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Taslagyan Karen 201409 PHD

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The Shear Strength of Granular Soils under the Influence of Vibration


Karen Taslagyan

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Geotechnical Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Alberta

© Karen Taslagyan, 2014


For some geotechnical design projects where soils are exposed to vibration, it becomes

necessary to evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics of the soil under existing

and/or anticipated vibrations. If large displacements are anticipated, the design of an earth

structure, such as an earth or tailing dam, has to take into account the residual shear strength

characteristics of the soils that underlie or/and constitute the structure. In this case, if the soil is

subjected to vibration, depending on the magnitude of the vibrations, it may undergo some loss

of strength, thus resulting in excessive deformation and compromising the stability of the

structure. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to predict and consider the effects of

vibrations on the residual strength of soils; that is, the effect of vibration on the critical state, a

unique state independent of the initial density (void ratio) of the soil that can be reached upon

sufficiently large shear deformations.

This thesis presents a summary of an experimental program performed to investigate the

influence of vibration on the strength and deformation characteristics of dry granular media with

no cementation bonds. A new vibrating direct shear apparatus is designed and built to evaluate

the mentioned characteristics under a wide range of vibrational accelerations. The apparatus is

used throughout the research project to investigate the behavior of dry granular materials at their

residual strength states under the influence of vibration with different intensities. The impact of

vibration on the overburden (normal) stress and the peak strength of granular materials is

evaluated. Experiments have also been conducted to study the post-vibration behavior of

granular materials, as well as the particle shape effect on the strength loss and deformations of

the granular media during vibration. Finally, the behavior of the shear zone in the granular

materials before, during and after the application of vibration at the pre-peak and residual

strength states is investigated.

About 200 samples of different granular materials have been tested by using the new

vibrating direct shear apparatus with different testing modes, procedures, normal stresses and

vibration intensities. A number of plots are presented that show the behavior of the granular

materials under the impact of vibration in different testing conditions. The Mohr-Coulomb

equation for granular materials has been modified to account for the effect of vibrational

fluidization. A new pattern of the shear zone in granular media is provided, which outlines the

deformation and shear resistance before, during and after the application of vibration.


First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Dave H. Chan, for his invaluable

support and guidance throughout the whole course of this research. Professor Chan has always

found the time to kindly share his knowledge and inspire new ideas. I also want to extend my

gratitude to my co-supervisor, Professor Norbert R. Morgenstern, for his important comments

and suggestions on the research project. The discussions with Professor Morgenstern have

always been encouraging and stimulating.

Many thanks to Christine Hereygers, Steve Gamble and Chris Krath for their assistance in

building the laboratory apparatus used in this research.

The financial support for this project was provided by the Natural Science and Engineering

Council of Canada (NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship) and the Alberta Innovates Technology

Futures (Graduate Student Scholarship).

Special thanks to my family and friends for their endless help and motivation.

Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ iv
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ v
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. viii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ xii
1. Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Statement of Problem ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................. 3

1.3 Scope of the Thesis .............................................................................................................. 4

1.4 Organization of the Thesis ................................................................................................... 6

1.5 References ............................................................................................................................ 8

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review ..................................................................................................... 9

3. Chapter 3: A Direct Shear Apparatus with Vibrational Loading ............................................. 16
3.1 Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 16

3.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 17

3.3 Strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus .............................................................. 20

3.4 Stress controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus .............................................................. 24

3.5 Testing of the Apparatus .................................................................................................... 27

3.5.1 Strain Controlled Testing Mode .................................................................................. 27

3.5.2 Stress Controlled Testing Mode .................................................................................. 32

3.6 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 35

3.7 References .......................................................................................................................... 35

4. Chapter 4: Effect of Vibration on the Critical State of Dry Granular Soils ............................. 37
4.1 Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 37

4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 37

4.3 Previous Studies on Vibrational Loading on Soils ............................................................ 39

4.4 Testing Equipment and Procedures .................................................................................... 43

4.5 Tested Materials ................................................................................................................. 46

4.6 Test Results under Vibration .............................................................................................. 51

4.6.1 The Effect of Strength Loss Due to Changes in Normal Stress Caused by Vibration 65

4.6.2 The Effects of Acceleration on Residual Strength Loss .............................................. 68

4.7 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 72

4.8 References .......................................................................................................................... 73

5. Chapter 5: Vibrational Fluidization of Granular Media ........................................................... 78

5.1 Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 78

5.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 78

5.3 Testing Equipment and Procedures .................................................................................... 80

5.4 Tested Materials ................................................................................................................. 83

5.5 Test Results ........................................................................................................................ 86

5.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 113

5.7 References ........................................................................................................................ 115

6. Chapter 6: Effect of Vibration on the Shear Zone in Dry Granular Materials ....................... 120
6.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 120

6.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 120

6.3 Testing Equipment and Procedures .................................................................................. 124

6.4 Tested Materials ............................................................................................................... 127

6.5 Test Results ...................................................................................................................... 129

6.5.1 Pre-Peak and Residual Strength States of Granular Materials under Vibration ........ 129

6.5.2 Post-Vibrational Strength and Volumetric Changes of Granular Materials .............. 137

6.6 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 150

6.7 References ........................................................................................................................ 152

7. Chapter 7: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................... 155

7.1 Summary .......................................................................................................................... 155

7.2 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 156

7.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 159

References ................................................................................................................................... 161

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................. 172
Part 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 172

Part 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 187

Part 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 268

Part 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 329

List of Figures

Figure 3.1 Schematic of the vibrating direct shear apparatus ....................................................... 19

Figure 3.2 (a) – Conventional strain controlled direct shear apparatus with load cell & (b) – with
proving ring. ................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 3.3 (a) – Strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus with load cell and (b) – with
proving ring. ................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 3.4 Prototype of the strain controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus............................ 23
Figure 3.5 (a) – Stress controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus with a load cell and (b) – with
a proving ring. .............................................................................................................. 25
Figure 3.6 Prototype of stress controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus. ................................ 26
Figure 3.7 Photograph of sand taken by using a microscope ....................................................... 28
Figure 3.8 Particle size distribution of the tested sand samples ................................................... 28
Figure 3.9 Static and dynamic shear strength envelops of sand ................................................... 30
Figure 3.10 Shear stress (a), vertical displacement (b), and horizontal (c) and vertical (d)
acceleration responses versus normalized horizontal displacement of sand under a
normal stress of 50 kPa. ............................................................................................... 31
Figure 3.11 Displacement and time response of stress controlled direct shear testing with
vibration at different levels of peak stresses with normal stress of 50 kPa .................. 33
Figure 3.12 Shear stress (a), horizontal (c) and vertical displacement (e), horizontal (d) and
vertical (f) acceleration responses versus time of sand in stress controlled tests at 50
kPa normal stress and shear stress equal to 50% of the static shear strength............... 34
Figure 4.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus and (b) – modified strain controlled
vibrating direct shear apparatus. ................................................................................... 44
Figure 4.2 Photograph of the modified direct shear apparatus ..................................................... 45
Figure 4.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials .......................................................... 48
Figure 4.4 Pictures of the glass beads and sand under a microscope at magnification of 50x. (a)
0.1 mm glass beads; (b) 0.55 mm glass beads; (c) fine sand; and (d) coarse sand ...... 49
Figure 4.5 Shear strength diagrams of 0.1 mm glass beads (a), 0.55 mm glass beads (b), fine sand
(c) and coarse sand (d).................................................................................................. 51

Figure 4.6 Shear stress, vertical displacement, horizontal and vertical accelerations versus
normalized displacement of fine sand subjected to a normal stress of σ=50 kPa,
vibration frequency of 140 Hz and vibration force of 5.18 N. ..................................... 54
Figure 4.7 Shear stress plots of three fine sand samples tested at normal stress of 118 kPa and
different vibration accelerations ................................................................................... 55
Figure 4.8 Shear strength envelops of 0.1 mm glass beads tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N;
(b) vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18
N and (e) vibration force of 7.14 N. ............................................................................. 60
Figure 4.9 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61
N; (b) vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of
5.18 N and (e) vibration force of 7.14 N. ..................................................................... 61
Figure 4.10 Shear strength diagrams of fine sand tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N; (b)
vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N
and (e) vibration force of 7.14 N. ................................................................................. 62
Figure 4.11 Shear strength diagrams of coarse sand tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N; (b)
vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N
and (e) vibration force of 7.14 N. ................................................................................. 63
Figure 4.12 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for 0.1 mm glass
beads. ............................................................................................................................ 66
Figure 4.13 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for 0.55 mm glass
beads. ............................................................................................................................ 66
Figure 4.14 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for fine sand. ..... 67
Figure 4.15 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for coarse sand. . 67
Figure 4.16 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of 0.1 mm glass beads ...................... 70
Figure 4.17 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of 0.55 mm glass beads .................... 70
Figure 4.18 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of fine sand....................................... 71
Figure 4.19 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of coarse sand ................................... 71
Figure 5.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus (LVDTs that measured the vertical and
shear displacements are not shown for simplicity) and (b) – modified strain controlled
vibrating direct shear apparatus. ................................................................................... 81
Figure 5.2 Modified direct shear apparatus. ................................................................................. 82

Figure 5.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials. ......................................................... 84
Figure 5.4 Photographs of the glass beads and sand samples under a microscope at magnification
of 50x. (a) - 0.55 mm glass beads; (b) - fine sand; and (c) - coarse sand ..................... 85
Figure 5.5 An example of test results of a fine sand sample tested at σ=200 kPa, =60 Hz and
h=2.3. .......................................................................................................................... 88
Figure 5.6 Shear strength diagrams of glass beads tested at (a) - h0.44, (b) - h1.38, (c) -
h2.12 and (d) - h3.4. ............................................................................................. 94
Figure 5.7 Shear strength diagrams of fine sand tested at (a) - h0.42, (b) - h2.42 and (c) -
h4.25. ........................................................................................................................ 96
Figure 5.8 Shear strength diagrams of coarse sand tested at (a) - h0.44, (b) - h2.5 and (c) -
h4.28. ........................................................................................................................ 97
Figure 5.9 Friction angles of the tested materials at different vibration intensities. ..................... 99
Figure 5.10 σf values at different vibration intensities. (Note that σf = 0 at h = 0. These points
represent a static condition). ....................................................................................... 100
Figure 5.11 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead
samples tested at h = 0.4. .......................................................................................... 103
Figure 5.12 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead
samples tested at h = 1.2. .......................................................................................... 104
Figure 5.13 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead
samples tested at h = 2. ............................................................................................. 105
Figure 5.14 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead
samples tested at h = 3.3. .......................................................................................... 106
Figure 5.15 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of
glass beads tested at σ = 8 kPa. .................................................................................. 107
Figure 5.16 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of
glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa. ................................................................................ 108
Figure 5.17 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of
glass beads tested at σ = 36 kPa. ................................................................................ 109
Figure 5.18 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of
glass beads tested at σ = 50 kPa. ................................................................................ 110

Figure 5.19 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of
glass beads tested at σ = 118 kPa. .............................................................................. 111
Figure 6.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus and (b) – modified strain controlled
vibrating direct shear apparatus. ................................................................................. 125
Figure 6.2 Modified direct shear apparatus. ............................................................................... 126
Figure 6.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials. ....................................................... 128
Figure 6.4 Photographs of the glass beads and sand samples under a microscope at
magnification of 50x. (a) 0.55 mm glass beads and (b) fine sand. ............................ 129
Figure 6.5 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads (a) and fine sand (b). ................... 132
Figure 6.6 Vibration of fine sand at pre-peak and residual strength states. ................................ 134
Figure 6.7 Vibration of 0.55 mm glass beads at pre-peak and residual strength states. ............. 135
Figure 6.8 Schematic cross-section of the shear zone in a granular material. ............................ 137
Figure 6.9 Test results of dense 0.55 mm glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa. .............................. 140
Figure 6.10 Test results of loose 0.55 mm glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa. ............................. 141
Figure 6.11 Test results of dense fine sand tested at σ = 23 kPa. ............................................... 142
Figure 6.12 Test results of loose fine sand tested at σ = 23 kPa. ................................................ 143
Figure 6.13 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads (a) and fine sand (b). ................. 146
Figure 6.14 An example of test results of fine sand sheared over smooth glass surface. ........... 148
Figure 6.15 Example of test results of 0.55 mm glass beads sheared over smooth glass surface.
.................................................................................................................................... 149

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Measured peak, residual and vibro-residual strengths of sand samples ....................... 29
Table 4.1 Physical characteristics of the glass beads and sands ................................................... 47
Table 4.2 Test results of 0.1 mm glass beads ............................................................................... 56
Table 4.3 Test results of 0.55 mm glass beads ............................................................................. 57
Table 4.4 Test results of fine sand ................................................................................................ 58
Table 4.5 Test results of coarse sand ............................................................................................ 59
Table 4.6 Friction angles of 0.1 mm glass beads. ......................................................................... 64
Table 4.7 Friction angles of 0.55 mm glass beads ........................................................................ 64
Table 4.8 Friction angles of fine sand ........................................................................................... 64
Table 4.9 Friction angles of coarse sand. ...................................................................................... 65
Table 5.1 Physical characteristics of the tested materials. ............................................................ 84
Table 5.2 Test results of glass beads. ............................................................................................ 89
Table 5.3 Test results of fine sand. ............................................................................................... 91
Table 5.4 Test results of coarse sand. ........................................................................................... 92
Table 5.5 Friction angles and normal stress axis intersection values of the shear strength
diagrams for the three granular materials tested at different vibration intensities. ...... 98
Table 6.1 Physical characteristics of the tested materials. .......................................................... 128
Table 6.2 Shear strengths and strength losses at pre-peak and residual strength states for 0.55 mm
glass beads and fine sand............................................................................................ 130
Table 6.3 Test results of 0.55 mm glass beads and sand sheared over smooth glass surface. .... 145

1. Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Statement of Problem

Granular soils are frequently exposed to vibrations due to earthquakes, blasting, construction

operations, machinery and vehicle traffic. The strength behavior of a soil during vibration not

only depends on the vibration characteristics, such as acceleration, frequency and amplitude, but

also on the physical properties of the soil, such as moisture content, grain size distribution,

particle shape, dry density or void ratio, cohesion and internal friction angle, as well as the

density and mineralogy of the soil particles.

There are two important aspects that contribute to the unique properties of granular

materials: ordinary temperature plays no role on their mechanical behaviour, and the interactions

between grains are dissipative because of static friction and the inelasticity of collisions (Jaeger

et al., 1996). Granular material can behave like solids, fluids and even gas under different

conditions. When sufficient energy is supplied to a granular material in a vibrating system, the

granular material can exhibit fluid-like behavior. This transition from a solid state to a liquid

state (fluidization) takes place when vibrational acceleration, a, exceeds a certain critical value.

When granular materials are subjected to strong enough vibration intensities, various

phenomena, such as compaction, mixing, localized excitations, convective flow, size segregation

and surface wave formation, can be observed. Although the above mentioned processes have

been well investigated, it should be mentioned that there are very few, if any, studies done on the

effect of normal stress on the vibrational fluidization of granular materials.

If large displacements are anticipated, the design of an earth structure, such as an earth or

tailing dam, has to take into account the residual shear strength characteristics of the soils that

underlie or/and constitute the structure. In this case, if the soil is subjected to vibration,

depending on the magnitude of the vibrations, it may undergo some loss of strength, thus

resulting in excessive deformation and compromising the stability of the structure. Therefore, it

is of paramount importance to predict and consider the effects of vibrations on the residual

strength of soils.

Despite the knowledge gained on this issue in the last few decades, there is still a lack of

understanding on the mechanism of particle interactions and shear deformation due to vibration.

Therefore, there is a need to study the shear strength and deformation behavior of soils due to

vibration. In particular, it is specifically interesting to determine the effect of vibration on the

residual shear strength of soils, that is, the effect of vibration on the critical state, which is a

unique state independent of the initial density (void ratio) of soil that can be reached upon

sufficiently large shear deformations.

The strength of a granular material is determined by the strength characteristics of the

material at the shear zone/band defined by a certain combination of boundary conditions and the

mechanical properties of the material. Therefore, to better understand the mechanism of the

strength loss of granular materials, it is important to investigate the stress and deformation

characteristics of the shear zone during its initiation and propagation through the granular media.

The thickness of the shear zone is usually 8 to 10 times the mean grain diameter (Roscoe, 1970;

Muhlhaus and Vardoulakis, 1987; Bardet and Proubet, 1992).

Direct shear testing (used in this research project) has successfully been used to evaluate

the shear strength characteristics of soils for many decades. Despite some of the disadvantages of

the testing, such as lack of control of pore pressure, failure at predefined planes and non-uniform

stress conditions in the tested samples, it is one of the most common shear strength evaluation

tests used in geotechnical laboratories. The popularity of direct shear testing arises from the

simplicity of the setup and ease of testing procedures.

1.2 Research Objectives

The main objectives of the research project are as follows.

1. Design and build a laboratory apparatus and develop a testing methodology that can be used

to investigate the effect of vibration on the shear strength characteristics of granular materials

at different strength states, normal (confining) stresses and vibrational accelerations.

2. Investigate the behavior of granular materials at their residual strength states under the

influence of vibration with different intensities.

3. Investigate the impact of vibration on the normal (overburden) stress and determine the

amount of strength loss of the granular materials due to the normal stress changes when

subjected to vibrations of different acceleration values.

4. Evaluate the post-vibration behavior of granular materials.

5. Investigate the impact of vibration on the peak strength of dense granular materials by

subjecting them to vibration at pre-peak states.

6. Determine the particle size and shape effect on the behavior of the granular materials

subjected to vibration.

7. Investigate the behavior of the shear zone in the granular materials before, during and after

the application of vibration at the pre-peak and residual strength states.

8. Use the experimental results to develop a comprehensive framework of the behavior of

granular materials during and after vibration.

The developed framework will relate all of the mentioned experimental results and reveal

the mechanism of the strength behavior of granular soils during and after vibration. The

framework will be used to develop a constitutive model for granular materials subjected to

vibration. This will make it possible to more accurately predict the strength loss, as well as

compression and shear deformations of granular soils for the anticipated or existing vibrations.

The framework will allow for a more realistic and reliable design of structures on/in

granular soils subjected to vibration. Of special interest will be the contribution of the research

data to improve design and stability analyses of tailing dams in seismically active areas. It is also

anticipated that the research project will assist towards a better understanding of the extreme

mobility of big rock avalanches.

1.3 Scope of the Thesis

The following steps have been carried out to achieve the research project objectives.

 A new vibrating direct shear apparatus is built. The apparatus has been designed and built to

investigate the effect of vibration on soils at different strength states, especially at the critical

state, as well as to evaluate the impact of vibration on the deformation properties of soil under

different normal, shear and vibrational loading conditions. The new apparatus represents a

modification of the conventional WYKEHAM FARRANCE direct shear apparatus, such that

soil samples can be tested in both strain and stress controlled modes under different

vibrational frequencies, amplitudes and accelerations.

 Experiments have been carried out on granular materials at relatively low vibrational

accelerations. The materials are tested in the strain-controlled mode at different vibration

intensities and normal stresses to investigate the effect of vibration on the residual strength

and deformation characteristics of the tested materials. The particle shape effect on the

strength loss during vibration is evaluated, as well as the impact of vibration on the normal

(overburden) stress that acts on the samples.

 Experiments are implemented on granular materials at relatively high vibrational

accelerations. To investigate the mechanism of the vibrational fluidization of dry granular

media, three different types of granular materials are tested by using the vibrating direct shear

apparatus at greater vibrational accelerations. The effects of normal stress and vibrational

acceleration on the shear strength characteristics and the fluidization of granular media are


 Experiments that focus on the behavior of the shear zone in granular materials subjected to

vibrations are carried out. The behavior of the shear zone before, during and after the

application of vibration is investigated at the pre-peak and residual strength states of two

different granular materials. The effects of the particle shape, normal (confining) stress and

vibrational acceleration on the shear zone are also studied.

1.4 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis has been prepared in a paper-based format. A brief outline of the main chapters are

provided below.

Chapter 3 is a description of the setup and testing procedures of the new vibrating direct

shear apparatus that is designed and built to evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics

of soils under a wide range of vibrational accelerations. The results of two sets of sand samples

tested in stress and strain controlled modes are provided, which prove the workability and

reliability of the new apparatus.

Chapter 4 is a summary of the test results of eighty samples from four different granular

materials which are tested with the new vibrating direct shear apparatus at four normal stresses

and different vibrational accelerations. Strength loss vs. vibration acceleration plots at different

normal stresses, as well as the peak, residual and vibro-residual shear strengths obtained for the

four granular materials at different intensities of vibration, are provided. The results show the

effect of vibration on the critical state of the dry granular media; particularly, a reduction in the

residual friction angles of the tested materials with an increase in the intensity of vibration. The

effect of particle shape on the strength loss due to vibration and the effect of vibration on the

normal stress are also discussed.

Chapter 5 is a summary on the experiments conducted to investigate the vibrational

fluidization of granular media. The test results of sixty samples from three different granular

materials which are tested by using the modified direct shear apparatus at six normal stresses and

a wide range of vibration accelerations are provided. The peak, residual and vibro-residual shear

strength envelops obtained for the tested materials at different vibration intensities are presented.

It is shown that an increase in vibration intensity reduces the friction angle of the granular

materials, and increases the value of the normal stress, the vibro-fluidizational limit, below

which, the granular material is fluidized. The particle shape effect on strength loss due to

vibration is demonstrated, as well as a reduction in friction angle and increase in vibro-

fluidizational limit with an increase in vibration acceleration.

An outline of the results of the laboratory experiments conducted with glass beads and

sand by using the modified vibrating direct shear apparatus and different testing procedures is

provided in Chapter 6. The behavior of the shear zone in the granular materials before, during

and after the application of vibration at the pre-peak and residual strength states is discussed.

Three zones are identified in a sheared granular material: A – zone unaffected by the shear of the

granular media, B – the shear zone portion that has been developed due to the shear of the

material, but does not contribute to the critical state of a thinner shear zone, C, at which the

actual shear takes place. Also, the shear strength and deformation characteristics of the granular

materials affected by vibration at their pre-peak and residual strength states are presented and


1.5 References

Bardet, J. P., and Proubet, J. (1992). “Shear-Band Analysis in Idealized Granular Material”. J.

Eng. Mech., 118, pp. 397-415.

Jaeger, H. M., Nagel, S. R. and Behringer, R. P. (1996). Granular solids, liquids, and gases. Rev.

Mod. Phys. 68, 1259

Muhlhaus, H. B., and Vardoulakis, I. (1987). "The thickness of shear bands in granular

materials." Geotechnique, 37, pp. 271-283.

Roscoe, K. H. (1970). “Tenth Rankine lecture: The influence of strains in soil mechanics”,

Geotechnique, 20, pp. 129-170.

2. Chapter 2: Literature Review

Granular soils are often exposed to vibrations that are natural and human-made in origin.

Examples of vibration types include earthquakes, blasting, machinery, vehicle traffic and wind.

Depending on their intensity, vibrations may result in partial or complete strength loss, which

would lead to significant deformation of soils.

There are two important aspects that contribute to the unique properties of granular

materials: ordinary temperature plays no role on their mechanical behaviour, and the interactions

between grains are dissipative because of static friction and the inelasticity of collisions (Jaeger

et al., 1996). Granular material can behave like solids, fluids and even gas under different

conditions. When sufficient energy is supplied to a granular material in a vibrating system, the

granular material can exhibit fluid-like behavior. This transition from a solid state to a liquid

state (fluidization) takes place when vibrational acceleration, a, exceeds a certain critical value.

For example, when vibration is applied in the vertical direction, fluidization takes place at an a

that is greater than 1 g (Huan, 2008). Further increases in the vibration acceleration changes the

behavior of the granular material to that of a gas. Jaeger et al. (1996) described the three

aforementioned states of granular materials.

When granular materials are subjected to strong enough vibration intensities, various

phenomena, such as compaction (e.g. Barkan (1962), Ayer and Soppet (1965/1966)), swelling

(e.g. Poschel and Rosenkranz (1998)), mixing (e.g. Alexeev et al. (2000)), localized excitations

(e.g. Umbanhowar et al. (1996), Tsimring and Aranson (1997)), convective flow (e.g. Laroche et

al. (1989), Evesque and Rajchenbach (1989), Gallas et al. (1992), Pak et al. (1995) and Huan

(2008)), Bourzutschky and Miller (1995), Wassgren (1997) and Liffman et al. (1997)), size

segregation (e.g. Knight et al. (1993), Cooke et al. (1996) and Alexeev et al. (2000)) and surface

wave formation (e.g. Pak and Behringer (1993), Melo et al., (1993 and 1995), Clement et al.

(1996), Brone and Muzzio (1997), and Mujica and Melo (1998)) can be observed. Although the

above mentioned processes have been well investigated, there are very few, if any, studies done

on the effect of normal stress on the vibrational fluidization of granular materials.

Richards et al. (1990) proposed the concept of “dynamic fluidization” which takes into

consideration the effect of earthquake accelerations on dry granular soils. The imposed

accelerations at some critical level change the state of the soil, which causes general

plastification, such that the soil becomes, in a sense, an anisotropic fluid. They assumed that the

main trigger of the fluidization is the inertial forces that act between the particles of a granular

soil. They showed that fluidization mainly depends on horizontal and not vertical accelerations.

Another distinguishing feature of fluidization is that when it occurs, flow takes place, if at all, in

finite increments rather than continuously, with increments that correspond to the acceleration

pulses of an earthquake above a critical value (Richards et al., 1990).

Other researchers who investigated the vibro-fluidization of granular materials are Savage

(1988), Fauve et al. (1989), Doudy et al. (1989), Zik et al. (1992), Lan et al. (1995), Warr et al.

(1995), Goldstein et al. (1995), Luding (1995), Ristow et al. (1997), Tennakoon et al. (1998),

Falcon et al. (1999), Sunthar et al. (2001), Moon et al. (2004) and Gotzendorfer et al. (2006).

There has been significant progress in understanding the effects of vibration on the strength

and deformation properties of soils since the first half of the last century (Housner, 1954, 1959;

Barkan, 1962; Richart, 1970; Seed and Idriss, 1982, 1983; Idriss and Boulanger, 2008). A

number of different experiments with vibration application have been conducted on cohesive and

cohesionless soils that generated valuable data which have led to some important conclusions

(Savchenko, 1958; Pyke et al., 1975; Robertson and Campanella, 1985, 1986; Wartman et al.,

2005; Meehan et al., 2008). All of these findings significantly help to improve the design of

different structures subjected to dynamic loads (Barkan, 1962; Seed, 1966; Richart, 1970; Seed

and Idriss, 1982; Das, 2011; Sangroya and Choudhury, 2013).

Pokrovsky et al. (1934) were the first to experimentally investigate the influence of

vibrations on the internal friction of sand and showed that the coefficient of internal friction

decreases with an increase in the kinetic energy of vibration. These results were later supported

by experiments performed by Barkan (1962). Nowadays, there are different types of laboratory

apparatuses to measure the strength properties of soils under vibrational loads. Depending on the

design and technical characteristics, each of the tests has its advantages and limitations in

simulating field conditions. The following are some examples of the above mentioned techniques

and the investigations performed by using these techniques.

Levshinsky designed a stress-controlled vibrating shear apparatus that generates cyclic

shear loads (horizontal vibration) on soil samples. It was later used by Preobrazhenskaya and

Savchenko in 1958 to determine the shearing strength of soils with vibration (from Meschyan,

1992). Youd (1970) investigated shear strength reduction and density changes of granular

materials under vibration by mounting a direct shear apparatus onto a shaker table. Some

examples of work done with the use of shaking table tests are that by Arango and Seed (1974),

Wartman et al. (2005), and Toyota et al. (2004), who used the technique to investigate vibration

induced deformations in slopes. Meschyan and Badalyan modified a stress-controlling torsional

shear apparatus into a stress-controlling vibrating torsional shear apparatus that allows the testing

of thin cylindrical samples under vibrational torsional shear loads generated by a vibrator

(Meschyan, 1978). Melosh et al. (1995) built a rotational viscometer to quantitatively investigate

the relationship between stress and strain rate in a bucket of strongly vibrated dry, fine sand. A

similar setup, with the use of a penetrating cone instead of a sanding drum (Melosh et al., 1995),

was used to evaluate the strength of soils under vibration (Kutergin, 1989). Shibata et al. (1970),

who conducted experiments on sand, used a vibrating triaxial apparatus.

Of special interest is the effect of vibration on the critical state (residual shear strength) of

granular soils, a unique state independent of the initial density (void ratio) of soil that can be

reached upon sufficiently large shear deformations. There is very little research done in this

regard, an example of which is the work done by Youd (1968), who experimentally investigated

the effect of vibration on the critical state of granular media and found that both the shear

strength and void ratio are reduced by vibration.

The strength of a granular material is determined by the strength characteristics of the

material at the shear zone/band defined by a certain combination of boundary conditions and the

mechanical properties of the material. Therefore, to better understand the mechanism of the

strength loss of granular materials, it is important to investigate the stress and deformation

characteristics of the shear zone during its initiation and propagation through the granular media.

The thickness of the shear zone is usually 8 to 10 times the mean grain diameter (Roscoe, 1970;

Muhlhaus and Vardoulakis, 1987; Bardet and Proubet, 1992).

Some examples of the numerous studies carried out on the shear zone in granular media are

provided below.

Bardet and Proubet (1992) investigated the emergence, inclination, and thickness of shear

bands in idealized granular materials and showed that they are similar to those of real materials.

Aidanpaa et al. (1996) used a torsional shear cell to study the shear layers of uniform spheres,

and observed that the shear zone thickens and dilates with an increase in the shear speed,

accompanied by a transition from a single layer to many layers of shearing. Bora (1984)

experimentally investigated the shear failure mechanism in granular materials, and found that the

friction angle is dependent on effective confining contact stress within a dilative range regardless

of the drainage conditions and amount of particle crushing. Frost et al. (2002) studied the shear

failure behavior of granular–continuum interfaces on a selection of sand–continuum material

interfaces and through the use of discrete element modeling. Borja (2003) used a geological and

mathematical framework to classify deformation patterns in granular media. Frost et al. (2004)

evaluated the interface behaviour of granular soils by carrying out physical and numerical

experiments. Rechenmacher (2005) evaluated local displacements and strains that are associated

with shear band growth and evolution in sands by testing the plane strain with the use of digital

image correlation (DIC). The magnitude of the shear and rotational strains was found to vary

along the length of the shear bands, which lends support to the idea of fluctuating buildup and

collapse of the “force chains”. Alshibli and Alramahi (2006) investigated the evolution of local

strains during the shearing of particles of a granular material, and showed that when compared to

particle sliding, rotation is imperative in the shearing resistance of granular materials. Abriak and

Caron (2006) conducted an experimental study of shear in granular media, and showed that

granular media behavior depends on the local friction (grain–grain friction). Sadrekarimi (2008)

studied the shearing behavior of loose and dense sands by implementing constant volume ring

shear tests. Widulinski et al. (2010) performed comparative modeling of shear localization in

granular bodies with the finite and discrete element methods (FEM and DEM). Liu (2010)

conducted laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the failure

characteristics and micro-mechanical behaviors of granular soil slopes. Cox and Budhu (2010)

studied the grain shape of granular materials, and through the use of light microscopy,

determined that there are several grain shape parameters. They then related these parameters to

the dilatancy of the granular materials. Mesarovic et al. (2013) analyzed the changes in the

topology of a granular assembly during deformation by using the graph theory and showed that

the elementary mechanism of diffuse deformation consists of intermittent flips, an increasing

number of which directly stems from dilatancy, as well as that shear band formation is associated

with the massive rolling of particles.

Direct shear testing has successfully been used to evaluate the shear strength characteristics

of soils for many decades. Despite some of the disadvantages of the testing, such as lack of

control of pore pressure, failure at predefined planes and non-uniform stress conditions in the

tested samples, it is one of the most common shear strength evaluation tests used in geotechnical

laboratories these days. The popularity of direct shear testing arises from the simplicity of the

setup and ease of testing procedures.

Many researchers have studied the applicability and limitations of direct shear testing

through experimental investigations and numerical modelling. One of the more early studies on

direct shear testing through the use of finite element analysis was performed by Potts et al.

(1987). They demonstrated that, despite the strongly non-uniform stresses and strains in the shear

box before failure, strains and stresses in the final failure zone are surprisingly uniform. Liu et al.

(2005) investigated the interface friction through direct shear tests. Two improvements were

made to reduce the friction of the sample material at the inner surface of the upper shear box,

which caused the real shear strength to increase for a dense sample and decrease for a loose

sample. Bagherzadeh-Khalkhali and Mirghasemi (2009) performed numerical modeling and

experiments by using direct shear testing to study its suitability and limitations for testing coarse-

grained soils. Li and Aydin (2010) investigated the fluctuations in vertical displacement and

shear stress with different sized glass beads during direct shearing. Nam et al. (2011) used

multistage direct shear tests to determine the shear strength of unsaturated soils, which allowed

the matric suction to be independently controlled, and compared the results with samples which

underwent conventional direct shear testing. Härtl and Ooi (2011) investigated, through direct

shear tests, how particle shape and interparticle friction would influence bulk friction by using

DEM. They showed that packing density has less influence than particle interlocking on the bulk

friction. Kang et al. (2012) performed 3D discrete element simulations in conjunction with image

processing of the pore geometry to determine the pore size distribution and orientation in dilative

and contractive assemblies in direct shear testing.

Despite the knowledge obtained on this topic in the last few decades, there is still a lack of

understanding on the mechanism of particle interactions and shear deformation due to vibration.

Therefore, granular media strength and deformation behavior under the impact of vibration

warrants further research work.

3. Chapter 3: A Direct Shear Apparatus with Vibrational Loading

3.1 Abstract

For some geotechnical design projects where soils are exposed to dynamic loads (vibration), it

becomes necessary to evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics of the soil under

existing and/or anticipated vibrations. In order to investigate the effect of the vibrations on the

strength and deformation properties of soils, representative samples should be collected and

tested in laboratories and subjected to vibration of expected magnitudes. In this case, it is

important that the laboratory equipment used is able to simulate field conditions as close as

possible to provide the necessary parameters that can successfully be used in the design. A

vibrating direct shear apparatus has been developed based on the conventional direct shear

apparatus to evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics of soils (granular and

cohesive) under a wide range of vibrational accelerations and frequencies. The apparatus makes

it possible to test soils in both stress and strain controlled modes. The design of the apparatus is

such that it allows modification of the most commonly used direct shear apparatuses into

vibrating ones. The new apparatus has been built and tested to prove its workability and


3.2 Introduction

Soils are frequently exposed to dynamic loads (vibrations) due to natural and human-made

causes. Examples of vibration types include earthquakes, blasting, machinery and vehicle traffic.

Depending on their intensity, vibrations may result in partial or complete strength loss, which

leads to significant deformation of soils. Of specific interest is the effect of vibration on the

critical state (residual shear strength) of soils, a unique state independent of the initial density

(void ratio) of the soil that can be reached upon sufficiently large shear deformations.

Pokrovsky et al. (1934) were the first to experimentally investigate the influence of

vibrations on the internal friction of sand and showed that the coefficient of internal friction

decreases with an increase in the kinetic energy of vibration. These results were later supported

by experiments performed by Barkan (1962). Nowadays, there are different types of laboratory

apparatuses to measure the strength properties of soils under vibrational loads. Depending on the

design and technical characteristics, each of the tests has its advantages and limitations in

simulating field conditions. The following are some examples of the above mentioned techniques

and the investigations performed by using these techniques.

Levshinsky designed a stress-controlled vibrating shear apparatus that generates cyclic

shear loads (horizontal vibration) on soil samples. It was later used by Preobrazhenskaya and

Savchenko in 1958 to determine the shearing strength of soils with vibration (from Meschyan,

1992). Youd (1970) investigated shear strength reduction and density changes of granular

materials under vibration by mounting a direct shear apparatus onto a shaker table. Some

examples of work done with the use of shaking table tests are that by Arango and Seed (1974),

Wartman et al. (2005), and Toyota et al. (2004), who used the technique to investigate vibration

induced deformations in slopes. Meschyan and Badalyan modified a stress-controlling torsional

shear apparatus into a stress-controlling vibrating torsional shear apparatus that allows the testing

of thin cylindrical samples under vibrational torsional shear loads generated by a vibrator

(Meschyan, 1978). Melosh et al. (1995) built a rotational viscometer to quantitatively investigate

the relationship between stress and strain rate in a bucket of strongly vibrated dry, fine sand. A

similar setup, with the use of a penetrating cone instead of a sanding drum (Melosh et al., 1995),

was used to evaluate the strength of soils under vibration (Kutergin, 1989). Shibata et al. (1970),

who conducted experiments on sand, used a vibrating triaxial apparatus.

It should be mentioned that presently, there are very few, if any, laboratory equipment that

can be used to determine the effect of vibration on soil at different states, especially at the critical

state, as well as to evaluate the impact of vibration on the deformation properties of soil under

different normal, shear and vibrational loading conditions.

A vibrating direct shear apparatus has been designed and built that meets the requirements

mentioned above. The new apparatus represents a modification of a conventional WYKEHAM

FARRANCE direct shear apparatus, such that soil samples can be tested in both strain and stress

controlled modes under different vibrational frequencies, amplitudes and accelerations. One of

the main advantages of this apparatus is that vibration can be applied at the residual state. Also,

the modifications can easily be implemented in most existing direct shear apparatuses in

conventional geotechnical laboratories.

The changing of a conventional direct shear apparatus into a vibrating direct shear

apparatus requires the placement of an actuator between the top half of the shear box and the

load cell to apply shear loading onto the sample as shown in Fig. 3.1. The actuator generates

vibration in the horizontal (shear) direction by horizontally expanding and contracting, and

induces vibration on the top half of the shear box. The actuator can be electromagnetic,

piezoelectric or pneumatic. By using a control panel connected to the actuator, the frequency

and force of vibrations can be changed. To measure acceleration, frequency and amplitude of

vibrations, an accelerometer is attached to the top half of the shear box. To measure the

acceleration, frequency and amplitude of vibrations in the vertical direction, another

accelerometer is attached to the top of the loading plate which is subjected to a normal load. The

readings can be recorded by using an oscilloscope, data-logger or a PC.

Porous plate

Accelerometers Loading plate

Load cell

Soil Actuator
Shear box

Figure 3.1 Schematic of the vibrating direct shear apparatus

3.3 Strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus

Presently, most direct shear apparatuses use a load cell to measure the shearing resistance of a

soil (see Fig. 3.2a). However, there are some that still use a proving ring, as shown in Fig. 3.2b.

Modifications can be made in both types of devices that use a load cell and/or a proving ring.

There are advantages and limitations in both cases. A proving ring allows more compression

under loading and therefore enables the actuator to apply larger amplitudes of vibration onto the

sample. A load cell delivers high stiffness which requires a larger actuator.

In strain controlled testing with a load cell, see Fig. 3.3a, the long shafts (4) that are

attached to the force transducer (5) must be replaced with shorter shafts (14) to accommodate the

actuator (13), which is mounted between the shear box (3) and the load cell (5). Depending on

the testing conditions, an additional load cell can be placed between the control panel (1) and the

shear box (3) in order to measure the shear load which is less affected by the actuator (13).

In order to modify the strain controlled direct shear apparatus (Fig. 3.2b) into a strain

controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus with a proving ring for shear load measurement (Fig.

3.3b), the main body of the direct shear apparatus (7) has to be extended with an extension (15)

for sufficient space to accommodate the location of the actuator (13) between the shear box (3)

and the proving ring (12).

1 2 3 4 5 4


(b) 12

Figure 3.2 (a) – Conventional strain controlled direct shear apparatus with load cell & (b) – with

proving ring.

Dial gages (or LVDTs) that measure vertical and shear displacements are not shown for

simplicity. 1 – Control panel of the direct shear apparatus; 2 – Shaft that pushes the shear box

(3); 3 – Shear box with soil sample; 4 – Shaft attached to load cell (5); 5 – Load cell that

measures the shear force; 6 – Screw for zero setting of shear load before starting a test; 7 – Main

body of the direct shear apparatus; 8 – Frame that transfers normal load to the soil sample (3); 9

– Legs of the direct shear apparatus that support the main body (7); 10 – Lever that provides

normal load to the soil sample; 11 –Weights to apply the normal load; 12 – Proving ring to

measure the shear force.

(a) 3 5
13 14

3 13 12

Figure 3.3 (a) – Strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus with load cell and (b) – with

proving ring.

13 – Actuator that generates vibrations; 14 – Short shaft attached to the load cell (5); 15 –

Extension of the main body (7) in Fig. 3.2 of the direct shear apparatus to accommodate the

proving ring.

A photograph of the prototype of the strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus is

shown in Fig. 3.4. Note that both the proving ring and a load cell (on the right hand side of the

proving ring) are used together for this apparatus, as well as another load cell is placed on the left

hand side of the shear box.

Figure 3.4 Prototype of the strain controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus

3.4 Stress controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus

In stress controlled testing, two pulley (17) carrying cables (16) are placed at the corners of

the main body (7) on both sides of the zero setting screw (6) (see Fig. 3.5a). One end of the

cables (16) is attached to the hanger (18) that carry the weights (19) and the other end is attached

to two pins (20) mounted on both sides of the bottom half of the shear box (3). In this case, the

control panel (1) of the direct shear apparatus is not used and the bottom half of the shear box (3)

is disconnected from the shaft (2), thus preventing movement during the testing. The bottom half

of the shear box (3) is moved by the shear load generated by the weights (19) placed on the

hanger (18) (see Fig. 3.5a). Fig. 3.5b shows a schematic of a modified stress controlling vibrating

direct shear apparatus with both a proving ring and a load cell. A photograph is shown in Fig.


In this modification, the actuator (13) generates vibration shear loads, which, depending on

the intensity of the vibration and the shear load, may cause shear deformation or failure of the



20 16





Figure 3.5 (a) – Stress controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus with a load cell and (b) – with

a proving ring.

16 – Cable that transfers shear loads to the sample by pulling the bottom half of the soil sample;

17 –Pulley carrying cable (16); 18 – Hanger attached to cables (16) and carrying the weights

(19); 20 – Pins mounted to the shear box (3) in Fig. 3.3 that connect to the cables (16).

A photograph of the prototype of the stress controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus is

given in Fig. 3.6. Note that both the proving ring and load cell (on the right hand side of the

proving ring) are used. Also, the shear box is disconnected from the gearbox shaft. An

additional dial gauge is used to measure shear deformation.

Figure 3.6 Prototype of stress controlling vibrating direct shear apparatus.

3.5 Testing of the Apparatus

3.5.1 Strain Controlled Testing Mode

To determine the workability of the strain controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus, dry fine

sand samples that were angular in shape were tested to obtain both static and dynamic shear

strength characteristics. A picture of a representative sample taken by a microscope and the

particle size distribution of the tested material are provided in Figs. 3.7 and 3.8, respectively. The

density of the sand ρ = 1.46 g/cm3, density of solids ρs = 2.65 g/cm3 and void ratio e = 0.815.

The size of the shear box was 60 mm x 60 mm x 32 mm (W x L x H) and loading was applied at

a shear rate of 0.61 mm/min under eight normal stresses (8.4, 23.2, 36.3, 50, 77.3, 118.2, 159.1

and 200 kPa). After reaching the residual shear strength, the samples were subjected to vibration

(frequency = 140 Hz; horizontal acceleration ≈ 0.4 g; vertical acceleration ≈ 0.15 g) and changes

in shearing resistance (dubbed “vibro-residual strength” here) were recorded. Two linear variable

differential transformers (LVDTs) were used to measure the vertical and horizontal

displacements, two load cells to measure the shear resistance of the samples at the bottom and

top halves of the shear box, and two uniaxial accelerometers to measure the vertical and

horizontal vibration accelerations of the samples (see Fig. 3.4). Measurements were taken at a

frequency of 1 kHz by using the NI CompactDAQ System, which was connected to a computer

that logged the data with NI LabVIEW software (National Instruments). The test results are

shown in Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.9.

Figure 3.7 Photograph of sand taken by using a microscope

0.01 0.1 1

Figure 3.8 Particle size distribution of the tested sand samples

Table 3.1 Measured peak, residual and vibro-residual strengths of sand samples

Sample # Normal stress Peak strength Residual strength Vibro-residual strength

σ (kPa) τp (kPa) τf (kPa) τfd (kPa)
1 8.4 15 11 5
2 23.2 30 21 14
3 36.3 38 29 21
4 50 51 37 30
5 77.3 78 56 43
6 118.2 106 80 61
7 159.1 148 113 91
8 200 173 134 110
Friction angle 400 330 290

As shown in Table 3.1 and Fig. 3.9, vibration reduces the residual friction angle by about

40 and cohesion1 by about 4.5 kPa. An example of the typical plots of shear resistance, vertical

deformation, and horizontal and vertical accelerations are shown in Fig. 3.10. From the shear

resistance plot, it is seen that vibration causes the residual shear strength to drop to the vibro-

residual strength. When vibration is stopped, the residual strength returns to the pre-vibration

value. This means that the decrease in residual strength is temporary and only occurs during the

application of vibration. Note that the normalized displacement in the plots of Fig. 3.10 is

defined as d/L, where d is the horizontal displacement and L is the initial length of the


Note that this is not real cohesion since sand has zero cohesion. The cohesion intercept is due to assumption that a
straight line can be used to approximate the shear strength envelop. The actual shear strength envelop is non-linear,
especially at low stress, due to particle interlocking and dilation.

Shear Strength Diagrams

y = 0.837x + 9.5
R² = 0.997

140 y = 0.652x + 5.3

R² = 0.998
y = 0.546x + 0.9
τ, kPa

100 R² = 0.997

80 Peak

60 Residual

Linear (Peak)
Linear (Residual)

0 Linear (Vibro-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Residual)
σ, kPa

Figure 3.9 Static and dynamic shear strength envelops of sand

Depending on the objective of the laboratory testing program, soil samples can be

subjected to vibration at different states (pre-peak, at peak, post-peak and residual states). Also

depending on the technical characteristics of the actuator, the acceleration, amplitude and

frequency can be changed in order to simulate existing or expected field conditions.


Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 3.10 Shear stress (a), vertical displacement (b), and horizontal (c) and vertical (d)

acceleration responses versus normalized horizontal displacement of sand under a normal stress

of 50 kPa.

3.5.2 Stress Controlled Testing Mode

To verify the workability of the stress controlled vibrating direct shear apparatus, five dry sand

samples were tested at a normal stress of 50 kPa. The samples were subjected to a shear stress

equal to 50%, 60%, 70%, 80% and 90% of the static shear strength () determined at a normal

stress of 50 kPa. After being loaded with the appropriate shear load, the samples were subjected

to vibration (frequency = 140 Hz; horizontal acceleration ≈ 0.4 g; vertical acceleration ≈ 0.15-0.2

g) and the shear deformations of the samples were recorded. The results are shown in Fig. 3.11.

As seen in Fig. 3.11, depending on the magnitude of the shear load, the samples experience

different shear deformations due to vibration. It is seen that the samples fail at 0.9 τ while the soil

would undergo shear deformations at different rates for the other tests.

Figure 3.11 Displacement and time response of stress controlled direct shear testing with

vibration at different levels of peak stresses with normal stress of 50 kPa

Typical plots of the shear resistance, vertical and horizontal (shear) deformations, as well

as horizontal and vertical accelerations versus time are shown in Fig. 3.12. There is some “noise”

in the horizontal (shear) deformation plots which is due to the technical characteristics of the

LVDT used to measure the shear displacement of the samples and the frequency of the data

logging relative to the output signal frequency of the sensor.


(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 3.12 Shear stress (a), horizontal (c) and vertical displacement (e), horizontal (d) and

vertical (f) acceleration responses versus time of sand in stress controlled tests at 50 kPa normal

stress and shear stress equal to 50% of the static shear strength

3.6 Conclusions

The simple design of the vibrating direct shear apparatus discussed here makes it possible to

apply modifications to most of the existing direct shear (and simple shear) apparatuses that are

readily available in many geotechnical laboratories. Prototypes for a stress and strain controlled

vibrating direct shear apparatus have been built and tested. The new apparatus has been proven

in terms of its workability and efficiency in studying the vibrational responses of sand.

The new vibrating direct shear apparatus can be successfully used to determine the strength

and deformation characteristics of fine and granular soils (up to the size of coarse sand) under

different accelerations and frequencies of vibration. Depending on the testing mode (strain or

stress controlled) the characteristics of soils can be determined under drained conditions at

different shear rates, normal and shear stresses, as well as different stress states.

3.7 References

Arango, I. and Seed, H. B. (1974). “Seismic stability and deformation of clay slopes.” J.

Geotech. Engrg. Div., 100(2), pp. 139–156.

Barkan, D. D. (1962). “Dynamics of Basis and Foundations”. Translated from Russian by L.

Drashevska, New York, McGraw-Hill, 434 p.

Kutergin, V. N. (1989). The property change patterns of clayey soils under vibration. (in Russian)

Moscow: Nauka, 143 p.

Melosh, H. J. and Girdner K. K. (1995). Rheology of vibrated granular materials: Application to

long-runout landslides, EOS, 76.

Meschyan, S. R. (1978). “Short-term and long-term strength of clayey soils”. (in Russian)

Moscow, Nedra, 207 p.

Meschyan, S. R. (1992). “Rheological processes in clayey soils”. (in Russian) Yerevan,

“Hayastan”, 395 p.

National Instruments website: http://www.ni.com/labview/ (accessed in September, 2013)

Pokrovsky, G. I., Ehrlich, A. A., Laletin, N. V. and Lush, F. A. (1934). New Methods of

Investigation of the Compressibility and Internal Friction in Soils. Vestnik Voyenno-

Inzhenernoy Akademii RKKA, no. 6.

Shibata, T. and Yukitomo, H. (1970). Shear strength of sand under a vibrating load. Bulletin of

the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, 19(3): pp. 27-37.

Toyota, H., Towhata, I., Imamura, S. and Kudo, K. (2004). "Shaking Table Tests on Flow

Dynamics in Liquefied Slope", Soils and Foundations, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 67 – 84.

Youd, L. T. (1970). Densification and Shear of Sand during Vibration. ASCE, Journal of the Soil

Mechanics and Foundations Division, Vol. 96, No. 3, May/June 1970, pp. 863-880.

Wartman, J., Seed, R. B. and Bray, J. D. (2005). “Shaking table modeling of seismically induced

deformations in slopes.” J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 131(5), pp. 610–622.

4. Chapter 4: Effect of Vibration on the Critical State of Dry Granular Soils

4.1 Abstract

In order to investigate the effect of vibration on the critical state of dry granular soils, eighty

samples from four different granular materials are tested at four normal stresses under different

vibrational frequencies and accelerations. The experiments are performed on a modified

vibrating direct shear apparatus with vibrational loading in the horizontal (shear) direction.

Strength loss vs. vibration acceleration plotting at different normal stresses, as well as that for the

peak, residual and vibro-residual shear strengths, have been carried out for the four granular

materials at different intensities of vibration. It has been determined that an increase in the

intensity of vibration reduces the friction angle of the granular materials. The effect of particle

shape on the strength loss due to vibration has been observed, as well as the effect of vibration

on normal stress.

4.2 Introduction

Granular soils are frequently exposed to vibrations due to earthquakes, blasting, construction

operations, machinery and vehicle traffic. The strength behavior of a soil during vibration not

only depends on the vibration characteristics, such as acceleration, frequency and amplitude, but

also on the physical properties of the soil, such as moisture content, grain size distribution,

particle shape, dry density or void ratio, cohesion and internal friction angle, as well as the

density and mineralogy of the soil particles.

There has been significant progress in understanding the effects of vibration on the strength

and deformation properties of soils since the first half of the last century (Housner, 1954, 1959;

Barkan, 1962; Richart, 1970; Seed and Idriss, 1982, 1983; Idriss and Boulanger, 2008). A

number of different experiments with vibration application have been conducted on cohesive and

cohesionless soils that generated very valuable data which have led to some important

conclusions (Savchenko, 1958; Pyke et al., 1975; Robertson and Campanella, 1985, 1986;

Wartman et al., 2005; Meehan et al., 2008). All of these findings significantly help to improve

the design of different structures subjected to dynamic loads (Barkan, 1962; Seed, 1966; Richart,

1970; Seed and Idriss, 1982; Das, 2011; Sangroya and Choudhury, 2013).

Despite the knowledge gained on this issue in the last few decades, there is still a lack of

understanding on the mechanism of particle interactions and shear deformation due to vibration.

Therefore, there is a need to study the shear strength and deformation behavior of soils due to

vibrations. In particular it is specifically interesting to determine the effect of vibration on the

residual shear strength of soils, that is, the effect of vibration on the critical state, a unique state

independent of the initial density (void ratio) of the soil that can be reached upon sufficiently

large shear deformations.

If large displacements are anticipated, the design of a structure, such as an earth or tailing

dam, has to take into account the residual shear strength characteristics of the soils that underlie

or/and constitute the structure. In this case, if the soil is subjected to vibration, depending on the

magnitude of the vibrations, it may undergo some loss of strength, thus resulting in excessive

deformation and compromising the stability of the structure. Therefore, it is of paramount

importance to predict and consider the effects of vibrations on the residual strength of soils.

4.3 Previous Studies on Vibrational Loading on Soils

There are two important aspects that contribute to the unique properties of granular materials:

ordinary temperature plays no role on their mechanical behaviour, and the interactions between

grains are dissipative because of static friction and the inelasticity of collisions (Jaeger et al.,

1996). Pokrovsky (1934) was the first to experimentally investigate the influence of vibration on

the internal friction of sand. He showed that the coefficient of internal friction depends on the

kinetic energy of vibration. As the energy increased, the coefficient decreased, thus approaching

a value that was 25% to 30% smaller than that observed before vibration. These results were

later supported by experiments performed by Barkan (1962), who tested sand at a vibration

frequency of 140 sec-1 and amplitude of 0.5 - 0.15 mm. It was concluded that vibration has

considerable effects on the shearing resistance of soil and the internal friction is lower than the

static friction during vibration. Increase in acceleration will decrease the internal friction, which

asymptotically approaches to a limit value, depending on the properties of the soil. Analogous

experiments conducted on sand with a moisture content of 10% to 12 % showed that the moist

sand subjected to vibration has a smaller decrease in the internal friction than dry sand. This was

attributed to the capillary forces between the soil particles with a moisture content of 10% to


Additional confirmation of the above observations was provided by Savchenko (1958) who

revealed that at a constant vibrational frequency, the coefficient of the internal friction of sand

continuously decreases as the amplitude increases. The dependence of tan φ on the frequency of

vibration is more complicated, and as the test results showed, there exist frequency ranges that

correspond to small and large changes in tan φ of sand. Savchenko (1958) also tested two sets of

medium grained sand at different moisture contents (2 – 24 %), constant vibration amplitude of

0.35 mm and two vibration frequencies of 144 sec-1 and 250 sec-1, respectively. For both sets of

samples, the largest decrease in tan φ was observed at approximately a moisture content of 13%

(Barkan, 1962). Barkan (1962) concluded that the principal vibration parameter which

determines the effect of vibrations and shocks on the compaction of soils is the acceleration, or

rather, the inertial force, which acts on the soil particles during vibration. Metcalfe et al. (2002)

and Huan (2008) also confirmed that dimensionless acceleration 2/g is a key vibration

parameter, where A is the vibration amplitude,  is the frequency and g is the gravitational


To study the influence of particle size on the effect of vibration, Savchenko (1958)

conducted experiments on four different sizes of sand at vibrational frequencies of 144 sec-1 and

250 sec-1 and a constant vibration amplitude of 0.35 mm. The results revealed that the effect of

vibration on internal friction in sand is directly proportional to the diameter of the sand grains

(Barkan, 1962). On the other hand, Maslov (1959) performed a series of experiments on sands

and concluded that vibration does not cause any changes in the coefficient of the internal friction

of sand, and that the changes in its shear resistance are due to a decrease in the normal stress

caused by vibration. Shibata and Yukitomo (1969) carried out triaxial vibrating tests under

drained conditions. The results revealed that the dynamic strength increases with increases in the

density of sand, and that the influence of vibration frequency on the strength of sand is rather

remarkable; higher frequency indicates lower shear strength.

An interesting concept of “dynamic fluidization” was proposed by Richards et al. (1990).

They took into consideration the effect of earthquake accelerations on dry granular soils. They

hypothesized that the imposed accelerations at some critical level change the state of the soil,

which causes general plastification, such that the soil becomes, in a sense, an anisotropic fluid.

They assumed that the main trigger of the fluidization is the inertial forces that act between the

particles of a granular soil. They showed that fluidization mainly depends on horizontal and not

vertical accelerations. Another distinguishing feature of fluidization is that when it occurs, flow

takes place, if at all, in finite increments rather than continuously, with increments that

correspond to the acceleration pulses of an earthquake above a critical value (Richards et al.,


The authors distinguished three stages of dynamic fluidization: initial, intermediate and

general. Initial fluidization is recognized as a threshold, above which, significant loss of soil

shearing resistance may occur. For a dry sand in its neutral condition, the Ko initial fluidization

takes place at <0.3 and at even lower values for soils with a smaller friction angle. For saturated

loose granular soils, it is postulated that the initial fluidization will initiate liquefaction because

of collapse of the soil structure under shear flow. At the intermediate stage of dynamic

fluidization, the soil continues to lose its shearing resistance and provides support of the external

loads from internal shearing generated by the inertial forces. When the soil reaches the general

stage of dynamic fluidization, its shear strength is mobilized based on a broad range of

orientations, and the soil within these orientations behaves like a viscous fluid (Richards, 1970).

Youd (1968) performed laboratory experiments by mounting a direct shear apparatus onto

a shaking table to show the effects of vibration on the shear strength and void ratio of dry

granular materials. It was concluded that each vibratory equilibrium void ratio2 is also the critical

void ratio when the sample is sheared under the same vibration. The critical void ratio and

coefficient of internal friction were both considerably reduced during vibration.

Vibratory equilibrium void ratio is defined as the ultimate minimum void ratio for a sample densified at a
particular vibration.

Of special interest are the theories of “mechanical fluidization” (Davies, 1982) and

“acoustic fluidization” (Melosh, 1979) which attempt to explain the large runout distance of big

rock avalanches. The essence of mechanical fluidization is the concept that high energy input

into a granular mass causes high impulsive contact pressure between individual grains such that

they become statistically separated and the mass dilates. The internal shearing resistance is

thereby reduced as shown by Bagnold (1954) and Bjerrum et al. (1961), and the mass may flow

under gravity when dilated. The high relative velocity between the base of the high-speed debris

flow and the bedding material of the flow channel causes high speed shearing with high energy,

which results in dilation as shown by Bagnold (1954) for a granular material subjected to

unidirectional shearing (Davies, 1982). On the other hand, Hungr (1981) conducted high

velocity ring shear tests and did not observe any effects of “mechanical fluidization”. Several

types of materials were tested, including two sizes of relatively coarse sand, mixtures of sand and

rock flour, polystyrene beads and sand in water, under different velocities and normal stresses.

All of the materials showed straight linear residual strength envelopes with zero cohesion and

unique angles of residual friction, which were minimally influenced by the shearing speed

(Hungr, 1981).

The acoustic fluidization theory proposed by Melosh (1979) is another attempt to explain

the large runout distance of sturzstroms observed on earth, as well as on the moon and Mars.

Based on this theory, a thin layer of material can be fluidized by strong enough sound waves at

the bottom interface of moving debris, if its volume is large enough to retain enough acoustic

energy to maintain fluidization. An important aspect of the flow process is that sound (acoustic

energy) is created as debris moves, and that the sound must have short wave-lengths compared to

the dimensions of the fluidized rock debris. Melosh (1996) also suggested that the overburden

pressure in some of the faults can be relieved by acoustic fluidization and allow pressure to slide

at a low average stress (Melosh, 1979). Later, Sornette and Sornette (2000) found inconsistency

in Melosh’s theory of acoustic fluidization in explaining fault motion which nulls the results, and

although they provided alternatives, they also indicated that the significance of acoustic

fluidization remains questionable.

As evident from the studies summarized above, there is currently no comprehensive model

that can fully explain the mechanism of the effect of vibrations on the shear strength

characteristics of soils. Moreover, some of the findings seem to contradict each other. Therefore,

the shear strength characteristics of soils under the influence of vibration remains open for

further studies.

4.4 Testing Equipment and Procedures

In order to investigate the effects of vibration on the residual shear strength of granular material,

a direct shear apparatus was modified into a vibrating direct shear apparatus as shown in Figs.

4.1 and 4.2. The modifications include installation of an electromagnetic actuator (11) between

the proving ring (3) and the shear box (2), as well as two load cells (10 and 12) to measure the

shear forces at the top and bottom halves of the shear box (2). An extension (13) of the main

body (5) is installed to accommodate the actuator (11). The actuator (11) consists of two

electromagnets, and the frequency and force can be changed by using a control panel. The

vibration generated by the actuator is in the horizontal shearing direction.

The measuring equipment consisted of two linear variable differential transformers

(LVDTs) that measured the vertical and horizontal displacements, two load cells (10 and 12),

and two uniaxial accelerometers that measured the vertical and horizontal vibration accelerations

on the soil samples. One of the accelerometers was placed on top of the loading plate (measured

vertical vibration accelerations), and the other accelerometer was attached to the top half of the

shear box in the direction of the shear (measured horizontal vibration accelerations). The output

signals were acquired by using the NI CompactDAQ System, which was in turn, connected to a

PC that logged the data with NI LabVIEW software.

(a) 1 (b)
2 3 10
4 11

9 7

Figure 4.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus and (b) – modified strain controlled

vibrating direct shear apparatus.

1 – Control panel of the direct shear apparatus; 2 – Shear box with a soil sample; 3 – Proving

ring; 4 – Screw for zero setting of shear load before starting a test; 5 – Main body of the direct

shear apparatus; 6 – Frame that transfers normal load to the soil sample placed in the shear box

(2); 7 – Legs of the direct shear apparatus that supports the main body (5); 8 – lever that provides

a normal load to the soil sample; 9 – Weights that define a normal load on the soil sample; 10 –

Load cell; 11 –Actuator; 12 – Load cell; and 13 – Extension of the main body (5) of the direct

shear apparatus.

The testing procedures were carried out in accordance with ASTM D3080/D3080M

(Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions),

with additional vibration applied for a short period of time at the pre-peak and residual strength

states. Depending on the objective of the test, vibrations were applied while the sample was

being sheared, as well as when shearing was terminated. The frequency and force of the

vibrations were adjusted to the required magnitude and kept constant for the set of soil samples


Figure 4.2 Photograph of the modified direct shear apparatus

4.5 Tested Materials

To evaluate the effect of vibration on the residual strength of granular material, four different dry

granular materials (a total of 80 samples) were tested. The materials were 0.1 mm and 0.55 mm

glass beads, as well as fine and coarse sands. These materials were selected to investigate the

effect of particle shape and size on the vibro-residual strength characteristics at different

vibrational accelerations. Particularly, different glass bead sizes (0.1 and 0.55 mm) were chosen

to determine how the different inertial forces (due to different sized particles), generated among

the particles through vibration, contributed to the vibro-residual strength. On the other hand,

coarse sand (well-rounded) and fine sand (angular) samples were chosen in addition to the glass

beads in order to evaluate the effect of particle roundness on the vibro-residual strength of the

materials, particularly to observe the influence of particle friction during the induced vibration.

The samples (6 cm x 6 cm x 3.2 cm (W x L x H) in size) were tested under normal stresses

of 23, 50, 118 and 200 kPa in strain-controlled mode at a shear rate of 0.61 mm/min. A vibration

frequency of 140 Hz was used for all of the samples. From each type of granular material, five

sets of samples (four samples in each set) were tested at five different vibration intensities. The

maximum impact forces of the actuator electromagnets were 1.61, 3.22, 3.71, 5.18 and 7.14 N.

Note that these impact forces are the designed forces provided by actuator. The actual impact

forces may vary during the testing. They were measured by the accelerometers and load cell.

All of the data were recorded at a rate of 1 kHz.

The vibration frequency value used in the text (140 Hz) was set by the control panel of the

actuator, and double-checked by the observation of the recorded horizontal vibration acceleration

sine wave, where it corresponded to the acceleration peaks. It should be mentioned that there is

also vibration noise present in the recorded horizontal acceleration plots that has different

frequencies. The vibration noise is the secondary vibration frequency that is combined with the

recorded primary frequency at low frequency level. Although these secondary vibration

frequencies have not been analyzed and only the frequency corresponding to the peak

acceleration values has been used for simplicity, it is realised that they shouldhave some effects

on the measured strength and deformation characteristics of the tested materials.. To filter this

noise effect a Fast Fourier transform analysis can be done.

The physical characteristics of the tested materials are provided in Table 4.1. The particle

size distributions of the four materials are given in Fig. 4.3. Representative samples of the

materials were examined under a microscope to determine the shape of the particles (see Figs.

4.4a, 4.4b, 4.4c, and 4.4d). It is seen in Fig. 4.4a that the 0.1 mm glass beads are not round with

irregular shape grains and some are smaller than 0.1 mm. Therefore the “0.1 mm glass beads”

should be treated like a mixture of fine sand sized 0.1 mm and smaller. The 0.55 mm glass beads

are basically the ideal spherical shape, see Fig. 4.4b. From Figs. 4.4c and 4.4d, it can be seen that

the fine sand particles have an angular shape and the coarse sand is well rounded. The shear

strength diagrams and the residual friction angles of the four materials are shown in Fig. 4.5.

Table 4.1 Physical characteristics of the glass beads and sands

Material ρs ρ e n

Glass Beads 0.1 mm 2.65 1.49 0.779 0.438

Glass Beads 0.5 mm 2.65 1.566 0.692 0.409

Fine Sand 2.65 1.46 0.815 0.449

Coarse Sand 2.65 1.755 0.510 0.338

Figure 4.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.4 Pictures of the glass beads and sand under a microscope at magnification of 50x. (a)

0.1 mm glass beads; (b) 0.55 mm glass beads; (c) fine sand; and (d) coarse sand




(Continued on the next page)


φr =27.5o

Figure 4.5 Shear strength diagrams of 0.1 mm glass beads (a), 0.55 mm glass beads (b), fine sand

(c) and coarse sand (d).

4.6 Test Results under Vibration

A summary of the test results for the 0.1 mm and 0.55 mm glass beads, and the fine and coarse

sands are given in Tables 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5, respectively. Fig. 4.6 shows a typical plot of shear

stress, vertical displacement, horizontal and vertical accelerations versus the normalized

displacement of fine sand. The shearing resistance of the material was measured by using a load

cell mounted at the top half of the shear box (see Fig. 4.1b (12)). Vertical displacements were

measured from an LVDT attached to the loading plate of the shear box. Horizontal and vertical

accelerations were obtained from an accelerometer attached to the top half of the shear box in the

direction of shearing and a second accelerometer that measured the vertical accelerations of the

loading plate, respectively. All of the data except for vertical displacement were collected at a

rate of 1 kHz. Due to the technical characteristics of the LVDT, vertical displacements were

measured at a rate of 2 Hz filtered from the original rate of 1 kHz.

As seen in Fig. 4.6, vibration is applied when the soil reaches the critical state. The shear

resistance plot shows that during vibration, there is an immediate strength loss, Δτ, for the

residual to vibro-residual states. It is believed that the strength loss occurs in a very short time,

probably in a few milliseconds. The vibro-residual strength remains practically constant during

vibration. When vibration is terminated, the shear strength of the material gradually increases

and reaches the residual quasi-static strength value. Note that the normalized displacement in

Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 is defined as d/L, where d is the horizontal displacement and L is the initial

length of the specimen.

All of the samples have experienced contraction and decrease in volume, due to vibration

as shown in the vertical displacement plot in Fig. 4.6. It is seen that contraction takes place

during vibration and the volume change is permanent or plastic. The initial volume before

vibration cannot be restored when vibration stops.

An example of the effect of an increase in horizontal vibration acceleration on the residual

shear strength of fine sand is provided in Fig. 4.7 (a, b and c), which shows the plots of fine sand

samples tested at vibration forces of 3.71, 5.18 and 7.14 N of the electromagnets and horizontal

accelerations of 0.27, 0.37 and 0.47 g, respectively. The example demonstrates that at a constant

normal stress (118 kPa) and vibration frequency, an increase in vibration acceleration by 0.1 g

results in greater strength loss.

The strength loss process can be briefly outlined in the following way: when vibration is

applied to a sample of granular material sheared at its residual strength state, momentary loss of

contacts between the grains takes place at the shear zone. This disturbs the stress chains in the

sample, thus causing reduction in shear resistance. It should also be stated that since the

amplitude of vibration is much smaller than the diameter of grains comprising the most of the

tested materials, the movement of particles in the shear zone can be combination of rotational

and translational motions.

The peak, residual and vibro-residual shear strength envelops of the 0.1 and 0.55 mm glass

beads, as well as fine and coarse sand for five different vibration forces are shown in Figs. 4.8,

4.9, 4.10 and 4.11, respectively. The peak, residual and vibro-residual friction angles of the four

materials are given in Tables 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9. As seen in Figs. 4.8 to 4.11 and acceleration

values in Tables 4.2 to 4.5, increase in the vibration force results in an increase of the vertical

and horizontal accelerations and amplitudes (not provided in Tables 4.2 to 4.5), which in turn,

results in a greater loss in the residual strength at a given normal stress. From the tables and

figures, it is seen that vibration reduces the residual friction angle.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 4.6 Shear stress, vertical displacement, horizontal and vertical accelerations versus

normalized displacement of fine sand subjected to a normal stress of σ=50 kPa, vibration

frequency of 140 Hz and vibration force of 5.18 N.


Normalized displacement


Normalized displacement


Normalized displacement

Figure 4.7 Shear stress plots of three fine sand samples tested at normal stress of 118 kPa and

different vibration accelerations

Table 4.2 Test results of 0.1 mm glass beads

Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Vertical Horizontal Strength

Stress Strength Strength Strength Acceleration Acceleration Loss
σ τp τf τfd Δτ
N g g
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
23 21 19.5 18 0.03 0.1 1.5
50 38.5 35 33 0.03 0.11 2
118 82.5 71 68 0.04 0.12 3
200 137.5 113 109.5 0.04 0.12 3.5
23 21 16.5 15 0.09 0.22 1.5
50 38.5 29 26.5 0.08 0.23 2.5
118 83.5 67 63 0.07 0.22 4
200 135.5 114 108 0.065 0.2 6
23 21 18 15.5 0.075 0.25 2.5
50 38 31.5 28 0.09 0.28 3.5
118 85.5 70 65 0.08 0.24 5
200 132 111.5 105 0.07 0.23 6.5
23 21.5 17 14 0.11 0.42 3
50 38 32.5 26 0.11 0.38 6.5
118 84 73 63 0.105 0.325 10
200 136 121 108 0.09 0.3 13
23 22 17 13 0.14 0.5 4
50 39.5 36 26.5 0.13 0.43 9.5
118 83.5 73 56 0.15 0.43 17
200 135 115 94 0.13 0.38 21

Table 4.3 Test results of 0.55 mm glass beads

Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Vertical Horizontal Strength

Stress Strength Strength Strength Acceleration Acceleration Loss
σ τp τf τfd Δτ
N g g
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
23 17.5 13.5 12.5 0.04 0.11 1
50 32 25.5 24 0.035 0.11 1.5
118 69 55.5 53.5 0.035 0.08 2
200 111 82 79 0.035 0.09 3
23 17 14 12.5 0.07 0.175 1.5
50 30.5 24.5 22.5 0.07 0.175 2
118 65 51.5 47.5 0.07 0.175 4
200 101 84 78 0.07 0.17 6
23 18 14 11.5 0.1 0.28 2.5
50 32 25.5 22.5 0.085 0.23 3
118 64 54 48.5 0.09 0.23 5.5
200 103 82 73 0.085 0.23 9
23 17 14 10.5 0.105 0.325 3.5
50 31 25.5 21 0.105 0.325 4.5
118 62.5 51.5 43 0.105 0.325 8.5
200 106 81 68 0.09 0.325 13
23 18 13.5 9 0.16 0.46 4.5
50 32.5 25 19 0.16 0.46 6
118 61.5 53 42 0.16 0.42 11
200 106 83 66.5 0.14 0.43 16.5

Table 4.4 Test results of fine sand

Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Vertical Horizontal Strength

Stress Strength Strength Strength Acceleration Acceleration Loss
σ τp τf τfd Δτ
N g g
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
23 27 21 19.5 0.045 0.15 1.5
50 53.5 40 38 0.045 0.12 2
118 110 87.5 85.5 0.05 0.12 2
200 178.5 139 137 0.045 0.11 2
23 26.5 20.5 17.5 0.1 0.26 3
50 49 38.5 35 0.1 0.27 3.5
118 107.5 83 77.5 0.09 0.27 5.5
200 170.5 137.5 131 0.07 0.23 6.5
23 30 22 18.5 0.09 0.25 3.5
50 51.5 37 33.5 0.1 0.27 3.5
118 107.5 81 75 0.09 0.27 6
200 169 143 134.5 0.08 0.25 8.5
23 29.5 22 17.5 0.1 0.37 4.5
50 51 39.5 33.5 0.115 0.38 6
118 108.5 82.5 71.5 0.105 0.37 11
200 171 134 121 0.1 0.32 13
23 30 21 14.5 0.17 0.5 6.5
50 50.5 37.5 27.5 0.155 0.49 10
118 108 83 65 0.145 0.47 18
200 177 138 116 0.145 0.45 22

Table 4.5 Test results of coarse sand

Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Vertical Horizontal Strength

Stress Strength Strength Strength Acceleration Acceleration Loss
σ τp τf τfd Δτ
N g g
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa
23 25 18.5 17 0.045 0.12 1.5
50 42 34.5 33 0.04 0.12 1.5
118 88.5 67.5 66 0.045 0.1 1.5
200 145 108.5 106.5 0.04 0.1 2
23 24.5 18.5 16.5 0.075 0.2 2
50 43 34 31.5 0.065 0.2 2.5
118 89 67.5 64.5 0.07 0.19 3
200 145.5 111 107 0.07 0.18 4
23 24 18.5 16 0.085 0.23 2.5
50 44.5 33.5 30.5 0.075 0.22 3
118 93.5 70 66.5 0.075 0.21 3.5
200 148.5 116 111 0.075 0.2 5
23 24 18 14.5 0.12 0.35 3.5
50 43 34.5 29.5 0.09 0.33 5
118 91.5 71 65.5 0.1 0.28 5.5
200 148 110 102 0.08 0.28 8
23 23.5 18 12 0.2 0.59 6
50 44.5 32 25.5 0.145 0.4 6.5
118 91 68.5 59 0.135 0.39 9.5
200 147 109 95 0.1 0.39 14

(a) Shear Strength Diagram (1.61 N) (b) Shear Strength Diagram (3.22 N)
140 y = 0.6578x + 5.5778 140 y = 0.6479x + 6.2892
120 y = 0.5265x + 8.1579 120 y = 0.5549x + 2.3818
100 y = 0.5153x + 6.7589 100 y = 0.5302x + 1.2978
τ, kPa

τ, kPa
80 80
60 60 Peak
40 40
20 Residual 20 Residual
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa σ, kPa

(c) Shear Strength Diagram (3.71 N) (d) Shear Strength Diagram (5.18 N)
140 y = 0.6323x + 7.3208 140 y = 0.6505x + 6.2901
120 y = 0.5322x + 5.7317 120 y = 0.5887x + 3.3301
100 100 y = 0.5355x + 0.4082
y = 0.5102x + 3.5059

τ, kPa
τ, kPa

60 Peak 60 Peak
40 40
20 Residual 20 Residual
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-Residual

σ, kPa σ, kPa

Shear Strength Diagram (7.14 N)

y = 0.6387x + 7.5702
y = 0.547x + 6.7785
y = 0.4542x + 2.9772
τ, kPa

60 Peak
20 Residual
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa

Figure 4.8 Shear strength envelops of 0.1 mm glass beads tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N;

(b) vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N and (e)

vibration force of 7.14 N.

(a) Shear Strength Diagram (1.61 N) (b) Shear Strength Diagram (3.22 N)
120 120
y = 0.5291x + 5.6587 y = 0.476x + 6.8482
100 100
y = 0.3887x + 6.1285 y = 0.3959x + 4.8049
80 80
y = 0.378x + 5.3017 y = 0.3699x + 3.9705

τ, kPa
τ, kPa

60 60
40 Peak 40 Peak
20 Residual 20
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-
σ, kPa σ, kPa Residual

(c) Shear Strength Diagram (3.71 N) (d) Shear Strength Diagram (5.18 N)
120 120
y = 0.478x + 7.5255 y = 0.4993x + 5.3191
100 100
y = 0.3851x + 6.232 y = 0.3769x + 6.1548
80 80
y = 0.3476x + 4.8926
τ, kPa

τ, kPa
y = 0.3222x + 4.1277
60 60
Peak Peak
40 40
20 Residual 20
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro- 0 100 200 Vibro-
Residual Residual
σ, kPa σ, kPa

(e) Shear Strength Diagram (7.14 N)

y = 0.4904x + 6.5636
y = 0.3927x + 5.2345
τ, kPa

y = 0.324x + 2.4503
40 Peak
20 Residual
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa

Figure 4.9 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61

N; (b) vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N and

(e) vibration force of 7.14 N.

(a) Shear Strength Diagram (1.61 N) (b) Shear Strength Diagram (3.22 N)
200 y = 0.8491x + 9.2491 200
180 180 y = 0.8162x + 8.5904
160 y = 0.6675x + 6.6229 160 y = 0.6603x + 5.3299
140 y = 0.6655x + 4.9429 140
120 120 y = 0.6398x + 2.712

τ, kPa
τ, kPa

100 100
80 Peak 80 Peak
60 60
40 40
Residual Residual
20 20
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa σ, kPa

(c) Shear Strength Diagram (3.71 N) (d) Shear Strength Diagram (5.18 N)
200 200
180 y = 0.7877x + 12.504 180 y = 0.803x + 11.511
160 160
140 y = 0.686x + 3.6931 140 y = 0.6321x + 7.7095
120 y = 0.656x + 1.25 120 y = 0.5825x + 3.9328
τ, kPa

τ, kPa
100 100
80 Peak 80 Peak
60 60
40 40
20 Residual 20 Residual
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa σ, kPa

(e) Shear Strength Diagram (7.14 N)

180 y = 0.8344x + 9.8084
140 y = 0.6636x + 5.009
τ, kPa

y = 0.5755x - 0.5028
80 Peak
20 Residual
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa

Figure 4.10 Shear strength diagrams of fine sand tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N; (b)

vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N and (e)

vibration force of 7.14 N.

(a) Shear Strength Diagram (1.61 N) (b) Shear Strength Diagram (3.22 N)
160 160
140 y = 0.6803x + 8.6244 140 y = 0.683x + 8.734
120 y = 0.5034x + 8.0391 120 y = 0.5184x + 7.0806
100 y = 0.5007x + 6.6809 100 y = 0.5076x + 5.2538
τ, kPa

τ, kPa
80 80
60 Peak 60
40 40
20 Residual 20 Residual
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa σ, kPa

(c) Shear Strength Diagram (3.71 N) (d) Shear Strength Diagram (5.18 N)
160 160
y = 0.7024x + 8.9615 y = 0.7014x + 8.0659
140 140
120 y = 0.5496x + 5.7741 120 y = 0.5174x + 7.7989
100 y = 0.5362x + 3.5891 100 y = 0.4945x + 4.5375
τ, kPa

τ, kPa
80 80
60 Peak 60 Peak
40 40
20 Residual 20 Residual
0 0
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual 0 100 200 Vibro-
σ, kPa σ, kPa Residual

(e) Shear Strength Diagram (7.14 N)

y = 0.6935x + 8.706
120 y = 0.5156x + 6.4737
100 y = 0.4694x + 1.9874
τ, kPa

60 Peak
20 Residual
0 100 200 Vibro-Residual
σ, kPa

Figure 4.11 Shear strength diagrams of coarse sand tested at: (a) vibration force of 1.61 N; (b)

vibration force of 3.22 N; (c) vibration force of 3.71 N; (d) vibration force of 5.18 N and (e)

vibration force of 7.14 N.

Table 4.6 Friction angles of 0.1 mm glass beads.

ϕ (o)
Force (N)
Peak Residual Vibro-residual
1.61 33.3 27.8 27.3
3.22 32.9 29 27.9
3.71 32.3 28 27
5.18 33 30.5 28.2
7.14 32.6 28.7 24.4

Table 4.7 Friction angles of 0.55 mm glass beads

ϕ (o)
Force (N)
Peak Residual Vibro-residual
1.61 27.9 21.2 20.7
3.22 25.5 21.6 20.3
3.71 25.5 21.1 19.2
5.18 26.5 20.7 17.9
7.14 26.1 21.4 17.9

Table 4.8 Friction angles of fine sand

ϕ (o)
Force (N)
Peak Residual Vibro-residual
1.61 40.3 33.7 33.6
3.22 39.2 33.4 32.6
3.71 38.2 34.5 33.3
5.18 38.8 32.3 30.2
7.14 39.8 33.6 29.9

Table 4.9 Friction angles of coarse sand.

ϕ (o)
Force (N)
Peak Residual Vibro-residual
1.61 34.2 26.7 26.6
3.22 34.3 27.4 26.9
3.71 35.1 28.8 28.2
5.18 35 27.4 26.3
7.14 34.7 27.3 25.1

4.6.1 The Effect of Strength Loss Due to Changes in Normal Stress Caused by Vibration

Changes in the shearing resistance can be due to changes in the normal stress during vibration,

per Maslov (1959). In this study, vertical acceleration is measured to calculate the normal stress

that acts on a sample during vibration. From Newton’s second law of motion (F = m a), when the

vertical acceleration of the loading plate and the mass that acts on the loading plate are known,

the force due to vibration can be calculated. By using the area (A) of the sample, the reduction in

normal stress can be calculated from Δσ = F/A. If the Δσ value is known and the residual shear

strength diagram (equation) of the material is used, the strength loss Δτ` due to reduced normal

stress Δσ is obtained.

The measured total residual strength loss Δτ and the calculated residual strength loss Δτ`

due to normal stress reduction caused by vibration are provided in Figs. 4.12 to 4.15, where Δτ is

equal to the total strength loss, Δτ` is the strength loss due to reduction in normal stress σ, for

samples tested at normal stresses of σ = 23, 50, 118 and 200 kPa, denoted by 1, 2, 3 and 4

respectively in the figures.

20 Δτ at 1.61 N

18 Δτ' at 1.61 N
16 Δτ at 3.22 N
14 Δτ' at 3.22 N
Strength 12
Loss Δτ at 3.71 N
(kPa) 10 Δτ' at 3.71 N
Δτ at 5.18 N
4 Δτ' at 5.18 N

2 Δτ at 7.14 N
0 Δτ' at 7.14 N
1 2 3 4

Figure 4.12 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for 0.1 mm glass


Δτ at 1.61 N
Δτ' at 1.61 N
Δτ at 3.22 N
Δτ' at 3.22 N
Strength 10
Loss Δτ at 3.71 N
(kPa) 8
Δτ' at 3.71 N
Δτ at 5.18 N
Δτ' at 5.18 N
Δτ at 7.14 N
Δτ' at 7.14 N
1 2 3 4

Figure 4.13 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for 0.55 mm glass


20 Δτ at 1.61 N

18 Δτ' at 1.61 N
16 Δτ at 3.22 N
14 Δτ' at 3.22 N
Strength 12
loss Δτ at 3.71 N
(kPa) 10 Δτ' at 3.71 N
Δτ at 5.18 N
4 Δτ' at 5.18 N

2 Δτ at 7.14 N
0 Δτ' at 7.14 N
1 2 3 4

Figure 4.14 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for fine sand.

Δτ at 1.61 N
Δτ' at 1.61 N

10 Δτ at 3.22 N
Δτ' at 3.22 N
Strength 8
loss Δτ at 3.71 N
(kPa) 6 Δτ' at 3.71 N

4 Δτ at 5.18 N
Δτ' at 5.18 N
Δτ at 7.14 N

0 Δτ' at 7.14 N
1 2 3 4

Figure 4.15 Total strength loss and strength loss due to reduced normal stress for coarse sand.

As seen in Figs. 4.12 to 4.15, the residual strength loss Δτ` due to a reduction in normal

stress Δσ caused by vibration for all of the materials is very small compared to the total strength

loss Δτ. Therefore, it can be concluded that although there is some reduction in normal stress due

to vibration, the contribution to the loss in residual strength is minimal and the strength loss is

mainly due to the material fluidization.

4.6.2 The Effects of Acceleration on Residual Strength Loss

Based on the data from Tables 4.2 to 4.5, the total residual strength loss is plotted against

horizontal acceleration for the 0.1 mm and 0.55 mm glass beads, and fine and coarse sands, and

the results are shown in Figs. 4.16 to 4.19. As seen in Figs. 4.16, 4.18 and 4.19, the effect of

horizontal acceleration on the strength loss for the 0.1 mm glass beads, and fine and coarse sands

is nonlinear under higher normal stresses of 50, 118 and 200 kPa. The relationship is practically

linear at a low normal stress of σ = 23 kPa. Also, the plots become more nonlinear with an

increase in the normal stress from 50 to 200 kPa. On the other hand, Fig. 4.17 shows that the

relationship between strength loss and horizontal acceleration for the 0.55 mm glass beads is

practically linear under all normal stress values (23, 50, 118 and 200 kPa). This can probably be

explained by the absence of irregular shape particles in this material (see Fig. 4.4b). It was

discussed earlier that the 0.1 mm glass beads are not round, but consisted of angular and irregular

particles. This can be considered parallel to a mixture of fine angular sand and glass beads with a

size up to 0.1 mm in diameter.

As mentioned above, the irregular shape of the particles that comprised the tested 0.1 mm

glass beads, and fine and coarse sands, results in nonlinearity of horizontal acceleration vs.

residual strength loss at higher normal stresses (50, 118 and 200 kPa). It is apparent from Figs.

4.16, 4.18 and 4.19 that unlike the plots of the samples tested at a normal stress of 23 kPa, the

samples tested at higher normal stress values demonstrate less strength loss at low horizontal

accelerations than they would if their plots were linear. This phenomenon can be explained by

the additional friction among particles due to their irregular shape. The irregular shape of the

particles generates greater shear resistance during their rotational and translational motions

induced by relatively low vibration intensities.

On the other hand, the 0.55 mm glass beads practically have a round shape and unlike the

other materials, they do not generate additional friction due to the irregular shape of the grains.

Here, the round shape of the particles results in a linear pattern of the horizontal acceleration vs.

residual strength loss at all normal stress values (23, 50, 118 and 200 kPa) as seen in Fig. 4.17.

It should also be noted that at higher horizontal acceleration, the strength loss of the 0.1

mm glass beads, and the fine and coarse sand samples notably increases. This implies that there

is a certain value of the horizontal acceleration, above which, the effect of the irregular shape of

the particles becomes insignificant.

Figs. 4.16 to 4.19 show estimates of strength loss due to vibration for different normal

stresses and accelerations.

Figure 4.16 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of 0.1 mm glass beads


20 Glass Beads
18 0.55 mm φr=21.2°


23 kPa
kPa 10
50 kPa
118 kPa
6 200 kPa

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Horizontal g

Figure 4.17 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of 0.55 mm glass beads


20 Fine Sand



12 23 kPa
kPa 10 50 kPa
118 kPa
200 kPa

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Horizontal g

Figure 4.18 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of fine sand


20 Coarse Sand



12 23 kPa
kPa 10 50 kPa

8 118 kPa

6 200 kPa

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Horizontal g

Figure 4.19 Total strength loss vs. horizontal acceleration of coarse sand

4.7 Conclusions

A new experimental technique and apparatus have been introduced in this paper to study the

effect of vibration on the critical state strength of granular material. If the material is subjected

to vibration after reaching the critical state, there is a decrease in volume and shearing resistance

of the material. A decrease in volume implies compaction and a denser state, which usually lead

to higher shear strength under static conditions. However, the shearing resistance of the material

is reduced during vibration. Based on the test results of the 0.1 and 0.55 mm glass beads and the

fine and course sands, the following conclusion can be made.

1. Upon application of a sufficiently strong vibration at the critical strength state of a granular

material, an immediate strength loss takes place for the residual to vibro-residual strengths,

after which the vibro-residual strength remains practically constant during vibration.

2. Vibration does not have any permanent post-vibrational effects on the residual strength of

granular material, provided that there is sufficient shear displacement of the material after

termination of the vibration.

3. Initially dense or loose granular material compresses when vibration is applied at its critical

strength state.

4. At a constant vibration frequency, an increase in vibration force results in an increase in the

vertical and horizontal vibration accelerations and amplitudes, which in turn, results in a

greater residual strength loss at the given normal stress.

5. Sufficiently strong vibration reduces the residual friction angle; that is, the magnitude of the

residual strength loss increases with an increase in the normal stress.

6. The residual strength loss Δτ` due to the normal stress reduction caused by vibration for all

of the granular materials tested is small compared to the total loss in residual strength Δτ.

Therefore, it can be concluded that although normal stress reduction caused by vibration (in

the given range of accelerations) contributes to residual strength loss, the strength loss is

mainly due to material fluidization.

7. For a given test condition, the relationship between the residual strength loss and horizontal

acceleration is nonlinear for irregularly shaped particles. The nonlinearity increases with an

increase in confining (normal) stress.

8. For a given test condition, the relationship between the residual strength loss and horizontal

acceleration is linear for glass beads (0.55 mm) with spherical shape particles under all

normal stresses tested.

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5. Chapter 5: Vibrational Fluidization of Granular Media

5.1 Abstract

To investigate the vibrational fluidization of granular media, sixty samples of three different

granular materials are tested at six normal stresses and a wide range of vibration accelerations.

The experiments are conducted on a modified vibrating direct shear apparatus, where vibration is

horizontally applied in the direction of shear. The peak, residual and vibro-residual shear

strength envelops are obtained for the tested materials at different vibration intensities. It has

been determined that increasing vibration intensity reduces the friction angle of the granular

materials, as well as increases the value of the normal stress, σf, below which, the granular

material is fluidized. The particle shape effect on strength loss due to vibration has also been

observed, and a reduction in the friction angle and increase in the σf with an increase in vibration

acceleration are found.

5.2 Introduction

There are two important aspects that contribute to the unique properties of granular

materials: ordinary temperature plays no role on their mechanical behaviour, and the interactions

between grains are dissipative because of static friction and the inelasticity of collisions (Jaeger

et al., 1996). Granular material can behave like solids, fluids and even gas under different

conditions. When sufficient energy is supplied to a granular material in a vibrating system, the

granular material can exhibit fluid-like behavior. This transition from a solid state to a liquid

state (fluidization) takes place when vibrational acceleration, a, exceeds a certain critical value.

For example, when vibration is applied in the vertical direction, fluidization takes place at an a

that is greater than 1 g (Huan, 2008). Further increases in the vibration acceleration changes the

behavior of the granular material to that of a gas. Jaeger et al. (1996) described the three

aforementioned states of granular materials.

When granular materials are subjected to strong enough vibration intensities, various

phenomena, such as compaction (e.g. Barkan (1962), Ayer and Soppet (1965/1966)), swelling

(e.g. Poschel and Rosenkranz (1998)), mixing (e.g. Alexeev et al. (2000)), localized excitations

(e.g. Umbanhowar et al. (1996), Tsimring and Aranson (1997)), convective flow (e.g. Laroche et

al. (1989), Evesque and Rajchenbach (1989), Gallas et al. (1992), Pak et al. (1995) and Huan

(2008)), Bourzutschky and Miller (1995), Wassgren (1997) and Liffman et al. (1997)), size

segregation (e.g. Knight et al. (1993), Cooke et al. (1996) and Alexeev et al. (2000)) and surface

wave formation (e.g. Pak and Behringer (1993), Melo et al., (1993 and 1995), Clement et al.

(1996), Brone and Muzzio (1997), and Mujica and Melo (1998)) can be observed. Although the

above mentioned processes have been well investigated, there are very few, if any, studies done

on the effect of normal stress on the vibrational fluidization of granular materials.

Richards et al. (1990) proposed the concept of “dynamic fluidization” which takes into

consideration the effect of earthquake accelerations on dry granular soils. The imposed

accelerations at some critical level change the state of the soil, which causes general

plastification, such that the soil becomes, in a sense, an anisotropic fluid. They assumed that the

main trigger of the fluidization is the inertial forces that act between the particles of a granular

soil. They showed that fluidization mainly depends on horizontal and not vertical accelerations.

Another distinguishing feature of fluidization is that when it occurs, flow takes place, if at all, in

finite increments rather than continuously, with increments that correspond to the acceleration

pulses of an earthquake above a critical value (Richards et al., 1990).

Other researchers who investigated vibro-fluidization of granular materials are Savage

(1988), Fauve et al. (1989), Doudy et al. (1989), Zik et al. (1992), Lan et al. (1995), Warr et al.

(1995), Goldstein et al. (1995), Luding (1995), Ristow et al. (1997), Tennakoon et al. (1998),

Falcon et al. (1999), Sunthar et al. (2001), Moon et al. (2004) and Gotzendorfer et al. (2006).

The objective of the conducted laboratory experiments outlined below is to investigate the

effect of vibration intensity, normal (confining) stress and particle shape on the fluidization

phenomenon of dry granular media. The following series of tests is a continuation of an

experimental program conducted earlier with the use of similar testing equipment and


5.3 Testing Equipment and Procedures

In order to investigate the vibrational fluidization of granular materials, a direct shear apparatus

was modified into a vibrating direct shear apparatus (Taslagyan et al., 20141) as shown in Figs.

5.1 and 5.2. The modifications include installation of an electromagnetic actuator (11) between

the proving ring (3) and the shear box (2), as well as two load cells (10 and 12) for shear force

measurement at the top and bottom halves of the shear box (2). An extension (13) is added to the

main body (5) to accommodate all of the additional components. The actuator (11) has two

electromagnets, which generate vibrations in the horizontal shearing direction. The frequency

and intensity of the vibrations were controlled by using a control panel (not shown in Fig. 5.1).

The measuring equipment consisted of two linear variable differential transformers

(LVDTs) that measured the vertical and horizontal displacements, two load cells (10 and 12),

and two uniaxial accelerometers that measured the vertical and horizontal vibration accelerations

on the soil samples. One of the accelerometers was placed on top of the loading plate (measured

vertical vibration accelerations), and the other accelerometer was attached to the top half of the

shear box in the direction of the shear (measured horizontal vibration accelerations). The output

signals were acquired by using the NI CompactDAQ System, which was in turn, connected to a

PC that logged the data with NI LabVIEW software.

(a) 1 (b)
2 3 10 11

9 7

Figure 5.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus (LVDTs that measured the vertical and

shear displacements are not shown for simplicity) and (b) – modified strain controlled vibrating

direct shear apparatus.

1 – Control panel of the direct shear apparatus; 2 – Shear box with a soil sample; 3 – Proving

ring; 4 – Screw for zero setting of shear load before starting a test; 5 – Main body of the direct

shear apparatus; 6 – Frame that transfers normal load to the soil sample placed in the shear box

(2); 7 – Legs of the direct shear apparatus that supports the main body (5); 8 – lever that provides

a normal load to the soil sample; 9 – Weights that define a normal load on the soil sample; 10 –

Load cell; 11 –Actuator; 12 – Load cell; and 13 – Extension of the main body (5) of the direct

shear apparatus.

The testing procedures were carried out in accordance with ASTM D3080/D3080M

(Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions),

with additional vibration applied for a short period of time at the pre-peak and residual strength

states. Depending on the objective of the test, vibrations were applied while the sample was

being sheared, as well as when shearing was terminated. The frequency and force of the

vibrations were adjusted to the required magnitude and kept constant for the set of soil samples


Figure 5.2 Modified direct shear apparatus.

5.4 Tested Materials

In order to investigate the effect of vibrating on the shear zone in granular materials, three

different dry granular materials (a total of 60 samples) were tested on the modified direct shear

apparatus. The tested materials were 0.55 mm glass beads, as well as fine and coarse sands. The

samples filled a shear box with dimensions of 6 cm x 6 cm x 3.2 cm (W x L x H), after which, a

constant compaction effort was applied to the samples which brought them to a dense state and

similar density. The samples were tested at normal stresses of 8, 23, 36, 50, 118 and 200 kPa in

strain-controlled mode at a shear rate of 0.61 mm/min. The vibration frequency was 60 Hz for all

of the samples that were being tested. Four sample sets of the 0.55 mm glass beads (six samples

each), as well as three sample sets of the fine and coarse sand were tested at different vibration

intensities. The sensor data were logged at a frequency of 1 kHz.

The highest normal stress did not exceed 200 kPa to avoid grain crushing. Low normal

stresses (8, 23 and 36 kPa) were used to obtain realistic experimental evidence of material

fluidization at low normal (confining) stresses.

The physical characteristics of the tested materials are provided in Table 5.1. The particle

size distributions of the three materials are given in Fig. 5.3. Representative samples of the

materials were observed under a microscope to determine the shape of the particles (see Figs.

5.4a, 5.4b and 5.4c). As can be seen in the photographs in Fig. 5.4a, the 0.55 mm glass beads

have a practically ideal spherical shape. From Figs. 5.4b and 5.4c, it can be concluded that the

fine sand particles have an angular shape and the coarse sand is well rounded.

Table 5.1 Physical characteristics of the tested materials.

Material ρs ρ e n

Glass Beads 2.65 1.566 0.692 0.409

Fine Sand 2.65 1.460 0.815 0.449

Coarse Sand 2.65 1.755 0.510 0.338

The three materials were chosen because of their different particle shapes in order to

investigate the particle shape effect on the vibrational fluidization of granular materials. A

material with round and angular particle shape was selected to obtain a wide range of residual

friction angles (φr from 21.2o to 32.2o), and the well rounded coarse sand (with φr = 29.7o) was

chosen as a material with an intermediate friction angle to determine the reliability of the

approximation of the experimental results for granular materials which have a residual friction

angle in the range of 21.2o to 32.2o.





50 Fine Sand
40 Coarse Sand

30 Glass Beads 0.55 mm



0.01 0.1 1 10

Figure 5.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials.

(a) (b)


Figure 5.4 Photographs of the glass beads and sand samples under a microscope at magnification

of 50x. (a) - 0.55 mm glass beads; (b) - fine sand; and (c) - coarse sand

(scale bar on the right bottom corner is 0.1 mm in length)

5.5 Test Results

The results of the laboratory experiments conducted on the glass beads, and fine and coarse

sands are summarized in Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, respectively, where h-av is the average relative

horizontal acceleration, is the normal stress, p is the peak strength, r – residual strength, rv –

vibro-residual strength, h –relative horizontal acceleration, v –relative vertical acceleration,

and strength loss for the residual to the vibro-residual strengths.

The relative acceleration, , mentioned above, is a dimensionless parameter and defined


  2/g [1]

where A is the vibration amplitude,  is the vibration frequency and g is the gravitational


The values given in Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 were taken from the plots of the sensor

readings. An example of such is provided in Fig. 5.5. The shear resistance plots were obtained

from the load cell that measured the shear force at the top half of the shear box (see Figs. 5.1 (b)

– 12). The vertical displacement plots were constructed from the measurements of an LVDT

located on the loading plate of the shear box. The horizontal and vertical acceleration plots were

created from an accelerometer that measured the horizontal accelerations at the top half of the

shear box in the direction of shear, and a second accelerometer that measured the vertical

accelerations of the loading plate, respectively.

All of the data, except for vertical displacement, were collected at a frequency of 1 kHz.

Due to the technical characteristics of the LVDT, vertical displacements were plotted based on 2

Hz data filtered from the original 1 kHz records.

As seen in Fig. 5.5, vibration is applied when the samples have reached their residual

strength. The shear resistance plot shows that upon the application of vibration, an immediate

strength loss of shearing resistance Δτ takes place for the residual to the vibro-residual strengths.

When vibration is terminated, the strength of the sample gradually increases and reaches the

residual strength value. All of the tested samples experienced compression (compaction) due to

vibration (e.g. see Figs. 5.5, 5.11 – 5.19). Note that the normalized displacement in the plots of

Figs. 5.5, 5.11 – 5.19 is defined as d/L, where d is the horizontal displacement and L is the

initial length of the specimen.

The peak, residual and vibro-residual shear strength diagrams of the glass beads, as well as

those of the fine and coarse sand samples tested at different vibration intensities, are provided in

Figs. 5.6 (a, b, c, d), 5.7 (a, b, c) and 5.8 (a, b, c), respectively. The residual and vibro-residual

friction angles of the three materials tested at different vibration intensities are given in Table


Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.5 An example of test results of a fine sand sample tested at σ=200 kPa, =60 Hz and


Table 5.2 Test results of glass beads.

h-av  p r rv h v 

8 8 6 2 0.4 0.04 4

23 16 12.5 7 0.55 0.08 5.5

36 22 19 12.5 0.35 0.15 6.5

50 29 24 17 0.5 0.15 7

118 63.5 53 38 0.44 0.13 15

200 107 85 66 0.4 0.11 19

8 8 6 0 1.55 0.3 6

23 16 12.5 4 1.4 0.2 8.5

36 23 18.5 6.5 1.55 0.2 12

50 30 24 10 1.4 0.18 14

118 65.5 54.5 32 1.2 0.42 22.5

200 107 91 58 1.2 0.35 33

8 8 6 0 2.2 0.45 6

23 16 13 1 2 0.32 12

36 24 19 4.5 2.2 0.32 14.5

50 29.5 23 8 2.1 0.22 15

118 65 54 26 2.2 0.41 28

200 107 88 53 2 0.41 35

8 8 6 0 3.5 0.38 6

23 17 13 0 3.5 0.7 13

36 24 19 0 3.4 0.9 19
50 31 25 4 3.4 0.75 21

118 63 50 17 3.3 0.75 33

200 106 86 40 3.3 0.65 46

It is apparent from Figs. 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 that increasing of vibration intensity results in a

reduction of the residual friction angle of all the materials. From these figures, it can also be seen

that besides reducing the friction angles of the materials, vibration results in the intersecting of

the shear strength envelop with the normal stress axis at the non-zero vibro-fluidizational limit,

σf, which increases with an increase in the vibration intensity. This implies that at a given

vibration acceleration, a granular material can fluidize at normal stresses up to the σf value, and

above the σf value, remains in the solid state, but has a smaller friction angle (vibro-residual

friction angle, φvr) than the residual one, φr. Thus, Coulomb’s equation for dry granular material,

 = σ tan φ, can be written as:

 = (σ – σf) tan φvr if σ > σf [2]

=0 if σ ≤ σf

where  – shear stress, σ – normal stress, σf – vibro-fluidizational limit (intersection point of the

vibro-residual shear strength with the normal stress axis), and φvr –friction angle of vibro-

residual strength.

Alternatively, the σf parameter can be expressed as:

σf = /tanφvr + σ where σ > σf [3]

Table 5.3 Test results of fine sand.

h-av  p r rv h v 

8 12.5 9 5 0.43 0.07 4

23 25 19 14.5 0.43 0.14 4.5

36 36.5 26.5 22.5 0.4 0.13 4

50 46 37.5 32.5 0.41 0.13 5

118 103 81 71.5 0.43 0.18 9.5

200 166 130 118.5 0.4 0.08 11.5

8 13 9.5 0 2.5 0.22 9.5

23 25 20.5 8 2.5 0.4 12.5

36 35.5 31 14 2.6 0.58 17

50 46.5 37.5 19.5 2.3 0.4 18

118 102.5 83.5 51 2.3 0.75 32.5

200 170.5 130 91 2.3 0.7 39

8 13.5 9.5 0 3.5 0.4 9.5

23 24 20 0 3.9 0.65 20

36 39.5 30 5 4 0.85 25
50 46 34.5 8 4.5 0.7 26.5

118 112.5 87 38 4 0.7 49

200 178 128 62 4.5 1.3 66

Table 5.4 Test results of coarse sand.

h-av  p r rv h v 

8 11 7.5 1.5 0.44 0.04 6

23 21.5 16.5 9.5 0.47 0.08 7

36 30 25 19 0.47 0.1 6
50 40.5 32 22.5 0.46 0.15 9.5

118 88 71 62.5 0.42 0.15 8.5

200 144 119 97 0.4 0.21 22

8 11 8 0 2.3 0.52 8

23 21 16 0 2.6 0.52 16

36 29.5 24 7 2.7 0.49 17

50 39.5 31.5 11 2.8 0.49 20.5

118 88 71.5 36 2.3 0.52 35.5

200 141.5 117.5 76 2.3 0.75 41.5

8 10.5 8 0 4.6 1.1 8

23 21 17 0 4.2 1.1 17

36 31 24.5 0 4.1 1.2 24.5

50 40 32.5 4 4.5 0.8 28.5

118 89 71 27.5 4.2 1 43.5

200 145.5 115.5 52 4.1 1.4 63.5

(a) Glass Beads 0.55mm (0.44 g) Peak
Linear (Peak)
160 Linear (Residual)
140 Linear (Vibro-Residual)

τ, kPa

y = 0.5142x + 3.6364
y = 0.4112x + 3.4389
y = 0.3298x - 0.1583



0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa

(b) Glass Beads 0.55mm (1.38 g) Peak

Linear (Peak)
160 Linear (Residual)
140 Linear (Vibro-Residual)

τ, kPa

y = 0.5154x + 4.2164
y = 0.443x + 2.3

60 y = 0.3106x - 4.423


0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa

(Continued on the next page)

(c) Glass Beads 0.55mm (2.12 g) Peak
Linear (Peak)
160 Linear (Residual)
140 Linear (Vibro-Residual)

τ, kPa

y = 0.5136x + 4.3464
y = 0.4271x + 2.8694

y = 0.2917x - 6.4086


0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa

(d) Glass Beads 0.55mm (3.4 g) Peak

Linear (Peak)
160 Linear (Residual)
140 Linear (Vibro-Residual)

τ, kPa

y = 0.5023x + 5.0801
y = 0.4091x + 3.5079


40 y = 0.2414x - 9.2751

0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa

Figure 5.6 Shear strength diagrams of glass beads tested at (a) - h0.44, (b) - h1.38, (c) -

h2.12 and (d) - h3.4.

(a) Fine Sand (0.42 g)

y = 0.8008x + 6.7789

140 y = 0.6322x + 4.6627

120 y = 0.5889x + 1.3849
τ, kPa


60 Residual
40 Vibro-Residual

20 Linear (Peak)
Linear (Residual)
0 50 100 150 200 Linear (Vibro-Residual)
σ, kPa

(b) Fine Sand (2.42 g)


y = 0.8211x + 5.9726

140 y = 0.6264x + 6.5878

τ, kPa

y = 0.4697x - 3.4721

60 Peak

40 Residual
Linear (Peak)
Linear (Residual)
0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa Linear (Vibro-Residual)

(Continued on the next page)

(c) Fine Sand (4.25 g)

180 y = 0.8694x + 5.8862


140 y = 0.6276x + 5.9985

τ, kPa



60 y = 0.3577x - 7.8786
0 Linear (Peak)
0 50 100 150 200
Linear (Residual)
σ, kPa
Linear (Vibro-Residual)

Figure 5.7 Shear strength diagrams of fine sand tested at (a) - h0.42, (b) - h2.42 and (c) -


(a) Coarse Sand (0.44 g)




140 y = 0.6941x + 5.5135

120 y = 0.5778x + 3.2786

τ, kPa

100 y = 0.5021x - 1.0703

60 Residual
40 Vibro-Residual

20 Linear (Peak)
Linear (Residual)
0 50 100 150 200 Linear (Vibro-Residual)
σ, kPa

(Continued on the next page)

(b) Coarse Sand (2.5 g)



140 y = 0.6846x + 5.4492

120 y = 0.573x + 3.2092

τ, kPa


y = 0.4209x - 10.011
60 Peak

40 Residual
Linear (Peak)
Linear (Residual)
0 50 100 150 200
σ, kPa Linear (Vibro-Residual)

(c) Coarse Sand (4.28 g)



y = 0.7041x + 5.1198

120 y = 0.5592x + 4.2056

τ, kPa



60 y = 0.3193x - 11.332
0 Linear (Peak)
0 50 100 150 200
Linear (Residual)
σ, kPa
Linear (Vibro-Residual)

Figure 5.8 Shear strength diagrams of coarse sand tested at (a) - h0.44, (b) - h2.5 and (c) -


Evidence of the presence of both a vibro-fluidizational limit, σf, and a reduced friction

angle due to vibration can possibly be explained by the bifurcation process that takes place

during sufficiently strong vibrations, which results in the fluidization of the top layer of a

granular material, while the bottom layer remains in a solid state. This phenomenon was

described in detail by Metcalfe et al. (2002), who performed experiments on granular materials

by subjecting them to horizontal vibrations and concluded that normal stress has a significant

impact on the thickness of the vibro-fluidized layer of the granular media.

Table 5.5 Friction angles and normal stress axis intersection values of the shear strength

diagrams for the three granular materials tested at different vibration intensities.

Material h-av  f kPa

0 32.2 0

0.42 30.5 7.4

Fine Sand
2.42 25.1 19.6

4.25 19.7 38.1

0 29.7 0

0.44 26.7 2.1

Coarse Sand
2.50 22.8 23.8

4.28 17.7 35.5

0 21.2 0

0.44 18.3 9.7

Glass Beads 1.38 17.3 24

2.12 16.3 32.4

3.40 13.6 51



y = -2.8795x + 31.969
Glass Beads
y = -2.5917x + 28.903
Fine Sand

Coarse Sand
Linear (Glass Beads)
y = -1.9735x + 20.237
10 Linear (Fine Sand)
Linear (Coarse Sand)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Relative horizontal acceleration,  h

Figure 5.9 Friction angles of the tested materials at different vibration intensities.

The final results provided in Table 5.5 are graphically presented in Figs. 5.9 and 5.10. It is

seen from Fig. 5.9 that the reduction of the residual friction angles of the tested granular

materials with an increase in vibration intensity is practically linear. The only noticeable

deviation from the linear pattern of the φ vs. h relationship is observed at a h value of less than

1. It is also apparent that the plot of the well rounded coarse sand correlates well with those of

the angular fine sand and glass beads. This means that the plots presented in Fig. 5.9 can be used

for the approximation of the residual friction angle changes of sand sized dry granular materials

(which have a residual friction angle that ranges from 21o to 32o) when subjected to vibration in

the given range of horizontal acceleration values.


Vibro-fluidizational limit (kPa)


50 Glass Beads
Fine Sand
Coarse Sand
30 Linear (Glass Beads)
Linear (Fine Sand)
Linear (Coarse Sand)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Relative horizontal acceleration,  h

Figure 5.10 σf values at different vibration intensities. (Note that σf = 0 at h = 0. These points

represent a static condition).

As shown in Fig. 5.10, the plots of the σf vs. h relationship for all of the tested materials

are linear. At a given vibration intensity, the glass beads have a greater σf magnitude than the

coarse and fine sands, the plots of which practically coincide. It can be assumed that there is a

certain level of roundness, above which the σf vs. h plot will shift from that of the coarse and

fine sand to the one of the glass beads.

Since vibration generated by the actuator is in the horizontal (shear) direction, the main

parameter that defines vibration intensity used in this work is horizontal acceleration. The

vertical accelerations measured on the loading plate are generated due to the horizontal

vibrations and their magnitude depends on the boundary conditions and the materials tested. That

is why the v values provided in Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 are somewhat random at given h-av.

Despite this fact, it is apparent from Tables 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 that the v values generally increase

with an increase in the magnitude of the horizontal acceleration (h). Therefore, it should be

mentioned that although vertical accelerations are not used in the data analysis in this paper, they

contribute to the strength loss of the tested materials, and show a well defined trend of their

magnitude change which is related to the horizontal acceleration intensity.

Below are some examples that show the effect of vibration intensity on the shearing

resistance and compressive deformations of the glass beads. Figs. 5.11, 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14 show

the test results of glass bead samples tested at a normal stress of 200 kPa and h equal to 0.4, 1.2,

2 and 3.3, respectively. It can be seen that an increase in the horizontal vibration acceleration

results in not only greater strength loss, but also greater compression deformations. Note that at

high vibration intensities (Figs. 5.13 and 5.14) excessive vibro-compaction of the samples leads

to post-vibrational peaks, which with further shear deformation, decrease to the residual strength.

It can also be seen that after sufficiently strong vibration, the development of post-vibrational

peak strength is accompanied with post-vibration dilation (see Figs. 5.14 – 5.19). On the other

hand, the shear resistance plots of the fine and coarse sands do not show any post-vibrational

peaks at high normal stress values (σ = 118 kPa and 200 kPa), which can be explained by the

irregular shape of the grains that did not allow the samples to undergo sufficient compaction at

high confining stresses, even at horizontal vibration accelerations greater than h > 4.

The irregular pattern of the shear resistance plots at the post-peak strength state (see Figs.

5.11, 5.12, 5.13 and 5.14) is due to the arranged alignment of the glass beads on the shear surface

that takes place when the tested samples approach their residual strength. When the glass beads

which have an arranged alignment snap over each other, a sudden decrease in the shearing

resistance takes place, after which, the shear stress starts to increase until it reaches its residual

value. This phenomenon has only been observed for glass beads at higher normal stresses, σ =

118 kPa and 200 kPa (see Fig. 5.5 for comparison purposes).

The effect of normal (confining) stress on the strength and deformation characteristics of

granular materials subjected to similar vibration intensities (horizontal vibration accelerations)

can be seen in Figs. 5.14 – 5.19. The greatest compressive deformations induced by vibration are

observed at the lowest normal stress, σ = 8 kPa. An increase in normal stress from 8 to 200 kPa

leads to a reduction in compression. This phenomenon is also apparent from the magnitude of the

post-vibrational peak of the shear resistance plots. Higher normal stress means lower post-

vibrational peak. Therefore, the mechanism here is similar to the initial dilation of the tested

samples, where the dilation magnitude reduces with an increase in normal stress (see Figs. 5.14 –


Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.11 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead

samples tested at h = 0.4.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.12 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead

samples tested at h = 1.2.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.13 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead

samples tested at h = 2.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.14 Effect of vibration on the strength loss and compressive deformation of glass bead

samples tested at h = 3.3.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.15 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of

glass beads tested at σ = 8 kPa.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.16 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of

glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.17 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of

glass beads tested at σ = 36 kPa.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.18 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of

glass beads tested at σ = 50 kPa.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 5.19 Effect of normal stress on post-vibrational strength and compressive deformation of

glass beads tested at σ = 118 kPa.

On the other hand, as seen from Figs. 5.14, 5.18, and 5.19, the magnitude of the shear

strength loss due to vibration increases with an increase in the normal stress, which in turn,

defines the friction angle reduction from the residual to the vibro-residual value.

Figs. 5.14 – 5.19 show that strong vibrations (h = 3.3 to 3.5) bring the samples to a denser

state than their state prior to testing. It is also seen that compression caused by vibration is

greater than dilation due to the shearing of the samples. This results in well defined post-

vibrational peaks in the shear resistance plots.

As mentioned earlier, the development of post-vibrational peak strength is accompanied

with post-vibration dilation. It is apparent from Figs. 5.14 to 5.19 that the magnitude of post-

vibration dilation is smaller than the initial dilation of the samples. Therefore, it can be

concluded that post-vibration dilation is caused by the expansion of the shear zone of the

samples, while the difference between the initial and post-vibration dilation is due to the

compression of the material beyond the shear zone.

It can also be seen that some of the samples showed an increase in shear resistance during

vibration (e.g. Fig 5.14), which can be explained by the ongoing densification of the shear zone


The experimental results mentioned above can contribute to a better understanding of long

run-out distance of large rock avalanches. The attempts to explain this phenomenon were made

by Melosh (1979) and Davies (1982). It has been observed that the run-out distance of large rock

avalanches depends on their volume, such that the larger volume of an avalanche results in

longer run-out distance.

The evidence that sufficiently strong vibration decreases the friction angle of a granular

material from residual to vibro-residual value, such that greater vibration intensity results in

lower vibro-residual friction angle, correlates well with the concepts of “acoustic fluidization”

(Melosh, 1979) and “mechanical fluidization” (Davies, 1982) attempting to explain the long run-

out distances of large rock avalanches: the resistance of granular media at the shear interface is

affected by the vibration generated by the collisions of the avalanche material with the stationary

base, such that larger volume of a rock avalanche having greater kinetic energy generates greater

vibration intensity, which will, in turn, result in a longer run-out distance of the rock avalanche.

5.6 Conclusions

Based on the physical observations of the mechanical response of sand and glass beads under

vibrational shearing, the following conclusion can be made.

1. Upon vibration application, an immediate strength loss of the granular material takes

place from the residual to vibro-residual strengths. If the granular material experiences

sufficient shear deformation after the termination of vibration, its strength reaches the

residual strength value.

2. All of the tested samples have experienced compression (compaction) due to the applied

vibration. An increase in the horizontal vibration acceleration results in greater

compression deformation.

3. An increase in the vibration intensity results in a reduction of the residual friction angle

of all the tested granular materials.

4. Besides reducing the friction angles of the tested materials, vibration causes the

intersecting of the shear strength envelop with the normal stress axis at a certain vibro-

fluidizational limit value, σf, which increases with an increase in vibration intensity. This

implies that at a given vibration acceleration, a granular material can fluidize at normal

stresses up to the σf value, and above this σf value, remains in a solid state. However, the

granular material has a smaller friction angle (vibro-residual friction angle, φvr) than the

residual friction angle, φr. Thus, the Coulomb’s equation for dry granular material,  = σ

tan φ, can be written as:  = (σ + σf) tan φvr.

5. The reduction of the residual friction angles of the tested granular materials with an

increase in vibration intensity is practically linear. The only noticeable deviation from the

linear pattern of the φ vs. h relationship is observed at a h value less than 1.

6. The φ vs. h plots can be used for the approximation of changes in the residual friction

angle of sand sized dry granular materials (with residual friction angles from 21o to 32o)

when subjected to vibration in the given range of the horizontal acceleration values (0 <

h < 4.5).

7. The plots of the σf vs. h relationship for all of the tested materials are linear. At a given

vibration intensity, the glass beads have a greater σf magnitude than the coarse and fine

sands, the plots of which coincide. It can be assumed that there is a certain level of

roundness, above which, the σf vs. h plot will shift from that of the coarse and fine sand

to the one of the glass beads.

8. Excessive vibro-compaction of the samples leads to post-vibrational peaks, which with

further shear deformation, decreases to the residual strength. The development of post-

vibrational peak strength is accompanied with post-vibration dilation.

9. The shear resistance plots of the fine and coarse sands, unlike that of the glass beads, do

not show any post-vibrational peaks at high normal stress values (σ = 118 kPa and 200

kPa), which can be explained by the irregular shape of the grains that did not allow the

samples to undergo sufficient compaction, even at horizontal vibration accelerations

greater than h > 4.

10. The largest compressive deformation of the granular materials induced by vibration is

observed at the lowest normal stress, σ = 8 kPa. An increase in the normal stress from 8

to 200 kPa leads to compression reduction. This phenomenon is also apparent from the

magnitude of the post-vibrational peak of the shear resistance plots. A higher normal

stress means a lower post-vibrational peak.

11. It appears that the essence of acoustic fluidization, which attempts to explain the large

runout distance of big rock avalanches (Melosh, 1979), and vibrational fluidization

observed in the above mentioned experiments, is the same: the resistance of granular

media at the shear interface is affected by the vibration generated by the collision of the


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6. Chapter 6: Effect of Vibration on the Shear Zone in Dry Granular Materials

6.1 Abstract

The following paper outlines the results of laboratory experiments conducted on glass beads and

sand by using a modified vibrating direct shear apparatus. The behavior of the shear zone in the

granular materials before, during and after the application of vibration is investigated at the pre-

peak and residual strength states. Three zones are identified in the sheared granular material: A –

the zone that is unaffected by the shear of the granular media, B – the shear zone portion that has

been developed due to the shear of the material, but does not contribute to the critical state of the

thinner shear zone C, at which the actual shear takes place. Also, the shear strength and

deformation characteristics of the granular materials affected by vibration at their pre-peak and

residual strength states are presented and discussed.

6.2 Introduction

The strength of a granular material is determined by the strength characteristics of the material at

the shear zone/band defined by a certain combination of boundary conditions and the mechanical

properties of the material. Therefore, to better understand the mechanism of the strength loss of

granular materials, it is important to investigate the stress and deformation characteristics of the

shear zone during its initiation and propagation through the granular media. The thickness of the

shear zone is usually 8 to 10 times the mean grain diameter (Roscoe, 1970; Muhlhaus and

Vardoulakis, 1987; Bardet and Proubet, 1992).

Some examples of the numerous studies on shear zones in granular media are provided


Bardet and Proubet (1992) investigated the emergence, inclination, and thickness of shear

bands in idealized granular materials and showed that they are similar to those of real materials.

Aidanpaa et al. (1996) used a torsional shear cell to study the shear layers of uniform spheres,

and observed that the shear zone thickens and dilates with an increase in the shear speed,

accompanied by a transition from a single layer to many layers of shearing. Bora (1984)

experimentally investigated the shear failure mechanism in granular materials, and found that the

friction angle is dependent on effective confining contact stress within a dilative range regardless

of the drainage conditions and amount of particle crushing. Frost et al. (2002) studied the shear

failure behavior of granular–continuum interfaces on a selection of sand–continuum material

interfaces and through the use of discrete element modeling. Borja (2003) used a geological and

mathematical framework to classify deformation patterns in granular media. Frost et al. (2004)

evaluated the interface behaviour of granular soils by carrying out physical and numerical

experiments. Rechenmacher (2005) evaluated local displacements and strains that are associated

with shear band growth and evolution in sands by testing the plane strain with the use of digital

image correlation (DIC). The magnitude of the shear and rotational strains was found to vary

along the length of the shear bands, which lends support to the idea of fluctuating buildup and

collapse of the “force chains”. Alshibli and Alramahi (2006) investigated the evolution of local

strains during the shearing of particles of a granular material, and showed that when compared to

particle sliding, rotation is imperative in the shearing resistance of granular materials. Abriak and

Caron (2006) conducted an experimental study of shear in granular media, and showed that

granular media behavior depends on the local friction (grain–grain friction). Sadrekarimi (2008)

studied the shearing behavior of loose and dense sands by implementing constant volume ring

shear tests. Widulinski et al. (2010) performed comparative modeling of shear localization in

granular bodies with the finite and discrete element methods (FEM and DEM). Liu (2010)

conducted laboratory experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the failure

characteristics and micro-mechanical behaviors of granular soil slopes. Cox and Budhu (2010)

studied the grain shape of granular materials, and through the use of light microscopy,

determined that there are several grain shape parameters. They then related these parameters to

the dilatancy of the granular materials. Mesarovic et al. (2013) analyzed the changes in the

topology of a granular assembly during deformation by using the graph theory and showed that

the elementary mechanism of diffuse deformation consists of intermittent flips, an increasing

number of which directly stems from dilatancy, as well as that shear band formation is associated

with the massive rolling of particles.

Direct shear testing has successfully been used to evaluate the shear strength characteristics

of soils for many decades. Despite some of the disadvantages of the testing, such as lack of

control of pore pressure, failure at predefined planes and non-uniform stress conditions in the

tested samples, it is one of the most common shear strength evaluation tests used in geotechnical

laboratories these days. The popularity of direct shear testing arises from the simplicity of the

setup and ease of testing procedures.

Many researchers have studied the applicability and limitations of direct shear testing

through experimental investigations and numerical modelling. One of the more early studies on

direct shear testing through the use of finite element analysis was performed by Potts et al.

(1987). They demonstrated that, despite the strongly non-uniform stresses and strains in the shear

box before failure, strains and stresses in the final failure zone are surprisingly uniform. Liu et al.

(2005) investigated the interface friction through direct shear tests. Two improvements were

made to reduce the friction of the sample material at the inner surface of the upper shear box,

which caused the real shear strength to increase for a dense sample and decrease for a loose

sample. Bagherzadeh-Khalkhali and Mirghasemi (2009) performed numerical modeling and

experiments by using direct shear testing to study its suitability and limitations for testing coarse-

grained soils. Li and Aydin (2010) investigated the fluctuations in vertical displacement and

shear stress with different sized glass beads during direct shearing. Nam et al. (2011) used

multistage direct shear tests to determine the shear strength of unsaturated soils, which allowed

the matric suction to be independently controlled, and compared the results with samples which

underwent conventional direct shear testing. Härtl and Ooi (2011) investigated, through direct

shear tests, how particle shape and interparticle friction would influence bulk friction by using

DEM. They showed that packing density has less influence than particle interlocking on the bulk

friction. Kang et al. (2012) performed 3D discrete element simulations in conjunction with image

processing of the pore geometry to determine the pore size distribution and orientation in dilative

and contractive assemblies in direct shear testing.

Of special interest is the effect of vibration on the shear zone in granular media (Youd,

1968). In this work, the deformation and strength characteristics of two granular materials with

different grain shapes are experimentally investigated by applying vibration at their pre-peak and

residual strength states. The post-vibrational strength and volumetric changes of the materials are

also evaluated, as well as a case in which the materials are sheared over a smooth glass surface.

The laboratory experiments are performed on a modified vibrating direct shear apparatus, the

description of which together with the test results will be provided in the following sections.

6.3 Testing Equipment and Procedures

A modified vibrating direct shear apparatus was used to conduct the laboratory experiments (see

Figs. 6.1 and 6.2). The modifications included the installation of an electromagnetic actuator (11)

between the shear box (2) and proving ring (3), as well as two load cells (10 and 12) for shear

force measurement at the top and bottom halves of the shear box (2). An extension (13) was

added to the main body (5) to accommodate all of the mentioned components. The actuator (11)

incorporated two electromagnets, which generate vibrations in the horizontal shearing direction.

The frequency and intensity of vibrations were controlled by a control panel (not shown in Fig.


The measuring equipment consisted of two linear variable differential transformers

(LVDTs) that measure vertical and horizontal displacements, two load cells (10 and 12), and two

uniaxial accelerometers that measure the vertical and horizontal vibration accelerations on the

soil samples. One of the accelerometers was placed on top of the loading plate (measured vertical

vibration accelerations), and the other accelerometer was attached to the top half of the shear box

in the direction of the shear (measured horizontal vibration accelerations). The output signals

were acquired by using the NI CompactDAQ System, which was in turn, connected to a PC that

logged the data with NI LabVIEW software.

(a) (b)
1 10
2 3 11

9 7

Figure 6.1 (a) – Strain controlled direct shear apparatus and (b) – modified strain controlled

vibrating direct shear apparatus.

1 – Control panel of the direct shear apparatus; 2 – Shear box with a soil sample; 3 – Proving

ring; 4 – Screw for zero setting of shear load before starting a test; 5 – Main body of the direct

shear apparatus; 6 – Frame that transfers normal load to the soil sample placed in the shear box

(2); 7 – Legs of the direct shear apparatus that supports the main body (5); 8 – lever that provides

a normal load to the soil sample; 9 – Weights that define a normal load on the soil sample; 10 –

Load cell; 11 –Actuator; 12 – Load cell; and 13 – Extension of the main body (5) of the direct

shear apparatus (LVDTs that measured the vertical and shear displacements are not shown for


The testing procedures were carried out in accordance with ASTM D3080/D3080M

(Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions),

with additional vibration applied for a short period of time at the pre-peak and residual strength

states. Depending on the objective of the test, vibrations were applied while the sample was

being sheared, as well as when shearing was terminated. The frequency and force of the

vibrations were adjusted to the required magnitude and kept constant for the set of soil samples


Each of the tested samples generated a set of plots, such as those provided in Figs. 6.6, 6.8

and 6.10. As seen from the figures, each plot set consists of four plots: shear resistance vs.

normalized displacement, vertical displacement vs. normalized displacement, horizontal

acceleration vs. normalized displacement and vertical acceleration vs. normalized displacement,

as well as a short outline on the right hand side related to the type of material tested, normal

stress, and vibration and material strength properties.

Figure 6.2 Modified direct shear apparatus.

6.4 Tested Materials

In order to investigate the effect of vibrating on the shear zone in granular materials, two

different dry granular materials (40 samples) were tested on the modified direct shear apparatus.

The tested materials were 0.55 mm glass beads and fine sand samples. The two materials were

chosen with different particle shapes in order to investigate the particle shape effect on the shear

zone of the granular materials under vibration. The samples filled a shear box with dimensions of

6 cm x 6 cm x 3.2 cm (W x L x H), after which, a constant compaction effort was applied to the

samples which brought them to a dense state and similar density. Some of the samples were

tested in the loose state, which was achieved by pouring the granular materials through a narrow

neck funnel, and no consequent compaction. The samples were tested at normal stresses of 8, 23,

36, 50, 118 and 200 kPa in strain-controlled mode at a shear rate of 0.61 mm/min. The highest

normal stress did not exceed 200 kPa to avoid grain crashing. The vibration frequency was 140

Hz, and the force of the actuator electromagnets was set at 7.14 N and kept constant to generate

the same vibration intensity for all of the samples tested. The sensor data were logged at a

frequency of 1 kHz.

The physical characteristics of the tested materials are given in Table 6.1, where ρs – is the

density of the solids, ρ – bulk density, e – void ratio, n – porosity and φr – residual friction angle.

The particle size distributions of the four materials are given in Fig.6.3. Representative samples

of the materials were observed under a microscope to determine the shape of the particles (see

Figs.6.4a and 6.4b). As can be seen in the photographs in Figs. 6.4a and 6.4b, the 0.55 mm glass

beads have a practically ideal spherical shape, and the fine sand particles have an angular shape.

Table 6.1 Physical characteristics of the tested materials.

Material ρs ρ e n φr

Glass Beads 2.65 1.566 0.692 0.409 21.90

Fine Sand 2.65 1.460 0.815 0.449 31.50





finer Fine Sand
Glass Beads 0.55 mm



0.01 0.1 1

Figure 6.3 Particle size distribution of the tested materials.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.4 Photographs of the glass beads and sand samples under a microscope at

magnification of 50x. (a) 0.55 mm glass beads and (b) fine sand.

(scale bar on the right bottom corner is 0.1 mm in length)

6.5 Test Results

6.5.1 Pre-Peak and Residual Strength States of Granular Materials under Vibration

Four samples of the 0.55 mm glass beads and four samples of the fine sand were tested to

investigate the effect of vibration on their pre-peak and residual strengths and deformation

properties. Vibration of the same intensity was applied for 15 sec while the samples were being

sheared both at pre-peak and residual strength states. The test results are summarized in Table

6.2 and Figs. 6.5a and 6.5b. The relative acceleration (horizontal and vertical), , given in Table

6.2, is a dimensionless parameter and defined as:   2/g, where A is the vibration amplitude,

 is the vibration frequency and g is the gravitational acceleration.

Table 6.2 Shear strengths and strength losses at pre-peak and residual strength states for 0.55 mm

glass beads and fine sand.

Material Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Residual Pre-Peak Horizontal Vertical

Stress Strength Strength Strength Strength Loss Strength Loss Acceleration Acceleration
σ τ τ τ Δτ Δτp
p r vr
h v
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa

23 18 14 9 5 4 0.42 0.13
0.55 mm 50 31.5 26 18 8 4 0.41 0.13
Glass Beads 118 68.5 55.5 44.5 11 4 0.41 0.14
200 110.5 85 69 16 3 0.40 0.13
23 29 22.5 16 6.5 7.5 0.48 0.14
50 51 38.5 31 7.5 6 0.48 0.14
Fine Sand
118 105.5 90 71 19 6.5 0.46 0.14
200 164 134 119 15 8 0.42 0.14

As can be seen from Table 6.2, vibration of the glass bead samples at the pre-peak strength

state does not affect their peak strength. The magnitude of the pre-peak strength loss was

practically the same (≈4 kPa) for all normal stresses and smaller (especially at high normal

stresses) than the strength loss at the residual strength state.

The same pattern of strength loss was observed in the case of the fine sand samples, with

the exception that the pre-peak strength loss was somewhat greater (the horizontal accelerations

as well) than that of the 0.55 mm glass beads, and ranged from 6 to 8 kPa. The peak strength was

also not affected by vibration.

It is assumed tough that vibration of a greater intensity, capable of causing compaction of

the materials, would densify the samples, which would in turn, result in an increase in their peak


It is seen from Figs. 6.5a and 6.5b that vibration reduces the residual friction angle values

of the tested glass beads and fine sand. Note that this is not real cohesion since granular materials

have zero cohesion. The cohesion intercept is due to the assumption that a straight line can be

used to approximate the shear strength envelop. The actual shear strength envelop is non-linear,

especially at low normal stresses, due to particle interlocking and dilation.

Two examples of the fine sand and glass bead samples tested at a normal stress of 50 kPa

are provided in Figs. 6.6 and 6.7, respectively. The vertical displacement plots in Figs. 6.6 and

6.7 show no deformation during pre-peak vibration. The only exception from the eight samples

of the glass beads and sand is a fine sand sample tested at a normal stress of 23 kPa, where the

sample experiences compressive deformation at the pre-peak strength state. It has to be

mentioned that all 40 tested samples (both types of materials) demonstrated compressive

deformations upon application of vibration at the residual strength state. Note that the normalized

displacement in the plots of Figs. 6.6, 6.7, 6.14 and 6.15 is defined as d/L, where d is the

horizontal displacement and L is the initial length of the specimen.

(a) Glass Beads
200 Peak
Shear Stress, kPa

140 Vibro-Residual
120 y = 0.525x + 5.8
y = 0.402x + 5.8
y = 0.343x + 1.6
0 50 100 150 200
Normal Stress, kPa

(b) Fine Sand

y = 0.764x + 12.7
Shear Stress, kPa

140 y = 0.641x + 8.6

120 y = 0.583x + 2.2
80 Peak
20 Vibro-Residual
0 50 100 150 200
Normal Stress, kPa

Figure 6.5 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads (a) and fine sand (b).

The compressive deformation and relatively high value of strength loss at the pre-peak

strength state of the fine sand sample tested at a normal stress of 23 kPa showed that

compression of the fine sand at the given vibration intensity can take place only at low normal

stresses. High normal stresses prevent the sand particles from sliding along each other during

vibration at the pre-peak strength state.

In comparing the vertical deformation plots of the 0.55 mm glass beads and fine sand

samples, the absence of compressive deformations due to vibration at the pre-peak strength state

of the glass bead sample tested at a normal stress of 23 kPa can be explained by the difference in

the particle shape of the glass beads (spherical) and the fine sand (angular) as shown in Figs. 6.4a

and 6.4b.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 6.6 Vibration of fine sand at pre-peak and residual strength states.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 6.7 Vibration of 0.55 mm glass beads at pre-peak and residual strength states.

It is interesting to note that vibration at the residual strength state densifies the samples,

thus decreasing their void ratio to a certain e value that stays constant after vibration termination,

so that e < ecritical. This should lead to a strength level greater than the residual strength, but in

fact, strength reaches the critical state (residual strength) and remains the same at a constant e

value, as can be seen in Figs. 6.6 and 6.7. This phenomenon can possibly be explained in the

following way: A dense granular material sample dilates when it is sheared, thus developing a

shear zone. The thickness of this shear zone reaches a certain maximum value, which is greater

than the actual shear zone thickness required for the sample to remain at the critical state. Since

the material in the shear zone is looser than in the rest of the sample, vibration causes

compression of the shear zone portion which no longer contributes to the developed critical state.

It is assumed that the absence of post-vibrational vertical deformations (dilation) can be

attributed to the shearing that takes place when the vibration is applied. The ongoing shear

deformations keep the actual shear zone at its critical state void ratio (ecritical) during vibration,

thus preventing any further post-vibrational vertical deformations. It is also assumed that if a

sample was subjected to the same intensity of vibration at the critical state, while not being

sheared, the vibration would densify the actual shear zone to a certain void ratio (e < ecritical). This

would increase the magnitude of compression induced by vibration, thus resulting in dilation

with further shearing of the sample.

In other words, the post-vibration dilation of a granular material depends on the vibration

intensity and the shear rate of the test. This means that post-vibration dilation can be caused not

only by the termination of shearing during vibration, but also an increase in vibration intensity

and lowering of the shear rate of the test.

6.5.2 Post-Vibrational Strength and Volumetric Changes of Granular Materials

As a result of the observations mentioned above, additional experiments were performed in order

to investigate the impact of vibration on the post-vibrational strength and volumetric change

characteristics of granular materials. These were particularly carried out to demonstrate and

prove the assumption that the shear zone thickness in granular materials consists of two

parts/zones: one that develops before the material reaches the critical state and the second

(thinner than the initially developed thickness of the shear zone) that keeps the material in the

critical state, so that the first part/zone does not contribute to the critical state maintained by the

second thinner zone. A schematic drawing of the mentioned shear zone formation in a granular

material is given in Fig. 6.8, where A denotes the zone unaffected by the shear of the granular

medium, B is the shear zone portion that has been developed due to the shear of the material, but

does not contribute to the critical state of shear zone C, at which the actual shear takes place.

Figure 6.8 Schematic cross-section of the shear zone in a granular material.

Two materials, fine sand and 0.55 mm glass beads, were tested in dense and loose states

for this purpose. The vibration applied at the residual strength state had a frequency of 140 Hz

and vibration force of 7.14 N.

Dense samples were prepared in the same way as all of the previously tested samples, by

filling the shear box with a certain amount of material and compacting the material. The loose

samples were prepared by slowly filling the shear box with the granular material through a

narrow neck funnel, with no consequent compaction, in order to achieve the loosest possible

state. A total of 24 samples were tested: 12 samples of fine sand and 12 samples of 0.55 mm

glass beads. Six samples of each material, in dense and loose states, were tested at normal stress

values of 8, 23, 36, 50, 118 and 200 kPa. Unlike the previously tested samples, these samples

were not sheared during the application of vibration, that is, shearing was terminated before and

started after vibration. This was done to allow the shear zones B and C (see Fig. 6.8) to compress

equally, so that the void ratio (or density) of the sample at the shear zone is not affected by

shearing during the vibration. Four examples of the tests conducted on dense and loose 0.55 mm

glass beads and fine sand at a normal stress of 23 kPa are given in Figs. 6.9 – 6.12.

After termination of vibration, the samples of dense fine sand tested at normal stresses of 8

and 23 kPa demonstrated dilation and shear resistance greater than those at the residual strength

state. Then after a certain amount of shear deformation, the vertical displacement of the samples

reached a constant value which was also the case for the shear resistance while approaching the

residual strength value. The sample tested at σ=36 kPa did not demonstrate any changes in post-

vibrational vertical displacement. On the other hand, the samples tested at σ=50, 118 and 200

kPa after some of the shear deformations started to compress, and higher normal stresses resulted

in greater compression. This was probably due to some tilting of the loading plate, which usually

takes place in direct shear testing when shearing granular material at relatively high normal

stresses, especially at high shear displacements.

In the case of the dense 0.55 mm glass beads (note that vibration was applied twice to the

samples tested at σ=23, 36, 50 and 118 kPa), the samples that demonstrated post-vibration

dilation and strength increase were those tested at σ=8, 23 and 36 kPa. The samples tested at

normal stresses of 50a and 118 kPa had no post-vibrational vertical deformation changes, and the

sample tested at σ=200 kPa showed some compression close to the end of the shear test.

Figure 6.9 Test results of dense 0.55 mm glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa.

Figure 6.10 Test results of loose 0.55 mm glass beads tested at σ = 23 kPa.

Figure 6.11 Test results of dense fine sand tested at σ = 23 kPa.

Figure 6.12 Test results of loose fine sand tested at σ = 23 kPa.

The test results of the loose fine sand and 0.55 mm glass beads show that there is similar

behavior after vibration termination: samples tested at low normal stresses dilated to a certain

degree with the associated changes in shear resistance.

As mentioned in the previous section, the samples of dense fine sand and 0.55 mm glass

beads neither compressed nor dilated at the pre-peak vibration application, except for one fine

sand sample tested at a normal stress of 23 kPa. This means that the vibration, with the

mentioned characteristics, cannot cause any volumetric changes in the tested granular materials

at their initial void ratio (or density). Since the same materials (with the same initial density)

were tested with the same vibration characteristics, then all the volumetric changes are due to the

dilation of the shear zone (due to shearing) and compression (due to vibration). Therefore, the

post-vibration dilation of the samples observed can only be attributed to the void ratio increase of

the shear zone due to the post-vibration shear of the material. As can be seen in Figs. 6.9 – 6.12,

the magnitude of the post-vibration dilation is less than that of the compression caused by the

vibration. Therefore, it can be inferred that the post-vibration dilation is due to the actual shear

zone C (see Fig. 6.8). This proves the previous assumption that the shear zone in a granular

material consists of two zones: B and C, as shown in Fig. 6.8.

The absence of the post-vibration dilation of the granular materials at higher normal stress

values implies that the dilation of shear zone C at higher normal stresses takes place by means of

a reduction in the void ratio of shear zone B (see Fig. 6.8).

In addition to the above described experiments, four more dense samples of the 0.55 mm

glass beads and four samples of the fine sand were sheared over a smooth glass surface in order

to provide additional support to the assumption zones A, B and C exist as outlined in Fig. 6.8.

The samples were tested at normal stresses of 23, 50, 118 and 200 kPa. Vibration was applied to

the samples for 30 sec at their residual strength state.

The test results of the eight samples are summarized in Table 6.3 and Figs. 6.13a and

6.13b. Two examples of the fine sand and glass beads tested at a normal stress of 50 kPa are

given in Figs. 6.14 and 6.15, respectively.

Table 6.3 Test results of 0.55 mm glass beads and sand sheared over smooth glass surface.

Material Normal Peak Residual Vib.-Res. Residual Horizontal Vertical

Stress Strength Strength Strength Strength Loss Acceleration Acceleration

σ τp τr τvr Δτ
h v
kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa

23 - 3 1.5 1.5 0.33 0.17

0.55 mm 50 6 5 3.5 1.5 0.32 0.22

Glass Beads 118 12 9 7.5 1.5 0.3 0.15
200 21.5 16 14.5 1.5 0.3 0.14

23 - 3 1.5 1.5 0.33 0.16

50 6 5.5 4 1.5 0.32 0.18
Fine Sand
118 14.5 12.5 11 1.5 0.32 0.13
200 25.5 22 20.5 1.5 0.33 0.19

As expected, the residual friction angles of the materials tested over the smooth glass

surface are much less than those of the materials themselves, which are 4.1o for the glass beads

and 6.2o for the fine sand. Both materials have no peak strength at σ = 23 kPa (see Table 6.3),

which implies that dense granular materials do not generate peak strength when sheared over a

smooth surface at low normal stress values. The peak friction angles of the glass beads and fine

sand are 5.9o and 7.3o, respectively.

As can be seen from Table 6.3 and Figs. 6.13a and 6.13b, vibration lowers the residual

strength of both materials by the same magnitude, Δτ=1.5 kPa, at all normal stresses. Therefore,

in this case, there are no changes in the residual friction angles of the tested materials.

(a) 0.55 mm Glass Beads


Shear Stress, kPa

y = 0.103x + 0.6
y = 0.072x + 1.2
15 y = 0.072x - 0.3
5 Residual
0 50 100 150 200
Normal Stress, kPa

(b) Fine Sand


25 y = 0.128x - 0.2
Shear Stress, kPa

y = 0.108x + 0.2
20 y = 0.108x - 1.3


5 Residual
0 50 100 150 200
Normal Stress, kPa

Figure 6.13 Shear strength diagrams of 0.55 mm glass beads (a) and fine sand (b).

The examples presented in Figs. 6.14 and 6.15 show that vibration does not generate any

compressive deformations of the samples. In fact, it caused a negligible dilation that took place

instantly with no further changes in vertical deformation. A similar behavior of vertical

deformation can be observed in the case of the glass beads tested at normal stresses of 23 and 50

kPa, as well as fine sand samples tested at σ = 23, 50 and 118 kPa. The rest of the samples did

not experience any vertical deformations upon the application of vibration.

It should also be mentioned that vibration did not cause any post-vibrational changes in the

shear resistance of all eight samples. Apparently, the densities of the dense granular materials

were not affected by the vibration, and neither were their post-vibrational residual strengths.

Therefore, it can be concluded that when a granular material is sheared over a smooth glass

surface, the void ratio of the material at the shear surface/zone remains unchanged during and

after the application of vibration. This implies that in this case, the entire material of each of the

tested samples can be classified as Zone A as described earlier in the text and presented in Fig.


Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 6.14 An example of test results of fine sand sheared over smooth glass surface.

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Normalized displacement

Figure 6.15 Example of test results of 0.55 mm glass beads sheared over smooth glass surface.

6.6 Conclusions

 Vibration of sufficiently strong intensity reduces the residual friction angles of the

granular materials in this study.

 All of the tested samples (both types of materials) demonstrate compressive deformation

upon application of vibration at the residual strength state.

 Vibration of a given intensity applied at the pre-peak strength state of the granular

materials does not affect their peak strengths.

 The magnitude of the pre-peak strength loss of the granular materials caused by vibration

is generally the same at all normal stresses, and smaller (especially at higher normal

stresses) than the strength loss at the residual strength state.

 It is assumed that vibration of a greater intensity, capable of causing compaction of the

granular materials, would densify the samples, which would in turn, result in an increase

in their peak strength.

 All of the tested samples do not experience any volumetric changes due to vibration at

their pre-peak strength state, except for one sample of fine sand tested at a normal stress

of 23 kPa which showed some compression.

 Dense granular material dilates when sheared, thus developing a shear zone. The

thickness of this shear zone reaches a certain maximum value, which is greater than the

actual thickness of the shear zone required for the sample to remain at the critical state.

 Three zones are identified in a sheared granular material: A – zone unaffected by shear of

the granular medium, B – shear zone portion that has been developed due to the shear of

the material, but does not contribute to the critical state of shear zone C, at which the

actual shear takes place.

 The concept of the A, B and C zones correlates well with the finite element analysis

results obtained by Potts et al. (1987).

 As expected, the residual friction angles of the materials tested over a smooth glass

surface are much less than those of the materials themselves.

 Dense granular materials do not generate peak strength when sheared over a smooth

surface at low normal stress values.

 The strength loss of the granular materials caused by vibration has the same magnitude at

all normal stresses, which means that vibration does not reduce the residual friction

angles of the materials sheared over a smooth glass surface.

 When a granular material is sheared over a smooth glass surface, the void ratio of the

material at the shear surface/zone remains unchanged during and after the application of


6.7 References

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Advanced Powder Technol., Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 297–318.

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ASTM D5311. “Standard Test Method for Load Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Soil”.

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granular soils”. Earth and Space, pp. 65-72.

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7. Chapter 7: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

7.1 Summary

The focus of the accomplished research project is the influence of vibration on the strength

properties of dry granular media. The granular materials used in the experimental program are

dry and free of cementation so as to better explore the mechanism of vibration impacts on the

shear strength and deformation characteristics of the tested materials from the standpoint of

vibrational fluidization.

In this research work, a new vibrating direct shear apparatus has been designed and built to

evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics of soils under a wide range of vibrational

accelerations. The apparatus is used throughout the research project to investigate the behavior of

dry granular materials at their residual strength states under the influence of vibration with

different intensities. The impact of vibration on the normal (overburden) stress and the peak

strength of granular materials is evaluated. Experiments have also been conducted to study the

post-vibrational behavior of granular materials, as well as the particle shape effect on the

strength loss and deformation of the granular media during vibration. Finally, the behavior of the

shear zone in the granular materials before, during and after the application of vibration at the

pre-peak and residual strength states is investigated.

Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 are summaries of the experimental results of about 200 tested

samples with different granular materials where the new vibrating direct shear apparatus is used

with different testing modes, procedures, normal stresses and vibration intensities. A number of

plots have been presented that show the behavior of the granular materials under the impact of

vibration in different testing conditions. The Mohr-Coulomb equation for granular materials has

been modified to account for the effect of vibrational fluidization. A new pattern of the shear

zone in granular media has been provided which outlines the deformation and shear resistance

before, during and after the application of vibration. Finally, some valuable conclusions have

been made and will be presented in the next section.

7.2 Conclusions

The following conclusions have been made based on the results of the conducted research


1. The new vibrating direct shear apparatus can be successfully used to determine the strength

and deformation characteristics of fine and granular soils (up to the size of coarse sand)

under different accelerations and frequencies of vibration.

2. Upon application of a sufficiently strong vibration at the critical strength state of a granular

material, an immediate strength loss takes place from the residual to the vibro-residual

strengths. An increase in vibration intensity results in a larger residual strength loss at a

given normal stress.

3. Sufficiently strong vibration reduces the residual friction angle of granular materials. An

increase in vibration intensity results in lower vibro-residual friction angles.

4. Initially dense or loose granular material compresses when vibration is applied at its critical

strength state. An increase in horizontal vibration acceleration results in greater compression


5. Although normal stress reduction caused by vibration contributes to the residual strength

loss in granular materials, the strength loss is mainly due to the material fluidization.

6. At low vibrational accelerations, the relationship between the residual strength loss and

horizontal acceleration is nonlinear for the granular materials that have irregularly shaped

particles. The nonlinearity increases with an increase in confining (normal) stress. On the

other hand, the relationship between strength loss and horizontal acceleration is linear for

glass beads with spherical shaped particles.

7. Besides reducing the friction angles of granular materials, vibration causes the intersection

of the shear strength envelop with the normal stress axis at a certain vibro-fluidizational

limit value, σf, which increases with an increase in vibration intensity. This implies that at a

given vibration acceleration, a granular material can fluidize at normal stresses up to the σf

value, and above this σf value, it remains in a solid state. Thus, the Coulomb’s equation for

dry granular material,  = σ tan φ, can be written as:  = (σ + σf) tan φvr, where φvr is the

vibro-residual friction angle of the material.

8. In a wide range of horizontal vibration acceleration values (0 < h < 4.5), the reduction of

the residual friction angles of the tested granular materials with an increase in vibration

intensity is practically linear. The only noticeable deviation from the linear pattern of the

relationship between φ and h is observed at h values less than 1. Thus, the φ vs. h plots

can be used for the approximation of the changes in residual friction angle of sand sized dry

granular materials (with residual friction angles between 21o to 32o) when subjected to

vibration in the given range of horizontal acceleration values.

9. The plots of the relationship between σf and h for all of the tested materials are linear. At a

given vibration intensity, the glass beads have a greater magnitude of σf than the sands with

well rounded and angular particle shapes, the plots of which practically coincide. It can be

assumed that there is a certain level of roundness, above which, the σf vs. h plot will shift

from that of the sands to the one for glass beads.

10. The largest amount of compressive deformation of the granular materials induced by

vibration is observed at the lowest normal stress. An increase in normal stress leads to a

compression reduction. This phenomenon is also apparent from the magnitude of the post-

vibration peak of the shear resistance plots. Higher normal stresses mean lower post-

vibration peaks.

11. When vibration is applied at the pre-peak strength state of a dense granular material, it does

not lower the peak strength of the material. The vibration may increase the peak strength if

its intensity is strong enough to densify the material.

12. It appears that the essence of acoustic fluidization which attempts to explain the large runout

distance of big rock avalanches (Melosh, 1979), and vibrational fluidization observed in the

above mentioned experiments is the same: the resistance of granular media at the shear

interface is affected by the vibration generated by collision of the grains.

13. When a dense granular material is sheared, it dilates, thus developing a shear zone. The

thickness of this shear zone reaches a certain maximum value, which is greater than the

actual thickness of the shear zone required for the sample to remain at the critical state.

Thus, three zones are identified in a sheared granular material: A – the zone unaffected by

the shear of the granular medium, B – the shear zone portion that has been developed due to

the shear of the material, but does not contribute to the critical state of shear zone C, at

which the actual shear takes place. The concept of the A, B and C zones correlates well with

the finite element analysis results obtained by Potts et al. (1987).

7.3 Recommendations

Recommendations for future work are as follows.

 The effect of vibration frequency on the strength and deformation characteristics of granular

media should be experimentally investigated. It is recommended that experiments be

conducted on granular materials by subjecting them to different frequency vibrations at their

critical strength states. Depending on the technical characteristics of the vibrational actuator,

which is used as part of the vibrating direct shear apparatus, vibration should be applied in the

widest possible range of frequency (approximately 5 to 250 Hz) by keeping the vibration

amplitude constant, such that the magnitude of the vibrational accelerations is controlled by

the frequency of vibration.

 Granular materials can be tested at different moisture contents to investigate the effect of

moisture content on the strength and deformation characteristics of the granular media under

the influence of vibration.

 Numerical simulations should be carried out by using 3D DEM software to investigate the

effect of vibration on the critical void ratio and shear strength of granular materials, and relate

the results to the critical state theory of granular materials.

o The numerical model can be calibrated by using the experimental results of the 0.55 mm

glass beads in this work (see Chapters 4 and 5).

o Numerical simulations can be implemented with a wide range of vibrational accelerations,

amplitudes and frequencies.

o Numerical simulations can be carried out to quantify and visualize the A, B and C shear

zones (see Chapter 6) in granular media.

o Numerical simulations can be implemented to evaluate the effect of particle size and shape

on the behavior of granular materials during vibration, by creating particles from combined

and different sized spheres.


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Part 1

The plots provided in this section were used in Chapter 3. Following are the test results of 8

samples of fine sand tested in strain-controlled mode at 8.4 kPa, 23.2 kPa, 36.3 kPa, 50 kPa, 77.3

kPa, 118.2 kPa and 200 kPa normal stresses, as well as 5 samples of fine sand tested in stress-

controlled mode at 5 different shear loads, 50 kPa normal stress, 140 Hz vibration frequency and

constant vibration intensity.

Part 2

The plots provided in this section were used in Chapter 4. Following are the test results of 20

samples of fine sand, 20 samples of coarse sand, 20 samples of 0.1 mm glass beads and 20

samples of 0.55 mm glass beads tested in strain-controlled mode at 23 kPa, 50 kPa, 118 kPa and

200 kPa normal stresses, 5 different vibration intensities and 140 Hz vibration frequency.

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Part 3

The plots provided in this section were used in Chapter 5. Following are the test results of 18

samples of fine sand, 18 samples of coarse sand and 24 samples of 0.55 mm glass beads tested in

strain-controlled mode at 8 kPa, 23 kPa, 36 kPa, 50 kPa, 118 kPa and 200 kPa normal stresses,

different vibration intensities and 60 Hz vibration frequency.

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Part 4

The plots provided in this section were used in Chapter 6. Following are the test results of a few

sample sets.

Set 1: 4 samples of fine sand and 4 samples of 0.55 mm glass beads tested in strain-controlled

mode over a smooth glass surface at 23 kPa, 50 kPa, 118 kPa and 200 kPa normal stresses,

constant vibration intensity and 140 Hz vibration frequency.

Set 2: 4 samples of fine sand and 4 samples of 0.55 mm glass beads tested in strain-controlled

mode at 23 kPa, 50 kPa, 118 kPa and 200 kPa normal stresses, constant vibration intensity and

140 Hz vibration frequency applied at the pre-peak and residual strength states of the samples.

Set 3: 12 samples of loose and dense fine sand samples, as well as 12 samples of loose and dense

0.55 mm glass beads tested in strain-controlled mode at 23 kPa, 50 kPa, 118 kPa and 200 kPa

normal stresses, and no shearing during the application of vibration having constant intensity and

140 Hz frequency.

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