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D and F Block Questions

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d &fblock

Impondonnt quustions

a) Zn2 Salls anu whide whih 21 salts ow bl

Ans. Zn* has Compldly hluo od- onbikal whil " has
mpairud ehetron which Justs in dr d tronsrtie
Hne C is colournd.

6) Amng thansition mud als, Hu ighiuk oxidation

6todss chibitd in OX 0oni oamdal.

dutro nagaki vty atom

As bcause high o oxy
c Th enthalpi4 atomisation tramsikion ehment
au hnm.
Ans This hsoaww.bransiio~ mutals ham strong
mutalic benos as hy hau a lang nwmbn f
wpairud luctrens .
d bransihon mutaks mo many dfunn compoune
art as goool cad alysts
du to Jolourng uasen
Ans wne outun most shule
vacant d onbital in
Oxidation state.
Tundumay to show vuabl
larng s a a u a .
intormedrat Complu.
b i L t y to orm
contractin s
to emmt h
efhom m i n d lamMhameiot Contraetion.
9uatun Han 6t luctrons inactin
This s
An This dun to pootun shildung by
ke mhamoids.
a m Hhat by 4f hctrens in
+Tonsition mutals om larnqu umban oConplr
Du to Hwu small siz , high change 2
Prussmu os wend no
ovacamt orbital dmost
equal smuny
Transiion mdal shous vonabl. Oniodation stats .

This is du fact Hat bot (n-1)a 2 ns

to H
Orbital tak pand in bonling dun to Hnn almost
similan mwngy
0kutio whoeas
T 3t
1 CoLourls
n aguuous

Ti 34 has unpaiuod. ehctron in d- orbid as(3d

whch cam absoAb iqht on d- d tramsition . Hunas
it is alaunud . Sc31 hos no mpairuol tdnon. Humea
it is slowls.

a2 Heu wouulol ya
i ) E 2 is a sthong rudutang oqmd.
Ans This s bucaus E2t undsto chamgu to EusT as +3
C o m m o n oridlation stati s lamthanoids.

Actinoids shoo wade nanga oo»j'dak on Stata.

A This s du to cemparab nngis 5t, 6d 2
ts orbitals
du) MnO7 is aciclic shoruas MnO is basic.
Mn hos+ oaidation stat in Mn07 amolt 2 in
MaO I n low oxi doti on statr
o H mtal, 60mu
valmen cron d mtal atom u nat invalud
n bondng. Henc it com donate dron 2
n he athu homol, in highn onidoation stad
mutal, valune euutns au involn in bonoing
amdl arnu not awaiabe. humel i t cam cpt lutions
amol bha as ann aciol

iv)Evl Jon H M3t/ Mrcouph is

(+1-57V) as COmpa to Cr/C2+
Ano. uch longu Hhinnd ionisation
munay d Mr lwhuu
ruguwrud chomg is stabs ha iid di tod")
is maindy
usponsible for His.
V s wnstabl in an aguous 6oltt@n
As bucaus molun9046 olis phopoi onation as
2 Ct +
2* is higln Hham Hat C
Hydroti o nthalpy d
which compams otns Hi I.E, invoumd inhe
tonmaim o icns

vi Evalu
Vi Evalur Jon M*/n" toapl s mueh meu post
on F3 /FL2*.
Hhon Hot
A brcous Mn2s m o r u stable hom Mr 3 du to
whuuas Fe" bicoms
ha uol d Ceni qwratin
mstabl atn loosing am luetron r m hal tillol
vi) Zn s nat Cansi olwud a a

A. bcow of y e o l d-orbital in 2n"

VI1 Thansikien mutalsonm aloys.
fhs. dw to almost aimlan preprks .
ix) valui on CMn2*/Mn) s ngakiu whwws far a)
s posihn.
3 s stab du to caty hal u d 3
Cemiqnakion whuila 6va Jor * / is posikin
ou to hig BaH omo lors nyel H
xLa CoH) Han nloH)2
mo basic

ML to lamhamoiol comtrackion H aiz

Jamthomoid isn duwuass nuaulondy wth sntuas
n otomic sia . Thus ovaunt hanastn butuum
Jamthamoiol im 2 OH inwuass orn Lato .
Thus H basic chanact of hy dropious decruasus
t r e LaloH)3 o uloH)3
xi) E s a ong ruduun ng gmt
ThL Commen oi doki en 6tati o? lamhamide mutals
+3. E 2t s fonmue y Josing Hh two S wetros

acquirus koly i o (4r) cerd uhation. But stil

hy oxioli a to Hn commen +3statu. So H "
So ds or kuctron 2 is oxi olianol to E3*, s, E*
acts ous a streng udue ng agtmt

xiMn0g is basic whuu as Mnz03 is aciolie

n Mn203 , Mn is in +3 Oxidakio state whil in
Mn0, Mr is in ighn oridlatiom statt7) I
Jo oxidatisn statu asme H valne Juntron
H mtal atom a a invool in bondi
Hin it an oho natu letren 2 buham as ba
othwr hamot m highm Oxidahion stat
m t a l vaumu lictran u nat awailabt
hunce i t con accpt dactrens omol buhann as
On acol
3ol cnius Hat hibits H
a3. Tronsikion mutal d e

ma x mum no o iolok1 on statss

A Mn
2-40) omol H (z:72) chibit
w h y dou 2n
atomc Jroolu
o m o s t idunti cal
is usponsib Jon aknost
Ans Lamhamoiol condackion
acli of4 2 50
Same atomic
S u s lumumts
natwu wh Mn37 x
Cn2t 1d uolueing in
bot hau ol coh greahon.
Oxioudia torousyh
Cn2+ JA uoucing as its mi9wation chamgis
Crt stabls
tren d1 to ol3 He l a t a hamn mo

ml. n he otn hano , a

haly Md. tag usults arta
Chamg rem 'Mn3t to Mn

stabl C a
u u a s on
au 0 f 2 hame lon miting
i) Zn Col omol Hg
Point awailabl on mdalle
d-orbitals anu

Jormuol am vuy wLak

bieaus no
bono Jormaion

Ce 4
Ce is o stomg o»iou ung amt
oxi dation stats
olatim state
&tabl in +3 o»i
u caus Ce is mo
a7 Complta ta ollovg uactitn uahons

a)2MnOu + 5 So26H* 2Mn2t4 3H2 0 +5Sa

b)Cn0,2 (Fe2 -)4H 23+6 Fe 3*+?H,0

C)2Mn ou+H20+I 2mnOz t 20H +10

d) Cr, O,+ 3Sn "+14H 2C+7H0+ 35n*

e)CaOp2 +20H 2Ca0,2 H2OD

+)MnO +4H +3t Mn0, +2H20
MnOu+ C,O2+H 2Mn +IOCO, +9 H,0
Q8 u Juade t valuu of Mn, Ni amo 2n u
mou sgoti cpictaol.

Nagai m E valu or M 2 2n°"ane nlatd to

stwbilitis od hal l e 3 lly AMd conna
uspucki v Bud Jon Ni,E valuu is ulatrol to
highat hugottvu anhhalpy hyonahon
what is Janhomoiol canirackionY, wnit ta Cauusu ?
a Namu am importand alloy which contains Som o
u lomhantiol mutals.
I sthaoy ducuasl in h i atomit omol deme raeli
w h inuas n atonmic wmbun as w mom

aos H sis Santhamivm to ltituwm.

This is due to pooust shieloing et f4f oxbika

isch mtal
Jo tOnid squahons invalwol in Ri prupaahon
oPotossium dichomat om S ooiun chro ma
Na 2Cr O)
As 2 Na, CaOy +2H Na Cn,02 t2 Nat +H,0
Naz Cay0, +2kU Cr,02
Ca,02 t 2/al

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