Hull Fouling As A Mechanism For Marine I
Hull Fouling As A Mechanism For Marine I
Hull Fouling As A Mechanism For Marine I
June 2005
Commercial vessel in a Honolulu drydock showing a typical level of fouling and a close-
up of the fouling community showing the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella errata.
Photos by L.S. Godwin
L. S. Godwin, Editor
Potential for the Introduction and Spread of Marine Pests by Private Yachts
— O. Floerl & G. Inglis……………………………………………………………………………………...22
Slow-moving Barge Introduces Biosecurity Risk to the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand
— A.D.M. Coutts…. ………………………………………………………………………………………..29
Current Research in Marine Biosecurity Undertaken by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research,
New Zealand
— O. Floerl, G. Inglis, N. Gust, B. Hayden, I. Fitridge & G.Fenwick……………………………………………43
Development of an Initial Framework for the Management of Hull Fouling as a Marine AIS Transport Mechanism
— L. S. Godwin…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..48
Maritime vessel activity acting a mechanism for the transport of marine AIS is a complex issue involving
more than just ballast water. Ocean-going vessels can be thought of as biological islands for species that
dwell in harbors and estuaries around the world. These vessels provide substrate for the settlement of
species associated with fouling communities, protected recesses that can be occupied by both sessile and
mobile fauna, and enclosed spaces that hold water in which everything from plankton to fish can become
entrained. The vectors associated with ocean-going vessels are ballast water, sediments, and hull fouling,
and should be thought of as a collective unit.
The editor of this volume (Godwin) began collaborative efforts with the State of Ha waii Department of
Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources (DLNR-DAR) to form the Alien Aquatic
Organism Task Force (AAOTF) in 2003. This task force was made up of stakeholders from the public and
private sector and was tasked to develop a framework for the management of ballast water, ballast
sediments and hull fouling. The task force was successfully formed and began meeting in October 2002.
The efforts by the AAOTF were integrated with the creation of an overall aquatic alien species
management plan for the State of Hawaii, which was begun by the DLNR-DAR and The Nature
Conservancy of Hawaii in 2003.
A workshop was conducted February 12 and 13, 2003 focusing on hull fouling as a mechanism for alien
species transport and potential management strategies. This was accomplished with two invited speakers
from New Zealand.
Dr. Oliver Floerl, Marine Biosecurity Researcher, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Ashley Coutts, Marine Biosecurity Division, Cawthron Institute
This workshop presented current research and knowledge concerning hull fouling introductions and began
a process of developing a framework for potential management strategies. The goal of this process was the
development of information that can be integrated into the overall alien aquatic species management plan
through specific efforts concentrating on mechanisms associated with maritime vessel activity. The papers
in this volume are a product of this workshop.
The first paper by Godwin is an introduction to the issue of aquatic invasive species transport by maritime
vessel activity. A final paper by Godwin summarizes the efforts to develop an information framework for
management strategies for minimizing aquatic alien species introductions through hull fouling.
A comprehensive paper on the factors influencing the development of hull fouling on maritime vessels is
presented by Floerl. The Floerl and Inglis paper specifically focuses on the hull fouling of private yachts as
an aquatic invasive species transport mechanism. Floerl et al. provide an overview of current research
activities undertaken by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research in New Zealand, which
deal with aquatic invasive species.
Coutts and Taylor provide a paper that covers the issue of hull fouling transport of aquatic invasive species
by merchant vessels in New Zealand. Coutts is the sole author on a paper that documents the introduction
and spread of a tunicate species in New Zealand that is associated with hull fouling community. Another
paper by Coutts presents a researchers perspective on efforts to minimize aquatic invasive species by
resource management agencies.
This volume was made possible by funding by the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Research Program (Grant
#Z616358) and collaborative efforts with DLNR-DAR and Dale Hazelhurst at Matson Navigation in
Hawaii. Many thanks are extended to the Mike Hamnett, Kristine Davidson, and Risa Minato at the Hawaii
Coral Reef Initiative Research Program for their support of this project, as well as providing additional
funding for the printing costs of this proceedings.
Honolulu, Hawaii, July, 2005
Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2004. Honolulu, Hawaii . Edited by L.S. Godwin.
Hawai ´i Biological Survey, B. P. Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, Hawai ´i 96817 USA. Email:
Maritime vessel activity acting a mechanism for the transport of marine aquatic invasive species (AIS) is a complex issue involving
more than just ballast water. Ocean-going vessels can be thought of as biological islands for species that dwell in harbors and estuaries
around the world. These vessels provide substrate for the settlement of species associated with fouling communities, protected recesses
that can be occupied by both sessile and mobile fauna, and enclosed spaces that hold water in which everything from plankton to fish
can become entrained. The vectors associated with ocean-going vessels are ballast water, sediments, and hull fouling, and should be
thought of as a collective unit.
Biological invasions brought about by anthropogenic influences have occurred throughout the world through a
variety of mechanisms including maritime shipping, live seafood and bait shipments, aquaculture, shipments of
commercial and institutional aquarium species, and the activities of education and research institutions. The primary
pathway identified for marine aquatic invasive species (AIS) introductions has been ma ritime vessel traffic to ports
around the world through ballast water discharge (Williams et al., 1988; Carlton & Geller, 1993; Ruiz et al., 2000a).
Although this pathway is blamed for the majority of marine AIS introductions around the United States, the amount
of ballast water being released varies among ports (Carlton et al., 1995; Smith et al., 1996, Godwin & Eldredge,
2001). There are other pathways associated with maritime vessel activity that can be responsible for introductions.
Maritime vessel activity acting a mechanism for the transport of marine AIS is a complex issue involving
more than just ballast water. Ocean-going vessels can be thought of as biological islands for species that dwell in
harbors and estuaries around the world. These vessels provide substrate for the settlement of species associated with
fouling communities, protected recesses that can be occupied by both sessile and mobile fauna, and enclosed spaces
that hold water in which everything from plankton to fish can become entrained (Wonham et al., 2000). The vectors
associated with ocean-going vessels are ballast water, sediments, and hull fouling, and should be thought of as a
collective unit.
Maritime Vessel Vectors for AIS
Ballast Water
From the early history of seafaring to the present, ocean-going vessels have needed ballast. All vessels before the
middle of the 19th century used solid ballast in the form of sand, rocks, and other heavy materials. As ships became
larger it became necessary to design ballast systems with dedicated tanks that could be filled with water. The need to
use the aquatic environment for a transportation medium in the growing global economy has lead to the increases in
vessel size and ballast water volume. This increased ballast water volume combined with faster ship speeds allows
the uptake and survival of an increased number of organisms.
Organisms that are associated with marine plankton communities can be pulled into the ballast tanks of
vessels during ballasting operations. These organisms are characterized as holoplankton, meroplankton, and
tychoplankton. The holoplankton are species that live entirely in the water column their entire life. Holoplankton are
further divided into the phytoplankton, which includes unicellular algae and various bacteria, and the zooplankton.
This latter grouping includes small crustaceans, gelatinous species and a variety of other organisms. Meroplankton
are the larval forms of marine species that use the water column to feed and disperse before becoming adult
organisms. The larvae and eggs of crabs, barnacles, snails, clams, starfish, worms, fish and many other species are
present in meroplankton and represent a large part of the biomass of plankton communities. Tychoplankton are
species that normally live in bottom commu nities and become suspended in the water column temporarily.
Additionally, adult organisms of animals such as fish and crabs can become entrained in ballast tanks by being in
close proximity to seachest intakes or as attached organisms on debris.
Bacteria that have the potential for causing human health problems can also be found in ballast water. In the
early 1990s shellfish beds in the southeastern United Sates along the Gulf of Mexico had to be closed because of the
presence of cholera bacteria (Vibrio cholerae). This occurrence of Vibrio cholerae was traced back to ballast water
discharges from vessels arriving from South America. The strain present in the Gulf of Mexico was the same that
triggered an epidemic in South America that caused 10,000 deaths. The vibrios are waterborne bacteria that cause
cholera when humans ingest contaminated water or raw or poorly cooked seafood taken from contaminated areas.
There are 139 serogroups of Vibrio cholerae but only two - (01 and 0139) - cause cholera of epidemic proportions.
The association of cholera bacteria with ballast water began to be realized more widely following the study of
McCarthy & Khambaty (1994) in the Gulf of Mexico. Further research has detected both 01 and 0139 serogroups in
ballast water being discharged in the United States Mid-Atlantic ports of Baltimore and Norfolk in the Chesapeake
Bay (Ruiz et al., 2000b).
Vessels generally ballast in coastal areas or ports that have a great deal of particulate matter suspended in the water
column. This suspended matter is made up of organic and inorganic detritus and plankton. Particles begin to settle
and form a sediment layer after ballast water is pumped into tanks. These layers can be up to eight centimeters thick
(Godwin, personal observation) and can provide a habitat for benthic fauna. A portion of the sediments can become
re-suspended and discharged during ballasting and deballasting operations. Ballast tanks will always retain water
and sediments in unpumpable sections of the tank until it is re -suspended by ballasting operations or movement of
the vessel during transit. This material is removed from the tank periodically to prevent damage to pumps, and is
conducted by members of the crew during port visits and sea transits or by shipyard workers during service periods.
In both cases the material can be either intentionally or unintentionally dumped overboard.
These ballast water sediments can harbor communities of adult organisms that result from the settlement of
larvae and eggs from the meroplankton. These organisms can mature and become a source for new larvae that
become suspended within the water column of the ballast tank. Another common component of the sediment is the
resting stages of phytoplankton species such as dinoflagellates and diatoms. Only a few of the studies listed have
dealt with ballast sediments. The most notable are the studies by Hallegraeff et al. (1990) and Hallegraeff & Bolch
(1992) and Kelly et al. (1999) that demonstrated the presence of viable resting stages of phytoplankton species in
ballast sediments. These studies connected the introduction of the toxic dinoflagellates that are transported as cysts
to ballast sediments. In the first two studies, the toxic dinoflagellates Gymnodinium catenatum and Alexandrium
catenella, which cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, were identified from ballast sediments sampled from
commercial cargo vessels arriving to Southern Australia. These sediments can also harbor bacterial communities
that can flourish by deriving nutrients from the abundant organic matter settling out to the bottom of the ballast tank.
There are sediment accumulations associated with maritime vessel activity that are not due to ballast water
operations. A source common to any type of vessel is the sediment found on anchors and anchor chains, which can
accumulate in the chain locker compartment. These areas of the vessel can provide a sheltered habitat for a variety
of animals that are adapted to an intertidal existence along coastlines and others that can exist in an encysted stage,
such as the microalgae mentioned earlier. Vessels that conduct unique operations such as dredging and those that
function as work platforms (i.e., barges, floating drydocks) have to be considered as well. These vessels can
transport sediments through its accumulation on deck surfaces and on gear associated with their unique operations.
Very little has been done to survey this type of sediment transport due to the random nature of these arrivals to port
Hull Fouling
Ballast water is the pathway that has been the major focus of investigation as a marine invasion vector, and the
biofouling that occurs on the surfaces of vessel hulls has been given less attention. Historically, wooden sailing ships
provided an ideal surface to which marine fouling organisms could attach. Common fouling organisms on these
vessels were the wood-boring shipworms (Teredo sp.). The cosmopolitan range of this organism is thought to have
resulted from worldwide spread by wooden vessels, especially as trade routes opened up between the Atlantic and
the Pacific. Hull fouling has been dramatically reduced with the advent of steel hulls and anti-fouling coatings. The
steps taken by large ocean going vessels and personal craft to eliminate hull fouling are not completely effective
though, and organisms are still being transported by this means.
The organisms that generally foul vessel hulls are the typical species found in natural marine intertidal and
subtidal sessile invertebrate communities. The typical invertebrate organisms associated with marine fouling
communities are arthropods (barnacles, amphipods, and crabs), molluscs (mussels, clams, and sea slugs), sponges,
bryozoans (moss animals), cnidarians (hydroids and anemones), protozoans, annelids (marine worms), and
chordates (sea squirts and fish), as well as macroalgae (seaweed). If these fouling communities become very
developed they can also provide microhabitats for mobile organisms such as fish. Initial settlement of fouling
organisms tends to be in sheltered areas of the hull, such as sea chest intakes and rudder posts, and develop in areas
where anti-fouling coatings have been compromised (Ranier, 1995, Coutts, 1999, James & Hayden, 2000, Godwin,
2003, Godwin et al., 2004). Anti-fouling coatings wear off along the bilge keel and weld seams, and are
inadequately applied in some cases, all which make the surfaces susceptible to settlement by fouling organisms.
Further work has focused on the transport of hull fouling organisms on personal craft throughout the tropical Pacific
(Floerl & Inglis, 2001).
Minimizing Effects Through Management in the U.S.A.
In the aquatic environment it is considered unrealistic to be able to eradicate an AIS once it has become established.
The best strategy is to minimize the likelihood of initial introduction through prevention and outreach efforts. The
most common approach for prevention is to target individual species that are potentially invasive to an area. This is
a method proven to be effective in terrestrial systems, however, a more comprehensive approach in aquatic
environments is to identify major pathways that can expose habitats to AIS and determine ways to control their
potential effects. There are many pathways that can transport AIS to aquatic systems and a variety of management
tools and treatment options aimed at prevention. This section briefly covers efforts aimed at prevention of AIS
introductions associated with maritime vessels.
Due to the impacts documented by the invasion of the zebra mussel to the Great Lakes, Congress passed the
Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA). The NANPCA legislation
created mandatory ballast water management guidelines that applied only to the Great Lakes. A reauthorization of
NANPCA in 1996 created the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (NISA), which expanded the legislation to
cover all U.S. ports. Under NISA, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) developed voluntary ballast water management
guidelines and mandatory ballast water management reporting and record keeping. NISA required the USCG to
submit a report to Congress to evaluate the effectiveness of the voluntary ballast water management program. This
report was submitted in June 2002 and concluded that compliance was too low to allow for an accurate assessment
and proposed regulations that would make the voluntary guidelines mandatory. The proposed mandatory guidelines
would require all vessels equipped with ballast water tanks entering U.S. waters after operating beyond the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to use one of the following approaches:
♦ Complete exchange of ballast water intended for discharge in U.S. waters. This exchange must take place
no less than 200 nautical miles from any shore.
♦ Retain ballast water on board the vessel
♦ Prior to entry into U.S waters, use an environmentally sound ballast water management method that has
been approved by the USCG
♦ Discharge ballast water to an approved reception facility.
In conjunction with this proposed rulemaking there are other aspects that are in development that involve the
setting of standards and an approval process for experimental technologies for the purpose of ballast water
treatment. This approval process will be designed to encourage vessel owners to participate with the experimental
process of developing effective technologies for ballast water treatment. Also in development will be penalty
provisions that will be attached to the new legislation. A public comment phase for this effort began in January 2003
and is scheduled to proceed until October 2003.
Presently, the NISA 1996 legislation is being reauthorized as the National Aquatic Invasive Species Act 2003
(NAISA). This is expanded legislation (still pending at the time of this writing) that seeks to provide tools and
coordination to manage AIS threats more broadly. The NAISA legislation will implement a framework for an
effective AIS management program. The components of this framework will be coordinated between all levels of
government in partnership with private sector stakeholders. The components of the framework are:
♦ Prevention – Increased efforts focused on ballast water, sediments and hull fouling of maritime vessels
arriving from outside the EEZ and domestic coastwise traffic inside the EEZ. Pursuit of environmentally
sound treatment and prevention methods for all high risk pathways.
♦ Public Outreach and Education – Provisions to provide support for education and outreach to states,
industry and tribes that focus on high risk pathways and measures to minimize introduction and spread of
♦ Early Detection and Response – Coordination with state, local and tribal governments to establish
monitoring and rapid response program for AIS.
♦ Research and Risk Analysis – research to determine predictive guidelines for AIS introduction and
establishment and risk assessment activities to develop management strategies to minimize introductions.
♦ Control and Management – Strategies directed towards management guidelines for AIS that have become
Awareness of the marine AIS issue and its connection to maritime shipping activities, both domestic and
international, will be an important component in the future efforts in protecting the marine environment in the face
of a growing global economy. Outreach to the public sector areas tasked with the management of aquatic resources
and private sector interests that conduct operations with the potential for transporting AIS is a required component
for success. Collaborative efforts between multiple stakeholder groups will continue to be the basis for effective and
useful tools to minimize the impact of AIS. The mindset of industry and government concerning AIS transport by
maritime vessel activity must become broader and recognize that the issue is more complex than just regulating
ballast water. It will take awareness by both sectors to achieve the maximum positive effect for the environment,
while minimizing the impact to the maritime industry.
The information in this paper has been gained from years of collaboration with individuals in the maritime industry,
United States Coast Guard, and fellow researchers in the field of marine AIS. Helpful comments were provided by
J.T. Carlton and L.G. Eldredge.
Literature Cited
Apte, S., B.S. Holland, L.S. Godwin, & J.P.A. Gardner. 2000. Jumping ship: a stepping stone event mediating
transfer of nonindigenous species via a potentially unsuitable environment. Biological Invasions 2: 75-79.
Carlton, J.T. & J.B. Geller.1993. Ecological roulette: Biological invasions and the global transport of non-
indigenous marine organisms. Science 261: 78-82.
_ _ _, D. Reid & H. van Leeuwen. 1995. The Role of Shipping in the Introduction of Nonindigenous Aquatic
Organisms to the Coastal Waters of the United States (other than the Great Lakes) and the Analysis of
Control Options. Report to the U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Environmental Protection Division, Washington,
DC. 215pp.
Cohen, A. N. & J. T. Carlton. 1995. Biological Study. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species in a United States Estuary:
A Case Study of the Biological Invasions of the San Francisco Bay and Delta. U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Washington, D. C. and the National Sea Grant College Program, Connecticut Sea Grant, NTIS No.
Coutts, A.D.M. 1999. Hull fouling as a modern vector for marine biological invasions: investigation of merchant
vessels visiting northern Tasmania. M.S. Thesis. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Environment, Australian
Maritime College.
Floerl, O. & G.J. Inglis. 2001. Human influences on the contagion of nonindigenous marine species in boat
harbors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, New Orleans, April 9-11
Godwin, L.S. & L.G. Eldredge. 2001. The South Oahu Marine Invasion Shipping Study (SOMISS). Final report
prepared for the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources. Bishop
Museum Technical Report No. 20.
_ _ _, 2003. Hull fouling of maritime vessels as a pathway for marine species invasions to the Hawaiian Islands.
Biofouling 19 (Supplement): 123-131.
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alien species to the main Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Tech. Report #XX
Hallegraeff, G. M., C. J. Bolch, J. Bryan & B. Koerbin. 1990. Microalgal spores in ship’s ballast water: A danger
to aquaculture. In E. Graneli, B. Sundstrom, L. Edler and D. M. Anderson (eds.) Toxic Marine
Phytoplankton, pp. 475-480. International Conference on Toxic Marine Phytoplankton, Lund, Sweden.
_ _ _, & C. J. Bolch. 1992. Transport of diatom and dinoflagellate resting spores in ship’s ballast water:
Implications for plankton biogeography and aquaculture. Journal of Plankton Research 14(8):1067-1084
James, P. & B. Hayden. 2000. The potential for the introduction of exotic species by vessel hull fouling: a
preliminary study. NIWA Client report No.WLG 00/51. NIWA Wellington, NZ.
Kelly, J. M. 1999. Ballast water and sediments as a mechanism for unwanted species introductions into Washington
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McCarthy, S. A. & F. M. Khambaty. 1994. International dissemination of epidemic Vibrio cholerae by cargo ship
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Nalepa, T. F. & D. W. Schloesser (eds). 1992. Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control. Lewis Publishers,
Inc. (CRC Press), Boca Raton, FL., pp. 677-697.
Ranier, S. F. 1995. Potential for the Introduction and Translocation of Exotic Species by Hull Fouling: A
Preliminary Assessment. Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests Technical Report No. 1. Hobart,
Ruiz, G. M., P. W. Fofonoff, J. T. Carlton, M. J. Wonham & A. H. Hines. 2000a. Invasion of coastal marine
communities in North America: apparent patterns, processes and biases. Annual Review of Ecology and
Systematics 31: 481-531
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Smith, L. D., M. J. Wonham, L. D. McCann, D. M. Reid, J. T. Carlton, & G. M. Ruiz. 1996. Shipping Study II:
Biological Invasions by Nonindigenous Species in Unites States Waters: Quantifying the Role of Ballast
Water and Sediments, Parts I and II. Report No. CG-D-02-97, U. S. Coast Guard, Groton CT, and U. S.
Department of Transportation, Washington, D. C.
Wonham, M.J., J.T. Carlton, G.M. Ruiz & L.D. Smith. 2000. Fish and ships: relating dispersal frequency to
success in biological invasions. Marine Biology 136: 1111-112
Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii . Edited by L.S. Godwin.
National Centre of Marine Biodiversity and Biosecurity, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 8602,
Christchurch, New Zealand. Email:
Ship hull fouling is amongst the most important vectors for the introduction and spread of non -indigenous marine
species. To prevent or limit the transport of sessile organisms on vessel hulls it is important to understand the factors
that determine their settlement and recruitment to these surfaces. In this paper I outline how factors associated with
(i) characteristics of ships, (ii) characteristics of source ports, and (iii) the biology and physiology of fouling organisms
influence the abundance of marine fouling on the hulls of ocea n-going vessels.
Hull fouling - the growth of marine organisms on the bottom of ships and boats - is a nuisance to humans that
dates back as far as the beginning of seamanship. The presence of organisms on submerged parts of ship hulls
causes a considerable increase in friction of the hull and results in a loss in speed and/or increase in fuel
consumption of the vessel (Christie & Dalley, 1987; AMOG Consulting, 2002). Movements of fouled vessels
between distant ports can also facilitate the transport of marine biota to regions outside their natural ranges.
Recent biological surveys and literature studies suggest that in many locales – including Hawaii, New Zealand
and Australia - the majority of established exotic marine species are likely to have arrived on vessel hulls
(Cranfield et al., 1998; Hewitt et al., 1999; Eldredge & Carlton, 2002).
Significant progress in the development of toxic antifouling paints over the past few decades has caused a
tendency to dismiss the disproportionate contribution of hull fouling as a result of historical introductions, rather
than acknowledge it as a contemporary process. However, recent work from New Zealand suggests that, despite
the considerable improvements in antifouling paint performance, approximately the same number of exotic
fouling species became established in New Zealand between 1958 and 1998 as during the first half of the 1900s
(Cranfield et al., 1998). Furthermore, recent surveys of merchant vessels in Australia (Coutts, 1999), Germany
(Gollasch et al., 1995; Gollasch & Riemann-Zuerneck, 1996; Faubel & Gollasch, 1996; Gollasch, 1999) , Hawaii
(Godwin & Eldredge, 2001) and New Zealand (Hay & Dodgshun, 1997; James & Hayden, 2000) have all
recorded extensive fouling assemblages that contained a large number of non-indigenous species, and some
recent introductions have been directly related to hull fouling (Thresher, 1999; Field, 1999; DeFelice & Godwin,
1999; Apte et al., 2000). These and other studies (see AMOG Consulting, 2002) were carried out long after
effective antifouling paints had become the principal means to protect ship hulls from marine growth.
Clearly, the levels of fouling carried by modern vessels are only a fraction of that transported during the times of
wooden and unprotected vessel hulls (Carlton, 1992; Carlton, 1999) . However, because of financial pressure on
shipping companies and, possibly, lax behaviour in some cases, vessel hulls still become fouled. Hull fouling
remains an important, but largely unrecognised and/or neglected vector for the introduction and spread of non-
indigenous marine plants and invertebrates.
In the following sections the topic of ship hulls as diverse habitats for marine sessile organisms is
introduced, and a brief summary of the factors that influence the amount of marine fouling on vessel hulls is
covered. These can be broadly grouped into three categories: (i)characteristics of ships, (ii) characteristics of
source ports, and (iii) characteristics of fouling organisms. Management actions that control one or several of
these factors could achieve a reduction in the amount of fouling on ship hulls and, therefore, a reduction in
transfers of marine non-indigenous species to locations outside their native range.
Ship hulls – diverse habitats for sessile marine organisms
Ocean-going vessels come in many types (e.g. tankers, bulk carriers, fishing trawlers, military vessels, and
sailing or motor yachts) and vary in the shape and size of their hulls (Schormann et al., 1990). The submerged
parts of vessel hulls usually float several metres away from the seafloor and the wharves and/or pontoons to
which they moor. Marine sessile organisms reach prospective settlement sites most commonly during their
planktonic phase as larvae or spores (Grahame & Branch, 1985; Santelices, 1990). Competent propagules of
many sessile species require particular habitats for settlement and growth (Meadows & Campbell, 1972; Pawlik,
1992). The structural diversity of vessel hulls provides a range of habitats suitable for a large variety of marine
sessile animals and plants. For example, the angle of available settlement surfaces on vessel hulls ranges from
vertical (near the waterline and on the keel if one is present) to horizontal (underside of hull). Similarly, the
exposure to sunlight across a ship hull ranges from full exposure to completely shaded (Fig. 1a). When a vessel
is moving, frontal parts of the hull, in particula r the area around the bow, are subject to a large amount of drag
caused by water moving across the hull surface. In contrast, there are areas near the stern of most vessels – in
particular those associated with rudder recesses or propeller shafts – where d rag is low or negligible
(hydrodynamic protection) (Coutts, 1999; Fig. 1b). This also applies to sea-chests, which are recesses built into
the hulls of large ships and through which ballast water is taken up for stabilisation (Dodgshun & Coutts, 2002).
Ship hulls provide a suitable habitat for thousands of marine sessile and even motile species (Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution, 1952).
Factors that influence fouling on ship hulls
Research into methods of keeping hulls free of fouling biota commenced many centuries ago (a historical
account is given in Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952). So far, an effective ‘silver bullet’ for
prevention of fouling has not been found (as indicated by an ongoing series of International Congresses on
Marine Fouling and Co rrosion). As is discussed below, the amount of fouling on hulls depends on a multitude of
factors that are associated with the ships themselves, with the environments they are frequently moored in, and
with biological traits of the organisms involved.
Fi gure 1. Habitat diversity of ship hulls. Gradients in A, surface angle, exposure to sunlight, and B, drag along
and across vessel hulls.
(i) Characteristics of ships and hull maintenance practices
During centuries of research into hull fouling prevention the incorporation of toxic substances into a paint matrix
emerged as the most common and successful method, and today, toxic “antifouling paints” are virtually the only
way in which owners and operators of commercial and recreational vessel protect their hulls from accumulating
marine growth. The way in which antifouling paints interact with settling larvae varies between taxa and
antifouling agents and commonly involves pre - or post-attachment mortality of the larvae, or repellent effects
(Crisp & Austin, 1960; Wisely, 1962; Wisely, 1963a; Wisely, 1963b; Wisely, 1964). Early paint formulae, such
as soluble matrix and contact leaching systems, worked well when combined with copper, zinc, arsenic or tin,
but failed to prevent fouling for longer than two years (Christie & Dalley, 1987; Callow, 1990) . Self-polishing
copolymer paints based on the organotin compound tributyl-tin (TBT), were first developed in the late 1950s
(Montermoso et al., 1958) , and launched on the market in the early 1970s. With service lives of up to five years
they represented a revolutionary event in the history of maritime technology (Banfield, 1980; Christie & Dalley,
1987; Callow, 1990). Unfortunately, the resulting high levels of TBT in seawater and coastal marine sediments
were found to have deleterious impacts on the physiology of many marine organisms (Smith, 1981; Champ &
Lowenstein, 1987; Horiguchi et al., 1995; Ko et al., 1995; Ruiz et al., 1995; Axiak et al., 1995; Pearce, 1996)
and resulted in a worldwide ban on the use of TBT based antifouling paints in early 2003 (IMO, 1999, Champ,
To prevent settlement of larvae and spores on hull surfaces a certain amount of biocide has to be released
from the paint surface into the adjacent boundary layer (Christie & Dalley, 1987). This ‘leaching rate’ of toxins
decreases over time and, therefore, all vessels have to be removed from the water periodically to have their
antifouling paint renewed. The service lives of non-TBT paints are variable but commonly range from 6 months
to 2 years (Millet pers. comm., 2002; AMOG Consulting, 2002). Recent research on hull fouling on merchant
vessels (including those using TBT based paints) and private pleasure craft, as well as earlier studies on naval
vessels have all found a positive relationship between the age of the antifouling paint and the amount of fouling
on a ship’s hull (Visscher, 1928; Coutts, 1999; Floerl & Inglis, 2000). On average, in tropical environments, the
proportion of a vessel hull that is covered in fouling appears to increase by 10 % every five months (Floerl,
2002). More than 28 % of the 137 yachts surveyed by Floerl (2002) had not renewed their antifouling paint for
18 months or longer, and most of them carried diverse assemblages of sessile organisms on their hulls.
It is thus the maintenance of a vessel’s submerged surfaces that determines its susceptibility to fouling. Often not
the entire area of a vessel’s hull is coated in antifouling paint. Coutts (1999) observed that 89 % of the fouling
taxa recorded in his study of merchant vessel hulls (these included all non-indigenous taxa identified) occurred
within the dry -docking support strips (DDSS). DDSS are those areas underneath a vessel that are in contact with
the chocks used to support the vessel during dry-docking. DDSS thus lack any antifouling paint, and can
constitute 5 – 20 % of a vessel’s submerged hull area (Coutts, 1999) . Ten percent of the submerged hull area of a
moderately large ship (~105 m in length) may amount to 175 m .
Besides the length of the intervals between successive antifouling paint renewals, the usage pattern (e.g.
average cruising speed, frequency of usage, duration of stationary periods) of a vessel is another factor that can
influence its susceptibility to colonisation by sessile organisms. Most modern paints are ablative or self-
polishing systems that release biocide as the drag of passing water abrades the upp er surface of the paint layer
(Christie & Dalley, 1987; AMOG Consulting, 2002). Such paints require frequent motion of the vessel for
proper performance; depending on paint type, many manufacturers recommend active use on seven out of ten
days (Millet pers. comm., 2001). However, many vessels, in particular private yachts and towed barges, spend
extensive periods at berth or anchor. In such scenarios, microbial slimes and/or hydrolysed paint material can
accumulate at the upper surface of the paints and lower or prevent the release of fresh biocide (Biggelaar, 1998,
AMOG Consulting, 2002) . Floerl et al. (in review) found that, in tropical waters, yacht hulls coated in a range of
modern antifouling paints became colonised by a diverse range of fouling organisms when moored stationary in
boating marinas for periods of 8 – 16 weeks. More than 40 % of vessels surveyed by Floerl (2002) had spent
continuous periods of > 4 months moored in foreign ports and marinas, and the activity levels of these vessels
were commonly < 20 %. Vessels that use an antifouling paint that is not appropriate for their travel patterns
and/or who spend excessive periods at berth or anchor are likely to become fouled prior to the end of the paint’s
recommended service life and transport extensive fouling assemblages on their hulls.
There are two ways of cleaning fouled hulls – by renewing the antifouling paint or by manually removing
fouling organisms using brushes, scrapers or high-pressure water blasting. These two options differ greatly in
cost: renewing the paint can amount to thousands (yachts) or hundreds of thousands of dollars (large merchant
ships), while de-fouling by divers or on tidal grids is considerably cheaper. However, recent research has shown
that manual hull cleaning that is not followed by paint renewal has short-term benefits but longer-term penalties.
Removal of fouling from a vessel hull by scrapers or stiff brushes does not entirely clean the hull, and leaves
behind minute traces of the organisms including barnacle and oyster cement, byssal threads and soft tissues of
sponges and ascidians (Floerl, 2002). This material can act as a positive settlement cue to the next generation of
fouling taxa, which frequently exhibit gregarious or associative settlement behaviour (Knight-Jones & Crisp,
1953; Crisp & Meadows, 1962; Scheltema et al., 1981; Burke, 1986; Pawlik, 1992). Experiments from Australia
show that hull surfaces that are manually cleaned attract up to 5.8 times more fouling organisms over a 2-week
period (up to 3,045 recruits per 225 cm ) than do surfaces that are manually cleaned and then chemically
sterilised (Floerl, 2002). Both hull maintenance practices and usage patterns of ocean-going vessels influence the
susceptibility of ship hulls to colonisation by marine sessile organisms.
A. Enclosed port B. Open port
Figure 2. Recruitment of fouling organisms to artificial surfaces submerged in A, port environments enclosed by
breakwalls and B, unenclosed (open) ports.
Some specie s within the genera Enteromorpha, Ectocarpus (both macroalgae) and Watersipora (bryozoa)
exhibit a physiological tolerance to antifouling biocides, including copper, and continue to use submerged hull
surfaces as a substratum for settlement (Wisely, 1 962; Callow, 1986; AMOG Consulting, 2002). The exact
mechanism for this tolerance is not known but it is thought to occur either by internal detoxification or selective
exclusion (Wisely & Blick, 1967; Russell & Morris, 1973) . Watersipora subtorquata and W. arcuata are
common fouling organisms in shipping ports around Australia, New Zealand and California (USA), where their
current distribution has most likely been achieved via vessel movements (Allen, 1953; Banta, 1969; Gordon &
Matawari, 1992). During ecological surveys in recreational boating marinas in Australia, W. subtorquata was
encountered on a considerable number of yacht hulls from which other fouling organisms were absent (Floerl,
2002). Similar observations have been made in several New Zealand ports and marinas (A. Coutts, unpubl. data;
O. Floerl, unpubl. data). Frequently, one or several other species grew epibiotically on colonies of
W. subtorquata. Experiments from Australia showed that W. subtorquata can act as a ‘foundation species’ on
toxic antifoulant surfaces and facilitate the recruitment of up to 22 epibiotic taxa to these surfaces (Pool, 2002,
Floerl et al., in review). The tolerance of some species to toxic antifoulants may be an evolutionary process and
the result of continual artificial selection (Russell & Morris, 1973). Even meticulously maintained vessel hulls
may become colonised by these organisms until effective biocides have been developed.
Free settlement space is a major limiting resource in marine benthic communities (Dayton, 1971, Petraitis,
1995). Marine sessile organisms are therefore extremely successful at colonising any available surface. Ship
hulls present large areas of settlement space comprised of a variety of micro-habitats and far from benthic
predators. If not adequately protected, submerged hull surfaces will become colonised by a variety of species,
and movements of vessels between distant ports can facilitate the introduction of species into areas outside their
native range. The amount of fouling that accumulates on ship hulls is influenced by a multitude of factors
associated with hull maintenance,location and design of port environments, and the physiology and biology of
organisms that come into contact with submerged hull surfaces.
Data and ideas presented in this paper greatly benefited from dis cussions with Graeme Inglis (NIWA), Helene
Marsh (James Cook University), Isla Fitridge (NIWA), Ashley Coutts (Cawthron Institute) and Scott Godwin
(Bishop Museum).
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Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by L.S. Godwin.
Shipping is considered an important vector for the inadvertent transfer of non-indigenous biofouling species around the globe despite the
perception that faster speeds, utilization of effective anti- fouling coatings, frequent hull cleaning and shorter residency periods has
reduced their biosecurity risk. This paper describes the nature and extent of biofouling on 30 merchant vessels (ranging from 1,400 to
32,000 gross registered tonnes) based on analysis of hull inspection video footage collected by two New Zealand commercial diving
companies. A new method for measuring biofouling communities is applied, which aims to incorporate the potential for various hull
locations to house non-indigenous marine species. Our analysis revealed that vessels plying trans-Tasman routes and out-of-service
vessels, possessed greater levels of biofouling than more active vessels. Dry-docking support strips and sea-chest gratings generally had
the highest levels of biofouling and may pose relatively high biosecurity risks. Therefore, any future biosecurity surveillance should
target these hull locations for non-indigenous species
The frequency at which non-indigenous marine species (NIMS) are being spread around the world appears to be
dramatically increasing (Cohen & Carlton, 1995; Ruiz et al., 1997; Hewitt et al., 1999; Ruiz et al., 2000). Ships are
considered an exacerbator for the inadvertent transfer of NIMS around the globe (Carlton, 1987; Nehring, 2001;
Minchin & Gollasch, 2002). International shipping plays a vital part of New Zealand’s economy as approximately
95% of the countries exports by value travel by ship. It is thought that at least 148 NIMS have been deliberately or
accidentally introduced to New Zealand through international shipping activities (Cranfield et al., 1998).
Modern-day shipping can introduce NIMS via a variety of mechanisms including ballast and bilge water
discharges, biofouling or hull fouling (including de-fouling activities), sea-chests, sea-sieves, anchors, chain lockers,
and piping (Carlton et al., 1995; Schormann et al., 1990). Recent studies suggest that biofouling even to the present
day remains a significant mechanism for introduction, possibly more than ballast water (Cranfield et al., 1998;
Thresher et al., 1999; Gollasch, 2002; Hewitt, 2002). However, what is not presently known is which vessel type
poses the greatest risk of dispersing biofouling species.
Modern-day merchant vessels were thought to pose less of a risk than other vessel types (e.g. barges, fishing
vessels, oil exploratory rigs, and recreational craft) owing to their faster speeds, the utilization of tributyltin (TBT)
anti-fouling coatings, frequent hull cleaning and shorter residency periods in port (Carlton & Scanlon, 1985;
Campbell & Hewitt, 1999). However, relatively high levels of biofouling, including NIMS, have been witnessed
within small areas of the hull of modern-day merchant vessels (i.e. areas lacking effective anti-fouling paint and in
areas protected from strong laminar flows) (Rainer, 1995; Coutts, 1999; James & Hayden, 2000; Schultz & Swain,
2000). It is not currently known what level of biofouling (e.g. species richness, abundance, biomass etc) constitutes
a significant biosecurity risk. However, “nooks and crannies” on fast moving international vessels arriving to ports
worldwide could house sufficient populations of NIMS that could spawn and produce the concurrent inoculation
pressure required for certain species to establish (Minchin & Gollasch, 2002).
The Ministry of Fisheries is the main government agency with the responsibility of managing marine
biosecurity in New Zealand. While New Zealand does not presently have any regulations mandating the hygiene of
vessel hulls, it does propose to develop a management regime for biofouling on visiting international vessels.
Therefore, this paper quantifies the nature and extent of biofouling within anomaly areas of the hulls of various
merchant vessels operating in and visiting New Zealand. The potential of different areas of the hull to house
biofouling is then used as a basis for interpreting biosecurity risk. The approach assumes: (1) a greater diversity of
biofouling taxa (i.e., in terms of both taxa richness and relative abundance) equates to a higher likelihood of NIMS
being present and that (2) more established biofouling communities constitute a greater biosecurity risk than
undeveloped communities. The results have application for biosecurity managers in their need for efficient
biofouling surveillance methods and for techniques to assess biosecurity risk at the border.
Materials and Methods
Underwater videos of the hulls of 30 merchant vessels (17 container vessels, 7 bulk carriers, 2 tankers, 2 roll-on/roll-
off vessels, a supply vessel, and a passenger ferry) were randomly selected from libraries held by two New Zealand
commercial diving companies. The vessels either visited New Zealand on a regular basis or were resident there and
ranged from 1,400 to 32,000 gross registered tonnes (GRT). The vessels had been videoed in situ between 1992 and
1999 immediately prior to in -water cleaning in Auckland, Tauranga, or Wellington. Information on vessel type,
maintenance history and voyage details of the vessels were obtained from records held by the diving companies,
Maritime Data Services and the New Zealand Ship and Marine Society.
Video footage targeted for quantitative sampling included areas of the hull (hull location) lacking anti-
fouling paint (propeller), areas with inactive or old anti-fouling paint (dry-docking support strips – DDSS); areas
that often had damaged paint (bulbous bow) and areas thought to provide relatively protected habitats from strong
hydrodynamic flows (bilge keel; rudder; rope guard, and sea-chest gratings). The area outside of the DDSS
(OutDDSS) on the bottom of vessels was also included for comparative purposes. Quantitative sampling of the bow
thrusters and sides of the hull was not possible owing to insufficient video footage of these areas (Fig. 1).
Sea-chest Propeller
Bulbous bow Bilge keels gratings
Figure 1. Position of various hull locations sampled during this study (DDSS – the positions under a vessel that
cannot be painted with fresh anti-fouling paint during a dry-docking because of the position of docking blocks).
During viewing, the video was paused at random (five times) within each of the 8 hull location on as many of
the vessels as possible. Taxa richness (number of biofouling taxa) and percentage cover data was derived using 50
random points marked on a 0.33 m television monitor. Bare metal, anti-fouling paint, and fifteen biofouling taxa
(i.e. higher taxonomic groups) corresponding to four biofouling categories, as shown in Table 1, were used as a
basis for describing the nature and extent of the biofouling within and among the vessels. Only those hull locations
described above were analyzed, hence levels of biofouling outside these locations were not considered (i.e. such as
along the waterline or the flat sides where certain taxa such as algae are more likely to be present).
Bare metal Fine green algae Acorn barnacles Solitary ascidians
Anti -fouling paint Fine brown algae Tubeworms Compound ascidians
Filamentous green algae Coralline algae Sea anemones
Filamentous red algae Bryozoans Mussels
Hydroids Oysters
The 4 biofouling categories correspond to a combination of the general succession and survivorship of
biofouling observed and documented on artificial structures in the literature (e.g. Marine Corrosion Sub-Committee,
1944; Bishop et al., 1949; Pyefinch, 1950; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952; Skerman, 1960; Coutts,
1999; Lewis, 2002a). Diatom and bacterial slimes could not be distinguished from bare metal and anti-fouling paint
with any certainty and hence were not included in the study as separate taxa. Furthermore, owing to insufficient
clarity of the video footage, no mobile biofouling organisms were observed and were therefore not included in the
The percentage cover data was also used to identify vessels and hull locations that contained a relatively high
percentage cover of the higher taxonomic groups (i.e., biofouling categories C and D in Table 1). The percentage
cover data for all taxa in categories C and D was weighted by 1, whereas the percentage cover data for categories A
and B was weighted by 0. This weighted percentage cover data was used as a simplistic basis for interpreting
biosecurity risk under the assumptions described previously. Data was analyzed using general linear models and
multivariate analyses in SAS/STAT (1990) and PRIMER– E Ltd Version 5.0. (1998).
Container vessels (n = 17) Biofouling Category
100 A
60 D
Bulk carriers (n = 7)
% Cover
‘Other vessels’ (n = 6)
Bilge keel
Rope guard
Bulbous bow
Hull location
Figure 2. Percentage cover of the 4 biofouling stages (see Table 1) within each hull location for the 3 vessel types
used in the study. n refers to number of vessels surveyed within each vessel type category. Gratings refers to sea-
chest gratings.
Propellers for instance, are a unique hull location because they do not possess anti-fouling paint, just a non-
toxic brass surface. However, the challenge for biofouling organisms is not to just colonise such a structure, but to
survive the harsh turbulent environment while the propeller is in motion. This might explain the dominance of
hydrodynamic-insensitive taxa with high percentage cover (i.e. brown and green surface algae, acorn barnacles,
tubeworms and coralline algae), particularly towards the centre of propellers where hydrodynamic forces are much
lower than at the extremities of the blades.
Bulbous bows, bilge keels, rope guards and rudders formed a second grouping owing to the presence and
similar abundance of predominantly the three algal taxa (i.e. fine brown, fine green and filamentous green algae).
Not surprisingly, this is largely explained by such locations receiving a plentiful supply of sunlight. Although bilge
keels are often at depth, the angle of the bilge keels to the hull is such that the upper facing surface receives more
available light than the adjacent flat surfaces. Furthermore, invertebrates were also noted living on the edges and on
the undersides of the keels. According to Godwin & Eldredge (2001) and Godwin (2003) anti-fouling paint often
wears off along the edges of bilge keels and weld seams making these surfaces susceptible to biofouling, and paint
manufactures stress that premature drying of anti-fouling paint can cause the anti-fouling paint to peel off around
such areas. Moreover undersides of the bilge keels provide sheltered areas where various biofouling organisms can
Interestingly, rope guards and rudders in particular also possessed a variety of invertebrate taxa. Similarly,
although bulbous bows are probably subjected to some of the greatest hydrodynamic forces on merchant vessels, the
anchor chains often remove the anti-fouling paint from this location while the vessels are at anchor, thus providing a
non-toxic surface for biofouling organisms to colonise. However, only those biofouling taxa that are
hydrodynamically -insensitive are capable of surviving in such areas (i.e. category B and C taxa: Koehl, 1982;
Denny, 1988).
The third grouping of hull locations (i.e. OutDDSS, DDSS and sea-chest gratings) were grouped together due
to their relatively low abundance of algal taxa and high abundance of anti-fouling paint. This is because these
locations, especially OutDDSS and DDSS receive very little sunlight due to the shading effects of bilge keels.
OutDDSS were the least fouled hull location on average because these areas usually possess effective anti-fouling
paint due to their exposure to strong hydrodynamic forces as well as being shaded from light by the bilge keels,
especially in turbid waters. In contrast, however, the OutDDSS of the two most heavily fouled vessels mentioned
previously were colonised by a range of biofouling taxa. It seems that the inactivity of these vessels resulted in the
SPC paints being ineffective. In a similar context, Preiser & Ticker (1985) found that DDSS provided a nucleus for
invertebrates to migrate into surrounding areas (OutDDSS) as a result of the leaching rates of the anti-fouling paints
declining with time.
Although DDSS may be subjected to relatively strong hydrodynamic forces, this location was often colonised
by category C and D taxa, including a relatively high mean weighted percentage cover for all 3 vessel types. Such
areas usually possess old and ineffective anti-fouling paint, providing invertebrates with a suitable non-toxic surface
to colonise. Furthermore, given DDSS are located at depth (5-10 meters), they are not as frequently exposed to
freshwater as upper regions of the hull (e.g. when visiting freshwater dominated ports), which may also contribute to
the prolonged survivorship of particular biofouling organisms within this location.
Statistical modeling showed that differences in the mean weighted percentage cover data were dependent on
vessel type. DDSS, propeller, rope guard, sea-chest gratings and rudder locations all had relatively high mean
values for the ‘other’ vessel type category, and DDSS had relatively high mean values for all 3 vessel types (Fig. 3).
DDSS and sea-chest gratings had the highest mean weighted percentage cover of the higher taxonomic groups (i.e.
categories C and D), which suggests that these locations may have the greatest likelihood of possessing NIMS.
Interestingly, Coutts (1999) also found that in a sample of merchant vessels visiting Tasmanian waters, DDSS had
89% of the taxa encountered, including all of the NIMS. Therefore, future surveillance of vessels should focus their
attention on these protected areas.
Bulk carriers
Mean weighted % cover
3.0 Other
Bulbous bow
Rope guard
Bilge keel
Hull location
Figure 3. Mean (±1 se) weighted percentage cover within each hull location for the 3 vessel types used in the study.
See text for definitions of weighted percentage cover and hull locations. Gratings refer to sea-chest gratings.
Biosecurity risk
Determining biosecurity risks from biofouling is a complex task. Many tools such as dried biomass, species
richness, species diversity and percentage cover of biofouling organisms upon vessels’ hulls have been used to
assess either the performance of anti-fouling paints and better understand biofouling processes (Visscher, 1928;
Pyefinch, 1950; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952; Cologer & Preiser, 1984), or to identify vessels and
hull locations that present biosecurity risks (Skerman, 1960; Huang et al., 1979; Rainer, 1995; Coutts, 1999; James
& Hayden, 2000; Godwin & Eldredge, 2001; Gollasch, 2002; Minchin & Gollasch, 2002; Godwin, 2003). However
many of these assessments have been descriptive only.
The weighted percentage cover response variable used in this study provided an alternative approach as it
took into account not only the nature and extent of the biofouling, but also the development and growth of the
biofouling community. However, this variable is clearly simplistic in terms of the information it provides or
biosecurity risk. Importantly, the presence of biofouling and NIMS upon the hulls of vessels in New Zealand does
not equate to a significant biosecurity risk. Risk also depends on whether the NIMS are already present in the
country or at any new location, as well as the potential for establishment and any negative (and positive) impacts.
Unfortunately biofouling within DDSS is an inevitable consequence of the dry-docking procedure, unless vessels are
re-floated and the docking blocks relocated. While many naval vessels around the world can justify the cost of this
re-floating procedure, the cost of re-floating merchant vessels at present exceeds the cost of the increased fuel
consumption imposed by leaving such areas unpainted. Both the shipping industry and marine biosecurity agencies
would welcome a solution to prevent biofouling within DDSS. These areas can represent between 5-20% of the
submerged area of the hull, and significantly contribute to fuel consumption (Preiser & Ticker, 1985).
Furthermore, Preiser & Ticker (1985) devised a way of applying adhesive anti-fouling paint pads to the
docking blocks prior to a vessel’s docking, so that when the vessel departed the dry-dock these normally unprotected
areas were treated with anti-fouling paint. As far as the authors are aware, this technology has not been pursued any
further. Also, there are anti-fouling paints that can be applied underwater, and these could be used to protect DDSS
as well as damaged regions of the hull.
Inner regions of propellers could be painted with anti-fouling paint, although the paints would need to be
slow-polishing and may only last for a short period of time. Fortunately, it is common practice for vessels in some
countries to undergo a propeller polish as required. However the biosecurity risks of de-fouling are currently being
evaluated in New Zealand, and managed in some states of Australia (i.e. Victoria) by prohibiting in-water cleaning
of vessels over 200 gross tonnes (EPA, 1999).
It is common practice for the same type of paint to be applied to the entire submerged area of the hull.
However, various types of anti-fouling paints such as soluble matrix, contact leaching SPC, controlled depletion
polymer, fouling-release and non-toxic coatings (see Lewis, 2002b) are being trialed on a variety of vessels within
various locations to better prevent biofouling (John Lewis, pers. comm.). It is significant to note that the most
effective anti-fouling paint produced to date, tributyltin (TBT), will be phased out of use by 1 January 2008 (IMO,
2001). This means that the application of anti-fouling paints that have been specially formulated for use on various
types of vessels and hull locations, is of paramount importance from a biosecurity perspective (Lewis, 2002b).
We would like to acknowledge the assistance of the two diving companies, Divers Services Ltd and New Zealand
Diving and Salvage Ltd, who provided the underwater hull inspection video assessments of the vessels used in this
study. Furthermore, we would like to extend our thanks to Michael Pryce from the New Zealand Ship and Marine
Society in providing valuable information on each of the vessels. Thank you also to DMP Statistical Solutions
(University of Auckland) for statistical advice. Useful comments on the manuscript were provided by Barrie Forrest
(Cawthron) and Chad Hewitt (Ministry of Fisheries). This research was funded by the New Zealand Foundation for
Research, Science and Technology (FRST).
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Potential for the introduction and spread of marine pests by private yachts
Recreational boating is a booming industry worldwide, and movements of domestic and international yachts constitute the majority of
inshore vessel movements in many coastal countries. Hull fouling on private ocean-going yachts has been implicated as a vector in the
introduction and secondary spread of a number of aquatic nonindigenous species (NIS). Despite this, there are no existing quarantine
procedures for international yachts to prevent the introduction of fouling organisms into native marine systems. The development of
predictive tools that allow quarantine officials to efficiently discriminate low-risk vessels from those that may pose a risk to marine
biosecurity would help reduce the number of propagules that reach native environments and, therefore, the number of marine NIS that
may establish and become spread.
Lambton Harbour (Wellington), and its spread in this region was attributed, at least in part, to the movement of
vessels that had been laid up for long periods (Hay, 1990). The impact of the invader on native plants and animals is
not fully understood, but it is suspected that the prolific growth and competitive ability of the species enables it to
displace dominant native macroalgae (Talman et al., 1999). U. pinnatifida is also spreading around parts of the
coastlines of Australia, France, and England. Especially in England, boating marinas are often “hot spots” of
abundance, and recreational vessels appear to be the principal means by which Undaria has been spread (Fletcher &
Farrell, 1998).
2. The broccoli weed, Codium fragile spp. tomentosoides, is native to South East Asia, but has been spread
throughout the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and, more recently, along the North American shore from
Nova Scotia to North Carolina (Trowbridge, 1998, Chapman, 1999). Hull fouling is though to be one of its main
spreading mechanisms (Carlton & Scanlon, 1985). Codium’s establishment in Nova Scotia has been attributed to a
yacht arriving from overseas (Bird et al., 1993). Its impacts include fouling of fishing nets, fouling and displacing
native and commercial shellfish species, changes in sedimentation rates and nutrient cycling, and heavy fouling of
manmade structures such as wharfs and pilings (Trowbridge, 1998, Talman et al., 1999).
3. The black striped mussel, Mytilopsis sallei, and the Asian green mussel, Perna viridis. Recreational vessel
movements have also been implicated in the introduction and spread of these two extremely prolific bivalves. The
black striped mussel is an estuarine relative of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, whose invasion into the
North American Great Lakes and river systems causes ecological and economic impacts amounting to 100s of
millions of U.S. dollars per year (Nalepa & Schloesser, 1993; Pimentel et al., 2000). M. sallei is native to Central
America and the Caribbean, and was introduced to a number of marinas around Darwin, Australia, in March 1999
by overseas yachts (Thresher, 1999; Field, 1999; Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests, 2001).
Eradication of the black striped mussel was successful but costly: it involved the tracking and sterilisation of more
than 400 recreational fishing boats and yachts that had resided within the infected marinas during the months
preceding the pest outbreak (Bax et al, 2001; Marshall pers. comm., 2000). M. sallei has also invaded coastal waters
of India, where it has heavily colonised and damaged submerged manmade structures (Ganapati et al., 1971; Rao et
al., 1989).
Perna viridis was recently introduced to the port of Cairns in Queensland, Australia. Its local distribution is
currently restricted to a small population in the vicinity of marinas and on the hulls of recreational vessels. However,
regional environmental authorities are on alert as the species can cause impacts similar to M. sallei (Neil pers.
comm., 2002). P. viridis has also been introduced into the Gulf of Mexico, the southern Caribbean, Florida, and
Japan (Benson et al., 2001; Ingrao et al., 2001).
4. The serpulid tubeworm Ficopomatus enigmaticus. The native origin of this species is unknown but, during the
past century, F. enigmaticus has been introduced to the coastal waters of Europe, the U.S.A., and New Zealand
(Read & Gordon, 1991; Cranfield et al., 1998). It appeared in New Zealand in the 1960s and the location of its
discovery – on piles, pontoons and pleasure boats in Whangarei Harbour – suggested it had been introduced in the
fouling assemblage of an overseas yacht. Extensive nuisance growths occurred within Whangarei Harbour, with
encrustations up to 23 cm thick observed on some vessel hulls (Read & Gordon, 1991). F. enigmaticus was
subsequently spread - most likely by domestic boat movements - to more southern locations around New Zealand
where it caused problems by fouling water intakes of power and flood protection stations (Read & Gordon, 1991;
Probert, 1993). Dense aggregations of F. enigmaticus can also influence water quality of coastal ports and marinas
(Davies et al., 1989).
The list of species presented above is not exhaustive. Recreational yachts have also been implicated in the
transport of the invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia and non-indigenous ascidians and bryozoans in Europe, Australia,
and the U.S.A. (Meinesz et al., 1992; Sant et al., 1996; Lambert & Lambert, 1998; Lützen, 1999; Floerl, 2002).
mandatory, but it has recently been estimated at approximately 16,500 (New Zealand Marine Safety Authority,
Figure 1. Numbers of coastal boating marinas (circles) and registered recreational vessels of >6m length (diamonds)
in Queensland, Australia (Figure from Floerl, 2002).
Marinas provide ideal conditions for the incubation and spread of fouling organisms. They are often
protected from wind and waves, and the movement of water within marinas occurs at velocities of 1-20 % of those
observed in adjacent coastal locations (Floerl & Inglis, 2003). Marinas generally contain an abundance of different
types of hard surfaces (e.g. vertical pilings, horizontal floating pontoons, rock breakwalls) that are ideal for
organisms to colonise and can amount to > 3,500m2 in area. In many cases, nearly 100 % of submerged pontoon and
piling surfaces in marinas are covered in assemblages of sessile organisms (Floerl, 2002). In addition, most marinas
contain a large number (100 – 1,200) of boats, many with hulls susceptible to colonisation by fouling organisms.
Coastal boating marinas are the main hubs of yacht movements, with vessels arriving and departing at all times.
The number of coastal boating marinas has increased in accordance with the increase in recreational vessels. In
Queensland, for example, the number of marinas has risen from ~ 5 in 1960 to ~ 59 in 2001 (Floerl, 2002; Fig. 1).
Similar trends have occurred in New Zealand and other parts of the “developed” world (Richardson & Ridge, 1999).
A recent industrial survey carried out in 1998 forecasted an annual market increase of 7.3 % for the United States
recreational boating industry, resulting in a US$14.2 billion market in 2002 (Freedonia, 1998). Globally, an
increasing number of people are moving to the seacoast and, consequently, the numbers of recreational boats and
marinas are likely to continue to rise.
Biosecurity risks of international yachts
Private yachts can pose different types of risk to the marine biosecurity of coastal countries: (1) the introduction of
previously absent marine NIS, and (2) the secondary spread of already established marine NIS. While new
introductions to a country (or native ecosystem) can only be facilitated by boats arriving from overseas (or from
locations outside the native ecosystem), the secondary dispersal of established marine NIS can be accomplished by
both domestic and foreign vessels (Inglis & Floerl, 2002).
International arrivals (or arrivals from outside the native system)
Many countries worldwide are frequented by visiting international yachts. For example, 650 - 950 and 400 - 550
international recreational vessels enter Australian and New Zealand waters every year, respectively (Grant & Hyde,
1991; Floerl, unpubl. data, 2002-2003). In the case of Australia, these arrivals are evenly spread between the 35
designated ports of entry, although more boats tend to arrive on the east coast of the country (Australian Customs
Service, pers. comm., 2002). In New Zealand, in contrast, where there are 16 designated ports of entry,
approximately 85 % of all international arrivals clear customs in a single port, the Opua Marina located in the
northwest of New Zealand’s North Island (Grant & Hyde, 1991; Floerl unpubl. data, 2002-2003). A large number of
boat arrivals in a given location may be associated with a relatively high delivery of propagules, and increase the
risk of unwanted introductions (Minchin & Gollasch, 2003).
Of course, the arrival of viable organisms on the hulls of overseas boats is in part dependent on: (1) the recent
travel history of the vessels (i.e. which other ports or locations have been visited) and (2) the physiological tolerance
range (e.g. temperature, salinity) of the organisms on the hull. Between October 2002 and December 2003, the 339
international vessels that entered New Zealand had previously departed from a total of 42 different ports, most of
which were located within the tropics (Floerl unpubl. data, 2003). It is likely that in this and other, similar situations
a large proportion of hull assemblages may perish en-route by a large drop in water temperature (Minchin &
Gollasch, 2003). However, when boats travel between tropical ports (e.g. Hawaii to Fiji or Papua New Guinea to NE
Australia) the chances of survival will be better. There have been numerous accounts of fouling organisms surviving
extensive coastal or inter-oceanic voyages of long duration and between different physical environments and
therefore, survival of some taxa during voyages across physical gradients can not be ruled out entirely (Bertelsen &
Ussing, 1936; Allen, 1953; Crisp, 1958; Foster & Willian, 1979; Carlton & Hodder, 1995; Gollasch & Riemann-
Zuerneck, 1996; Apte et al., 2000).
Domestic vessel movements
Studies of the spread of marine NIS by recreational boats in freshwater environments show that the risk of invasion
of an area is not simply a function of how many vessels an area receives. The frequency with which boaters move
between regions containing problem species is also of importance (Padilla et al., 1996; Johnson et al., 2001). This is
also likely to be true of marine environments. Individual transport events often fail to result in the establishment of
new populations. The likelihood of success is related more to the frequency of transport events between infested
and susceptible locations (Ruiz et al,. 2000).
A questionnaire survey of boat owners in north-eastern Australia showed a relatively high incidence of
regional movement by cruising yachts around the eastern Australian coastline (Floerl, 2002; Fig. 2a). Although most
(70 %) trips by domestic vessels did not extend more than 100 km from the vessels’ homeport, respondents to the
survey had visited a total of 41 different locations throughout Australia in the previous 18 months. There was
particularly high exchange of boats between ports separated by 300 to 400 kilometres of coastline, and a high degree
of ‘connectivity’ between the various coastal ports and marinas (Floerl ,2002; Fig. 2b). This high frequency of
domestic boat movements is a main reason for the concern of environmental managers about the risk of rapid,
human-mediated spread of aggressive invaders such as the black striped mussel and the Asian green mussel, both of
which have established populations close to centers of boating activity (A. Marshall & K. Neill pers. comm., 2002).
Secondary spread of marine NIS can be facilitated by both domestic and international boats cruising between points
of infestation and uninvaded habitats. Following their arrival in a port, many international yachts spend extended
periods moored alongside domestic yachts. In Australia and New Zealand, for example, residency times of overseas
yachts in coastal marinas typically range from a few days to eight months or longer (James & Hayden, 2000; Floerl,
2002; Floerl unpubl. data, 2002-2003).
Prevention and management of biosecurity risks posed by overseas yachts
With the exception of ports and marinas around Darwin, Australia, there are no existing quarantine procedures for
arriving yachts to prevent the transport of fouling organisms into New Zealand, Australia or any other country. In
both New Zealand and Australia quarantine officials check arriving vessels for insects, plant seeds and pets (and
their diseases) to limit quarantine risks to human health, agriculture and terrestrial environments (Grant & Hyde,
1991; New Zealand and Australian Customs Services pers. comm., 2001-2003). However, upon entry into Darwin’s
four marinas, internationally traveled vessels are required to go through another inspection by the Northern Territory
Fisheries Department. Any vessel that has not renewed its antifouling paint since its arrival in (or return to) Australia
is slipped and the hull inspected. If the tides or boat structure do not make this feasible then the hull is inspected by
divers. In addition, the internal plumbing systems of internationally travelled vessels are subjected to a 5%
detergent treatment held in by seacocks for a 14 hour period. To date, approximately 30 potential pest introductions
have been intercepted by the inspection of over 700 yachts (A. Marshall, pers. comm., 2003). In all other Australian
and New Zealand ports of entry, submerged hull surfaces of yachts are occasionally checked for illegal objects or
attachments, but never for potential problem species they may carry.
Figure 2. A, Coastal ports and marinas visited over an 18-month period by 118 domestic and international yachts
surveyed in six coastal marinas in Queensland, Australia (white circles). B, Twenty-one yachts surveyed in the
Townsville marinas that had previously visited 23 ports and marinas up to 3, 500 km away.
Screening systems and risk assessment models have been developed for ballast water (e.g. the Australian
Ballast Water Decision Support System (BWDSS); Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service, 2001) and imports
of terrestrial plants and animals (e.g. Ruesink et al., 1995; Daehler & Carino, 2000). Similar tools are required for
managing the risk of introducing and spreading marine NIS on the hulls of ocean-going vessels. The development of
predictive tools that allow quarantine officials to effectively discriminate low-risk vessels from those that may pose
a risk to marine biosecurity would help reduce the number of propagules that reach native environments and
therefore, the number of marine NIS that may establish and (become) spread.
Failure to incorporate hull inspections into standard quarantine procedures and to develop predictive tools for
the quantification and management of biosecurity risk factors of private yachts will have two important
consequences. First, it will leave a loophole for marine NIS to enter native ecosystems. Given that an enormous
amount of effort and money are being spent on the prevention or limitation of ballast water mediated marine NIS
introductions, this loophole is counterproductive. Second, failure to quantify the biosecurity risk posed by private
yachts and to reliably discriminate between low and high-risk vessels may result in subjective perceptions of
biosecurity risks posed by both international and domestic yachts rather than estimates supported by empirical data.
The collection of field data in Australia (1999-2002) was made possible through the help of many volunteers. The
ongoing data collection in New Zealand is facilitated by the MAF Quarantine Service and the New Zealand Customs
Service. Special thanks are due to Kevin Kennett and Mike Cartwright (MAF Quarantine) and Grant Horneman and
Geoff Wilson (NZ Customs). Thanks are due to Nick Gust and Barbara Hayden for commenting on an earlier draft.
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Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by L.S. Godwin.
Slow-moving barge introduces biosecurity risk to the Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand
Marine Biosecurity Section, Cawthron Institute, Private Bag 2, Nelson, New Zealand; E-Mail:
The movement of non-indigenous marine biofouling organism s around the world has largely been associated with international shipping.
However, slow-moving vessels, particularly towed structures have clearly illustrated their potential to disperse marine biofouling
organisms. In December 2001, Cawthron Institute discovered an extensively fouled barge while undertaking a routine biosecurity survey
of Shakespeare Bay, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. Upon closer inspection, divers estimated a total of 25,941 kg of wet biomass
weight of biofouling was present on the hull of the Steel Mariner, including a newly recorded colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum
behaving in an invasive manner (i.e. 1,397 kg present on the hull and a further 460 kg established on the seabed below). D. vexillum is
considered a serious biosecurity threat to New Zealand’s Greenshell™ mussel aquaculture industry given the species preference for
artificial structures and its smothering/biofouling capabilities. The species has also naturally spread to a neighboring barge and infected
70 of 173 (40%) of the Waimahara wharf piles 500 m away. Controversy exists over the species origin, hence the responsibility for
managing the spread is unclear and unprecedented, and hence little has been done to date to manage the species.
The accumulation of marine growth on the outside of ships’ hulls (biofouling) is beginning to be acknowledged,
particularly in the southern hemisphere, as one of the single most important vectors for the dispersal of non-
indigenous marine organisms (NIMS) (Cranfield et al., 1998; Thresher et al., 1999; Hewitt, 2002; Gollasch, 2002).
The New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries (MFish) is the lead government agency responsible for protecting New
Zealand from the arrival and adverse impacts of NIMS. MFish largely focuses on preventing introductions of
marine pests, because eradicating or managing pests is extremely difficult once they become established. However,
for MFish to effectively prevent the introduction of unwanted biofouling organisms to New Zealand, they must
firstly know which vessels possess the greatest biosecurity risk.
In 2002, there were approximately 3,421 international vessel visits to New Zealand: 2,581 merchant vessels,
794 pleasure craft, 34 passenger ships and 12 barges/tugs (Biosecurity Council, 2003). Unfortunately, it is not
currently known which of these vessel types pose the greatest biofouling biosecurity risk. For instance, relatively
high levels of biofouling, including NIMS, have been witnessed within small areas protected from strong laminar
flows and in areas lacking effective anti-fouling paint of fast-moving merchant vessels (Rainer, 1995; Coutts, 1999;
James & Hayden, 2000; Schultz & Swain, 2000). Furthermore, the high frequency of visits by such vessels may
increase the likelihood of biofouling organisms experiencing suitable environmental conditions for spawning and
successful establishment (Minchin & Gollasch, 2003).
Alternatively, the biosecurity risks might be greater on slow-moving vessels such as barges, oil exploration
rigs, floating dry-docks, chartered fishing and recreational vessels. For instance, such vessels typically spend
prolong periods of time stationary, during which time their anti-fouling paints become inactive and are colonized by
a wide range of organisms. As a consequence of their slow-movement, large accumulations of biofouling, including
NIMS are capable of surviving long voyages to new locations (Foster & Willan, 1979; Hay, 1990; Hay &
Dodgshun, 1996; DeFelice, 1999; Field, 1999; Apte et al., 2000; Godwin & Eldredge, 2001; Coutts, 2002a; Godwin
While the frequency of visits of such vessels around the world could be considered relatively low, because of
their long residency periods, mature biofouling communities may undergo several spawning events during their visit
to foreign locations, thus increasing the probability of a successful incursion (Foster & Willan, 1979; Field, 1999;
Apte et al., 2000; Coutts, 2002a). Furthermore, such slow-moving vessels are also known to be responsible for the
secondary spread of unwanted biofouling organisms after their initial establishment, such as, the Japanese seaweed
Undaria pinnatifida throughout New Zealand (Hay, 1990), and the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha throughout
Europe and northern America (Minchin et al., 2002).
The following paper documents a case study about how a slow-moving barge successfully translocated a
variety of biofouling species from the North Island to the South Island of New Zealand. One of these species in
particular, a sea squirt, Didemnum vexillum has never been recorded before and its introduction to the Marlborough
Sounds poses a serious biosecurity threat to the Greenshell™ mussel (Perna canaliculus) aquaculture industry in
New Zealand.
The discovery of the Steel Mariner
On 18 December 2001, Cawthron Institute divers noticed the heavily fouled dumb (not powered) barge Steel
Mariner moored west of Kaipupu Point, Picton (Fig. 1) during a routine biosecurity survey of Shakespeare Bay,
Marlborough Sounds. Upon inspection, divers observed a colonial ascidian of the genus Didemnum smothering the
bottom of the barge and the seabed immediately below. Further quantitative surveys on 26 February 2002 revealed
a total of 6 different algal species and 70 animal taxa identified from the hull. During these quantitative surveys as
many as 41 different marine organisms were identified from a single 0.25 m2 quadrat area with an average of 28
species per 0.25 m2.
The wet biomass weight of biofouling on the hull of the Steel Mariner varied from as little as 3.28 kg to
58.32 kg per m2. A total of 25,941 kg of wet biomass of biofouling was estimated to be present on the hull of the
Steel Mariner at the time of the survey. Moreover, an estimated total of 1,397 kg of the Didemnum was also present
on the barge and a further 460 kg was present on the seabed within an approximate 80 x 40 m area surrounding the
barge. Two North Island species that do not occur in the South Island, the ribbed slipper limpet Crepidula costata
and the red alga Cladhymenia lyallii, were also found amongst the extensive biofouling. The abundance of the
ribbed slipper limpet was found to be as high as 560 individuals per 0.25 m2 . Both species were also noted surviving
on the seabed underneath the Steel Mariner. It appeared the presence of the Didemnum and the two aforementioned
species on the seabed had come about as a result of them being naturally de-fouled from hull of the Steel Mariner
during the barges’ ‘to and fro’ movements during windy conditions.
The history of the Steel Mariner
The Steel Mariner (formally known as the Intermac 256) is a 2,651 gross weight tonnes (GWT), 72 x 21.6 x 4.17 m
dumb deck barge built in Australia in 1969. The Steel Mariner is believed to have arrived in New Zealand from the
Philippines prior to 1991. The barge has largely been unemployed and has only moved five times in its 12-year
history in New Zealand (Figs. 2a and b). The barge was initially employed at an oil rig off Taranaki, North Island,
before it was damaged on 16 March 1992 (Fig. 2a). The Steel Mariner was then towed to Nelson and purchased in a
damaged condition by David Brown Construction Ltd and subsequently towed to Tauranga for repairs in May 1992.
Repairs were undertaken by John Dennis of the Gemini Barge Company Ltd, however the cost of the repair work
was not paid. As a consequence the barge remained under arrest in Tauranga Harbour, until 8 May 1998 where it
was refloated and berthed alongside a wharf, where preparations were completed for a tow to Auckland (Fig. 2a).
The Steel Mariner left Tauranga on 12 May 1998 and was anchored west of Rangitoto Island in the Hauraki Gulf,
Auckland. Apparently Mr. Dennis secured the ownership of the Steel Mariner from David Brown Construction Ltd
in compensation for the unpaid repair work. Sometime in the middle of 2000, Heli Harvest Ltd, a helicopter forest
harvesting company based in Auckland, successfully negotiated a lease to use the Steel Mariner as a landing
platform for harvesting logs in remote areas of the Marlborough Sounds. In late June 2000, the Steel Mariner was
towed back to Tauranga for some necessary structural modifications in preparation for her logging work in the
Marlborough Sounds (Fig. 2b). The Steel Mariner spent around seven months berthed next to the Tauranga bridge
marina while undergoing structural modifications. The barge left Tauranga for the Marlborough Sounds in late
January 2001 (Fig. 2b). Owing to a drop in log export prices logging operations have been put on hold, hence the
barge has remained west of Kaipupu Point, Picton since her arrival (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Location of the Steel Mariner moored west of Kaipupu Point, Picton, New Zealand.
Figure 2. A, the voyage history of the Steel Mariner in New Zealand between 1991 and 1998 and B, the voyage
history of the Steel Mariner in New Zealand between 2000 and 2003.
MFish subsequently contracted Dr Coffey to send samples to two world authorities on ascidian taxonomy:
Dr. Patricia Mather (Queensland Museum, Australia) and Dr. Gretchen Lambert (Californian State University,
Department of Biological Sciences, Fullerton, California). While both taxonomists agreed that the ascidian was a
species of Didemnum, their views on its origin differed. For instance, Dr Mather believed the ascidian was not
recognizable as any of the more than 100 species of the genus known from Australia and Indo-West Pacific waters,
or as any described species from elsewhere in the world (Mather, 2002). Dr. Mather reported that the undescribed
Didemnum is likely to be an indigenous species of New Zealand that has had an extraordinary season due to
favorable environmental conditions (Mather, 2002).
Alternatively, Dr. Lambert believed the Didemnum was undoubtedly not indigenous to New Zealand because
the species appears to be identical to one recently discovered in the northeast United States and Canada, which is
continuing to spread. She suggests that the species might be of Japanese origin, however supporting evidence is still
being sorted out (G. Lambert, pers. comm.). Based on the evidence supplied by the two taxonomists, MFish believe
the species is most likely to be native species of New Zealand that has an extraordinary season due to favorable
environmental conditions. The ascidian was later described and labeled Didemnum vexillum in February 2002 (Kott,
Further spread
On 13 August 2002, an additional survey revealed that D. vexillum had spread to the Waimahara wharf, some 500 m
around the corner from the Steel Mariner (Fig. 1). A total of 70 (40 %) of the 173 available wharf piles had been
infected with the species (Coutts, 2002b). Some piles possessed coverage of up to 95% from the waterline to the
seabed (i.e. 16 m). Furthermore, percentage cover estimates were greatest amongst piles closest to the Steel Mariner
indicting the source of inoculation probably originated from colonies on the Steel Mariner.
The on-going surveillance efforts of Shakespeare Bay by Cawthron Institute for NIMS have proven worthwhile
given the detection of D. vexillum on the Steel Mariner. The Steel Mariner was targeted because from the author’s
experience, vessels poorly maintained above the waterline are a good indication that the submerged area of the hull
is also in poor condition. This is because during dry-docking, most large vessels refurbish the areas above the
waterline, while their submerged hull is being anti-fouled. Therefore, given that the above waterline portion of the
hull was poorly maintained, this indicated that the vessel had not been dry-docked for some considerable time, the
anti-fouling paint would be spent and extensive biofouling communities could be present. Not surprisingly the
vessel has not been dry-docked since its arrival in New Zealand prior to 1991 and a total of 25,941 kg of wet
biomass of biofouling was estimated to be present on the hull of the Steel Mariner at the time of the survey.
Interestingly, given the size and dimensions of the barge, it is too large for any of New Zealand’s dry-docks.
Therefore, serious considerations should be given in future to vessels that intend to immigrate to destinations where
they cannot be adequately maintained.
Biosecurity risks of towed vessels
Slow-moving towed vessels have been documented as being a serious biosecurity threat for some years. Foster &
Willan (1979), for instance, documented the survival of 12 barnacle species on the hull of the oil platform Maui after
it was towed from Japan to New Zealand in 1975. DeFelice (1999) recorded 20 exotic biofouling organisms on the
hull of the floating dry dock USS Machinist, which was towed from Subic Bay, Philippines, to Pearl Harbour,
Hawai‘i, in May 1992. More recently, Apte et al. (2000) documented the successful translocation of the smooth
shelled blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the hull of the USS Missouri to a submarine ballast tank in Pearl
Harbour, after it was towed from Bremerton, Puget Sound, in the northwestern United States. In light of these
events, including the results of this paper, the biosecurity risks of biofouling on towed vessels could be significantly
underestimated. As far as the author is aware, no studies have quantified the biosecurity risk of such vessels. To this
end, Cawthron Institute is currently investigating the en route survivorship of biofouling organisms on various
vessel types at different hull locations.
Firstly, thank you to Qwilton and Grant Biel, Heli Harvest Ltd for their cooperation and support for granting us
permission to undertake a survey of the Steel Mariner. Secondly, I wish to thank the following Cawthron staff;
Barrie Forrest, Kathryn Blakemore, Kevin Heasman and Rod Asher, who assisted with data collection for this
report. I also wish to thank the following people for their invaluable assistance with determining the movements of
the Steel Mariner and other barges since their arrival in New Zealand including: Qwilton and Grant Biel, John
Dennis (Gemini Barge Company Ltd), Michael Pryce (New Zealand Marine News), Michael Donavon (MONEÕ
Associates, Tauranga), Dr Brian Coffey (Brian Coffey and Associates Ltd), Andrew Campbell (The Bay Times
Newspaper, Tauranga), Peter McManaway (McManaway Marine Ltd) and Dick Mogridge (Sea-Tow Marine/Fleet
Thank you to Dr Patricia Mather (Queensland Museum, Australia), Dr Gretchen Lambert (Californian State
University, Department of Biological Sciences, Fullerton, California) and Heather A. Fried (Graduate Student at the
University of Connecticut, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) for on-going assistance with attempts
to ascertain the origin of D. vexillum in New Zealand. Thank you to Chris O’Brien (Ministry of Fisheries, Chief
Technical Officer, Marine Biosecurity) for his support throughout this study. Useful comments on the manuscript
were provided by Barrie Forrest (Cawthron) and Chad Hewitt (Ministry of Fisheries). This research was funded by
the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST).
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Coffey, B. 2001. Potentially invasive compound ascidian – Whangamata Harbour – Progress Report No. 1.
Prepared for Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Coutts, A. D. M. 1999. Hull fouling as a modern vector for marine biological invasions: investigation of merchant
vessels visiting northern Tasmania. Unpublished MSc. thesis, Australian Maritime College, Launceston,
Australia. 283 pp.
— — —. 2002a. A biosecurity investigation of a barge in the Marlborough Sounds. Cawthron Report No. 744. July,
— — —. 2002b. Delimitation survey of the sea squirt Didemnum vexillum in Shakespeare Bay. Report prepared for
David Sharman, Port Marlborough New Zealand Limited, October, 2002.
— — —. 2002c. The development of incursion response tools - underwater vacuum and filtering system trials.
Cawthron Report No. 755 for New Zealand Diving and Salvage Limited, Wellington, August, 2002.
Cranfield, H. J., D. J. Gordon, R. C. Willan, B. C. Marshall, C. N. Battershill, M. P. Francis, W. A. Nelson,
C. J. Glasby, & G. B. Read. 1998. Adventive marine species in New Zealand. NIWA Technical Report No.
DeFelice, R. C. 1999. Fouling marine invertebrates on the floating dry dock USS Machinist in Pearl Harbour to its
move to Apra Harbour, Guam. Hawai‘i Biological Survey, Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii.
Contribution No. 1999-013 to the Hawaii Biological Survey.
Field, D. 1999. Disaster averted? Black striped mussel outbreak in northern Australia. Fish Farming International
26: 30-31.
Foster, B. A. & R. C. Willan. 1979 Foreign barnacles transported to New Zealand on an oil platform. New Zealand
Journal Marine Freshwater Research. 13: 143-149.
Godwin, L. S. & L. G. Eldredge. 2001. South Oahu marine invasions shipping study (SOMISS). Hawaii Biological
Survey, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, Technical Report No. 20.
_ _ _, 2003. Hull fouling of maritime vessels as a pathway for marine species invasions to the Hawaiian Islands.
Biofouling 19 (Supplement): 123-131.
Gollasch, S. 2002. The importance of ship hull fouling as a vector of species introductions into the North Sea.
Biofouling 18(2): 105-121.
Hay, C.H. 1990. The dispersal of Undaria pinnatifida by coastal shipping in New Zealand, and implications for
further dispersal of Undaria to France. British Phycological Journal. 25: 329-313.
– – – & T. Dodgshun. 1997. Ecosystem transplant? The case of the Yefim Gorbenko. Seafood New Zealand, May
1997, pp. 13-14.
Hewitt, C. L. 2002. The distribution and biodiversity of tropical Australian marine bioinvasions. Pacific Science
56(2): 213-222.
James, P. & B. Hayden. 2000. The potential for the introduction of exotic species by vessel hull fouling: A
preliminary study. NIWA Technical Report No. 16.
Kott, P. 2002. A complex didemnid ascidian from Whangamata, New Zealand. Journal of Marine Biology
Association United Kingdom 82: 625-628.
Lambert, G. 2001. A global overview of ascidian introductions and their possible impact on the endemic fauna. In:
Sawada, H.; Yokosawa, H.; Lamb ert, C.C. eds. The Biology of Ascidians. Springer-Verlag, Hong Kong. 249-
Mather, P. 2002. Identification of a didemnid? ascidian from Whangamata Harbour. Ministry of Fisheries Report.
Minchin, D., F. Lucy, & M. Sullivan. 2002. Zebra mussel: impacts and spread. In: Leppakoski, E.; Gollasch, S.;
Olenin, S. eds. Invasive aquatic species of Europe: distribution, impact and Management. London, Kluwer.
135-146 pp.
Minchin, D. & S. Gollasch. 2003. Fouling and ships’ hulls: how changing circumstances and spawning events may
result in the spread of exotic species. Biofouling 19: 111-122.
Morgan, S.G. 1995. The timing of larval release. In : McEdward, L. ed. Ecology of marine invertebrate larvae. CRC
Press. 157-191.
Page, M. & V. Webb. 2002. Collection, DNA sequencing and species verification of Didemnum sp. from Picton
Harbour and surrounding environment. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Report
Rainer, S. 1995. Potential for the introduction and translocation of exotic species by hull fouling: A preliminary
assessment No. 1. CRIMP Technical Report No. 1.
Schultz, M. & G. W. Swain. 2000. The influence of biofilms on skin friction drag. Biofouling 15 (1-3). 129-139.
Thresher, R. E., C. L. Hewitt, & M. L. Campbell. 1999. Synthesis: Introduced and cryptogenic species in Port
Phillip Bay. In: Hewitt, C.L., Campbell, M.L., Thresher, R.E, & Martin, R.B. eds. Marine biological
invasions of Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. Centre for Research on Introduced Marine Pests. Technical Report
No. 20: 283-295.
Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by L.S. Godwin.
New Zealand’s isolation has given rise to a high level of endemic biodiversity that is of great value to the quality of life of New Zealand’s
citizens and their sense of identity as a nation. Furthermore, this unique endemism makes a significant contribution to global biodiversity and
places an important obligation on New Zealanders to ensure its continued existence. However, this legacy of New Zealand’s evolutionary
isolation is particularly vulnerable to the increasing pressure from the introduction of marine pests because of the countries reliance on
shipping for trade. Recognizing the need to protect New Zealand from future incursions of marine pests, the New Zealand government has
allocated $NZ9.8 million over five years (2000–2005) to aid the development of information and management systems to enhance New
Zealand’s marine biosecurity. The New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries is responsible for managing marine biosecurity in New Zealand and
essentially focuses on preventing introductions of marine species, because eradicating or managing pests is extremely difficult once they
become established. Accordingly, most effort is directed towards pre-border and border controls, and towards the greatest risks, which at this
point in time are ballast water and biofouling.
New Zealand’s evolutionary isolation has given rise to a high level of endemic biodiversity that is of great value to
the quality of life of New Zealand’s citizens and their sense of identity as a nation. Estimates suggest that up to 80%
of New Zealand’s indigenous biodiversity occurs in the sea (i.e. 95% sponges; 90% mollusks; 60% bryozoans and
crabs; 35% macroalgae; 20% of fish) (Towns & Ballantine, 1993; Myres, 1997). Furthermore, this unique endemism
makes a significant contribution to global biodiversity and places an important obligation on New Zealanders to
ensure its continued existence.
While New Zealand’s isolation provides a natural defense against the arrival of many serious marine pests
and a unique ability to control the borders, such isolated islands that contain a large proportion of endemic species
are also considered vulnerable to incursions by non-indigenous species (MacArthur & Wilson, 1967; Ruiz et al.,
1997). New Zealand is particularly vulnerable to pest introductions via shipping because of its reliance on
international shipping for trade (i.e. approximately 95% of the countries exports by value travel by ship and five
times more is exported than is imported).
It is therefore not surprising that at least 148 non-indigenous marine species (NIMS) are known to have been
either deliberately or accidentally introduced to New Zealand (Cranfield et al., 1998). Fortunately only a small
percentage of these are considered pests (e.g. the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas; the polychaete Ficopomatus
enigmaticus; the Asian date mussel Musculista senhousia; the Asian kelp Undaria pinnatifida; the swimming crab
Charybdis japonica; the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis). However, there remains a clear and present threat of some of
the world’s most renowned marine pests (e.g. the European green crab Carcinus maenas; the northern Pacific
seastar Asterias amurensis; the Mediterranean fanworm Sabella spallanzanii; the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia)
establishing in New Zealand given their presence in Australia.
Recognizing the need to protect New Zealand from future incursions of NIMS, the New Zealand government
announced that $NZ9.8 million would be spent over five years (2000–2005) to develop information and
management systems to enhance New Zealand’s marine biosecurity. The word “Biosecurity” refers to – “the
exclusion, eradication or effective management of risks posed by pests and diseases to the economy, environment
and human health” (Biosecurity Council, 2003). The purpose of this paper is to outline from a research provider’s
perspective how the New Zealand government, specifically the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries (MFish),
presently manages marine biosecurity.
Legislative Environment
New Zealand is party to many international multilateral agreements aimed at reducing the risk of
importing/exporting marine pests (Table 1). While these agreements are binding on the government of New Zealand,
they do not impose obligations on individual citizens, except in so far as they are implemented into the laws of New
Zealand. The domestic laws that are most relevant to meeting New Zealand’s international biosecurity obligations
are the Biosecurity Act 1993 (BSA), the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and to a lesser extent, the Local
Government Act 1971 and the Maritime Transport Act 1994.
Table 1. Examples of some of the international multilateral agreements recognized by the New Zealand
• The 1992 Earth Summit
• Agenda 21 (i.e. considering the adoption of appropriate
rules on ballast water discharge).
• The Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 (CBD).
• The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982
• The Basel Convention on the Control of Trans -boundary
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal.
• Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by
Dumping of Wastes and other Matter 1971 (London Dumping
• The International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships 1973 (MARPOL).
• International Maritime Organisation (IMO) (i.e. ballast
water management).
• The Convention for the Protection of the National
Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region 1986
the Asian clam Potamocorbula amurensis; the Green aquarium seaweed Caulerpa taxifola). Effort is largely focused
on pre-border and border controls, and towards the internationally agreed greatest risks, which are currently ballast
water and biofouling.
Pre-border Controls
Pre-border controls consist of measures taken to prevent “unwanted” NIMS entering New Zealand (e.g. restrictions
on pathways of species transfer).
Ballast water
The impact of organisms contained in ballast water on New Zealand’s marine environment is potentially highly
significant. While New Zealand’s marine environment is considered relatively free of marine pest species and
diseases, this could easily change given the countries reliance on international shipping. Therefore, the easiest
method to prevent the introduction of NIMS in ballast water is to avoid discharging ballast in New Zealand’s
territorial seas. In May 1998, voluntary guidelines for ballast water were replaced with an Import Health Standard
(IHS) enforceable under the BSA. Under the IHS, ballast water loaded within the territorial waters of a foreign
country cannot be discharged into New Zealand waters without the permission of a Quarantine Officer. Permission
to discharge ballast water will only be granted if: 1) the ballast water has been exchanged en route to New Zealand
in areas free from coastal influences, preferably on the high seas, 2) the ballast water is fresh water, or 3) the
weather conditions on the voyage in combination with the construction of the vessel have precluded safe ballast
water exchange. Emergency discharge is permitted as ship and crew safety is paramount. On average, 1 vessel every
6 months is refused permission to discharge its ballast in New Zealand waters (Biosecurity Council, 2003).
The IHS has also identified 2 regions; Tasmania, Australia and Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia; referred
to as Annex 1 regions that are considered ‘higher risk areas’ due to the presence of A. amurensis (Fig. 1). For this
reason, ballast water loaded in these 2 areas may not be discharged into New Zealand waters under any
circumstance. Providing incorrect information to an inspector or authorized persons is an offence under the BSA
and carries a penalty for individuals of up to 12 months imprisonment and/or a fine not exceeding NZ$50,000, and
for corporations a fine not exceeding NZ$100,000.
At present there are no regulations mandating vessel hull hygiene. However, on 30 May 1994, a New Zealand
Fishing Company chartered a Russian Bartm Class super trawler; the F.V. Yefim Gorbenko; which arrived in New
Zealand from the Black Sea with approximately 90 t of NIMS on its hull (Hay & Dodgshun, 1997). This event
prompted the New Zealand Fishing Industry to develop a ‘Code of Practice’ in December 1996 requesting that all
chartered foreign owned or foreign sourced fishing vessels must be substantially free from plant or animal growth
prior to entering New Zealand’s EEZ (Pfahlert, 1997). If no such assurance can be given, vessels must be inspected
and cleaned before departure. Alternatively, vessels should be inspected in New Zealand and if deemed necessary,
biofouling removed in a manner that no foreign organisms enter the marine environment.
Border Controls
Border controls consist of measures taken to prevent unwanted NIMS reaching native ecosystems (e.g. domestic or
internal quarantine).
Surveillance plays an integral part of pest control. Successful eradication and control programs for “unwanted”
species depend on their early detection while their distribution and abundance is small (Moody & Mack, 1998;
Culver & Kuris, 2000; Field, 1999; Clout & Veitch, 2002). MFish has contracted the National Institute of Water
and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) to develop a national surveillance program for marine pests. The program
consists of 2 major areas: 1) baseline surveys of shipping ports and high-risk points of entry, and 2) surveillance for
high-risk marine pests.
Port Phillip
4 0 °S
Distribution of A. amurensis
New Zealand
Shipping routes
NIWA is undertaking comprehensive baseline surveys of the marine organisms that are present in 13 of New
Zealand’s shipping ports and main points of entry for international yachts and launches (see Floerl et al., in these
proceedings). The surveys use an internationally accepted standard and will identify the range of marine species,
their origins and distribution in New Zealand ports and will form a baseline for future monitoring of port
environments in New Zealand. Furthermore, this information will also provide a basis for international risk profiling
of “unwanted species” through the sharing of information with other shipping nations.
In addition to the port surveys, NIWA is continually developing more targeted surveillance for the 6
“unwanted species” stated previously, based on a risk assessment approach. This surveillance is focusing on 8 ports
(i.e. Whangarei; Waitemata; Tauranga; Wellington; Nelson; Lyttelton; Otago; Bluff) (see Floerl et al. in these
proceedings) that have been identified as being high-risk locations for the arrival of NIMS based on their past
history of invasion, current international shipping movements, the variety of habitats available, and restricted
exchange of water with oceanic environments (Inglis, 2001, in press). MFish is also establishing a public
surveillance network via the distribution of pamphlet and posters to clubs, shops, councils, associations, researchers
and agencies associated with the marine environment. Furthermore, a toll free Marine Invaders Hotline has been
established by MFish for anyone who finds or suspects the presence of an exotic organism (i.e. 0800 INVADERS
[0800 468 233] or e-mail
discharge prior to its entering the marine environment. In-water cleaning of vessel hulls (by divers or using
remotely operated vehicles) is also considered. MFish is considering three options to manage hull cleaning: 1)
prohibit in-water cleaning, 2) regulations targeted at higher risk vessel only, and 3) guidelines/Code of Practice for
hull cleaning facilities and diver services. MFish also promotes maintenance of 'clean' hulls through public
education on the use of effective anti-fouling paints, their correct application and the need for frequent cleaning of
the initial slime layer so that biofouling does not develop between regular (e.g. annual) slipping of vessels for
cleaning and anti-fouling.
Post-Border Controls
Post-border controls consist of measures used to manage the impacts of species that have escaped into native
environments (e.g. eradication; maintenance controls).
Incursion Response
Eradication of NIMS is typically very difficult, largely because there are few tried and proven methods that are
capable of effectively combating species in the marine environment. MFish are gradually building an incursion
response 'toolbox' (i.e. Incursion Response Options and Systems) to assist with the success of any future control or
eradication attempts (see Stuart, 2002; Bax et al., 2003). The CTO for Marine Biosecurity at MFish is responsible
for driving the initial response to new incursions in the marine environment, although the organisation does not have
field staff it can deploy for this purpose. Therefore, MFish is reliant on private contractors to undertake any
incursion response. MFish have a proposed “Marine Biosecurity Incursion Response Protocol” that has yet to be
Literature Cited
Bax, N. K. Hayes, A. Marshall, D. Parry & R. Thresher. 2002. Man-made marinas as sheltered islands for alien
marine organism: Establishment and eradication of an alien invasive marine species. In: Veitch, C. R. &
Clout, M. N. eds. Turning the tide: the eradication of invasive species. IUCN SSC Invasive Species
Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. 26-39.
Biosecurity Council. 2003. Protect New Zealand: The biosecurity strategy for New Zealand. Prepared by the
Biosecurity Council, August 2003. 63 pp.
Clout, M. N. & C. R. Veitch. 2002. Turning the tide of biological invasions: the potential for eradicating invasive
species. In: Veitch, C. R. & Clout, M. N. eds. Turning the Tide: Tthe eradication of invasive species.
Proceedings of the International Conference on eradication of island invasives. The World Conservation
Union. No 27.
Cranfield H.J., D.P. Gordon, R.C. Willan, B.A. Marshall, C.N. Battershill, M.P. Francis, W.A. Nelson, C.J.
Glasby & G.B. Read. 1998. Adventive marine species in New Zealand. National Institute of Water and
Atmospheric Research, Technical Report 34. Wellington, New Zealand. 48 pages.
Culver, C. S. & A. M. Kuris. 2000. The apparent eradication of a locally established introduced marine pest.
Biological Invasions 2: 245-253.
Field, D. 1999. Disaster averted? Black striped mussel outbreak in northern Australia. Fish Farming International
26: 30-31.
Hay, C. H. & T. Dodgshun. 1997. Ecosystem transplant? The case of the Yefim Gorbenko. Seafood New Zealand,
May 1997, 13-14.
Inglis G.J. 2001. Criteria for selecting New Zealand ports and other points of entry that have a high risk of invasion
by new exotic marine organisms. Report for Ministry of Fisheries Research Project ZBS2000/04. National
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Christchurch, New Zealand. 27 pages.
MacArthur, R. H. & E. O. Wilson (eds.). 1967. The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton University Press,
Princeton, N.J. 203 pp.
Moody, M. E. & R. N. Mack. 1988. Controlling the spread of plant invasions: the importance of nascent foci.
Journal of Applied Ecology 25: 1009-1021.
Myres, A. A. 1997. Biogeographic barriers and the development of marine biodiversity. Estuarine, Coastal and
Shelf Science 44: 241-248.
Pfahlert, J. 1997. Avioding hull contamination of the New Zealand environment by fishing boats. Seafood New
Zealand. 5 (May): 15.
Ruiz, G. M. J. T. Carlton, E. D. Grosholz & A. H. Hines. 1997. Global invasions of marine and estuarine habitats
by non-indigenous species: mechanisms, extent, and consequences. American Zoologist 37: 621-632.
Towns, D. R. & W. J. Ballantine. 1993. Conservation and restoration of New Zealand island ecosystems. Trends
in Ecology and Evolution 8: 452-457.
Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13, 2003. Honolulu, Hawaii. Edited by L.S. Godwin.
The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is involved in research on marine pests around New Zealand.
Its main current research areas are the development and implementation of effective and efficient survey and surveillance
techniques for introduced marine species. These techniques will help to (1) assess the current range and distribution of marine
aquatic invasive species around New Zealand, and (2) detect newly established species before they have had an opportunity to
spread widely and become abundant.
Over the past century, nearly 160 marine nonindigenous species (NIS) have become established in New
Zealand’s coastal marine environments at a rate of approximately one every nine months (Cranfield et al. 1998).
Being a small island nation, New Zealand is heavily dependent on shipping of commodities. Because of the
consequently large number of ships that visit the numerous ports around the country, New Zealand is at a
constant risk of new introductions of NIS (Williams, 2000) . Current indications are that the rate of new
introductions is accelerating rather than slowing, as the volume of international shipping trade increases and
commercial cargo vessels get bigger and faster. For example, it has been estimated that, on any given day, more
than 3,000 marine species may be in transit around the world in the ballast water of ships or attached to their
hulls (Carlton, 1996). Therefore, the development of preventative measures to avoid new introductions is of
uttermost importance to the integrity of the country’s native ecosystems. The National Institute of Water and
Atmospheric Research (NIWA) is a Crown Research Institute with research campuses located across both of
New Zealand’s main islands, as well as in Australia and the United States (for details see
Over the past few years, NIWA’s National Centre of Marine Biodiversity and Biosecurity has been actively
involved in baseline surveys of New Zealand’s coastal biodiversity and invasion status, and in the development
of techniques to identify new introductions before they reach pest status. Much of this research has been funded
by the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries, the main governmental authority for marine biosecurity. In 2004, the
responsibility for marine biosecurity in New Zealand was transferred to a new government agency, Biosecurity
New Zealand (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry). In this paper, we provide a brief overview on NIWA’s
marine biosecurity research in New Zealand for the period of 2000 - 2004. Our summary is not exhaustive, and
restricted to a description of national port surveys and surveillance for target species. It does not include
research on biosecurity risks of private pleasure craft, which is covered in a separate article in this volume.
Baseline surveys and target surveillance for marine NIS
The chances of controlling or eradicating an outbreak by an exotic species are greatest if the interloper is
detected early, before it has had an opportunity to spread widely and become abundant (Moody & Mack, 1 988;
Sakai et al., 2001). NIWA is working with the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries to develop a national
surveillance programme for marine pests so that they can be detected soon after their arrival in the country. The
programme is funded as part of the government’s comprehensive five-year Biodiversity Strategy package on
conservation, environment, fisheries and biosecurity. It consists of two major elements:
source countries the vessels originate from and the frequency of visits of vessels from the same source location
(Inglis, 2001). The surveys will provide an initial inventory of the range of species (both introduced and native)
that are present in New Zealand ports and an indication of how widespread they are within the country. This
will form a baseline for future monitoring of port environments in New Zealand and a basis for international risk
profiling of problem species through the sharing of information with other shipping nations. A number of other
countries, including Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Brazil, India, South Africa, Iran, and Ukraine have also
recently implemented port surveys using similar standardized sampling techniques.
In New Zealand, the port surveys are based on protocols developed by CRIMP (Hewitt & Martin, 2001)
and incorporate a range of techniques to cover all major habitats and lifestyles of marine organisms in port
environments :
• Quadrat sampling of fouling organisms on wharf piles and other hard surfaces;
• Video transects and video quadrats of organisms on wharf piles and other hard surfaces;
• Visual searches by scuba divers of marine and intertidal habitats within the ports;
• Benthic grab samples for soft-sediment fauna;
• Epibenthic sled tows to capture large surface-dwelling organisms;
• Trapping using four different types of traps, designed to capture starfish, crabs, fishes and small
crustaceans, and
• Core samples to detect dinoflagellate cysts.
Between 2001 and 2003, NIWA surveyed all 13 of New Zealand’s major trading ports and three marinas
that are the principal points of entry for international yachts and other recreational boats that enter New Zealand.
Repeat surveys of some o f these ports will be undertaken in 2004 and 2005.
Figure 1. Commercial shipping ports around New Zealand selected for invasive species surveys. International
yachting marinas selected for additional surveys are located around Opua (marina only), Whangarei and
Table 1. Target species identified by the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries.
The Mediterranean Fanworm, Sabella spallanzani, is a large (up to 40 cm length), tube building poly chaete
that has invaded a number of sheltered harbours and bays in Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South
Wales and South Australia. It has also been recorded from Indonesia (Java) and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). The
fanworm has a rapid growth rate and can form high density beds, displacing other species and fouling boats and
other marine structures.
The European Green Crab, Carcinus maenas, has been introduced to the Atlantic Coast of USA, California,
Washington, southern Australia (Victoria, South Australia, and New South Wales), and South Africa. It is a
voracious predator with a broad diet that is able to live in a wide range of estuarine environments. In California,
the green crab has been implicated in the decline of native shellfish populations.
The Chinese Mitten Crab, Eriochier sinensis, is a catadromous species whose juveniles dig burrows in
riverbanks within the brackish and freshwater reaches of estuarine tributaries. Large densities of these burrows
can undermine the banks and accelera te erosion. Adult mitten crabs undertake mass migrations into estuarine
environments to breed and can occur in such numbers that they can block weirs and fish screens. Adults are also
known to carry parasitic lung flukes, which infect humans. The mitten crab has been introduced to northern
Europe and San Francisco Bay.
The Northern Pacific Seastar, Asterias amurensis, was accidentally introduced into the Derwent River Estuary
in Tasmania in the early 1980’s and has since spread to other parts of Tasmania and to Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.
Adults are capable of producing millions of offspring and can occur in very large aggregations. They are major
predators of shellfish and other molluscs.
The Asian Clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, was first found in San Francisco Bay in 1986, but by 1988 had
reached average densities of up to 2000 animals per square metre over large areas of the bay. P. amurensis is a
filter feeder and the large densities of this bivalve appear to have dramatically altered phytoplankton populations
in the upper reaches of the bay. It has also had a major impact on other benthic animals.
The Japanese Kelp, Undaria pinnatifida , was discovered in New Zealand in the late 1980’s and has since
spread around most of its coastline. It is a la rge (1 -2 m tall) kelp that grows on a range of natural and artificial
(e.g. boats, ropes, pontoons, moorings) hard surfaces and can dominate reef assemblages. Despite its rapid
geographic spread, in many areas it is still confined to harbour environments and large areas of natural coastline
remain uninfested.
The Green Aquarium Weed, Caulerpa taxifolia , is a tropical alga native to native throughout many areas of the
tropical Pacific and Caribbean. It is a popular aquarium plant, and prolonged breeding in aquaria has thought to
have produced a hardier strain that differs from native plants genetically and has a higher tolerance to cold water
temperatures. C. taxifolia has been introduced to at least three geographical regions outside its native range: the
Mediterranean Sea on the coasts of Croatia, France, Italy, Monaco, and Spain, (2) the southern Californian coast
near San Diego, and (3) parts of the coasts of New South Wales and South Australia. It has the capacity to
overgrow all other benthic organisms and is causing devastating impacts in large parts of the Mediterranean
basis of their past history of invasion, current international shipping movements, the variety of habitats
available, and restricted exchange of water with oceanic environments (Inglis, 2001).
In each harbour, two techniques were used concurrently to identify high-risk sites where field surveys
can be targeted. First, hydrodynamic models were used to simulate where discharged ballast water and the
larvae of pest species are most likely to be dispersed to within the harbours. Second, detailed data and published
information were collected on the preferred habitats and environmental tolerances of each of the target species.
This information was used to map the distribution of suitable habitat for each species in each of the eight
harbours using ‘habitat suitability indices’ (Norcross et al., 1999; Rubec et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2000). Field
surveillance commenced in August 2002 using a variety of techniques, including trapping, benthic sledding, and
diver and shore searches that have proven efficient for sampling the target species. The surveys were stratified
within each harbour to reflect the distribution of high-risk zones identified by the initial modelling and mapping.
Between 2002 and 2004, NIWA carried out a total of four series of target surveys, two during summer months
and two during the winter.
Research on the invasive paddle crab Charybdis japonica
An introduced paddle crab, Charybdis japonica, has been found at considerable densities throughout Auckland’s
Waitemata harbour (Gust et al., 2002) . The species first attracted scientific attention in November 2000 when
two fishermen began capturing the crab from flounder nets set in the Rangitoto channel near downtown
Auckland. They noticed a portunid crab with different markings and far more pugnacious attitude than the
native paddle crab Ovalipes catharus they were used to. Specimens were sent to the national museum Te Papa
(Wellington) where they were identified as Charybdis japonica, whose distribution was previously restricted to
coastal regions of China, Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia (Kim & Ko, 1990, Jiang et al., 1998). Since these first
specimens were discovered, a reproductive population of Charybdis has apparently established within the
harbour in the last two years.
Since 2001, NIWA has undertaken research into the distribution and demography of Charybdis in New
Zealand. Crabs were caught in two types of baited traps and were found at over 70 locations within Waitemata
Harbour. Within this area, Charybdis was trapped in a wide variety of habitats throughout the harbour in depths
varying from 0.5 to 12 meters, although it was more abundant in water less than 6 m deep. In 2001 and 2002,
the invasive paddle crab was more widely spread and approximately twice as abundant as the native paddle crab
within Waitemata Harbour. Charybdis occurred on a variety of substratum types including soft and hard
bottoms (Gust et al., 2002). Since 2002, catch rates for Charybdis have dropped significantly.
Ultimately the New Zealand public will want to know if this invasive crab can be managed or eradicated. While
precedents do exist for the eradication of locally established marine pests (e.g. Culver & Kuris, 2000), crabs are
highly mobile and very difficult to remove once widely established. C. japonica has potentially serious
consequences for native biodiversity and existing ecological processes in the Auckland region.
NIWA is actively involved in the protection of New Zealand’s native marine biota through the development and
implementation of effective and efficient survey and surveillance techniques for a range of introduced marine
species, including both sessile and motile taxa. These techniques will help to (1) assess the current range and
dis tribution of marine NIS around New Zealand, and (2) detect newly established species before they have had
an opportunity to spread widely and become abundant (Crooks & Soulé, 1999, Sakai et al., 2001). Other
research is aimed at the development of preventative measures that help reduce the chances for establishment of
further AIS (see article on private pleasure craft in this volume). Detailed information can be obtained from the
corresponding author or the NIWA website at
Funding for the research described in this paper has been provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries
(port surveys, target surveillance, Charybdis) and NIWA (Charybdis; NSOF project PDD035).
Literature Cited
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Hull Fouling as a Mechanism for Marine Invasive Species Introductions.
Proceedings of a Workshop on Current Issues and Potential Management Strategies
February 12-13 2004. Honolulu, Hawaii . Edited by L.S. Godwin.
Hawai ´i Biological Survey, B. P. Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, Hawai ´i 96817 USA. Email:, Fax:
Hull fouling is a new management issue, and requires expert opinions from various stakeholders connected to maritime shipping, marine
resource management, and marine science community. Work in Hawai ´i has focused on collaboration with an assembled group of
stakeholders concerned with formulating a framework of information that will assist future management efforts for marine AIS
associated with hull fouling.
The native species of the marine and terrestrial environments of Hawai ´i arrived as natural biological invasions
through historical time, and through evolution and adaptation became the present communities associated with the
archipelago. The islands of Hawai ´i are one of the most isolated areas in the world and all native plants and animals
exist due to the pioneering species that settled here originally. The advent of modern history has created a new type
of biological invasion by aquatic invasive species (AIS) mediated by anthropogenic mechanisms. Maritime vessel
activity is the primary means of marine AIS transport to the Hawaiian archipelago and it has been determined that
the biofouling associated with the hulls of these vessels is an extremely important vector (Godwin and Eldredge
2001; Eldredge and Carlton 2002; Godwin 2003). A considerable amount of management effort has focused on
ballast water as a vector for marine AIS but hull fouling has received little attention. Hull fouling is a new
management issue, and requires expert opinions from various stakeholders connected to maritime shipping, marine
resource management, and the marine science community. This paper will focus on efforts with an assembled group
of stakeholders tasked with formulating a framework of information to assist future management efforts for hull
fouling. The process was conducted in conjunction with the development of the Hawai ´i Aquatic Invasive Species
Management Plan in 2003.
State of Hawai ´i Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (HAISMP)
The Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), under the State of Hawai ´i Department of Land and Natural Resources
(DLNR), initiated the development of the comprehensive Hawai `i Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
(HAISMP). The DLNR-DAR subsequently contracted with The Nature Conservancy of Hawai ´i (TNC) to
coordinate the development of the plan. Prior to this effort a Hawai ´i stakeholder group made up of representatives
from the maritime industry, aquatic resource management, and the marine science community was formed in
October 2002. This group was named the Alien Aquatic Organism Task Force (AAOTF) and it began efforts to
develop administrative rules for ballast water and ballast water sediments, while also developing a preliminary
information framework for hull fouling.
Collaborative process for the development of management strategies
Collaborative efforts were begun in August 2002 to form the AAOTF. The DLNR-DAR worked directly with the
principle investigator (Godwin) to develop an initial list of stakeholders that were felt to represent the broadest
possible expertise and representation for the maritime, scientific and aquatic resource management communities.
The AAOTF was assembled in October 2002 for the first meeting, which focused on the familiarization of
participants with one other and with the issue of marine AIS. The task force process was structured so that it was a
partnership with the DLNR-DAR and TNC. Representatives from the DLNR-DAR were responsible for all activities
that focused on the crafting of administrative rules for ballast water and ballast sediments, while the principle
investigator was responsible for eliciting information and developing a preliminary information framework for hull
fouling. These duel activities were conducted at monthly meetings and active correspondence between meetings was
conducted through e-mail and phone contact. In addition, a workshop with researchers from outside of Hawai ´i was
conducted in February 2003 that focused exclusively on hull fouling issues. Invitation to this workshop was
extended to individuals outside of the AAOTF to achieve a greater outreach effort.
Once the workshop was conducted and AAOTF members became immersed in the issue the following
months were used as an exercise in gathering and structuring information. The methodology used throughout the
process with stakeholders involved standard group interview techniques facilitated by the principal investigator. An
assistant recorded information that was elicited during the process on large flip charts. The first step was to establish
a goal that was agreed upon by a consensus of stakeholders. This was followed by the elicitation of criteria and
concerns that supported the goal, through an iterative process that spread over a period of six months. During this
process all the criteria and concerns were condensed into a series of generic categories and supporting sub-
categories. During each meeting the material covered and recorded was posted at the front of the room on flip chart
pages to allow viewing by task force participants. The information gathered at each meeting was continually
condensed and categorized and presented at the beginning of each following meeting. This iterative process allowed
constant updating and editing by all task force members as a group. The final process was for the facilitator to form
all the information into a framework. A hierarchical framework was chosen to present the information visually but
the information was further decomposed into subcategory frameworks with accompanying descriptions. As stated
previously, the goal of the process was to elicit information and develop it into a framework that can be used by
management professionals to develop administrative rules and management strategies.
The overall hierarchy of information is shown in Figure 1. The hierarchy in Figure 1 represents a compilation of the
criteria and concerns elicited from AAOTF members, which was then converted to generic terminology. The
categories of the hierarchy will be explained in the following sections.
Generation of a goal
The creation of a goal was the first step in this collaborative process. The challenge was to create a realistic goal that
could be used to guide the AAOTF throughout the entire process. This was not attempted until the end of the second
day of the workshop and the group agreed upon the following goal: “Minimize marine alien species introductions by
hull fouling.” It was determined by the group that the use of the word “minimize”, as opposed to “prevent,” created
a more realistic goal for the process. This was based on the fact that it is impossible to prevent marine AIS
associated with hull fouling with the present status of administrative rules and inspection technologies. This goal
was used to guide the process of creating a framework of information that could be used to develop management
strategies. The level below the goal displays the criteria that must be satisfied to achieve the goal. These are a
generic representation of the concerns voiced by all AAOTF members concerning the impact of any activities that
attempt to manage hull fouling as a marine AIS transport mechanism. In general, resource managers were concerned
with the level of effectiveness any management strategy but at the same time the maritime industry wanted to
minimize the impact to their industry and the economy of the State of Hawai í.
the marine AIS coordinator through federal, state and maritime industry partnerships. This scheme would also be
applicable to all maritime industry transport mechanisms for AIS. This AIS central authority would use a series of
pro-active, reactive and post-event measures to achieve the goal set by the AAOTF.
Minimize marine alien species
introductions by hull fouling
AIS Central
Risk Assessment
Outreach &
Figure 1. Framework for the management of marine AIS transported by hull fouling.
Pro-active Measures
These measures are geared to the task of minimizing the risk of introduction of marine AIS through hull fouling.
The basis of this category is the increase of knowledge and awareness concerning marine AIS by individuals in a
variety of stakeholder groups. The majority of resources available to the AIS central authority would be committed
to this component.
Monitoring Program
The activities included in this component would be focused on monitoring maritime activities for the purpose of
identifying and responding to perceived threats. Such a monitoring effort requires partnerships that can provide
vessel arrival data and points of contact for follow-up investigation. These partners in Hawai ´i are: The State of
Hawai ´i Department of Transportation (DOT), Harbors Division, which is responsible for managing the daily vessel
activities in all commercial harbors and is responsible for keeping logs of scheduled arrivals. Similar duties focused
on marinas and personal craft are carried out by the State of Hawai ´i Department of Land and Natural Resources
(DLNR), Division of Boating and Ocean Resources (DOBOR). The difference between Harbors Division and
DOBOR is that DOBOR rarely receives prior notice for arrivals. If the log of scheduled arrivals is provided
regularly to the AIS central authority by the Harbors Division, this would be a first step in managing the risk
associated with hull fouling associated with commercial vessel platforms . In the case of DOBOR, notification would
be after the vessel has arrived but timely notification to the marine AIS central authority would be valuable to the
monitoring program.
In addition to arrivals data from both Harbors Division and DOBOR, further points of contact also could be
provided. These points of contact are a necessary step in determining basic information for any vessels. Procedures
for this step differ between commercial vessels and personal craft. The point of contact for all commercial arrivals is
the local vessel agent, whose job is to handle all aspects of a vessels needs once cleared for arrival to the commercial
harbor. All commercial vessels not associated with local operators are required to have a local vessel agent. The
identity of the agent for each vessel arrival is recorded by the Harbors Division on the arrivals log. This agent can be
contacted by the AIS central authority to acquire information concerning the vessel of interest. A profile of the
operations of a vessel before its arrival and its intentions while in port can be determined through a brief interview.
In most cases, the vessel agent will possess enough information on the particulars of the vessel that judgments can
be made concerning its risk before its entry into the port.
Although not mentioned above, information can also be obtained through collaborative agreements with the
partnership agencies. Agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Customs conduct inspections of overseas
arrivals and could collaborate by providing on-site information to the AIS central authority. This type of
collaboration could provide another layer to monitoring and make the most of limited resources.
Risk Assessment Matrix
Throughout the previous section the subject of risk determination is mentioned. It is not realistic to assume that
every vessel entering the port system will be considered and investigated, which is reflected in the goal statement of
this process (i.e., minimize vs. prevent). To narrow the focus and make the best use of resources it is necessary
prioritize. Prioritization is accomplished through the practice of risk assessment, which is guided by a matrix based
on simple binary choices. A draft risk matrix was formulated through the collaborative process with AAOTF
members and is shown in Figure 3. This matrix is a simple representation based on factors developed by
stakeholders and is not considered a final product.
The direction of flow for the matrix represented in Figure 3 is top to bottom. Each step has a binary choice
that either directs the process to the next step or instructs the user to stop. If the particulars of a vessel carry the
process to the end, further investigation is warranted. Each step will be described in the remainder of this section.
? LPOC Outside
STOP Investigate
Ranking System
Acceptable Unacceptable
High priority vessels and events
The first task is to form a list of priority vessels that are described below:
1. Towed vessel platforms: this category includes a variety of platforms towed by tug boats such as cargo
and crane barges, drilling platforms and pontoon bridges. The tug boats for this and the second category
would also be included as high priority vessels for the risk matrix.
2. Floating Drydocks: a category of large towed vessel platforms that can change ownership quite frequently
and are subsequently moved throughout the oceans of the world. Purchasing and transporting floating dry
docks to new locations is a cheaper alternative to constructing new shipyard facilities.
3. Stochastic Events: a general category that puts focus on arrivals that are not part of the regular suite of
vessel arrivals to a port system. Examples would be unscheduled arrivals for medical and mechanical
emergencies, salvaged vessels and decommissioned military vessels. Personal craft from overseas locations
are also included in this category due to the fact that arrivals are quite unpredictable.
The justification for the first two high priority vessel descriptions is that these are slower-moving vessels
with long port residence times. These factors create a situation in which the settlement and establishment of fouling
organism is more likely. The third category was developed to stress the importance of random events that otherwise
might be ignored by port officials and aquatic resource managers.
Step 4: Investigate
This step involves actual investigation by the AIS central authority of a vessel determined to be a risk for marine
AIS through hull fouling. The approach should be a gradual process that begins with a field ranking system that can
be used pier-side or from a boat. This can be accomplis hed through a visual approach or by use of a remotely
operated underwater camera system. The visual approach can be done through a numerical scale that ranks levels of
fouling visible from the surface. This ranking system could be adopted by other agencies such as the U.S. Coast
Guard or State of Hawai í Department of Agriculture, Plant and Animal Quarantine and Inspection to be used by
their field personnel if they encounter a suspect vessel. DOBOR staff could also use this system to classify personal
craft when communicating with the AIS central authority. This type of visual ranking system has shown promise in
New Zealand when used by national inspection officers (Floerl 2004, In press), and can be used to make a quick
judgment on whether to conduct more a more rigorous investigation. Another method for on-site judgments would
be a remote underwater video camera system. Use of either of these methods would allow the AIS central authority
to determine whether the process needs to move from pro -active measures into reactive measures that involve rapid
response. Rapid response measures will be covered in a later section.
Reactive Measures
This aspect of the management effort would simply involve designing a scheme for reacting to events that are
deemed high risk during the pro-active phase. The key to the reactive measures would be partnerships with the state
and federal agencies that have both jurisdiction and management interests in minimizing marine AIS introductions.
A response team (or teams) composed of personnel from these partners would be needed to investigate high risk
events and recommend actions to minimize the effects of a high risk vessel.
A preliminary attempt by AAOTF members to compose scenarios and responses is shown in Table 1.The
basic premise behind this effort by the AAOTF was to minimize the time in port for commercial and private vessels.
If the vessel identified is a standard cargo vessel or a personal craft arriving from overseas, its time in port would be
restricted. A standard cargo vessel would be restricted to cargo operations and then instructed to get underway. If the
vessel is a personal craft it would be required to leave port once it has conducted essential activities such as fueling,
maintenance and loading stores. In the case of vessels or vessel platforms intent on a long or permanent port stay,
such as the examples in Table 1, different measures would be required. In these instances the vessel or vessel
platform would be subject to quarantine procedures and an out-of-water hull cleaning at the vessel owner’s expense.
If such measures are adopted by the State of Hawai ´i, the AIS central authority would use the outreach and education
component to inform mariners locally and regionally. The possibility of incurring large costs for hull cleaning would
be incentive for preventative measures before arrival to Hawai í.
Post-event Measures
The last category within the draft framework of information is the management aspect. Efforts would move in this
direction once it is determined that a long term solution must be put into effect.
The main tool for managing a high risk hull fouling event is to initiate quarantine procedures. This was
mentioned in the previous section without elaborating on the particulars. Quarantining would involve steps that
would isolate the vessel within a discrete area in a controlled setting. Suggestions for such measures were elicited
from AAOTF members.
Table 1. Hypothetical response and action for high risk event
2) Vessel platform intent on long port stay (work barges, drilling platforms,
floating drydocks, decommissioned vessels)
ACTION: Quarantine procedures and out of water hull cleaning
The only choice for isolating a large vessel is a commercial dry dock within a local shipyard facility. A dry
dock would allow safe removal and disposal of fouling organisms. In the case of a personal craft, it could be
immediately hauled and cleaned at a local boatyard. For this to be possible the AIS central authority, through
authority of the State of Hawai ´i, could designate facilities for such operations and contract their services when the
need arises.
Standard in-water cleaning of vessels is not a desired choice because this activity would serve to introduce
organisms into the marine environment. This would only be a valid choice if a containment system for material
removed from a vessel hull could be designed. Partnering with commercial dive companies and shipyards would be
necessary to determine the feasibility of such control measures.
There is much more that needs to be done to develop an effective response to a marine AIS hull fouling
event. There are few cases, except those covered in this volume, in which hull fouling has been dealt with as a
management issue. Early discovery and quick response is the key to any incursion by an alien species to Hawai ´i.
This is only possible through the design of strategies that clearly shown the type of response for various scenarios.
This is where the multi-agency rapid response team comes into play. Overall coordination would be handled by the
marine AIS central authority, which would have a set of administrative rules for guidance.
The efforts presented in this section are an initial step towards developing a more concrete strategy to minimize the
introduction of marine AIS to Hawai ´i through hull fouling. All information presented was elicited through a
collaborative process with multiple stakeholders participating in the AAOTF. The information gathered is intended
as a starting point for resource managers tasked with dealing with marine AIS for the State of Hawai ´i.
If hull fouling is viewed in the same way as any other mechanism for the transport of alien species, then the
key would be the development of strategies that rely on inter-agency cooperation and partnerships with the private
sector. Multi-agency cooperation is the key to present efforts concerning terrestrial alien species in Hawai ´i. The
efforts conducted by state and federal agencies concerning early detection and rapid response in terrestrial
environments should be used as examples in addition to the information developed in this study.
Awareness of the marine AIS issue and its connection to maritime shipping activities, both domestic and
international, is an important component in the future efforts in protecting the marine environment of Hawai ´i in the
face of a growing global economy. Outreach to the public sector areas tasked with the management of aquatic
resources and private sector interests that conduct operations with the potential for transporting marine AIS is a
required component for success. Collaborative efforts between multiple stakeholder groups will continue to be the
basis for effective and useful tools to minimize the impact of marine AIS. The mindset of industry and government
concerning marine AIS transport by maritime vessel activity is more complex than just regulating obvious vectors
such as ballast water, and it will take awareness by both sectors to achieve the maximum positive effect for the
environment and minimal impact to industry.
This project was funded by the Hawai ´i Coral Reef Research Program 2003 Grant #Z616358. Contributions of
funding, facilities and personnel were provided by The State of Hawai í Department of Land and Natural Resources-
Division of Aquatic Resources, State of Hawai ´i Department of Agriculture-Plant and Animal Quarantine Branch,
and The Nature Conservancy of Hawai ´i. Special thanks to Dale Hazelhurst of the Matson Navigation Co. for
supplemental monetary support for workshop activities. Mahalo to all AAOTF members for their time and expertise.
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Floerl, O., G. J. Inglis & B. J. Hayden. 2004. A risk-based predictive tool to prevent accidental introductions of
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