COT MATH 5 Week 7
COT MATH 5 Week 7
COT MATH 5 Week 7
School: 5
(DLP) Learning
Principal: Section: MARCOS
Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A. Content Standards The learners visualize the ratio of two given numbers;
B. Performance The learner gives importance to visualize the ratio of two given numbers.
C. Learning Visualizes the Ratio of 2 Given Numbers (M5NS-IIh-122)
II. CONTENT Visualizing the Ratio of Two Quantities
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide DepED Region III Math 5 LAS Quarter 2, Week 6
pages Final-K-to-12-MELCS-with-CG-Codes pp. 218
Powerpoint presentation, Youtube videos, whiteboard, markers, cartolinas,
2. Materials
fruits and laptop.
B. Other Learning here is the link for you to understand the lesson;
A. Reviewing 1. Prayer
Previous Lesson Before we begin our class today, let us stand and Elijah, please lead our
or Presenting the prayer.
New Lesson 2. Greetings
Good morning, class! And good morning to our beloved principal and
visitor today.
3. Checking of Attendance
For the checking of our attendance, let us hear it from our group leaders.
Group 1 who is absent in your group? Group 2? And Group 3?
4. Checking of Assignments
- I will the answer on the screen. Excahnge notebooks.
5. Review
6. Motivation
Before we start our lesson today, let’s have a game first. This is called
“Family Feud”. I am going to give one question to each group. So, all
you have to do is answer the question to get the point. If you answered
three consecutive wrong answers, the other team has a chance to steal
and to get the point. And if they got the correct answer, they will
proceed to the next round to play against the other team.
Game Mechanics:
If your team answered three consecutive wrong answers, the
other team has a chance to steal and get the point. And if they
got the correct answer, they will proceed to the next round to
play against the other team.
(Values Integration:) Execute Good Sportsmanship- be fair
and respect your opponents.
Round 1: I am going to give one question to each group. So, all you
have to do is answer the question to get the point. Each correct
answer has a corresponding score. Whoever got the highest score,
They will advance to the final round.
Round 2: The second and third groups that got the lower scores will
compete in round 2.Whoever win in round will compete the winner
or Round 1.
Final Round: Championship. Follow the game mechanics to win the
In this lesson, this lesson was designed to help you gain understanding
B. Establishing the
and test your ability in visualizing the ratio of two given numbers using
Purpose of the
pictures. Ratios are a helpful tool for comparing things with each other in
Mathematics and in real-life situations, so it is important to know what
they mean and how they are used.
C. Presenting
Instances of the
New Lesson
D. Discussing New
Concepts and Visualizing the Ratio of Two Quantities
Practicing New
Skills #1
E. Developing
Mastery Learning Task 1/ Independent Activity 1
Directions: Give the three forms of the ratio.
Learning Task 2/ Independent Activity 2
Learning Task 3/ Group Activity 3
Directions:Give the quantity of each fruit and give the colon
and fraction forms of the ratio.
F. Making
Generalization From what you have studied, what did you learn from our lesson?
and Abstractions
About the Lesson In this lesson, I learned how to gain an understanding of how to
visualize the ratio of two given numbers.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Checked by:
Principal IV