1. It is desired to operate a 100 W, 120 V lamp at its current rating from a 240 V, 50 Hz
supply by using an inductor having resistance of 10 Ω. Find (i) the value of inductance
(ii) circuit power factor and (iii) power consumed. [0.775 H, 0.535 lag, 107 W]
2. When a certain inductive coil is supplied at 240 V, 50 Hz, the current is 6.45 A. When
the frequency is changed to 40 Hz at 240 V, the current taken is 7.48 A. Calculate the
inductance and resistance of the coil. [L=0.1 H, R=20 Ω]
3. A voltmeter, ammeter and wattmeter are suitably connected to measure the power input
to an iron-cored coil. If the readings on the instruments are 110V, 2·5 A and 150 W
respectively and the d.c. resistance of the copper windings of coil is 15 Ω, calculate
the inductance of the coil and the power loss in the core. The supply frequency is 50
Hz. [117 mH, 56.25 W]
5. It is desired to operate a 100W, 120V electric lamp at its current rating from a 240V,
50 Hz supply. Give details of the simplest manner in which this could be done using
(i) a resistor (ii) a capacitor and (iii) an inductor having resistance of 10 Ω. What power
factor would be presented to the supply in each case and which method is the most
economical of power? [144 Ω, Unity, 12.8 µF, 0.5 lead, 0.775 H, 0.535 lag ]
7. A voltage v(t) = 100 sin 314 t is applied to a series circuit consisting of 10 Ω resistance,
0·0318 H inductance and a capacitor of 63.6 µF. Find (i) expression for i(t) (ii) phase
angle between voltage and current (iii) power factor (iv) active power consumed (v)
peak value of pulsating power. [760, 0.24 lead, 29.16 W, 151 W]
8. A coil of inductance 9 H and resistance 50 Ω in series with a capacitor is supplied at
constant voltage from a variable frequency source. If the maximum current of 1 A
occurs at 75 Hz, find the frequency when the current is 0.5 A. [75.8 Hz, 74.26 Hz]