5 rpm test current 50 MA

AC264 Dimensions

Dimensions in inches (millimeters)

Modular “A” Inches No. of Circuits “A” Dimension “B” Dimension

Current Rating .8 amp per circuit 16 1.04 (26.3) 0.757 (19.2)

Lead Size 30 AWG 20 1.34 (33.9) 1.057 (26.8)

Dielectric Strength 500 VAC (test) 24 1.64 (41.5) 1.357 (34.5)

Insulation Resistance 1000 mohms @ 500 VDC 28 1.94 (49.1) 1.657 (42.1)

Circuit Resistance 270 mohms with 12 in. leads both ends 32 2.24 (56.8) 1.957 (49.7)a

Starting Torque 1.5 grams-centimeters max. per circuit 36 1.51 (38.4) 1.31 (33.2)

Noise 25 mohms tested @ 5 rpm test current 100 MA

AC267 Dimensions

Dimensions in inches (millimeters)



A slip ring capsule can be used in an electromechanical application to transfer low power
and data over a continuous rotary interface, eliminating the need for wrapped cables. The
RE4815 provides highly compact packaging to 32 conductors in a very small 1/2 inch
diameter housing with an overall length of less than 1-3/8 inches.

• Compact for ease of incorporation in small mechanisms
• 32 rings with excellent signal handling properties as well as low power transfer
• Gold-on-gold contact technology
• Up to 600 rpm operation
• Low electrical noise

• Highly compact to keep mechanisms small
• Outstanding signal handling capability to transfer the most demanding communication protocols
• Proprietary plating techniques and materials for high performance and reliability
• Rugged stainless steel housing for demanding environments

• Gimbal systems
• UAV camera systems
• Positioning tables
• Laboratory equipment

Specification Units

Current Rating 1 A per circuit

Operational Voltage 50 VAC / VDC

Lead Size 30 AWG (19 / 42 SPC, Teflon® insulation)

Starting Torque 50 gm cm
50 milliohms maximum tested @ 6 VDC
Electrical Noise
50 milliamps when running @ 130 rpm
Operational Temperature 80°C maximum

Rotational Speed 600 rpm

Circuit Resistance 900 milliohms maximum

Enclosure Stainless steel


?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??












A slip ring capsule can be used in any electromechanical system that requires unrestrained,
occasional or continuous rotation while transferring power and / or data.

Miniature slip ring capsule assemblies economically address both critical space and weight
limitations. Each assembly includes the rotor, brush blocks, frame, ball bearings and dust

These slip rings can be configured with spacing between rings of 0.006 inch and brush
diameters no larger than a human hair. Existing designs are available or we can custom
design slip rings to meet your specific requirement.


• Gimballed pitch, roll and yaw axes of inertial navigation
• Center-to-center adjacent ring spacings as small
as 0.015 inch can be obtained
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
• 80 rings packaged in a self-contained envelope
• Airborne camera platforms
2.0 inches long and .68 inch barrel diameter
• Gold-on-gold sliding contact technology
• Up to 40 rpm operation
• Low noise; as low as 15 milliohm per circuit pair
• Long life; several million total revolutions have been obtained

• Precise, tight packaging capabilities for meeting stringent
design criteria
• Proprietary plating techniques provide improved reliability,
longer life and increased efficiency
• Unique signal handling performance to minimize noise and
increase speed
• Other configurations are available from 16 to 95 circuits
• We also manufacture commercial slip rings from 6 to 56

Specification Value

Lead Size 30 AWG / 26 AWG

Dielectric Strength 500 VAC (test)

Insulation Resistance 1000 megohms

Circuit Resistance 0.54 ohms (leads @ 24 in.)

Starting Torque 240 gm cm

Noise 30 milliohms max.

Rotational Speed 40 rpm max.

Lead Length 24 inches each end




A slip ring capsule can be used in any electromechanical system that requires unrestrained,
occasional or continuous rotation while transferring power and / or data.

Miniature slip ring capsule assemblies economically address both critical space and
weight limitations. Each assembly includes the rotor, brush blocks, frame, ball bearings
and dust cover.

These slip rings can be configured with spacing between rings of 0.015 inch and brush
diameters no larger than a human hair.

Existing designs are available or we can custom design slip rings to meet your specific


This slip ring provides high speed performance and is successfully
• Center-to-center adjacent ring spacings as small as
serving in applications such as:
0.015 inch can be obtained
• 95 rings packaged in a self-contained envelope 3.3 inches
• Gimballed pitch, roll and yaw axes of inertial navigation systems
long and 1.5 inch barrel diameter
• Satellite de-spin assemblies
• Gold-on-gold sliding contact technology
• Deep earth drilling projects
• Up to 40 rpm operation
• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
• Low noise; as low as 15 milliohm per circuit pair
• Airborne camera platforms
• Long life; several million total revolutions have been obtained

• Precise, tight packaging capabilities for meeting stringent
design criteria
• Proprietary plating techniques provide improved reliability,
longer life and increased efficiency
• Unique signal handling performance to minimize noise and
increase speed
• Other configurations are available from 16 to 80 circuits
• We also manufacture commercial slip rings from 6 to 24 circuits

Specification Value

Current Rating 0.8 amp per circuit

Lead Size 30 AWG

Dielectric Strength 500 V (test)

Insulation Resistance 1000 Mohms @ 500 VDC

Circuit Resistance 0.54 ohms (leads @ 24 in.)

Starting Torque 240 gm cm

Noise 30 milliohms max.

Rotational Speed 40 rpm max.

Lead Length 24 inches each end


Length O.D. Housing O.D. Flange
Part Number No. of Ckts. Signal Power Other
(inch) (inch) (inch)

RT4922 5 5 @ 1A 0 1.10 0.47 0.87 1 segmented circuit

SJ4834 8 5 @ 1A 3 @ 4A 1.90 0.75 1.56 Integral rotor connector

JJ6095 15 15 @ 1A 1.1 1.0 1.4 O’ring, sealed bearing, fiber brush

GS2725 29 23 @ 0.5A 6 @ 2A 0.83 0.39 1.24 Lead length is 11 in. min.

RE4815 32 32 @ 1A 0 1.32 0.50 0.60 Lead length is 24 in. rotor & 12 in. stator

GS2388 38 38 @ 1A 0 1.0 0.41 1.26 Rotor leads: 12 in.; brush block leads 8 in.

BB3199 39 39 @ 1A 0 1.03 0.59 0.65 24/12 in. lead length

BB2759 45 45 @ 1A 0 1.03 0.59 0.65 Rotor leads: 24 in.; brush block leads 12 in.

NH3302 60 60 @ 1A 0 2.24 0.50 0.75 Lead length is 12 in.

BB2871 65 65 @ 1A 0 1.28 0.65 0.64 Higher voltage on 5 ckts

AC6449 74 66 @ 1A 8 @ 3A 1.26 1.75 2.25 Concentric unit

AC6292 80 57 @ 1 A 23 @ 2A 2.00 0.68 1.15 COTS - export w/out license

RK4288 95 95 @ 1A 0 3.3 0.88 1.50 Lead length is 24 in.






The M series of slip ring assemblies were developed for a wide variety of applications
and environments. The M series is an ideal choice for limited space applications. As many
as 120 separate circuits are accommodated in a 2.7 inch diameter OD envelope and in
less than 5.50 inches long. These slip ring assemblies are a quick turn solution for your
application. Off the shelf components allow for a delivery which meets your needs.

• Ideal for limited space applications
• Modular construction for up to 120 circuits
• All circuits 60 V / 2 A each
• Continuous bidirectional rotation up to 1,000 rpm
• Dust-proof cover standard
• Flange mounting
• Superior signal quality
• 24 inch flying leads, optional wiring and harnessing available
• #26 AWG lead wire

• Surveillance equipment

Specification Value Options

Circuits Up to 120 circuits: 2 A / 60 volts

• Longer leads
Maximum Speed 1000 RPM • Special wiring
Terminals #26 AWG flying leads • Fiber optic rotary joint
• High voltage option to 120 V
Mounting Flange mounting

Part Number Number of Circuits “L”

1021202-1 40 2.80

1021202-2 80 4.15

1021202-3 120 5.50


Moog’s unique product offering of motion Our business strategy is simple, let Moog a given mechanical envelop, space can be
technology (slip rings, motors, resolvers, focus on what we do best so our customer minimized, total component count reduced
drives and actuators) and fiber optic can focus on what they do best. This strategy and structures sculpted with an end result
and multiplexing products provides provides our customers with many measurable of increased MTBF and reduced end-item
the capital assets and engineering benefits. weight.
capabilities to design, manufacture and
integrate these discrete products into Optimized systems that operate at peak Resource Optimization
an integrated gimbaled mechanism. In performance
This approach ensures system engineers are
today’s business environment where
Tolerance stack up can rob magnetic and focused on the system, not its components.
many corporate strategies are to focus
electromechanical designs of their intended By focusing engineering resources, program
on core competencies, let Moog take the
performance capabilities. Maintaining air risks are minimized, schedules maintained and
design and integration of these discrete
gap and mechanical tolerances are critical costs reduced. Additionally, overhead costs
components into fully functional and
in precision electromechanical mechanisms. are reduced by eliminating the manpower of
tested subassemblies that are ready for
Even though the discrete components soliciting multiple contractors and resulting
installation into the end-item assembly.
fall within specified tolerances, tolerance contract administration, multiple incoming
Should your strategy be to outsource these
stack up may result in system performance inspections of discreet components and the
assemblies on a build-to-print or build-
problems. The end result is costly system resulting expenses of pulling and distributing
to-spec basis, we are ready to apply our
redesign, component matching or assembly component kits. Additional program costs
resources so you can achieve those goals
shimming for each item produced. are saved by eliminating the need of holding
multiple design reviews at different locations,
When a single manufacturer of these magnetic multiple qualification tests and the review
Our integrated assemblies range from
and electromechanical components has this and approval of their related documents.
simple combinations of motors and
responsibility, these issues are mitigated
resolvers to sophisticated electro-
by careful attention to processing of the Accountability
mechanical assemblies including the slip
discrete components, thus ensuring a final You are assured that all system components
ring, brake, drive electronics, fiber optic
assembly, that is electrically and mechanically are integrated properly and a fully tested end-
rotary joints, hydraulic and pneumatic
aligned and fully tested. item assembly is delivered. And, in the rare
swivels and RF rotary joints. We also offer
case that a technical problem should occur,
and provide fully integrated servo and
System design can often be verified when a you know exactly who to call for immediate
utility actuators complete with precision
single manufacturer is able to conduct trade help.
gearing, clutches, brakes and closed-loop
studies of the various components. Within
control electronics.

With all military and aerospace programs, a heritage of program success is essential. Moog has successfully provided integrated mechanisms
to many mission critical programs including the following:

Platform Integrated Assembly Status
Helicopter Slip ring, resolver and RF rotary joint Production
Helicopter Twist cap and resolver EMD
Rotorcraft Slip ring, resolver and monopole sensor Production
Armored Vehicle Slip ring, resolver, R-to-D network, hydraulic and pneumatic Production
swivel, and power distribution
Armored Vehicle Slip ring, encoder and pneumatic swivel Production
Radar Slip ring, motor, resolver, motor control and drive EMD
electronics, and 2-channel FORJ
Radar Slip ring, digital resolver, motor and bull-gear EMD
Radar Servo actuator, motor and drive electronics Production
Radar Slip ring, FORJ and FRU Production
Naval Towed Arrays Slip ring, FORJ and FRU Production

Platform Integrated Assembly Status
Solar Array Drive Slip ring, motor, harmonic drive and potentiometer Flight

Solar Array Drive Slip ring, motor and resolver To-be-flown

Satellite Mechanism Motor, ball screw and balanced weight Flight



Moog looks forward to applying our design and manufacturing resources to your program’s integrated assembly needs.

Introduction The following factors will determine the data For optimal performance, high frequency
rate that can be transmitted through a slip digital signals should be driven differentially,
As the analog world gives way to the
ring: and connected to the slip ring using twisted
digital in more and more applications,
pair, shielded cable such as CAT5 or CAT5e.
design engineers are faced with replacing • The frequency response, or insertion loss,
This same wiring, including the shield, should
traditional analog components with their of the rings and brushes.
be continued through the slip ring. Ideally,
digital equivalents. Nowhere is this more
• The impedance, as a function of frequency, the internal slip ring wiring would also be
evident than in the electro-mechanical
of the assembly. twisted pair shielded cable, however, this
world. Analog resolvers are being replaced
• The differential time delay, as a function of may not always be possible due to physical
by digital encoders and digital drive
frequency, through the device. constraints. Connectors, if used, must also be
circuitry has become commonplace for
designed, or chosen, to have an impedance
motor control. When part of the system has • Crosstalk between circuits. and frequency response consistent with
to rotate, and a rotary connection for power
• Frequency response of the leads and system requirements.
and digital data is required, what does the
designer do? Can the traditional slip ring connectors.
Crosstalk between sensitive circuits will
with its sliding electrical contacts handle
The primary factor is frequency response, or also be minimized by proper lead routing and
the job?
bandwidth. Digital data streams will begin shielding. Sensitive circuits (victims) should
to suffer errors from insufficient bandwidth be routed within the slip ring as far away from
The Problem
when the digital signal is attenuated, or noisy circuits (sources) as possible. Also, all
Slip rings were originally designed to carry distorted, to such an extent that the digital unused circuits should be terminated in the
AC and DC power from a rotating platform receivers cannot properly recognize the characteristic impedance of the cables used.
to a stationary structure, or vice versa. received signal.
Many applications also required, and still A digital signal is composed of a fundamental Specifying a High Performance Slip Ring
require, the transmission of relatively frequency at the basic signaling rate, as well This article has attempted to make users
low bandwidth analog and digital control as the odd harmonics of the fundamental. aware of factors that determine slip ring
signals. In this environment, the traditional The required bandwidth of the slip ring may be performance, and of the limitations imposed
slip ring several times the data rate. by the total system in which the slip ring must
performs extremely well. Modern control
operate. It is no longer adequate to simply
systems now also require the transmission For example, a 1 MHZ square wave may request a device “that will transmit 50 mbs.”
of high bandwidth analog and digital signals require a bandwidth of 5 or 7 MHz (5th and The best solution is obtained when the entire
through the slip rings. Typical examples 7th harmonics). As the data rate is increased, system is known and understood, and usually
are analog and digital video signals. Until eventually the harmonics is matched to the requires a compromise between performance,
recently, bandwidths measured in the tens external system input and output impedances. size, weight, number of circuits, external
of megahertz were generally adequate. Using transmission line theory, the designer factors, and cost.
Today, and in the future, bandwidths will will vary ring geometry, spacing, and dielectric
be required that are orders of magnitudes material, to obtain the needed impedance. The following parameters should be specified
higher. Often a ring and brush impedance of 70 to to assure satisfactory operation in a specific
150 ohms is obtainable, which should be well application:
Basic Slip Ring Configuration suited for many of today’s digital systems. As
A basic slip ring, shown schematically in a rule of thumb, a smaller diameter ring will • Data bus used to transmit data, i.e.
Figure 1, is composed of four elements, or result in a higher data rate. For very high data Profibus, Ethernet, Firewire
components: rates and / or large ring diameters, multiple • Cable type used to connect to the slip ring
taps and multiple brushes are often used to • Maximum cable length between
• A ring assembly that provides one
minimize signal path lengths. transmitter and receiver
or more circuit paths. Each ring
is electrically conductive and provides • Maximum data rate
a circuit path over a full 360 degrees of • Maximum error rate that can be tolerated
rotation of the ring assembly.
• Brushes provide electrical contact
between the rotating (usually the
ring) and the stationary parts of the
assembly. The brushes ride on the ring,
and are mounted in a brush block assembly,
usually on the stationary structure.
• Input and output leads that connect the
ring and brushes to the outside world.
• Connectors that connect to the slip ring
assembly wiring. Connectors are
optional, and are often specified by the

Factors Affecting Slip Ring Performance

Commercial Separate Products Properly mounted and aligned, fiber brush performance of our products.
These products are highly configurable separates provide the same exceptional
to meet your requirements with readily performance characteristics of our self- The newest initiative of our division is Demand
available products. contained capsule designs. Flow® Technology (DFT). DFT is a demand driven
manufacturing flow system that economically
Our Staff manages in-process inventory. The concept
Our staff includes electrical, mechanical, operates with a “line-of-sight” premise which
manufacturing and software engineers, provides visibility for all in-process work.
metallurgists, chemists, physicists and This concept has helped the division be more
materials scientists. Our emphasis on research efficient and flexible to customer schedule
and product development has provided us with changes, reduced inventories and improved
the expertise to solve real-life manufacturing organizational operations. Benefits include
problems. Using state-of-the-art tools in our streamlined processes to accommodate
complete analytical facility, our capabilities jobs with a quick turn-around, reduced cycle
include a full range of environmental test, time to cut costs, and greater customer
In addition to these enclosed slip ring calibration and inspection services. We have responsiveness.
capsules we also provide fiber brush recognized expertise in tribology (the science of
separates. When a “self-contained” capsule friction and wear), precision gearing, magnetic
is not practical due to system size or cost circuit design, PWM amplifier design and in the
constraints, fiber brush separates are an supporting materials sciences.
excellent alternative. These separates are
available in the following configurations: Our engineers can work from your designs,
o r c r e a t e a c u s t o m d e s i g n f o r yo u .
Bore Size Current
1.8” 2 amps Consistent Quality
Moog Components Group places a continuing
2.8” 5 amps emphasis on quality manufacturing and product
10 amps development to ensure that our products meet
30 amps our customer’s requirements as well as our Roberts E.W., Sliding Electrical Contracts in Space:

50 amps stringent quality goals. We have committed to Observations on Existing Technology and New Trends in
the Total Quality Management Program with a Low-Speed Applications, European Space
Tribology Laboratory.
4.0” 10 amps policy of “Do It Right the First Time” and a goal
30 amps of “Zero Defects”. We are ISO 9001 Certified Demand Flow® is a registered trademark of the JC-I-T
50 amps to ensure the consistent quality and reliable Institute of Technology, Inc.


Composite Brushes Monofilament Brushes Fiber Brushes

Ag / MoS2 / Graphite Lubricated Unlubricated
Most flight history Considerable flight history Growing flight history
Meets outgassing requirements Does not meet outgassing requirements Meets outgassing requirements
Self lubricating contacts Requires liquid lubricant on contact No oil or dry film lubricant application required
(solid lubricant in brushes) surface
Requires largest ring-to-ring axial pitch Requires smallest axial pitch Requires less axial pitch than composites (70%
(50% of composite brush pitch) of composite
brush pitch)
Manufacture subject to greatest number of Manufacture subject to few process Manufacture subject to few process variables
process variables variables
Greatest amount of wear debris Much smaller amount of wear debris Smaller amount of wear debris
generation (approximately 100 times the wear generation than composite brushes generation than composite and
rate of fiber or monofilament brushes) monofilament brushes
High electrical noise if operated in humid Low electrical noise in air and vacuum Low electrical noise in air and vacuum
Must operate in vacuum or dry inert Operational in air or vacuum with lubricant Operational in air or vacuum
atmosphere present
Wide operating temperature range Viscosity limited operating temperature range Wide operating temperature range
Wide range of surface speeds Limited range of surface speeds Wide range of surface speeds

• Maximum size, i.e. diameter and For the most demanding applications, we Moog fiber brush contact technology was
length have integrated single channel and multiple initially developed to solve a critical problem
• Number of circuits and their ratings, channel fiber optic rotary joints (FORJs) into in military / aerospace applications. With
i.e. voltage, current our standard slip ring assemblies. The FORJ is many years of successful performance in
• Maximum operating speed of used to carry the very high data rate signals, highly critical slip ring applications, the fiber
rotation or those circuits requiring very low cross talk brush technology is available in commercial
• Operating environment or high noise immunity, while conventional slip products as well.
ring technology is used for transmitting power
Moog has thousands of slip ring designs, and other control signals. We can also provide Fiber Brush Technology For Commercial /
including many standard “off the shelf” the hardware to perform the electrical- to Industrial Applications
designs. Our engineering staff is available optical- back to electrical conversion.
For many years the traditional design for rotary
to modify an existing design or to provide a
contact slip rings used either a lubricated
completely new design, if required. However, Applications
monofilament brush or a self-lubricating
customers are encouraged to evaluate
Industrial and Commercial composite brush. While these traditional
a standard design before requesting
approaches have proven to be successful
modifications that may not be needed. • Semiconductor equipment
through testing and field experience, improved
• Industrial machinery performance is always desirable. To that end,
We have tested many of our standard designs • Robotics we developed the fiber brush technology. A
for high data rate performance. Devices
• Medical equipment chart comparing the advantages of different
with through bores of up to six inches have
• Packaging machines contact technologies is shown on page 30.
been tested. Testing has included insertion
loss, frequency response, bit error rates, • Cable reels
Today’s industrial / commercial equipment
differential time delay, and impedance over • Laboratory equipment
slip ring requirements are becoming more and
frequency. In some cases we have identified, • CCTV camera mounts
more demanding. High operational speeds,
and implemented, design modifications • Lighting long life, no maintenance, and data transfer
to significantly improve performance. As • Rotary index tables capability, are the general expectations in slip
a general statement, all devices that have
• Rate tables ring performance. Taking advantage of the
been tested will support digital data rates
• Medical CT scanners developments done in our Advanced Materials
of at least 50 mbs. This verifies that our
• Amusement rides Research and Development Department, we
standard units will operate successfully in
have transferred the fiber brush technology to
a wide variety of standard data systems in • Flight simulation
cost effective commercially available products
use world–wide. These include, but are not
to address today’s critical applications.
limited to: Device Net, CAN Open, Profibus, Aerospace and Military
and Ethernet 10Base T. Additionally, several
• Inertial navigation systems
models tested are suitable for Ethernet
100Base T, and Firewire at 400 mbs. • Missile weapon systems
• Satellite assemblies
• Unmanned aerial vehicles
SLIP RING FUNDAMENTALS • Airborne camera platforms
• Shipboard communication systems
A standard slip ring has four • Radar
elements, or components:
• Tanks
• Light armored vehicles
• A ring assembly provides one
or more circuit paths. Each ring is • Helicopters
electrically conductive and provides • Aircraft
a circuit path over a full 360° of
rotation of the ring assembly. Marine
• Remote operated vehicles (ROV)
• Brushes provide electrical contact • Seismic surveying
between the rotating (usually the
• Oceanographic winches
ring) and the stationary parts of the Military / aerospace applications require slip
• Subsea communications and control
assembly. The brushes ride on the rings that provide minimal debris generation,
ring, and are mounted in a brush block • Floating production, storage and
low electrical noise, both high and low current
assembly, usually on the stationary offshore loading (FPSO) transmission capabilities, low outgassing and
structure. • Diving a long operational life. They must also operate
• Marine instrumentation flawlessly in a wide operating temperature
• Input and output leads connect the • Downhole / wire logging and drilling range, and at a variety of brush ring surface
ring and brushes to the outside world. speeds, as well as in air or vacuum conditions.

• Connectors link to the slip ring

assembly wiring. They are optional
and often specified by the customer.

Fiber Brush Contact Technology growing line of standard commercial products.
Fiber brush is the term for a particular design
of sliding electrical contacts. Fiber brushes All of our experience and expertise helps
are simply a group of individual metal fibers our customers in a very real measurable
(wires) that are collimated by and terminated fashion. We make a point to fully understand
into a metal tube as illustrated in the photo our customers’ applications and by teaming
on the left. In this cantilevered design, the with our customers we are able to efficiently
free, unterminated end of the fiber brush coordinate their needs with our engineering A)
bundle rides in a groove on the ring surface. and production departments. We have for
years had a Commercial Slip Ring Team that
Many Advantages provides focus allowing us to slash lead times Composite
Fiber brushes have many distinct and and develop special designs fast and accurately.
measurable advantages over conventional
slip ring contacts in military / aerospace Technology Comparison
applications: Generally, aerospace slip rings and brushes B)
(sliding electrical contacts) are designed
• Multiple points of ring contact per using traditional contact technologies such
brush bundle as lubricated monofilament wire brushes or Monofilament
• Ability to perform in ambient self-lubricated composite brushes. These
conditions as well as in vacuum approaches have been proven successful
conditions many times through testing and actual
• Contact surfaces that do not require flight experience. There are, however, some
lubrication disadvantages to these approaches. C)
• Long life
• Low contact force per fiber Composite Brushes
• Low contact wear rates Unlike monofilament brushes, composite Fiber
• High power circuit density brushes provide their own lubrication through
• Low dynamic contact resistance the addition of an embedded solid lubricant
(noise) to the composition of the brush. The nature
• High and low current carrying of this lubrication mechanism requires that low temperatures. Designs using this contact
abilities the brush must experience wear to transfer technology must be analyzed to ensure that
• Low outgassing the lubricant from the brush to the ring. This sufficient lubrication is maintained throughout
• Very little debris generation wear results in some amount of electrically the system life requirements.
• Wide operating temperature range conductive debris being generated within the
• Wide range of brush / ring surface slip ring. While small amounts of this debris Materials Choices
speeds can generally be tolerated if proper design One of the most important features of any
procedures are followed, the extended life military or aerospace design is the choice
Proven Performance requirements of new aerospace slip rings could of component materials. Materials must be
As an alternative to traditional sliding result in the generation of intolerable amounts carefully chosen to reduce outgassing, control
contact designs, Moog fiber brush was of this conductive debris. dissimilar thermal expansions, reduce galvanic
developed to meet the increasing demands corrosion, and provide nuclear hardening,
of slip ring performance. The technology has Also, the contact materials used in composite among other concerns. Materials choices
been used in many demanding applications brush slip ring designs can be contaminated by for fiber brush slip rings are much the same
such as: absorption of airborne gasses. The principal as used in traditional slip ring designs with
form of this contamination is silver sulfide, the major exception of the contacts. Fiber
• CT Scan systems which appears as tarnish. When exposed to brush contacts (fiber and ring surfaces) can
• High speed testing temperatures of less than 178o C, these films be manufactured using alloys of copper,
• Robotic welding systems have semiconducting properties (increase gold, silver and palladium. The actual choice
• High-speed, in-line inspection in electrical conductivity with increased of contact materials depends largely on the
systems temperature). The presence of silver sulfide electrical requirements of the slip ring. Moog
• Radar platforms films at low temperatures may cause Components Group controls all materials
unacceptably high contact resistance on and materials suppliers to verify and ensure
A Growing History low current circuits. Below is a chart that consistent quality.
Moog started in 1953 as a supplier of high summarizes the characteristics of the different
reliability slip rings to the military and types of contact technologies. Commercial Fiber Brush Products
aerospace community. Over the years we Our commercial fiber brush products include
have developed a reputation as a quality Monofilament Brushes a variety of products with power capabilities
and precision supplier for space, weapons, Aerospace rated monofilament brushes depend up to 100 amps and down to low level data
aircraft and other mission critical program on intentional lubrication of the contact transfer, all within the same housed design.
requirements. It is this stringent quality surfaces to perform properly. Many of the These products are highly configurable to
and technology that has now carried over liquid lubricants used will not meet NASA meet your requirements with readily available
to our commercial products group. We have outgassing requirements, and the ones that do products.
adapted technology designed and produced typically have poor viscosity characteristics at
for defense applications for use in our


These high performance products are used in systems that require unrestrained, continuous
rotation while transmitting power, data and media from a stationary device to a rotating
structure. High bandwidth options include Ethernet, high definition video and other industry
standard formats. Moog also has solutions including fiber optic rotary joints, fluid rotary unions
and position sensors.


Frameless torque motors are used in defense applications that require high power density and
quick accelerations. The motors are optimized to minimize input power for maximum efficiency.
Alternators in the same mechanical configuration can be used for mobile power generation.

Moog offers rugged resolvers that provide accurate positioning and velocity feedback, as well
as commutation of brushless motors. These models withstand the shock and vibration levels
often encountered in aerospace and military applications. They are used for vertical integration
with motors and slip ring assemblies.

Multi-purpose electromechanical actuators are available in both rotary and linear configurations and
are standard building blocks in a variety of systems. Some of our actuators integrate servo electronics.
These actuators are used on air, ground and unmanned applications.


Moog provides innovative components and communication sub-systems for both copper and
optical fiber based systems used in harsh environments. Moog meets the demanding high speed
and secure networking equipment requirements of todays modern defense systems. The product
range includes electro-optical transceivers, link extenders, Ethernet media converters and
switches, data aggregators and multiplexer/de-multiplexer solutions.


Our higher level solutions range from simple combinations of individual products to sophisticated
electromechanical assemblies including the motor, drive electronics, slip ring, fiber optic rotary joint,
fluid / pneumatic swivel and RF rotary joint. Moog’s single-axis gimbal stage supports most payloads,
and all the rotary components are integrated into one assembly. This design reduces set-up time and
simplifies the installation process.



1213 North Main Street, Blacksburg, Virginia 24060 30 Suttons Business Park, Reading Berkshire, RG6 1AW
+1 (540) 552 3011 poweranddata@moog.com +44 (0) 118 966 6044 poweranddata@moog.com
www.moog.com www.moog.com

Moog Space and Defense @MoogSDG @MoogSDG @MoogSDG @MoogInc

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Contact Moog to obtain specific export control requirements.

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