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Ryley Anderson


Grade:PE 2-5 Unit: Basketball Dates: March 4-21, 2024

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March Basketba Movement Grade 3: F: Why is it Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure Direct Basketballs Encoura
4, 2024 ll L1- Skill -Students Observat important to basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Instruction (1 per gement
Ball Development investigate ion to be in control teacher will demonstrate what ½, ¼, ¾, and obstacle student) from the
Grade 3 Handling and understa of the ball? full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are Cooperative teacher.
&5 demonstrate nd then call out one of those actions and remove Learning Enough gym
how elements students Why is it students will dribble the ball to the d before space Teacher
of movement skill level important to appropriate length called out. Students will activity students is
support and skill learn then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. can move enthusia
physical building different you are watching for students to change freely stic and
activity. commen ways to direction without double dribbling. Watch participat
-Students ts to help handle a ball Ball Handling: Students will all come into out for es with
examine and students in the middle black circle and take 7 big steps others the
integrate learn basketball? back to spread the circle out. I will as you students.
tactics in a how to demonstrate each of the following ball move
variety of maneuv handling actions (around the waist, around around
physical er with a the knees, in between the legs/figure 8, the
activity basketba spider). Students will then try these and gym.
contexts. ll figure out which direction works best for
them. I will then time students for a minute to Persona
Grade 5: S: see how many they can do of each activity l space:
-Students Observat within that minute. *When I want students to spread
analyze and ion by freeze and hold their basketball between out in
apply teacher their feet I will blow the whistle once and say the gym
strategies using PE penguin. and do
and tactics rubric ‘D’ Dribbling: I will demonstrate some harder not
that support Effort/Fit dribbling actions students can do (behind the bounce
improved ness back, through the legs, spider). I will give the ball
decision students time to try these and I will go right
Ryley Anderson
making in around the gym and observe students, next to
physical provide timely feedback, and encourage someon
activities. each student. e.
-Students Follow the Leader: I will assign students to
demonstrate a group of 4-5 where each student will have
and adapt the opportunity to be the leader. Students will
various then follow the leader around the gym while
movement dribbling their basketballs. I will give students
patterns to approximately 30-45 seconds each to be the
enhance skill leader depending on how much time is left in
development. class. *only rule is that students have to be
dribbling the ball the whole time.
Dribble Keep Away: students will get a
partner and find their own space in the gym
within the boundaries set. One student will
be dribbling the ball trying to keep it away
from their partner while staying within the
boundaries and constantly dribbling. The
other partner will try to get the ball. Once a
partner has successfully stolen the ball they
switch roles (if the partner does not I will
signal for partners to switch roles). *make
sure students are not double dribbling.
March Basketba Movement Grade 4: F: Why is it Warm up: Students will line up with a Encoura
5, 2024 ll L1- Ball Skill -Students Observat important to basketball across the gym lengthwise. The Ensure Direct Basketballs gement
Handling Development integrate and ion to be in control teacher will demonstrate what ½, ¼, ¾, and all Instruction (1 per from the
Grade 4 experiment understa of the ball? full looks like in the gym. The teacher will obstacle student) teacher.
&2 with elements nd then call out one of those actions and s are
of movement students students will dribble the ball to the remove Cooperative *smaller Teacher
to support skill level Why is it appropriate length called out. Students will d before Learning basketballs is
physical and skill important to then dribble back to their start position. *here activity for grade enthusia
activity. building learn you are watching for students to change begins. 1-2 stic and
commen different direction without double dribbling. *Grade 1-2 students. participat
Grade 2: ts to help ways to students can choose to use smaller es with
-Students students handle a ball basketballs. Watch the
refine and learn in Ball Handling: Students will all come into out for students.
apply spatial how to basketball? the middle black circle and take 7 big steps others
awareness maneuv back to spread the circle out. I will as you
across a er with a demonstrate each of the following ball move
variety of basketba handling actions (around the waist, around around
physical ll the knees, in between the legs/figure 8, the
activity spider). Students will then try these and gym.
contexts. S: figure out which direction works best for
Observat them. I will then time students for a minute to
Ryley Anderson
-Students ion by see how many they can do of each activity Persona
modify teacher within that minute. *When I want students to l space:
movement to using PE freeze and hold their basketball between spread
improve rubric ‘D’ their feet I will blow the whistle once and say out in
control and Effort/Fit penguin. the gym
efficiency. ness Dribbling: I will demonstrate some harder and do
dribbling actions students can do (behind the not
back, through the legs, spider). I will give bounce
students time to try these and I will go the ball
around the gym and observe students, right
provide timely feedback, and encourage next to
each student. someon
Follow the Leader: I will assign students to e.
a group of 4-5 where each student will have
the opportunity to be the leader. Students will
then follow the leader around the gym while
dribbling their basketballs. I will give students
approximately 30-45 seconds each to be the
leader depending on how much time is left in
class. *The only rule is that students have to
be dribbling the ball the whole time.
Dribble Keep Away: students will get a
partner and find their own space in the gym
within the boundaries set. One student will
be dribbling the ball trying to keep it away
from their partner while staying within the
boundaries and constantly dribbling. The
other partner will try to get the ball. Once a
partner has successfully stolen the ball they
switch roles (if the partner does not I will
signal for partners to switch roles). *make
sure students are not double dribbling.
March Basketba Movement Grade 5: F: Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure Direct Basketballs Encoura
6, 2024 ll L2- Skill Observat What basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Instruction (1 per gement
Dribbling Development -Students ion to strategies teacher will remind students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle student) from the
Grade 3 analyze and understa can you use and full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are TGFU teacher.
&5 Active Living apply nd when playing then call out one of those actions and remove
strategies students dribble students will dribble the ball to the d before Teacher
and tactics skill level knockout to appropriate length called out. Students will activity is
that support and skill increase then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. enthusia
improved building your chances you are watching for students to change stic and
decision commen of success? direction without double dribbling. Watch participat
making in ts to help Dribbling: Teacher will demonstrate how to out for es with
physical students properly dribble (knees bent, using finger others
Ryley Anderson
activities. learn Why is it pads, bounce waist height, push down with as you the
how to important to wrist and extension of elbow). Students will move students.
-Students maneuv have control then try this in the space while dribbling on around
demonstrate er with a of the the spot. Students will then try moving the
and adapt basketba basketball? around the gym space while dribbling. gym.
various ll *remember to use the pads of your fingers.
movement Why is it Remind students to keep their head up and Persona
patterns to S: important to be aware of their surroundings when moving l space:
enhance skill Observat change around the gym space. *I will then yell switch spread
development. ion by levels, hands and have students try to dribble with out in
teacher direction, the other hand. the gym
Students using PE speeds, etc.? Dribble Knockout: Students will have all a and do
examine the rubric ‘A’ basketball and stand somewhere within the not
effect of Basic given boundaries. When the music starts bounce
motivation on Skills playing students can move around the the ball
physical and boundaries dribbling their ball, students will right
activity. Applicati attempt to knock other students' balls out of next to
on of the boundaries. A student is knocked out someon
Grade 3: Basic when their ball or body leaves the e.
Skills boundaries or they pick their ball up and are
students not dribbling. Students then stand off to the Ensure
investigate side and you make the boundaries smaller basketb
and as more people get eliminated. Once it is alls are
demonstrate down to the last 2 students make the properly
how elements boundaries very small. put
of movement Free Time: For the rest of the class students away
support will be allowed to have free time. The teacher before
physical will provide students with free time options continui
activity. (shooting, organize their own game of dribble ng with
knockout, or work on any skills we have british
Students practiced during basketball so far) *Note: do bulldog.
examine how not want students playing full basketball
participation games, that is what intramurals at lunch is
in a variety of for, also do not want students playing horse,
challenging bump, or around the world yet as I want
physical students to practice and get the most
activities touches therefore every student must have a
fosters basketball.

March Basketba Movement Grade 4: Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure Direct Basketballs Encoura
7, 2024 ll L2- Skill F: What basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Instruction (1 per gement
dribbling Development: Students Observat strategies teacher will remind students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle student) from the
Grades 4 select and ion to can you use and full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are TGFU teacher.
&2 Active Living implement then call out one of those actions and remove
Ryley Anderson
strategies understa when playing students will dribble the ball to the d before Teacher
and tactics in nd dribble appropriate length called out. Students will activity is
a variety of students knockout to then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. enthusia
physical skill level increase you are watching for students to change stic and
activities and skill your chances direction without double dribbling. Watch participat
building of success? Dribbling: Teacher will demonstrate how to out for es with
Students commen properly dribble (knees bent, using finger others the
examine how ts to help Why is it pads, bounce waist height, push down with as you students.
choices in students important to wrist and extension of elbow). Students will move
physical learn have control then try this in the space while dribbling on around
activities how to of the the spot. Students will then try moving the
affects active maneuv basketball? around the gym space while dribbling. gym.
living. er with a *remember to use the pads of your fingers.
Grade 2: basketba Why is it Remind students to keep their head up and Persona
ll important to be aware of their surroundings when moving l space:
change around the gym space. *I will then yell switch spread
Students levels, hands and have students try to dribble with out in
modify S: direction, the other hand. the gym
movement to Observat speeds, etc.? Dribble Knockout: Students will have all a and do
improve ion by basketball and stand somewhere within the not
control and teacher given boundaries. When the music starts bounce
efficiency. using PE playing students can move around the the ball
rubric ‘A’ boundaries dribbling their ball, students will right
Students Basic attempt to knock other students' balls out of next to
investigate Skills the boundaries. A student is knocked out someon
physical and when their ball or body leaves the e.
activity and Applicati boundaries or they pick their ball up and are Ensure
relate it to on of not dribbling. Students then stand off to the basketb
personal Basic side and you make the boundaries smaller alls are
experience. Skills as more people get eliminated. Once it is properly
down to the last 2 students make the put
boundaries very small. away
Free Time: For the rest of the class students before
will be allowed to have free time. The teacher continui
will provide students with free time options ng with
(shooting, organize their own game of dribble british
knockout, or work on any skills we have bulldog.
practiced during basketball so far) *Note: do
not want students playing full basketball
games, that is what intramurals at lunch is
for, also do not want students playing horse,
bump, or around the world yet as I want
students to practice and get the most
touches therefore every student must have a
Ryley Anderson
March Basketba Active Living: Grade 5: F: Why is it Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure Direct Basketballs Encoura
11, 2024 ll L3- -Students Observe important to basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Instruction (1 for each gement
Passing Movement examine the students learn how to teacher will remind students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle Person) from the
Grade 5 Skill effect of participat move the ball and full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are teacher.
&3 Development: motivation on ion, in various then call out one of those actions and remove Net heights
physical effort, ways? students will dribble the ball to the d before set to 8.5-9 Teacher
activity. and skill appropriate length called out. Students will activity feet on the is
-Students abilities How can then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. sides and enthusia
analyze and accurate you are watching for students to change main ones stic and
apply S: passes direction without double dribbling. Watch 10 feet. participat
strategies Observat increase Dribble Knockout: Students will have all a out for es with
and tactics ion by success? basketball and stand somewhere within the others Large gym the
that support teacher given boundaries. When the music starts as you space. students.
improved using PE Do I always playing students can move around the move
decision rubric ‘B’ look at the boundaries dribbling their ball, students will around Students
making in Fair ball when attempt to knock other students' balls out of the get to
physical Play/Tea passing? the boundaries. A student is knocked out gym. choose
activities. mwork/C *No, when their ball or body leaves the who their
-Students ommunic sometimes I boundaries or they pick their ball up and are Persona partner
demonstrate ation look at the not dribbling. Students then stand off to the l space: is.
and adapt target which side and you make the boundaries smaller spread
various could be as more people get eliminated. Once it is out in
movement where I am down to the last 2 students make the the gym
patterns to going to boundaries very small. and do
enhance skill place the Chest Pass: Students will get into partners not
development. pass, but with 1 basketball, the teacher will bounce
-Students when demonstrate and explain how to perform a the ball
demonstrate receiving a chest pass in basketball. (1) ball goes chest right
how pass I would to chest (2) passed (push) using two hands next to
collaboration want to have (3) pass should be catchable. Quiz students someon
influences my eye on on this. Then give students 3 minutes to e.
physical the ball. practice this with their partner. After 3
activity. minutes give each pair 1 minute to see how Explain
many good chest passes they can get. to
Grade 3: Bounce Pass: Teacher will demonstrate and students
-Students explain how to perform a bounce pass in to be
examine how basketball. (1) ball goes chest to chest (2) is aware
participation passed (pushed, not thrown down) using 2 when
in a variety of hands (3) pass should bounce 1 time (¾ of shooting
challenging the way to your partner) (4) pass should be that
physical catchable. Quiz students on this. Can show basketb
activities them what it would look like to pass it ½ to alls will
fosters partner ¼, etc. Give students 3 minutes to be shot
well-being. practice bounce passes. Then time students around
so they
Ryley Anderson
-Students for 1 minute and see how many proper need to
examine and passes they can get. keep
integrate 2 vs 0 (dribble pass, dribble pass, dribble their
tactics in a pass, shoot): With whatever time is left over heads
variety of play this with your students. Each group up.
physical goes to a hoop (no more than 2-3 groups at
activity a hoop). They each practice dribbling and
contexts. passing using the skills taught and practiced.
-Students After 3 successful dribbles and passes, the
investigate student can shoot. Switch who gets to shoot
and every time. Have students use a variety of
demonstrate passes (bounce or chest) and dribbling
how elements (height, speed, direction, etc.) as they move
of movement through the activity.
identify and

March Basketba Active Living Grade 4: F: Why is it Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure
12, 2024 ll L3- Students Observe important to basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Direct Basketballs
passing Movement Skill examine how students learn how to teacher will remind students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle Instruction (1 for each Encoura
Grade 4 Development choices in participat move the ball and full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are person) gement
&2 physical ion, in various then call out one of those actions and remove from the
activities effort, ways? students will dribble the ball to the d before teacher.
affects active and skill appropriate length called out. Students will activity Net heights
living. abilities How can then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. set to 8.5-9
accurate you are watching for students to change feet on the Teacher
Students Observe passes direction without double dribbling. Watch sides and is
select and students increase Dribble Knockout: Students will have all a out for main ones enthusia
implement ability to success? basketball and stand somewhere within the others 10 feet. stic and
strategies apply given boundaries. When the music starts as you participat
and tactics in feedback Do I always playing students can move around the move es with
a variety of to look at the boundaries dribbling their ball, students will around
physical ball when attempt to knock other students' balls out of
Ryley Anderson
activities increase passing? the boundaries. A student is knocked out the the
success *No, when their ball or body leaves the gym. Large gym students.
Students sometimes I boundaries or they pick their ball up and are space.
integrate and S: look at the not dribbling. Students then stand off to the Persona Students
experiment Observat target which side and you make the boundaries smaller l space: get to
with elements ion by could be as more people get eliminated. Once it is spread choose
of movement teacher where I am down to the last 2 students make the out in who their
to support using PE going to boundaries very small. the gym partner is
physical rubric ‘A’ place the Chest Pass: Students will get into partners and do
activity. Basic pass, but with 1 basketball, the teacher will not
Skills when demonstrate and explain how to perform a bounce
Students and receiving a chest pass in basketball. (1) ball goes chest the ball
connect and Applicati pass I would to chest (2) passed (push) using two hands right
demonstrate on of want to have (3) pass should be catchable. Quiz students next to
how Basic my eye on on this. Then give students 3 minutes to someon
teamwork Skills the ball. practice this with their partner. After 3 e.
enhances minutes give each pair 1 minute to see how
participation many good chest passes they can get. Explain
in physical Bounce Pass: Teacher will demonstrate and to
activity. explain how to perform a bounce pass in students
basketball. (1) ball goes chest to chest (2) is to be
Grade 2: passed (pushed, not thrown down) using 2 aware
Students hands (3) pass should bounce 1 time (¾ of of their
investigate the way to your partner) (4) pass should be surroun
physical catchable. Quiz students on this. Can show dings
activity and them what it would look like to pass it ½ to when
relate it to partner ¼, etc. Give students 3 minutes to passing
personal practice bounce passes. Then time students the ball
experience. for 1 minute and see how many proper and
passes they can get. ensure
Students 2 vs 0 (dribble pass, dribble pass, dribble their
modify pass, shoot): With whatever time is left over partner
movement to play this with your students. Each group is
improve goes to a hoop (no more than 2-3 groups at looking
control and a hoop). They each practice dribbling and before
efficiency. passing using the skills taught and practiced. they
After 3 successful dribbles and passes, the pass the
Students student can shoot. Switch who gets to shoot ball
demonstrate every time. Have students use a variety of
teamwork passes (bounce or chest) and dribbling
and support (height, speed, direction, etc.) as they move
participation through the activity.
in a variety of
Ryley Anderson
March Basketba Active Living Grade 5: F: Why is it Warm up: Students will line up with a Ensure Direct
13, 2024 ll L4- Students Observat important to basketball across the gym lengthwise. The all Instruction Basketballs Encoura
Shooting Movement Skill examine the ion of pick a target teacher will remind students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle (1 for each gement
Grades 5 Development effect of students when I am and full looks like in the gym. The teacher will s are TGFU person) from the
&3 motivation on basic shooting? then call out one of those actions and remove teacher.
physical skills students will dribble the ball to the d before
activity. and Why is it appropriate length called out. Students will activity Net heights
abilities important to then dribble back to their start position. *here begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
Students to shoot follow you are watching for students to change feet on the is
analyze and a through direction without double dribbling. Watch sides and enthusia
apply basketba when Dribble Knockout: Students will have all a out for main ones stic and
strategies ll shooting? basketball and stand somewhere within the others 10 feet. participat
and tactics given boundaries. When the music starts as you es with
that support Teacher playing students can move around the move the
Large gym
improved will boundaries dribbling their ball, students will around students.
decision observe attempt to knock other students' balls out of the
making in students the boundaries. A student is knocked out gym.
physical ability to when their ball or body leaves the
activities. adjust boundaries or they pick their ball up and are Persona
and not dribbling. Students then stand off to the l space:
Students practice side and you make the boundaries smaller spread
demonstrate shooting as more people get eliminated. Once it is out in
and adapt down to the last 2 students make the the gym
various Observat boundaries very small. and do
movement ion of 2 vs 0 (dribble pass, dribble pass, dribble not
patterns to students pass, shoot): With whatever time is left over bounce
enhance skill ability to play this with your students. Each group the ball
development. learn goes to a hoop (no more than 2-3 groups at right
from a hoop). They each practice dribbling and next to
Students their passing using the skills taught and practiced. someon
demonstrate mistakes After 3 successful dribbles and passes, the e.
how and try student can shoot. Switch who gets to shoot
collaboration their every time. Have students use a variety of Explain
influences best passes (bounce or chest) and dribbling to
physical (height, speed, direction, etc.) as they move students
activity. S:Obser through the activity. to be
Grade 3: vation by BEEF (Principle of Shooting): Balance, aware
Students teacher Elbow in and towards target, Eye on target, of their
examine how using PE Follow Through. Teacher will demo and surroun
participation rubric ‘C’ explain this. Then give students 3-5 minutes dings
in a variety of Attitude to practice their shooting using the beef
challenging and principle. (Remind students no shooting 3
physical Leaders points, no lay ups, and do not stand in a line
activities hip waiting for someone else to shoot just move
Ryley Anderson
well-being. around and shoot from different areas of the
examine and
tactics in a
variety of

how elements
of movement

identify and
March Basketba Active Living Grade 4: Grade 4: Grade 4: Grade 4: Ensure Direct
14, 2024 ll L3- Students Why is it Warmup: Students will line up to come get a all instruction Basketballs Encoura
Passing Movement Skill examine how F: important to basketball which the teacher will hand out. obstacle (1 for each gement
Grades: (grade 4) Development choices in Observe learn how to Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, s are person) from the
4&2 physical students move the ball remove teacher.
and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise,
Basketba activities participat in various d before
ll L4- affects active ways? so long part of the gym). Then have students activity
ion, Net heights
Shooting living. effort, repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
(grade 2) and skill How can (look at lines to help). Students will then feet on the is
Students abilities accurate dribble with their basketball to each area you Watch sides and enthusia
select and passes shout out and then dribble back to the start out for main ones stic and
implement increase position.*make sure students are not others 10 feet. participat
strategies success? as you
Ryley Anderson
and tactics in Observe double dribbling with they change move es with
a variety of students Do I always direction.*demonstrate what a double around Large gym the
physical ability to look at the dribble is for those students who do not the space. students.
activities apply ball when gym.
know. *double dribble = occurs when a
feedback passing? Students
Students to *No, player ends their dribble by catching or Persona get to
integrate and increase sometimes I causing the ball to come to rest in one or l space: choose
experiment success look at the both hands and then dribbles it again with spread who their
with elements target which one hand or when a player touches it out in partner is
of movement S: could be before the ball hits the ground the gym
to support Observat where I am Chest passing: Explain and demo a chest and do
physical ion by going to not
pass. (1) ball goes chest to chest, (2) passed
activity. teacher place the bounce
pass, but using two hands (pushing motion), (3) pass the ball
using PE
Students rubric ‘A’ when should be catchable. Quiz the students on right
connect and Basic receiving a comprehension of instruction and ask for next to
demonstrate Skills pass I would questions. someon
how and want to have Chest pass with a partner e.
teamwork Applicati my eye on Each student gets a partner and they share a
enhances on of the ball. Explain
basketball. Each partner stands on the red
participation Basic to
in physical Grade 2: lines on the gym floor across from their students
activity. Why is it partner. Students practice the chest pass to be
Grade 2: Grade 2: important to while the teacher gets to each student to aware
Students F: pick a target watch, give timely, effective feedback and of their
investigate Observat when I am watch as the students implement the surroun
physical ion of shooting? dings
feedback to observe improvement. After 3
activity and students when
relate it to Why is it minutes of practice, time the groups for 1 passing
personal skills important to minute to see how many chest passes the ball
experience. and follow they can do in that minute. and
abilities through Bounce Passing: Explain and demo a ensure
Students to shoot when bounce pass. (1)ball goes chest to chest, their
modify a shooting? (2) passed using 2 hands (pushing motion), partner
movement to basketba is
(3) pass should bounce 1 time (¾) of the way
improve ll looking
control and to the partner), (4) pass should be catchable before
efficiency. Teacher Bounce pass with a partner: Each student they
will remains with their partner from the chest pass the
Students observe pass activity. Gather students at the center ball
demonstrate students and explain/demo a bounce pass. Students
teamwork ability to will stand on the white badminton line with
and support adjust the red line in the middle of it. Student
participation and
in a variety of practice bounce passes while the teacher
Ryley Anderson
physical practice gets to each student to watch, give timely,
activities. shooting effective feedback and watch as the students
implement the feedback to observe
improvement. Practice for 3 minutes, after 3
ion of
students minutes time the groups for 1 minute to see
ability to how many bounce passes they can do in that
learn time. 2 vs 0 drill (dribble pass, dribble
from pass, dribble pass, shoot): *with whatever
their time is left do this drill. Gather students
mistakes near a basketball hoop and demo how to
and try
do the drill
best How to play: Each group (partner) goes to a
hoop ( no more than 2-3 groups at a hoop).
S:Obser They each practice dribbling and passing
vation by using the skills taught and practiced. Partner
teacher 1 (dribble pass to partner 2), partner 2
using PE (dribble pass to partner 1), partner 1 (dribble
rubric ‘C’
pass to partner 2), partner 2 (shoot). After 3
and successful dribbles and passes, the student
Leaders can shoot. Switch who goes to shoot each
hip time. Have students change their dribble
(height, direction, speed, etc.) and passes
(chest and bounce) as they do this activity.
Grade 2:
Warmup: Students will line up to come get a
basketball which the teacher will hand out.
Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾,
and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise,
so long part of the gym). Then have students
repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym
(look at lines to help). Students will then
dribble with their basketball to each area you
shout out and then dribble back to the start
position.*make sure students are not
double dribbling with they change
direction.*demonstrate what a double
dribble is for those students who do not
know. *double dribble = occurs when a
player ends their dribble by catching or
Ryley Anderson
causing the ball to come to rest in one or
both hands and then dribbles it again with
one hand or when a player touches it
before the ball hits the ground
BEEF Principle of Shooting: “One word
that can help you remember how to shoot
properly” “can anyone tell me what it is?”
● Balance
● Elbow in and towards the target
● Eye on target
● Follow through (hand in cookie jar)
- Students stand in a balance
position, knees slightly bent, (if right
handed) right foot slightly in front of
left (if left handed) left foot slightly in
front of right foot.
Elbow in and towards target:
- Elbow is in and aligned with the
right knee (if right handed)
- Imagine a string connecting from
right elbow to right knee (so it
should be in line with each other)
Eye on target:
- Eyes are on the target you are
wanting to shoot
- You are looking at the rim (typically)
Follow Through:
- Follows through and has a floppy
- Follow through with fingers not so
much the hand
- Ends with Hand in the cookie jar
*Note when using the beef principle
- The ball is sitting on the pads of
fingerprints of his fingers not deep
in the palm (follow through with
fingers not so much hand/palm)
Ryley Anderson
(helps for proper rotation on the
- The other hand (not the shooting
hand) is not too involved in the shot
it is just there to help guide
- Lightly touching the side of the
basketball with other hand (just
fingerprints) at the side of the ball
- Not shooting with chicken wing
arms or grannie shots
*Note to get more power if I am not making it
up to the basket I can:
- Use my legs (similar to passing, we
took a step), this time you can jump
- Right before you take the shot bend
your knees and jump you as you
are shooting and that will transfer
from your legs up into your shot
Get them to repeat BEEF with you
“Balance” (“balance”
“Eyes” (eyes)
“Elbow” (Elbow)
“Follow through” (follow through)
Practice Shooting: Give students 3-4
minutes to practice shooting on any of the
hoops using the beef principle.
Note to the students that the side hoops are
at 9 feet while the two end hoops are at 10
Around the world: Students will play around
the world as a shooting game using the
basketball key (ticks on them) as their guide
How to play:
- Students will use the ticks on the
basketball key starting at number 1
(first line closest to the hoop at the
key) then move up and around the
Ryley Anderson
- The first student will shoot and if
they make a basket they move onto
the next level (continue this until
you miss)
- Once you miss a shot your turn is
over and it is the next person turn to
- Students can move on to the next
number/level once they make a
- The first person to finish around the
world wins and the students restart
*have the students try to keep track of how
many shots it took them to make a basket
*next round see if they can beat that by lower
the number of attempts/shots it takes them to
make the basket (they are competing against
themselves to get better)
*can note to students other ways you play
if they want to make it harder such as;
- If I do not make the basket in three
shots I go back down to the
previous shot
- I can have one shot and if I make it
move on to the next level and keep
going until I do not make it but if I
miss I can have a ‘risk’ shot where if
I make it I can continue on but if I do
not then I go back to the previous
level. *if on the final level I risk
and do not make it I go all the
way back to the start. (can also
do it if you ‘risk’ and do not make
it no matter what level you are on
you go back to the start)
Free time: *IF TIME
Ryley Anderson
Students can have free time for the
remainder of class time.
Their options include
Horse, around the world, 2 vs 0 (dribble
pass, dribble pass, dribble pass, shoot), or
just practicing shooting.*For the first day I
do not want students playing speed/bump
since I want students to get a lot of
touches (tell students this will be an
option for day 2 of shooting)
March Basketba Active Living Grade 5: F: Why is it Warmup: Students will line up to come get a Ensure Direct
18, 2024 ll L5- Students Observat important to basketball which the teacher will hand out. all Instruction Basketballs Encoura
Shooting Movement Skill examine the ion of pick a target Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle (1 for each gement
Grade 5 (Day 2) Development effect of students when I am and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise, s are person) from the
&3 motivation on moving shooting? so long part of the gym). Then have students remove teacher.
physical around repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym d before
activity. the Why is it (look at lines to help). Students will then activity Net heights
space important to dribble with their basketball to each area you begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
Students and follow shout out and then dribble back to the start feet on the is
analyze and shooting through position.*make sure students are not Watch sides and enthusia
apply from when double dribbling with they change out for main ones stic and
strategies different shooting? direction.*demonstrate what a double others 10 feet. participat
and tactics areas dribble is for those students who do not as you es with
that support Why is it know. *double dribble = occurs when a move the
Large gym
improved Observat important to player ends their dribble by catching or around students.
decision ion of shoot from causing the ball to come to rest in one or the
making in students different both hands and then dribbles it again with gym. Students
physical effort angles? one hand or when a player touches it get a
activities. and before the ball hits the ground Persona choice at
participat Dribble Knockout: I did two rounds of this l space: the end
Students ion and reminded the students of spread
demonstrate rules/boundaries and what to do when they out in
and adapt S: were eliminated. Students will all have a the gym
various Observat basketball and stand somewhere within the and do
movement ion by given boundaries. When I count down from 5 not
patterns to teacher the game begins, students can move around bounce
enhance skill using PE the boundaries dribbling their ball, students the ball
development. rubric ‘D’ will attempt to knock other students' balls out right
Effort/Fit of the boundaries. A student is knocked out next to
Students ness when their ball or body leaves the someon
demonstrate boundaries or they pick their ball up and are e.
how not dribbling. Students then stand off to the
collaboration side and you make the boundaries smaller
Ryley Anderson
influences as more people get eliminated. Once it is Explain
physical down to the last 2 students make the to
activity. boundaries very small. When students are students
eliminated they can watch the game being to be
Grade 3: played, go to the other side of the gym and aware
Students shoot, or practice any other skill we have of their
examine how practiced throughout the basketball unit. surroun
participation Horse: Students are allowed up to 5 people dings
in a variety of in a group and must be one group at a hoop.
challenging They will play this until there is 5-7 minutes
physical left in class (then free time options will be
activities given). How to play: in their group of 5
fosters students will shoot from anywhere on the
well-being. court, once someone has made a shot then
the rest of the students have to copy that
Students shot (standing from where they made it or
examine and using the trick shot they call before
integrate shooting).If a student misses a shot when
tactics in a they are copying the leader they receive a
variety of letter. Once that round is completed
physical (everyone has shot and it returns back to the
activity first person who made the shot) they get to
contexts. now pick a different place to shoot. If a
student misses a shot when attempting to
Students start the game it goes to the next person in
investigate line which is now the leader and attempting
and to make players receive letters. Once a
demonstrate student has reached the full word of horse
how elements they are out (continue playing you just can’t
of movement win the game)
support Shooting Games/ Free Time: For the last
physical 5-7 minutes of class students now have the
activity. option to play shooting games/basketball
games. The options include: horse,
Students bump/speed, 2 vs 0, around the world,
identify and dribble knockout, practice shooting, or any
demonstrate other skill we have practiced during the
how basketball unit.
Ryley Anderson
March Basketba Active Living Grade 4: F: Why is it Warmup: Students will line up to come get a Ensure Direct
19, 2024 ll L5 - Students Observat important to basketball which the teacher will hand out. all Instruction Basketballs Encoura
Shooting Movement Skill examine how ion of pick a target Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle (1 for each gement
Grade 4 Development choices in students when I am and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise, s are person) from the
&2 physical moving shooting? so long part of the gym). Then have students remove teacher.
activities around repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym d before
affects active the Why is it (look at lines to help). Students will then activity Net heights
living. space important to dribble with their basketball to each area you begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
and follow shout out and then dribble back to the start feet on the is
Students shooting through position.*make sure students are not Watch sides and enthusia
select and from when double dribbling with they change out for main ones stic and
implement different shooting? direction.*demonstrate what a double others 10 feet. participat
strategies areas dribble is for those students who do not as you es with
and tactics in Why is it know. *double dribble = occurs when a move the
Large gym
a variety of Observat important to player ends their dribble by catching or around students.
physical ion of shoot from causing the ball to come to rest in one or the
activities students different both hands and then dribbles it again with gym. Students
effort angles? one hand or when a player touches it get a
Students and before the ball hits the ground Persona choice at
integrate and participat Dribble Knockout: I did two rounds of this l space: the end
experiment ion and reminded the students of spread
with elements rules/boundaries and what to do when they out in
of movement S: were eliminated. Students will all have a the gym
to support Observat basketball and stand somewhere within the and do
physical ion by given boundaries. When I count down from 5 not
activity. teacher the game begins, students can move around bounce
using PE the boundaries dribbling their ball, students the ball
Students rubric ‘D’ will attempt to knock other students' balls out right
connect and Effort/Fit of the boundaries. A student is knocked out next to
demonstrate ness when their ball or body leaves the someon
how boundaries or they pick their ball up and are e.
teamwork not dribbling. Students then stand off to the
enhances side and you make the boundaries smaller Explain
participation as more people get eliminated. Once it is to
in physical down to the last 2 students make the students
activity. boundaries very small. When students are to be
eliminated they can watch the game being aware
Grade 2: played, go to the other side of the gym and of their
Students shoot, or practice any other skill we have surroun
investigate practiced throughout the basketball unit. dings
physical Horse: Students are allowed up to 5 people
activity and in a group and must be one group at a hoop.
relate it to They will play this until there is 5-7 minutes
personal left in class (then free time options will be
experience. given). How to play: in their group of 5
Ryley Anderson
students will shoot from anywhere on the
Students court, once someone has made a shot then
modify the rest of the students have to copy that
movement to shot (standing from where they made it or
improve using the trick shot they call before
control and shooting).If a student misses a shot when
efficiency. they are copying the leader they receive a
letter. Once that round is completed
Students (everyone has shot and it returns back to the
demonstrate first person who made the shot) they get to
teamwork now pick a different place to shoot. If a
and support student misses a shot when attempting to
participation start the game it goes to the next person in
in a variety of line which is now the leader and attempting
physical to make players receive letters. Once a
activities. student has reached the full word of horse
they are out (continue playing you just can’t
win the game)
Shooting Games/ Free Time: For the last
5-7 minutes of class students now have the
option to play shooting games/basketball
games. The options include: horse,
bump/speed, 2 vs 0, around the world,
dribble knockout, practice shooting, or any
other skill we have practiced during the
basketball unit.
March Basketba Active Living Grade 5: F: How can you Warmup: Students will line up to come get a Ensure Direct
20, 2024 ll L6 - Students Observat use the skills basketball which the teacher will hand out. all Instruction Basketballs Encoura
Practice/ Movement Skill examine the ion of taught Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle (1 for each gement
Grade 5 Basketba Development effect of students throughout and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise, s are TGFU person) from the
&3 ll Free motivation on effort the unit and so long part of the gym). Then have students remove teacher.
day physical and implement repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym d before
activity. participat them in a (look at lines to help). Students will then activity Net heights
ion game? dribble with their basketball to each area you begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
Students shout out and then dribble back to the start feet on the is
analyze and S: Why is it position.*make sure students are not Watch sides and enthusia
apply Observat important to double dribbling with they change out for main ones stic and
strategies ion by practice a direction.*demonstrate what a double others 10 feet. participat
and tactics teacher variety of dribble is for those students who do not as you es with
that support using PE basketball know. *double dribble = occurs when a move the
Large gym
improved rubric ‘D’ skills? player ends their dribble by catching or around students.
decision Effort/Fit causing the ball to come to rest in one or the
making in ness both hands and then dribbles it again with gym. Students
physical one hand or when a player touches it get a
activities. before the ball hits the ground
Ryley Anderson
Dribble Knockout: Students will play one Persona choice at
Students round of dribble knockout. Reminded the l space: the end
demonstrate students of rules/boundaries and what to do spread
and adapt when they were eliminated (boundaries: Big out in
various D, black rectangle, orange rectangle, and the gym
movement little D. Students will all have a basketball and do
patterns to and stand somewhere within the given not
enhance skill boundaries. When I count down from 5 the bounce
development. game begins, students can move around the the ball
boundaries dribbling their ball, students will right
Students attempt to knock other students' balls out of next to
demonstrate the boundaries. A student is knocked out someon
how when their ball or body leaves the e.
collaboration boundaries or they pick their ball up and are
influences not dribbling. Students then stand off to the Explain
physical side and you make the boundaries smaller to
activity. as more people get eliminated. Once it is students
Grade 3: down to the last 2 students make the to be
Students boundaries very small. When students are aware
examine how eliminated they can watch the game being of their
participation played, go to the other side of the gym and surroun
in a variety of shoot, or practice any other skill we have dings
challenging practiced throughout the basketball unit.
physical Free Choice: Students will now be given the
activities option to have free choice. The choices
fosters students can do are shooting, dribbling,
well-being. passing, layups, mini basketball games we
have done in class (horse, bump, 2 vs 0,
Students dribble knockout, around the world, etc.).
examine and Students cannot play full basketball games
integrate (that is what intramurals is for and for safety
tactics in a reasons). Students can do any basketball
variety of skills we have learned throughout the unit but
physical they must be doing something.

how elements
of movement
Ryley Anderson

identify and
March Basketba Active Living Grade 4: F: How can you Warmup: Students will line up to come get a Ensure Direct
21, 2024 ll L6 - Students Observat use the skills basketball which the teacher will hand out. all Instruction Basketballs Encoura
Practice/ Movement Skill examine how ion of taught Teacher will show students what ½, ¼, ¾, obstacle (1 for each gement
Grade 4 Basketba Development choices in students throughout and full looks like in the gym (go lengthwise, s are TGFU person) from the
&2 ll Free physical effort the unit and so long part of the gym). Then have students remove teacher.
day activities and implement repeat where ½, ¼, ¾, and full in the gym d before
affects active participat them in a (look at lines to help). Students will then activity Net heights
living. ion game? dribble with their basketball to each area you begins. set to 8.5-9 Teacher
shout out and then dribble back to the start feet on the is
Students S: Why is it position.*make sure students are not Watch sides and enthusia
select and Observat important to double dribbling with they change out for main ones stic and
implement ion by practice a direction.*demonstrate what a double others 10 feet. participat
strategies teacher variety of dribble is for those students who do not as you es with
and tactics in using PE basketball know. *double dribble = occurs when a move the
Large gym
a variety of rubric ‘D’ skills? player ends their dribble by catching or around students.
physical Effort/Fit causing the ball to come to rest in one or the
activities ness both hands and then dribbles it again with gym. Students
one hand or when a player touches it get a
Students before the ball hits the ground Persona choice at
integrate and Dribble Knockout: I did two rounds of this l space: the end
experiment and reminded the students of spread
with elements rules/boundaries and what to do when they out in
of movement were eliminated. Students will all have a the gym
to support basketball and stand somewhere within the and do
physical given boundaries. When I count down from 5 not
activity. the game begins, students can move around bounce
the boundaries dribbling their ball, students the ball
Students will attempt to knock other students' balls out right
connect and of the boundaries. A student is knocked out next to
demonstrate when their ball or body leaves the someon
how boundaries or they pick their ball up and are e.
teamwork not dribbling. Students then stand off to the
Ryley Anderson
enhances side and you make the boundaries smaller Explain
participation as more people get eliminated. Once it is to
in physical down to the last 2 students make the students
activity. boundaries very small. When students are to be
Grade 2: eliminated they can watch the game being aware
Students played, go to the other side of the gym and of their
investigate shoot, or practice any other skill we have surroun
physical practiced throughout the basketball unit. dings
activity and Horse: Students are allowed up to 5 people
relate it to in a group and must be one group at a hoop.
personal They will play this until there is 5-7 minutes
experience. left in class (then free time options will be
given). How to play: in their group of 5
Students students will shoot from anywhere on the
modify court, once someone has made a shot then
movement to the rest of the students have to copy that
improve shot (standing from where they made it or
control and using the trick shot they call before
efficiency. shooting).If a student misses a shot when
they are copying the leader they receive a
Students letter. Once that round is completed
demonstrate (everyone has shot and it returns back to the
teamwork first person who made the shot) they get to
and support now pick a different place to shoot. If a
participation student misses a shot when attempting to
in a variety of start the game it goes to the next person in
physical line which is now the leader and attempting
activities. to make players receive letters. Once a
student has reached the full word of horse
they are out (continue playing you just can’t
win the game)
Shooting Games/ Free Time: For the last
5-7 minutes of class students now have the
option to play shooting games/basketball
games. The options include: horse,
bump/speed, 2 vs 0, around the world,
dribble knockout, practice shooting, or any
other skill we have practiced during the
basketball unit.

*I have only put the organizing idea and learning outcomes in the unit plan as I will use the knowledge, understanding, and skills and
procedures to guide my lesson plans.
Ryley Anderson

Ryley Anderson

Class Unit Basic Skills and Fair Play/ Attitude and Effort/Fitness Overall PE Unit
Ryley Anderson

Application of Teamwork/ Leadership Grade

Basic Skills Communication

Student Name

5 point scale - Missing, Beginning, Developing, Achieving, and Excelling

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