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cs231n 2018 ds06

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Practical Object Detection

and Segmentation
Vincent Chen and Edward Chou
● Why would understanding different architectures be useful?
● Modular Frameworks
● Describe Modern Frameworks
○ Detection
○ Segmentation
○ Trade-offs
○ Open Source Links
● Using Detection for Downstream Tasks
Why do I need this?
● SoTA Object Detectors are really good!
○ Used in consumer products
● Understanding trade-offs: when should I use each framework?
● Object detection/segmentation is a first step to many interesting problems!
○ While not perfect, you can assume you have bounding boxes for your visual tasks!
○ Examples: scene graph prediction, dense captioning, medical imaging features
Modular Frameworks
● Base network
○ Feature extraction
● Proposal Generation
○ Sliding windows, RoI, Use a network?
Modern Convolutional Detection/Segmentation

● Faster R-CNN


● Mask R-CNN
● SegNet
● U-Net, DeepLab, and more!
Modern Convolutional Object Detectors

Image from: http://deeplearning.csail.mit.edu/instance_ross.pdf

Faster-R CNN
● History
○ R-CNN: Selective search → Cropped Image → CNN
○ Fast R-CNN: Selective search → Crop feature map of CNN
○ Faster R-CNN: CNN → Region-Proposal Network → Crop feature map of CNN
● Proposal Generator → Box classifier
● Best performance, but longest run-time
● End-to-end, multi-task loss
● Can use fewer proposals, but running time is dependent on proposals
● https://github.com/endernewton/tf-faster-rcnn
● Addresses translation-variance in detection
○ Position-sensitive ROI-pooling
● Good balance between speed & performance
○ 2.5 - 20x faster than Faster R-CNN
● https://github.com/daijifeng001/R-FCN
Tradeoff: Number of Proposals

Image from: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.10012.pdf

Detection without proposals: YOLO/SSD
- Several techniques pose detection as a regression problem (a.k.a single shot
- Two of the most popular ones: YOLO/SSD

Images from: https://www.slideshare.net/TaegyunJeon1/pr12-you-only-look-once-yolo-unified-realtime-object-detection

- Super fast (21~155 fps)
- Finds objects in image grids at parallel
- Only slightly worse performance than Faster R-CNN

Images from: https://www.slideshare.net/TaegyunJeon1/pr12-you-only-look-once-yolo-unified-realtime-object-detection


Images from: https://www.slideshare.net/TaegyunJeon1/pr12-you-only-look-once-yolo-unified-realtime-object-detection


Slide from: https://www.slideshare.net/TaegyunJeon1/pr12-you-only-look-once-yolo-unified-realtime-object-detection

Limitations of YOLO
- Groups of small objects
- Unusual aspect ratios - struggles to generalize
- Coarse Features (Due to multiple pooling layers from input images)
- Localization error of bounding boxes - treats error the same for small vs large
- YOLO: Uses InceptionNet architecture
- YOLOv2: Custom architecture - Darknet

Table from YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger (https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.08242)

YOLO Versions
YOLO (darknet) - https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov1/ (C++)

YOLO v2 (darknet) - https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/ (C++)

- Better and faster - 91 fps for 288 x 288

YOLO v3 (darknet) - https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/ (C++)

YOLO (caffe) - https://github.com/xingwangsfu/caffe-yolo

YOLO (tensorflow) - https://github.com/thtrieu/darkflow

● End-to-end training (like YOLO)
○ Predicts category scores for fixed set of default bounding boxes using
small convolutional filters (different from YOLO!) applied to feature maps
○ Predictions from different feature maps of different scales (different from
YOLO!), separate predictors for different aspect ratio (different from

Images from: https://www.slideshare.net/xavigiro/ssd-single-shot-multibox-detector

SSD Visualization

Images from: https://www.slideshare.net/xavigiro/ssd-single-shot-multibox-detector

SSD Limitations
- For training, requires that ground truth data is assigned to specific outputs in
the fixed set of detector outputs
- Slower but more accurate than YOLO
- Faster but less accurate than Faster R-CNN
SSD Versions
SSD (caffe) - https://github.com/weiliu89/caffe/tree/ssd

SSD (tensorflow) - https://github.com/balancap/SSD-Tensorflow

SSD (pytorch) - https://github.com/amdegroot/ssd.pytorch

Slide from Ross Girshick’s CVPR 2017 Tutorial, Original Figure from Huang et al
Object Size Performance Comparisons

Image from: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.10012.pdf

Semantic/Instance-level Segmentation

Image from PASCAL VOC

Mask R-CNN

From He et. al 2017

Mask R-CNN
1. Backbone Architecture
2. Scale Invariance (e.g. Feature Pyramid Network (FPN))
3. Region Proposal Network (RPN)
4. Region of interest feature alignment (RoIAlign)
5. Multi-task network head
a. Box classifier
b. Box regressor
c. Mask predictor
d. Keypoint predictor

Slide from Ross Girshick’s CVPR 2017 Tutorial

Mask R-CNN
1. Backbone Architecture
2. Scale Invariance (e.g. Feature Pyramid Network (FPN))
3. Region Proposal Network (RPN)
4. Region of interest feature alignment (RoIAlign)
5. Multi-task network head
a. Box classifier
b. Box regressor
c. Mask predictor
d. Keypoint predictor

Slide from Ross Girshick’s CVPR 2017 Tutorial

Encoder-Decoder framework

Use dilated convolutions, a convolutional layer for dense predictions.

Propose ‘context module’ which uses dilated convolutions for multi scale

Uses a novel technique to upsample encoder output which involves storing the
max-pooling indices used in pooling layer. This gives reasonably good
performance and is space efficient (versus FCN)
Segnet Architecture

Image from: http://blog.qure.ai/notes/semantic-segmentation-deep-learning-review

Segnet Limitations
● Applications include autonomous driving, scene understanding, etc.
● Direct adoption of classification networks for pixel wise segmentation yields
poor results mainly because max-pooling and subsampling reduce feature
map resolution and hence output resolution is reduced.
● Even if extrapolated to original resolution, lossy image is generated.
Segnet Versions
Segnet (Caffe) - https://github.com/alexgkendall/caffe-segnet

Segnet (Tensorflow) - https://github.com/tkuanlun350/Tensorflow-SegNet

Segnet vs Mask R-CNN

- Dilated convolutions are very expensive, even on modern GPUs.


Mask R-CNN

- Without tricks, Mask R-CNN outperforms all existing, single-model entries on

every task, including the COCO 2016 challenge winners.
- Better for pose detection
Other Segmentation Frameworks
U-Net - Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation

- Encoder-decoder architecture.
- When desired output should include localization, i.e., a class label is
supposed to be assigned to each pixel
- Training in patches helps with lack of data

DeepLab - High Performance

- Atrous Convolution (Convolutions with upsampled filters)

- Allows user to explicitly control the resolution at which feature responses are

Figures from Ronneberger (2015). (https://arxiv.org/abs/1505.04597)

ResNet block uses atrous convolutions, uses different dilation rates to capture
multi-scale context. On top of this new block, it uses Atrous Spatial Pyramid
Pooling (ASPP). ASPP uses dilated convolutions with different rates as an attempt
of classifying regions of an arbitrary scale.

Images from https://sthalles.github.io/deep_segmentation_network/

Other Segmentation Frameworks
U-Net (Keras) - https://github.com/zhixuhao/unet

DeepLab (Caffe) - https://github.com/Robotertechnik/Deep-Lab

DeepLabv3 (Tensorflow) - https://github.com/NanqingD/DeepLabV3-Tensorflow

Model Zoo
Model Zoo


Object Detection

Further Reading
Speed/accuracy tradeoffs for modern convolutional object detectors (2017):

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