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Heavy Metal Sources and Their Effects On Human Health: Narjala Rama Jyothi

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Heavy Metal Sources and Their

Effects on Human Health
Narjala Rama Jyothi


Heavy metals are defined in many ways, based on various factors such as density
and atomic weight. Some of the heavy metals are essential as nutrients for humans
such as iron, cobalt and, zinc in small quantities but are toxic in higher quantities.
But few metals, such as lead, cadmium and, mercury are poisonous even in small
quantities. The toxicity of heavy metals is depending on concentration,period
of exposure and route of exposure. Heavy metal exposure takes place on human
beings through inhalation from the atmosphere, intake through drinking water and,
ingestion through the skin by dermal contact. The present chapter describes the
definition of heavy metals, sources of these heavy metals, toxicity and, their impact
on various environmental segments, such as air, water and, soil.

Keywords: heavy metals, heavy metal toxicity, sources, exposure, environmental


1. Introduction

Heavy metals, the name has so many definitions based on various parameters.
Based on density the metals which are having a density values greater than 5 g/cm3
are considered as heavy metals [1]. According to this study, the heavy metals which
would consider as most threat to human beings are lead, cadmium, mercury, and
arsenic. Duffs [2] reviewed the usage of the term heavy metals from the history and
finally, he concluded that using the term “heavy metals” is meaningless. He estab-
lished that there is no relation between the density of the metal and to the usage of
the term. In the case of heavy metals, metalloid arsenic also included, from this the
term heaviness means may be toxicity.
Some of the heavy metals are having so much of biological importance in trace
amounts [3] particularly the elements that are present in the 4th period in the mod-
ern periodic table. The biological importance of these metals is enzyme functioning
(vanadium and manganese), hormone functioning, production (selenium), cellular
growth (nickel), and metabolic growth (arsenic). But these metals are required for
the human in trace amounts only if their amount in the body increases they cause
adverse effects on human health. Overall the heavy metal should be considered as
having high density and also biological importance in trace amounts.
There is a lot of importance for the determination of heavy metals in the various
environmental segments, such as air, water, and soil due to their carcinogenic and
toxic nature. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) declared
arsenic, hexavalent chromium, cadmium, and nickel and their compounds as

Heavy Metals - Their Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

group 1 carcinogens (proven carcinogens). Arsenic and their compounds cause

urinary bladder, liver, and lung cancers. Hexavalent chromium causes lung
cancer and nickel and its compounds cause nasal cavity and lung cancers. All
these elements cause cancers to human beings by the route of exposure is through
inhalation and ingestion [4]. Regarding the availability of various heavy metals in
the earth’s crust is about 5%, among which iron occupies nearly 95% [5].
Due to their toxicity and carcinogenic nature, most of the researchers all over
the world are reported about the determination and health implications of heavy
metals in the environment. Some of them are discussed hereunder.
Jyothi and Mohamed Farook [6] reported the sources, exposure, and toxicity of
mercury. Suvarapu et al. [7] reviewed the heavy metal concentrations in ambient
air. This study is limited to the estimation of toxicity of heavy metals in the Indian
atmosphere and another study [8] they reviewed the heavy metal determination
in ambient air all over the world. Kim et al. [9] reviewed heavy metal toxicity and
chelating therapeutic strategies. Giller et al. [10] reviewed the toxicity of heavy
metals in microorganisms in agricultural soils. This study found that the microor-
ganisms in soil are much sensitive to heavy metal toxicity than animals and plants.
Yabe et al. [11] summarized heavy metal pollution and its impact on the environ-
ment and the human population in Africa. Das et al. [12] reviewed the toxicity of
cadmium in plants. Proshad et al. [13] reviewed the toxicity of heavy metals in
soils of Bangladesh. In this study, they concentrated on the impact of industrializa-
tion on the concentration of heavy metals in soil. Su et al. [14] reported the heavy
metal contamination in soil worldwide. In this study, they mentioned the current
­situation of contamination and remediation methods.
The present chapter describes the heavy metal sources, exposure, and the impact
of their toxicity on various environmental segments. Based on the toxicity and non-
biodegradable nature of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic, the present study
mainly focused on these metals.

2. Types of heavy metals

Based on the survey of literature the metals that are considered as heavy met-
als are chromium, lead, cadmium, iron arsenic, cobalt, mercury, copper and zinc
are the Heavy metal. According to Kim et al. [9] studies heavy metals have been
classified in to two types as essential and non- essential (Table 1). Essential Heavy
metals are less toxic at low concentrations and they act as coenzyme in biological
process. For example Hemoglobin and Myoglobin consist of Iron, Vitamin B12
consist of cobalt. Non-essential heavy metals are highly toxic even at very low
concentrations, they are non -biodegradable and cause severe toxic effects to living


Zinc (Zn) Chromium (Cr)

Copper (Cu) Lead (Pb)

Iron (Fe) Arsenic (As)

Cobalt (Co) Mercury(Hg)

Cadmium (Cd)

Table 1.
Classification of heavy metals.

Heavy Metal Sources and Their Effects on Human Health
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95370

2.1 Heavy metal toxicity

Some heavy metals are essential to the human biological process, but depending
upon their dosage intake leads some unexpected hazardous effects on health and the
physiological system. According to [9] studies shows that despite of its beneficiary
health effects, heavy metals are acting as carcinogenic agents. Dissolved forms
of these metals through different forms as soil pollutants, water pollutant and air
pollutants entering into food chain and finally ending in humans, these are lead-
ing to severe damage to the cellular system and leading to expose towards cancer.
According to the reports of the International agency for research on cancer non-
essential heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr) are major cancer- causing agents [9].

2.2 Sources, exposure, and environmental impacts of lead

The sources of lead varies with different countries based on old and new usage
of lead products. It is not limited to the processing of gold ore and recycling of used
lead products. It is found that the decrease in blood lead levels in the population of
the countries in which unleaded gasoline is in usage [15].
A recent study [16] has reported elevated blood levels in pregnant women in a
rural village in Bangladesh. In this study, they found more than 30% of women they
sampled were had lead levels in blood in the range of above 5 μg/dL. They found the
major source of lead exposure to these women were identified as food storage cans.
Nearly 18% of food storage cans (out of the tested) were having lead soldering insides
and are responsible for lead contamination in these women. Another study in China
[17] determined the blood lead levels (BLL’s) in children who are taking treatment in
lead specialty clinics. In this study, they found the BLL’s ranging from 5 to 126 μg/dL.
The major reasons they found for the higher lead levels in their blood as industrial
sources and folk medicine which is popular in China. Another important thing was
determined as it is difficult to find lead poisoning in children due to non-specific
symptoms. A very recent study from Australia [18] determined the higher lead levels
in children due to the high concentration of lead in soil and pretty dish dust at their
premises. This study found that the population who are living in old houses built
before 1940 are diagnosed with higher lead levels due to pretty dish dust.
In Nigeria, lead poisoning in the population was observed in the area of Zamfara
state which contains gold mining activities. Mahuta [19] reported that in Nigeria,
the sources of the lead include mining of gold, lead pipes used for drinking water,
and cultural usage of lead.
Based on the studies in all parts of the world it is assumed that the sources of lead are
historical usage of lead, industrial activities, and leaded gasoline. Major studies reported
that children are the most common victims of lead poisoning. The way of exposure
includes the inhalation through the nose and ingestion through drinking water and soil.
There are several ways to minimize the lead levels in the environment such as
remediation techniques (in soil), using adsorbents (in water), and using unleaded
gasoline (the air). After the identification of leaded gasoline as a source of lead
poisoning by US EPA, a major decline in their levels was found by replacing it with
unleaded gasoline. Dongre [20] reported the toxicological profile, remedial solutions
for lead levels in water by using polymeric materials, such as chitin and chitosan.
Zaltauskaite and Kniuipyte [21] reported the impact of lead concentration in soil
on Eisenia fetida (earthworm). They found that lead in soil inhibits the growth of
earthworms. Lead in soil can enter into human food by the vegetation in the contami-
nated soil [22]. The Types of carcinogenic effects of lead toxicity was explained in
Figure 1. The lead toxicity in humans causes intestinal cancer, lung cancer, and central
nervous system.

Heavy Metals - Their Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

Figure 1.
Carcinogenic effect of Lead.

2.3 Sources, exposure and environmental impacts of cadmium

The major exposure of cadmium by human beings is through contaminated food

and water. Cigarette smoke is the way of exposure through the inhalation route.
The toxicity of cadmium is due to accumulation in plants and animals for nearly
25–30 years. Microbial fermentation is one of the effective methods to remove
cadmium from food [23]. Another major source of cadmium in the environment is
phosphate fertilizers and the waste incineration process. Blood cadmium levels are
having a huge difference between smokers and non-smokers of cigarettes [1].
The presence of lead and cadmium in the human body can reach the brain and
can cause Alzheimer’s disease [24]. After the exposure to the cadmium, in human,
it can accumulate at the kidney, due to this reason urinary cadmium levels has been
considered as biomarkers for cadmium levels in humans [25].
In case of occupational exposure to cadmium includes the workers at battery
production, pigment industries, and electroplating. Because of long time accumu-
lation in the human body even in small quantities is toxic and carcinogenic [26].
Another important source of cadmium in the soil is sewage sludge which can make
the cadmium almost the same amount as fertilizers consumption (https://www.
osti.gov/biblio/5478006, accessed on 1st October/2020). The types of carcinogenic
effects of cadmium toxicity were explained in Figure 2. Cadmium shows its toxic
effects on the gastric system and leads to gastric cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer,
and it also affects the excretory system and leads to renal cancer.

2.4 Sources, exposure, and environmental impacts of mercury

Mercury is the metal widely studied all over the world due to its toxic nature
and easily entering into the food chain. An extensive review report was published
by Jyothi and Mohamed Farook [6] regarding the sources, exposure, and toxicity

Heavy Metal Sources and Their Effects on Human Health
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95370

Figure 2.
Carcinogenic effect of cadmium.

of mercury. The toxicity of mercury depends on its chemical composition. Methyl

mercury is more toxic than inorganic mercury. Due to its toxic nature and historical
incidents like Minamata so many authors were published various facts regarding the
sources, transport, and fate of mercury in the environment. Both volcanoes and forest
fires are natural sources of mercury in the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuels in
power plants is one of the major anthropogenic sources of mercury (https://www.epa.
gov/mercury/basic-information-about-mercury; accessed on 15th October/2020).
Because of easy transportation, it is considered a global pollutant [27].
Even exposure to small quantities, shows toxic effects on various physiological
systems, such as nervous and digestive systems and organs like lungs and kidneys.
Due to this reason WHO declares mercury as one of the top most priority toxic metals
(https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/mercury-and-health; accessed
on 20th October/2020). When it enters into water it largely affects the aquatic ani-
mal’s life and through them, it can enter into the food chain to reach human beings.
Yokoyama [28] reported the methylmercury poisoning control measures and
the current situation of its effects on fetuses and infants particularly. In this study,
they addressed the global cycle of methyl mercury also. Strode et al. [29] studied
the emission of mercury into the North American atmosphere due to gold and silver
mining in the 19th century. The types of carcinogenic effects of mercury toxicity
was explained in Figure 3. Mercury toxicity effects on the rectal system and leads to
colorectal cancer. It shows vast effects on the central nervous system leads to brain
cancer and lung cancer.

2.5 Sources, exposure, and environmental impacts of arsenic

Arsenic is a metalloid but due to its toxic and carcinogenic nature, it is discussed
under the heading of heavy metal toxicity. Abdul et al. [30] reviewed the health
effects of arsenic exposure to human beings. According to this study, the majority of

Heavy Metals - Their Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

Figure 3.
Carcinogenic effect of mercury.

Figure 4.
Carcinogenic effect of arsenic.

the population expose to this toxic metal through atmospheric air, groundwater, and
certain kind of foods. The health effects are not limited to damage to cardiovascular,
endocrine, renal, and reproductive systems. In various parts of the world such as
India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh it was observed that major exposure to the arsenic
is through groundwater. Shahid et al. [31] reported about the sources and health

Heavy Metal Sources and Their Effects on Human Health
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95370

effects of arsenic through the exposure of groundwater in Pakistan. This study

predicts nearly 47 million people of Pakistan at risk due to arsenic contamination in
groundwater. They found that over 50% of the well they studied are having higher
arsenic levels than WHO recommended levels in drinking water. A recent study
[32] describes the occurrence and mobilization of arsenic in the groundwater of
Bangladesh. In this study, they found that intensive usage of land for agriculture and
usage of agrochemicals are the major reasons for arsenic contamination in groundwa-
ter of Bangladesh. Ahmed et al. [33] reported the situation of arsenic contamination
in groundwater in a village in Bangladesh. For this purpose, they discussed 20 years
situation of its exposure. Based on their results they found that the cancer risk to the
population who are exposing to arsenic has 40% more than the non-exposures. The
Types of carcinogenic effects of arsenic toxicity was explained in Figure 4. Sources
and health effects of all the above discussed heavy metals are summarized in Table 2.
Arsenic has its toxic carcinogenic effect on prostate glands and cause prostate cancer,
leukemia and cause lesions in hepatic regions leads to cause of cancer of the liver.

Heavy metal Sources Health Effects

Essential Zinc (Zn) Oil Refining Gastrointestinal disorders,

heavy metal Plumbing Kidney &
Brass manufacturing Liver abnormal functioning

Copper (Cu) Copper polishing Abdominal disorders,

Plating Metabolic activity abnormalities

Iron (Fe) High intake of iron Vomiting

supplements & oral Diarrhea
consumption Abdominal pain
Dehydration & lethargy

Cobalt (Co) Hip alloy replacement case Haemotological


Non Essential Chromium (Cr) Steel fabrication Lung disorders

heavy metal Electroplating (bronchitis,cancer),
Textile Renal and reproductive system

Lead (Pb) Batteries Serious effect on mental health

Coal combustion (Alzheimer s disesase), Nervous
Paint industry system

Arsenic (As) Atmospheric deposition Highly effects dermal region

Mining (Cancer),
pesticides Brain &
Cardiac problems

Mercury (Hg) Coal combustion Sclerosis

Fish Blindness
Mining Minamata disease
Paint industry Deafness
Paper industry Gastric problems
Volcanic eruption Renal disorders

Cadmium (Cd) Plastic Osteo related problems

Fertilizers Prostate cancer
pesticides Lung diseases
Renal issues

Table 2.
Sources and health effects of heavy metals.


Ambient Air Drinking Water Soil Ambient Air Drinking Water Soil Air at work place Blood
Pb 0.151 μg/m3 151 μg/L 400 ppm1 (play — 152 μg/L — 301 μg/m3 401 μg/dL
areas); 1200 ppm
non-play areas

Cd 6.5–1306 ng /m3 0.0053 mg/L 854 mg/Kg — 0.0033 mg/L — 54 μg /m3 —

6 3 2 2 5 3
As 50 μg/m 0.01 mg/L — — 0.01 mg/L — 10 μg /m —
7 3 2 7 2
Hg 5 mg /m 0.002 mg/L 4–16 mg/Kg — 0.001 mg/L — — —
20for%20lead, systems%20is%2015%20%C2%B5g%2FL.
Ebrahimi et al. [34].
https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/csem.asp?csem=6&po=7#:~:text=OSHA%20has%20established %20workplace%20levels,people%20occupationally%20exposed%20to%20
Heavy Metals - Their Environmental Impacts and Mitigation

cadmium.&text = Permissible%20Exposure%20Limit%2D%20TWA%20 (PEL, %2Fm3%20( fumes).

https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/csem/csem.asp?csem=1&po=8#:~:text=The%20permissible%20 exposure%20limit%20for, OSHA%202,001%3B%20NIOSH%202,005%5D.
Ye et al. [35].

Table 3.
Permissible limits of different toxic elements in environmental matrices.
Heavy Metal Sources and Their Effects on Human Health
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.95370

The permissible limits of lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury in different envi-
ronmental matrices suggested by various international reputed agencies such as US
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), WHO (World Health Organization), and
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) are presented in Table 3.

3. Conclusions

The heavy metal toxicity and their environmental impact is a global issue due
to their transportation through air, soil, and water. Based on various factors such
as concentration and different major sources are the possible ways of entering
the heavy metals through drinking water, air and foods. In minimum traces these
metals are required for cellular, metabolic and hormonal functioning in humans but
if the limitation exceeds its leads to the cause of severe hazardous effects in health.
The toxicity of these metals is affecting the soil vastly by killing microorganisms
present in soil which are very helpful to enhance fertility and nutrition levels of
soils. According to the IARC, arsenic toxic effects are the cause of cancers in pros-
tate glands, liver, blood, and skin. Mercury is the major reason for causing carci-
nogenic effects on the brain, lung, skin, and colorectal parts. The adverse effects
of lead are the reason for intestinal, central nervous system, and lung cancers. The
toxic effects of cadmium cause gastric, breast, lung, and renal cancers in humans.
Another diagnosis was identified in china, extreme high levels of lead toxicity
in children were due to the pretty dish and in women, high lead levels in the blood
is due to the usage of food storage cans. Cadmium is the major cause of Alzheimer
disease and due to high usage of phosphate fertilizers they are accumulating in
soils and entering into food chains. WHO states that mercury is hazardous toxic
metal affecting aquatic life severely and consumption such mercury affected foods
by human leads to several harmful diseases such as Minamata and cause several
physiological effects.

Author details

Narjala Rama Jyothi

Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Sri Padmavathi Mahila
Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh - 517501, India

*Address all correspondence to: ramadasaradhi@gmail.com

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Heavy Metals - Their Environmental Impacts and Mitigation


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