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SIDM SAfrica

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between India and
South Africa in
aerospace and

October 2020

Table of contents
1. Overview of aerospace & defence in India 1

2. Defence policies 3

3. India’s defence exports 9

4. Collaboration with South Africa 17

5. Way forward 20

Image courtesy: freepik

1. Overview of Aerospace & Defence in India

The aerospace and defence manufacturing in India involves three major stakeholders who are the
representative of various aspects of governance, regulations and manufacturing.

1.1 Ministry of Defence 1.2. Public Sector Undertakings

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) regulates the defence The Department of Defence Production controls the
forces as well as the defence manufacturing in the Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs), which
country. It represents the Government of India (GoI), are government owned enterprises and Ordnance
provides the policy framework and wherewithal to the Factory Board (OFB).
armed forces. It consists of four departments under it
are the following. The products manufactured by these DPSUs and the
OFB include arms and ammunition, tanks, armoured
1.1.1 Department of Defence (DoD) vehicles, heavy vehicles, fighter aircraft, helicopters,
The DoD deals with the three services i.e. Army, Air warships, submarines, missiles, ammunition, electronic
Force, Navy and Coast Guard. It also deals with Inter- equipment, earth moving equipment, special alloys and
Services Organization. It is also responsible for the special purpose steels.
Defence Budget, establishment matters, defence
policy, matters relating to Parliament, defence coop- The overall production value of defence equipment in
eration with foreign countries, and coordination of all FY19 by DPSUs and OFB (including their JVs)
related activities. is INR63,208 crore. The public sector companies
account for approx. 60-70 per cent of the overall
1.1.2. Department of Defence Production (DDP) defence production in the country1.
The DDP was set up with the objective of developing a
comprehensive production infrastructure to produce the There are the nine DPSUs across different segments of
weapons, systems, platforms, equipment required for shipbuilding, aeronautics and electronics and along
defence in 1962. All the public sector entities which with the OFB, that consists of 41 Ordnance Factories,
include all DPSUs and all Ordnance Factories fall under the DPSUs are engaged in production, testing,
the purview of DDP. logistics, research and development of equipment.

1.1.3 Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

The DESW deals with all resettlement, welfare and
pensionary matters of Ex-Servicemen.

1.1.4 Defence Research and Development

Organisation (DRDO)
DRDO is the nodal agency of the Government of
India with a network of 52 laboratories across the
country engaged in R&D, testing and development
defence technologies

1.1.5 Department of Military Affairs (DMA)

This department is headed by the Chief of Defence
Staff as its ex-officio secretary and deals with the
Integrated Headquarters of the MoD and the Territorial
Army between different wings of the armed forces.

1. Defence Production, DDP Dashboard, MoD (GoI), 2020

1.3 Private Sector Units
The private sector in the Indian defence sector com-
prises of the three major set of players in defence
manufacturing across different capability levels.

1.3.1 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MS-

India currently has over 8000 Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) vendors involved in
defence production2. They form a major part of the
Tier-2 and Tier-3 suppliers to the global OEMs and the
Indian primes. The MoD has taken steps to establish
16,000 MSMEs in the sector by 2025. The total
defence production has been steadily growing in India
in recent years.

1.3.2 Large Indian Tier -1s

The leading Indian conglomerates who are majorly
Tier-1 suppliers of the global OEMs have started
developing capabilities in defence manufacturing and
are eyeing on a pie from the upcoming defence

1.3.3 Global OEMs and Tier-1 companies

All the leading Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs) and the Tier-1 suppliers have their presence
by having their manufacturing bases in India. Further,
foreign companies are keen to partner with Indian firms
and include them into global supply chain.

Growth of Indian defence production with time3



USD ( millions )




2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
DPSU’s OFB Other Private
PSU/JV’s Sector

Share of Total defence production FY2019-203

% 23
% %


DPSU OF Other Private

’s B PSU/JV’s Sector

2. Press Information Bureau, MoD (GoI), September 2019

3. Defence Production, DDP Dashboard, MoD (GoI), 2020

2. Defence Policies

GoI has come out with several policy changes and reforms to standardise procurement process and
develop a robust ecosystem in India. Some of the key policies are highlighted in this section

2.1 Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP) 2020

The Defence Acquisition Procedure is the central document that enlists the processes and procedures involved
for the capital acquisition in defence. The draft DAP 2020, released in March this year was further amended in
July. It brings in several changes for ensuring better and standard acquisition of platforms and equipment for
defence. The changes are enlisted under the below sub-headings.

2.1.1 Capital Acquisition

The chapter on capital acquisitions in draft DAP 2020 deals with the categories under which capital can be spent
for acquiring defence platforms/equipments/systems in India. In the latest draft, two new sub- categories have
been added, namely - ‘Buy (Global manufacture in India)’ under the ‘Buy’ category and ‘Make-III’ under the ‘Make’
category. Further, two new categories for buying Indian manufactured platforms have been added, namely, through
‘Leasing’ and ‘D&D/Innovation’.
The given table summarizes the changes made under these categories.

Category/ Proposed requirement in the draft DAP 2020

Buy • A new sub-category has been introduced under the ‘Buy’ category viz. Buy
(Global- Manufacture (Global-Manufacture in India) wherein the outright purchase of equipment shall
in India) be made from a foreign vendor.
• However, it imposes the obligation of a minimum 50% Indigenous Content (IC)
on a cost basis of the total contract value, which can be achieved through its
subsidiary in India.
• IC can be achieved through the manufacturing of the entire equipment or
spares/assemblies/sub-assemblies/maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)
facility for the entire life cycle support of the equipment.

Lease (Indian) • New category of leasing has been introduced wherein acquisition can be
Lease (Global) made under two sub-categories - Lease (Indian) and Lease (Global).
• It is applicable in case where procurement is not feasible due to time
constraint, or the asset/capability is needed for a specific time or smaller
quantities. It would also be applicable in cases where service life lease
rentals are a better option compared to a one-time acquisition cost.
• This process will:
— obviate the delays in procurement of equipment
— address the budget constraints for capital procurements
— help to gain experience for operational exploitation of equipments.

Design and • This category has been added to give boost to indigenous manufacturing and
Development (D&D)/ R&D in defence sector. Acquisitions under this category refer to systems,
Innovation platforms and upgrades to be designed, developed and manufactured by
Indian vendors.
• Creating an ecosystem to foster innovation & tech in A&D sector by
engaging entrepreneurs, startups, MSMEs through iDex.
• To promote out-of-the-box thinking by encouraging innovators on solving
defence problem statements.

2.1.2. Offset guidelines
There have been significant changes in the offset guidelines. The key pointers to note with regards to the offset
guidelines are:
• Removal of offset banking as not many OEMs were opting for this avenue
• Deletion of avenues of discharge for “investment in kind” through non-equity route.
• Offset discharge partially through a Tier-1 sub vendor on case-to-case basis has been permitted.
• Redefinition of the multipliers
• The list of eligible products has been refined as per India’s developmental needs.

2.1.3. Other changes in the DAP 2020 the decision-making matrix to bidder.
Apart from the changes mentioned under the above • Additional category in Make-in-India
headings, there are other changes, though minute, The new category Make-III (Indigenously man-
that must be looked in the overarching structure of ufactured) would encompass subsystems,
the DAP 2020. assemblies, materials, etc., which although not
designed/developed indigenously, are being
• Definition of Indian vendor manufactured in India towards import substitu-
Indian vendor can be a company incorporat- tion for product support.
ed as per Companies Act 2013, a partnership firm,
proprietorship or other type of ownership models • Acceptance Testing Procedure (ATP)
including societies with ownership and control by Clarity on quality assurance and ATP will be
resident Indian citizen(s). However, for the purpose of prepared by the user with vendor consultation
industrial license, additional guidelines and during technical trials. Third party inspection has
requirements as stipulated by the Department for been permitted for acceptance, in accordance with
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) must the laid down ATP in the RFP.
be adhered to.
• Committee for Service Quality Requirements
• Price Valuation Clauses (PVC) (SQR)
PVC has been introduced for procurement (> A committee for defining SQRs has been pro-
INR1000 crore) and delivery period (> 60 posed for Service HQs, with members from all
months). It also addresses the price variations stakeholders.
concerns due to fluctuations in exchange rate, inflation
etc. over a period of 5 years for the
OEMs. • Shipbuilding
The chapter has been elaborated to cover acqui-
• Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP) sitions of naval warships of indigenous designs by
Annual Acquisition Plan (AAP) will now be a 02- year the Navy to be constructed by DPSU/private
annual plan with having three sections containing list shipyards. A separate sub chapter has also been
of carry over acquisition proposal, acquisition created to deal with the demand for ship repair.
proposals likely to be initiated for AoN and list out
cases under the ‘Design & Development’ category.
• Provision for miscellaneous issues
Provision has been made for the incorporation of
• Post contract management artificial intelligence, subject matter experts,
The chapter defines the procedures to be ad - indigenous materials and indigenous software
hered for post-contract management, clarifying among others to develop for future needs.

2.2. Defence Production and Export ups/industry for import substitution.
Promotion Policy (DPEPP)
• Defence Investor Cell (DICs) will provide hand-
To position India amongst the leading countries in
holding to MSMEs, investors and vendors in
A&D sectors, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has
defence production for resolving issues with
formulated the draft Defence Production and Export
central, state and other authorities.
Promotion Policy (DPEPP) 20204 as an overarching
guiding document of MoD to provide a focused,
• Services will hand-hold the industry through
structured and significant thrust to defence production
continuous interactions, sharing of information
capabilities of the country for self-reliance and exports.
and arranging visits to repair establishments/ field
It aims to accomplish the following.
depots for better understanding/appreciation of the
• Achieve a turnover of INR1,75,000 crore (USD23
billion) including export of INR35,000 crore (USD
2.2.3. Optimise resource allocation reforms
4.6 billion) in A&D goods and services by 2025.
• Carve out of a distinct budget head for domestic
capital procurement and to have an enhanced
• Develop a dynamic, robust and competitive
allocation at the rate of minimum 15 per cent per
defence industry, including aerospace and naval
annum for the next 05 years.
shipbuilding industry to cater to the needs of
armed forces with quality products.
• OFB/DPSUs will be mandated to increase
productivity, enhance quality, reduce costs and
• Reduce dependence on imports and take for- ward
ensure timely execution of orders by optimizing
“Make in India” initiatives through domes- tic design
inventory management, greater vendor out-
and development.
sourcing at all levels, improving skill levels and
overall project management.
• Promote export of defence products and become
part of the global defence value chains.
2.2.4. Investment promotion, FDI and Ease of Do-
ing Business (EoDB)
• Create an environment that encourages R&D,
• Investment promotion would be done for
rewards innovation, creates Indian IP ownership
strengthening defence ecosystem by identifying
and promotes a robust and self-reliant defence
existing gaps and by offering high multipliers
through offsets obligations.
The different reforms taken under the DPEPP to
• Efforts would be made to attract FDI through In-
realise the above-mentioned capabilities are across
vest India, DIC and licensing process for defence
different segments and categories. They are
industries would continue to be eased in a time
mentioned as follows:
bound manner.
2.2.1. Procurement reforms
• Reform of the productionisation process to cut
• Setting up of a Project Management Unit (PMU),
down the ‘lab to lines’ time conversion of pro-
with representation from the services, to support the
totypes into commercially useful products, by
acquisition process and facilitate manage- ment of
roping in production partners at an early
the contracts.
Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs).
• Creation of a Technology Assessment Cell (TAC),
with representation from the services to design,
develop and produce the systems projected
in the Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan
(LTIPP). In addition, the TAC would carry out the
scan of regional and global technological
capacities and would also render advice to the
services while formulating Staff Qualitative Re-
quirements (SQRs).

• Review and overhaul of the trials would be done to

reduce the procurement cycle time of indige-
nously developed products/systems.

2.2.2. Indigenisation and support to MSMEs/Start-

• Development of an indigenisation portal for DP-
SUs/OFB/Tri-Services with an industry interface to
provide development support to MSMEs/start-ups

4. Press Information Bureau, MoD (GoI), August 202

2.2.5. Innovation General Quality Assurance (DGAQA) by out-
• Efforts would be scaled up for promoting creation of sourcing certain QA functions throughout the
IPs and filing of greater number of patents through value chain.
the previously launched Mission Raksha Gyan
Shakti. • ‘Zero Defect Zero Effect’ is being encouraged for
quality consciousness of the MSMEs assisting
• iDEX would be scaled up to engage with 300 them to adopt self-certification route through a
more startups and developing 60 new technol- facilitated process.
ogies/products during the next five years, and
their procurement under Make-II route of DAP. • Efforts to be made to streamline the airworthi-
ness assurance functions of Center for Military
• Reforms to be made in the offset policy to en- Airworthiness and certification (CEMILAC) and
courage defence investments and acquisition of strengthen its operations.
critical technologies through higher multipliers.
• Creation of testing infrastructure through De-
2.2.6. DPSUs/OFBs fence Testing Infrastructure Scheme (DTIS) by
• Efforts to be made for positioning the DPSUs as aiding the industry to set up common testing
system integrators and create a multi-tier domestic facilities.
supply chain.
2.2.8. Export Promotion
• OFB/DPSUs will be mandated to maximize out- • Defence Attachés (DAs) have been mandated to
sourcing from indigenous sources. promote export of indigenous defence equip- ment
• Encouraged to move towards “Industry 4.0” by
using innovative strategies and tools like digital • Export promotion cell to be set up to promote
threading to include Internet of Things (IoT), defence exports would be further strengthened.
timestamping by the use of block-chain technol-
ogy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) etc. • DPSUs/OFBs to have at least 25 per cent of their
revenue from exports including success fee
2.2.7. Quality assurance (QA) and testing infra- earned as targeted by 2025.
• Quality assurance process and delivery would be • DDP would facilitate on boarding of Indian Offset
rationalised and monitored by developing an IT Partners (IOPs) in the discharge of offset
platform with an industry interface. obligations by OEMs.

• Accredited third-party inspection bodies will be • Def Expo and Aero India will be positioned to
promoted to augment the resources of Director showcase defence manufacturing capabilities
and encourage exports.

2.3 Recent Reforms by the MoD
In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, several measures were announced by the Finance Minister, to boost the
defence manufacturing in India. These reforms have been listed under.

FDI limit in defence manufacturing under automatic route raised

from 49% to 74%5
• Addresses the primary concern of global OEMs on control to protect IP
and technology.
• Automatic approval route could ensure minimal procedural delays.
• Foreign investment in the sector is subject to security clearance by the
Ministry of Home Affairs and as per guidelines of the Ministry of
• Expected to result in enhanced FDI from foreign OEMs especially
from key defence manufacturing hubs.

Reforms to encourage greater private participation in the space sector

• GoI will provide level-playing field to private companies in satellites,
launches and space-based services.
• Private entities can use facilities owned by ISRO and its relevant
• GoI will also roll-out a liberal geospatial data policy for providing
remote-sensing data to technology start-ups.
• Provides boost to Indian space entrepreneurs and enterprises working
to leverage geospatial and remote sensing data for space exploration.

New policy for Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) and Corporatisation of

Ordnance Factory Board (OFB)
• All sectors, including strategic ones open for private sector. In
strategic sectors such as defence, at least one and up to four PSEs
• Professional management in ordnance factories will reduce slag,
improve quality of products, timely delivery and enhanced account-

Protect domestic industry by disallowing global tenders for contracts

up to USD27 million (INR200 crore)
• Emphasis on indigenisation of imported spares - separate budget to be
allocated for domestic cap procurement.
• Procurements of value of up to INR200 crore (approximately USD27
million) to be reserved for domestic industry.

Time bound defence procurement through a Program Management

Unit, realistic GSQRs and rationalised trial and testing procedures
• MoD is sensitive to the inordinate delays in procurement and need for
procedural overhaul.
• Reforms in procurement processes are expected to significantly im-
prove business confidence for both Indian and foreign OEMs.

Make India a global hub for MRO for defence and civil aircraft by ratio-
nalising tax regime and associated ecosystem
• Major engine manufacturers expected to set up engine maintenance
facilities in India.
• Aircraft component repairs and airframe maintenance could in-
crease from USD100 million to ~ USD300 million in three years6.

5. Press Information Bureau/Highlights of Finance Minister’s 6. Govt plans to make India global hub for aircraft maintenance, Busi-
Stimulus Package – IV, Ministry of finance, May 202020 ness Today, May 2020

2.3.1. Licensing and Regulatory Reforms
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry issued a
notification in 2019 that aimed to liberalise the manufacturing of defence components in India. The notification
draws a clear line between the list of defence items that need license authorisation from the DIPP and the ones
that need the license under the Arms Act of 1956. In other words, it states that all items that are of dual use and/or
are components of the larger defence platform, can be manufactured under the ordinary licensing requirements of
the DIPP. This distinguishes these equipments and items from the larger defence platforms (at the end of the
defence value chain), that require stringent testing and checks and hence are to be authorized/licensed only under
the Arms Act, 1959. The notification, in a way liberalises a plethora of items and equipments from the license

The DDP also released a notification in 2017 allowing the exports of items under the "Munitions List" by defining
a new SOP and standardising the process of the items under the Category 6 of Special Chemicals, ORganisms,
Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET)

3. India’s Defence Exports

3.1 Manufacturing capabilities in India capabilities, the raw materials are being processed into
composites like woven carbon and glass-based
In the recent years, defence exports have been a reinforcements, glass filament manufacturing, epoxy
central part of India’s defence manufacturing capa- resin manufacturing, higher grade imide and phenol
bilities with a focus on developing a credible and production, high temperature foam manufacturing and
structured defence export programme that functions as so on. India has dedicated plants for manufac- turing of
an extension of Indian diplomacy. The current resins, reinforcements, fillers, adhesives and
indigenous defence production is estimated to reach consumables for composites.
INR90,000 crore7 (USD12.5 billion) in 2019-20 and in
order to achieve the targeted annual growth rate of 3.1.2 Precision manufacturing
~15 per cent, the MoD is focusing on boosting India is home to a plethora of companies in the
defence exports. precision manufacturing space. The manufacturing
As per the data published by the Stockholm Inter- capabilities currently in India include precision
national Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), in March machined parts, mechanical parts assembly, CNC
2020, India is ranked 23rd in the list of major arms machining, precision lathe work, complex milling
exporters for 2015-20198 . This is the first time India operations in hard metals, cylindrical and surface
has been ranked among the top 25 arms exporters in grinding, electrical discharge machining and surface
the world. treatments and finishing. The manufacturers in India are
Frugal engineering, cost-arbitrage due to the avail- utilising turning and turn mill centres, vertical, horizontal
ability of high-quality competitive engineering talent, IT and five axis CNCs to produce thin walls, tight
infrastructure and labour provides India an opportunity tolerances and intersecting intricate features.
to aim at further improving its defence exports. Given
the potential for defence exports, the MoD targets 3.1.3 Forging and sheet metal work
exports of INR35,000 crore (USD5 billion) till 20249 and Capability of Indian companies in the field of forging
in order to achieve this target, the exports have to grow and sheet metal work has been recognised globally for
at a CAGR of >40 per cent till 2024. its high quality. India has the capability to forge variety
of raw materials like Carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless
India’s defence exports over the years10 steel, super alloy, Titanium and Aluminium. Indian
manufacturers have forging capabilities in hot closed
Export value in USD ( millions )

dies, open dies, cold closed dies, ring rolling, CNC and
VMC machining, gear finishing (hobbing, shaping,
shaving, broaching), robotic welding, heat treatment,
ED painting, tool designing and development.

3.1.4 Special processes for aerospace
0 compo- nents
50 Special processes for aerospace components include
202.9 624.3 395.0
procedures that alter or change the mechan- ical,
0 1109.3 1215.
2016-17 2017- 2018-19 4
2019- 2020-
chemical or physical parts of products within the
18 20 21 operation or process. They involve a variety of
Total export done In process processes, some of which are listed below:
3.1 Capabilities of defence manufactur-
ing in India • Cadmium and Zinc Nickel Plating
Over the years, the Indian defence manufacturing • Non-Destructive Test
ecosystem has developed its capabilities across • Chromic Acid Anodizing
product groups. The presence of large India primes • Adhesive Bonding
and MSMEs alike, have created a diverse set of ca- • Passivation
pabilities among the Indian manufacturers. • Tartaric Sulfuric Acid Anodizing

3.1.1 Composites
There has been significant growth in composites and
allied technology in India because of wide- spread
adoption in defence along with other com- mercial
applications. Today, India has the capabil- ities in
prepreg moulding, Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer
Moulding (VARTM/resin infusion, multi-ax- es filament
winding and hand layup. Using these

7. DDP dashboard, Ministry of Defence, March 2020 9.Press Information Bureau, Government of India, Ministry of Defence,
8. Trends in international arms transfer, 2019, SIPRI, March 2020 March 2020
10. Defence Exports, DDP Dashboard, MoD, 2020
3.1.5 Shipbuilding
Shipbuilding in India, particularly Defence Shipbuilding,
has come a long way since its fledgling years, when
it began in 1950s. Like in many warships in services,
MSMEs have played a key role in indigenising and retro
fitting many marine grade military components during
repair, refit and Mid Life Upgrades (MLU). Some of
the thrust areas wherein MSMEs in the manufacturing
sector have played and will continue to play a major role
include manufacture of shipboard pipe fittings, valves,
electrical switches, panels and fittings, components
of motors and pumps, insulating material and rubber
components. In the service sector, MSMEs in the
sub-contracting vendor base of yards have played a key
role in pane level hull fabrication/repair, hull outfitting
work, painting work, piping and cabling layouts, accom-
modation space outfitting, installation/repair/overhaul of
engineering and electrical equipment etc.

3.1.6 Upcoming Defence Corridors

The GoI has initiated the process of the creation of two
defence industrial corridors in the states of Uttar
Pradesh (UPDIC) and Tamil Nadu (TNDIC). These
corri- dors would consist of clusters of industries
working in tandem to manufacture defence
components and would also have establishments
dedicated for research and development. The
proposed capabilities include:

• Establishment of defence testing facilities across

the nodes by the MoD through the DTIS scheme;
for e.g., upcoming UAV testing facility in the Tamil
Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor (TNDIC)

• 3D printing (additive manufacturing), machining,

precision manufacturing, prototyping to come up
across the nodes.

• Centres for Excellence to be created in association

with DRDO and the IITs in the corridor, to bring
academic research for the industry11.

• Creation of Aerospace and Defence parks and

Incubation centres for the growth of the industrial
start-up ecosystem.

• Common Facility Centres (CFCs) to come up in

partnership with global OEMs and Indian primes,
to handhold the MSMEs enhancing manufacturing

• Skill development centres to come up to equip the

workforce for the required skills of the sector.

11. KPMG in India analysis, 2020

3.2. Defence platforms currently exported
India currently exports a variety of platforms/equipments and systems to countries with friendly relations.
The exhaustive list of these platforms along with their description has been listed by DDP and has been
reproduced below12 .

3.2.1 Land Systems

Sr. No. Export Item Description

1 Akash An area defence system for defending vulnerable areas/ points against
penetrating targets at low, medium and high altitudes. The system can
engage multiple targets simultaneously.
2 BRAHMOS A supersonic cruise missile which can be fired from various platforms
under stringent launch conditions. BRAHMOS missile has identical
configuration for land, sea, sub-sea and air platforms.
3 Milan – 2T A man portable (infantry) second generation ATGM, with tandem war
head to destroy tanks fitted with Explosive Reactive Armor for both
moving and stationary targets.
4 Dhanush Artillery gun system equipped with INS based sighting system, auto
laying system and on-board ballistic computation and day/
night direct firing system. Can be deployed in mountainous terrain and
5 Advanced Towed Ar- A 155 mm/52 calibre artillery system developed by ARDE (DRDO) to
tillery Gun System sustain high pressure.
6 K9 Vajra – T An artillery gun system equipped with longer firing range and can be
positioned in both severely cold areas as well as in desert terrain.
7 Bharat T-52 A long-range 155 mm/52 calibre towed gun, equipped with maneu-
verable field artillery solution. It has a self-suspension arrangement
which is achieved by using walking beam system.
8 Upgraded L-70 gun L-70 Gun Upgrade consists of the developments in electrical servo
drives, electro-optical Fire Control System (FCS) and video tracking
9 Garuda 105 A light-weight field gun based on the 105 Indian Field Gun and incor-
porates soft recoil technology resulting in a lightweight and modular
howitzer, integrable with many types of combat transportation. It also has
shoot and scoot capability.
10 Zu-23 Upgrade It converts the manually laid gun into an all-electric system with au-
tonomous functionality. It enables effective engagement of aerial and
ground targets, Incorporates the automatic target tracker and com- plies
with the operating and storage temperatures, humidity, dust and rain
protection requirements.
11 Upgraded Schilka An all weather self-propelled Air Defence Weapon System primarily
Weapon System designed to protect mobile formations against aircraft and helicop- ters.
It consists of 3D planar Active phased-array solid state radar and
electro-optical Fire Control System (FCS).
12 WhAP A wheeled amphibious Infantry Combat Vehicle (ICV) jointly designed and
developed by DRDO and VRDE. Its 8x8 under chassis driveline with
double wish bone type independent hydro-pneumatic suspension provides
mobility across all kinds of terrain – land and water.
13 Weapon Locating It has been primarily designed to locate hostile guns, mortars and
Radar (WLR) rockets.
14 Battle Field Surveil- A man portable, battery powered Pulse Doppler Surveillance Radar
lance Radar - Extend- capable of automatically detecting and displaying a diversity of mov- ing
ed Range (BFSR-XR) targets. It is light weight and operates whole day under all weather
15 30 Low Level Light Aslesha is a ground-based S-Band 3D Low Level Light Weight Sur-
Weight Radar (Asle- veillance Radar for deployment in diverse terrains like plains, deserts,
sha) mountain tops and high-altitude regions. Aslesha detects and tracks
heterogeneous air targets.

12. Export Booklet, Department of Defence Production, MoD (GoI), 2020

Sr. No. Export Item Description
16 Military vehicles Vehicles for defence in light, medium and heavy-duty segments. Indian
manufacturers provide different power packs for Armored fighting
vehicles and self-propelled guns, power pack for different uses. These
vehicles are used for a variety of applications apart from normal load
carrier to ambulance, recovery, firefighting, refrigerated lorry, fuel and
water bowsers, rocket launcher, radars, missile.
17 Mine Protected Vehi- MPVs can carry upto a dozen fully armed personnel and have a pro-
cle (MPV) vision for gun sights in bullet proof glass from where troops can take on
targets outside. MPVs can move cross-country across most terrain even
while taking fire and hitting back at terrorists.
18 Pinaka Multi-Barrel A high-tech, all weather, long-range, area fire artillery system built on
Rocket Launcher an 8 x 8 chassis with high cross-country mobility. It is fitted with elec-
(MBRL) tro-mechanical outriggers with an auto levelling feature to stabilise the
launcher during launch.
19 Sarvatra bridge sys- An optimally designed scissor launch system with hydraulic
tem system that provides multi span capability.
20 Pontoon Bridge Sys- The bridge has a maximum load carrying capacity of 60 tonnes and
tem can transport military vehicles over water obstacles and marshy
21 Communication An Integrated Electronic Warfare system operating in HF and
Integrated Electronic VUHF band.
Warfare System
22 Ground-Based Mobile The System is capable of detection, monitoring, location fixing,
ELINT System (GB- complete analysis of RF signals in the frequency range of 70 MHz to 40
23 155-mm Rapid and accurate firing at long ranges to attack the ground targets..
24 Instavest G6 lnstavest offers protection from handgun ammunition, RCC ‘s and
FSP’s at improved energy absorption and dissipation levels.
25 Advanced Combat Boltless combat helmets are manufactured using special trauma re-
Helmets duction technology.
26 Ballistic Shields Handheld and trolley mounted ballistic shields with large view ports and
transparent armor offer coverage during counterterrorism, insurgency
and riot control operations.
27 Ballistic Protection • Advanced Ceramic B4C (CaraSTOP) Plates
• Tiles for Light Weight Armour.
• Personal Ballistic Protection.
28 High Energy Materials Multi-Mode hand grenade offers advantages over conventional gre-
and Multi Mode Hand nade in terms of safety, dual mode capability and lethality.
29 CMDS (Counter Chaff and Flare Dispensing System, CMDS is a micro controller based
Measure Dispensing airborne defensive system. It can be activated either by pilot or RWR.
30 Handheld/Helmet An uncooled thermal sight which can view through dust, smoke, fog, haze
Mounted Night Vision and other battlefield obscurants.

3.2.2 Naval Systems

Sr. No. Export Item Description

1 Anti-Submarine War- A frontline warship with stealth features. Advanced heat signature
fare Corvette (ASWC) management techniques such as IRSS device has been installed for
infrared signature.
2 Offshore Patrol Vessel Equipped with weapons and sensors viz Bofors anti-aircraft gun, Racal
Decca 2459 search radar and BEL 1245 navigation radar.
3 Advanced Offshore Designed for patrolling and policing maritime zones, search and
Patrol Vessel (AOPV) rescue, pollution control, external firefighting and embarkation and
operation of ALH for long-range all-time search and surveillance.
4 Fast Patrol Vessels Designed for patrolling, anti-smuggling and anti-terrorist operations, it
can also support the Navy during wartime as a coastal convoy escort
and as a communication link.
5 High speed A day/night surveillance and investigation vessel operating in
Patrol Boat shallow coastal waters in and around harbour and anchorage.
6 Fast Interceptor Boat Designed for roles including anti-smuggling, anti-infiltration, fisheries,
(FIB) patrol and immigration and anti-terrorism activities.
7 Inshore Patrol Vessel Designed and developed for coastal patrolling, anti-smuggling, search and
(IPV) rescue operations, fisheries protection, monitoring, and providing
communication links.
8 Landing Craft Utility These are deployed to transport troops and equipment from ship to
(LCU) shore and vice versa.
9 Voith Tug Designed and developed for towing and assisting naval ships, subma-
rines and crafts in harbour and restricted water.
10 Torpedo Advanced An underwater weapon with homing and guidance technique
Light (TAL) including proportional navigation, pure pursuit and interception.
11 Heavy Weight Torpe- A ship launched weapon. It weighs around 1.60 tonne and carries
do (VARUNASTRA) about 250 kg of explosives at a speed of 38 nautical miles per hour.
12 Submarine Fired It acts as a preferred target in presence of own submarine to a
Decoy passive or active homing torpedo
13 CRN 91 Naval Gun A modular weapon intended for use against armoured targets and air
targets flying at low altitudes.

Sr. No. Export Item Description
14 Kavach MOD – II Chaff Designed to counter the threat of various anti-ship missiles by using
Rocket Launcher chaff decoys.
15 ASW Rocket Launcher The ship-based anti-submarine weapon system is capable of firing 212
mm depth charge rockets at submerged targets, in single and salvo
mode, from remote as well as local control stations.
16 Torpedo Launchers The torpedo launchers have triple tube configuration and are installed on
P16A class ships of the Navy. The heavyweight torpedo launchers have
twin-tube configuration and are installed on P15A and P28 class ships.

17 WM-18 Rocket This weapon system designed for beach-clearing by LST class of
Launcher ships before executing amphibious operations.
18 53,000 DWT Bulker Designed and developed for carriage of 53,000 Dwt bulk cargo materi- als,
vessel is accommodated with five cargo holds and equipped with heavy
cranes for loading and unloading cargo.
19 Floating Dock Designed for operation alongside a jetty or with a mooring system, it is
capable of meeting requirements for repairs of warships and sub-
20 Advanced Composite Designed to provide communication over VLF/MF/HF and V/UHF bands
Communication Sys- on board Naval Ships and Submarines for facilitating ship-to- ship, ship-
tem (ACCS) to-shore and Ship-to-Air communication.
21 Coastal Surveillance The Surveillance System comprises of a network of radars with a cen-
System trally located Control Centre and Communication System for data and
voice connectivity between Radar Stations and control Centre.
22 Combat Management Automates tactical data handling from the ship’s sensors and
System (CMS) provides a decision support system to the command.
23 Electro Optical Fire A compact, 2 axes stabilized, high performance system for control of
Control System - Up- short and medium range naval gun mounts. It has capability of pan-
grade 2 (EOFCS-U2) oramic detection, identification and gun engagement of all types of
surface and air targets.

3.2.3 Air Systems

Sr. No. Export Item Description

1 Light Combat Aircraft Tejas is a 4th generation single engine fighter jet with technologies such
(LCA) Tejas as relaxed static-stability, fly-by-wire flight control, advanced glass
cockpit, integrated digital avionics systems and advanced com- posite
materials for the air frame.
2 Light Combat Heli- A twin-engine, dedicated combat helicopter of 5.8 tonne class. This
copter (LCH) helicopter has a narrow fuselage and a tandem configuration for Pilot
and Co pilot/ Weapon System Operator (WSO).
3 Advanced Light Heli- A 5.5 tonne class category helicopter with side by side cockpit config-
copter (ALH) Dhruv uration, built to FAR 29 specifications.
4 Cheetal Helicopter A single-engine, multi mission helicopter in 2-tonne class andcon-
trolled by Fully Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) system.
5 Dornier (Do-228) A light transport aircraft developed specifically to meet the require-
ments of utility and commuter transport, third level services and air-taxi
operations, coast guard duties and maritime surveillance.
6 Brake Parachute For The brake parachute is intended to reduce the Aircraft landing run
SU-30 A/C length or aborted takeoff.

3.2.4 Communication Systems

Sr. No. Export Item Description

1 Secure VHF Handheld A VHF handheld radio with in-built digital secrecy and interface pro-
Radio LVP 341 vided for Headgear and Crypto key loading.
2 Secure UHF Handheld A UHF handheld radio with in-built digital secrecy and interface pro-
Radio LUP 291 vided for Headgear and Crypto key loading.

3 Software Defined Developed to meet the required short-range ground to ground, ground to
Handheld Radio ship and ship to ship communication needs with protection against
Electronic Counter Measures (ECM).
4 HF Transceiver LHP An DSP based lightweight 20W HF SSB manpack radio. It provides a
265 complete solution to the short-range communication requirements in the
crowded HF band.
5 VHF FF Transceiver A fixed frequency radio in the frequency band of 30MHz to 87.975MHz.
6 Vehicle Based Satcom The portable HSPA mobile BTS is required to establish mobile com-
For Disaster Manage- munications, in remote locations, where the overall WCDMA network
ment does not provide local coverage.
7 CB/LB Field Telephone A 2-wire analogue field telephone for voice communication.

8 Weapon Sights for A combined device for the Commander of an armoured vehicle or tank
Target Observation for day/night surveillance of targets, terrain and vehicles during battle
and Aiming situations.
9 Multiband Cellular A portable multi-band RCIED barrage sweep jammer, covering cell phone
and BWA Jammer bands and BWA band. The shielding frequency range covers almost all
cell phone bands, including GSM, CDMA, DCS, 3G and also the
broadband wireless access (BWA) band, upto 2.5 GHz.
10 VHF Base Station LVM The Secure VHF Base station radio LVM 342 is useful for ground
342 communication at the platoon level.
11 V/UHF AM/FM Trans- It meets the required long range ground to ground, and ground to air
ceiver LUP 329 communication needs with protection against Electronic Counter
Measures (ECM).
12 Software Defined A compact V/UHF band radio designed to provide fast, reliable
Radio Manpack and secure LOS voice, data and video communication

Other Systems

Sr. No. Export Item Description

1 Combat Training Cen- A training infrastructure solution for defence, security, paramilitary and
tre (CTC) the Police forces. It consists of simulators and live training solu- tions to
enable coordinated team training under various realistic threat
2 Titanium Alloys Titanium alloys nd use application in the aerospace, chemical, petro-
chemical, marine, paper pulp, textile, food and dairy industries

3 Special Purpose The special steels have improved mechanical properties and better work
Steels ability which are essential for special applications in aerospace, power
generation, nuclear, defence, cryogenic and other general engi- neering
4 Non-Pressure Bearing Complex-shaped metal parts manufactured by Metal Injection Mould- ing,
Parts of Small Arms as per customer drawings
5 Airframe Structures Highly engineered products, airframe structures for Aircraft
and Engineered Prod-

4. Collaboration with South Africa

4.1 India – South Africa relationship service

India and South Africa has flourished in the last few
decades on account of historical links to the anti- • Routine maintenance and overhaul
apartheid movement, the presence of Indian diaspora
in South Africa and shared vision of major global • Battle damage, operational damage and
issues. The defence sector is one of the oldest accident repair.
spheres of Indo-SA cooperation. There is tremendous
potential for defence trade and mutual investments • Controlled long-term storage and re-
between India and South Africa. The Defence commissioning after extended storage.
Cooperation between India and South Africa officially
commenced in 1996 with the signing of an MoU on • Decommissioning and disposal.
“Cooperation in the field of Defence Equipment” which
was replaced by an MoU on “Defence Cooperation” in
• Support for equipment passed on to other armed
forces in the context of defence diplomacy in
Consequently, an India-South Africa Joint Defence
congruence with foreign policy and national
Committee (JDC) co-chaired by the Defence
security objectives to develop a system of closer
Secretaries of both countries was instituted. The
latest (8th) edition of JDC was held in India from 5 to defence ties within the South African
7 December 2017, in Delhi. In 2019, both the Development Community (SADC) and the
countries entered a three-year strategic programme continent.
to boost defence partnership.
4.2.2 Critical munitions and related matters:
Indian Naval Ships and Sailing Vessels also regularly This refer particularly but not exclusively to:
make port calls to South Africa. IN Ships Tarkash and • All munitions likely to be used in large
Kolkata visited Cape Town from 1st to 13th October quantities, munitions for locally developed
2018 and participated in the 6th India Brazil South weapons, and specialised munitions with
Africa (IBSA) Maritime Exercise (IBSAMAR). INSV limited shelf-life.
Tarini visited Cape Town from 2nd to 14th March
2018 as part of Navika Sagar Parikrama. Further, the • Specialised batteries for communications and
South African Army participated in the multinational other electronic equipment, missiles, torpedoes
field training exercise for African Nations conducted and other guided weapons and remotely operated
by Indian Army at Pune in March 2019. systems.

4.2 Defence manufacturing industry 4.2.3 High rate-of-use spares and critical
and synergy between India and South stores:
Africa This refers to, among other things:
The Minister of Defence (MoD) and military veterans • Spares for weapons, weapon systems and
of South Arica constituted a defence review unmanned systems.
committee and mandated it to look critically at South • Spares for communications and other
Africa’s defence policy. The document “The South electronic equipment.
African Defence Review” lays down in great details • Spares for combat vehicles and tactical logistic
the strategic importance of a robust defence vehicles.
manufacturing ecosystem and key capability • Spares for combat and transport rotary-wing
development areas of the defence industry. The focus and fixed-wing aircraft.
of South African national support for the defence • Spares for naval vessels.
industry, based on military priorities, will be primarily • Replacement filters for respiratory (individual
local sourcing wherever practical and developing and collective) equipment.
capabilities in the following areas: • Pharmaceuticals, medical stores,
decontamination chemicals and stores, and
4.2.1 Equipment and systems support: spares for medical equipment.
Coherent system of through-life system management, • Field rations, uniforms and general field
from acquisition to disposal, including: equipment.
• Support during the acquisition of foreign-
sourced material. 4.2.4 System integration:
A system integration capability critically allows the
• Commissioning equipment and systems into defence force to acquire optimal sub-systems and
equipment from different suppliers in order to

Map image is for representative purpose only

• Develop optimised equipment and systems i. The employment of unmanned systems,
without the cost of developing sub-systems. including integration at relevant levels
ii. The acquisition, integration and support of
• Deploy and support equipment and systems. unmanned systems.
iii. The development and production of
• Integrate complex system environments with unmanned systems in South Africa.
other systems to construct a ‘system of iv. Manufacture of critical, specialised batteries
systems. and other energy sources.

• Develop system backbones or links to facilitate 4.2.6 Large-scale acquisition of civilian-standard

interoperability among forces. equipment:
There is a good logic for manufacturing locally, without
• Modernise, upgrade and convert equipment necessarily developing locally, normal civilian standard
and systems optimally. equipment that must be acquired or procured in large
numbers or quantities. Quite apart from military
4.2.4 Critical equipment and systems: advantage, this will further job creation and
Critical equipment and systems are those that are sustainment, reduce import expenditure and potentially
essential to the conduct of operations or those which lead to export earnings. Further to the pursuit of the
can provide a useable tactical edge, for example defence strategic trajectory laid out in the defence
review, the initial focus will be on the following
• Secure communications systems. technology domains:
• Command and control
• Information operations systems. • Information warfare, at all levels of war.
• Secure communications
• Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. • Information technology, including data fusion
• Reconnaissance and intelligence collection, • Intelligence-gathering sensor, analysis and
management and evaluation systems. evaluation technology
• Target acquisition and identification
• Precision weapons, including missiles and technology
guided and homing bombs and projectiles, • Unmanned systems (aerial, ground, surface
and particularly low cost, man-portable and and under-water)
low-collateral-damage weapons, and fire • Missile and wider guided munitions
direction systems. technology
• Night and poor visibility observation and
4.2.5 Unmanned systems: engagement technology
The strategic, operational and tactical potential of • EW technology
unmanned systems is advancing and expanding at a • Rugged tactical vehicles optimised for
significant rate. The defence force must make optimal operations in the African theatre.
use of such systems and understand the impact on • Mine and IED detection and protection
own forces operations of such systems in the hands of technology
opposing forces. The defence force will draw on • Long-range artillery, precision bombardment
technical and scientific advice to: and point target engagement systems.
• Chemical, biological and radiological defence,
• Evaluate and monitor developments in including the manufacture of military carbons
unmanned systems and related technologies at and canisters
the strategic, operational and tactical levels. • Battlefield medical care optimised for the
African theatre of operations
• Develop service-level and joint unmanned • Modelling and simulation
systems doctrines and strategies. • Precision-guided weapons and precision
engagement systems
• Work with the defence industry, the relevant • Fire direction systems.
research and development bodies and the India over the last decade has also formulated
relevant government departments to develop several policies that have been successful in
and implement a national unmanned systems increasing India’s defence production and exports as
strategy to cover: outlined in Chapter 1.

Map image is for representative purpose only

As evident from the policies and initiatives taken by promote defence exports from India on a case to
both the countries, there is lot of commonality case basis. It is also exploring wherever feasible, the
between not only the strategic objectives but also possibilities for financing of defence exports from
the future defence requirements. The industry India through EXIM Bank. Similarly, Buyer’s Credit
participants also share a similar set of capability facility of Department of Commerce would also be
requirements and hence it is imperative that the two leveraged and a separate strategy to finance the
countries collaborate in this sector and facilitate exports to friendly countries as well as economically
sharing of learnings and pitfalls between industry weaker countries would be worked out in
stakeholders. consultation with MEA, EXIM Bank, DPSUs, private
sector and other financial institutions.
India being one of the largest aerospace and defence
market in the world, South African defence companies 4.3.3 Favourable regulatory environment
can target this market by collaborating with Indian The world over, defence exports are covered by the
defence manufacturers and jointly develop platform of defence diplomacy between friendly countries. This
mutual interest to both the countries. This will further also contributes to building local operational
both countries interest in being self-reliant. capabilities and, therefore, also enhances
India has a history of successful platforms of global collaborations and joint operations between the forces
standards that were jointly developed by Indian and of both the countries, especially during UN
foreign partners, key examples for which Brahmos peacekeeping missions. The Indian government will
supersonic cruise missile and the Barak 8 surface to facilitate wider engagement with public and private
air missiles. sector manufacturers as well as their joint ventures in
bilateral discussions between the two countries. This
4.3. Benefits of collaboration with India will help the industry of the procuring country due
comfort while importing from India. This will be
South Africa has laid down the importance of a defence facilitated by Indian Embassy and missions in South
industry to support sovereign capabilities, cost effective Africa through its Defence Attaché (DA).
and optimised equipment and system, economic benefit Industry bodies such as Society of Indian Defence
derived from the defence expenditure and maintain an Manufacturers (SIDM)) also helps in organising and
essential level of strategic independence. India shares a initiating foreign delegations, identifying defence
similar understanding and has been the basis of several cooperation opportunities, establishing joint ventures
programs to create indigenous capabilities in defence and identifying suppliers and manufacturers of specific
manufacturing. South African defence manufacturers defence platforms and systems.
and research and development organisations can realise Indian government has made several regulatory
several advantages by collaborating with Indian changes to ease manufacturing and export of
manufacturers. Some of the key advantages are as components and platforms for defence application.
The government of India is also in the process of
establishing Defence Exports Steering Committee
4.3.1 Low cost manufacturing (DESC) under the Chairmanship of Secretary,
Department of Defence Production. The functions of
India has one of the most competitive wage rates in the this Committee would include consideration and taking
world for high skilled labour as well as abundant decisions on cases of export permissions particularly
availability of skilled labour. India’s average daily wage export of indigenously developed sensitive defence
rate in manufacturing is projected to trend around equipment.
INR480 (USD6.5) per day. India has a over 6000
technical and engineering institutes in India with over
2.5 million students enrolling each year in these

Leveraging this talent pool and low-cost

manufacturing, India has developed key capabilities
in precision machining and assembly, ship building,
composite components, electronics assembly,
special processes as well as special materials such as
titanium alloys.

4.3.2 Export financing and line of credit

Indian government has extended line of credit facility

available in Ministry of External Affairs suitably to

Map image is for representative purpose only

5. Way forward

The Indian aerospace and defence ecosystem are

emerging as a preferred manufacturing and sourc- ing 2.Procurement of systems and com-
hub with development of indigenous platforms and ponents
capabilities at par with global platforms. The defence Several global defence manufacturers have already
manufacturers in South Africa can leverage these leveraged this approach to source components and
emerging capabilities to realise the twin objective of cost systems from India for their global clients and this has
and quality and fulfil the requirement of South African been a very important growth area for Indian
defence forces as well as their global customers. companies. Indian companies have been able to bag
Companies take one of the approaches to realise this. prestigious contracts with the Israeli integrators as their
1. Joint Ventures and partnerships
This has been one of the preferred routes by the leading 3.Joint development of defence
companies in the A&D sector. The JV route assures the platforms and systems
commitment from both the sides where established South African OEMs and Tier-1s can bring their
defence manufacturing companies in both the countries expertise and collaborate with Indian research
bring in their brand, reputation and technical know-how organisations and manufacturers to jointly develop
and augment them with skilled manpower, land and advanced platforms that both the countries might be
facilities and local government relationships. This mode independently working on. This will help reduce the
of engagement is expected to get further fillip with the development cost and create platforms that are
recent easing of foreign direct investment limit to 74% effective in wider range of scenarios and ter-rains.
from existing 49% through automatic route. This will These platforms will not only meet the requirement
elevate any IP related concerns that the OEM might of the parent countries but can be exported jointly to
have. friendly countries.

2.Procurement of systems and com-

Several leading defence manufacturers globally have
already leveraged this approach to source components
and systems from India for their global clients and this
has been a very important growth area for Indian
companies. Indian companies have been able to bag
prestigious contracts with OEMs and integrators as their

List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Expansion
AAP Annual Acquisition Plan
AI Arti cial intelligence
ALH Advanced light helicopter
ARDE Armament Research and Development Establishment
ASW Anti submarine warfare
ATGM Anti-tank guided missile
ATP Acceptance Testing Procedure
BDL Bharat Dynamics Limited
BEL Bharat Electronics Limited
BEML Bharat Earth Movers Limited
BFSR Battle eld surveillance radar
CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CDS Chief of Defence Staff
CEMILAC Center for Military Airworthiness and Certi cation
CFC Common facilities centre CDS
CDS Chief of Defence Staff
CNC Computer numerical control
CTC Combat training centre
DA Defence Attaché
DAP Defence acquisition procedure
DDP Department of Defence Production
DESC Defence Exports Steering Committee
DESW Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
DGAQA Director General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance
DIC Defence Investor Cell
DIPP Department of Industrial Polciy and Promotion
DPEPP Defence production and export promotion policy
DPP Defence procurement procedure
DPIIT Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
DPSU Defence public sector undertaking
DRDO Defence Research and Development Organization
DTIS Defence Testing Infrastructure Scheme
ELINT Electronic intelligence
EoDB Ease of Doing Business
EOFCS electro-optical re control system
EW Electronic warfare
EXIM Export import
FADEC Fully Authority Digital Electronic Control
FCS Fire control system
FDI Foreign direct investment
FY Financial year
GBMES Ground based mobile ELINT system
GRSE Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Limited
GSL Goa Shipyard Limited

List of abbreviations

Abbreviation Expansion
GSQR General staff qualitative requirements
HAL Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
HSL Hindustan Shipyard Limited
IAI Israeli Aerospace Industries
IC Indigenous content
ICV Infantry combat vehicle
IIT Indian Institute of Technology
IBSAMAR IIBSA Maritime Exercise
INS Indian naval ship
IOP Indian offset partner
IP Intellectual property
IRSS Infrared signature suppression
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
ITAR International traf c in arms regulation
IBSA India Brazil South Africa
JV Joint venture
LCA Light combat aircraft
LCH Light combat helicopter
LOS Line of sight
LTIPP Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan
TNDIC Tamil Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor
TRL Technology readiness level
UAV Unmanned aerial vehicles
UHF Ultra high frequency
UN United Nations
UPDIC Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor
VHF Very high frequency
VLF Very low frequency
VRDE Vehicle Research and Development Establishment
TNDIC Tamil Nadu Defence Industrial Corridor

About SIDM

The Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers (SIDM) is a not-for-pro t association formed

to be the apex body of the Indian defence industry. SIDM plays a proactive role as an
advocate, catalyst, and facilitator for the growth and capability building of the defence
industry in India.

SIDM’s vision is to catalyse the Indian defence industry to effectively contribute to In- dia’s
national security and become a trustworthy global partner. Its mission is to work closely
with the Government towards enabling the growth of the defence industry and collaborate
with experts from the Armed forces, Academia and Defence industry to optimize the
industry’s development capabilities. SIDM’s values are India First; One Voice and Self-
Reliant for Security.

SIDM facilitates the growth of defence industry in India through policy advocacy support to
the Government, conduct of events which provide a common platform for interaction with
three Armed Forces, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Paramilitary Forc- es and, also, OEMs
and other industry players, Defence & Aerospace Consultancy Services (DACS), conduct
of Defence Acquisition Management Training Programme, provision of a platform for
business to business connections and serving as a bridge between the industry, the
Armed forces and the government.

Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers

C/o Confederation of Indian Industry

23 Institutional Area
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Tel: +91 - 11 - 4577 1000, 2468 2233 Fax: +91 - 11 - 4577 2022
Email: dg@sidm.in | Website: www.sidm.in

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