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Lesson 7

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Lesson 7: What is Information Literacy Cycle?

What model can i use as a Lifelong,

Independent Learner?
Media Information and Literacy
MIL , I STEM I 2022

(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) - us ➔ What Information do I need?

➔ What kind of information does the
Information Literacy
task require?
➔ Ability to find, evaluate, organize, ➔ What problem do I need to solve?
use and communicate information in
all these various formats, Most
Notably in situations requiring
decision making, problem solving or
Information Seeking Strategies
acquisition of knowledge.

● The second step is to look for the

The Big Six Process information that you need. You must
list down all possible sources for
1. Task Definition your specific topic. This can help you
2. Information Seeking Strategies feel less overwhelmed by the vast
3. Location and Access amount of information available on
4. Use of information the internet or in libraries.
5. Synthesis
6. Evaluation Guide Questions

Task Definition ➔ Which sources will provide reliable

➔ The first step in the Information ➔ Which sources can provide
Literacy Cycle is determining the information that is specific to my
information that you need. They topic?
must identify the types of information ➔ Which sources can provide
needed to solve the problem. They comprehensive or in-depth-
must have a clear hypothesis, a information about my topic?
specific question, and a clear
understanding of what is needed to
answer that question.
Location and Access

Guide Questions ➔ After Identifying your possible

sources, proceed with these sources
and gather the information that you
➔ What is the question that I need to
need for them. One of the skills
needed for this step is knowing how
Lesson 7: What is Information Literacy Cycle?
What model can i use as a Lifelong,
Independent Learner?
Media Information and Literacy
MIL , I STEM I 2022

to use the table of content. index or

Guide Questions
references list to look for information
that is helpful for the topic.
● How does the source present the
information? What is its outline or
● What is the thesis statement of the
Guide Questions
source? What is its conclusion?
● What information contributes to my
➔ What keywords, keyword phrases, topic? What information does not?
or synonyms would lead me to use ● Is this information necessary for my
information about my topic? study?
➔ What tools can I use to quickly ● What is the main idea presented by
locate the information that I need? the source?
➔ How can I keep track of all the ● Does this information answer the
information that I gather? questions presented by my research
➔ Depending on the type of source, topic?
what search strategy can I use?

Use of Information
● It is the part where you must decide
● It might seem that the sources you how to organize and present the
gathered are all useful for your topic, information that you have gathered.
but once you go through them one ● Your topic outline will depend on the
by one, you would notice that some format that you choose 1
of them are not helpful, or that not all ● You must focus on the message that
of the available information is you are trying to convey and identify
relevant to your research. your intended audience.
● To successfully carry this task out,
you must thoroughly study each
source first. This step takes a lot of
time, especially if you have to
Guide Questions
identify the information that you
need and do not need. ● Consider your audience
● Have a thesis statement or main
Lesson 7: What is Information Literacy Cycle?
What model can i use as a Lifelong,
Independent Learner?
Media Information and Literacy
MIL , I STEM I 2022

● • Make sure that you have ➔ Was I able to relay my message

thoroughly researched your topic. clearly and concisely? 18
● Create a simple but coherent outline ➔ Did I get my message across to my
that would support your thesis audience?
statement. ➔ Did I organize the information
● Organize information according to effectively?
the format of delivery that you


➔ This is where you evaluate all the

steps that you undertook and focus
on those which you can improve or,
if you tried new tools and methods,
➔ You must always reflect on how you
process, gather and share

Guide Questions
➔ Was I able to solve the problem that
I initially identified? Was I able to
support my arguments? 18 19
➔ Are all my sources credible and
➔ Was I efficient in gathering
➔ Did I thoroughly understand all the
information that I organized and
➔ Did I use my sources ethically? 16
Lesson 7: What is Information Literacy Cycle?
What model can i use as a Lifelong,
Independent Learner?
Media Information and Literacy
MIL , I STEM I 2022

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