Hot Tearing of Nickel-Based Superalloys During Directional Solidification
Hot Tearing of Nickel-Based Superalloys During Directional Solidification
Hot Tearing of Nickel-Based Superalloys During Directional Solidification
Received 10 April 2001; received in revised form 21 December 2001; accepted 12 January 2002
The propensity to form cracks during directional solidification was studied in two Ni-based superalloys, CM247LC
and IN792 (with varying Ti and Hf contents). Quenching experiments were employed to freeze in the amount of
remaining liquid during different stages in solidification. It was found that alloys with a strong tendency to hot tearing —
and, therefore, bad castability — display a strong change in volume fraction of remaining liquid with temperature at
the final stages of solidification. A simple mathematical model shows that a strong change in the fraction of liquid
results in high strains and strain rates during solidification, and this leads to crack formation and bad castability. The
castability of IN792 can be improved significantly, and even be brought to CM247 levels, by control of Hf and Ti, as
these elements affect the change of liquid fraction during the final stages of solidification. 2002 Acta Materialia Inc.
Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1359-6454/02/$22.00 2002 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1870 J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879
containing Hf show little or no strength advantage behavior but quite different hot tearing resistance,
at all compared with the same alloy without Hf such as IN792 and CM247 [3].
modification in the equiaxed condition. It is of It is obvious that the most direct way to get
particular interest, therefore, to study the mech- insight into the hot tearing problem is by examin-
anism of hot tearing and to try to improve hot tear- ation of the microstructural evolution of superal-
ing resistance of superalloys without additions of loys in the freezing range, or rather the critical
Hf [3,5,6]. region of the freezing range. Unfortunately, very
The phenomenon of hot tearing of metals was limited information concerning the alloy IN792,
reviewed in detail by Sigworth [7]. Modeling work which is of large commercial interest at the
has been carried out that took into account surface moment, can be found at present. Hot cracking and
tension effects [8] or the combination of solid microstructural characterization of another superal-
deformation and interdendritic melt flow in the loy, IN718, was conducted at a rather detailed level
two-phase mushy zone [9–11]. However, little in previous work [20–23]. Wills and McCartney
attention has been paid so far to the multi-compo- [24] also studied the microstructural evolution and
nent systems, for example, superalloys. Neverthe- micro-segregation during solidification of several
less, it is obvious that a clear picture of the micro- other Ni-based superalloys. However, the different
structural evolution during solidification is composition of these alloys makes it difficult to
essential and the characterization of the mushy draw conclusions when considering hot tearing
zone is critical. Much work was therefore focused of IN792.
on the mechanical behavior of the alloys in the The present paper studied two types of Ni-based
mushy zone, and it was tried to evaluate the crack- superalloy, IN792 (with varying Ti content, and
ing susceptibility of the alloys in this particular with and without Hf addition) and CM247LC. The
condition [12–15]. The cracking behavior was microstructure at the end of the freezing range was
studied either by casting specially designed speci- investigated by quenching from various test tem-
mens where defined stresses are produced [13,14] peratures and subsequent optical metallographic
or by more standard mechanical testing methods examination [5,25]. Hot tearing susceptibility was
[3,15]. tested by DS casting of tube-like samples, a test
There is still certain confusion about the exact that has been developed and described previously
mechanism of hot tearing although this topic has [3]. CM247 and IN792Hf were chosen as reference
been studied extensively. It is generally believed materials because of their good castability. By
that a small freezing range that gives a small comparing the liquid fraction at different stages
mushy zone results in good castability [16]. Based during solidification of the alloys, guidance for
on this principle, researchers strive for smaller compositional modification of DS IN792 without
freezing ranges when trying to reduce hot tearing Hf addition was found and improvement in the
during DS casting of superalloys. There is also a castability of the alloy could be achieved. A gen-
general agreement that hot tearing occurs during eral principle for improvement of the castability of
the later stages of solidification when the freezing Ni-based superalloys is also suggested.
metal contains only a small fraction of remaining
liquid [10,11], although a different liquid fraction
for the vulnerable period is assumed by different 2. Experiments
authors [17–19]. For example, Pellini and co-work-
ers [18] concluded that the critical liquid fraction is 2.1. Materials
approximately 10%, while Clyne and Davies [19]
defined the critical region as the liquid fraction The compositions of the alloys used are listed
ranging from 10% to 1%. It is also quite obvious in Table 1. (All data are given in wt%.) Among
that the size of the freezing range cannot be the them, IN792Ti2, IN792Ti3, IN792Ti4.5 and
only material property governing hot tearing sus- IN792Hf were prepared in-house from the pure
ceptibility. Some alloys show similar freezing elements (99.99%) in a vacuum arc furnace. The
J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879 1871
Table 1
Compositions (wt%) of alloys used in the present experiments
Alloy Cr Co Mo W Al Ti Ta B Zr C Hf Ni
IN792 12.4 9.2 1.9 3.9 3.5 3.9 4.2 0.016 0.018 0.07 -- Bal.
IN792Ti2 12.4 9.2 1.9 3.9 3.5 2.0 4.2 0.016 0.018 0.07 -- Bal.
IN792Ti3 12.4 9.2 1.9 3.9 3.5 3.0 4.2 0.016 0.018 0.07 -- Bal.
IN792Ti4.5 12.4 9.2 1.9 3.9 3.5 4.5 4.2 0.016 0.018 0.07 -- Bal.
IN792Hf 11.9 9.0 1.9 3.8 3.5 4.0 3.9 0.012 0.09 0.12 2.0 Bal.
CM247 8.0 9.4 0.5 9.5 5.7 0.7 3.2 0.017 0.018 0.07 1.5 Bal.
other alloys were received from commercial ven- 2.3. Castability tests
dors. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC;
Netzsch mode STA 409C) was employed to deter- Some selected alloys with Ti contents different
mine the critical temperature of phase formation from the standard IN792 were used to perform the
during solidification. A cooling rate of 5 °C/min castability tests. The alloys were cast in alumina
was employed in all measurements. The tempera- molds by a withdrawal method, described earlier
tures of phase formation were then used to select [3]. The alumina mold was designed to consist of
the quenching temperatures. an inner tube serving as a core and an outer tube
serving as an outer shell, thus giving a tube-like
superalloy casting with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm
2.2. Microstructural evolution and with a length of 苲140 mm. The stresses
developed in the present castability test are rather
The samples were quenched from different tem- severe compared with those in an actual casting,
peratures between the temperature of carbide for- because the alumina core does not yield at all. The
mation and the solidus. The experimental set-up of alloys were heated to 1520 °C and kept for 2 min
the quenching experiments is shown schematically before they were poured into the preheated mold
in Fig. 1. Alloys were cut into small cubic samples (mold temperature: 1500 °C). A withdrawal speed
about 3 g in weight and put into a ceramic crucible of 3 mm/min was used in all tests apart from two
for melting and quenching experiments. Three particular DS castings of IN792Ti2, where a with-
thermocouples were arranged in the furnace and drawal speed of 10 mm/min was employed. All of
one thermocouple was set inside the crucible near the DS processing parameters are set to meet
the test sample. Fig. 2 gives a schematic illustration industrial standards. The castability of the alloys
of the heating and cooling cycle. All samples were was evaluated by measuring a “crack ratio”
heated to 苲1430 °C and kept for 5 min to achieve obtained from evaluation of the length and width
complete melting. Then the furnace temperature of the cracks. The crack ratio r was then defined as:
setting was lowered to allow the temperature of the
alloy to reach the desired temperature, Ttest, for the r⫽ liwi / LC, (1)
quenching experiment. Cooling of the furnace was i⫽1
carefully controlled to ensure that the temperature where n is the number of the cracks, li and wi are
of the thermocouple inside the crucible fluctuated the length and maximum width of a crack, respect-
only within ±1 °C when the temperature reached ively, and L is the length of the casting tube, C the
the desired value. Samples were held at the preset outer circumference of the tube. This crack ratio is
temperature for 10 min before being quenched into believed to give a more quantitative description of
cold water. Argon protection was used throughout the castability of alloys than other rating
the experiments. methods [3,26].
1872 J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879
3. Results
Fig. 2. Schematic illustration showing the heating and cooling procedure employed during the quenching experiments. The material
is first heated to 1430 °C to melt it completely. It is then cooled to the temperature Ttest where the liquid fraction is to be determined.
Fig. 3. DSC results for superalloys IN792 and CM247 during cooling from 1430 °C (cooling rate 5 °C/min). Tγ, TC and Tγ/γ⬘ is the
temperature where γ phase, carbides and γ/γ⬘, respectively, begins to form in each alloy.
Table 2
Critical temperatures (°C) measured from DSC analysis in different alloys at 5 °C/min during cooling
Tγ, TC and Tγ/γ⬘ is the temperature where γ, carbide and γ/γ⬘ begins to form, respectively. Tγ corresponds to the liquidus temperature
of the alloy, Tγ/γ⬘ to the solidus temperature. ⌬T, equal to Tγ minus Tγ/γ⬘ or Tliqidus minus Tsolidus, is the total freezing range. ⌬TCTR,
equal to TC minus Tγ/γ⬘ or TC minus Tsolidus, is the critical temperature range. The meaning of ⌬TCTR as well as its definition in the
present paper are discussed in Section 4.
1874 J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879
Fig. 4. Optical micrographs comparing the alloys IN792 [(a), (b)] and CM247 [(c), (d)] that were quenched from various tempera-
tures. The remaining liquid at test temperature is clearly visible due to its darker color. The micrographs (a) and (c) were taken at
ca. 15 °C below the respective carbide formation temperature of the two alloys; micrographs (b) and (d) at 7 °C above the respective
γ/γ⬘ formation temperature. It is apparent that the fraction of remaining liquid changes much more strongly in IN792 than in CM247
in the corresponding temperature region. IN792 is an alloy with a castability inferior to that of CM247.
morphology at a quenching temperature 15 °C which have bad castability, changed much more
below the temperature of carbide formation, Fig. than that of the other three alloys studied, CM247,
4(c). However, the liquid film at most grain bound- IN792Hf and IN792Ti2, which have good cast-
aries is thinner compared with that in the micro- ability. [The alloy IN792Ti2 displays a slope of
structure of IN792 at the same stage. When the zero in Fig. 5(b). As mentioned above, we were
temperature drops to 1275 °C, the liquid in CM247 unable to measure TC and Tγ/γ⬘ in this alloy, i.e.
still remains a network, although the network is no we assume that the alloy was almost completely
longer well connected due to the occasional contact solidified in the temperature range investigated in
of dendrite arms [Fig. 4(d)]. Fig. 5(b). The data are therefore not relevant for
The liquid volume fractions at different tempera- the conclusions below and were not included in
tures of the alloys are compared quantitatively in Fig. 10 in Section 4.
Fig. 5(a) and (b). The approximate slope for each It is not clear from our results whether the absol-
curve is also indicated in the diagram. In the inter- ute level of volume fraction of the remaining liquid
val from carbide formation to γ/γ⬘ reaction (ca. 60 before final γ/γ⬘ formation does also have an effect
°C for all alloys investigated), the liquid volume on castability. IN792 and IN792Ti4.5, which have
fraction of the alloys IN792 and IN792Ti4.5, bad castability, exhibit a similar fraction of remain-
J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879 1875
Fig. 7. Results of the castability tests for various alloys (see Table 1). Higher crack ratios correspond to more severely cracked
samples (see text), i.e. inferior castability. The withdrawal speed during directional solidification in the castability test is also indicated.
If the Ti content is increased from 2 wt% (IN792Ti2) to 3.9 wt% (IN792) or 4.5 wt% (IN792Ti4.5), castability is lowered.
冕 冕
the alloys with bad castability display a stronger
change of liquid volume fraction with temperature, el ⫽ b1/3 dfl(T) ⫹ al fl(T)dT, (4)
df/dT, within ⌬TCTR.
The parameter df/dT is very important because where b is the volume shrinkage coefficient of the
it determines the strain and the strain rate that liquid during solidification, and al is the thermal
result during solidification. expansion coefficient of liquid that again is
Hot tearing occurs in a material whenever the assumed to be constant. Provided the thermal
strain caused by shrinkage during solidification expansion coefficients as and al are equal, the total
cannot be accommodated by elastic and plastic strain e can be written as:
deformation of the alloy. In the ⌬TCTR discussed
above, thermal contraction and solidification
shrinkage take place simultaneously as temperature
drops. Take Fig. 9 as an example, where the liquid
e ⫽ es ⫹ el ⫽ a dT ⫹ b1/3 dfl(T). 冕 (5)
film with a volume fraction of fl(T) at temperature The total strain within ⌬TCTR can then be obtained
T is assumed to distribute homogeneously between by integration of Eq. (5):
the solidified sections. Then, the strain in the solid e ⫽ a(Th⫺Tl) ⫹ b1/3[fl(Th)⫺fl(Tl)], (6)
alloy es due to thermal contraction along the x
direction can be expressed as: where Th and Tl are the boundary temperatures
of ⌬TCTR.
es ⫽ as [1⫺fl(T)]dT, (3) Assuming Th and Tl to be equal to the tempera-
tures TC and Tγ/γ⬘, respectively, the total strain
1878 J. Zhang, R.F. Singer / Acta Materialia 50 (2002) 1869–1879
within ⌬TCTR for the tested alloys can be calculated solidification due to a stronger change in liquid
based on the experimental results and Eq. (6). The fraction in ⌬TCTR.
thermal expansion coefficient a⬵2 × 10⫺5 K⫺1
and the volume shrinkage coefficient b⬵5.1% are 4.3. Compositional modification of IN792
taken from the literature [30,17]. The measured
crack ratio of different DS superalloys as a func- Based on the results discussed above it seems
tion of the calculated e is shown in Fig. 10. that, in order to improve the castability of Ni-based
It is clearly seen from Fig. 10 that the alloys superalloys by compositional modification, the
IN792, IN792Ti3 and IN792Ti4.5, with a higher content of elements that affect df/dT in ⌬TCTR must
df/dT in ⌬TCTR, are subjected to larger strains than be controlled. Hf and Ti seem to be such elements.
the alloys CM247 and IN792Hf. This leads to a Both elements strongly segregate to the melt. It
high crack ratio, i.e. bad castability. The reason could be that segregation of an element to the melt
why large strains can lead to cracking is rather is a first indication to what their effect on solidifi-
obvious. The strains in Fig. 10 are much larger cation behavior might be. Future work, therefore,
than what the material can accommodate by elastic will focus on the effects of Ta and Cr, which have
deformation. Consequently, strains will result in been found in this paper to partition to the melt,
flow of the liquid or plastic deformation of the too.
solid, which may induce the formation of hot tears.
It should be noted that larger strains for a spe-
cific alloy also imply larger strain rates in the Acknowledgements
present case. This is because ⌬t according to Eq.
(2) is about the same for the alloys under investi- The authors would like to thank the Deutsche
gation. High strain rates may lead to bad castability Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support.
for two reasons: (1) there is less time for feeding
and (2) there is less time for stress relaxation to
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