CEP Lesson Plan Form: Literacy Standards
CEP Lesson Plan Form: Literacy Standards
CEP Lesson Plan Form: Literacy Standards
Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)
Standard 1.1 Follow collaborative guidelines to ensure a hearing of a full range of positions on a topic or
issue, and evaluate responses.
Standard 2.2 Interpret and evaluate complex informational texts using various critical reading strategies.
Literacy Standards:
Math Standards:
SWBAT understand identities and the stories and meanings people have with them.
There are many identities a person can hold. Those identities have impacts on how they view the world
and themselves. Identities are a part of people’s stories.
Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select
applicable questions from standard)
How can a persons’s (or my) identity affect their (or my) story?
Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets) AND (Success Criteria) Next to each Learning Target OR
Objectives, state how you are addressing literacy AND numeracy within this lesson.
This means: I can understand different categories of identities and I can identify what my identity is in
that category.
This means: I can share a story about my name that brings meaning to my name and becomes a part of
my identity.
Name activity - formative - Student is able to explain the meaning behind something that identifies
Anticipatory Set
The “hook” to grab students’ attention. To start the class, teacher (T) asks: what makes you who you are? Where
These are actions and statements by the do you “fit in,” and how do you know you fit there? T gives students (Ss) a
teacher to relate the experiences of the minute to think on these questions and then begins activity.
students to the objectives of the lesson, To
put students into a receptive frame of mind. Ss watch a video on identity (7 min). After the video, Ss discuss the
● To focus student attention on the contents of the video with the focus question, “Why are people’s and
lesson. your own identities important?”
● To create an organizing framework
for the ideas, principles, or After the discussion, Ss fill out their own identity wheel with T’s as an
information that is to follow example to think through what are some of their identities.
(advanced organizers)
An anticipatory set is used any time a
different activity or new concept is to be
How do you intend to engage your The strategy I intend to use is ___video__response_________________
students in thinking during the
Anticipatory Set?
Why are you using it at this point in your Video/visuals are often more engaging for students, and for the deep
lesson? thinking of “who am I?” the colorful images and fun sounds are very
helpful for attention.
(Include a play-by-play account of what After identifying their own identity, Ss will explore how that identity is
students and teacher will do from the apart of their story. T will read “My Name” from The House on Mango
minute they arrive to the minute they leave Street. (under 2 minutes)
your classroom. Indicate the length of each
segment of the lesson. List actual minutes.) T will pass out small pieces of paper for Ss to write their names on. T says
Indicate whether each is: to Ss that it is their choice how much of their name to write down. First
-teacher input last, first middle last, alternative, etc. Ss will share what name they have
-modeling written down and a story with it to their table mates. Ts will walk around
-questioning strategies and listen to Ss conversations and ask a few to share their stories with the
-guided/unguided: class. As an example, T shares name story.
-whole-class practice
-group practice Ex: My first name, Amelia, is my great-grandmother’s name on my
-individual practice mother’s side. My parents decided on 2 names for their first child; one if
-check for understanding it was a girl, Amelia, and one if it was a boy, Riley. I was a girl, so my
-other parents named me Amelia, but they must have liked Riley so much that
when their second child came around, my sister, they named her Riley.
My last name, Simmons, I learned about from a family tree assignment in
middle school. Most of my dad’s side of the family is German, but there
was one guy who immigrated to the US from Wales, and he is the 5x
great-grandfather that my last name came from.
telling a few of them, “that’s really good; could you share that with the
Those actions or statements by a teacher T asks the class for a few Ss to share their name and story with it.
that are designed to bring a lesson (Hopefully, the plants from earlier do their part.) After some sharing, T
presentation to an appropriate conclusion. will wrap up class by saying,
Used to help students bring things together
in their own minds, to make sense out of “Thank you all for sharing your names and the stories associated with
what has just been taught. “Any Questions? them. These stories we shared with each other are very important
No. OK, let’s move on” is not closure. because they relate to our identities. Identity is powerful. They can make
Closure is used: us feel more connected or divided than anything else. Today is the first
● To cue students to the fact that day of our second short story unit: Identity. To prepare for that, think
they have arrived at an important over your other identities, the ones in the wheel and not on it; what
point in the lesson or the end of a stories do you have to tell from those identities? Have a great weekend!”
● To help organize student learning
To help form a coherent picture and to
How do you intend to engage your
students in thinking during CLOSURE? The strategy I intend to use is __Whole__Class__Share_____________
Why are you using it at this point in your Whole class share is really important especially for identity activities
lesson? because of their ability to build classroom culture. It is impossible for
classroom culture to be built if students do not know each other. This
activity gives an opportunity for that without the need to share deep and
traumatic things.
Ss who need assistance on the writing part of the activities can have a
Differentiation should be “scribe” from one of the teachers write down their ideas verbally.
embedded throughout your whole
lesson!! Subtitles on the video
This is to make sure you have met Printed copies of “My Name” will be available for Ss to follow along
the needs of your students on IEPS
or 504
To modify: If the activity is too advanced for
a child, how will you modify it so that they
can be successful?
To extend: If the activity is too easy for a
child, how will you extend it to develop their
emerging skills?
Assessment Reflection: (data
Identity wheel - formative - Student is able to identify some of their
analysis) identities in the categories of the wheels.
How will you know if students met the
learning targets? Write a description of Name activity - formative - Student is able to explain the meaning behind
what you were looking for in each something (their name) that identifies them.