Learning Activity Sheet For Pe 9
Learning Activity Sheet For Pe 9
Learning Activity Sheet For Pe 9
1. What is a festival?
2. What is festival dance?
3. What are the two types of festivals? Explain each type of festival.
4. Research for festivals not listed on the handouts. Give five (5) examples of religious and five (5)
examples for secular/non-religious festivals. Complete the table below:
9. What does C-A-B stand for? Explain what the process of C-A-B
C - ___________________________________________________________________________
A - __________________________________________________________________________
B - ____________________________________________________________________________
10. What are the two ways to conduct physical examination when giving first aid? Explain each.
14. What are the two phases of bandaging? Explain each phase.
17. What are the different kinds of transporting and carrying an injured person?
18. What are the different kinds of first aid for common unintentional injuries?