13 Kruyswijk
13 Kruyswijk
13 Kruyswijk
In the past two decades, the mining industry has become more interested in ‘dry’ tailings. The improved water
recovery and potential operational cost benefits have been described by several authors. Compared with
conventional tailings disposal, increasing the level of dewatering improves water preservation without having
a major impact on operational costs. Dry tailings deposition is a method whereby in the deposition of the
tailings, no free water is released. Ultimately, there are two varieties of dry tailings: paste tailings and filtered
tailings. Paste tailings are dewatered to the maximum saturated density, whereas filtered tailings are
mechanically dewatered to an unsaturated state.
Saturated, loose, contractant tailings are susceptible to liquefaction; the primary mode of failure in most
catastrophic tailings storage facility (TSF) failures. Consequently, well-compacted filtered tailings are
increasingly considered for risk control. The prerequisite for long-term stability is that the filtered tailings
remain unsaturated over time and are in a dense state. This condition may not be met in wet or seasonally
wet conditions. When saturation of the tailings may occur, TSF design must make accommodations for
sufficient drainage and containment of the stored tailings. Under these conditions, the key differentiator
between paste and filtered tailings is the approximate 10% extra water recovery.
The improved water recovery comes at the expense of a significant increase in power and fuel consumption.
In circumstances where the increased spend on the latter two energy sources is offset by the value of the
reclaimed water, it may be justifiable to consider the application of filtered tailings. From a sustainability
point of view, the increased CO2 emissions will also have to be taken into consideration when selecting the
preferred dry tailings deposition method.
In this paper, it is demonstrated that in given applications the balance between energy consumption, water
preservation, and CO2 emissions favours paste tailings deposition.
Keywords: paste tailings, filters tailings, high-density tailings, tailings management, water preservation, CO2
emissions, power consumption, fuel consumption, sustainability
1 Introduction
The global mining industry currently produces approximately 19 billion cubic metres of tailings annually
(Baker et al. 2020; www.worldminetailingsfailures.org) and, with the growing demand for metals and
minerals, as well as reduced ore grades, this volume is set to continue to rise. In the wake of several
catastrophic tailings storage facility (TSF) failures, tailings management has become one of the headline
issues for the industry.
Water saturation plays a critical role in TSF stability. Therefore, storing tailings in an unsaturated, dry form is
becoming increasingly common. In dry climates or locations where the availability of water is scarce, dry
stacking improves water preservation. The stability of compacted dry stacks is well established and has been
embraced by regulators and miners globally as an effective method for reducing the risk of catastrophic
TSF failure.
The world is facing an existential challenge: climate change. The mining industry has a key role to play with
some critical minerals enabling the low-carbon transition required to meet the targets set by the United
Nations in the Paris Agreement. The electrification of mining equipment and the implementation of more
energy efficient processes and equipment will also play a part in meeting these targets.
In an industry in which emissions are high, relatively small improvements can have significant benefits. With
regards to tailings, an approach focused on energy, water and footprint preservation must consider the entire
process flow – from the start of the dewatering process through to deposition in the TSF. The preferred
tailings storage method should prioritize optimized water preservation and sustainable long-term stability at
the lowest possible emissions.
2 Methodology
High commodity prices and favourable market forecasts have increased activity in both greenfield and
brownfield projects. A medium-sized gold–copper operation with an annual run-of-mine (ROM) production
of 2 Mt is considered in this study.
Two tailings disposal methods are assessed for water preservation, energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
Both are ‘dry’ tailings disposal methods, meaning no bleed water is recoverable from the TSF. The two
methods are:
Paste tailings.
Filtered tailings.
Processing annually 2 Mt ROM ore generates a tailings mass flow of 240 t dry solids per hour.
Figure 1 Paste tailings process flow: (1) Thickener; (2) Centrifugal feed pump; (3) PD pump
Figure 2 Filtered tailings process flow and required equipment for transportation, spreading and
compaction: (1) Thickener; (2) Centrifugal underflow pump; (3) Buffer tank; (4) Filter press feed
pump; (5) Filter press; (6) Trucks; (7) Motor grader for haul road maintenance; (8) Dozer for
spreading; (9) Compactor
Table 1 Dewatering energy consumption. Included for paste thickening: feed pump, floc dosing, rake
drive. Included for filter press: thickening including feed pump, floc dosing and raking, underflow
pumping, agitation of intermediate buffer tank, filter press feed pumps, filter press and cake
squeezing. Absorbed power in kWh per dry tonne solids
Figure 3 Schematic tailings storage facility (TSF) layout. The TSF is located at 1 km from the processing
plant. The rectangular shaped TSF covers approximately 250,000 m2 and is constructed to a
maximum height of 40 m in four 10 m raises
CO2 emissions
Electricity 0.46 kg/kWh
Diesel 2.657 kg/litre
The CO2 emissions are calculated for each power source by multiplying the total annual energy consumption
by the subsequent emission factor. The sum of the CO2 emissions for electricity and diesel usage represents
the annual CO2 emissions for the dewatering, transportation and placement of the tailings.
3 Results
The input parameters and assumptions are used to model the process flow from dewatering through to
tailings deposition for two tailings disposal systems. For these systems, three scenarios are considered: paste
tailings deposition, filtered tailings with cake blowing, and filtered tailings without cake blowing.
Table 5 Mass balance for the paste tailings option (left) and filtered tailings option (right)
FPT have been assumed to arrive at the thickener at a solids concentration of approximately 20–25% and are
diluted to facilitate optimal thickener operation. Detailed calculations are not provided in this paper, but
equipment sizing and modelling of the flow sheet follows the industry standard methods (Jewell &
Fourie 2006) (Weir pump selection procedures).
hour. This reduction in water recovery may look impressive but is put in perspective when the gain in overall
water recovery is considered. The overall recovery of water improves 10% from 86% for paste tailings to 94%
for filtered tailings (Figure 4).
This saving is considerable but it comes at the expense of significant additional absorbed power for
800 800
Volume of water to TSF (m3/h)
700 700
600 600
500 500
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
Paste Tailings Filtered Tailings Filtered Tailings + Cake blow
Figure 4 Water preservation. The outline represents the total volume of water reporting to the dewatering
circuit for the paste tailings is 86% versus 94% for the filtered tailings
Absorbed Power (kWh)
Paste Tailings Filtered Tailings Filtered + Cake blow
Figure 5 Absorbed power in kWh per annum. Note that in the paste tailings figure, the power absorbed
for pumping the tailings to the tailings storage facility is included, whereas for the filtered tailings
scenarios, transportation is done by means of trucks
Paste Tailings Filtered Tailings Filtered + Cake blow
Annual Water costs Annual Power costs Annual Fuel Costs Total Annual Utilities
3.8 Emissions
The combustion of fossil fuels to generate electricity or to power mobile equipment releases greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere. Reducing these emissions is critical to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Selecting methods for tailings disposal, therefore, cannot be exclusively informed by economic factors;
consideration should also be given to more energy efficient solutions that help reduce CO2 emissions.
Diesel-powered mobile equipment contributes between 30% and 54% of the total emissions depending on
filtration efficiency. All diesel emissions are associated with the haulage, spreading and compacting of
tailings; truck haulage of tailings, for instance, emits twice the amount of CO2 compared to paste pumping
(3,193 t/annum and 1,564 t/annum, respectively). Where the electricity is generated via gas-fired power
stations, the diesel emission ratio is higher again.
Figure 7 shows the relative contribution from each required piece of mobile plant in deposition of filtered
tailings; spreading and compacting accounts 26% to the total diesel related emissions.
CO2 Emitted 3193 t/annum
Figure 7 Annual CO2 emissions for the trucking and placement of filtered tailings. Note that 26% of the
emissions result from spreading and compaction of the tailings
The total combined CO2 emissions for paste and filtered tailings are presented in Figure 8. The filtered tailings
disposal, including truck haulage, emits 2.4 times more CO2 compared to paste tailings disposal. If cake
blowing is required, then emissions are a further 4.4 times higher.
Annual CO2 Emission (t)
Paste Tailings Filtered Tailings Filtered + Cake blow
Figure 8 Annual CO2 emissions for paste and filtered tailings handling systems in tonnes per annum. Note
that converting from paste tailings to filtered tailings more than doubles the CO2 emissions.
When cake blowing is required to achieve target density in the filtration system the emissions
double again
4 Sustainability
Sustainability is defined as meeting present needs without compromising the needs of future generations.
Therefore, sustainable tailings management encompasses the long-term stable storage of tailings, minimising
the consumption of valuable resources (water) and limiting the environmental impact by utilising methods
and technologies that are both technically and economically feasible.
In Figure 9, the balance between water conservation, CO2 emissions, utility cost and (high-level) capital cost
estimates are plotted for filtered and paste tailings. In the comparison, the performance of paste tailings is
set at 100% for all four metrics. A lower score represents an improved performance for the considered metric
compared to paste tailings. The 10% improved overall water recovery is offset by significantly lower scores
on the cost metrics and more significantly the CO2 emission.
Water Conservation
CAPEX 0% CO2 emmision
Utility costs
Paste Tailings Filtered Tailings Filtered + Cake blow
Figure 9 Paste versus filtered tailings, environmental and economic performance comparison
5 Conclusion
Dry tailings depositing methods are gaining popularity. This development is driven by the water saving
potential and, in the case of filtered tailings, TSF stability. The unsaturated state of the filter cake reduces, if
not eliminates, the risk of liquefaction, provided that it is compacted to the threshold of dilatant behaviour.
In arid conditions, the tailings may remain unsaturated permanently, however, in wet or seasonally wet
locations, the tailings are at risk of re-saturating over time. Consequently, design measures must be taken to
ensure long-term TSF stability. In these circumstances, TSF construction costs for paste and filtered tailings
cancel each other out and can be disregarded when carrying out high-level cost comparisons.
The total water recovery is 10% higher for filtered tailings compared to paste tailings. This efficiency
improvement is offset by increased energy consumption for dewatering. According to the data, energy
consumption to dewater filtered tailings is, on average, three times higher than for paste. Moreover, when
cake blowing is required, content energy consumption doubles again.
Paste tailings offer the most energy efficient dry tailings disposal method, whereas filtered tailings offer the
highest water recovery potential. Unit water costs above €2.69 per cubic metre water balance the increased
power costs. When cake blowing is required, the unit cost of water must be in excess of €4.96 per cubic
metre water.
Sustainable tailings deposition needs to be balanced against water preservation, long-term stability, and CO2
emissions. The improved water preservation of filtered tailings comes at the expense of a two to four times
increase in CO2 emissions.
Each site will have its own specific tailings storage requirements, and each method has its own applications.
However, when the optimum balance between environmental and economic feasibility is holistically
assessed, paste tailings are the preferred option.
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