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1. Population - It is the People who make the

WEEK 1 state, without population there is no state
2. Territory - People need territory to live and
Social Organization organize themselves socially and politically, the
➢ Is the product of social interaction. territory of the states includes land, water and
Interaction among individual, among groups, airspace
groups interrelated together like members of 3. Government - Organization of the State which
the family. makes, implements, enforces, and adjudicates
the laws of the state.
FORMS OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION 4. Sovereignty - The most exclusive elements of
◆ Social Group State, the basis which the State regulates all
◆ Social Structure aspects of the life of the people living in its
◆ Social Function territory.
◆ Social Institution
Social Institution
➢ An established practice, tradition, behavior, A. Authoritarian - Differ in who holds the power
or system of roles and relationships that is and in how control they assume over those
considered a normative structure or who govern
arrangement within a society B. Oligarchic - A form of government in which
➢ Consists of all the structural components of a power effectively rests with a small-elite
society through which the main concerns and segment of society. does not have one clear
activities are organized, and social needs are ruler, but several powerful people who rule
met a. Theocracy - A government by divine guidance
or by official who are regarded as divinely
◆ Family C. Democratic - The right to governs is held by
◆ Economy the majority of citizens within a country or a
◆ Education state
◆ Civil Society D. Monarchy - The state is ruled by a monarch
◆ Religion such as King or Queen

Institution I. Bank
➢ are organizations, establishments, - financial institution licensed to provide several
foundations, societies, or the like, devoted to financial services to different types of customers
the promotion of a particular cause or
program. Their main function is to keep
society in order and implement specific tasks
assigned to them
➢ They make people connected with one
another by providing indispensable services
to everyone’s life.

❖ An organized political community acting
under a government and united by common II. Corporations
set of laws. - A form of business operation that declares the
❖ It uses absolute power in directing the path business as a separate entity guided by a group
of a society, and differs in sovereignty, of officers known as the Board of Directors
governance, geography, and interests.
III. Cooperative
State Institution - Businesses governed on the principle of one
➢ are established, run, operated, and funded member, one vote
by the government - People-centers enterprises owned, controlled
and run by and for their members to realize their
3 BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT common economic, social, and cultural needs
and aspirations.
1. Legislative - They make the law. Embodied by
the Congress, Senate, and House of IV. Trade Unions
Representatives - Organizations formed by workers from related
2. Executive/Administrative - They implement, fields that work for common interest of its
enforce, and execute the law made by the members
legislative branch. Embodied by the office of the
President Non-State Institution
3. Judiciary - They hear and decide the cases ➢ Group of people or organizations that
brought upon them. participates in international affairs and
relations but is not affiliated with ANY state ◆ A more systematic and organized education
or government. model compared to non-formal education
➢ Created to help improve the conditions of ◆ A contiguous learning process which means
sectors of our society it involves the teachers, the students, and
the institution. Requires a minimum class
Major Social Institutions attendance
1) Elementary - involves compulsory, formal
1. Family education primarily concerned with
➢ one of the most important social institutions. providing basic education, and usually
It is considered a "building block" of society corresponds to a traditional six grades or
because it is the primary unit through which seven grades, and in addition, to
socialization occurs. preschool programs
➢ A social unit created by blood, marriage, or 2) Secondary - concerned primarily with
adoption, and can be described as nuclear, continuing basic education of the
consisting of two parents and their children, elementary level and expanding it to
or extended, encompassing other relatives. include the learning of employable,
gainful skills
KINSHIP 3) Tertiary - Institutions of higher education
- refers to the bond (of) marriage and may be classified as either public or
reproduction, but kinship can also involve any private college or university, and public
number of groups or individuals based on their institutions of higher education may
social relationships. further be subdivided into two types:
state universities and colleges and local
TYPES OF KINSHIP colleges and universities.
I. Consanguineal - Based on blood, involves
people who are directly related 2.Non - Formal
II. Affinal - Based on Marriage, between husband ◆ An organized and systematic education
and wife activity for a particular subgroup according to
III. Social - Based on bond such as religious their needs and ambitions
affiliation or a social group ◆ Not limited to certain ages only and it is
IV. Descent - used to trace an individual’s necessary for the people, who are ambitious
ancestry. to acquire certain knowledge
◆ Does not require class attendance, and most
activities takes place outside of an institution
A. Monogamy - Between 2 individuals, could be 3.Informal
the union of opposite sex could also be the ◆ A lifelong process whereby every individual
union of same sex acquires from daily experiences, attitudes,
B. Polygamy - Union between more than 2 values, facts, skills, and knowledge or motor
people skill from resources in his or her higher
a. Polygyny - between man and multiple women environment
b. Polyandry - between multiple men and
woman, usually brothers and sister called 4.Special Education
fraternal polyandry ◆ The education of persons who are physically,
Endogamy - marry within ones clan mentally, emotionally, socially, or culturally
Exogamy - marry outside the clan different from so-called “normal” individuals,
such that they require modification of school
practices to develop their potential

Education I. Productive Citizenry

➢ social institution through which society II. Self - Actualization
provides its members with important
knowledge, including basic facts, job skills,
and cultural norms and values
➢ the acquisition of knowledge, habits, skills,
and abilities through instruction and training
or through self-activity.
- “Educatum” which means the act of
teaching or training
- “Educere” which means “to lead forth”
or “to come out”
- “Educare” which means “to bring up” or III. Teaching basic skills, such as reading, writing,
“to raise” and arithmetic
IV. Helping children develop skills in abstracting
THREE TYPES OF EDUCATION thinking and problem solving
V. Transmitting the cultural heritage, from
1. Formal which individual may develop an
appreciation of their society
VI. Communicating to children the basic value of a) Ascribed Status - Inherited wealth is acquired
the society since birth and without effort
VII. Teaching the special aspects of the culture, b) Achieved Status - Earned by the individual
such as art, music, literature, drama, science, because of his or her talent, skills,
technology, and sports. occupation and perseverance
VIII. Teaching vocational skills that help
individuals enter the job market. MOST SOCIETIES WOULD FAVOR THOSE WITH
IX. Training citizens for life within the political
system of their society. I. Prestige - Refers to the evaluation of status,
X. Preparing children to live long and form refers to having a certain status that enables
meaningful relationship with other human someone to have resources or opportunities
beings. II. Power - Refers to the ability to influence
other people
THE FUNCTIONS BEING PLAYED BY EDUCATION III. Wealth - Refers to the amount of resources
TOWARDS A INDIVIDUAL that a person has


a. Development of inborn potentialities ATTACHED
b. All around development
c. Preparing for the future 1) Source of Income - Refers to the amount of
money a person receives
B. SOCIETY 2) Occupation - What people do for a living
a. Development of social and moral value determines, to a large extent, the social
b. Providing opportunity or equality position of the person
c. Social change and control 3) Education - Educational attainment of a
person may be categorized as masteral or
C. NATION doctoral degree holder, college graduate,
a. Inculcation of civic and social responsibility high school graduate, Elementary school
b. Training for Leadership drop-out, among others
c. Total national development 4) Types of House Dwellings - Refers to the type
d. National Integration of place/house or residence where a person
Education in the Philippines 5) Location of Residence - There is disparity of
➢ Managed and regulated by the Department social status when one residence is located
of Education, commonly referred to as the in Forbes Park, White Plains, squatter area,
DepEd mountainous-rugged area, in subdivision and
➢ During the Spanish time, the function of non-subdivision area
education was inculcated moral and religious 6) Kinship or Family - Refers to a persons
values. belonging based on their family name or
➢ Religion was the core curriculum. The bloodline
educated class consisted mostly of ilustrados.
➢ When the Americans came, education was TYPES OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THEIR
focused on the development of new social CHARACTERISTICS
patterns that would prepare the nation for a
self-governing democracy. The medium of
instruction was English. I. OPEN SYSTEM - People have the chance to
change their social status
i. Upper Class - composed of people who
WEEK 3 hold the highest social status,are the
wealthiest members of class society, and
Social Stratification wield the greatest political power
➢ Refers to a society’s categorization of its ii. Middle Class - Persons in the middle class
people into rankings of socioeconomic tiers tend to have a higher proportion of
based on factors like wealth, income, race, college degrees than those in the
education, and power. working class, have more income
➢ Social stratification is the separation of available for consumption, and may own
people into social categories and these property. Those in the middle class often
categories are ranked as higher or lower are employed as professionals,
managers, and civil servants.
Status iii. Lower Class - Consists of those at the
➢ The individuals position in the social bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy
structure who have low education, low income,
and low status jobs. Some of them are
Statuses even unemployed and homeless
➢ The higher or lower positions that come
about through social stratification II. CLOSED SYSTEM - People are not allowed to
shift levels and are not permit to social
relationships between levels
i. Caste System - Closed stratification of equity and social justice, food security
systems where people can do little or and poverty alleviation in the countryside.
nothing to change the social standing of
their birth. The caste system determines
all aspects of an individual's life: III. SK Reform Act of 2015
occupations, marriage partners, and ❖ It prohibits any person to run in any
housing Sanggunian Kabataan Office either
ii. Estate System -the person’s social elected or appointed if it has a relative
standing is based on ownership of land, up to second degree in the barangay
birth, or military strength. There is a level to governorship
three-tiered system composed of the
nobility, the clergy, and the peasants IV. Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education
III. ETHNIC SYSTEM - Based on national origin, ❖ Institutionalizes free tuition and
language and religion. Ethinicity sets exemption from other fees in state
segments of society apart and each group universities and colleges (SUCs), local
has a sense of identity. People interact more universities and colleges (LUCs) in the
freely with those people belonging to the Philippines
same ethnic category.

Social Inequality ➢ Are groups composed of less-dominant
➢ The state of unequal distribution of valued classifications in society that experience
goods and opportunities disproportionately lower opportunities than
➢ Also refers to the unequal opportunities of their dominant counterparts.
individuals based on their social class or
status 1. Gender Inequality
 The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive
INEQUALITIES IN THE ACCESS TO Development (PPGD) : rests on a vision of
development that is equitable , sustainable,
1. Social Capital - The ability of a collective to act free from violence, respectful of human
together to pursue a common goal. Refers to the rights, supportive of self-determination and
connection of individuals within the society. An the actualization of human potentials, and
example of this is your social status. Rich people participatory and empowering .
have preferential treatment than that of poor  The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) : seeks
people to eliminate discrimination through the
2. Political Capital - Refers to the trust, good will, recognition, protection, fulfillment, and
and influence possessed by a political actor, such promotion of the rights of Filipino women,
as politician, to mobilize support toward a especially those belonging in the
preferred policy outcome. political actors coming marginalized sectors of the society
from political families had given preferential
treatment to enter politics than those who are 2. Ethnic Minorities
not  Republic Act 8371, known as the
3. Symbolic Capital - Refers to the resources that Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (IPRA), was
one possesses which is a function of honor, enacted in 1997 : support for the cultural
prestige or recognition, or any other traits that integrity of indigenous peoples, the right to
one values within a culture. Rich people had their lands and the right to self-directed
greater opportunities to enter into politics or in development of these lands.
any other aspects because of their level in the
society 3. Other Minorities - Includes people with
disabilities or people with religions that are less
INEQUALITIES  Republic Act No. 9442, an Act Amending
Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise known
I. Conditional Cash Transfer Program/4P’s as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons,
❖ Aims to reduce poverty by making welfare and For Other Purposes’ : Granting
programs conditional upon the receivers' Additional Privileges and Incentives and
actions. The government only transfers Prohibitions on Verbal, Non-verbal Ridicule
the money to persons who meet certain and Vilification Against Persons with
criteria Disability.
 Enactment of Anti-Bullying Law which
II. Agrarian Reform in the Philippines mandates directed all elementary and
❖ Seeks to solve the centuries old problem secondary schools to adopt policies to
of landlessness in rural areas address the existence of bullying in their
❖ Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program respective institutions.
(CARP) initiated in 1987 : the promotion

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