Biggs Etal 2008 PDF
Biggs Etal 2008 PDF
Biggs Etal 2008 PDF
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Article history: The long-term probability of soil moisture stress in rainfed crops was mapped at 0.58
Received 16 July 2007 resolution over the Krishna River basin in southern India (258,948 km2). Measurements
Received in revised form of actual evapotranspiration (Ea) from 90 lysimeter experiments at four locations in the
24 April 2008 basin were used to calibrate a non-linear regression model that predicted the combined crop
Accepted 14 May 2008 coefficient (KcKs) as a function of the ratio of seasonal precipitation (P) to potential evapo-
transpiration (Ep). Crops included sorghum, pulses (mung bean, chickpea, soybean, pigeon-
pea) and oilseeds (safflower and sunflower). Ep was calculated with the PenmanMonteith
Keywords: equation using net radiation derived from two methods: (1) a surface radiation budget
Crop water use calculated from satellite imagery (EpSRB) and (2) empirical equations that use data from
Evapotranspiration meteorological stations (EpGBE). The model of Ks as a function P/Ep was combined with a
Soil moisture gridded time series of precipitation (0.58 resolution, 19012000) and maps of EpSRB to define
Semi-arid tropics the probability distributions of P, P/Ep and Ks for sorghum at each 0.58 cell over the basin.
India Sorghum, a C4 crop, had higher Ea and Ks values than the C3 plants (oilseeds, pulses) when
Satellite methods precipitation was low (P < 1 mm d1) but lower maximum Ea rates (3.34.5 mm d1) com-
Regional pared with C3 crops (oilseeds and pulses, 4.34.9 mm d1). The crop coefficient under
adequate soil moisture (Kc) was higher than the FAO-56 crop coefficients by up to 56%
for oilseeds and pulses. The seasonal soil moisture coefficient (Ks) for sorghum ranged from
1.0 under high rainfall (JulyOctober) to 0.45 in dry seasons (NovemberMarch), showing
strong soil moisture controls on Ea. EpSRB calculated at the lysimeter stations was 420%
lower than EpGBE, with the largest difference in the dry season. Kc derived from EpSRB was
only slightly (24%) higher than Kc derived from EpSRB, because the maximum Ea occurred
during the monsoon when the differences between EpSRB and EpGBE were small. Approxi-
mately 20% of the basin area was expected to experience mild or greater soil moisture stress
(Ks < 0.80) during the monsoon cropping season 1 year in every 2 years, while 70% of the
basin experienced mild or greater stress 1 year in 10. The maps of soil moisture stress
provide the basis for estimating the probability of drought and the benefits of supplemental
# 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 619 594 0902; fax: +1 619 594 4938.
E-mail addresses: (T.W. Biggs), (P.K. Mishra), (H. Turral).
0168-1923/$ see front matter # 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1586 agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597
1. Introduction where cultivated plots are smaller than the image pixel (Biggs
et al., 2006); and (3) estimates of Ea are limited to the period of
Rainfed crops cover more than 80% of global cropped area and available imagery. These factors limit the use of satellite
account for 6070% of global crop production, but production is methods for determining the long-term variability and prob-
frequently limited by drought and soil moisture stress (Wood ability distributions of soil moisture stress in rainfed crops.
et al., 2000). Supplemental irrigation is often proposed to Mathematical models of Ea represent the processes affect-
increase yields of rainfed crops, mitigate soil moisture stress ing evapotranspiration with considerable variation in the level
during dry periods, and alleviate poverty (Brugere and Lingard, of detail. While simple models often require calibration to
2003; Fox and Rockstrom, 2003; Oweis et al., 1998; Pereira et al., local measurements and cannot be readily applied to different
2002). Supplemental irrigation may not be needed every year, regions, complex models are data intensive and may have
so it is a risk mitigation strategy and its benefits best significant parameter uncertainty (Schulz and Beven, 2003).
approached in a probabilistic context (Fox et al., 2005). The relatively simple FAO-56 method is commonly used to
Increasing pressure on water resources at river basin scales estimate Ea from ground-based climate data (Allen et al., 1998).
also suggests that supplemental irrigation projects need to be It uses the PenmanMonteith equation for potential evapo-
evaluated in a basin context in order to assess their impact on transpiration, includes the effect of crop type with a crop
surface and groundwater resources. In a river basin, planning coefficient (Kc), and represents the effect of soil moisture
for supplemental irrigation and anticipating the consequences stress with a soil moisture coefficient (Ks). Both Kc and Ks
of interannual variability in precipitation for soil moisture values differ by climate and soil type in ways that make
stress can be approached by mapping the probability calibration to local measurements necessary for robust
distributions of soil moisture stress at each location in the estimation of Ea. For example, default Kc values underestimate
basin. Questions related to probability-based management of Ea measured with lysimeters from a variety of crops in India,
rainfed crops at the basin scale include: What is the probability including irrigated wheat (Singandhupe and Sethi, 2005), corn
that a given location will experience soil moisture stress in a (Tyagi et al., 2003) and sunflower (Tyagi et al., 2000a). The soil
randomly selected year? What fraction of the cropped area in a moisture coefficient (Ks) also varies with precipitation, crop
river basin experiences mild to severe moisture stress most type, soil type, and the duration of dry periods. More complex
years? How does the risk of moisture stress vary by crop type? models that use daily precipitation to describe soil water
Understanding the spatial patterns in the probability of soil movement and uptake by roots may be used to estimate Ea, but
moisture stress is essential for anticipating and mitigating its such models are data intensive and difficult to parameterize,
effects on crop yields and farmer incomes at river basin scales. often resulting in large prediction uncertainty (Franks et al.,
Soil moisture stress is indicated when the rate of actual 1997; Schulz and Beven, 2003). In particular, detailed models
evapotranspiration (Ea) falls below the potential rate for a given require daily precipitation values and detailed soil character-
crop. Methods to estimate Ea and soil moisture stress may be istics, which are often not available over large regions. Where
grouped into three categories: ground-based measurements, data on both rainfall and soil type are limited, simple models
satellite methods, and mathematical models. Ground-based may provide more robust estimates of regional patterns than
measurements include lysimeters and in situ meteorological complex models that have high parameter uncertainty.
techniques such as eddy covariance (Paco et al., 2006) and Simple models of soil moisture stress based on seasonal
Bowen ratio determination (Drexler et al., 2004; Inman-Bamber precipitation can leverage historical datasets, which is
and McGlinchey, 2003). Weighing lysimeters measure changes necessary for defining the long-term probability distribution
in soil moisture over a cropping season and are often used to of soil moisture stress. Historical (19012000) datasets of
calibrate and validate other methods of estimating Ea (Dehghani monthly precipitation with global coverage (Mitchell et al.,
Sanij et al., 2004; Mohan and Arumugam, 1994; Tyagi et al., 2004) are readily available and may be used to define the
2000a). While improper site conditions may result in unreliable probability distribution of seasonal rainfall and soil moisture
measurements (Allen et al., 1991), lysimeters are the generally stress over large areas. Use of these monthly datasets requires
accepted reference method for measuring actual crop water use the development of models of Ea and soil moisture stress that
under field conditions. Lysimeter measurements have been can be calibrated to monthly or seasonal precipitation. While
reported for several crops in India, including irrigated wheat soil moisture stress also depends on the daily sequence of
(Singandhupe and Sethi, 2005), corn (Tyagi et al., 2003), sorghum storm size and the length of dry periods between storms
(Tyagi et al., 2000b), and sunflower (Tyagi et al., 2000a), but they (Rodriguez-Iturbe et al., 2001), reliable daily data are often not
have not been used to quantify the relationship between available for long time periods at the regional scale. Forecasts
precipitation and Ea for rainfed crops in India. of rainfall by both empirical (Rajeevan et al., 2004) and
Satellite imagery has been used for regional estimation of Ea, dynamic (Kumar et al., 2005) methods are commonly seasonal,
particularly in irrigated areas (Bastiaanssen et al., 2002; so corresponding forecasts of soil moisture stress must be
Garatuza-Payan and Watts, 2005; Loukas et al., 2005). While based on seasonal rainfall values.
thermal bands or the normalized difference vegetation index At regional scales, even simple models of moisture stress
(NDVI) are useful for estimating the spatial variation in Ea during require estimates of potential evapotranspiration (Ep), which
cloud-free periods, their application for probabilistic analysis of is a function of air temperature, vapor pressure, wind speed,
soil moisture stress in rainfed crops is limited by several factors: and net radiation (Rn). While data on temperature, vapor
(1) cloud cover often prevents the use of imagery during the pressure, and wind speed are commonly available from
rainy season, when most rainfed crops are cultivated; (2) crop meteorological stations, ground-based measurements of Rn
type must be determined simultaneously, but this is difficult are often not available in many parts of the world. Empirical
agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597 1587
Fig. 2 Soil depth in the Krishna Basin, digitized from 1:500,000 scale maps from Challa et al. (1996), Government of India
(1999) and Sehgal et al. (1996).
One cropping season (kharif) coincides with the monsoon (June near the Krishna Basin by the Indian Meteorological Depart-
or July to October), and the second cropping season (rabi) ment (IMD) (Fig. 1, Tables 1 and 2). Crops included sorghum,
occurs during the post-monsoon (October or November to pulses (mung bean, chickpea, soybean, pigeonpea), and
March). With the exception of perennial crops, sugarcane, and oilseeds (sunflower, safflower). The lysimeters, manufactured
some vegetable crops, most irrigated areas and all rainfed by Avery Company India Ltd., were 1.3 m 1.3 m by 0.9 m
fields are left fallow in April and May. deep. The lysimeters were mounted so that the rim was level
with the surrounding soil surface (Mohan and Arumugam,
1994). The average daily Ea, the number of measurements in
3. Methods each month, and the sowing and harvesting dates were
available from the IMD. Crops received supplemental irriga-
3.1. Lysimeter measurements tion in four of the ninety experiments, and the depths of
irrigation were available from the station managers. The soil
Actual evapotranspiration (Ea) was measured with weighing was not wetted prior to sowing, so all Ea was derived from
lysimeters for seven different crops at four stations in and residual soil moisture at the time of sowing and from
Table 1 Inventory of lysimeter data by crop for the four meteorological stations in the Krishna Basin
Crop Varieties Stations N Growing season (d) Seasonal Ea (mm)
Sorghum CSH-1, CSH-6, CSH-9, M-35-1, 43017, 43117, 43128, 43205 53 102 175 128 187 571 349
Maldandi, SPV-86, R-16,
CSV-15, R-19
Gram Vikas, Vijay, Vishal 43017, 43117 8 89 120 100 99 405 190
Chickpea Annegiri, ICC-37 43128 7 97 120 100 116 177 153
Soybean Macs-124, Monetta 43017 3 87 91 87 378 413 395
Pigeonpea ICPL-84023 43128 1 123 123 123 433 433 433
Safflower Bhima, S-4, Manjira, A-1 43017, 43128, 43205 9 135 143 142 79 414 195
Sunflower Modern, S-4, KBSH-1 43017, 43117, 43205 9 90 121 110 197 561 401
EpGBE is potential evapotranspiration (Ep) calculated with net radiation estimated from ground-based meteorological measurements, and
EpSRB is Ep calculated with net radiation from the surface radiation budget (SRB).
Mean over 19511995.
Mean for the period of available SRB data (19831995).
precipitation during the growing season. The timing of sowing effect of Ep on soil moisture stress for a given precipitation
varied from the beginning of the monsoon or kharif season depth may be accounted for by normalizing P by Ep:
(July) to the middle of the post-monsoon or rabi season
lK P
(January). The texture of the soil used in the lysimeter Kc Ks Kd Kw 1 exp (3)
experiments was clay or silty clay (Table 2).
All lysimeter stations were located on the semi-arid Kc is assumed to be constant over the region for a given crop,
plateau, with a mean annual precipitation range of 522 and is determined as the value of (3) at the maximum observed
946 mm (Table 2). Potential evapotranspiration (Ep) varied P/Ep. Ks for all lysimeter experiments is then calculated by
less than precipitation among the stations, with a range of dividing (3) by Kc. The parameters in Eqs. (2) and (3) are
15361624 mm y1. See Section 3.3 for details of the Ep determined by fitting the model to observed data at the lysi-
calculations. meter stations using multidimensional, unconstrained non-
linear minimization of errors (NelderMead) in MATLABTM
3.2. Model of evapotranspiration and the crop coefficient version 7.1.0.
Other models of Ea and Ks in the literature assume a linear
In the FAO-56 method (Allen et al., 1998), Ea is modeled as: relationship between soil moisture and Ks up to a threshold
(Allen et al., 1998; Laio et al., 2001). The scatter in the data
Ea Kc Ks Ep (1) around the Ea P and KcKs P/Ep relationships in the Krishna
Basin complicated the determination of a single threshold
where Kc is the crop coefficient under adequate soil moisture precipitation depth, while the exponential relationship does
(unitless), Ks is the soil moisture coefficient (01, unitless), and not require a threshold value. Additionally, the relationship
Ep is the potential evapotranspiration for a reference grass in between soil moisture and Ea may be linear, but the relation-
mm d1. KcKs is the combined crop coefficient and includes ships in (2) and (3) are between P and Ea or P/Ep and KcKs, which
the effect of both crop type and soil moisture stress. Soil may not be linear due to runoff and drainage. Finally, the main
moisture stress is indicated when Ks is less than 1.0 (Allen purpose of the model is not to propose a new relationship
et al., 1998). between P and Ea, but rather to use easily parameterized,
An exponential model of the relationship between seasonal empirical Ea P and KcKs P/Ep relationships to calculate the
P and Ea was developed: probability distributions of Ea and Ks based on a global
precipitation dataset.
Ea Ed Ew 1 explE P (2)
where Ed is evapotranspiration under zero precipitation dur- 3.3. Potential evapotranspiration and net radiation
ing the growing season (mm d1), Ew is the additional evapo-
transpiration under conditions of no soil moisture stress, lE is The PenmanMonteith equation (Allen et al., 1998) was used to
a parameter (mm1), and P is mean daily precipitation during calculate potential evapotranspiration (Ep) at each of the four
the growing season (mm d1). For the few experiments where lysimeter stations using the observed temperature, vapor
the crop received supplemental irrigation (N = 4), P includes pressure, wind speed, and two different methods of determin-
the mean daily irrigation water applied during the growing ing net radiation. In the first method, net radiation was
season (mm d1). Ed was not zero due to residual soil moisture calculated from empirical equations that use ground-based
from the monsoon. While the amount of residual soil moisture meteorological data (hereafter EpGBE). The second method
at the beginning of the growing season may be important for used satellite-based radiation values from NASAs surface
controlling Ed, we did not find a correlation between Ea in the radiation budget (hereafter EpSRB). The two methods are
post-monsoon and rainfall in the preceding month or season. described in detail in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
Ed is, therefore, treated as a constant and P is used as the Regional maps of monthly Ep were produced using the
predictor of seasonal evapotranspiration. PenmanMonteith equation and the SRB data for radiation.
At regional scales, Ea also varies due to spatial variations in Temperature, vapor pressure and wind speed were inter-
potential evapotranspiration (Ep). KcKs, the combined crop polated from 26 meteorological stations in the basin using
coefficient, can be calculated by dividing (2) by Ep, and the linear relationships with elevation and distance inland, and
1590 agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597
inverse-distance weighting of residuals (Biggs et al., 2007a; 3.4. Cumulative probability distributions of precipitation
New et al., 1999). and Ks
3.3.1. Ground-based radiation Grids of monthly precipitation with 0.58 resolution and
Measurements of shortwave radiation were available for two continuous coverage from 1901 to 2000 were downloaded
locations in the basin, and no measurements were available from the Climate Research Unit (CRU TS 2.1, http://
for longwave radiation. Where measurements of radiation are, accessed November
not available, ground-based meteorological measurements 2007). The CRU grids were generated using quality-controlled
may be used as input to empirical equations that estimate data from meteorological stations (Mitchell and Jones, 2005)
shortwave and longwave radiation. For shortwave radiation, interpolated with a combination of thin-plate splines to
the Angstrom relation uses sunshine hours, the Hargreaves generate global fields of climate normals (New et al., 1999),
equation requires diurnal temperature range, and the mod- and exponential inverse-distance weighting to interpolate
ified Hargreaves equation uses diurnal temperature range and monthly anomalies (New et al., 2000). Total precipitation was
cloudiness (Supit and van Kappel, 1998). Data on sunshine calculated for the kharif (JulyOctober) and rabi (October
hours were not available at all of the lysimeter stations, so the January) seasons for each 0.58 cell in the Krishna Basin. The
modified Hargreaves equation was used to estimate short- months defining these seasons correspond to the sowing and
wave radiation (Biggs et al., 2007b). The Hargreaves coeffi- harvest dates reported for the lysimeter experiments on
cients were calibrated to measurements of shortwave sorghum. The ratio of seasonal precipitation to seasonal Ep
radiation from two pyranometers in the basin (Biggs et al., was calculated for each season and year using the EpSRB maps.
2007b). Net longwave radiation was estimated from the FAO- The parameters of normal and gamma probability dis-
56 method (Allen et al., 1998), which requires ground-based tributions were determined for the CRU precipitation data and
measurements of temperature, vapor pressure, and short- P/Ep in each 0.58 cell using the method of moments. The
wave radiation estimated with the modified Hargreaves KcKs P/Ep relationship (Eq. (3)) was then used to estimate Ks
equation. for each value of P/Ep. The predicted Ks values fit a beta
distribution better than a normal or gamma distribution, so
3.3.2. Satellite-based radiation the parameters of the beta distribution were fit using the
Shortwave and longwave radiation data from the Surface method of moments. Four locations in the basin were selected
Radiation Budget (SRB) version 2 were downloaded from the to illustrate the range of probability distributions of P, P/Ep, and
NASA Langley Research Center website (http://eosweb.larc.- Ks: the Krishna Delta, Western Ghats, the south-central, accessed June 2007). A full description of the plateau, and Hyderabad, the capital city of the State of Andhra
method is available at the NASA website, including details Pradesh on the central plateau.
on the algorithms and satellite data utilized. In sum, the SRB
algorithm for shortwave radiation uses satellite-based
measurements of precipitable water, ozone, aerosols, and 4. Results and discussion
albedo to calculate atmospheric transmissivity and down-
welling shortwave radiation at 18 spatial resolution. The SRB 4.1. Observed Ea and regression model coefficients
longwave algorithm uses a thermal infrared radiation
transfer code and satellite measurements of precipitable Seasonal Ea for all experiments ranged from 0.6 to 4.8 mm d1
water, cloud properties, and surface conditions (Fu et al., (Fig. 3). Ea and KcKs correlated positively with seasonal
1997; Stackhouse et al., 2001). Shortwave and longwave precipitation (P) or P/Ep (Fig. 4), which indicated strong soil
radiation were calculated at 3-hourly intervals and then moisture controls on Ea. The model of Ea (Eq. (2)) explained 71
aggregated to daily and monthly values. The long-term 95% of the variance in Ea (Table 3). The model of KcKs (Eq. (3))
average shortwave and longwave radiation for each month explained less of the variance (4990%) than the Ea P model.
were calculated for each 18 cell in the Krishna Basin for the The KcKs P/Ep relationships for sorghum did not vary among
years with available data (19831995). the four lysimeter stations, so a single model was used for all
The SRB has a mean bias of 6 W m2 for down-welling sorghum data. A separate model was fit to the data for all
shortwave and 1.7 W m2 for longwave radiation, with root oilseeds combined, and another model was fit to the data for
mean squared error (RMSE) of 43 and 13 W m2 for all pulses combined.
shortwave and longwave, respectively. Comparison of the The Ea P and KcKs P/Ep curves differed by the metabolic
SRB shortwave data with pyranometer data in the central pathway of each crop. Sorghum, a C4 plant, had lower Ea and
Krishna Basin gave a mean RMSE ranging from 9 to 23 W m2 KcKs under adequate soil moisture than the C3 plants (oilseeds
(Biggs et al., 2007b). or pulses), but had higher Ea and KcKs under conditions of low
Albedo was set to 0.23 for both the GBE and SRB methods, as precipitation than the C3 plants. This is expected based on C3
recommended by the FAO-56 (Allen et al., 1998). The SRB data and C4 metabolism: C4 plants typically show lower evapo-
could be used to calculate albedo, but those values would be at transpiration rates than C3 plants under conditions of adequate
18 spatial resolution and would include a heterogeneous soil moisture (Hattendorf et al., 1988; Rachidi et al., 1993) but
mosaic of land cover types, including crops, rangelands, and have higher Ea rates than C3 plants under conditions of soil
bare soil. Future efforts to refine net radiation estimates could moisture stress (Zhang and Kirkham, 1995). The lysimeter
use spatially distributed albedo values or ground-based measurements in the Krishna Basin suggest that pulses also
measurements of the shortwave radiation budget. have high Ea rates, though pulses had lower Ea rates than
agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597 1591
Fig. 3 Precipitation versus evapotranspiration Ea observed in the lysimeter experiments by crop type. The lines indicate the
model fits (Eq. (2)).
sunflower under moderate precipitation (18 mm d1). but not for sorghum (Table 4). The difference between the
These Kc values differ from the Kc values from the FAO-56 FAO-56 crop coefficients and coefficients derived from the
method, which list higher Kc values for sorghum than for lysimeters was larger after adjusting for the effect of non-
sunflower and pulses (Table 4). We conclude that the Kc and Ea standard conditions due to high relative humidity during the
values from oilseeds and pulses in the basin are consistently monsoon season. Other studies in India have shown similar
higher than sorghum, and Ea in the Krishna Basin (and probably results, where Kc values from C3 crops (sunflower, pulses)
other locations in India) should be modeled with these revised were higher than the FAO-56 values (Table 4).
coefficients. Seasonal evapotranspiration (Ea) was greater than pre-
Crop coefficients under adequate soil moisture (Kc) were cipitation during the growing season for 31 of the 53
higher than the default FAO-56 values for oilseeds and pulses experiments on sorghum, particularly for experiments con-
ducted during the post-monsoon season. When Ea is greater
than P, the difference between P and Ea is the net change in soil
Table 3 Regression parameters for the models of moisture storage (DS). For the experiments with Ea greater
evapotranspiration (Eq. (2)) and the combined crop than P, DS ranged from 10 to 329 mm, with a mean of
coefficient (Eq. (3))
159 88 mm. For comparison, the available soil water
Crop lE Ed Ew RMSE mm d1 R2 holding capacity (AWC) of a Vertic Inceptisol in the Krishna
Basin ranged from 170190 mm in the upper 125 cm of soil
Sorghum 0.170 1.7 3.1 0.4 0.71
Oilseeds 0.362 0.6 4.5 0.4 0.95 (Singh et al., 1999), and regional maps estimate AWC of 150
Pulses 0.157 1.3 4.5 0.3 0.92 200 mm in the upper 1 meter (Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion, 1995). DS was between 0 and 200 mm for most (75%) of
Crop lK K da Kw RMSE R2 the lysimeter experiments where Ea was greater than P,
suggesting that soil moisture storage was sufficient to supply
Sorghum 0.916 0.55 0.49 0.12 0.49
Oilseeds 1.719 0.21 0.96 0.12 0.87 Ea during most post-monsoon experiments, though at a rate
Pulses 0.867 0.41 0.81 0.08 0.87 significantly below the potential Ea of the crop. DS greater than
200 mm is possible given the likely range of AWC, but DS
Potential evapotranspiration for calculating Kd and Kw was based
greater than 300 mm (N = 1 of 53) suggests measurement error
on net radiation from the surface radiation budget (SRB).
or imperfect drainage from the lysimeter.
1592 agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597
Fig. 4 The ratio of seasonal precipitation to seasonal potential evapotranspiration (Ep) versus the combined crop coefficient
(KcKs) observed in the lysimeter experiments. The lines indicate the model fits (Eq. (3)). Potential evapotranspiration was
calculated using radiation estimated from satellite methods (SRB).
4.2. Potential evapotranspiration and crop coefficients by radiation between the SRB and GBE methods was due to
radiation method differences in their estimates of net longwave radiation, which
was more negative for the SRB, particularly during the post-
Potential evapotranspiration (Ep) values differed by the monsoon season.
method used to determine net radiation (Rn) (Table 2, Fig. 5). Seasonal Kc values calculated using EpGBE were only
The mean monthly Ep calculated from the ground-based, slightly (24%) lower than the Kc values calculated using
empirical methods (EpGBE) was 720% higher than Ep that used EpSRB because Kc was determined by evapotranspiration from
radiation from the satellite-based measurements (EpSRB) crops grown during the monsoon, when the difference in Ep by
depending on the month. The difference between Ep between the two radiation methods was smallest. The difference in Ep
the two methods was smallest during the monsoon season and the resulting modeled Ks would be larger during the post-
and largest at the end of the dry season. The difference in net monsoon. Thus, while a single Kc value could be used to
Table 4 Seasonal crop coefficients (Kc) by method used to determine net radiation, and comparisons with literature
values of Kc
This study Other studies in India FAO-56 (Allen et al., 1998)
Fig. 6 Cumulative distributions of seasonal precipitation (mm dS1), the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration,
and Ks for four different locations in the Krishna Basin, during the monsoon (kharif) season (JulyOctober) over 19012000. The
precipitation data was from the Climate Research Unit and was fit to a Gamma distribution. Ks was fit to a Beta distribution.
1594 agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (2008) 15851597
First, we assumed that the three model parameters (Kd, Kw, 5. Conclusion
and lE) were constant over the basin. Soil texture, depth and
the temporal distribution of rainfall within a month may A central premise of this paper is that anticipation of the
differ among or within the 0.58 cells, which could change the likelihood of moisture stress and planning for supple-
model parameters and the resulting probability maps of Ks. mental irrigation at the basin scale require a probabilistic
The lysimeter measurements from the four stations were perspective. Supplemental irrigation may not be required
lumped to generate regional KcKs P/Ep relationships, though in all years, so its benefits are probabilistic and differ by
there is almost certainly spatial variability in the relation- location according to the climate. Understanding the
ships not captured with the available data. Areas with spatial distribution of the probability of moisture stress is
shallow or sandy soils are particularly likely to have different essential for planning supplemental irrigation at the
model parameters and a higher probability of moisture stress basin scale. The modeling approach used here could
than areas with soils similar to those used in the lysimeters. complement regional snapshots of evapotranspiration, such
Some soils in the northwestern part of the basin are shallow as those provided by satellite imagery, which capture the
(<0.5 m, Fig. 2) and crops grown there may be more prone to spatial variability but not the full historical range of rainfall
soil moisture stress for a given precipitation depth than the and soil moisture stress experienced over an area. Simple
crops grown in the lysimeters. However, some proportion of models of actual evapotranspiration based on seasonal
each 0.58 cell in the basin contains moderately deep to deep precipitation and lysimeter data allowed us to leverage
soil, including valley bottoms in the northwest (Fig. 2), so the historical monthly precipitation datasets to generate long-
probability maps are likely valid for these areas in each cell. term probability distributions of soil moisture stress over a
The model parameters for areas with shallow soils could be large river basin. The simplicity of the modeling approach
derived from either other lysimeter experiments in southern allowed application to areas where daily rainfall and
India, or from a more complex model that explicitly tracks soil detailed soil data were not available. Currently, forecasts
moisture volumes. Ideally, the model parameters would be of precipitation in India (Basu, 2005; Kumar et al., 2005;
estimated for the soils that are actually cropped in sorghum, Rajeevan et al., 2004) and other regions (Nnaji, 2001) predict
rather than for all soils in a 0.58 grid cell. Cropped area derived seasonal precipitation, so forecasts of soil moisture stress
from satellite imagery could be incorporated to generate can also be made with simplified seasonal models of the
probabilities of moisture stress where sorghum is actively kind presented here. The regional maps provide a basis for
cropped. estimating probability distributions of the yields of rainfed
Secondly, some of the variance in Ea and Ks was not crops, and for examining the potential benefits and
captured by the regression models. The regional models hydrological consequences of irrigation in different parts
predicted the mean Ks for a given depth of seasonal of a river basin.
precipitation, though some Ks values observed in the lysimeter
experiments were significantly lower than the mean (Fig. 4).
Some of the unexplained variability in Ks may be due to the Acknowledgements
temporal distribution of daily rainfall within the month,
especially the length of dry spells and mean depth of events, This research was performed in part during a post-doctoral
both of which influence soil moisture dynamics (Rodriguez- fellowship of Biggs at the International Water Management
Iturbe et al., 2001). The unexplained variance may result in Institute (IWMI) in Hyderabad, India, and support of colleagues
underestimation of the probability of moisture stress in some at IWMI and the International Crops Research Institute for the
parts of the basin. Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is gratefully acknowledged.
Thirdly, the average soil moisture stress over a season may Students from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
not accurately estimate its impact on yield. Yield can be a in Hyderabad digitized the soil maps. The work was supported
complex function of the timing of precipitation (Vaux and by a grant from the Australian Council for International
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