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Chapter - 1: Particulars of The Indian Ordnance Factories Organization - Its Functions and Duties

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Chapter - 1

Particulars of the Indian Ordnance Factories Organization – its

functions and duties

The Indian Ordnance Factories Organisation is the largest and oldest

departmentally run production organisation in the country. The organisation comes under
the Department of Defence Production under Ministry of Defence. The corporate head
quarters are at Kolkata, West Bengal. Two more branch head quarters are located at
Avadi, Chennai and Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. There are 39 Ordnance Factories
geographically distributed all over the country at 24 different locations. There are 10
factories in Maharashtra, 8 factories in Uttar Pradesh, 6 factories each in Madhya Pradesh
and Tamil Nadu, 4 factories in West Bengal, 2 factories in Uttaranchal and one each in
Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Chandigarah. 18 factories were set up before Independence.
The oldest is Gun & Shell Factory, Cossipore, Kolkata, set up in 1801. Manpower
strength of the organisation as on 01.07.2005 is about 1.2 lac.

The organisation is primarily engaged in manufacture of Arms, Ammunitions,

Equipment, Armoured Vehicles & Personnel Carriers, Transport Vehicles, Clothings and
General Stores items. After meeting the primary requirement of the Armed Forces, spare
capacities are utilized for supply to non-defence sector and exports. The factories
commissioned before Independence (1947) had capacities created not only for production
of finished stores required by the Armed Forces, but also had backward integrated in-
house facilities for supply of basic and intermediate materials, like steel and other
metallic alloys, acid and other chemicals, low and high explosives etc., for which
indigenous industrial infrastructure in the civil sector was inadequate. In respect of the
factories set up after Independence, and with gradual emergence and development of civil
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industrial infrastructure with public and private sector, the concept of backward
integration was progressively given up and the emphasis shifted from production of basic
intermediate inputs to production of finished stores by drawing upon supplies from the
civil sector for raw materials, components and semi-finished goods.

The structure and the management of the organisation has undergone change in
1979. The Ordnance Factory Board was formed with Director General as Chairman and
9 (nine) Members in the rank of Addl. Director General.

At present, Ordnance Factories are divided into 5 (five) Operating Groups/

Divisions, depending upon the type of the main products/ technologies employed. They
i) Ammunition & Explosives
ii) Weapons, Vehicles and Equipment
iii) Materials and Components
iv) Armoured Vehicles
v) Ordnance Equipment.

Each of the above group of factories is headed by a Member/ Addl. Director

General. Armoured Vehicle Division and Ordnance Equipment Division have their
headquarters at Avadi (near Chennai, Tamil Nadu) and Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
respectively. 3 (three) Members in charge of Ammunitions, Weapons and Materials
manufacture have their headquarters at Kolkata, West Bengal. The 4 (four) remaining
Members are responsible for Staff functions, viz Planning & Material Management,
Personnel, Finance, Projects & Engineering and Technical Services and they also have
their office(s) in Kolkata, West Bengal.

Special/ extended Board at Ordnance Factory Board provides for representation of

Master General of Ordnance (MGO) and Director General of Quality Assurance
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(DGQA), to represent the users and their interest on quality aspects. The Special Board
also has representation from the Ministry of Defence as well as DRDO. Joint Secretary
(Ordnance Factories), Addl. Financial Advisor from the Defence (Finance) and the Chief
Controller of Research & Development (CCR&D) participate in the Special Board
meetings held periodically to provide appropriate inputs and perspectives for planning
resources, upgrading technology demanded by products and processes and on various
other related issues necessary for the efficient functioning of OFB.

The pictorial presentation of Organisation Structure and the linkages with External
Agencies are as follows:

DGOF & Chairman

Addl. DGOF / Members


. Weapons, Vehicles & Eqpt . Planning & Material

. Ammunition & Explosives Management
. Materials & Components . Personnel
. Armoured Vehicles . Finance
. Ordnance & Equipment . Technical Services

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Controller Defence Others
General of . MGO/DGOS – Army . Min of Home
Defence . DCNS – Navy Affairs
Accounts . VCAS - Air . Civil Sector
(CGDA) . Exports

Director of R&D
OFB Defence Research &
Audit (C&AG)
Quality (DRDO)
. DGQA - Army
. DGNAI – Navy
. DGAQA – Air force
Service &
Civil Works Recruitment
E in C MES – Military Union Public Service
Engr. Services Commission etc.

Main functions at the Head Quarters are as follows:

• Receiving of Orders from various indentors.

• Fixation of Annual Targets by mutual agreement in meeting.
• Conversion of Orders to Extracts for the factories, the production units.
• Distribution of targets to factories.
• Getting required Budget from Govt. on various heads.
• Allotment of Budget to factories.

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• Monitoring production and issues, expenditure of allotted budgets by the factories
and allied matters like administration, material management, engineering, quality, HRD,
R&D, security, safety, welfare etc.
• Reporting achievements to Ministry, Indentors, Quality Assurance establishments
• Replying to queries of Parliament, Standing Committee, Audit etc.

Main goal of the factories are to supply the indented products in right quantity and
quality at right time. To achieve that the major activities are production, purchase of input
materials and their storage and drawal, purchase of new plant & machineries and
maintenance of existing ones, quality assurance of finished store as well as at stage/ inter-
stages of production, supply of accepted stores and disposal/ conversion of waste,
obsolete and unserviceable stores. Other major supporting activities are recruitment,
transfer, promotion, training and vigilance of employees, security & safety of the factory
and its belongings, welfare etc. Maintenance of estate, accommodation, school, canteen,
hospital, club, bank etc. are the major welfare activities. Other activities include
interaction with customers for getting feedback about supplied products as well as their
new requirements, assimilation of technology for the requirement of upgraded/ new
products by importation of technology or using technology of DRDO or develop the
product by in-house R&D.


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