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Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering

Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2021: 113-122

Network Security Monitoring System

Via Notification Alert
Rachmat Muwardi1, Hongmin Gao2, Harun Usman Ghifarsyam3, Mirna Yunita4,
Andika Arrizki5, Julpri Andika1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia
School of Information and Electronics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
School of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
IP Specialist, PT. Nokia Solution Networks, Indonesia

Abstract Keywords:
The development of information technology nowadays has become faster, and Administrators;
this makes network security become important. A huge increasing number of Gateway;
computers that are connected makes many gaps in a network. An administrator IDS;
has an important role in protecting the security of the network. The problem Monitoring;
comes when an administrator has human problems such as pain, negligence, and Network;
tiredness while needing rapid information when there is an intrusion on the Snort:
network. This problem can be solved by adding a data traffic detection system
known as Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS will be connected to Mail Article History:
Gateway until that administrator can receive notifications such as alerts during Received: November 1, 2021
an intrusion to the network anytime and anywhere. Snort as one of the network Revised: November 9, 2021
security systems should be developed as a security detection system and network Accepted: November 10, 2021
security. A security intrusion prevention system or an Intrusion Prevented System Published: November 30, 2021
(IPS). The author tries to do analysis and testing on the subjects above to
produce a system capable of detecting the intruder in a network that is mobile Corresponding Author:
and also makes it easy for administrators to open data anywhere and anytime Rachmat Muwardi
using any device. Department of Electrical
Engineering, Universitas Mercu
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license Buana, Indonesia

Early in history, humans exchanged information through language. Language is a
technology that allows a person to understand the information conveyed by others, but this
does not last forever. Information in the hands of the recipient can be forgotten and cannot
be stored for much longer. Apart from that, the sound also has limitations. Another
technology that can be used to convey information is through images. Images allow a
person to get more information and can be taken home and communicated to others. In
addition, there is some information that can last longer. For example, some images of
ancient relics still exist today to understand the information conveyed by the maker. The
discovery of the alphabet facilitates a more efficient delivery of information. Pictures
representing events are created by combining alphabets or writing numbers, such as the
MCMXLIII in 1943. This alphabet technology makes information easy.
Then, printing technology allows for faster transmission of information. Electronic
technologies such as radio, television, and computers are becoming faster so that
information is spread over a wider area and can be stored for longer. The development of
information technology, particularly networks and computer service, facilitates daily work.
However, on the other hand, some problems must be considered, namely the safety factor

R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert 113
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE)
Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2021: 113-122

that is vulnerable to criminal technology. Today, humans are very dependent on

information systems; on the other hand, criminal cases also increase sharply on technology
and information.
Once authenticated, the firewall enforces access policies such as what services network
users access. While preventing unauthorized access, these components may fail to run
malicious content such as computer worms or Trojans transmitted over the network. Anti-
virus software or intrusion prevention system (IPS) aids and blocks the action of the
malware [1][2]. Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems can also reach networks such
as Wireshark traffic and can be identified for later high-level auditing and analysis
purposes. Newer systems combining unsupervised machine learning with complete
network traffic analysis can lead to active network attackers from malicious insiders or
targeted external attackers who have compromised machines or user accounts [3][4]. Then,
[5, 6, 7] in research using Snort IDS to create a security system capable of countermeasures
because the consequences are very bad for the system. The security system was created
based on a website capable of security holes, including back doors. Similar research on
IDS Snort was conducted by [8], which resulted in a very good IDS Snort for detecting
attacks into the network.
The condition can occur because administrators lack information system security and
defence against disruption of activities currently being carried out manually. This results in
system integrity depending on the availability and speed of the administrator. In addition,
administrators must always be on standby to see network conditions in case of interference.
Therefore, an administrator is needed today, especially in companies/institutions
implementing computer and Internet technology to support work.
The use of computer network systems on a small and wide scale will require settings
from the physical and non-physical levels. Process control arrangements. Effective network
administrator and enter all network system resources for more effective network
performance and views of the functions, structure, and the network itself. However, the
downside is that this can lead to virtual machines vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as
Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. The attack can
attack and consume resources owned by the server or machine to cause the service to
become unavailable [9, 10, 11].

Network security begins with authenticating, generally with a username and password.
Since this only requires one detail authenticating the username, this password is sometimes
called one-factor authentication. With two-factor authentication, something the user also uses
(for example, a security token or ‘dongle,’ ATM card, or cell phone); with three-factor
authentication, something the user ‘is’ is also used (fingerprint or retina scan) [12][13].
An Intrusion Detection System (abbreviated as IDS) is a method that can be used to
monitor the activity being examined in a system or network. The first, [14][15], published a
study outlining ways to improve computer security auditing and surveillance on customer
sites. Furthermore, [16][17] developed the first model of IDS in real-time. This prototype is
named the Intrusion Detection Expert System (IDES). IDES was originally a rule-based
expert system that checks for known malignancies.
A wide spectrum of IDSs varies from anti-virus software to hierarchical systems that
backbone traffic throughout the network. The most common classifications are network
intrusion detection systems (NIDS) and host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS).
Systems that analyze critical operating system files are examples of HIDS, while systems that

114 R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert
p-ISSN: 1410-2331 e-ISSN: 2460-1217

analyze incoming network traffic are examples of NIDS. It is also possible to classify IDS
with a detection approach: the most well-known variants are signature-based detection
(exception of bad patterns, such as malware) and anomaly-based detection (monitoring of
deviations from the “good” traffic model, which often relies on machine learning). Some IDSs
can detect detected intrusions. Systems with responsiveness are commonly referred to as
intrusion prevention systems.
It also explained that computer network security is an essential factor that must be tried.
Guaranteed security can avoid losses caused by attacks on network security systems. The
most common prevention against network attacks is to put the administrator. The problem
will arise when the administrator is not a network for this problem, [18][19] in his research
using IDS to see activity on the network through automation of administrator work functions.
From the research results, administrators can see intrusions that occur on computer networks.
The presence of instant messaging applications can help administrators get real-time
notifications, one of which is by using the Telegram application. Based on the results of his
research, Snort can carry out attacks on computer networks, and the system can send real-time
alerts from Snort to administrators via telegram bots. This can be a reference for the use of
Snort. Snort is a detection sensor for network treatment errors, this system functions as a grunt
NIDS (Network Intrusion Detection System), which controls any intrusion attempts
Then also, the research conducted by [20] also applied the IDS method to problems in
cybercafes to overcome the problem of network security that is less than optimal. Several
problems were found in the absence of a security system for the cafe servers. Therefore,
several times, the cafe servers experienced problems due to attacks carried out by other parties
such as ping floods, smurf attacks, and others. Similarly, [21] uses the Intrusion Detection
System (IDS) approach as a network activity approach. With this method, IDS provides
information for the maintenance of officers who have been given rules.
Threat detection is a priority security solution that must be integrated even in the primary
security platform. An intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or software application
that networks or systems for malicious activity or policy. Any activity or collection is known
to be reported by administrators or collected centrally using a security information and event
management system (SIEM). The SIEM system combines outputs from multiple sources and
uses alarm filtering techniques to distinguish dangerous activity from false alarms [22, 23,
Another research was conducted by [25, 26, 27], who implemented IDS in Senior High
School network systems. This waiting system will be implemented using the Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) application, namely Snort and PfSense (Router OS), to follow the
generated alerts. Based on attempted attacks with a computer with a snort attached, you can
see what is happening, resulting in alerts such as the Ping of Death attack and a Port Scan. In
addition, PfSense displays a warning if someone tries to abuse the network, such as accessing
social media, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can follow up by blocking it
Then the last one, [28], built a snort system using IDS in his research. They produce
intrusion detection systems as an efficient network security tool for traffic work. They
generate association alerts after abnormal behavior patterns are adjusted to a set of rules.

The material supports research in designing and implementing system applications
“network security monitoring system via notification.”

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Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE)
Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2021: 113-122

Understanding Intruders
An intruder is a person who performs actions that are distorted, inaccurate, and

Basic Concept of Networking Security

Network security consists of the policies and practices adopted to prevent and monitor
unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-
accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a
network, which the network administrator controls. Users choose or are assigned an ID and
password or other authenticating information that allows them access to information and
programs within their authority. Network security covers a variety of computer networks,
both public and private, that are used in everyday jobs, conducting transactions and
communications among businesses, government agencies, and individuals. Networks can be
private, such as within a company, and others open to public access. Network security is
involved in organizations, enterprises, and other types of institutions. It does as its title
explains: It secures the network and protects and overseas operations being done. The most
common and simple way of protecting a network resource is by assigning it a unique name
and a corresponding password.

IDS (Intrusion Detection System)

The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a
network or system for malicious activity or policy violations. Any detected activity or
violation is typically reported to an administrator or collected centrally using a security
information and event management (SIEM) system. A SIEM system combines outputs from
multiple sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to distinguish malicious activity from
false alarms.
There is a wide spectrum of IDS, varying from anti-virus software to hierarchical systems
that monitor the traffic of an entire backbone network. The most common classifications are
network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) and host-based intrusion detection systems
(HIDS). A system that monitors important operating system files is an example of a HIDS,
while a system that analyzes incoming network traffic is an example of a NIDS. It is also
possible to classify IDS by detection approach: the most well-known variants are signature-
based detection (recognizing bad patterns, such as malware) and anomaly-based
detection (detecting deviations from a model of “good” traffic, which often relies on machine
learning). Some IDS can respond to detected intrusions. Systems with response capabilities
are typically referred to as intrusion prevention systems.

A server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs
or devices, called “clients.” This architecture is called the client-server model, and a single
overall computation is distributed across multiple processes or devices. Servers can provide
various functionalities, often called “services,” such as sharing data or resources among
multiple clients or performing computation for a client. A single server can serve multiple
clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. A client process may run on the same
device or connect over a network to a server on a different device. Typical servers are
database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and
application servers.

116 R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert
p-ISSN: 1410-2331 e-ISSN: 2460-1217

A client is a piece of computer hardware or software that accesses a service made available
by a server. The server is often (but not always) on another computer system, in which case
the client accesses the service by way of a network. The term applies to the role that programs
or devices play in the client-server model.

A threat is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person. A threat is
considered an act of coercion. Threats (intimidation) are widely observed in animal behavior,
particularly in a ritualized form, chiefly to avoid unnecessary physical violence that can lead
to physical damage or the death of both conflicting parties.
Some of the more common types of threats forbidden by law are those made with an intent
to obtain a monetary advantage or to compel a person to act against his or her will. In all US
states, it is an offence to threaten to use a deadly weapon on another person, injure another’s
person or property, or injure another’s reputation.

The design flowchart of this research can be seen in Figure 1. In running Server, we use
laptops with Intel Core I7-7700U CPU @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs) with 16 GB RAM with Ubuntu
operating system to run a Web Server and IDS Snort. The system design uses Snort as IDS for
network security. The researcher used the Ubuntu server system operation, which was like all
servers in general. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the system design.

Figure 1. Research Flowchart

R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert 117
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE)
Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2021: 113-122

Figure 2. Block Diagram

Figure 3. The Process of Retrieving Data

In a network security monitoring system, monitoring and results can be obtained by

connecting the MySQL database. They are retrieving data from MySQL Snorby (Event,
Iphdr, Signature) using the Data Processor. In other words, this tool is useful for notifying all
attacks such as pinging the server or login administrator access somewhere other than the
server. In Figure 3, the work steps will be carried out. From this data, all notification data will
be sent in the form of a .txt file where the file is in the form of writing containing the type of
attack, day, date, and level of the attack.
The actor is the Threat. Then obtained a use case diagram and some scenarios that show
interactions use case diagram with actors in the use case diagram. Figure 4 shows the
Application Use Case diagram.

Figure 4. Application Use Case

Below will explain Figure 1 and Figure 2 how it will be processed.

1) Snorby. Network security monitoring interacting with Snort System analysis of threats
Ready to Start Generates raw reports based on SNORBY table format. When the
administrator run the snorby. How to run snorby by using the terminal.
sudo/var/www/html/snorby/. sudo bundle exec rails server-e production Then the system
will start to snorby on port 3000.

118 R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert
p-ISSN: 1410-2331 e-ISSN: 2460-1217

2) Snort open-source network intrusion prevention system (NIPS) and network intrusion
detection system (NIDS) Packet logging on Internet Protocol and Perform real-time
traffic analysis Initialized by boot up Generates raw reports based on SNORBY table
format. Snort at work when the threats came. Works by using signature detection,
functioning also as a sniffer and packet logger. Then snort send threat data to MySQL
snort by using barnyard. The last step snort sends threat data to snorby
3) Data Processor. Process data from snorby to desired destination Move data from MySQL
snorby to the destination folder, Change MySQL data to file .txt, Translate data for
MySQL to file .txt, make file indeks and send an email when there is a threat of priority
1. Started by infinite-loop to generate data priority 1.2 and 3 in the form of a txt file and
send data directly to the email’s priority 1.
4) Email Alert. Get Threat of warning from the server Notification of warning from the
server and Notification type of Threat and level from the server. Initialized by the shell
command from the data processor email sent. The Mail Alert will work when the Data
processor is getting results and sent using the mail service. Then sent data and received
three data, namely high, medium, and low. high data received in 1 minute, medium
received in 1 hour, and low received in 1 day
5) Application Service (Client). Get Threat Data to form the Server Notification of warning
from the server and Notification type of Threat and level from the server. The user-
generating report initializes them. It will work when the data processor gets results, and
the Application Service can get data using the FTP protocol.


This section contains the test results and the implementation of the Network Security
Monitoring System via Notification Alert. This test consists of Threat, Server, and Client.

Implementation System
After the system is analyzed and designed in detail, the next step is implementation.
System implementation is the stage of putting the system so that it is ready for operation. In
addition, the implementation aims to confirm the module design so that users can provide
input for system development.

IDS Implementation
IDS, or institutional editing system, uses several main components: Snort, Barnyard, and
Snorby. The IDS built on the Ubuntu server follows several processes that are carried out
before deploying. The meaning of the apt-get install command, according to Table 1, is the
command to install new packages. All packages are installed in the root because the root is the
highest user status in the operating system, meaning that all file systems, documents, and
anything can be accessed by root install Snort.
Table 1. Install Packet Support IDS
No. Install Packet Support IDS
1 apt-get update
2 apt-get dist-upgrade
3 Apt-get install mysql -common -client -server
4 Apt-get install php -dev -idap -mysql -pear

R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert 119
Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE)
Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2021: 113-122

System Test
The testing process is done by installing an application on the device. In this case, I will
use the Blackbox application testing method. To see whether the function of the application is
running well or not and to find out if there are errors in this application to be immediately
fixed by the maker. Consists of Threat, Server, and Client contained in the “Network Security
Monitoring System via Notification Alert” As seen below, the researcher desired the results.
In Table 2, Threat Test Results that threat testing gets the expected results. There is no
problem with this test even though it is repeated continuously. In Table 3, Server Test Results
that the Snort and Snorby tests got the expected results.
Table 2. Threat Test Result
Nature of Expected Test
No Name of Testing
Activity Result Result
1 Attack ping Normal ICMP traffic Correct
2 Nmap port scanning attack Normal Port Scanning Correct
3 Digital Blaster Normal Port Scanning Correct

Table 3. Server Test Result

No. Name of Testing Nature of Activity Expected Result Test Result
1 Snort Normal Detection threat Correct
2 Snorby Normal Make priority Correct
Normal Data Rules Correct
Normal Make txt file priority result Correct
Normal Checkpoint last entry Correct
Normal Get data for MySQL Snorby Correct
Translate Data MySQL (Ipsrc,
3 Data Processor Normal Correct
Ipdst, Signature, Timestamp)
Normal Send Priority High One Minute Correct
Normal Send Priority Medium One Hour Correct
Normal Send Priority Low One Day Correct

The program can also be used to detect probes or attacks, including, but not limited to,
operating system fingerprinting attempts, a common gateway interface, buffer overflows,
server message block probes, and stealth port scans.
Snort can be configured in three main modes: sniffer, packet logger, and network
intrusion detection. In sniffer mode, the program will read network packets and display them
on the console. In packet logger mode, the program will log packets to the disk. In intrusion
detection mode, the program will monitor network traffic and analyze it against a rule set
defined by the user. The program will then perform a specific action based on what has been
identified. Table 4 lists the Client Test Result.
Table 4. Client Test Result
No Name of Testing Nature of Activity Expected Result Test Result
1 Application Service Normal Get data from server Correct
Normal Receiver priority high Correct
2 Mail Alert Normal Receiver priority medium Correct
Normal Receiver priority low Correct

The Mail Alert will work when the Data Processor is getting results and sent using mail
service. Then send data. Then received three data, namely high, medium, and low. High data
received in 1 minute, medium received in 1 hour, and low received in 1 day. The Application

120 R. Muwardi et al., Network Security Monitoring System Via Notification Alert
p-ISSN: 1410-2331 e-ISSN: 2460-1217

Service (Client) will work when the Data Processor results, and the Application Service can
get data using the FTP protocol.
After carrying out various processes in the IDS application, the authors find it easy to
implement. It can be obtained from this IDS application. A computer network can be
monitored only through a computer that acts as a sensor in the network and connected to a
network, can see all the events that occur in it.
In addition to the benefits obtained in the IDS application, the IDS system also secures the
network, namely if this IDS uses snort, where did the attack come from, through some ports,
and what protocol was used.

Information can quickly get to the administrator via warning notices, so administrators do
not have to always be in front of their computer to monitor the network. Attacks can be
detected or not depending on the attack pattern is in the Intrusion Detection System rule or
not. Intrusion Detection System Manager This system has been able to detect various attacks
effort, either in Port scanning, Denial of Service, or Exploit. Snort as one of the network
security systems should be developed as a security detection system and network security. A
security intrusion prevention system or an Intrusion Prevented System (IPS). Additional
modules that support the Intrusion Detection System’s performance will help the system work
efficiently, such as rule-rule setting and addition of frond endThe conclusion is a summary of
the results and discussion and should be written in paragraphs instead of numbering.
Moreover, the prospect of developing research results and application prospects of further
studies can also be added to the next (based on result and discussion).

The first special thanks go to Mercu Buana University for supporting foreign collaborative
research, the second to Beijing Institute of Technology, Mirna Yunita, and Prof. Gao
Hongmin for their help and cooperation during this research. Third, to Beijing Jiaotong
University, Harun Usman Ghifarsyam, for providing unfailing support and continuous
encouragement. The last thank goes to the IT team of certain companies. Hopefully, there will
always be paper collaborations with the Beijing Institute of Technology and Beijing Jiaotong
University in future research.

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