Titian Essay
Titian Essay
Titian Essay
sophisticated viewer like Vasari who saw the Venus of Urbino in 1584
The Venus of Urbino depicts a nude young woman, identified with the
Venus Pudica or variants there off such as the Venus de’ Medici) this
Venus does not cover her breasts with her right arm, but instead
hand is curved over her pudenda. A small dog sleeps at her feet,
drapery divides the space and a trimmed myrtle plant sits on the
window ledge6. Daniel Arasse points out that she is the first isolated
Goffen, Titians Women, pg 16
Goffen, Titian’s Venus of Urbino, Pg1
narrative, and “engaged with the viewer in a direct exchange of
village of Pieve di Cadore, Italy now not far from the Austrian border,
where his family lived for many years. The exact year of his birth is in
Titian and his elder brother Francesco were sent to Venice to start
Titian was immensely successful in his lifetime and since his death
Titian was active during the fertile period of the High Renaissance a
time when Italy created a new world in literature, art and social life. 11
Most writers on the period have generally supported the notion that
Boulting, William. Pg 1
Boulting, Pg 1
Ibid Pg 4
Boulting points out that perhaps the most significant and valuable
Around the close of the 15th century, a special kind of public woman
a result of the prevailing support for classical learning and the full and
potentate and princes of the Church”. As Boulting so aptly puts it, the
Since men and women had for centuries been sold into matrimony,
Ibid Pg 5
Ibid Pg 296
Boulting, W. Pg 296
“love as a trade” was regarded with tolerance. Since the vile word for
nudity has been used “to represent beauty, frailty, shame and power,
not just sex and sensuality”.20 Thus Titian was painting nudes in the
Goffen, Titian’s Women. Pg 5
Rayme, Mary Pg 1
The High Renaissance was also a time that was rich in the
family and gives her social status”.21 The iconography in the Venus of
plant and the rich interior décor. Theodore Reff accepts Titian’s nude
symbols in the picture including the roses, myrtle and flora in the
bedding and drapery are symbols usually associated with Venus, and
Tinagli, Paoloa. Pg 53
Reff, Theodore.Pg. 360
roses are assigned to her for beauty and
sweet scent and among plants the myrtle
both for its sweet scent and because, like
love, it is ever blooming.24
in the painting.
reinforces this concept with the comment “the dog in the Venus of
not aroused from his sleep because the person who has just entered
Ebro, Lleone, quoted by Reff, T. Pg 360
Reff, T. Pg 360
Rosand, David. Pg 41
Reff Pg 361
is a member of the household rather than an intruder.28
chapter to marriage rituals and furniture. She points out that the
took the bride from her father’s house to her husband’s house.29
Through this procession the marriage was made public to the whole
store the bride’s clothes. When open the lids often contained nude
love, or nude infants, these images on the inside of lids are foretelling
As Goffen points out the “bridal context” explains another of the “most
figure and that of the her left hand help to establish the painting as a
Ibid, Pg 32
Goffen, Titian’s Women. Pg 146
Goffen, Titian’s Women. Pg 146
Reff, T. Pg 361
in only one particular situation based on the mistaken view of
time agreed that “when she does not emit sperm a child is not
the woman wishing to conceive a male child “should turn to her right
Goffen, R. Titian’s Venus of Urbino. Pg 78
Claudius Galen, was physician to five Roman emperors. He was a teacher,
philosopher, pharmacist and leading scientist of his day. During his life he produced five
hundred books and treatises on all aspects of medical science and philosophical
subjects and his ideas were to formulate many of the scientific beliefs which dominated
medical thinking for about 1 500 years.
Goffen, R. Titian’s Women. Pg 153
Goffen R. Titian’s Women. Pg 153
Goffen, R. Titian’s Venus of Urbino. Pg 79
be one of the most crucial piece of iconography in this painting.
so aptly:
In this painting, her glance, like her gesture is undeniably erotic. One
depends on the object of her attention. The viewer cannot see the
object of that direct gaze. Instead the viewer is put in the position of
Goffen, R. Titian’s Women. Pg 154
Ibid Pg 153
Ibid Pg 153
viewers may not be comfortable when caught in the act of looking
A full discussion of all the issues pertaining to the identity of the Venus
round out the arguments presented here in. Although the evidence
presented in this paper supports the notion that she is “both a woman
that “this Venus or courtesan seems to have taken off her clothes in a
Ibid Pg 154
Goffen, R. Titian’s Women. Pg 147
mood of boring ostentation, and it has pleased the public to detect
purity…”47 Rona Goffen points out, this opinion was supported by the
Peter Porcol in his class notes and lectures, questions the godliness
available. However, when all the information is in, it may well be that
Ricketts Pg 92
Goffen, R. Titian’s Women. Pg 147
Porcal, P. January to March, 1020
Goffen, Rona. Titian’s Women. Yale University Press. New Haven &
London, 1997.