P.R Exam
P.R Exam
P.R Exam
The more time people spend in social media, the less they read books. The independent variable is:
What purpose of research is shown? : Lead them to make their own judgment based on the data
presented in your study.
To convince
Determine the ethical dillema of research being describe: Researchers must be responsible and polite to
ask permission from their research informants or participants before they collect data from them.
Informed consent
Qualitative method is not focused on the authentic experiences of the participants and their
critical voices
Immediate solution
Importance of meaning
It is a philosophical movement originating in the 20th century, the primary objective of which is the direct
investigation and description of phenomena as consciously experienced, without theories about their
causal explanation and as free as possible from unexamined preconceptions and presuppositions.
Determine the ethics of research being describe: The investigator must ensure that the subject has
received a full disclosure of the nature of the study, the risks, benefits and alternatives, with an
extended opportunity to ask questions.
The more one eats, the less hunger one will have. The dependent variable is:
Although it might be said that an absolute truth is intangible in all forms of research, the interactive,
personal and interpretive approach in qualitative inquiry extinguishes the notion that the outcomes
represent an absolute truth.
A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook material either in silence or
with the television turned on. The dependent variable is:
A conceptual audacity is a tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the
everyday lives that we lead. This may in turn generate new forms of human action
The ______ embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe one’s research study. The
______ must also reflect the variables under study.
It analyzes the trends that are developing, as well as the current situations.
Descriptive Research
It examines the personal side of research and how the researcher manages the research difficulties.
Smaller sample
It refers to the areas which the researcher does not intend to include in the study.
Dependent – Independent
What purpose of research is shown? : Allow people to decide and act on the results of the research
To discuss
Exploring the relationship between exam scores and the time spent studying. The dependent variable is:
Exam score
______ variables are factors or stimuli that directly affect or cause changes to the ______ variables.
Independent – Dependent
The ______ relates to the growth of knowledge, to the verification or validation of existing knowledge or
practice to the development of new knowledge.
It shows the relationships between two or more variables.
Correlational Research
Drinking energy drink makes people more aggressive. The independent variable is:
It pertains to the restrictions identified by the researcher that may affect the outcome of the study but
over which he/she has little or no control, but are anticipated.
Qualitative research places the researcher at the center of the data-gathering phase, and indeed the
researcher ultimately is the “instrument” by which information is collected.
Determine the ethics of research being describe: The investigator should give forethought to the
maximization of benefits and the reduction of risk that might occur from the research.
It is a process that demands planning, forethought, commitment and persistence. And like any journey,
it needs to be managed, navigated, and negotiated from early conception to final destination.
Research Adventure
Perspective Taking
What purpose of research is shown? : Determining the causes and effects or the nature of the condition
To analyze
Determine the ethics of research being describe: It occurs when some benefit to which a person is
entitled is denied without good reason or when some burden is imposed unduly.
Observe justice
The research subject is commonly based on the researcher’s background and interests. As a researcher,
you usually choose a research theme that is close to your heart, belief or well-being.
Researcher’s Involvement
This section identifies the people or institution who will benefit from the findings of the study.
Eating breakfast in the morning increases the ability to learn in school. The independent variable is:
It is an in-depth investigation focused on one social unit or an individual. It may use interviews,
observations and review of records or other documents describing the different angles of the group or a
person in a natural environment.
Case Study
The participants and the researcher share the “research space” in which certain conventions for
communication (knowingly or not) may be formed that in turn shape the reality the researcher is
capturing in the data
Participant-researcher relationship
Form a hypothesis
It governs the entire study. It is usually in a statement form that introduces the general problem of the
Major problem
The data and the researcher’s interpretation of the data – hinge greatly on the contexts from which the
data are obtained.
Importance of context
Determining if gender has an effect on % body fat of male and female students in the class. The
dependent variable is:
Independent – Dependent
Students watched a cartoon either alone or with others and rated how funny the cartoon is. The
independent variable is:
Numerical data
Taking a nap in the afternoon makes people more focused for the rest of the day. The independent
variable is:
This is essential in the process of research. It is consider in terms of emotions, the biography of the
researcher, researcher identity and insights that the research “adventure” can bring in relation to the
researcher’s self.
Research Experience
Historical Research
It is uniquely suited to address research issues or questions that might be difficult, if not impossible, to
It is designed to match the dynamics of the evolving research process (Klenke, 2008). It can be modified
or changed depending on the need to measure the issue or the phenomenon under study.
Flexible design
What purpose of research is shown? : Show interventions done to treat the affected data in order to see
other outcomes
To explain
Individual experiences
Measuring temperatures of young adults and seniors to see if there is a difference based on age. The
dependent variable is:
It must contribute to development of the whole research problem or topic. It must give precise answers
that will determine the difference or relationship, or implication of the variables under study.
Specific questions
Determine the ethical dillema of research being describe: Data collected must not be altered,
manipulated or favored. Researchers must be honest and accurate in recording the data gathered.
Misconduct in research
Spending time with a family dog decreases the amount of stress a person is feeling. The independent
variable is:
Qualitative research requires the researcher’s skills that go beyond the usual qualities of organization,
attention to detail, and analytical abilities that are necessary for all researchers.
Determine the ethical dillema of research being describe: Misrepresentation of any form is wrong in
scientific research. Authorship requires “significant intellectual contribution”
Determine the ethical dillema of research being describe: It is generally recommended that the
investigator should not participate as a research subject in his or her study.
Conflicts of interest
It is define as an orderly process of inquiry that involves purposeful and systematic analysis and
interpretation of data (units of information) to gain new knowledge or to verify already existing
Apply theories
The analysis of qualitative research is multilayered involving process that continually builds upon itself
until a meaningful and verifiable interpretation is achieved.
It offer unique enhancements to qualitative research designs. The opportunity to select the time and
place for participation empowers these participants. It can also enrich their responses by attaching files,
images, links to websites, and voice response.
It identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues,
respondents, and time.