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Detailed Syllabus

Lecture-wise Breakup

Course Code 14M1NCI339 Semester Odd Semester M.Tech (III) Session 2018-19
(specify Odd/Even) Month from Jul-Dec
Course Name Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Credits 3 Contact Hours 3-0-0 (3 hrs per week)

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Dr. Adwitiya Sinha

Dr. Adwitiya Sinha


Develop distribution models for deterministic or stochastic network Understand Level
C140.1 deployment (Level 2)
Designing communication protocols for wireless sensor network Apply Level
C140.2 standards (Level 3)
Develop mathematical models for energy consumption Creation Level
(Level 6)
Analyse medium access mechanisms, routing protocols Analyze Level
(Level 4)
Analyse cross layer schemes, including load balancing and node Analyze Level
C140.5 clustering (Level 4)
Performance evaluation of sleep scheduling strategy with data Evaluation Level
C140.6 prediction and aggregation methods (Level 5)
Develop Coverage Maximization models for optimizing network Creation Level
C140.7 lifetime (Level 6)

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of

No. Module Lectures for
the module
Introduction to wireless networks and mainly on sensor and
Review of Wireless actuator networks, Terminology, Introductin radio
1. sensor and actuator spectrum, Applications, Propagation mechanism-Free space 5
networks and Two Ray model, Functions: aggregation, dissemination
and management
Wireless Sensor Network scenarios, Types of deployment strategies,
2. Network Challenges, Sensor components and characteristics, Energy 5
Requirements Harvesting, Distributed sensor network
Technologies and
3. Network Simulator, Glomosim, Qualnet 4
simulators used
IEEE Sensor Network Standard/ZigBee, Single-hop and
Sensor Network
Multi-hop communication, Sink mobility, Transmission
4. Architectures & 5
Power Control (levels of transmission), In-Network Data
Broad casting &
Overview of broadcasting techniques, backbone and
Routing in Wireless
5. broadcasting in sensor actuator networks, coverage and 7
Sensor and
connectivity criteria,Routing alogs
Actuator Networks
6. Issues and Sleep scheduling Models & Analysis, Clustering, Load 6
Challenges balancing, Energy Hole and Connectivity Gap problem,
Poissonian and Gaussian distributed network
Energy Models, Network Lifetime Maximization,
Scheduling & Coverage Optimization. MAC protocols-Low
Designing Goals
7. duty cycle and Wake up concepts, Cross layer issues & 6
and Protocols
methods – Optimizing number of Clusters & Cluster Head
rotations, Data and Flow Aggregation with analysis
Case study of Internet of things applications & open source
8. Case Studies 4
Total number of Lectures 42
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Test-1 20
Test-1 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Quiz + Evaluative Assignment + Class Test + Attendance)
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Coordination and Data
Communication, Edited by Amiya Nayak and Ivan Stojmenovic John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,2010.
Feng Zhao, Leonidas Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach, Morgan
Kauffman Publication, 2004
3. William Stallings, Wireless Communications & Networks, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education India, 2009
Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols, and
Applications, Wiley-Blackwell; 1st edition, 2007
Andrea Conti, Davide Dardari, and Roberto Verdone, Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
Technologies, Analysis and Design, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2008
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup

Subject Code 17M1NCI131 Semester Odd Semester – 2nd

(specify Odd/Even) Month from Jul to Dec

Subject Name Flexible Computer Networks

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3

Faculty Coordinator(s) 1. Sangeeta Mittal

Teacher(s) 1. Sangeeta Mittal
Course Outcomes
CO# Course Outcome Cognitive Level
(Bloom’s Taxonomy)
1. Explain the current network-traffic characteristics and modern networking scenarios Understanding (level -
2. Assess limitations of classical networking techniques in supporting recent applications Analyzing (level-4)
3. Explain Software Defined Network architecture, need and concepts Understanding (level -
4. Experiment with Openflow based southbound API in Mininet emulator Applying(level-3)
5. Evaluate SDN using Pox and OpenDaylight SDN Controllers Evaluating(level-5)
6. Build traffic engineering modules for load balancing, quality of service and multicast Creating(level-6)
data transport in SDN

Module No. Subtitle of the Module Topics in the module No. of Lectures
for the module

1. Modern Networking Elements Fast Ethernet , Gigabit WiFi, 4G/5G 3

Cellular , Cloud Computing , IoT
2. Basics of Modern Network Types of Network Traffic, Real time 4
Traffic characteristics, Big Data, Cloud Computing
and Mobile Traffic , QoS and QoE –
Difficulties in achieving them
3. Drivers and Components of Evolving Requirements 2
Flexible Networking SDN and NFV

4. Introduction to Software Architecture , Characteristics, 3

Defined Network (SDN) Standards, Open Development
5. SDN Data Plane and Open Flow Data Plane Functions, OpenFlow logical 6
network Device – Flow Tables, Group
Tables, Openflow Protocol
6. SDN Control Plane Control Plane Architecture , 6
OpenDaylight Project – Architecture
and APIs

7. SDN Application Plane Application Plane Architecture, Data 6

center networking and Information
center networking over SDN

8. Network Function Virtualization Approach, NFV use 4

JIIT University, Noida

Virtualization (NFV) – cases, NFV and SDN

9. NFV Infrastructure Virtualized Network Functions, Virtual 6

LAN, Virtual Tenant Network

Total number of Lectures 40

JIIT University, Noida

Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup
Subject Code 17M11CS111 Semester Semester Odd Session 2019-2020
(specify Odd/Even) Month from July 19 to December 20

Subject Name Data structure & Algorithms for Big Data

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3(L)

Faculty Coordinator(s) Dr. Amarjeet Prajapati

Teacher(s) Dr. Amarjeet Prajapati


C110.1 Define basic concepts of Big Data and relating them to them Remember Level
with various Big Data technologies (e.g., Hadoop, Spark) (Level 1)
C110.2 Explain Hadoop cluster architecture and its components and Understand Level
Differentiate Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) from (Level 2)
other storage techniques, e.g., NFS and UNIX file system
C110.3 Construct data structure and algorithms for HDFS and Apply Level
MapReduce and further applying them to different Big Data (Level 6)
C110.4 Apply hashing on large scale multi-dimensional data sets Apply Level
using Locality Sensitive Hashing. (Level 3)
C110.5 Analyze and apply advance data structures and algorithms Analyze Level
(e.g., B and B+ Tree, R and R+ Tree, Matrix multiplication) (Level 4)
for solving big data problems
C110.6 Evaluate Streaming Algorithms, Sublinear optimization, Evaluate Level
Machine Learning, Hadoop systems (Level 5)
Module Subtitle of the Module Topics in the module No. of Lectures for the
No. module

1. Introduction to Big Motivation, Application, Domains for Big Data,

Data Various tools and services 2

2. Basic Statistics Various types of parametric and non-parametric

test 2

3. File system Introduction to HDFS, Read and write operation,

Types of failures 3

4. MapReduce Introduction to MapReduce, Mapreduce Job

scheduling 3

5. Basic data structures Array: searching, sorting,

concepts aggregation on BIG DATA 4

6. Matrix Multiplication Matrix Multiplication for BIG


JIIT, Noida
7. File systems Various file systems like HDFS and Toku FS etc.
Variable-sized rows, Concurrency-control
mechanisms, Multithreading, Transactions, 5
logging, ACID compliant, crash recovery
7. Graphs Spanning Tree (Min/Max), Searching (BFS),
Shortest Path etc. 6

8. Indexing strategies large Arrays, Hashing,

Trees AVL, B-tree, Tries, R and R+ Trees, Prefix Trees,
Accumulo, Bigtable, bLSM, Cassandra, 6
HBase,Hypertable, LevelDB are LSM trees,
divide & conquer, mapreduce
9. Bloom filters, Bloom filters,
HyperLogLog, Count–2 min HyperLogLog, Count–2 min sketch 4
10 Applications (may Streaming Algorithms, Sublinear
use spark) optimization, Machine Learning Problems, 2
Hadoop systems
11 Mathematical Sparse: Vector Spaces, Matrix
algebra, LSI,SVD, PSD 3

Total number of Lectures 42

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)

1. Journals: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ACM Transactions on

Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery
from Data (TKDD)

2. 2. Tier-1 Conferences: SIGKDD, ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering,

CIKM - International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ICDM -
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, SDM - SIAM International Conference on
Data Mining, PKDD - Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, IEEE Big Data

3. 3. Online courses: http://grigory.us/big-data-class.html


4. 4. Book: Mahmoud Parsian, “Data Algorithms: Recipes for Scaling Up with Hadoop and
Spark”, O'Reilly Media, July 2015.

JIIT, Noida
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup
Subject Code 17M11CS112 Semester Odd Semester Even Session 2018 - 19
(specify Odd/Even) Month from July to December

Subject Name Machine Learning and Data Mining

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3

Faculty Coordinator(s) Bharat Gupta

Teacher(s) Bharat Gupta


Differentiate between Classification, Clustering and Association Rules C2


Apply and Compare different classification techniques, e.g., k-Nearest C3

C112.2 Neighbours, Naïve Bayes, ID3 Decision Trees, Support Vector
Machine, Ensemble methods , etc.

Apply and compare different clustering techniques, e.g., k-means, k- C3

mediods, etc.

Apply Apriori algorithm to generate the frequently used rules in a C3

market basket analysis.

Apply different dimensionality reduction techniques e.g. PCA, SVD, C3

C112.5 Factor Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, etc., in big data

Use Artificial Neural Network techniques, i.e., Back propagation, Feed C3

forward Network, Kohonen Self-Organising Feature Maps, Learning
Vector Quantization, etc, for solving classification and clustering

Module Subtitle of the Topics in the module No. of Lectures

No. Module for the module

1 Introduction Introduction to Machine Learning, Data Mining and 2

Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases, Data Types

2 Classification Introduction to classification, k-Nearest Neighbours, Naïve 6

Bayes, Decision Trees
3 Regression Linear Regression with One Variable, Linear Regression 4
with Multiple Variables, Logistic Regression
4. Clustering Introduction, Different type of Clustering Methods, 6
Partitioning Clustering Methods, Hierarchical Clustering
Methods, k-means, k-medoids
5. Association Rules Frequent itemsets, Apriori algorithm, Association rules 4

Machine Learning and Data Mining (17M11CS112)

6. Dimensionality Introduction, Subset Selection, PCA, SVD, Factor Analysis, 8
Reduction Multidimensional Scaling, Linear Discriminant Analysis

7. Artificial Neural Cost Function, Back propagation, Feed forward Network, 8

Network training, Error Propagation, Application of Neural
8. Ensemble Methods Ensemble methods of classification-Bagging, Boosting, and 4
Random Forest

Total number of Lectures 42

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25 (Attendance (10), Quiz performance (15))
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. )

1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Data Mining, Morgan Kaufmann


2. Kimball R. and Ross M ,The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, Wiley

3. Pujari, Arun K,Data mining and statistical analysis using SQL, Universities press

4. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining

5. Soumen Chakrabarti, Mining the Web: Discovering knowledge from hypertext

data”, Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier

6. Alex, Berson,Stephen J.Smith, Data Warehousing, data mining and OLAP ,


7. Inmon W.H.,Building the Data Warehouse ,4th Edition, Wiley

8. Anahory S. and Murray D, Data Warehousing in the Real World, Addison-


9. Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Prentice


10. Mattison R. ,Web Warehousing and Knowledge Management”, Tata McGraw-


11. David Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth ,Principles of Data Mining,PHI

Machine Learning and Data Mining (17M11CS112)

12. Transactions on Database Systems (ACM)

13 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering

14 The VLDB Journal The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases

Machine Learning and Data Mining (17M11CS112)

Syllabus Description

Course Code 17M12CS115 Semester Odd Semester 3rd Session 2019 - 2020
(C142) Month from July to December

Subject Name 3D Graphics and Animation

Credits 3 Contact Hours 3

Faculty (Names) Coordinator Dr. Suma Dawn

Teacher(s) Dr. Suma Dawn


C142.1 Explain the theories of 3D objects and various media environments. Understanding Level
(Level 2)
C142.2 Propose solutions to given case studies by illustrating various methods Creating Level
and environments related to 3D graphics such as geometry, (Level 6)
transformations and modeling, visibility detection, lighting,
illumination, etc.
C142.3 Create multimedia-rich content, specifically comic frames and Creating Level
animations. (Level 6)
C142.4 Design dynamic and interactive animations using scripting to Creating Level
implement fun games and create richer content. (Level 6)
C142.5 Critique and compare various advanced animation principles such as Evaluating Level
rigid body dynamics, natural phenomena and modelling, 3D object (level 5)
manipulation, etc.

Module Subtitle of the Topics in the module No. of Lectures for

No. Module the module
1. Introduction Fundamentals of 2D and 3D graphics and Animation 1
2. 3D Graphics 3D Primitives, Geometry, transformations and 22
Modeling; Visibility Detection; Lighting, Illumination,
and Shading, Texture Mapping; Sub-division Surfaces,
Implicit surfaces and voxels, creating complex
geometry; Imaging and Rendering. Related
Programming, 2D and 3D object creation
3. Animation Fundamentals; Motion Creation, Animating articulated 17
structures, kinematics and inverse kinematics; Creation
of simple animation with and without actionscripting.
4. Introduction to Physically based modeling and simulation, rigid body 2
Advanced dynamics; Natural Phenomena and Modeling (plants,
Animation and arms, etc), and other Simulation; 3D object
Principles. manipulation, Visualization and other advanced
algorithms and topics.

Total number of Lectures 42

Evaluation A. THEORY Examination Marks
Criteria I. Test1 20
II. Test2 20
III. End Term 35
B. Internal - including Assignments, Quizzes, attendance 25
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: (APA format)

1. Parent, R. (2012). Computer animation: algorithms and techniques. Newnes.

2. Walnum, C. (1995). 3-D Graphics Programming with OpenGL(Vol. 1, p. 996). Que

3. Buss, S. R. (2003). 3D computer graphics: a mathematical introduction with OpenGL.
Cambridge University Press.
4. Giambruno, M. (2002). 3D graphics and animation. New Riders Publishing.

5. Rogers, D. F. (2000). An introduction to NURBS: with historical perspective. Elsevier.

6. Newman, W. M., & Sproull, R. F. (1979). Principles of interactive computer graphics.

McGraw-Hill, Inc..
7. Watt, A., & Policarpo, F. (2005). Advanced game development with programmable graphics
hardware. AK Peters/CRC Press.
8. Ferguson, R. S. (2013). Practical algorithms for 3D computer graphics. AK Peters/CRC
9. Pakhira, M. K. (2010). Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Animation. PHI Learning Pvt.
10. Perkins, T. (2007). Adobe Flash CS3 Professional Hands-On Training. Peachpit Press.

11. Springer’s Multimedia Tools and Applications

12. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

13. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications

14. Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning.

Detailed Syllabus
Lab-wise Breakup

Course Code 17M15CS111 Semester: ODD Session 2018 -2019

Month from July to Dec, 2018
Course Name Advanced Algorithms Lab
Credits 1 Contact Hours 2

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Deepti Singh

Dr. Nisha Chaurasia


Implement algorithms and use appropriate advanced data structures for Level 3: Apply
solving computing problems.
Design algorithms using the divide-and-conquer, greedy and dynamic Level 1: Remember
C170.2 programming strategies, and further recite algorithms that employ Level 5: Evaluate
these strategies.
Illustrate the mathematical foundation of network flows and some Level 2: Understand
C170.3 important flow algorithms. Level 3: Apply

Implement randomized algorithms to solve various problems, and Level 3: Apply

validate their correctness and complexity. Level 4: Analyze
Understand P, NP, polynomial reduction, NP-hardness, and NP- Level 2: Understand
Completeness. Level 4: Analyze
Comprehend and select algorithm design approaches in a problem Level 6: Create
specific manner.

Module Title of the Module List of Experiments CO

1. Fundamentalsof data Searching, Sorting, time complexity, Heaps, Arrays, CO1
structures and algorithmic Linked List, Trees, Fibonacci heaps, splay trees,
problem solving dynamic trees.
2. Divide and Conquer Solving Matrix multiplication problem and subset- sum CO2
Technique problem using divide-and-conquer approach
3. Greedy Algorithms Greedy Approximation algorithms- Set Cover CO2
Problem,K Centers Problem,Fractional and 0/1
Knapsack, Coinage problem; Bin packing; Job
scheduling, Graph coloring; and Text compression using
Huffman coding and Shannon-Fano coding.
4. Dynamic Programming Fundamentals of Dynamic programming based solution CO2
Technique approach, Printing Shortest Common Supersequence,
Dynamic Programming on Trees, Maximum sum
rectangle in a 2D matrix.
5. Graph Algorithms Solve and analyze Graph problems, Algorithms. All Pair CO1,
Shortest Problem Subset-sum problem. Minimum CO2
Spanning Trees (Prim’s and Kruskal algorithms);
Shortest Path using Dijkstra’s algorithm, K-clique
problem, Graph Coloring problem.
6. Flows in Network Network flows - max flow and min-cost CO3
flow/circulation, Edmonds-Karp algorithm
7. Tractable and Non- Tractable One Way of Coping with NP-Hardness. Randomized CO4,
Problems Rounding. Vertex Cover and Travelling Salesman CO5
8. Project Project CO6

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Lab Test# 120
Lab Test# 2 20
D2D work 60

Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein , Introduction to
Algorithms, MIT Press, 3rd Edition, 2009
2. Hochbaum “Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems”, 1996.
3. Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin, “Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms and Applications”, 1993.

4. Horowitz and Sahni, Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Computer Science Press, 1978
5. Study material on //fileserver2
Detailed Syllabus

Lab-wise Breakup

Course Code 17M15CS112 Semester: ODD Semester: I Session 2018 -2019

Month from: July-Dec
Course Name Machine Learning and Data Mining Lab
Credits 1 Contact Hours 2

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Bharat Gupta

Teacher(s) Bharat Gupta

Understanding basic syntax in Python Understanding Level
Understanding Control Flow and looping in Python Understanding Level
Apply and Compare different classification techniques, Logistic Regression Apply Level
e.g., k-Nearest Neighbours, Support Vector Machine, etc. (C3)
Apply clustering techniques k-Means on a dataset Apply Level
Apply dimensionality reduction technique e.g. PCA on a dataset. Apply Level
Analyse the real world problem to identify the appropriate data science Analyse Level
C173.6 techniques for classification, clustering and Association rules (C4)

Module Title of the Module List of Experiments CO

1. Python basic syntax Practicing basic python commands CO1
2. Control Flow and 1. Write a python program that displays the sum of all CO1
looping in Python digits for a user entered number.
2. Write a python function leap_year that prints all the
leap years between ranges. The user will enter lower
and upper year boundary inside the function.
3. Write a program that outputs all possible strings
formed by using the characters a, c, t, o, and g. a
particular character can appear only once and all the
characters should be used in the formation of string.
4. Write a python script that takes input from file
representing a paragraph, and writes to a file named
out.txt with all the stop words (a, an, the) removed.
5. Write a recursive function in python to print a
Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci sequence is the series
of numbers: 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,…etc
6. Write a program for sorting the integer data by using
quick sort.

3. K-NN Implement the KNN (K Nearest Neighbours) algorithm in CO3

python. Your program should have different functions as
1. HandleData: Open the dataset from CSV and split into
test/train (datasets). A ratio of 67/33 for train/test is a
standard ratio used for splitting data.
2. Similarity: Calculate the distance between two data
instances. The Euclidean distance is used for
calculating the difference. It is defined as the square
root of the sum of the squared differences between the
two arrays of numbers. Only first 4 attributes are used
for calculating the distance.
3. Neighbours: Locate k most similar data instances.
4. Response: Generate a response from a set of data
instances. It is a function for getting the majority voted
response from a number of neighbors. It devises a
predicted response based on those neighbors.
5. Accuracy: Summarize the accuracy of predictions. An
easy way to evaluate the accuracy of the model is to
calculate a ratio of the total correct predictions out of
all predictions made, called the classification accuracy.
6. Main: Take split = 0.67, k=3.

4. Weka Toolkit 1. Apply the KNN algorithm in Weka tool on the iris CO3
dataset. Compare the results of your implemented
algorithm with algorithm of Weka tool.
2. Implement the linear Regression. The data will be
taken as input from the file. Select the appropriate
dataset from the website
https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php”. Justify the
reason why the dataset has been selected.
b) Apply the Linear regression in Weka tool on the
same dataset. Compare the results of your
implemented algorithm with algorithm of Weka tool.

5. Clustering Remove the label column of the Parkinson_dataset.csv CO4

dataset and implement the following:
a) Perform K-Means clustering and Hierarchical
b) Use Manhattan distance
c) Use Average merging Strategy in Hierarchical
d) Use three different K values in K-Mean clustering.
e) Validate using RMSE and compare both the

6 Logistic regression Divide the Parkinson_dataset.csv dataset in training and CO3

and SVM testing dataset randomly and implement the following:
a. Classify the disease using Logistic regression and
b. Find out the accuracy of classification Model.
c. Perform 5-fold cross- validation.
d. Compare the result of both techniques using

7 scikit-learn toolkit Implementation of the following algorithms in scikit-learn CO5

a. Principal components analysis (PCA)

b. Decomposing signals in components (matrix

factorization problems)

c. K-means

8 Mini Project 1. Specify the broad topic of your mini project based on CO6
the Machine Learning and Data mining.
2. Study minimum 6 quality research papers based on the
selected topic.
3. Do the SWOT analysis of selected research
4. Identify the research problem.
5. Propose your novelty/improvement in terms of
algorithm/new feature.
6. Design the architecture for the proposed problem.
7. Design the test bed.
8. Design a set of experiments to be carried out for the
proposed problem.
9. Perform the experimental analysis (in Python language
10. Prepare your report.
11. Write a short research paper based on your
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Lab Test1 20
Lab Test2 20
Mini Project, Regularity, performance 60
Total 100
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Data Mining, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,Elsevier,2005
2. Kimball R. and Ross M ,The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, Wiley
3. Pujari, Arun K,Data mining and statistical analysis using SQL, Universities press
4. Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, Introduction to Data Mining
5. Soumen Chakrabarti, Mining the Web: Discovering knowledge from hypertext data”, Morgan
Kaufmann, Elsevier
6. Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining: Introductory and Advanced Topics, Prentice Hall,2003

7. Mattison R. ,Web Warehousing and Knowledge Management”, Tata McGraw-Hill.

8. David Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth ,Principles of Data Mining,PHI

9. Transactions on Database Systems (ACM)

10. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering

11. The VLDB Journal The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases
Detailed Syllabus
Lab-wise Breakup

Course Code 17M15CS113 Semester … Semester ... Session 2018 -2019

Odd Month from July to Dec, 2018
Course Name Cloud Technology Lab
Credits 1 Contact Hours 2 Hours

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Dr Prakash Kumar

Dr. Prakash Kumar


Demonstrate the architecture and layers of Cloud Service Models,
C171.1 Deployment models etc.
Understand (level 2)
Understand the working of CloudSim and run different scheduling Apply (level 3)
C171.2 alogorithms.
C171.3 Analyze various Scheduling algorithms and compare their performances Analyze (level 4)

Apply and evaluate the energy aware algorithms for using DVFS Evaluate (level 5)
C171.4 techniques.

Module Title of the Module List of Experiments CO

1. Create Virtual Machines (VMs) on CloudSim. CO1
2. Allocate different Cloudlets to VMs and Data Centers CO2
CloudSim using different scheduling algorithms
installations and Use
3. Analyze various Create different Data Centers and allocate the VMs to them and CO3
Scheduling analyze the outcomes
4. algorithms in Assign the cloudlets and change the scheduling techniques CO3
different scenarios for various scenarios
on cloudsim
5. Evaluate Energy Apply and evaluate energy aware algorithms using DVFS CO4
Aware Simulations techniques
using DVFS
n. … … …

Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Lab Test# 1 20
Lab Test# 2 20
D2D work 60

Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. (Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
K. Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox, Jack J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing- From Parallel
Processing to the Internet of Things”, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, Elsevier.
George Reese, “Cloud Application Architectures: Building Applications and Infrastructure in the Cloud”
O’REILLY publication.
3 “Virtualization Overview”, White paper, VM Ware.

Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Rajiv Ranjan, Anton Beloglazov, Cesar A. F. De Rose, and Rajkumar
Buyya, CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments and
4. Evaluation of Resource Provisioning Algorithms, Software: Practice and Experience, Volume 41, Number
1, Pages: 23-50, ISSN: 0038-0644, Wiley Press, New York, USA, January 2011.

Tom Guérout, Thierry Monteil, Georges Da Costa, Rodrigo Neves Calheiros, Rajkumar Buyya, Mihai
Alexandru, Energy-aware Simulation with DVFS, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Volume 39,
5. No. 1, Pages: 76-91, ISSN: 1569-190X, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2013.

Rajkumar Buyya, Rajiv Ranjan and Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Modeling and Simulation of Scalable Cloud
Computing Environments and the CloudSim Toolkit: Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of the
6. 7th High Performance Computing and Simulation Conference (HPCS 2009, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4907-1,
IEEE Press, New York, USA), Leipzig, Germany, June 21 - 24, 2009. - Keynote Paper.

m. …
Detailed Syllabus

Lecture-wise Breakup

Course Code 18M11GE111 Semester Odd Semester I Session 2018 -2019

Month from July 2018 to Dec 2018

Course Name Research Methodology & Intellectual Property Rights

Credits 2 Contact 2-0-0


Faculty Coordinator(s) Prof. B.P. Chamola

Teacher(s) Prof. B.P. Chamola
After pursuing the above mentioned course, the students will be able to:

CO1 understand the basic concepts and types of research
Level (C2)

define a research problem, its formulation, methodologies and Analyzing Level

CO2 analyze research related information (C4)

follow research ethics, understand IPR, patents and their filing Understanding
CO3 related to their innovative works. Level (C2)

understand and analyze the statistical data and apply the relevant Analyzing Level
CO4 test of hypothesis in their research problems (C4)

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of Lectures

No. Module for the module

1. Research What is research? Types of research. What is not 3

research? How to read a Journal paper?
2. Report writing How to write report? Use of Mendeley in report 4
writing. How to write a research paper? Problem
identification and solving.

3. Ethics, IPR Research ethics, patents, intellectual property 8

and Research rights, plagiarism regulation 2018. Steps in research
methodologies process and common methodologies to attempt
solution to research paper.
4. Basics of Basic statistical concepts. Handling of raw data, 7
statistics and Some common probability distributions.

5. Test of Hypothesis testing. Parametric and non-parametric 8

hypothesis and data, Introduction to regression analysis.
Total number of Lectures 30
(Course delivery method: open ended discussion, guided self-study, lectures)
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
Viva –1 before T2 1 Exam 15
Viva –2 after End Sem. 20
End Semester Examination 35
Assignments 30 (Quiz, Assignments)
Total 100
Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc.
(Text books, Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, Research methodology: An Introduction for Science &
1. Engineering Students, Kenwyn, South Africa : Juta& Co. Ltd., 1996.
Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, New Age International, New
2. Delhi, 2009.

Kumar, Ranjit, Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, 2nd Edition,
3. Sage Publications Ltd., 2005.

4. Ramappa, T., Intellectual Property Rights Under WTO, S. Chand, New Delhi, 2008.

Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, Research Methodology: An Introduction, Kenwyn,

5. South Africa : Juta& Co, 2001.
Detailed Syllabus
Lecture-wise Breakup
Course Code 18M12CS117 Semester (Odd) Semester I Session 2018 -2019
Month from July - December
Course Name Blockchain Technology and Applications
Credits 03 Contact Hours (L+T) (3+1)

Faculty (Names) Coordinator(s) Dr. P. Raghu Vamsi

Dr. P. Raghu Vamsi


Understand the structure of a blockchain and why/when it is better than Understand Level
a simple distributed database (Level 2)
Analyze the incentive structure in a blockchain based system and Evaluate Level
critically assess its functions, benefits and vulnerabilities (Level 5)
Evaluate the setting where a blockchain based structure may be Apply Level
applied, its potential and its limitations (Level 3)
Attain awareness of the new challenges that exist in monetizing Analyze Level
businesses around blockchains and smart contracts (Level 4)
Describe and apply the differences between the most prominent Apply Level
C141.5 blockchain structures and permissioned blockchain service providers, (Level 3)
as well as rising alliances and networks

Module Title of the Topics in the Module No. of

No. Module Lectures for
the module
1. Blockchain Basics What is Blockchain (BC), public ledgers, BC as public 4
ledgers; BC history - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, BC 2.0,
Smart contracts; BC architecture – Blocks in BC,
transactions and distributed consensus; BC
conceptualization - The Chain and the Longest Chain,
Cryptocurrency to Blockchain 2.0, Permissioned Model of
2. Cryptographic Cryptographic Hash Function, Properties of a hash function, 5
Primitives Hash pointer and Merkle tree, Digital Signature, Public Key
Cryptography, A basic cryptocurrency
3. Distributed Distributed consensus in open environments, Consensus in 6
Consensus a Bitcoin network; Bitcoin Consensus - Proof of Work
(PoW) – basic introduction, Hashcash PoW, Beyond
Consensus in Bitcoin - Bitcoin PoW, Attacks on PoW and
the monopoly problem, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn and
Proof of Elapsed Time; Consensus in Bitcoin (The Miners)
- The life of a Bitcoin Miner, Mining Difficulty, Mining
4. Smart contracts – 1 Smart contracts, Solidity, REMIX IDE, Ethereum 8
Blockchain, Ethereum Virtual Machine.
5. Smart contracts – 2 Decentralized applications (Dapps), Truffle development, 7
Design improvements, Application models and standards
6. Use cases Blockchain for Voting, Government Use-cases – Public 3
distribution system, Blockchain for Tax Payments,
Blockchain for Managing Land Registry Records
7. Other Blockchain IBM Hyperledge fabric 7-10
9. Research aspects in Consensus protocols, Identity management, Strong and 3
Blockchain weak synchronization, avoiding forks, Mining
Total number of Lectures 42-45
Evaluation Criteria
Components Maximum Marks
T1 20
T2 20
End Semester Examination 35
TA 25
Total 100

Recommended Reading material: Author(s), Title, Edition, Publisher, Year of Publication etc. ( Text books,
Reference Books, Journals, Reports, Websites etc. in the IEEE format)
1. Drescher, Daniel. "Blockchain basics", Apress, 2017.

Mougayar, William. "The business blockchain: promise, practice, and application of the next Internet
technology", John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
3. Dannen, Chris. "Introducing Ethereum and Solidity", Berkeley: Apress, 2017.

4. Prusty, Narayan. "Building Blockchain Projects", Packt Publishing Ltd, 2017.

Pilkington, Marc. "Blockchain technology: principles and applications" Research handbook on digital
transformations, 2016.
Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder. Bitcoin and
Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction, Princeton University Press, 2016.
7. Swan, Melanie, "Blockchain: Blueprint for a new economy", O'Reilly Media, Inc., 2015.

Antonopoulos, Andreas M. "Mastering Bitcoin: unlocking digital cryptocurrencies", O'Reilly Media, Inc.,

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