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Measurements of Viscoelastic Functions of Polymers in The Frequency-Domain Using Nanoindentation

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Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials (2004) 8: 345–364 

C Springer 2005

Measurements of Viscoelastic Functions of Polymers

in the Frequency-Domain Using Nanoindentation


School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,
OK 74078, USA;
E-mail: hongbin@ceat.okstate.edu

(Received 29 September 2004; accepted in revised form 4 January 2005)

Abstract. A method to measure the complex compliance (or modulus) of linearly viscoelastic mate-
rials is presented using nanoindentation with a spherical indenter. The Hertzian solution for an elastic
indentation problem, in combination with a hereditary integral operator proposed by Lee and Radok
(Journal of Applied Mechanics 27, 1960, 438–444) for the situation of non-decreasing indentation
contact area, was used to derive formulas for the complex viscoelastic functions in the frequency-
domain. The formulas are most suitable for frequencies lower than a frequency limit such that the
condition of non-decreasing contact area holds; they are reasonably good approximation at higher
frequencies under which decreasing contact area occurs and the Ting (Journal of Applied Mechanics
33, 1966, 845–854) approach for arbitrary contact area history is needed. Nanoindentation tests were
conducted on both polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate under a harmonic indentation load
superimposed on either step or ramp indentation load, while the resulting displacement under steady
state was recorded. The load and displacement data at each frequency were processed using the de-
rived formulas to determine the viscoelastic functions in the frequency-domain. The same materials
were also tested using a dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) apparatus to determine the complex
viscoelastic functions. The DMA and nanoindentation results were compared and found in a good
agreement, indicating the validity of the new method presented.

Key words: complex compliance, frequency-domain, nanoindentation, polymer, spherical indenter,


1. Introduction
The nanoindentation technique developed in the last two decades (Pethica and
Oliver, 1987, 1989; Oliver and Pharr, 1992; Li and Bhushan 2002) has been demon-
strated to be an effective approach to measure the material properties of very small
amounts of materials such as thin films, microstructures, and inhomogeneous ma-
terials. Loads as small as a few µN and displacements of a fraction of a nm can
be measured by the commercially available nanoindentation systems (Pethica and
Oliver, 1987; Syed et al., 1999); material properties are extracted from the load-
displacement relation. In recent years, the study on material properties at nanometer
and micrometer scales has received increasing attention due to their perceived im-
portance in applications such as microelectronics, nano-structured materials, and

micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS). Polymers are being used in these ap-

plications as lubricative coatings, thermal-barrier coatings, protective coatings for
packaging, and structural materials taking over some functions previously handled
by silicon in MEMS. In addition to these emerging needs in the characterization
of viscoelastic properties using nanoindentation, characterization of some macro-
scopic materials, in which viscoelastic behavior is present, requires nanoindenta-
tion for the measurement of local viscoelastic properties. For example, in materials
such as bones in which the properties vary with locations, interface of two dissim-
ilar materials at which an inhomogeneous transition region exists, polymer matrix
composites in which polymer matrix behaves differently from the neat resin due
to confinement, nanocomposites in which nanoparticles are embedded in polymer
matrix, and characterization using the nanoindentation technique will determine
the local viscoelastic properties.
Methods for measuring the Young’s modulus have been very well established
for time-independent materials. Based on the assumption that unloading in the
load-displacement curve induces only elastic recovery, Oliver and Pharr (1992)
pioneered a method to determine basic material properties such as the Young’s
modulus. The method is based on Sneddon’s solution (1965) for the relationship
between the load and displacement for an axisymmetric indenter indenting into
a half-space composed of a homogeneous, isotropic and linearly elastic material.
While the methods work well for time-independent materials (metals, etc.), apply-
ing the methods directly to viscoelastic materials has experienced problems. For
example, the unloading curve in viscoelastic materials sometimes has a negative
slope (Oyen-Tiesma et al., 2001), under situations in which a small unloading rate
and a relatively high load were used for a material with pronounced viscoelastic
effects. Some work has been done in recent years to improve the methods proposed
by Oliver and Pharr (1992) to determine the Young’s modulus, or the Young’s re-
laxation modulus. Cheng et al. (2000) derived the analytical solutions for linearly
viscoelastic deformation, and provided a method to measure viscoelastic properties
using a flat-punch indenter. Lu et al. (2003) proposed methods to measure the creep
compliance in the time domain of solid polymers using either the Berkovich or
spherical indenter.
For a viscoelastic material, in addition to the representation of viscoelastic
properties in the time-domain, the material properties can also be represented by
complex material functions in the frequency-domain. A method was proposed by
Loubet et al. (1995) for the computation of the complex modulus of viscoelastic
materials. The method uses data acquired from an MTS nano indenter XP system
installed with a continuous stiffness module (CSM). The CSM allows cyclic exci-
tation in load or displacement and the recording of the resulting displacement or
load (Lucas et al., 1998). The indentation displacement response and the out-of-
phase angle between the applied harmonic force and the corresponding harmonic
displacement are measured continuously at a given excitation frequency. Loubet
et al. (1995) presented the following equations to compute the complex modulus
E ∗ (ω):
√ √
∗   πS   πCω
E (ω) = E + i E , with E = √ and E = √ , (1)
2 A 2 A

where E  and E  are the uniaxial storage modulus and the loss modulus, respec-
tively, S the contact stiffness, C the damping coefficient, and A the contact area
between the indenter and the workpiece. This method was used to measure the com-
plex modulus of polyisoprene. In an effort to examine the formulas in Equation (1),
we conducted measurements using an MTS nano indenter XP system with CSM,
and used the formulas in Equation (1) to compute the complex modulus of polycar-
bonate (PC) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) at 75 Hz. Data are computed
at all times at this frequency, and plotted in Figure 1, but only steady state values
represent the complex viscoelastic function. Also shown in Figure 1 are the con-
ventional data measured from dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) (for details,
please see Sections 3 and 4) for the same batch of PC and PMMA. The uniaxial
storage modulus of PC measured by DMA at 75 Hz is 2.29 GPa. However, the stor-
age modulus computed using Equation (1) is at least 40% higher than this value,
indicating the difficulty associated with the method described in Equation (1) for
measurement of storage modulus for PC. Similar problem is evident for PMMA.
Also shown in these figures are storage modulus data measured by the proposed
method that will be discussed in Section 4.
This study is intended to develop a method to measure the complex viscoelastic
functions of time-dependent materials in the frequency-domain using nanoinden-
tation with a spherical indenter. Based on solutions for the indentation of an ax-
isymmetric indenter into a linearly elastic material, viscoelastic indentation under
a time-harmonic loading condition is analyzed using a hereditary integral operator

Figure 1. Comparison of storage compliance at 75 Hz computed by two methods (a) PC and

(b) PMMA.

as proposed by Lee and Radok (1960). Formulas are derived to process the am-
plitudes of load and displacement as well as the out-of-phase angle between load
and displacement to determine the storage and loss parts of the complex compli-
ance (or modulus) function using a spherical indenter. The Lee–Radok approach is
applicable to situations where the contact area between the nanoindenter and the
workpiece does not decrease. When the condition of non-decreasing contact area is
not satisfied, the Ting approach (1966) needs to be used; the difference between the
approximation from Lee–Radok approach and the solution obtained from the Ting
approach is estimated. Dynamic nanoindentation tests were conducted on PC and
PMMA to determine the complex compliance, and results are compared with data
obtained from DMA on the identical materials to validate the method presented.

2. Theoretical Background
In this section, we present the derivation of the formulas for the computation of com-
plex compliance for a linearly viscoelastic material. The formula for the complex
modulus is also presented, as it is simply the reciprocal of the complex compliance.
Formulations will be given for a spherical indenter that will be used in experimental
verification in this study.
Figure 2 shows the geometry of a spherical indenter. We first consider the prob-
lem of a spherical indenter indenting into a half space composed of a homogenous,
isotropic and linearly elastic material. The diamond indenter is assumed to be rigid
because its Young’s modulus is at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of
polymer samples; and the material occupies the half space (z ≥ 0). The spherical
indenter has a tip radius R. Based on the Hertzian solution, under the condition
that the ratio of indentation depth to radius of indenter is not higher than 0.16
(Giannakopoulos, 2000), the relation between the applied indentation load and the
indentation displacement can be expressed by Hertz (1881) and Ling et al. (2002)

8 R
P= Gh 3/2 , (2)
3(1 − ν)

where G is the shear modulus, ν the Poisson’s ratio, P the applied indentation load,
and h the indentation displacement.
For the nanoindentation of a spherical indenter into a viscoelastic material, we
assume a constant Poisson’s ratio. During nanoindentation experiments in which a
relatively short time (such as ∼250 s used in this study) is involved, the Poisson’s
ratio (Lu et al., 1997) does not change significantly for some polymers in the glassy
state, such as PMMA. Thus, the use of a constant Poisson’s ratio will not cause
much error in the complex compliance data.
For a half space composed of a linearly viscoelastic material, we consider first
the case in which the contact area between the indenter tip and the work material is

Figure 2. Geometry of the spherical indenter (a) Schematic diagram of the indenter. (b) A
TEM image of the spherical indenter tip.

non-decreasing. The condition for non-decreasing contact area will be established

at the end of the section. Using the hereditary integral operator proposed by Lee
and Radok (1960) in Equation (2), the indentation load-displacement relation is
represented by

3(1 − ν) t
h 3/2
(t) = √ J (t − θ ) dθ, (3)
8 R −∞ dθ

where J (t) is the creep compliance function in shear in the time-domain, P(t) = 0
for t < 0.
Consider a sinusoidal nanoindentation load superimposed on a step loading,
represented by

P(t) = (Pm + P0 sin ωt)H (t), (4)


where H(t) is the Heaviside unit step function, Pm is the carrier load, or main load,
P0 is the amplitude of the harmonic load. Equation (4) implies P(t) = 0 for
t < 0.
Inserting Equation (4) into Equation (3), we have
3(1 − ν)
h (t) =
√ Pm J (t) + ωP0 J (t − θ ) cos ωθ dθ . (5)
8 R 0

The contact radius is a(t) = Rh(t) for h(t)  R. Considering that the complex
compliance is defined after the harmonic response has reached a steady state (or
equivalently t → ∞), we have

3(1 − ν)
h 3/2 (t) = √ {Pm J (t) + P0 [J  (ω) sin ωt − J  (ω) cos ωt]} (6)
8 R
∞ ∞
where J  (ω) = ω 0 J (t) sin ωt dt and J  (ω) = −ω 0 J (t) cos ωt dt are stor-
age compliance and loss compliance in shear, respectively. Note that the complex
compliance in shear is J ∗ (ω) = J  (ω) − i J  (ω).
On the other hand, the total displacement as output from a nanoindenter is
expressed as

h(t) = h m (t) + h 0 sin(ωt − δ), (7)

where h m (t) is the carrier displacement, h 0 is the amplitude of harmonic dis-

placement, and δ is the out-of-phase angle between the applied harmonic force and
displacement. This representation is based on the fact that displacement is behind
load in phase in dynamic nanoindentation. h 0 is typically of the order of a few
nm while hm (t) is of the order of a few hundreds nm under step loading so that
h 0  h m (t), Equation (7) leads to
3 1/2 3 1/2
h 3/2 (t) = h 3/2
m (t) + h m (t)h 0 cos δ sin ωt − h m (t)h 0 sin δ cos ωt
2 2
+ o(h 0 ), (8)

where o(h 0 ) represents high-order terms of h 0 , and they are negligible under
condition of h 0  h m (t). Comparing Equation (6) with Equation (8), we find
3(1 − ν)
m (t) =
h 3/2 √ Pm J (t), (9)
8 R
√ 1/2 √ 1/2
 4 R h m (t)h 0  4 R h m (t)h 0
J (ω) = cos δ, and J (ω) = sin δ.
1−ν P0 1−ν P0
Under the loading condition in which a small sinusoidal load is superimposed upon
a ramp loading, i.e.,

P(t) = v0 t + P0 sin ωt, (11)

where v0 is the loading rate, following similar procedures as in deriving Equation

(10), the formulas to determine complex compliance can also be derived under the
condition that the time t has evolved to a value such that h m (t) h 0 .
Substituting Equation (11) into Equation (3) for the spherical indenter, we have
3(1 − ν) t
h 3/2 (t)= √ v0 J (t − θ) dθ +P0 [J  (ω) sin ωt − J  (ω) cos ωt] . (12)
8 R 0

Comparing Equation (12) with Equation (8), the same formulas as in Equation (10)
for the complex compliance can be derived for a small oscillatory load superimposed
upon a ramp loading.
Equation (10) is used to determine the complex compliance in shear from nanoin-
dentation. The uniaxial complex compliance, D(ω), can be computed from

J  (ω) − i J  (ω)
D ∗ (ω) = D  (ω) − i D  (ω) = , (13)
2[1 + ν ∗ (ω)]

where D  (ω) and D  (ω) are uniaxial storage modulus and loss modulus, respec-
tively, ν ∗ (ω) the complex Poisson’s ratio. Assuming that ν ∗ (ω) is a constant during
short-time nanoindentation tests for glassy polymers, from Equations (10) and (13),
D  (ω) and D  (ω) can be computed by
√ 1/2 √ 1/2
 2 R h m (t)h 0  2 R h m (t)h 0
D (ω) = cos δ, and D (ω) = sin δ.
1 − ν2 P0 1 − ν2 P0

Similarly, the complex modulus in shear can also be determined by G ∗ (ω) =

1/J ∗ (ω), and the uniaxial complex modulus can be computed by E ∗ (ω) = 1/D ∗ (ω).
It should be noted that Equation (3) is valid only if the indentation contact area
is non-decreasing (Lee and Radok, 1960). Under the oscillatory loading condition,
indentation can possibly induce decreasing contact area, in which case, the Lee–
Radok integral operator will cause a residual surface traction at points not in contact
at current time but formerly within the contact region, thus violating the boundary
condition that the surface traction should vanish outside the contact region. In the
case of arbitrary contact area history, Ting (1966) developed an analytical approach
to solve the problem of axisymmetric viscoelastic indentation by a rigid indenter.
The Ting approach leads to the same results as those derived from the Lee–Radok

approach when the contact area is non-decreasing. The Ting approach, however, is
necessary in the case where decreasing contact area occurs in nanoindentation.
We next provide a condition under which non-decreasing contact area is main-
tained so that the solution derived
√ from the Lee–Radok approach is valid. In terms
of Equation (8) and a(t) = Rh(t), for a small harmonic loading superimposed
on a ramp loading, if v0 ≥ P0 ω, as seen from Equation (11) for a harmonic
loading superimposed on a ramp loading, the non-decreasing load leads to the non-
decreasing contact area in the entire indentation history. For a harmonic loading
superimposed on a step loading, when ω ≤ ḣ m /h 0 , from Equation (7) the contact
area will be non-decreasing during the whole process; as the frequency exceeds the
critical value ωc = ḣ m /h 0 , the contact area increases and decreases with time as
a result of the applied harmonic load so that the Ting approach should be adopted.
Nevertheless, as will be discussed in Section 4.2, under certain condition when
ω > ωc , the solutions derived from the methods by Lee and Radok, and Ting are
very close, even though the condition for the Lee–Radok approach is not justified.
Since a closed-form solution derived from the Lee–Radok approach exists, while
only numerical solution can be obtained using the Ting approach, the formulas
derived for a harmonic load superimposed on a step loading from the Lee–Radok
approach could be used to estimate the complex viscoelastic functions in the regime
of linear viscoelasticity when ω > ωc .

3. Measurements
We conducted two independent measurements, namely nanoindentation and DMA
measurements, to find the complex viscoelastic functions of the same materials. The
results would be compared to examine the measurement technique by nanoindenta-
tion. We describe in this section first DMA measurements and then nanoindentation


The conventional data of complex compliance were obtained by DMA tests. Dy-
namic mechanical analyzer, model RSA α (Rheometric Scientific), was employed in
the measurements of complex compliance. In DMA three-point bending tests were
conducted on both PC and PMMA, which have the dimensions of 50×13×1.7 mm
and 50 × 13 × 1.4 mm, respectively. The PC material was made by GE Plastics. The
PMMA was made by Rhom and Haas, which is the same batch of materials as used
by Lu et al. (1997). The glass transition temperatures for PMMA and PC are 105
and 144 ◦ C, respectively. Before testing, all samples were annealed for two hours.
The annealing temperatures for PMMA and PC samples were 110 and 150 ◦ C, re-
spectively. They were then cooled down slowly, at a cooling rate of about 5 ◦ C/hr,
to room temperature. The annealed samples were further stored in a container with
a constant relative humidity 50%, to allow the samples to be aged for about 72 hrs
prior to DMA tests. These procedures are necessary to ensure property consistency
as the behavior of polymers depends on a variety of conditions including previous
stress history, aging time and moisture concentration.
For the comparison with the complex compliance data from nanoindentation
conducted at 22 ◦ C, the frequency range needs to be 0–260 Hz. However, The
DMA can only reach a frequency up to 16 Hz. In order to extend the frequency
range for conventional data of complex compliance, temperature-frequency trade-
off was applied (Ferry 1950). To implement this, DMA tests were performed at
selected lower temperatures. The complex compliance data at these temperatures
were shifted to obtain master curves that cover the frequency range of 0–260 Hz
(see Section 4.1 for details).


Nanoindentation tests were conducted using an MTS nano indenter XP system.
The capacities of indentation depth and load with this system are 500 µm and
500 mN, respectively. The resolutions of displacement and load are 0.01 nm and
50 nN, respectively. A spherical indenter with a tip radius 3.4 µm was used on the
XP module. Figure 2(b) shows a TEM micrograph of the spherical indenter tip.
The tip is axisymmetric and has a spherical surface within the depth of indentation
(up to ∼500 nm) considered in this study. The same PC and PMMA in DMA
tests (see Section 3.1) were used in nanoindentation measurements. The material
preparation procedures were identical to those used in DMA measurements. All
nanoindentation tests were performed at 22 ◦ C. The surface roughness values as
measured by an AFM (Digital Instruments Dimension 3100) were 2.859 nm for PC
and 2.286 nm for PMMA, respectively. These small surface roughness values justify
the consideration of smooth and flat sample surfaces in nanoindentation involving
indentation depths up to a few hundreds nm; nanoindentation results under the
same conditions were found to be repeatable. In order to reduce the drift caused by
noise and temperature gradient during nanoindentation tests, the indenter system
was enclosed in a chamber. All nanoindentation tests did not start until a thermal
equilibrium state was reached and the drifting of the indenter tip dropped below a
set value, typically 0.05 nm/s.
The CSM implemented in XP module was used to apply the dynamic excita-
tion with a frequency range of 3–260 Hz. A prescribed harmonic displacement
was set before each measurement. In measurements, the nanoindenter modulates
the amplitude of harmonic force to produce the set target in harmonic displace-
ment, typically with amplitude between a fraction of a nm and a few nm. After
the indenter tip had made contact with the surface of test sample, the inden-
tation load, depth, harmonic load amplitude, harmonic displacement amplitude,
and out-of-phase angle between the harmonic load and the displacement were
recorded simultaneously at a sampling rate of five data points per second. The
loading history employed in the dynamic indentation test was small harmonic

loading superimposed on a quasi-static loading, i.e., either a step loading or a

ramp loading. The step loading was implemented by a ramp load (at a short-
rise time, e.g., 2 s) followed by a constant load. After the harmonic response had
reached a steady state, data were used to determine the complex compliance of the

4. Results and Discussions

DMA tests were performed at temperatures 22, 10, 0 and −10 ◦ C for PMMA, and
22, 10 and 0 ◦ C, for PC. Figure 3 shows the storage compliance and loss compliance
in shear for PMMA and PC at different temperatures. As shown in Figure 3, the
complex compliance of PC does not change much in this range of temperature and
frequency, while the complex compliance of PMMA presents considerable change.
Based on the curves of complex compliance at different temperatures, very smooth
master curves are obtained using frequency-temperature superposition. The shift
factors, in logarithmic scale referred to 22 ◦ C, Log aT , are 1.6 and 3.2 at 10 and 0 ◦ C
for PC, respectively; the Log aT for PMMA are 1.2, 2.0 and 2.8 at 10, 0 and −10 ◦ C,
respectively. Figure 4 shows the master curves of complex compliance of PC and
PMMA, reaching up to 104 Hz. The range is wide enough for the comparison with
nanoindentation data. It is observed from Figure 4 that there is no β-transition
within the frequency range for both PC (Sane and Knauss, 2001; Knauss and Zhu,
2002) and PMMA (Lu et al., 1997).

Figure 3. Complex compliance from DMA tests at different temperatures.


Figure 4. Master curves of complex compliance in shear.


Results on the complex compliance from nanoindentation measurements are pre-
sented and discussed in this section. Two types of loading histories were applied in
the indentation tests; they were: (1) a small harmonic load superimposed on a ramp
loading; and (2) a small harmonic load superimposed on a step loading. We first
present the input and output of nanoindentation tests under the two loading histories.
Ramp carrier loading was used in the first type of dynamic indentation. When the
loading rate v0 is greater than P0 ω, the contact area will be non-decreasing under
dynamic loading so that the Lee–Radok approach is applicable. As an example, the
results of dynamic nanoindentation at 10 Hz are shown in Figure 5. The applied
load is represented by Equation (11). The loading rate used for both PC and PMMA
is 0.04 mN/s. Figure 5(a) shows the quasi-static component of load-depth curve
without harmonic component. Figure 5(b) shows the harmonic load amplitude as
the input, and Figure 5(c) shows the harmonic displacement amplitude in response
to the harmonic load. The steady values of P0 for PC and PMMA are 0.445 µN and
0.602 µN, respectively. Therefore the condition, v0 ≥ P0 ω, is satisfied, resulting
in non-decreasing contact area. It is noted that the condition for non-decreasing
contact area can be satisfied at all frequencies, up to 260 Hz, in nanoindentation
with the use of appropriate loading rate v0 so that the formulas in Equation (10) can
be applied to find the complex compliance in shear. In addition to the requirements in
non-decreasing contact area, it is necessary to ensure that the harmonic displacement
is much smaller than the carrier displacement. As the carrier displacement increases
with time to larger values, for example, 200 nm for PMMA and PC, the contribution
from higher order terms of h 0 /h m is well less than 1% so that the use of Equation
(10) is justified. The out-of-phase angle between harmonic load and harmonic
displacement is shown in Figure 5(d).

Figure 5. Nanoindentation output from oscillation on a ramp loading at 10 Hz. (a) Carrier load-
depth curve. (b) History of amplitude of harmonic load. (c) Response of harmonic displacement
amplitude. (d) Out-of-phase angle with correction.

The second dynamic loading condition is a harmonic load superimposed on a

step loading. As discussed in Section 2, if ω ≤ ḣ m /h 0 , the contact area will be
non-decreasing, indicating that when the creep rate is high and the amplitude of
harmonic displacement is small, the non-decreasing contact area condition can be
still satisfied at some frequencies, so that the solutions in Equation (10) using the
Lee–Radok hereditary operator are applicable. For example, with the indentation
input shown in Figures 7(a) and 7(b) (details of Figure 7 will be discussed later),
the frequency limits, ωc , below which the condition of non-decreasing area
holds, are 2.4 Hz for PC, and 6.5 Hz for PMMA, respectively. If ω > ḣ m /h 0 ,
the contact area will decrease. In this case, Lee–Radok approach seems not
applicable. However, considering the loading condition in this study, the resulting
harmonic displacement for both PC and PMMA is very small compared to the
carrier displacement, normally, h 0 < 0.006h m . Therefore, the variation in the
contact area between the indenter and the sample surface is always less than
∼1% after a steady state in oscillatory response has reached, so that the effect of
change in the contact area is not significant. To demonstrate this, the viscoelastic
indentation problem is solved numerically using the Ting approach. With a
periodical displacement output in the form of Equation (7), it suffices to consider
only one cycle of the history in the steady state. We present results on contact
radius only; other results, such as the indentation displacement, can be obtained
in the similar way. In the first half cycle starting from the valley (lowest point in
a cycle) in the steady state, the contact area is increasing; the Ting approach gives
the same results as those obtained from the Lee–Radok approach, that is

3(1 − ν)R t
a 3 (t) = J (t − τ ) d(P(τ )) (15)
8 0

where P(t) is given by Equation (4). For the second half of the cycle, in which the
contact area is decreasing, the solution derived from the Ting approach is
a(t) = a(t1 ), (16)
where t1 < T /2 and t > T /2, with T being the period of one cycle, and t1 , as
shown in Figure 6, is obtained by
P(t) = G(t − τ ) d(a 3 (τ )), (17)
3(1 − ν)R 0

where G(t) is the shear relaxation modulus. Using the creep functions of PC and
PMMA, the contact radius in one cycle can be determined after the sinusoidal
response has reached the steady state. Figure 6 shows the results of contact radius

Figure 6. Comparison of contact radius results at 75 Hz using the Lee–Radok approach and the
Ting approach. (a) Contact radius computed for PMMA under a harmonic load superimposed
on a step loading. (b) Contact radius computed for PC under a harmonic load superimposed
on a step loading.

for PC and PMMA materials at 75 Hz, under a harmonic load superimposed on

a step loading. At 75 Hz, the frequency limit for non-decreasing contact area
condition has been exceeded. The results, however, indicate that the contact radius
computed by the Lee–Radok approach correlates well with those obtained by
the Ting approach. The correlation coefficients for PMMA and PC are 0.939
and 0.993, respectively. At frequencies higher than ωc , Equation (10) and its
variants should be considered as an approximation for the viscoelastic functions
in the frequency-domain. In the context of presentation of complex compliance
in this work, Equation (10) is used at all frequencies under a harmonic loading
superimposed on a step loading, but results in nanoindentation at frequencies
higher than ωc should be understood as a very good approximation to the actual
values due to the high correlation between approximate and accurate solutions.
The nanoindentation results of input and output under the second dynamic load-
ing at 75 Hz are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7(a) records the corresponding quasi-static

Figure 7. Nanoindentation output from oscillation on a step loading at 75 Hz. (a) Carrier
load-depth curve. (b) The history of harmonic load amplitude. (c) Response of harmonic
displacement amplitude. (d) Out-of-phase angle with correction.
carrier load-depth curve (without the harmonic component) for both PC and PMMA.
Figures 7(b) and 7(c) illustrate the amplitudes of harmonic load and displacement
at 75 Hz for PC and PMMA. As shown in Figure 7(b), at initial stage of the contact
between the indenter and sample surface, the amplitude of harmonic load generally
increased until t = 50 s, and was maintained constant thereafter. Accordingly, as
shown in Figure 7(c), there was an increase in amplitude of harmonic displacement
before t = 50 s. So the condition of Equation (4) is precise after about 50 s. A
steady state was reached at about t = 150 s. As shown in Figure 7, after t = 150
s, h 0 / h m is much less than 1%, thus the condition of using Equation (10) is
satisfied. Figure 7(d) shows the out-of-phase angle between harmonic load and
harmonic displacement for both PC and PMMA.
In order to ensure that the deformation of the polymer samples is in the lin-
early viscoelastic regime, the indentation depth into the sample surface for PC and
PMMA materials was controlled to within the limit of linearity. It was found that
in indentation within the limit of linearity, the deformation of PC and PMMA is
linearly viscoelastic, indicated by the fact that complex compliance is independent
of the magnitude of indentation carrier load. It is also noted that the condition
h/R < 0.16 needs to be satisfied as well to justify the use of Equations (2) and (3).
This leads to h < 544 nm when a spherical indenter with a tip radius of 3.4 µm was
used in our tests. As a result, in this investigation experimental data associated with
h(t) < 544 nm were processed to determine the complex viscoelastic functions in
the frequency domain.
For time-dependent materials under dynamic loading, the out-of-phase angle
between the harmonic load and displacement plays an important role in the com-
putation of complex compliance. Consequently, we discuss next the correction on
out-of-phase angle.
As presented by Pethica and Oliver (1989), the out-of-phase angle between the
force and displacement φ can be computed by

ω(Ci + Cc )
tan φ = , (18)
k − mω2

where k is system stiffness, Cc is the damping inside capacitor gauge measuring

displacement of the indenter, and Ci is the damping resulting from the contact
between indenter and sample. If the sample material is ideally elastic, there is
no out-of-phase angle between harmonic indention load and harmonic indentation
depth. For an elastic material, however, from Equation (18), Ci = 0, but Cc = 0,
so that φ = 0, which is not physically reasonable. It should be noted that the air
damping resulting from the gauge capacitor gives apparent out-of-phase angle that
does not necessarily represent the damping behavior of the material. Therefore, φ is
not exactly the out-of-phase angle between harmonic indentation load and harmonic
depth and must be corrected. If the contribution in φ from the nanoindentation
instrument is removed, we can determine the out-of-phase angle, δ, representing

the damping of viscoelastic material by

tan δ = . (19)
k − mω2

This was conducted by testing time-independent materials, such as aluminum in

this case. As an example, the out-of-phase angles for PC and PMMA using spherical
indenter are shown in Figure 5(d) and Figure 7(d).
To determine the complex compliance from nanoindentation tests using the
spherical indenter, Equation (10) is used. The complex compliance curves of PC
and PMMA materials are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Error bars are shown for storage
compliance. Error bars for loss compliance are about 1/3 size of the symbols. The
complex compliance shown in Figure 8 was measured from nanoindentation under
a ramp loading superimposed by a harmonic load. Figure 9 shows the complex
compliance measured from nanoindentation under a step loading superimposed by
a harmonic load. The complex compliance measured from both types of nanoin-
dentation tests were compared with DMA results. These two sets of results are in
a good agreement. The average percent error for the storage compliance of PC and
PMMA at these discrete experimental data is less than 6.2%, indicating a very good
agreement. The maximum errors for the storage compliance of PC and PMMA are
9.1 and 5.1%, respectively. Figures 8 and 9 show that the loss compliances for
both PC and PMMA are much smaller than the storage compliances, which implies
that the material damping of the two polymers is very small. For PC, both storage
and loss compliances remain almost constant within 3–200 Hz. The reductions in

Figure 8. Complex compliance in shear from nanoindentation under a harmonic load super-
imposed on a ramp loading.

Figure 9. Complex compliance in shear from nanoindentation under a harmonic load super-
imposed on a step loading.

storage and loss compliance for PC are only 0.8 and 3.8%, respectively, while for
PMMA, the storage compliance decreases by 16.6%, and loss compliance decreases
by 35.4% between 3 Hz and 260 Hz.
In the computation of both storage compliance and loss compliance, Poisson’s
ratio is usually time-dependent for polymeric materials. In these measurements,
the time-scale is not large; the maximum time duration is less than 300 seconds.
Within this time period, it has been demonstrated that the Poisson’s ratio does not
change significantly (Lu et al., 1997). Therefore, we assumed a constant Poisson’s
ratio (ν = 0.3) in the computation of the complex compliance for both PC and
PMMA materials. The natural frequency of the indentation system is 180 Hz, thus
we avoided testing near the resonant frequency.
We turn next to the comparison in results from Loubet et al. and the new method
proposed in this paper. The method by Loubet et al. (1995) on measurement of the
uniaxial complex modulus is based on the analogy between dynamic indentation
and uniaxial dynamic analysis. Nanoindentation on viscoelastic materials, however,
is a complex viscoelastic problem involving moving contact interface, and needs to
be analyzed to derive formulas for the computation of viscoelastic functions in the
frequency-domain. Based on their method, the uniaxial storage modulus at 75 Hz
for both PC and PMMA were computed using the data of stiffness, damping and
contact area from nanoindentation measurements, as shown in Figure 1. During the
tests, a ramp loading superimposed by a small harmonic loading was applied. Since
tests were under a single frequency (75 Hz) within a time frame less than 150 s,
the storage modulus computed using Equation (1) was plotted with respect to time.
Also plotted in Figure 1 are the DMA data of uniaxial storage modulus at 75 Hz,

which is a horizontal line since it is a single value representing material behavior.

The uniaxial storage modulus measured from this method is generally much higher
than DMA data. As shown in Figure 1, the minimum errors in storage modulus are
40% for PC and 46% for PMMA, respectively, indicating that the approach based
on the analogy between uniaxial dynamic tension test and dynamic nanoindentation
is not appropriate for measuring viscoelastic functions for polymers. Also plotted
in Figure 1 are the storage modulus data using the new method presented in this
paper. Equation (13) was used to convert shear data to uniaxial data. For PC in
steady state, the average storage modulus obtained from the new method is consis-
tent with the DMA data, which is 2.29 GPa, and the error is 6.1%. For the average
storage modulus of PMMA in steady state, the error, compared with the conven-
tional data from DMA, is 2.5%. The indentation results using the new method
for time-dependent materials, such as polymers, can recover complex viscoelastic
functions determined from conventional tests with good accuracy. The complex
compliance in shear measured using the proposed method at all frequencies shows
a good agreement with those obtained from conventional tests. This study has thus
provided a method to measure viscoelastic functions in the frequency-domain for
time-dependent materials.

5. Conclusions
A method to measure the complex compliance has been presented using nanoin-
dentation with a spherical indenter for linearly viscoelastic materials. Following
the Hertzian solutions for indentation in linear elasticity and the consideration of
the Lee–Radok approach for a moving boundary problem in linear viscoelasticity,
formulas for the components of the complex compliance function in the frequency-
domain have been derived based on the load-displacement relation for linearly
viscoelastic materials under harmonic loading. The formulas should be used under
the conditions that h/R < 0.16 and the nanoindentation depth is below the limit of
linearity. When a ramp loading is used as the carrier load, the formulas are exact
under the condition that the loading rate is high enough so that the condition of non-
decreasing contact area is satisfied. While a step loading is used as the carrier load,
the formulas are considered to be approximate when the frequency is higher than
a critical value such that decreasing contact area occurs; in the case of decreasing
contact area, the Ting approach was used to find the solution in the steady state at
75 Hz. The difference between solutions obtained using the Lee–Radok approach
and the Ting approach was estimated. Very close correlation was found for the test
conditions used in this study. Dynamic nanoindentation tests on PC and PMMA
materials were performed, using a spherical indenter, to determine the amplitudes
of oscillating load and displacement, as well as the out-of-phase angle of displace-
ment with respect to the harmonic force output. The complex compliance functions
in the frequency-domain were determined using the proposed method and results
were compared with conventional data obtained from DMA tests for the same PC
and PMMA materials. The condition for non-decreasing contact area, v0 ≥ P0 ω,
is satisfied under a ramp carrier load so that the complex compliance formulas de-
rived from the Lee–Radok approach are appropriate. Under a step carrier load, the
condition of non-decreasing contact is satisfied up to the frequency limit, ḣ m /h 0 ;
at frequencies higher than the frequency limit, complex compliance data could be
considered to be an approximation. In both ramp and step carrier loading conditions,
a good agreement between nanoindentation results and conventional data has been
reached, indicating the validity of the proposed method for measuring the complex
compliance function in the frequency-domain using dynamic nanoindentation.

This work was initially supported by the National Science Foundation under CMS-
9872350 and CMS-9985060. Funds from NASA under grant NNL04AA4ZG with
Dr. Thomas S. Gates as the technical manager allowed the completion of this study.
The authors are grateful to Dr. Brian P. Grady at the University of Oklahoma for
conducting DMA tests.

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