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An Analysis of Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes in Deen Squad Lyrics

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Submitted by

NIM. 150203159

Student of Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Department of English Language Education


2020 M / 1441 H
NIM. 150203159


‫بسم هللا الر حمن الر حيم‬

All my praise and gratitude goes to the presence of Allah SWT who has

conferred strength, opportunity, and health so that I can complete the

undergraduate study (S1) by completing the writing of this thesis. Shalawat and

salaam to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. along with his family who have brought

a change from the realm of ignorance to a world full of science and civilization.

This thesis would not have been accomplished without the generous helps

from some people for their support and encouragement for helping me to

overcome the final hurdle of this undergraduate journey. I would like to thank to

my sincere supervisors Drs. Mustafa Ar, M.A., Ph.D and Ms. Fera Busfina Zalha,

MA who have given the advice, recommendations, suggestions, helps, and

feedbacks. Afterward, my thanks goes to the extraordinary lecturers who have

provided me with knowledge and all the employees of UIN Ar-Raniry who have

facilitated me to study.

The huge thanks are presented to my beloved parents, Mr. Abdullah Ali

and Mrs. Hasnidar who have tireless efforts and struggles in dedicating and

sacrificing for my education and all aspects in my life. They are my heroes and

inspirations in this world. Even thousand words cannot represent the description

of how precious they are for me. Moreover, I would also like to express thanks to

my siblings who have been contributing in helping me to achieve my dream.

Furthermore, I express my gratitude to my best friends Ayu Rizka Dhuhria, Siti

Nur Arifa, Isna Wardatun, Fauzi Mariani, and many more. They are respectable

comrades and companions who have been significantly supporting, strengthening

and advising each other.

Finally, to Allah SWT I ask to be given His ease and guidance. I realize

that this thesis is not free from mistakes and weakness. Therefore, I sincerely

accept criticism and suggestions from all parties to perfect it in the future.

Banda Aceh, June 29th 2020

The Researcher,

Riana Rizkia


Name : Riana Rizkia

NIM : 150203159
Faculty : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Major : Department of English Lnaguage Education
Thesis Working Title : An Analysis of Derivational and Inflectional
Morphemes in Deen Squad Lyrics
Main Supervisor : Drs. Mustafa Ar, M.A., Ph.D
Co-Supervisor : Fera Busfina Zalha, MA
Keyword : Morphemes, Derivation Affixes, Inflection Affixes,
Deen Squad Lyrics.

The primary thing to be learned in mastery a language is word. Word is dealing

with morphology, because morphology influences spelling, reading
comprehension, and vocabulary. In the way of understanding the meaning of
vocabulary, language users need to learned morphology, especially derivational
and inflectional morphemes. This research was designed to identify the
derivational and inflectional morphemes that occur in Deen Squad lyrics. The
objective of research is also aimed to describe the dominant type of derivational
and inflectional in the songs. This research used a descriptive qualitative method.
The data of this study is an album of Deen Squad lyrics which consist of five
songs. The result of this study showed that there were 93 inflectional morphemes
which were classified into 8 types and 17 derivational morphemes which were
classified into 4 types. The most frequently occurred morpheme in the lyrics was
inflectional progressive type, which occurred 37 times. After considering the data
analysis, the process of derivational and inflectional affixes in lyrics of Deen
Squad preferred to inflectional affixes than derivational affixes. Additionally,
there were only four types of derivational affixes occurred in 17 processes.


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................ i

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDDIES .................................................................................. viii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 1

A. Backgrounds of Study ............................................... 1
B. Previous study ........................................................... 4
C. Research Question..................................................... 5
D. Research Aim ............................................................ 6
E. Significance of Study ................................................ 6
F. Research Terminology .............................................. 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW............................................. 9

A. Morphology ............................................................... 9
B. Morpheme ................................................................. 10
1. Types of Morphemes .......................................... 11
2. Affixes ................................................................. 12
C. Inflection ................................................................... 14
D. Derivation.................................................................. 16
E. The Function of Derivational Affixes ....................... 18
F. Lyric .......................................................................... 22
G. Deen Squad ............................................................... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................ 24

A. Research Design ........................................................ 24
B. Material of Analysis .................................................. 25
C. The Data Collection .................................................. 26
D. The Analytical Technique ......................................... 27

CHAPTER IV DATA AND ANALYSIS .............................................. 29

A. Data ........................................................................... 29
B. Analysis ..................................................................... 41

A. Conclusion................................................................. 43
B. Recommendation....................................................... 44

REFERENCE ............................................................................................... 46


Table 2.1 Example of Morphemes ................................................................ 11

Table 1.2 Differentiation of derivational and inflectional ............................. 21
Table 3.1 The Derivational and Inflectional Rubric...................................... 28
Table 4.1 Data of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes in Deen Squad’s
Song Lyrics ................................................................................... 29
Table 4.2 Kinds of Inflectional Affixes......................................................... 38
Table 4.3 The Kinds of Derivational Affixes ................................................ 39


Appendix A Appointment Letter of Supervisors

Appendix B Data of Derivational and Inflectional Morphemes
Appendix C Deen Squad Song Lyrics



This chapter presents introduction of study which consists of background of

study, previous studies, research question, research aim, significance of study, and

research terminologies.

A. Background of Study

Language is an essential communication tool for human life. According to

Harley (2001), language is a system of symbols through which people

communicate. The important role of language for people is as a medium to

express feelings, thoughts, needs, and requirements as an individual creature or

society. Therefore, it is essentially that language must be mastered and its

elements, such as vocabulary. Thornbury (2002) states that vocabulary is one of

the most obvious components of language and one of the first things applied

linguistic turned their attention to. The vocabulary is the collection of words:

combinations of symbols, signs or letters that have evolved to identify things and


Thornbury (2002) argues that language comprehension and production

will be hampered because of a lack of vocabulary. The vocabulary entries as

written in the dictionary are called words, but morpheme is different from the

word. Generally, most people more familiar with the term ‘word’ rather than


‘morpheme’. All languages have words, and words are probably the accessible

units to the layman (Radford, 2009). Meanwhile, a morpheme is something as

important as a word in study language, particularly morphology. Morphology is

the branch of linguistics that studies word structures, especially in terms of

morphological. Yule (2010) states that Morphology is investigating “basic forms

in language” since it puts morpheme as the emphasis of the investigation.

Morphology studies about the details of the structure of a word, morpheme,

allomorph, base, the process of inflection, and all of the coverage that exists in the

derivation, blending and compounding (Yule, 2010).

Booij (2005) defines morpheme as the smallest unit of meaning in a

language. Morphemes have two categories: free and bound morpheme. The

morphemes which may constitute words by themselves are called free

morphemes. Other morphemes which cannot stand alone as words are called

bound morpheme, such as –er, -ly, and –s. Generally, bound morphemes are also

known as affixes.

According to Crowley (2007), affixes are morphemes that are not free and

always must be attached to a base morpheme. Affix is divided into prefix and

suffix (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2011). Prefix occurs before other

morphemes, such as un-, dis-, and in-, but suffix is following other morphemes,

such as –ness, -ly, and -ion. When base is added by prefix or suffix, it will be a

new word formation and also can create a new meaning. Affix is also categorized

into derivation and inflection. In English, both prefixes and suffixes can be

derivational, but only suffixes can be inflectional (Lieber, 2016). Derivational


affixes produces a new word class and a new meaning but inflectional affixes are

not. When the readers are able to identify derivational affixes they will be able to

develop their vocabulary significantly.

There are many ways to enrich vocabulary. For example, reading a book

or novel, listening foreign song, watching movie and song lyric can also be a

media to enrich vocabulary. This study analyzes the Deen Squad’s song lyrics

based on Deen Squad’s album named Fajr. I use this kind of song because from

this song we can increase our knowledge, culture and vocabulary to defined

derivational and inflectional affixes. Moreover, The Deen Squad songs are used as

a data source because these songs have a strong message promoting love, unity,

spirituality, and values in the efforts to rouse appreciation of the contemporary

Muslim identity in this era. In addition, in the way to learn the vocabulary,

derivation, and inflection, the readers are also earning Islamic messages.

Furthermore, many people are still confused when differentiating word class. This

study is interesting and may benefit the learners, because it can enrich and widen

the vocabulary of the learners by deriving words and also the learners may have

good knowledge as to how differentiate the word class. When the students are

able to identify derivational and inflectional affixes, they will be able to develop

their vocabulary and know the word formation and find how the words built.

B. Previous Studies

There are some researchers who make it as learning purposes, such as analyzing

the lyric of famous singer. Several studies are conducted to support this study. One

of them was the research by Li (2017) entitled “A Distributed Morphology-based

Study on Verb Derivation in Japanese”. This study uncovers Japanese verb

derivation based upon the approach ‘distributed morphology’, conveying three

ways of deriving a transitive (vt) or an intransitive verb (vi) in Japanese: derived

from the same adjective stem; adding a morpheme that indicates vt or vi properties

to a stem; and verbalising a loanword or a Japanese-originated lexicon.

The second research conducted by Zainuddin (2016) entitled “A Study on

Derivational Affixes of Indonesian Noun-Formation in Newspaper Editorial: A

Semantic Perspective”. This study investigated the types of derivational affixes of

Indonesian noun-formation in Indonesian newspaper editorial of kompas. This

study used a descriptive qualitative method by using the theory of structural

linguistics to interprete the grammatical meaning carried out in the process of

derivational affixes of Indonesian noun-formation. The method of analysis data

applied distributional method in terms of classifyng lexical category of Indonesian

derived nouns producing affixation.

The third research entitled “Inflectional Morphology in Arabic and English:

A Constructive Study” by Shamsan and Attayib (2015). This paper investigates

Arabic and English inflectional morphology with a view to identifying the

similarities and differences between them. The differences between the two

languages might be the main reason for making errors by Arab EFL learners.

Predicting the sources of such errors might help both teachers and learners to

overcome these problems.

The fourth research entitled “A linguistic Analysis of Errors in Learners’

Compositons: The Case of Arba Minch University Students” by Tizazu (2014).

This study reports the dominant linguistic errors that occur in the written

productions of Arba Minch University (hereafter AMU) students. It examines the

nature of the errors that AMU students commit in expressing their ideas in

writing. A sample of paragraphs was collected for two years from students

ranging from freshmen to graduating level. The sampled compositions were then

coded, described, and explained using error analysis method. Both quantitative

and qualitative analyses showed that almost all components of the English

language (such as orthography, morphology, syntax, mechanics, and semantics) in

learners’ compositions have been affected by the errors.

The theme of analysis in those studies above and this study is similar. It is

concerned with morphological study. However, those studies are concerned to the

error, and two language construction. Meanwhile, this study focuses on derivation

and inflection processes in text. The data source of the previous studies is

different from this study. They were analyzed newspaper and student’s paper as

the data. However, this study analyses the song lyrics of Deen Squad.

C. Research Questions

Based on the background, identification, and the limitation above, the writer

states the following problems.


1. How is the process of derivational and inflectional affixes formed in Deen

Squad lyrics?

2. What are the most dominant derivational and inflectional affixes used in

Deen Squad lyrics?

D. Research Aim

In the relation to above problem statements, the aims of the research are

formulated as the following:

1. To investigate the process of derivational and inflectional affixes found in

Deen Squad lyrics.

2. To find out the most dominant derivational and inflectional affixes used in

Deen Squad lyrics.

E. Significance of The Study

The significance of this research is to elevate reader’s knowledge about

derivational and inflectional affixes. The result of this study is expected to be a

tool for students to enhance their insight about morphology especially in

derivational and inflectional affixes, and it can also be another source along with

consideration for their further analysis on linguistic subject. Furthermore,

hopefully the lecturers can implement this research finding as one of their

authentic material for teaching linguistic subject.

F. Terminologies

This section provides some terms related to this study that should be defined

in order to avoid misunderstanding.


1. Morpheme

Booij (2005) states that morpheme is the morphological building

blocks of words and defined as the minimal linguistic units with a lexical or a

grammatical meaning. Morphemes can be classified as free and bound

morphemes. According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams, (2011), bound

morpheme is morpheme which cannot stand alone it is needed affixes and it is

divided into two, derivation and inflection. The main focus of this study is

bound morpheme; derivational and inflectional affixes.

2. Derivation

Kolanchery (2015) states that derivational affix is a bound morpheme

that is added to a base to form a new word that differs in its part of speech

classification. Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams, (2011) classify derivation into

two categories; changing and without changing grammatical classes. In this

study, the focus is on both derivation categories; changing and without

changing grammatical classes.

3. Inflection

Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2011) define that inflection is a bound

morpheme that has a strictly grammatical function in which it marks

properties such as tense, number, person, and so forth. According to Fromkin,

Rodman, and Hyams, (2011), modern English as eight bound inflectional

affixes; -s for third-person singular, -ed for past tense, -ing for progressive, -en

for past participle, -s’ as possessive, -s for plural, -er for comparative, and –est

for superlative. This present study focuses on analyzing the eight bound

inflectional affixes that attached in Deen Squad’s lyrics.

4. Deen Squad’s song lyric

Avdeeff (2014) explains that a song is a short piece of music, usually

with words. It combines melody and vocals, although some composers have

written instrumental pieces, or musical works without words, that mimic the

quality of a singing voice. The words of a song are called lyrics. Lyrics can

include a series of verses, the longer sections of a song that tell the story, and a

refrain, a short phrase repeated at the end of every verse. Avdeeff (2014) states

that there are ten different types of songs: classical, pop, rock, metal, country,

hip-hop, ballad, dance, love, and gospel. This study analyze one of Duo-group

Muslim singer from Canada, they are Deen Squad. Types of Deen Squad song

is hip-hop.


This chapter discusses the statements of literature and some relevant

studies related to this research. It includes several concerns: morphology,

morpheme, affix, inflection, derivation, and Deen Squad.

A. Morphology

Morphology consists of two morphemes, morph + ology. The suffix –

ology means a branch of knowledge, therefore, morphology is the branch of

knowledge concerned with word formation. Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams,

(2011, p.33) “explain the study of the internal structure of words, and of the rules,

by which words are formed, is morphology”. Morphology research aims to

describe and explain the morphological patterns of human languages. According

to Yule (2010), morphology is the study focusing more on forms in language

rather than depending on identifying words. Morphology processes fulfill two

primary purposes: to create new words in a language and to modify existing


One of the functions that Morphology does is word formation. Word

formation deals with the creation of new words by various morphological

mechanisms such as compounding, affixation, derivation, inflection, truncation,

and segmental, tonal alternations, and so on (Booij, 2005). Therefore, in

linguistics, morphology refers to the mental system involved in word formation or


to the branch of linguistics that deals with words, their internal structures, and

how they are formed.

B. Morpheme

Haspelmath and Sims (2010) defines that morpheme is the smallest

meaningful constituents of words that can be identified. Furthermore, the term

morpheme is used to refer to the smallest, indivisible units of semantic content or

grammatical function which word are created (Katamba & Stonham, 2006).

Morpheme could not be decomposed into smaller units, which were the

meaningful by themselves or mark a grammatical function, like singular or plural

number in the noun.

In fact, a single word can carry a number of morphemes. For instance, the

word unlovable consists of three morphemes, the word ‘un’ which makes the

word to be negative form, “love” which means get strong feeling of deep

affection, and ‘able’ which means the ability to do something. Furthermore, a

morpheme can also be classified based on whether they are base or not. Plag

(2003) states that a root is the primary form of a word which can either be free

morphemes or bound morphemes; meanwhile a base is a word that does not have

any words added either at the beginning or its ending and it can stand on its own

and has meaning. For example, in the word transports, the word trans is a base

and port is a root. When a base morpheme is combined with an affix, it forms a

stem. Stem is a part of a word which inflectional affixes attach to, for example, in

the word un-lovable, the word lovable is a stem (Plag, 2003). Other affixes can be

added to a stem to form a more complex stem, for example, in the word

unlovable, the word unlovable is a complex stem. The following table provides

other examples of morphemes.

Table 2.1
Example of Morphemes (Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2011, p. 38)

One morpheme Desire
Boy + ish
Two morphemes Desire + able
Meditate + ion
Boy + ish + ness
Three morphemes
Desire + able + ity
gentle + man + li + ness
Four Morphemes
un + desire + able + ity

1. Types of Morpheme

According to Lieber (2016), there are two types of morpheme; free

morpheme and bound morpheme.

a. Free Morpheme

A free morpheme is one morpheme that may stand alone in a

language, without requiring any other morphemes (Lieber, 2016). For

instance, cat, book, and happy can occur on its own as a word; those

words do not have to be attached to another morpheme. A free

morpheme is categorized into two: open class (content words) and

closed class (function words). Open class denote concepts such as


objects, actions, attributes, and ideas that the readers can think about as

children, build, beautiful, and seldom. However, closed class specifies

grammatical relations and has little or no semantic content

b. Bound Morpheme

According to Lieber (2016), a bound morpheme is a morphological

element that can only appear as a proper subpart of a word, such as -ish,

-ness, -ly, and un-. Bound morphemes are never words by themselves

but are always parts of words. These affixes are bound morphemes and

they may attach at the beginning, the end, in the middle, or both at the

beginning and end of a word. The set of morphemes that are on bound

category are divided into two types: namely derivational and

inflectional affixes. These two types of bound morphemes are going to

be discussed in a different section.

2. Affixes

An affix is one or more than syllable or letter added at the beginning

or at the end of a base word to change its meaning (Lieber, 2016). According

to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2011), there are four types of affixes

which are prefix, suffix, infix, and circumfix. Moreover, since English

language normally deals with the main types; prefix and suffix (Haspelmath

& Sims, 2010), thus, only these two are discussed here.

a. Prefix

Affixes that occur at the beginning of the words are called prefixes

(Plag, 2003). For instance, un-believe, dis-like, re-act, de-activate, ex-


hale, and en-close. Those un-, dis-, re-, de-, ex-, and en- are all prefixes

because they are placed before bases.

b. Suffix

Plag (2003) defines suffixes as bound morphemes placed after the

base of a word, for instance, kind-ly, play-er, jump-ed, argu-ment,

punish-ment, and sad-ness. Those –ly, -er, -ed, -ment, and –ness are

suffixes because they are situated after bases.

Words can have more than one prefix or suffix (Lieber, 2016); the

examples are help-less-ness and over-re-act. According to McCarthy (2006,

p.84), “affixation is the process whereby an affix is attached to a base, which

may be simple (as in full, the base to which –ness is attached to yield

fullness), or complex (like meditate, the base to which pre- is attached to

yield premeditate)”. Katamba (2006) state that affixes attached to a base may

be inflectional affixes selected for syntactic reasons or derivational affixes

which alter the meaning or grammatical category of the base. Furthermore,

Lieber (2016, p.40) summarizes that affixation has five processes which fall

into common semantic categories:

1. Personal Affixes: to create a noun referring to people by adding suffix –

er or suffix –ee. E.g.: teacher, employees

2. Negative and Privative Affixes: to create the meaning “not” and express

something that is not wished. E.g.: prefix un- (unhappy), in-(inactive) ,

- less (hopeless)

3. Prepositional and Relational Affixes: to convey the meaning of space or

time. e.g.: over- (overfill) and out- (outhouse)

4. Quantitative Affixes: to show the amount of something to do. E.g. –ful

(helpful, handful), re- (reread), multi- (multi-languages)

5. Evaluative Affixes: it is divided into two kinds: First is diminution (to

create the smaller version of the base). The affixes are micro-, mini-,

nano-, pico-, -ette, -let, -ling, and –y. The example is “booklet” which

means that the book is small. Second is augmentation (to create the

smaller and the bigger version of the base). The affixes are hyper-,

mega-, uber-, ultra-, tera-. The example is “megastore” which means

that the store is big.

C. Inflection

According to Kracht (2007), inflection is a morpheme that indicates some

kind of grammatical relationship. For example, the –s morpheme attached to the

word likes indicates the present tense for singular person. The key point about

inflection is that applying it never gives a new word class, but only a different

form of the same word (Hippisley & Stump, 2016). For instance, when adding

certain affixes to the word write, producing forms like writes, writing, and

written, those words do not get any new word class, but only grammatically

distinct forms of the same words. Another example is the word books; it consists

of a free morpheme book and a suffix –s. The bound morpheme –s does not

change the syntactic category of the morpheme book. It only gives grammatical

meaning which shows that the word books is plural. However, the word class is

still the same in which the noun book when added a suffix –s is still a noun.

Below are listed four characteristics of inflectional affixes:

a. Do not change meaning or part of speech e.g. big and bigger are both


b. Typically indicate syntactic or semantic relations between different

words in a sentence e.g. the present tense morphemes –s in waits

shows agreement with the subject of the verb (both are third person


c. Typically occur with all members of some large class of morphemes

e.g. the plural morphemes –s occurs with most nouns.

d. Typically occur at the margin of words e.g. the plural morphemes –s

always come last in a word, as in babysitters or rationalizations

According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2011, p.47), modern English

has eight inflectional affixes to indicate the following:

1. -s third-person singular, e.g.: She wait-s at home.

2. -ed past tense, e.g.: She wait-ed at home.

3. -ing progressive, e.g.: She is eat-ing the donut.

4. -en past participle, e.g.: Mary has eat-en the donuts.

5. -s plural, e.g.: She ate the donut-s.

6. -’s possessive, e.g.: Disa’s hair is short.

7. -er comparative, e.g.: Disa has short-er hair than Karin.


8. -est superlative, e.g.: Disa has the short-est hair.

D. Derivation

A derivational affix is one that is added to a base to form a new word that

differs in its part of speech classification (Kolanchery, 2015). When derivational

affix is added to the base of a word, it can result into a change in the part of

speech or grammatical category of that word. For instance, when the suffix –ness

is added to the adjective ‘happy’, the adjective ‘happy’ become the noun

‘happiness’. Bound morphemes like –ify, -cation, and –arian are called

derivational affixes. When they are added to a base, a new word with a new

meaning is derived. The form that results from the addition of derivational affixes

is called a derived word. Moreover, when a base is added by derivational affixes,

it changes meaning.

There are some processes of derivational affixes according to Fromkin,

Rodman, and Hyams (2011, p. 45):

1. Noun to adjective.

e.g.: boy + ish = boyish

health + ful = healthful

alcohol + ic = alcoholic

2. Verb to noun.

e.g.: create + ion = creation

sing + er = singer

predict + ion = prediction

3. Adjective to adverb.

e.g.: exact + ly = exactly

4. Noun to verb.

e.g.: moral + ize = moralize

glory + ify = glorify

5. Adjective to noun.

e.g.: free + Dom = freedom

specific + ity = specificity

6. Verb to adjective.

e.g.: read + able = readable

create + ive = creative

7. Adjective to verb.

e.g.: ideal + ize = idealize

en + rich = enrich

Derivation can also occur without any change of form, such as ‘telephone’

(noun) and to ‘telephone’ (verb). This is known as conversion or zero derivation.

Below are other examples of derivation without changing grammatical classes

(Fromkin, Rodman, & Hyams, 2011, p. 45):

1. Noun to Noun: Friend + -ship = friendship,

human + -ity = humanity,

king + -dom = kingdom,

dis + advantage = disadvantage,

un + employment = unemployment

2. Verb to Verb: Un + do = undo,


re + cover = recover,

dis- + believe = disbelieve,

auto + destruct = autodestruct

3. Adjective to Adjective: Pink + -ish= pinkish,

il- + legal = illegal,

in- + accurate = inaccurate,

un- + happy = unhappy

Katamba and Stonham (2006) argue that derivation affixes can be either

prefixes or suffixes, whereas inflectional affixes are only suffixes. In

distinguishing inflectional from derivational affixes, the table below will shows

the summary of the differences between inflectional and derivational affixes.

E. The Function of Derivational Affixes

The function of certain derivational affixes is to create new base forms

(new stems) that other derivational or inflectional affixes can attach to

(Kolanchery, 2015). There are the functions of derivational affixes that will be


1. Noun formation

Noun formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed

by the change of current part of speech into noun formation. Noun

formations consist of:

a. Verb into Noun

-ment) =

Government (noun)

b. Adjective into Noun

For example: Opportune (Adjective) + (-ity) = Opportunity


2. Verb formation

Verb formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed

by the change of current part of speech into verb formation. Verb

formations consist of:

a. Adjective into Verb

For example: Off (Adj) + (-er) = Offer (Verb)

b. Noun into Verb

For example: Courage (Noun) + (-ed) = Discouraged (verb)

3. Adjective formation

Adjective formation is a kind of derivational process which is

formed by the change of current part of speech into adjective formation.

Adjective formations consist of:

a. Verb into Adjective

For example: Understand (Verb) + (-able) = Understandable


b. Adverb into Adjective

For example: Ever (Adv) + (-y) = every (Adj)

c. Noun into Adjective

Home (noun) + (-less + -ness) = Homelessness (Adj)

4. Adverb formation

Adverb formation is a kind of derivational process which is formed

by the change of current part of speech into adverb formation. Adverb

formations consist of:

a. Adjective into Adverb

For example: Probable (Adj) + (-ly) = Probably (Adv)

b. Noun into Adverb

For example: consideration (Noun) + (ly) = Considerably


c. Verb into Adverb

For example: (A-) + Round (verb) = Around (Adv)

Derivational affixes have a special characteristic. The following are the

specific characteristic of derivational affixes. According to Lieber (2009),

derivational affixes have any characteristics, just below:

a. The words with which derivational suffixes combine are an arbitrary

matter. To make a noun from the verb adorn we must add the suffix “-

ment” and no other suffix will do, whereas the verb fail combines only

with “-ure” to make a noun failure. Yet the employ may use the different

suffixes “-ment”, “-er”, “-ee” to make three nouns with different meaning

(employment, employer, employee).

b. In many case, but not all, derivational suffixes changes the part of speech

of the word to which it is added. The noun act becomes an adjective by

addition of “–ive”, and to the adjective active we could add “-ate”, making

it verb activate.

c. Derivational suffixes usually do not close off a word, that is after a

derivational suffix you can sometimes add another derivational suffix and

next, if required. For example, to the word fertilizer.

Table 2.2
Differentiation of derivational and inflectional (adapted from Fromkin, Rodman,
& Hyams, 2011)


Grammatical function Lexical function

No word class change May cause word class change
Small or no meaning change Some meaning change

Often required by rules of grammar Never required by rules of grammar

Follow derivational morphemes in a Precede inflectional morphemes in a

word word
Some productive, many

According to Lieber (2009), inflectional affixes are productive; they apply

freely to nearly every appropriate base (except irregular forms). Most nouns take

an –s inflectional suffix to form a plural, but only some nouns take the

derivational suffix –ize to form a verb; idolize, but not picturize.


F. Lyric

According to Avdeeff (2014), lyric is a set of words that make up a song.

The meaning of lyric can be explicit or implicit. Oxford advance learner’s

dictionary (703) mentions that lyric is a word of a song and also expression of a

writer feeling or composed for singing. Therefore, lyrics are words that make up

a song usually consisting of verses and choruses. Additionally, lyric is a short

poem that expresses the personal thoughts and feelings of the person who wrote


G. Deen Squad

Deen Squad is a group of faith-based singers from Ottowa, Canada. The

group member consists of two singers; they are Jae Deen and Karter Zaher. Zaher

whose family is Lebanese background, and Deen a Ghanian-Canadian who

converted to Islam at age 15, were both born and raised in Ottawa, the Canadian

capital. They met in January 2015, in a class at Carleton University on India’s

Bollywood film industry. They had been making music separately, were aware of

each other’s work, and decided to collaborate. They first called themselves ‘Salaat

Squad’ (prayer squad) and recorded rough remixes on their phones which would

then post online. They have over 24.000 subscribers on YouTube channel.

Deen Squad combines the raw essence of the urban rap and hip hop genre

with a strong message promoting love, unity, spirituality, and values in the efforts

to rouse appreciation of the contemporary Muslim identity in this era. They

changed the lyrics of famous hip hop songs that were full of harsh words and

which led to sex and medicine into religious and meaningful lyrics, so they called

it ‘Halal Remix’, such as Justin Bieber, Marron 5, and so on. For example, Justin

Bieber's song on the title ‘Let me Loves You’ is changed into ‘Allah Loves You’.

This duo group was formed because of their concern about the many communities

that embrace Islam as terrorist religion and to eliminate ‘Islam phobia’ which is

now prevalent in the society and western media. They have three albums up to

this year; they are Purify your soul 2016, Melo Deen, Fajr 2017, and Live to give

2019. In this study, the research focus is on Fajr. It was released in 2017. This

album consists of five songs created by Deen Squad members, they are cover girl,

Allah loves you, on my deen, hit the prayer, and fajr. They got the popularity and

being known by people all over the world from this album.


This chapter discusses some procedures of research methodology that was

used to investigate the processes of derivational and inflectional in Deen Squad’s

song lyrics; those are research design, material of analysis, data collection

technique, and data analysis techniques.

A. Research Design

According to Johnson and Christensen (2014), research design is the set of

procedures and methods used in collecting and analyzing problem in a research.

In the other words, research design is the way used to collect the data, analyze the

data, and make a conclusion from the data which has been collected in order to

give valid and reliable data. There are two common types of research design:

quantitative and qualitative. Based on the research questions, the approach which

was used in the study was a mixed method. The mixed method focused on

collecting, analyzing, and mixing both quantitative and qualitative data in a single

study or series of studies (Creswell, Plano, & Gutmann, 2003). The qualitative

data was needed to answer the first research question about the morphological

process on derivational and inflectional affixes formed in Deen Squad’s Lyrics.

Then, the quantitative data was needed to answer the second research question

about the most dominant derivational and inflectional affixes used in Deen Squad

Lyrics. To collect those quantitative and qualitative data, this study used


exploratory sequential design. This method is a two-phase design where the

qualitative data was collected first, followed by the collection and analysis of

quantitative data (Creswell, Plano, & Gutmann, 2003). Textual data were gained

from Deen Squad’s lyrics and the numeric data were gained from the accounting

percentage of derivational and inflectional types

B. Material of Analysis

Data is one of the most important aspects of any research studies. Salkind

(2013) states that data source is the data which are collected firsthand by the

researcher for specific research. Data can be numbers, images, words, figures,

facts or ideas. There are two data source in research: primary data or main data

and secondary data. The main data of this study were taken from

www.lyric.az.com. Deen Squad’s lyrics consist of English and Arabic language

around 2000 words in one album. The data in this study were the lyrics of Deen

Squad album, named Fajr. It was released in March 6, 2017. This album contains

Islamic songs with hip hop and rap genre; they talk about religion, culture, faith,

sunnah, and a Muslim’s duty for God, society, and environment. This album

consists of five songs created by Deen Squad members. The title of songs in Fajr

album are cover girl, Allah loves you, on my deen, hit the prayer, and fajr. The

additional data was taken from several books, journals, and articles related to

morphology in this case derivational and inflectional affixes.

C. Data Analysis Procedure

Salkind (2013) argues that data collection defines as the procedure of

collecting, measuring, and analyzing accurate insights for research using


technique. As Johnson and Christensen (2004) mentions that there are several

ways to collect the data, such as observation and documentation or document

analysis. Document analysis is a systematic procedure for reviewing or

evaluating documents—both printed and electronic (computer-based and

Internet-transmitted) material (Bowen, 2009). Document analysis involves

skimming (superficial examination), reading (thorough examination), and

interpretation. The data of this study is the Deen Squad’s song lyrics about 2000

words in Fajr album. In the process of collecting data, I took some following


1. Downloading the lyrics of Deen Squad songs in this case I used the lyrics

from www.lyric.az.com.

2. Determining the words expressions which contains of inflectional and

derivational affixes.

3. Listing all the derivational and inflectional affixes found in the lyrics.

D. The Analytical Technique

Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming and

modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information (Salkind, 2013).

The purpose of data analysis uses analytical and logical reasoning to gain

information from the data. Moreover, the purpose of data analysis is to answer the

research questions and to help determine the trends and relationship among the


In analyzing the data, I took the following steps:


1. Identifying the data selected about which data indicating derivational and

inflectional affixes.

2. Classifying each category of derivational and inflectional affixes to each

type of them. This step was used to answer the first research question

about the kinds of derivational and inflectional affixes found. As table


Table 3.1
The Derivational and Inflectional Rubric

No Word Base Affixes Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
The word
which attach Prefix Suffix
number of
derivational found in found
or the in the
in the
Inflectional words words

3. Calculating the types of derivational and inflectional affixes found in the

lyrics from the highest to lowest percentage.

4. Drawing the conclusion by completing the study about derivational and

inflectional affixes in Deen Squad’s lyrics.



This chapter reports the result of the research analysis which contains two

subsections, they are data and analysis. The data and analysis are presented to

answer the statement of problem so that the research can be reached. In this

chapter, data and analysis of the processes of derivational and inflectional affixes

used in Deen Squad lyrics are presented.


1. The processes of derivational and inflectional in Deen Squad Lyrics

Based on the data, this study found that there were 110 affixes found in 5

of Deen Squad lyrics. The divisions of these kinds are derivation which change

the grammatical classes or not and eight kinds of inflectional affixes. The data

results were classified based on the song titles as shown in the table below:

Table 4.1
Data of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes in Deen Squad’s Song Lyrics

Deen Squad’s Song Inflection Derivation

Cover Girl 27 5
Allah Loves You 11 3
Fajr 18 4
Hit The Prayer 16 5
On My Deen 21 1
Total 93 17


The table above showed the result of inflectional and derivational affixes from

110 bases found in Deen Squad’s lyrics. As shown in the table, the use of

inflectional affixes was more dominant than derivational affixes. Additionally,

there are 111 affixes found in the data out of 110 bases: 110 of suffixes and 1

of prefix. Those appearance suffixes were –eous, -dom, -ual, -ness, -er, and –

ion. Meanwhile, the appearance prefix was ex-. There were 93 of inflectional

affixes found in the lyrics of Deen Squad’s. All kinds of inflections are found –

s plural, -s third singular person, -‘s possessive, -ing progressive, -ed past

tense, -en past participle, -er comparative, -est superlative.

2. The Analysis of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes

As shown in the table 4.1, there were 93 words in the lyric belonging to

Inflectional Affixes from 8 types of it. The example formations of inflection

and derivational analysis process are explained below:

a. Inflectional affixes

An inflection is a morpheme that indicates some kind of grammatical

relationship. The eight types of inflectional affixes will be explained below.

1. Progressive

There were 37 words of progressive type found in Deen Squad’s

lyrics. The following is an example of progressive type found in the


“Her heart is growing strong” – Cover Girl


The underlined word indicated the use of present continuous

tense. It was occurred because there is suffix –ing attached to the base

of the word. The base of the word here is grow then inflectional suffix

–ing is attached to the end of the word to make the grammaticaly

correct. However, the attachment of suffix –ing does not change the

word class, the base grow is a verb and the inflectional growing is still

a verb.

2. Third Person Singular

There were 9 words of third person singular type found in Deen

Squad’s lyrics. The following is an example of plural type found in

the lyrics.

“She represents peace and she got her own voice”

The word represents indicates the use of third singular person by

attaching –s to the end of the base word. There is singular person she.

This form is used for the present tense rule. The verb base represents

is represent. Then, suffix –s attached in order to make grammatically

correct and not change the meaning.

3. Past Tense

There were 7 words of past tense type found in Deen Squad’s

lyrics. The following is an example of past tense type found in the


“You struggled through a test on earth”

The words struggled indicates as past tense by attaching suffix –ed

to the end of the verbs. The base of struggled is struggle.

4. Past Participles

There was one word of past participles type found in Deen

Squad’s lyrics. The following is an example of past participles type

found in the lyrics.

“Taken my position at the front row”

The inflectional affix Taken is indicate present perfect tense. The

word Taken has suffix participle –en, then the attachment of suffix –en

is occurred to give extra grammatically. Not all Verb roots can be

attached by suffix –en to denote past participle, especially perfect

tense. There are particular words, such as in the word “given”,

“written”, “eaten” which indicate perfect tense.

5. Plural

There were 31 words of plural type found in Deen Squad’s lyrics.

The following is an example of plural type found in the lyrics.

“For all my sisters around the world man”


The word sisters is inflectional affixes. They indicate the plural

form by attaching suffix –s to the end of the nouns. The base of the

inflection is only by removing the suffix –s of those inflectional plural


6. Possessive

There were 5 words of possessive type found in Deen Squad’s

lyrics. The following is an example of possessive type found in the


“Read about Muhammad's (S) life” – Allah Loves You

The word Muhammad’s is indicated the use of inflectional

possessive form by attaching suffix –‘s to the end of the noun to show

the formation of inflection in possessive form.

7. Comparative Degree

There were 2 words of comparative type found in Deen Squad’s

lyrics. The following is an example of comparative type found in the


“And she braver and a lot more”

The underlined word is attached by comparative form of

inflectional affixes. The base word from the inflection braver is brave.

Then, the suffix –er is added and it changes the meaning of the base


8. Superlative Degree

There was 1 word of superlative type found in Deen Squad’s

lyrics. The following is an example of superlative type found in the


“Allah, so I’m going through the biggest test the temptation of


The underlines word is attached by superlative form of inflectional

affixes. The base word from the inflection biggest is big. Then, the

suffix –est is added and it also changes the meaning of the base word.

b. Derivational Affixes

Derivational affix is an affix added in a word that may change the

word class. Furthermore, as shown in the table above, there are 17

words in the lyric attached derivational Affixes process out of 4

processes from 8 of it. The processes of derivational affixes are

explained below:

1. Noun to Adjective

There were 6 words of noun to adjective process found in

Deen Squad’s lyrics. The following is an example of noun to

adjective process found in the lyrics.

“She's a righteous woman”

The suffix –ous is indicated for the Adjective Derivation,

such as in the word righteous on the lyric above. This word is as

adjective which derived from the word “right as Noun”. Therefore,

the classification is as “right” + -ous becomes “righteous”. This

process is directly agglutinated to the base word.

2. Verb to Noun

There were 9 words of verb to noun process found in Deen

Squad’s lyrics. The following is an example of verb to noun found

in the lyrics.

“She be rockin' it, hater why you talkin' ish?”

The suffix –er in the word hater is indicated the process of

derivational affixes in noun formation. It changes the verb hate,

base word, to the noun hater.

3. Adjective to Noun

There were 1 word of adjective to noun process found in

Deen Squad’s lyrics. The following is an example of adjective to

noun found in the lyrics.

“And that's her freedom”

The word freedom consists of two morphemes: free and dom.

The base word of derivation freedom is free. This process is named

noun formation in adjective to noun process. The suffix –dom is

attached to the end of the adjective free, then become a noun


4. Verb to Verb

There was 1 word of verb to verb found in Deen Squad’s lyrics.

The following is an example of verb to verb found in the lyrics.

“She got class, she don't flirt, she don't exchange numbers”

The underlined word indicated the process of verb to verb in

derivation. It occurred because there is prefix ex- attached to the

base of the word. The base of the word exchange is change then

prefix ex- is attached to the end of the word. However, the

attachment of prefix ex- does not change the word class, the base

change is a verb and the derivation exchange is still a verb.


As the objective of the research which is going to find out the derivational

affixes and the bases of the words in the Deen Squad song lyrics, the examples

above are showing how to find out the derivational affixes and the bases. It can

be seen that the words in The Deen Squad song lyrics are analyzed by

separating the derivational and inflectional affixes and the bases, so it was

clearly obtained derivational and inflectional affixes and the bases of the


3. Dominant Types of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes of Deen Squad


The table below shows type of derivational affixes found in five song lyrics

of Deen Squad’s album.

Table 4.2
Kinds of Inflectional Affixes

Types of Inflectional Affixes Frequency Total Percentage (%)

Third person singular (-s) 9 9,67%

Past tense (-ed) 7 7,5%

Progressive (-ing) 37 39,78%

Past Participles (-en) 1 1,07%

Plural (-s) 31 33.3%

Possessive (‘s) 5 5,37%

Comparative (-er) 2 2,15%

Superlative (-est) 1 1,07%

Total Data 93 100%

As shown in the table, the most dominant type of inflectional affixes found

was progressive. It was found in 37 words or 39,78% out of the song lyrics total

number. Plural form was the second most found in 31 words or 33,3% out of the

total number of song lyrics. Furthermore, the third most found was third person

singular in 9 words or 9,67% out of the total number of song lyrics. Then, past

tense form was found in 7 words or 7,5% out of the total number of song lyrics.

After that, possessive form was found in 5 words or 5,37% and followed by

comparative form was found in 2 words or 2,15% out of the song lyrics total

number. Lastly, the fewest found of inflectional affixes were superlative and past

participles forms in 1 word or 1,07% out of the total data.

Progressive type appeared in all of Deen Squad’s song; Cover Girl 9

times, Allah Loves You 4 times, Fajr 9 times, Hit the Prayer 6 times, and On My

Deen 9 times. The use of progressive types was the highest out of either

derivational or inflectional types found. To sum up, the use of progressive types

showed that the Deen Squad’s lyric were contain meaning or told the listeners

about something that is currently happened in the world and probably are

happening now in society.

Table 4.3
The Kinds of Derivational Affixes

Processes of Derivational Affixes Frequency Total Percentage (%)

Noun to Adjective 6 35,29%

Verb to Noun 9 52,9%

Adjective to Adverb 0 0%

Noun to Verb 0 0%

Adjective to Noun 1 5.88%

Verb to Adjective 0 0%

Adjective to Verb 0 0%

Verb to Verb 1 5,88%

Total Data 17 100%

The table showed that the most dominant derivational processes used in

Deen Squad lyrics was verb to noun. It was found in 9 words or 52,9% out of the

total number of the lyrics in songs. Moreover, noun to adjective process was the

second most found in 6 words or 32,29% out of the song lyrics total number. The

fewest process that found in the lyrics were adjective to noun and verb to verb

process, each of them was found in 1 word or 5,88% out of the total data.

However, the other processes such as adjective to adverb, noun to verb, verb to

adjective, and adjective to verb were not found in Deen squad lyrics. Inflectional

affixes were more used than derivational affixes.

The process of verb to noun appeared in 4 songs; once in Cover girl, twice

in Fajr, Hit the Prayer 5 times, and once in On My Deen. The affixes of verb to

noun process were –ion, -er, and –ing. The most used affix was –er and it was

appears 5 times in the lyrics. To sum up, the process of verb to noun was the most

used in the lyrics, it was because noun formation functions as subject and object

in the sentences. Therefore, the processes of verb to noun are the most dominantly

occurred in the lyrics.


Therefore, from table 4.2 and 4.3 showed that the most dominant type of

derivational and inflectional affixes process in the lyrics was inflection. And the

inflectional types were found in all five lyrics of Deen Squad. However, the most

dominant type process was progressive type; 37 processes.

B. Analysis

This study aimed to describe and to know the process of derivational and

inflectional affixes found in the lyrics and the most dominant process found in

Deen Squad’s lyrics. This study conducted document analysis to answer the first

research question and the result was proven by observation of document analysis

section. Furthermore, the result for the most dominant types found of derivational

and inflectional affixes were written in table and count in percentage.

1. The Process of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes

The first aspect being discussed is about the process of derivational and

inflectional affixes. From the data that have been analyzed, it showed that the

processes of derivation and inflection were found in all lyrics of Deen Squad’s

song. The fewest song that used derivational and inflectional affixes was Allah

loves you; 14 processes. Meanwhile, the song that used the most processes was

Cover Girl; 32 processes. However, inflectional affixes were more common than

derivational affixes.

The finding of this study has similarities as well as differences with other

studies. This study is similar to Bram’s (2020) study. Bram (2020) chose

derivation as his study. However, his genre was short story of Rapunzel. The

result of Bram’s study is almost similar to this study. He also found that were

derivational processes occurred in the Rapunzel short story. However, Bram

found 29 times in 14 different affixes, meanwhile this study found 17 times in 9

different affixes. Moreover, almost the whole Deen Squad’s song lyrics were

consisted of Inflectional affixes. Whereas, there are lots of affix types in

derivation. However, I only found four of them and almost in the same affixes.

2. Dominant Types of Derivational and Inflectional Affixes

The second aspect is about the most dominant used of derivational and

inflectional types in the lyrics. The findings of this study showed that the most

dominant used of inflectional affixes was progressive type (-ing). Therefore, the

analysis of Deen Squad’s lyric was containing more inflection (progressive) than

derivation. As the result, the finding of progressive type as the most dominant

used in the lyrics shows that the Deen Squad’s lyric were contain meaning or told

the listeners about something that is happening and often happens in this world.


Based on the result in the previous chapter, this chapter discusses the

conclusion can be drawn after the research and data analysis are conducted.

Moreover, some recommendations for future works related to the study that could

be conducted by other future researchers are also provided in this chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on the data and analysis in the fourth chapter, this study can be

concluded as following:

1. The process of derivational and inflectional in the Deen Squad song


There were 110 words attached of derivational and inflectional

affixes: 93 inflections and 17 derivations. They classified into 8 processes

of inflection and 4 processes of derivation. The inflectional data were: 9

data of third person singular, 7 of past tense, 37 of progressive, 1 of past

participle, 31 of plural, 5 of possessive, 2 of comparative, and 1 of

superlative. Meanwhile, the derivational data were: 6 of noun to adjective,

9 of verb to noun, 1 of adjective to noun, and 1 of verb to verb.


2. The number of derivational and inflectional affixes found in the Deen

Squad lyrics.

This study found that, the most frequently types of inflectional

affixes found was 27 in progressive. The fewest found of inflectional

affixes were superlative and past participles in 1 form. Whereas the most

frequently found of derivational affixes was verb to noun in 9 words. The

unfound processes were adjective to adverb, noun to verb, verb to

adjective, and adjective to verb.

B. Recommendation

This study offered several suggestions for further research conducted on

the topic of derivational and inflectional affixes. I admitted that there were still

many more should be improved and advanced. The suggestions were framed to

students, teachers or lecturers, future researchers, and English department.

1. I suggested that the students should learn derivational affixes because from

this affixes can change the part of speech and also create a new meaning

that can improve their vocabulary.

2. I suggested the teachers or lecturers to apply the derivational affixes by

separating the roots and the affixes clearly to the students in mastering

vocabulary. This research can be used as their reference to teach


3. I suggested that the other researchers to develop this research with

different data source and better technique. It is expected that the feature

researchers will conduct research with the additional research questions


covering the term of derivational and inflectional process and discuss more

aspects from the general to detail information. I also expected that the

further researcher to add the function of derivation and inflection as an

objective of their study.

4. English Department may use this paper as a reference about derivation,

inflection, and affixes in linguistic study.


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The Lyric of Cover Girl Song

Word Root Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
Third person 2 morphemes
represents Represent -s
singular (represent + s)
2 morphemes
Sisters Sister -s Plural
(sister + s)
2 morphemes
Righteous Right -eous to
(right + eous)
2 morphemes
Braver Brave -er Comparative
(Brave + er)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Hater Hate -er
Noun (Hate + er)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Exchange Change ex-
verb (ex + change)
Adjective 2 morphemes
Freedom Free -dom
to Noun (Free + dom)
Third person 2 morphemes
Means Mean -s
singular (mean + s)
Third person 2 morphemes
Knows Know -s
singular (know + s)
Third person 2 morphemes
Gives Give -s
singular (give + s)
2 morphemes
Growing Grow -ing Progressive
(grow + ing)

Noun 2 morphemes
Modest Mode -est
to adjective (mode + est)
2 morphemes
Rocking Rock -ing Progressive
(rock + ing)
2 morphemes
Talking Talk -ing Progressive
(talk + ing)
2 morphemes
Brothers Brother -s Plural
(brother + s)
2 morphemes
Rolling Roll -ing Progressive
(roll + ing)
2 morphemes
Miles Mile -s Plural
(mile + s)
2 morphemes
Messing Mess -ing Progressive
(mess + ing)
2 morphemes
Acting Act -ing Progressive
(act + ing)
2 morphemes
Jews Jew -s Plural
(jew + s)
2 morphemes
Christians Christian -s Plural
(Christian + s)
2 morphemes
Limits Limit -s Plural
(limit + s)
2 morphemes
Olympics Olympic -s Plural
(Olympic + s)
2 morphemes
Prophet's Prophet ‘s Possessive
(prophet + ‘s)
2 morphemes
Days Day -s Plural
(day + s)
2 morphemes
Wars War -s Plural
(war + s)
2 morphemes
Striving Strive -s Progressive
(strive + ing)
2 morphemes
Believing Believe -ing Progressive
(believe + ing)
2 morphemes
Meaning Mean -ing Progressive
(mean + ing)
2 morphemes
Knows Know -s person
(know + s)
2 morphemes
Covered Cover -ed Past tense
(cover + ed)
2 morphemes
Struggled Struggle -ed Past tense
(struggle + ed)
The lyric of Allah loves You Song

Word Root Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
2 morphemes
Beautiful Beauty -ful to
(beauty + ful)
Third person 2 morphemes
Loves Love -s
singular (love + s)
2 morphemes
Stones Stone -s Plural
(stone + s)
2 morphemes
Chasing Chase -ing Progressive
(chase + ing)
2 morphemes
Hoping Hope -ing Progressive
(hope + ing)
Noun to 2 morphemes
Spiritual Spirit -ual
adjective (spirit + ual)
Adjective 2 morphemes
Darkness Dark -ness
to noun (dark + ness)
2 morphemes
Brighter Bright -er Comparative
(bright + er)
2 morphemes
Bills Bill -s Plural
(bill + s)
2 morphemes
Getting Get -ing Progressive
(get + ing)
2 morphemes
Fighting Fight -ing Progressive
(fight + ing)
2 morphemes
Muhammad’s ‘s Possessive (Muhammad
+ ‘s)
2 morphemes
Stones Stone -s Plural
(stone + s)
2 morphemes
Smiled Smile -ed Past tense
(smile + ed)
The Lyric of Fajr Song

Word Root Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
2 morphemes
Connected Connect -ed Past tense (connect +
Past 2 morphemes
Taken Take -en
Participle (take + en)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Position Posit -ion
noun (posit + ion)
2 morphemes
Praying Pray -ing Progressive
(pray + ing)
2 morphemes
Folks Folk -s Plural
(folk + s)
2 morphemes
Bowing Bow -ing Progressive
(bow + ing)
2 morphemes
Kneeling Knee -ing Progressive
(knee + ing)
2 morphemes
Trying Try -ing Progressive
(try + ing)
Noun to 2 morphemes
Spiritual Spirit -ual
adjective (spirit + ual)
2 morphemes
Yawning Yawn -ing Progressive
(Yawn + ing)
Third person 2 morphemes
Whispers Whisper -s
singular (whisper + s)
2 morphemes
Groaning Groan -ing Progressive
(groan + ing)
2 morphemes
Telling Tell -ing Progressive
(tell + ing)
2 morphemes
Sleeping Sleep -ing Progressive
(sleep + ing)
2 morphemes
Getting Get -ing Progressive
(get + ing)
2 morphemes
Tried Try -ed Past tense
(try + ed)
2 morphemes
Knots Knot -s Plural
(knot + s)
2 morphemes
Biggest Big -est Superlative
(big + est)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Temptation Tempt -ion
noun (tempt + ion)
Noun to 2 morphemes
Righteous Right -eous
adjective (right + eous)
2 morphemes
Steps Step -s Plural
(step + s)
2 morphemes
Believer’s Believe ‘s Possessive
(believe + ‘s)
The Lyric of Hit The Prayer Song

Word Root Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
Verb to 2 morphemes
Prayer Pray -er
noun (pray + er)
2 morphemes
Times Time -s Plural
(time + s)
2 morphemes
Bills Bill -s Plural
(bill + s)
2 morphemes
Sins Sin -s Plural
(sin + s)
2 morphemes
Prayed Pray -ed Past tense
(Pray + ed)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Believer Believe -er
noun (believe + er)
2 morphemes
Sounding sound -ing Progressive
(sound + ing)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Preacher Preach -er
noun (preach + er)
2 morphemes
Inspiring Inspire -ing Progressive
(inspire + ing)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Leader Lead -er
noun (lead + er)
2 morphemes
Sending Send -ing Progressive
(send + ing )
3 morphemes
-ion & Verb to
Salutations Salute Plural (salute + ion +
-s noun
2 morphemes
Asking Ask -ing Progressive
(ask + ing)
2 morphemes
Critics Critic -s Plural
(critic + s)
2 morphemes
Doing Do -ing Progressive
(do + ing)
2 morphemes
Angels Angel -s Plural
(angel + s)
2 morphemes
God’s God ‘s Possessive
(god + ‘s)
2 morphemes
Beads Bead -s Plural
(bead + s)
2 morphemes
Going Go -ing Progressive
(go + ing)
Third person 2 morphemes
Rings Ring -s
singular (ring + s)
The Lyric of On My Deen Song

Word Root Derivation Inflection Morpheme
Prefix Suffix
2 morphemes
Eyes Eye -s Plural
(eye + s)
2 morphemes
Tracks Track -s Plural
(track + s)
2 morphemes
Started Start -ed Past tense
(start + ed)
2 morphemes
Listening Listen -ing Progressive
(listen + ing)
2 morphemes
Dreaming Dream -ing Progressive
(dream + ing)
2 morphemes
Bombs Bomb -s Plural
(bomb + s)
2 morphemes
Screams Scream -s Plural
(scream + s)
2 morphemes
Brother’s Brother ‘s Possessive
(brother + ‘s)
2 morphemes
Angels Angel -s Plural
(angel + s)
2 morphemes
Wanting Want -ing Progressive
(want + ing)
2 morphemes
Spreading Spread -ing Progressive
(spread + ing)
2 morphemes
Making Make -ing Progressive
(make + ing)
2 morphemes
Brothers Brother -s Plural
(brother + s)
Paying Pay -ing Progressive 2 morphemes
(pay + ing)
2 morphemes
Marrying Marry -ing Progressive
(marry + ing)
2 morphemes
Muslims Muslim -s Plural
(muslim + s)
2 morphemes
Coming Come -ing Progressive
(come + ing)
Verb to 2 morphemes
Working Work -ing
noun (work + ing)
2 morphemes
Ways Way -s Plural
(way + s)
Third person 2 morphemes
Comes Come -s
singular (come + s)
2 morphemes
Months Month -s Plural
(month + s)
2 morphemes
Praying Pray -ing Progressive
(pray + ing)


Deen Squad - Cover Girl

Artist: Deen Squad

Album: Fajr

She's a righteous woman

And they don't like it
No, no…
They try to conceal her
But deep down there
They fear her
My cover girl
Oh woah!
She's the true cover girl


For all my sisters around the world man

She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab
She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab

She be rockin' it, she be, she be rockin' it

She be rockin' it, hater why you talkin' ish?
She a modest girl, homie don't be mad cuz
(she be rockin' that hijab)
Its that cover girl trap, cover girl rap
Sister stand up, where my cover girls at?
Dear Islamophobes, let me put you on blast
You wanna kick the Muslims out, but you know we got class
This is for my sisters in the west
2017, she ain't tryna' be oppressed
She represents peace and she got her own voice
And She's not forced to wear it, cause she made her own choice
She got her hair covered
That means you can't judge her
She got class, she don't flirt, she don't exchange numbers
And she a boss, she ain't rollin' with these lame brothers
And when she rockin' that hijab she remain humble

She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab
She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab

When she put it on

Her heart is growing strong
But that won't take nothing away from her
So go and put the crown on
Ladies stand up when I sing this song
She be rockin' that, she be rockin' that, she be rockin' that Hijab

To all my sisters in the place, with style and faith

Allow me to say, you shine when you're miles away
They better say SALAMS if they cross your way
Or I'mma show ‘em who's boss today (Hey, hey!)
Why you're messing with the righteous sisters?
Why you acting like the head-scarf
Wasn't worn by the Jews and Christians?
Cover girls got dreams with no limits
That's why Ibtihaj done made it in the Olympics
And she braver and alot more
Women in the prophet's days even fought wars
She striving, she keep believing
She rock that head-scarf like the Mother of Jesus
And that's her freedom. She knows her reason
She reppin' Islam and she gives it a meaning
You struggled through a test on earth
Now your spot in Heaven is reserved

She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab
She be rockin' that. she be rockin' that, she be rockin that, she be, she be rockin
She be rockin' that. she be, she be rockin' that, she be rockin that Hijab

She's my cover girl

Deen Squad - Allah Loves You

Artist: Deen Squad

Album: Fajr

I always believed
There's a light in the struggle and its so, so, so beautiful
(So beautiful)
I'm chasing a dream
Hoping love can awake my soul and make me spiritual
(So Spiritual)
Say if there is darkness today
Tomorrow's brighter let's pray
You'll never be alone cause your Lord is around
Ya Arham Ar-Rahimeen
Keep me on Siraat Al-Mustaqeem
And don't you let go

Never give up, never give up

Allah Loves you, Allah Loves you
Never give up, never give up
Allah Loves you, Allah Loves you
So don't lose hope
He is close
He's in your heart
And your soul
So don't lose hope
He is close
He's in your heart
And your soul

Life is getting hard

You may have lost a job
And you got a lot of bills and you blame it on God
Fighting with your mom
Then you lose your calm
Then you're at a point when your faith is almost gone
Never lose hope
Know Allah Loves you
Remind yourself
There's a beauty in the struggle
Heard you got the word stress
Heard you wanna cure death
You gotta say Bismillah
You know it that's the first step
Read about Muhammad's (S) life
He used to suffer day and night
They even used to throw stones at him
Even then he still smiled
Know Allah's by your side
Day's are gonna be alright
Allah, Allah, Allah Loves you

Never give up, never give up

Allah Loves you, Allah Loves you
Never give up, never give up
Allah Loves you, Allah Loves you
So don't lose hope
He is close
He's in your heart
And your soul
So don't lose hope
He is close
He's in your heart
And your soul

Yeah, Oh!
Deen Squad - Fajr

Artist: Deen Squad

Album: Fajr

the city was asleep when i was up though

the ego had to sink before the sun rose
I can feel the spirit in my blood flow
this is the only reason I am humble
walahi i feel connected as i come close
Taken my position at the front row
I’m praying for the ummah to become pure
I've been trying to do this for the young folks

I'm praying fajr way before 5

I gotta do it before sun rise
You Know I’m praying when I’m bowing and I’m kneeling
and I swear it’s the best feeling that spiritual healing

it’s 3am in the morning

the adzan goes on while I’m yawning
the shaytan whispers I feel him groaning
he is telling me its not important
he told me keep sleeping
just relax slow down it’s the weekend
a’udhubilla min ash-shaytan
Woke up to defeat him
so now I’m getting ready
he tried to tie the knots on me
he wouldn’t let me worship
Allah, so I’m going through the biggest test the temptation of sleep
I gotta fight my nafs
Take righteous steps
So I have to move the shaytan
Tryna win I won’t allow him to
Every true believer’s gotta battle through
And I woke up to show my gratitude
Ya Rab, thank you!
I'm praying fajr way before 5
I gotta do it before sun rise
You Know I’m praying when I’m bowing and I’m kneeling
and I swear it’s the best feeling that spiritual healing

I’m waking up its fajr time

The adhan goes
The adhan goes

I'm praying fajr way before 5

I gotta do it before sun rise
You Know I’m praying when I’m bowing and I’m kneeling
and I swear it’s the best feeling that spiritual healing
Deen Squad - Hit the Prayer

Artist: Deen Squad

Album: Fajr

La howa wa la kowata ila bilah

Allah u Akbar
Bismillah i rahman i rahim

Aaahh, hit that prayer

and i'm good
pray five times every day
stressed out got some bills to pay
then i make wudu and wash my sins away

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

i swear i feel good

Aahh i been through enough

i can't wait to be home
I’ve been bugging too much
I’ve been stressin the whole day
when I’m stressed out i go pray

will i miss out on it no way

and now that i prayed it’s okay
it’s okay...
ya raab.
bismillah live that life of a believer
pray my fajr, my dhuhr, asr,
maghrib and then my isha
i do it cause its wajib
and I’m sounding like a preacher

they say I’m inspiring the youth

okay well i guess ill be a leader

sending salutations to my squad tough

tryna hit the prayer
and tryna read quran
and they're asking for duas

mhmm no problem

critics stay silent i wont miss on my salah

no, oh god
hit the prayer and i'm good
pray five times every day
stressed out got some bills to pay
then i make wudu and wash my sins away

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good

gotta give thanks
to the one on the throne
I’ve been doing this since i was born
i go where the angels go

i go where the angels go

i go where the angels go

and keep a smile on my face like always

god's gotta plan
so i ain't got hurry
and when i go to sleep
man i ain't got worries

beads on my neck
so im always doing dhikr
and there's only one god
so there ain't no shirk

cause KZ gotta be the man right now

deen squad really going lamb right now
got a plan right now


holy sound all over the globeeee

anywhere we go we keep the ahdan on so
you know when that alarm rings

you know what i do, i...

hit the prayer i feel good
hit the prayer i feel good
hit the prayer i feel good

i feel good
i feel good
i feel gooood
i feel good

hit the prayer i feel good

hit the prayer i feel good
i feel good
i feel good

hit the prayer and i'm good

pray five times everyday
stressed out got some bills to pay
i make wadu
and wash my sins away

once i hit the prayer

man i swear i feel good
once i hit the prayer
man i swear i feel good

once i hit the prayer man i swear feel good

once i hit the prayer man i swear feel good
i swear feel good
Deen Squad - On My Deen

Artist: Deen Squad

Album: Fajr

all eyes on me
yeah, I'm on my deen
thobe so clean
yeah, I'm on my deen
ayo' kz
are you on your deen?
yeah, I'm on my deen
are you, jae deen?
are you on your deen?
yeah I'm on my deen

started out in beirut

listening the syakur
all it took was two tracks
to say that it was maktub (fate)
whoever sleeping on us must be dreaming about some bad news
call us imam mahdi cuz' we’ll be coming back soon
like tada tata
i heard the bombs go
pada papa
i still hear the screams like "ahh"
but no matter what the pain
i say alhamdulillah
i coulda' been dead man
i coulda' been ash
it would've been blood
all over this smile, man
it should've been peace
ya allah, it should've been peace
but it won't kill a brother's soul
angels surround us
'cuz we be on another road
it's kz, make you say ameen
i'm muslim man
you can join my team
they're just wanting that i ask though
are you on your deen?

all eyes on me
yeah, i'm on my deen
thobe so clean
yeah, i'm on my deen
ayo' kz
are you on your deen?
yeah, i'm on my deen
are you, jae deen?
are you on your deen?
yeah i'm on my deen

i be on my, i be on my, i be on my deen

people say that they make dua' for me now
i can tell you that it's real love
spreading peace like a year
making deen music that feel good
paying hasanat, that's divine pay
there's brothers marrying, wish she could
join deen squad, 'cuz we turnt up
'cuz we muslims and we still hug
blessing is coming everyday
working hard in so many ways
pray 2 raka’ats out of gratitude
'cuz that comes first, don't get delayed
started up in canada
but now months later, we overseas
every mosque we step inside
we get recognized and they know its "we"
we stayed all true
if you don't support, shame on you
this track's so deen, it make the shaytaan run away like "brrrp"
like what chu' gonna do
yeah, standing long like taraweeh
i'm praying with my team
if you ask me yes. i think, i think, i think i'm on my deen
and no

all eyes on me
yeah, i'm on my deen
thobe so clean
yeah, i'm on my deen
ayo' kz
are you on your deen?
yeah, i'm on my deen
are you, jae deen?
are you on your deen?
yeah i'm on my deen

i be on my, i be on my, i be on my deen

(deen squad!)

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