PATHFit 2 EBFA - Syllabus
PATHFit 2 EBFA - Syllabus
PATHFit 2 EBFA - Syllabus
MISSION OF THE UNIVERSITY To develop virtuous human capital and sustainable innovations in a knowledge-driven global economy.
CORE VALUES Knowledge – Upholding knowledge as empowerment, we aim to develop intelligent individuals who can make informed decisions.
Inclusivity – We support and encourage diversity and collaboration, engaging in programs that promote growth and development for all sectors of society.
Professionalism – Reared in a merit-based environment, we commit ourselves to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.
Spirituality and Social Responsibility – We are committed to providing holistic development that inculcates love and service to God, humanity and the
INSTITUTIONAL OUTCOMES Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, the Mariano Marcos State University institutional learning outcomes are qualities that MMSU
graduates must possess.
1. Demonstrate adequate knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be effectively integrated into a knowledge-driven global economy;
2. Maintain a high degree of ethics, professionalism, discipline and accountability;
3. Communicate effectively and articulate ideas through various modalities and in diverse contexts;
4. Commit themselves to lifelong learning and personal development to achieve excellence;
5. Analyze problems and issues critically, and develop ideas and innovative solutions to respond to the needs of local, national and global communities;
6. Display spiritual values through respect for and service to God, humanity, and country;
7. Practice social and environmental responsibility;
8. Collaborate with and maintain harmonious relationships with others;
9. Respect multicultural diversity;
10. Engage in activities that promote growth and empowerment for all sectors of society;
11. Make informed, intelligent, fair and equitable decisions; and
12. Show appreciation for and contribute to the development and preservation of cultural heritage.
GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES Anchored on the university’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values, MMSU graduates must be:
1. globally competent;
2. professional;
3. effective communicator;
4. lifelong learner;
5. innovative;
6. spiritual;
7. socially responsible;
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Revision No. 3 Page 2 of 10
PATH-Fit 2: Exercise-Based Fitness Activities
Effectivity Date January 15, 2024
8. collaborative;
9. respectful to diversity;
10. empowered;
11. critical thinker; and
12. culturally responsive.
COLLEGE GOALS To provide quality instruction in the arts and sciences and develop well-rounded professionals who can:
1. think critically, scientifically and independently;
2. preserve cultural heritage; become active change agents;
3. exemplify disciplined and moral lives;
4. appreciate and cultivate the arts; and
5. help improve the quality of life.
COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the learners should have:
1. acquired knowledge on fitness training through properly chosen fitness activities;
2. distinguished physical activity from exercises;
3. explained the underlying concepts of Bioenergetics and the principles of behavior modifications;
4. developed physical fitness and literacy and its implication to real-life situation; and
1. demonstrated the principles of health, wellness and body assessment for lifelong fitness;
2. engaged in the different fitness assessment activities; and
3. participated in/initiated at least one advocacy and promotion program towards physical fitness.
1. valued the significance of fitness training as applied to real-life situations;
2. displayed initiative, responsibility and leadership in various activities; and
3. established gender responsiveness and environmental awareness in a multi-cultural setting.
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course builds on the foundation of motor skills achieved through core training. It will provide experiences in a variety of exercise programs for the purpose
of maintaining and enhancing cardio respiratory and musculoskeletal fitness (i.e. core stability, muscle strength, endurance and power). It includes speed and
agility training with a focus on body coordination and balance. In conjunction with fitness and wellness concepts, exercise and healthy eating principles, learners
will be able to enhance their fitness through goal setting and application of the exercise principles (i.e. frequency, intensity, time, type, progression and volume);
adapt their movement competencies to independent physical activity (PA) pursuits and periodically evaluate their PA and eating patterns to monitor their
progress and achievement of personal fitness and dietary goals.
Ø Classroom Guidelines
Desired Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Assessment Task Resource Time Values Learned/
Course Content/Subject Matter
(DLO) Activities (TLA’s) (AT’s) Materials Table Competencies
At the end of the course orientation, the students must INTRODUCTION: BASIC ORIENTATION
have: 1. Meet and Greet
2. Overview of PATH-Fit 2
2 hours
1. established stronger connection with one Ø Course Content
another through acclimatization; Ø Course Policies
Ø Course Requirements
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established by MMSU.
Revision No. 3 Page 6 of 10
PATH-Fit 2: Exercise-Based Fitness Activities
Effectivity Date January 15, 2024
At the end of the chapter, the students must have: CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL FITNESS Lecture-discussion Written Exam LCD Projector self-reliance
1. Reviewed past concepts in PATHFit 1 and 1. Review of Significant Concepts and Laptop humility
connect it to the new concepts under PATHFit Principles in PATH-Fit 1. Computer aided Internet mutual respect
2; Ø Physical Education, discussion Textbooks love
2. Acquired understanding on the concepts of Health, Fitness and Module
Physical Fitness and its components; Wellness Hand-out
3. Enumerated physical fitness and health- Ø Basic Biomechanics MMSU Virtual integrity
related and skill-related components; Ø Basic Nutrition Learning diligence
4. Internalized the methods and principles of 2. Introduction and Concepts Environment 4 hours cooperation
Fitness Training; and 3. Fitness Components (MVLE) moderation
5. Acquired advanced learning and 4. Principles of Training for Fitness Facebook page
understanding about optimization of 5. Optimization of Bioenergetics Messenger
bioenergetics and nutrition related. (ATP and the Energy Systems)
Ø ATP and the Energy System
Ø Nutrition for Advanced
Optimization (Filipino and
International Standards)
At the end of the chapter, the students must have: CHAPTER II. BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION Lecture-discussion Written Exam LCD Projector self-reliance
1. learned the effects of environment on 1. Transtheoretical Model: Concepts, Laptop humility
human behavior; Theories and Process of Change Computer aided Internet mutual respect
2. understood the obstacles that hinder 2. Goal Setting discussion Textbooks love
behavior modification; 3. Benefits of Behavior Modification Module
3. familiarized the stages of change; Hand-out
3 hours integrity
MMSU Virtual
4. elucidated the processes of change; diligence
5. explained techniques that will facilitate the cooperation
process of change; and
(MVLE) moderation
6. Identified the benefits of behavior
Facebook page
At the end of the chapter, the students must have: CHAPTER III. FITNESS ASSESSMENTS Lecture-discussion Written Exam LCD Projector 4 hours
1. defined body composition and understood 1. Introduction and Concepts Small Group Discussion Laptop
its relationship to recommended body 2. Body Shapes and Health Risks Internet
weight; 3. Techniques in Assessing Body Textbooks
2. distinguished the difference between Composition Module
essential fat and storage fat; 4. Importance and Benefits of Hand-out
3. described the various techniques used to Regular Body Assessment MMSU Virtual
assess body composition; Learning
4. understood the importance of body mass Environment
index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in (MVLE)
the assessment of risk for disease; and Facebook page
5. determined recommended weight according Messenger
to the recommended body fat
values and BMI.
Midterm Examination 2 hours
At the end of the chapter, the students must have: CHAPTER IV. FITNESS COMPONENTS Lecture-discussion Practicum LCD Projector self-reliance
1. Performed a pre-assessment of the fitness AND ASSESSMENT (PRE-TEST) Return Demonstration/ Rubrics Laptop humility
components test; and 1. Cardiorespiratory Endurance and Practicum Internet mutual respect
2. Analyzed the results of the pre-assessment to Assessment Textbooks love
move on to the next fitness assessments. 2. Muscular Strength and Assessment Module
3. Muscular Endurance and Hand-out
7 hours integrity
Assessment MMSU Virtual
4. Flexibility and Assessment Learning diligence
5. Skill Fitness and Assessment Environment cooperation
(MVLE) moderation
Facebook page
At the end of the chapter, the students must have: CHAPTER V. EXERCISE FOR FITNESS Lecture-discussion Formulation of LCD Projector self-reliance
1. Became aware of the safety considerations 1. Types of Exercises Return Demonstration/ Exercise and Laptop humility
for exercising; 2. Choosing the Right Fitness Practicum Actualization Internet mutual respect
2. explained the basic concepts of exercise for Exercises Program/Plan Textbooks love
fitness training program; (Introduction to Training Program) Module
5 hours courage
3. explained the benefits or importance of 3. Training Program/Exercise-Based Hand-out
fitness training program in maintaining good Fitness Activities MMSU Virtual
health and well-being; Ø Cardiorespiratory Endurance Learning diligence
4. gained knowledge and developed the skill of and Assessment Environment cooperation
choosing the right fitness training program; Ø Muscular Strength (MVLE) moderation
Saxena, R. 2005. Health and physical education. New Delhi, India: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.
Walton-Fisette, J. L. and D. A. Wuest. (2018). Foundations of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport, 19th Edition. New York City: Mc Graw Hill Companies, Inc.
3G Elearning FZ LLC. 2017. Physical Education and Health. 3G ELearning FZ LLC, UAE
1. Examinations (Written and Oral) Ø Midterm Examination 15%
2. Graded Practicums/Return Demonstrations Ø Final Examination 15%
3. Compiled Laboratory Sheets/Logs /Journals (Exercise/Training/Dietary) Ø Practicum 35%
Ø Written Output 10%
Ø Advocacy and Action 15%
Ø Attendance 10%
TOTAL 100%
COURSE/CLASS POLICIES 1. Always come to class 100% ready of the course requirements.
2. Start of class is 5 minutes just after the official time. Late of 6 minutes will no longer be allowed in the class or any activity; and dismissal of class will be at
least 5 minutes before the official time.
3. Always wear complete PE Uniform and Number Tag in the class. Non-compliance shall mean absent/non-participation in the practicum.
4. More than 20% absences shall automatically mean 5.0 final grade or failed.
5. Anyone caught cheating (copying from seatmates or from any materials) during examination or any written requirements shall mean 5.0 grade in that
particular worksheet. Repeating the same offense shall mean final 5.0 grade or dropped.
6. Always keep the classroom / practicum / laboratory area clean and orderly. Always dispose garbage properly. Check cleanliness of your respective area
before leaving the classroom / practicum / laboratory area. 1st and 2nd offenses will just be warning, 3rd offense student/s will be reported go their
respective college guidance counsellor, and 4th offense shall mean 5.0 final grade or dropped.
7. Using mobile phones are not allowed in the class except for some activities/lessons that need electronic devices. Always put your mobile phone on silent
mode when you are in the class. 1st and 2nd offenses will just be warning, 3rd offense student/s will be reported go their respective college guidance
counsellor, and 4th offense shall mean 5.0 final grade or dropped.
8. Other forms of misbehavior shall be directly reported to the student’s respective college guidance counsellor.
Academic Rank: Instructor I
Mobile: 09271544201
Faculty Chair, Department of Physical Education Dean Vice President for Academic Affairs
January 15, 2024