Stem Cells
Stem Cells
Stem Cells
Submitted by:
Saidamen, Precious Wafah M.
Submitted to:
Prof. Haniyyah Inoray G. Latip
Submitted on:
April 15, 2024
What Are Stem Cells?
Stem cells are special human cells that are able to develop into many different cell types.
This can range from muscle cells to brain cells. In some cases, they can also fix damaged tissues.
Researchers believe that stem cell-based therapies may one day be used to treat serious illnesses
such as paralysis and Alzheimer disease.
Embryonic stem cells. The embryonic stem cells used in research today come from
unused embryos. These result from an in vitro fertilization procedure. They are donated to
science. These embryonic stem cells are pluripotent. This means that they can turn into more
than one type of cell.
Adult stem cells. There are 2 types of adult stem cells. One type comes from fully developed
tissues such as the brain, skin, and bone marrow. There are only small numbers of stem cells in
these tissues. They are more likely to generate only certain types of cells. For example, a stem
cell that comes from the liver will only make more liver cells.
The second type is induced pluripotent stem cells. These are adult stem cells that have
been changed in a lab to be more like embryonic stem cells. Scientists first reported that human
stem cells could be changed in this way in 2006. Induced pluripotent stem cells don't seem to be
different from embryonic stem cells, but scientists have not yet found one that can develop every
kind of cell and tissue.
Stem cells may help your health in the future in many ways and through many new
treatments. Researchers think that stem cells will be used to help create new tissue. For example,
one day healthcare providers may be able to treat people with chronic heart disease. They can do
this by growing healthy heart muscle cells in a lab and transplanting them into damaged hearts.
Other treatments could target illnesses such as type 1 diabetes, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer
disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. New medicines could also be tested on cells made from
pluripotent stem cells.
Scientists also face challenges when using adult pluripotent stem cells. These cells are
hard to grow in a lab, so researchers are looking into ways to improve the process. These cells
are also found in small amounts in the body. There is a greater chance that they could contain
DNA problems.
Clinical trials that use stem cell therapies are currently being done in the U.S. If you are
interested in trying this therapy to treat a certain condition, ask your healthcare provider how to
find out about trials available in your area.