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1.1 Background

Aloe Vera or Aloe vera comes from the Latin Milleer Aloe barbadensis is a type of plant that
has been known since thousands of years ago and used as fertilizer hair, wound healing, and
for skin care. These plants often we see in the yard and can be found easily in the dry areas in
The aloe vera plant is its relatife easy maintenance and production more durable (not
perishable). This plant also has uses and benefits a very broad such as treatment to cosmetic /
Along with the progress of science and technology, the use of aloe vera plants grown as raw
material for pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries, as well as food and health drinks

1.2 Formulate of the problem

 What are the benefits and efficacy of aloe vera?
 How do I use aloe vera?

1.3 Aims of paper

know the benefits of aloe vera and apply it in their daily lives.



Aloe vera or Aloevera is one efficacious medicinal plants to cure various diseases.
This plant has been used nation Samaritans around 1875 BC. Nation ancient Egyptians
already know the benefits of aloe vera as a medicine around 1500 BC. Thanks to the
properties, the ancient Egyptian society call it a plant of immortality.
A maker of traditional medicines Greek nationality named Dioscordes, said that aloe
vera can cure various diseases. For example ulcers, skin bruising, cracking, abrasions, hair
loss, hemorrhoids, and sore throat.
In its report, Fujio L. Panggabean, a researcher and observer of medicinal plants, says
that the efficacy of aloe vera no other because these plants have sufficient nutrition for the
human body. Results of other studies on Aloe vera showed that carbohydrate is the largest
component after water, which donated a number of calories as a power source.
Aloe vera grows wild in the heat valve, but also often planted in pots and yard as
the aloe vera decorative plants . Leaf brittle (brittle), serrated leaf edge, and spur-shaped leaf
blade and leaf lengthwise. Long can reach 30cm. Leaf about 1 cm thick flesh, no bones,
grayish green, the inside of the lymph, is a succulent (plenty of water), and many contain
latex or mucus (gel) . Root fibers, short, and on the surface of the tongue ground. Parts
crocodile used is sap, leaves, and roots.
2.1 Contents

Sap liday vera contains aloin, aloe-emodin, and barbaloin, is efficacious as a laxative.
The content of polysaccharides from aloe vera leaves can accelerate wound healing and

reduce inflammation reaction. Aloe vera contains saponins which can be efficacious kill
germs. Aloe vera gel contains lignin which is able to penetrate and soak into the skin. This
gel will hold lost body fluids from the surface of the skin so the skin does not dry.

1. Health Food
According to one observer health food (supplement), Dr. Freddy Vimana,
MFPM, Sp. FK, about 200 species of aloe vera plant, which is used for the
treatment is kind Aloevera barbadensis miller. Aloe vera contains 72 kinds of
substances needed by the body.
Among the 72 substances the body needs it, there are 18 kinds of amino acids,
carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, and substances
drug class. Among others, antibiotics, antiseptic, antibacterial, anticancer,
antiviral, antifungal, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antipembengkakan,
antiparkinson, atherosclerosis, and antiviral resistant to antibiotics.
Given the complete content of it, aloe vera, according to Dr. Only Freddy is
not useful to maintain health, but also overcome various diseases. "For example,
aloe vera is also able to lower blood sugar in diabetics who were not insulin
dependent. Within ten days of blood sugar can be normal, "he said.
2. Contains Antioxidants
According to Dr. Freddy, some mineral elements depending on the aloe vera
also functioning as forming a natural antioxidant. For example vitamin C, vitamin
E, and zinc. "Even the results of research by scientists from the United States
suggests that in Aloevera barbadensis miller there are some substances that can act
as antioxidants," he said. Antioxidants are useful to prevent premature aging, heart
attacks, and some degenerative diseases.
Aloe vera is stimulating the growth of new cells in the skin. In aloe mucilage
contained lignin substances that can penetrate and soak into the skin. This will
keep mucus fluid loss from the skin surface. As a result, the skin does not quickly
dry and look younger.
In addition to hemorrhoids, aloe vera can overcome swelling in the knee
joints, cough, and wounds. Aloe vera also helps overcome sambelit or difficult
bowel movements because the mucus is bitter and contain laktasit, so it is a good
So far, according Dr.Freddy, studies have not found any side effects of use of

aloe vera. If there is a problem, it's just a form of allergy in those who have never
consume aloe vera. "But so far from my patients who take supplements made
from aloe vera, the reaction is due to the workings of drugs against the disease,"
he said.
However, keep in mind, according to Dr. Freddy, the properties of the aloe
vera plant is almost similar to apples when discharged bitten, straight brown. It
could be a sign of aloe vera have been oxidized, so that some of the substances
they contain corrupted. " Does not all the elements broken, but who want to just
get the dregs? Therefore, you should immediately consume the herb Aloe vera,
either blended or processed, to better feel the benefits, "he continued.

3. Versatile plants
The parts of the aloe vera plant which is commonly used are:
a) Leaves
Which can be used, either traditionally or in extract form.
b) exudate
Leaf sap that comes out when it is cut, taste bitter and lumpy.
Traditionally usually used directly for hair care, wound healing, and so forth.
c) Gel
Slimy section obtained by cutting the inner leaves after the exudate was
It is cool and easily damaged by oxidation, so it takes more processing to obtain a
gel that is stable and durable.
Aloe vera gel contains undigested carbohydrates, so it can be used as a diet
drink. Aloe vera gel is composed of 96 percent water and 4 percent solids
consisting of 75 components are synergistically.

4. Source Substance Nutrition

Aloe vera has the content of nutrients that the body needs in some detail,
namely vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, C, E, choline, inositol and folic acid.
Mineral content is comprised of: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K),
sodium (Na), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and chromium (Cr). Some elements of these
vitamins and minerals can serve as the formation of natural antioxidants, such as
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, magnesium, and zinc. These antioxidants are

useful to prevent premature aging, heart disease, and degenerative diseases.
Fresh aloe vera leaf contains the enzyme amylase, catalase, cellulase,
carboxypeptidase, and others. In addition, aloe vera also contains some arginine
amino acid asparagine, aspartic acid, alanine, serine, valine, glutamic acid,
threonine, glycine, lysine, proline, hisudin, leucine and isoleucine.

5. Source of Antioxidants
Potential antioxidant compounds have been isolated from the methanol extract
aloevera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) with a combination of column
chromatography techniques (column chromatography) and thin layer
chromatography (thin layer chromatography). Analysis of in vitro using rat brain
homogenates, indicating that the antioxidant activity of the compound is as strong
as shown by alfatokoferol (vitamin E). The results show that the identification of
these compounds belong to the class of phenolic.
The growth phase (harvesting) turned out to be an important influence on the
composition and antioxidant activity of aloe vera plant. Tests conducted on
concentration and activity of antioxidant flavonoid compounds and
polysaccharides from aloe aged 2, 3 and 4 years old. The results showed that aloe
vera 3 years old have polysaccharides and flavonoid content of greater than 2 and
4 years old.
The order of antioxidant activity respectively compared with the control, ie
BHT (benzoyl hydroxytoluene) and alfatokoferol, sorted from strongest to
weakest: aloe aged 3 years> BHT> aloe aged 4 years> alpha-tocopherol> aloe
vera age 3 years showed fishing activities on the most powerful free radical
(72.19 per cent) compared to BHT (70.52 percent) and alpha-tocopherol (65.20
The elements found in aloe leaves indicate a relationship of mutual synergy to
maintain the integrity of the antioxidant status in the body. Tests using irradiation
mice were given filtrate aloe leaf juice as much as 0.25 ml / kg body weight / day,
for 5 days prior to irradiation and 10 days after irradiation, have shown a
noticeable improvement of the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase
(SDO) and catalase the lungs, kidneys, and heart. SDO and catalase is an enzyme
and at the same intracellular antioxidant that is very useful to boost the immune
system against various diseases.

6. Healing skin disease
Aloe vera gel has antibacterial activity, antifungal, increases blood flow to the
injured area, and stimulates fibroblasts, the skin cells responsible for wound
healing. Publication of the American Podiatric Medical Association showed that
administration of aloe gel in experimental animals, either by mouth or applied to
the skin surface, can accelerate wound healing.
Giving gel aloe orally (taken by mouth) as much as 100 mg / kg body weight
for two months can reduce the size of the wound as much as 62 percent,
compared to 51 percent in the control group (without giving gel). Application of
creams containing 25 percent aloe gel on the wound surface for six days can
reduce the size of the wound by 51 percent compared to 33 percent in the control
Publication in the Journal of Dermatolagic Surgery and Oncology also showed
that aloe can speed healing after surgery. Aloe gel can also be used to cure facial
acne cream mixture. Facial cream mixture with aloe gel can cure acne, 72 hours
faster than the group without aloe.
Aloe can also be used to prevent skin damage from X-ray studies at Hoshi
University in Japan showed that aloe contains antioxidant compounds are able to
get rid of free radicals caused by radiation, and protects the two components of
wound healing that occurs naturally in the body, ie superoxide dismutase (an
enzyme antioxidant) and glutathione (an amino acid which stimulates the immune
Judgments study also showed that the 0.5 percent aloe extract to the cream
mixture and mineral oil can cure psoriasis (a skin disease).

2.2 Benefit
Here are a few usability and herb contains aloe vera:
1. Worms, difficulty urinating
Ingredients: Aloe vera Root
Treatment: The roots are washed and dried until dry. Root then boiled with a glass of
water until the water half and drink as well
2. Hemorrhoids

Ingredients: Half the stem of aloe vera leaves and two tablespoons of honey.
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves discarded spines, washed, shredded, and given half a
glass of water. The herb is squeezed and add honey. Potion to drink three times a day.
3. Constipation
Ingredients: Half the stem of aloe vera leaves and a tablespoon of honey.
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves washed and peeled . Contents in small pieces, brewed
with half glass of water, plus honey . Potion in consumption while warm twice daily.

4. Hair conditioner

Ingredients: Aloe vera leaves

Treatment: Aloe vera leaves washed and peeled. The contents in the rub on the scalp
that has been washed in the afternoon. Hair wrapped in a cloth and rinse the next
morning. This is done every day for three months.
5. Burns / scalded (mild)
Ingredients: Aloe vera leaves
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves washed and peeled. The inside of the leaves in the paste
on the affected fire or hot water.

6. Boil

Ingredients: Aloe vera leaves and a pinch of salt
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves are washed, peeled and a little salt. Potion in the paste to
a boil.
7. Acne and black spots on the face
Ingredients: Aloe vera leaves and rice flour (cold powder) to taste
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves washed and peeled. contents blended aloe vera juice as
much as one-fifth of glass mixed with rice flour served until thick and evenly mixed.
Concoction smeared, on the face untouched for 30 minutes, then rinse.
8. Diabetes
Ingredients: Two pieces of aloe vera leaves
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves are washed, spines removed, cut into pieces, boiled with
three cups of water and filtered. Herb drink half a cup 2-3 times a day after meals.
9. Sore throat
Ingredients: The leaves of aloe vera and pure honey to taste.
Treatment: Aloe vera leaves are washed, peeled, cut into pieces and in mix . Potion
plus pure honey and taken three times daily.
10. Lowering cholesterol
Ingredients: 30g meat aloe vera leaves and 1 apple.
Treatment: The apple peeled and removed seeds. Meat aloe vera and apple in a
blender and drink.

2.3 Cultivation of Aloe Vera

Aloe verra contain potent substances such as polysaccharides, essential amino acids, sterols,
enzymes, vitamins and mineral.Polisakarida contained in aloe vera, especially from the class
of pectin and hemicellulose.
1) Growing Requirements :

 Growing from the lowlands to 1000 masl

 Temperature 27-30 C
 Hold dry climate (rainfall of 50-300 mm / yr
 The soil type anything to good drainage, high organic matter content, loose, can
store water but not flooded.
 Requires full sun exposure for optimal growth.
2) Plant material :
The width of the leaves at the base of about 7-10cm long, 4 to 5 cm, weight 1-1.5 kg
(reddish yellow flower leaves, stem length 60-90cm) the number of leaves per plant
approximately 16 between 1-2 leaves can be harvested every month
3) Nurseries :
Propagation by vegetative means done through separation from the parent tree
saplings in a way to pry. Keep the roots are not severed, the seeds were taken after
leaves 1-2 pieces, 3-5 cm long.
Seeding can be done in two ways, namely seeded and placed in a polybag or place to
put :
1. Seedbed
 Seedbed width 2 m, length according to the field
 Management of 2 times as much ground, soil mixed with manure that has been
cooked evenly
 Were exposed seedlings to plant distance 20 X 20 cm

2. Polybag
Media grew soil + compost + sand + manure (2: 1: 1: 1)
Old nursery both ways 3-5 months, then moved to breeding, breeding of new or
spaciousness. Try that is free from pests / diseases weeds, and drought.

Characteristic seed at this stage :

a. Healthy seeds, no infection of pests / diseases.
b. Already has 3-6 leaves.
c. High plant (leaf length) 20-25cm.
d. Vigor High:
- The color of the leaves clear
- Rooting burly uninterrupted
- Leaves intact, uninjured and broken
4) Tillage
Cultivated land that became loose, drainage as possible, so that no waterlogging.
Created moat dividing plots.
Plot size plant is 1-2m, height 10cm, length depends on the pitch
5) Maintenance
Weeding is done when necessary. Hoarding to improve the drainage channel, made
after weeding. Land raised to plots of plants.
6) Mulching
Close land given to suppress the growth of weeds, improve soil physical conditions to
reduce the strong flow of the ground, maintain the stability of temperature and soil
moisture and suppress the growth of new tillers shoots.


3.1 Conclussion
From the discussions above author can draw the following conclusion:
 Aloe vera is not only used as an ornamental plant, but also to the consumption.
 Aloe vera also has merit as a drug and cosmetic / beauty.
 Aloe vera can be used to nourish the hair.
 Aloe vera can also be used to treat a number of serious diseases, among which
diabetes mellitus.
 In addition, aloe vera can be used as a drug of various diseases such as ulcers, bruised
skin, chapped lips, hair loss, hemorrhoids, and inflammation.
3.2 Suggestion
Our advice as the author is:
 Cultivated aloe plant.
 Use aloe vera as a traditional medicine.


Drs.H Abdul Latief,AMd.Ft.,S.Kep,M.Kes. buku kedokteran obat tradisional

Janus Kartasubrata. Sukses Budi Daya Tanaman Obat

Drs . H . Yustan Aziddin. Pengobatan Tradisional Daerah Kalimantan Selatan

Tim Redaksi OVA Publisher. Hebatnya Obat Herbal


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