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Cost Management and Control of Building Projects in Nigeria The Role of The Architect

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Cost Management and Control of Building Projects in

Nigeria; The Role of The Architect
Ikenna Michael Onuorah*, and Bons N. Obiadi
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra state, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author

Abstract: Building projects entail numerous closely connected client and complicated. According to Shamsudeen (2009),
tasks. The management of such tasks is highly difficult, which intricate and interconnected building project activities produce
makes it challenging for clients. According to Shamsudeen, 2009, issues that necessitate efficient cost management and control
such intricate and interconnected operations lead to cost issues procedures.
that call for efficient cost management and control procedures.
One of the most crucial activities in a building project is cost Giving clients and the design team cost advice at the
management and control, which begins at the conceptual stage of beginning of every project is one of the most crucial
every project by giving clients and the design team cost responsibilities done to ensure that the design is completed
recommendations to help the design be completed within the within the allocated budget (Cunningham, 2015).
allocated budget (Cunningham, 2015).
This research seeks to address the role of architects in cost
Statement Of The Problem
management and control of building projects in Nigeria by Cunningham claims that in 2017, many people begin their
thoroughly examining the following topics—cost management, building projects without realising that someone must oversee,
cost control, the significance of cost management in a building
organize, and plan all aspects of the project before it even gets
project, a review of the members of the building team and their
roles, and enumerating the statutory role and responsibilities of off the ground. Clients always prioritize costs and this
Architects in building projects in Nigeria. frequently determine whether a building project will succeed
or fail.
Every client hopes for a building project to be completed on time
and within budget. The biggest problem an architect faces is Aim Of The Study
controlling and managing cost of building project's during
planning and execution to prevent cost overruns. This study This study seeks to address the role of architect in cost
focused on architects and their role in cost management and management and control of building projects in Nigeria.
control of building projects in Nigeria. This study suggests that Objectives
the architect, who serves as the prime consultant in building
projects, takes the lead in cost management and control. The objectives of this study includes:
Keywords: Building Project, Cost Management, Cost Control, 1. Definition of cost management.
Building team, Architect. 2. Definition of cost control.
I. INTRODUCTION 3. To outline the importance of cost management

B uilding projects are dynamic and risky endeavours with

frequently unpredictable results (Cunningham, 2017).
Buildings are constructed on-site under extremely varied

Review the members of the building team and their
Examining the role and responsibilities of architects
conditions and restrictions, which defines the construction in construction project
sector (Cunningham, 2017). Each project presents its own set
of design and construction issues, and is often carried out by II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
temporary teams established just for that project The methodology adopted for this paper is qualitative research
(Cunningham, 2017). methodology. A secondary source of data collection was used
Building projects take a long time to complete, and conflicts in this project. This kind of research methodology is used to
between the priorities of quality, time, and cost are essentially explore and investigate a particular phenomenon in order to
constant. get a deeper understanding of the specific problem being
investigated and potential solutions.
People do start their projects without realizing that someone
must take the overall lead to organize activities of the building Secondary data or information is gathered by a means other
team to avoid cost overrun. than the author's own, such as:

Building projects entail numerous closely connected tasks. a. Use of existing literature from textbooks,
The management of such operations is quite difficult for the publications, magazines, and unpublished materials.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

b. Use of the internet for further information and data starts with the conceptual phase of cost control, and it finishes
collection. with the approval of the final account.
c. Internationally recognized and accepted research
The primary methods used by cost managers seem to be cost
control. The majority of individuals today, however,
Cost Management And Control incorrectly perceive the idea of cost control. It is not limited to
simple monitoring of the costs and registration of financial
Cost management is a task that involves the procedures
information, planned and unplanned expenses a firm may face
needed to keep projects' finances under good control
(Charoenngam and Sriprasert, 2001). In the hands of an
(evaluating, estimating, organizing, controlling, analyzing,
architect or project manager, cost control can be a useful tool
forecasting and reporting the cost information). It is focused
for gathering pertinent data and creating projections of
with the procedure of organising and managing a project's or
potential dangers and possibilities. Here, the cost management
company's budget. It entails tasks like planning, estimating,
strategy's preventive aspect is highlighted. Cost control can
budgeting, financing, funding, managing, and controlling
protect a company from unpleasant and unforeseen surprises
expenditures in order to finish a project within the allocated
(J. A. Brown, 2003).
spending limit. Cost management includes the entire project
life cycle, from the early planning stage to the evaluation of The Importance Of Cost Management And Control In A
the project's actual cost performance. Cost estimation and cost Building Project.
control make up cost management. Estimating project costs
As stated previously, cost management and control starts from
entails determining an estimate of the costs of the resources
the conceptual stage of every project and runs throughout the
required to meet project objectives (Cunningham, 2015).
execution stage. The cost of a project is determined by the
Theodorakopoulos et al. 2009, on the other hand, emphasised selection of materials, the construction process, and the
that cost control is a continuous activity to keep the project directions provided by the architects. As it is written in the
within cost objectives and meet the expectations of the client. holy book, in the book of St. Luke 14, 28–30, Let's say one of
The cost estimate and the actual construction cost should be you wants to construct a tower. Will he not first sit down and
connected by a cost control system. Its primary goal is to keep calculate the cost to see whether he has the necessary funds to
costs within the parameters of the building budget or cost finish it? Because if he starts building but is unable to finish,
estimate. It is done to keep the difference between the initial everyone who sees it will make fun of him and say, "This
cost and the end cost to a bare minimum. person started to build but was not able to finish."
Cost management is a crucial component of the project's Cost management and control is therefore crucial in building
construction management phase. Bennett (2003), cited by projects because almost all clients have restricted resources
Cunningham (2015), claimed that the contractors' cost control for a building project.
system serves the following purposes: first, to provide a way
The architect strives to determine the client's needs and budget
to compare actual expenses with budgeted ones; second, to
during the pre-contract to post-contract stages of a project.
create a database of productivity and cost performance data;
During the contract stage, he is conscious of the construction
and third, to produce data for valuing contract modifications
process, the selection of materials, and the directions given.
and variations. For contractors, cost control during the post-
This technique establishes a cost cap from the beginning
contract phase is crucial since it affects how profitable their
because many clients can argue that expenses cannot go
contracts will be.
beyond this cap.
The process of cost control during the construction phase of
For the purpose of this paper the following question will be
construction projects in the Nigerian construction industry is
influenced by a number of factors. The project report aims to
evaluate the post-contract cost control of contracting What is a building project?
organisations on construction projects in Nigeria based on the
background information provided above. As stated in the 2016 Architects Registration Council of
Nigeria (ARCON) conditions of engagement as published, A
Cost Control building project is defined as "the building and/or other
construction works which the Client desires to undertake and
Cost control is a challenging responsibility that architects and
mentioned in the precise conditions for which the services are
project managers take on when working on construction
to be delivered.
projects. It entails monitoring progress constantly, assessing
plans, giving directions, and corrective action when necessary Who is a client?
(Kerzner, 2003). The goal of project management and control
in the construction business is to guarantee that the projects According to the 2016 ARCON conditions of engagement as
are completed on schedule, within budget, and while published, a client means the party in agreement who engages
accomplishing the project objectives. Every building project the services of a consultant and contractor for a building

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Who is an Architect? requirements for work quality. Until all construction is

accomplished, the work is not finished.
According to ARCON degree No. 10 of 1959, architecture is
the art, science in theory and practise of designing, erecting, iv. Structural Engineer
commissioning, maintaining, and coordinating allied
Structural engineering is a subfield of civil engineering that
professional inputs to buildings or parts thereof, as well as the
does strength calculations, loads, forces, and their interactions
layout and master plan of such buildings or group of buildings
and effects on planned building. It also creates drawings of
forming a comprehensive institution, establishment, or
structures to make sure they are strong enough to withstand
neighbourhood, as well as any other organised space enclosed
loads without collapsing. Structural engineers are the next
or open required for human or any order activities. An
group of experts to work on the design after the architect. He
architect is a person who has received training in such a task.
creates the foundations and works with the geotechnical
A professional architect, architectural firm, or architectural engineer to create the structural members (slabs, beams,
organisation that has been duly certified, registered, and columns, and foundations). He determines the quality, size,
granted a licence by the Architects Registration Council of type, and quantity of reinforcements as well as the dimensions
Nigeria (ARCON) to engage in the practise of architecture is (thickness span and depth) of structural members.
also referred to as a "architect" in accordance with the 2016
v. Quantity Surveyor
ARCON conditions of engagement as published. A person
hired by the client who creates a facility in accordance with A practitioner in the construction sector with expertise in
the client's specifications and design idea. determining the cost of construction projects is known as a
quantity surveyor. This may cover all expenditures, from
preliminary design costs to final costs, for new construction,
The building sector is large and includes a variety of experts. renovations, or maintenance work.
In general, highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals
vi. Builder
contribute within their particular areas of expertise and
experience to deliver the projects in construction projects. The A builder is a specialist with academic training who is legally
members of the construction team are as follows: registered and in charge of building construction,
management, and upkeep for the benefit of people and their
i. Geotechnical Engineer
property. The designs, schedules, and requirements for the
Geotechnical engineering is a branch of civil engineering that project are studied by the builder. They examine how easily
deals with the mechanics of rock and soil, including their structures can be built and maintained. He examines the
subsurface conditions and the identification of the physical, artisan's level of craftsmanship, writes about the construction
mechanical, and chemical characteristics that may affect the process and programme, and offers a fix for technical issues.
project at hand. A geotechnical engineer is someone who has
vii. Building Service Engineers
received this type of training and licensure.
Imagine residing in a structure without power, a working
ii. Land Surveyor
bathroom or toilet, a heating or cooling system, or a
A land surveyor is a government-approved expert who holds a skyscraper without a lift; such a structure is undoubtedly
licence to delineate boundaries. By calculating distances, inhabitable.
directions, and elevations, they can determine the relative
Building services is an aspect of building construction
locations of points on or below the earth's surface. They are
handled by trained and certified professionals (Mechanical
the first experts to physically perform work on the
and Electrical Engineers) to ensure that these services
construction site.
function effectively.
iii. Architect
viii. The Building Contractor
Architects are qualified professionals with training in both the
Under the direction of the consultant's team, the building
art and science of planning and directing the construction of
contractor is in charge of carrying out the construction project
structures that successfully serve human requirements.
in line with the construction document.
After the design phase, an architect's job is not done. The
architect is in charge of supervising the actual construction
work throughout a building project. The architect is
responsible for ongoing plan revisions based on client In a building project, the Architect coordinates the activities
requirements, financial limits, and other factors that were not of the building team and as well manages the construction
considered during the design phase. He visits construction process to avoid cost overrun. This is a collaborative process.
sites as work is being done to ensure that contractors adhere to
the design, the timetable, the materials supplied, and the The Architect keeps a monthly site meeting with the building
team to ensure a successful and cost-effective project

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue XII, December 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

execution. This aids in understanding various technical The architect plays a lead role in cost management and
challenges that might be encountered, viewpoints, and control of building projects in Nigeria.
financial concepts.
The following works are discussed in the project by the
Cost management and control of building projects start
from the conceptual stage of the building project and span
1. The first phase entails having a thorough dialogue to throughout the project life span.
grasp the client's requirements and a thorough record
Clients rightly expect that the final cost of their projects
of his or her goals.
should not exceed the approved budget.
2. Discussing the anticipated budget, the site's
characteristics, and other planning laws of the area Cost management control is a complex task, which
under consideration. involves constantly planning measuring progress, evaluating
3. Order actions, assurances, and obligations provided plans, and taking corrective actions when required. The result
by the architect includes: of this study also shows that the architect, in performing the
services and discharging all the obligations under the
a) Recognising the site's possibilities and
conditions of engagement, shall exercise reasonable care and
diligence in conformity with the expected level of
b) Discussing the financial goals.
professionalism. The architect shall keep the client informed
c) Examining all potential solutions and making
of progress in the performance of the services and of any issue
that may affect the programme, cost or quality of the project.
d) Delivery and presentation of the feasibility
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