2PS Curriculum Synopsis
2PS Curriculum Synopsis
2PS Curriculum Synopsis
Take turns, cooperate, and play with friends
Interact with peers appropriately and listen to teachers
Follow directions, make good choices, and display character building traits
Display manners and respect for diversity
Recognize character education terms and meanings
Recognize and duplicate simple patterns
Sort by a given attribute
Identify objects that do not belong in a set and provide logical reasoning
Recognize, describe, and identify common shapes, including circle, triangle,
rectangle, square, heart, star, oval, and diamond
Describe objects according to size, length, height, and weight
Work with a group to organize and display data concretely on a graph
Read and count 0-20 with whole numbers and recognize in meaningful
Write numerals 0-20 and demonstrate knowledge of quantity through one-to-
one correspondence
Create sets with more, less, and equal numbers
Identify ordinal positions for objects up to 10
Understand introductory addition concepts
Organize their mathematical thinking to process information and use in real-
life situations
Reason mathematically while using critical thinking skills
Observe and describe characteristics of living and non-living things
Recognize the needs of living things
Recognize the five senses and body parts that utilize the five senses
Recognize properties such as color, size, shape and compares weight,
texture, and temperature
Describe weather
Describe, compare, sort, classify, and order sets of objects
Learn how to mimic rhythm and beat
Recognize differences in tempo and volume
Listen to and respond to music while developing a love of diverse musical
Perform at monthly musical assemblies
Express their creativity visually
Explore various art techniques and mediums
Experiment with colors through painting, coloring, and drawing
Develop fine motor skills
Cut, glue, and paste materials used for art
Improve body control
Develop gross motor skills (running, jumping, kicking, catching, and
Demonstrate balance and coordination
Establish good health and nutrition