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School Tomas Cabili National High School Grade Level 7


Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate ICL
understanding of classifying understanding of classifying understanding of classifying understanding of classifying
substances as substances as substances as substances as
elements or compounds elements or compounds elements or compounds elements or compounds
B. Performance The learners should be able The learners should be able The learners should be able to The learners should be able
Standards to make a chart, poster, or to make a chart, poster, or make a chart, poster, or to make a chart, poster, or
multimedia presentation of multimedia presentation of multimedia presentation of multimedia presentation of
common elements showing common elements showing common elements showing common elements showing
their names, their names, their names, their names,
symbols, and uses symbols, and uses symbols, and uses symbols, and uses
C. Learning Recognize that substances Recognize that substances Recognize that substances are Recognize that substances
Competencies/ are classified into elements are classified into elements classified into elements and are classified into elements
Objectives and compounds and compounds compounds and compounds
( Write the Lode for
II. CONTENT Introduction to elements and Properties and Chemical symbols and formulas Physical and chemical
( Subject Matter) compounds. characteristics of elements of elements and compounds. properties of elements and
and compounds. compounds.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page 10-12 Page 15-18 Page 20-23 Page 25-27
2. Learner’s Material Pages 5-8 Pages 10-12 Pages 15-18 Pages 20-22
3. Textbook pages Chapter 3, pages 20-25 Chapter 3, pages 30-35 Chapter 3, pages 40-45 Chapter 3, pages 50-55
4. Additional Materials Periodic table, pictures of Samples of different Periodic table, flashcards of Samples of substances,
from Learning common elements and elements and compounds, chemical symbols and properties chart.
Resource LR portal compounds. properties chart. formulas.
B. Other Learning Videos or online articles Online videos or interactive Online interactive tools for Online videos or interactive
Resources about elements and simulations about the practicing chemical symbols simulations about physical
compounds. properties of elements and and formulas. and chemical properties.
A. Reviewing previous Teacher: "Let's start today's Teacher: "Let's start today's Teacher: "Let's start today's Teacher: "Let's start today's
Lesson or presenting lesson by quickly reviewing lesson by quickly reviewing lesson by quickly reviewing lesson by quickly reviewing
new lesson what we learned in our what we learned yesterday what we learned yesterday what we learned yesterday
previous lesson about the about elements and about the properties of about chemical symbols and
properties of matter. Who can compounds. Can someone elements and compounds. Can formulas. Can someone give
tell me some properties of give me a brief definition of someone give me an example me an example of a
matter that we discussed?" an element?" of a property that is compound and its chemical
Students: Provide Students: Provide characteristic of an element?" formula?"
responses. responses. Students: Provide responses. Students: Provide
B. Establishing a purpose Teacher: "Today, our Teacher: "Today, we will Teacher: "Today, we will focus Teacher: "Today, we will
for the lesson objective is to understand the focus on understanding the on representing elements and explore how physical and
difference between elements properties and compounds using chemical chemical properties can help
and compounds. By the end characteristics of elements symbols and formulas. By the us classify substances as
of this lesson, you should be and compounds. By the end end of this lesson, you should elements or compounds. By
able to identify and classify of this lesson, you should be be able to identify and write the the end of this lesson, you
substances correctly. This able to describe the chemical symbols and formulas should be able to identify the
knowledge will help us better properties of different for different substances." physical and chemical
understand the composition substances and correctly properties of substances and
of different materials we identify them as elements or determine whether they are
encounter in our daily lives." compounds." elements or compounds."
C. Presenting examples/ Teacher: "To begin, let's look Teacher: "I will show you Teacher: "I will show you a Teacher: "I will show you
instances of the new at some examples. I will show samples of different periodic table, and I want you to samples of different
lesson. you pictures of different substances, and I want you identify the chemical symbols of substances, and I want you
substances, and I want you to to observe their properties three elements of your choice." to observe their physical
identify whether each one is carefully. Afterward, we will Students: Observe the periodic properties carefully.
an element or a compound." discuss and determine table and identify the chemical Afterward, we will discuss
Students: Observe the whether each substance is symbols. and determine whether each
pictures and provide an element or a compound." substance is an element or a
responses. Students: Observe the compound."
samples and make Students: Observe the
observations. samples and make
D. Discussing new Teacher: "Now, let's define Teacher: "Let's discuss the Teacher: "Let's discuss Teacher: "Let's discuss
concepts and practicing elements and compounds. properties of elements first. chemical symbols. What are physical properties. What
new skills. #1 Who can give me a definition What are some common chemical symbols, and why are are physical properties, and
of an element?" properties that elements they important?" how can they help us
Students: Provide have?" Students: Provide responses. classify substances?"
responses. Students: Provide Teacher: "Now, let's practice Students: Provide
Teacher: "Great! An element responses. writing the chemical symbols for responses.
is a pure substance that Teacher: "Good job! Now, given elements. I will show you Teacher: "Now, let's practice
cannot be broken down into let's move on to compounds. the name of an element, and I identifying physical
simpler substances by What are some properties want you to write its chemical properties. I will describe a
chemical means. How about that compounds typically symbol." property, and I want you to
compounds? Can someone exhibit?" tell me if it is a physical
define a compound?" property or not."
Students: Provide Students: Provide Students: Write the chemical Students: Listen to the
responses. responses. symbols for the given descriptions and provide
Teacher: "Excellent! A elements. responses.
compound is a substance
composed of two or more
elements chemically
combined in a fixed ratio."
E. Discussing new Teacher: "Let's practice Teacher: "Now, I will provide Teacher: "Next, let's move on to Teacher: "Next, let's move
concepts and practicing identifying elements and you with a list of properties, writing chemical formulas for on to chemical properties.
new skills #2. compounds. I will give you a and I want you to identify compounds. What is a chemical What are chemical
scenario, and I want you to whether each property is formula, and why is it useful?" properties, and how can they
tell me whether the substance characteristic of an element Students: Provide responses. help us classify
mentioned is an element or a or a compound." Teacher: "I will give you the substances?"
compound." Students: Listen to the name of a compound, and I Students: Provide
Students: Listen to the properties and provide want you to write its chemical responses.
scenario and provide responses. formula using the appropriate Teacher: "I will describe a
responses. symbols and subscripts." property, and I want you to
Students: Write the chemical tell me if it is a chemical
formulas for the given property or not."
compounds. Students: Listen to the
descriptions and provide
F. Developing Mastery Teacher: "Now, it's time for Teacher: "In pairs, I want Teacher: "In pairs, I want you to Teacher: "In groups, I want
(Lead to Formative some group work. I will divide you to select one element create flashcards with chemical you to conduct a mini-
Assessment 3) you into small groups, and and one compound from the symbols and formulas for a set experiment to determine the
each group will receive a set samples provided. Together, of elements and compounds. physical and chemical
of substances. Your task is to observe and describe the Practice quizzing each other properties of a given
classify each substance as an properties of each and see how many you can substance. Afterward,
element or a compound. Use substance. Then, share your correctly identify." discuss your findings and
the knowledge you have findings with the class." Students: Work in pairs, create determine whether the
gained so far to complete the Students: Work in pairs, flashcards, and quiz each other substance is an element or a
task." observe the substances, and on chemical symbols and compound."
Students: Work in groups to describe their properties. formulas. Students: Work in groups,
classify the substances. conduct the mini-experiment,
and classify the substance
based on its properties.
G. Finding practical Teacher: "Let's discuss some Teacher: "Let's discuss Teacher: "Let's discuss some Teacher: "Let's discuss
application of concepts practical applications of some practical applications practical applications of some practical applications
and skills in daily living elements and compounds. of elements and compounds chemical symbols and of classifying substances
Can you think of any based on their properties. formulas. Can you think of any based on their physical and
examples where knowing Can you think of any examples where these chemical properties. Can
whether a substance is an examples where the representations are commonly you think of any examples
element or a compound is properties of elements or used?" where this classification is
important?" compounds are utilized?" Students: Provide responses. important?"
Students: Provide Students: Provide Students: Provide
responses. responses. responses.
H. Making Generalizations Teacher: "Based on what we Teacher: "Based on our Teacher: "Based on our Teacher: "Based on our
and Abstraction about have learned today, what are observations and practice today, what are some observations and
the Lesson. some key differences discussions today, what are general rules or patterns you discussions today, what are
between elements and some generalizations we noticed when writing chemical some general rules or
compounds?" can make about the symbols and formulas?" patterns you noticed when
Students: Provide properties of elements and Students: Provide responses. classifying substances
responses. compounds?" based on their physical and
Students: Provide chemical properties?"
responses. Students: Provide
I. Evaluating Learning Choose the best answer for Choose the best answer for Choose the best answer for Choose the best answer for
each question: each question: each question: each question:

1. What is an element? 1. What property of an 1. What is the purpose of a 1. Which of the following is a
a) A substance composed of element determines its chemical symbol? physical property of a
two or more different types of position in the periodic a) To identify the physical state substance?
atoms chemically bonded table? of an element a) Reactivity with acid
together. a) Atomic mass b) To represent the name of a b) Flammability
b) A substance that cannot be b) Atomic number compound c) Color
broken down into simpler c) Chemical reactivity c) To provide information about d) Ability to support
substances by chemical d) Physical state at room the number of atoms in an combustion
means. temperature element
c) A substance that has a d) To abbreviate the name of 2. What physical property of
definite volume but takes the 2. Which of the following is a an element an element determines
shape of its container. characteristic of elements? whether it exists as a solid,
d) A substance that is a a) They can be broken down 2. What is the chemical symbol liquid, or gas at room
combination of two or more into simpler substances by for hydrogen? temperature?
elements in fixed chemical means. a) Hg a) Density
proportions. b) He
b) They have fixed b) Color
proportions of different types c) H c) Melting point
2. How many naturally d) Hy
of atoms. d) Reactivity
occurring elements are there?
c) They can exist in multiple
a) 92 3. How are chemical symbols
physical states at room 3. Which statement is true
b) 118
temperature. written in chemical formulas? about physical properties of
c) 60
d) They are always a) In lowercase letters substances?
d) 24 b) In uppercase letters a) Physical properties can
composed of molecules.
c) In a combination of only be observed during
3. Which of the following is an uppercase and lowercase chemical reactions.
4. What is a chemical
example of an element?
property of a compound? letters d) In italicized letters b) Physical properties are
a) Water (H2O) specific to compounds but
a) Density
b) Carbon dioxide (CO2) 4. What is the chemical formula not elements.
b) Melting point
c) Oxygen (O2) for water? c) Physical properties can be
c) Reactivity with acid observed without changing
d) Salt (NaCl) a) WO
d) Color the substance's composition.
b) H2O
c) HO
4. What is the smallest unit of 5. What is the difference d) H2 d) Physical properties are
an element? between a physical and a the same for all substances.
a) Atom chemical property? 5. What does the subscript in a
b) Molecule a) Physical properties can chemical formula represent? 4. What is the chemical
c) Compound only be observed through a) The total number of atoms in property of a substance?
d) Nucleus chemical reactions, while the compound a) Its density
chemical properties are b) The number of atoms of the b) Its ability to undergo
apparent through the second element in the rusting
5. What is a compound?
senses. compound c) Its boiling point
a) A substance composed of b) Physical properties c) The charge of the ions in the d) Its color
two or more different types of describe the appearance of compound
atoms chemically bonded a substance, while chemical d) The number of atoms of the 5. Which of the following is a
together. properties describe how it first element in the compound chemical property of iron?
b) A substance that cannot be behaves in chemical a) Its melting point
broken down into simpler reactions. 6. What is the chemical formula b) Its ability to dissolve in
substances by chemical c) Physical properties are for carbon dioxide? water
means. unique to each element, a) CO2 c) Its density
c) A substance that has a while chemical properties b) C2O d) Its color
definite volume but takes the are the same for all c) CO
shape of its container. compounds. d) C2O2 6. How does the reactivity of
d) Physical properties can an element or compound
d) A substance that is a
only be observed in 7. How is a chemical formula indicate a chemical
combination of two or more compounds, while chemical
elements in fixed different from a chemical property?
properties are only seen in symbol?
proportions. a) Highly reactive
elements. a) A chemical formula substances are always
6. What is the chemical represents the name of a flammable.
6. Which property of a
formula for water? compound, while a chemical b) It determines the
compound determines how it
a) CO2 symbol represents the name of substance's physical state at
interacts with other
b) NaCl an element. room temperature.
substances in chemical
c) H2O b) A chemical formula consists c) The substance's reactivity
d) O2 of chemical symbols and indicates how it behaves in
a) Melting point
subscripts, while a chemical chemical reactions and
b) Color
7. How are elements symbol consists of one or two interactions with other
c) Density
represented in the periodic letters. substances.
d) Reactivity
table? c) A chemical formula is used to d) The reactivity of a
a) By their atomic numbers identify the physical state of a substance is always directly
7. How are chemical
and symbols compound, while a chemical related to its color.
properties of elements and
b) By their chemical names symbol is used to represent the
compounds different from
and properties name of an element. 7. Which property is a
physical properties?
c) By their molecular formulas d) A chemical formula is written chemical property of a
a) Chemical properties
d) By their physical states at in lowercase letters, while a compound?
describe the appearance of
room temperature chemical symbol is written in a) Its melting point
a substance, while physical
uppercase letters. b) Its ability to conduct
properties determine its
8. Which of the following is an behavior in chemical 8. What does the chemical c) Its density
example of a compound? reactions. formula NaCl represent? d) Its boiling point
a) Helium (He) b) Chemical properties can a) Sodium chloride
b) Iron (Fe) be observed without b) Nitric acid 8. How are physical
c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) changing the substance's c) Nitrogen chloride properties different from
d) Neon (Ne) composition, while physical d) Sodium carbonate chemical properties?
9. How are elements different properties require a change a) Physical properties
from compounds? in the substance's 9. What is the chemical symbol describe the behavior of a
a) Elements are made up of composition. for oxygen? substance in chemical
reactions, while chemical
atoms, while compounds are c) Chemical properties are a) O2
properties describe its
made up of molecules. related to the structure of the b) O
b) Elements are pure substance, while physical c) Ox b) Physical properties can
substances, while properties are not influenced d) Oxg be observed without
compounds are mixtures of by the arrangement of changing the substance's
different elements. atoms. 10. How are elements and composition, while chemical
c) Elements can be broken d) Chemical properties are compounds represented properties require a change
down into simpler specific to elements, while differently in chemical in the substance's
substances, while physical properties are formulas? composition.
compounds cannot be broken specific to compounds. a) Elements are written with c) Physical properties are
down by chemical means. one letter, while compounds are unique to elements, while
d) Elements are represented 8. Which statement is true written with two letters. chemical properties are
by their chemical symbols, about the properties of b) Elements are represented by specific to compounds.
d) Physical properties are
while compounds are elements? chemical symbols, while
the same for all substances,
represented by their a) Elements have fixed compounds are represented by while chemical properties
molecular formulas. proportions of different types chemical names. vary depending on the
of atoms. c) Elements are always written temperature.
10. Which statement is b) Elements have a wide first in chemical formulas,
correct about the composition range of chemical reactivity. followed by compounds. 9. Which statement is true
of a compound? c) Elements can be d) Elements are always written about the boiling point of a
a) It contains only one type of separated into compounds in lowercase letters, while substance?
atom. by physical means. compounds are written in a) It is a physical property
b) It contains a mixture of d) Elements have the same uppercase letters.
elements in varying that determines the
physical state at room substance's color.
temperature. b) It is a chemical property
c) It contains two or more
different types of atoms that affects the substance's
chemically bonded together. 9. What is the significance of reactivity.
d) It cannot be represented the physical state (solid, c) It is the temperature at
by a chemical formula. liquid, or gas) of a which a substance changes
compound at room from a liquid to a gas.
temperature? d) It is the temperature at
a) It determines the chemical which a substance changes
reactivity of the compound. from a solid to a liquid.
b) It indicates the
compound's melting and 10. How can you distinguish
boiling points. between a physical change
c) It affects the compound's and a chemical change in a
color and appearance. substance?
d) It provides information a) Physical changes involve
about the compound's a change in the substance's
molecular structure. chemical composition, while
chemical changes do not.
9. What characteristic of a b) Physical changes can be
compound can be changed reversed, while chemical
without changing its changes cannot be
chemical identity? reversed.
a) Chemical formula c) Physical changes release
b) Chemical reactivity energy, while chemical
c) Physical state changes absorb energy.
d) Melting point d) Physical changes involve
a change in the substance's
10. Which property is shared physical state, while
by all compounds but not by chemical changes do not.
a) Fixed proportions of
different types of atoms
b) Ability to conduct
c) Reactivity with acid
d) Physical state at room
J. Additional Activities for Teacher: "If you finish the Teacher: "For those who Teacher: "For those who finish Teacher: "For those who
Application or quiz early, you can work on finish early, you can early, you can research and finish early, you can
Remediation the additional activities research and create a poster create a mini-poster displaying research and create a
provided in your learner's or presentation about an the chemical symbols and flowchart or concept map
materials. For those who element or compound of formulas of a group of elements illustrating the classification
need extra support, I will be your choice, highlighting its or compounds. For students of substances based on their
available for individual properties and common who need extra support, I will properties. For students who
assistance." uses. For students who need provide additional practice need extra support, I will
extra support, exercises." provide additional examples
and guided practice."
A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other


Teacher 1 Master Teacher I- Science Principal I

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